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Many summer residents love to experiment with growing new crops. It's nice to surprise the guests by putting something so unusual on the table, proudly declaring: "I grew it myself in the garden." If you are one of these passionate people, try growing peanuts. By the way, this is not such a difficult task, but in our article we will acquaint you in detail with this culture and cultivation techniques.

It turns out that this is not a nut at all.

Although peanuts are called walnuts, they are actually a relative of common beans because they are belongs to the same family - legumes. This plant looks like this:

The bush has a height of 0.5-0.6 m.

The stem is branched.

Leaves are paired, dark green.

Flowers are yellow, small, sometimes their number reaches 2 hundred. The lower ones gradually sink to the ground, penetrate into it and there they turn into a bean, which is called a nut. In each shell, from 1 to 4 seeds of a light pink color are formed. 30-70 nuts are collected from one bush.

The benefits of peanuts

Of course, peanuts are delicious, especially toasted, but these are not all of its advantages, because it contains what the body needs so much:


linolenic acid, vitamins B, E, if the beans are processed into oil.

And they also make peanut butter from these delicious nuts, which in its energy value is the same as meat, but healthier due to the content of folic acid in it.

Growing peanuts

To grow this plant of the legume family in our temperate climate, you should buy seeds of the following varieties:

Krasnodarets 13;

Krasnodarets 14;

Valencia 433;


Be carefull: Make sure that you are not sold processed or roasted beans, otherwise you will waste money, time, and you will not wait for shoots..

To grow peanuts at home, you need to know what it takes to grow.

Conditions for plant development

Since nuts can develop exclusively in the ground, a good harvest is possible only in loose chernozem, sandy loam or neutral soil. The presence of magnesium and potassium, as well as humus in large quantities, is required. Hilling bushes up to 3 times per season, we will increase the number of ovaries.

Since peanuts are native to South America, where they grow like a perennial, the second condition for their successful development is temperature. The optimal one is 20-27 degrees C, and as soon as it rises above +30 or drops below +15, the bushes stop growing.

The third prerequisite for successful cultivation is good illumination. The presence of nearby plants shading this culture is unacceptable.

It is important that the garden bed on which this legume is planted is well ventilated.

When peanuts are in bloom and pods are formed underground, they require constant moisture, not stagnant water. In September, when the seeds are ripe, excess moisture can slow this process down.

The plant develops well in the beds, where cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, cereals were grown before it, but in no case beans, peas, i.e. its relatives are legumes. But after peanuts, any crops feel good in the garden.

If you are going to grow it in large quantities and get oil from it, then know that the color of peanuts depends on the soil. Beans grown on light soil will make the oil lighter and darker on dark soil.

Important: If the conditions necessary for the growth and development of peanuts are violated, the plant begins to ache - spots appear on the leaves, which indicates the presence of root rot.

How to grow peanuts: ways

Grow groundnuts through seedlings and by sowing in open ground... Grains harvested no more than 2 - 3 years ago should be taken as planting material. then they lose their germination. In any case, the seeds should be germinated first. This is done at the end of April:

We lower the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

Rinse and soak for germination. In 10 days sprouts will appear.

We harden the germinated seeds, keeping them indoors for 2-3 days at a temperature of about +3 degrees during the daytime, and at night we transfer them to a place where the temperature is room temperature.

we fill the cups with light soil in early April;

we bury the seeds in the ground by 3 centimeters;

we place the cups on a sunny windowsill;

water in moderation;

in the meantime, we prepare the garden bed - we dig it up and remove the weeds;

Seedlings are grown from sprouted seeds or sown on a garden bed. First, let's look at how to grow peanuts seedlings. So:

We plant the plants at the beginning of June with an interval of 15 - 20 cm from each other and 0.6 - 0.7 m row from the row.

If you decide to plant peanuts immediately in the ground, then as soon as a constant air temperature of at least 20 degrees C is established, and the ground at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 15 degrees C, we proceed to sowing the germinated seeds. The planting pattern is identical to that used for planting seedlings, and the depth is 60 - 80 mm. Sprouted seeds are planted in the ground not only in order to see the harvest faster, but also in order to protect them from damage by the bear.

