For children by profession. Lexical theme "professions"

State educational institution "Orphanage No. 4", Usinsk
Compiled by: Krivoruchko Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of the Orphanage No. 4, Usinsk, 2013.
Purpose: creation of conditions for the formation of ideas about the world of professions, the formation of the communicative competence of pupils.
Educational: formation and consolidation of primary knowledge about various fields and types of professions;
Developing: to develop the cognitive interest and creative activity of children, to develop the motives of educational activities (For us, study is the main work);
Educational: to cultivate a respectful and kind attitude towards people of different professions, to cultivate communication skills: to listen and hear, work in a team, cooperate, empathize with another.
Age of participants: for pupils of elementary school.

Innovative Technology: Competitive Play
Equipment: signs (for each team), presentation, sheets of paper, pens, sweets.
Expected results:
activation of the process of professional self-determination;
expansion of ideas about various areas of work, the world of professions.

Event progress

I. Opening remarks.
- Hello dear guys, guests and colleagues!
Let's start our event.
-To find out what will be discussed at our game, you need to connect the first letters of each word and read it.
(Slide 1,2)

Feast rice wasp fruit spruce icicle elephant toffee apple

Guys, the hour is not far off when you will have a choice - what profession to get. Now the main thing for you is studying, the knowledge that you will receive is the basis of your future life. It's time to think about choosing your future profession.
At your age, this is not easy. Your educators, older brothers and sisters, friends, people whose opinion you listen to, who serve as an example for you, can help you.
- Who is more important and necessary, what profession? You can argue for a long time. “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

There are about 40 thousand different professions in the world:
it is important to be able to understand this diversity;
find out what people in this profession do;
get to know what qualities you need to develop for your future profession;
consider their own interests and abilities.
Choosing a profession is a vital issue. It is compared to the second birth.
Thinking about your future profession is useful. It means asking yourself a lot of questions and finding the right answer.
There are a lot of wonderful professions in the world, and each profession has glory and honor.
We will meet some of them today.
- We will conduct our acquaintance with professions in the form of game competitions “What I know about professions” (Slide 3), in which two teams participate. If you know the answer, then raise the card. Which team will raise the signs forward, that one has the right to answer the question. If the team gave the wrong answer, then the next team gets the right to answer. The game consists of 3 rounds. The team that scores the most points during the game will be the winner of the game. If the teams do not give an answer, then the fans can answer, earning a sweet prize.

II. Main part:
First, let's do a little game warm-up.

1st round: "Our professions" (Slide 4)

Competition No. 1 "Guess the profession" (guess what professions are discussed in proverbs and sayings) (Slides 5-16)

1. What kind of driver looks down on the earth (floats in the clouds)?
(Pilot, pilot, cosmonaut.)
2. Who takes out dirty linen in public?
(Cleaning lady, technician.)
3. The sweetest master is... Who?
4. What is the name of the most famous veterinarian in our country.
(Aibolit, because he treated animals.)
5. What was the name of the first female pilot?
(Baba Yag.)
6. The star accountant is... Who?
7. The caretaker of the trees is ... Who? (Gardener, gardener)
8. The converter of fabric into clothes is ... Who? (Tailor, seamstress)
9. Representatives of what profession constantly ask young people questions to which they themselves know the answers?
10. A "marsupial" professional is ... Who?
Competition number 2. “Puzzle” (Slide 17) you need (one by one) to figure out the words in the name of which there is (hidden profession)
(Slide 18 - 19)
RVACH \u003d V- - - (medical worker)
GRATER \u003d A - - - - (theatrical and cinematic profession)
PENDANT \u003d K - - - - (fun circus profession)
GAUGE \u003d M - - - - ("multi-colored worker")
OLD = C - - - - - - (junior health worker)
DRAIN = C - - - - - - - (livestock profession)
CREDITOR \u003d D - - - - - - - (head of the enterprise, head)

Competition No. 3 "MOST-MOST" (Slide 20) And now you will answer questions with elements of humor.
(Slide 21)
Name professions: (3 minutes to think)
1. The greenest (gardener, forester, florist-decorator...)
2. The sweetest (confectioner, seller in the confectionery department ...)
3. The most money (banker, professional tennis players, boxers, model ...)
4. The hairiest (hairdresser...)
5. The most childish (educator, pediatrician, teacher ...)
6. The most indecent (venereologist, vacuum cleaner ...)
7. The funniest (clown, impersonator...)
8. The most sociable (journalist, tour guide, coach, teacher, entertainer...)
9. The most serious (sapper, surgeon, intelligence officer, policeman, politician, psychologist...)
-Fans who will add unnamed professions.

