Theatrical activity as a hedgehog was looking for happiness. Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale in the senior group

Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale for kindergarten "Forest Story"

Dmitrieva Nadezhda Vitalievna, musical director of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow", Cheboksary
Work description: This fairy tale, as a result of the work of the theater circle in the senior group, was shown at the end of the school year. The outfits were sewn by hand. Children plunged into the world of a fairy tale thanks to beautiful costumes and an unusual atmosphere. The holiday was a success.

Fairy tale "Forest Story" in the senior group of kindergarten

Target: development of artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities.
- improvement of artistic and singing skills of children;
- emancipation of the child;
- work on speech, intonation;
- collective actions, interactions;
- awakening in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, to sympathize and empathize with what is happening.
Source used: fairy tale M.Yu. Kartushina "Hare - tailor"

Scenario flow:

Narrator: In the meadow, under the pine tree,
Once upon a time there was a hare oblique,
But not just a white hare,
A well-known tailor
(Hare comes out, sings a song)
Hare: Yes! I am not a simple hare,
I am the best tailor!
What, friends, can I sew for you?
Will I accept any order?
Narrator: About the fact that there is a tailor in the forest,
The shaggy dog ​​recognized
And he rushed to the workshop
And I brought my order!
(The dog Druzhok comes out, performs the "Druzhok song")
Buddy: Day and night I guard the big house,
I serve faithfully and diligently! Woof!
Hare: So why scream like that?
What would you like to order?
Buddy: You to me, Zainka, hurry up,
Sew a new hat.
It's cold at night. I'm afraid,
I'll catch a cold very soon!
Hare: Tomorrow we will meet again
The hat will be ready!
Buddy: I will be very, very happy!
I'll call the animals to you
Whom will I meet on the road
So that there were many orders!
(Druzhok runs away, mice come out to the clearing to the music, sing a song.)
Narrator: Mice fashionistas are in a hurry,
Dresses colorful rustle.
Mice: Hello, hare-oblique,
We heard you are a tailor.
Sew gloves for us soon
We are waiting for dinner guests.
(cat exits)
Cat: Are you expecting me to visit?
A guest like me is honored!
Mice: Cat, cat, oh trouble!
Run away, who goes where!
(to the music, the cat catches up with the mice that run away)
Cat: Hare, my greetings to you!
Do you recognize me or not?
Hare: Wouldn't you like to sit down?
Cat: There is a small matter!
For my fluffy back
Sew me, bunny, a cape!
Hare: Be back for a new one on Wednesday
I'll be waiting for you for dinner.
Cat: Well, I hope you
Hare: Good time!
(The hare takes material from the cat. The cat leaves, the hare begins to sew to the music)
Hare: I'm sewing a cape
I attach the fur tighter.
There is very little left.
Oops, the needle is broken!
Should I go to the hedgehog,
Can give if I ask!
(suitable for the hedgehog's house)
Hare: Hello hedgehog!
Hedgehog: Hello bunny!
Look here for mercy
My boots are worn out!
Bunny, bunny, hey, hurry up
My felt boots!
(To the song of the hedgehog, the hare sews felt boots)
Hare: Here, it's done!
Hedgehog: Well well! (looks at boots) How can I thank you?
Hare: Hedgehog, today I immediately received a lot of orders,
But there were no needles left and the last one broke!
Hedgehog: I will give small needles for these felt boots
(gives box of needles)
Hare: I'll run home soon! (runs into the house)
Narrator: Good in the forest in winter
Red squirrels under a pine tree
They dance and sing
Very fun live
Performing "The Song of the Squirrels"
Hare: Hey you, mischievous squirrels,
red-tailed sisters,
Stop jumping to no avail
On aspens and on fir-trees
Proteins: hello bunny,
Patch up the squirrels' coats.
In fur coats in the snow
We will be warm in winter!
Hare: Your warm updates
Everything will be ready tomorrow!
Narrator: The squirrels hid, and Zainka ran to his house.
Quiet in the forest - spruce creaks,
Someone is rushing over here.
O! Yes, it's a brown bear
Why is he wandering around here, a bastard?
And he's not alone
Next to him is his son!
Bear cub: I don't want to, I won't sleep
Very hard bed!
Where are the cookies, chocolate?
Bear: Sleep, Mishutka, sweet, sweet!
Bear cub: I don't want to, I won't sleep
I will suck my paw!
(Performed "Lullaby of the Bear")
Narrator: The bear cub falls asleep, the night in the forest ... Only the cunning fox does not sleep.
(Lisa exits)
Fox: About hats and clothes
I always think
But who will sew them?
Of course the hare, yes, yes, yes!
I'd rather run to him.
I will quickly steal it!

