Technologies for inventory optimization. Inventory optimization and why it matters to your business Inventory optimization in a commercial organization

In developed countries, inventory management is based on the use of powerful information technologies that allow almost every day to monitor their status and dynamics, automatically place orders through a computer network and replenish stocks to the optimal level. The most common inventory management systems that are based on the use of the EQQ model, the red line tool, the two-sector tool. V Lately the Just-In-Time inventory management method has become widespread. At the same time, the completeness and reliability of the information base is ensured by automating accounting and using the international coding system for goods.

Such systems are created to most effectively solve the following problems:

real assessment of the current state of stocks;

establishing the necessary terms for placing orders;

determining the appropriate volume of a consignment of goods that is ordered;

determining the required volume of insurance stocks;

assessment of inventory management costs and means of minimizing them.

The first problem is solved by using inventory control systems that provide management needs for operational information about the dynamics of their implementation and the current state.

Existing inventory control systems vary from the simplest to the most complex, depending on the size of the enterprise, management policy and technology, volume, types and other characteristics of stocks.

Common stock level control systems are those based on the use of red line tools. The essence of the means is to fix the marginal limit, below which the level of stocks should not fall. When this limit is reached, a new order is automatically placed.

The second type of control systems based on the use of a two-sector facility, according to which stocks for storage are contained in two sectors - working and reserve. When the stocks of the working sector are exhausted, two processes are included - the working sector is replenished at the expense of the reserve, and a new order is placed.

The classification approach to inventory management (ABC system) has become widespread in developed countries. His idea is to use the classification of stocks and the allocation of three groups - A, B, and C, depending on the degree of influence of this type of stock on the increase in the turnover of the enterprise. Group A includes stocks, the sale of which makes the largest contribution to the volume of trade in monetary terms. This group includes stocks that provide 70% of the sales volume. As a rule, these are the most expensive goods, and their share in the volume of stocks in physical terms does not exceed 10%. Stocks of this kind require special attention of managers and the use of quantitative tools and models to optimize decision making. Group B includes stocks of medium importance, which provide 20% of the company's sales volume. The choice of group B inventory management tools should be based on a comparison of management costs and the economic effect of their use. Commodity stocks, the sale of which has an insignificant contribution to the volume of trade, about 10%, are classified as group C. Quite often they make up a significant part of the volume of stocks in physical terms - about 70%. It is not advisable to apply complex quantitative management methods to group C inventory management, since at the same time, management costs may be greater than the economic effect of their use. The principle of classifying reserves into groups according to their importance to the enterprise is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of reserves (ABC system).

A relatively new approach to inventory management is the Just-In-Time management principle. This approach was first used by Japanese corporations and has since spread throughout the world. The main idea is that there is little to no inventory, and the process of delivery of goods by suppliers is strictly coordinated with technological process at the enterprise. At the present time, this approach is effectively used by Toyota, General Motors and many others. This system allows you to get a significant economic effect by bringing storage costs to zero. However, the high level of requirements for the accuracy of the functioning of the supply system and the risk of possible errors that will lead to a violation of technology do not allow this approach to be used in countries with an underdeveloped information and communication infrastructure.

The management of most trading companies in developed countries is based on the use of computer technology. Management systems include an automated system for inventory accounting and placing orders with suppliers. The movement of each unit of goods, with the help of magnetic bar coding, is reflected in the database, which covers information throughout trading network companies. The database management system allows you to constantly update information about the status of stocks, automatically place orders through a computer network and take into account replenishment information. At the same time, information about the sale of goods enters the inventory, receivables and cash management system and is processed on the basis of the model tools built into the system.

Due to the nature of the activity, most financial resources trade organization is accumulated in commodity stocks, therefore effective management commodity stocks is a priority in the economics of trade.

Commodity stocks refer to current tangible assets, forming working capital of a trade organization. In terms of liquidity, these are slow-moving assets, so effective inventory management will help avoid the immobilization of financial resources and redirect them to strategic development trading activities.

Commodity stocks during formation, storage and sale must comply with quality standards and be suitable for consumption.

Commodity stocks are necessary for uninterrupted supply of demand of buyers - consumers. Goods are classified according to the following different criteria:

1) by purpose of use:

consumer goods are goods directly intended for final consumption, satisfaction of personal needs of a person,

production goods are goods used in the production cycle when creating new goods;

2) by time of use / consumption:

non-durable goods used one or more times,

durable goods reused;

3) by the nature of consumption:

everyday goods,

carefully selected goods

prestigious goods;

4) by the nature of use, depending on the degree of their participation in the production process:

raw materials, materials, containers and packaging,

accessories, tools, inventory,

machinery and equipment, other inventories.

5) by functional affiliation:

goods - food,

industrial goods;

6) by types of reserves:

current stocks are goods at the stage of sale,

pre-sale stocks are goods at the stage of pre-sale preparation,

guarantee (insurance) stocks - a necessary and sufficient reserve of commodity stocks in order to ensure continuous process implementation in case of disruption of the planned terms of the current supply of goods, changes in the intensity of consumption in case of unforeseen increased demand,

seasonal stocks are a necessary and sufficient reserve of commodity stocks in order to ensure a continuous sales process during the period of seasonal fluctuations in consumer demand,

carryover stocks;

7) by types of movement of goods in accounting:

goods in transit, goods in stock,

goods at the stage of pre-sale preparation,

reserved goods, goods in stores in the process of sale, goods on consignment,

sold goods in safekeeping.

The efficiency of inventory use is influenced by the following external and internal factors, the impact of which can be reduced by optimizing inventory management:

external factors - tax legislation, financial and credit policy, the amount of interest payable on borrowed funds, the economic situation in the state;

internal factors - ways to minimize the influence of internal factors: liquidation of excess stocks, improvement of stock rationing, improvement of supply organization, optimal selection of reliable suppliers, stock levels; rational organization of the sale of goods, the use of rational forms of payment; acceleration of document flow.

To assess the effectiveness of inventory management, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the use of inventory. Economic analysis is primarily carried out according to financial statements, and for a more detailed consideration of individual issues, management accounting information and analytical information on accounting accounts are also used.

The effectiveness of the use of inventory is evaluated by the following indicators:

  • 1) the share of commodity stocks in their total value at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
  • 2) the absolute increase in commodity stocks at the end of the reporting period (in monetary units of measurement and in natural units of measurement for each type of product);
  • 3) the growth rate of commodity stocks at the end of the reporting period (in percent), compared with the growth rate of revenue from trading activities;
  • 4) the turnover of commodity stocks, characterizing the duration of one complete circulation of funds from the moment the working capital is converted from cash into stocks and until they are sold. As inventory turnover accelerates, the material resources and sources of their financing;
  • 5) the indicator of working capital savings as a result of reducing the cost of material resources and inventory per unit of goods sold without compromising quality, reliability, performance properties;

Estimating the rate of inventory turnover in trading activities is one of the fundamental elements of economic analysis, since inventories are slow-moving assets, and they have a significant share in the working capital of a trading organization.

Assessing the impact on the increase in sales of the extensiveness and intensity of the use of stocks and working capital will allow us to isolate more rational and progressive ways to improve the efficiency of the results of trading activities.

In addition to the listed indicators of the effectiveness of the use of inventory for the purpose of making management decisions, it seems relevant to evaluate such indicators as the commodity structure in the turnover, profitability of the used retail space by type of goods, sales per unit sales staff or shift (labor productivity), commodity structure of goods delivered to order, and so on.

As a result of the high turnover of commodity stocks in trade, economic analysis is recommended to be carried out for a minimum period of time. In this case, the reporting period can be hours, a day, a technological change of personnel, weekdays, weekends and holidays, week, decade, month.

The methodology for economic analysis of indicators of the efficiency of the use of working capital, including inventory, is not the purpose of this article; this issue is discussed in more detail in the article “Assessment of the business activity of a trade organization”.

