The nature of reading and writing disorders in children. Agraphia is a complex disorder of speech and writing.

Violation of writing and reading in younger students

So what is it - a violation of writing and reading? Why is it happening? How does it manifest itself?
Often, both parents and teachers tend to see the reason for poor school performance solely in the laziness of the child, in his inattention: "He just does not try." But experts believe that 80% of learning problems are not caused by laziness at all. With what?
The development of reading and writing is a very complex process. It involves several analyzers, and only with their coordinated work will successful mastery of written speech be ensured.
Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder that manifests itself in numerous typical errors of a persistent nature. From the Greek "dis" - bad, "grapho" - writing.
Dyslexia is a reading disorder, expressed in persistent specific errors in reading (“dis” - bad, “lexis” - speech)
Specific errors - not related to the application of spelling rules.
What are the reasons for the violation of reading and writing?
1. The first and most common - the so-called minimal brain dysfunction (MMD). They arise due to small organic lesions of the brain. For example, during intrauterine development, the fetus experienced a lack of oxygen. Or the birth was difficult. Or in early childhood, the baby fell and hit his head - the injury seems to be trifling, but its consequences can be minimal brain dysfunction and related problems. External manifestations of MMD in early childhood may be problems with the development of speech, hyperactivity, impaired attention.
2. The hereditary factor also plays a role. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are associated with congenital structural features of the brain. The back of the left hemisphere "specializes" in reading, and if in children who easily learn to read this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain is slightly larger, then in dyslexics the back parts of the left and right hemispheres are the same. This feature can be inherited. So if dad had problems with reading or writing at school, then it is quite possible that children will have exactly the same difficulties. It also happens that the children are all right, but the grandchildren get grandfather's problems “by inheritance”.
3. Of great importance for mastering the processes of writing and reading is the degree of formation of all aspects of speech. Therefore, a violation or delay in the development of phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical aspects, sound pronunciation at different stages of development is one of the causes of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Special attention is also required by those children who do not have speech disorders, but indistinct articulation (in a different way they are called "mumbled" or "barely moving their tongue").
4. Impaired reading and writing can be caused by bilingualism in the family. Currently, this problem is becoming more and more urgent for our region. The number of children who do not speak Russian is growing in schools.
5. The reason for the violation of reading and writing may be a disorder in the systems that provide spatial and temporal perception.
You need to pay special attention:
1. If your child is left-handed.
2. If he is a retrained right-hander.
3. If your child attended a speech therapy group.
4. If the family speaks two or more languages.
5. If your child goes to school too early (unnecessarily early literacy sometimes provokes the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia). This happens in those cases when the child has not yet reached the psychological readiness for such training.
6. If your child has problems with memory, attention.
It should be noted that the errors that can be attributed to impaired reading and writing are all specific and persistent. If these errors are rare or even single, then this is most likely the result of overwork, inattention.
Now about how to distinguish the written work of students who need the help of specialists.
What mistakes should alert us?
There are several types of reading and writing disorders, each type has its own errors.
1. Mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-y.
2. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (fur coat).
3. With impaired phonemic perception, vowels o-y, yo-yu, consonants r-l, y-l, paired voiced and deaf consonants, whistling and hissing, sounds c, h, u are mixed. For example: tynya (melon), cranberry (cranberry).
4. Omissions of letters, syllables, underwriting of words. For example: prta - desk, moko - milk, fun-ly (cheerful). Insert letters: December - December. Continuous spelling of prepositions, separate - prefixes is also one of the manifestations of dysgraphia, the inability to determine the boundaries of sentences, the child does not write a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence.
In dyslexia, specific errors are slow reading, stuttering, repeating words, syllable-by-syllable reading, or reading words that do not turn into fluent fluent reading. When reading, letters are confused, a line does not hold, jumping from one line to another. Usually reading is given to a child with difficulty, he experiences negative feelings, does not like and does not want to read.
Parents and teachers believe that if such a child reads more, then everything will pass and the skill will be formed. But in fact, the more he reads, the more the wrong skill is fixed, and two options are possible. The child will learn to read quickly, but in order to keep the speed, he will read by guesswork, writing what is written there. Or he will read correctly, but very slowly, forgetting by the end what he read. And these reading problems begin to show up in math, as the child has to read the condition of the problem, which he cannot understand due to poor reading.
Often, both types of disorders are observed in the same child, while no one finds signs of mental retardation in him.
Dyslexia is 3 to 4 times more common in boys than in girls. About 10 percent of schoolchildren suffer from dyslexia. Reading impairment often becomes apparent by grade 2. Sometimes dyslexia is compensated over time, but if there is no correction, it remains for life.
Some experts consider dyslexia a unique gift. Dyslexics can show remarkable abilities in the field of physics, mathematics, painting, music. A dyslexic can make an excellent inventor or even a writer. Dyslexics have developed imagination, intuition and insight. About 40% of successful businessmen are dyslexic. And all because these people have a very non-standard approach to solving problems. They see ways that others cannot see. Of course, no one will guarantee that a genius will grow out of a dyslexic child, but there is no doubt that he has as many chances as his peers to succeed.
People who knew Walt Disney intimately claimed that it was much easier for him to draw Mickey Mouse than to write "Mickey-Mouse". And all because of the letter "s" - his main problem since school days. Walt couldn't remember which way to point her hooks, and instead of "s" he always came up with something like "z". No mnemonic tricks and other tricks helped. The fight against the insidious letter was stubborn, exhausting and did not result in a final victory. The teachers considered Walt a lazy and stupid boy. The art teacher had a different opinion, but Walt did not want to become an artist. He dreamed of a career as a newspaperman. Over notes, which other reporters made in 15 minutes, he suffered for whole days. Then the editor had to suffer over them: literacy was clearly not among the strengths of the novice journalist. "What did they teach you at school?!" - the editor asked rhetorically, shaking the sheets of paper scribbled with a red pen. Walt wisely kept silent. He was fired from the newspaper after a couple of months - for unsuitability. A few years later, he became a millionaire and the world's top cartoon mogul. The signature, according to eyewitnesses, was a particular problem for Disney. Walt Disney has been developing his signature over the years. Afraid of making a mistake, he painted it slowly, carefully, drawing out the letters for several minutes, like a real picture. Today, Disney's trademark stroke is the most expensive autograph in the world, officially registered as the logo of Disney Pictures.
Keanu Reeves. The future famous actor read with great difficulty, studied poorly, and therefore constantly skipped classes. He couldn't even finish school, failing almost all of his exams. But when Keanu found out that Einstein and Churchill were dyslexics, he realized that all was not lost for him. Today, there is hardly a person who would not know the magnificent performer of the role of Neo in the film "The Matrix". And his own story, in turn, serves as an example for children and adolescents seeking to succeed in life.
Tom Cruise, actor. Cruz, like his mother and his three sisters, wrote some of the letters in mirror image. At school, he could not learn to quickly distinguish letters, which made the process of reading and especially writing excruciating. Cruz had to change more than ten schools, but this did not solve his problems. However, school difficulties did not prevent Tom Cruise from becoming a successful actor.
Carl XVI Gustaf (b.1946), King of Sweden since 1973 Carl XVI Gustaf is a wonderful orator and rarely delivers his speeches from a piece of paper. He does this not because he wants to please the impromptu audience (performance without preparation), but because he is dyslexic and cannot read.
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), Danish writer. Andersen composed his marvelous philosophical stories and stories at night and carried them to publishers. But the editors, shocked by the complete illiteracy of the author, returned them to him, sometimes without reading them to the end. One editor even wrote on the manuscript: "A man who sneers at his native Danish in such a way cannot be a writer."
Hollywood actors Vin Diesel, Steve McQueen, Tom Cruise, Liv Tyler, Keanu Reeves, Whoopi Goldberg, singer Cher, English actresses Keira Knightley and Jamie Murray, Joseph Gilgun, Orlando Bloom, Steve Jobs, an outstanding British actor and director Anthony Hopkins; still has vivid symptoms (inability to tie shoelaces) of dyslexia Daniel Radcliffe. British billionaire Richard Branson suffered from dyslexia as a child, which caused problems at school. The young actress Bella Thorne also suffers from dyslexia. This proves once again that it is quite possible to live with dyslexia if timely measures are taken.
Exercises for dysgraphics and dyslexics.
1. Solving puzzles, crossword puzzles.
2. Exercise "Proofreading".
For this exercise, you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. A student every day for five (no more) minutes works on the following task: crosses out the given letters in a solid text. You need to start with one letter, for example, "a". Then “o”, then consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time.
After 5-6 days of such classes, we move on to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled.
The letters should be "paired", "similar" in the mind of the student. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs “p / t”, “p / r”, “m / l” (similarity of spelling); “g / d”, “u / u”, “d / b” (in the latter case, the child forgets whether the tail from the circle is directed up or down), etc.
The pairs necessary for working out can be set when viewing any text written by your child. When you see the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.
Attention! It is better if the text is not read (therefore, a boring book is needed). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given shape of the letter, one or two, and work only with them.
3. Exercise "Write aloud"
An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken aloud by the writers at the time of writing and the way it is written, with underlining, highlighting dangerous places. That is, “Es-Yo O-din ch-rez-you-cha-Y-but important-we-y-y-yom” (after all, in fact, we pronounce something like “LOOKING FOR ADIN CHRISTIAN IMPORTANT PREY- OM").
“There was a jug WITH MILK ON THE TABLE” (A jug with malak was melting on steel).
It is also important to clearly pronounce the end of the word, since it is difficult for a dysgrapher to complete the word to the end, and often for this reason the habit of “putting sticks” is developed, that is, to add an indefinite number of squiggle sticks at the end of the word, which, when a cursory glance can be mistaken for letters. But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters of the end of the word. It is important to determine if your child has developed this habit.
4. Exercise "Look and understand" (Punctuation for dysgraphics and not only)
Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already set, and check that there are no typos). Task: carefully reading, “photographing” the text, explain the setting of each punctuation mark aloud.
5. Exercise "Missing Letters"
Performing this exercise, it is proposed to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills. For example:
Mar_. Still t_esch_t mor_zy,
N_ ve_na not z_ mountains_m_.
I p_shi_tuyu m_brain_
Gave_l se_o_nya m_me.

