Information for review, wishing to send an appeal in the form of an electronic document.

Perm OFAS Russia opened a case against the overhaul fund Perm branch UFAS suspects the fund overhaul Prikamye in violation of antimonopoly legislation. The reason ... of the fund's funds .. At the auction, announced in February 2016, in Perm UFAS the application was received. A branch has submitted its applications for participation in the competition ... Prikamye is being checked by another supervisory body - the Office federal treasury on Perm edge. Inspection is carried out to check the intended use Money received ... Perm manufacturers talk about rebates ... out of 13 guests. Suppliers ignored the event. Chairman of the Council, Deputy Head UFAS Prikamye Marina Kudryavtseva announced the results of inspections by the antimonopoly service of retailers and ...% and payments for services 2-3% ", - the deputy head commented on the innovations Permian UFAS Russian Marina Kudryavtseva. Based on the results of the audit in retail chains was ... on the official website, an antitrust case was initiated against Permian"OblProda". At the same time, most of the suppliers still do not have ... OFAS: the ambulance station in Perm illegally signed nine contracts At the request of Novoskor LLC, an unscheduled check was carried out “ Perm city ​​ambulance station medical care". The supervisory authority discovered violations at ... .. On April 28, 2017, Novoskor LLC sent a complaint to UFAS on Perm edge. " Perm city ​​ambulance station "at the end of December 2016 ... FAS Russia issued an order to the Perm OFAS on the claim of "Permgorelectrotrans" ... filed by the enterprise, it was said about a violation Perm UFAS regulations when considering an enterprise case. The agency ordered the regional UFAS strictly observe the regulations and comply with the legislation ... lawyers of the MUE "Permgorelectrotrans" filed five applications to the Arbitration Court Perm edges on Perm UFAS Russia. So, two lawsuits were filed to challenge the decision on ...

24 Mar 2017, 14:13

FAS Russia revealed affiliation to high-ranking officials in Prikamye ... such resource-supplying organizations as "T plus", " Perm grid company "," Bereznikovskaya grid company "," Investspetsprom ", as well as Permian branch of IDGC of the Urals. Among the violations ... of tariff setting. We will remind, earlier on the air of the TV channel RBK-Perm, the representative of the regional UFAS reported that the amount of violations in the field of tariff setting in Prikamye may ...

23 Mar 2017, 15:36

FAS Russia found multimillion-dollar violations in the service on tariffs of Prikamye ... in the field of tariff setting in Perm krai can exceed hundreds of millions of rubles. The head of Prikamskiy told RBC Perm today UFAS Russia Anton Udaliev ... now very often they ask questions, in particular on "T plus", " Perm network company "and other large infrastructure organizations. Why .... The result of the check may be a change in the tariff. At the end of the year, the regional UFAS reported suspicions that more than 100 regulated tariffs for 2017 ...

22 Feb 2017, 15:47

OFAS Prikamye again recognized Rostelecom as a bona fide supplier Commission UFAS Russia on Perm the region rejected a request to include PJSC Rostelecom in the register of ... all three contracts in bad faith. As noted by the acting. deputy head UFAS on Perm the edge of Alexander Plaksin, the commission saw no intent in evading ... announced on December 30, 2016. The customer of services is government agency « Perm regional office social insurance fund Russian Federation". The maximum cost of each ... ... services ( UFAS) on Perm the edge filed a case against five wholesalers today, September 10. As explained to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the regional administration UFAS, as a pretext ... to protect competition "and started a corresponding case. But as the head says Perm UFAS Dmitry Makhonin, you shouldn't hope for a quick solution to the problem. At...

Please, before sending an appeal in the form electronic document, please read the following information carefully.

    Applications sent in the form of an electronic document through the official website are submitted for consideration to the Perm OFAS Russia and are considered by the employees of the Perm OFAS Russia - authorized persons.

    Before sending an appeal in the form of an electronic document, you must write it.

    1. without fail indicating in the electronic questionnaire:

      1. either the name of the state body to which you are sending the appeal in the form of an electronic document, or the surname, first name, patronymic of the person concerned, or the position of the person to whom you are sending the appeal in the form of an electronic document;

        your last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available);

        the address Email to which the response should be sent, notification of call forwarding;

    2. stating the essence of the proposal, application, complaint in the text entry field of the appeal in the form of an electronic document.

    The answer to your appeal in the form of an electronic document or a notification of its forwarding is sent in the form of an electronic document to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified by you in the appeal in the form of an electronic document.

    In the mandatory field for entering the text of the appeal in the form of an electronic document, you set out the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint in accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation".

    If the text of your appeal does not allow you to determine the essence of the proposal, application or complaint, the answer to the appeal is not given, and it is not subject to sending for consideration to government agency, local government or official in accordance with their competence, about which you will be informed within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal.

    Text in electronic form dialed and sent via information resource"Personal account" is saved and displayed in " Personal account»The author.

    Please note that in order to ensure non-disclosure of the information contained in your appeal, as well as information concerning your private life, when filling out the text entry field for the appeal in the form of an electronic document, protection against possible injection of malicious code is in effect.

    If necessary, in support of your arguments, you have the right to attach to the appeal Required documents and materials in electronic form.

