Lost starship summary. Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky Lost starship



Tolya stood with a furrowed brow. Everything was in vain ... Everything, everything!

Father didn't care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before the arrival of his father, Tolya was sitting in his room and for the last time pondering how best to start the conversation. From the walls, the multi-colored faces of the inhabitants of other planets, painted by his friend Alcoy, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; from the ceiling hung purple vines, fiery-red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unseen wings with spread wings; against the walls lay blue, gold and black alien stones, large but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves were books with very fiery paper - a thousand or more pages in each! - and with a small arrow on the cover: turn it - and the pages themselves turn over at the speed you need.

All this was brought by his father from space trips and presented to Tolya, who, since he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish ...

And Tolya was standing in a huge office, and his father repeated:

You can't, son ... Don't you know that children under the age of seventeen are strictly forbidden to fly out of bounds Solar system?

But why dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read the newspapers, you don’t listen to the radio, you don’t go to school where ...

I'm listening! Understand! I study! And that's why I know that this prohibition is outdated ... Maybe once again show you the book "Scientific discoveries made by children over the past three years"

Do not...

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Lepidoptera Academy. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known on Earth in only two or three copies, were adorned in transparent boxes that hung on the walls of my father's office. They were intricately painted by nature, and the father always proudly showed them to guests. In the cabinets and on the shelves of his office, boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets, visited by the earthlings, were kept; there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed like a day and an hour my father could not live without them!

And now he answered Tolya and at the same time looked through the eyepiece of a small electron microscope in order to better examine the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple color. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with shining eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya, - said the father, - you can't do that! Do you want me to put you on a spaceship that flies to the moon tomorrow at seven fifteen?

I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon there will be kindergartens open and spacesuits for nursing infants will be invented ... Even our Zhora was there ...

Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky

Lost starship. Seven days of miracles



Tolya stood with a furrowed brow.

It was all in vain ... Everything, everything!

Father didn't care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before the arrival of his father, Tolya was sitting in his room and for the last time pondering how best to start the conversation. From the walls, the multi-colored faces of the inhabitants of other planets, painted by his friend Alcoy, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; from the ceiling hung purple vines, fiery-red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unseen wings with spread wings; against the walls lay blue, gold and black alien stones, large but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages in each! - and with a small arrow on the cover: turn it - and the pages themselves turn over at the speed you need.

All this was brought by his father from space trips and presented to Tolya, who since he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish ...

And Tolya was standing in a huge office, and his father repeated:

You can't, son ... Don't you know that children under the age of seventeen are strictly forbidden to fly out of the solar system?

But why dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read the newspapers, you don’t listen to the radio, you don’t go to school where ...

I'm listening! Understand! I study! And that's why I know that this prohibition is outdated ... Maybe once again show you the book "Scientific discoveries made by children in the last three years"?

Do not…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Lepidoptera Academy. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known on Earth in only two or three copies, were adorned in transparent boxes that hung on the walls of my father's office. They were intricately painted by nature, and the father always proudly showed them to guests. In the cabinets and on the shelves of his office, boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets, visited by the earthlings, were kept; there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed like a day and an hour my father could not live without them!

And now he answered Tolya and at the same time looked through the eyepiece of a small electron microscope in order to better examine the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple color. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with shining eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya, - said the father, - you can't do that! Do you want me to put you in a starship that flies to the moon tomorrow at seven fifteen?

I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there, and they will come up with spacesuits for babies ... Even our Zhora was there ...

I should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, because they called you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go ultra-long ...

I already answered you. As if it is boring on Mars or even here ... Oh, sonny, sonny!

I'll finish now, son ... There is a time for everything, do not rush, nothing will leave you. And on our Earth there are still many undiscovered and mysterious ... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly by now in the camp of archaeologists; you know, they have already half-excavated the city of the Incas; it is said to have survived almost entirely. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica ... Well, admit, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him at least for a week?

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 20 pages)

Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky
Lost starship. Seven days of miracles


Tolya stood with a furrowed brow.

It was all in vain ... Everything, everything!

Father didn't care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before the arrival of his father, Tolya was sitting in his room and for the last time pondering how best to start the conversation. From the walls, the multi-colored faces of the inhabitants of other planets, painted by his friend Alcoy, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; from the ceiling hung purple vines, fiery-red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unseen wings with spread wings; against the walls lay blue, gold and black alien stones, large but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages in each! - and with a small arrow on the cover: turn it - and the pages themselves turn over at the speed you need.