6. Exercise "Labyrinths"
Labyrinths well develop large motor skills (hand and forearm movements), attention, continuous line. Make sure that the child changes the position of the hand, not the sheet of paper.
- Move the figurines to new places. Draw them in empty circles.
- Which way will the hedgehogs reach the garden?
- Guess who loves what.

What can't be done?
Children with dysgraphia tend to have good visual memory. Therefore, in no case should they be offered exercises where it is required to correct the mistakes that were originally made. Performing such exercises can have a detrimental effect (due to the same visual memory) on students who have the skill of literate writing.

A few tips for parents:
1. Follow the rules of writing and reading. At an early age, it is still possible to influence the formation of writing skills with the help of a suitable writing instrument. There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.
Massaging the pads of the fingers is important for the proper functioning of the brain when writing. I recommend this to all speech pathologists. Therefore, it is good if the place of "grip" of the writing object (pen or karan-dash) is covered with ribs or pimples.
But even better, if it is convenient for the student to hold this same pen, then the handwriting will soon stabilize. And for this, the body of the pen, pencil must be trihedral. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section for the support of three holding fingers are produced, for example, by Staedtler. There are trihedral pencils and felt-tip pens from Centropen.
Unfortunately, so far I have not seen both "conveniences" combined: both the triangle and the pimples. So buy a "pimple" pen and a triangular pencil.
2. If the child was asked to read a text or write a lot at home, then break the text into parts and complete the task in several stages.
3. Do not force the child to rewrite homework many times, this will not only harm the child's health, but also instill uncertainty in him, and also increase the number of errors.
4. Praise your child for every success achieved, humiliate as little as possible.

