Actual products. What business is relevant now and what is in demand

Today, novice businessmen are faced with difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction to start to act? Really, modern market ready to offer "everything and a little more." In order for entrepreneurial activity to bring not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of the financial situation. Demanded goods in Russia in 2017 are the topic of our article, because they influence the economic structure of the country.

What is the most demanded product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food - here is the product that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products from it;

  • "pasta";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, demanded goods in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. In any case, they are needed, regardless of the current economic situation in the country. Whatever income buyers have, they will always allocate funds for the purchase of:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    washing powder, detergent and cleaning products;

    creams and cosmetics.

Products, chemicals and hygiene products are always included in the consumer basket, so experts recommend that novice entrepreneurs start with them, paying special attention to the product range.

Thinking about what goods are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic products and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be obtained from the manufacture or sale of seasonal goods: clothing and footwear, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, don't forget about the so-called impulse products: candies, chewing gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this is a fairly large advantage that can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult in economic terms, we can determine the most popular goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two points. So, there was a good demand for the following products:

    Technique and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the lead in Internet sales in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, to work with such a product, certain financial resources and knowledge will be required.

    Products. Opening a grocery store in a good location can bring a good regular income to its owner.

    Clothing and footwear. Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Make bulk purchases of good inexpensive products and sell at retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning of the school year, this is the most "running" product.

    Goods for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are demanded goods in Russia, since now everything more people tend to a healthy lifestyle and purchase exercise equipment, sports equipment and clothing.

    fabrics. In times of crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things sewn on their own. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis is able to cancel the celebration of weddings, anniversaries and other festive events, which, according to the established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its components (flowers and decor items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Products for children. As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need, try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other products for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is the most in demand in Russia, it is necessary to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several important factors,capable of influencing the demand for the product:

    Price. Agree, this is usually the first thing a buyer is interested in. In case of coincidence of quality and price indicators, the purchase is carried out. To form the “correct” price, the following must be taken into account: the cost and purchase price of the goods, the pricing strategy and the markup percentage. In order to pay attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling at the highest possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price that matches the market. This step is applicable only if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, you can reduce the price as much as possible. But this should be done with some caution. Such a move requires explanation, for example: “I sell cheaply in order to attract a buyer and give an opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the goods.”

    Competitors' prices. One of the key factors influencing demand. Customers do not trust "price extremes". And it doesn't matter if it's too expensive or too cheap - both are suspicious. Therefore, it is essential to define golden mean, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Potential customer preferences. To begin with, it is important to find out the products that are in demand in Russia during a period of economic stability, to understand what products are “hot” directly on the territory of your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then it makes no sense to offer pork or lamb). Only then can the consumer demand be properly formed.

So what is the most demanded product in Russia

The leading place in the Russian commodity market was occupied by Chinese-made products that imitate clothing and footwear from popular global manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and want to look in accordance with its trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to shell out a significant amount for an original item, so Chinese counterparts are the most sought-after goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find what he likes and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the Celestial Empire became in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with a red sole with a high stiletto heel.
  • Converse is a very popular sneaker, both for men and women. This product has been in the TOP-10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - women's bags (naturally, "almost" original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mainly men's).
  • Christian Dior sneakers are very comfortable women's shoes that quickly found their customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed it to become one of the most sought after in the 2015-2016 season.

Please note that China is different from China. Many branded imitations can be quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and accessories used by the manufacturers of the "brand".

An accurately imitated product made from quality material will have a higher purchase price.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but also differ greatly from their original ( appearance, inscription, etc.).

No less popular in the domestic market are goods for children. And this applies not only to clothes and shoes. Demanded goods in Russia are children's hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

The third place is rightfully given to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and straightener combs, have firmly established themselves in the Russian market. Typically, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for the average consumer, so their target audience is quite extensive, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract a fairly large number of buyers.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the goods in demand on the Russian market in 2017. Working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin goods are goods that are bought low and sold high. It is no secret that this approach is the basis of trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present you the TOP of demanded goods in Russia, imported in order to obtain the highest profit or do not lose their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items - the most popular goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in first place, because if you take a closer look at the market for Chinese retail small things: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that they you can buy in bulk 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the goods is simply “penny”, and there will definitely be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always up to date. Bulk products that are packaged in small bags are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks, which the Chinese sell in containers at very favorable prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of products increases many times, so that the profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, tuning elements have become quite popular among Russians. Demand for this segment of the market is increasing with enviable constancy. DVRs and rear-view cameras, radios, lights - this is not a complete list of products that a domestic manufacturer cannot yet compete with (if we exclude Chinese products manufactured under a Russian brand). If you continue the list, supplementing it with various little things that can personalize a car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then it will become clear to you why car accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics. Here we mean not a cheap Chinese fake, but electronics that have occupied a worthy niche of Hi-Fi and Hi-End, as a rule, this refers to analogues of goods from leading world manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma panels, projectors, products mobile communications, printers and much, much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with products that are accessories to products famous brands(headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China, they are 3-40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, quite a wide scope of activity.

    Fur - demanded goods in Russia, especially since there are many popular trademarks relocated their factories to China. Cloth High Quality It is not cheap, but it can be sold many times more expensive.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a significant commodity. Especially if a local solid wood is used in production (it is much less in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture on Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the "furniture" business is becoming more and more popular.

    Shoes and accessories. Just like outerwear enterprises, shoe factories and workshops moved to China. Now Chinese shoes are not only affordable, but also completely repeat all the features of the branded counterpart. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap, but incredibly popular.

    Products for children - clothes and shoes, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is where to “turn around”).

    Household products - incredibly popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, ranging from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the vastness of the range, the demand for products is unstable.

    Machine tools and equipment Chinese-made, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American in quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their activities or are modernizing acquire analogues made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment, as a rule, is limited to two or three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment with high-quality units or, at least, to repair broken devices.

To identify the most sought-after products, an organization needs a large amount of information about the market, which it often does not have. Therefore, it is worth turning to professionals. Our information and analytical company VVS is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal agencies. The company has 19 years of experience in providing commodity market statistics as information for strategic decisions that reveal market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in commodity markets and B2B business services.

    commercial vehicles and special equipment;

    glass industry;

    chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Construction Materials;

    medical equipment;

    food industry;

    production of animal feed;

    electrical engineering and others.

Quality in our business is, first of all, the accuracy and completeness of information. When you make a decision based on data that is, to put it mildly, wrong, how much will your loss be worth? When making important strategic decisions, it is necessary to rely only on reliable statistical information. But how can you be sure that this information is correct? It can be checked! And we will give you such an opportunity.

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A trading niche can make you a millionaire in just a few years or even months. But there is one important nuance in it, we must understand which product is in the greatest demand now and how to sell it. Once you have two answers to these questions in your head, you can start a business and become a millionaire. Today we will talk about what is important, what is not and what is profitable to sell.

6 Important Things

Before we barge you with a list of profitable items to sell, we would like to cover the basics of the trading business. Namely, to disassemble the 6 most important things that you need to know and understand before starting your business. Of course, in addition to these 6 points, there are a million more nuances that you can understand only by encountering this business in practice. Therefore, you do not need to go in cycles in thinking and planning for a long time, act!

How to find out the demand for a product?

When you find your business idea, you need to determine whether this product is in demand or not. This is essentially the most important point, because if there is no demand for the product, you will have a huge batch that will have nowhere to go.

Options for determining demand can be as follows:


Yandex has a service, it displays the number of queries entered in the search engine per month. But these statistics are only from Yandex. 50% of the population uses Google. Therefore, the resulting figure can be safely multiplied by two.

This method is suitable for determining the demand for goods from the population. For example, for: toilets, smartphones, headphones, furniture and other goods that a potential buyer already knows about.


We found a Chinese JBL speaker on the Internet and want to start selling it. We go to the Yandex service, enter the query "Chinese JBL column" and see that this query was entered 2306 times in a month. Multiply this number by two, since half of the population uses Google, and as a result, we will have 4612 queries. That's enough. There is a demand, we can buy goods and start selling them.

Now let's look at a less positive example, we found Media Gadget headphones and want to understand whether they are worth selling or not. We enter a query in wordstat and get the number 11, even multiplying it by two, this is too little to deal with this product.


Landing pages are one-page sites that sell a specific service or product. With their help, we will be able to determine whether there will be a demand for our product or not.

The action plan will be:

Thanks to advertising, users will go to your landing page and see an offer to buy. If they like your product, they will click the "Buy" button, leave you their contact details, and you tell them that, unfortunately, the product is already out of stock.

As a result, you will have statistics on the number of clicks to your site and the percentage of buyers. If the percentage of buyers will cover advertising costs and make a profit, then we congratulate you, you have found a great product that sells well!

One of the main advantages of this method is that you can test products that generate demand. For example, a teddy bear-terminator, no one is looking for it in stores, but perhaps if people see it, they will want to buy it.


Unfortunately, business is not an easy thing. Therefore, for many data, the paragraph will simply break the head, because we will contradict ourselves. But don't worry, we'll explain everything to you at the end.


You can find out what is now in great demand on the market thanks to competitors. Large companies are investing millions of dollars to understand this. Small ones simply delegate this task to their analysts. The bottom line is that you can just look at the competition. If they sell something or actively advertise some product, then most likely they have a profit from this and there is a demand for this product. That is, we can also start selling it and make a profit from it.

Don't mess with products that are in demand

Competitors may be engaged in the sale of a product in huge volumes. From the outside, they look successful and this product flickers wherever possible. It would seem that this is it! We urgently need to take all the money, buy a large batch and try to snatch our piece, but there are moments that you don’t see:

  • Perhaps the product does not bring any profit at all and the trend for it will end soon;
  • The product may not be profitable and the companies involved in it go to zero, but thanks to sales, they attract customers to their store, who will return again and again in the future;
  • They may have very favorable conditions for cooperation with the manufacturer, which you will not be able to get;
  • The market is oversaturated with this product and the profit from its sale is minimal.

Is it worth it to look at competitors?

From this follows three options. Two risky and one very good:

  • First- analyze competitors, take a risk and start selling their product. Perhaps you will be able to snatch your piece and make good money.
  • Second- you can start selling goods like competitors, you will encounter pitfalls and go into a big loss.
  • Third- you need to independently find the product that is not yet very popular and start selling it one of the first. This is the best option, but to find exactly what will be in demand, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort testing.

Which way to go is up to you!

Creating a product trend

The highest level of marketing is not the sale of goods for which there is a demand, but the birth of a global demand.

Let's take an abstract example. You have found a little-known foreign manufacturer of unusual backpacks. Further, you enter into a contract with him that only you will sell their products in Russia. Then the art of marketing comes into play - you have to create demand for it.

To do this, advertising is purchased from bloggers, targeting advertising campaigns and most importantly, you advertise this product with native ads. That is, people will just see your interesting backpack with the brand name and nothing else. There won't even be a link to buy.

