A step by step guide to applying for sick leave. How many stamps on the sick leave: requirements for the design of the form

If the sick leave is not drawn up according to the rules, then the FSS will not reimburse the employer for the paid temporary disability benefit and will not accept the costs associated with its payment as offset against the payment of insurance premiums (clause 4, part 1, article 4.2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). Therefore, it is in the interests of the employer to check the sick leave for significant flaws. At the same time, the absence of a seal on the disability certificate is one of such important shortcomings.

How many seals of a medical organization should be on a sick leave

By general rule on the sick leave there should be two seals: they are affixed at the opening of the sick leave and at the discharge of the patient.

In addition, if an ill employee was also sent for a medical and social examination (ITU), then the sick leave must bear the seal of the ITU institution.

Requirements for the imprint of the seal of a medical organization

The print must be legible.

The name on the seal must match the name medical organization specified in its charter (clause 56 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n). True, some medical organizations may use special seals / stamps, on the imprint of which the profile of the institution will not be visible (for example, if a sick leave certificate is issued by a psychiatric medical organization).

In addition, the seal may say “for sick leaves” (clause 2 of the Letter of the FSS of the Russian Federation of October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18 / 15-12956).

The imprint of the seal may go beyond the boundaries of the field allocated for it, but cannot enter the information cells of the sick leave.

Sick leave stamp: should the employer put an imprint of his seal

The employer puts his stamp on the sick leave only if it is available (

An incorrectly issued sick leave cannot be paid by either the employer or the Social Insurance Fund. As a result, a person does not receive the compensation due to him for the period of incapacity for work. The absence of at least one seal or painting in the appropriate place is the basis for considering the sick leave invalid and invalid. That is why it is necessary to know how many seals should be on the sick leave and in what places they should be affixed.

Minimal amount

In case of error

If there are corrections in the sick leave (only by the employer), all of them are recorded on the back of the disability certificate and certified by the signatures of the director and accountant, and also certified by the seal of the organization.

According to the established rules, in a hospital institution to which a citizen who has temporarily lost his ability to work applied, two seals are put on the form: when the sick leave is opened and when it is closed. After the first seal is set, the sheet is not given to the person’s hands, it is kept by the attending physician along with medical card until the time of release. Already after the sick leave ends, the doctor or the person responsible for accounting for the forms strict accountability stamps medical institution, signs it, makes an entry in the issuance journal and gives it to the recipient personally. The duty of a citizen to provide a certificate of incapacity for work at the place of work within six calendar months(for how long must pay sick leave, find out). There can be no less than two seals on a sick leave of a new sample.

What seals does the medical institution put

Triangular seals or round

Not by the rules

If certain mistakes were violated or made, the FSS may not accept such a disability certificate and not reimburse the employee for sick leave. Such errors, among other things, include: the absence of printing or its poor-quality print (and, as a result, illegibility) or the print getting on the cells of the information field, when this makes it difficult to read the text.

The Ministry of Health has clearly established which seals should be on the sick leave: round or triangular. Each medical institution has several types of seals. The sick leave in specially designated places is certified by triangular ones, in which the name of the organization or the phrase "for sick leaves" is written. It is assumed that organizations specific profile(narcological or psychiatric hospitals) may use triangular seals without the name of the medical institution. The top left corner of the form must be stamped by the hospital. The round seal is affixed only if the citizen applied not at the place of permanent residence or temporary registration. All seals must be clear, identical, legible and blue. The medical institution conducting the medical and social examination puts a triangular seal in the appropriate place.

Should the employer stamp the form?

The lower part of the form is filled out by the employer after receiving a sick leave from the employee. The seal is put if the organization has it. In fact, the legislation does not oblige to certify the form with the seal of all employers, therefore, the Social Insurance Fund often receives sheets certified by the signature of the head. Since a hospital certificate with the seal of a medical organization is the main document for transferring compensation for loss of working capacity, the employer must check that all fields are filled out correctly before submitting it to the Social Insurance Fund. The seals of the polyclinic or hospital must be in a strictly designated place for them, not to fall on the information fields of the form. It is allowed for the seals to go beyond the boundaries of the allotted space if the fields to be filled in remain unchanged.