(Running to the music, stops at the Hare's house. Knocks. The hare opens the door.)

Fox: Hello, hare-oblique,
I know - you are a fashionable tailor,
Sew velvet dress
Me, my dear, hurry up!
Hare: Dress? (Rubs his eyes, Fox creeps up from behind).
Okay, sew!
(The fox takes the bag)
Fox: Up! (covers with bag)
You sit in a bag oblique,
Nice hare tailor!
Hurry up to carry the paws,
While sleeping shaggy friend!
(Druzhok appears to the music)
Buddy: Someone is walking in the forest here.
I smell the red fox!
Is the fox here?
Narrator: Yes!
Buddy: Don't let her go anywhere!
There she is! Stand! Don `t move!
Paws up! What's behind?
Fox: If it's that interesting
This bag is completely empty!
Buddy: I don't believe - show me!
(The Fox puts away the bag, the Hare comes out)
Fox: Oh, forgive me!
I won't upset you
And offend the tailor!
Ved.: What can we forgive her friends?
Beasts: Sorry!
Hare: And invite you to the party!
Demonstration of models
Let's spend at the old spruce.
Narrator: Are updates ready?
Hare: All orders are ready on time!
Narrator: All in the forest the tailor sheathed,
Forgotten no one!
(Music sounds. Defile of animal costumes begins)

Narrator: Mice - in brand new gloves
Made in the latest fashion
Suitable for colorful dresses
(Mice pass, stand in their places)
And, gracefully arching the back,
Cat in a new cape.
(The cat goes, gets up with the mice)
Hedgehog in hemmed boots,
Runs away.
(Hedgehog stands up)
Squirrels in a fur coat,
(Squirrels come out)

Pants for teddy bear
(Squirrels and bears stand in their places)
Hat - for Druzhok,
In a velvet fox dress
Real beauty!
(Lisa exits)
Narrator: Oh, and a wonderful display of models at spruce!
All animals: The hare is just great!
Here is the end of the story!
(All heroes go to bow).

The scenario of the open thematic entertainment "How a donkey was looking for happiness" for children with OHP of a speech therapy group preparatory to school.


  • correctional and educational: to activate the subject verbal and vocabulary of signs on the example of the lexical material of the fairy tale “How the donkey was looking for happiness”; to consolidate the skill of practical use of prepositions in speech; continue to activate the dictionary of antonyms of adjectives; to consolidate the ability to form verbs formed from onomatopoeia;
  • correctional - developing: to help children find expressive means of the character's game image using facial expressions, gestures, expressive intonation for this movement; develop a steady interest in theatrical gaming activities; develop the creative abilities of each child; develop logical thinking, semantic memory, attention, continue to work on the expressive and emotional coloring of speech;
  • correctional - educational: to cultivate interest in communicating with each other through theatrical activities; to cultivate aesthetic taste and family creativity through joint work on theatrical costume to cultivate love for the animals of the native land, a humane attitude towards them.


Adults: Host, Grandmother.

Children: Donkey, lamb, Goat, Goats, Cat, Fishermen, Raven, Girl Masha.

Details: costumes of a grandmother, a goat, a donkey, kids, a cat, fishermen, a crow, a girl Masha, a woolen scarf, a bottle of milk, cottage cheese, a pie, sour cream, fishing rods, a bucket of fish.

Hall decoration: planar wooden houses - 2 pcs. , turtle - pond, 4 trees, papier-mache mushrooms, the central wall is decorated for the season "Late Spring" (sun, flowers, butterflies)

Who can tell me what happiness is?
I really want to have happiness.
Maybe it's goodies and sweets?
You should definitely look for happiness! (Throws her hands)

Who will tell me?
Who will teach me?
I'll go to the window and look out into the yard.
Who will tell me?
What is happiness?
I would give it as a gift to people! (Sit sadly on a chair and think.)

There are many fairy tales around
Both kind and funny
And live in the world
I don't want to be without them.

“Like a donkey looking for happiness”

Presenter: A curious donkey lived in the world, he really wanted to find happiness.

Donkey enters.

Donkey: (thinks)

Happiness - what is it?
Maybe the sun is mischievous?
Or delicious food?
Or blue water?
Happiness - what is it?
Maybe it looks like a flower
If I find happiness
I'll give it to people right away. (Goes to seek happiness. Song of the Donkey. Sees the lamb's house)

I will visit the lamb
And I'll ask about happiness

(Goes to the lamb's house and knocks)

Lamb enters.

