Code according to the all-Russian classifier of professions for working positions of employees. List of professions and positions

OKPDTR (classifier)

All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) was approved by the Decree of the State Standard of December 26, 1994 No. 367 and entered into force on January 1, 1996. The purpose of developing the classifier is to ensure Russia's transition to the system of accounting and statistics accepted in international practice.

The classifier is guided by the correct names of professions and positions, especially in cases where the law establishes benefits, guarantees or restrictions for these professions and positions.

Let's talk about the name and coding of accountants and economists according to OKPDTR.

Occupation code of the position according to OKPDTR

OKPDTR contains 2 main sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

Naturally, accountants and economists can only be found in the last of them.

We are the procedure for the formation of codes for OKPDTR.

OKPDTR: accountant

The position of an accountant corresponds to the code 20336922411.

OKPDTR: economist

The position of an economist corresponds to the code 27728822441.

Positions in the accounting department according to the classifier

Below we present the encoding of accountants and economists according to OK 016-94:

Job title The code
Accountant (medium qualification) 20337323433
Accountant-auditor 20339222411
Accountant expert 20342422411
Chief Accountant 20656411231
Head economist 21032411231
Economist of the computing (information and computing) center 27732422139
Economist-demographer 27736222122
Economist in Accounting and Analysis economic activity 27740922411
Economist for contract and claims work 27743222413
Economist for material
technical supply
Planning Economist 27745122441
Sales Economist 27746622413
Scheduling Economist aircraft 27750222413
labor economist 27755522412
Economist for financial work 27759322411

In addition, codes of derived positions or qualification categories (classes) can be used to code the positions of accountants and economists. In OKPDTR, in particular, the following job codes are given:

And the following categories (classes) of qualification are named among others:

These codes are given at the end of the main job coding. So, for example, a senior accountant-expert will have an encoding according to OKPDTR 2034242241106 (where 06 is the code of a derivative position), and a labor economist of the 2nd category will be 277555224122 (where the last value "2" is the category code).

What is the purpose of the classifier of positions and professions, which includes the information block OKPDTR, what connections are established between the objects of classification OKPDTR and OKZ, we will understand in the article.

From the article you will learn:

For what purposes was the classifier of positions and professions developed?

The classifier of positions and professions is designed to solve relevant problems that are associated with taking into account the composition, number of workers, employees. With the help of the classifier, personnel are distributed by skill level, categories, working conditions and degree of mechanization. The issues of providing employment are also being resolved, as well as the additional need for personnel is being determined, calculation of pensions and other conditions in the conditions automated systems information processing and statistics.

The All-Russian classifier of professions and positions of workers and employees, tariff categories was developed in order to implement the State Program for the transition of the Russian Federation to a system of accounting and statistics generally accepted in international practice.

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In addition, compliance with the basic requirements for the development of the entire market economy and taking into account the latest production and economic conditions for the development Russian Federation, as well as in the use of world experience in the development of international classifiers.

OK 016-94 was adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 under No. 367 from January 1, 1996. The All-Russian classifier of positions and professions 2018, tariff categories (OKPDTR), is considered integral part unified system classification, information coding (ESKK) RF. The document was prepared as part of the implementation on the transition of the Russian Federation to the adopted international system accounting and statistics in accordance with the requirements of the development of a market economy.

The Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification decided:

  • accept the All-Russian classifier of specialties for workers, as well as employees, wage categories with the specified date of entry into force from January 1, 1996;
  • cancel the All-Union classifier of specialties for workers and employees, as well as wage categories (186,016) that was in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, from January 1, 1996.

OKPDTR was developed to replace the outdated All-Union classifier specialties, wage categories (OKPDTR) 1 86 016, the objects of classification are not only the specialties of workers, but also the positions of employees, OKPDTR contains two sections:

  1. specialties of workers;
  2. employees.

Sections of the classifier of positions and professions

The first section of the classifier of positions and professions includes the specialties of workers included in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Specialties of Workers (ETKS). In addition, the section contains such specialties of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, as well as in special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the exhaustive composition of specialties in the sectors of the economy.

