Ideal business plan example. How to write a business plan: a sample with calculations

Here is a simple example of a business plan. It should be borne in mind that this is only one of the possible options, and filed in a very concise form.

Target: To produce confectionery, mainly cakes, for the inhabitants of the city. Take a leading position in the upper price segment in this market.

1. Create a compact pastry shop.
2. Provide manufacturing process necessary raw materials and labor force, part of which will be hired.
3. Initially occupy 30% of the market segment through the implementation of the developed marketing strategy, which involves squeezing out the main competitors with dumping prices and new recipes for the consumer.
4. Attract the missing investment funds in the bank on the security of the available real estate.

An example of drawing up a business plan for an enterprise

Consider an example of a manufacturing business plan. It is planned to open a small atelier for tailoring. Consider how promising this business is in a particular market.

1. Summary. Opening of a small production from January 1, 2014. Form of ownership - LLC. The planned term is 42 months.

2. General provisions. Purchase of equipment that will allow the use of a variety of fabrics and various finishes. It is planned to partially raise borrowed funds for the purchase of equipment and rent of premises. The tailoring service will be provided to the population, as well as to legal entities in need of special clothing, as well as tailoring of curtains and bedding for subsequent sale.

3. Market analysis and marketing plan. There are currently 350 companies on the market. Due to strict adherence to deadlines and quality, it is planned to create positive image firms to occupy a niche in the market.

4. Costs. Estimated direct and variable costs, including wages and rent of premises, for 3 years will amount to 13.5 million rubles. Of them own funds 50 million rubles. The planned volume of sales will amount to 15 million rubles, which, minus tax deductions, will make it possible to bring the project to payback by the end of the third year.

5. Production schedule. Release of 1000 units of goods.

6. Investments. Attracting partners on conditions joint management business.

Brief Example Business Plan

If you are going to open a shoe repair shop, then in the very general view The development of a business plan for an example looks like this:

  • fixed costs(equipment) - 300 thousand rubles.
  • variable costs(threads, glue, rent) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • - Required investment - 100 thousand rubles in the form of a bank loan at 23% per annum for 10 years with - a progressive scale and a repayment delay of 1 year.
  • - Form of ownership - IP
  • — Tax deductions of 24 thousand rubles.
  • - Planned revenue - 20 thousand rubles per month.
  • - Revenue for 1 year - 97 thousand rubles.
  • Financial results- 73 thousand rubles.

As a result, the entrepreneur has a reason to invest in this project. The margin of safety is large enough so that possible deviations from the predicted values ​​do not lead to financial collapse.

An example of a business plan with calculations

Opening a small store that sells used children's items also requires a preliminary assessment. Enterprise business plan example:

The assessment of goods purchased from the population will be made on the basis of the cost of 1 kg.
First you need to make an assortment of 100 units.
The cost of 1 kg is 400 conventional units. One product weighs an average of 1 kg. Thus, the cost of goods will be 100 * 100 = 40,000 c.u. Replenishment costs working capital will be 100 units, which equals 10,000 c.u. per month
The rent of the premises will be 10,000 USD.
Variable costs, including advertising and contingencies - $10

Sales volume in the first 6 months will be 130 items per month;
in the next - 280 products per month.
The unit price will be on average $250.
Revenue for 1 year = 130 * 250 * 12 + 280 * 250 * 12 = (10,000 * 12,000 + 40,000 + 10,000 * 12 + 10,000 * 12,000) = 420,195 - 361,240 = 58,955.
The tax will be 25,000 USD.
Financial result - 33 955 USD

At first glance, the business seems attractive, given the low entry costs and quick payback, but after performing a simple calculation, the entrepreneur will come to the conclusion that the profitability is very low and, although the risk is low (the product is in stable demand), it is unprofitable to engage in this business without reaching the scale .

View sample business plan

Schematically, planning, for example, growing vegetables looks like this:

1. Summary. Reflected here summary remaining pages.
2. Marketing part. Who will be the buyer and how will it be possible to win the market? Estimated part - 5 tons of carrots at 100,000 USD
3. Costs. Rent of a land plot and inventory - 27,000 c.u.
Remuneration of hired labor - 30,000 c.u.
4. Revenue- 23 c.u.
5. Sources of funding. Bank loan for 50,000 c.u. at 18% per annum for 10 years.
6. Financial result- 9 c.u.

This activity, if the pessimistic scenario is fulfilled, will not bring income at all in the first year. In addition, an entrepreneur will be able to fully work and invest in development only after repaying the entire loan amount.

Download ready-made examples of business plans

On the this resource You can download sample business plans for free. Downloading the file makes it possible to get acquainted with more detailed calculation options that will allow not only to understand the essence, but also to make, by analogy, your own calculation-justification for the expediency of investing.

If there is no experience at all, it is not at all necessary to order the development of a specialized company. It is enough to get acquainted with an example of planning for a similar activity, where you can study in detail the features of market analysis and calculation of production costs for a particular business.

To download, click on the link:

Be sure to watch the video: "What is a business plan?"

