Application for an electronic taxpayer key. The Federal Tax Service approved a simplified procedure for obtaining an electronic signature by individual taxpayers

At the moment, there are three main ways to register in your personal account on

  • Get a login and password at any tax office
  • With the help of a digital signature (Universal electronic card)
  • Register using the data from the State Services portal

Let's describe each type of access in detail.

Obtaining details for access to a personal account in the tax office.

This method is the simplest and least labor-intensive for the majority of the population.

You need to visit in person tax office and get a registration card with login details. The issuance of a login-password pair is carried out at any inspection, regardless of your place of registration. The exceptions are specialized tax authorities that do not work with individuals or perform a separate control function, for example, 46 inter-district tax inspection.

What documents are needed to obtain a registration card:

  • The passport. If you have visited the tax office at the place of residence, then you do not need anything else
  • TIN - notification of registration as a taxpayer. It is required only if you applied to the tax office at the place of residence.

By presenting these documents, you will receive a registration card, which contains data on when and by whom it was issued, taxpayer data and, most importantly, details of access to personal account.

An hour after receipt, it will be possible to use all the functionality of the service, but the most complete information will be available within three days.

An electronic signature is an encrypted electronic key, containing information about the user and allowing access to various Internet services of municipal and federal significance.

Possession of a qualified electronic signature (QES) provides the greatest opportunities in working with the tools of the tax service, as it is an analogue of the applicant's real signature in person.

This key is stored on a special medium at the user's choice: removable storage, smart card or Universal electronic card. It is issued by centers licensed by the Ministry of Communications, a list of which can be found on the website of the Ministry of Communications.

To get it you need to have:

  • The passport

A digital signature is issued and issued only with decent presence. The price for this service depends on the organization issuing the CEP. The average price is in the range of 1000-3000 rubles.

After receiving the signature, you will need to install a special software CryptoPro CSP, which provides security when working with services, as well as drivers, depending on the type of device on which the electronic signature is stored.

After completing all these steps, you will be able to register in your personal account and set a login and password yourself. In the future, the entrance can be carried out both with the help of the CEP, and with the help of the access details specified during registration.

Registration and login to your personal account using the State Services portal

The third way to access the taxpayer's personal account is to use an account on the State Services website. To do this, it is enough to select this method on the login page under the block with the main login form.

The difficulty lies in the fact that this species registration is only possible if you have verified your identity by being present at the user center. If you, like most users, verified your identity using registered letter, then you should contact one of the centers for identification.

Attention! In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 80 and paragraph 5 of Article 174 of the Tax Code

Installation of the "Legal Taxpayer" Program

To register, you must enter Login, Password, Password Confirmation and E-mail:

After clicking the "Register" button, an email with a link to confirm registration will be sent to your e-mail:

After confirmation Email and entering your personal account, a message will appear asking you to register a certificate and get an identifier:

After clicking on the "Register certificate" button, a form for uploading a certificate will open:

After selecting the certificate file, a window with information about the organization will open, in which you will need to fill in the empty fields (KPP and Code of the tax authority):

Then click the "Submit for registration" button. The page will refresh and display the status of the certificate registration request:

When the certificate will be registered and an identifier will be assigned, a message will be sent to the mail (specified during registration) about successful registration and assignment of an identifier.

After refreshing the page, the registration status of the certificate will change, and the assigned ID will be displayed in the organization data:

To submit reports, you must use the "Service for the delivery of tax and financial statements».

Submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service

Attention! In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 80 and paragraph 5 of Article 174 of the Tax Code Russian Federation tax declarations for value added tax through the service of the Federal Tax Service are not accepted. Also, in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, payments for insurance premiums through this service are not accepted.

To submit tax and accounting reports in in electronic format you need to go to the page: :

Next, you need to install the Public Key Signing Certificate of the MI of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Data Center, the root certificate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the list of revoked certificates.

Installing the public key of the Federal Tax Service

To install the certificate of the public key signature of the MI FTS of Russia for the data center, you need to save it and start the installation by double-clicking the mouse.

It is necessary to check "Automatically select a store based on the type of certificate", click "Next":

The public key signature certificate of the MI FTS of Russia for the data center has been installed.

Installing the root certificate

To install the root certificate of the Federal Tax Service, you need to follow the link: , download the root certificate of the CA of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and double-click to open it, to do this, in the file opening window, click the "Open" button »:

On the "General" tab, click the "Install certificate ..." button:

The "Certificate Import Wizard" will open:

You must select "Place all certificates in the following store", click the "Browse" button and select the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store and click "OK":

After selecting the certificate store, click "Next":

To complete the "Certificate Import Wizard", click the "Finish" button:

In the message window about the successful import of the certificate, click the "OK" button:

The root certificate is installed.

Setting the list of revoked certificates

To install a revocation list, you need to save it to your computer, right-click on it and select "Install Revocation List (CRL)". In the windows that open, sequentially press "Next" - "Next" - "Finish", without changing the default settings.

After installing the certificates and the revocation list, click "Go to the" Tax and Accounting Reporting Service ".

Familiarize yourself with the technology for receiving and processing declarations (calculations) and proceed to check the conditions by clicking "Check the conditions":

Make sure that all conditions are met, and click "Perform checks":

At the fourth step of the verification, you will be prompted to select a digital certificate.

After selecting the required certificate, click "OK":

After verifying the signing key certificate, click "Start working with the service":

In the window that opens:

You need to fill in the empty fields (Subscriber Code, KPP) and click "Save":

After saving the entered data, go to the "File Upload" section:

Click "Browse" and select the container prepared using the "Legal Taxpayer" program.

After selecting the file, click the "Submit" button.