Good afternoon, sheep neighbor!
You don't happen to be happy, do you?

Lamb: Here, misfortunes happen,
Do you need happiness?

(The lamb thought and began to look into those places that he is talking about)

I'll look into the pantry,
In the fridge, under the bed
I'll look into the mousetrap,
I didn't find what to say. (Lamb shrugs.)

Presenter: And then looking at the chair,
He suddenly saw a handkerchief.

Lamb: (takes a handkerchief and shows the donkey)

Happiness, I think, is warm,
In this woolen scarf
My grandmother said
Which, fortunately, connected me.

Donkey: (sighs in frustration)

Maybe, well, I'll go,
I'll ask the goat. (The donkey goes to the clearing).

Dance of kids with kids.

Goat playing with goats

Donkey: (approaches the goat)

Hello goat-goat!
Your sharp horns
What have you heard about happiness?
Maybe you saw happiness?

Goat: (thinking)

How, how, there is happiness,
It's delicious to eat, (looks in the closet)
Here is sour cream and cottage cheese,
Cream, milk, pie,
My happiness is fresh
Useful and gentle.

Donkey: (surprised)

Happiness is not cottage cheese at all
And, even more so, not a pie. (Walks away from the goat)

The cat is resting over there
Maybe he knows about happiness? (Goes to the pond.)

Behind the hill by the river
Fishermen catch fish.
Here is our fisherman cat,
He is a master of fishing.
He wore a worm
And sang softly.

Children sing the song “Song of the Cat Leopold” (I sit all day ..)

Playing with children.

Donkey: Big hello to the cat!

You don't happen to be happy, do you?

Kitten: (joyfully)

How not to be?! Look, the bucket
It is full of happiness.

Donkey: (looks into the bucket, annoyed)

You're laughing? Can
Does happiness look like babies?

(Kitty shrugs.)

The donkey was very upset
He set off on the path.
Into the green forest he entered,
But he did not find happiness here.

Donkey: Oh, how scary, I'm afraid
I will bury the birch. (The donkey hides behind a tree. Goat and Lamb enter).

Presenter: I just hid, heard,

Someone stepped into the clearing.

The lamb and the goat approach the birch where the donkey is hiding.

Sheep: I am a sheep!

Goat: I'm a goat! Crooked sharp horns!

Donkey, donkey, answer us,
Have you found happiness or not?

Sad Donkey enters and shakes his head.

Presenter: A wise black Raven sits on a branch of a tree. And here's what he says...

Raven: Here's what I want to tell you:

I can see a lot here.
You go to the big pine
Yes, look carefully.
Your happiness is there
Happiness cries and is silent.

Goat, Donkey and Lamb leave. The girl Masha enters, sits down by a large tree and cries.

Animals run fast
Between bushes and between trees.
To that pine tree where the dark forest
Raised the branches to the sky.
Arrived, stopped
And they were surprised at the find.
The girl was sitting alone
She looked at the animals.

I am a sheep! She is a goat!
Sharp her horns.

Donkey: My name is Donkey
We are looking for our happiness here.

Goat: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid,
Try to answer us.
We need to find happiness
Maybe happiness is you?

Masha: (mourns)

I am not happiness, just Masha,
I am wandering in your forest.
I need to find a path
But I don't know the way.
How cold I am.

Goat: Listen!
Maybe you want to eat?
Eat some milk
Milked him during the day. (Pulls out bottle of milk from apron)

Masha: I'll drink with pleasure,
Thank you goat.

Lamb: And to make it warmer,
You put on a scarf soon.
He is fluffy, woolly,
My warm handkerchief.

Masha: (joyfully)

Oh, how quickly I warmed up
I ate steamy milk.
I want to go home soon.

Sit on your back, ride!

Masha "sits" on the donkey, everyone sets off and sings. Children sing the song “According to the sun” (muses, N. Preobrazhensky, lyrics by N. Naydenova).

Leading. The way home is always shorter and more fun. Soon the goat, the lamb and the donkey saw the roof of a large house, and then the house itself.

Masha (fun)

That's where the misery ends.
Ah, what happiness!

Grandma comes out of the house.

Donkey: We do not see happiness
After all, happiness is not here,
Open to us, grandmother,
Happiness secret?