The bottom line here is that people see this wonderful backpack from other people (in this case, bloggers). The herd feeling kicks in. They think that even if their favorite bloggers wear this backpack, it means that it is cool and worth buying. Then they themselves will find your store and buy it from you.

The backpack is getting more and more popular. Other entrepreneurs are paying attention to this and also want to sell it. Then you start selling this backpack in bulk, and now the whole country goes with backpacks of this brand, and you earn millions of rubles.

This is really a working plan. You can read more about it in Phil Knight's book Shoe Salesman. It is about how Nike developed and why they entered into contracts with successful athletes.

The only disadvantage of this technique is a huge investment. You must have start-up capital in millions of rubles and be sure that the product will eventually be in demand. Usually entrepreneurs who have already reached a certain ceiling in the resale of goods come to this and they want to reach a new level.

Ways to trade

You need to understand that all products are not sold equally. To sell one thing, just put it on Avito and in a couple of hours you will have buyers. To sell some other product, you may need to develop a landing page. And for some goods, you will generally need an offline store.

You need to think about how you will sell your product.

There are a lot of options for marketing products in our time:

  • Online store
  • Social networks
  • Landings
  • Notice boards
  • Offline stores
  • Partners
  • Wholesale

For example, we can’t just take and start selling weight loss products on Avito. To do this, you should at least create a landing page that will demonstrate the effect of the product and create a desire to buy it. To sell a beautiful wardrobe, just post it on Avito. If people are satisfied with the price and quality, then they will buy it from you.

From all this we conclude that it is necessary to think over a plan for the sale of goods. It may turn out that you will have great products, but in order to find buyers for them, you will have to create a full-fledged online store, which will take 100,000 rubles to develop.

To understand how to sell your product, just look at competitors who sell it or something similar. However, do not forget that there is always an exception to the rule. Perhaps you will find a distribution channel that no competitor has thought of.

Don't buy in bulk

The most important mistake that we want to warn you against is the purchase of large quantities of goods. Very often, entrepreneurs buy a small test batch and sell it in the first weeks or days. To celebrate, they order a huge consignment of goods from suppliers and, as a result, cannot sell it.

There can be many reasons for such failures:

  • The first time you just got lucky;
  • The product was seasonal and will have to wait for the next season to sell it;
  • The commodity trend has fallen sharply;
  • Etc.

In order not to fall into this mistake, we recommend that you develop gradually. This month they sold 10 units of goods, the next 12, then 15, and so on. Then you will avoid this error. On the other hand, you may have caught your luck by the tail and really having bought a large batch from suppliers, you will be able to quickly sell it and make good money on it. There is such a possibility, but as statistics show, entrepreneurs most often go bust when they try to make a sharp increase, so we do not recommend doing this.

97 Products in high demand

It's time to consider 97 products that are currently in the greatest demand among the population. For convenience, we have divided them into 10 subcategories. We hope that you will be able to pick up interesting ideas for yourself that will bring you millions of rubles. net profit.

In Russia

Let's start our selection with goods that are in demand in Russia. Unfortunately, the average salary in the country is not so high, so we won’t be able to get rich by selling useless things like in the USA. Therefore, we must focus on what the population needs in any case.

Item 1: Shapewear

The price range of corrective underwear is quite wide, from 300 to 30,000 rubles. Depending on the financial situation of your region, you need to choose products from the category that will be in demand. No need to try to sell underwear worth 30,000 rubles in a small town with a low salary. This is pointless and the number of potential customers will not pay off all your expenses. An excellent option would be to trade in goods worth 1,000-3,000 rubles.

How much can you earn?


Item 2: Weight Loss Products

At the moment, weight loss products are in good demand. The only downside is that they cannot be sold on bulletin boards. Customers have a lot of questions to the seller and in the end they refuse to purchase. To work, it is enough to create a one-page website and order advertising. Be sure to require all certificates and licenses from manufacturers or suppliers. Sale poor quality products will cause problems not only for your customers, but also for you.

How much can you earn?


Item 3: Remedies for alcoholism

A common problem is when there is a drinking person in the family who needs some help. There are many different drugs for alcoholism on the market. As in the previous case, in order to trade, you need to require licenses and product certificates from your suppliers. It is worth selling such products with the help of landing pages and various advertising campaigns.

How much can you earn?


Item 4: Garden equipment

A huge number of summer residents live in Russia, so goods intended for the garden and summer cottages are in great demand in almost any region of the country. In this case, you can sell anything at all: lawn mowers, chainsaws, axes, seedlings, and so on. Most of the market is occupied by offline stores, but every year more and more buyers become online. People choose what they need, and then their order is delivered directly to their homes.

How much can you earn?


Item 5: Information Items

This is a relatively new niche for Russia, but despite this, it has already managed to bring entrepreneurs millions of rubles and acquire a large number of negative reviews. The bottom line is that you are selling information, that is, some kind of training course, which, according to the idea, should teach something. For example, there are courses on drawing, making money, video editing, etc. You must provide such knowledge that is difficult to find on the Internet.

Due to the fact that, for the sake of profit, entrepreneurs often traded empty courses, a huge number of people appeared on the network who treat them with distrust. But despite this, if you package your product beautifully, people will still buy it.

The problem with this niche is that we can't just take and resell the goods. We will have to create it first. To do this, you need to find experienced professionals who will create the course itself, and then try to advertise it on the Internet.

How much can you earn?


Item 6: Electronic cigarettes and hookahs

If you look at the trends in Russia, you can see that in any city a large number of hookahs open. They take root, people like to smoke and many people buy hookahs to their homes. In addition, the electronic cigarette market is growing rapidly. Some refuse conventional ones in favor of electronic ones, while others use them as a replacement for a hookah. This niche is very profitable and growing, so it's time to jump on the train and start making good money.

How much can you earn?


Item 7: Pet supplies

Pet supplies have always been one of the most popular goods in Russia. People love their pets, they are full members of the family, so no one spares money for toys or food.

Currently, the number of offers in this niche is growing. People are buying dog kennels, fake cat trees, GPS collars, toys, and more. These products can be sold online, but it is much better to buy in bulk and then resell the products to retail stores.

How much can you earn?


Item 8: Business Items

Entrepreneurship in Russia is becoming a real trend. Of course, we are still far from the level of the United States, but every month a huge number of businesses open in the country and they need equipment. You can trade cash registers, shelving, restaurant equipment or something else. This is one of the most promising niches in our country.

Of the minuses, it can only be noted that you will need large investments to start, since the equipment itself is quite expensive.

How much can you earn?


Item 9: Contact lenses

The demand for contact lenses is simply huge, but many do not understand how to work with it. This niche is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have extensive experience in marketing and will be able to create a large turnover. For a business, you need to find suppliers, then create an online store and launch advertising campaigns. Each of these processes is complex, so beginners should not do it.

How much can you earn?


Item 10: Suitcases

People love to travel to different cities and countries, so the demand in the suitcase market is high. If you look at the supply market, you can find many manufacturers who develop unusual suitcases. They can independently follow their owner and open using a smartphone. Such suitcases are of great interest, but due to the high price they are in demand only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For other regions, it is worth choosing simpler products.

How much can you earn?


Chinese goods

China is gradually taking over the world of commerce, so we will definitely consider which Chinese goods are in good demand in Russia. An important feature of doing business with China is the quality of the product itself and the Chinese.

First, a large percentage of marriage for China is considered the norm. Some suppliers have more of it, others have less, but it will be in any case, so you need to understand this. In no case should you make a large purchase of the first batch of goods from a new supplier. Perhaps he has too much of a defect that you cannot sell.

Secondly, it is difficult to work with the Chinese. A completely different mentality reigns in their country, and if your consignment of goods is delayed for two weeks, and you urgently need to deliver orders to customers, then your problems will not soar them at all. You need to be ready for this.

Item 11: Sneakers

Chinese sneakers are in great demand. Of course, they will not be compared with the original Nike or Adidas, but they will be several times cheaper. Based on the fact that salaries are low in Russia, people are happy to buy Chinese shoes. Yes, you can’t walk in it for years, because it will fall apart in a couple of years, but in terms of price-quality ratio, Chinese shoes are in the first place.

How much can you earn?


Item 12: TVs

TVs are next on the list. A large and high-quality TV from Samsung can cost 60-100 thousand rubles. It is very expensive, especially for the regions. Therefore, Chinese TVs are a great alternative. Problems can arise only with the sale of products. You can test message boards, or learn how to work with traffic from advertising campaigns.

You should spend less than a percentage of the markup on attracting one buyer. Then trading will be profitable and you will be able to increase your turnover every month.

How much can you earn?


Item 13: Engines

In Russia, a huge number of people use ATVs, lawn mowers, boats, etc. Sooner or later, the engines break down so as not to spend money on buying new equipment, their owners simply repair them. When an engine gets really old with a lot of sores, it's much cheaper to buy a new one than to completely rebuild it. Therefore, people very often order Chinese engines for their equipment, because they are very cheap.

How much can you earn?


Item 14: Replicas

A replica is an exact copy of something, and goods from China in this niche are perhaps the most popular for sale. Everything is simple here. A new iPhone costs 80,000 rubles, people don't have that kind of money, but they want an iPhone. Then they buy a Chinese replica for only 10,000 rubles.

If in the case of the iPhone, the buyer will feel a serious difference from the original, then in the case of clothing, there is no difference at all. A person can buy a sweater from the Gucci brand for 3,000 rubles, when the original costs 60,000 rubles. And if you are not an expert, then it will be very difficult to find the difference.

Such products are in great demand, every day fashion and trends change, the Chinese follow this and produce new products that you can start selling in your city.

How much can you earn?


Item 15: Fabric

An unobvious product, which at the same time is in great demand. You can sell fabric because a lot of people sew things for themselves or for sale. It is important to think carefully about distribution channels. As a separate unit, such a product cannot be sold, you must immediately provide a wide range and possibly some additional products. In this case, for successful trading, we need an online store.

How much can you earn?


Item 16: Cases

Cases are a hot commodity from China, but you need to understand that competition in this market is already very strong even in Russia. Finding suppliers and organizing logistics is not a problem in this case. The problem of this niche is customers, there are many of them, but there are also a lot of options where they can buy a case. You will have to compete with retail stores, online stores, social media stores and so on.

There are two options here:

  • You find really unique cases that are not so common in Russia and sell them;
  • You take regular cases and invest in marketing your online store.

Both options have the right to life and can bring big profits.

How much can you earn?


Item 17: Glasses

Glasses are also in good demand, but as with cases, the problem lies in the competition. There are a lot of them and a novice entrepreneur has no idea how to fight them. Selling on Avito is not the best option, because your ad will simply get lost in a hundred others of the same kind.

To earn money, you need to create a full-fledged online store or store in social networks. Then run an advertising campaign and wait for the profit.

How much can you earn?