Round 2: "Profession and its tools" (Slide 22)

Competition No. 4 "Lost and Found" (Slide 23) find out who owns the things (objects)
(Slide 24)
 Chalk
 Driver
 Bricklayer, builder
 Physician, doctor
 Tailor, seamstress
 Cook, baker, confectioner
 Teacher, educator
 Hairdresser

Competition No. 5 "Letters and professions". It is necessary to come up with professions or specialties that begin with these letters. Whose team will do it better?
(Slide 25,26)
Controller Scout Milling Operator Conductor
Filmmaker Rybak Photographer Carpenter
Crane Operator Editor Skater Pilot
Fireman Radio presenter Pharmacist Fireman
Projectionist Radiologist TB specialist Police officer
Cosmonaut Radio operator Magician Polar explorer
The Cable Guy Reporter Photo Model Border Guard
Roofer Photojournalist Pechnik
Bricklayer Pyrotechnician
Couturier Cook
Confectioner Baker
Conductor Tailor

Competition No. 6 “What is superfluous” (Slide 27) In the chain of words, find an extra item (who will complete the task faster?)
(Slide 28)

1) Syringe - medicine - cotton wool - knitting needle
2) Needle - thread - nail - thimble - centimeter tape
3) Saucepan - spoon - grater - scissors
4) Hairdryer - knife - comb - scissors

3 TOUR "Each most important profession" (Slide 29)

Competition No. 6 "Proverbs about work and professions" (Slide 30-37). Collect proverbs - whoever raises the signs faster - has the right to answer)

Finished the job - walk boldly.
Patience and a little effort
They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
To work with joy, and from work with pride.
The needle does not sew, but the hands.
The owner is the one who works.

Competition No. 7 "Show your profession." Let's have a little rest, spend a physical minute, with the help of movements we will show what people of different professions do. One person from the team comes out and shows one profession and one person from the fan team.
(Slide 38-39)
How is the driver doing?
-How does the chef do it?
How does a painter do it?
How does a hairdresser do?
How does a pianist do?
How does a janitor do?
-How does the doctor do it?

III. Winner's reward ceremony:
Dexterity, dexterity and skill
Today you managed to show.
And now, fair jury,
Appreciate the players. (jury's word)

IV. Closing remarks by host
- Here we have summed up the results of our gaming program. While playing, we refreshed our memory and remembered many different professions and specialties. Perhaps not common for our region, but in demand in the country and in the world.
In the future, I wish you to choose a profession to your liking. Happy is the one who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession for himself.
The issue of choosing a profession cannot be solved in a short time. You need to return to it again and again after reading books, watching films, talking with a teacher and parents, experienced workers about work and professions.
After all, the main thing: Happiness is when a person earns his bread with his favorite business (profession). And your main business now is your studies, obtaining good knowledge that will be useful to you in your future life. I wish you good grades, success in your endeavors, in work and good health!
There are many different professions here,
Choose what - you do not know right away.
Much will come in handy in life
It's just worth learning.

Thank you. (Slide 40)


Mom, brother, friends -
Products are excellent
With decent styles.

I'm typing on a typewriter
I want to sew a doll dress
I sewed a bodice to the hem,
It turned out very nice
Attached the gate famously,
Everyone told me...

The work of a seamstress (or a tailor, if it is a man) is to sew and repair products from various materials. She can do it manually: with a needle, scissors, pins or a special sewing machine. The seamstress works with fabrics, buttons, fasteners and other materials. With the help of patterns, threads and a sewing machine, these items are turned into clothes: blouses, dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets, etc.


There lived a skilled tailor,

He knew his business very well.

Fabrics chose for us -

Cotton, chintz and satin.

And then he took measurements,

Made a pattern, fitting,

White thread swept the fabric,

I sewed everything on the machine.

And on a holiday with the guys

The outfit was always new.

S. Vasilyeva

According to the structure, each part necessarily contains: riddles about the profession, pictures of a person at work, poems about work, an image of objects that are needed in specialization and a brief description of the profession.