Worker professions

Why are links established between OKPDTR and OKZ

Between the objects of the OKZ classification and the classifier of positions and professions (OKPDTR), links have been established that allow each object of the OKPDTR to be attributed to a specific group of OKZ. Each specialty of a worker or position of an employee in the general case can be assigned unambiguously to a specific group of occupations.

Due to the fact that often the concepts of "occupation", "profession", "position" can differ, then in individual cases to establish an unambiguous connection between OKPDTR and OKZ, you should use the explanation for the OKZ groupings. Such explanations are also recommended to be used when coding derivative specialties of workers or employees.

The composition, as well as the sequence of facets in the information block, is determined by the specifics of specific tasks that are solved using the classifier. In the information block, codes and names of other developed all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as main and additional features.

In the classifier of positions and professions (OKPDTR), the following form of material arrangement is adopted: in the section "Specialty of workers"

In the section "Positions of employees"

When developing unified forms of documents where classifier codes are used, it is necessary to provide a link to the classifier of positions and professions (OKPDTR). The system for maintaining such a classifier provides for the interaction of the Research Institute of Labor and the Central Bureau of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of Russia with the VNIIKI of the State Standard of Russia.

Adoption history

OKPDTR was adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, No. 367) and entered into force on January 1.

Changes were repeatedly made to OKPDTR (December 23, June 10, December 29).


The classifier is designed to solve problems related to estimating the number of workers and employees, accounting for the composition and distribution of personnel by categories of personnel, skill level, degree of mechanization and working conditions, employment issues, organization of wages for workers and employees, calculating pensions, determining the additional need for personnel and others at all levels of management of the national economy in the conditions automated processing information .

The objects of classification in OKPDTR are the professions of workers and the positions of employees.


OKPDTR consists of two sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

The first section - the professions of workers - includes the professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), as well as the professions of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the composition of professions in sectors of the economy .

The second section - positions of employees - was developed on the basis of the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees, the Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, current regulations and others. normative documents on issues of remuneration, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The titles of positions of civil servants are given in accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On public positions of the Russian Federation" No. 32 and "On the register government positions federal civil servants” No. 33 of January 11, 1995

Each classifier position consists of three blocks:

  • identification block;
  • block of the name of the object of classification;
  • information block.

The identification block is built using a serial-order coding system for classification objects. The identification block of the classification object includes five numeric decimal places and a check number.

The control number is calculated in accordance with the current Methodology for the calculation and application of control numbers.

The structure of the code designation of the profession of a worker (position of an employee) in the classifier:

Х ХХХХ Х ▲ ▲ ▲ │ │ └──────control number (CN) │ │ │ └───── serial number of the classification object │ │ profession (1) └───────── ──────────────────────── position (2)

The block of the name of the object of classification is a unified record of the name of a particular profession of a worker or position of an employee.

In each section, the names of the objects of classification are arranged in alphabetical order.

The information block of workers' professions includes facet codes characterizing the compliance of the worker's profession with the ETKS issue number (two characters) and certain positions of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-93. The last facet indicates the basic group of OKZ occupations and includes four characters.

In addition, the OKPDTR information block includes seven facets that characterize the professions of workers according to the following features:

  1. types of production and work in accordance with the issues of ETKS - two characters, facet 01;
  2. tariff categories - one character, facet 02;
  3. classes (categories) of qualification - one character, facet 03;
  4. forms and systems of remuneration - two characters, facet 04;
  5. working conditions - one character, facet 05;
  6. degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06;
  7. derived professions - one character, facet 07.

An example of coding according to the OKPDTR profession of a turner:

19149 6 02 7223 5 12 1 2, where 1 is a sign of profession; 9149 turner; 6 check number; 02 2nd issue of ETKS; 7223 basic group for OKZ (Machine operators on metalworking machines, adjusters of machine tools and equipment); 5 5th tariff category; 12 piece-bonus wage system; 1 normal working conditions; 2 worker performing work with the help of machines and mechanisms.

Facet 07, characterizing the degree of qualification of workers (senior, assistant), is used to various professions in accordance with applicable regulations.

