The aliexpress package goes through Latvia. What does it mean at a branch of Latvia LV1000 - where is this branch located? Latvia LV1000: what is this post office

Good day!

Shipments with numbers of the type ZA .. LV- new type postal items, developed by Aliexpress in conjunction with the Russian Post. This type of mail is called "Simplified Registered Mail" and was created to reduce the cost of the process of delivering inexpensive goods with Aliexpress. These parcels are tracked only in three statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office: the seller handed over the parcel at the post office;
  • Came to the place of delivery: the parcel arrived at your post office;
  • Received by addressee.

Departures are not tracked at all destinations, but all the necessary information is present. It is important for the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and arrived at the post office. For the seller, only one status is important - "Received by the addressee".

Tracking of items ZA .. LV

The main statuses of such parcels are displayed on the Russian Post website. Tracking starts working immediately after the parcel arrived at the post office. We must not forget about one nuance - parcels are sent through the post offices of Latvia, but physically the goods are in China. Therefore, it takes some time (usually no more than a week) for the delivery of goods from China to Latvia. You can also track the movement of a parcel before it arrives at the post office in Latvia, but, unfortunately, only in English:

You can do this on the official website of the Cainiao company:, which deals with all the logistics of Aliexpress.

If you still have questions or your package is not tracked - write a comment on this answer, and I will definitely help!

Questions of the speed of delivery of goods with Aliexpress are always the most relevant. Fast shipping important both for buyers to receive the goods faster, and for sellers and the Aliexpress administration in order to receive money faster. Therefore, the site is constantly starting to cooperate with new delivery services that are not yet loaded with the flow of parcels and can quickly deliver items to Russia and the CIS countries.

And one of these services has recently become the post of Latvia. Nowadays a lot of buyers are getting LV-ending tracks. Parcels go from China to Riga and then to Russia. And they are delivered further by Russian Post.

Track ZA… LV. Tracking

This track number is an unregistered package with partial tracking. That is, you will see the statuses in China, then the status of receiving the parcel in Latvia. And then about arriving at the post office and receiving the parcel.

That is, this method of sending is budgetary. With all the risks involved.

If a ZA ... LV format track is not tracked

  • - If there is no tracking record within 2 weeks after sending the parcel, then write to the seller, perhaps he forgot to send the parcel or it was lost in the post office.
  • - If no tracking status appears 14 days after sending, and the seller did not help, then you can
  • - If the parcel is stuck at any of the delivery stages, then you will need to open a dispute no earlier than 2-3 days before the delivery deadline.

Latvian post parcel with track ZA ... LV hung up

Basically, in the first stages of delivery, when Cainiao carries the parcel from China to Latvia, tracking statuses change very vigorously. And there are a lot of them. Further, after receiving the parcel in Latvia, there will be very few tracking records. And there are only two statuses in Russia. Therefore, buyers get intimidated when tracking freezes. But really parcel goes by the recipient's country. It just doesn't show up in tracking. And the journey can take from 3 to 21 days. Depending on the region and mail load.

But you need to keep track of the track number. As soon as the status "Arrived at destination" appears in the order details for Aliexpress, and you will receive an email notifying you of this status to your e-mail, this will mean that the parcel has arrived at your post office. And you can go and receive the shipment. Or wait for a notification for a large parcel. The small package will be put right in the mailbox.

Tracking statuses:

In China:

  • - Information about the parcel received- the seller has booked a track number
  • - Parcel accepted- the seller handed over the package to the postal company

Problematic statuses:

  • - The package has not yet been received from the sender- the seller has not yet sent the parcel to the post office
  • - Parcel returned- the post office has returned the parcel or the booking of the number is canceled.

Statuses on the passage of intermediate points:

  • - Transferred to the postal service
  • - Left the waypoint
  • - Arrived at the waypoint on Aliexpress

Export-import stage:

  • - Export from the country of departure - the parcel left China
  • - Import to the country of destination - the parcel arrived in Latvia

Tracking statuses in Latvia:

  • - Parcel accepted by LV - the parcel is registered at the post office of Latvia
  • - On the way - Transit point - the parcel goes through the territory of Latvia

In the recipient country:

  • - Parcel accepted - the parcel arrived at the mail of the recipient country
  • - On the way - Left the waypoint
  • - Arrived at the destination - parcel at your post office
  • - Parcel delivered
Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

The big advantage of foreign online stores is that after sending the order, the buyer has the opportunity to track the movement of the parcel using the track number. Often, buyers find themselves at a loss, wondering why the package with Aliexpress is coming through Latvia, although it was ordered to Russia, Ukraine or another state. If, after leaving China, the goods are not in your country, do not be alarmed. There are well-reasoned explanations for this.

Moreover, not always, when studying the route of the parcel, the buyer sees that the order is in Latvia. Previously, the clients of the trading platform saw that their order first passed through Finland, and only then was delivered to Russia.

The package from Aliexpress ended up in Latvia

There are two versions of why a parcel from Aliexpress in Latvia:

To begin with, it is worth understanding the term "intermediate point". It means a transit country. This state is Latvia. Thus, the goods from China go to an intermediate point, then they are sent to the buyer's country.

For this reason, the buyer may see a rather unusual track number, consisting of a small number of characters and letters. Do not panic, because with a 99% probability, the products will leave the intermediate point in the coming days.

The second reason is problematic. Because it is possible that the seller made a mistake. That is, the goods could have been sent to the really wrong country. This is the situation faced by buyers who indicate the absolutely correct delivery address. If the package from Aliexpress arrived in another city or country, you need to collect evidence of the seller's mistake, and then open a dispute on the order.

