Business plan strawberry all calculations are hothouse. Purchase of additional equipment

Growing strawberries can be a lucrative business: fresh, sweet berries are loved and in demand all year round... Wherein modern technologies allow you to produce delicious and useful product also all year round. In addition, there is practically no competition in this market. If during the short summer months, fragrant strawberries are alive and on sale, then in winter stores offer an ice-cream product most often, and fresh berries of imported origin only outwardly look like strawberries: they do not have that taste and smell, but there is an exorbitant price.

So it is worth offering real, "your" strawberries at an affordable price - and your business will start to bring regular profits.

Legal Issues

If you plan to sell strawberries through outlets, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can choose the unified agricultural tax as a taxation system - this is the most lenient tax - only 6% of the net profit will have to be given to the treasury.

Strawberries in your home

You need to start with the technology of growing berries. It turns out that regular trips to the dacha or even the final move to the place where the beds are located is not at all necessary for this. You can grow strawberries in a city apartment.

"Weather in the house"

In order for strawberries to grow and bear fruit, it is necessary to create suitable climatic conditions in the room: the temperature should be from 22 degrees, the humidity should be 75%. Good ventilation is essential.


To increase the usable sown area, special three-level racks are used. The height of such a rack is 1.5 meters, the width is 1 meter, the length can be any: as far as the dimensions of the room allow.

Each rack should be divided into three levels, and then containers with a height of about 20 centimeters are installed on them.

The containers are filled with a substrate with the addition of humus, and strawberries are then planted in this soil.

Irrigation system

The drip irrigation system is installed before planting. You can buy it (such a product is not uncommon in specialized stores) or make it yourself. In the latter case, you will have to spend only on materials - plastic pipes and water containers.

Growing technology

The time when the berry will be in special demand is from September to May (in summer, as you know, it is enough everywhere). But in order for you to have fresh strawberries in September, you need to start preparing just in May - it will take just 4 months in total.

First you need to create a mother plantation. This means planting seeds or ready-made strawberry seedlings in boxes with soil. If you chose seeds, you mean that the germination rate of strawberries is quite low, and therefore it will grow well if half of them.

Then you will need to moisten the soil well and properly illuminate the plants (strawberries need light 12 hours a day).

When the seedlings take root, it's time to make the first pick (the plants are simply seated in a checkerboard pattern). And after a month and a half, the strawberries are transplanted into ready-made containers.

Now the plantation is ready for flowering, fruiting and, as a result, for making a profit. After two to three years, the strawberry bushes will need to be updated and the preparation procedure repeated again. But you will receive the planting material already on your own "beds".

So, if you started agricultural work at home in late spring, then berries will appear by autumn, and you can get the first income from this business by October.

At the end of May, when the season comes to an end, the emerging flowers will need to be removed so that the strawberries do not bear fruit. In this case, the bushes will start to put on a "mustache" with young rosettes - planting material for renewing the plantation.

How to choose a strawberry variety

Not every strawberry variety is suitable for growing at home. Here are the recommendations of experts, allowing you not to make a mistake with the choice?

  • the variety must be remontant (i.e. the plant blooms several times a year);
  • ovary formation should occur continuously;
  • berries should be large, bright and evenly colored (this is what buyers want to see)
  • strawberries should have a strong aroma and distinct taste.

We are looking for a sales market

You should think about who to sell the crop to during the business planning process. Here are the options:

Sell ​​strawberries yourself by renting a kiosk or a place in the covered market. In this case, the profit will be greater, but additional costs will be required: you will need to purchase equipment (scales, refrigerator, showcase). The rental price can also be attributed to costs.

Sell ​​berries in small wholesale - shops and supermarkets. In this case, the income will be lower than in the first case (the price that will be offered commercial enterprise is unlikely to be high). But the time to sell the product will be spent much less.

Work with wholesale company... In this case, the price of strawberries will be the lowest, but you will not have to spend time selling it or deliver the berries to stores.

What you need to trade strawberries

Before starting an independent trade, concluding agreements with supermarkets or a wholesale company, you need to take care of obtaining the necessary documents:

  • declaration of conformity to GOST (for this you need to contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the results laboratory research must confirm that the product meets the requirements that);
  • phytosanitary certificate (it must be obtained from the Rosselkhoznadzor for any plant products).

We calculate expenses and income

As already stated, home-based business growing strawberries can be very profitable. For this to happen, you need to responsibly approach its planning and organization, and most importantly - to optimize costs.

If you decide to grow strawberries in an apartment, the size of the plantation is unlikely to exceed 80 square meters. meters (even if you arrange the boxes in three levels). Thus, the daily harvest will be about 10-12 kg of fresh strawberries daily.

You can handle and maintain such an economy alone; you will not need a hired labor force. This has certain advantages: expenses for renting premises, salaries, overalls, etc. do not have to carry.

