New rules for filling out the vacation schedule. Making a vacation schedule

How the vacation schedule is drawn up is a question of interest to accountants and personnel specialists. And for good reason, because the document is carefully checked by the regulatory authorities, and if an error or a legal violation is found, the management is held accountable.

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After reading the article, you will learn how to arrange it correctly in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What is this document?

All employees have the right to take annual paid leave. So that their absence does not negatively affect the activities of the enterprise, it is necessary to establish a priority.

It is this task that the vacation schedule (GO) performs. It reflects the rest time of each person during the calendar year.

According to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the document is mandatory for the employer and subordinates, since it forces them to comply with the requirements of the law, guarantees timely rest and helps prevent many conflicts.

Remember that he:

  • compiled annually two weeks before the start of the new calendar year;
  • agrees with the trade union, if such an organization is envisaged.

Previously, large and small enterprises had to draw up a civil defense, but the latter are exempted from such obligations from January 1, 2020.

That is, small organizations have the right to release employees by agreement, and prescribe the procedure in an employment contract.

What are the consequences for absence or violation?

Labor and tax office carefully checks the vacation schedule, so it is important to comply with the deadlines and draw up without errors.

For non-compliance Labor Code management is held accountable.

Punishment is qualified under Part 1 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • 30,000-50,000 rubles - for legal entities;
  • 1000-5000 rub. - for officials;
  • 1000-5000 rub. - for sole proprietorships that employ hired labor.

How is it claimed?

The vacation schedule is approved no later than 14 days before the year for which it is drawn up - such requirements are established by Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In other words, the document for 2020 had to be signed before December 16, 2016, and for 2020 - before December 15, 2020 (the 17th falls on a weekend).

Remember other important nuances:

  • after approval, the document becomes mandatory: the organization must send the person on vacation on a specific date, and he must go on vacation;
  • it is not necessary to issue an Order on the approval of the civil defense, since the signature of the authorized person is already present on the document and indicates the entry into force;
  • corrections are unacceptable.

How is it compiled and with whom is it agreed?

According to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the opinion of the employee is not taken into account when developing the document: the decision is consistent only with the trade union. But in practice, it so happened that management always asks subordinates when they want to rest - it’s more convenient for all parties.

Answers are documented - it is easier to identify "beneficiaries" who are granted leave in a special manner.

We'll talk more about this later.

And now we will consider the sequence of drawing up and agreeing on a document for next year.

Collection of information on the vacation time of all employees

For this purpose it can be:

  • questionnaire;
  • questionnaire;
  • report note.

In some organizations, the preparation of documents that take into account the wishes of employees and the recommendations of management is carried out by personnel specialists.

They can develop a statement:

The information received is analyzed and corrected in accordance with the law.

A project is being drawn up

The document is sent to the trade union for consideration, and after receiving a positive response, they begin to draw up.

The minutes of the trade union meeting are required to confirm the absence of violations on the part of the employer.

Approval of civil defense and familiarization of employees

It is carried out by the head or other authorized person. You will need a memorandum and a statement.

On the form of the schedule, the block for approval by the head looks like this:

Employees must familiarize themselves with the approved document, otherwise it becomes optional for execution - such conditions are regulated by Art. 22 and 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The head has the right to issue an order for a vacation schedule, which obliges the heads of departments to collect the necessary information from their employees.

You can see a sample here:

In addition to the signature of the persons, the date of the document is required.

The procedure for scheduling vacations in 2020

Usually organizations use the T-7 form, but now they have the right to develop their own template - this is how No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” regulates.

Compilation is carried out by the management together with the personnel department. The decision must be agreed with the trade union, if such an organization is envisaged.

Free download unified form T-7 in Word format can be found here:

When developing, take into account all significant factors in order to prevent offenses or "stagnation" in the enterprise.

To do this, complete the design according to the following rules:

  • Before drawing up the GO, check the work plans to see if serious events are planned.
  • Distribute correctly labor resources: Interchangeable workers should not rest at the same time, while the number of absentees should be monitored. The best option is 30% of vacationers from the total number.
  • Specify in the employment contract or other LNA the number of employees who can rest at the same time.
  • Approve the holiday schedule every year.
  • Make arrangements in advance. Since the document must be ready by December 17, the recommended time frame is October-November. This will give you enough time to collect the necessary information.

Now let's figure out how to properly draw up and fill out a vacation schedule.