Advice for Parents of Left-Handed Children Who Have Difficulties in Learning to Read and Write
What should parents do, what tactics to choose, how to help a left-handed child?
The first condition is that a left-handed child should never, in any form, in any situation, feel your negative attitude towards left-handedness.
The second condition - do not dramatize the situation of school failures. The child must be sure that there is nothing irreparable, that all difficulties are transient, and with your help he will cope with them. However, try to understand their true causes, because they can be varied. If a letter is not given, if the letters are clumsy, different sizes, if the stroke is uncertain and the hand trembles, classes are needed to develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination. These classes should be daily, but the duration is 15-20 minutes. Modeling and drawing, embroidery, knitting, weaving macrame and other actions that develop coordination of finger and hand movements are good at the same time.
The third condition is a rational day regimen, because a left-handed child, as a rule, is excitable, gets tired quickly, which means that the child’s day should be built in such a way that there is no overload and overwork.
The fourth condition is that the preparation of lessons should not be the cause of quarrels, mutual irritation, conflicts. It is better if the child sits down for lessons himself and asks you for help if he needs it. Unlike lessons (homework), training sessions should work with the child. It is not worth preparing lessons in one sitting, this mode is much more effective (approximately): every 15-20 minutes of work, a 10-15-minute rest, which the child can use at his own discretion.
The child should have the right to make a mistake, but at the same time be sure that mistakes are not punished, but corrected. There is a very important rule of upbringing - it is not the child who should be praised and blamed, but his act. This rule should not be neglected.
Typical violations of the behavior of a left-handed child are excessive motor restlessness, restlessness, inattention, increased excitability, irritability. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for relaxation of the child, relieving stress.

Finally, I want to once again urge parents to cooperate. Only in close contact can we overcome all the school difficulties that our children have.

Reading or writing disorders in children are, unfortunately, quite common. Moreover, children with such problems often do not receive timely assistance, since many parents and teachers are simply not aware of the existence of diseases and conditions that cause deviations in reading (dyslexia) and writing (dysgraphia).

Dyslexia is a partial reading disorder that manifests itself in repetitive, persistent reading errors. The appearance of these errors is due to the lack of formation of those higher mental functions that are directly involved in the process of writing. It is also important to note that the errors themselves in dyslexia are also specific. It is important for parents and educators to remember that reading errors can be caused by more than just dyslexia, so their presence alone is not a determining factor in this disorder. We are talking about a violation of reading only when the errors are due to insufficient development of higher mental functions.

Dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process. This violation manifests itself in repetitive, persistent errors in writing, due to insufficient formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process. In addition to a partial violation of writing, in medicine there is also a complete inability to write, called agraphia. In addition, in medical practice there are specific writing disorders, denoted by the term "dysorphography". In domestic medicine, dysgraphia and dysorphography are opposed. It should be noted that dysgraphia is more associated with various violations of the implementation of phonetic principles, and dysgraphography is characterized by violations of the use of morphological and traditional principles of writing.

It is worth noting that writing and reading disorders are based on similar mechanisms. Both dyslexia and dysgraphia are characterized by hereditary factors that create an unfavorable background that predisposes to the occurrence of disorders. In addition, dysgraphia and dyslexia can have biological, organic, functional, and social causes.

Writing and reading disorders in children can be caused by organic damage to those cortical areas of the brain that are directly involved in the process of writing or reading. In addition, disorders can be caused by a delay in the maturation of these parts of the brain or a violation of their functioning. Disorders of writing and reading can also be the result of long-term somatic diseases in the early period of their development. In addition, unfavorable external factors can become the cause of disorders. Such factors include the lack of speech contacts or their complete absence, bilingualism, insufficient attention in the family to the development of the baby’s speech, the speech of people around the child is incorrect, an unfavorable situation in the family, etc.

It should be noted that both dyslexia and dysgraphia are characteristic of children of various abnormal categories. This includes children with mental retardation, mentally retarded children, children with minimal brain dysfunction, hearing or vision impairments, and children suffering from cerebral palsy. In some cases, dyslexia and dysgraphia may be one of the forms of partial mental retardation.

Summing up, it is worth noting that in most cases, a violation of reading or writing in children manifests itself in the structure of complex speech and neuropsychiatric disorders. Such conditions require careful monitoring by a doctor, timely and proper treatment. In such cases, improvement of the clinical picture is possible.



Teacher speech therapist

Biktimirova G.F.

Yalutorovsk 2015

According to the latest research in the field of teaching the Russian language, language education and speech development of children is one of the central problems of modern educational institutions. The performance of children in the Russian language is sharply declining, and the second generation of illiterate children is already growing. This is due to various factors. But the leading factor among them is the change in the mental, somatic and speech status of children entering educational institutions.

status factor

Mild blurred vision

Mild hearing impairment insufficient level

development of cognitive activity and HMF

As a result, a large number of children with speech disorders of secondary origin. In this regard, the place and role of a speech therapist in an educational institution is changing. Increasingly, a speech therapist acts as an expert on the causes of violations of the oral and written speech of children. In speech therapy, a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repetitive errors due to the unformed HMF involved in writing, is called dysgraphia. (R.I. Lalaeva, 1997)

In 1984 S.F. Ivanenko proposed 4 groups of writing disorders, taking into account the age of children, the stage of literacy, the severity of the disorder and the specifics of their manifestations.

Violation group


Diagnosis time

Difficulties in mastering writing

Fuzzy knowledge of all letters of the alphabet.

Difficulties in translating sound into letters and vice versa.

Difficulties in translating a printed grapheme into a written one.

Difficulties of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Letter under the dictation of individual letters.

The first half of the first year of study.

Violation of the formation of the writing process

A mixture of written and printed letters.

Copying is carried out, but independent writing is in the process of formation.

Writing words without vowels.

Merging or splitting words.

Second semester of first grade or first semester of second grade.


Persistent errors of the same or different types

Second semester of second grade


Failure to apply in writing

spelling rules for

school curriculum

Third year of study

"Dysgraphia" - specific violation of writing processes. Children with dysgraphia are characterized by violations of visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, division of sentences into words, disorders of mental processes, emotional-volitional sphere.

It is customary to distinguish several types of dysgraphia.

    Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia;

    Acoustic dysgraphia;

    Agrammatic dysgraphia;

    Optical dysgraphia.

"Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia":

    Represents the reflection of a mispronunciation in writing.

    It manifests itself in the form of omissions, replacement and mixing of letters.

    Most often manifested in students with severe mental retardation and mental retardation

"Acoustic dysgraphia":

    Specific type of dysgraphia;

    It is manifested by the replacement of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds;

    Replacement and mixing of paired voiced and deaf consonants;

    Replacement and mixing of whistling and hissing;

    Replacement and mixing of affricates and their components;

    Replacement and mixing of vowels of the first - second row;

    Omissions, substitution and mixing of the soft sign;

    Replacement and mixing o - y, e - and in the percussion position;

    Most common in OHPIIIIVlevel;

    Less common with FFNR.

