Individually small business things to do. I want to open my own business, where to start? Business ideas for beginners

Hello dear friend! In touch, Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the founders of the business magazine

Today we will talk about how to start your business from scratch. Is it realistic to do it at all? I answer unequivocally - YES!

After examining this article, you will find answers to the most common questions:

  • How to start your business from scratch if you don't have the money and experience?
  • Where can I find a working business idea for starting a project?
  • What (what business) to do to get the first profit tomorrow?

Here I will describe step by step technology on starting a business, and I will give examples from my own business practice, as well as tell about the experience of my friends-entrepreneurs who started their own business without money and others material values in the form of premises, equipment or goods.

You just have to study this material and apply the knowledge gained in life.


  1. Why is it better for beginners to start a business from scratch?
  2. How to start your business so as not to burn out - 10 iron rules!
  3. How to start your business from scratch - 7 simple steps using the example of a fictional aspiring entrepreneur Vasya Pupkin
  4. My own experience of starting a business from scratch in the service sector
  5. Real story about how my friend Misha worked as a security guard and became a businessman

1. Why is it better for beginners to start a business from ZERO?

Dear readers, this section of the article is very important! I sincerely advise you to study it carefully. I guarantee you won't regret it.

Here will be explained the key points for starting a business for newbies from the point of view of the psychology of entrepreneurship.

Before you start new project, be sure to think about what caused your desire.

Understand yourself and your motivation to start a business, and my little test, composed in the form of two blocks of different beliefs, will help you with this.

Belief block number 1.

With what thoughts you should NOT open your business:

  • How can you quickly earn a lot to pay off your debts?
  • The idea that I have in my head will definitely work, but I need money to make it happen;
  • Am I worse than others or what? Here is my neighbor doing business and everything will work out for me as well;
  • I'm tired of these foolish bosses, tomorrow I quit and start my own business!

Yes, friends, business is more psychology than technology. I'll explain why a little later.

Belief block number 2.

Conversely, you are READY to start a business if you think like this:

  • I am very good at doing business demanded by the "market" and on its basis I want to open my own business;
  • I realize that in the beginning, large investments in business are very risky, and I can only invest free money in the business, but I will not borrow it, since the risk of losing money without experience in business is very high;
  • My business takes a lot of time, and in order to develop it, I must have a cash reserve or a source of income until my project brings tangible income;
  • Having started my own business, I will no longer have bosses and supervisors who guided me in my work and I need now to become a sufficiently organized person to act independently and achieve success in entrepreneurship.

If you are dominated by beliefs from block # 1, do not rush to get involved in a fight. Indeed, most likely, such judgments indicate the emotionality of your decisions and underestimation of the risks that arise when starting a business.

The beliefs prevailing in your head from block number 2 indicate that you fully understand what a business is and are going to take a responsible approach to its start and further development.

I already wrote above that business is mainly psychology and only then technology.

Now is the time to explain why this is so.

The thing is that our internal "cockroaches" and delusions prevent us from starting our project.

Here are just a few of the myths that are holding back the start of successful projects:

  1. A business cannot be opened without money and connections;
  2. Taxes will gobble up all profits;
  3. The bandits will take my business away;
  4. I have no "commercial streak".

You are probably familiar with all these newbie fears. In fact, if you overcome them, or rather just score and do not think about all this nonsense, then your chances of success will grow MANY TIMES!

2. Where to start your business so as not to burn out - 10 iron rules!

Itself more than once had to open a business. I opened my first business at the age of 19, I independently registered as individual entrepreneur... If you are interested in how to issue an IP, then I explained in detail all the subtleties of this procedure using my example in the article "How to open an IP in 3 hours."

Then I bought 2 terminals for receiving payments. You have probably used the services of such terminals yourself more than once when paying mobile phone... But this business cannot be called open from scratch, since at that time (2006) I invested about 250,000 rubles in it.

So, friends, perhaps you know both successful examples of business projects and examples where entrepreneurs with their "brainchild" have failed.

By the way, basically everyone has heard stories of great successes, but it seems that it is not customary to talk about failures and it’s even embarrassing.

Like, here I am, a fool, a loser, broke, lost money, got into debt. What will we do? And now there is nothing to do, it remains to live on and step by step get out of this situation.

To prevent you from being in the place of this poor fellow, here are the simplest rules that will help you start a business with minimal risks and great chances for the success of the enterprise.

How to start your business from scratch and not go broke - 10 iron rules:

  1. Never take loans to start a business if you have no experience;
  2. Before starting a business, take off your rose-colored glasses and ask yourself the question: “What will I lose if I fail?”;
  3. Be prepared for different scenarios, consider both the optimistic scenario and the pessimistic one;
  4. Under no circumstances open a business with money intended for others. strategic goals in your life (education of children, loan payments, medical treatment, etc.);
  5. Carefully study the market and your opportunities, that is, the resources you have to start your own business;
  6. Do not get involved with incomprehensible or "super profitable" projects that require serious investments;
  7. If possible, talk to experienced entrepreneurs who are successful in business and take note of their advice;
  8. Start a business in a field you are familiar with;
  9. Plan upcoming actions in writing and clearly articulate each stage that you have to go through to achieve the goal;
  10. Be optimistic and don't stop at the first difficulties!

3. How to start your business from scratch - 7 simple steps on the example of a fictional novice entrepreneur Vasya Pupkin

For clarity, I propose to go through all 7 steps of technology for organizing your business using the example of a fictional entrepreneur, let his name be Vasily.

This is the hero of our story who decided to start a business from scratch.

Step 1. Determine our value

Look, friends, I think you will agree that a business can be called the exchange of money for some value that you can give your customers, that is, solve their problem for money.