We take into account the wishes, but do not violate the law

Such persons include:

  • female employees raising two or more children under 12;
  • minors;
  • single fathers;
  • combat veterans;
  • persons who have received awards for special merits (the title of Hero, holders of the OS).

Such employees have the priority right to leave, and the rest - taking into account the production needs.

What rest periods are included?

When developing a vacation schedule, the following is taken into account:

  • main vacation;
  • additional;
  • unused in the past.

It is not necessary to reflect the latter, but it is desirable: it is easier for the employer to avoid offenses.

Since the legislation allows you to develop your own form of vacation schedule, you can provide columns for the considered types of vacation in the template, as well as fix the number of unused vacation days.

See an example of such a document here:

Is it possible to share a vacation?

According to Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee has the right to share the vacation, if the management does not mind.

The only condition: one of the parts must be at least 14 days old. Information is necessarily reflected in the vacation schedule: each part is on a separate line, and records of next worker are shifting down.

Is it necessary to make maternity leave in the civil defense?

Vacation planning for pregnant women and employees who are on vacation in B&R often causes difficulties.

There are two opposing views on this issue:

  1. The employee is included in the staff of the organization, she has the right to interrupt the vacation and return to work duties at any time. Then she can take annual paid leave. Therefore, the employer must include maternity workers in the civil defense.
  2. The employee does not work at the enterprise for a long time, so the activities are planned taking into account her absence. The sudden return and registration of the vacation as a whole will not affect the situation.

The legislation does not give a specific answer to the question posed, so employers make a decision at their own discretion.

Is it necessary to include rest for combining duties and for part-time workers?

Vacation schedule - a document that should contain information about all persons planning to continue working in the organization next year.

Therefore, "conscripts" and "part-time workers" are necessarily included, unless the contract becomes invalid in December of the current year.

Note: the rest of the "part-time workers" is issued simultaneously with the leave at the main place of work.

Therefore, management should request an appropriate statement or certificate from the employee.

Calculation of days

According to Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the main vacation is calculated in calendar days and has no restrictions. If holidays fall during the rest period, they are not taken into account.

When determining the total duration, add the required number of days to the main vacation - everything is simple here. The complexity of the calculation arises when accounting is carried out not in calendar, but in working days.

For example, leave for harmful working conditions or unused. How to act in such cases?

Based on a document such as , you must:

  • Specify the duration of the main vacation (in calendar days).
  • Calculate the required number of days, based on the mode of operation 6/1. This is how the date of the last day of rest is determined.
  • Determine the total duration of the rest.

How it looks like in the example:

N.V. Kurnosova goes on 02/01/2018 on annual leave, consisting of the main (28 calendar days) and additional (6 days). Holiday boundaries need to be defined.


The main vacation will last from 02/01/2018 to 03/01/2018 - 29 days (does not count February 23).

Duration extra days rest: 03/02/2018-03/09/2018.

N.V. Kurnosova will return to work on March 10, since the last day of vacation coincides with March 8. The holiday will last from February 1 to March 9, 2020, non-working days(February 23 and March 8) do not count.

The nuances of filling out a unified form T-7

When drawing up a schedule, it is required to have the required details for the primary.

Let's look at how to complete the main sections:

  • Name of company. In the presence of a branch network, it is possible to draw up a civil defense for separate structural divisions, branches. The document does not have to be the same for all companies.
  • Opinion of the trade union body. Dates are noted if such an institution is envisaged.
  • The name of the document is "Vacation Schedule". Written in capital letters, bold type.
  • Schedule number- here the serial number of the document is indicated in accordance with the numbering accepted at the enterprise.
  • Date of preparation- a mandatory requisite confirming compliance with the requirements of the law. It is a critical place that the labor inspectorate especially “catches” when checking. Remember: this year it must be before December 17 (earlier, but not later). Employers are not forbidden to indicate the month in which the rest of subordinates is planned, but in practice it is much more convenient to put down a specific number. Then there is no need to additionally coordinate the decision with the employees and there will be no difficulties during shift work.
  • Department and position– when filling out these columns, make sure that the information is fully consistent with staffing. In practice, it often happens like this: the manager wrote, the personnel officer transferred. With what without reconciliation. You can't make a mistake here, check everything carefully!
  • Full name- fit in completely.
  • Personnel Number- a digital code that is assigned to each employee of a particular enterprise. You can view the value in the payroll journal.
  • Vacation information. In column No. 5, the total duration is written, and in No. 6, the number. It is worth noting that "actual" and "transferred" are optional columns. In fact, it is troublesome to review the information every time, and even indicate the reasons. The Labor Code and Federal legislation do not require recording such data, since there are other documents for this.
  • Note. The column is intended for different marks: the details of the Order of dismissal, information about the payment of compensation for unused days of rest, etc. You can put a signature in it confirming the fact that you have read the document.