Good to know : many useful microscopic fungi live on the shell in which the nuts are located, therefore it is crushed and also thrown into the ground when planting.

We are fighting a bear

To destroy the bear, we make the bait:

collect cleaning, grain;

we dig in in the garden;

take a piece of roofing material and cover;

we pour vegetable debris, manure or humus on top;

periodically review the bait and collect the bear.

For your information : as soon as shoots appear, it is necessary to protect them from birds, since the shoots can completely destroy crows and blackbirds.

Hilling, feeding peanuts

An important component of a good harvest is hilling, which is carried out several times per season:

Before the plants bloom, we spud the bushes to a height of 50 to 70 mm.

10 days after blooming.

Regularly at intervals of 10 days, gradually reducing the distance between the roots (gynophores) formed after flowering and the soil. We carry out the last hilling in early August.

Three times per season, namely when real leaves begin to form, buds start to form, and then fruits, we apply mineral fertilizers per 1 hundred square meters:

nitrogen - from 0.45 to 0.6 kg;

phosphorus - from 0.5 to 0.6 kg;

potassium - up to 0.45 kg, but only in sandy loam soil.

Peanuts in a warm garden

When wondering how to grow peanuts in the country, consider such an option as a warm garden bed. It is better to cook it in the fall or very early in the spring in case of emergency:

We select a place and proceed to digging a trench to a depth of a shovel bayonet. The optimal width is 1 m, and whatever length you want.

We store the top layer of soil on one side of the trench, and the bottom layer on the other.

We cover the bottom with plant residues, sprinkle them with earth. Place the half-rotted compost on top.

We cover everything with the top layer of earth.

If the soil is healthy, then after 60 days the garden bed will be filled with warm, nutritious soil suitable for growing peanuts.

Growing peanuts in a greenhouse

In a greenhouse, peanuts are comfortable, especially when grown in tandem with tomatoes, but provided that the latter are not very densely located so that light still comes to the peanuts. Legumes are shared with tomatoes with nitrogen, and often you do not need to spud the bushes - 2 times in June is enough. The harvest will ripen by September.

The peanut belongs to the legume family and is one of the few plants that possess geocarp - the formation of fruits on the ground.

Origin and distribution

The name is believed to be derived from the Greek word for "spider". It seems that the plant got this name due to the similarity of the mesh pattern of its fruits with the cobweb.

The homeland of the plant is South America, it was from here that it migrated to Japan and India, and then to Madagascar and the Philippine Islands. Peanuts came to China thanks to the Portuguese in the 16th century, who founded a colony in Catona. This culture was introduced to Africa in the 16th century with slave ships. It is believed that peanuts were first introduced from Brazil to Guinea. The secondary genetic centers of the plant are considered to be Congo, Nigeria and Senegal, the locals of which extract edible oil, and the area under which it is planted immediately increased significantly.

The first country to start cultivating peanuts for export is Senegal. From China and India, the culture reached Spain, Italy, France, where it received an interesting name - "Chinese nut". In the United States, it appeared only by the 19th century after the Civil War. At that time, cotton was badly damaged by the cotton weevil, and many farms switched to growing peanuts.

Peanuts first fell to Russia in 1792 from Turkey. Now the plant is planted in the territories of Central Asia, southern Ukraine, Transcaucasia, North Caucasus.

General description of peanuts

Peanut is an annual plant, presented in the form of a bush about 75 cm high, with small yellow flowers. In culture, two forms of peanuts are distinguished: creeping and bush. This plant is distinguished by a developed, branching root, which penetrates into the ground by 1.5 m. There are varieties with erect shoots, in others they are creeping, in others they are completely mixed. The stem of peanuts is branched, in creeping varieties it reaches 15-25 m, in standing varieties - 60 cm. The branches of the bushes are slightly pubescent.

The leaves are paired, their upper side is glossy, the lower side is slightly pubescent.

Flowers of a characteristic moth type, yellow-orange, self-pollinating.

The underground flowers are small in size, colorless, and also self-pollinated. Peanut beans are cocoon-shaped with a fragile, dark or light brown, red shell. Seeds are elongated-oval or round in shape.

Growing peanuts

This plant can be grown both as seedlings and outdoors. For planting, you need to prepare seeds and pieces of beans.