Suppose you are a good driver of a car or know how to make beautiful designs on a computer, or perhaps you have a talent for making crafts with your own hands - in all these cases, you have value that people are willing to pay for.

Let's get straight to the point and do a hands-on exercise to help you start your business from scratch:

Take a piece of paper and a pen, then write a list of 10 points, these are the skills that you feel better than others.

After this list is ready, consider what things you do well that you really enjoy doing. Maybe you are doing this now as a hobby.

The fact is that a person cannot do for a long time what he does not like, and business is a big creative process that requires versatility from you, willpower and dedication.

For example, as a result of this exercise, you came to the conclusion that you enjoy teaching, explaining, communicating with people and working with information, and most importantly, that you are good at it.

Then, by combining your talents, you can become a private tutor, consultant, or be successful in the network marketing industry.

This is a general principle.

So, there was Vasya ...

Vasily conceived to open a business, and he approached this task responsibly.

Vasya made a list of his favorite activities and compared it with what he does best.

Based on the results of the exercise, our hero decided that he would be engaged in computer design, since he has been working for several years in the company DesignStroyProject LLC in the city of Chelyabinsk, which develops interior design and then decorates the premises, according to a 3D project.

Vasily appreciated his strength and decided that he would become a private interior designer, he already had a number of completed projects, positive customer reviews and an impressive portfolio.

Vasya loved his job and sometimes even took it home, as the company had a lot of orders.

Even then, our hero realized that, in fact, he was entrepreneurial activity, only his services are bought by the company at a low price, and clients pay much more for the development of the design to the company.

Here Vasily realized that if he can find clients on his own, then he will not have to go to the office at all, and his initial investment into business will be minimal. After all, his very skills in design development are essentially a business.

This is how our newly-born entrepreneur came up with the idea to start a business.

While working in the company, Vasya even received a small percentage of the completed projects, which means he could influence the level of his income.

Fortunately, he lived in a large city, where he had quite a lot of potential clients.

Step 2. Analyzing the market and choosing a niche for a future project

In order to understand whether your business will be successful, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate analysis of the market in which you will sell your goods or services.

So, Vasya decided not to rush and carefully prepared for a new stage in his life, which was called “ free swimming in the world of business ".

During the few years that our designer worked in the company, he learned that there are about 10 similar companies on the market of his city, and they all provide similar services.

He asked his friend Pasha, disguised as a client, to go to these companies and identify their weak and strengths to further develop competitive advantages working for yourself.

After commercial intelligence, Pasha named a number of strong and weaknesses these companies. Pasha put these sides in a table so that it would be convenient for Vasya to compare them.

Strengths of Vasya's competitors:

  • the interior designer of these companies makes inspection and measurement of the object for free;
  • all companies provide a discount on the subsequent finishing of the apartment;
  • 7 out of 10 companies give a client gift Certificate 30% discount when re-ordering a design project from them;
  • managers of 9 out of 10 companies carefully talk with the client, competently clarifying his needs.

Weaknesses of Vasya's competitors:

  • 8 out of 10 companies try to sell too many additional products and services at the first meeting with a client too obsessively. This causes his negative reaction;
  • an interior designer in all 10 companies, at the first conversation with a potential client, conducts a dialogue in a complex professional language using a large number of special terms;
  • 7 out of 10 companies charge an additional fee for making edits to a computer-aided design project.

Taking into account all the above advantages and disadvantages of competitors, our hero Vasily decided to design the interiors of houses and apartments in his city at a lower price. Similar companies on the market provide these services at a higher price, since they spent a lot of money on maintaining the workplace and paying taxes for the employee.

The cost of our designer's services was now one and a half times lower with the proper quality of design projects.

This completed the second step of building your business from scratch with Vasily Pupkin.

Step 3. We decide on the positioning of our business and draw up a Unique Selling Proposal (USP)

In order for your customers to understand exactly what you offer them and what makes your uniqueness, you will need to decide on your positioning. In other words, in what light will you present yourself to your client.

Let's return to our fictional character Vasily, who wanted to open his own business and was at the stage of developing a proposal for a customer.

Vasya already had a good portfolio and a number of reviews from satisfied customers, but how can you show all this to your potential customers?

Then Vasya said to himself: “I’m a designer!” And decided to create his own website on the Internet.

Here he posted his portfolio, reviews, information about himself and his experience, as well as his contacts so that a potential client can conveniently contact him.

Vasily also formulated his Unique Trade Offer(USP) *, which sounded like this: “Create your dream interior design for a reasonable price. Creatively. Bright. Practical. "

So Vasya began to position himself as a professional designer who develops a product for an adequate cost good quality for people of middle income level.

Step 4. Draw up an action plan (business plan)

In order to start your business and avoid many problems, you need to be prudent and try to put your idea and action plan on paper in as much detail as possible.

You can briefly write down the main stages that you need to go through to organize and launch your project. Draw diagrams and drawings, make explanations for them.

Correctly, this stage of starting your business from scratch is called business planning. This is your instruction, following which the chances of success are greatly increased.

In one of the previous articles, I already wrote how to write a business plan, be sure to check it out.

Now we return to our hero Vasily, who decided to become an entrepreneur and quit his job. Vasily has long wanted to open a business without investments, since he did not want to risk money. He understood that without proper experience, such an experiment could end badly and lead to loss of money.

As a result, Vasya decided that his actions would consist of 3 simple stages with subtasks and look like this:

  1. Create your own website with a portfolio, reviews and contacts;
  2. Submit your portfolio on the Internet to sites for remote workers;
  3. Inform the nearest environment about your new project (friends, acquaintances and relatives).