For kids, those activities were chosen that are easy to perceive at this age: a doctor, a cook, a driver, a postman, a builder, a pilot, a firefighter, a hairdresser, an artist, a salesman, an artist/actor and a seamstress. No programmers, engineers or managers.

Although I caught myself thinking that some of the names of professions are already outdated: hairdresser = stylist, salesman = cashier or consultant, seamstress = fashion designer. And the profession of a postman with the advent of courier delivery will soon disappear. Oh, and I loved the poem so much in my childhood: "This is he, This is he, the Leningrad postman."

P.S.: all images and most of the text were taken from the Internet, where I found the authors of the poems - signed.

Topic: “Professions. labor actions. Tools"

1. Remember and name the person who works who: sews clothes - ... .. (seamstress,), paints walls - ......, does hairstyles - ... .., teaches children - ......., heals people - ......, regulates traffic - ………. Name, in one word, what you have now listed (a)? (professions). Tell me who your mom and dad are by profession.

2. Form new words by answering the question: What does it do?:
. Sewed - what does he do? - sews
. Put - what does it do? - ……. (puts down)
. Built - what does it do? - ………….
. Fixed it - what does it do? - ……….

3. Name what instruments you know. (5 - 6 tools). Tell what anyone needs: A pan is needed - ………., a saw - ……, flour - …….., brushes - ……., scissors - …….., a hammer - ….., a trowel - ……… , comb - ……., pointer - ……., syringe - .

4. From what - what? From cast iron - cast iron, from metal - ... .., from paper - ... .., from steel - ...., from rubber - , from stone, from silver, from plastic, from gold, from oak, from wool, from cotton, from silk, their fur.

5. What they do: with an ax, a hammer, a shovel, scissors, a needle, a brush, a saw.


7. Write a story about any profession.

8. What do we do with tools?

Shovel - dig with scissors - ......
Saw - ………… Needle - ………….
With an ax - ……… with a hammer - ……..
Knife - ……….. rake - ………

9. Change the words according to the model:

Digs - and you dig. Plants - and you plant
Loosen - ...... (loose) cuts - ....... (ruby)
Sawing - …….. (drank) cuts - …….. (cut)
Cuts out - ... ... (cut out) sews - ... ... ... (necks)
Scores - …… .. (score) helps - …… (help)

Topic: "Construction. Tools. Labor actions»

1. Tell me who works at the construction site. Name 4 - 5 professions of people involved in construction. (Architect, builder, bricklayer, welder, roofer, painter, carpenter, plasterer, plumber, etc.) Divide the words into syllables: CARPENT, PAINTER, PLASTER, ARCHITECT.

2. What is the name of the person who:
. Lays walls of stone - bricklayer
. Covers the roof - ………… (roofer)
. Plastering walls - ……… (plasterer)
. Paints the walls - ………….. (painter)
. Makes frames, doors - ………(carpenter)
. Welds metal structures - ... (welder)

3. Say according to the model:
. painter - painters
. Plasterer -
. Architect -
. Plumber -
. Builder -

4. Count up to 5 tools, matching the words correctly: Tell what they do with these tools.

(They dig the ground with a shovel, cut trees with an ax, etc.)

Topic: "Transport. Professions in transport»

1. Remember and name what kind of transport you know. (At least 4 titles).
. What is the name of the vehicle that carries passengers?
. What is the name of the vehicle that carries goods?
. Name the transport (IN 2 EXAMPLES): GROUND - ..., WATER - ..., AIR -

2. Tell me who drives the transport:
. The driver is driving the car.
. By train - …………(Machinist)
. By plane - ……… (Pilot, pilot)
. By ship - ……...... (Captain)

3. Answer the questions using prepositions:
. A car drives into the garage, and out of the garage ...... (LEAVES)
. The car drives away from the house, and towards the house……. (DRIVES UP)
. Passes along the road, and across the bridge …….. (MOVES)

4. Answer according to the model:
. Car - cars - lots of cars
. Aircraft - ……….. - many……….
. Bus - ………………………….
. Trolleybus - ………………………
. Truck - …………………………

5. Write a story about any transport according to the scheme. Write on a landscape sheet, draw or paste a picture.

Topic: "Mail. Profession Postman »

1. Tell me, who carries the mail home? (Mail home
the postman wears.) What kind of mail does the postman deliver?
(The postman delivers newspapers, magazines, letters, telegrams).
What to write before sending a letter
parcel or telegram? (You need to write your address).
What is in the address? (The address indicates your city,
street, house number and apartment number). What is it for
know? Give me your address.