    You can attach the necessary documents and materials in electronic form in any order

    Acceptable file formats: pdf, jpeg, png, Microsoft Word files, Microsoft Excel files, Microsoft Powerpoint files, OpenDocument files, ZIP, RAR.

    Other formats are not processed in information systems FAS Russia.

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    If the text sent by you in the form of an electronic document, contained in the field for entering the text of the appeal in the form of an electronic document, does not contain a proposal, statement or complaint, but only a link to the application (file attachment) or to the content of the Internet site, then the response explains the procedure its consideration, established by the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation."

    We draw your attention to the procedure for considering individual applications, provided for in Art. 11 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation".

    When you send your applications regarding the appeal of court decisions, it is necessary to keep in mind the following.

    According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, justice in Russia is administered only by the court. The judiciary is independent and operates independently of the legislative and executive branches. Judicial decisions are appealed to established by law procedural order.

    If you send an appeal containing a question affecting the interests of an indefinite circle of persons, the answer to which was posted on this site, then within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal, you will be informed of the email address of the page of this site "Answers to appeals affecting the interests of an indefinite circle persons ", which contains the answer to the question posed in your appeal.

The Antimonopoly Service issued a warning to Rosgosstrakh LLC on the fact of imposing on clients additional services with compulsory insurance.

As reported in the Perm OFAS, during November-December 2014, the department received several complaints from citizens that Rosgosstrakh, when concluding a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance of owners Vehicle imposes accident insurance services "Fortuna Auto". In addition, in the Permian territorial administration a letter was received from the central office of the FAS Russia, which describes similar facts when drawing up OSAGO agreements. The imposition of additional services by OOO Rosgosstrakh took place in Perm, Nytva, Berezniki and Kungur.

At the same time, in March 2014, the Antimonopoly Service had already issued a warning to this organization. Recall that then during the audit it turned out that for employees and agents of the company in the Perm Territory was set the level of cross-sales "Fortuna Auto", that is required condition sell a certain amount of "Fortuna Auto" together with CTP policies.

but the federal law"On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners" clearly indicates that car owners can voluntarily carry out additional insurance in case of insufficient insurance payments under compulsory insurance. In addition, the Perm OFAS Russia has at its disposal internal documents of Rosgosstrakh LLC, according to which the imposition of additional services is not allowed. After issuing a warning, the antimonopoly service stopped receiving complaints about the imposition of additional services. However, as can be seen from the applications received, "Rosgosstrakh" in the Perm Territory, after some time, continued these actions. In this connection, the organization was warned to stop imposing additional services.

This time, the Perm OFAS Russia speaks about the need for public placement at the stands and on the official website of Rossgosstrakh LLC of information about the possibility of unhindered conclusion of a compulsory insurance agreement without any additional services. In addition, the listed information messages should inform that any actions of employees and agents of the company to impose additional services are unacceptable. Also, as part of the implementation of the warning, Rosgosstrakh LLC needs to organize a telephone hotline to resolve issues of unlawful imposition of additional services in real time. The warning was issued within the framework of the "Price revision" campaign.

“It should be noted that responsibility for violation of the antimonopoly law does not come from a specific employee of the company, but from the direct market participant who committed the violation. legislation, "- said the head of the control department financial markets Perm OFAS Russia Sergey Mikheev.

Perm is one of the largest cities in Russia and is located in the European part of the country. The population of Perm is slightly less than one million inhabitants. Although in 1989 this milestone was also crossed, and the number of inhabitants of Perm was 1 million 92 thousand people

In terms of economics, Perm is one of the largest centers in the Perm region and all of Russia as a whole. The geographic location plays a favorable role in the development of the economy of industry and trade in the Prize, namely the center of the country, the presence of waterways along the Kama River and the intersection of railways in Europe and Asia.

Perm enterprises

The city's economy is characterized by such leading industries as mechanical engineering, oil and gas processing industry, electric power industry, food industry.

Among the major industrial enterprises Perm, the following can be distinguished:
Kamskaya hydroelectric power station,
oil refinery (OJSC "Lukoil")
gas processing plant (OJSC "Lukoil"),
machine-building plant producing power tools, river boats, aircraft engines and gas pumping units, road construction equipment, etc.
enterprises of the woodworking industry, such as LLC "Permskiy Karton", Zakamskaya furniture factory, Perm house-building plant, etc.

Large projects for the construction of multifunctional shopping and entertainment centers, which have replaced households, are successfully developing in Perm. This segment of the retail industry is not yet fully filled, because not in all districts of the city such centers are available to residents. Today, among the large shopping and entertainment centers in Perm, one can distinguish: shopping center Almaz, Capital, Seven Fridays shopping and entertainment center, Colosseum Cinema center, Family and Kit leisure and entertainment center.

Telephone directory of Perm

With a large number of enterprises in various industries, a great help in finding this or that contact information can be provided by a directory of firms and enterprises in the city of Perm.

For the convenience of searching, the directory of Perm firms is divided into industries or areas of enterprise activity. Here you can find information about the type of activity of a firm or organization in Perm, it is also possible to find contact numbers, addresses, sites on the Internet.

Also, the directory of Perm firms is provided with an interactive geographic map, which indicates the location of the organization of the city of Perm. Useful this information will be not only for residents of the city, but also for tourists or guests, for example, in the search for a hotel, museum, theater or other institution.