Seal Requirements

Medical organizations are required to have triangular seals for filling out sick leave, as well as round seals, which additionally certify other data. If a note is made in the form that the insured person applied not at the place of permanent or temporary registration, then this mark is certified by a round seal. It must contain the following information: the name of the organization, legal address, TIN. It is allowed to certify on the form of a disability certificate a round or triangular seal with the signature “for sick leave”, provided that the rest of the mandatory data is written in the stamp of the organization. The exception is psychiatric and narcological dispensaries.

Ask questions in the comments to the article and get an expert answer

Question: What letters (uppercase or lowercase) is the disability certificate filled in?

Answer: All text is entered on the disability certificate in specially designated cells and only in block capital letters. This requirement is introduced for the first time. There should be no entries outside the cell box.

Q: What color should the ink be?

Answer: In the disability certificate, entries are made only in black ink.

Question: What pens fill out a disability certificate?

Answer: The disability certificate can be filled out with gel, capillary or fountain pens. The use of ballpoint pens of any color is prohibited, as such ink makes the text non-machine readable.

Question: How are entries made in cells?

Answer: Entries in the sick leave sheet should not go beyond the boundaries of the cells and should not be in contact with their boundaries.

Question: From which cell is the record entered?

Answer: All entries in specially designated cells are put down starting from the first cell.

Question: Where and how are the seals of a medical organization affixed?

Answer: On the certificate of incapacity for work, it is obligatory to have two seals of the medical organization that issued the certificate of incapacity for work. If a patient is referred for a medical and social examination, the seal of the ITU institution is required. All stamps are placed only in specially designated places. The imprint may protrude beyond the specially designated area, but should not fall on the cells of the information field.

The seal of the medical organization at the bottom of the disability certificate may take the place of the doctor's signature.

Question: What should be the stamp on the disability certificate?

Answer: The imprint of the seal of the medical organization must correspond to the name specified in the charter of the medical organization. When issuing sick leave certificates, psychiatric, narcological organizations, centers for the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases, etc., special seals or stamps can be used without indicating the profile of the organization. This requirement has been there before.

Question: Is it possible to accept disability certificates with corrections?

Answer: According to the new rules, the presence of errors in the disability sheet is not allowed. If there are errors, it is considered damaged and a new certificate of incapacity for work is issued in return. Under the old rules, no more than two corrections were allowed.

Question: Should I accept a certificate of incapacity for work, which indicates not complete, but short title organizations?

Answer: When filling out the lines of the sick leave “name of the medical organization”, in all cases, the abbreviated name of the organization should be used, both provided for by the statutory documents, and the acceptable and arbitrary abbreviation in the form of generally accepted abbreviations in accordance with the unified state register legal entities and the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Quotation marks, dots, commas, dashes, number signs in the name of organizations are not used. Spaces between words in the lines of the disability certificate are required. The disability certificate is filled out from the first cell in strict accordance with their number in the corresponding line. Going beyond the boundaries of the information field is not allowed, the recording of the name is terminated. It is mandatory to indicate the OGRN (main state registration number) of the medical organization.

If it is impossible to write the full (abbreviated) name of the policyholder, which has more than 29 characters with spaces, when filling out the lines of the disability certificate, the accepted abbreviated name of the policyholder and (or) the surname and initials of the employer are indicated - individual entrepreneur according to the number of cells in the row of the information field. With a possible exit beyond the boundaries of the information field, the recording is terminated.

If there are more than 38 letters in the name of the organization (with spaces) and there is no abbreviation in the constituent or statutory documents, the abbreviated name is entered in accordance with generally accepted abbreviations that allow identifying the organization, according to the appendix.

The accepted abbreviated name of the organization is established by the relevant organizations in agreement with regional office Fund, is brought to the attention of insured persons working in this organization when they apply for medical care in medical organizations due to an injury or illness, as well as for other reasons.

Question: How many certificates of incapacity for work are issued to a mother while caring for two or more children?

Answer: When caring for two children at the same time, one certificate of incapacity for work is issued. There are two lines in the care section. The first contains the data of the first child (age, relationship, last name, first name, patronymic), the second - the second child.