Let's calculate how much it will cost to start a business, provided that you grow strawberries yourself and sell them to a wholesale company.

  • Equipment (containers, racks) - 30-35 thousand rubles;
  • Soil, compost - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Planting material - 3-4 thousand rubles;
  • Irrigation system - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Sodium lamps for lighting - 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, to start a business, you will need a little over 100 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs in this case are small - they include only electricity for lighting and heating (about 20 thousand rubles). With drip irrigation, water overruns do not occur.

The monthly harvest is about 4 kg per square meter. If, for example, take an area of ​​80 square meters, you get 320 kilograms.

The wholesale price of strawberries in the off-season is 300–400 rubles per kilogram. Thus, the amount of income will be about 120 thousand rubles.

As you can see, the costs of organizing a business are paid off already in the first months, and then entrepreneurship comes out on a stable profit.

Strawberry business is a great idea for entrepreneurs who want to try their hand at Agriculture... Not required for work large investments, and the first profit earned will allow you to recoup the initial costs. But in order not to fail, you need to learn about all the features of running such a business even before starting your business. We will talk about important nuances in the article.

Entrepreneurs often wonder whether growing strawberries is profitable or not. Any business, with the right approach, allows you to get high profits. The usual cultivation of strawberries is a seasonal business. However, a more significant profit can be obtained from the sale of fresh produce in the winter. But the arrangement of the beds and greenhouses in this case will require more serious costs.

High competition is observed in the summer, because all farms are engaged in the cultivation of strawberries during this period of time. From May to June, the price of the product is greatly reduced, although demand is growing. In winter, the only competitors are producers of frozen berries. But people buy freshly grown, juicy and fresh strawberries with great pleasure. Therefore, it is worthwhile to grow berries not only in the warm season.

Growing strawberries as a business is also relevant due to the constantly growing demand for these products. Statistics confirm this trend - the level of consumption increases by 1/3 annually. But for the business to be truly profitable, you need to clearly understand where to start a business on growing strawberries, what are the pros and cons of this form of entrepreneurship.

If an entrepreneur decides to start a strawberry business from scratch, he needs to take into account the advantages and possible threats. All-year-round growing of berries is possible only if there is a greenhouse.

This format has the following advantages:

  • lack of seasonality;
  • almost complete independence from external conditions (humidity level, temperature, amount of precipitation);
  • quick payback (in just 1 season of fruitful work, you can return your investment and start making a net profit);
  • easier to establish distribution channels (especially in winter);
  • the ability to significantly increase the cost of goods in the cold season;
  • with the right approach, the profitability of growing strawberries can reach 100% within a few years after starting a business.

This form of cultivation has its drawbacks:

  • higher costs than when growing berries in the garden (the cost of costs increases by about 10 times);
  • the need to pollinate the culture on your own;
  • less pronounced taste;
  • the need for artificial lighting.

What kind of strawberry to grow?

The success of the business will depend on the correct selection of the variety. Greenhouse cultivation differs from the usual cultivation of berries in the beds. Here are some tips to help you find the right strain:

  1. the selected variety blooms several times a year (these are the so-called remontant strawberries);
  2. ovaries and berries are formed all year round;
  3. the berries are of an impressive size;
  4. pronounced taste, color and smell;
  5. you should buy plants that were grown from a mustache of 1 or 2 orders;
  6. the presence of large roots and a developed rosette;
  7. the yield should be high.

You can choose several varieties at once. The following varieties of strawberries grow well in greenhouse conditions: Elsanta, Cambridge, Glima, Kama, Vizhe.

Choosing a cultivation form

The initial investment will be largely expressed in the cost of building greenhouses. There are the following varieties:

Greenhouse type



Who is it for?

Frame + film

Low cost, availability, ease of installation

Risk of losing part of the crop in case of frost

Entrepreneurs specializing in the cultivation of strawberries during the warmer months


Transparency, the ability to maintain a certain temperature, high yield rates

The need to make a foundation, cumbersome

Small business owners who want to grow strawberries for sale all year round


No need to make a foundation, long service life

High price

Large enterprises with a large production volume

There is another cultivation format that may be of interest to novice entrepreneurs - the Dutch method. It can significantly reduce initial costs. With this method, strawberries can be grown not only on your site, but even at home or in the garage.

All that is needed for work is a plastic bag up to 2.5 meters long, seedlings and special tubes for watering and maintaining the desired humidity level.

It is important not only to build a greenhouse, but also to properly grow seedlings. To begin with, she is seated in containers with peat. They must have drainage holes. The soil must be pretreated and added to it:

  • concentrated potassium permanganate;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus.

If you buy land in a store, you can simply find soil already enriched with useful microelements. Strawberries should be planted in greenhouses in March. And after the end of the first season, the land must be plowed - this will increase the subsequent yield.