If for 2-3 weeks the products are in a transit country, you need to understand the question of why the parcel from Aliexpress got stuck in Latvia through a dialogue with the seller or through the support service.

Order from Aliexpress remained in Latvia

  1. Scroll down the AliExpress homepage to the bottom menu;
  2. Please select "Support service";
  3. Click on the yellow button "Online chat";
  4. In the column "Select the type of question" we indicate "My orders";
  5. "Question category" - "Checking orders";
  6. "Your question"... There is no suitable option here. Therefore, it is not so important which one you choose. You can choose Why is my order frozen?;
  7. Next, a button will appear "Online chat", make a click;
  8. A dialog box will open where you need to tell in detail about the problem.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that today online chat is the only actual way to contact the moderators of the online store.

Do I need to write to the seller if the parcel is stuck in Latvia

Of course, you should first contact the seller to get information about the movement of the parcel. If the seller ignores the appeal or asks to wait for the parcel for a long time, then you need to open a dispute. Some sellers do not respond to messages from buyers and are constantly extending the protection period.

If you cannot track your parcel on the website of your country's government post office, local courier services, then you can use our parcel tracking service. Often, the parcel cannot be found even on the website of the Latvian Post by the track number when it is in a given country.

Finally, we note that a transit point is normal practice for most orders from AliExpress. Buyers receive goods from Estonia, the Netherlands, Hungary and other countries. This may be due to cheap logistics. Because "direct" shipping is not always beneficial. There is a collection container with a large amount of products that goes to the logistics center of a certain state. Then, after sorting, orders are sent to the buyer's country.

Recent years have seen a rapid increase in the number of purchases from China and Europe through trading platforms type AliExpress or eBay. However, very often when tracking parcels, questions arise about the location and operation of various nodes on the route.

In this article we will tell you what the Latvia LV1000 center is, where it is located and why the parcel can get stuck there for a long time.

Post office Latvia LV-1000

What is this department?

Branch Latvia LV1000 - is a transit sorting center operated by the Latvian postal service. This center performs only the function of trunk transportation - sending a package directly to the country of destination (RF, RB, Ukraine).

Many users from Russia, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus are faced with a similar point. The thing is that some sellers from China can send their goods not directly to the recipient, but use a transit country - in our case, Latvia. If your purchase goes through Latvia to Russia, then the symbols in the track number will include the symbols ZA… LV or ZB… LV.

By the way, here are the contacts of the Latvian post office: website -; phones: +371 27008001 and +371 67008001; e-mail:

Where is?

There are not so many processing departments in Latvia, and they process not large volumes (in comparison with Russian ASCs). The center Latvia LV1000 is located at the address: Riga International Airport, Riga, Marupes.

It is noteworthy that there is no specifically zero branch with the number "1000" in Latvia. But it is logical to assume that the transit center is located within the Riga airport. Of the branches registered there, there is only LV-1053. My opinion is that the index 1000 is virtual and simply means transit.

Why is the parcel stuck in Latvia?

This is the most common question many clients ask with a tinge of nervous breakdown. Many people faced such a problem - the parcel arrived in Latvia and got stuck there. Here are the main reasons:


Now you know what the Latvian LV-1000 forwarding point means and that it is located in Latvia. Also, you know why the packet could be delayed at this point. I did not begin to describe the completely stupid situation when the seller sent the parcel not to the Russian Federation at all, but to Latvia. In this case, you need to wait for the deadline and open a dispute.

Have you encountered the Latvia LV1000 service? Where is this branch? - you ask. This is a post office and you should know a thing or two about it.

What if the parcel is in this compartment?

Latvia LV1000 - one of the branches postal service Latvia, which acts as a sorting and transit center for many parcels going to Russia. At this point, a large number of shipments going to the countries of the former USSR are redistributed in separate directions.

However, it is not only parcels from European online stores that may end up at this distribution point. It is not uncommon for Chinese sellers to ship goods not directly to Russia, but through a transit country. If Latvia is selected as the transit channel, then the track number will contain the symbols "ZA ... LV" or "ZB ... LV", and most likely it will pass through sorting center Latvia LV1000.

In Latvia, compared to Russia, there are much fewer parcel processing centers, so finding the location of Latvia LV1000 is usually not difficult. It is located in Riga on the territory of the international airport. It is noteworthy that on the map of Latvian post offices there is no transit center with such a number, even near the Riga airport, let alone on its territory.

Most likely, the index 1000 is considered virtual and assigned to the branch as a designation that it acts as a distribution center on the transit flow path.

What to do if the parcel gets stuck in the LV1000 compartment?

For recipients from Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, the fact that the parcel has been on the territory of Latvia for a long time often becomes a cause for concern. There can be several reasons for this problem.

📦 The package has already arrived in the recipient's country, but the track number has ceased to be tracked. In this situation, the buyer will consider that the shipment is still in distribution center Latvia, although it will already be on its way to his home. Most often, this problem occurs when ordering free shipping.

📦 Outdated information in tracking. This situation often arises, and the full path of the parcel may appear in the service after it has been received.

📦 Breakdowns, failures in the process of transit and distribution of parcels.

📦 Overloading of transport, which is engaged in the delivery of parcels to the territory of Russia.

As a rule, the reason for the delay of a parcel in the territory of Latvia is one of the above factors, and after a while it successfully falls into the hands of the recipient.

Now you know where this Latvia LV1000 branch is and what to do if your parcel has stopped there. As you can see, there is no need to worry. Usually, this is a temporary delay and the parcel will be sent to the right place soon.