All this was brought by his father from space trips and presented to Tolya, who since he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish ...

And Tolya was standing in a huge office, and his father repeated:

- You can't, son ... Don't you know that children under the age of seventeen are strictly forbidden to fly out of the solar system?

- But why, dad? Can you tell me why?

“As if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read the newspapers, you don’t listen to the radio, you don’t go to school where ...

- I'm listening! Understand! I study! And that's why I know that this prohibition is outdated ... Maybe once again show you the book "Scientific discoveries made by children in the last three years"?

- Do not…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Lepidoptera Academy. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known on Earth in only two or three copies, were adorned in transparent boxes that hung on the walls of my father's office. They were intricately painted by nature, and the father always proudly showed them to guests. In the cabinets and on the shelves of his office, boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets, visited by the earthlings, were kept; there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed like a day and an hour my father could not live without them!

And now he answered Tolya and at the same time looked through the eyepiece of a small electron microscope in order to better examine the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple color. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with shining eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

- Tolya, - said the father, - you can't do that! Do you want me to put you in a starship that flies to the moon tomorrow at seven fifteen?

- I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there, and they will come up with spacesuits for babies ... Even our Zhora was there ...

- I should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, after all, they called you.

- I don’t want to go to Mars! I want to go ultra-long ...

- I already answered you. As if it is boring on Mars or even here ... Oh, sonny, sonny!

- I'll finish now, son ... All in good time, do not rush, nothing will leave you. And on our Earth there are still many undiscovered and mysterious ... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly by now in the camp of archaeologists; you know, they have already half-excavated the city of the Incas; it is said to have survived almost entirely. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica ... Well, admit, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him at least for a week?

“Ten,” Tolya dropped gloomily.

- You see now! All your friends have gone on vacation in all directions, and you ... Tolya, well, give me some butterflies. Half it! It's so important ...

- I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only ...

- You can't, son, - repeated the father and sighed. - And do not ask, do not insist, learn to be patient ... Please.

- But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects ...

- That's right, they send me there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me too, there are laws of Higher Discipline, Higher Conscience and Higher Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I have no right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot violate the paragraph on children in the Interstellar Flight Instructions. It is written by kind and wise people

- But why do they forget that children ...

- Tolya! ... - Father, exhausted, leaned back in his chair. - Well, what a character you have! You can't even imagine what it is - a flight there ...

- I can imagine! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you ... You are super careful! In excess of…

- And then you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father got up from the table, laughed and tugged at his ear. - Are you striving for super long distances, and have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of the Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge ... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of clouds, where she was dealing with the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth ... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, my mother was also against his flight over ... - ah again this damn "over"! -… distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And the sister who wrote poetry ...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button illuminated on the black board, and the elevator rushed silently to him at once. Tolya entered the cockpit. What is it doing? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and the sublime, and for them this ...

Tolya sniffed, held back tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into a wide sunny courtyard. Here plane trees grew and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. At one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed for his unheard-of, for his downright terrifying appetite Glutton. Moreover, he was a merry fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no second such boy in the whole of Sapphire, and, as Tolin's first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon big excursions would be led to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.

However, now Zhora didn’t mess around and didn’t eat. He smelled the rose and at the same time looked out the window, behind which ... Of course, he could not look into any other window! He could only look out the window behind which Helen lived ...

Here Tolya would have to step up, so that Glutton would not notice him, but Tolya walked slowly, and at the yellow booth with two robotic janitors who swept and watered the yard in the morning, Glutton's laughing voice overtook him:

- Roofing, why are you sour? Crying?

Children’s heads began to protrude from the windows of their big house, and this provoked Zhora-Glutton even more, and he wanted to add something, when suddenly he heard: “Glutton, do you want a banana? This was said by Alka Goryachev, the son of a famous artist and a bit of an artist himself, Tolin's friend, not the very first, but also very good. Thin, fast, dexterous, he jumped out of the entrance with a bunch of yellow-green bananas crooked like boomerangs.

- Want! - Zhora-Glutton shouted, and Alka, tearing it off from the bundle, threw one banana.

Zhora caught him, tore off the skin in three strips, put the wet-white, mealy fruit in his mouth and again looked at the windows with his tiny, lazy-cheerful eyes, drowned in a full, cheeky face, and began to chew with great appetite, then threw the peel over the plane tree and asked Alka for another one.