It is important to water the seedlings correctly. Do not touch the leaves and berries, and the liquid should be poured next to the root. Automated system drip irrigation will allow watering correctly and in the required amount.

In the winter season, the care technology changes somewhat. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the region of 18-20 0 С. Secondly, it is better to use nitrogen fertilizers as top dressing. And thirdly, you will definitely need to pollinate the plants yourself.

Sales channels

The level of profit depends not only on the amount of the harvest, but also on the availability of marketing channels for the grown berries. In this case, you can work in several directions:

Whom to sell to?



When is it relevant?

Ordinary citizens

The essence of the idea lies in the self-sale of the harvested crop. You can sell in your store, market or rented kiosk

Quite high additional costs: you need not only to find a suitable room, but also to purchase equipment (refrigerators, scales, cash register, showcase). Transport will be required to transport products.

For entrepreneurs with large production volumes. Personal sales can be organized at the lowest cost during the summer.

Manufacturers of juices, jams, yoghurts

A contract with such manufacturers is concluded in advance, and then wholesale deliveries are carried out.

They have to sell at a lower cost than retail. Consumers are hard to find. The need to draw up declarations and certificates.

Entrepreneurs who do not want to search for individual consumers. If a businessman wants to be sure that the next crop will be where to deliver

Supermarkets, shops

A supply contract is concluded with one or more stores.

Low cost of production. If an entrepreneur wants to increase profits, then it makes sense to offer his products to elite supermarkets. The need to obtain permits.

If a businessman does not want to sell berries on his own. Such a distribution channel is especially relevant in the winter season, as stores lack supplies of strawberries.

It is better to transport strawberries in special boxes or baskets with a capacity of 3 kilograms.

Required permits

The strawberry business is an agricultural business. The entrepreneur pays the unified agricultural tax. The mandatory documentation required for the sale of berries to shops and businesses include:

  1. declaration of conformity to GOST (you can get it in SES and specialized laboratories);
  2. phytosanitary certificate (issued by the Rosselkhoznadzor).

Such a package of documents will simplify the search for strawberry consumers and help establish sales channels with large retail outlets.

Calculation of financial indicators

Question financial results very important for any entrepreneur. But you need to accurately calculate your costs and profits yourself. When drawing up a business plan, costs should be included in the number of initial costs:

  • for the purchase of seedlings;
  • for the purchase of soil, necessary fertilizers;
  • for the installation and construction of greenhouses, heating, lighting and irrigation systems;
  • for renting premises or land;
  • wages (if the care of the strawberries will be carried out by hired workers, and not by the entrepreneur himself).

The cost of berries varies significantly throughout the year. This factor must be taken into account when calculating profitability. Its level in the winter season will be an order of magnitude higher - about 75%. For a year, you can get an income of 1 million rubles and more. The Dutch method described above is able to bring even more profit with a profitability of almost 100%.

Let's summarize

Growing strawberries - profitable business... But it is important to understand all the nuances of the work before purchasing antennae and building a greenhouse. For aspiring businessmen, the Dutch growing method is suitable, while more serious growers may consider using polycarbonate greenhouses. But the main thing on which the level of profit will depend is responsibility, correct care and the availability of reliable sales channels for the products manufactured.

Justifying the business plan of a future enterprise on the idea of ​​growing strawberries is no longer a new phenomenon in the field of entrepreneurship. This is mainly due to the berry itself, which does not require a large stock of knowledge for cultivation and is a favorite delicacy of the masses. And although today not a single household farm can do without a strawberry plantation, we still venture to assert that this direction can be considered highly profitable and profitable.

Registration procedures

You can try yourself in the role of an entrepreneur in this area for a start without registration. To do this, it is enough to set aside a small bed in your garden, wait for the harvest and see what the demand for your product will be. And he will be, and considerable. But in order to expand the enterprise on a larger scale and enter the sales market, represented not only by individuals, but also by enterprises Catering, you will still have to formalize the business officially.

A business plan for growing strawberries in a greenhouse can be built on the simplest organizational formindividual entrepreneurship... This activity is subject to a single tax, but it is unlikely to give you the opportunity to conclude large contracts with processing enterprises, confectionery shops and other catering enterprises, since they prefer to work with legal entities. Therefore, it would be more expedient to arrange everything in the form of an LLC.

In addition to registering a business, you will need to obtain the following documents:

  • certificate of ownership finished products to a certain grade;
  • a certificate for the applied fertilizers;
  • sale license;
  • declaration of conformity of products to GOST;
  • phytosanitary certificate.

Business advantages and disadvantages

Peculiarity this direction lies in the fact that the market becomes oversaturated with the product only in May-June, that is, during the strawberry ripening season. The rest of the time, fans of this juicy fragrant berry are forced to buy it frozen or from private suppliers at exorbitant prices. It is for this reason that a properly organized greenhouse business will be able to bring considerable income. In addition, it is much more convenient to grow the product in a greenhouse than on open soil.