The information block of positions of employees includes facet codes corresponding to the category of the position (one character) and also certain positions of the OKZ (four characters). Three facets characterize positions according to the following features:

  1. job categories - one character, facet 10;
  2. derived positions - two characters, facet 11;
  3. categories (classes) of qualification - one character, facet 12.

A feature of facets 11 and 12 is the alternative of their application for various positions, since qualification categories are not provided for in derived positions. Thus, depending on the position, facet 11 or 12 is chosen.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the position of deputy head of the financial and economic department:

24695 1 1 1231 03, where 2 is a sign of a position; 4695 head of department (financial, economic and administrative); 1 check number; 1 category of managers; 1231 basic groups for OKZ (Heads of financial, economic and administrative divisions and services); 03 derivative position - deputy.

Relationships have been established between the objects of the classification of OKPDTR and OKZ, allowing each object of OKPDTR to be attributed to the corresponding grouping of OKZ. In the general case, each profession of a worker or position of an employee can be unambiguously assigned to a certain group of occupations. However, due to the fact that the concepts of "occupation", "profession", "position" are different, in some cases, in order to establish an unambiguous relationship between OKPDTR and OKZ, it is necessary to use explanations for the OKZ groupings. These explanations should also be used when coding derived occupations of workers and positions of employees.

The composition and sequence of the facets of the information block are determined by the specifics of specific tasks solved with the help of the classifier.

In the information block, codes and names of other all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as additional features.

The OKPDTR adopted the following form of material arrangement: in the section "Professions of workers"

─────┬──┬──────────────────────────────────────── ───┬────────┬─────┬──── │ │ │Range│Code │Code Code │КЧ│ Name of profession │tariff│you─ │by │ │ │discharge│start │OKZ │ │ │ │ETKS │ ─────┴──┴───────────────────────────────── ───────────┴──────────┴──────┴─────

in the section "Positions of employees"

There are a huge number of fields of activity, skills and positions in the world. In view of this diversity, the employer often encounters difficulties both at the level of personnel management and at the level of personnel documentation. In such cases, help unified directories and classifiers. In the article, we will discuss what the classifier of professions-2019 with the decoding of the Russian Federation and the unified tariff-qualification guide-2019 are. Let's take a closer look at the reference book of qualification characteristics.

Basic concepts

Working with unified forms, the HR specialist is often confused due to the abundance of terms and abbreviations related to job directories. Let's consider them.

Name Abbreviation Decree Content Target
Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide 2019 for Worker Occupations ETCS Ministry of Labor dated 05/12/1992 No. 15a Characteristics of the main types of work by profession workers Tariffication of works, assignment of categories
All-Russian classifier of professions and positions 2019 OKPDTR State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 No. 367 Professions of workers, positions of employees Statistics (estimation of the number of workers, distribution of personnel, etc.)
Unified qualification guide
CEN Ministry of Labor of 21.08.1998 No. 37 Job titles and qualification requirements Unification of labor regulations

These documents are interrelated. The 2019 General Classifier of Jobs and Professions is the basis of the CAS 2019. OKPDTR 2019, in turn, takes as the basis for its first section ETKS 2019 working professions. There is no ETKS 2019 for managers and specialists as such, therefore the second section of OKPDTR is based on a unified nomenclature of employee positions.

What is a qualification directory of positions

The unified classification directory of positions of specialists and employees (CEN) is a list of qualification characteristics (job duties and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications) of managers, specialists and employees, depending on the field of activity. Additional sections of the CEN are introduced by the relevant orders of the Ministry of Labor. To date, the latest is Order No. 225n dated May 10, 2016, approving the "qualification characteristics of employees of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The frequency of updating the directory is not regulated by law. Thus, the document amended by the above Order is currently a qualification directory for the positions of workers and employees 2019.

What is it for

The EKS, which was based on the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations of Working Positions of Employees, was compiled with the aim of developing universal standards for the organization of labor. In fact, this document helps the employer to correctly build the structure of the organization. Qualification characteristics optimize the following functions:

  • selection and placement of personnel;
  • professional training/retraining of personnel;
  • rational division of labor;
  • definition of job duties and areas of responsibility of personnel.