Evaluation of inventory and analysis of consumer demand for certain types goods allows you to predict the need for goods of various assortments, both in order to develop a specific trade organization and increase its competitiveness, and for the purposes of macroeconomic analysis of economic development in terms of such indicators as the commodity structure in retail trade, inventory, inventory turnover ratio and other indicators.

In international practice, to assess the development of the economy in the macroeconomic aspect, such non-standard indicators for Russian statistics as orders for durable goods and orders for industrial goods are used.

Factory Orders is an indicator that shows the industry's demand for durable and non-durable goods. An increase in the value of this indicator characterizes the activity of production and its possible growth, while a decrease indicates a curtailment of production.

Durable Goods Order is an indicator that shows the need for goods with a useful life of more than 3 years. Typically, such goods have a high price (for example, cars), so they reflect not only the expectations of consumers, but also the ability of the latter to spend such large sums. An increase in this indicator positively characterizes the state of the economy and production. Therefore growth this indicator helps the currency to strengthen, and falling - weakens it. This indicator is published monthly and is quite important for the market.

As you can see, even analytical information in inventory management is used in the assessment of macroeconomic indicators.

Effective inventory management also allows you to find ways to optimize the costs of a trade organization for such items as transport and storage costs. Without a preliminary analysis of inventory and consumer preferences, the decision to reduce the cost of maintaining a number of warehouses may not lead to savings, but to the opposite effect - a decrease in sales and profits as a result of a constant shortage of goods. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate customer demand, the organization's available inventory capacity, sales dynamics, customer location, storage capacity and location, transportation costs, and other criteria. After that, an alternative use of the released funds is analyzed in the event of a reduction in the cost of maintaining storage facilities or transportation costs. Evaluation is underway complex analysis the impact of projected costs on turnover and profitability.

Effective inventory management requires timely and accurate information about the availability and movement of goods. The main source of this information is accounting, and if available, management accounting. The organization of inventory is manifested in the way they are accounted for.

Accounting for the receipt of goods at the warehouse of a trade organization can be organized different ways depending on how the goods are stored.

Analytical accounting of the receipt of goods in the wholesale trade is carried out in warehouses and in accounting. Primary accounting documents, on the basis of which goods are accepted to the wholesale warehouse, are waybills, invoices and other accompanying documents. These documents are materially responsible persons, together with commodity reports, are handed over to the accounting department. Accounting for incoming goods is carried out in warehouse accounting cards by their quantity, name, grade and other indicators.

Varietal method of accounting for goods. The varietal method of accounting in warehouses is used if the storage of goods is organized by name and grade without taking into account the time of receipt and the price of their purchase. At the same time, materially responsible persons create a new warehouse accounting card for each product range. The nomenclatures in this case differ not only by the type and brand of goods, but also by grade, unit of measure, color, and the like.

With a varietal storage method, the storage area is economically used, more efficient management of the remains of goods is possible. However, it is difficult to distinguish between goods of the same variety that arrived at different prices. With a varietal storage method, the choice of goods for sale is carried out arbitrarily. At the same time, it is possible to use the methods for valuation of goods: average price, price of a unit of inventory, FIFO (at the prices of the first purchases), LIFO (at the prices of the last purchases).

Batch method of accounting for goods. With the batch method of accounting for goods, each batch of goods in the warehouse is stored separately. A consignment is understood as goods received simultaneously under one transport document. A consignment may include goods of various grades and denominations. Each batch is registered in the journal of incoming goods. The serial number of registration is also the number of this party. It is indicated in the expenditure documents next to the name of the goods released from this batch.

Batch accounting allows you to determine the results of the sale of a batch of goods without taking an inventory (since, in fact, an inventory is made locally when each batch is closed). This type of accounting enhances control over the safety of valuables, helps to reduce product losses. However, this method of accounting does not allow the rational use of storage space, there is no possibility of operational inventory management (as a result of storing a certain type of goods in different places and reflecting them in several batch cards).

Batch and sort accounting of goods. With the batch-varietal method of accounting for goods, each batch of goods received at the warehouse is stored separately. Within a batch, goods for storage are sorted by grade. This method is used in a wide range of products.

Among the diversity business transactions in an organization engaged in wholesale and retail sales, accounting for commodity transactions is the most time-consuming. In doing so, the following basic principles should be followed:

· the unity of indicators of accounting and analytical management accounting for the receipt and sale of goods, for warehouse or transit turnover;

the possibility of obtaining operational accounting information about economic activity organizations (for example, per day, week, and so on);

accounting for goods and containers in accordance with the division liability for each person;

unity of valuation of goods when they are registered and written off as an expense.

Thus, one of the main tasks of inventory management is the correct organization of accounting, which allows you to receive timely information on the receipt of goods, on the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers and buyers, on the state of inventory, on the progress of shipment and sale of goods and control over their safety.

inventory deficit surplus

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Department of Trade Economics


on the topic: Commodity stocks: the essence, the reasons for their need, assessment of the influence of factors on the dynamics of their change ( based on the materials of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg")


IN. Shchurko


ABOUT. Password-Teslyonok


Coursework: 59 pages, 1 figure, 12 tables, 26 sources, 4 appendices.


Object of study- economic and financial activities of JSC Minbakaleiatorg.

Subject of study- commodity stocks and turnover of goods in JSC "Minbakaleiatorg".

Objective: development of ways to optimize inventory and accelerate the turnover of goods in OJSC "Minbakaleiatorg".

Research methods: mathematical, analysis of dynamics, generalizations, summaries of information, groupings, comparisons, analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, etc.

Research and development: studied theoretical basis stocks and turnover of goods, as well as their role and importance for the activities of the organization. An assessment of the effectiveness of work with commodity stocks in OJSC "Minbakaleiatorg" is given, specific measures are proposed to accelerate the turnover and reduce inventory in the organization's warehouses.

Elements of scientific novelty: the features of the development of JSC "Minbakaleiatorg" were determined, shortcomings in the work with commodity stocks were identified, and a system of effective measures to improve it was proposed.

Area of ​​possible practical application: the results obtained in the course work can be used in practice in organizing the work of warehouses in particular and the entire organization as a whole. The proposed ways to improve inventory management will help the organization improve overall economic performance in subsequent years, to automate the entire process of working with stocks of goods and thereby facilitate the work of the organization's specialists, to make the entire process of circulation of goods faster and more efficient.


1. The role, importance and necessity of inventories in the activities of trade organizations in modern economic conditions

1.1 Concept, economic essence of commodity stocks of trade organizations and their classification

1.2 Factors affecting the size, dynamics and structure of commodity stocks

1.3 Modern approaches to inventory management in trade in modern business conditions

2. Analysis of commodity stocks of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

2.2 Analysis of the dynamics, composition and efficiency of the use of commodity stocks of JSC Minbakaleiatorg

2.3 Assessment of the factors affecting the turnover in the organization and assessment of its impact on the final results of the activities of OJSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

3. Improving the management of commodity stocks in OJSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

3.1 Optimization of commodity stocks and acceleration of commodity turnover in JSC Minbakaleiatorg

3.2 Development and implementation of a system for rationing and planning of commodity stocks in OJSC "Minbakaleiatorg"


List of sources used



The development of market relations in the Republic of Belarus in recent years has revealed a trend towards increased competition in the field of trade and a reduction in the rate of profit from trade operations. The current situation has made it vital for the leaders of many trading organizations to start looking for hidden reserves that can reduce the financial burden on the organization's resources and increase the profitability of trading activities. Efficient inventory management is one such reserve.

A number of studies by domestic and foreign authors are devoted to the issue of inventory management, however, despite all the variety of methods presented in trade organizations to solve such problems, when making managerial decisions, they still rely mainly on experience, not paying attention to theoretical developments and modern technologies.

Of particular relevance in the framework of the issue of inventory management are the applied management methods, which is of scientific and practical interest. Currently, this topic is very relevant for any organization, regardless of what goods (products or services) it sells.

This course work briefly discusses the theoretical aspects of inventory management in a trade organization, including their essence, functions, factors affecting their size, issues related to the rationing of inventory and the organization of control over them, as well as on the example of OAO stores Minbakaleiatorg conducted an analysis of the inventory management system and proposed specific measures to improve this system.