The advantages of the direction include:

  • the possibility of continuous cultivation of strawberries throughout the year;
  • the ability to protect the crop from unforeseen weather conditions;
  • little need for land;
  • short payback period;
  • a good chance to establish contacts with supermarkets;
  • high demand for strawberries in winter, which makes it possible to increase the price;
  • high profitability.

At the same time, it would be a big mistake to forget about the shortcomings of this business:

  • the initial investments already at the initial stage are several times higher than those that will be needed to organize activities at open ground;
  • pollination will have to be done artificially;
  • the taste of greenhouse berries is slightly inferior to ground berries;
  • the need to increase daylight hours by artificial methods.

A little about the strawberry itself

A strawberry business plan begins by identifying the varieties that will grow in your greenhouse. To begin with, we recall that strawberries are a perennial plant that reproduces with a mustache. For starting a business, seedlings that have been obtained from primary and secondary whiskers are suitable. The most effective varieties will be those with a well-developed root system.

Preference should be given to these types of berries:

  • Will;
  • Elsanta;
  • Cambridge;
  • Kama;
  • Glima;
  • Red Capulet;
  • See.

Particular attention should be paid to the greenhouse itself. First, let's divide them into several types:

  • a structure covered with a film;
  • glass house;
  • construction of polycarbonate.

The cheapest is the first option. But it is also the least safe, since the film will not be able to protect your seedlings from frost.

A glass greenhouse will require the construction of a foundation, which will result in slightly higher costs, but it will allow you to install heating. In addition, the transparency of the glass makes it possible to save on lighting.

But a polycarbonate nursery does not require the construction of additional structures, but in itself is not cheap pleasure. But its service life is several times greater than the durability of the two previous options.

Growing methods

For cultivation of strawberries in greenhouse conditions, two cultivation methods are usually used. One of them involves planting seedlings in containers filled with earth. They are usually arranged in a cascade or vertically.

The second way is the so-called Dutch. It involves the use of 2 meter long bags filled with soil for disembarkation. In such a bag, holes with a diameter of 8 cm are made, where strawberry shoots are planted. This is usually done in a checkerboard pattern. The advantage of this method is the ability to place three bags on 1 square of the area. At the same time, you can hang them in any room - in the garage, in the shed, on the balcony. The main thing is that the shoots are provided with the proper amount of light and irrigation.

Care rules

In the business plan for growing strawberries all year round, it is necessary to include the technology for caring for seedlings. To begin with, it should be remembered that the bags must have special drainage holes. You can buy soil in specialized stores. If soil is collected in the garden, then it must first be moistened with a strong solution of manganese and fed with fertilizers.

It is necessary to transplant strawberries into the ground at the end of March. It is necessary to water the plants exclusively at the root, so that the leaves and berries remain dry. In this case, you may need to equip a drip irrigation system.

The temperature regime in winter should be especially carefully observed in order to prevent the plants from freezing. It is important that the air is warmed up to 18-20 degrees.


The seedlings will be able to bear fruit all year long only if they have time to pollinate each flowering period. This will have to be done by an artificial method, since in greenhouse conditions the fruits themselves will not be tied. At the same time, we must not forget that the life period of one flower is 1-4 days, despite the fact that the flowering period itself can drag on for weeks.

If the area is small, you can carry out this procedure manually - just transfer the pollen with a soft brush from the stamen to the pistil. This should be done over each flower every morning. If the greenhouse is impressive in size, such hard work hardly fit. In this case, natural conditions will have to be created. For example, you can simulate the wind with a fan. Large areas can be provided with bee hives for a while.

Business complexities

The business plan for growing strawberries in a greenhouse should take into account possible losses in the so-called production process... After all, strawberries are a delicate berry, and therefore it is very important to handle them correctly in the process of picking them.

The rules read:

  • never overfill the crop;
  • do not move it from one container to another;
  • do not put too many berries in one container so that they do not crumple under their own weight.

It is necessary to fold the crop immediately into those boxes in which the berries will be delivered for sale or to the consumer. The most suitable containers will be wicker baskets or plastic boxes, the capacity of which should not exceed 1-3 kg.

As for the sales routes, it all depends on the season. In the summer, it may be better to focus on markets and private retail outlets. But the rest of the time, the main consumers will be supermarkets, boarding houses, factories for the production of juices, jams and confectionery products.

We count finances

A business plan for growing strawberries should focus on expenditures and income that can be obtained as a result of activities. If we assume that your subsidiary farm is located on 120 square meters, then the main cost item will be spent on paying utility bills, and, in particular, on electricity. On average, it is necessary to allocate at least 20 thousand rubles for this.

The initial investment, of course, will concern the construction of the greenhouse itself. So, for the equipment of a greenhouse of the specified volume, you will need:

  • 80 sodium lamps with power from 400 W;
  • drip irrigation system;
  • Construction Materials;
  • containers or bags;
  • racks.