The personnel worker relies on the 2019 Classifier of Positions and Professions in working with documents such as staffing, job descriptions, regulations on departments, etc. The OKPDTR classifier (2019) with a search by name is available on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

How to apply it

The CSA is applicable in any enterprise, regardless of their form of ownership or organizational and legal forms of activity. However, the law does not oblige, but only recommends that the employer be guided by this document in personnel work. The procedure for the application of the CEN was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated February 9, 2004 No. 9. In accordance with it, qualification characteristics form the basis job description and include three sections:

  • official duties(list of labor functions, fixed in whole or in part);
  • must know (special knowledge, knowledge of regulations, methods and means for performing work duties);
  • qualification requirements (professional level and work experience).

It is allowed to distribute the duties that make up the qualification characteristic among several employees. Employee Compliance Assessment qualifications made only by the certification committee.

What to use - qualification handbook or professional standard

As we found out, the qualification of an employee is his knowledge, skills, skills and experience. The professional standard is a narrower concept and is defined as “a characteristic of the qualification necessary for an employee to carry out a certain kind professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function" ( Art. 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, professional standards, unlike the CSA, may be mandatory. The corresponding amendments were made to the Labor Code by Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015. According to Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to operate with professional standards if the requirements for the qualification necessary for the employee to perform labor functions are dictated Labor Code, federal law or other regulatory legal acts. In other cases, the application professional standards recommended but not required.

Voided from November 01, 2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 4, 2017 No. 795

As amended in accordance with the order of the Minister of Labor of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 2-B dated January 17, 2017,
registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 27, 2017 No. 2855

Update date: 02/05/2017

I. General provisions

1. This Classifier of the main positions of employees and professions of workers (hereinafter - KODP-2015) is intended to systematize the main positions of employees and professions of workers, determine the range of wage categories of workers and categories of positions of employees, as well as requirements for the direction and level of education.

KODP-2015 was developed to replace the Classifier of the main positions of employees and professions of workers, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 20, 2010 No. 181.

2. This KODP-2015 is used for:

standardization and unification of the names of positions of employees and professions of workers in the preparation employment contracts and staffing tables enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations), making entries in the work books of employees, issuing orders for labor relations, assigning positions and professions to the relevant categories of personnel, determining the right to pension benefits;

effective placement of personnel, taking into account the level and direction of education and the qualification category of employees;

purposeful training of personnel of a new formation that meets the requirements of a modern market economy, based on the current level and prospects for the development of production and management;

compiling curricula on training and retraining of personnel in organizations of various organizational and legal forms;

record keeping, analysis and labor statistics;

processing of information in the field of organization of work with personnel;

distribution of the employed population by type of activity (occupation);

comparison of statistical data in the social and labor sphere at the international level.

The classifier also serves as the basis for the development of industry-specific tariff and qualification reference books in the prescribed manner.

3. The objects of the KODP-2015 classification are the professions of workers and positions of employees.

4. This KODP-2015 in part:

the use of job titles of employees and professions of workers is mandatory when making entries in work books employees, the conclusion of employment contracts, the execution of orders, the assignment of positions of employees to categories of personnel;

the minimum level of education when hiring, the establishment of tariff categories for the professions of workers is mandatory for use in state enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as organizations), economic management bodies created by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as organizations with state share in authorized capital more than 50 percent, and for other organizations - is advisory in nature;