- Eat! Chew! Enjoy! - Alka with feeling ran his hand over Zhorina's head against the grain and gave him another banana. And again the peel flew over the plane tree ...

All were rescued by Alka: whatever you ask of him - he will help, he will do, he will give back.

- Tell your father to grease the janitors better, - he reminded Zhora, - they always have a lot of work after you ...

Zhorin's father was a mechanic who watched robots that removed dust and dirt on their street. However, Zhora ignored Alkina's words.


Meanwhile, Tolya went out onto the Boulevard of Discovery. Under his feet - until the robots had time to remove them - rustled dry, yellow petals of acacia trees, sharp-nosed multicolored airplanes swept past him with a delicate melodic whistle.

From them protruded the yellow faces of the Japanese, Indian women from Tierra del Fuego, white-toothed blacks from the vicinity of the African lake Chad, calm blond Norwegians ... With all their eyes they looked at the city of Sapphire, which lay at the most beautiful Sapphire Bay with golden sandy beaches. The bay water was clear and cool; she gently picked up and carried the bathers and, they said, took off the year-old fatigue in one day. And, having worked out, people from all continents of the Earth hurried here at least for a week.

And there were still in this city, on its green hills, the ruins of the legendary Genoese fortress from time immemorial, when there was slavery on Earth; then a slave market was noisy here, and for copper, silver and gold coins with the imperious profiles of the Roman and Byzantine emperors, the rich could buy beautiful girl or a young man taken prisoner during robbery raids. Now in their city and all over the world nothing is being sold, money is left only under the glass of museums, and people who come here with sadness and bewilderment look at these tall, green teeth of the weathered, crumbling walls of the fortress, at the once formidable loopholes, which are now being attacked by cheerful swallows ... And people also come to their city to go to the amazing, so far the only museum in the world of Astrov - the famous artist, a native of this city, who painted on thin metal sheets with special, indelible, eternal paints the underwater landscapes of Sapphire Bay with starfish on dull green rocks, with the mysterious flickering of the depths, with the glare of the sun penetrating from above, with the mysterious shadow of a dilapidated, huge black Volcano, which stood on the shore - from which the sea has been washing out precious stones of rare beauty, of which girls and girls dream, women and even old women from all continents of the Earth ...

But Tolya walked through this magnificent green city, and he was not up to its beaches and the blue of its Sapphire Bay. He walked with his eyes downcast, and from time to time a hot, sliding whistle was heard above him, and then he sharply tossed his head: from the outskirts of the city, where there was a cosmodrome, one after another starships started and went into the Universe ...

Suddenly Tolya noticed Lenochka.

She walked towards him in a short silver dress and, bowing her head, was reading a book. At the same time, her long blonde hair clenched and unclenched like tight springs, and touched the pages of an open book.

Tolya stopped.

Helen, of course, did not notice him.

Meanwhile, a small triangular robot made of red plastic was moving right on to Tolya, quietly buzzing with motors, and carefully picked up acacia petals from the asphalt: after patiently standing next to Tolya, he blinked his green electric eye so that he would move away and allow the robot to draw in the petals lying under Tolya's soles. Tolya gave him permission, and the robot, saying “thank you,” delicately moved on. The guys in their city were used to robots, and Tolya did not pay the slightest attention to him. But he still could not take his eyes off Lenochka.

It means that she is not at home, and Zhora was in vain watching her windows ...

Tolya wanted to rush to her, ask how things are at the ballet school where she studied, tell her something funny, call her to the pier filled with blue and white underwater and surface rocket boats, or go to the Glass Tower of the Silver Mullet fish farm run by her mother ...

But it was impossible to rush to Lenochka and call her somewhere. Impossible because the nose and big Tolina ears were disgustingly dotted with small red freckles, and there were so many of them - my father was right - not to count! They were only on the nose and ears, and nowhere else, and it was terrible. Therefore, the nose and ears stood out sharply, and, of course, everyone saw it, and especially the girls ...

- Why are you alone? - Kolesnikov raised greenish glasses on his forehead.

- Why did you hang your nose? Look, you will scratch on the asphalt!

Tolya didn't even smile.

- So you won’t tell?

Tolya said nothing. He did not want to talk to Kolesnikov also because he was harsh, rude and behaved arrogantly. What a good-natured and cheerful Zhora-Glutton compared to him! And it was incomprehensible why Kolesnikov was so ... What was he missing?