It is also necessary to include in the estimate the purchase of strawberry seeds or seedlings, with which you will start your business.

Now with regard to income. From a plot of 120 squares in the worst month, you can get about 360 kg of berries. If we take 600 rubles per kilogram for the average cost in winter, then even in the most unfortunate month it will be possible to earn 216 thousand rubles. From this amount, you must deduct all the costs of setting up the business. The average income then per month will reach at least 180 thousand rubles.

Determine the profitability of the direction will only allow the cost of the berry itself. A this indicator will already depend on the region and on the volume of production. The Dutch method of growing strawberries, for example, will help reduce costs.

In any case, the profitability of the business reaches 75-80%, and in some cases it is already possible to talk about payback after the first harvest.

Due to the high popularity of this area, technical progress does not stand still, which is reflected in the creation of new technologies to optimize the process of growing berries. This allows you to significantly increase yields, which immediately translates into profits.

It is also important to remember that strawberries are a product that spoils very quickly, and therefore sales markets need to be established while the berry is still ripe, otherwise there is a great risk that you can lose both the harvest and profit. In a word, vigilance, quickness and careful care of your nursery will become the key to success.

Growing strawberries under hay (straw) - my experience: Video

    • Hydroponic strawberries
  • Step-by-step opening plan
  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
  • What OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open a business
    • conclusions
        • Related business ideas:

Strawberries are a popular berry that is loved not only in our country, but all over the world. Strawberries are consumed both fresh and used in processing, to get jam, jam, juices, etc. With the appearance of the first harvests in the spring season, the berry is literally sold out. And sometimes it doesn't matter what the price tag is. A kilogram of early strawberries in large cities costs at least 250 rubles ...

You can start your mini-business on growing strawberries even from a summer cottage. For the sale of the first batches of berries, no documents are needed, since the products are sold from a personal subsidiary farm. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, tax deductions, all this later, when industrial scale appears. At first, the sale of berries can be carried out through fruit shops and kiosks, as well as handing over berries in small bulk to dealers. Do you want to learn more about business and earn stable income? We offer you free book about wise investment of money. By choosing the method you are interested in, you will be able to receive good income doing an understandable thing.

Growing strawberries outdoors

Growing strawberries outdoors is the most common method. There is whole line objective reasons:

  1. Low investment. No buildings, in the form of greenhouses (read in more detail about growing in a greenhouse) and hydroponic installations are not required. You can start at least with your own garden, and then, as necessary, either rent a plot or buy it out. The main investments: fertilizers, planting material and drip irrigation (not counting the land plot).
  2. The technology is simple and straightforward. A little literature - and you can get a good harvest.
  3. Strawberries grown outdoors are juicy, sweeter and more natural. It is much easier to sell such a product.

In the open field, strawberries are planted in rows, at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from each other. The soil must be covered with spunbond-based agrofibre. This material protects the plant from direct sun rays, at the same time retains moisture, allows air to pass through and accumulates heat. The most common varieties for open ground: Gigantella, Elizabeth II, Albion, Honey. The fruits of these varieties are large and appetizing. So, the fruits of the Gigantella variety grow up to 100 grams. Only 10 berries - we get a kilogram of marketable strawberries.

The disadvantages of open ground are obvious:

  1. Seasonality. Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, strawberries can only be grown between May and September.
  2. Dependence on weather conditions. Drought, frost, etc., and you can lose almost the entire crop.
  3. Diseases, pests, weeds, which are present in abundance in the open field, will not give rest to the farmer.
  4. Harvesting - you have to pick the berries, literally crawling along the ground, which is extremely inconvenient. Hence, we get higher costs for labor force during the harvest season.

For all its pros and cons, outdoor cultivation is the surest way to start a strawberry business. First, it is cheaper and therefore less risky. Secondly, you do not need to have any serious knowledge to plant a field and harvest the first crop. Finally, this will allow you to try to sell the berry. And sales in this business, as practice shows, is the most difficult stage. Having learned how to sell, you can think about how to increase production volumes. On this score, there are others, more expensive, but also more effective ways growing strawberries.

Video about a successful open field strawberry farm:

Hydroponic strawberries

Hydroponics is a very popular indoor growing method. So, in Israel, more than 80% of hydroponics are used farms ... This method involves planting plants in a thin layer of organic substrate (peat, for example), laid on a net and placed in a tray with a nutrient solution. Speaking in simple words, in hydroponics, the plant does not feed from the soil, but from a mineral solution, the composition of which is formed depending on the type of plant. Strawberries are also actively grown hydroponically, although there are few such farms in our country. What are the benefits of hydroponics:

  1. The plant always gets the right amount of nutrients, much more than from solid soil. Hence the faster growth and faster harvest.
  2. There is no need for daily watering.
  3. Pests and diseases that are characteristic when growing in soil (bear, fungal diseases, nematodes) are completely absent.
  4. There is no need to purchase soil for transplanting strawberries and to spend on its delivery.
  5. It is much easier to replant the plant without damaging the roots.
  6. The output of the berry is ecologically clean, since no pesticides and pesticides are used in the cultivation process.