The GO must be signed by the head of the enterprise or another authorized person.

An example of filling is shown below:

Stamping is optional, only if such a condition is not provided for by internal rules. It confirms the authority of the person who signed the document and is required when interacting with counterparties.

But if the management considers it necessary to make a stamp, there will be no violation.

Where and for how long should it be stored?

When all employees "walk away", the document loses its legal force.

  • conflict between the employer and subordinates;
  • detection of errors in the preparation of the order;
  • misappropriation of funds;
  • determining the order of precedence.

Documents related to the organization of labor must be at the enterprise for a certain time.

The shelf life according to the nomenclature (clause 653 of the List) is within 1 year from the date of completion of office work.

The storage location must be reliable and secure:

  • metal box;
  • safe or closet;
  • premises to which access by unauthorized persons is restricted.

The shelf life of the Order on the approval of the schedule is permanent, since this document refers to the Orders for the main activity (organization of labor at the enterprise).

More detailed information see Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558.

What do you need to know?

The document in question helps to accurately conduct a financial policy, because vacation pay is calculated on its basis.

If your organization develops its own template, the design nuances must be described in internal regulatory documents: Instructions for office work, Procedure for granting basic holidays, etc.

If not, use the unified T-7 form.

Is familiarization of employees required against signature?

The legislation does not contain information on whether it is necessary to notify employees after the approval of the Civil Code. The only requirement is to notify 14 days before the start of the holiday.

Since there is no answer, in practice two opposing opinions have formed:

  • Vacation schedule is local regulations and is an official document of the organization that concerns employees. And management is obliged to bring such documents under signature. Therefore, familiarization is required.
  • GO refers to primary accounting documentation, where information about personnel is noted, that is, it is organizational and administrative documents. It is not necessary to introduce employees.

The signature is put in two cases:

  • Only the vacation schedule is provided - a mark is made in the "Note" column.
  • The corresponding column is added to the T-7 form.

You can print out an introductory sheet in which each employee puts the date and signature. Then such records are not made in the schedule.

Also, organizations have the right to create a separate journal that will record information over many years.

An example is shown in the figure:

Making changes to a document

After the vacation schedule has been approved, it is possible that various situations may occur: termination of the contract, withdrawal from vacation, or situations requiring a postponement of the date.

It is impossible to foresee all circumstances, therefore, in extreme cases, adjustment is allowed. The only condition is the mutual consent of the parties.

Now let's look at how changes are made to the schedule in different situations.

Postponement of vacation

It is carried out at the initiative of the employee in the cases listed in Part 4 of Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, he must submit an application no later than 14 days before the planned start of the vacation.

The columns are labeled as follows:

  • No. 7 - the day when the employee plans to go on vacation;
  • No. 8 - information about the document on the basis of which the original date has changed;
  • No. 9 - the number of intended rest.

When the deadlines are postponed to the next year or the employee is recalled from vacation, the necessary information is entered in column No. 10.

Employment after approval

The organization accepting a new employee does not adjust the Civil Code. But if the employer wants to record the fact of granting leave, an addition must be made.

The document is filled out on the basis of the T-7 form, but is marked "Addition":

Review from vacation

There is no corresponding column in the T-7 form, so you can indicate the information in the “Note”.

In column No. 8, indicate the details of the relevant Order, and in No. 9 - the date of the proposed vacation.

How to write a change order?

The document in question is needed when a new GO is approved or an addition is created. It is issued in a standard form.

The reason for the adjustment must be indicated, and the administrative part contains:

  • new vacation date
  • personal data of the employee, position;
  • assignments to a personnel specialist;
  • the person responsible for the execution of the order.

When drawing up the Order, the basis for making changes is written: an employee’s statement, memo etc. At the end, the signature of the management and the persons listed in the document is put.

Completed sample here:

Frequently asked Questions

What to do if an illegally dismissed employee is reinstated?

When an enterprise reinstates an employee, all labor rights are returned to him.

This means that leave is granted in general order- no later than the end of the current year (if there are no benefits for priority provision). You can reissue the vacation schedule or issue an addition.

Is it necessary to draw up a schedule for employees on a fixed-term employment contract?