Stage 2. Receiving the first orders

  1. Sign contracts and receive prepayments from clients;
  2. Execute orders;
  3. Get feedback and recommendations from the customer, add works to the portfolio.

Stage 3. Dismissal from work

  1. Write a letter of resignation;
  2. To work out 2 set weeks, complete work projects and transfer cases;
  3. Agree on the supply of clients for repair and finishing work to contractor firms.

Now he was fully prepared for the first practical steps to transform himself from an employee to an individual entrepreneur.

Step 5. We advertise our project and find the first clients

In order to find the first customers, when you already have an offer of your services, you must first of all notify your acquaintances, friends and relatives. Tell them that from now on you are engaged in such and such an activity, and also try to conclude the first contracts with them.

If at the moment your services are not relevant for them, ask them for the contacts of people to whom they could recommend you.

It's no secret that for a large audience coverage and automatic self-presentation, you just need to create a website for yourself.

To do this, you can use the services of companies to create sites or, if you have the necessary knowledge, create a site yourself. By the way, about how my friend Vitaly and I earned about 1,000,000 rubles on creating websites, read our article on how to make money on creating custom-made websites.

Meanwhile, the hero of our business history Vasily did not sit idle and developed a personal website for himself, created groups in in social networks, notified the environment about the services provided by him and sent commercial offers to his potential clients.

Correctly composed commercial proposal- the key to success in your business. Read all the tricks and nuances of technology in my article on how to make a commercial offer.

The first orders have gone ...

Step 6. We start a business, earn the first money and form a brand

After completing all the previous steps, you gradually approached the most interesting stage - the first orders, and therefore the first profits.

  • Isn't that what we were striving for when we became entrepreneurs !?
  • "How to make money by starting your business from scratch?" - isn't this the question we asked ourselves?

If you show the due perseverance and follow my recommendations, then you will certainly be successful. Just believe in yourself and do not give up ahead of time, be prepared for difficulties, because they will be, I am telling you this for sure.

So, our Vasily received and completed the first orders. As usual, he did it with his usual professionalism. The designer understood that just making money was not enough, because he already knew how to do it in his office work in the company.

Possessing a strategic vision, Vasily decided that in order to develop his business and increase the cost of his services, he needed to build a name for himself or, as they say in business circles, a reputation.

Make a name for yourself that will help you earn everything else!

Folk wisdom

To do this, Vasya did not just sit at home and watch TV, but methodically engaged in self-education, attended thematic exhibitions and seminars, went to creative parties of designers and entrepreneurs, where he could find potential clients and meet new partners.

A few months later, Vasya gained a reputation as an experienced and punctual professional in the field of interior design. The average cost of his order was growing, and clients came to him already on the recommendations of their acquaintances, to whom Vasya provided high-quality design services.

Step 7. Analyze the results and expand the project

When your business began to bring tangible income, regular customers, and they began to recognize you in the business and professional spheres, it's time to take stock of the interim results of the work and outline new horizons. Simply put, it's time to expand your project in order to increase profits and your own "weight" (your name) in the chosen business area.

Vasily did the same, he analyzed his results, income, outlined possible ways to expand the business.

As a result, our designer drew up a new business plan.

Now Vasily could hire assistants who performed all the routine operations for him. Our entrepreneur opened his own interior design studio named after Vasily Pupkin. In it, he was now the leader and art director.

Thus, having passed the way from a novice designer and employee of the company, our now big boss Vasily proved to everyone by his example that opening a business from scratch is real and that this does not require cosmic sums, and even more so loans that inexperienced entrepreneurs like to take.

Dear readers, maybe someone will say that this is a fictional story and the issues of company registration, proper negotiation with clients, legal issues and other subtleties are not disclosed in detail.

Yes, it really is, but trust me, if you take these simple 7 steps as a basis, then opening a business for you will turn into an exciting journey that you will remember for a very long time. And as a seasoned entrepreneur, you will share your practical knowledge with newbies.

I will say that I personally managed to open a business according to the described model.

I wish you good luck and I am sure that by approaching responsibly to the beginning own project, after a while you will do what you love and get paid for it.

Below you will find working business ideas for starting your own business from scratch, as well as real entrepreneurial stories about how my friends and I started their own business.

4. What You Can Do To Start Your Business From Scratch - 5 Best Business Ideas

The business ideas below will allow you to get started in business and in practice feel like an entrepreneur.

Some ideas will be related to making a profit using the Internet, others will not.

You just have to choose the type of business you like and start diving into it.

Business idea number 1. Consulting and training

If you know how to do something well, then surely there will be many who want to learn from your experience and knowledge.

Nowadays, training via the Internet is especially in demand. This is where you can find hundreds and even thousands of people who are willing to pay you.

For example, I have a friend Alexey, he lives with me in the same city of Stavropol and teaches foreign languages... A few years ago, Lesha had to go out to his students at home or invite them to his home. Now the situation has changed radically, everything has become much easier.

With the advent of the Internet, my friend began to teach people English and German languages by Skype. I myself have used his services for a year. During this time, I managed to learn English from scratch to a conversational level. As you can see, it works.

You can also open your home-based business from scratch on teaching or consulting people over the Internet.

Nowadays, many lawyers, accountants and teachers make good money in this way. But there is an even more advanced option for making money on your knowledge, it consists in creating and selling your own training courses over the Internet.

To make a profit in this way, you need:

  • choose a topic in which you understand;
  • record a training course on it;
  • start promoting this course online different ways and receive income from sales

The advantage of this type of business is that you record your training course once, but you sell it many times.