Item 18: Chandeliers and lamps

Repair is a complex business that requires a lot of money and time. The final part of the repair can be called the installation of a chandelier and various lamps, but as is the case with any other product from this subcategory, they are expensive.

People are looking for Chinese counterparts that are in no way inferior to expensive competitors. Such goods are in demand only among those people who are busy with repairs and are looking for them. Therefore, the option of selling products in social networks does not suit us. We will have to develop a landing page or even a full-fledged online store and attract customers through advertising.

How much can you earn?


Item 19: Doors

Continuing the repair section from the previous paragraph, it is worth noting that Chinese doors are an inexpensive product that is in demand. Of particular interest may be the way they are implemented. It is not necessary to create online stores, landing pages and look for customers. You can supply products to companies that specialize in door installation and apartment renovation. For the installation of each door you will receive a profit. Your task will be only to work with suppliers and deliver doors.

How much can you earn?


Item 20: Fishing accessories

Fishing is a very popular activity for men from Russia. In wordstat alone (the service you mentioned at the beginning of the article), there are more than 3 million queries on this topic per month. Therefore, you can come to China, buy lots of goods for fishing and sell them in Russia. The probability that you will sell them is 100%. The only question is how quickly you can do it. To work in this niche, you can use absolutely any distribution channels.

How much can you earn?


In the Internet

E-commerce in Russia is growing every year. At the moment, it is at such a level that foreign entrepreneurs come to our country to do business. For example, Lamoda. Therefore, we must definitely talk about what products are now in demand on the Internet.

Of course, we can say globally that absolutely everything is bought and sold on the Internet. This is true, but some categories of goods are in greater demand, and we will consider them below.

Item 21: Outerwear

In general, all clothes are in demand in online stores, but specifically, goods from the outerwear subcategory are in greatest demand. As a rule, they are more expensive than ordinary sweatshirts or t-shirts, and ordinary stores are not able to provide a huge range of choices. Online stores, in turn, provide this range. In addition to online stores outerwear also in demand on message boards and social networks. In other words, jackets and coats can be sold anywhere.

If you can’t get a profit, then most likely it’s not a bad product, but that you make some mistakes.

How much can you earn?


Item 22: Tiles

On the Internet, they like to buy those things that are difficult and long to look for in ordinary stores. Tiles are one of those things. More specifically, any tile will be in demand, because the query “buy ceramic tiles” is searched 60,000 times a month, and the query “buy paving slabs” is searched 200,000 times a month (read how to calculate the number of requests at the beginning of the article).

In any case, the demand is simply huge and your task in this case is to create an online store that will have a large assortment.

How much can you earn?


Item 23: Mattresses

Mattresses are also in great demand on the Internet, but this product is not so easy to sell. We cannot create a community on social networks, attract 10,000 people there and sell mattresses to at least 1% of the participants, because in social networks you can only focus on a person, but not on what he wants. That is, we will not be able to somehow isolate from a million people only those who need mattresses.

That is why we will have to learn how to work with contextual advertising from Google or Yandex.

How much can you earn?


Item 24: Tires

Car tires are a hot item to trade on the Internet, but be aware that a large number of people buy used tires. This business is not suitable for everyone, as it will be long-term.

Today we buy 10 sets of tires, leave them in our warehouse and wait for buyers. Tomorrow we are buying another 10 sets and waiting for buyers for them. Having placed ads on Avito, we will have to wait a long time. To speed up the sales process, you can run advertising campaigns.

The only problem here is that you won’t be able to make a big margin on used tires and you will only earn good money when you switch to high speeds.

How much can you earn?


Item 25: Paint

Hair dye is a popular item on the internet, but be aware that you are unlikely to be able to sell it on message boards. To sell products, you will have to set up advertising campaigns and be sure to create an online store.

You can attract customers to the online store with the help of interesting posts on social networks.

How much can you earn?


Item 26: Electric stoves

Electric stoves are in demand, but in order to earn something, you must offer the buyer an assortment. The problem is that prices for such plates start at 10,000 rubles, and in order to provide an assortment of at least 10 items, you will have to invest 100,000 rubles. After creating the assortment, the question arises, can you find buyers for the product? Of course, there is demand and there will definitely be buyers, but first of all, we recommend that you practice selling fictional goods. How to do this, we said at the very beginning.

How much can you earn?


Item 27: Trimmer

Beard trimmer - this product is now in high demand on the Internet. It is not too expensive even at retail, so we can try to get big turnovers with minimal investment. The trimmer has been in good demand for a long time. The main thing is to provide your potential buyers with guarantees, convenient delivery and assortment.

How much can you earn?


Item 28: Water heater

The problem of some cities is the annual shutdown of hot water for preventive work. Of course, this does not suit the residents, they need to wash and wash themselves in comfortable water, so water heaters come to the rescue. In addition to urban residents, water heaters are in demand in villages and cottages.

The problem may arise only in the fact that in addition to delivering the product, ideally, you should install and connect it. To do this, you will need employees, so the usual trading business it cannot be named.

How much can you earn?


Item 29: Cabinets

As we said earlier, the best things to sell on the Internet are those that are difficult to sell in regular stores. These items include wardrobes. They are large, difficult to transport, and as a result, a potential buyer will see an option with only one color. At the same time, on the Internet, with one click, the buyer can view different colors, a 3D model and see a huge assortment.

How much can you earn?


Item 30: Armchairs

Continuing the theme of furniture, it is impossible not to mention that chairs are most in demand on the Internet in the furniture niche. Some products are simply impossible to buy in regular stores, so people have to use online stores.

How much can you earn?


In crisis

There are hard times when people are forced to save. In this section, we will look at what people buy in a crisis. All names are based on statistics from open sources.

The problem of trade in a crisis is that those goods for which demand does not fall are very difficult to sell. That is, we cannot just take some category of goods and start making money. Of course, there are exceptions, you can read more about this below.

Item 31: Flash drives

Flash drives, on which we upload files from a computer, are always needed by people. Such and similar products are in demand during the crisis, because people do not think whether they should buy a flash drive or not. If they need it, then with 100% probability they will buy it. The problem may arise only in sales. You can buy them at every step, so to attract buyers you will have to come up with some kind of promotions, or sell in bulk.

How much can you earn?


Item 32: Household appliances

Many consider the purchase of household appliances a profitable investment of money during a crisis. Since in the future it may rise in price even more. Unfortunately, this is far from being the product that you can buy in bulk today and sell it tomorrow. You will have to establish processes for marketing, delivery and cooperation with suppliers. During a crisis, this is extremely difficult to do, so the ideal situation would be when you sell something similar to household appliances during normal times, and during a crisis, you retrain for these goods.

How much can you earn?


Item 33: Building materials

Building materials are always in demand. A crisis is unlikely to force a person to stop repairs in an apartment, because he needs to live somewhere and doing it at a construction site is not very pleasant. Therefore, people usually bring this matter to the end. As a last resort, if the crisis hits them very hard, they will choose cheaper building materials.

How much can you earn?


Item 34: Food

Regardless of whether the time is good or bad, people need food, they need it every day and they will simply die if they do not eat. There is only one problem here. In principle, it is extremely difficult to get into this niche. A huge number of Magnitov, Pyaterochka, ABC of Taste, etc. have opened in Russia. Therefore, we will not be able to just start selling meat and cheese. It is realistic to get into this niche only if you yourself produce food or breed animals.

How much can you earn?


Item 35: Personal care products

A civilized society is accustomed to the fact that people walk the streets clean and tidy. Therefore, even despite the crisis, they continue to buy personal care products. The problem here, as in the case of food, is very difficult to enter this niche. It is unlikely that someone will order a shower gel via the Internet or go to a separate store for toothpaste.

How much can you earn?


Item 36: Medicines

No one ever tries to save on health, so the demand for medicines does not fall so much during a crisis. However, you can't just go ahead and start selling medicines on Avito. To trade, you need to create a full-fledged pharmacy, and this is not at all easy.

How much can you earn?


Item 37: Automotive Products

Many motorists do not save on their cars even in a crisis. They can buy floor mats, seat covers, or a herringbone-scented mirror. A huge plus of a niche is that it is relatively easy to get into it. You can sell products online, on message boards, or on social media.

How much can you earn?


Item 38: Gifts

Gifts are a commodity that is in great demand all year round. People always have birthdays, anniversaries, and on holidays the demand for gifts is even greater. This niche is easy to enter. The most important thing is to think about who you will sell these gifts to.

By gifts, we mean trinkets like figurines, candy gift sets, etc. These are cheap items with a high markup.

How much can you earn?


Item 39: Jewelry

Despite the crisis, jewelry does not lose demand. Initially, it is assumed that the purchase of jewelry is an expensive purchase. Therefore, a price increase of 20% -40% does not stop buyers.

Sales can be difficult, but if you try hard enough, you can find or create profitable distribution channels.

How much can you earn?


Item 40: Esoteric Items

The crisis does not affect the esoteric at all. If a person wants to buy an amulet for wealth and happiness for 5,000 rubles, even a multiple increase in price will not stop him. If, however, the price is too high, then the markup can be reduced and still remain in a huge plus, because the markup in this subcategory can reach more than 1000%.

How much can you earn?


In a small town

Small towns are distinguished by scrupulousness in spending. People will not spend money on something that they do not understand or that they may not need in the future. Therefore, the list of hot goods in a small town is often limited and expands very slowly, unlike in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Item 41: Flowers

Flowers sell well even in small towns. Especially on holidays. This is due to the fact that the culture of flower consumption in Russia has grown to a serious level. When you come to a birthday, you must definitely give flowers, it’s not comme il faut to come on a date without them, and so on.

To sell flowers, it is not necessary to open a standard stall. You can do this via the Internet, because very often flowers are ordered for home delivery.

How much can you earn?


Item 42: Plants

Plants are also in good demand in small towns. But unlike the colors from the previous paragraph, they have a couple of serious drawbacks. It is difficult to advertise them on the Internet and it is quite difficult to reach a large profit.

How much can you earn?


Item 43: Furniture covers

Furniture covers are perhaps one of the best products from our selection for small town. It is not too expensive, does not deteriorate over time in a warehouse, it is in great demand and as a result you can start making good money.

To get started, simply create an online store, attract customers there and those items that they will buy, order from suppliers in large volumes.

How much can you earn?


Item 44: Stationery

Stationery is in great demand everywhere, but there is a big problem. To enter this business, you will have to open a full-fledged store and do this preferably near major universities. As a result, you will have a full-fledged store, and not just a small business for the resale of goods. The cost of opening a retail outlet can range from 1 to 3 million rubles, depending on the region.

How much can you earn?


Item 45: Hiking equipment

Kayaks, tents, backpacks and other things intended for hiking are in great demand among the population in small towns. Near them are kilometers of fields, forests with beautiful lakes and rivers, so many opt for outdoor recreation.

You should not have any difficulties with trading products. You can use all possible sales options.

