Practical tasks in management psychology. Preventive work of a psychologist at school

Tests in the discipline "Management Psychology"

List of didactic units

In the discipline "Management Psychology"

1. Management psychology, its subject and object.

2. The concept of personality, its structure.

3.Individual-typological personality traits.

4. Motivation as a factor in personality management.

5. Leadership and leadership. The personality of the leader.

6. Leadership styles. Building relationships with partners.

7. Small group, as a socio-psychological characteristic of the organization.

8.Phenomenology of the group.

9.Social and psychological climate in the group.

10. Psychological aspects of human communication.

11. Management technologies.

12. The nature and social role of the conflict.


in the discipline "Management Psychology"

1. 120 minutes are allocated for the task in the form of tests in the course "Management Psychology".

2. Tests include 80 tasks that contain:

32 tasks, each of which requires "Finding the correct answer"

28 tasks, each of which requires "Find a Match"

20 tests with the tasks "Finish a sentence" and "Establish a sequence"

1.Find the correct answer:

Management psychology is ……

1.Science about the laws of manifestation and development of the psyche

2.The branch that studies the patterns of behavior of people in groups

3The branch that studies the psychological aspects of management.

2.Find a match:

A. Object of management psychology

B. Subject of Management Psychology

1 mental processes

2. Collectives of people

3. Find a match

A. Tasks of Psychology

B. Principles of Psychology

1.The unity of consciousness and activity

2.Management of mental processes

3.Personal approach

4. Understanding the essence of mental phenomena

5. Development of the psyche and consciousness in activity

6. Determinism.

4. Find a match

A. Aristotle

B. Plato

1.Soul is material and consists of atoms

2. The soul represents three types of mental phenomena: reason, courage, will.

5.Continue the sentence

Plato argued that the soul is represented by ... ...

6.Find a match

A. Behaviorism

B. Psychoanalysis

B. Neo-Freudianism

G. Humanistic school

D. Cognitive school

1 TO. Jung, A. Adler

2.A. Maslow, K. Rogers

3.D. Watson

4.Fr. Hyder, Newcome

5.Z. Freud

7. Determine the sequence in the blocks of personality

A. 1st part

B.2 part

B.3 part

D.4 part

1.Stable features of mental processes

2.Social personality traits

3.Knowledge and skills

4. Biologically determined personality traits.

8 find the right answer

Individuality is… ..

1.Reasonable Consciousness

2. An unrepeatable combination of mental characteristics

3.Ability to be in certain relationships with other people

9.Find a match

A. Abilities

B. Incentives

B. Talent

G. Genius

1.Anatomophysiological predisposition

2.High degree of ability to perform certain activities

4 feelings

67. Find a match

A. Passion

B. Stress

B. Frustration

1.Mental state caused by objectively or subjectively insurmountable difficulties

2.Long sustained intense state associated with any interest

3. Emotional state caused by unusual situations.

68. Find a match

A. Psyche

B. Consciousness

B. Self-awareness

1 the highest form of mental life

2.A person's awareness of himself as a person

3The property of the brain to reflect the world.

69. Find conformity

A. Attention

B. Memory

C. Imagination

1.Process of organizing past experience retention

2. The process of creating new images and representations

70. Find a match

A. Feeling

B. Perception

1.The process of reflection of objects and phenomena in general

2. The mental process of reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena.

71. Finish Sentence

Research methods in psychology are ……

72. Determine the correct answer

Questioning is a method, which consists in the fact that….

1.The test subject is given tasks and options for answers to them.

2.Helps to determine the status of a person in a group

3. A written survey of a large number of subjects is carried out

73. Continue Sentence

Sociometric research helps ...

74. Find the Right Definition

A. Affect

B. Mood

1.Specific actions aimed at achieving consciously set goals

2.Mental state, colored by rapidly growing emotional stress

3. A general emotional state of weak manifestation, which is reflected in human behavior

75. Determine the correct answer

Depending on the specific activity, the branches of psychology are distinguished….





5.Psychology of sports

76. Finish Sentence

Interviewing is a method of psychology in which ... is carried out.

77. Finish the sentence.

Testing is a method of psychology in which….

78. Indicate the sequence of the hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow

1 self-expression

2.Physiological needs


4) the need for respect

5 the need for safety and security

78. Find the right answer

1Appellation to employee personality

2 appeal to primary needs

3.Giving complete freedom of action

79. Find the right answer

Democratic leadership style:

1.Application to the collective

2.Application to psychological needs

3.Introduction of self-government

80 find the right answer

Visual communication tools:

2.Gestures, facial expressions


4.Distance to the interlocutor

Key to the answers to tests in the discipline "Management Psychology"

3.A-2, 4; B-1,3,5,6

6.A-3; B-5; IN 1; G-2; D-4.

7.A-2; B-3; IN 1; D-4.

9.A-3; B-1; IN 2; G-4

14.A-4; B-3; IN 1; G-2

17.A-3; B-4; IN 1; G-2

22.A-3; B-1; IN 2

23.A -1,3,5; B-2,4,6

26.A-4; B-2; IN 1; G-3

29.A-2; B-3; AT 4; G-1

31.A-2; B-1; AT 3;

32.A-2; B-4; B-1; G-5; D-3

34. behavioral rules appropriate to a specific institution, activity, situation.

35 ... the interaction of people in their activities, the transfer of information and decision-making.

37.A-2.5; B-1,3,4,6

39 .... a scientifically formulated method in which a mental phenomenon is studied in specially created and controlled rooms.

40 .... In which the researcher systematically and systematically observes the actions and actions of a person or a group of people and, based on their behavior and actions, makes a conclusion about the mental phenomena of the observed.

41 .... A person regarded as conscious. an intelligent being with speech and the ability to labor activity and being in a certain relationship with other people.

42. Behaviorism, non-behaviorism, psychoanalysis or Freudianism, neo-Freudianism, cognitive and humanistic schools.

44… ..processes through which a person learns the world around him. These include sensation, perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

45.A-2; .B-3; IN 1

46.A-1; B-3; IN 2

47.A-3; B-1; IN 2

48.A-3; B-1; IN 2

49.A-3.6; B-1,2,4,5,

51.A-3; B-1; IN 2

54. A-2.3; B-4; IN 1

55 .... To action that has a certain direction

56.A-2.4; B-1,3,5

58. Motivation ……… to achieve personal goals and organizational goals

59. A 1,2,4; B-3.5

62. The need for ... ..the disadvantage

63.A-2; B-3; IN 1

64 A-3; B-1; IN 2

65 A-4; B-3; IN 1; G-2

67.A-2; B-3; IN 1

68.A-3; B-1; IN 2

69.A-3; B-1; IN 2

71 .... Ways of cognition of a person's mental life

73… ..determine informal groups, informal leaders, the status of each member of the team.

74.A-2; B-3; IN 1

76 ... ..a verbal questioning of a large number of subjects and on the basis of their answers the problem is singled out and solved

Alexander Trus

Psychology of management. Workshop

Reviewers: Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Maksim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University (Head of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.V. Gatalskaya); Doctor of Psychology, Professor I. A. Furmanov.

© Trus A.A., 2015

© Design. UE "Higher School" Publishing House ", 2015


In 2014, the Vysheyshaya Shkola publishing house published the study guide "Psychology of Management". The book, aimed at the student audience, was also positively received by students of the additional education system - specialists undergoing retraining in personnel management, undergraduates, students of MBA programs, as well as by heads of various organizational and managerial levels of state and commercial enterprises, HR specialists, business trainers and organizational consultants.

Taking into account that the study guide "Psychology of Management" covered a wide range of theoretical provisions of the activity of a modern leader, ranging from issues of effective self-organization to the psychological aspects of individual and group work with employees, it was decided to write workshop, which would allow readers to gain not only useful knowledge for their work, but also to form relevant management competencies.

The work of both the future leader and the already formed manager, focused on progressive career growth and obtaining high results in his work, as well as in the activities of the organizational formation headed by him, should be continuous. Currently, as the author's coaching and consulting experience shows, most large organizations have corporate training centers for the implementation of continuous training and retraining of personnel. The question, in our opinion, is the manager's desire to systematically and purposefully replenish his luggage with relevant "knowledge - skills - skills", to form and develop the necessary personal characteristics in order not only to respond to the challenges of the current situation, but to carry out a proactive approach to his activities ...

This book will allow the leader to work independently on the development of their managerial competencies, and can also be used in university educational process and in a corporate format. Working on its content, we, first of all, started from the very concept of "workshop". In the dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov (1987) we find the following definition: “Workshop. In higher educational institutions: a course of practical training in some academic subject. "

The word "workshop" consists of two independent components - "practice" and "mind", the combination of which can be interpreted in two ways: "practical (or practical) mind" and "smart practice". Regarding the first phrase, the famous Soviet psychologist BM Teplov in his book The Mind of a Commander (1990) notes: “The difference between theoretical and practical thinking lies in the fact that they are connected in different ways with practice; not that one of them has a connection with practice, and the other not, but that the nature of this connection is different. The work of practical thinking is mainly aimed at solving specific problems - organizing the work of a given plant, developing and implementing a battle plan, etc., while the work of theoretical thinking is aimed mainly at finding general patterns - principles of organizing production, tactical and strategic patterns, and etc. ".

In the workshop and electronic application a large number of organizational, managerial and communicative situations, taken from the experience of domestic leaders at various levels, are presented to it.

Further, we find in BM Teplov: “For a practitioner, the possibilities of using hypotheses are incomparably more limited, since these hypotheses should be tested not in special experiments, but in life itself, and - what is especially important - a practical worker does not always have time for such kind of checks. The harsh conditions of time are one of the most characteristic features the work of the practical mind. " Let's turn to the second phrase - "smart practice". The book, in which you have already read several pages, is a kind of simulator for practicing various management skills and the formation of professionally significant personal characteristics. The experience gained can and should be carried into your practical activities, use not only the worked out tools, but also implement the ideas that will undoubtedly arise in you when performing the proposed tasks.

The best a book can do for a person is to get them to act.

Thomas Carlyle

Further, BM Teplov notes: “If we are to establish the gradation of activity according to the difficulty and complexity of the requirements for the mind, then we will have to admit that from the point of view of the diversity, and sometimes the internal contradiction of intellectual tasks, as well as the rigidity of the conditions in which mental work, the first places should take higher forms practical activity ".

Taking into account the relatively young age of management psychology as a science and area of ​​professional practice, as well as the complexity and uneven elaboration of its individual provisions, we turned to the ideas set forth in the works of some authoritative specialists from related fields, which are referenced in the text of the workshop. If desired, the trainee (student, listener, undergraduate) or trainer (teacher, business coach, organizational consultant, coach) can refer to the source for more detailed and detailed information.

The workshop is aimed at increasing the managerial competence of a particular reader - both a today's student planning to make a managerial career in the future, and a “veteran of the managerial movement”. The more competent managers there are, the more successful a separate structural unit and the enterprise where they work will be. The more efficient enterprises there are, the stronger and more prosperous our country will be. We hope that the book “Psychology of Management. Workshop ”will make a certain contribution to the achievement of these goals.