In an unbridled desire to quickly open their own business, many novice businessmen often neglect to draw up a business plan. In the very best case this is fraught with a loss of profit, at worst - a complete collapse of the business idea. Why is a business plan so important, how does it look, is it possible to find a sample business plan with calculations and how to properly approach its preparation?

Business plan concept

In the most general case, a business plan can be described as detailed and as transparent as possible for the creator and potential investors a manual describing the implementation of a business idea in real economic conditions.

    Such a document can be created on the basis of three fundamental factors for any business idea:
  • Honest awareness of one's place and level of qualification. A complete analysis of your own knowledge, skills and abilities, financial capabilities (prospects for raising additional funds, if necessary), the need for premises, equipment, business relations etc.
  • Prediction of the final result. There should not be abstract concepts like “I want to earn a lot of money”. Only a clear planning of the future business turnover, profit, market place, etc.
  • A detailed description of the steps capable of making the transition from the first step to the second within a predetermined timeframe.

Business plan for yourself and for the investor - what's the difference

    Depending on who the business plan is being drawn up for, some nuances should be taken into account:
  • Business plan for potential investors. In this case, the main purpose of the document is to convince the investor that the project is capable of making a profit and that money can be allocated for it. The idea should be presented as efficiently and beautifully as possible. Possible risks can be slightly underestimated (at least not to focus on them), but it is also not worth promising mountains of gold - this will cause fair doubts.
  • business plan for yourself. Should be as close to reality as possible. It is a kind of guide to action. The document should describe everything you need to open and further development business.

It often happens that an entrepreneur mixes these two documents that are identical in name, but somewhat different in essence. As a result, instead of clearly and concisely explaining to the investor what his money will be spent on, the novice businessman tells how they can be saved.

Business plan structure

Before submitting a specific sample for self-compilation of a business plan, you should carefully study step by step instructions, where it will be described in detail how to draw up a business plan and what to look for in the first place.

Any business plan should start with a title page. It would be useful to place here information about the name of the project, the legal and actual address of the organization, comprehensive contact information and the date the document was developed.

In order to interest the investor, some prefer to show the main financial data already on the title page - the payback period of the project, the expected profitability and the required amount of borrowed funds.

Next comes the main informative part of the document (many investors draw conclusions about the feasibility of investing solely in this part of the business plan), which is a concise information about all sections and the main conclusions.

The summary is compiled last, when all the calculations are ready and all the necessary information is collected.

Description of the business plan

In this section, in detail, in the smallest detail, all the details of the project are prescribed.

There are many organizations that, for a certain amount of money, are ready to draw up a business plan for any project. Whether to resort to their services - each novice businessman decides for himself. On the one hand, this approach will help to avoid many typical mistakes, because professionals know exactly how to write a good business plan, on the other hand, it will not always accurately reflect the features of this particular business idea, and it can cost quite a lot.

Moreover, self-compilation a business plan will help an entrepreneur to plunge headlong into his idea and study it to the smallest detail, which will have a very positive impact on the future business.

An example of a business plan

And yet, it is more convenient to understand all the intricacies of drawing up a business plan using a specific example. Let's try, based on the described recommendations, to make an example of a competent and detailed business a plan that is understandable even for schoolchildren, telling how to open a gym from scratch in a small Russian city.


The project seems to be very promising, since citizens in last years There has been a steady increase in interest in healthy lifestyle life and active recreation. The commercial feasibility of the project can be considered the lack of gyms for the middle class in the city. the main objective business to occupy this niche.

Market assessment

The company will operate from 10:00 to 21:00. For classes, you will need to buy a subscription, which will be offered for 2, 5, 10 or 20 visits. Compared to the basic one, each next type of subscription will provide a discount (in terms of 1 visit) in the amount of 5, 10 and 15%. Serious competitive advantage there will be an extended subscription period: 1, 2, 3 and 4 months, respectively.

The duration of the visit can be 30 minutes or 1 hour. To optimize the workload of the hall, it is proposed to make a 20% discount for visiting in the morning (from 10.00 to 13.00) and 10% in the daytime (from 13.00 to 17.00).

Prior to the official opening of the gym, an aggressive advertising campaign. This will allow you to build a customer base in advance. In order to be able to pre-sale subscriptions already at this stage, it will be necessary to ensure the full functioning of the reception, including the repair of the premises, the work of personnel and the conduct of communications.

After the first three months of work, an analysis of the workload of the halls in each shift will be carried out and adjustments will be made to optimize the workload. This can be a redistribution of discounts, the introduction of additional incentives (every 10th visit as a gift, a free drink from the institution, etc.).

Manufacturing process

It is planned to open a gym in the central part of the city, including two gyms, two changing rooms and two showers. Also, it is planned to create a recreation area with a vending machine for hot drinks. Once every three months, the establishment will be closed for sanitation. Accounting will be carried out during the same period.

The maximum capacity of the halls is 10 people. An instructor is always present in the hall. His tasks include the distribution of visitors, consulting. The working shift of the instructor is 6 hours without lunch. The work schedule of the instructors will be drawn up in accordance with their wishes for the week ahead.