The document in question is drawn up for all employees of the organization who plan to continue their labor activity next year - this is how Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The exception is that the contract expires in December.

An employee requests a copy of the Civil Code, what should I do?

Copies of documents relating to labor activity personnel are provided on a mandatory basis upon written application.

If the employee provided it, the employer must provide a copy within three days.

15 common mistakes made when applying for a civil defense

  • the duration of the main and additional leave is incorrectly determined;
  • sometimes schedules are drawn up “for show”, but in reality, the rest dates for employees are different;
  • in cooperation with a part-time partner, the terms are not consistent with the main place of work
  • the rights of "beneficiaries" are not taken into account or there are no documents confirming the right to priority provision of leave;
  • a record of other types of leave is made: for caring for a child under 3 years old, etc .;
  • the start date is set on the last day working week: for example, with 5/2 mode - on Friday;
  • vacation is divided into parts without the consent of the employee - the decision has no legal force, even if such a clause is prescribed in the employment contract;
  • vacation is provided on, but the schedule is not approved by management. Such a violation entails a fine or disqualification up to 3 years.

Vacation Schedule - Required personnel document, establishing the order of departure of personnel on the main paid leave. Compiled at the end of the year for the next calendar year.

The unified form of the vacation schedule is T-7. As an example, we filled out the T-7 form, the completed sample can be downloaded from the link at the end of the article.

As you know, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives each employee the right to rest 28 calendar days for each year worked. This is the minimum duration of the main paid vacation; certain categories of employees are entitled to longer vacations. The right to leave the employee is acquired after six months have been worked out.

The vacation schedule is drawn up by a personnel worker no later than 2 weeks before the end of the year. The graph shows the planned dates for employees to go on vacation next year. The schedule is approved by the head of the organization and can be changed only if there are good reasons for this.

Sample Fill

Filling instructions:

At the top, the number and date of filling out the T-7 form are written, it is indicated for which year the schedule is drawn up.

Filling in the vacation schedule table:

1 - the name of the structural unit of the organization;

2 - the position of the employee for whom the date of leaving on paid leave is set;

3 - full name of the employee;

4 - personnel number of this employee;

5 - the number of calendar days of vacation ( holiday period can be divided into several, but the duration of at least one of them must be at least 14 calendar days);

6 - the date of going on vacation, is put down taking into account the wishes of the employee himself, as well as in accordance with the needs of the organization, the work process should not be interrupted and violated, therefore, the opinions of all interested parties are taken into account).

At the stage of scheduling holidays for the next year, nothing else needs to be filled in the table.

The personnel officer who fills out the T-7 form signs and submits the form for approval to management, who puts his visa at the top of the form.

If the organization has a trade union body, then its opinion should also be taken into account.

7 - the column is filled in when the employee goes on vacation, the actual date of departure is set;

The scheduling of employee vacations for the coming calendar year with the signature of the head is carried out in each organization no later than two weeks before January 1. This rule laid down in the 123rd article of the Labor Code. That is, for example, 12/17/2016 is the last date of its approval when drawing up a vacation schedule for 2017.

What does it contain

Its purpose is to reflect information on the distribution of paid annual leave for each of the employees. Such data are planned for the entire calendar year on a monthly basis. The personnel service is engaged in the development of the schedule, which takes a lot of time from its specialists.

The organization of the procedure for collecting and processing the necessary information may be different. In some organizations this work is entrusted to a specialist specifically allocated for this, in others duties are distributed differently. Each of the employees of the personnel department is in charge of specific divisions.

Drawing up a vacation schedule is a responsible procedure. It is necessary to take into account a large number of factors - from the wishes of the employees themselves regarding the current deadlines to the important needs of the production process. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor compliance with labor laws. It is possible and necessary to reflect the order and all the nuances and conditions regarding this issue in the main local acts of the organization. That is, they must be spelled out on the pages of the collective agreement or PWTR.

Vacation schedule order: sample and main content

The procedure for filling out such a schedule must be described in detail in the instructions regarding questions personnel office work. If she is not there, work should begin with the issuance of an appropriate order - on drawing up a vacation schedule. What does it have to contain?

1. Full name of the specialist who is responsible for preparing this document.

2. Terms of coordination with employees of their specific wishes regarding the dates of the start of the vacation of each.

3. The day by which the head of the structural unit shakes up the above wishes with plans production work each department.

4. Deadline for submitting the draft schedule to management for approval.

Below we offer a look at a sample of scheduling vacations in the form of an appropriate order.