In the courtyard, they called him only by his last name, or when he annoyed the children with something, they called him the Wheel. He was two years older than Tolika's friends, but extremely small in stature, and, probably, because of this, he disliked everyone who was even a centimeter taller than him. And almost all the guys were taller than him, even the girls.

However, he was well versed in technology - he easily repaired any home cars and robots, and even altered them, forcing them to work according to his own program: one walked and cleaned the yard and at the same time swore hoarsely and terribly:

"I will find and devour the sloth Glutton

I will leave a mountain of bones from Zhora! ”;

another robot, whose duty was to water the yard and flowers, sneaked up on the benches sitting in the yard and almost point-blank shot a tight stream of cold water at them. Kolesnikov was greatly impressed by this, and Zhorin's father took the naughty robots to his workshop, used a wrench, screwdrivers and a soldering iron to "beat the crap out of them" and re-taught them to engage in useful activities. In addition, Kolesnikov was an excellent race car driver, three times won the Courage and Speed ​​Cup at the children's auto-race in Sapphire. Several guys from their house had their own small airplanes, but only Kolesnikov had a special one - an ultra-high-speed one - and the right to drive it ...

Kolesnikov got out of the car. Stocky, in leather pants with "zippers" on the pockets, in a sleeveless jacket made of dense gray fabric, he moved his numb legs, as if he had been running through the city streets for more than an hour, and asked:

- Have you met Lenka?

So that's why Kolesnikov scoured the whole city!

Tolya did not want to help him, but he could not lie either. And so he was sullenly silent.

- So you haven't seen? I promised her yesterday ...

Tolya turned away from him and walked quickly along the sidewalk.

- I can give you a lift ... Sit down! - Kolesnikov, limping, followed him. He walked awkwardly, because he rarely walked, but his gray eyes were sly and dashing.

- Thank you. Somehow myself ... - Tolya went even faster.

He, like all the guys from their house, avoided Kolesnikov, but six months ago he simply amazed him ... No, not by victories in races - Tolya was indifferent to them. This is what happened: Kolesnikov secretly made his way into a spaceship that was leaving the solar system, into a storage compartment, and, probably, the only one of all the boys on Earth - and there is no need to talk about girls - he visited five distant planets at once and brought back many souvenirs from there! True, for this flight, upon arrival on Earth, he was severely punished: he was forbidden to visit the nearby planets for a year. But Tolya was ready to accept a hundred times more severe punishment, just to be there ... But how could he dare to do such a thing? ...

Tolya did not even have his own auto flight, because he was absent-minded and could not memorize all the driving rules, the appointment of all dials and keys on the dashboard, and therefore he was not given a license ...

Kolesnikov returned to the car, got into it, caught up with Tolya and drove off at the edge of the sidewalk, ahead of Tolya by some half a meter. His small, sturdy hands, with traces of lube and old cuts, gripped the wheel lightly and casually.

- Are you offended? Kolesnikov asked softly, almost affectionately.

- Well, sit down. Let's go for a swim ... What a heat!

Tolya glanced at him: the eyes of Kolesnikov, who was sitting at the steering wheel, looked even more affectionate. What about him? Picked up? But why? After all, Tolya did not become shorter overnight and was still not strong in technique ...

“I don’t want to swim,” said Tolya.

- As you know ... Yesterday, by the way, my father and I were with Uncle Artyom, and he told us about the planet P-471 ...

Tolya immediately forgot about everything in the world. And he went quite quietly. And he even imperceptibly approached the edge of the sidewalk in order to better hear everything that Kolesnikov would say next.


After all, the planet P-471 was all in erupting volcanoes, in hot lava and hot ash, and the fact that his uncle, Artyom Kolesnikov, a famous space pilot of the highest class, sat on it, wrote newspapers all over the Earth and reported on the radio. And he, one of the few on Earth, was awarded the Order of Courage.

- So you were with him? How is he? How is the crew? Everything is fine?

“Well, not quite…” Kolesnikov narrowed his eyes pointedly and fell silent. - Get in, I'll tell you.

The back door opened, and Tolya jumped into the airplane without hesitation.

The door closed smoothly, and the car pulled away from the sidewalk and sped off in the middle of the road.

- Found a solid island among the lava and sat down? Well, speak up! Speak! - Tolya stretched out his thin long neck towards him.

- How else? - Kolesnikov smiled. - He even brought me something from there ...

- From the planet P-471 ?! - cried Tolya. Kolesnikov took one hand off the steering wheel, thrust it into the small door under the dashboard with the instruments, took something out of there and held it out to Tolya over his shoulder:

- You can see.