When caring for more than two children at the same time, a second certificate of incapacity for work is issued, in the first and second row of cells of the lines "for care" the data of other children who are being cared for are indicated, the remaining lines (columns) of the certificate of incapacity for work are drawn up identically to the lines (columns) of the first certificate of incapacity for work

Question: How to fill in the line "surname and initials of the doctor or identification number"

Answer: When filling in the line "surname and initials of the doctor or identification number" in the disability certificate, the surname is first indicated, then the initials separated by a space. When you go beyond the information field, the recording stops.

If the length of the doctor's surname exceeds 14 letters, the surname without initials is filled in.

With a double surname, both lines of the information field are filled in. The surname of the chairman of the medical commission (VK) is entered without initials.

It is possible to fill out the position of a doctor in a disability certificate as follows:

Doctor and (or) paramedic and (or) dentist (without specifying his specialty);

Therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, ENT - doctor (if the number of letters does not exceed 9 cells).

A sick leave certificate is an official confirmation that an employee does not attend his workplace due to illness. In order for this document not to cause doubts among the authorities and in the Insurance Payments Fund, it must be properly certified with seals. What should be the seals on the sick leave?

Printing on the sick leave: round or triangular?

The type of seal on a particular document - round or triangular - is established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Most medical facilities have both round and triangular seals. And yet, more often, a certificate of incapacity for work is confirmed by a triangular seal, along the inner contour of which there is an inscription “for sick leave”, and the name of a medical institution is also present on the imprint.

If the sheet is certified in organizations of a specific orientation (drug dispensary, psychiatric hospital), then in this case the name of the institution may not be on the seal (triangular shape), just the inscription “for sick leave” is enough.

There are situations when the sheet also has a round print. But this happens only in such cases when the patient went to the hospital not at the place of residence / registration or if some additional information is required for the sick leave.

General requirements for stamps on sick leave

The seal of the disability certificate must meet the following requirements (according to the Ministry of Health):

  • the imprint of the seal is located strictly in the lower and upper right corners;
  • retreat outside the designated area is allowed;
  • the printed stamp must have clear, even contours with clearly visible names;
  • The seal should not overlap the columns of the information form.

How many stamps should there be?

On the form there are three places for three stamps, with which the medical institution confirms the authenticity of the document. Learn more about how to determine the authenticity of a sick leave.

The first seal is placed at the top of the form. It serves as a confirmation of the authenticity and correctness of the information indicated in all completed columns. These columns indicate the details of the patient and the reason for his appeal.

The second seal is placed at the moment of closing sick leave. The place for setting it is located in the column that indicates when the employee can return to his duties.

There may not be a third seal. It is put only if the patient was sent for medical examination.

This is what a disability certificate looks like with all the necessary stamps:

Mandatory presence of 2 seals on the sick leave.

Possible violations

There are frequent cases when a sick leave is not accepted due to its incorrect execution. Printing errors can also be the cause.

  1. A sick leave certificate is invalid if it has only one seal.
  2. The sheet is not accepted if it is certified by outdated or inappropriate seals for a particular medical institution.
  3. If the name of the institution is printed on the seal, which does not correspond to the actual one, then the seal is invalid.

The seal must contain a cliché “for sick leave”, in its absence, the form is considered invalid.

The seal of the employer on the form of incapacity for work - is it necessary and in what cases?

As for the marks on the sheet from the head, they are filled in at the bottom of it and are located after the main information. The presence of a seal from the employer is not required, only his signature is enough. However, some organizations have special seals for sick leave. In this case, in addition to the signature of the employer, a seal is also put.

After a thorough check of the completed fields, the employer submits the sheet to the FSS so that the employee receives material payments to compensate for his temporary incapacity for work.

The certificate of incapacity for work must have at least two triangular-shaped stamps. Stamp imprints must be clear and affixed in their proper places. The stamp of the employer on the sick leave form is not a requirement.

The employee submitted a certificate of incapacity for work (primary) to the accounting department, which indicates that the sick leave has not yet been closed and a certificate of incapacity for work has been issued (continued). How many seals of a medical institution should be on such a sheet? Should there be a seal of a medical institution under the table "Exemption from work"?


The sick leave must have two seals of the medical organization that issued the sick leave. If a patient is referred for a medical and social examination, the seal of the ITU institution is required. All stamps are placed only in specially designated places.

