Competition multimedia presentation speech development journey of the hearing impaired. Presentation on the topic "the development of speech of preschoolers in games and exercises"

Topic: speech development

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Clip based on the book by E. Charushin "Cat Epifan"

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Adventures of the letter L

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Anna Vishnevskaya "My dream"

"Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity." From birth, a child discovers the magical world of sounds, which he begins to be interested in already at a younger preschool age. That is why it is necessary to develop an interest in speech through games as early as possible. Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. For children of preschool age, the game is of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education. The game for preschoolers is a way of knowing the world around them.

"Speech games as a basis for the development and correction of children's speech." Word and sound games for kids are not only attractive, but also useful. Speech games are aimed at developing speech in children, clarifying and consolidating the vocabulary, and at forming the correct sound pronunciation. At the same time, they are the basis for the activation of cognitive activity, the development of mental abilities. Preschoolers develop the ability to express their opinion, draw conclusions, apply new knowledge in various life situations. Speech games are of great importance for the development of speech and thinking of children; they activate, enrich their vocabulary, improve phonemic hearing in children, instill interest and love for the language.

4. "Guess it." 5. "Guess." 4. The child is asked to describe an object (ball, apple, cat, snow, etc.) according to the following scheme: What color is it? What does he look like? What material is it made from? What size, shape? What does it feel like? What smells? What does it taste like? Where is it found? What does a person need? What group of objects does it belong to (furniture, dishes, animals, fruits, etc.)? 5. An adult describes the subject, and the child guesses the intended word.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson Objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the work of mail, with the semantic meaning of the words address, addressee, sender, index, with a variety of postal items, rules for filling envelopes;
  • reveal the role of postal communication in people's lives;
  • expand children's understanding of various types of mail messages;
  • develop information literacy of students;
  • develop the communication skills of students;
  • develop the ability of children to analyze their work;
  • enrich students' vocabulary.

Lesson objectives:

  • personal: to promote the formation of interest in the lessons of speech development, readiness to overcome school difficulties;
  • regulatory: to ensure the formation of setting a goal and planning their activities, to promote the development of the ability to exercise self-control, self-assessment and self-correction of educational activities;
  • cognitive: create conditions for the development of the ability to analyze, generalize, compare, build a logical chain of reasoning, provide evidence of the expressed thought;
  • communicative: help to realize the practical, social, personal significance of the educational material, plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, develop the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech.

Planned achievements of students:

  • personal: interest in written communication; formation of the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities, the ability to motivate one's actions, evaluate one's own educational activities: one's achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures;
  • metasubject: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task; the ability to plan their actions in accordance with the task; the ability to build a speech statement in oral form; the ability to interact in a group and provide assistance to classmates;
  • subject: the formation of the skill of oral and written speech, the creation of coherent oral statements on a given topic, the assimilation of the stages of a letter's journey, the rules for filling envelopes.

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment; handout, presentation "Journey of a letter", cards with the words "sender, addressee, index, envelope, stamp, stamp, package, parcel".

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizing moment Greetings.
Everyone sat down in their places
no one is tight.
I'll tell you a secret:
"It will be interesting!"
We welcome guests
Very, very happy.
And evaluation at the end
It will be our reward.
Greeting guests.
Check readiness for the lesson.
KUUD: readiness for action: listen and engage in dialogue; positive emotional direction.
2. Checking homework What was the homework? To whom did you write a letter? Student responses. Mom
RUUD: control, correction, evaluation and self-assessment of the actions performed.
3. Actualization of basic knowledge Do you know how the letter will reach your mother? Student responses.
4. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson The theme of our lesson is "Journey of writing"
Familiarization with the variety of postal items
Output on the topic of the lesson by students.
Students are introduced to a variety of postal items.
RUUD: plan the solution of a learning problem: build a sequence of necessary operations (algorithm of actions).
KUUD: to develop the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy
5. Primary assimilation of new knowledge. The teacher's story about how to fill in the envelope correctly. Acquaintance with the concepts: sender and addressee, brand, index.
The address is written on the envelope when the letter is sent.
The sender is the one who sends the letter.
The recipient is the person who receives the letter. The stamp is the date the letter was sent.

How do you think the letter will reach from the sender to the addressee?
Draw it on the board with pictures.
Weak students are given pictures, a ready-made travel scheme and the task to glue the pictures themselves in the right order.
(Sender - letter - envelope - mailbox - mail - postal worker - transport - mail - postman - home mailbox - addressee.)

The teacher's story about how the letter gets from the point of origin to the destination.
What other postal items exist (telegrams, parcels, newspapers, parcels ...)

Look at the map and tell me, by what means of transport will your letter reach your mother?

RUUD: determine the purpose of completing tasks in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

Students do this task in groups on the board. Weak students at the desk (using a ready-made plan)
KUUD: enter into educational cooperation with classmates; carry out joint activities, analyze;
develop monologic and dialogic forms of speech.
LUUD: to show kindness, attentiveness, help.
RUUD: keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained.