Tolya took a heavy purple piece of some kind of metal. He glowed slightly and burned his fingers pleasantly.

- Do not be afraid, he is not dangerous ... Already identified. On the contrary, it has a sedative effect on those who are too nervous ...

Metal from other planets was not new to Tolya, because for a long time already special cargo starships brought ores of rare or unknown metals on Earth from space, but this purple piece of Tolya was holding with special excitement - it was brought by Uncle Artyom, and from such a distant hot planet. And he shone so mysteriously and beautifully ...

Kolesnikov increased his speed and looked around all the time.

- So where are we going? Bathe? Or to the Vulcan for pebbles? I promised…

- Bathe! - Tolya gasped, because he immediately understood where and why he was calling Lenochka.

- Swim so swim! - Kolesnikov sharply turned the car to the left, increased the speed even more, and at that time the signal of the street-air regulation howled shrilly and menacingly.

- Kolesnikov! Do you hear? - shouted Tolya, and his heart began to pound.

- Slow down!

“I don’t think so.” - Kolesnikov added speed. But even this was not enough for him: he pressed a special button, small wings threw back from the sides of the hull, like in all airplanes, and the car, tearing itself off the asphalt, whistled through the air, two or three meters from the road.

The security signal roared even louder, and the order sounded from the receiver's speaker - the blue plane was to stop immediately. But Kolesnikov, without slowing down, zigzags along one street or another, and soon the signal faded and fell silent.

- You will come across someday! - said Tolya, coming to his senses.

Probably, he also drives with Lenochka, or even faster ... Even his surname is fast, technical - from the "wheel". Apparently, she likes it all, otherwise I wouldn’t go with him. Or maybe she made friends with Kolesnikov because he once repaired her favorite electronic cybernetic toy - the Red Fox? Not a single workshop undertook to revive, but he revived.

Probably, and this piece of breed is intended for her.

Or maybe not?

“Kolesnikov, give it…” Tolya asked, feeling on his face cool jets of wind from the enormous speed.

“Don't ask, I can't ...” Kolesnikov began looking around again.

Of course, he wants to give it to Lena!

Finally Kolesnikov put out the speed, touched the asphalt with his tires and drove to the beach, where there were a lot of sunbathers. The guys changed in the car, ran along the soft, warm sand to the sea, threw themselves into the water and emerged far from the shore.

- Listen, what is your opinion of Lenka? Kolesnikov asked unexpectedly.

- The most beautiful! - Tolya exclaimed, trying not to look at him.

- And why? What is she to you ... Well, that is, I wanted to ask what do you think she likes more about the guys and how ...

- In the guys, she is ruled by beauty! Tolya blurted out. - And she herself is beautiful! Understood?

Kolesnikov was a little embarrassed, sighed and looked at Tolya with an incredulous look.

“That's good,” thought Tolya, “you won't ask me such questions anymore,” and asked, snorting from the salty water that got into his mouth:

- Tell me, is it really not pulling you anywhere?

- Where should I be drawn? - Kolesnikov lay on his back and, swaying in the water, turned his face to the sun.

- Well, somewhere ... - Tolya hesitated. - Are you satisfied with yourself and would not want anything else?

- Why ... I'm not bad ... What else would you want? - Kolesnikov closed his eyes from the sun. - It's bad that you can't squeeze out more speed from my kerosene stove and the security service does not allow to turn around ...

- Listen, you've seen distant planets! - Tolya fired up. - And nothing struck you on them? Well, at least you saw the miracles of your technology there?

- Is it sitting in a cramped storage compartment? Kolesnikov asked ironically. - I couldn't get out with everyone ... And when I was discovered and released to one of the planets, there was nothing interesting there, our Earth went much further ...

- But you yourself know what planets there are in the Universe!

- Maybe. I read ... But what? Kolesnikov suddenly asked and, jerking his arms forward, swam to the shore.

- Nothing ... Tell me, what spaceship did your uncle fly?

- Yes, I already told you: on the newest ship of the Zvezdolet-100 brand, and he flew without a space escort - not a single ship would have enough fuel to accompany him. No other starship has flown as far as this one. And no one saw the planets that they saw ... Do you understand what it is? To show us his spaceship, Uncle Artyom took me and my father to the cosmodrome on purpose ... Wow, and the ship! Picture! Captures the spirit! The most perfect of all. Small, ten times smaller than conventional ships, and all equipment is reduced by the same amount ... Comfortable, made of heavy-duty light metal and fast as a thought: a million kilometers passes per minute, and is reliably protected from radiation ...