5. The following key terms are used in the 2015 COFS, with their respective definitions:

a) position of an employee - official position employee, due to the circle of his functional duties, official rights and the nature of the responsibility;

b) worker's profession - type labor activity worker, due to the totality of knowledge and skills acquired as a result of vocational training or practice;

c) employees - specialists filling a position in an organization, preparing and processing documents, accounting and control, administrative functions, as well as economic services;

d) specialists - employees who carry out: planning, design and control of production and administrative processes, maintenance of complex equipment, development of documentation, personnel management, regulation of the processes of the organization, including without vesting them with administrative powers, training and rehabilitation, creative and scientific activity, as well as other specific functions. Specialists can relate to managerial and production personnel, perform managerial and executive functions;

e) workers - workers engaged primarily in physical labor, who use tools to work on materials to be processed in the labor process (object of labor), create products, monitor, adjust and care for machines, move objects of labor, maintain normal conditions labor, perform other functions determined by the technology of production of goods and services;

management personnel - employees who carry out managerial functions, manage personnel, develop and make the necessary decisions, plan, control and regulate the processes of the organization's activities, prepare information for making appropriate decisions. The management personnel provides the necessary organizational and technical conditions for the organization to achieve its goals and objectives, perform the assigned functions and production programs. Management personnel is divided into managers and specialists of management personnel;

production personnel - employees of the organization directly involved in the production process of the main products (services) of the organization, as well as related products (services) established by the production program. Part production staff includes engineering workers and technicians who are not related to management personnel, workers, junior specialists and other workers directly involved in the production process;

technical personnel - personnel whose functions include the performance of work on maintenance and ensuring the production and technological processes of the activities of managerial personnel (printing, duplicating and archival work, librarianship, delivery of documents, maintenance of computer equipment, performance of clerical, secretarial and other works);

maintenance personnel - personnel whose functions include technical and economic maintenance of buildings and territories, their protection, transport services for management personnel, as well as other work on servicing the management and production personnel of the organization, including social and consumer services. As part of the service personnel, individual professions of workers may be represented. Service personnel also include public service workers who do not belong to the category of specialists and workers;

g) requirements for the minimum level of education - the minimum level of education in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", required when hiring an employee or a worker by profession, as a rule, based on the specifics of the work performed and functional duties. When applying for a job, the requirements for the profile of education can be established government bodies, economic management bodies and organizations, taking into account the requirements of the law;

h) the range of wage categories of workers - the interval from the minimum to the maximum category of work inherent in a particular type of activity performed by the worker. Specific wage grades in the established range of wage grades determine the complexity of the work and the qualifications of the worker required to perform it;

i) the direction of education - a set of basic and fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a graduate of an educational institution in an educational program of the appropriate level and ensuring the performance of a certain type of professional or official activity.

II. Structure of KODP-2015

6. This KODP-2015 consists of the following sections:

section 1 - "The main professions of workers" - includes the names of the professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, as well as the professions of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the composition of professions in the sectors of the economy specified in Appendix No. 1 to this KODP-2015;

section 2 - "Main positions of employees" - includes the names of positions used in the economy and organizational and structural charts of organizations specified in Appendix No. 2 to this KODP-2015.

7. Section 1 includes the serial numbers of the professions of workers in ascending order, the names of the professions of workers in alphabetical order and the corresponding codes according to the National Standard Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - NSCK), ranges of tariff categories (hereinafter - DTR), codes according to the Classifier of areas of training, professions and specialties of secondary specialized, vocational education (hereinafter - KNPPSPO).

Section 1 table looks like this:

8. Section 2 includes the serial numbers of the positions of employees in ascending order, the names of the positions of employees in alphabetical order and the corresponding NSCK codes, codes for categories of personnel, the minimum level of education, as well as codes for KNPPSPO and the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher education (hereinafter - KNSVO).

Section 2 table looks like this:

9. Codes of professions and positions according to the NCHS correspond to the International Standard Classification of Occupations international organization labor ISCO-88 and consist of 4 digits:

the first digit is an enlarged group;

the second digit represents the subgroup;

the third digit represents the composite group;

the fourth digit represents the base group.

For instance:

10. Codes for KNPPSPO and KNSVO are based on the International Standard Classification of Education and consist of 7 digits:

the first digit determines the level code of the educational program: code "3" - secondary specialized vocational education, codes "5" and "5A" - respectively for the levels of academic degrees "bachelor" and "master"; codes "2" and "1" - respectively for the level of short-term vocational training, including in production ("2"), and not requiring special vocational training ("1");

the second digit is the code of the knowledge area;

the third digit is the code of the area of ​​education;

the fourth and fifth digits - the code of the direction of education;

the sixth and seventh digits are the specialty code (specialty codes not listed in KNOSSPO are indicated by the numbers "00").