How much can you earn?


Item 46: Tools

Tools are needed all the time. Old ones wear out over time and new ones take their place. You can deal with simple ones, for example, hammers or screwdrivers, or you can sell complex ones, chainsaws or lawn mowers. Demand will be for both.

How much can you earn?


Item 47: Air conditioners

In the 21st century, people need air conditioners, even though they live in small towns. They are especially relevant for southern cities, where it is very hot in summer. The niche problem will be competition. It has long been formed in all cities of the country and you will have to engage in a serious battle.

You need to understand that it is not enough just to bring the air conditioner to the buyer's home. You also have to install it, so it's not exactly a simple trading business.

How much can you earn?


Item 48: Household goods

Any household goods are in demand. To trade them, you will have to open a small shop. Subsequently, really grow into large network, which can bring millions of rubles. The global minus will be large initial investments. In addition to purchasing goods, you will have to make repairs in the store, install equipment, etc.

How much can you earn?


Item 49: Sporting Goods

Soccer balls and skis are among the most traded items in the sports niche, but sports are not limited to them. In small towns, there are very few shops that sell skateboards, snowboards or anything else. Buying a quality skateboard can be a real challenge and believe me, there is a demand for them. Also, you can artificially increase demand by installing a skate park near your store.

How much can you earn?



Undoubtedly, youth is the engine of progress. She invents a lot of things, but consumes even more a lot of things. Entrepreneurs should keep their finger on the pulse and pay attention to what is now in demand among young people. Even if she is not yours target audience, it will be in a few years and you must be able to work with the new generation. Therefore, either you develop or give way to those who will develop.

Item 50: Portable speakers

If you at least occasionally pass by schools, then you have probably heard loud music playing from portable speakers more than once. They have become very popular with young people due to their relatively low price and loud sound.

You can trade these columns in any way you like. Social networks, contextual advertising, online store, targeted advertising, etc. If you are going to create a large online store, then we recommend gradually expanding the range, because you cannot be 100% sure that these portable speakers will always be popular.

How much can you earn?


Item 51: Fashion

Branded clothing is one of the most popular items in Moscow stores. Young people buy expensive jackets, dresses, jeans, sweatshirts from popular brands Lacoste, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, etc. In the regions, people simply do not have money for such brands, so they have to buy replicas. A profitable business can be built on both official brands and replicas.

How much can you earn?


Item 52: Cosmetics

Of course, young girls actively use cosmetics to be even more beautiful. There is no point in trying to sell cosmetics that can be found in the first store you come across. It will be much more profitable to concentrate on such an assortment, which, in principle, will be difficult to find in an ordinary store in the city.

How much can you earn?


Item 53: Sports Nutrition

Most of today's youth spends their free time not in bars, but in gyms, so they have a demand for sports nutrition. This niche already has many competitors in all distribution channels, but despite this, you can find a place for yourself.

How much can you earn?


Item 54: Wireless Headphones

Wireless headphones are in high demand these days. Those who are richer buy AirPods, who have less money, any other analogues. There is only one way to defeat competitors here, if you sell cheaper. There are probably no other options here. It is much easier for people to buy these headphones in a trusted store, such as M.Video or Eldorado, but if you have a price lower by at least 100 rubles, then a certain percentage of buyers will choose you.

How much can you earn?


Item 55: Smart things

Young people actively use modern technologies, manufacturers use this and create interesting things, namely smart things. Smart talking speakers, smart chairs, suitcases that follow you and so on. Such products are most in demand in Europe and the USA, but there is also a demand for them in Russia.

For start-up entrepreneurs, this niche is not suitable. The cost of one smart thing can reach 50,000 rubles. It is expensive and to build a full-fledged business you will have to invest a lot of money. Given that the market for smart things is extremely unstable, we do not recommend investing your last money in this idea.

How much can you earn?


Item 56: Computer parts

Powerful computer parts people buy in two cases: they need a productive computer for work or they are gamers. Most often, people spend 100,000 rubles not to create a working tool, but for a computer on which new games will run!

The industry is very large and very fast changing. New components appear every six months, and the minimum specifications games rise every 2-3 years. Gamers are forced to regularly upgrade hardware. Therefore, you can build a great business on this. The following points are important in this niche: delivery speed and price.

How much can you earn?


Item 57: Camcorders

Over the past few years, the demand for video cameras among young people has grown strongly. It would seem that students and schoolchildren wanted to bring domestic cinema to a new level, but unfortunately, this is not so. They chose an equally interesting profession and decided to become video bloggers. They can really earn a lot, but as you and I remember, during the gold rush, tool sellers got rich the most. Here the situation is the same, you sell video cameras, preferably cheaper. By embellishing your ad campaigns with the fact that they are great for vlogging, you can increase conversions.

How much can you earn?


Item 58: Tablets

Young people mostly only consume content, and it is most convenient to do this with the help of tablets. They can be easily taken to bed and on long trips. They satisfy almost all the needs of young people, which is why they are in such high demand. In this case, you can defeat competitors only by offering goods at lower prices. To do this, you will have to negotiate with suppliers about favorable conditions and try to go to high speeds.

How much can you earn?


Item 59: Themed Items

To give a simple example, Game of Thrones or Star Wars is not just a movie and TV series. This is a huge community of fans who regularly discuss their favorite universe and buy themed merchandise. By themed goods we mean figurines, board games, T-shirts with characters and so on. They are in great demand and to snatch your piece of the pie, it is enough to open a thematic online store.

How much can you earn?



Children are one of the most important things in the life of any parent. Everyone is trying to make their child happy, so we have to consider what products are most in demand in the children's niche. This is a huge niche that will never die simply because babies are born every day and need different products as they grow up.

Item 60: Bicycles

Both boys and girls love to ride bikes. They have always been in demand and there has not been a single year in which children would abruptly stop loving bicycles. This is a great item to trade because you can easily beat the competition. For example, give parents of growing children discounts for the future, buy expensive places in contextual advertising, place ads in parent communities, and so on. The demand is simply huge, you need to turn on your imagination and figure out where you will find potential customers and how you will attract their attention.

How much can you earn?


Item 61: Strollers

Even when children cannot walk, they must get out into the street and the only adequate option to organize a walk with a small child is a stroller. Almost everyone does this, so all parents need strollers, which means that the demand is simply huge. It remains only to learn how to sell goods and you can easily reach a profit of 150-200 thousand rubles by selling only strollers.

How much can you earn?


Item 62: Cots

A small child cannot sleep in a huge double bed. Of course, theoretically it can, but it is dangerous because he can roll and fall off her. Therefore, parents buy special small beds for their babies, from which they definitely will not fall out. As in the case of strollers, there is simply a huge demand for this product, which can only be properly satisfied.

How much can you earn?


Item 63: Kids ATV

A children's ATV is a fairly popular item in children's stores. There are relatively inexpensive models that low-income people can afford, so a business with this product can be opened in any city in Russia. The product is quite exotic and the competition here is not formed as unambiguously as, for example, in the niche of household appliances. This means that you can easily enter this niche and may not even feel the competition.

How much can you earn?


Item 64: Child seat

When a child grows up and goes to school, they begin to give him homework that needs to be done somewhere. Parents equip their child with his first personal workplace and, based on this, there is a huge demand for the purchase of child seats in which they will be comfortable to sit. The same applies to tables.

How much can you earn?


Item 65: Toys

Of course, there is no child in the world who would not love toys. It is profitable to sell them at retail, it is profitable to sell them in bulk and it is profitable to produce them. This niche is simply gigantic and in huge demand. We cannot give you detailed instructions on earnings, but we can say with confidence that by purchasing any batch of toys, sooner or later you will be able to sell it with a good margin. Most importantly, come up with your own individual approach to trading.

How much can you earn?


Item 66: Children's mattresses

There is also a great demand for children's mattresses. To start selling them, we recommend that you think about how you will provide your customers with a large assortment, as this the most important factor in this niche. Also, it is worth noting that most likely you will have to develop an online store.

How much can you earn?


Item 67: Car seat

The number of motorists is growing every year and the number of children these motorists are also increasing. Therefore, car seats are in great demand now. You can sell them anywhere and in any way: social networks, contextual advertising, targeted advertising, etc. Potential customers are everywhere, you just need to find them and sell them this chair.

How much can you earn?


Item 68: Swing

It is not uncommon for the owners of cottages and children to install a swing in order to somehow diversify the child's leisure time. Children's swings are inexpensive, so they are in good demand. In addition to the usual resale, you can even engage in the production of swings, since there are no secret or expensive technologies in this niche.

How much can you earn?


Item 69: Trampoline

As in the case of swings, cottage owners can install a children's trampoline on their territory. They are inexpensive, give a lot of emotions and because of this they are in good demand. You can sell them using any distribution channels: ads on Avito, an online store, social networks, etc.

How much can you earn?


Self made

Many goods in demand in the market are handmade. Next, we will analyze those that are in the greatest demand at the present time. Problems in this niche can only be with scaling. If you know how to produce some kind of handmade product and sell it, then in order to increase profits, you should increase the number of units produced. And for this you will have to hire employees and train them. Therefore, sooner or later, you will need management skills to expand your business.

Item 70: Knives

Knives are metal products that are in great demand in the handicraft market. Of course, they must be beautiful and of high quality. Otherwise, it is very difficult to sell the product. A person who buys a handmade product assumes that its quality will be much higher than that of factories, so each knife must be carefully checked before being sent to the client.

How much can you earn?


Item 71: Axes

Handmade axes are less popular than knives, but they are still in demand. Their cost can reach 100,000 rubles, which will allow you to reach huge profits with the right approach. A more popular choice of buyers is axes for 10,000 rubles. Regardless of what price range you target, you will have to spend countless hours in the shop and even more time learning marketing tools when the finished ax needs to be sold.

How much can you earn?


Item 72: Chess

Wooden chess is in great demand in the market. Usually such products are bought as a gift to fans of this game. On average, their prices are from 1,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles. We recommend trying to make a few sets and then trying to sell them. If there is a demand for your chess, then you can quit your job and completely go into this niche, because in the future it can bring 100-200 thousand rubles of net profit.

How much can you earn?

What are the best small business products to sell?

Today, many people are thinking about starting their own business. Work in an organization and get just a fixed salary wages not so beneficial. It is much more interesting to open your own small company, hire employees and start making a profit. But is it really that simple? And what needs to be done in order for the business to flourish and bring more and more income every season.

The first step in creating your business is to define the scope of your business.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the sale of goods and the provision of services. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let us dwell in more detail on the sale of goods.

First you need to determine the product that the company will trade. In addition, you will need to rent a room, possibly make repairs there, purchase the necessary equipment, hire staff, develop a competent advertising policy, register entity. All these steps can take several months.

However, it is the definition of the scope of activity that can play a decisive role in the development of the company.

Products that are always in demand

Such goods include those that consumers will use regardless of the economic situation in the country and the income level of a single family.