Tolya swam after Kolesnikov to the shore: spaceships and their engines worried him little. But he could no longer stop.

“It is very light and easy to operate,” Kolesnikov sang downright. - And everything in him is so simplified ... Do you know what your uncle said?

- What? - Tolya lay down on the hot sand.

- He said that this is such a modern machine - even a nursing baby could drive it ...

Tolya laughed.

- Well, yes, I could! And to reconcile the course on the map? And the start? And the landing? It's easy to miss and crash into the ground ...

- You know a lot! - Kolesnikov was indignant. - This cannot happen! The electronic brain controls everything, it independently performs many operations, maintains radio and telecommunication with the Earth and other planets, removes and releases the landing gear, evades oncoming asteroids and meteorites. True, sometimes it happens ...

Tolya tore off his head from the sand:

- How many people are in the carriage?

- Only five ... And what?

- And then ... - said Tolya. - And then ... - He suddenly hesitated, terribly embarrassed and blushed, because a completely crazy or, more precisely, completely fantastic idea suddenly occurred to him, and he even felt a little scared from it - it was so unexpected, dazzling, terrible. - And then, - Tolya muttered in confusion, - then ...

- Are you crazy? Kolesnikov asked.

- Yes ... it seems ... - Tolya admitted, because although he had already lived for twelve years, he had not learned to tell a lie, and now it was difficult for him not to tell Kolesnikov everything that he had in mind, and it was impossible to say this in any case ... And he mumbled and stuttered: - I ... I ... I thought ... I wanted ...

And in the end he would have told him the truth if Kolesnikov had not interrupted him:

- Well, what would you like? What? I hate mumblers!

Tolya, a minute ago steamed and red, suddenly turned pale and, much to Kolesnikov's surprise, buried his face in the sand and lay there for several minutes, then slowly raised his head, and adhering grains of sand fell from his lips, nose and cheeks.

- And if the starship lands at sea? - he asked. - Or into the swamp? Or into the forest? What to do then?

- Yes, he cannot sit there! - shouted Kolesnikov. - The most complex electronic brain will not allow him to land in such places, he controls all the actions of the pilot and navigator. But if the pilot himself wants to lead or land the starship, he must sit at the helm ...

“You’re talking like you’ve already been in this Spaceship-100.”

- Certainly! How could I not have been there if Uncle Artyom took us to the cosmodrome? I climbed the entire ship: compartments, salon, engine compartment, examined all its electronic-cybernetic devices. Uncle Artyom showed me and explained, and in the control room he even allowed me to press on ...

- Give my word of honor that all this is true! - Tolya sat down on the sand.

- Why would I lie to you?

Then they got on the airplane and rushed to their house, and again from behind, from the sides and on the radio, signals and warnings of street-air regulation were heard. However, Tolya was no longer very scared of them. He sat, pressed against the back of the seat, and thought: “No, Kolesnikov cannot even hint about it! Now, if Seryozha and Petya and Andryusha were nearby, then it would be another matter: they could have been told about everything ... "



Tolya stood with a furrowed brow.

It was all in vain ... Everything, everything!

Father didn't care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before the arrival of his father, Tolya was sitting in his room and for the last time pondering how best to start the conversation. From the walls, the multi-colored faces of the inhabitants of other planets, painted by his friend Alcoy, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; from the ceiling hung purple vines, fiery-red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unseen wings with spread wings; against the walls lay blue, gold and black alien stones, large but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages in each! - and with a small arrow on the cover: turn it - and the pages themselves turn over at the speed you need.

All this was brought by his father from space trips and presented to Tolya, who since he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish ...

And Tolya was standing in a huge office, and his father repeated:

You can't, son ... Don't you know that children under the age of seventeen are strictly forbidden to fly out of the solar system?

But why dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read the newspapers, you don’t listen to the radio, you don’t go to school where ...

I'm listening! Understand! I study! And that's why I know that this prohibition is outdated ... Maybe once again show you the book "Scientific discoveries made by children in the last three years"?

Do not…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Lepidoptera Academy. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known on Earth in only two or three copies, were adorned in transparent boxes that hung on the walls of my father's office. They were intricately painted by nature, and the father always proudly showed them to guests. In the cabinets and on the shelves of his office, boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets, visited by the earthlings, were kept; there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed like a day and an hour my father could not live without them!