Particularly successful farmers manage to get up to 45 kg of strawberries from 1 sq. m., or 450 tons per hectare! The hydroponic method is extremely popular with homeowners who grow berries as a hobby. People in this way plant strawberries not only in greenhouses, but also on window sills. And fresh berries, when appropriate varieties are selected, grow year-round. Complete hydroponic plants and systems can be purchased from specialized companies. Also, a hydroponic plant can be designed with your own hands, since there are many videos on this score on the Internet. For example, this:

As a basis for the installation, you can use ordinary plastic containers placed on racks. If we talk about large planting areas, then the obvious disadvantages of the system include the high cost of structures and high energy costs, because a continuous supply of oxygen to the solution is required for plant growth. Moreover, if an entrepreneur decides to grow strawberries in this way on an industrial scale, the construction of greenhouses will be required, which makes the project very expensive. Skidding costs. A hydroponic plant for 30 seats will cost about 10,000 rubles, for 3,000 bushes - 1,000,000 rubles. In terms of area, so many installations will occupy about 50 square meters. m. A fully equipped greenhouse of this size will cost about 150,000 rubles. Total total cost the project exceeds a million, excluding the cost of planting material and substrate.

Trukars - vertical cultivation of strawberries

An interesting device called "Trukar" was invented by Alexander Naseichuk from Leningrad region... Trukar is a pipe with pockets, installed vertically. A strawberry bush is sown in each pocket, which is connected to a drip irrigation system. What are the advantages of trukar. First, the greenhouse area is significantly saved (by about 300%). One trukar occupies only 0.5 sq. m. and accommodates 90 strawberry bushes. That is only 1 sq. m. we can place 180 strawberry bushes, thereby increasing the profitability of the entire greenhouse. Secondly, trukar is very convenient in terms of planting plants and their subsequent care. For more information on growing strawberries in trukars, see the following video:

During the season (2 - 2.5 months), up to 12 kg of strawberries are harvested from one trukar. Accordingly, from 500 trukars (500 sq. M.) 6 tons of strawberries can be obtained. In monetary terms, this is approximately 1.2 million rubles. proceeds, if you sell strawberries on average at 200 rubles / kg. This is if we take into account the usual varieties. With remontant varieties, the yield and income, respectively, can be slightly higher.

A variation of the vertical method is the cultivation of strawberries in plastic bags using the so-called Dutch technology. The essence of this technology is that the seedlings are planted in a certain interval, after 2 - 3 months. This allows you to harvest constantly, without using remontant varieties for this. In order for strawberries to begin to bear fruit, regardless of the time of year, it must be preserved, that is, sent into hibernation, as it happens in natural conditions. To do this, well-developed strawberry bushes are cut in the fall and stored in a refrigerated place. An ordinary refrigerator is suitable for these purposes. The result is a seedling called "Frigo". Such seedlings can be "woken up" at any time by planting them indoors in a greenhouse (Recommended for reading business plan greenhouse facilities ). It doesn't matter when you do it, in January or May. The main thing is that the greenhouse is ready for planting. A couple of months after planting, strawberries will bring their first harvest.

The best varieties for Dutch technology are Elsanta, Darselect, Maria, Sonata, Mrak, Polka, Tristar and, of course, Albion (the most popular greenhouse strawberry variety). Strawberries are planted in bags made from white plastic film... The bag is 2 meters long and 16 cm in diameter. The bag is filled with a substrate including soil and fertilizer. Further in the bag, in a checkerboard pattern, holes are made of 7 cm in four rows, at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Then the bags are hung on special supports, 2-3 bags per square meter. You can do it a little differently by placing the bags in a horizontal position on regular shelving. In this way, you can make several tiers. Plant nutrition is carried out using droppers, which are supplied in three parts of the bag every 50 cm. Strawberries are pollinated by hand, using a soft brush or by means of a fan.

Step-by-step opening plan

Having a certain amount of money to start, you need to decide which method of growing strawberries is right for you. Based on this, choose: · Place (or room) for planting strawberries; · Equipment for growing berries; · Planting material - the variety that is most beneficial for this method of cultivation; Product sales plan

How much can you earn

When grown outdoors, 10 acres in the second year provide both seedlings and enough berries - 700-800 kg. This covers all the costs of the first year: planting material, drip irrigation system, film or agrofibre. You can expand the landing area. But the third year already gives a clean and good income. About 5 thousand strawberry bushes guarantee up to 2 tons of excellent berries. The profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse is over 100% and the return on investment is generally predictable in the first season. But, the initial investment in the organization and equipment of greenhouse facilities is 30-50% higher than in agricultural production in the open field. When grown in the Dutch way (in bags), up to 30 kg can be obtained from one square meter. garden strawberries. When selling berries in the summer, with an average price of 70 rubles. per kilogram, from one square meter you can earn more than 2 thousand rubles. And in the cold season, the price for " vitamin product»On average it will be about 200 rubles / kilo, the benefit, respectively, up to 6 thousand rubles. With a yield of berries from 50 square meters and taking into account costs, the profit will be under 300 thousand rubles.