Thus, the purpose of this course work is to analyze the management of inventory in JSC "Minbakaleiatorg" and identify ways to improve this system.

The objectives of the study of this topic are the following:

1 Identify and summarize the features, structure and types of the main processes and categories of the theory of inventory management, determine the main approaches to their content, essence and systematize the factors influencing them.

2 Identify and assess existing methods management of commodity stocks, to determine their place in the organization of control over commodity stocks.

3 To analyze the main performance indicators of the shops GURSP "Grodnozelenstroy".

4 Propose ways to improve the management of commodity stocks in the stores of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg".

This work is based on theoretical studies and periodicals. To analyze the activities of OJSC "Minbakaleiyatorg", operational data was used that corresponded to the enterprise's statements for 2013-2014.

1. The role, importance and necessity of inventories in the activities of trade organizations in modern economic conditions

1.1 Concept, economic essence of commodity stocks of trade organizations and their classification

For the implementation of the continuous process of commodity circulation, certain stocks of goods are necessary.

Commodity stocks are part of the commodity supply, which is a set of commodity mass in the process of its movement from the sphere of production to the consumer.

Commodity stocks are formed at all stages of product distribution: in warehouses manufacturing enterprises, on the way, in the warehouses of wholesale and retail trade organizations. Commodity stocks formed in the warehouses of retail trade organizations are gradually involved in the turnover, sold and cease to be stocks. But since inventory is replaced by other batches of goods, i.e. are regularly renewed, they are a constantly existing value, the size of which varies depending on specific economic conditions.

The value of inventories lies in the fact that they are an indicator of market conditions, clearly responding to any changes. Inventory serves as a regulator of the market, allowing various events, such as sales, to bring supply and demand into line. Trade organizations must have a constantly defined level of mandatory assortment goods to meet consumer demand.

The need for commodity stocks is determined by the fact that it is impossible to ensure at every moment and in every place the full correspondence of the production of goods to the demand for them. Seasonal fluctuations in the production and consumption of goods are not the same, which also necessitates the creation of inventories. The range of goods produced by individual manufacturers is much narrower than the structure of demand for goods, which requires the accumulation of stocks of goods from different organizations and the formation of a trade assortment that corresponds to demand. Certain reserves are created in connection with the uneven distribution of production, various conditions transportation of goods, which affect the time intervals between the delivery of consignments of goods from places of production to places of sale. During these breaks, consumption, and hence the sale of goods, must continue, which is possible only if there are certain stocks of goods in the organization.

Commodity stocks should also be created in case of unforeseen fluctuations in demand or in the rhythm of production in emergency conditions, the likelihood of which increases in an unstable economic situation. The possibility of emergency conditions requires the formation of safety stocks to prevent interruptions in the sale and, consequently, in the consumption of goods.

In the reproduction process, stocks perform a number of functions, providing:

Continuity of economic reproduction and the normal course of the process of circulation of goods;

Realization of surplus value;

Conditions for a wide selection of goods and the most complete satisfaction of consumer demand;

Formation of factors of effective activity of economic entities;

Compliance of the supply of goods with the demand of buyers;

Improving the range of goods.

Inventories can be classified according to different criteria. Their classification should be subordinated to the tasks of inventory management.

Current inventory constitute the main, constantly changing part of commodity stocks. They are created to ensure the continuity of the trading process between successive deliveries of goods. Stocks of current storage goods are constantly and evenly replenished. Trade organizations must have them in the amount for the number of days of trading established according to the plan. Current inventory should be optimal, i.e. underestimated and underestimated. Excessive inventories lead to a slowdown in commodity turnover, an increase in commodity losses and other distribution costs associated with the storage and sale of goods, and most importantly, to a deterioration in the quality and even damage to goods. Understated inventories can lead to interruptions in trade, in the interval between deliveries, and a decrease in the volume of sales of goods.

Inventories of seasonal storage are created with the seasonal nature of production, consumption or transportation at certain trading firms based on the characteristics of the range of goods sold by them or the geographical location of such firms. First of all, they are formed for such groups of goods that have a significant time gap between their production and consumption.

Special-purpose commodity stocks are intended for trade in certain hard-to-reach regions of the country between two possible dates for the delivery of goods, and are also created for targeted activities not related to the current activities of organizations (counter trade, procurement season, servicing public events, providing sick and disabled people with special products).

Inventories that form stocks are divided into production stocks, commodity stocks (stocks of means of production and goods of logistics; stocks of goods in trade, catering and procurement activities) and consumption funds.

In trade, inventory includes the following items:

1) current, seasonal and special purpose, intended for retail trade and public catering;

2) purchased and paid for, but left in custody with suppliers;

3) submitted for processing.

Inventory in trade does not include:

1) goods in transit;

2) containers of all types;

3) goods intended for material and technical supply;

4) goods in commission stores (departments) and stores selling purchased items

5) finished products in utility rooms and industrial production of trade organizations;

6) goods accepted for safekeeping.

Commodity stocks in trade organizations must be constantly renewed, their size must ensure the continuity of the sales process. At the same time, an overabundance of goods, as well as their shortage, leads to undesirable economic consequences. It is in the interest of the organization to have a minimum inventory, since their formation and storage require costs that increase as inventory grows.

However, not all stocks of goods are appropriate (necessary) and contribute to the continuity of the process of selling goods. If goods do not meet the demand of consumers, this leads to an increase in their stocks, freezing of funds invested in them, which affects the performance due to the loss of material and monetary resources spent on their storage.

The inventory may be less than the required size, which is a consequence of the excess of demand over supply, errors in inventory management.

1.2 Factors affecting the size, dynamics and structure of commodity stocks

The provision of the organization with commodity stocks, as well as the size, structure, turnover of stocks are due to various factors of external and internal influence, the change of which can either improve or worsen these indicators. Some factors, contributing to the acceleration of turnover, reduce the organization's need to increase inventory; others, on the contrary, force them to expand their volumes, respectively, slowing down the speed of circulation of goods.

Knowing the directions of action of certain factors, you can meaningfully approach their management, ensuring the optimality of their formation and use, controlling the vectors and rates of acceleration of turnover, reducing the cost of forming and maintaining inventory, as well as managing them.

The most important external factors that determine the size of the inventory of a trading organization are:

1. Relationship between supply and demand. In conditions when the population's demand for certain goods exceeds its supply, trade is carried out with the smallest stocks. As the supply of goods increases and the market becomes saturated, there is a slight slowdown in the speed of circulation of goods.

2. Uniformity and stability of consumption of individual goods. The more stable and stable consumer demand for individual goods, the less need to create inventories in case of unforeseen fluctuations in demand.

3. The rhythm of the production of individual goods. Production and purchase of individual consumer goods has a seasonal character (vegetables, sugar, cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, etc.). During the periods of the production season, trade organizations have the opportunity to purchase goods from direct manufacturers at minimum prices. After the end of the season, the main suppliers are various resellers, whose prices are much higher than the prices of producers. Purchasing certain scarce goods after the season may not be possible at all, which will negatively affect the assortment of the organization's goods. The presence of this factor (in the presence of an appropriate material and technical base and funds) determines the need and economic interest of trade organizations in the creation of commodity stocks of seasonal storage.

4. The state of competition in the commodity market. The higher the degree of competition in the market of commodity resources, the greater the freedom in choosing suppliers and improving the terms of delivery for the organization. Terms of delivery (periodicity, volumes of delivery lots, renewal of the assortment, the possibility of returning poor-quality or unsold goods) significantly affect the size of the trade organization's inventory.

5. Conscientiousness of suppliers in fulfilling contracts for the supply of commodity resources, the state of discipline in deliveries. The general mentality of suppliers, their commitment and conscientiousness in fulfilling supply contracts determines the need for a trade organization in the creation of insurance commodity stocks. The more conscientious the suppliers of the organization are, the more rhythmically and continuously organized their own production, the lower the probability of non-fulfillment of the schedule for the delivery of goods, and, accordingly, the need to create inventory.