"Agrammatical dysgraphia":

    Due to the lack of lexical - grammatical and syntactic generalizations;

    Distortion of the morphological structure of the word;

    Changing the case endings of nouns;

    Violation of prepositional - case relations;

    Changing the case of pronouns;

    Violations of coordination and control.

"Optical dysgraphia":

    Represents the replacement and mixing of optically similar letters;

    (o-a, p-t, i-y, s-e, m-n, m-l, b-d, etc.);

    It is caused by violations of optical-spatial gnosis and constructive thinking.

Nonspecific types of dysgraphia

On the basis of hysteria:

    Hyperbolized variant of ideator dysgraphia with a predominance of excitation;

    It is characterized by the following types of errors;

    Omission of vowels and consonants;

A large number of spelling errors.


    It is a consequence of a pronounced imbalance between excitation and inhibition.

    It is characterized by the absence of stable types of errors.

    With the predominance of excitation, the child hardly sits out the lesson, is constantly distracted, and is included in the work in fragments.

    When inhibition predominates, the child is passive, inhibited, and works only under control.

Traditional prevention of dysgraphia and the main directions of work to overcome it

    One of the most important issues of theoretical and practical speech therapy is the prevention of writing disorders in children;

    The work on the prevention of dysgraphia is unusually wide and inseparable from the harmonization of the development of the child's personality as a whole;

    Writing is a complex type of mental activity that requires the full formation and interaction of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, mental operations and speech;

    Prevention of dysgraphia, first of all, consists in the timely diagnosis of a predisposition to violations of written speech. Such diagnostics should be carried out no later than the beginning of the child's admission to the preparatory group;

Modern complex method of prevention of dysgraphia A.V. Semenovich (2002)

    Presented in three areas of work.

    Stabilization and organization of the energy potential of the body, increasing the plasticity of the sensorimotor support of mental processes (breathing exercises, massage, development of sensorimotor skills, overcoming muscle dystonia, the formation of attention skills).

    Formation of operational support for verbal and non-verbal mental processes (development of visual gnosis, formation of spatial representations, logical and grammatical structures, development of kinesthetic processes, auditory gnosis, phonetic and phonemic processes, mnestic processes, nominative processes).

    Formation of the meaning-forming function of mental processes and voluntary self-regulation (formation of goal-setting, programming, self-control skills, development of communication skills, voluntary attention, improvement of the generalizing function of the word and intellectual processes)

Basic directions in the prevention of dysgraphia

    Development of sensorimotor functions and psychomotor skills (visual and auditory perception, spatial representations, kinetic and kinesthetic organization of movements, constructive praxis).

    Development of interanalyzer interaction, successive functions (hearing-motor, visual-motor, auditory-visual connections; the ability to remember and reproduce the spatial and temporal sequence of stimuli, actions or symbols).

    Development of mental functions.

    Development of intellectual activity (mental operations: comparison, comparison, classification, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization; formation of skills for planning activities, self-control and self-correction, education of motives for learning activities).

    The development of speech and the formation of skills for arbitrary analysis and synthesis of language units (development of connected monologue speech, improvement of lexical, grammatical and phonetic formulation of speech).

The main directions of speech therapy work on the prevention of dysgraphia

    Recognition of non-speech sounds, speech sounds. Distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of sounds, words and phrases. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound. Differentiation of phonemes and syllables. Development of basic sound analysis skills.

    . First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all the shortcomings in the pronunciation of phonemes (distortion, replacement, lack of sound).

    Isolation of words from a sentence, from words-syllables, from syllables-sounds. Distinguish between any speech sounds, both vowels and consonants. Consonants: voiced and deaf, hard and soft. Isolation of any sounds from the composition of the word. The ability to combine sounds into syllables, syllables into words. The ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and the number of syllables. Enrichment of vocabulary and development of practical ability to use it. Teaching children different ways of word formation with the help of various prefixes. Another type of work is the selection of single-root words. A lot of work is being done to enhance vocabulary.

    The main tasks of this stage are work on the understanding and use of prepositions, drawing up sentences on pictures, series of pictures, distribution and reduction of sentences.

    The development of connected speech. Work is underway to train the preparation of descriptive stories and improve the skills of retelling short texts.

Overcoming dysgraphia can be carried out in 3 methodological approaches

Method I.N. Sadovnikova's technique A.V. Hawkeye

Modern speech therapy theory

    Based on the results of speech therapy diagnostics of children with writing problems.

    The weak links of the functional writing system of a particular student are revealed.

    The type or combination of types of dysgraphia is determined.

    The most fully developed program is Mazanova E.V. (notebooks, individual workbooks).

A.V. Hawk (1984)

    The development of phonemic perception. Recognition of non-speech sounds, speech sounds. Distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of sounds, words and phrases. Distinguishing words that are similar in sound. Differentiation of phonemes and syllables. Development of basic sound analysis skills.;

    Work on sound pronunciation . First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all shortcomings in the pronunciation of phonemes (distortion, replacement, lack of sound);

    Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills. Isolation of words from a sentence, from words-syllables, from syllables-sounds. Distinguish between any speech sounds, both vowels and consonants. Consonants: voiced and deaf, hard and soft. Isolation of any sounds from the composition of the word. The ability to combine sounds into syllables, syllables into words. The ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and the number of syllables. Enrichment of vocabulary and development of practical ability to use it. Teaching children different ways of word formation with the help of various prefixes. Another type of work is the selection of single-root words. A lot of work is being done to activate vocabulary;

    Development of grammar skills. The main tasks of this stage are work on the understanding and use of prepositions, drawing up sentences on pictures, series of pictures, distribution and reduction of sentences;

    The development of connected speech. Work is underway to train the preparation of descriptive stories and improve the skills of retelling short texts;

Main stages of work

    Istage - filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech.

    IIstage - filling in the gaps in the field of mastering vocabulary and grammar.

    IIIstage - filling in the gaps in the formation of connected speech.

Method I.N. Sadovnikova

    It is based on the results of a speech therapy examination, during which the leading directions of speech therapy correction are determined.