If the employee is healthy at the time of the examination, the doctor will put the date of entry to work on the primary sick leave, and stamps will be put on the document in the sick leave office.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a disability certificate, in which:

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits on a closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended.

Nina Kovyazina, deputy director of the department medical education and personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

How should a sick leave be drawn up, according to which the organization will be able to pay sick leave to an employee

Table "Exemption from work"

When filling out the table "Release from work" in the line "Surname and initials of the doctor or identification number", the surname of the doctor is indicated, then with a space in one cell, his initials (Approved procedure). *

In cases where the surname and initials of the doctor exceed 14 characters of the first row of cells, the ending of the surname and initials of the doctor can be transferred to the second row of cells of this row. If these cells are not enough, that is, there are more than 28 characters in the doctor's surname and initials, then the surname can be entered without initials. Surname does not fit in 28 cells? Then you can reduce it within the limits available.

If a medical worker draws up a sick leave certificate by decision of the medical commission, then in the line “Last and initials of the doctor or identification number”, in addition to the surname and initials of the attending physician, he must indicate the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission.

In the first row of the specified line, there are not enough cells to fill in the surname and initials of the attending physician (more than 14 characters), and in the second row there is not enough space for the surname and initials of the chairman of the medical commission (more than 14 characters)? Then only the names of the doctor (in the first row of cells) and the chairman of the medical commission (in the second row of cells) without initials can be entered. And again, if any of the surnames does not fit in the allotted cells, then it can be shortened.

Similar clarifications are contained in the letter of the FSS of Russia dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18 / 15-12956 and the letter of the FSS of Russia dated September 14, 2011 No. 14-03-11 / 15-8605.

The line "Doctor's position" should indicate a specific specialty (therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, ENT, etc.). If the number of letters in the name of the doctor's position exceeds nine cells, then an abbreviation is possible: "allergol", "stomatol", "ophthalmol", etc., since it allows you to identify the doctor's position.


How should the second, third and subsequent sick leave sheets be drawn up

When an employee is sick for a long time, the doctor has the right to write out several sick leaves for him. Each of them will be a continuation of the previous one (Procedure for issuing sick leave).

Consider an example of the design of the section "Filled out by a doctor of a medical organization" of a sick leave. *


An employee of Vasilek LLC brought three sheets of disability to the accounting department. Of these, one primary and two continuations. The third sick leave indicates that the employee must start work on August 8, 2014.

How to check that all three sick leaves refer to one insured event?


It is important for an accountant to find out how many insured events happened to an employee. To do this, he must carefully study the records on each sick leave.

Primary sick leave

When filling out the primary sick leave, the health worker must fill out (sample 1): *

The line "primary _", where the corresponding mark "V" is made. This condition is mandatory when filling out a disability certificate, which is primary (Procedure for issuing sick leave);

The line “Issued a certificate of incapacity for work (continued) No.”, which indicates the number of the next certificate of incapacity for work (clause 62 of the Procedure for issuing sick leave);

The line "Other: _ _", where a two-digit code 31. This code indicates that the employee continues to get sick and he is given a new certificate of incapacity for work (continued) (Procedure for issuing sick leave). Entering the date when indicated in the sick leave code 31 The procedure for issuing sick leave is not provided.

Note: primary sick leave does not always have a continuation. If the employee is healthy at the time of the examination, the doctor will put the date of entry to work on the primary sick leave, and stamps will be put on the document in the sick leave office. *

The seals may protrude beyond the specially designated space, but should not fall on the cells of the information field of the sick leave form (and the Procedure for issuing sick leave). If the seal nevertheless fell on the cells of the information field, then it should not interfere with the recognition of the characters indicated in these cells.

The moment of payment of benefits, if there are several sick leaves

  • - assign temporary disability benefits - within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • - to pay benefits - on the next day after the assignment of benefits, set for the payment of wages.

The employer is obliged to pay the so-called closed sick leave. This is a certificate of incapacity for work, in which: *

  • - there are seals of the medical organization;
  • - the doctor indicated the day of going to work or the number of the next sick leave, which is a continuation.

Thus, the employee has the right to receive benefits on a closed sick leave, even if the insured event has not ended.*