6. Level of inflation expectations. In an inflationary economy, one of the incentives for creating stocks of material reserves is to protect the working capital of the organization from inflationary depreciation. The higher the inflation rate, the greater the interest of organizations in maximizing the size of stocks, in order to protect money from inflation, as well as to receive additional income from the outpacing rise in prices for individual goods compared to the general inflation rate.

The size and turnover of inventory is also determined by internal factors that depend on the activities of the trading organization itself and are determined by the strategy and tactics of its activities.

These factors include:

1. Trade organization location. This factor determines the intensity of consumer flows in the area of ​​the organization's activities, and, accordingly, the size of the one-day turnover, as well as the speed of the sale of inventory. The more “profitable” the location of the trade organization, the higher the speed of inventory sales and the less need to create them.

2. The volume of trade turnover of a trade organization. With a relatively large turnover, the organization, as a rule, carries out trading activities with a lower level of inventory. This is due to the fact that it has the opportunity to import goods more often, bypassing the wholesale link. A large sales organization, especially one that has experience in the relevant market segment, is more attractive to suppliers and intermediaries. This determines the best opportunities for settling delivery terms, which also has an impact on the size commodity stocks.

3. Specialization of the organization and the structure of trade. Goods, depending on their quality, consumption patterns, etc., have different time appeals. It depends on the properties of the goods, the number of varieties included in the product group, the features of receiving and completing products. Increase in the share of retail turnover non-food items, goods of a complex assortment is a factor in the growth of the overall level of commodity stocks. At the same time, the increase in the share of food products, especially stable demand, is a factor in reducing the size of commodity stocks.

4. Organization and frequency of importation of goods. The more often goods are delivered to stores, the less stocks can be used to ensure the fulfillment of the turnover plan, and vice versa. In turn, the frequency of importation depends on the location of retail and wholesale organizations, the location of their main suppliers, and transport conditions. The closer suppliers and wholesale bases are located to consumption areas, the more often goods are delivered to retail trade organizations and less time is spent on their delivery.

5. The area of ​​the trading floor and the form of trading service. The larger the area of ​​the trading floor, the greater the amount of inventory must be located directly in trading floor. The form of trade service also creates a significant influence. With self-service, the need for inventory on the trading floor is higher than with service through the counter.

6. Warehousing status. This factor is restrictive and determines the maximum possible size stocks of goods. The availability of specialized warehouse equipment, the ability to create special conditions for the storage of individual goods (vegetables, groceries, jewelry, fur, synthetic detergents), compliance with the commodity neighborhood, etc.

7. Organization of commercial work. The qualifications and competence of personnel and the level of management of the trading process, the state of work on studying the demand of the population, the organization of prompt and effective control over the receipt, sale and balance of goods, maneuvering commodity resources and etc. Well-organized work in this direction contributes to minimizing the size of stocks of slow-moving, obsolete goods, excess stocks. This allows you to reduce the organization's costs for the formation and storage of inventory, reduce product losses.

8. The financial position of the organization. The formation of inventories can be carried out in various ways: by paying for goods with the organization's cash, by obtaining a commercial loan from suppliers (receiving goods with a deferred payment), by accepting goods for sale or on commission. The possibilities of using each method of forming inventory and the ratio between them directly depend on financial condition trade organization, its solvency and financial stability, the degree of trust in it. The more stable the financial position of the organization, the more opportunities for the formation of commodity stocks it has.

1.3 Modern approaches to inventory management in trade in modern business conditions

In the current market conditions (when credit resources are quite expensive, and sales in most markets are no longer growing at a high rate), it is important to use all reserves to improve performance. Inventory optimization is one of such reserves, which affects the parameters that are very important for the operation of a retail trade organization: cash flow and the need to attract and maintain debt capital, on the level of sales of the organization (lack of goods on the shelves of retail outlets, as a rule, leads to a decrease in the level of sales).

Inventory optimization is achieved through inventory management. In turn, inventory management is based on their minimization, acceleration of turnover and well-established accounting and control over their formation and use.

In a certain sense, inventory management is aimed at finding a "golden mean" between two opposing goals: the desire to minimize the cost of storing goods and optimize customer service, maintaining a constant level of stocks of goods across the entire spectrum of the trading range.

The objective of inventory management is to minimize the cost of moving inventory through the organization without compromising the high level of trade quality while maximizing the return on inventory investment.

Thus, inventory management involves their operational accounting and control, as well as regulation.

There are four reasons why it is necessary to control the state of inventory:

Checking the correctness of records reflecting the movement of inventory;

Checking the value of inventory in accordance with the data of the balance sheet;

Identification of cases of fraud, theft or material loss;

Identification of weaknesses in the used system of control over the state of commodity stocks.

Monitoring and accounting for the state of commodity stocks are aimed at ensuring that they contain the entire specified range of goods, preventing a decrease in the size of stocks below the established minimum, and compliance with the standard shelf life of goods.

Control over the state of commodity stocks should be carried out for each item of goods, since stocks cannot be represented as a single commodity mass. The timely elimination of shortages or overstocking depends on the results of monitoring the state of commodity stocks.

Trade organizations usually use the following methods of control and accounting of inventory:

Operational accounting, reconciliation responsible persons the actual availability of goods with commodity accounting data. First, not goods are counted, but cargo items (boxes, rolls, bags, etc.). Then, on the basis of the relevant norms, a recalculation is made, which determines the number of goods. Finally, the available stock is valued at current prices. This method does not guarantee high accounting accuracy;

Settlement (operational) accounting, inventory, balance method, analysis of the value of commodity stocks, turnover and its dynamics using computer technology;

Inventory - a continuous count of all goods. If necessary, the units taken into account can be outweighed and remeasured. All organizations are required to conduct an actual inventory check at least once a year. Inventory may be the only way to verify some low-value goods for which current quantitative records are not kept in writing. Physical inventory is carried out periodically, continuously or selectively. The data obtained in physical terms are evaluated at current prices and are summarized according to commodity groups to the total amount. The disadvantages of this method are the high labor intensity and unprofitability for the organization, since the trading facility has to be closed for the inventory period.

Periodic Inventory not widely used, as business entities cannot afford the frequent interruption of trading processes, which is a condition for the work of controllers, ensuring accurate accounting. Groups of controllers recalculate the number of available goods in the warehouse (for each warehouse object) and on the trading floor.

Continuous inventory - it is a daily or weekly control over a certain amount or part of the total inventory, allowing timely adjustments to the accounting of inventory. In this way, you can check all inventory for a long period of time. Its undoubted advantage lies in the ability to use information from inventory cards, which are maintained according to the perpetual inventory system, for the preparation of balance sheets and for tax purposes.

Selective Inventory carried out by accountants of many trading organizations. Commodity stocks are determined selectively. The accounting department determines an acceptable percentage of errors in its ongoing records and counts the number of items contained in the sample inventory types, ascertaining whether the records reflect the actual availability of these items. If the results show an acceptable degree of accuracy, this suggests that stocks of other types of goods also match the records. This inventory method is recognized as more reliable than the general account, since it practically eliminates the influence of the human factor, and therefore the possibility of error. The inventory results are selectively used by tax officials and higher authorities.

Physical inventory count involves the inventory of any type of goods concentrated in a particular place. It eliminates "jumping" from one warehouse to another, which is not only tedious, but often leads to confusion and large errors.

If physical accounting is carried out by warehouse or other employees, the inventory commission includes an accountant-auditor of the organization or another representative of the accounting department, who is charged with monitoring the progress of the inventory. The initiators of its implementation are usually the supreme control bodies - the accounting department or the audit department.

The balance method is less labor-intensive, besides, it provides operational accounting and analysis of inventories in connection with other indicators. It is based on the balance formula (1.11):

Zn + Post \u003d T + V + Zk

where Зн - commodity stocks at the beginning of the analyzed period, r.;

P - receipt of goods for the analyzed period, r.;

T - turnover of the organization for the analyzed period, r.;

B - documented disposal of goods for the analyzed period, which is not a sale, p .;

Зк - commodity stocks at the end of the analyzed period, р.