Main principles of work

What requirements must be taken into account when scheduling vacations? He is obliged to imply the features of production, compliance with the technology of work and the principle of interchangeability of employees. The possibilities for this are laid down by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In order to avoid disagreements and disputes, the order of vacations with the procedure for determining it is mandatory prescribed in a collective agreement or other regulatory local act. For example, it is mandatory to indicate the impossibility of simultaneously leaving the head of the unit and his deputy on vacation.

Depending on the specifics of the organization, the provision of annual leave only for certain months can be recorded at the documentary level. For example, they come to schools only in the summer, otherwise the learning process can be disorganized. There are situations when it is convenient to send most of the team to rest at once. This is often associated with seasonal ups and downs in the work of a particular production.

But in most cases best option- relatively even distribution of vacations throughout the calendar year.

Where to begin?

What are the basic rules for scheduling vacations? The personnel service usually deals with the preparation of its project in organizations. For convenience, special forms are used. V modern conditions computer programs for scheduling holidays are generally accepted. At the preliminary stage, information on the use of their employees for the past period is analyzed with the determination of the possible number of days of rest for the current year. The presence of employees belonging to preferential categories and entitled to priority in the queue is specified.

Then the data on employees is transferred to the management of individual departments. Their task is to clarify the opinion of the employee when drawing up the vacation schedule (each personally) regarding the date of departure or the possibility of division into parts. Such wishes should be reasonably coordinated with the work plans of the unit during the year, on the basis of which the optimal sequence is developed. Thus, all departments settle their own projects.

Having collected the results together, the personnel department is preparing, on their basis, a consolidated vacation schedule for the entire organization, which is then submitted for approval to management.

What is required to be included

This includes paid annual leave- primary and secondary, as well as those calendar days that have remained unused by employees in the current year. The standard duration of the main vacation is 28 days (calendar). Part of the categories of employees who work according to the law enjoy vacations of a longer duration. Who are we talking about?

Minor (under 18 years old) employees, according to Article 267 of the Labor Code, enjoy the right to leave for 31 calendar days. Disabled leave, according to the 23rd article of the Federal Law No. 181, concerning issues social protection this category must not be shorter than 30 days. and other teachers - from 42 to 56 days (in all cases we are talking about calendar days) depending on the type of educational institution ( Kindergarten, school) and positions. This provision is regulated by Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by special Government Decree No. 724, adopted in 2002.

The rights provide for rest for 30-35 days annually on the basis of Federal Law No. 79, adopted in 2004.

About additional holidays

Above we talked about the main annual paid holidays. In addition, according to Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are also additional holidays. Those who are employed in hazardous and hazardous work(or having a special character), work in abnormal conditions, in areas of the Far North, etc., as well as in some other specific cases specified by law.

Each of the employers, taking into account their financial and production capabilities, has the full right to establish additional vacations for employees for own initiative. The procedure for such a procedure, as well as the model rules for scheduling vacations, is approved collective agreement taking into account the opinion of the trade union organization. When calculating the total duration, sum up the days additional holidays with the main ones and reflect in the graph.

About preferential categories

When compiling it, one should not forget that the organization may have employees who have the right to leave at a time that is convenient for them. You should start scheduling directly with these people. To whom does such a privilege shine?

1. Minors under the age of 18 (according to Art. No. 267 of the Labor Code).

2. Part-time workers (leaves at the main job and additional work must coincide in time - article 286 TK).

3. husband and wife in this case must match - article 11 of the Federal Law No. 76 on the status of military personnel).

4. Women before or immediately after maternity leave, or at the end of leave given for long-term care of a child - Article No. 260 TK.

5. To those employees whose wives use maternity leave - Article 123 TK.

Even after agreeing on all the dates and terms with representatives of the above categories, the manager must be prepared for a situation where one of them changes his decision during the year and applies for leave from another date. In this case, the boss does not have the right to refuse.

The procedure for scheduling vacations in individual cases

Employees can plan vacations in whole or in parts. Sharing it, one should adhere to the requirements of Article 125 of the Code. They are as follows: at least one of the parts must be equal to 14 calendar days or more. The reason is simple and related to concern for the health of citizens. The recovery period after hard work during the year for a person is at least two weeks.

Another nuance is that such a division into parts of vacation time is possible only by agreement between the employee and management. If one of them is against, you cannot split the vacation. The head confirms his consent to such a separation by signing the schedule or order of vacations. And where exactly the other party signs - the employee - is not regulated by law. Individual organizations use different methods to obtain this confirmation.