Personal belongings can be left in the locker room, where personal lockers will be installed. Having closed the booth with a key, the visitor takes it with him for the duration of the lesson.

An administrator will constantly work in the lobby, whose tasks will include the sale of subscriptions, answers to phone calls, keeping a log of visitors, informing customers about the workload of the halls.

Leave will be granted to employees summer period, since at this time a seasonal decline in demand for gym services is expected (due to the holiday season and the possibility of self-study in the fresh air).

    In each hall it is planned to install modern simulators:
  • Swedish wall - 3 sections.
  • Treadmill - 2.
  • Exercise bike - 3.
  • Strength training equipment - 1.
  • Press simulator - 2.
  • Rowing machine - 2.
    Need for premises:
  • Gym (at least 30 sq.m.) - 2.
  • Dressing room (at least 15 sq.m.) - 2.
  • Locker room for employees (at least 6 sq.m.) - 1.
  • Recreation area (about 9 sq.m.) - 1.
  • Hall with a wardrobe (about 15 sq.m.) - 1.
  • Director's office (about 9 sq.m.) - 1.
  • Administration room (9 sq.m.) - 1.
  • Utility room - 1.
  • Shower room - 2.
  • Toilet - 2.

The total area of ​​premises for a business project must be at least 160 sq.m.

Manufacturing program

The average price of one hour of classes will be set at 100 rubles. The gym will work seven days a week, except for holidays and sanitary days. There will be 14 such days during the year. There will be 351 working days, respectively.

The approximate amount of annual revenue will be 351 days * 11 hours * 10 people (hall occupancy) * 2 halls * 100 rubles = 7,722,000 rubles.

It is almost impossible to achieve a constant full load of the halls. Practice shows that in the morning the hall is 60-80% full, while in the evening it can be overcrowded.

We will set the real amount of revenue at the level of 90% of the maximum, which will be 6,949,800 rubles.

Amount of investment

Staffing and payroll

We accept the production rate of one instructor based on a 40-hour working week. Given that the halls will work 351 days a year for 11 hours, we get the total number of working hours in the amount of 351 * 11 * 2 = 7722 hours.

Next, we calculate the maximum number of working hours per year for one employee. Every year each employee works approximately 250 calendar days. Subtracting from them 20 days of vacation, 5 days of sick leave, 6 days study leave and 1 day for the performance of state duties, we get, on average, 218 days, or, in terms of hours, 218 * 8 = 1744 hours.

Thus, the need for instructors will be 7722 / 1744 = 4.42 = 5 people.

Similarly, you can determine the need for administrators and security officers. Given that their services cover both halls at the same time, the need for such specialists will be 3 and 3 people, respectively.

In addition, two cleaners will work in the gym with a work schedule every other day. The senior administrator will be responsible for the operation of the beverage vending machine, for scheduling the work of employees, for the marketing policy of the company.

Base salary rates for employees will be set in accordance with staffing. If, according to the results of work for the quarter, 90% of the halls were occupied, the employees will receive a bonus. At the end of the year, management is considering the possibility of paying an annual bonus.

The projected wage fund will be 240,000 rubles per month.

Cost estimate

The cost estimate for production for the first year of the gym is based on a load of 90%.

For convenience, the total estimate will be divided into several parts:

    Estimated direct costs:
  • Employee salary - 116,000 * 12 = 1,392,000 rubles.
  • Social security contributions - 1,392,000 * 0.32 = 445,440 rubles.
  • Depreciation of simulators - 212,000 rubles.
  • Costs for printing services - 24,000 rubles.
    Estimate for the maintenance and operation of equipment:
  • Purchase of spare parts - 4,000 rubles.
  • Specialist services - 8,000 rubles.
    Estimate for general expenses:
  • Room rental - 32,000 * 12 = 384,000 rubles.
  • Payment utilities- 6,000 * 12 \u003d 72,000 rubles.
  • Electricity costs - 2,400 * 12 = 28,800 rubles.
  • The salary of the manager and maintenance personnel is 124,000 * 12 = 1,488,000 rubles.
  • Deductions in social insurance - 476 160 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 60,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of fixed assets - 243,280 rubles.

The business expense estimate will only include advertising costs of RUB 72,000 per year.

The total production costs per year will be 4,909,680 rubles.

Balance sheet profit

This indicator can be determined by subtracting the total production costs from the planned sales volume: 6,949,800 - 4,909,680 = 2,040,120 rubles.

Calculation of tax deductions and profitability of production

    First of all, we determine the amount of non-operating expenses. They will consist of:
  • Education tax (1% of the wage fund) - 28,800 rubles.
  • Tax on the maintenance of social and cultural facilities and housing stock (1.5% of the sales volume) - 125,096 rubles.

The balance sheet profit, taking into account non-operating expenses, will be 2,040,120 - 28,800 - 125,096 = 1,886,224.

Income tax (33%) = 622,454 rubles.

Net profit \u003d 1,886,224 - 622,454 \u003d 1,263,770 rubles.