Grandmother: You gave Masha fresh milk to drink,
You gave her milky happiness,
You put a woolen scarf on your shoulders,
Here they warmed her with downy happiness,
You showed her the way home
Those brought happiness to my granddaughter,
I'll tell you a secret, and I'm happy
What kind of friends do we have with our granddaughter!

Donkey: (screams happily)

I understand! After all, happiness is when you help
And you bring joy to everyone on earth,
It's easy to be happy, you just need to want
And you will have a lot of happiness!

PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO THE TALE “How a hedgehog was looking for happiness”

Characters: Hedgehog, Bear, Fox, Wolf, Hare, Dog, Masha


(Birds singing sounds. Masha enters)
MASHA: Oh, look, I found a mushroom!
How far have I gone.
There's still a mushroom ahead!
That's happiness - look. (Masha shows a mushroom)
Masha temporarily goes behind the screen shouting "Ay". Hedgehog appears and sings a song.
HEDGEHOG. Less I am a bit of a cat and an eagle.
And I'm quite a baby against the lion beast.
But, on the way, knocking down dew from delicate grasses,
I boldly walk in the field and in the forest.
Chorus: Who am I, who am I - everyone knows.

I have a fur coat all in needles.
Hedgehog: Recently, mushroom pickers came to our forest. They will find a mushroom and shout: "I found a mushroom, what happiness." I ran after them, looked, but did not see any happiness. I wonder what happiness is? I will go through the forest, and my friends have animals, I will find out what kind of happiness and what they eat it with?
Song of the Hedgehog. Who am I, who am I, who am I - everyone knows that.
If, if, if keeping from enemies.
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere the fur coat protects.
I have a fur coat all in needles.
Hedgehog meets Bear.
BEAR: What are you, Hedgehog, walking through the forest, and doing nothing? Pick raspberries with me. You see how much she was born. Here is happiness!
Hedgehog: Is your raspberry a happiness?
Bear: Of course! But the greatest happiness is sweet honey!
Great happiness - to find a hive,
It's just scary to approach him.
Greedy bees guard honey,
They sting, biting, do not give honey.
BEAR: For us bears, finding honey is the greatest happiness.
Hedgehog: But it seems to me that happiness is something else. I'll go look for him further. Goodbye, Mishka!
(The bear leaves. The Hedgehog goes on, singing his song).
Chorus: Who am I, who am I, who am I - everyone knows.
If, if, if keeping from enemies.
Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere the fur coat protects.
I have a fur coat all in needles. (Hedgehog meets Fox).
FOX: They say you are looking for happiness in the woods Hedgehog? I found someone to ask about happiness. What good is it when the paws and muzzle are sticky with honey, sweetness, but the stomach is empty. Another thing is a hen or a cockerel. This is happiness, so happiness!
I, Lisa, am not a fool, I love chickens very much.
My happiness is a cockerel, a bright red comb.
If I could grab him? It is better not to be happy!
Hedgehog: What kind of happiness do you have edible? Well, eat you cockerel. You feel good, but the cockerel is not sweet. Where is happiness here?
LISA: And happiness is when my fur coat is fluffy, sparkling, beautiful and the most fashionable. There is no greater happiness!
Hedgehog: No, I don't need such happiness. I'm going to keep looking for him.
(The hedgehog says goodbye to the Fox. He goes on. On the way he meets the Wolf).
WOLF: Hello, prickly! What are you doing?
Hedgehog: I'm looking for my happiness. You, Wolf, can you tell me what happiness is and where to find it?
WOLF: Why look for him? There it is next to the meadow, and it screams "moo-moo." Oh, if you could break a cow by the horns, that would be happiness!
Hedgehog: Thank you, wolf! But from such happiness, the stomach will only hurt. No, this is not my happiness. I'll go look for him further.
(The hedgehog temporarily leaves behind a tree. The Fox comes out and boasts)
FOX: I am the red fox of all, and I am not cunning.
Even the wolf - burdock I will deceive, ha ha ha.
(The wolf comes out in a hoarse voice)
WOLF: Hey Fox! Where are you going? And what are you carrying in the basket?
Give it to me! I want to eat, I can eat anything. Woo.
(The wolf tries to look into the basket. The fox jumps to the side).
FOX: Oh, don't touch! Get out of the way! Don't wait for treats!
(The fox backs away, the wolf advances)
WOLF (goes menacingly at the fox): Well, fox, wait a minute! (The Fox sees a Hedgehog under a bush and says to the Wolf).
FOX: Okay, gray, so be it, I'll be glad to treat you. You move away and sit on a bump.