For instance:

Each profession or position specified in the 2015 CODP may correspond to one or more codes for the KNPPSPO and KNSVO.

For individual positions of employees in section 2, in the column “Code for KNOSSPO and KNSVO”, the code “5Ахххххх” is indicated, which, in accordance with the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher education, means the degree of “Master”.

Note: The characters "xxxxxx" means any number between 0 and 9.

In cases where the “-” sign is indicated in the column “Code according to KNPPSPO, KNSVO”, there are no requirements for the direction of education.

11. The range of tariff categories (DPR) of workers' professions in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Guides of Workers' Occupations (ETKS) and industry tariff and qualification directories developed by state and economic management bodies in the prescribed manner determines the minimum and maximum categories of work by professions of workers in depending on their complexity (excluding working conditions) in the range from "1" to "8", where: "1" category - the most simple work, requiring low qualifications from the worker, and the "8" category - especially complex and unique types of work that require the highest professional qualifications and experience. In most cases, the maximum qualification category of a worker does not exceed the sixth.

U - management personnel;

С - specialists-performers;

T - technical staff;

O - service personnel;

P - production personnel.

13. The minimum level of education is indicated by the following abbreviations:

V / O - higher education, including the degrees of "bachelor" and "master";

SSPO - secondary specialized vocational education;

NT - there are no requirements for the level of education.

III. Features of the application of KODP-2015

14. Separate positions of employees, depending on the prescribed functions, may relate to managerial and production personnel.

If there are no production units in the structure of the state and economic management body, then the positions classified as “Specialists” personnel are equated to managerial personnel, with the exception of individual positions indicated in the form of an exception in the relevant regulatory legal acts.

15. When determining the standard number of technical and maintenance personnel in the state and economic administration, certain positions and professions of technical and maintenance personnel may be referred to production personnel if these positions and professions are included in the staffing structure production units this body of state and economic management.

16. For the positions of employees and professions of workers, not specified in the KODP-2015 can be established:

a) derivative positions and professions, including:

according to the professions of workers - "senior" and "assistant";

by positions of employees - deputy, assistant, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, chief, leading, senior, junior, with higher education, with secondary special, vocational education, shift, brigade, regional, district, district, mountain and others.

Derivative positions for individual positions of employees within the same position are established by the head of the organization.

When establishing a derivative position (profession), the degree of independence of employees in the performance of official duties, their responsibility for the correctness of decisions, initiative, efficiency and quality of work, as well as practical experience are taken into account.

Derivative positions and professions also include positions and professions formed by clarifying the features of the content of activities for the positions and professions specified in the KODP-2015. In this case, the object of classification is the position (profession) specified in KODP-2015, on the basis of which this derivative position (profession) is formed;

c) class and class ranks.

The list of positions for which class and class ranks are established, as well as the procedure for their establishment, is determined by law.

17. In the column "Position name" of Section 2 for individual positions of employees, a duplicate (equivalent) name is indicated in brackets.

For instance:

In this case, the correct name of the position when drawing up labor contracts and staffing tables of organizations, making entries in the work books of employees, issuing orders on labor relations, assigning positions and professions to the relevant categories of personnel, determining the right to pension benefits, is both the main and the duplicate (equivalent) name.

18. When establishing the minimum level of education required for employment:

persons who have graduated educational institutions with a degree of "bachelor" and "master" refer to employees with higher education;

persons who graduated from academic lyceums and professional colleges, technical schools, vocational, medical, pedagogical or other schools refer to employees with secondary specialized vocational education;

persons who graduated from higher educational institutions before 2001 inclusive are equated to persons who have received a master's degree.

19. In some cases, employees who do not have the minimum level or direction of education established by the Classifier, but who have sufficient practical experience, who fully and efficiently perform the duties assigned to them, may be hired for a position requiring an appropriate level of education, or another direction of education unless otherwise provided by law.