Students solve riddles.
KUUD: to formulate your thoughts in monologue speech.
LUUD: perceive the speech of classmates not directly addressed to the student.

The students try to identify the mode of transport.
KUUD: to develop the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy

Fizminutka for the eyes Musical slide with physical minute for the eyes Children listen to music and follow the figures with their eyes.
6. Initial check of understanding Now you know what is the correct way of writing. Look at the path you drew earlier on the board and correct the mistakes. Students find mistakes and correct them.
KUUD: carry out joint activities, analyze; find errors and correct them.
develop monologic and dialogic forms of speech.
7. Primary fastening Make a plan for the story "How the letter travels." PUUD: to perceive pictures taking into account the set educational task, with the help of them to find the information necessary to solve it.
8. Reflection (summarizing the lesson) Try to formulate what your result of the work in the lesson is.
What types of work caused problems?
RUUD: evaluate learning activities, mastering the initial forms of cognitive reflection.
LUUD: motivate your actions,
evaluate their own educational activities: their achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures;
9. Information about homework At home, write a story according to the written plan, about how the letter travels to mom. LUUD: express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition: show attention, desire to learn more.

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Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child's personality. The richer and more correct the child's speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities of knowing the world around him, the more actively his mental development is carried out. But a child's speech is not an innate function. It develops gradually, along with its growth and development. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the overall development of the child. It is much more successful to do this using games. Since at preschool age, gaming activity is leading.

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The game teaching method contributes to the creation of an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the process of thinking is faster, new skills are acquired more firmly. A didactic game is an excellent tool for learning and development, used in the assimilation of any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to favorably influence all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate the vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills.

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The main tasks of speech development

Development of sound culture of speech; Formation of the grammatical structure of speech; Enrichment of vocabulary; The development of connected speech. The speech of the child is formed in stages and at each age stage, their own tasks of the speech development of the child are solved.

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Games and exercises for the development of speech of younger preschoolers

The leading line in the development of the speech of children aged 3-4 years is the upbringing of the sound culture of speech, teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds, and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

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The leading line of development of children of this age is the enrichment of vocabulary. Work continues on the education of the sound culture of speech (the formation of the correct sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, the vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate rate of speech and intonation means of expression). Children get acquainted with the new terms "sound", "word".

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Games and exercises for the development of speech for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)

The main task of working with children of older preschool age is the development of coherent speech, the assimilation of the phonetic side of speech. Work is underway to further improve speech hearing, to consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Children differentiate what a sound, word, sentence is.

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The use of mnemonics for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics reduces learning time and at the same time solves the following speech tasks: enriching vocabulary, compiling stories, retelling thin. literature, guessing and guessing riddles, memorizing poetry.

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Work sequence:

1.Mnemosquares 2.Mnemonic tracks 3.Mnemonic tables

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Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of preschool children

Theatrical games contribute to the assimilation of the elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gesture, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Theatrical activity is not just a game, but also an excellent tool for the intensive development of children's speech, vocabulary enrichment, as well as the development of thinking, imagination, attention and memory, which is the psychological basis of correct speech.

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Music lessons and speech development

Musical education in kindergarten is of great importance for the development of children's speech. The fundamental principle of conducting music classes is the relationship of speech, music and movement. A clear pronunciation of rhythmic text and verses to music develops an ear for music, imagination, feelings of the word. Every word, syllable, sound is pronounced meaningfully, with a sincere attitude.

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Artistic creativity and speech development

Artistic creativity is a unique means for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Children learn to analyze forms, observe, compare, highlight the similarities and differences of objects.

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The influence of origami on the development of speech of preschoolers

Origami (“ori” - to bend, “gami” - paper) is the Japanese art of paper folding, which is very popular due to its entertaining and educational possibilities. In the process of folding origami figures, children get acquainted with the basic geometric concepts, at the same time the vocabulary is enriched with special terms. Origami promotes concentration of attention, is of great importance in the development of constructive thinking of children, their creative imagination. Origami stimulates the development of speech, memory and activates thought processes.

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The main types of didactic games

Board games Games with objects (toys, natural material, etc.) Word games

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Finger games as a way to develop the speech of children of primary preschool age

“The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers” V.A. Sukhomlinsky The child's verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The child's hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. Finger games develop the child's brain, creativity, and baby's imagination. This is not only a stimulus for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication.

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The role-playing game has a positive effect on the development of speech. During the game, the child speaks aloud with the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Dialogic speech develops.

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Outdoor games in speech development

During the game, the teacher seeks to encourage imitative speech activity in children, to expand the volume of speech understanding and vocabulary. This is achieved by speaking together with the teacher nursery rhymes, poems, verbal accompaniment of outdoor games.

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Subject-developing environment in the group

“A child will not speak in empty walls ...” E.I. Tikheeva By saturating the group space, educators primarily take care that children in the group can satisfy their important vital needs for knowledge, movement and communication. Groups should be equipped with modern play equipment, which includes visual, play and demonstration material that provides a higher level of cognitive development of children and provokes speech activity.

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Thank you for your attention!

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