2. Say with the word "POSAL": (pigeon, carriage,
plane, brand, train, box, bag) -

3. Name the postal supplies (newspaper, magazine,
letter, postcard) according to the model:

One newspaper - two newspapers - five newspapers

4. Determine the number of syllables in words: NEWSPAPER,

5. Say according to the model:
. Postman - postmen - many postmen
. Letter - letters - a lot of …………………..
. Magazine - ………………………………………
. Newspaper - ………………………………………..
. Package - ……………………………………..

Topic: “PROFESSIONS. Repetition"

1. Remember and name 5 any professions. Determine the number of syllables in the words: DRIVER, DOCTOR, SALESMAN, TEACHER. Tell me what people in these professions do. (For example: The driver is driving the bus)

2. "One - many"
. Driver - drivers - many drivers
. Doctor - doctors - many …………………..
. Salesman - ……………………………….
. Painter - ………………………………
. Fireman - ……………………………….
. Painter - …………………………………..

3. Count up to 5, correctly coordinating the words: DOCTOR, BUILDER, EDUCATOR.

4. Fix bugs:
. The cook treats children. (No, the cook cooks, and the doctor treats the children)
. The painter is building a house. (No. A builder builds a house, and a painter ………………….)
. The hairdresser makes hairstyles. (Yes, the hairdresser does the hair)
. The photographer sews clothes.
. The seller teaches children.
. The photographer paints pictures.

Irina Sycheva

Didactic game« Professions»

Didactic board game on the topic: « Professions» .

for children 4-7 years old

Target: expand children's ideas about a variety of professions, their names and activities. To acquaint with the tools of labor, tools necessary for these people professions, correlate them. Raise respect for the work of adults.

Game progress: Participants are asked to name in turn professions that they already know and the tools that these people need professions, then try to relate people's actions to their profession, form corresponding verbs from nouns (educator - educates, builder - builds, etc.).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that unusual chests appeared in the group, people of different professions, but they are empty, all the tools are mixed up, and people cannot work. Give the children a chest. Then the adult invites one participant to his table (everyone can sit at the round table). He takes a card and names what is shown on it. The rest of the children should name to whom, this item is needed for work, put it in a chest. If the children find it difficult to answer, explain what it is with children, remember where they saw such an employee.

Would need: 20 matchboxes, adhesive tape, printed pictures (can be laminated with adhesive tape). Wish you success!

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Card file of didactic games to familiarize children with professions for children 5-7 years old.

1. “What do I want to be? How will I work?

Target: to form the ability to make choices in accordance with one's own interests and abilities; realize the importance of any profession.

Material: Pictures depicting people of different professions.

Game progress: 1. Conversation on the topics: “How many professions can a person master?”, “What determines the name of a profession?”, “Why does a person strive to master a profession?”, “What is the best profession? Why?”, “What do I dream of being? What do I need to learn to do this?

2. Discussion of the topic: “What professions are called female? Male?”, “Does it happen that women master a male profession, and men - a female one?”.

3. The conclusion to which the teacher brings the children: the main thing is to love and know your job well.

2. "Catch - tell."

Target: consolidate knowledge about the professions of adults.

Equipment: ball.

Game progress: the children become in a circle, the leader, throwing the ball to the children, calls the profession. The one who catches the ball throws it to the leader, naming what a person of this profession does.

Sample: a doctor - heals, an artist - draws, a cook - cooks, a fireman - extinguishes, a carpenter - plans.

3. "About Olya and Kolya."

Target: teach children to use the union "because" correctly in speech.

Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to listen to the beginning of the sentence, they must complete it. Then the children themselves come up with the beginning of the sentence.

Sample: Kolya gave way to Olya because ... he is a boy.

Olya loves to sew because… she is a girl.

4. "Helpers".

Target: to form an idea of ​​the household duties of women and men, the need to help relatives.

Material: cardboard flower with removable petals.

Stroke: children take turns tearing off the petals of a flower, naming the duties that they perform at home (watering flowers, sweeping the floor, caring for pets, cleaning toys, etc.).

Game option: children list the household chores that their moms and dads do.

5. "Guess the profession."

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions. To form an idea of ​​the division of professions into male and female.

Material: cards with the image of people of different professions.