How much money is needed to start a business

On average, it will take 1300-1450 thousand rubles to build a greenhouse with a plot for planting 1 hectare. To equip a 1 meter square room for the production of berries in bags, you will need about 300 rubles (including planting material). If you have problems with start-up capital, we offer the opportunity to earn at least some of the money. For this purpose, the proposed by us set of 50 ways... From there you can choose starting options without investment.

Which equipment to choose

Growing equipment: · in the open field - drip irrigation (pipes, fittings and filters, drip tape), mulching film or agrofibre; · In the Dutch way - a room (barn, garage, etc.), polyethylene bags 200-220 cm long, 15-16 cm in diameter. For each bag there are 3 irrigation pipes and a mixture of peat and perlite; · For hydroponics - trays, pumps, tubes and nutrient substrate; · For trukarny method - a pipe with pockets, substrate, irrigation system.

Strawberries are considered the most popular berry that both adults and children eat with pleasure. Surely everyone had to notice that in the summer there is a lot of it on sale, but in the cold periods of the year, when most of all you want juicy and fragrant berries, it is almost impossible to find fresh strawberries. Why not try to take advantage of this and start your own business? Growing strawberries as a business can bring huge profits: it does not require much monetary investments, and even those pay off in the first year. Strawberries are a popular product, so the risk of incurring losses is minimal. But in order to achieve the greatest success, you should carefully study all the nuances associated with this business. This includes choosing a place for growing strawberries, caring for a crop, possible difficulties, questions regarding the sale of finished products, financial aspects, etc.

The main goal of any business is profit, so it is important to study all methods of growing berries and choose the most profitable one. It all depends on the type of soil used, of which there are three:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Protected.

Open ground is ordinary beds under open air... This method is not suitable for growing berries on a large scale, as there is a high risk of damage to the crop due to weather conditions. In addition, the maturation of strawberries in natural conditions occurs at the beginning of summer, which indicates high competition.

Growing strawberries outdoors is unprofitable if you plan to consider this as a business.

Indoor ground - containers (bags, pots, boxes) located inside special structures or rooms in which artificial substitutes (heaters and lighting devices) are used instead of natural heat and light. The essence of the method is to organize an ideal microclimate. The method is unprofitable: the cost of paying for electricity is so high that the income from the harvest will be insignificant.

You can grow bagged strawberries, but expect high energy costs.

Protected ground - a film greenhouse of a standard type. Due to the film inside the greenhouse, conditions suitable for growing strawberries are formed - there is no need for additional heating. It also protects plants from rain and other climatic conditions. Result: indicators of the quality and quantity of the crop are much higher (about 20-25%), the properties of the products are improved (the berries are easier to store and transport). The protected ground method is divided into two subspecies: planting of plants is carried out in ordinary soil or substrate - it is peat and other substances. It is more practical to use a substrate: in this case, the greenhouse can be located in the same place as much as necessary. On the other hand, this entails additional costs.

The most cost-effective way is to grow strawberries in a greenhouse

Business requires a serious approach, so you need to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of the greenhouse method.

  • Quick return of spent funds;
  • The ability to grow strawberries at any time of the year and not worry about weather conditions;
  • High demand for products in winter period entails a large income and high profitability of the business;
  • The ability to supply berries to supermarkets.
  • Insufficiently high palatability compared to naturally grown strawberries;
  • The need for artificial pollination of plants.
  • Primary costs.

Initial budget and expected profit

To establish a business, you should calculate the approximate cash costs that will be required at the initial stage. The most profitable type of growing strawberries has been determined, so you need to take care of the territory on which the greenhouse will be located, materials for its construction, soil for plants and related tools, fixtures, etc. A greenhouse can be arranged not only on the basis of a film covering - this is the simplest and most affordable option. If you intend to seriously engage in growing strawberries for a long time, then you can build a glass or polycarbonate type greenhouse. The second option is the most reliable, but also expensive. However, in such a greenhouse, plants are not afraid of frosts.

The next step is to select a specific crop variety. It is recommended to use strawberry varieties with high yields and strong roots. The most High Quality: Elsanta, Cambridge, Kama, Volya, Red Capulet, etc.

An interesting nuance regarding the choice of varieties: you need to make sure that the amount of the crop is at a certain level. When all the plants in the greenhouse bear fruit at the same time, the ripening process turns into a long period of "downtime", so you need to stock up on different varieties of strawberries: early, mid and late ripening.