(The wolf backs away under the tree where the hedgehog sits, sits on its needles and jumps up with a howl and a cry).
WOLF: Oh, how painful, oh-oh-oh, I'll run home as soon as possible. Looks like the lower back hurts, where is the doctor, where is the hospital? That would be happiness - that nothing hurt me. (The wolf runs away screaming.)
FOX: I deceived the wolf, and all the prey remained with me. Ha ha ha. Here is happiness - what a! (The fox leaves. The Hedgehog comes out from behind the tree).
Hedgehog: What kind of happiness is it when someone feels bad. No, I do not need such happiness. (The hedgehog goes on, sings a song and meets a Hare on the way).
HARE: Hello hedgehog, where are you going?
Hedgehog: I'm looking for happiness. Do you know where to find him, Oblique?
HARE: There are so many delicious carrots and juicy cabbage in my basket that I don’t need more happiness. Eat up and be happy.
(The hedgehog takes a carrot, he and the Hare begin to dance. The Fox runs out into the clearing).
FOX: Why are you trembling, hare? What are you, gray, silent?
You do not greet me, because we are friends with you.
Let me hug you, I'll shake your paw.
(Fox says to the side): Ha ha ha, no matter how,
Better eat you, weirdo! I will be happy then!
Hedgehog: Well, the bunny is in trouble! (The hare hides behind the Hedgehog, the Hedgehog goes to the Fox).
You don't eat! And don't try! And get out of here! I won't let you eat your friend! Paws away! And then I'll give in! (The fox runs away).
HARE: It turns out, Hedgehog, happiness is not in carrots and cabbage?
Hedgehog: And where is it, happiness?
HARE: When I escaped from the Fox, but remained alive, what happiness is?
Hedgehog: But such happiness does not suit me. I'll go further to look for him. (The Hedgehog says goodbye to the Hare).
Hedgehog: How long have I been walking, no, I can't walk anymore. I have small paws, where to go next, I don’t know? Where is it, this happiness? (Dog appears on the way).
DOG: I'm a dog, a hound dog, is that clear to everyone?
Although chasing through the forests is not very pleasant.
I'd rather bite the bone, sweet as candy.
Or dozing in the booth, there is no better happiness.
Hello, hedgehog, no head, no legs. What do you wander through the forest without doing anything?
Hedgehog: I have a very important matter. I am looking for my happiness. Do you know where happiness can be found?
DOG: Here's an eccentric! Happiness, if I meet a wolf today, I chase him through the forest, then there will be happiness! Better yet, catch the fox on the mistress's collar. The hostess will be delighted, she will treat me with a bone. Here it is happiness!
(The Wolf runs out from behind the bushes, the Dog runs after him, barks, the Wolf grabs. Both run away behind the bushes. The hedgehog comes out from behind the tree).
Hedgehog: Some strange happiness! If one is good, then the other is very bad! I don't like this happiness. I'm going to look for happiness.
Song about happiness. Happiness, where are you lost, I want to find you.
Happiness, happiness, hurry, meet on the way.
(Masha comes out in front of the screen and cries. The hedgehog sees the crying girl Masha under the tree).
Hedgehog: Why are you walking alone in the forest? And what is your name?
MASHA: My name is Masha, and I got lost.
I was picking mushrooms, I was in a hurry.
I walked through the forest, I lagged behind my girlfriends.
I ran away from home and lost my way.
Where is my home, where are you? There is no better happiness!
Hedgehog: If you found your way home, would you be happy?
MASHA: Yes, how great it would be to return home. That would be happiness!
Hedgehog: Do you really have such a simple happiness? Do not worry. I will help you, I know all the paths in the forest.
MASHA: Thank you, prickly! I'm glad I found my home. Here is happiness - what is it?
Hedgehog: Now I understand what happiness is - it's kindness and friendship, and when everyone is at home. I like this happiness very much. Now I will never part with such happiness!
All the animals come out: Now we understand that happiness is friendship and mutual assistance!
General song about friendship

Tale of Happiness

(Music sounds. You can hear the chirping of birds, the murmur of a stream)

The presenter enters the stage, spreads his arms, looking at this beauty, sits on a stump)

Host-old man: Oh, what a beauty! I have been living on this land for so many years, but I cannot marvel at the beauty of my native land. And every spring I seem to rediscover this world for myself: snowy mountains, murmuring springs, green slopes, birds singing.

(She puts her hand to her ear): Here is the waxwing, and this is the thrush ... Robin ... And here is the mockingjay ...