In general, the sale of information on the Internet in the form of methods and guidelines is called infobusiness. You, too, can discover it and make it your main source of income.

Business idea number 2. Earning money using the social network Twitter (Twitter)

Today, almost every person has their own profile in any of the social networks. But few people know that here, in addition to entertainment and communication, you can earn good money.

One of such opportunities is Twitter, which is common for many - a social network for exchanging short messages up to 140 characters.

Ordinary people spend their time and money here, and smarter people have turned this social network into their source of permanent income.

It's no secret that wherever people hang out, there is money.

After all, our Internet users are an active solvent audience. So why don't you get some of their money. Moreover, this is absolutely legal and does not require outstanding knowledge.

It is enough just to do a few CORRECT actions and get the first profit. We have previously written about how to start a business on Twitter and earn income comparable to the average salary in Russia. Read our article "How to make money on the social network Twitter" and implement the methods described in it.

Business idea number 3. We are engaged in mediation - we make money on

Making money using electronic message boards is the easiest and most affordable for most people.

You are required to have minimal computer knowledge, several hours a day and a desire to work for yourself.

Using sites that specialize in hosting free classifieds, you can build your own highly profitable business.

This can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Find what to sell
  2. Place an ad on the site
  3. Receive a call from a buyer and sell the product

We will use the most popular Avito board ( as a site for posting advertisements for sale.

Hundreds of thousands of ads are posted here every day, and the site has an active audience of tens of millions of users.

Can you imagine how much potential buyers is there for your product here ?!

First, you can start here by selling unnecessary things that you have in your home, and then post advertisements for the sale of goods and services that you don't even have in stock.

Do not believe that this is possible and want to know how it is done?

I myself tried to make quick money with the help of Avito, I will not say that I became a millionaire, but I managed to earn several thousand rubles in a week.

I wrote a separate article about this "How to make money on Avito - 10,000 rubles in one week."

Business idea number 4. Growing from an employee to a business partner

If you are currently employed, then it is not necessary to quit your job and start your own business. You can do this within the company you work for.

In case your company is not too big, and you are one of the key specialists, then under certain conditions you can get a share in the company's business. This will allow you not only to receive a salary, but to become a full-fledged managing partner on a par with the current owner - your chief executive.

This is possible if by your actions you can directly influence the increase in the company's profits.

Become an irreplaceable specialist and it is quite possible that the owner of the company himself will offer you to become his business partner.

This method offers the legendary Russian businessman Vladimir Dovgan. Yes, you will have to work hard here, but you will be risk-free and will really become a co-owner of an already operating company from scratch.

Dovgan himself cites the example of a guy who became a co-owner large network restaurants in Moscow, and before that was a simple chef in one of the restaurants.

This young man really liked what he was doing, he was professional in cooking and courteous with the guests of the institution.

The owners, seeing his passion for the work, first promoted him to restaurant manager, and then offered him a stake in the business in order to develop their network of establishments and train staff.

I don't remember the name of this person, but now he has become a dollar millionaire, in fact, not opening his own business, but starting to develop someone else's.

This is also a good way to start a business, especially if your career is going well with a small to medium-sized commercial company.

Business idea number 5. We build our business on the Internet

If you are good at a computer, know how to create Internet projects, or at least understand the principles of their functioning, then the Internet should be considered as a way to start your business from scratch.

There are two main ways to start an online business:

1. Freelance. This is the business of providing you with paid services over the Internet. If you have professional skills, for example, draw beautiful designs, write texts professionally or know programming languages, then you can easily make money on the global web. More precisely, it can rather be called self-employment. Although successful freelancers earn between $ 500 and $ 10,000 per month.

You can start making money in this way on the popular freelance exchanges "Freelance" ( and "Workzilla" (

2. Classic online business. Build by yourself full-fledged business the web is not so easy, it is best to go the beaten path.

To do this, just read my article on ways to make money on the Internet. There I talked about how you can make money on games, on social networks, selling information from 50,000 rubles a month and gave examples of real people who are already doing this.

This concludes my overview of business ideas. Hope they help you get going and start making your first money.

5. My own experience of starting a business from scratch in the service sector

As I wrote earlier, I opened my first business at the age of 19 - it was a vending business (payment terminals). Yes, it took cash... Then I had a few more projects. All of them had nothing to do with the Internet.

And so, about 3 years ago, my current friend and business partner Vitaly and I, without a penny of money, opened our studio for creating websites. We ourselves learned to make Internet projects literally on the go, but in the end, after a few months at our website development studio, we earned about 500,000 rubles.

Naturally, I often had to work with legal entities who transferred payment for services on cashless payments... To do this, you had to either open your own company or work through someone.

We chose the second way, having agreed with our current business partner Evgeny Korobko. Zhenya is the founder and leader of his own advertising agency... I interviewed him, you can familiarize yourself with him in the article about opening an advertising agency from scratch, the material is published on our website.

Familiar entrepreneurs became our first clients.

We approached our business responsibly, and carried out orders with soul. Soon the word of mouth effect kicked in, when our satisfied customers began to recommend us to their friends.

This allowed us to get a continuous flow of customers, and sometimes we could not even cope with orders. This experience helped us to believe in our strength, and today we have a complete picture in our heads of how to start a business from scratch and make it successful.

I want to note that with the development information technologies in the world, your market today is the whole planet!

There are no longer distances, any information is available and now starting a business is much easier than even some 10 years ago.

I hope that all the materials in this article will help you take the first step towards your dream - own business, which over time will turn from a small home project into a huge company with a worldwide reputation.

Therefore, dear readers, I assure you that everything is in your hands, just act, because the courage of the city takes!