Chapter 1. The leader is the central figure of the management process

Renowned psychologists Jim Loer and Tony Schwartz (2014) point out that we live in the digital age. We're racing at full speed, our beats are accelerating, our days are chopped into bytes and beats. We prefer breadth to depth and quick reactions to deliberate decisions. We glide across the surface, hitting dozens of places for a few minutes, but never staying long. We fly through life without pausing to think about who we really want to become. We are online, but we are disconnected.

The first step in the work of a psychologist (consultant, coach) with a business owner (professional leader) is to analyze the personal characteristics of the client. Such an analysis reveals for each of them individually the meaning of a short but capacious phrase: "Know thyself."

We offer readers techniques for personal, managerial and professional introspection.

“Know thyself” - these words were written above the entrance to the oracle in the Delphic temple. Subsequently, they were repeated many times by many sages. Examples of successful business people - business owners and professional leaders- confirmed that this advice works.

Knowing ourselves is the greatest achievement of our species.

Founder of positive psychology M. Csikszentmihalyi

"Management begins with oneself" - this phrase must be accepted as an axiom by each subject of a complex management process. A manager who knows his strengths and weaknesses, his shortcomings, but constantly learns - develops - improves, creates the prerequisites for the professional growth of his employees, and therefore, to improve work efficiency structural unit or the organization as a whole. Self-knowledge of a leader is the first step towards setting clear career, managerial and professional goals, identifying personal resources to achieve them, directing energy to steady movement towards them. At the same time, he will be able to competently organize himself, his work time and space.

1.1. Conducting your own SWOT analysis as a leader

SWOT technique (the abbreviation is made up of the first letters of the English words: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) suggests identifying the strong and weaknesses, threats and opportunities, as well as the establishment of chains of connections between them, which can later be used to formulate a strategy and assess the feasibility of the planned results of the leader's activities.

Situation 1

Anton Vasilkov was lucky - he got a job in a joint venture. Very often after a working day, he and his German colleagues went to a bar for a beer and chat. Relations, as it seemed to Anton, were turning more and more from business into friendly ones. The next day, after the next "gatherings" Anton turned to Peter Berg, who was sitting next to him in the office: "Do you remember that yesterday you told how you and Martin made a row in the restaurant?" To which a very harsh response followed: "Anton, do your job." The young man was discouraged - yesterday he and Peter were best friends, and today such an appeal.

How would you explain to Anton the reason for the falling out with your German colleague?

    1. Peter is a rude, rude person.

    2. Peter is convinced that what was said in private conversation should not be made public.

    3. Peter thinks there is no need to talk about extraneous things in the workplace.

    4. It is unpleasant for Peter to remember an incident from his life, which he told about after drinking a lot.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. In this situation, there is no indication of Peter's bad manners. On the contrary, Anton, who had communicated with him for a long time and considered Peter his friend, was clearly shocked by his harsh rebuke. Go back to the situation and make another choice.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is a very likely answer - the rules of good manners dictate that the content of a private conversation should not be made public. But in the situation there is no indication that someone could hear the conversation of colleagues sitting at adjacent tables. Try to find a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This the best way answer. Germans usually do not mix the concepts of friendship and business relations. Therefore, they believe that in the bar you can talk about any topic, and in the workplace - only topics directly related to work. A Russian who interacts with German partners and does not adhere to this principle can be considered tactless, unceremonious, intrusive and ill-mannered.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This possibility cannot be ruled out, and then Peter's negative reaction to Anton's statements is understandable. But this explanation does not fully disclose the situation. Try to find a more accurate explanation.

Situation 2

Before you are stereotypes of representatives of several peoples. Determine which peoples these characteristics relate to:

    1. Generous, patient, simple-minded, disorganized, broad-minded, drink-loving, fair, open-minded.

    2. Polite, restrained, pedantic, uncommunicative, imperturbable, conservative, neat, conscientious, graceful.

    3. Aggressive, greedy, vindictive, lazy, impudent, dishonest, immoral, rude.

    4. Elegant, gallant, talkative, deceitful, charming, depraved, stingy, frivolous, uninhibited.

    5. Neat, pedantic, executive, economical, uninteresting, corrosive, restrained, persistent, efficient.

    6. Talented, kind, fair, hardworking, charming, strong, self-confident, honest.

    7. Proud, loyal to tradition, respectful of elders, vindictive, hospitable, slightly arrogant.

The following peoples are meant:

    1. Russians.

    2. The British.

    3. Projective version (absolutely negative stereotype).

    4. The French.

    6. Projective option (absolutely positive stereotype).

    7. Inhabitants of the North Caucasus.

Situation 3

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was invited to the North Caucasus, to the university of city N to read a course of lectures on the psychology of ethnic tolerance. At the station, Ivan Ivanovich was met by his university friend Barasbi Khachimovich and immediately invited his younger brother to the wedding, which was to take place the next day. This is what happened to our hero in the next two days.

Situation 3.1

In the morning, Barasbi and Ivan, together with other guests, gathered near the bus to go to the village where the wedding was to take place. Barasbi invited Ivan to sit in the front seat, and he walked away to resolve some issues on organizing the celebration. As the bus began to quickly fill up with guests, our hero took a nearby seat for his friend. After a while, a venerable old man in a large hat entered the bus and was going to sit next to Ivan, but he politely informed him that the seat was taken. Despite this, the Caucasian did not leave, and Ivan was forced to try again to explain to him that the seat was taken and to point out the many empty seats in the back. At this time, Barasbi entered the bus, hurried to the elderly man, helped him to sit in the chosen seat and apologized to him for a long time. Ivan was at a loss, all the way he was tormented by the unpleasant feeling that he had done something wrong.

How do you think Barasbi Khachimovich explained what happened to Ivan Ivanovich? Choose the answer that suits you.

    1. The venerable elder took this place earlier, therefore he tried so persistently to sit on it.

    2. The venerable elder did not speak Russian, so he did not understand Ivan, deciding that he wanted to give him his place.

    3. The venerable old man did not want to sit next to the "stranger" and hoped that he would force him to go into the depths of the bus, sitting down at the place occupied for Barasby.

    4. The venerable elder acted on the basis of the principles that had developed throughout his life.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. To a Russian person, such an explanation may seem quite reasonable, but in the proposed situation there is no indication that the venerable elder took a seat on the bus before Ivan. Go back to the situation and make another choice.

You chose Explanation # 2. Even if the elderly man did not know the Russian language, he would be able to understand from Ivan's behavior that he is trying to “defend” a place for his friend and points to empty seats in the back of the bus. Try to find a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This explanation is rejected by most of the North Caucasians, who are known for their hospitality. From the description of the situation, it is clear that the venerable elder did not show any unwillingness to be near Ivan, on the contrary, he claimed a place next to him. Find a more accurate explanation of the situation.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the best answer. The traditional cultures of the North Caucasus are collectivist cultures with a clear vertical hierarchy, which corresponds to the concept of a place of honor that has survived to this day. Since the position "in front" is considered more prestigious than the position "behind", the rule is strictly observed to yield to the older and (or) ranked front seat in a car or bus. That is why the venerable old man in a big hat was so persistent in his desire to occupy him. At the same time, he had nothing against Ivan as a neighbor, since a guest in the Caucasus, even younger than the host, has the right to claim one of the places of honor.

Situation 3.2

At the wedding, Ivan gradually forgot about what had happened, especially since he was shown all kinds of signs of respect and was put in one of the places of honor. He ate national dishes with pleasure, watched table customs with interest and listened to folk music. However, in the midst of the noise and amusement, he suddenly noticed that the bride was bored alone in the corner, was silent, her head bowed and did not touch food. Ivan felt sorry for the girl, and he decided to entertain her somehow. Determined to go to the bride, our hero invited her to dance. But the bride, instead of being delighted, turned pale and lowered her head even lower. But the men standing next to him were noticeably alarmed, grabbed Ivan by the arms and took him to another room, leaving him there to think. Our hero was completely upset: after all, he wanted the best ...

What explanation did Barasbi give to what happened?

    1. The groom is terribly jealous and called for help from other men "to restore order."

    2. The bride is very shy, and the men helped her to free herself from the attention of the intrusive guest.

    3. During the wedding, the bride has a special position, and she should not be active.

    4. Any wedding in the Caucasus is not complete without a fight, and Ivan's behavior was perceived as a pretext for the start of fights.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This could be a possible explanation, but in the situation suggested, there is no indication that the jealous groom asked someone for help. On the contrary, Ivan's behavior caused an equally negative reaction from all men. Most likely, this is not related to personal relationships, but due to other reasons. Find the correct explanation for the situation.

You chose Explanation # 2. Maybe the bride is really very timid and shy. But if the cause of the conflict was in her personal qualities, then the groom would come to her aid, and Ivan's behavior would not cause general disapproval of the men present at the wedding. There is a better explanation for the situation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the best answer. For many peoples of the North Caucasus, ritualized avoidance of contacts and silence are included in the standard of communication of the bride at a wedding feast. She meekly stands in the corner of the room, has no right to even raise her eyes, let alone talk with guests and dance. Therefore, Ivan's behavior was perceived as a challenge to society and an insult to the bride, and the reaction of men was so violent and simultaneous.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. Of course, the inhabitants of the North Caucasus are quite temperamental, but they are not inclined to start fights, especially during such an important event as a wedding. Most likely, there was another reason. Find a more accurate explanation.

Situation 3.3

After Barasbi explained the situation to Ivan, he excused himself and went to unwind in the garden, singing a funny song to relieve tension. But then on his way there was a group of talking guests, and in order to go further along a rather narrow path, he had to maneuver between them. Ivan tried to look as welcoming and benevolent as possible and, continuing to hum, patted some of them on the shoulder. However, the guests did not treat him very friendly and literally pushed him out of their circle. A little rumpled, bewildered and completely bewildered, Ivan hurriedly went to the hotel.

What happened? Choose an appropriate explanation for the situation.

    1. In the North Caucasus, there is a ritual ritual of a friendly fight with a guest as a way of expressing great respect to him.

    2. The guests in the garden were offended by how and what Ivan sang.

    3. Ivan interfered with the communication of the guests.

    4. The guests were drunk and confused Ivan with someone else.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. The North Caucasus is famous for its diversity of customs and traditions, but the custom of a friendly fight with a guest simply does not exist. Please choose a different answer.

You chose Explanation # 2. The guests could not offend Ivan's singing, since he has good vocal abilities, and the song was completely harmless. This answer is not a correct explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the most appropriate answer. Ivan really interfered with the communication of the guests. In the cultures of the North Caucasus, the non-verbal aspects of communication, including the rules for organizing the communication space (proxemic behavior), are very significant. Walking between the talking men, and even using a form of bodily contact that is excluded in social situations - patting on the shoulder, our hero grossly violated the personal space of the communicating people, interrupting their dialogue. Inhabitants of the North Caucasus, non-observance of the necessary standards of courtesy (even out of ignorance) is usually alarming, causes them feelings of hostility and antipathy.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. The inhabitants of the North Caucasus are sensitive to the culture of drinking alcoholic beverages, especially at the festive table. They are not inclined to get drunk and pester others. Find the correct explanation for the situation.