These include food, clothes, shoes, household appliances, cosmetics, household chemicals.

Most often, grocery stores open in residential complexes, on the ground floors of houses. In such stores, it is most profitable to sell goods that are in demand for every day. It can be not only bakery and dairy products. The assortment should include semi-finished products, soft drinks, groceries, sausages, confectionery.

If the location of the store allows, you can organize the sale of alcohol and tobacco products (there are a number of restrictions). In addition, here you can allocate a separate area for consumer goods.

In order for such a store to develop successfully, it should be opened away from large shopping centers and hypermarkets. In this way, it will be possible to create a unique niche for customers living in nearby houses.

When opening a clothing store, you should first of all decide on the segment of customers - for which segment the clothes will be sold. Economy stores or stores for the middle class are in great demand. Opening a boutique of exclusive clothes should be done very carefully.

An interesting option is a store that sells goods for the holidays. It can be Balloons, garlands, ribbons, postcards, figurines. As a rule, the peak of sales in such stores falls on pre-holiday dates and during weddings.

Children's toys are no less interesting option. Few parents will refuse to regularly visit stores and buy goods for children. In the children's store, you can organize not only the sale of toys, but also add strollers, cribs, walkers, diapers, dishes and clothes to the assortment.

Something new and different

Undoubtedly, selling products that are always in demand is practically a win-win option when starting a business. However, if you want to try selling something new and interesting, you can organize a business selling innovative products. Such stores can be created not only in special premises, but also to organize sales via the Internet.

A product will become innovative when new equipment, new raw materials are used for its production, the product will have new properties. In addition, the product will go to a new market.

The emergence of new business areas is directly related to the development of new technologies.

One of the most successful examples of such products can be popular in Lately devices with information about sites. A code is placed on the item, by which any user of a mobile device using a webcam can get to the desired site. These can be electronic pages of manufacturers, pages on social networks, websites of companies providing services to the public. Such links can be placed on clothing, printing, and accessories for mobile devices.

In Asian restaurants, a “smart” menu has recently appeared. This is an interactive screen where you can find a description of any dish you like. And while waiting for his order, the client can use the entertainment service contained on the device. Such devices may become popular in our country in the next few years.

Not always innovative devices require a large amount of costs. Innovative can be called a familiar thing that will perform new functions.

For example, a bench on wheels will be a great accessory for any country house or cottage. Its difference from an ordinary bench is the ability to move to any part of the site with the help of special wheels. Even a child can handle it.

Recently, a lot of sites have appeared on the Internet where manufacturers offer various anti-stress toys. Such a product is in great demand, because it can be an excellent gift for the holiday or a souvenir.

What are the best commodities to start trading when opening your business?

Undoubtedly, every aspiring entrepreneur asked himself this question. Unfortunately, there can be no single answer here.

First of all, the geographical position of the region is of great importance. A product that sells well in cold cities is unlikely to take root in the southern part of the country.

Secondly, the peculiarity of a particular city should be taken into account. V big cities expensive services are in demand, which cannot be said about towns and villages.

Thirdly, you should carefully study the market. If it is full of any product, then it will be possible to win a reliable position there only with a well-conducted advertising policy and a good customer base.

By the way, "word of mouth" in many cases can significantly increase sales, and hence profits. At the same time, if there is not a single organization offering such services in the region, it should be analyzed whether it will become in demand.

For example, a fencing accessories store is likely to close in the first few months if it operates in a small provincial town.

Communication with people working in related industries can be invaluable help when planning to open a company.

Great alternative ordinary store can become an Internet company. The advantages are obvious - there is no need to rent a room, you can significantly reduce the cost of hiring and remunerating staff, in addition, website advertising is built in a slightly different way than a stationary outlet.

Another advantage- this store has no territorial binding. If there is an established transport system, it will be possible to sell goods outside the region. At the same time, not all categories of the population can use the services of online stores. To date, some of the country's residents do not yet have free access to the global network, which means they will not be able to make purchases.

Another type of business is the provision of services. This could be a car repair shop, a photography company, or a party organizer. It all depends on the skills and abilities of the entrepreneur. If he does something well, the hobby can always be turned into a source of funds. At good quality, such a master will quickly become in demand.

Where to find business supplies

After determining the scope of activity and opening a store, suppliers should be found. Ideally, this should be several companies so that the difficult situation of one of them does not affect the activities new company. In addition, while maintaining certain types businesses should choose suppliers from different countries.

Contacts of manufacturers can be found on specialized sites. Several times a year, thematic exhibitions are organized, where you can conclude an agreement on favorable terms for both parties.

The unstable economic environment has affected everyone in different ways: some types of businesses have suffered more, others less, for others, new prospects have opened up. According to open statistics, one can trace the main trends and draw conclusions: in which area it is most profitable to open a business now, and what is better to refrain from.

Crises come and go, but you always have to work. What business is in demand now, where to look for a promising niche? Despite the fact that the SMB business activity index shows a decrease (Fig. 1), the number of individual entrepreneurs in Russia has increased. According to Kommersant: as of December 2015, their number was 3,643,911 against 3,534,516 for the same period in 2014.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the index of entrepreneurial activity in 2014-2015. According to the public organization SMB "Support of Russia".

The decrease is mainly due to a drop in sales and investment: the share of trade in small businesses is more than 40%. You should not focus on the average "temperature in the hospital", so let's take a closer look at how the situation is developing in three areas:

Main directions in trade

The negative impact of the crisis on retail is obvious: a decrease in income, a savings model of behavior, a shift of buyers to cheaper goods. The last factor was not negative for everyone. Networks of the “all at one price” type are expanding, including actively moving into remote regions (“Fix Price” franchise); commission trading revived. According to the study of the "Shop Store" group, as of October last year, stagnation was observed in the trade sector (Fig. 2, 3).

What entrepreneurs are complaining about:

  1. drop in sales is noted by 76% of respondents;
  2. 55% of retailers were forced to raise prices;
  3. increased the cost of rent, property tax.

On the whole, the mood is pessimistic, and it is hardly worth expecting a revival of consumer demand in the near future. But on the basis of industry for industrial goods - the decline is not the same, which is clearly seen in Figure 3. For individual commodity items, the position of the index is above average.

Summary. The luxury consumer goods (and services) market shows little or no change. Segment "economy" class - not developed. Requires a special ability to organize profits on low prices, low costs and margins that not many people have (a successful example of "Fix Price"). In recent years, trade has been most active in the segment of the middle class, and it is precisely this part of the population that has experienced the greatest decline in real incomes.

How is the current crisis different from previous ones? Opinion of Yevgeny Butman, a serial entrepreneur since 1990 (Forbes interview). "The crises of 1998 and 2008 were instantaneous - everything fell, depreciated, froze. Oh! We looked: everything is not so scary. They lifted it, washed it, glued it up and moved on. And now, it's completely different. Imagine putting a frog in a saucepan, and raise the temperature by a degree every hour. The frog will boil itself without noticing it. There seems to be no crisis, but this very heating is going on. We and our business are like this frog."

Market of paid services

In the service sector, the situation is different. According to Rosstat, a general decrease in consumption in terms of prices was noted, but it does not look like a "collapse" (Fig. 4). As of November 2015, the share of paid services in the total expenditures of the population even increased - 20.8% (in 2014 - 19.9%).

Analyzing the indicators for individual types of services (Table 1), it is easy to see that the crisis has a positive effect on the craving of citizens for sports, culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Table 1. Distribution consumer services in 2015. According to Rosstat.

Paid services








sports, physical education




Promising trends in the service sector

  • Tourism- on domestic routes, agro-tourism. In order to save money, many go on vacation on their own: it is no coincidence that there is an increase in the hotel industry. The niche for the organization of mini-hotels, catering points, parking lots, hostels is expanding - along highways and in places of mass "wild" recreation.
  • Outsourcing of all kinds- large and medium-sized companies save on personnel, marketing, IT services, education. Small businesses take advantage of these difficulties by offering low-cost services, products, and services. The leader is IT-sphere: mobile applications, website builders, analytics, landing pages.
  • Medical, health, sports services- in this market a clear increase in demand. If someone thinks that this is too narrow a professional niche, he is mistaken. Below is an interesting example.

Sale of medical services from Germany

Alexander Bortenev and Roman Prilipko organized an online service for medical consultations by doctors from Germany. Analyzes, MRI and CT images are sent for examination to doctors who carry out diagnostics, recommend additional examinations, and a treatment program. The results are received within 4 days.

In January 2015, a website was created, a month later an office was opened in Magnitogorsk, then in Chelyabinsk. In total, up to 50 orders per month are received through offices and the website, the amount of revenue is up to 800,000 rubles per month. Entrepreneurs plan to recoup their investments (about 5 million rubles) within a year and a half.

Summary. People have not stopped using the services, only the choice is made in favor of cheaper ones, in priority - children's needs. Cost reduction occurs due to the "cleaning" of the main service: coffee breaks, bookings, field consultations are excluded. The rental of expensive machinery and equipment is gaining popularity: cars, bicycles, ski equipment, exercise equipment.


The manufacturing business shows the most optimistic activity index compared to other activities. The sanctions forced large manufacturers to look for replacements for imported components, materials, and products. For small businesses, there are opportunities to serve large enterprises. According to the TIU.RU portal (trade in machine tools and equipment for SMEs), for the first 9 months of 2015, the total amount of sales income exceeded the level of the previous year by 20%.

1 Food production.

Large retail chains: Perekrestok, Pyaterochka (Retail Group) in 2015 signed new contracts with 800 suppliers. The share of Russian goods more than doubled compared to 2014. For many product groups, it has reached the level of 90-100%. "Dixie" - imports fruits and vegetables from the south of Russia, Tula, Moscow region; 90% of dairy products are Russian and Belarusian.

Russian "camembert"

Family business"Nikolaev and Sons" (Krasnodar Territory) increased cheese production in 2015 by 10 times. The business was started 4 years ago, it was planned to develop Italian, French "premium" varieties. In total, the line consisted of 12 varieties. With the introduction of the embargo, the company reduced them to 4, Camembert Lefkadia became the main product in demand. Blue cheese was the first to leave the shelves - retailers stood in line. Sale prices start from 1.1 thousand rubles per kg, did not increase during the year. It is supplied to retail chains: "Azbuka Vkusa", "Magnet", "Lenta", "Crossroads", geography - more than 10 cities.

2 Innovative technologies.

Investors and large enterprises are now more willing to support Russian developments that have been lying on the shelves of research institutes for years. Scientists are not good at promoting their new products, looking for customers, and setting up the production of prototypes.

Helmet for miners and rescuers with "Wi-Fi"

In August 2015, SPF "Granch" (Novosibirsk) announced a new development: a helmet for rescuers and miners, equipped with a search system, a thermal imager (allows you to see through the smoke), a video camera, means of communication with the control room. While an agreement has been signed with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the first samples are also being delivered to neighbors - to the mining Kuzbass. High-tech development has no analogues in the world, interest in it was shown in Germany. Is it worth saying what a foreign contract means now.