  • Seedling. Planting seeds begins in April in pre-prepared cups to a depth of 3 cm. The soil should be fluffy and loose, since the culture prefers soft soil. The seed cups are set out on a sunny windowsill and watered sparingly. Landing takes place in early June. But before making it, it is necessary to prepare the garden well in advance: it needs digging, drying, loosening the earth and completely eliminating weeds and their rhizomes. When planting, a distance of 60-70 cm between rows and 15-20 between the plants themselves should be observed.
  • Open ground. You can plant seeds in open ground when the temperature rises to 20 degrees, and the earth warms up to 15 degrees. Such conditions most often already exist at the beginning of May. the site advises to pay attention to the looseness of the soil, because when the ovaries are formed, the fruits penetrate underground and practically "buried" there, ripening underground. After sowing the seeds and after the first shoots appear, peanuts must be carefully protected from crows and blackbirds, which can destroy the entire crop. The planting scheme is the same as in the seedling method.
  • Choosing a landing site. Peanuts are very fond of light, therefore, the site must be well illuminated by the sun throughout the day. Although, nevertheless, he can transfer a little shading calmly.

Peanut care

Caring for this plant consists in regularly loosening the soil, combating diseases and various pests, as well as thorough weeding. If the area where peanuts are grown is overgrown with weeds, then you can hardly expect a good harvest. It is best to weed after watering or rainfall.

After the formation of ovaries, peanuts, like potatoes, are earthed.

However, as for other legumes.

Watering should be moderate so that the land does not dry out. Peanuts love moisture, but excessively moist soils will not work for them. However, when the plant blooms, watering increases - 3-4 times a month.

Peanuts respond favorably to the application of mineral fertilizers, carried out three times per season, especially during periods of leaf ripening, fruit setting and budding.

Diseases and pests

Like other legumes, peanuts are susceptible to attacks by caterpillars, aphids and thrips. Sometimes he is also amazed. following diseases: stem and root rot, viral diseases, fungal spot.

Peanut harvest

The exact time of harvest is difficult to determine as the beans ripen underground. Most often this is done at an air temperature of 10 degrees. To test, you can dig up one bean and inspect it. The crop should be harvested in dry weather, then the bush is easily pulled out of the soil, and the leaves on it are not yet yellowed. The bush is dug in and removed from the soil. If the harvest time was missed, then more fruit will remain in the ground. It is better to place the bush for drying in a sunny place or in a place with good ventilation.

Dry for 5 days. If the beans are well dried, they will make a rather loud rattling sound when shaken.

We grow peanuts on our site (video)

Peanut varieties

There are often several varieties of peanuts on sale, the assortment of which changes quite often. In our country and in Ukraine, zoned varieties are most often used for cultivation, which have shown themselves well in certain local conditions. For example, these include Krasnodarets 14, Stepnyak, Valencia Ukrainian, Krasnodarets 13, Valencia 433. The Klinskoy variety, intended for the steppe zone of Ukraine, is widespread.

Peanut use

Groundnuts, or peanuts, are grown to produce food grade seeds. vegetable oil, which is contained in the seeds of the plant about 53%. In terms of oil content, peanuts are second only to soybeans. Peanut oil is most often used in confectionery and canning industries. The crushed seeds of the plant are added to the chocolate. Roasted seeds are used as food, and in crushed form are often used in cooking. confectionery... Peanut tops and cake are used for animal feed.

The peanut, or peanut, is a member of the legume family. It belongs to the few plants whose fruits develop and grow underground.... It is considered a valuable oilseed crop and is widely used in the food industry.

By outward appearance peanuts resemble pods with a length of 1 to 6 cm. The number of yellowish seeds enclosed in them usually ranges from 1 to 3, the maximum can reach 6 pieces. Seed coat takes on various shades: deep purple, red, pink or variegated.

As a result of pollination of flowers and subsequent fertilization, the lower part of the ovary grows. It forms a gynophore - a shoot that penetrates into the moist soil layers and forms a fruit. If the flowers are located more than 20 cm from the ground, then they have no chance of seed formation.