The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of excluding any kind of unidentified losses from the calculation, which somewhat distorts the amount of reserves. Therefore, balance sheet information must be systematically compared with inventory and withdrawal data. On the basis of the balance method, it is easy to carry out operational control over the movement of goods, especially with automated accounting based on a computer network.

The management of the range and volume of goods to be stored includes the selection of the most cost-effective replenishment system. The following systems can be used for this:

With a fixed order size. In this case, the quantity of goods to be replenished is a constant value that is determined by the buyer or supplier (in the form of a shipping rate). Delivery intervals will depend on the consumption of the stock of goods in the trade organization;

With a fixed interval between orders (once a day, week, month, etc.). The decision on the quantity of ordered goods is made depending on the degree of inventory consumption in the previous period;

Just-in-time system. According to it, goods are ordered in advance for a long period with a fixed quantity in a batch and are delivered by the supplier according to a set schedule (milk, bakery products, etc.). Stocks in the organization of trade are not created (or are created for several days of sale);

No fixed order frequency. The period between orders and the size of the consignment in this system are not set. The order for the delivery of goods is determined by the wholesale buyer based on the need to replenish stock;

With two control levels of stocks without a fixed frequency of delivery. Under this system, the order is presented to the supplier when the inventory level is less than required and has reached the so-called reorder point. The period between orders and the size of the order are not fixed in this system.

When creating an inventory control system, it is advisable to start with their standardization, unification, equipment with bar codes for reading by computer technology. Modern trade and inventory management are unthinkable without the use of a PC.

V manual mode it is difficult to quickly obtain the necessary systematized information about the balance of goods by their types, the shortage of specific commodity items, the available slow-moving stocks, the turnover of goods, the reliability of partners. Therefore, developing organizations are switching to automated accounting based on the use of computer technology.

To improve control over the movement of inventory, you can use a well-known system in foreign practice - ABC analysis.

ABC analysis is based on the use of the Pareto rule (80/20), which means that in any process, 20% of the causes are vital, and 80% do not have a significant impact on the result.

For trade organizations, ABC analysis allows you to determine the most priority positions in the assortment of goods, highlight outsiders and show what is the basic assortment. Based on the Pareto rule, you can focus on those 20% of products that provide 80% of the results (profit or turnover).

With regard to inventory, this analysis involves the division of goods into groups: A, B or C, which differ in their significance and contribution to the final result of the organization.

Group A includes stocks of those goods that are characterized by a high intensity of sales, which require their uninterrupted availability in the assortment. These goods have a fast turnover, and, as a result, the organization incurs significant costs associated with their purchase and sale. The goods in this group are the main ones in the turnover, they account for approximately 70-80% of the total sales, but they make up only 10-20% of the total inventory.

Group B includes goods of slower turnover, which are in much less demand than goods of group A. Their share in the total volume of trade is 10-15%, and their share in the total amount of stocks is 30-40%.

Group C consists of goods of even rarer demand and slow turnover. In the total volume of sales, their total value is 5-10%, but they occupy 40-50% of the inventory.

The ABC method allows the organization to systematize the accounting and control of stocks, to choose for planning exactly those of them that need to be managed in the first place.

A combination of ABC analysis and XYZ analysis can be used to make managerial decisions on assortment and inventory optimization.

XYZ analysis is a statistical method and is based on the same principle as ABC analysis. Products are divided into 3 groups: X, Y, Z based on the value of the coefficient of variation for a certain period of time. This analysis divides the goods according to the degree of deviation from the average, calculated over several periods.

ABC analysis shows the contribution of a product to the final results of a trading organization, and XYZ analysis shows the stability or instability of demand. The more stable the demand for a product, the easier it is to manage it, the lower the need for inventory.

According to XYZ-analysis, group X products are characterized by sales stability. The coefficient of variation does not exceed 10%, therefore, optimal stocks can be made for goods X.

Products in group Y have fluctuations in demand and average sales. The coefficient of variation is 10-25%.

Group Z products are characterized by irregular demand, unpredictable or very large fluctuations. The accuracy of forecasting sales of goods in this group is not high. The coefficient of variation exceeds 25% and can be more than 100%. Among this group may be goods delivered on customer orders or recently on sale.

XYZ-analysis will be reliable when taking into account a sufficiently long period of time, i.e. when the analyzed period is several times greater than the turnover of goods in days.

XYZ analysis is not possible if the organization has a lot of new products in its assortment or supply is intermittent.

XYZ-analysis in combination with ABC-analysis allows you to identify high-margin (AX) and low-margin (CZ) products.

In the organization of inventory control, it is important to establish its frequency, for which a schedule is drawn up and executed, for example, a computer must issue a summary of controlled stocks on a certain day of the week. However, these issues are resolved in the organization on the basis of production needs.

Thus, in the first chapter, the essence of commodity stocks, the reasons for their formation were studied, their main functions were considered, the composition was determined and the classification of commodity stocks was presented. The main internal and external factors affecting the size of inventory were also identified. The chapter also studied the points related to inventory management: inventory control (the main methods of controlling and accounting for inventory, replenishment and inventory control systems were considered).

2. Analysis of commodity stocks of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg"

open joint-stock company"Minbakaleyatorg" was created by reorganizing the wholesale rental enterprise "Minbakaleyatorg" on the basis of the agreement "On joint activities on the establishment of the Open Joint Stock Company "Minbakaleiatorg with the participation of the labor collective" dated December 28, 1999 and the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 2089 dated December 31, 1999 "On the introduction of state property leased to the wholesale leasing enterprise" Minbakaleiatorg ".

JSC "Minbakaleyatorg" was registered as a legal entity by the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated April 17, 2000 No. 400 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs No. 100123059.

The Company is a commercial organization in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The Company operates in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Belarus "On Entrepreneurship", "On Joint Stock Companies, Limited Liability Companies and Additional Liability Companies", the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus and other legislation in the Republic of Belarus.

Open Joint Stock Company "Minbakaleyatorg" is located at the address: Minsk, st. N.P. Drozda, 14.

The form of ownership is private (the state's share in the statutory fund is 25%).

Organizational structure JSC Minbakaleiatorg is a single economic complex, which consists of structural divisions, which are managed by the Director of the Company. This structure is presented in Appendix A.

The supreme governing body is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Supervisory Board is a management body that carries out general management of the Company's activities in the period between meetings. The executive bodies of the Company are the director and his deputies. The competence of the management bodies of the Company is determined by the charter of the Company.

182 people work in OJSC "Minbakaleyatorg", including 29 managers, 55 specialists, 2 employees, 96 workers. Of these, 57 people have higher education, 37 have specialized secondary education, 48 have vocational education, 37 have general secondary education, and 3 have general basic education.

The Company uses time-based and piece-rate forms of remuneration of employees. Bonuses are provided in accordance with the Regulations on bonuses in force in the organization, the Regulations on bonuses based on the results of the implementation of measures to save fuel and energy resources, the Regulations on rewards for production achievements and the performance of individual tasks. Depending on the length of service in the organization, employees are paid a bonus for the length of service in trade, remuneration based on the results of work for the year. Shareholders of the Company are paid dividends once every six months.

The purpose of the Company's activity is - economic activity aimed at making a profit to meet the social and economic interests of the shareholders of the company and to meet the needs of the population in food products.

The Company carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, international agreements to which the Republic of Belarus has acceded, and the Charter of the Company.

The main directions of economic activity of the company is wholesale trade food products(salt, cereals, flour, sugar, confectionery, coffee, tea, spices, preserves, including baby food), as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and tobacco products.

The Company carries out the following activities:

Wholesale of food products, including drinks, sugar, chocolate and sugary confectionery;

Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices;

Wholesale of other food products

Wholesale of non-food consumer goods, tobacco products;

Storage and warehousing;

The commercial activity of the Company is aimed at studying the market for goods of the Minbakaleiatortorg nomenclature, the range of goods from the production sphere to the sphere of circulation, and depends on the nature of payments for goods supplied between industry, wholesale and retail trade.

JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg" occupies a plot of land of 1.532 hectares, on which there are 12 capital buildings with a total area of ​​9619 m2.

JSC "Minbakaleiyatorg" rents a building built into a residential building used as a grocery store with a total area of ​​622.7 m2, including a retail one - 188.2 m2. The supply of goods to the company's warehouses is carried out by road and along the railway lines of the Minsk-Severny station.

Export of goods from warehouses is carried out by motor transport of buyers, attracted transport of auto enterprises and own trucks - own fleet of trucks is 5 units.

Loading and unloading operations in warehouses and stores are carried out using 17 electric forklifts, 5 belt conveyors, an elevator with a carrying capacity of up to two tons, and two light-duty elevators.

The main indicators of economic - economic activity bases are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Analysis of the main indicators of the economic activity of OJSC "Minbakaleiyatorg" in 2013-2014, million rubles



Proceeds from the sale of goods/works/services with VAT in current prices

Proceeds from the sale of goods/works/services without VAT in current prices

Turnover from the sale of goods/works/services with VAT in current prices

including wholesale

Sales income

in % of revenue

Implementation costs

in % of revenue

Management expenses

in % of revenue

Profit from sales

in % of revenue

Other income from current activities

Other expenses from current activities

Profit from current activities

Income from investment activities

Expenses from investment activities

Income from financial activities

Expenses from financial activities

Profit from investment, financial and other activities

Profit before tax

in % of revenue

income tax

Other taxes and fees calculated from profit

Net profit

in % of revenue

Result from the revaluation of long-term assets not included in net income

Total Profit

in % of revenue

Average number of employees, pers.

Output per worker

Area, m2

Revenue per 1 m2 of area

Average salary per month, thousand rubles

payroll in % of revenue

The results of the commercial activity of the enterprise largely depend on their volume and level. They are sensitive to any changes in market conditions, and, first of all, to the relationship of supply and demand.

The very fact of their existence does not bring their owners anything but costs and losses. And yet, without them, no trading enterprise can exist.

This is inventory.

Inventory is the main cash investment for trading firms, the main source of profit, the main problem of daily control. Currently, trading companies are increasingly faced with the problem of competition, which puts pressure on the established markup. Therefore, to ensure the necessary return on investment in the business, to ensure the necessary growth rates of the company, effective inventory management is relevant.

Efficient inventory management allows you to reduce the duration of the production and the entire operating cycle, reduce the current costs of their storage, release part of the financial resources from the current economic turnover, reinvesting them in other assets. Ensuring this efficiency is achieved through the development and implementation of a special financial policy for inventory management.

The choice of inventory management policy practically consists in answering one, fairly simple question: "What is the optimal amount of inventory for the company?".

It is obvious that the stocks of the company are needed in order to fulfill the orders of their customers for goods in the right quantity and on time.

However, stocks require expenses for their storage until they "wait in the wings" and are sold. Moreover, the company's losses increase, first of all, due to the diversion of part of the capital invested in reserves from turnover.

Therefore, the company must find for itself the optimal combination between the costs and benefits of the chosen level of inventory and determine what amount of inventory for each product group (or even item) is sufficient.

The inventory management system is designed to implement such a procedure for the formation and use of them, which would uninterruptedly meet the needs of the turnover, reflecting consumer demand, at the lowest cost of maintaining the total stocks.

One of the effective methods for optimizing inventory management is the use of a corporate information system (CIS) in a company.

The main advantages of a corporate information system are the ability to work in real time, "transparency" and, due to this, the optimization of business processes, the ability to predict the results of a company's activities, and company management at a qualitatively new level.

The implemented inventory management functionality allows you to effectively manage supplies and sales, quickly control inventory in the company's warehouses, optimize the assortment and inventory, determine the most profitable product, predict future sales based on the analysis of sales statistics for any period of time.

The presence in the system of automatic import and storage of price lists of suppliers allows you to obtain information about a new product from suppliers, about best price for purchase, choose the best assortment.

Analytical information about competitors' prices allows you to optimize the sales process, offer competitive prices, and thus increase the company's profits. Minimized the likelihood of obsolescence of the goods and the cost of maintaining the inventory.

Before inventory optimization, two main goals should always be set: minimizing costs and maximizing demand satisfaction.

When analyzing the optimal size of inventory, the actual inventory in days is compared with the norm and the deviation in days and in total is determined.

Inventory variance in days is calculated using the following formula:

where - stock deviation in days, days;

Actual stocks in days, days;

Inventory rate in days, days.

The stock variance in total is determined by the following formula:

where - stock deviation in total, rub.;

One-day turnover, rub.;

For example, if the stock rate is 23 days and the actual stock is 21 days, then the variance is 2 days.

Such a deviation with a "-" sign indicates that inventory needs to be replenished, otherwise the volume of trade in the next period may be reduced.

And, on the contrary, a deviation with a "+" sign indicates that there are excess inventories. In this case, it is necessary to find out why they arose.

If these goods arrived in the last days of the month and they simply did not have time to be sold, then it follows that they will contribute to an increase in trade in the next period. If these goods are not sold for a long time, they take up sales space and increase distribution costs. Then it is necessary to take measures for their implementation (for example, by setting discounts).

It should be said that the share of slow and stale goods(low quality, lost marketable condition out of fashion, etc.) in the total inventory can be calculated separately for a more thorough study of the reasons for this situation.

The above analysis can only be carried out on current stocks. If the enterprise has inventory of seasonal accumulation, their volume must be deducted from the total amount of actual inventory.

It should be noted that it makes sense to estimate the optimal size of commodity stocks not for all types of goods. So, there is no need to resort to the calculation of this indicator for goods whose average turnover is one day (for example, bread).

Inventory optimization is a matter that must be addressed daily.

In some cases, an effective solution is to transfer inventory management (at the level of plans) to the sales department while adjusting the incentive system.

For managers involved in inventory management, wages are tied to the net profit of the enterprise, taking into account the cost of diverted capital.

That is, if earlier marketers were interested in the volume of sales and the difference between purchase prices and selling prices, now the inventory is also in the circle of their interests.

For the purposes of inventory optimization, the following formula can also be used - the formula for calculating profit for the period:

Pv \u003d (T 2 + D 2 - K 2) - (T 1 + D 1 - K 1) + Vp - P, (18)

where Пв - gross profit before taxation, rub.;

T 2 - commodity stock at discount prices at the end of the period, rubles;

D 2 - accounts receivable at the end of the period, rubles;

K 2 - accounts payable at the end of the period, rubles;

T 1 - commodity stock at accounting prices at the beginning of the period, rubles;

D 1 - accounts receivable at the beginning of the period, rubles;

K 1 - accounts payable at the beginning of the period, rubles;

Vp - gross receipts of funds minus the cost of purchasing goods for the period,

P - expenses in the process of marketing.

Gross profit Pv actually reflects the increase in capital for the period.

The growth of accounts payable (the use by the enterprise of commodity credit from suppliers and prepayments from buyers), the reduction of accounts receivable (more prompt receipt of funds from debtors) increase the efficiency of the enterprise's capital.

To stimulate "automatic" optimization by selling inventory, profit is calculated taking into account the cost of financing according to the formula:

Pu \u003d Pv-N - (T 3 + D 3 - K 3) Ko, (19)

where Pu - conditional profit, taking into account the cost of financing, rubles;

Пв-Н - gross profit after taxation, rub.;

(T 3 + D 3 - K 3) - abstract weighted average capital for the period, rub.;

Ko - percentage of the cost of finance.

In the case when the finances are own, Ko can be taken equal to the percentage received from the use of capital in the industry, in the financial market or in the most profitable area of ​​the enterprise.

We will explain the operation of this system using an example: the weighted average inventory of an enterprise for the previous quarter amounted to 20 million rubles, accounts receivable - 5 million rubles, accounts payable - 3 million rubles.