(At this moment, the boys run out onto the stage, catch a butterfly, trying to cover it with a felt hat):

1: Catch her! Catch!

2: Cheer up! (run away)

Old man: Oh, young-green! (Gets up) I'm completely distracted. But I wanted to tell you a story, instructive ...

Once I heard it from my grandfather, and he - from my great-grandfather, you see, an old story ...

Once upon a time there lived a family in a mountain village. Family is like family. Neither more nor less - twelve mouths. She worked, plowed the land, grew barley. The younger ones revered the elders, and they taught them the mind, because the tree is easy to bend with a seedling. So: they lived in peace and harmony, and things went well for them.

Scene 1 (music, mother and son on stage)

Mother: Læppu, take a churek with cheese to your father for arable land, hungry in the morning. And don't forget the jug with the misin. Look, don't spill!

Son: Don't worry, gyzzi, I'll report it in a moment.

Mother: And on the way back from the mill, bring khurjin with flour, I'll bake cakes for you in the evening. Yes, look, mæ khur, don't play too much again.

Son (touches mother): Don't worry, gyzzi! (leave)

Old man: People are right when they say: “The mill wheel does not turn without water,” so a family without troubles is not a family.

(Music. Family members are busy: someone is knocking out the floorboards, someone is watering the tree, someone is churning oil)

Old man: A strange thing happened once: the eldest of the family got up early in the morning (as the Ossetians say: “The morning bee flies far”). So, I saw traces. I was surprised that someone got up before him.

Senior (surprised): Someone's footprints are on the ashes, but no one from the household has yet got up. Yes, and some strange traces, huge ... Who could it be?

Senior: (frightened) Happiness?! (kindly): Happiness ...

Elder: Ask, you say... You can't figure it out right away. I'll go and ask my family. (shouting) Come on, get up!

Household: (running out) What happened? What's that noise? Are we burning? Tonem? Rockfall?

Senior: Hush! Happiness has come to us. Ask what you want.

Just think carefully.

All: We know, we know what we want ...

Vedas: Yes, one glacier will crack, it gives a crack to the noise and the other.

Scene 3: (household show off new clothes)

1: Burka wanted a new, white one - here it is a burka.

2: And I got a chest of gold.

3: And I have a silk scarf.

4: I have a Circassian coat made of real cloth.

5: And I have new ichigi: they themselves start dancing (does dance steps).

Vedas: The house became a full bowl, but something of laughter and fun did not become in it.

Scene 4: (household quarrel)

1: Don't touch my cloak with dirty hands - get yours dirty!

2: I thought it was mine...

1: Uh-uh, the tour has horns like a buffalo, but they don’t confuse it with cattle. (mimicking) Mine!

3: Brother, you can give money for a new ax - ours is completely dull.

4: Look, I came up with: money, but where can I get it?

3: They were still with you yesterday ...

4: Yes, they surfaced: money, like a ready-made churek: they don’t last long.

Vedas: People are right: "If a tooth is staggered, it will not get stronger." Happiness has gone from home. Gone.

So one of the sons set out on a journey to seek Happiness.

Old man (addressing the young man): Where are you going, hormone? Where will you look for Happiness?

Young man: I'll go looking around the world, somewhere I'll look for Him.

Old man: Oh, youth, youth...

(Russian music sounds. The girls lead a round dance. Someone weaves a wreath)

Yu: Hello, beautiful girls!

D: Hello, good fellow! (Bow off)

1: From where to our region?

2: For some such need?

Yu: Yes, I’m looking for Happiness, haven’t you seen it?

3: Yes, how could they not see it?

4: Happiness is here, close by.

5: There are birch trees behind the huts ..

1: Golden rye ...

2: Zorenka red-sided ...

3: Live and be happy.

Yu: Thank you for your kind words, but, apparently, this is not my Happiness. Farewell, girls!

D: Farewell, good fellow! Good luck to you! (waving after)

Vedas: It is true that they say: “People are for each other both medicine and disease. These are the medicine.

Scene 7: (Tajik music sounds, cotton is being harvested)

Yu: Good day and may your days be all good!

1: Peace be with you, traveler?

2: (coquettishly) Where are you going?

Yu: I'm looking for happiness, but everything is slipping out of my hands.

3: (laughs) What a funny!
4: You are looking badly: here it is, Happiness!

Yu: (surprised) Where?

5: Here! (shows cotton) Look, what kind of cotton has grown!