    Leading directions:

    Development of phonemic perception and language analysis.

    Development of spatial and temporal representations.

    Quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the dictionary.

    Improvement of syllabic and morphemic analysis and synthesis of words.

    Assimilation of word compatibility and conscious construction of sentences.

    Enrichment of students' phrasal speech.


Usually, when people hear the word dyslexia, they only think of the reading, writing, spelling, and math problems a child has in school. For some, it is associated only with turning words and letters, for others, only with lagging students. Almost everyone thinks it's some form of learning disability, but learning disability is just one facet of dyslexia.

Termdyslexia - it was the first general term that was used to describe various learning problems. Ultimately, these problems were divided into groups and categories so that different types of learning disabilities could be described. So we can call dyslexia the mother of all kinds of learning disabilities. Currently, more than seventy names are used to describe its various aspects.

Dyslexia - this is a partial violation of the reading process, manifested in persistent and repetitive reading errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the reading process.

It manifests itself in difficulties in identifying and recognizing letters; in difficulties in merging letters into syllables and syllables into words, which leads to incorrect reproduction of the sound form of the word; in agrammatism and distortion of reading comprehension.

Reading errors naturally occur in all children at the initial stages of learning to read.
In ordinary children, reading errors, even of a specific nature, disappear rather quickly. In children with dyslexia, these mistakes persist for a long time, months and even years.

Dyslexic - what is he?

1. They can use the brain's ability to change and create perceptions (basic ability).

2. They are highly aware of their environment.

3. They are more curious than ordinary people.

4. They think mostly in images, not words.

5. They have a highly developed intuition and insight.

6. They think and perceive in multidimensional terms (using all senses).

7. They can perceive thought as reality.

8. They have a vivid imagination.

These eight basic faculties, unless repressed, eliminated, or destroyed by parental or educational processes, will result in two characteristics: above average intelligence and extremely highly developed creative abilities. From them, a real gift of dyslexia can arise - the gift of mastery

Dyslexia can be congenital and acquired, it can be an independent disorder or manifest itself in the THP syndrome (severe speech disorders) - alalia, aphasia, etc. Dyslexia can be observed in children with both normal intelligence and intellectual disability

According to R. I. Lalayeva, the reading skill depends on the formation of the child:

phonemic perception (differentiation of phonemes)

phonemic analysis

visual analysis and synthesis (differentiation of letters)

spatial representations

visual mnesis (letter memorization)

The reading process includes the following operations:

perception of the graphic image of the word

converting graphic form into sound

reading comprehension.

According to Egorov, there are 4 levels of reading skill:

1. Mastering the sound-letter designations. It is characterized by the formation of visual recognition of the letters of the word and the reading of the syllable after the merger of the letters.

2. Syllabic reading. The syllable is easy to read, but there are difficulties in merging syllables into words.

3. Formation of holistic perception techniques. Words are familiar, simple in structure, read holistically, difficult - in syllables. The child synthesizes words into sentences and a semantic guess appears within the sentence.

4. Synthetic reading. Holistic reading of words and groups of words. The main task is to comprehend what has been read.

The complexity of the reading process is as follows:

1. discrepancy between sounds and letters in Russian.

2. complexity and different ways of indicating the softness of consonants.

3. the presence of iotized vowels.

4. the presence of weak positions of sounds.

One of the most popular classifications of dyslexia in the world belongs to Sarah Borel-Mesoni. It is built on the principle of taking into account the pathogenesis of children with dyslexia.

1. Dyslexia associated with impaired oral speech. The mechanism of speech underdevelopment is reduced to sensory (hearing) disorders (impaired auditory memory, auditory perception). Children have difficulty establishing a connection between an auditory image (sound) and a letter.

2. Dyslexia associated with the inferiority of spatial representations. With this form, the perception of shape, size, location in space, body scheme is disturbed. Inferiority of kinesthetic memory is noted, sometimes - motor discoordination, dyspraxic disorders.

3. Mixed dyslexia (the largest group). With this form, children have visual and auditory perception disorders, motor retardations, underdevelopment of oral speech, and insufficiency of spatial representations.

4. Erroneous (false) dyslexia. With this form, children do not have any impairments in oral speech, spatial representations, etc. At the same time, they do not master reading due to pedagogical neglect, the influence of an unfavorable environment, or incorrect methods of teaching reading.

The classification of R. I. Lalayeva is based on the account of disturbed operations of the reading process:
Taking into account unformed higher mental functions and operations of the reading process, the following types of dyslexia are distinguished:phonemic, semantic, agrammatical, optical, mnestic, tactile (in blind people

First form:

phonemic dyslexia is associated with the underdevelopment of phonemic perception and manifests itself in the replacement of phonetically close sounds when reading, in the difficulties of learning letters denoting acoustically and articulatory similar sounds.
Second form

phonemic dyslexia is associated with underdevelopment of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
Violation of the formation of phonemic analysis is manifested in specific errors in reading: letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word.

Agrammatical dyslexia

manifests itself in agrammatisms when reading. In the process of reading, the child incorrectly pronounces endings, prefixes, suffixes, changing the grammatical forms of words.
Agrammatisms in reading are due to the lack of formation of morphological generalizations, the difficulty of differentiating the grammatical forms of inflection and word formation, and the fuzziness of ideas about the syntactic structure of a sentence.

Phonemic dyslexia

is caused by a violation of the formation of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis. There are two forms of phonemic dyslexia.

mnestic dyslexia
Mnestic dyslexia is manifested in a violation of the assimilation of letters, in the difficulties of establishing associations between sound and letter. The child does not remember which letter corresponds to a particular sound.

semantic dyslexia
This form of dyslexia manifests itself in a violation of reading comprehension with technically correct reading. Semantic dyslexia can manifest itself both at the word level and when reading sentences and text.
Violation of the understanding of the read word is due to the underdevelopment of sound-syllabic synthesis.

Optical dyslexia
This type of dyslexia is manifested in the substitutions and mixtures of graphically similar letters when reading.
With this type of dyslexia, mirror reading can also be observed.

Dyslexics have little or no internal monologue, so they can't hear what they're reading unless they're reading aloud. Instead, they form a mental image, adding to it the meaning - or the image of the meaning - of each new word that comes before them.