As a result of the enterprise's activities, these figures have changed to 15 million rubles, 3 million rubles. and 5 million rubles. respectively; at the same time, a commodity stock of 5 million rubles was sold. in accounting prices, which brought 14 million rubles. total proceeds from sales, taking into account the margin, 2 million rubles. brought the return of accounts receivable, 2 million rubles. - growth of accounts payable - i.e. total gross receipts amounted to 18 million rubles. (14 + 2 + 2), and distribution costs amounted to 4 million rubles. . Then:

Pv \u003d (15 + 3 - 5) - (20 + 5 - 3) + 18 - 4 \u003d 13 - 22 + 14 \u003d 5 million rubles;

those. gross profit for the quarter is approximately 23% on initial capital.

Pu \u003d (5 - 5 * 0.35) - (17.5 + 4 - 4) * 0.15 \u003d 3.2 - 2.6 \u003d 0.6 million rubles.

As already noted, the final figure of 0.6 million rubles. can be conditionally considered net profit enterprises, because it reflects the actual profit, compared with the use of the same funds in a different way.

In this example, Ko = 15% per quarter - return on capital in the GKO financial market at the end of the year.

If, in the above example, the inventory is replenished through purchases and brought to the previous level of 20 million rubles, then the result will change as follows:

Pv \u003d (20 + 3 - 5) - (20 + 5 - 3) + 13 - 4 \u003d 18 - 22 + 13 - 4 \u003d 5 million rubles. (same figure);

Pu \u003d (5 - 5 * 0.35) - (20 + 4 - 4) * 0.15 \u003d 3.2 - 3 \u003d 0.2 million rubles.

Conditional profit decreased.

Liquidation of receivables and increase by 5 million rubles. accounts payable, with the same level of sales and inventory, replenished by lending to suppliers, will give the result:

Pv \u003d (20 + 0 - 8) - (20 + 5 - 3) + 19 - 4 \u003d 5 million rubles;

Pu \u003d (5 - 5 * 0.35) - (20 + 2.5 - 5.5) * 0.15 \u003d 3.25 - 2.55 \u003d 0.7 million rubles.

Stimulation of inventory optimization through the application of this or a similar formula gives a significant result under the following prerequisites:

the bonus to personnel should be a significant share of Pu (usually not less than 25%);

the personnel concerned must be familiar with the method of calculating the premium, and be able to independently monitor and predict the outcome of each transaction.

To stimulate sales personnel, a detailed study of the variable P is also essential. wages, office rent, advertising, transport and warehousing services can be tracked and optimized if an unambiguous method of accounting for them is developed.

Another, simpler, but less effective way to keep inventory within certain limits is the directive setting of its upper and lower limits in discount prices. The desire of the marketers to expand the range as much as possible, and the desire of the suppliers to increase the supply lines, are limited by the total amount of funds diverted to the inventory.

The method is operable, but has the disadvantage that it does not provide an optimization function, but only a restrictive one.


No commercial enterprise can exist without commodity stocks. The results of the commercial activity of the enterprise largely depend on their volume and level. They are sensitive to any changes in market conditions, and, first of all, to the relationship of supply and demand. The very fact of their existence does not bring their owners anything but costs and losses.

Commodity stocks are called consumer goods that are in the sphere of commodity circulation, and, simply speaking, "reserve" is a product that is waiting for the moment of its sale. After the commodity is sold, it passes into the sphere of consumption and ceases to be a commodity stock.

Inventory management is aimed at increasing the profitability and speed of circulation of invested capital. It provides for at the stage of formation of inventories - control of the level of inventories and substantiation of the optimal volume of orders, at the stage of sale of inventories - a change in the volume and reasons for the creation of inventories and the development of a policy for the implementation of excess inventories.

The purpose of this course work is to study the management of inventory in a wholesale trade enterprise.

The main objectives of the course work:

1. To study the theoretical aspects of inventory management;

2. Give the organizational and economic characteristics of the wholesale trade enterprise;

3. Conduct an analysis of inventory management in a wholesale trade enterprise;

4. Formulate ways to improve inventory management in a wholesale trade enterprise;

5. Develop specific measures to improve inventory management and evaluate them economic efficiency.

The object of study of the course work is the "Trade City of Babylon".

The study period is 2012-2014.

When writing a term paper, the following methods were used: dialectical, deduction, abstract-logical, analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, forecasting.

The information base of the study was the accounting financial statements of the enterprise LLC "Trade City Babylon" for 2012-2014.

The theoretical and methodological foundations for writing the work were educational literature domestic authors, as well as periodicals devoted to the management of commodity stocks.

Theoretical aspects of inventory management of a trading enterprise

Wholesale turnover

The historical process of development of the commodity economy contributed to the isolation of the sphere of circulation and the allocation of intermediary areas in it - wholesale and retail trade. As a result of wholesale, goods do not enter the sphere of personal consumption, they either enter industrial consumption or are purchased by a retail network for sale to the population. Thus, wholesale turnover is the total volume of sales of goods by manufacturing and trading enterprises, as well as intermediaries to other enterprises and legal entities for the next sale to the population or for industrial consumption.

The role and purpose of wholesale trade can be most clearly seen when considering its functions.

At the macro level, wholesale trade performs various market functions:

Integrating - to ensure the relationship between partner manufacturers, sellers and buyers - to find the best channels for marketing products;

Estimated - to determine the level of socially necessary costs of work through pricing;

Organizing and regulating - to ensure the rational construction and harmonious functioning of the economic system with the help of impulses that stimulate structural changes.

The macroeconomic functions of wholesale trade are transformed at the micro level into various sub-functions or functions of wholesale trade enterprises. Among them are the following:

The function of economic integration of territories and overcoming the spatial gap;

The function of converting the production assortment into a trading assortment of goods;

Function of formation of stocks for insurance against changes in demand for goods;

storage function;

The function of refinement, bringing the goods to the required quality, filling and packaging;

The function of lending to its customers, especially small retail businesses;

Function of marketing researches of the market and advertising.

The development of market relations contributes to the emergence of new elements in the activities of wholesale enterprises. For example, providing a variety of management and consulting services to their clients. The list of specialized services includes consultations on the operation of goods, especially technically complex ones, their repair and warranty service.

The functions of wholesale trade can also be divided into two parts: traditional - mainly organizational and technical (organization of wholesale purchase and sale, warehousing and storage of stocks, transformation of the range of goods, their transportation) and new ones that arise under the influence of market development.

The organization of wholesale purchase and sale has been one of the most important functions of wholesale trade since the time when, in the process of the social division of labor, it separated into an independent area of ​​trade. When contacting product manufacturers, wholesalers act as representatives of demand, and when offering goods to buyers, they act on behalf of the manufacturer.

The specialization of wholesale trade in the performance of the contact function provides significant savings in distribution costs, which predetermines a decrease in the number of contacts. As a result, the buyer retail, saves time, as it is released from purchases from a great variety of manufacturers, reduces material costs associated with storage, the formation of an assortment of goods and their delivery.

It is a well-known fact that it is much cheaper to store inventory in wholesale than to place it in a retail network. In particular, the storage of goods by wholesale enterprises, the production and demand for which are seasonal in nature, is of great importance. Considering the experience of storing goods in developed countries, it should be noted that, despite the widespread development of a system of public trains in them, which commercially provide their space to commodity owners, the wholesale link plays a leading role in the accumulation of inventories. Wholesalers are more suited to the specialized storage function, so many corporations, by strengthening their ties with wholesalers, have freed retailers from holding much of their inventory. Transfer for storage to wholesalers finished products, raw materials, materials is also profitable for industrial firms that have a seasonal production cycle.

The function of assortment transformation is closely related to the product storage function. The list of operations combined in this function includes: sorting of goods and their assembly, crushing and consolidation of batches of products, its standardization. In other words, wholesalers transform the industrial supply of goods into assortment groups corresponding to the demand of individual buyers. The need to perform this function is especially relevant in modern conditions, when, due to the development of specialization, production is effective only with the release of mass batches of goods, and consumption is increasingly characterized by an increase in the range with small volumes of purchases of individual goods.