3 Highly specialized niches.

Many large industries need components, which are unprofitable and troublesome to produce. They willingly outsource such tasks to small businesses. There are always unoccupied places in this niche.

Necessary little things

An object that slightly resembles a toy excavator is a metal sieve for crushed stone. It is produced at the Gorny Tekhsnab Holding enterprise (Elektrostal). This crushing and screening equipment is in demand in the mining industry, in quarries. Production began five years ago, and in 2015 they began to supply products to Belarus, Kazakhstan. In 2016 - it is planned to conclude agreements with Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Production is expanding, new equipment is being purchased.

4 Products for export.

Everything that can be produced for export must be produced and sold. It interferes with the lack of information, the problem of finding buyers. There is special structures, where you can get advice on these issues: "Russian Export Center", "Excar".

The Export Operations Insurance Agency (EXIAR) announced the results of 2014. The number of exporters among small and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 13,500 firms by the end of the year, an increase of 27%. Of these, 85% are in remote regions. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the growth is about 2,000%, in the Murmansk Region - over 4,000%, in Moscow - 139%.

Non-standard approach.

Importing goods from China is a common thing for many entrepreneurs. The small enterprise "Zaica" (Khabarovsk) signed contracts for the supply to China and Korea of ​​the most common product - ice cream. Interestingly, in the city itself, imported products from Moscow and Tomsk prevail. According to director Ilya Amirkhanov, the Chinese were very surprised by our initiative. Nevertheless, 18 tons have already been exported to China, and 5 tons ($40,000) to Korea. The Chinese respect imported food products. According to surveys, more than 50% of buyers consider them to be of better quality and are willing to pay for it.

The lower price segment of ice cream (locally produced) in China includes items up to $1.5 (per serving). About 30% of buyers choose more expensive, imported ones. The American brand "Haagen-Dazs" is sold for 2 times more than at home - $5-7. In 2015, the Latvian form of Food Union (after the closure of the Russian market) supplied 12 tons of product to China. The price of a serving was set on the advice of the Chinese from $3 to $6. Sales figures exceeded those of European outlets by 300%.

Conclusions. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of what kind of business is in demand in Russia now. Success stories exists in different industries. Key positions are occupied by wholesale and retail food, inexpensive goods, food production; transport; services in the IT field, medicine, individual educational, cultural and sports projects. In any case, those leaving the market are being replaced by those who offer a new, more convenient, profitable solution.

In some life situations, such a problem arises when there are not enough material resources. In this case, people often wonder what to sell in order to earn. Although in some situations entrepreneurs who are just starting their own business do the same.

What is the article about:

Products from a Chinese manufacturer

There was a time when relationships flourished according to the buy-sell scheme. However, it is long gone. Currently, in-demand products can be sold using a method such as dropshipping. Its essence is quite simple and does not require almost any cost from its performer. This is the usual delivery of products from its manufacturer to its buyer. Using this method, you can earn good money selling products from China. The best-selling goods have always been and will always be made in China, as they cost less than other producing countries. The advantage of such a sale will be that there is no need to invest your cash, as the goods are paid in advance by the buyer. The same item guarantees that there will be no downtime of products, they will always be in circulation.

Using an Internet Bulletin Board

Since it is the 21st century in the yard, it would be logical to ask the question of what to sell on the Internet in order to make money. To date, there are many free online sites that work on the principle of a bulletin board. In addition, such sites are completely free, which means that it costs nothing to post information about the sale of your product. All these sites are quite similar to each other, and therefore the rules and the list of what can be implemented there are approximately the same. Here is a small list of products that you can try to sell through Internet bulletin boards:

  1. Personal items that have become unnecessary for any reason.
  2. You can buy various products and resell them, receiving interest from the sale.
  3. Sale of goods wholesale.

In addition to using existing sites, you can create your own Internet portals, where you should post various profitable offers for the sale of products. If you ask people who specialize in sales what to sell to make money, they will list roughly the following categories:

  • Gold, silver and other jewelry items, except those that belong to the family as heirlooms.
  • You can engage in the sale of such goods as cosmetics from a large company. True, for this you need to become a representative of such a company.

What to sell to make good money?

A very interesting option for selling goods can be, at first glance, trash that ordinary people do not need for nothing. However, there is a type of people who are called collectors. This segment of the population is quite capable of acquiring, for example, some kind of badge or a coin for a large sum, which to an ordinary layman will seem like a trinket with no value. In some cases, the answer to the question of what to sell in order to earn money may be antiques and other valuables belonging to different collections. It is more difficult to implement them, because first you need to spend the amount on their purchase, and then find the same collector who will pay even more than the amount for which the item was purchased.

This also includes residents of rural areas, as they receive a good income from the sale of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. Some entrepreneurs buy large volumes of products from the villagers, and then resell them in the city at a higher price. This type of activity can also be attributed to the answer to the question of what is profitable to sell.

What are people buying?

When the question arises of making money selling something, it is always worth remembering that there are directions that will be in demand always and everywhere, and at any time. What to sell to earn quickly and a lot? One of these areas is real estate. The sale and purchase of housing will always be in trend, since no one wants to live on the street. This way of earning requires certain investments, however, with the right approach, it will quickly return the amount spent and earn interest. We are talking about the resale of private houses, apartments or garages, for example. With constant monitoring of various ads, you can stumble upon one in which the owner writes about an urgent sale of housing, for example. The reason for this may be departure, unwillingness to look for a buyer for a long time, etc. In such cases, sellers are very often ready to make concessions and drop the amount from the initial one by 10-15%. These are the offers you need to look for. Having bought a property at a lower price, it remains only to add interest and resell it. Thus, you can earn a lot of money, doing almost nothing.

What can be quickly sold online?

As mentioned earlier, wondering what to sell in order to earn money, you should turn your attention to the Internet. However, message boards are far from everything that can generate income. Despite the fact that almost everything that can be bought is present on the Web, and the demand, like the supply, is great, there are areas in which the demand is clearly greater than the supply. These categories include the following products:

  1. Clothes and footwear for children and teenagers. Such products are always in use, because, as you know, children grow up quickly. You have to buy new things almost every year, which means that the demand will be constant and large.
  2. Various products used at home and in offices.
  3. Real estate and cars.
  4. Less in demand, but still enjoy original and beautiful photographs.

Although it is worth noting that it is much more difficult to make money selling photos, since photobanks that accept pictures have very high requirements.

How to make money selling photos and equipment?

There are several ways that can help you turn your photography talent into cash. Of course, photos are not the best-selling products, but there are still several ways:

  1. Work as a photographer by order or for hire.
  2. Get a job at big company or take pictures for the local newspaper.
  3. If a person has a lot of knowledge and education as a professional photographer, you can sell video tutorials on how to take original pictures correctly.
  4. Somewhat off topic, but a suitable way to earn money can be the sale of special accessories for pictures or directly cameras, etc.
  5. A good way to earn money can be the distribution and advertising of other people's products using unique photographs. Many large firms are willing to pay well for this kind of marketing from private photographers.

Implementation of computer games

Returning to the topic of making money on the Internet, you should pay attention to computer games. The gaming industry today occupies a huge niche in the sales market. Platforms like Steam or Origin allow resourceful people to sell game keys, game accounts, and so on. Of course, if you raise the question of what is profitable to sell, then games are not the best, but still, having bought an application at a discount on a sale, for example, in a few weeks you can sell it for much more. However, in order to successfully sell such a product, you need to know where to look for an audience. Most often, the sale and purchase of such products is carried out in specialized groups all on the same Internet. To increase the chance of success for implementation, it is recommended to draw up various unique offers, promotions, etc.

Sale of information

The 21st century is considered the century of information and computer technologies. If the sale of equipment is already a problem, then trading in information is much easier. Being a professional in any field of activity, it is quite possible to earn money by selling your knowledge. You can implement them in the form of video tutorials, online courses. If the baggage of knowledge is supported by extensive experience or some of its additions, then it is quite realistic to write a book about it. Selling books as a business has long been a stable industry in its own right. Hand crafts are in great demand. If a person has skills in this area, then you can sell both the ready-made products themselves and video tutorials on creating such crafts. You can earn even on the ability to write poetry. If it turns out really well, then you can write them to order or create your own collections that you can sell.

Sales profit

No matter what people say, it is quite difficult to calculate how much income you can get from the sale of something. All due to the fact that too many factors affect the profit in such cases. A huge role is played by the type of product itself, how much goods the seller has and in what place he sells it. It is worth noting that the fact of location is one of the most significant, since for maximum sales efficiency it is necessary to find the right audience. There are several other factors such as the uniqueness of products that affect the profit in the highest degree. When starting your own business selling something, it is very important to study all the preferences of potential customers in order to offer them the most suitable product.

Resale Opportunities

Of course, being engaged in the resale of goods, real estate, knowledge, etc., you can get tired, and all this can get boring. However, you need to understand that constant fuss and thoughts about what you can buy cheaper and sell more expensive is a direct way to earning real money. The best thing, of course, is to devote yourself to real estate business. However, if at some point the resale stops and the apartment remains, then you can always start renting it out. This is one of the most simple ways earnings, and passive. And this means that he will not interfere with doing any other things. By selling apartments or private houses, you can get good fortunes almost at any time.

Sale of furniture

Among the many ways to earn money, there are those that require certain skills. What is profitable to sell, knowing how to work well with your hands? This is not a job that requires education. Furniture can be an interesting selling option. However, a simple resale will not bring practically any profit. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those specimens that have lost their marketable condition. Buying for next to nothing products that have defects, poor paintwork, broken parts, etc., you can also earn money. But this will require a certain amount of effort. Troubleshooting, painting as well creativity to give furniture a marketable and unique look, it can significantly increase its value. Thus, having bought an old and ugly sofa, having worked on it, you can sell it at a price that will be several times higher. In addition, handicraft will always be highly valued among people of the upper class. Paying enough attention handmade, furniture can be sold at huge prices.

What to trade in a small store: what is profitable, what product is better to sell

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering what to trade in a small store. In fact, the question is much deeper than it seems - after all, in a store with an area of ​​​​a couple of tens of square meters, not any product can be profitably sold, especially if the outlet is located in a residential area, that is, within walking distance. In this article, we will look at the best options for organizing trade in a small area.


The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to starting a retail business is opening a grocery store. And it's really a good option. An area of ​​20-30 square meters will be more than enough. The initial investment in the purchase of goods and commercial equipment will not exceed seven to eight thousand euros. If you buy used equipment, you can save about a thousand euros. Net profit can reach 1.5-2.5 thousand euros per month, depending on the location of the object.