Words that describe real things don't cause many problems for dyslexics.

Basic techniques and methods of working with dyslexic children:

Respiratory, visual and articulatory gymnastics.

· Method of kinesiology correction.

Stimulating massage and self-massage of hands and fingers.

· Rhythmic-speech, music and vitamin therapy.

· Mirror-symmetrical drawing with both hands.

· Exercises for the development of visual-motor coordination, operational field of reading, anticipatory perception of the word.

· Modified visual dictations Fedorenko-Palchenko.

· Intellectual-developing word games: anagrams, isographs, , cryptograms, shifters, magic chains, verbal labyrinths, matryoshka words and others.

· Search tables of the words "Photo eye".

· Method of "voiced" reading.

The method of verbal anagrams.

· Automation of operational units of reading according to special syllabic tables.

Merry Mosaic:
Cspruce: memorize letters, learn to make them from a mosaic, develop fine motor skills.
What you will need: mosaic of any type ("carnations", "buttons", "caps", "chips"), the corresponding typesetting canvas for the mosaic.
How to play?
Invite the child to lay out from the mosaic the letter that your joint efforts are currently focusing on memorizing. You can offer to lay out a letter of a given color (based on the capabilities of the mosaic), a given size (large or small), copy a letter from a sample that you make yourself, make a letter larger or smaller than yours.
Invite the child to turn the letters from one to another, adding additional details to the mosaic, removing unnecessary or moving the necessary details. It will be interesting to turn A into L and vice versa, T into G and vice versa, E into E and vice versa, Y into X and vice versa, P into H or I and vice versa, U into W or C and vice versa.

Stack the pebbles:
Target: memorize letters, learn to compose them from pebbles.
What you will need: pebbles (brought by you from the sea, collected on the street, bought specifically for classes in the store).
How to play?
Lay out letters from pebbles when you teach your child a new letter.
Lay out the sample, ask the child to lay out the same letter. Or invite the child to dream up and lay out the letter from the pebbles himself. It is better to use pebbles of approximately the same size - then the letter will be easy to lay out according to the model, while you can also count how many pebbles the letter has in height and width. And if the set you use has pebbles of different sizes, use this to compose letters containing circles and semicircles. So, the letter 0 may well be replaced by one large pebble of a round or oval shape. When composing the letters C, B, R, F, Z, S, large round / oval pebbles can be used to indicate the semicircular parts of the letters, and smaller pebbles can be used to make parts corresponding to straight lines.

Problematic issues of dysgraphia

    Deterioration of health of modern junior schoolchildren.

    Insufficiency or uneven development of the HMF, ensuring readiness to master written speech.

    Variety of etiopathogenetic

mechanisms and the presence of symptom complexes in a child (MMD, ADHD, mental infantilism, cerebral palsy, mental deprivation, school maladaptation

So "A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy."
R. Emerson

Trubitsyna Alina Aleksandrovna, Student of North Caucasus Federal University,

Cherepkova Natalya Viktorovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Defectology, NCFU, Stavropol

Specifics of reading and writing disorders in children of primary school age

Annotation. The article is devoted to the specifics of reading and writing disorders in children of primary school age. The authors considered the main forms of writing and reading disorders, specific errors, features of the manifestation of disorders. Key words: reading, writing, dyslexia, dysgraphia.

The problem of writing disorders in schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for school education, since writing and reading from the goal of primary education turns into a means of further gaining knowledge by students. The problem of teaching reading and writing was dealt with by many psychologists and teachers: B.G. Ananiev, R.F. Spirova, V.I. Gorodilov, L.I. Klimanov. The child needs to master the basic skills of learning activities: writing, reading, mastering these skills contributes to successful learning at school. Dyslexia was studied by various authors: A.N. Kornev, R.I. Lalaeva, R.E. Levina, I.N. Sadovnikova, M.E. Khvattsev etc.

M.E. Khvattsev defines dyslexia

as a partial disorder of the reading process, making it difficult to master this skill and leading to many errors during reading (omissions of letters, syllables, substitutions, permutations, omissions of prepositions, conjunctions, word substitutions, line omissions). The definition of dyslexia should indicate the main characteristics of reading errors that would distinguish them from other reading disorders. In dyslexia, mistakes are repeated, reading difficulties are manifested in substitutions, omissions and permutations. Errors are persistent and continue for a long time. Thus, dyslexia is defined not by a few, often random, reading errors, but by their combination and persistent nature. Existing errors in reading children do not always prove existing dyslexia. Errors can occur due to violations of the behavior of children, fatigue, pedagogically neglected. Mistakes in such children are not stable in nature, and are not based on the unformed mental processes. In the definition of R.I. Lalaeva said that dyslexia is a partial disorder of the process of mastering reading, manifested in numerous repeated errors of a persistent nature, due to the unformed mental functions involved in the process of mastering reading.