Situation 3.4

Ivan spent the night restlessly, tossing and turning and worrying about what had happened. Fortunately, Barasby came to his hotel in the morning. Ivan told him that he had to significantly refine his theory of interethnic contacts, as it turned out that it did not quite correspond to practice. Therefore, he is forced to postpone his lectures on the psychology of ethnic tolerance and urgently return to Moscow. He asked Barasby to accompany him to the station in the evening, and then they celebrated such an unexpected parting "with what God sent." When Barasbi was about to go home, our hero asked him to throw in the trash what was left of their meal on the way. Having handed Barasbi a bag of rubbish, Ivan said goodbye and safely slammed the room door behind him.

But Barasbi did not come to the station, which indescribably surprised Ivan. What do you think is the reason for such impolite behavior of Barasby?

    1. In the North Caucasus, it is not customary to see a dear guest just before his departure, as this is a bad omen.

    2. Barasby was late at the station, having mixed up the train departure time.

    3. Ivan violated the rules of hospitality.

    4. In the evening, Barasbi was supposed to be at the continuation of the wedding celebrations, but in order not to offend Ivan, he did not directly reject the request for seeing off.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. Many people in the North Caucasus are somewhat superstitious. However, seeing off at the train station cannot be seen as an unfortunate omen. Find the correct explanation for the situation.

You chose Explanation # 2. Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of Barasby's being late, but he is a very responsible person, and, in addition, in the North Caucasus it is considered unworthy to forget his promise. There is a more accurate explanation of the situation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the best answer. Having handed Barasbi a bag of rubbish and slamming the door behind him, Ivan insulted him, as he had grossly violated the norms of hospitality. In the North Caucasus, adherence to these norms is the sacred duty of every person, and their violation can lead to serious problems in relations with others, up to the rupture of these relations. Thus, the host, according to tradition, receives the guest while standing, but does not sit down himself without the latter's invitation. The guest is supposed to be escorted - depending on the circumstances - to the edge of the village, outside the gate, and in a modern house the door should not be closed until he is out of sight. And asking guests to take out the trash is simply indecent.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. The cultures of the North Caucasus are not among those whose representatives are not inclined to outright reject requests out of politeness. Barasbi simply could not do that, since it is precisely such behavior, in his opinion, that would just offend his Russian friend.

Experiencing everything that happened and drinking tea on the train, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov did not yet know that the university administration had decided to send him to lecture on ethnic tolerance in one of the African countries ...

Situation 4

The family of the Dagestani Akhmet recently moved to Moscow, but he has already met some of the neighbors at the entrance. So, he met and talked several times with his peer and his sister Vera, who live two floors below. One fine day, going to the mosque, he went down in the elevator, where Vera entered with her lapdog Daisy under her arm. With further movement of the elevator, Akhmet looked worried and tried to distance himself from the girl with the dog. Vera tried in every possible way to rectify the situation, was interested in the health of his parents, invited him to pet the dog, said that she did not bite, but, contrary to her expectations, the neighbor's reaction became even more negative. On the first floor, Akhmet rushed out of the elevator without even saying goodbye.

How would you explain Akhmet's behavior to Vera? Choose an explanation that works best for you.

    1. Akhmet is afraid of dogs.

    2. He is allergic to dog hair.

    3. He considers it unacceptable to be alone in a cramped elevator car with an unfamiliar girl.

    4. It is unpleasant for Akhmet to be in the elevator with the dog.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. There was no indication in the description of the situation that Akhmet was frightened. Try to find the correct answer again.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is a possible answer, but the description of the situation does not say that Akhmet is an allergic person. Go back to the situation and do right choice.

You chose Explanation # 3. Of course, such a possibility cannot be ruled out, but the elevator car is large enough and allows people in it not to touch each other, which would really be considered by a representative of one of the Caucasian cultures absolutely unacceptable. Most likely, the reason for Akhmet's behavior lies elsewhere. Go back to the situation and find the correct answer.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the best answer. Ahmet is a Muslim, and in Islam, a dog is considered an unclean animal that defiles a devout Muslim with his touch and even his breath. Therefore, Akhmet tried to avoid any contact with the dog, having at the same time nothing against Vera who went down with him in the elevator.

She should be explained that when going out for a walk with the dog, it is advisable not to go with Akhmet and his family members into such a cramped room as an elevator car, and if this happens, hold the dog so that it does not touch the Muslim's clothes and does not breathe on him. ...

Situation 5

The Takhsurman family came to Moscow from Dagestan. The boy continued his studies in the eighth grade, where he was put at the same desk with the Russian girl Masha. Masha liked Takhsurman: he did not pull her braids, he treated her to fruit, shared pencils and erasers. In the class where Masha and Takhsurman studied, it was decided to clean the room in pairs of students sitting at the same desk. When it was Masha and Takhsurman's turn to be on duty, the boy quickly left the school, flatly refusing not only to clean the office, but even to bring water for cleaning the floor. Masha could not understand why such a polite and attentive Takhsurman always behaved so unworthily.

How would you explain Takhsurman's behavior to Masha? Choose the answer that suits you.

    1. Takhsurman was a lazy boy and did not like to do housework.

    2. Takhsurman fell in love with Masha, but did not want to show her his feelings. On the contrary, he wanted to show that he was not going to follow her instructions.

    3. Takhsurman hurried to the sports ground, where his friends were waiting for him.

    4. In Dagestan, Takhsurman did not take part in cleaning a school class.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This is a plausible explanation: many teenagers are reluctant to dust and mop. However, there was no indication in the situation that Takhsurman was a lazy boy. Make another choice.

You chose Explanation # 2. This explanation may be correct, as teens often show their feelings in this way. However, there is a better explanation that you need to find, because in the situation there is no indication that Masha gave orders to Takhsurman and tried to lead him.

You chose Explanation # 3. This can hardly be considered a correct explanation, since the situation does not indicate that Takhsurman was expected by friends, which is why he left the school so hastily. Go back to the situation and make a better choice.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct answer. Indeed, such behavior in the current situation is typical behavior of men and boys belonging to the cultures of the peoples of Dagestan. There, by tradition, cleaning the premises is the responsibility of women. Therefore, Takhsurman could not even imagine that he should clean the office, and this order was regarded as an insult to his manhood.

Situation 6

A Russian history teacher Alexander Dmitrievich was sent to work in one of the rural schools of Ingushetia. The teacher quickly won the trust and respect of the children, as his lessons were very interesting and his grades were fair. At one of the lessons, Isa, a 10th grade student, took out an expensive and beautiful knife from his pocket and began to demonstrate it to his classmates. The teacher silently walked over to the boy, took the knife and put it on his desk. The student, in response to such an act of Alexander Dmitrievich, left the class.

Isa told his father about the conflict with the teacher. He was outraged by the behavior of Alexander Dmitrievich and in the evening, along with other fellow villagers, went home to the teacher. An unpleasant conversation took place, during which the men demanded that Alexander Dmitrievich give the knife to Ise and apologize to him.

How would you explain to Ise, his father and other men the behavior of Alexander Dmitrievich?

    1. The knife was beautiful, the teacher liked it, and he decided to take it for himself.

    2. The teacher wanted to humiliate the boy by taking away the weapon - a symbol of courage and manhood.

    3. In a similar way, the teacher wanted to demonstrate his authority over the students.

    4. Alexander Dmitrievich considered the knife a symbol of aggression and assumed that it could threaten the life and health of students.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This answer has a right to exist, since the stereotype of many peoples in relation to Russians includes such a characteristic as "the desire to live at someone else's expense." However, in the situation there is no indication that Alexander Dmitrievich appropriated the knife. Find a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 2. To representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus, this explanation may seem correct, since a knife is an attribute of a man and its removal can be regarded as a humiliation of man's dignity and honor. However, from the standpoint of Russian culture, there was nothing in Alexander Dmitrievich's actions that, to one degree or another, could indicate his intention to humiliate Isa. On the contrary, the situation indicates that the teacher tried not to focus on the boy's behavior. Therefore, this explanation is incorrect. Go back to the situation and try to choose a more appropriate answer.

You chose Explanation # 3. In the description of the situation, there was no indication that Alexander Dmitrievich was an authoritarian, incompetent teacher. On the contrary, the text says that the teacher, with his professionalism and personal qualities, quickly won the confidence of the students. Try to find the correct answer again.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct explanation. Indeed, Alexander Dmitrievich, as a teacher, was responsible for the health and life of children in the lesson, therefore, in order to prevent the possible consequences of playing with cold weapons, he took the knife away from Isa. In addition, the demonstration of weapons in peacetime is seen in Russian culture as a sign of threat and violence.

Situation 7

The Asanov family moved from Ingushetia to the Stavropol Territory, and Asiyat continued her studies in the 9th grade of a local school. The school director, Alexander Ivanovich, meeting Asiyat in the morning of September 1 in the school lobby, approached her, hugged her shoulders and, looking into her eyes, asked how she was getting used to the new conditions. The girl was outraged by such behavior of Alexander Ivanovich.

How would you explain Asiyat the headmaster's behavior?

    1. Alexander Ivanovich allowed some liberties in relations with his students.

    2. Alexander Ivanovich treated all his students like a father.

    3. Alexander Ivanovich wanted to improve relations with Asiyat so that she would later tell him about the events in the class.

    4. Alexander Ivanovich drank a little on the occasion of the beginning school year and did not control his behavior.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This is the wrong answer. In the situation, there is no indication that the headmaster of the school was incorrect in relation to the students. Go back to the situation and choose a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is the correct answer. Alexander Ivanovich behaved in accordance with the norms of Russian culture, in which touching a child - regardless of gender - is an expression of warmth and care. In general, Russians are more likely to use touching gestures (stroking, patting, kissing, hugging) and communicate with each other at a closer distance than Caucasians. In addition, Russian culture is more "gawking" than Caucasian cultures: women do not hesitate to look into the eyes of men and meet their gaze. If a person looks away from the interlocutor, he may be suspected of insincerity. In educational conversations with a child, the phrase "look into the eyes" is very often repeated.

You chose Explanation # 3. This explanation is incorrect. There is no indication in the text that the headmaster had a staff of informants among the students. You need to find a more accurate explanation.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is an absolutely wrong answer. While there is a stereotype that all Russians abuse alcohol, it seems completely improbable for a school principal to have a drink on the morning of September 1. Go back to the situation and find a more accurate explanation.

Situation 8

Aslan, a resident of Vladikavkaz, came to Stavropol to study at a college. On the first day of class, he met the students of his group, and he liked them. After class, the group decided to celebrate their acquaintance in a cafe. In the course of communication, Aslan's positive opinion about the students of his group was further strengthened. At parting, everyone said goodbye warmly. Several girls kissed Aslan. He froze in bewilderment: this behavior of the girls caused him unpleasant feelings.

How would you explain to Aslan the girls' behavior? Choose one of the answer options.