Childen's goods

You can also make a lot of money selling baby products. The investment will be more than when opening a grocery store, but the profit can be much higher. So, in addition to 9-10 thousand dollars of initial investment in goods and commercial equipment, it will be necessary to invest another 200-300 dollars in the arrangement of the ramp - many parents will come with strollers. The yield of such an object is on average about 2.2-2.7 thousand dollars and more.

Goods for pets

Every second city dweller keeps pets, so the pet store is very profitable business which does not require significant investment. The initial investment will not exceed six to seven thousand euros if you buy feed in the middle and lower price segments.

However, keep in mind that many pet owners want their pets to receive the highest quality product. And in order to make money on this, investments will have to be increased: about one and a half thousand euros will have to be invested in expanding the range of high-quality feeds. The profit will be from 1.2 to 2.3 thousand euros. If you establish contact with local manufacturers of furniture for animals, you can earn 200-500 euros per month additionally.

draft beer

The shops draft beer bring a stable, albeit small income and require minimal investment. In a room of 30 square meters, you can open outlet for about 16 taps, that is, you can offer your customers 16 types of beer. Preference should be given to domestic varieties, as they are much cheaper and allow for a large margin (up to 100 percent), providing higher profits. The total investment in the opening of such an institution will be about four to five thousand dollars. Earnings in this business entirely depend on the season - if in winter the profit will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars a month, then in summer period income will be better - up to 2-4 thousand dollars a month. It is especially profitable to open such stores in regions with a warm climate.


Opening a pharmacy on its own will cost 14-16 thousand dollars, under a franchise - 20-25 thousand. However, the second option is preferable: a pharmacy that has a familiar, well-publicized sign is more credible, and, accordingly, will attract more customers and bring in more profits. In addition, the franchise provides a lot of other benefits such as staff training, marketing support, and so on. The average monthly income of a convenience store is $3,000-4,000.


If, thinking about what you can trade in a small shop, you opt for flowers, you will never regret it. Investments in opening a flower shop will be only 3-4 thousand dollars, and the average monthly profit will be from one and a half thousand euros. The only serious drawback of such a business is the short shelf life of flowers, and it is possible to understand how much goods should be available only through trial and error.


Investments in opening a store confectionery will amount to approximately 4-5.5 thousand dollars, taking into account the purchase of equipment and the first batch of goods. If there are large franchises in this area in your city, it makes sense to take a closer look at them - as in the case of pharmacies, the investment when buying a franchise will be greater, but the profitability will also be higher. Profit from the sale of confectionery products will be from 800 to one and a half thousand dollars a month. You can increase your income by selling tea and coffee.

What to give up

It is impossible not to mention also the options from which, for one reason or another, should be abandoned:

  • textile products;
  • souvenirs;
  • books, stationery and computers;
  • cosmetics and perfumery;
  • men's clothing and footwear;
  • jewelry.

Now, knowing what to sell in a small store, and what is better to refuse, you can choose the option that you like and can afford. And even if something doesn't work the first time, don't give up. Remember, success comes to the stubborn.

What is profitable to trade

Trade is one of the pillars of the economy and the most popular activities in private business. It is often difficult for novice businessmen to decide what to sell in order to get the maximum profit without risk.

There is a huge number of positions and directions in which you can develop a trading network. Some of them are attractive due to their large turnover, others - with a high percentage margin, others - with a one-time profit, and others - with relative stability. Many sellers are let down by the desire to maximize profits without considering other significant factors. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take into account not only the figures of net profit from the sale, but also the requirements for the storage of goods, consumer demand, seasonality. In addition, a lot depends on the initial capital that you can spend on the purchase of the first batches of goods.

Which store to open?

It is not always necessary to chase the possibility of a high margin. For example, in retail chains that sell food products, the retail markup rarely exceeds 10%, but due to the fact that products are always well bought, even such a markup is quite profitable. Naturally, when planning food trade, we must not forget that this is a perishable product that is demanding on storage conditions. Therefore, you must take care of the warehouse space and get rid of excess goods in the warehouse in time. To some extent, this also applies to household chemicals, although the shelf life here is much longer. Unlike food products, clothing and footwear provide the seller with a high profit, due to the possibility of a significant (up to 200%) margin, relative to the purchase price.

Here, too, it is worth focusing on the average buyer, because high-end clothing brands, although they provide a larger one-time income, are much more difficult to sell. In addition, the start-up capital required to purchase clothes of the middle price segment in the right assortment is much less than if you work with the premium segment. The undoubted advantage of the clothing trade is the lack of expiration dates, but seasonality has to be paid for this. Particular attention should be paid to children's things: it is profitable to trade them, while buyers will come again and again, as their children grow up. As for the low one-time profit, don't be afraid if your product is popular enough to be bought in large volumes. For example, a package in a supermarket rarely costs more than one or two rubles, but given that its wholesale price does not exceed 20 kopecks, it turns out that the markup is up to a thousand percent. The main thing is to provide the necessary demand.

Look for profitable options

In general, if there is sufficient buying interest, many “compromise” product categories can be found that cost five to ten times less than the selling price, and do not need to sell several thousand units to generate an acceptable income. In this regard, children are ideal consumers. Even a small outlet next to a circus or an amusement park can bring huge profits. You can sell cheap Chinese toys, cotton candy or popcorn. For example, the cost of an average glass of popcorn is 4-5 rubles (of which 3 rubles is, in fact, a paper cup), and the selling price is about 50 rubles.

An entrepreneur engaged in trade dreams that his goods would not be stale on the shelves, but would quickly find demand. But during the crisis, the financial situation of the population worsens. Accordingly, people are less likely to make purchases of non-essential goods. It would seem that those businessmen who trade clothes, may not worry about this: they say, a crisis is a crisis, and every person needs not only something to eat, but also something to wear every day. However, changing conditions force them to be especially careful when deciding which clothes it is profitable to trade, and which one will almost certainly not find demand. The summer period of the year is approaching.

Which clothes is it worth trading so that it quickly finds demand and brings profit to the businessman? Look at this question from the point of view of elementary common sense. What clothes are people likely to buy, even in an environment where their financial situation has noticeably worsened? Of course, first of all - inexpensive. But the word "inexpensive" should by no means be synonymous with such words as "bad", "obsolete", etc. That is, if a businessman focuses on inexpensive summer clothes - light trousers, shorts, shirts, T-shirts, blouses, light windbreaker jackets - and at the same time the clothes are of quite acceptable quality, his goods will almost certainly be sold out quickly.

For reliability, it is worth offering customers approximately the same assortment as last season, of course, taking into account the requirements of fashion, and if last summer the goods were quickly sold out. As for expensive, especially exclusive, clothes - during the crisis, the demand for it drops sharply, this is inevitable. Therefore, the share of such goods in the assortment should be minimized or completely abandoned for some time until the moment of a stable improvement in the financial situation. And what about the child clothes? On the one hand, loving parents will by no means leave their baby without the necessary things, especially considering that in the summer the kids spend a lot of time outdoors.

On the other hand, during a crisis period, the sad saying is more true than ever: “It’s not up to fat - I would be alive!”. Practice shows that during a crisis, parents are much more willing to accept worn, but still quite normal children's clothes as a gift from relatives, friends and acquaintances who have older children, rather than go shopping. Therefore, to focus on the children's assortment is simply risky. Of course, you should not completely abandon children's clothing, but its share in your store should not exceed 10-15% of the total.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: 8 business ideas

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends + 8 best ideas for online business. ? It is worth starting with the fact that for development successful business Creativity is needed on the Internet these days. The period when people considered online marketing as a curiosity has already passed. Now we need a strict assessment of the possibilities and the constant generation of new ideas. If you are ready for this, welcome to the worldwide sales network. We will analyze who were the pioneers on this path, as well as 8 specific ideas for online business that are profitable to engage in.

Where did the idea to sell online come from?

With the development of the Internet, people began to think about how to sell products using it. Entrepreneurship, sooner or later, had to spread to the world wide web. This would allow for more potential buyers and save money on the sale of goods, that is, it was profitable in all respects. Jeff Bezos - this name will forever remain at the origins of business on the Internet. He was the first to start building his "empire" Amazon in the still unstable and empty global network.

1994 - Jeff Bezos founds At that time, an online store had not yet been opened, but the foundation for entrepreneurial activity had already been laid. July 16, 1995 - The first Amazon online store opens. The first product sold over the Internet was a book. This is very symbolic, because, based on the opinion of many ordinary people, it was the Internet that became the killer of the book market.

At one time, this way of selling goods became a curiosity and made many people reconsider their attitude to the Internet. Over the past 10 - 12 years, the Internet business has qualitatively changed, competition has grown significantly. The Internet has become an integral part of life. It is impossible to imagine the modern market without network commerce. She took her absolutely rightful place.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends

The Russian market, as well as the world market, is filled with new Internet markets so rapidly that if you sell banal clothes, it will not be able to attract new customers. To better demonstrate the situation, it is necessary to analyze the diagram below.

So, what is profitable to sell on the Internet at the moment?

Based on the data of the diagram, it is possible to determine the main areas of business that have already managed to move to the network. The leading position is occupied by technology and clothing. This is easily explained by the fact that such goods are easy to transport and do not require distinctive storage conditions. But the Internet market is also open to new solutions.

What will be profitable to sell in the future?

For many years, the trends have not changed. But one cannot help but recall the new trends that are conquering the market with tiny steps. These include the sale of food products, online consulting, hand-made products and many others. Beginning online businessmen understand that breaking through the wall of competition is not so easy. You can find your way in new business trends. Do not linger on banal decisions. The future of Internet business lies in the originality and versatility of ideas!

8 business ideas that will tell you what is profitable to sell on the Internet

In this section, you will be able to choose your path among an "ocean" of options. Below are selected only the most unbanal business ideas of what is profitable to sell on the Internet.

1. Freelancing - how to use it profitably?

Everyone has already heard about making money on the Internet with the help of freelancing. But the majority understands this as an independent fulfillment of the assigned tasks. And what if you become an intermediary between the camp of customers and performers? Freelance exchanges are very profitable if you consider them as a business. Having a huge base of customers, as well as performers, you can establish a permanent job for all participants + keep a percentage of financial transactions for yourself. Best Examples how to profitably engage in online mediation on the Internet:

These online resources occupy a leading position in the Runet space. Why is freelancing a business for active people? To make a profit, you need to acquire a huge number of exchange clients.

The process of site promotion takes a lot of time and money, as well as effort. Therefore, one cannot do without high activity and dedication!

2. Healthy lifestyle market on the Internet

How often have you thought about going to the gym, proper nutrition? The trend of our time is a healthy body. Many are ready to invest money in their physical form, and this simply needs to be used! The idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle online store is to implement a whole range of online services on one portal:

  • drawing up a training plan;
  • provision of sports nutrition;
  • organization of sports activities for the clients of the resource;
  • motivational work with subscribers;
  • online coach service.