Wholesale enterprises organize the delivery of goods to various regions of the country, thereby improving the territorial division of labor.

In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the role of trade and its wholesale link is steadily increasing. It is under the conditions of a functioning normal market that wholesale trade should become an active lever for stimulating an increase in the efficiency of production, a better satisfaction of the needs of the buyer, and the successful development of the entire national economy.


For the implementation of the continuous process of commodity circulation, certain stocks of goods are necessary. Commodity stocks are a set of commodity mass, which is in the sphere of circulation and is intended for sale. Commodity stocks perform certain functions:

They ensure the continuity of expanded production and circulation, during which their systematic formation and expenditure take place;

Satisfy the effective demand of the population, as they are a form of product offering;

They characterize the relationship between the volume and structure of demand and product supply.

The need for the formation of commodity stocks of commodities is caused by the following reasons:

Continuity of circulation processes;

Seasonality of production and consumption;

Uneven distribution of production and areas of consumption;

Unforeseen fluctuations in demand and rhythm of production;

The need to transform the production range into a trade one;

The need to form insurance reserves,

Other reasons.

Inventories are classified according to various criteria. Depending on the characteristics of circulation, they are divided into current storage inventories, which are designed to meet the daily needs of trade in the uninterrupted sale of goods for the population, as well as stocks of seasonal accumulation and early delivery of goods, which are associated with the seasonality of production and consumption of individual goods, with the conditions for their transportation to certain regions of the country.

When accounting and planning inventory, absolute and relative indicators are used. Absolute value commodity stocks can be expressed in natural or in value units. The absolute value of commodity stocks is a variable value. It changes all the time depending on the receipt and sale of goods. Therefore, when analyzing and planning, it is of great importance to compare inventory with turnover. For this purpose, inventories are expressed in days. This indicator is relative, it characterizes the amount of inventory that is in the trade enterprise on a certain date, and shows how many days of trade there will be enough inventory.

The size of commodity stocks is directly related to the speed of circulation of goods. With a constant volume of trade, an acceleration in the turnover of goods leads to a decrease in inventories, and, conversely, a slowdown in turnover requires a greater mass of inventories.

Accelerating the time of circulation of goods is of great importance: it increases the economic efficiency of all social production, affects the pace of reproduction, being at the same time an important condition for increasing the profitability of the trading activities of the enterprise.

The turnover of goods can be accelerated only by improving the entire trade, commercial and economic work of the enterprise. This requires a deep understanding of the influence of various factors on the formation of commodity stocks.

Some of these factors accelerate the speed of circulation of goods and thereby objectively reduce the required amount of stocks, while others, on the contrary, slow down the speed of commodity circulation and thereby increase the size of stocks. Knowing this, it is possible to detect reserves for accelerating the turnover of the company's stocks, reduce the cost of forming and storing inventories.

The main factors that affect the turnover and the amount of inventory include the following.

The relationship between supply and demand for goods. In conditions when the demand of the population exceeds the supply of goods, their turnover sharply accelerates, the trade turnover is carried out with smaller commodity stocks. As the supply of goods increases, the market is saturated, there is a slight slowdown in the speed of circulation of goods. Studying the demand of the population is one of the conditions that contribute to the normalization of commodity stocks;

The complexity of the range of products. The time of circulation of goods of a complex assortment, as a rule, far exceeds the time of circulation of goods of a simple assortment;

Organization and frequency of importation of goods. The more often goods are delivered to a trading enterprise, the less commodity stocks can be used to fulfill the turnover plan. In turn, the frequency of importation depends on the location of trade enterprises, the conditions of transportation, and the location of production enterprises. The closer placed industrial enterprises or wholesale bases to areas of consumption, the more often the delivery of goods is made, the less time is spent on their delivery. The high frequency of importation is typical for goods that quickly deteriorate;

Consumer properties goods. They either reduce or increase turnaround time.

Rhythm of receipt of goods during the quarter and month, the order of delivery of goods.

A great many other factors also influence the circulation of goods: the organization of advertising and the sale of goods, transport conditions, the state of the material and technical base, the features of packaging of goods, etc. The qualifications of personnel and the level of management of a complex trading process, organization of work, etc. are important.

Inventory Management Optimization

In developed countries, inventory management is based on the use of powerful information technologies that allow almost every day to monitor their status and dynamics, automatically place orders through a computer network and replenish stocks to the optimal level. The most common inventory management systems that are based on the use of the EQQ model, the red line tool, the two-sector tool. Recently, the Just-In-Time inventory management method has become widespread. At the same time, the completeness and reliability of the information base is ensured by automating accounting and using the international coding system for goods.

General principle, on which all inventory management systems are based, is the relationship of input and initial parameters, which are indicated in Figure 1.

order point
Order volume
Safety stock level
Operating inventory level
Figure 1- Inventory management system

Such systems are created to most effectively solve the following problems:

Real assessment of the current state of stocks;

Establishing the necessary terms for placing orders;

Determining the appropriate volume of a consignment of goods that is ordered;

Determining the required volume of insurance stocks;

Estimation of inventory management costs and means of their minimization.

The first problem is solved by using inventory control systems that provide management needs for operational information about the dynamics of their implementation and the current state.

Existing inventory control systems vary from the simplest to the most complex, depending on the size of the enterprise, management policy and technology, volume, types and other characteristics of stocks.

Common stock level control systems are those based on the use of red line tools. The essence of the means is to fix the marginal limit, below which the level of stocks should not fall. When this limit is reached, a new order is automatically placed.

The second type of control systems is based on the use of a two-sector facility, according to which stocks for storage are kept in two sectors - working and reserve. When the stocks of the working sector are exhausted, two processes are included - the working sector is replenished at the expense of the reserve, and a new order is placed.

The classification approach to inventory management (ABC system) has become widespread in developed countries. His idea is to use the classification of stocks and the allocation of three groups - A, B, and C, depending on the degree of influence of this type of stock on the increase in the turnover of the enterprise.

Group A includes stocks, the sale of which makes the largest contribution to the volume of trade in monetary terms. This group includes stocks that provide 50% of the sales volume. As a rule, these are the most expensive goods, and their share in the volume of stocks in physical terms does not exceed 15%. Stocks of this kind require special attention of managers and the use of quantitative tools and models to optimize decision making.

Group B includes reserves of medium importance, which provide 35% of the company's sales volume. Their share in physical terms, as a rule, is about 35%. The choice of group B inventory management tools should be based on a comparison of management costs and the economic effect of their use.

Commodity stocks, the sale of which has an insignificant contribution to the volume of trade, about 15%, are classified as group C. Quite often they make up a significant part of the volume of stocks in physical terms - about 50%. It is not advisable to apply complex quantitative management methods to group C inventory management, since at the same time, management costs may be greater than the economic effect of their use.

The principle of classifying reserves into groups according to their importance to the enterprise is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of reserves (ABC system).

A relatively new approach to inventory management is the principle of Just-In-Time ("just in time") management. This approach was first used by Japanese corporations and has since spread throughout the world. The main idea is that stocks are practically not created, and the process of delivery of goods by suppliers is strictly coordinated with the technological process at the enterprise. This system allows you to get a significant economic effect by bringing storage costs to zero. However, the high level of requirements for the accuracy of the functioning of the supply system and the risk of possible errors that will lead to a violation of technology do not allow this approach to be used in countries with an underdeveloped information and communication infrastructure.

The management of most trading companies in developed countries is based on the use of computer technology. Management systems include an automated system for inventory accounting and placing orders with suppliers. The movement of each unit of goods, with the help of magnetic bar coding, is reflected in a database that covers information throughout the company's distribution network. The database management system allows you to constantly update information about the status of stocks, automatically place orders through a computer network and take into account replenishment information. At the same time, information about the sale of goods enters the inventory, receivables and cash management system and is processed on the basis of the model tools built into the system.

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