    1. The girls a little abused alcohol and relaxed, so they allowed themselves such behavior.

    2. The girls acted in such a way as to humiliate weak-tempered Russian students who allowed them to do this in their presence.

    3. Russian girls are easily accessible.

    4. Russian girls behave this way towards all new acquaintances.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This explanation is not entirely correct, since the description of the situation does not indicate that young people in the cafe abused alcohol. Make another choice.

You chose Explanation # 2. Such an explanation might seem plausible to a person from the Caucasus, but it is not true. There is another explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. Such an explanation could have come from a native of the Caucasus, but Russian girls, especially first-year college students, are usually quite modest. Find a more correct answer.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the best answer. In modern Russian youth subculture, friendly kisses when meeting and saying goodbye are a sign of respect and good attitude towards a person. In a similar way, Russian girls showed a positive attitude to Aslan.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that Russians in their behavior generally use kisses much more often than representatives of the cultures of the Caucasus, especially when meeting and saying goodbye. In the Russian tradition, a kiss as a greeting expresses a feeling of affection and friendship. Both farewell and forgiveness are also sealed in Russians with a kiss as a sign of friendship.

Situation 9

The tenth grader Ira was invited by her school friend Rukiyat to visit her relatives in a mountainous Dagestan village on vacation. The girls arrived there late in the evening, when the whole family was already asleep. In the morning Ira woke up early and, going out into the yard, saw an elderly man. Having decided that it was Rukiyat's grandfather, Gadzhi Gadzhievich, about whom she had heard a lot, Ira ran up to him, grabbed his hand and introduced herself: “Ira”. The elderly man was surprised and looked at the girl in bewilderment.

How would you explain Ira's behavior to an elderly person? Choose the best answer:

    1. Parents brought up Ira badly.

    2. Ira greeted her the way she usually greets.

    3. Ira took him for someone else.

    4. Ira lost the ability to control herself because she was scared by something.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This answer is not entirely successful. The text of the situation does not give any reason to believe that Ira is poorly brought up and behaves disrespectfully with strangers. Try to find another answer.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is the best answer. In Russian culture, a woman, meeting a man, can take the initiative herself: first shake hands, introduce herself, etc. Therefore, Ira without hesitation went to the elderly man, confident that this is her friend's beloved grandfather Rukiyat.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is an incorrect explanation, since the situation clearly states that Ira left the house and it was unlikely that she expected to see someone outside her in the yard. Go back to the situation and choose a more accurate explanation.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This explanation could be possible, but nothing in the description of the situation indicates that Ira was alarmed by something. Look for another explanation.

Situation 10

On one of the streets of Moscow, two acquaintances, a Russian and a Chechen, met by chance, who had not seen each other for six months. Olga was very happy and rushed to hug and kiss Patimat. However, Patimat hastened to move away from Olga's embrace. The girls talked sweetly about everything that happened to them. Lately, about mutual acquaintances, but Olga remained at a loss why Patimat greeted her so dryly after a long separation.

How would you explain Patimat's behavior to Olga? Choose the answer that suits you.

    1. Patimat did not recognize Olga.

    2. Patimat was ill with the flu and did not want to infect Olga.

    3. Patimat acted in accordance with her concept of the expression of feelings.

    4. Patimat was offended by Olga for something.

You choose Explanation # 1. It cannot be ruled out that Patimat at the first moment did not recognize Olga. However, this is unlikely, since the girls are closely acquainted and have not seen each other for only six months. Go back to the situation and make another choice.

You chose Explanation # 2. This option has the right to exist, however, nothing in the text indicates Patimat's disease. Find a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the best answer. Each culture has its own rules for the non-verbal expression of emotions. The effect of these rules is very diverse. Thus, the Chechen culture is characterized by restraint in emotional manifestations where one can expect manifestations of violent joy from representatives of Russian culture. As a rule, physical contact between Chechens in public is not allowed, while Russians in general touch each other (shake hands, hug, kiss) much more often than representatives of many other cultures. Patimat pulled back when meeting Olga, acting in accordance with the rules for expressing emotions accepted in Chechen culture.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This explanation is incorrect. In Chechen culture, it is not customary to hide a grudge. Therefore, if Patimat was offended by Olga, she would have told her about it. You need to find a more accurate explanation.

Situation 11

Aslambek and Igor, who served together in the army, met a few years after demobilization. Igor came to visit a friend shortly after Aslambek got married. The newlywed was about to visit his wife's house for the first time. Since the first visit of a son-in-law to visit new relatives requires compulsory accompaniment by one or two friends, Aslambek decided to take Igor with him.

At a visit, Igor was shown all kinds of respect, but Aslambek was treated differently. He was not even invited to sit down, and he had to stand up to listen to the endless barbs and sharp jokes of women - his new relatives in his address. Aslambek only blushed and did not answer even the most offensive jokes. Igor, seeing how hard it was for his friend, tried to stand up for him, which caused additional ridicule and condemnation.

Igor, in the end, realized that he had done something wrong, but did not know what exactly.

How would you explain this situation to Igor? Choose the correct answer, in your opinion.

    1. New relatives are unfriendly towards As-Lambek.

    2. The new relatives were unhappy that Aslambek had brought Igor, a representative of another culture, with him as a friend.

    3. Aslambek married a girl from a family with modern morals, in which power belongs to women, and men must obey them in everything.

    4. The behavior of Aslambek and his representatives new family corresponded to certain rules.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This answer is incorrect: if the wife's relatives treated Aslambek unkindly, then, according to Caucasian traditions, his marriage to her would have been impossible. Find another explanation.

You chose Explanation # 2. This answer does not fit, since traditional Caucasian hospitality was shown towards Igor himself. Look for another explanation.

You chose Explanation # 3. In any region of the world, there are families in which male henpecked men are subordinate to women in everything. However, even today in the Caucasus, this is unlikely, at least in the situation described there is no indication of this. Try again to find the correct answer.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct answer. Indeed, in the Vainakh culture there is a custom associated with a certain behavior of the wife's relatives during the first visit to their house by a young husband. A test is arranged for him, during which it is checked how consistent and confident he is. In accordance with how a person will transfer offensive statements, as well as actions (prohibition to sit down, treat in a separate room) in his address, whether he is persistent or cannot withstand all this, he will be treated in the future (respected or constantly teased).

Situation 12

Andrey, finding himself on an expedition to Kabardino-Balkaria, was invited to Khachim's house. At a dinner attended by relatives and neighbors, Andrei talked about his work and decided to supplement his story by showing photographs. He left the room for a couple of minutes to bring them, and when he returned, he noticed that the attitude of those present towards him had changed. Andrey felt that he had offended or upset the hosts and their guests in some way, but he could not understand what exactly.

How would you explain to Andrey what his mistake is?

    1. It is indecent to leave the table during dinner.

    2. The owners were offended, deciding that Andrey is distracted from the meal, as he does not like the treat.

    3. Kabardians, having seen the photographs, considered Andrei to be an agent of the special services who was documenting his trip to the Caucasus.

    4. The owners did not like the fact that a stranger was moving around the house without their accompaniment.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This is the best answer. A rather complex table etiquette has developed in traditional Kabardian culture. The meal, regulated to the smallest detail, is based on the cult of food and the dining table. You cannot turn to the table sideways or with your back, it cannot be left at the same time with the whole company: even when, after making a toast, guests rise to have a drink while standing, one must remain sitting, paying tribute to the table. Naturally, Andrei, who left the table without any particular reason, caused, to put it mildly, misunderstanding among those present.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is not the best explanation. Indeed, the hosts would be extremely unpleasant if the guest was not satisfied with the reception. But in this case, there is no indication that Andrei really did not like the food. Go back to the situation and find the best answer.

You chose Explanation # 3. This explanation is not entirely serious. Look for a better explanation.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is not an entirely correct explanation. According to traditional Adyghe etiquette, a guest is really not supposed to be alone for a long time. However, this rule is due not to distrust of the guest, but, on the contrary, to concern for his comfort, and if the guest wishes, the host leaves him alone. There is a better explanation you should find.

Situation 13

The Nazarov family invited their new neighbors from Dagestan, Patimat and Zelimkhan, to a Sunday lunch. Knowing that Muslims do not eat pork, Tatiana made her signature dish - dumplings - from beef and veal. The guests ate fish and vegetable salads with pleasure, but they were extremely suspicious of the dumplings. They cut dumplings into pieces, smelled them for a long time, examined and asked where this meat came from.

The Russian hosts could not understand the strange behavior of the guests and were very offended. How can the behavior of Patimat and Zelimkhan be explained? Choose one of the answer options.

    1. Patimat and Zelimkhan are vegetarians.

    2. A married couple from Dagestan has the same stomach ailment that requires a strict diet.

    3. The guests are accustomed to exquisite national dishes, and they did not like Tatyana's concoction.

    4. Patimat and Zelimkhan do not eat not only pork, but also some other types of meat.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This is a possible but unlikely explanation. Caucasians, especially at the festive table, prefer meat dishes, primarily lamb.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is incorrect, since there is no indication of this circumstance in the description of the situation. Go back to the description of the situation and choose another answer.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the wrong answer. Of course, the guests could be picky, but they ate the dishes prepared by the hostess from vegetables, fish and other products with pleasure. Please choose a different answer.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct answer. Apparently Patimat and Zelimkhan are devout Muslims. And Islam makes rather strict requirements for meat food. Muslims are allowed to eat food prepared by Christians and Jews, but a number of conditions must be met: it must not be the meat of a pig, a carnivorous animal, a rodent, an animal that died a natural death, an animal that was killed without invoking the name of God, etc. Only after these conditions are met, the Muslim can eat meat.

Situation 14

Rashid, who came to Moscow from Dagestan, put on his best suit and hat and went to an official institution to obtain the documents he needed. Entering the building, he immediately went to the office he needed and politely turned to inspector Marina Petrovna for help. However, she took his appearance negatively and, looking at him with bewilderment, studied the numerous certificates he had for a long time, and in the end, rather rudely asked him to come to the head of the department in a few days.

How would you explain Marina Petrovna's behavior to Rashid? Choose a suitable explanation.

    1. She wanted to receive a bribe or an offering.

    2. She did not like that Rashid violated the rules of conduct adopted among Russians.

    3 She is a bureaucrat and treats visitors formally and with nagging.

    4. On this day, Marina Petrovna received a reprimand from her superiors for being excessively liberal, so she especially strictly checked the availability of documents, not showing her usual politeness.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. Nowadays, there is an idea that in all government institutions officials receive small salaries, and therefore take bribes. However, in the situation described, there is no indication that Marina Petrovna extorted a bribe from Rashid. Go back to the situation and try to find the correct explanation.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is the correct answer. In accordance with the rules of etiquette adopted by Russians, a man is obliged to take off his headdress indoors. Likewise, the visitor shows respect for the house and its owner. Without taking off his hat, Rashid displeased Marina Petrovna, who considered him an ill-mannered person who did not show respect for everyone in the room.