1. When the initiative to share a vacation is the work of an employee, an application is submitted to him asking for it. This is done before the date the schedule is to be approved. If the employer agrees, a resolution "permit" is affixed to the application with a date and signature.

2. In a situation of initiative on the part of management, when developing a vacation schedule, the employer may offer the employee to divide the main vacation into the required number of parts, indicating the start and end dates of each of them. If the initiative meets with understanding, the subordinate will have to confirm - "I have read and agree" - in the same way, with his own signature, its transcript and the current date. This form of reaching agreements is in line with legally accepted norms. But this method requires some time.

3. In the form of the schedule, an additional column is introduced - "I have read and agree" - and the lines provided for the signatures of employees with decoding. By signing, the employee confirms the absence of claims on vacation dates and the facts of his possible division into "pieces". Thus, working time is saved.


This method is ubiquitous, but there are some nuances. It cannot be called completely correct. Let's say the signatures of all employees except one have been received. With a categorical refusal to force his leadership has no right. We will either have to draw up a new schedule, or take care of collecting the signatures of all the rest again. That is, this method is rather doubtful from the point of view of the law.

In some organizations, the internal regulations already contain a clause on granting vacations twice a year (each equal to 14 calendar days). By default, the employee's signature is assumed when reading this document as consent to such a separation. But Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regards this as a deterioration in the position of the worker. The fact is that the PVTR is an organization, and expresses only the will of the leader, but is not an agreement of the parties labor relations. This status does not change and taking into account the opinion of the representatives of the trade union.

About newcomers, part-timers and mothers with children

What should you know about newly hired employees? The right to paid leave appears after six months of continuous activity in this place (Article 122 of the Labor Code). By agreement with the employer, this period may be reduced. For a certain category of workers (minors, part-time workers, etc.), it does not depend on the length of service in this organization.

How to plan It's not that easy. Sometimes there is no information about the time of departure of such an employee on vacation at the main place. Most often this happens if the procedure for developing schedules in both organizations is carried out simultaneously. Since the obligation of simultaneous provision is strictly regulated, the timing of the vacation schedule will have to be planned, focusing on the words of the employee. And you should be prepared for a possible postponement of the date.

Should the schedule contain the names of employees on parental leave? In many organizations, it includes the names of all Women sitting with babies, the law does not oblige to include it, but it does not prohibit it either. In fact, it is unrealistic to plan the next vacations of this category in advance. After all, each of the workers enjoys the right to interrupt the leave of absence and return to official duties at any convenient moment.

In addition, there is no information on when this employee will want to exercise the right to annual leave. Therefore, such cases should always be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What about past years?

How to deal with unused vacations? Are they on the schedule or not? Can days not used for 2 years really "burn out"? According to the Letter of Rostrud No. 473-6-0 of 2007, such holidays are included in general schedule or provided at the request of the employee. It is more convenient if they are reflected when drawing up a vacation schedule for the 2017 (or any other) calendar year, as this will make it possible to visualize the state of affairs with accumulated unused rest days in the context of the entire organization.

According to the law, employees should be sent on vacation annually. Cases of transferring them to the next year are among the exceptions. Such "overdue" leave must be granted no later than 12 months after the end of the year for which it is due (Article 124). That is, drawing up a vacation schedule for 2017 implies entering into it the entire "debt" on rest days to employees for 2016.

It is forbidden to refuse to grant vacations for two years in a row, and privileged categories (minors and those working in dangerous, harmful conditions) are supposed to rest annually. "Burn" vacation can not. The rights of the employee to it are preserved, but the manager, upon detection in the event of an inspection labor inspectorate the fact of such savings can be severely punished.

Written in pen...

At the end of the procedure for approving the vacation schedule, it is mandatory for execution. This means that the authorities do not have the right to postpone the deadlines specified in the document without a particularly good reason. And the employee undertakes to use the days assigned to him according to what is written. If there is a need for any deviations, any of them is drawn up by an appropriate order with a note on the reason in the schedule.

If an employee is accepted after the approval of the document, he is sent to rest on the basis of additional order on scheduling vacations or on a personal application.

Design - what are the features?

The form of the vacation schedule can be developed by the organization independently, taking into account the requirements of Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 402 "On Accounting". It contains a list of details of primary accounting documents that are required. It is most convenient to take the T-7 (unified form) as a basis when drawing up a vacation schedule. If necessary, extra information can be removed from there, and additional columns added. For example, in the absence of a trade union body, the column on taking into account its opinion can be deleted.