The symptoms of dyslexia are different and depend on the nature of the disorders. S. Borel Maisonny, M.E. Khvattsev, when determining the symptoms of dyslexia, directly identify reading disorders. The motor and spatial disturbances that accompany dyslexia are pathogenic. K. Lonay, M. Kuts determined that reading disorders are not isolated disorders, but depend on existing disorders in oral speech, motor skills, visual, auditory analyzer. With dyslexia, the pace of reading of the child is slowed down, a large number of various errors occur. In children with dyslexia, there will be noticeable difficulties in learning letters, rearrangements may occur, the child does not synthesize words, jumps from one line to another, does not understand the meaning of what is read. The global perception of the word in dyslexia is possible, but it remains undivided and erroneous. In severe dyslexia, the child fails to read three letters and begins to use guessing reading. R.E. Levina classifies the following errors in reading as typical manifestations of dyslexia: insertion of additional sounds, omission of letters, replacement of one word with another, errors in the pronunciation of letters, repetition, addition, omissions of words. R.E. Levina distinguishes the following main types of manifestations of dyslexia: insufficient assimilation of letters, insufficient fusion of letters into syllables, incorrect reading of words, phrases. A.N. Kornev distinguishes two types: incorrect recognition of letters and incorrect combination of letters in a word. According to the manifestation, two forms of dyslexia are distinguished: literal, manifested in the inability or difficulty in learning letters, and verbal, which manifests itself in the difficulties of reading words. S. Borel Maisonny, O.A. Tokareva offer classifications of dyslexia depending on their pathogenesis. S. Borel Mesonni divides dyslexia into groups: 1. Dyslexia associated with impaired oral speech.2. Dyslexia associated with poor spatial representations.3. Mixed cases.4. False dyslexia. Children of the first group have insufficient auditory memory and there are violations of auditory perception. It is very difficult for such children to establish a connection between auditory and visual in oral speech, there are many errors. Children of the second group have disorders in the perception of shape, size, location in space, definition of the top, bottom, right, left side, in severe cases, violations of kinesthetic memory, inability to imagine unusual positions of the arms and legs in space, violations of the body scheme, there are dyspraxia. the third group of children have visual and auditory perception disorders, as well as motor lag. With a mixed form of dyslexia, children build phrases poorly, select words for a long time, mix right-left, and poorly distinguish figures in shape and size. Their movements are often awkward, synkinesis, sluggish reactions are observed. In the fourth group of dyslexia, children who have neither speech disorders nor underdevelopment of spatial representations. However, these children did not learn to read well for various reasons. Authors R.I. Lalaeva, L.V. Benediktova distinguish phonemic, optical, opto-spatial, semantic and mnestic dyslexia. They believe that children have only phonemic and optical dyslexia. Other forms occur with organic lesions of the brain, with aphasia. With this phonemic form, children cannot learn to read for a long time, it is difficult for them to learn letters, they cannot convert them into syllables and words. Akhutina T.V. identifies types of reading disorders: 1) congenital verbal blindness, 2) dyslexia, 3) bradylexia, 4) legasthenia, 5) congenital weakness in reading. By definition, R.I. Lalayeva: dysgraphia is a partial violation of the writing process, manifested in persistent, repetitive errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the writing process. According to A.N. Korneva: dysgraphia is a persistent inability to master writing skills according to the rules of graphics. R. I. Lalaeva identifies the following features of dysgraphia: errors in dysgraphia are persistent and specific, numerous, repetitive and persist for a long time. Types of dysgraphic errors: distorted spelling of letters; replacement of letters; permutations, omissions, perseverations; separate spelling of a word, continuous spelling of words, agrammatisms. Errors in the letter correlate with one or another type of dysgraphia. Thus, articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in substitutions, omissions of letters corresponding to substitutions and omissions of sounds in oral speech. Dysgraphia based on violations of phonemic recognition is characterized by errors in the form of substitutions of letters corresponding to phonetically close sounds, substitutions of vowels, errors in designating the softness of consonants in writing. With dysgraphia caused by violations of analysis and synthesis, there will be omissions of consonants during their confluence, omissions of vowels, rearrangements and additions of letters, continuous spelling, breaks in words. Agrammatic dysgraphia manifests itself in distortions of the morphological structure of words (incorrect spelling of prefixes, suffixes, case endings, a change in the number of nouns), as well as violations of the syntactic design of speech. The optical form of dysgraphia is characterized by errors in the form of substitutions of graphically similar letters, mirror spelling of letters, omissions of elements of letters and their incorrect arrangement. I.N. Sadovnikova identifies three groups of errors in dysgraphia. So, errors at the level of letters and syllables can be due to:

unformed actions of sound analysis of words (omission, rearrangement, insertion of letters or syllables);

difficulties in differentiating phonemes;

similarity in writing letters;

distortion of the phonemic perception of words. A.N. Kornev highlights errors in dysgraphia: errors in sound-letter symbolization; errors in graphical modeling of the phonemic structure of a word; errors in graphic marking of the syntactic structure of the sentence. Selected by I.N. Sadovnikova's cause of dysgraphia: due to harmful effects or hereditary predisposition; violations of oral speech of organic origin; delay in the child's awareness of the body schema. Dysgraphia may be the result of a violation of the perception of space and time, as well as the analysis and reproduction of spatial and temporal sequences. Affective disorders can provoke its appearance. Psychological and pedagogical features of the manifestation of dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren were studied by T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, R.I. Lalaeva, A.N. Kornev, A.R. Luria, V.I. Laudis, I.P. Negure, L.S. Tsvetkova and others. The writing process consists of five psychophysical components: acoustic (the child needs to hear and highlight the sound), articulation (clarify the sound), visual (representation of the graphic image of the sound), retention of graphic symbols in the memory. When writing, it is necessary to carry out a phonemic analysis of the word , match the phoneme with the letter and write the letters in a certain sequence.

Thus, the impairment of dyslexia is not a problem, but its social consequences can be quite serious. The child may be ridiculed in class, or may develop a hatred for letters and numbers. The presence of dyslexia affects the child’s academic performance, peer ridicule may occur and can cause social consequences in the child’s life. Low performance leads to disruption in the formation of working capacity and impaired self-control formation exacerbates the symptoms of dysgraphia, causing a particularly large number of errors in the work of children.

Links to sources1. Lalaeva R.I. Methods of psycholinguistic research of oral speech disorders in children. M., 2004.2. Kornev A.N. Reading and writing disorders in children: Educational manual. SPb.: mime, 1997. 286 p.3. Akhutina T.V. “L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria: the formation of neuropsychology "// Questions of Psychology, 19 96 No. 5

In recent years, a sufficiently large number of schoolchildren have appeared who have difficulty mastering their native language as an academic subject. Parents complain about the inattention of children, restlessness, unwillingness to learn, non-humanitarian mindset, etc. In some cases, the parents are right, but sometimes there are more serious things behind this: intellectual, physiological, psychological, neurological and speech problems. Difficulties in mastering the skills of writing and reading defectologists call dysgraphia and dyslexia. And very often, these two diagnoses are side by side. If there is one thing, then, as a rule, there is another. Dysgraphia and dyslexia are present not only in children with intellectual disabilities, but also in children with normal intelligence who have or have had speech disorders.

Dysgraphia (from the Greek "dis" - difficulty, violation, deviation from the norm, "grapho" - to write, depict) - a partial violation of the writing process, in which persistent and repeated errors are observed: distortions and replacements of letters, distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of the word, violations of the continuity of writing individual words and in a sentence, agrammatisms in writing.