Marina Petrovna misinterpreted Rashid's behavior, since she did not know that practically all Muslim peoples associate a headdress with the dignity of a man - the head and breadwinner of the family. Moreover, the wearing of a headdress is sanctified by the Holy Tradition of Muslims: the hadiths tell that the Prophet himself, without taking off, wore a headdress, and imitation of it is considered very commendable.

You chose Explanation # 3. Marina Petrovna showed attention to the visitor and studied in detail the information he had. Therefore, it is difficult to call her a bureaucrat. Her dissatisfaction with Rashid has another reason, define it.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This possible reason Marina Petrovna's behavior, but in the description of the situation there is no indication that Marina Petrovna's mood has deteriorated due to a reprimand from her superiors.

Situation 15

A young Russian woman Svetlana and a middle-aged Ossetian Aslambek are standing in the lobby of a Moscow institution, waiting for an elevator. An elevator arrives, and both a woman and a man are trying to enter the opened doors at the same time. They collide, Svetlana nevertheless passes forward, and Aslambek, confident that the honorable right to be the first to pass through the door belongs to a man, remains at a loss.

How would you explain Svetlana's behavior to Aslambek? Choose the best answer.

    1. Svetlana is a poorly educated, impudent woman.

    2. Svetlana wanted to attract attention and get to know herself in this way.

    3. Svetlana is accustomed to the fact that men let her go ahead at the door.

    4. Svetlana is a big boss in this institution.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This answer is not entirely successful. Russian women do not have such a trait as arrogance. Most of them behave respectfully with strangers. Try to find another answer.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is the wrong answer. Contrary to the notion among Caucasians that Russian women are easily accessible, they are rather modest in behavior and prefer not to be active when meeting strangers. Choose a different explanation for the situation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is the best answer. In Russian culture, there are certain rules of etiquette, which reflect respect for women. A wave of feminism has not yet reached Russia from the West, and Russian men, as a rule, let the lady go ahead at the door. Therefore, Svetlana without hesitation went to the opened elevator doors, which is why there was a collision with Aslambek.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This explanation could be logical from the point of view of Aslambek. In accordance with the vertical hierarchy characteristic of many collectivist Caucasian cultures, a high-status representative of an organization (chief) enjoys the honorable right to go everywhere first. However, the description of the situation does not indicate Svetlana's high status, so this answer is not a suitable explanation.

Situation 16

The Ingush family moved to live in Moscow. The day after moving into new apartment Elvira Aminovna baked pies and went to meet her neighbor on the landing. The Russian neighbor was surprised and did not show any desire to get acquainted. Elvira Aminovna talked for a long time about herself and her desire to meet, and Nadezhda Petrovna finally let her into the apartment. They drank tea and pie, but Elvira Aminovna still had a sediment on her soul from a visit to her cautious and mistrustful neighbor.

How would you explain to Elvira Aminovna the behavior of a neighbor? Choose one of the options.

    1. Russians are not particularly hospitable.

    2. Nadezhda Petrovna is afraid to let strangers into the house.

    3. Elvira Aminovna tore her neighbor away from an urgent matter.

    4. Nadezhda Petrovna has different ideas about how neighbors should get to know each other.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. Perhaps Nadezhda Petrovna is not very hospitable, but she did not show obvious displeasure. In Russian culture, hospitality and hospitality are viewed as values ​​and norms of everyday life, which is reflected, in particular, in numerous proverbs ("a guest on the doorstep - happiness to the house", "boil cabbage soup for guests to go", pies "," what is in the oven, all swords on the table "). In the descriptions of Russians by foreigners, hospitality is also always noted. Go back to the situation and choose a more accurate explanation.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is the wrong answer. Indeed, the criminal situation that has developed in our days in big cities, led to the fear of many Muscovites to let strangers into the house. But since Nadezhda Petrovna immediately opened the door to a new neighbor, the reason for her behavior must be looked for in something else. Find the more accurate answer among the options.

You chose Explanation # 3. This is a possible answer, but there is no indication of this fact in the description of the situation. There is another explanation.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct answer. Russians are kind to their new neighbors. However, if in the Caucasus it is customary to get acquainted with neighbors immediately upon arrival, which is a manifestation of respect for them, then in Moscow the initiative of acquaintance usually belongs to those who already live in this place. Therefore, Elvira Aminovna's unexpected visit was strange for Nadezhda Petrovna, and the new neighbor could seem intrusive.

Moreover, in modern Russian urban culture, friendly relations between residents of apartment buildings do not arise because of the intrinsic value of the community of neighbors as a group that is significant for a person. Friendships between them usually originate from common interests, for example, between parents of children of the same age or dog owners. This is how Russian culture today differs from the more traditional cultures of the North Caucasus, where neighbors are bound by mutual obligations and expectations, and many norms contribute to the maintenance of such relations, including the desire of new residents to immediately enter into a network of neighboring relationships.

Situation 17

All of his friends gathered at the celebration of Andrey's birthday. The last, when the company was already sitting at the table, were Andrei's university friend Katya and Ruslan, who had recently arrived in Moscow from Ingushetia. Ruslana was seated next to Katya in the empty seats at the end of the table. After that Ruslan, dissatisfied with the place that he got at the table, frowned all evening, although the owners, as if nothing had happened, talked with him and entertained him in every possible way. Next time Ruslan refused to visit Andrey's company.

How would you explain to Ruslan why he was seated at such a disgraceful place at the festive table?

    1. A place at the end of the table is considered especially honorable for Russians.

    2. The Russians are very punctual and at the end of the table they sit down late guests as punishment for being late.

    3. They wanted to offend him by sitting him at the table next to the girl.

    4. In this company, the place of the guest at the table does not matter.

You have chosen Explanation # 1. This answer is not correct, since there is no such rule in Russian culture. Try to find another answer.

You chose Explanation # 2. This is not true. Russians themselves are often late (representatives of many other cultures even believe that being late is an integral part of the Russian character), so they are condescending to the lateness of others. In this case, too, Ruslan was given great attention and entertained in every possible way. Find the correct explanation for the situation.

You chose Explanation # 3. This answer can be considered a correct explanation from the point of view of a Caucasian, since a place at a table in the Caucasus must correspond to the status of a guest. By placing a man next to a woman, the owners thereby extend her lower status to him. However, there is no indication in the text that the hosts used any principle in seating their guests. Therefore, this answer is not appropriate.

You have chosen Explanation # 4. This is the correct explanation, since in the modern Russian youth environment, strict rules etiquette typical of feasts in traditional cultures. Seats at the festive table are not divided into more honorable and less honorable ones, moreover, separate places for men and women are not allocated. Wherein greater importance is given not to where the guest sits, but to the attention he gets. Katya and Ruslan ended up next to each other at the end of the table only because they were the last to visit Andrey.

Situation 18

A peculiar situation has developed in the laboratory of one of the institutes, which consists in the following. The head of the laboratory, who is a doctor of science, knows his business. At the same time, he is only interested in good quality scientific products. He does not like his subordinates, he does not know how they "live", what needs and wants they experience. He behaves incorrectly with them, admits reproaches against them. He is dissatisfied with many employees.

They feel it, consider themselves humiliated and do not know what to do in the future. Leave - it may be difficult to find new job, as it will be difficult to find a place worthy of their knowledge.

There is an informal leader in the laboratory. He is considered a clever, sympathetic person. There is a clear animosity between the leader and the head of the laboratory. The manager does not intend to seek a common language with him for the benefit of the case. On almost all issues, employees turn to the leader.

Exercise. Analyze the situation in the laboratory team and make an effective decision.

Situation 19

You, as the head of a modern firm, instructed your deputy to select from the firm's specialists a candidate who could be sent for an internship at Harvard University. Several candidates were allocated to them.

The second is competent, benevolent, able to get along well with people, avoiding conflicts between employees.

The third one is a logically minded person who understands the tasks of the company and demands strict adherence from employees. functional responsibilities who is not afraid to punish employees for miscalculations in their work.

The fourth is a good specialist, deliberately and consistently striding "up" to power.

The fifth is a mid-level specialist who is a close relative of a well-known political figure.

Exercise. Justify the choice of the candidate for the internship.

Situation 20

In the sector of the design institution "Gidropribor" only engineers of the corresponding profile worked. There were 8 of them. They worked harmoniously, successfully, they loved their work. Their leader was O.I. Ivanov, candidate of technical sciences. Many decisions in this group were made collectively and everyone liked it.

But it so happened that their leader decided in search of better life leave the institution. The employees reacted to this event differently. Soon a new head of the sector was appointed "from above". The person is relatively young, promising good leadership and future growth.

For some time, the sector worked by inertia, harmoniously and amicably. But came reporting period and it was necessary to make new plans for the future on complicated topics. As before, the employees of the sector wanted to make their proposals for setting new tasks. However, the new leader made it clear that they will work only according to decisions made by him. He gave each of the engineers specific tasks that deprived them of initiative and creativity. This dramatically affected the relationship within the group.

Exercise. Analyze the current situation and make an informed decision.

Situation 21

The employees of the refrigerator company are very different. Some themselves want to help the leader in his work. Others, on the contrary, try to spend less mental energy and wait for instructions.

All employees of the company respect their leader, they know that he is smart and experienced.

The leader works a lot and he wants his subordinates to be good helpers and advisers. He often bothers subordinates, makes them think, introduce innovations in the interests of the business.

Many performers believe that they are doing well anyway. So why look for something new? There is a leader for this, who is responsible for everything.

The manager, although he thinks through everything to the details of the work, still wants to speed up the production of refrigerators, and this requires the active work of all employees.

Exercise. Analyze the current situation and outline activities to revitalize employees.

Situation 22

The tasks of the organization became more complicated in connection with the re-profiling of the products of the entire company. This situation was due to the fact that the company was ahead of competitors and sales of products fell sharply.

The competitiveness of the organization was under threat. Its manager, after a meeting with the Board of Directors, gave an assignment to all heads of departments in urgent order to start technical re-equipment of the company for the release of a new range of products.

All managers and staff of the firm accepted the assignment as a guide to action. But some of the middle managers and foremen began to get nervous, so two of them became irritable, they lost their nerves, they began to think not so much about the affairs of the company as about themselves. Some of the employees fell into a "trance", they lost the desire to continue to work effectively.

Situation 23

At one of the Moscow factories, called a closed joint-stock company with limited liability, complex and important tasks of the military-industrial complex were previously carried out. Now conversion work is underway here. The manufactured products are in demand by the population.

Some of the former personnel still work at the plant. Basically, these are elderly people. The leadership of this organization has partially changed. Some managers went to work in commercial structures.

The psychological climate within individual divisions is heterogeneous. In some areas, workers are in conflict with each other for various reasons, and in other areas, conflicts are created due to the dissatisfaction of managers with the attitude to work on the part of the staff.

Where workers quarrel among themselves, interpersonal conflicts arise. It is not possible to eliminate them. Where conflicts are businesslike and where leaders use authoritarian leadership methods, conflicts are quickly resolved.

Exercise. Make informed decisions to prevent and resolve conflicts.