Stroke: the educator alternately lists the actions of a person engaged in this or that business. Children name a profession, one child chooses a card with the corresponding image. Then a discussion is held about this profession.

6. "Call it in one word."

Target: to learn to enrich objects with one word, to enrich vocabulary.

Material: pictures depicting a piano, violin, drum, saw, ax, planer, sewing machine, scissors, needles, etc.

Game progress : group these items.

Questions: how can these objects be called in one word? Why is it possible to group like this? Come up with your own symbol for any group.

7. "Who wants to be who?"

Target : the use of difficult forms of the verb

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

8. "Name the words - actions."

I name the profession, and the children say words - actions that people of this profession perform

The doctor listens, writes a prescription, looks at the throat, measures the temperature, prescribes medicines.

The seller weighs, shows, cuts, wraps, counts.

Cook - cuts, cleans, cooks, fries, bakes, tastes, salts.

Hairdresser - combs, cuts, washes hair, does hairstyles, shaves beard and mustache.

9. "Who needs these items."

Scales, goods, counter (for the seller).

Scissors, fabric, sewing machine (for a dressmaker).

Ladle, saucepan, products (for the cook).

Tires, bus, steering wheel (for the driver).

Syringe, cotton wool, bandage (for a doctor).

Bricks, cement, trowel (for the builder).

Paint, brush, bucket (for the painter).

10. "Let's cook a delicious vegetable soup."

Target: introduce children to the process of making vegetable soup, showing and naming the actions that the child performs; continue to form an idea about the profession of a cook; develop imagination; activate speech. Raise respect for kindergarten workers.

Game progress:

There is a stove in front of the children. On it is a saucepan, a frying pan (toys, large enough, or real dishes); nearby - a set of vegetables (natural), a bowl of water, a knife, a spoon.

Educator: - I'll teach you how to cook delicious soup from vegetables! On the stove is (showing) ...?

Large saucepan.

This pot contains water. Look (she scoops up water with a spoon and pours it back). The water will boil soon, so it's time to peel the potatoes.

The teacher asks one of the children to find and give him potatoes, wash them in a bowl, peel them. Children name actions, repeat the names.

The teacher is interested in how the potato looks now.

It is white, clean without skin (skin).

Throw it in the pot whole or...?

Gotta cut.

The teacher puts the onion in the pan. Then the children bring cabbage, carrots, watch the teacher wash and chop the vegetables. Separately, in a frying pan, he fries the onion (the children name the vegetable and the action with it).

Educator: “Listen,” the teacher says, “how the oil sizzles in a hot frying pan: shhhh. How does it hiss?"

The teacher puts the onion in the pan, stirs the soup.

He speaks: “It is a pity that our stove does not “burn”. But now we will cook vegetables, vegetable soup, on a real stove.”

When the cook arrives, the educators pass him the pan. He is interested in what is in it, listens to the children, approves and clarifies their answers. He promises to cook soup.

Note . It is desirable that a vegetable be prepared for lunch on this day.Noah soup. This will bring joy to the children.

11. "Who needs what?".

Target: to systematize knowledge about the professions of a cook and a doctor; about their work.

The teacher calls two children. On one he puts on a chef's hat, on the other - a doctor's hat (with a red cross). He sits them at the table facing the rest of the participants in the lesson. Invites a third child to the table. He invites him to get a thing out of the box and, having named it, transfer it to its intended purpose: either to the cook or to the doctor. The one who received the thing should name it and tell what it is for, for example: “This is a meat grinder, you can crank meat, bread, onions and make cutlets.”

During the game, the composition of its participants changes once or, if time permits, 2 times.

12. "Petrushka goes to work."

Goals: To teach to classify objects according to their functional purpose (satisfaction of labor needs); develop a desire to help adults.

Equipment: Pictures depicting items necessary for playing and for working in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts (garden, kitchen, room)

Game progress: A letter arrives from Petrushka, in which he says that he is visiting his grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; put things in order in the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). However, Petrushka is entangled in the tools and asks the guys to help.The teacher offers the children layouts of the garden, kitchen and room and explains that you need to take one picture, look carefully, name the item, tell how to use it and what work it is for, then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is needed to clean the carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so the picture with the image of the vacuum cleaner needs to be put to the layout of the room. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put into a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.

At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he needs to complete the grandmother's tasks.

13. "Professions".