6. The real story of how my friend Misha worked as a security guard and became a businessman

Here is one of my favorite stories about a real entrepreneur who started a business from scratch. After all, I promised to give examples from life in the article.

Do you want to know how Mikhail became an entrepreneur from a laborer, opened his own company, bought a foreign car and an apartment?

A few years ago, my friend Mikhail worked wherever possible: as a handyman at a construction site, a loader, a security guard.

In a word, he was not engaged in the most monetary and intellectual work. It all started with a friend of mine guarding a sales company building materials... One day a client came to them who wanted to buy a large batch of construction insulation, but there was no product in the assortment.

Misha knew that literally 100 meters from the company he was guarding, there was another hardware store, where there was definitely such a heater. Taking a contact from a potential client, he went to this store in the evening and agreed that he would bring them a large client if they give him a percentage of the purchase made from them. The management of this store agreed and Misha worked as a freelance sales manager, earning about 30,000 rubles for this in just one deal (recommendation).

And that was an amount equal to his monthly salary!

Mikhail thought it was an interesting case, but financial results from the deal gave him confidence. So he quit his job and began by agreeing with various firms that he would sell their goods. Since Misha already worked as a handyman and security guards in construction company, then I also chose construction goods for sale: windows, doors, fittings, roofing and so on.

My friend just went to the construction sites of the city and offered his goods. They bought something from him, something not. As a result, Mikhail formed an assortment of the most hot goods and understood how to properly negotiate with foremen at construction sites.

After 2 years, Mikhail opened his own company selling building materials and connected his brother to this business. Prior to that, his brother Kostya worked in "gorgaz" and received the usual small salary. Now the guys are quite successful in selling and making good money.

By the way, I have been to their office more than once and have known Misha for several years. He told me this story himself.

By starting a business from scratch, you avoid the risk of losing money, and this is the most important thing. Also, start without material resources teaches you to make better decisions to make money. After all, if you manage to make a profit without investing, then even more so with money you can become a successful entrepreneur.

See you in the following articles and good luck in your business!

Please rate the article and leave comments below, I will be grateful for that.

Every person is visited by dreams of a better life, tastier food, more expensive clothes, and a thicker wallet. Therefore, the question of what kind of business to start from scratch worries many who no longer want to “work for their uncle”, but decided to start their own business. You can often hear the opinion that you need to do what you are capable of. After all, on modern market there are both successful fruit traders and barely making ends meet gold and silver sellers. But if you clearly set goals for yourself, are smart, hardworking and are ready to succeed, then starting a business from scratch is a completely solvable task for you.

Business from scratch: ways of organization

Before deciding which business to start from scratch, you need to understand what types of business organization exist. And here there are two ways. The first is the embodiment of your own original idea... To discover something new, which is not yet available, but everyone needs. Become a monopolist in the market. The second way is the implementation of a ready-made idea. You can use it as it is, or you can make your own changes and additions to it. The second option is used much more often. After all, it is simpler.

When deciding what kind of business to start from scratch, you need to realize that the essence is in demand. If you can meet the needs of someone who needs something, then you have every chance of running a successful and profitable business.

Business ideas from scratch

Above are some ideas for how to start a business from scratch. Some of them may not be available to everyone. Therefore, you must choose or come up with your business idea. Good luck in your endeavors, and remember that your favorite work will reward you three times!

What business to do and where to start? What business to stir up open? We offer to sort things out in order! Almost everyone wants to live well, earn decent money and become an entrepreneur. More and more often you are wondering what kind of business you can do?

Given the crisis and the unstable economic situation, the question “what business is profitable to do in 2015?” Is extremely popular. We will disclose the answers to these questions gradually, starting from the choice of a business area and ending with recommendations for specific areas... The material will be useful for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who are looking for new niches to start. So let's go!

How to choose a new business area?

Finding the most profitable business today, its sphere - this is of interest to both novice entrepreneurs and experienced ones. I always want to find more attractive and profitable niches... Is not it? Many people believe that you need to do the business for which you have the mind and strength. After all, today there are both rich apple traders and poor gold sellers. And this opinion is largely correct. Nevertheless - do not be afraid of new areas, look, dare, try!

And now we give the installation: you have a strong desire to succeed, you will succeed! The main thing is not to give up and to persevere towards the intended goal! Take action now!

Something we are distracted ... Now to the point!

So what kind of business is the best to do? Today it is no secret to anyone that a startup that is associated with the sale of goods or the provision of services that is in an affordable price range has a very good chance of being hit.

Examples of spheres:

  • niche online stores and IT projects;
  • catering establishments and food delivery services;
  • car washes, car services, spare parts, tire fitting;
  • grocery and household stores;
  • whatever is suitable for the general population.

Alternatively, the answer to the question "What small business is it profitable to do?" First of all, we are talking about food, as it was written above, or a cafe.

If you are deciding what kind of business to do during a crisis, then this field of activity is more promising than, for example, a hairdressing salon. After all, men, on average, go to a hairdresser's about 8-10 times a year, and they come to buy food regularly - almost every day. And regardless of whether the country's economy is in crisis or not, they will always eat.

How to find a suitable place for a business?

Options: not far from the metro, on a busy avenue near a traffic intersection. Traditionally, such places have high traffic. You can try to guess, but still we strongly recommend that you approach the question carefully and analyze everything. Choosing a location without analysis is like playing naval combat.

  • Pick up several passing points (3-5-10)
  • Do not be lazy to come to each of them in the morning!
  • Leave the car with a video recorder for a day
  • Then analyze from the video how many people passed by
  • Choose the best point and success for you!