Based on these indicators, you can calculate the value of specific profitability, which shows the profit per 1 ruble of sales. It is determined by the ratio of balance sheet profit to turnover:

R ud \u003d P / T * 100% \u003d 1 886 224 / 6 949 800 * 100% \u003d 27.1%

Project efficiency

To simplify the assessment of efficiency, we will assume that sales volumes will remain unchanged over several years. Calculate the net income of a business project for a certain period of time:

BH \u003d CHP * T - K,

Where NP is net profit,
T - time interval (let's take it equal to 5 years),
K is the amount of investment calculated earlier.

BH \u003d 1,263,770 * 5 - 1,758,600 \u003d 4,560,250 rubles.

Another important indicator is the profitability index, i.e. the amount of profit for a certain period of time received per 1 ruble of invested funds:

ID \u003d PE * T / K \u003d 1,263,770 * 5 / 1,758,600 \u003d 3.59

Also, the presented business project will be perfectly characterized by such an indicator as the payback period. This is the number of years it takes for the indicators to net profit became equal to the amount of investment:

T ok \u003d K / PE avg \u003d 1,758,600 / 1,263,770 \u003d 1.39 years

Type of ownership

In accordance with current legislation limited liability company was chosen as the form of ownership. After the implementation of the business project, the company can be transformed into a Closed Joint Stock Company.


The maximum price of one hour of classes in our gym will be 100 rubles, which will be the optimal amount for clients with an average income. The purchase of subscriptions will allow you to receive significant discounts.

The specific profitability of the project will be 27.1%, and the profitability index will be 3.59 rubles for five years for every ruble invested in the business. These figures are above the industry average and also exceed the yield on bank deposits.

The project promises to pay off in 1.39 years, which should be very attractive to potential investors.

The above example does not just show a sample good business enterprise plan, it can serve as a kind of algorithm that clearly demonstrates how you can make a project for almost any idea. Of course, the numbers will vary, but the overall structure will remain the same.

I know a lot about business planning. Planned and opened 3 family businesses. Drafted 4 business plans for grants and one subsidy from the Employment Center. Helped a few friends formulate their ideas, edited dozens of documents for clients, reviewed hundreds of submissions from business loan applicants.

For two years I worked in credit institution financing business. Beginners and experienced entrepreneurs applied for funds, and we assessed the prospects and payback of the idea, drew up a business plan or corrected the client's existing calculations. Information about the applicant was presented at a meeting of the credit committee, where they collectively made a decision to issue the requested amount or to refuse.

In order to convince all loan officers to vote “yes” for financing, it was necessary to analyze all the possible risks of the project and find solutions for any situation, protect the lender’s money from all sides, and provide exit options if everything goes according to a negative scenario.

The discussion of business projects at the credit committee was structured as follows:

- And what if he divorces his wife, who will sell in his store, because now she herself is behind the counter?

- Hire a second salesperson. By the way, for a loan, the wife acts as a guarantor, so she will take on half of the debt during a divorce.

- What will happen to the debt when the “off season” for sales comes?

– In the off-season, in the schedule, I propose to reduce monthly payments so that the client “pulls” this amount during a period of reduced profits.

“And if his warehouse is robbed?”

– The warehouse is guarded, but we still insure inventory- this Insurance Company pays a refund within a couple of weeks without nit-picking and delays, so the client will quickly recover the losses and be able to order a new batch of goods.

Become such a strict commission for your own project and go through all the weak points of the business to find a plan B and C for any situation. Discuss the idea and brainstorm with friends. It is better to find possible problems and think over their solutions on paper even before opening a company than to take risks and incur unnecessary costs later.

Quite everyday situations can turn into a disaster for a micro business and problems for a large enterprise. Take this into account when planning so that you don’t suddenly go into the negative.

My experience will help you draw up a business plan and get funding for it. It can be used to approach private investors, apply for a bank loan, or apply for a grant for start-up entrepreneurs from the local government.

On the example of your new family business- a small blacksmith workshop - I will show you how to create a business plan to raise funds from the budget.

A business plan is a document that comprehensively describes the idea, project, work and results of such work. It takes into account everything from the launch schedule and recruitment to different development scenarios and payback periods. V full version The document lists possible risks and options for minimizing them.

What is the difference from TEO?

A feasibility study is a feasibility study for launching a project. The calculations in it relate only to the necessary investments, upcoming costs, expected income, payback period. It calculates the financial benefit from the planned activities. A feasibility study can be drawn up when a separate issue is being resolved, for example, about transferring accounting to.

A business plan, compared to a feasibility study, covers a wider range of issues, including promotion and marketing of the project, organizational measures, and risk assessment. The social component of a startup is also considered here. A business plan is a more comprehensive document; it is needed when opening a restaurant or store.

Why do you need a business plan

The business plan shows the seriousness of the entrepreneur's intentions and the depth of his immersion in the topic. He needs this himself in order to understand what awaits in the process, how to avoid problems and get.

But this document is most important when raising funds. Without a business plan, an investor, loan officer or administration employee will not discuss the possibility of issuing loans or budgetary funds.