And now he answered Tolya and at the same time looked through the eyepiece of a small electron microscope in order to better examine the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple color. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with shining eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya, - said the father, - you can't do that! Do you want me to put you in a starship that flies to the moon tomorrow at seven fifteen?

I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there, and they will come up with spacesuits for babies ... Even our Zhora was there ...

I should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, because they called you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go ultra-long ...

I already answered you. As if it is boring on Mars or even here ... Oh, sonny, sonny!

I'll finish now, son ... There is a time for everything, do not rush, nothing will leave you. And on our Earth there are still many undiscovered and mysterious ... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly by now in the camp of archaeologists; you know, they have already half-excavated the city of the Incas; it is said to have survived almost entirely. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica ... Well, admit, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him at least for a week?

Ten, - Tolya dropped gloomily.

You see now! All your friends have gone on vacation in all directions, and you ... Tolya, well, give me some butterflies. Half it! It's so important ...

I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only ...

You can't, son, - repeated the father and sighed. - And do not ask, do not insist, learn to be patient ... Please.

But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects ...

That's right, I am being sent there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me too, there are laws of Higher Discipline, Higher Conscience and Higher Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I have no right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot violate the paragraph on children in the Interstellar Flight Instructions. It was written by kind and wise people ...

But why do they forget that children ...

Tolya! ... - Father, exhausted, leaned back in his chair. - Well, what a character you have! You can't even imagine what it is - a flight there ...

I represent! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you ... You are super careful! In excess of…

And then you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father got up from the table, laughed and tugged at his ear. - Are you striving for super long distances, and have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of the Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge ... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of clouds, where she was dealing with the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth ... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, my mother was also against his flight over ... - ah again this damn "over"! -… distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And the sister who wrote poetry ...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button illuminated on the black board, and the elevator rushed silently to him at once. Tolya entered the cockpit. What is it doing? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and the sublime, and for them this ...

Tolya sniffed, held back tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into a wide sunny courtyard. Here plane trees grew and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. At one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed for his unheard-of, for his downright terrifying appetite Glutton. Moreover, he was a merry fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no second such boy in the whole of Sapphire, and, as Tolin's first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon big excursions would be led to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.

However, now Zhora didn’t mess around and didn’t eat. He smelled the rose and at the same time looked out the window, behind which ... Of course, he could not look into any other window! He could only look out the window behind which Helen lived ...

Here Tolya would have to step up, so that Glutton would not notice him, but Tolya walked slowly, and at the yellow booth with two robotic janitors who swept and watered the yard in the morning, Glutton's laughing voice overtook him:

Roofing, why are you sour? Crying?

Children’s heads began to protrude from the windows of their big house, and this provoked Zhora-Glutton even more, and he wanted to add something, when suddenly he heard: “Glutton, do you want a banana? This was said by Alka Goryachev, the son of a famous artist and a bit of an artist himself, Tolin's friend, not the very first, but also very good. Thin, fast, dexterous, he jumped out of the entrance with a bunch of yellow-green bananas crooked like boomerangs.

Anatoly Ivanovich Moshkovsky

Lost starship. Seven days of miracles



Tolya stood with a furrowed brow.

It was all in vain ... Everything, everything!

Father didn't care that he had been preparing for this conversation for a whole month.

On this day, before the arrival of his father, Tolya was sitting in his room and for the last time pondering how best to start the conversation. From the walls, the multi-colored faces of the inhabitants of other planets, painted by his friend Alcoy, looked at him: long, wide, round, with one, two and even ten eyes; from the ceiling hung purple vines, fiery-red shells tied to wires, and stuffed birds of unseen wings with spread wings; against the walls lay blue, gold and black alien stones, large but so light that they could easily be thrown across the room with a click; on the shelves were books with very thin paper - a thousand or more pages in each! - and with a small arrow on the cover: turn it - and the pages themselves turn over at the speed you need.

All this was brought by his father from space trips and presented to Tolya, who since he learned to walk, raved about other worlds, dazzling, unknown, outlandish ...

And Tolya was standing in a huge office, and his father repeated:

You can't, son ... Don't you know that children under the age of seventeen are strictly forbidden to fly out of the solar system?

But why dad? Can you tell me why?

It’s as if you don’t know yourself, you don’t read the newspapers, you don’t listen to the radio, you don’t go to school where ...

I'm listening! Understand! I study! And that's why I know that this prohibition is outdated ... Maybe once again show you the book "Scientific discoveries made by children in the last three years"?