At the initial stage, as a rule, there is no need for additional personnel: all work can be done independently. Hiring workers is justified if a large number of greenhouses are planned.

A 10 m² greenhouse is sufficient to start a strawberry business. To build a greenhouse, you need to spend about 15 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to add monthly expenses on its lighting. 1 m² of the area contains about 100 strawberry seedlings (taking into account the possibility of planting plants in two levels). Thus, for 10 m² approximately 1000 seedlings will be required, which will cost a gardener 12 thousand rubles. Additional costs include the cost of transportation, packaging, storage of products and are individual for each case.

From 1 m² you can get from 25 to 35 kg of strawberries, and from 10 m² - 250-350 kg. In June, 1 kg of strawberries can be sold at a price of 40-50 rubles, that is, to gain at least 10 thousand rubles - this is the first minimum income. In winter, the cost of 1 kg of strawberries rises to 280 rubles, which means that the minimum profit will be 70 thousand rubles. The first income can be expected two to three months after planting seedlings. Thus, all expenses will pay off with the first profit, and you can harvest 4-5 times during the year.

It is necessary to rationally place containers, pots, boxes and other containers for planting seedlings in an equipped greenhouse - this is one of the secrets of a successful business start. To place as many plants as possible, it is enough to equip the room with shelves in several rows.

Among gardening entrepreneurs, the “Dutch” method of growing berries is popular, which has proven to be more economical than traditional methods. Its essence lies in the fact that polyethylene bags are used as containers for planting seedlings. The size of one bag is from 2 to 2.5 m. Holes for the plants are pre-drilled in the bag and watering is ensured. It has been established that the drip irrigation system is the most effective: the leaves and berries of strawberries do not tolerate excessive moisture, therefore, the plants need to be watered at the very root and not too abundantly. Peat with a mixture of perlite is used as soil.

Supporters of standard methods of growing berries need to plant seedlings in soil purchased from a specialized store. You can use ordinary soil and treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, as well as fertilize with substances containing phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and magnesium. The optimum temperature for growing strawberries is 18-20 ° C. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers occurs periodically.

An important stage in the process of growing strawberries is artificial pollination, which is mandatory in protected / closed ground. Pollination is carried out during the flowering period of plants, which lasts 1-4 days for one flower, in general - several weeks, depending on the variety of the crop.

Pollination methods:

  • Manual method - suitable for small greenhouses, consists in daily processing of each flower with a soft brush (for painting);
  • Using a fan - the device is placed in the greenhouse and turns on towards the flowers;
  • Setting up a hive with bees is effective on large plantations; there should be a bumblebee colony in the hive, which quickly pollinates the plants without harming them.

Harvesting, storage, sale

Subject to strict adherence to all rules and recommendations in relation to the cultivation of crops, the approximate amount of the crop that can be harvested from 1 m² is from 30 to 40 kg. Growing strawberries is only half the battle, since it is important not to ruin the harvested crop and sell it, delivering it to the buyer in perfect condition. It is not recommended to pour the berries from one container to another, as this negatively affects their appearance and shelf life. Your best bet is to get your harvest boxes ready right away and sell your strawberries directly in them. You should take care of the refrigerator, the purpose of which is to store berries. Strawberries last much longer in a cool environment.

The last stage that worries the entrepreneur is the sale of the goods. Finding a buyer, establishing trade relations is required in advance, since strawberries do not tolerate delays. One of best options for the sale of the product - sale to supermarkets, which readily purchase greenhouse vegetables and fruits due to their properties (long-term storage and attractive outward appearance). Another opportunity to profitably sell strawberries grown in a greenhouse is to offer them to industries that process berries for further use of raw materials. This is how preserves and jams, juices, etc. are made. Finally, fruits and berries good quality recreational institutions, for example, children's camps, are always welcome. The type of marketing for strawberries depends on the season. Supermarkets buy berries in large quantities in winter, strawberries sell well in the summer market.

In summer it is best to offer strawberries in the market, in winter to sell to supermarkets

Business profitability

To determine how profitable the sale of a particular product is, it is enough to compare two financial indicators, in this case - the money spent on growing strawberries, that is, the cost, as well as the funds earned on its sale. The prime cost includes all expenses required for the opening and development of the business up to the delivery of the crop to the buyer. The profitability of this business is at the highest level, especially if you try to keep costs to a minimum (use economical methods of growing strawberries, abandon the workforce, etc.). The maximum income can be obtained by selling strawberries in the winter, when berries are most difficult to obtain. This gives the supplier the right to significantly increase the cost of their products. Growing strawberries can be effectively used as profitable business idea, turn it into a streamlined process that will bring good income. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, take into account all the subtleties and possible difficulties that may stand in the way of a novice entrepreneur.