Translated from Greek, peanut means spider. The plant owes its name to the similarity of the net pattern on the surface of the pod with cobwebs. A due to the way the fruits ripen, peanuts are often called peanuts.

The historical homeland of this valuable product is South America. It was from there that he began his journey around the world. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese brought peanut seeds to India, the Macau colony and Japan. The walnut came to the Philippines and Madagascar from Spain.

At the end of the 16th century, Portugal established a colony in Canton. The plant ended up in China, where the locals appreciated it. Peanuts helped solve the problem of hunger in the country and is called the Chinese nut.

The next destination was Africa, where he took root well in almost infertile soils. The sowing area of ​​peanuts was growing rapidly, and oilseeds were grown for export.

The massive spread of walnut in the United States began in the 19th century after the Civil War of 1861.... On the advice of the American agrochemist George Carver, farmers alternated crops of peanuts and cotton, which are increasingly dying from damage by the cotton weevil. Soon, walnut yields significantly exceeded cotton revenues and became the main crop in the southern United States.

D. Carver has developed hundreds of varieties of plant products and products. Peanuts are included in the composition of drinks, dyes, cosmetics, medicines.

Russia was able to appreciate the full benefits of culture at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. The most suitable climatic conditions for growing peanuts are located in the Transcaucasia, the Central Asian republics, in the southern part of Ukraine, in the North Caucasus.

Calorie content and vitamin composition

Peanuts are high in calories: 100 g of product contains 551 kcal... People prone to obesity are not advised to get carried away with nuts, especially fried ones.

Despite belonging to the legume family, peanuts are closest to nuts in terms of the content of nutrients and vitamins.

The chemical composition includes:

  • essential nutrients- proteins (26.3 g / 100 g), fats (45.2 g / 100 g), carbohydrates (9.9 g / 100 g);
  • cellulose, sugar, starch;
  • vitamin complex(B, C, E, PP);
  • micro and macro elements- phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, selenium.

Useful properties and disadvantages

Experts who have studied the properties of peanuts have come to the conclusion that the benefits and harms of the product are approximately the same. If you take into account the contraindications to use and observe the measure, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

The beneficial qualities of peanuts are as follows:

  1. Proteins and fats contained in peanuts are easily absorbed by the body. The rich vitamin and elemental composition puts the nut on a par with the products recommended for a healthy diet.
  2. The presence of linoleic acid reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. With a sufficient content of this important component in the body, the synthesis of essential fatty acids occurs - linolenic and arachidonic. They help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
  3. Peanut fruits increase blood clotting, which reduces blood loss in wounds and in patients with hemophilia.
  4. Due to the high content of antioxidants, nuts (especially fried ones) are a useful prophylactic agent for heart and vascular diseases. Slows down the aging process and division of cancer cells.
  5. Natural fiber in peanuts helps to improve digestion, removing pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  6. Amino acid in peanuts tryptophan produces the hormone serotonin in the body... Its increased content removes people from depression, restores the nervous system after stress.
  7. Possesses choleretic action.
  8. It is a good helper in the fight against infections, boosts immunity.
  9. With the constant use of fruits in small quantities, people have been noted improvement of hearing, memory, concentration of attention increased.

Products derived from nuts have almost the same beneficial qualities:

  • peanut butter preserves the complex of essential vitamins and elements;
  • peanut milk has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peanut paste provides the body with energy.

Nut harm:

  1. Seed shell can provoke allergic reactions, usually expressed by itching and redness of the skin. In rare cases, vomiting, laryngeal edema is possible.
  2. With joint diseases eating foods high in protein is contraindicated.
  3. If the technology of seed processing, transportation or storage has been violated, nut can accumulate toxins... Therefore, when buying, be sure to make sure that there is no mold on the shell. Foreign smell is also unacceptable.
  4. People with varicose veins should not eat peanuts because of their the ability to make blood thicker.

The famous peanut diet raises many questions. On the one hand, the nut promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. On the other side of the scale is the high calorie content of the product.

The decision to use peanuts prophylactically or to treat a medical condition should only be made after consulting a doctor. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of specialists. Abuse of any product can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Application of peanuts

The taste of nuts is familiar to everyone. Fried, salted, sweet, honey-sesame - they can be purchased at any store. In crushed form, peanuts are included in various bakery products , chocolate spreads, halva, creams, coffee drinks.