If you approach the choice of location carefully and analyze everything, the chances of success and profitability of the business increase significantly. This is no longer a guessing game. You already have numbers on hand. You already know exactly the permeability per day / week / month. After selecting 10 places - choose where maximum amount people.

What's the coolest business niche?

When considering which business is better for a beginner, first find the answer to the question: in what area are you a pro? This will shorten the search circle. Start with what your “heart” is, what you love and in what area you are an expert!

If you are a pro in the field of website development, then of course it will be much easier to start a business in this area or launch your own online store, a commercial website.

Printed books are, for example, a falling market (-15% per year). No one is stopping a successful entrepreneur from moving from a sale. printed books to the sale of electronic content. Moreover, the digital content market is experiencing very rapid growth in the Russian Federation.

After choosing a niche, immediately place ads on the boards, launch a direct, search the Internet for places where there is a demand for this topic. The main thing is to do everything quickly. You will immediately focus on one area that is most interesting and brings the most money. Therefore, the question of what kind of business it is profitable to do now will be clearly illustrated.

What other theme options are there?

The answer to the question "what kind of small business can a beginner do?"

You don't need a big budget to get started. Removable garage and minimal equipment. Many started out in a garage / apartment / basement. We also started our businesses from an apartment and a basement.

In addition, in economically unstable times, people change cars less often, more often buy used cars that break down more often. The business of selling spare parts is also relevant at any time, even especially during a crisis.

Aerobatics is to launch a group of small companies that will comprehensively serve the needs of customers. For example: combine washing, tire fitting, workshop and sale of auto parts + supply vending machines with coffee and small snacks. In the future, a cafe next to your complex will brighten up the leisure of expecting customers. Nobody bothers to unite with partners. Think about the topics of company groups, write in the comments, we will discuss!

Do you still want to go into business? Made up his mind? First, we recommend analyzing the state of the market, assessing the possible profit, the size of investments and suggesting what difficulties you may encounter while developing in the chosen niche.

Just don’t worry about it for a long time. Preparing too long will kill all motivation.

To find out which services are profitable to engage in, analyze the service industry in your region and find out where the least competition is combined with stable demand.

When choosing a business area, it is important that it is interesting, then it will be enjoyable, and you will give it 200%.

Let's discuss several areas for developing our own business.

Options: trade, services, manufacturing, intermediation, startups. There is also science, internet projects, and other more complex business models, but let's start simple for now. If it is interesting to discuss more complex areas - write in the comments, we will discuss).

Since with trade and services, in general, everything is clear (if not, let me know, we will tell you), then we will focus on production.

What kind of production is profitable to do?

It should be noted right away that production is a promising area. Previously, manufacturing was considered a labor-intensive and complex process, but today you do not need a huge investment to start producing products. Therefore, it remains to decide what type of business is profitable to do in this particular area.

In addition, it is worth noting that thanks to the development modern technologies The production equipment has become very affordable. You can start by ordering simple machines from China or renting equipment.

There are many production areas... At the start, while there are few orders, you can agree with one of the factories to rent space. Quite often it is possible to negotiate the lease of an entire production line. It all depends on you!

Remember that you can always agree on everything! All in your hands!

The profitable business of many entrepreneurs once began with a mini-factory located in a basement. But this in no way frees you from the need to analyze the profitability of this idea.

The results can be very different. For example, in the manufacturing industry, one of the most profitable areas is the manufacture of concrete products. To start developing this business, you need to study the legal side of the business and understand how many workers are required.

The main concerns in production: uninterrupted supply of the plant with raw materials and active implementation finished products... And of course, the key to success for any type of business, including production, is successful sales... Therefore, special attention should be paid to the distribution channels of products and the selection of sales managers.

Business from scratch? Buy a ready-made business or a franchise?

Decide for yourself which option suits you best: develop a business from scratch or buy a ready-made one? There are disadvantages and advantages in both options: there will be significantly less worries and various red tape when buying a ready-made one, but at the same time it will be more expensive and there are risks.

To purchase options ready business deductible also applies. Here you buy a ready-made, streamlined business mechanism with prescribed business processes. The chance of such a business to fail is minimal! For aspiring entrepreneurs. Start-up capital is almost always needed here, but the likelihood of success increases significantly.

Is it worth starting a seasonal business?

Thinking how profitable business you can do it, you should not bypass the seasonal one. He provided the right choice niches would be a very profitable area. It is known that in the same grocery stores there are both year-round and seasonal products. Generally, seasonal business or not is not so important. The main thing is the presence of a strong desire and commercial skill.

And many people have a lot of ideas - there would be a desire and initial capital. For example, in the summer you can open a summer cafe-tent, with the sale of light snacks and alcoholic beverages... And the most delicious barbecue can become the main delicacy.

Quite demanded and profitable business is the cultivation of greenery. Many housewives simply cannot imagine a delicious dinner without dill and aromatic parsley, and it is quite expensive out of season.

Very little is left until the moment when the hot sun and warm breeze will delight us, when we can forget about heavy down jackets and fur coats. Therefore, it's time to start thinking about what kind of small business a beginner can do in the summer.

Well drilling is a seasonal business, but extremely profitable. There is a very good demand for this service on the Internet, and the competition is relatively low. When we created and launched the drilling site, we managed to promote it pretty quickly. By switching the cars to gas, it was possible to reduce the cost of gasoline by 2 times.

Online shopping - modern business or utopia?

There is nothing difficult in launching an online store. This is easier than it seems at first glance. So let's figure it out together!

The plan for launching an online store is as follows:

  • identify and research 2-3 niches;
  • study your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • talk to potential suppliers;
  • order a development or rent an online store;
  • run direct to get your first orders;
  • further optimization and promotion of the online store will be required.