Writing - as a type of speech activity, involves fixing one's own thoughts with the help of a certain graphic code. Writing is the most complex type of activity; all parts of the cerebral cortex are involved in its formation. The psychophysical basis of writing is the interaction of the work of various analyzers - speech-motor, auditory, visual, hand-motor. When writing, there is an interaction of such mental processes as thinking, memory, attention, imagination, external and internal speech.

The writing process consists of five psychophysical components:

  1. Acoustic (hear and highlight sound).
  2. Articulatory (clarify the sound, the composition of the word, establish the sequence of sounds).
  3. Visual (representation of a graphic image of sound, translation of the sound structure into graphic signs).
  4. Retention in memory of graphic symbols and their correct spatial organization.
  5. The presence of sustained attention, knowledge of spelling and punctuation rules.

When writing, you need to make a phonemic analysis of the word, correlate each phoneme with a letter, write the letters in a certain sequence. The writing process goes through several stages: understanding what we will write about, its programming; speech and graphic code. The process of writing is actually the reverse of the process of reading.

Writing a word is much more difficult than reading it. Difficulties in mastering writing are due to the fact that either each of the processes necessary to write a word, or some of the processes in a child, is imperfect. The insufficiency of phonemic analysis complicates the process of dividing words into component parts and prevents the accurate recognition of each of the selected sounds. Due to the shortcomings of pronunciation, it is difficult to perform sound analysis and synthesis of words. Due to a violation of the motor sphere (insufficient coordination of the corresponding movements of the muscles of the fingers, instability of the entire hand, etc.), errors are observed in the inscription of letters, spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, line.

Work on the prevention of dysgraphia should begin at preschool age. Even then, a number of children may have prerequisites for the development of dysgraphia in the future. If a three-year-old child says “I eat with a spoon” (by analogy, I cut with a knife), then this fits into the framework of normal speech development, because. here the form of the instrumental case, typical for the Russian language, is used, although not correct for this noun. But if a child says “I eat a spoon”, then this is out of the scope. At preschool age, we are talking about the elimination of agrammatisms in the oral speech of children, and if this task is successfully solved, they will no longer appear in written speech. If classes with a speech therapist did not bring the desired result, or the child did not study with a speech therapist, and parents see a huge number of errors in the child's writing, then classes should be resumed (or started). Dysgraphia will not disappear by itself, it needs to be corrected and corrected.

Dyslexia (from the Greek "dis" - violation, deviation from the norm, difficulty and "lego" - to read) are conditions, the main manifestation of which is a persistent, selective inability to master the skill of reading. Persistent inability to master syllables and automated reading of whole words, which is often accompanied by insufficient reading comprehension. The disorder is based on violations of specific cerebral processes (“cerebro” - the brain (lat.)), which, in general, constitute the main basis of the reading skill.

Reading is a type of speech activity, during which the letter code is translated into sound and the understanding of the material read is carried out. The psychophysical basis of the reading process is the interaction of the work of the visual, speech-motor, auditory analyzers and such mental processes as thinking, speech, memory, attention, and imagination. Reading is one of the types of written speech, which is a later and more complex type than oral speech. Reading is formed on the basis of oral speech.

  • correlate existing ideas about the visual image of a speech unit (words, phrases, sentences) with what he saw (written) - see;
  • correlate the visual image of a speech unit with its auditory-motor image - pronounce;
  • to correlate the visual image of a speech unit with its meaning - to understand.

Four stages of reading are defined depending on the mechanism of the reading process:

  • Stage 1 - mastery of sound-letter designations.
  • Stage 2 - the stage of analytical reading, in which the unit of reading is a syllable letter and understanding lags behind pronunciation (syllabic reading).
  • Stage 3 - the stage of formation of synthetic reading techniques, in which the unit of reading is the word, and understanding approaches pronunciation.
  • Stage 4 - the stage of automated (synthetic) reading, the reading unit is a phrase, sentence or paragraph, and understanding is ahead of pronunciation.

Skills necessary for the successful formation of the reading process:

  • formation of phonemic perception (differentiation and distinction of phonemes);
  • formation of phonemic analysis (isolation of sounds from speech);
  • the formation of visual analysis and synthesis (determining the similarities and differences of letters);
  • the formation of spatial representations (left - right, top - bottom, large - small, on, under, behind, near, near, etc.);
  • the formation of visual mnesis (the ability to memorize the visual image of letters);
  • the formation of coherent oral speech (classification of objects; generalization of objects; correct and grammatically correct answers to questions; explanation of the purpose of objects);
  • emotional development of the child (sustained attention, ability to work independently, quick switching from one task to another, clear implementation of adult instructions, etc.);
  • well-developed fine and gross motor skills;
  • development of the ability to communicate with peers.

At risk for children with dyslexia are those children who have:

  • phonemic hearing disorder;
  • violation of spatial perception;
  • violation of the interaction between auditory, visual and kinesthetic perceptions and ideas (movement, position in space);
  • behavioral and performance disorders;
  • poor memorization of signs;
  • poor differentiation of sounds and letters;
  • poor merge of sounds;
  • difficulties in the implementation of the sound analysis of the word.

With dyslexia, a child can read the same word both correctly and incorrectly, an erroneous reading looks different with each attempt. Many children try to get around reading difficulties by guessing words, relying on the initial part of the word or on the similarity of sound, older than the context. Reading comprehension is either difficult or completely absent (mechanical reading).

There are also such variants of dyslexia, when, with a very low quality of reading technique, a large number of mistakes made, the child can quite fully retell the main content of what he has read. There are also cases of the opposite nature: with a rather fluent reading technique, the child understands almost nothing from what he has read, he simply mechanically reads the text.

It is difficult to completely eliminate dysgraphia and dyslexia, but this does not mean that you do not need to work on it. One of the main tasks of such specialists as a speech therapist and oligophrenopedagogue is the prevention and correction of reading and writing disorders, starting from the preschool period and helping children studying at school. For a mass school teacher, a student who reads poorly and writes poorly is a big problem. Due to the lack of special knowledge, lack of time in the lesson, and sometimes simply the desire to help, the teacher, at best, simply does not pay attention to such a student. Gradually, the child turns into an eternal outsider, not getting out of the deuces and the object of ridicule of classmates. Although, such a student needs an individual approach in the learning process and the provision of special corrective assistance.