Do not…

Tolin's father was a famous scientist, author of many books, vice-president of the Lepidoptera Academy. Since childhood, he was so passionate about his butterflies that he never parted with a folding net and even studied them at home. The rarest butterflies, known on Earth in only two or three copies, were adorned in transparent boxes that hung on the walls of my father's office. They were intricately painted by nature, and the father always proudly showed them to guests. In the cabinets and on the shelves of his office, boxes with tens of thousands of butterflies of the Earth and different planets, visited by the earthlings, were kept; there were hundreds of books in different languages ​​of the Universe dedicated to the same butterflies. And it seemed like a day and an hour my father could not live without them!

And now he answered Tolya and at the same time looked through the eyepiece of a small electron microscope in order to better examine the jagged wing of a butterfly with an unusually bright purple color. And Tolya, pale, quiet, big-eared, with shining eyes, stood at the table and looked at his father.

Tolya, - said the father, - you can't do that! Do you want me to put you in a starship that flies to the moon tomorrow at seven fifteen?

I don’t want to go to the moon! Been there ten times! I know every stone and circus by heart! Soon they will open kindergartens there, and they will come up with spacesuits for babies ... Even our Zhora was there ...

I should have gone with Seryozha Dubov and his father to Mars, because they called you.

I don't want to go to Mars! I want to go ultra-long ...

I already answered you. As if it is boring on Mars or even here ... Oh, sonny, sonny!

I'll finish now, son ... There is a time for everything, do not rush, nothing will leave you. And on our Earth there are still many undiscovered and mysterious ... I am sure that your Andryusha Uvarov is not sitting idly by now in the camp of archaeologists; you know, they have already half-excavated the city of the Incas; it is said to have survived almost entirely. And you could go with Andryusha and his brother. And the city of Khrustalny did not interest you, but it is in the very center of Antarctica ... Well, admit, how many radiograms did you receive from Petya Koltsov with an invitation to fly to him at least for a week?

Ten, - Tolya dropped gloomily.

You see now! All your friends have gone on vacation in all directions, and you ... Tolya, well, give me some butterflies. Half it! It's so important ...

I will catch you a billion butterflies, but not here, but there, only ...

You can't, son, - repeated the father and sighed. - And do not ask, do not insist, learn to be patient ... Please.

But you even fly to the most distant planets for your insects ...

That's right, I am being sent there, and I also fly there at the request of these planets as a consultant. But for me too, there are laws of Higher Discipline, Higher Conscience and Higher Patience, and there are planets to which, for various reasons that depend and do not depend on me, I have no right to fly. But I'm an adult. And I cannot violate the paragraph on children in the Interstellar Flight Instructions. It was written by kind and wise people ...

But why do they forget that children ...

Tolya! ... - Father, exhausted, leaned back in his chair. - Well, what a character you have! You can't even imagine what it is - a flight there ...

I represent! I am not afraid of anything! Dad, forgive me, but you ... You are super careful! In excess of…

And then you are super-brave, super-strange, super-boy! - Father got up from the table, laughed and tugged at his ear. - Are you striving for super long distances, and have you learned to dive twenty meters? Have you read all five thousand pages of The Book of the Oceans? Can you count the freckles on your own nose?

Tolya ran out of the office.

Those freckles again! These ridicule about the depth of his knowledge ... Tolya rushed to his mother - she had already returned from her Academy of clouds, where she was dealing with the problems of towing them to the arid regions of the Earth ... But then he jumped away from the door: after all, my mother was also against his flight over ... - ah again this damn "over"! -… distant planets. And his brother, also a scientist who devoted his life to the life of crabs, did not support Tolya. And the sister who wrote poetry ...

Tolya flew out of the apartment, pressed the green button illuminated on the black board, and the elevator rushed silently to him at once. Tolya entered the cockpit. What is it doing? He, Tolya, strives for the unusual, for the mysterious and the sublime, and for them this ...

Tolya sniffed, held back tears and stepped out of the elevator. And he went out into a wide sunny courtyard. Here plane trees grew and roses bloomed - scarlet, white, yellow. At one tree stood Zhora, nicknamed for his unheard-of, for his downright terrifying appetite Glutton. Moreover, he was a merry fellow and a notorious slacker. There was no second such boy in the whole of Sapphire, and, as Tolin's first friend Seryozha Dubov, who was now on Mars, assured, soon big excursions would be led to their yard: let everyone know that there are still guys who can sit for hours lounging on a bench and do nothing and eat so much.