It is important to do everything quickly so as not to burn out. No need to do a second ozone or a coherent one! It is long, expensive and unprofitable. (Ozone was unprofitable for 10 years). Competition on the Internet is growing every day. Therefore, it is important to occupy a niche. There is no need to cram as many products into the site as possible. A niche site is easier to promote.

For example, a site for HTC smartphones is many times easier to promote, in contrast to an online store that sells everything. If you decide to sell robotic vacuum cleaners, smartphones and multicooker - make 3 separate sites. Your chances increase significantly. Yandex and Google will "love" your sites faster.

A similar story when promoting a site through contextual advertising(Yandex direct and Google ads). General inquiries (“smartphone”, “multicooker”) will quickly “waste” your budget and will not exhaust you.

It is important to start with the most targeted phrases, for example: "buy a redmond multicooker", "htc one price".

What business is better not to do?

In addition to a profitable investment, there is always a risk of losing money and business by unsuccessfully choosing the field of entrepreneurship. For example, business owners of expensive, luxury goods are at great risk, as these items can become unprofitable. In addition, such a business requires large investments, which, often, novice businessmen do not have.

A business based on the sale of expensive clothing, footwear, the production of luxury building materials or expensive furniture often becomes unprofitable and risky. Therefore, when starting a business related to luxury goods, keep in mind that the risks will be higher. Of course, the chances of making good money here are very high!

We hope our article helped you with the choice of "what small business you can do".

Add the site to your bookmarks, leave comments - we will be happy to chat. We wish you every success! You will succeed! Good luck in business!

Before starting conversations about what kind of business to open now, I recommend reading about unsuccessful attempts to start your own business, earlier on blotter ru we discussed this with the people.

So which business is relevant now? To understand this, you need to understand what happens during a crisis, and not only during a crisis - but the following happens - the rich are getting richer, the poor are poorer.

Consequently, there are promising directions in business - either for the very poor or for the very rich. The middle class suffers the most at all times.

We open a profitable business for the rich


It is very important for Moscow and other large cities of Russia. Self-service car washes are especially in demand.

Banqueting hall

Crisis or not, but there will always be holidays, weddings, birthdays. We rent a hall, make repairs, decorate everything, find a photographer, a toastmaster among our friends, give advertisements in the media and on the Internet. Ready.

Apartments for rent

A fairly risk-free and stable type of business, but it requires a lot of funds at the start. Relevant for large cities and resort areas. We buy real estate and rent it out.

Network Marketing and Franchise

Well, let's take McDonald's as an example, there are always queues! The franchise costs about $ 1 million, the payback period is 2-3 years.

Domestic tourism

Due to the rise in the dollar exchange rate, many people have given up traveling abroad. For foreigners, our country has become more attractive in terms of tourism. The demand for domestic tourist routes has grown.


This is especially true for children's clothing. Go to children's internet shop and see what the prices are, many things are more expensive than an adult. The demand in this area is high.

Up-to-date business for the poor with minimal investment


At all times, the activity of pawnshops flourished. It has always been considered a fairly profitable business with minimal investment.

Funeral services

People always die and never skimp on funerals. The only problem in this type of business is that all the grain places in the cemeteries are already occupied and it will be quite difficult to enter there. But a funeral is not only a cemetery, it is also transport, coffins, wreaths, etc. this is where you can make money.

Food trade

People are always hungry and it doesn't matter if there is a crisis in the yard or not. Therefore, you can make money selling food: homemade, greenhouse, pickled vegetables, pies, jam, etc. all this can be done at home.

Fast food

Shawarma, samsa, shashlik - a small stall in a bread place and there will be a sea of ​​customers, the income is good, especially if you do not hire a seller, but stand behind the counter yourself.

Commission shop

Or, more simply, second-hand, especially for children's and branded items. The demand for this type of business is good and, most importantly, stable.

Rental services

This type of business is relevant for both small and big cities... What can be rented, but almost everything, for example:

  • Carnival costumes
  • Baby baths and car seats
  • Strollers
  • Bicycles and stuff

Earnings on the Internet

Without any skills, you can make money on the Internet. Did everyone in school write essays? We find a content writing exchange and offer our services. For one article, you can get from 100 to 3000 rubles.

Business on traffic jams

This business is especially relevant for large cities in Russia, for example, for Moscow. I often travel along the Moscow Ring Road and stand in traffic jams and recently I saw small vans that stand in traffic jams and sell coffee, sandwiches and other food, and now they have quite long lines of customers.


Well, everything is clear! The main problem is the rental price of the premises.

Business on

This is a very interesting type of business. To put it simply, buy at a lower price and sell at a higher price. There are categories of goods with a very high demand among the population, for example, iPhones or winter tires before winter. People want to sell faster and are ready to slightly lower the price, this is where you can make money.

Home kindergarten

This type of business can be organized right at home. You can find clients in your area among friends.

home kitchen

Very good profit from cake baking. The dumplings are also in good demand, etc. The main thing is to find a stable buyer for your product.

Car repair

We rent a garage in a large parking lot and there is already a minimum flow of customers.


If you have certain knowledge in some area, then you can sell it. To become a tutor, there is a fairly good demand in this line of business.

How to calculate profitable promising directions in business

  1. We look at what is around us, what kind of business is working. A simple example: I live in Moscow and regularly observe huge queues at car washes, and not at all, but at self-service car washes (this is where you wash your car yourself), and the queues are constant. Conclusion: the demand for these sinks is not small.
  2. We watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, look at advertising posters outside. The sphere of business that is actively advertised is profitable, if there is money for active advertising, then the business is profitable, there is demand, there is money.
  3. We open a large job search site and monitor for about a week where most vacancies appear and see what the firms that have posted vacancies are doing. If the company has a lot of new vacancies, it means in this business area MONEY , there is a demand for goods and services.