6: All white light can be covered with them, like snow.

1: Stay with us, you will be happy.

Yu: Thank you, but I don’t need someone else’s happiness.

Vedas: Eh-he-he ... He left the drop, got under the stream. Our horseman wanders around the world, looking for all Happiness.

Scene 8: (Music of the northern peoples, jew's harp. The shaman beats the tambourine, performs a ritual dance)

Yu: May your day be blessed, stranger!

Shaman: Yettyk, brave warrior! May your spirit be strong! What wind brought you to us?

Yu: Southern ... I am looking for Happiness, It has left us. Yes, I can't find it.

Sh: Happiness, you say... (thinking) Happiness... This is from which side to look: for someone - the sun, for someone - the moon ... Here for me Happiness is the Sun after long winter nights, green moss for deer, shining stars over the yaranga...

Yu: Got it, got it! Happiness for me is to see the mountains again, the steep paths leading to my native village, the huts clinging to the rocks, the family that I have not seen for a long time. Thank you wise man! Goodbye!

Vedas: The consonant thought of an eagle will catch on the fly. But the horseman is right: Happiness is where they are waiting for you. And do not look for Him, It is always where you were born.

Scene 9: (Ossetian music sounds.)

1 (waving his hat) He's back, back!

2: Returned home!

(Family members run out to meet the traveler. Everyone rejoices, hugs him, looks after him)

Vedas: So Happiness returned to the house, because, no matter how turbid the spring, it will still be cleansed. And the family began to live again in happiness and harmony, even better than before. I almost forgot: they threw a feast for the whole wide world, and they invited guests, guests ...

Scene 10: (guests come with gifts: Russians with a loaf, Tajiks with cotton, Chukchi with fur)

1: Happiness is when you are expected.

2: Happiness is the love of neighbors.

3: Happiness is peace and harmony.

4: Happiness is the hearth of your home.

5: Happiness is the land where you were born.

(Music sounds, everyone gets into Simda, dances)

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The scenario of theatrical entertainment for children and parents of the preschool educational institution "How the bear cub Tishka was looking for his mother" makes it possible to organize interesting leisure activities for children and parents, timed to coincide with the celebration of Mother's Day, to rally the parent-child team.

Purpose of the event: congratulations to mothers on Mother's Day, rallying the parent-child team of the group.

Event objectives:

  • To diversify the leisure of families through the joint activities of children and parents.
  • To form a positive emotional contact between children and parents.
  • Cultivate love and kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards mother.
  • Create a good joyful mood for children and parents.

Forms of organization of children's activities: Learning poems, songs for Mother's Day. Making souvenirs for mothers. Direct participation of children in the event. Involvement of parents in educational activities: participation as characters in a fairy tale, participation in games.


  • Leading group educator
  • Bear cub Tishka is a pupil of the preparatory group or an invited primary school student
  • Fox, Dog, Frog, Bear - mothers of the pupils of the group.
  • Children with their mothers.

Event progress

The hall is decorated like an autumn forest.


The shore is timid
Brittle ice falls.
Sad gray cloud
Floats along the bottom of the pond.
Harsh breathes in autumn
Clear water.
Trees shed their leaves
Facing the cold.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

The sad month is November, but we don’t start to feel sad, we congratulate moms today!


Mother's Day is the most important
Mother's Day in November
If it's cold and sad
If it rains for many days..
Mom is a cheerful ray
Everything will disperse the clouds,
And warm easily warm
Her good hand
If mom smiles
The sun will sing in the sky.
Mom, I wish you
Live without sadness and hassle.


How many joyful holidays there are!
Only this one is the solemn one:
There is a special honor in the world
To be called by the simple word "mother" » .
Mother's Day is one day a year.
But that's why life won't stop
As in a joyful day, and in trouble,
Mother remains mother to us.
(Tatyana Bokova)

presenter: Mother's Day is such a wonderful, kind holiday, I want to sing songs, dance, give gifts to mothers, but today a disaster happened in the forest ... Little bear cub Tishka lost his mother.

Under musical accompaniment, a bear cub enters the hall and cries:

In November forest animals
They close the doors in the burrows.
Brown bear until spring
Will sleep and dream.
(Y. Kasparova)

Just how do I go to bed without my mother, she got lost ... Oooo ...

Presenter: Dear Tishka, don't be upset! The guys and I will definitely help you find your mom. Just tell me, please, what is your mother like?

Tishka: It's big, soft and warm...

presenter: I see, guys, what are your mothers like?