Situation 24

In one of the Moscow construction companies the admission of workers of various specialties was announced. There were a lot of people willing. When applying for a job, the candidates were interviewed by the HR manager, as well as the head of the relevant work area.

Future workers were offered a "decent" salary. They were assured that their salaries would be increased in three months. They began to work conscientiously.

More than three months have passed, but the workers' wages have not been raised. The most active workers asked why they were not receiving the promised bonus. The leaders spoke to them unkindly, and even threatened that if they raise this conversation again, they will be fired. Some resigned themselves to the "wolf" laws of the labor market, while others continued to resent.

Exercise. Analyze the current situation and make a smart decision.

Situation 25

In the assembly shop of one of the factories, there were failures in the operation of the conveyor, which negatively affected the material situation of the workers, and worsened the psychological climate in the team. The reasons for the failure in the operation of the conveyor were quarrels between workers, "positively" and "negatively" oriented to the process and the results of labor. The shop manager used in his work democratic style management.

Exercise. Analyze the current situation and make an effective decision.

Situation 26

The manager of one company would like to calmly, systematically and without emotion prove his point of view, correctness, view of a certain problem and bring it to understanding and acceptance by his leader (the president of the company or its CEO).

As a rule, it happens that she works in a company, gains authority (she good professional) and when there is a misunderstanding with the main leader (this does not happen with the lower links), for some time she proves her point of view, but often emotionally (what seems to her elementary is not understood by the leader), and then she turns around and leaves. While she feels the strength in herself, but this position cannot always be maintained. She would like to learn not to leave, but to calmly achieve her goal.

Exercise. Simulate the situation and talk to the president of the company in order to convince him without losing emotional contact with him, as well as control over your feelings.

Situation 27

The main manager is Ekaterina. She is 29 years old. She recently joined the company. She showed herself as a talented employee, manager and was selected to the place of the chief manager. Now she has 5 managers subordinate to her. All but one - Boris, are younger and inexperienced. Boris is 52 years old, he has been working at the enterprise for 27 years. He wants to stay with the firm. Ekaterina believes that he has problems with the quality of work. Boris also applied for the position of the general manager.

They say that he has acquaintances in the top management. They say about Catherine that she is domineering, can be aggressive.

Ekaterina wants to help Boris improve his work. She already had several conversations with Boris. She spoke, he listened, while he was saddened.

She wants to talk to Boris again, perhaps earlier there were communication problems.


    1. Analyze this situation: determine what barriers to perception could have been; what are the interests of Boris and Catherine.

    2. Think over the future conversation between Catherine and Boris, taking into account the factors identified during the analysis of the situation.

Situation 28

What to do if the subordinate is a creative person who periodically hovers in the clouds. The person is very responsible, but due to absent-mindedness, you have to control his every step.

Exercise. The manager needs to talk to the subordinate and convince him to change his behavior, become more attentive.

Situation 29

The department of the enterprise is engaged in information processing. Most of the female workers have been working here for many years and are used to processing information manually. The increase in volumes dictates the need to automate data processing using computer programs. Workers of pre-retirement age are against computerization and are ready to work harder. However, this will not solve the problem, it will be necessary to increase the staff, putting young people at computers, but they do not know the processing process well and they cannot do without the help of experienced workers.

Situation 32

Three friends were offered to make a redevelopment of the study and complete it with furniture and office equipment.

The first one began to ring up nearby firms and consult on the problem that had arisen.

The second went to the library to study recommendations for equipping workplaces and special literature on the problem, taking into account the requirements of ergonomics and safety.

The third began to paint different options redevelopment schemes and move furniture.

Exercise. Determine the employee's personality type depending on the individual psychological characteristics.

Situation 33

The company's management decided to launch new types of products. In this regard, it is envisaged:

    Purchase of new types of equipment;

    Personnel training to work on it;

    Temporary reduction in production and corresponding reduction in size wages;

    Change in the structure of personnel (reshuffle, creation of new jobs). Many of the company's employees do not approve of the plans of the management, because they believe that innovations will lead to a reduction in the number of employees, a reduction in wages, an increase in the intensification of labor, a violation of the socio-psychological climate and habitual social ties, and uncertainty about the future.

Exercise. As a leader personnel service offer means to neutralize the causes of resistance to innovation.

Situation 34

In the course of checking the work of the marketing department, a number of violations were revealed:

    Marketer O.K. Petrov made mistakes in the preparation of financial documents;

    Public Relations Manager CB. Sidorov failed to organize the presentation of new types of products;

    Senior marketer A.V. Ivanova untimely fulfilled the task of studying the market situation, which led to a violation of the terms of the production plan for the next year.

The head of the company applied the following penalties to employees:

    O.K. Petrov and SV. Sidorov was reprimanded in the order;

    A.V. Ivanova was not reprimanded, since the violation was committed for the first time;

    A.V. Ivanova was temporarily transferred to the post of HR inspector.

Exercise. Analyze the manager's decision. Indicate what mistakes he made when applying the “punishment” management measures. Your actions in this situation.

"Assignments in Management Psychology"

/ Psychology

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Test topics

Topic 1. Content and objectives of the discipline "Psychology of management"

Option 1.

1. What is the subject and object of the science "Psychology of management"?

2. What concept is the main category of the discipline "Management Psychology"? Analyze it.

3. Do you agree with the statement that the contradictions and paradoxes of management in most cases have psychological reasons? Illustrate the answer.

When considering the first question, assign the difference between the object and the subject of science "psychology of management." The object of management psychology is organized activity people not just united common goals and interests, these are the activities of people united in one organization, subject to the rules and norms of this organization. The subject of science examines the psychological aspects of the leadership process different kinds joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of management relations. Some authors define the subject as the system "man - technology" and "man - man", while others only as "man - man". This question is debatable, your right to visit different authors and analyze them.

Secondthe question involves the consideration of such a concept as management activities. It is no coincidence that the course in management psychology illuminates in detail the psychological structure, composition and content of the leader's activity; reveals the system of his managerial functions and characterizes their main psychological laws.

Dwell on entity in more detail management activities, which is defined as a form of the subject's active attitude to reality, aimed at achieving consciously set goals and associated with the creation of socially significant values. It should be emphasized that human activity is of a conscious nature; associated with the manufacture, use and storage of tools; is of a social nature, is carried out in a group, according to social laws, and in its process a person enters into complex social interactions with other people.

Thirdthe question involves an independent analysis of the socio-psychological aspect of the phenomenon of management. Give any specific example of a psychological conflict in governance. The psychological aspects of the leader's activity include the psychological characteristics of managerial work in general, the psychological analysis of the leader's personality, the individual management style, and much more.

Aksenenko Yu.M., Kasparyan V.N. and other Sociology and psychology of management. - Rostov n / a, 2001.

Veresov N.N. Management Psychology. - M., 2001.

Urbanovich A.A. Psychology of management. - Minsk, 2003.

Kasyanik P.M. Psychology of management: Lecture notes.- M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Sova, 2005.

Option 2.

1. What is the difference between the science of management and the science of psychology of management?

2. How does management psychology relate to general psychology?

3. Indicate what problems are studied by the psychology of management, in contrast to the psychology of work?

a) the correspondence of the employee to a specific organization

b) the employee's compliance with his profession

c) analysis of the impact of the organization on the socio-psychological structure and development of the team and personality.

d) studying the personality of the employee in the organization

e) professional selection

f) vocational guidance

Firstthe question presupposes, first of all, an analysis of the concepts: "management", "social management", "organization", "subject and object of management". Social management is continuous process the impact of the leader (subject of management) on an organized group of people or on someone from this group separately (object of management) to organize and coordinate their joint activities to achieve the best results. It is important to note that the system of managerial relations is based on two socio-psychological phenomena: management proper and subordination.

When considering the subject of psychology of management, you can distinguish the following three levels of psychological and managerial problems: psychological aspects of the activities of a leader, psychological aspects of the activities of an organization as a subject and object of management; psychological aspects of interaction between the head and the members of the organization.

Secondthe question involves the consideration of those concepts and phenomena that are the subject of study of both psychology and psychology of management. These are such concepts as: motivation, personality, will, emotions, feelings, etc. It is important to note that, in contrast to general psychology, in which the main problem of study is the problem of personality, in the psychology of management it is considered in the applied aspect: as a subject and object of control ...

In answering the third question, you should think about what management psychology studies as opposed to psychodiagnostics and sociology.

Johnson R., Cast F., Rosenzweig D. Systems and leadership. - M .: Progress, 1971.

A. V. Karpov Management psychology. - M., 1999.

Milner B.Z. Theory of organizations. - M., 1998

Ramendik D.M. Management psychology. - M .: Moscow-Forum, 2006.

Kurtikov N.A. Psychology and Sociology of Management.- Moscow: GUU Knizhny Mir, 2005.

Topic 2. Psychological aspect of the management process.

Option 3.

1. Describe such a function of the subject of management as goal-setting.

2. Name the specific forms of organization of activities and describe this form of management as an organization.

3. Which of the above factors that affect a person's satisfaction with work, are they actually motivational (directly related to the labor process)?

a) salary

b) labor success

c) working conditions

d) degree of responsibility

e) official and professional duty

In answering the first question, one should consider the place and role of this management function along with others. Goal-setting involves considering past experience, analyzing the present situation and setting realistic goals for the future. How are goals related to motivation, can they stimulate self-organization processes? There are a number of concepts of personal and organizational effectiveness that are based on an in-depth goal-setting process. You can consider some of them, for example, the six types of goal-setting by R. Dilts.

When answering the second question, one should start with the fact that the organization presupposes the creation of such a system into which three components logically fit: a working person or a group of people; economic relations; technical means. Highlight specific forms of organization of activities and describe them. The modern information society has contributed to the emergence of new types of organizations: edhocratic, multidimensional, participatory, and entrepreneurial organizations. List the factors contributing to the emergence of new organizational structures.

Third questioninvolves an appeal to the concept of motivation. When performing the test, you should remember that motives are based on a person's system of needs, shape his activity, encourage him to make choices and set goals.

Stolyarenko Kh.D. Management Psychology. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2006.

Shikun A.F., Filinova I.M. Managerial psychology. - M .: Aspect - Press, 2006.

V. N. Mashkov Psychology of Management.- SPb .: Peter, 2002.

Milner B.Z. Theory of organizations. - M., 1998.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management - M .: Personnel management, 1999.

Option 4..

1. What is the purpose of the function of motivation in management?

2. What is the role of the control and correction management function and what should be the control?

3. Which of the following are the requirements for control?

a) constancy

b) totality

c) openness

d) efficiency

e) formality

First questionwill require you to elaborate on the concept of motivation. Motivation is the set of the most persistent motives that determine the orientation of the personality, its value, orientation and activity in general. Activity and directional stimulation are sometimes added to this definition. Pay attention to the statement that any need is the basis of motives and motivation. Try to prove that it is the creation, maintenance and development of performers' motivation that is the most important function of a leader.

The answer to the second question presupposes consideration of precisely the control and correction function of management, and not just control as a check. It is important to dwell in detail on the principles of organizing control: efficiency, focus on results, adequacy to the content of activities, simplicity, efficiency, objectivity. The control system must be adequate to the personality of the leader.