Target: develop an idea of ​​professions, enrichment and replenishment of the vocabulary of words; development of imagination, thinking, word formation skills.

Inventory: Not required.

Content: The host starts the sentence, the children must complete it by inserting the missing words. Or asks a question, and the children answer. There are many options for such games, below are a few examples.

Game progress:

The facilitator describes various professions. The task of the children is to name the profession.

Wears a white hat, cooks delicious food. Who is it?


Drives a car...

Driver! etc.

14. "Shop of utensils".

Target: form the names of dishes, continue to form knowledge about the profession of the seller, cultivate respect for the work of people of all professions, develop thinking, speech, memory, perception, attention.

Material: Shelf with dishes: two sugar bowls, breadbaskets, napkin holders, a cookie dish, a biscuit bowl, a salt shaker. (items can be changed).

Organization: Educator:

We have a cookware store. To buy dishes, you need to know exactly what you want to buy. Know what it is, what it is for. You must have money to buy. If you call it wrong, the seller will not understand you and will not sell the right thing. First, consider what kind of dishes are in the store: here are the ones you know ... (bread box, sugar bowl, napkin holder). The teacher points to objects, making it clear to the children that they need to be named. - Here is a special dish for crackers, this is ... (cracker). Here's the cookie platter. It has no other name. Just a dish. Don't make the mistake of naming them when you're customers. Please, whoever wants to buy some dishes, come up, the store is open. The teacher puts the “purchased” dishes on the table, explaining that a special machine will deliver the purchase to the house.

15. "Cloth shop".

Target: to form the ability to determine the fabric depending on its origin, to consolidate the skills of determining the type of fabric, an idea of ​​​​the profession of the seller.

Equipment: shelf with different types of fabric, meter, scissors.

Game progress: The teacher creates the following situation: -Guys, imagine that you and I are in the Fabric store and we need to pick up fabric for Tanya's doll. The teacher opens a showcase with strips of fabric. - Which of you buys fabric for a summer dress? Children choose a fabric, explaining at the same time: a thin fabric is needed for a summer dress so that it is not hot. Here is such. It is made from cotton. This is a cotton fabric, the threads for it are made of cotton. When choosing fabrics for winter clothes, children have the following opinion: woolen fabric is needed. Fluffy, warm. It is made of wool sheared from sheep.

16. "Shop".

Target: continue to consolidate the knowledge of the profession of the seller, with different types of shops and products; to cultivate a sense of respect, gratitude for the work performed.

Game progress: In front of the children - a store with departments "Shoes" and "Clothes".“Dear children! - says the teacher. In our store you can buy clothes and shoes for your dolls. What can you buy? Today on sale were: a red dress with a white collar and pockets; beautiful checkered trousers with a black belt; fur brown boots with embroidery (it is enough to name and describe 3-4 things. There are twice as many of them in the store). The teacher - the seller calls the child, asks: “What do you want to see?” (“What can I show you?”). He replies: "Please show me a blue sarafan with flowers." Or: "I want to see a white shirt with a checkered tie." The thing bought by the child (they are sold 5-6) the teacher puts in a bag, and the bag in the back of a truck. At the end of the lesson, the teacher delivers the purchases to the recipients. Handing over the package, he asks the child's name, surname, specifies in which department of the store the purchase was made.

17. "Where can I buy this?".

Target: the game reinforces the knowledge of children that different goods are sold in various stores: grocery, manufactured goods, books (there are different grocery stores: "Vegetables - Fruits", "Bakery", "Milk", manufactured goods: "Shoes", "Clothes", "Fabrics", "Children's World", "Sporting Goods"); teaches children to distinguish stores by their name, to navigate in the environment; fosters a desire to help parents, make simple purchases; communicate in joint activities.

Didactic material: items depicted in small pictures on large cards.

Game progress: The game is played like a lotto. The winner is the one who first closes all the cards and never makes a mistake. At the beginning of the game, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children about whether they know where their mothers buy food, necessary things, items, what stores they know, what are the names of the stores that are close to home. Do they help their parents in buying milk, bread and other products. After the conversation, the teacher shows large cards. Where are the shops shown? Children will learn from the shop windows which stores they are.