(Children take turns calling kind, affectionate words about their mothers, and then read poetry)

Child 1

Moms love to eat jam
Sitting in the dark in the kitchen
Sing while dancing on Sunday
If no one sees them.

Child 2

Moms love to measure puddles,
Finding them in the hot summer
Forget the keys to the door
And then loiter somewhere.

child 3

Moms like to sleep on Saturday
And sculpt elephants out of snow
And skip work
And in the winter without a hat to run.

Child 4

Moms love to chew on candy.
And ride the tram
But they are silent about it.
No one knows…
(D. Gerasimova)

Tishka: Both mine and my mother are the same! But how can I find it?

Presenter: Let's use our magic carpet as an airplane, shall we?

(children stand on the carpet in the center of the hall, close their eyes and “fly” to the musical accompaniment)

presenter: Oh, where is it interesting we got?

A fox enters the room.

Fox: Well, well, well! How many guests have landed here at my hole! And why did you complain?

presenter: Don't swear fox, we're coming to you for help. Tishka lost his mother!

Fox: Think you've lost it. I would never get lost! After all, I am very dexterous, I can do everything and I have time everywhere!

Presenter: You are a fox, please do not be offended, but our mothers also know how to do everything and have time everywhere, they can cook soup and take care of children, and they also play sports ....

Fox: (interrupts) And now we will check it!

There is a game with moms.

Moms should twist the hoop, at the same time “stir the soup” with their right hand, “rock the stroller” with their left.

Fox: Well, your mothers surprised me! Athletes, Komsomol members, beauties! But I still can't help you Tishka! I didn't see your mom!

The fox leaves.

The guys, Tishka and the presenter "fly" on the carpet in an airplane.

A dog runs into the room.

Dog: Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Hello guys! Hello Tishka! RRR glad to see you! I heard about your trouble! Don't grieve! Now I'll teach you how to become a super bloodhound!

presenter: How can you teach us a dog?

Dog: Our dogs have a good sense of smell, we will train with you to find an object by smell!

Presenter: And we people, the scent is not as good as yours, but our mothers have a very developed maternal feeling and intuition. They can even find their child with their eyes closed!

There is a game with moms.

Five children and their mothers are called. Mothers should take turns with their eyes closed using their hands to identify their child.

Dog: I see you don’t need my help, well done to your mothers, don’t fall with them! But still, I smelled the trace of your mother Tishka! Near the pond! Go there and go!

The dog leaves, the guys "fly on a carpet airplane."

Tishka: Ay. Hey mommy, mommy!!! Does not hear…

A frog jumps into the hall accompanied by musical accompaniment.

Frog: Kwa-kva, hello kids! Hi Tishka-baby! Qua! What are you shouting, making noise?

Tishka: I lost my mom...

Frog: What a pity! Your mother left here five minutes ago. I picked up cranberries and brought you qua!

Presenter: Oh, let's rather sit on our carpet plane and catch up with your mother!

Frog: No need to rush nikvud, we'd better move in!

Presenter: How to have fun? Are you a frog?

Frog: Usually with hands and feet jerking, quacking, that is, dancing! And what about your kvamochki, oh mommies can’t?

Presenter: Of course they can, but we need to fly for Tishka's mother!

Frog: So she is a bear, her hearing is good, she will hear our songs, dances and will return to look at our quesel!

Children sing a song about mother (at the choice of the music director)

Frog: They sang gloriously, and now we will show kvass with your mothers !!!

A dance flash mob for moms is being held.

A mother bear enters the hall dancing !!!

Bear: Oh, what fun it is, as soon as I heard it, I returned to see it, and here such lighters are dancing, oh yes, it also turns out to be beautiful moms!

Tishka (running to mom): Mom, Mom, I finally found you!

Bear: Oh son! Did I get lost? I told you that I went for berries, for your beloved's pie, didn't you hear?

Tishka:(lowering head) No.

Bear: Well, of course. As always, he plugged his ears with his headphones, and then he raised the whole forest to his ears! Oh you, my beloved miracle ( laughs)!

Tishka: Are you not angry?

Bear: I'm not angry, because I'm your mother ...


Who can be closer in the world to mom?
Who will warm you with sincere warmth?
She always worries about us
The doors to her house are open for us.
Let's congratulate them today
Happy mother's day, honor their faithful work
Wherever we are, we know very well
That mothers believe in us and constantly wait.
(Anna Yarchevskaya)

Happy Mom's Day!

Children approach their mothers and give souvenirs made in the classroom.