After the file is transferred, you will be automatically redirected to the processing status check page:

After the workflow is completed, the status will change to "Completed":

You can view the sent file and workflow history by clicking on the link in the "Status" column - "Completed (successfully)":

In the "Document flow history" you can view or download all regulatory documents.

In the future, you can go to this service at any time ( and view previously sent declarations (calculations).

Receipt of electronic keys. How to get electronic keys for reporting by a taxpayer?

Getting electronic keys by the taxpayer takes place in an accredited key certification center. Such services can be provided both by non-state centers and by a center established under the central tax authority.

Clause 49.4 1 of Article 49 of the TCU offers taxpayers free receipt of electronic keys at an accredited key certification center under the fiscal service.

Let's take a closer look at the free obtaining electronic keys, since that is what most taxpayers are interested in.

Please note that the use of a facsimile signature when certifying documents is not allowed.

Documents that have erasures, additions, crossed out words, other unspecified corrections or inscriptions in pencil, as well as damage, as a result of which their text cannot be read, will not be accepted for consideration. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, before filling out the documents, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions for filling out registration cards (placed on the page).

With a completed registration card, registration documents for obtaining electronic keys and an identity document in accordance with the requirements of the law (passport of a citizen of Ukraine, etc.), the taxpayer should contact any representative office of the ACSK ISD Mindokhodov at the address indicated on the official information resource in the section " Contacts".

In this case, each personal electronic key of the signatory must be recorded on a separate storage medium. For example, a representative legal entity you need to bring three electronic data carriers with you (for director's keys, accountant's keys and electronic seal).

In case of impossibility of the personal presence of the applicant in the ACSK ISD Mindokhodov, he may be represented by a trustee. In this case, the applicant provides a power of attorney (notarized) to carry out the procedure for registering the applicant in the register of signers and generating the keys of the signatory in the ACSK ISD Mindokhodov and signing the contract.


It should be noted that the employees of the bodies state power, local government, enterprises, institutions and organizations of the state form of ownership, in accordance with the requirements of Procedure No. 1452, generate EDS keys personally directly at the institution (an accredited key certification center. Key generation of such employees by proxy is not allowed.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the ACCC ISD Mindohodov enhanced certificates public keys are issued exclusively in electronic form, posting them on the website. The validity period of enhanced key certificates does not exceed two years from the moment of their formation.

More Related Pages " Getting electronic keys, how to get electronic keys":

Publication date: 12/15/2015 12:46 pm (archived)

Currently the most common and convenient way interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities becomes electronic document management.

The advantages of electronic communication can be appreciated by users of the service "" (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Account"), posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (). Functionality"Personal Account" is very extensive: the service allows you to independently control the calculations of property taxes; as well as to monitor the progress of the verification of declarations sent to the tax authority; view information about income submitted by tax agents in the form of 2-NDFL certificates; pay taxes, etc.

Effective July 1, 2015, the relevant amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and electronic service"Personal account of the taxpayer" received official status information resource, which can be used by taxpayers and tax authorities to exercise their rights and obligations.

Users of the service "Personal account of the taxpayer for individuals» got the opportunity to send tax documents (declarations), information signed with an enhanced unqualified electronic signature to the tax authorities. Only those signed with an unqualified electronic signature electronic documents are recognized as equivalent to documents on paper, signed by the taxpayer's handwritten signature.

You can get an electronic signature for interacting with the tax authorities in electronic form absolutely free of charge through the "Personal Account" in the "Profile" section. The Federal Tax Service of Russia offers two options for storing a signature: the key to it is stored either on the user's computer or in a secure tax service storage. Validation key certificate electronic signature valid for one year. After the expiration of the key certificate, the taxpayer must independently obtain a new certificate through the "Personal Account".

The signature certificate can be used to sign and send to the tax authorities through the "Personal Account": applications for the return and offset of overpaid tax; applications for granting benefits for land, transport taxes, property tax for individuals; notifications about the selected objects of taxation, in respect of which the privilege is applied; notifications about the presence of objects of property and Vehicle; tax return in the form of 3-NDFL, supporting documents for it and much more.

The personal account was created primarily for the convenience of taxpayers. Now they can get all the information they need without statements, long waits and queues. Service features include:
- receiving up-to-date information on registered property and transport objects, on accrued and paid on them;
- control over the state of settlements with the budget, the presence of debts and;

In order to get an idea of ​​the functional features of the system, you need to enter the login - 000000000000 (12 zeros) and an arbitrary password in the authorization form.

- receiving and downloading tax notices and receipts;
- payment of tax payments;
- tracking tax audits in the form No. 3-NDFL.

The service also allows you to directly contact the tax authorities without a personal visit.

How to get access to the personal account of the taxpayer

To gain access to your personal account, you must contact any Federal Tax Service, not only at the place of registration. To do this, you must write an application and present a passport and TIN.

You can get access to a personal document only in person upon presentation of a passport. This cannot be done in other ways, since the information in your personal account is a tax secret.
If the application is submitted through a proxy, then a notarized power of attorney must be provided.

It remains only to receive a registration card with a login and a temporary password for access to the "Personal Account". Within a month, the password must be changed to any convenient and memorable one. If the taxpayer misses this deadline, he will need to contact the Federal Tax Service again to get a connection. If you lose your password, you will need to do the same; there is no other way to recover it. This was done in order to ensure security and prevent access to the information contained by third parties, since the initial password is issued on paper.

You can get access to your personal account without a visit to the Federal Tax Service only using an electronic signature (ES) or a universal electronic card (UEC). Citizens who have EP / UEC can write an application for connection electronically on the main page. In this case, you will only need to enter a phone number and email address. The rest of the details will be read automatically. After gaining access to your personal account, you will need to enter your login and password. But it will be possible to log into the service when using ES or UEC.