Let's go back to our forge. My husband and I need a business plan for internal use - in order to understand what launch costs will be needed, how much and what will have to be purchased, what and how to arrange for legal work, what income is possible, what to produce and how to sell.

But another purpose of compiling a BP is to apply for a grant. At the district level, budgetary funds are distributed to support start-up entrepreneurs. It is possible to receive up to 300,000 rubles free of charge when passing a competitive selection, during which the commission evaluates the business plan and its performance. To get around and get, you need to correctly compose this document and correctly present your project.

Internal - for acceptance management decisions. A businessman needs such a document for himself, for partners, for employees.

External - to attract funding and state support, search for an investor. It is compiled for communication with banks, applying to the district / city administration for a grant or subsidy, negotiations with possible partners.

The tasks that different business plans solve are different. It is impossible to draw up one document and go with it for a loan, and for budget support, and in search of a private investor.

1. Money from the budget

Tasks of the business plan when attracting budgetary funds:

  • Demonstrate your vision of the project, convince officials distributing funds that you understand the chosen area and understand where to start. They do not care how and what you will do in the course of work, the main thing is that your business stays afloat for at least 3-5 years. That is how much they track the fate of support recipients.
  • Choose a priority direction of development: make and sell what the market needs, engage in those services that are lacking in the area, meet demand different categories population. This is important, again, to improve statistics in the area, so that the authorities can report that the consumer market is developing.
  • Confirm social significance project: creation of jobs and employment of the unemployed, youth, disabled people, parents with many children - than more workers business needs, the better. The number of new jobs is one of the project evaluation criteria.
  • Calculate the budgetary efficiency of the business - the volume of tax and non-tax revenues, including insurance premiums for employees and the more you plan to pay the state, the higher the likelihood of a grant. Ideally, these revenues should cover the cost of providing you with a grant in a couple of years, and then cover them.

Consider all these points when drawing up a business plan in order to correctly place the accents.

All indicators of the business plan and forecasts will be checked after the issuance of budget funds - once a quarter, six months or a year, the commission will go to the site and request financial documentation and reporting from you, and compare the indicators with the planned ones. If you do not hire employees or start delivering products to local stores as promised, then you may be forced to return the money, as you have not fulfilled your obligations under the contract. Therefore, on paper, do not overestimate the numbers and do not embellish anything, approach planning more realistically.

2. Bank loan

If you decide to apply for money to a bank, then a business plan for a loan will perform other tasks:

  • To prove understanding of the project by the entrepreneur himself, to give a calendar plan that will help to draw up a debt repayment schedule.
  • Calculate the amount of income and expenses, taking into account mandatory payments to repay the loan.
  • List the risks of non-repayment of the loan and suggest possible ways to minimize them - surety, insurance, pledge of property.

The lender needs the client to reach the planned income and be able to fulfill his obligations without delays and failures, even in case of emergency. In the business plan for the bank, it is necessary to focus on this. He does not care about the number of jobs created or the amount of taxes paid, more important is the financial stability of the borrower.

3. Investor funds

For the investor, the financial component of the project is also important, he needs information about the payback period of investments. When investing his money, he must understand how quickly he will get some results - a return of money, part of the profit.

The business plan should immediately provide for options for distributing profits between investors, providing them with a share in the company, and the degree of involvement in the work.

4. Internal resources

A business plan “for yourself” can perform any tasks and contain a wide variety of information about a future or existing enterprise. With it, you can prepare a report for management and shareholders with calculations and arguments in favor of expanding production, opening a new outlet, entering the market of another region, developing a product line.

In such a document, you can delve into the details, paint all the nuances and take into account not only financial issues, but also organizational work, marketing policy, and production moments.

There is no universal business plan, you always need to understand what and for whom it is intended and, taking this into account, draw it up.

  • To receive a grant, the business plan of the forge must tell more about what it will give to the district, what benefits the budget will receive from its opening.
  • So, be sure to indicate that the nearest forge is located in another area of ​​the region 200 km away, so the opening of a new enterprise will provide local residents with affordable products. And it will be suitable for domestic needs and satisfy the needs of all categories of the population - hardware tools, interior items, furniture.
  • It should be emphasized that in the first year the entrepreneur-blacksmith himself will be employed, and in the second year it is planned to hire one more employee as assistants. This will create 2 jobs.
  • It is also worth calculating in detail how much insurance premiums a self-employed entrepreneur will pay for himself, and how much for an employee next year.
  • The salary of an employee must necessarily exceed the average level of salary in the relevant industry in the region. So, in the Novgorod region, statistics say that workers in the manufacturing sector receive an average of 32,000 rubles. Payments to the employee in the calculations must be indicated not less than this amount.
  • This will need to be mentioned in short description project - that part of the business plan that will be read and carefully studied by all members of the competition committee.
  • If we went to the bank for a loan, then the emphasis would be on other details - payback, stable income, profitability, which allows you to repay the requested amount with interest.