Educator: And now, children, let's play. I will give you small cards, and then you will have to say where on the big map to put a small card, bring the card and put it on the big map, on the store where you can buy it. Don't rush, take a close look at the picture! After distributing the cards, the teacher gives a signal: “Start the game!”. Children come to the table and put their cards on the squares of the big card. Where the Milk store is drawn, they put cards with the image of packages of milk, cheese, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. The teacher checks the correctness of the actions of the children, encourages those who correctly found the right store. The game helps children learn the knowledge that everything that people need is bought in stores, there are different stores. You need to know what actions and words you need to say in order to quickly buy the right goods.

18. "Who will tell you more about the profession."

Target: to correlate the actions of people with their profession.

Organization: The teacher clarifies the children's understanding of the words "profession", "action".

Educator: - Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. I tell you how to behave, play with you, draw, read, sing, walk, put to bed ... And what do you think, what is the profession of Oksana Alexandrovna, who cooks dinner for us? That's right, chef. What other professions do you know? (Children's statements). Every adult has his own profession. It works and performs some actions. What does the chef do? (The cook cooks, bakes, fries, peels vegetables ...) - And what does the doctor do? (The doctor examines the sick, listens, heals, gives medicine, makes injections, operations).What does a tailor do? (A tailor cuts, basts, flogs, irons, tries on, sews). The teacher also names the professions of a builder, teacher, watchman, shepherd, shoemaker, and the children name the actions of people in these professions.

19. "Writer".

The child is invited to portray a famous writer who came up with a "story" about a profession, an attribute of this profession, depending on the material being studied. Then one of the children comes out to the applause of friends and tells his "notion".

20. "Excursion".

Children sit on chairs arranged in two rows, like seats on a bus. On one chair, in front, sits "The Chauffeur". He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

Children: We got on the bus togetherAnd looked out the window.Our driver pressed the pedal,And the bus ran.(Children sway rhythmically. The driver turns the steering wheel

Traffic light: (shows a large photo)Stop! Cars have a red light.There is no further way for you.Take a look at the windowsAnd think a little:What building is in front of you?Answer quickly yourself.(What is the street in front of you? What is the monument in front of you? etc.)Children : This is the Winter Palace.Traffic light: I turn on the green lightAnd I send you on.So the children "travel" around the city and return to the street.

21. "Guess the profession by the result." The teacher invites the children to alternately take pictures with the image of an object - the result of someone else's activity. Taking a picture, the children should name the profession and the action that a person of this profession performs (pictures: dress, house, pie, photograph, etc.).

22. "Determine the subject of the profession." Children take turns taking out items from the bag (ladle, cotton wool, coins, comb, whistle, pointer, paints, threads, hammer, etc.) that are necessary for a particular professional activity. According to the subject, children must name the profession in which the subject is used.

23. "What is superfluous?". The teacher lays out four pictures depicting objects - assistants (for example, a syringe, cotton wool, iodine and binoculars). The child must name an extra item and explain his choice.

24. "Tell me a word" We play in the professionWe choose them according to our likingAnd we dream soonMom and dad get olderNot just to dreamAnd who to be decide and become.

Sasha proudly planeLucky on a string.He's getting ready to flySo it will grow...(pilot)

Pilot Borya has a friendPaint all around.Rain on the windowSo it will grow...(painter)

The artist has a sisterHe can sing very loudly.Birds sing along to Nastya,So it will grow...(singer)

He wrote them a sonnetSo it will grow...(poet)

The poet's brother is Stepashka,He taught the insect all yearJump from glass to bucket.Stepa - young ...(trainer)

Trainer with friend DimaThe whole day they were looking for a mine.Dima jar under the fence,Buried to become...(sapper)

The sapper has an older brother,He is always happy to help everyone.Cats from the tree "remove",Leva is the future...(rescuer)

Our lifeguard walks in pairsWith a kind girl Tamara.She treats animals with a decoction,Wants to become...(veterinarian)

At Tom's veterinarianThe mice have all left the house.He will find them by questioning everyone,Tim, local...(detective)

Our detective on the couchFound Ani's hairpin.Anya is learning the role of Alice,To get big....(actress)

For actresses - applauseAnd flowers, and compliments.He shouted to Anechka: “Motor!”Glory - movie...(producer)

Theater director abandonedHe vacuumed the floor with Danka.Road world aroundDanka. He will...(ecologist)

25. "Find the mistake."

The doctor is making soup.

The chef is driving.

The teacher cuts his hair.

The dressmaker heals people.

The policeman weighs the products.

The hairdresser treats people.