Most of the crop is processed to make vegetable oil. The highest grade is used in the canning and confectionery industry. The lower grades of peanut butter are used to make high quality Marseilles soaps.

Nut seed protein is part of various types of adhesives, plastics... It is used in the production of vegetable wool - ardila.

The tops of the plant are used to feed cattle.

An interesting fact - in the United States, peanuts are even contained in dynamite, in Russia this function is performed by soybeans.

Growing technology

To grow a really high-quality product and reap a rich harvest, you need to strictly follow the recommendations:

  1. Presowing soil treatment fertilizers can double the yield. Good lighting and warm soil are essential for peanuts to grow. The optimum temperature for germinating seeds is 25-300C. The lower limit at which their germination is still possible is not lower than 140C.

Soil moisture is of great importance for crop growth, especially during flowering. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering. Stagnant water will adversely affect the yield - root rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves will lead to the death of the plant.

  1. Planting is best done in early June.... At this time, the risk of ground frost is minimal. Dried seeds and beans are used for sowing. Gardeners recommend choosing large seeds, otherwise you can not wait for shoots.
  2. 3-6 pieces of nuts are placed in a hole 7-10 cm deep (sometimes a little more), the distance between the sowing rows is not less than a meter. On wet soils, sow peeled seeds 3 cm from the surface.

Given that the nut ripens underground, it is difficult to establish an exact harvest date. On average, this is 3-4 months for early varieties and up to six months for late ones. You can assess the degree of their readiness by tasting a few of them.

Harvesting peanuts in dry weather... Bushes should be easily pulled out of the ground. When frosts begin on the soil, most of the crop runs the risk of being left underground.

Then the beans are dried in the sun for several weeks and taken away for storage or processing.

Care rules

To get a good harvest, the seedlings need to be looked after.

  1. To create the necessary moisture groundnuts are watered every 2 weeks... In dry times, this period is halved. Watering is stopped 3-4 weeks before harvesting.

Do not use cold water to water the bushes, especially in hot weather.

  1. After the appearance of inflorescences, regular hilling of bushes.
  2. Mandatory weeding.
  3. Fertilization at least 3 times during the ripening period. Top dressing can significantly increase yields by reducing the number of underdeveloped beans.


Peanuts are a unique crop. As a member of legumes, it ripens in the ground like potatoes. It has many benefits as a preventive and therapeutic agent... And the wide scope of application of the nut in different types industry makes it a versatile product.

How to grow peanuts in the garden? Just like on the windowsill. Yes, yes, this legume grows remarkably up to the middle lane. And very few people to the south did not try to plant it on their site. At the same time, peanuts do not require unearthly care. He is very unpretentious. True, it requires some growing conditions. But they are all quite feasible by any person and tool at hand.

Choosing seeds

More precisely, beans. Biologically speaking, peanuts are not nuts at all. Well, let's not go into the jungle of botany and the intricacies of the origin of the species. It is now more important for us to choose the right seeds for planting. They can be bought at any store or market. The main conditions are very simple:

  1. The beans must be moist. That is, fried, salted, glazed or sweet will not work.
  2. The seeds should have their native red coat. The purified ones simply will not ascend. Ideally, it's best to buy inshell peanuts and carefully shell them at home.
  3. The beans must be whole. Sometimes they are sold in halves or even crushed. Naturally, it is useless to wait for seedlings from such seeds.

The best way to get the seeds is from the market. There you can touch them, examine them from all sides, choose the most beautiful ones. Anything can be in a store bag. Especially if it's opaque.

Advice. Try to get large peanuts. Then your harvest will be rich with large beans.

Choosing a site

Anyhow, where to stick peanuts will not work. We do not have South America for any land to fit. It is advisable to choose a place where the sun will illuminate the landing from morning to evening. So the bush will receive maximum amount Sveta. This is exactly what you need.

Also, it would be nice if this site was closed from strong winds. No, the gusts will not break the landings, they are too low. But even a light summer breeze can cool them. And peanuts like to live in the temperature range from +24 to + 27 ° С. When lowered, it stops developing. It does not die, but it stops growing. Therefore, it is better to provide the most comfortable conditions.