The name of the organization, each structural unit, all positions, full names of employees are given in full, without abbreviations. In the case of granting holidays in parts, a separate line is allocated for each of them. The document is signed by the chief personnel officer and approved by the management of the organization. The date of scheduling is required. The opinion of the trade union body is taken into account if it is available at the enterprise.

Let's take care of people

Is it necessary for each employee to become familiar with the schedule? In this case, there is no consensus among labor law experts. Some of them refer such a schedule to local acts with the need to familiarize everyone under signature. Others agree that this is not necessary.

In practice, in most organizations, drawing up a vacation schedule still involves the collection of signatures of employees under it - in order to inform the latter. The schedule is usually placed in a public place on the information stand.

Notes to it can contain any information necessary for personnel employees. For example - the reasons for the postponement of vacations, etc. It is customary to store the original document in the personnel department. A copy is usually provided financial services for accounting purposes for the assessment and planning of material reserves for the payment of vacation pay. The rest of the structural units, as a rule, are given extracts from the schedule for the convenience of organizing production activities.

The period of storage of such a document is one year after the end of the current calendar period. Its absence at the enterprise is fraught with administrative liability, as it is considered a violation. Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation imposes a penalty for this in the form of a fine from one to five thousand rubles. (officials) or 30,000-50,000 rubles. (legal).

As a form for writing a vacation schedule, the standardized form No. T-7, adopted by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, is used. The completed schedule is signed by the heads of the personnel department and structural divisions and confirmed by the head of the enterprise or other authorized person.
The above schedule reflects the following types of holidays:

  • annual leave;
  • paid annual leave (additional);
  • unused holidays.
  • employee illness;
  • performance by the employee of state duties on vacation, providing for release from work;
  • untimely paid vacation pay;
  • untimely notified employee about the start of the vacation.
  • part-time workers whose vacation dates are synchronized with the terms of vacation at the main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • minors (according to Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees under the age of 18 have the right not only to transfer days of rest to a time convenient for them, but also to increase its duration - at least up to 31 calendar days);
  • women immediately before going on maternity leave or immediately after it (Article 122 and Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), as well as men whose wives are on “decree” (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees who have adopted children under the age of three months (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); wives and husbands of military personnel (have the right to go on vacation outside the schedule at the same time as their spouses in accordance with Article 11 federal law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1997);
  • war invalids and combat veterans (articles 14-19 of federal law No. 5-FZ of 01/12/1995);
  • "Chernobyl" - persons exposed to radiation during the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-1 of 05/15/1991)

Cancellation of scheduled leave

Can an employee refuse leave? According to Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide leave to the employee annually and the employee cannot refuse it. Vacation transfer is described in the previous chapter.

The period of storage of the vacation schedule in the organization

The period of storage of the vacation schedule is one year from the date of its end (clause 693 of the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, local authorities and organizations, indicating the terms of storage, approved. Order of the Ministry of Culture of August 25, 2010 N 558)

Popular questions

Is it necessary to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule?

The short answer is YES.

Is it possible to indicate only a month in the vacation schedule?

You can, but it's better to write right away. then you will have to additionally coordinate the vacation dates with the employee. You can not indicate vacation dates when the enterprise shift work work and it is not yet known what shifts will work. When the shifts become known, vacation dates are agreed.

Who draws up the vacation schedule under the Labor Code?

The schedule is drawn up by the employer, namely the personnel department of the enterprise, or if it is not there, the head.

Legislation Russian Federation citizens who have formally registered employment contracts, every year the right to receive a vacation is guaranteed. In order to organize the order in which rest time is provided, you can use the unified form T-7 “Vacation Schedule”.

Download the form and make a vacation schedule

To control the order of rest, the management of the enterprise appoints officials responsible for compiling the form. It is necessary to comply with the wishes of employees to provide vacations at a convenient time. The preliminary schedule must be endorsed by three officials. Here is their list:

  • department head;
  • responsible for drawing up a single schedule employee of the personnel department;
  • authorized member of the trade union committee.

After agreement, the schedule is approved by the first head. Form T-7 can be used for its registration. It, among other documents, operates on the basis of the order of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2004 No. 1.

blank form

If the employee's rest is transferred from the date originally entered in the schedule to some other date, changes must be made to the previously drawn up form. The grounds on which vacation dates are postponed and the schedule changes are:

  • employee statement;
  • company order.