The main sections of the business plan

Any business plan should contain a comprehensive description of the project so as not to miss important information. The main sections can be called differently, be combined or divided into additional subsections, but their content must be in the document.

What sections does a business plan include

Detailed content of business plan sections

What to write about in the main points of this document in order to get a complete picture of the development of the company?

Business Description

date of creation, official registration of IP or legal entity.

Distribution of shares in the company between partners, co-founders, investors.

Businessman experience before that - education, experience as an employee. It is not necessary to indicate the entire working biography and attach diplomas, unless this directly relates to a new project. So, when a businessman planning to open a cafe has worked for several years as a manager in a catering business, this will be his plus. If he graduated from the university with a degree in restaurant business, then this is another point in the piggy bank of his experience. And if he has been twisting nuts in a car service all his life, trained as a veterinarian and then suddenly swung at the opening of a bar, information about education and experience will be superfluous.

Place of registration, area of ​​business. You need to specify not only the address, but also the general coverage of the territory.

Goals and objectives of the project. Here you need to describe the field of activity, as well as measurable results - open 1 cafe for 30 seats, sell 500 kg of pastries daily, etc.

I will show you how to describe an enterprise in a business plan, using the example of a forge. The Project Description section contains the following information:

  • The date of registration of IP is May 2018.
  • Business - the entrepreneur will conduct independently, without the involvement of partners. The employee will be hired in the spring of 2019.
  • The entrepreneur was engaged in forging in his home workshop for a year. In the spring of 2018, he rented a room for a forge on the production site, equipped it and continued to work.
  • At the end of 2017, he completed a three-month course “Hand Artistic Forging” at the Academy of Metalworking (St. Petersburg) and received the qualification “blacksmith” (a copy of the certificate of education is attached).
  • The goal of the project is to open a forge in the N district for the production and sale of forged products to the population.
  • By 2019, it is planned to produce products worth 250,000 rubles a month.

Sales market assessment. You need to estimate the size of the market, the population, the number of potential customers. It is quite difficult to do this without full-fledged marketing research. Therefore, it is worth looking for ready-made results of such an assessment for your region. In the extreme case, you can predict effective demand approximately.

The main thing is to formulate sales tasks for yourself: will you work only within the microdistrict, open retail outlets throughout the city, deliver products for sale throughout the district, or will you deliver outside of it.

How exactly you plan to reach your target audience, how you will choose suitable promotion channels, you will describe in detail in the “Marketing Plan” section, now indicate only the direction.

Competitors. Make a list of your competitors who are already operating in this market.

Not only direct competitors offering similar goods and services are taken into account, but also those companies that produce replacement products and provide alternative services. If your city does not have a specialized tea boutique, this does not mean that the market is clear of competitors: you will have to fight for customers with those department stores and supermarkets that also sell various varieties of tea.

  • There are no other blacksmiths involved in artistic forging on the territory of the district center itself and neighboring districts. Nearest company selling similar products self made located at a distance of 250 km (in the regional center).
  • Hardware and factory-made entrenching tools - pokers, staples, machetes, axes, accessories - are offered in 6 hardware stores in the district, but consumers complain about their low quality, and monitoring of goods has shown that such goods do not last long. Handmade forged products are more durable, and the local blacksmith can compete with factory suppliers, guaranteeing not only high quality, but also sharpening of the tool, its repair, production with the necessary sizes under the order. Forged decorative interior elements and household items - door handles, hooks for gates and hinges for gates, hangers and hooks for clothes - are rare in stores, mainly plastic products are sold. Forged garden furniture- benches, gazebos, lanterns, tables - are not sold in the area.
  • These products are in steady demand among the local population. Products of manual artistic forging are bought not only by rural residents for their village houses, but also by summer residents, owners of tourist camps and country cafes.
  • The forge will supply goods to the market of the N-sky district, conclude contracts with shops for the supply of products for sale, and participate in craft fairs in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Production plan

Business processes. Write a list of equipment, tools, raw materials and materials that are required to create the selected range of goods and services. Calculate the optimal production volumes that your equipment can handle. Specify which employees and with what load you will need.

Products. List the products, services and works that you will offer to customers. Calculations on the costs of organizing business processes will allow you to find out the cost and draw up a price list.

Starting investments. Calculate how much money you will need to start the project. Sum up the cost of all assets, fixed assets, repairs, materials and other costs that will be required to start production.