By the way, young seedlings of peanuts will have to be covered with something from birds. These feathered hunters are happy to pull out sprouts to feast on the mother bean. And they rip out absolutely all the growth, every single one. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, consider how you will protect them. There are several options:

  • Pull on a special bird net. Cherry and cherry trees are still closed to her.
  • Place a scarecrow or stakes with thundering shiny objects.
  • Cover the seedlings with a thin non-woven material.
  • Ask your cat or a neighbor's cat to guard young shoots.

The latter method is highly unreliable. These felines strive to sneak away about their business, or in pursuit of a bird they themselves may thoroughly crush the plantings of peanuts.

Advice. Choose the first method. It is the most efficient and reliable one.

Cooking the ground

In principle, no special conditions are required for peanuts. The looseness of the soil is much more important to him. After all, it is under the ground that the formation and growth of beans takes place. Therefore, it is recommended to add a decent amount of clean sand to the beds in the fall. This will give the soil the necessary looseness.

At the same time, the plant must take strength somewhere for full growth and filling of peanuts. Fresh manure is categorically contraindicated for him. Greasy compost will only cause rapid growth of green mass, and flowering will be poor and miserable.

But we need flowers! From them, nuts are then born. And what trace elements are responsible for good and abundant flowering? That's right, phosphorus and potassium. This means that in early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the topsoil dries up a little, we apply any mineral fertilizer to the garden bed. We look at the composition on the package. We apply the dosage according to the manufacturer's recommendation. We focus on legumes.

After that, we dig the earth well, but we do not break the smallest lumps. Peanuts like a little rough ground, so you can bring soil from the forest and scatter it in your garden beds. Naturally, we pull out all the weeds in autumn and spring. They will prevent faded ovaries from rooting. But in principle, weeding can be done regularly during the subsequent hilling.

Before planting the peanuts, it is advisable to burrow through the ground again. This will allow the seeds to awaken. weed... You will have time to weed the area again so that nothing interferes with the quiet growth of the bushes.

Advice. After spring preparation, cover the soil with a black non-woven fabric. So it will warm up faster.

Preparing peanuts for planting

Very often people complain about the germination of beans. Sometimes, out of a dozen, only one comes up, a maximum of three things. To warn yourself against such a nuisance, peanuts need to be soaked before planting. Naturally, the shell is removed. This will make it easier for the beans to germinate.

In order to awaken the vitality in the nuts, they are soaked in warm water for 4 hours. You can even add any biostimulant or adaptogen to the liquid:

  • zircon
  • aloe juice

The amount of the drug can be found on the package. Just do not exceed the dosage. The seeds will still take as much as they need. So why spend extra?

After soaking, the remaining liquid is drained, but the peanuts themselves do not need to be washed. Now the beans need to be laid out in a single layer on a damp cotton cloth or paper towel. To do this, take a pallet or a wide flat plate (dish). Cover the soaked peanuts on top with another layer of cloth or loose paper. Then the entire structure is slightly moistened and placed in warm place... Darkness is optional.

After about 23-25 ​​hours, the halves of the beans should open slightly, and a small sprout will appear from the inside. Those seeds that have not woken up within 3 days are hardly viable. They can be safely thrown away or fed to livestock (poultry). Just before that, rinse them to remove the biostimulant from the surface.

Once the beans have opened, they can be planted almost immediately in the garden.

Advice. Soak peanuts at least 2 days prior to planting to ensure that beans that are not viable are discarded.

Planting peanuts in the garden

Some people recommend planting the beans in holes. It is inconvenient and time consuming. Do you plant beans in furrows? And the peas too. And why are peanuts worse? Draw the grooves already, simplify the task for yourself. Leave the distance between them at least 30 cm. So later it will be easier to spud the plantings.

Sprinkle the grooves well with clean water. After all, at first, the sprouts need moisture. And by the time of planting, it is practically no longer in the ground. By the way, peanuts are planted in open ground around mid-late May. By this time, there is no longer a threat of recurrent frosts. And their peanuts cannot stand.