When answering the third question, one should turn to those characteristics of control that allow us to consider it as an important corrective management function. Think about whether all of the listed requirements can be considered as mandatory for the implementation of control?

Practical Psychology for Economists and Managers (edited by M.K. Tutushkina. - St. Petersburg, 2002.

V. N. Mashkov Psychology of Management.- SPb .: Neva, 2002.

Maslow A. Motivation and personality. - SPb .: Peter, 2003.

Maklakov A.G. General Psychology.- SPb., 2005

Kabachenko T.S. Psychology of management - M., 2000

Vesnin V.R. Practical management person. - M., 1998

Option 5.

1. Motivation as a factor in personality management.

2. Consider the main provisions of the concept of "ideal bureaucracy" M. Weber. Point out what can be attributed to the shortcomings of the bureaucracy.

3. In what case can we talk about effective control in management activities? Give a specific example and justify your conclusion.

First questionpresupposes, first of all, the analysis of the very concept of motivation and only then the appeal to the existing concepts of motivation. Most authors reduce it to the concepts of mental phenomena, which at a certain moment become motives for action. (K.K. Platonov). What hierarchy of needs did A. Maslow proposed? It is important to note that he was the first to propose a classification of needs and the interrelationships between them, building a kind of hierarchy, in which higher needs do not come to the fore until lower needs are satisfied. Consider A. Maslow's schema and analyze it.

Second questionpresupposes not only a listing of the principles of the ideal organization of the organization proposed by M. Weber at the beginning of the last century, but also an analysis of this "order". What can be attributed to the shortcomings of the bureaucracy these days. Think about the question: how to amplify psychological factors in management is reflected in the creation of new organizational structures of the enterprise.

Third questionis devoted to such a function of management activities as control. pay attention to modern principles organization of control, as well as on the problem of compliance of the control system with a certain style of management. The example you give should illustrate the position you are defending.

Maslow A. Motivation and personality.- SPb .: Peter, 2003.

Aseev V.G. Personality and the significance of motives. - M.: IP RAS, 1993.

Ladanov I.D. Practical management. - M.: Nika, 1992.

Sushkov I.R. Psychology of relationships. - M., 1999

Urbanovich A.A. Psychology of management. - Minsk, 2003

Topic 4. Personality as a subject of management.

Option 6.

1.Relate the concepts of "person", "individual", "personality"

2. Consider the structure of the personality.

3. Match the psychological schools of the study of personality and their representatives.

a) K. Jung, A. Adler, E. Fromm.

b) I.P. Pavlov

c) A. Maslow, K. Rogers.

1) learning theory

2) psychoanalysis

3) humanistic psychology

The answer to the first question should include detailed definitions of the categories listed. When defining the concept of a person, it is important to note that this is a generic concept and at the same time it is a specific, unique unity of the biological and the social. As a biological being, he obeys biological and physiological laws, as a social being, he is a product of social development. Personality expresses the attribution of a person to a particular society, a particular era and culture. Note that individuality is an indispensable and most important sign of personality, the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person.

When answering the second question, three positions of the personality structure can be distinguished: 1. general human properties (sensations, perception, thinking, memory, will, emotions); traits (social attitudes, roles, value orientations); 3.Individually unique traits (temperament, combination of roles, self-awareness) Describe in detail these components of the personality structure.

Third questioninvolves a detailed analysis of the listed areas. Describe this area as psychoanalysis. What psychoanalysis says about the sources of psychic energy, impulses and instincts, the conscious or unconscious is more significant in the formation of thinking and behavior. What is the essence of I.P. Pavlov's concept, how the concept of a conditioned reflex was applied to the theory of learning by J. Watson. What are the main provisions of humanistic psychology.

Psychology and ethics of business communication (under the editorship of V.N. Lavrinenko) - M.: UNITI, 2006.

Krysko V. Social psychology. - M., 2003

Kunitsina V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogol'sha V.M. Interpersonal communication. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2001.

Ostrovsky E.V., Chernyshova L.I., Psychology and Pedagogy.- M .: University textbook, 2005.

Stolyarenko A.D. Fundamentals of Psychology. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 1997.

Egides A.P. How to understand people, or the psychological picture of a person. - M .: AST-Press-Kniga, 2002.

R.S. Nemov Psychology: A Textbook for Students of Higher Pedagogical Institutions. - M .: Education-Vlados, 1994.

Jung K.G. Psychological types. - M .: AST-Press-Kniga, 1998.

Topic 3. Psychology of the subject of management.

Option 7.

1. What is the role of cognitive processes in management.

2. What is the difference between moral norms of behavior and etiquette norms in managerial activity.

3. Match the concepts and their definitions

a) personality

b) temperament

c) character

1) individual psychological characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics of the course of his mental processes and behavior

2) a set of essential stable mental properties of a person, which are manifested in his attitude to reality and leave an imprint on his behavior and actions

3) an individual included in the system of interpersonal and social relations, the subject of conscious activity

When answering the first question, one should briefly dwell on the characteristics of the main cognitive processes: sensation, perception, thinking, memory, etc. It is important to note that sensations, perception and thinking are inseparable parts of a single process of reflecting reality. Attention as a psychophysiological process characterizes the dynamic features of cognitive processes. Memory is the basis of mental activity, dwell on its types, properties, individual characteristics. The main attention should be paid to the role that these processes play in managerial activity.

Second questioninvolves addressing such a difficult topic as moral problems in management. Give a definition to the concept - morality. It is important to note that moral norms are expressed in general views, commandments, about how one should behave in society, however, it is precisely in the contradiction between what should be and what is (really existing morality) is the contradictory essence of business communication and human behavior. Describe the concept of etiquette, paying attention to the fact that a feature of etiquette is the observance of formal rules of conduct governing the behavior of people in certain business situations. Human observance of etiquette norms in professional activity does not imply that he has a moral culture. Your own business case example will make your answer more convincing.

When answering the third question, correlate the concepts: "person", "individual", "personality". The distinction between the concepts of temperament and character is important in the psychology of management, tk. in contrast to temperament, character is a set of stable properties of an individual, in which the methods of his behavior and methods of emotional reaction are expressed. Temperament acts as the natural basis of character. Give examples of the manifestation of these psychological characteristics in a managerial situation.

A.A. Radugin, Psychology and Pedagogy, Moscow: Center, 1999.

Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology: A textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M.: Academy, 1998.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management. - M .: LLC "Journal of Personnel Management", 1999.

Psychology and ethics of business communication (under the editorship of V.N. Lavrinenko) .- M .: Unit-2006.

Option 8.

1. Why the most important regulator of human behavior in a team is his awareness of responsibility?

2. Describe the main management styles.

3. Give a definition of the concepts:

a) memory

b) thinking

c) perception

d) sensation

1) the mental process of reflection of objects and phenomena of reality in the aggregate of their various properties and parts with a direct impact on the sense organs

2) the mental process of reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world, directly affecting our senses

3) the form of mental reflection, which consists in the consolidation, preservation and subsequent reproduction of past experience

4) generalized reflection of objective reality in its laws, the most essential connections and relationships

The answer to the first question presupposes an understanding of the very concept - responsibility, as an obligation imposed on someone or taken by someone to account for any of their actions and accept the blame for their possible consequences. It is important to point out that responsibility is directly related to the fulfillment of obligations, which are understood as "a promise or contract requiring unconditional fulfillment of the person who accepted them." Responsibility is the most important personality trait. It is necessary to consider the question of who is the subject of responsibility and what is the importance of awareness of responsibility in management activities.

When answering the second question, pay attention to the characteristics of the manager's personal qualities that affect the effectiveness of management (dominance, poise, creativity, responsibility, etc.) When analyzing traditional leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, liberal), it is important to correlate them psychological characteristics... What mechanisms of influence are characteristic of these styles.

Third questionit is recommended to start by considering the role and importance of cognitive processes in management activities. How important is the role of individual-style differences in perception, memory, thinking of people who are subjects or objects of management activity?

Frankl V. Man in Search of Meaning (Translated from English and German - M.: Progress, 1990.

Frommm E. Psychoanalysis and Ethics (Translated from English - M.: Republic, 1993.

Aronson E. Social animal. Introduction to Social Psychology (Translated from English by M.A. Kovalchuk, ed. By V.S.Magun - M.: Aspect-Press, 1999.

Shikun A.F., Filinova I.M. Management psychology and applied value. - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2003.

Option 9.

1. What is special about coaching as a management style?

2. Lead and analyze comparative characteristics leadership and leadership.

3. What concept is characterized by the definition: "a person's awareness and experience of responsibility, based on self-assessment of the performance of duties"? How does this concept relate to the moral responsibility of a leader?

a) debt.

b) conscience.

c) locus of control.

First questioninvolves the analysis of such a management style that focuses on obtaining results in the process of the student's personal development. The question to be answered is whether coaching is only a management style or is it a management consulting process at the same time. Can a coach advise on several professional areas? Does the coach solve the problem itself or help the person find their own solution. Is coaching an analysis of an employee’s mistakes and problems, or an analysis of future opportunities?

Second questionshould be considered on the basis of the provision that if leadership is a management function, then leadership is defined as a natural socio-psychological process in a group, built on the influence of the leader's personal authority on the behavior of group members. What are the sources and forms of influence on the organization of the leader and the leader? What are the common features of a leader and a leader?

Third questionis not just a definition of the most important moral concept, but also involves consideration of the role and significance of the moral responsibility of the leader in the process of management activities.

T.S.Kabatchenko Psychology of management. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

Ognev A. Organizational consulting in the style of coaching. - SPb .: Rech, 2003.

Gibson J.L., Ivantsevich D.M., Monelli D.H., Organizations: behavior, structure, processes. - M .: Progress, 2000

Kochunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling - M., 1999

Todd J., Bogart A.K., Fundamentals of Clinical and Counseling Psychology. - SPb .: Progress, 2001

Option 10.

1. Describe the concept of management efficiency - Blake and Mouton's "management grid".

2. Describe senior management skills.

3. Which of the listed factors affecting human satisfaction with work are “external” in relation to work itself?

1) recognition of merit

2) degree of responsibility

3) social status

4) guarantees of preservation of work

5) working conditions

When answering the first question, indicate what measures Blake and Mouton proposed to measure the effectiveness of management activities. What five types of managers can be distinguished if we use such evaluation criteria as: "the degree of attention to production" and "the degree of attention to people." Describe these management styles and indicate which ones are most common.

Second questioninvolves consideration of modern changes in management activities. Analyze why modern top managers must have the ability to build and develop teams, focus on employee development, delegate responsibility and generate the need for initiative. It is important to consider such senior management skills as: cognitive (information retrieval, conceptualization, conceptual flexibility); directive (impact, self-confidence, presentation); proactive abilities (orientation towards success); motivational (interpersonal search, managerial interaction, development orientation).