For example, this section might look like this:

  • For work, the forge must be equipped with ventilation, a mining furnace, an anvil with a hammer, a vice, a table for cutting metal, a spray booth for processing finished products heat-resistant paint, anti-rust and other coatings. All this has already been done by the entrepreneur himself.
  • The following equipment and tools will increase the efficiency and productivity of the following equipment and tools: a grinder for sharpening blades (40,000 rubles), a grinder for cutting metal (5,000 rubles), a grinder for processing forged products (10,000 rubles), a welding machine (20,000 rubles). .), mechanical hammer (from 150,000 rubles). The total cost of equipping the forge is 225,000 rubles.
  • In the manufacture of products, metal is used - a profile, sheet iron, fittings, wire. Raw materials are purchased in small bulk at a metal depot in a neighboring area, delivery is carried out by the supplier's transport. The cost of a batch of raw materials and materials, including delivery, is 10,000 rubles. In a month, taking into account the load and the amount of work, there can be 2-4 batches.
  • Forging requires coal and gas in cylinders. Combined hearth allows you to process metal by heating it with coal or gas. The average consumption of these types of fuel per month is 1,500 rubles and 2,000 rubles, respectively.
  • Ventilation supply and exhaust, electric. It is used to maintain the desired temperature in the hearth and remove combustion products from the room. Electricity consumption is accounted for by a separate meter in the forge and reaches the amount of 2,500 rubles per month.
  • During the first 9-10 months, the blacksmith will work alone, then it will be necessary to hire a worker to help.
  • The forge is located on the territory of the carpentry shop, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of mixed products - from wood with forged elements.
  • List of products: benches, tables, bar stools, flower stands, fireplace sets (poker, scoop, stand for them), floor and wall hangers, coat hooks, latches and hinges for wickets and gates, door handles and cabinets, lamps , stands for the kitchen for hot or cutting boards, sickles, machetes, scrapers, knives.
  • The forge is already working, but not at full capacity. Grant funds are needed for the purchase additional equipment. Replenishment current assets ty payment running costs will be made at our own expense.

organizational plan

Organizational and legal form. Whether an individual entrepreneur or LLC, or some other form of organization, is suitable for the implementation of the selected project. What is the rationale for the choice. What system of taxation is chosen, why is it suitable.

Distribution of founders' roles. If there are several partners, their role in the management and operation of the company is described. What will they do, what will they be responsible for.

Staff. What employees will be needed, who should be hired, who should be temporarily involved, what functions can be outsourced or performed independently.

Settlements with counterparties. how it is planned to receive money from customers, whether it is necessary to open, buy an online cash register, or are there options to make payments somehow differently.

Calendar plan project. What needs to be done and when, what issues should be resolved immediately, which ones later. It is desirable to calculate the cost of each stage in order to clearly show when and how much funding is required.

  • For a forge, it is enough for a self-employed blacksmith to be individual entrepreneur. This simplifies accounting and reporting. The accounting is carried out by the entrepreneur himself, using the appropriate online services provided to him by the bank.
  • For settlements with customers and suppliers, a current account is used, and a cash desk will also be purchased, although goods can be sold at fairs without it. When buying a cash register, a special deduction will be used.
  • After hiring an employee, it will be necessary to register with extra-budgetary funds as an employer, before off-budget funds enough to pay insurance premiums regularly.
  • The activity is already underway. Upon receipt of the grant, equipment will be purchased, which will increase production volumes.
  • When issuing budget funds in July, within a month everything will be purchased and installed necessary equipment according to the list (by 225,000 rubles), from August the productivity of the forge will increase several times. Hiring an employee is planned in the spring next year- in March-April, before that the blacksmith will work independently.

This section is devoted to channels and methods of promotion, the necessary actions to increase sales, and advertising costs.

Promotion channels. Advertisements in newspapers, commercials on radio and TV, online advertising, creating your own website and group in social networks, advertising in local publics and forums, participation in exhibitions and fairs.

The target audience . Who do you focus on when marketing? Who is your client - by age, gender, occupation, income level. Where to find him and how to contact him.

Promotion cost. How much will it cost to search and attract target audience. How often you will have to run ads, what options it is advisable to choose.

In our example business plan, this section would look like this:

Financial indicators

Calculate the cost of production, planned sales volumes, necessary costs, projected income and profit, profitability of the project. If there are many and different products, it is not necessary to provide all the calculations in the business plan, they can be placed in a separate application, and all indicators are calculated based on the average cost value. You need to show your own contribution to the project, the need for borrowed funds. If necessary, repay the loan - an approximate repayment schedule. When paying to an investor - calculation of his share of profits.

Risk assessment

External factors. Emergency and natural disasters, the negative impact of local authorities, a new competitor, a change in the economic situation and a drop in incomes of the population.

Internal factors. Misjudgment of the market, delivery delays, personnel problems, production errors, problems with renting premises, accidents at work.

Risk Mitigation Options. Life, health, property, third party liability insurance. Opportunity to reduce prices, change the assortment, switch to other products, change the circle of potential customers, expand the sales market and find new customers outside the area, region or country. Arrangements with partners and contractors, good personal relations with the authorities, a large number of skilled workers in the market who are looking for work, etc.