If you have your own thoughts, ideas about what type of business it is relevant to do now, write in the comments, the site will be interesting for me and the site visitors to read.

Bad business ideas
First-person stories of the most unsuccessful business projects.

Even in Hard times you can do business, because there are niches that will always be in demand. For example, one of the successful types can be called food. No, compete with chain stores not worth it, it is difficult to win here, so it is worth stopping at the manufacture of exclusive goods. You can sell pastries: pies, pancakes, sweets. Macarons are especially in demand among buyers, especially since they are stored for a long time. You can make cakes to order, the main thing is not to overstate the price.

The advantages of such a business:

  • Investments are minimal, you can cook even in your own kitchen.
  • Distributing the goods to the points, you can do without own store.
  • If desired, applications can be collected through the VKontakte groups.
  • It is necessary to observe SanPin, have medical records, strictly control the expiration date. Food is a perishable product, so if you haven't bought it, you will have to eat it.
  • If you work only on order, then in not big city revenue will be small.


One of the options for working with products is catering. It can be offered at weddings, anniversaries, graduations, birthdays. Chocolate fountains and other devices are not so expensive, they can bring profit all the time, especially if there are a lot of orders.

Business pros:

  • Payment for departure, in bulk, so there is no need to store food. The client will pay for them.
  • No need to keep an office and a lot of employees;
  • If the city is not large, then orders will not be frequent.

Of course, all these are average views, but they reflect a fairly accurate picture of events. In any type of business, it is very important that the niche is not occupied, customers want this type of service. In addition, in any case, minimal investment will be required, at least in the purchase of products.

Vending as a type of business

Very popular in Lately vending. And it doesn't matter what exactly is sold in vending machines: coffee, shoe covers or lenses. Purchase costs can be reduced by purchasing used equipment.

  • No staff required.
  • The machine takes up a minimum of space, so the rent is low.
  • Theft of goods is excluded, since it is in the machine, and there is always a surveillance camera nearby.
  • Requires investment, but immediately begins to pay off almost immediately if the product and place are chosen correctly.
  • If the product is food, you need to monitor the shelf life juices.
  • It is necessary to find a nearby outlet with electricity, except for the machine with shoe covers, they all operate on energy.

This type of business is very profitable, since it does not require the presence of sellers, but trade, nevertheless, takes place. You can service the machine personally, it takes a minimum of time and effort.

Intellectual labor

One of the service options and the opportunity to make money is to provide your knowledge. This can be advice on legal issues, taxation and finance, various courses in consulting, doing business, and so on. What a person knows and knows how, he can sell, both personally and on the Internet. At the same time, there is a minimum investment, except that some consultations will require your own website and the development of some programs.

Also, editors, copywriters, designers, proofreaders and other people, whose work is in great demand due to the development of the Internet, can offer their services. You can also offer tutoring services on the Internet, perform term papers making diplomas to order. Unlimited number of people willing to purchase finished work will help to make good money even for a novice specialist. This is an opportunity to start a business even for a student who, in fact, has no funds, but has knowledge.

The advantages of this type of business

  • Minimum investment.
  • A person does what he loves and earns money from it.
  • Opportunity to expand business areas.
  • Promotion sometimes takes a lot of time, clients need to be found.
  • The instability of earnings.

In this case, a person sells his knowledge, skills and abilities, which is quite well appreciated. The business of developing computer sites and games is especially profitable. However, it is difficult to keep your developments from plagiarism and theft, so it is necessary to think over a system for obtaining patents.

Internet business

It's a good idea to promote your business online. It can be anything. As a box service, for the distribution of cosmetics, and services for joint purchase... Investments in this case are minimal, since the client pays for the order. The only thing is that you need to invest in shipping and organize delivery, but if you calculate it and invest in the cost of the order, then there will be no work at a loss. More than 70% of people have ever purchased something on the Internet, so the business is very promising and will always be in demand. The main thing here is to find your niche and, of course, customers who will buy.

Services as a type of business

You can do various services at home. Girls often extend eyelashes, cover their nails, and offer hairdressing services. In this case, the presence of a salon is not necessary, because the client can be invited to his home.

For men there is a good option earnings - repair of equipment, cars, especially if they are strong in this. In this case, there will be a minimum investment, but the profit will depend on the qualifications of the master and those who want to get to him. In a big city, apartment renovation is quite cost-effective, especially since now people prefer to pay for services, and not glue the wallpaper on their own.

The main thing is mobility and flexibility of business

As you can see, there are a lot of options for starting a business during a crisis, the main thing is to find customers and prove that they will get the most out of the order. It is necessary to draw up a business plan, calculate the benefits and losses, the initial investment and study the services of competitors.

Do not forget that a business must be mobile and flexible, which means that you may have to move and look for your niche if the chosen one suddenly ceases to generate income. For example, the pharmacy has ceased to be profitable? Just sell vitamins and dietary supplements using vending machines. There is no prohibition on this. It is difficult to sell jersey or tights; again, your online store will help out. Is it hard to compete with wholesale stores? Place your bet on the exclusivity of the product, bring fashionable novelties before anyone else.

But franchises in business can be difficult to spin, large investments are required, and it is difficult to guess the flow of customers, therefore this type of investment can only be considered in a big city and if there is a sufficient amount of funds. That is why, in this case, it is necessary to soberly approach this proposal.