The parameters of calendar changes must be agreed by the management of the enterprise with the employee.

After the adoption of the law of October 11, 2018 No. 360-FZ, Article 262.2 was added to the Labor Code. Prior to approval, the form is filled with vacation dates chosen by employees with three or more children. Changes are also made here related to the provision of additional days for employees to undergo medical examinations (order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2017 No. 869n.): one day every three years for all employees, two days annually for pre-retirees. The basis is Article 185.1 of the Labor Code.

Another article of the code (115) establishes that the duration of paid leave for officially employed Russians should be 28 or more calendar days. Bringing the provisions of the schedule to the attention of employees must be carried out no later than two weeks before the start of the vacation. Familiarization of the employee with the date of his next vacation within a period less than the specified one is a violation. It is necessary to approve the schedule and the T-7 form no later than December 17 of the current year.

In paragraph 4 of article 9 of the law of 06.12.2011. No. 402-FZ was amended, according to which the form of the T-7 schedule is not mandatory for maintenance. The management of the enterprise can independently issue orders on the development of schedule forms. The only condition is the obligatory indication of the details of the company in the schedule in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of Article 9 of Law No. 402-FZ. You can download the form for filling out on any specialized resource on the Internet or on the website of the State Statistics Committee.

Sample Fill

The form has two main functions:

  1. Consolidation of the annual vacation schedule of employees of the enterprise and changes made to it.
  2. Bringing to all the employees of the enterprise indicated in the schedule the start date of the vacation.

The procedure for filling out the vacation schedule

Information data

In the fields located above the table, data is entered in accordance with the proposed requests.

The organizational and legal structure of the enterprise (organization, institution) is entered in deciphered form, the name - in full, without abbreviations.

The field "Opinion of the elected body" is filled in with the word "Taken into account" if the enterprise has a trade union committee or other elected body. If there is none, a mandatory mark about it is required. Indicating the opinion of the trade union in the document is mandatory.

The date of compilation of the form and the year of validity are entered in the fields for specifying the details.

Columns 1-6

To approve the T-7 form, the head of the enterprise must fill out columns from the first to the sixth. All names, full name and the positions of the employees of the enterprise fit in completely, without abbreviations. The planned number of calendar days of vacation (Article 5) is entered in numerical terms. Column 6 indicates the date of the first day of vacation in the new year.

If the vacation is divided into periods, the start date is entered in a separate line of column 6. It is allowed to indicate the duration of the period instead of its start date

The head certifies the completed T-7 form personnel service enterprises.

Another option for approval is the issuance of a separate order for the enterprise. The form of the document is not unified, therefore it is compiled in an arbitrary form. To familiarize employees with the vacation schedule and the order for its approval (if drawn up and signed by the head), a separate statement is drawn up. It must be signed and dated by all employees of the enterprise included in the vacation schedule drawn up for the next year.

Columns from the seventh to the tenth are filled in by the responsible employee of the personnel service as the date of the vacation of one or another employee of the enterprise arrives. Column 8 serves to indicate the details of the order, in accordance with which the start date of the holiday is postponed to another date. Column 9 indicates the planned date of the first day of the employee's vacation. Column 10 is filled in for information: in case of indicating the reason for transferring the vacation to another date, recalling the employee, or other significant comments and grounds for changing the data.

Document storage

In accordance with paragraph 693 of section 1.1 of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2010 No. 558, vacation schedules must be maintained at the enterprise for one calendar year. The order issued for 2019 must be kept at the enterprise until December 31, 2020. The liquidation of a document whose storage period has expired is carried out on the basis of an act of destruction, which is drawn up by an authorized employee of the enterprise. It is compiled in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 2.2.5, 2.3.2 and 2.4.5 of the archival rules approved by the Collegium of Rosstat on February 6, 2002.

Failure to comply with the requirements of labor protection rules regarding the preparation, approval and issuance of an order to approve the schedule at the enterprise is punished administratively in accordance with the requirements of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The amount of monetary punishment may be:

  • officials - 1-5 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities - 30-50 thousand rubles.

Another measure of punishment for violators is the possibility of suspending the activities of the enterprise for up to 90 days.

It should be noted that the jurisdiction of Article 5.27 does not extend exclusively to the form in question. Its compilation in the form in which it was approved by the order of the State Statistics Service No. 1 is advisory. Thus, a violation is the absence at the enterprise of an approved vacation schedule in any acceptable form.

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