Something like this will look like the study of part of the risks for the forge:

  • At first, the income of the forge will depend entirely on the entrepreneur himself. Health problems or injuries will negatively affect the volume of work and profits. Accidents at work can be prevented by observing safety regulations. Then it is planned to hire an employee who will remove the increased workload from the blacksmith himself.
  • Fire, accidents, equipment breakdowns, natural disasters - the damage from these accidents will be covered by property insurance, which will be issued for the rented premises, equipment and tools in the forge at their market value. The forge has already passed fire check, there were also representatives of the energy company, they checked the electrical wiring, extractor fan, ventilation and fire alarms. There were comments, but all the shortcomings were immediately eliminated. The room itself with a separate entrance is located in a brick building and corresponds general requirements to production safety.
  • In case of problems with the lease, it is possible to quickly move the forge to another place - there are enough suitable empty production areas in the area, the equipment is easily dismantled and can be installed in another place within 1-2 days.
  • With low demand for products and small trade turnover, the sales market will be expanded, agreements will be obtained for the supply of products for sale to hardware stores in other districts of the region, the most popular goods will be selected, and the assortment policy will be revised. There is no need to change equipment or restructure work - it is enough to purchase other raw materials and materials for the production of other products, for example, forged fences, window bars, gates and wickets, entrance groups and canopies over the porch.
  • If another competitor appears on the market, then the entrepreneur will choose the most profitable niche and will produce products that the new market participant will not have, or change the sales strategy and supply finished products to other markets.

Project Summary

This section contains the most important things: the essence of the project, the necessary investments, the results after the launch, development prospects, possible risks and ways to reduce them. The remaining sections with details will be read only if the summary of the business plan is of interest to an investor, creditor, official. Therefore, remember once again what the goal of your project is and indicate important indicators that meet this goal. Repeat what you will produce, how much income you plan to receive, what expenses will be required, how much money you invest yourself, and how much you need to attract.

Common mistakes when writing a business plan

  • Very optimistic. Insufficient knowledge of the market. Lack of adequate risk assessment.
  • Copying other people's calculations. Using data without reference to reality and to the specifics of the business.
  • Without considering the purpose and addressee. Lack of important indicators. A lot of unnecessary information and "water".
  • Bad design, illiterate presentation of information, negligence in calculations. Confusing presentation and lack of a clear structure.

How to get money for a business plan

Studying the design requirements

When contacting a bank or municipal government to raise funding, ask for application rules. Often this is a simple and understandable list of required documents, as well as a list of requirements for the content and design of a business plan. Sometimes even a template of this document is given with sections and subsections already indicated. where you just need to enter your information. There are also wishes for its volume, a list of questions for project analysis, a list of important indicators that you must calculate.

Business plan defense

In some cases, it is necessary not only to draw up this document, but also to defend it before the commission. Bank employees will make a decision on issuing a loan. Officials will assess your level of information proficiency in order to rate you for participation in competitive selection to receive a grant. The investor will get acquainted with your plans and decide whether he needs to participate in this.

With such protection, it is enough to retell the “Project Summary” section and speak the main indicators of the business aloud, answer the questions of the commission members in order to convince them of your readiness and ability to use the funds raised in accordance with the plan.

Download ready-made business plans

Above, we have provided you with the key points that you should rely on when drawing up a competent business plan, however, depending on where you want to provide a business plan, the requirements for its design and content change. Below you will find examples (samples) ready-made business plans(40 pieces), which you can download absolutely free.

Use them to create your business plan, model the most interesting and compelling places, see what numbers and calculations are used, marketing research, analysis of competitors and also try to calculate your own project. Also below you will find additional business plan support documents from the Industrial Development Fund, Ministry of Investment and Innovation.

INSTRUCTIONS For ease of searching, all business plans are sorted alphabetically. Click on the desired letter and a list of finished projects will open in front of you.

This collection publishes articles that contain new business plans and time-tested typical examples, ready samples with calculations and analysis, which you can download for free.

Additional help:

A business plan is a program (project) for carrying out operations, actions of a future company, containing information about it, a product, its manufacture, sales markets, marketing, organization of operations and their effectiveness.

Ready examples

Each article contains an archive of the project, which you can download from the link.

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Last update:  02/17/2020

Reading time: 24 min. | Views: 40244

Hello, dear readers of the Internet magazine about money ""! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction for action that will allow you to turn a raw business idea into a confident one. step by step plan to achieve a clear goal.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed;
  • How to draw up a business plan;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality and thoughtful business plan that will bring the realization of your idea and success affairs in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use, or you can take as a basis for developing your project. Ready examples submitted business plans free download.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections − step by step guide in its drafting

1. How to write a business plan: detailed instructions on how to write it yourself 📝

7. Conclusion + related video 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many responsible functions that no other person is able to do differently.

With it, you can get financial support and open, develop your business much earlier than you can collect a significant amount for the business.

Investors generally react positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, as they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only investor-friendly information, but also the right plan if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the calculation of risks is too daunting, you can remake a little, transform the general idea to reduce them.

Creation good business plan is an excellent solution for finding investments and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, which are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to their own efforts it is worth using "other people's brains". A business plan includes many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, with which success can be achieved.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects on your own. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing the circle of contacts, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultations on certain issues. That's the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and delusions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, however home is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current position, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stable and regular income). This is the first step towards fulfilling the dream and the confident status of the middle class.

If you still have questions, then perhaps you will find the answers to them in the video: "How to write a business plan (for yourself and investors)".

That's all we have. We wish everyone good luck in business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of the publication.