After watering, carefully lay out the soaked beans at a distance of 16-17 cm from each other. Then sprinkle with a layer of earth 6.5-8 cm. We do not mulch the beds. Now it remains to wait for the shoots.

Advice. If the seedlings did not appear in 18 days, then it means that you did something wrong.

It is not at all difficult to care for seedlings. Periodic loosening of the soil, regular weeding and medium watering about once a week. We are waiting for flowering. It's hard to miss. Yellow-orange flower butterflies are clearly visible from afar.

The peanut flower only lives for one day. In the morning it opens up, by the evening it already withers. But there are a lot of them on the plant. It's funny to read that a peanut flower needs to be pollinated in these 12-15 hours. Some articles say so. This plant is completely self-pollinated and does well without outside help.

For the flowering period, care is a little more complicated. But don't let that scare you. The only difficulty is that you will have to water the peanuts more often. Approximately every 3-4 days. And feed it once with any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Now it's time for hilling. Indeed, after flowering, the ovary sinks to the soil and buries itself in it. It is there that the formation of nuts occurs. Therefore, we need to help the plant a little. All hilling is reduced to three stages:

  • With the onset of flowering, mounds are scooped up around the stems about 5 cm in height.
  • After a week, the mounds are increased to a height of 13-14 cm.
  • After the end of flowering, the last hilling is carried out. The height of the mounds is 22-25 cm.

This procedure allows you to get an earlier harvest. At the same time, it increases by almost 30%. After flowering, watering is again reduced to 1 time in 7-9 days. By mid-August, watering is gradually reduced, and by the end of August, it is reduced to nothing. Now all that remains is to wait for the harvest. True, during a cold snap below + 20 ° C (this sometimes happens), it is recommended to cover the landings with a film or dense non-woven material. Still, peanuts love warmth.

The signal for the time of harvesting is the massive yellowing of leaves and shoots. Take your time to pull out the bushes with your hands. This will leave most of the crop in the soil. Use the most common garden forks. Just pry the bush, it comes out of the soil easily.

Of course, now it is tempting to peel the peanuts in order to dry them as soon as possible. But there is still a large amount of nutrients in the stems and shoots. Therefore, without breaking off the nuts, we carefully shake off the bushes from the ground. Then we hang them down with stems in a warm, dry room. It could be a barn or an attic. And only after the tops are completely dry, you can pick off the beans. During this time, all useful trace elements will be transferred to them from the stems.

Well, now you have your own peanuts. You can leave some for seeds for next year, and the rest is easy to eat.

  1. In our country, there are no diseases or pests that love peanuts. The only thing is that rot on the shoots can appear in a cool, humid summer. Therefore, if it rains, it is advisable to cover the planting with a transparent film. Peanuts do not like excessive waterlogging of the soil.
  2. Do not plant multiple seeds in one hole. The peanut bush is always lush and spreading. He needs a certain amount of room to grow. And if all three seeds sprout, then instead of good development and proper growth there will only be a constant struggle for a place in the sun and food. In this case, the harvest will be meager, with small, tasteless beans.
  3. Usually peanuts are fully ripe by the end of September. But, it is better to dig out the bushes a little earlier if in your area at this time there are the first frosts. The fact is that the nuts begin to taste very bitter after frost. And bitterness is almost impossible to get rid of.

How to grow peanuts in the garden? It turns out to be very simple. Follow all the recommendations and you can feast on nuts own production... And no exotic! Having tried to grow it once, you will prescribe this wonderful plant in your beds for a long time.

Video: how to plant peanuts (groundnuts)

Many adults and kids alike enjoy eating tasty and nutritious peanut kernels. It is eaten on its own and complements some dishes. Its cores are distinguished by high nutritional value and benefits for the body. Peanuts quickly cause a feeling of fullness, which is why they are popular with those who are determined to control their own weight. Peanut kernels are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Peanut butter contains linolenic acid, vitamin B and vitamin E. Peanut butter contains folic acid.

Peanuts are an annual plant belonging to the legume family. The peanut bean is provided with a waist and a durable shell. There are fruits inside the bean. In peanuts, they are called kernels. Today, peanuts are no longer considered an exotic plant. Many amateur gardeners already know and share the secrets of how to grow peanuts at home.