The essence of the idea lies in an integrated approach. After all, there are already many services that provide sports nutrition. You need to take a potential client into your networks with the volume of services, as well as their quality. In the twenty-first century, society is shifting to selling not goods, but a way of life. Given this fact, the idea is worthy of attention and doomed to success.

3. Restaurant on the Internet

You can sell food not only in a restaurant or cafe. If you have great ideas for cooking unique dishes, but the high cost of organizing your own establishment makes you forget about the dream, a restaurant on the Internet is profitable. The development of a restaurant on the Internet proceeds in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics:


If you doubt the profitability of a business, consider one important detail: a person has several basic desires. The desire to eat delicious food is one of them. The ability to order your favorite dish on the Internet with home delivery will not leave anyone indifferent!

4. Is it profitable to be a psychologist on the Internet?

Selling knowledge and skills is the approach of the twenty-first century. Entrepreneurial activity on the Internet can be built not only by selling goods or engaging in financial transactions. Developing your own psychological support center on the Internet is an excellent, and most importantly, promising idea. All you need in the first stages is your website, a good webcam + a lot of time to work. Modern conditions of life provoke constant moral breakdowns, chronic fatigue. Lack of communication breeds complexes. The task of the psychological center on the Internet is not to prescribe medication to patients.

First of all, the consultant must listen to people's problems and have a lot of life experience to give advice.

5. Handmade market on the Internet

Do you know how to make exclusive things with your own hands? Start making a living doing this. Open a shop on the Internet, where you can profitably sell your own creations. The idea is not new, but very popular. To order a small detail that will decorate the interior of any room is the desire of many potential customers. What are the advantages of a hand-made shop on the Internet:

  • Free schedule, implementation of a hobby in practice.
  • Work at home or in a personal workshop.
  • Work in its own format - the absence of strict framework.

Considering all the positive aspects, starting your own small business will not be a big problem. If you are a brave and skillful craftsman, make your dream come true - make money on the Internet on what brings pleasure (and is also profitable).

6. Library of documentation forms - profitable and useful

For any novice entrepreneur, finding an up-to-date suitable form of a particular document is quite problematic. Organize your service, the main task of which will be to collect package documentation for legal processes. For example, the registration of entrepreneurial activity is a complex process. Offer the client on the Internet a ready-made package of documents, which only needs to be filled in with data. Naturally, for a fee. Paper work requires experience and care + constant updating of information. Work in this format is suitable for people with higher legal education. And, whatever one may say, such a thing is profitable.

7. Remote technical support is a good idea

Do you know how many people can't turn on their laptop after removing the battery? Help in such situations will seem ridiculous for experienced system administrators, or experienced users. But even this can make money! Online support organization plan:

  • Design and development of your own website.
  • Resource promotion, customer base search.
  • Work on the organization of qualified assistance online.

To operate such a service, 2-3 qualified employees are enough. Their task is to constantly support customers, solve their problems, by providing a clear guide to action.

8. Is it profitable to sell furniture on the Internet?

You say that selling furniture is trite? In general, you will be absolutely right. But even this type of activity can be presented from a profitable side. See the banality of your competitors as an opportunity to beat them. The main idea is the refinement and implementation of furniture layouts invented by customers. You will need your own furniture design application. Yes, initially it is not the cheapest option. But you get superiority over the rest of the market players, and get into the top industry of modern Internet business. Furniture will always be in demand. The main thing is to provide the consumer with the opportunity to design design and an extensive selection of materials. What is profitable to sell on the Internet? Literally anything if you can find the right marketing approach.

Life without an office

To begin with, I recommend reading about the tax benefit from the state, which allows you to “earn” up to 90 thousand rubles every year. A friend of mine recently came to me for advice - what kind of business is better to do, where to start, what is the best way to trade, how much money you can start doing business, etc. more profitable to do. Experience of working for yourself, of course, appeared in two years - a little experience in conducting retail sales(at one point in time, my partner and I opened 2 small retail outlets and 2 retail stores, and the number of staff reached six. To date, we have sold 2 small retail outlets, and 2 stores have been merged into one and moved to another location ).

During this time, we have sold everything: fresh flowers, DVDs with films, programs and games, blank media - DVD blanks, flash drives, batteries, light bulbs, and then a large assortment of electrics from 200 items. , connection services to OPPS, Cell Phones, memory, batteries and other accessories for them, plumbing, photocopying services. Even children's "coloring books" - and then traded. This, of course, is not all, but what I managed to recall with a snap 🙂 I can’t consider myself a professional in the field of retail sales, on the contrary, the more I learn, the more I feel like a horse.

However, I have already developed my own view on most of the issues and problems that I had to solve. I tried to give my answers to these questions, they are subjective, but now I have just such convictions. I divided our conversation into several semantic blocks and I will slowly lay them out. If you want to start practicing right away and get an answer to the question “what to trade / what services to provide”, then immediately read about it in the article “what to do - list” (warning! There are no ready-made answers in this article, but it is highly recommended to read it, like all articles in this series) . So, about my friend who came to me with a question “what is better to trade and what to do”.

There is also an interesting situation in which my friend is. He practically does not work anywhere, but he is provided for - there is food and housing, i.e. in principle, he can afford not to work at all. He just wants to do something so that he has money, and likes it, and so as not to go to work for his uncle. In general, I was a little surprised.

Tell me what you want.

I want to do exactly what is profitable now, what works best now!

So after all this is never known in advance.

We moved one outlet only 200 meters away, and the revenue increased 10 times - everything is the same as it was, only the place was changed. Well, i.e. in the “old” place it was completely unprofitable to deal with this product, but in the new one, you see, some prospects loomed… I.e. how to say for sure - what is the best trade?

Well, tell me, what are you trading now - is it profitable to do it?

Well, I'm telling you - no matter what I tell you, it won't help you in any way! Do you think it's all about "what to trade"? Now I think that this should be the last thing to bother with.

Especially if you just want to get started. Don't take your attempt at a start too seriously and expect super mega success. Most likely, this will not happen. It's training and experience, and your job is to minimize the cost of that training. Training, I must say, very interesting. Those. it’s not a sin to spend money on such training, but if there is an opportunity to reduce its cost, then use it.

Well, you say so ... If you immediately set yourself up for the fact that “it won’t work”, then what’s the point in taking it up? Wasting time and money?

Well, in general, yes. You need to answer yourself the question - how important is this for you, how much you unacceptable possible failure.

If you decide to work for yourself, i.e. become an entrepreneur in some way (which, in general, is not always the same thing), then in your activity you will change not only the product that you will trade, but also the location of your stores, and the form of organization, and key employees etc. You will have several projects (lines of activity, product groups), some of them will be profitable, and some will be unprofitable. There will be mistakes in your activity, which are an integral part of any development, any purposeful activity. The word "entrepreneur" from the word "undertake" - i.e. you will constantly have to move, be on the lookout, ideally a little ahead of the rest, and this is impossible without some, even a very small, risk.

If you mean to engage in any activity that will be guaranteed to bring profit, then put money in a bank deposit. Bank interest is a profit for those who want guarantees. If you were going to do entrepreneurial activity, then there are only probabilities and possibilities. And if you want some kind of universal formula that guarantees success in your very first business project, then I don’t know such one. Maybe she does exist. - Well, damn it, but if you take a shopping area in a passing place in the city center, bring clothes - is it really possible to fly over? In the center right? Clothes, I see, they take them everywhere, at any price.

It seems to me that the days when people looked at the price of clothes have already passed. Do you remember how it used to be - even the expressions were “the new coat was done” - it was a whole event, and such clothes were worn for years. And now - every year people buy something new for themselves. The same thing with shoes - a year has been vilified, the fashion has changed - you have to buy a new one. Here clothes and shoes are now bought as often as almost bread. It seems to me that this is a win-win option ... - Well, this is already very close to my point of view that it is better to start with traditional, proven by other options. Personally, I like Chichvarkin's entrepreneurial concept - "if someone sells something somewhere, then stand next to me and sell cheaper."

The more traditional the business you start with, the better - you will get your hands on it and learn to see the opportunities that will allow you to stand out from the competition. However, I am skeptical about the idea of ​​some "guaranteed" scenarios - like, "in the center", "a hot commodity that will definitely always be taken." Everything is interconnected - the closer to the center, the more expensive the rent. The more expensive the rent, the higher your prices, and so on. All gears in this mechanism are interconnected.

How about this thought. You know, they say that you need to go into business only if you have some kind of unique idea that has not yet been implemented by anyone, some kind of revolutionary product. Maybe I shouldn't be in business until I come up with something innovative, something unique?

Build at least one stable working trading system in a traditional business, and you won't be short of innovative ideas. You will see such a field of activity and development options that you will have something to make money on even without any revolutionary products, if you are not lazy. Or maybe, indeed, over time, you will come up with a successful innovative idea about a unique product, which you, having entrepreneurial experience, can competently and effectively implement. This is exactly the situation when the seeds fall on fertile, prepared soil. And one innovative idea is not enough - if you cannot implement it, then you will be completely disappointed in business.

You need at least a little practice to work with these business mechanisms: sales, purchases, relations with partners, relations with personnel, reporting and accounting. Do you know how many potential "brilliant businessmen" have not even reached the stage of issuing a certificate of state registration individual entrepreneur? It's so difficult! I know several of them. This applies not only to registration, but to any "technical" aspects of doing business. When you own the technique, it will be easier for you to evaluate "innovative" products from the point of view of ... a businessman.

Yes, from a business point of view. From time to time, people appear who come up with another “unique product” that can be really unique, but ... on which you can’t make money. You should not be fooled by the revolutionary nature of the product, this alone is not enough to make a profit from the business. Previously, the Capital show was broadcast on TNT, which was visited by various people with their innovative products, who were looking for investors among the well-known capitalists of our country. 90% of "innovators" stalled and broke down on the issue potential investors“Tell me how I can make money with your product?”.

Listen, I still don’t understand what I should trade? All the same, after all, there is a difference between what to trade - shoes or medicines, food or clothing?

Let's do it. I will speak for myself. Look, since I believe that it doesn’t matter where to start, what to trade, then start with what you like best. That's all.

This will be my advice to you. Like clothes - do clothes, like it household chemicals- Learn to sell it. It's your business. The main thing here, in my opinion, is to master business technologies - sales, purchases, etc. And vice versa - a successful entrepreneur can make money on almost everything he undertakes. And if it does not work out, then this is not a reason to stop doing business - one project more - one project less. Therefore, it is strategically more profitable to “pump” yourself than a product. It doesn't matter what you are going to trade, your chances of success depend very little on it. Figuratively speaking, before making scientific discoveries, at least learn to read and write - this is the basis. This is my opinion, use it however you like.

The main conclusion of this article:

For retail sales, the choice of WHAT to trade is not as important as WHERE to trade. In a good place, almost EVERYTHING will sell well. And vice versa, if the place is bad, then you will have to experiment with the assortment and specialization of the store.