Necessary conditions for growing


An important condition for a rich harvest of peanuts in the garden is a sufficiently good level of lighting. The peanut bush should not be shaded by other plants.

If the cultivation of peanuts takes place at home, then you need to allocate a place for it with good lighting so that a sufficient amount of sunlight falls on the plant.

Window sills located on the east and south sides are perfect for this. If there is still little light, then you can use artificial lighting.

Optimal temperature conditions

An important role in the cultivation of peanuts is played by temperature regime... For a plant, a comfortable temperature is from 20 to 27 degrees. At temperatures exceeding + 30 degrees and falling below -15 degrees, the growth of a peanut bush stops.

Humidity level

During the flowering of peanuts, beans are formed underground, which constantly need moisture. In no case should water stagnation be allowed. Too high humidity slows down the maturation of the seeds. This is why peanuts should not be sprayed.

Tanks for growing peanuts

Sprouted peanut seeds are transplanted from small cups into wide containers, since its shoots should not be allowed to hang down along the edge of the dish.

As soon as the flowering period ends, fruits begin to form. Branches with ovaries begin to descend and burrow into the ground, where the fruits ripen.

In this regard, peanuts can only be planted in a sufficiently wide container.

Soil selection and fertilization

Soil selection

Considering the fact that the fruits are formed in the ground, you need to carefully approach the choice of soil. Loose black soil is perfect for this, you can also plant seeds in sandy loam or neutral soil.

To grow a peanut plant, you need potassium, magnesium and a lot of humus.

Fertilizers for fertilizing the soil

Growing peanuts requires repeated fertilization of the soil per season. Top dressing mineral fertilizers do per one hundred square meters:

  • Nitrogen is introduced in the amount of 0.45 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Phosphorus - the amount varies in the range of 0.5 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Potassium is applied exclusively to sandy loam soil in an amount not exceeding 0.45 kilograms.

Feeding periods

Top dressing of the soil is carried out three times during the period of growing peanuts in the garden:

  • The period of formation of these leaves.
  • Bud setting period.
  • Fruit formation period.

Plant formation

Seed selection

For planting, you can use grains that were harvested no earlier than 3 years ago.

The most popular varieties are currently:

  • Runner;
  • Virginia;
  • Spanish;
  • Valencia.

The following varieties are perfect for a temperate climate:

  • Krasnodarets 13 and 14;
  • Steplyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskoy.

Before buying, you need to make sure that the seeds are not processed or roasted with anything.

Formation of bushes

From the seeds of peanuts, a low bush is formed, which is a branched stem with feathery leaves of a dark green color and small yellow flowers.

Peanuts have one amazing feature: their flowering period is one day. This means that during the day the flowers of the plant must have time to pollinate in order to ensure the formation of fruits.

Pest control

The most common pests include a bear. To destroy it, you can make a bait. To do this, you need to collect cleaning and grain, then dig them in the garden next to the peanuts and cover with roofing felt. A little manure or humus is poured onto the top. From time to time, the bait needs to be checked and collected.

From seedling to first harvest

Planting peanuts

Growing peanuts begins with germinating the seeds. To do this, you can use a saucer on which the grains are soaked in a damp cloth.

In the first summer days, the sprouts are transplanted into the prepared soil in the garden. It is advisable to make the beds 45 centimeters wide, everyone chooses the length himself. The sprouts are planted at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other and 60 centimeters from another row.

In early April, the seeds should be planted in plastic cups. The planting depth should be about 3 centimeters. The cups are placed in a sunny place and watered.

Peanut seedling care

To harvest a rich harvest, peanut bushes must be spilled several times per season:

  • before flowering, you need to spud the plants, the height should be at least 50 centimeters;
  • 10 days after flowering;
  • then hilling should be carried out once every 10 days. Hilling should be stopped at the beginning of August.

Several times a season it is required to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.


When the peanut bushes stop growing, their leaves and stems dry and turn yellow, you can start harvesting.

The plants need to be dug up and, shaking off the remnants of the earth, removed to dry. They should be dried along with the bushes. After about 10 days, the beans can be detached.

It turns out that growing peanuts at home and in the garden is a very simple process and every gardener can do it.