Third questionallows to dwell in detail on the concept of motivation and the mechanisms of motivation. It is important to note that if a motive acts as an internal urge of a person to action, then a stimulus is an external circumstance that, affecting the basic needs of a person, induces him to activity, i.e. becomes a motive. It is necessary to correlate these concepts with the category of need, which is a psychological state of a person associated with a feeling of lack of something. Give a specific example of your chosen motivational factors.

A.I. Kochetkova Psychological foundations of modern personnel management. - M .: Zertsalo, 1999

Schmidt R. The art of communication.-M., Progress, 1992.

Santalainen T., Voutilainen E., Porenne P. Results Management. M.: Progress-Univers, 1993.

Molodchik A.V. Management: strategy, structure, personnel.- M .: Publishing house of the Higher School of Economics, 1997.

E.V. Sidorenko Motivational training. - SPb .: Speech, 2000.

Lyubimov A.Yu. Communication mastery. - M .: KSP +, 2000.

Topic 4. Psychology of the control object.

Option 11.

1. Describe the content theories of motivation (A. Maslow) and procedural theories of motivation (Vroom, Porter, Lawler)

2. Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation.

3. What concept is characterized as "an official in an organization, endowed with authority and responsible for the implementation of all management functions"?

a) leader

b) leader

c) a member of the group who plays a key role

When answering the first question, one should start with the fact that, according to A. Maslow's concept, the behavior of a person is determined by his strongest need at the moment. List these needs and explain what factors contribute to the satisfaction of secondary needs. What is the difference between procedural theories of motivation, for example, the theory of expectations.

In answering the second question, it is important to correlate the positions discussed above with Herzberg's position that satisfaction and dissatisfaction with work are caused by various factors. What are the factors of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction? What did Herzberg understand about "hygienic factors"? How fair is this concept these days.

The answer to the third question presupposes not only the correct choice of the term, but also the characteristics of these socio-psychological concepts. Give specific examples to help separate these concepts.

A.V. Morozov Business Psychology: Textbook for universities. - SPb.: Publishing house of the Union, 2000.

Shadrikov V.D. The psychology of human activity and abilities. - M.: Logos, 1996.

Mescon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of Management (Translated from English - M .: Delo, 1997.

Topic 8. Psychological features of activities for the development and implementation of management decisions.

Option 12.

1. Name and describe the stages of making management decisions

2. Describe the methods of individual and group decision-making.

3. Indicate which way of making a decision is preferable:

1) collective

2) individual

a) in conditions of lack of time

b) in order to avoid subjectivity

c) for greater thoughtfulness of the possible consequences

d) in the presence of a conflict situation

e) with low qualifications of employees

f) to reduce the resistance of those who disagree

When answering the first question, it is important to point out that managerial decisions are made at all stages of management. Decisions are made in the performance of all management functions (planning, organization, leadership, motivation, control). Give a specific example of a managerial decision and list its stages, from the formulation of the problem to the control of the implementation of the decision.

Second questionit is recommended to start by defining the concept of a management decision. Describe the types of decision-makers, the choice depends on it correct method decision making. Indicate whether the leader is released from responsibility when making a group decision? Consider situations of constructive choice of collective and individual decision-making methods. (You can use the concept of V. Vruum and F. Yetton of five styles of decision making).

Third questionis a logical continuation of the second. You should illustrate the test execution with a specific business example.

Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M .: Aspect-Press, 2000.

Burnard F. Training of interpersonal interaction. - SPb .: Peter, 2001.

Kelly G., Armstrong R. Decision Making Training. - SPb .: Peter, 2000.

Aseev V.G. Personality and the significance of motives. - Moscow: IP RAS, 1993.

Rozanova V.A. Psychology of management. - M .: LLC "Journal" Personnel Management ", 2003.

Option 13.

1. Types of management decisions.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of the collective decision-making method.

3. Indicate the sequence of stages in the decision-making process:

1) consideration of options

2) decision-making

3) study of the problem

4) analysis and control of solution implementation

5) development and goal setting (problem formulation)

6) communicating the decision to the executors

7) selection and justification of performance criteria and possible consequences of decisions made

8) selection and final formulation of the decision

When answering the first question, it is important to start by defining a management decision, which is defined as choosing an alternative to achieve a stated goal. Management decisions can be classified according to various criteria: by the degree of influence on the future of the organization, by scale, in accordance with the time horizon, by the duration of the implementation period, by functional purpose. Describe and characterize these species.

Second questioninvolves consideration of the concepts - management activities and management decisions. What are the fundamental differences between collective and individual decision-making. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of this method. Give examples to illustrate your findings.

The answer to the third question will allow you not only to determine the sequence of stages of making management decisions, but also involves an analysis of the content of each of the stages you have named.

Litvak M.E. Command or obey. Management Psychology.-Rostov on Don: Phoenix, 2003.

A.V. Morozov Business Psychology: A Textbook for Universities.- SPb .: Union, 2000.

A.K. Markova Psychology of professionalism. - Moscow: International Humanitarian Foundation Knowledge, 1996

Topic 9. Health of the head. Management activities in extreme and stressful situations.

Option 14

1. Concept and types of stress.

2. What are the ways to prevent and manage stress.

3. Correlate the concepts and their definitions:

1) affect

2) stress

3) frustration

4) depression

a) a condition that occurs in an extreme situation, requiring a person to mobilize strength and energy

b) a state of mental disorder, depression, characterized by a decline in strength and decreased activity

c) an emotional state that arises in case of failures, accompanied by an experience of hopelessness, collapse of hopes

d) short-term, violent emotional reaction, emotional outburst, violating volitional control

When answering the first question, it is important to characterize the concept of "stress", to indicate which of the researchers first analyzed this phenomenon. Name and describe the types of stress. Do the same stimuli act on people in the same way, if not, what is the reason for this? What is the difference between the concept of "stress" and "stressor". List and describe the phases of stress. Answer the question - is stress a necessary condition for people's lives?

Answer to the second questioninvolves consideration of the problem - whether stress is amenable to management influences. What are the ways to prevent it. Analyze whether weak people are more stressed than strong people; are stressors - high claims; Whether sources of stress are easily identified.

Third questionpresupposes not only the choice of the correct answer, but also a detailed analysis of the listed psychological concepts. Give a specific example from business practice.

Myasishchev V.N. Personality and neuroses. - L.: LSU, 1960.

A.K. Markova Psychology of professionalism. - M.: Knowledge, 1996

Kurtikov N.A. Psychology and Sociology of Management.- Moscow: Knizhny Mir, 2005.

Tarasov A.N. Socio-psychological characteristics of the functioning of the personnel service in modern conditions... Textbook. - M .: GUU, 2003.

V.N. Pankratov Self-regulation of mental health. - M., 2001.

Carlson D. Typical mistakes small business.- SPb .: Peter, 1998

Option 15

1. Causes and sources of stress.

2. Stress and distress

3. Which of the following statements are false.

1) stress is the lot of weak people

2) I cannot be responsible for the stress in my life, we are all its victims

3) I always know when I'm overly stressed

4) all people react to stress the same way

5) under stress, all you need to do is first of all to relax

6) the most important measure in the fight against stress is psychotherapy

When answering the first question, it is important to start by defining stress. Indicate who introduced this term into scientific circulation and developed the concept of stress as an adaptive response of the body to the effects of extreme factors. Indicate whether the stressful effect depends on external influences on the type of specific adaptive responses to them. What are the phases of stress development? Briefly describe the physiological nature of stress.

Second questionassumes a correlation between the categories "stress" and "distress". Indicate if any emotional shake-up is a stressor (source of stress). Indicate whether this increases the body's resistance. What caused the appearance of distress. Give an example to illustrate your point.

The answer to the third question should lie not only in choosing the correct positions in the test, but also in analyzing the content of the statements you have chosen.

Eysenck G., Eysenck M. Research of the human psyche: Translated from English. M .: Eksmo-Press, 2001.

Linchevsky E.E. The skill of managerial communication: a leader in everyday contacts and conflicts. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

V.N. Pankratov Self-regulation of mental health. - M., 2001

Steiner, K., How to Relieve Stress, Moscow: Progress-Univers, 1993.

Topic 10. Management and psychological counseling.

Option 16

1.The essence and objectives of management consulting

2. Psychological problems of managers and entrepreneurs

3. What group exercises are used in the process of socio-psychological counseling in the organization:

1) group discussion

2) role play

3) brainstorming

4) psychodiagnostic techniques

When answering the first question, it should be noted what is the content and tasks of management consulting. It is important to point out that management consulting is focused on ensuring that a subordinate or a group as a whole achieves professional competence on their own, solving the problems they face and achieving the greatest possible realization of their abilities. Does the manager's socio-psychological competence affect the level of management consulting? Indicate whether management consulting should be aimed at achieving goals only in business or in interpersonal relationships, health, career, education.

When answering the second question, it is important to point out that psychological problems in managerial activity are caused by the laws of power hierarchical relations of management-subordination. Name and characterize such personal deformations in the professional activity of a manager as: authoritarianism, demonstrativeness, overestimation of one's own experience, professional aggression, social hypocrisy, economy of strength, overcontrol. Analyze whether professional deformation is a mandatory component of professional experience.

The answer to the third question presupposes an analysis of the concept of "managerial - psychological counseling". Answer what tasks it solves and what are its functions.

Kochunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling. - M.: Academic Project, 1999.

Ekman P. Psychology of lies. - Kiev .: Logos, 1999.

Rogers C.R. A look at psychotherapy. Formation of man: Per. from English - M.: Progress, 1994.

Fomishin S.V., Chernov Yu.V. Management consulting. International experience. - Rostov on Don: Phoenix, 2006.

Drucker P.F. Management tasks in the 21st century: Per. from English: Uch. settlement - M .: Williams, 2002.

Option 17

1. Coaching as a type of management activity.

2. Key skills in coaching.

3. Correlate the following types of communication barriers in managerial communication and their definitions:

1. Semantic.

2. Logical.

3. Substitute-distorting.

4. Phonetic misunderstanding.

5. Stylistic.

A. The reasoning of the communicator is either too complicated or seems to the recipient to be incorrect.

B. Different dialects, speech defects, incorrect grammatical structure.

C. Difference in the systems of meanings (thesauri) of the participants in communication.

D. Distortion of information when transmitted through several people.

E. Inconsistency of the communicator's speech style and the situation (psychological state) of communication.

When answering the first question, it is important to start by defining the concept of coaching as a process of learning and personal development of another person, in which the main emphasis is on ensuring that the student achieves his goals independently. Point out what the coaching is primarily aimed at. Is coaching a management activity only in business. Should the coach be a specialist in the field in which his client works. What is the difference between coaching management and coaching consulting.

When answering the second question, it should be noted that the key skills include: listening; active listening (summarizing, paraphrasing); communicative cycle; asking questions; Feedback... Describe the skills listed. What is their role in the management consulting process?

The third question involves not only an answer to test, but also the characteristics of the named types of communication barriers. Give specific business examples that illustrate the consequences of communication errors.

Psychology of management: Lecture notes / Compiled by P.M. Kasyanik - M.: AST, St. Petersburg: Sova, 2005.

A.I. Kochetkova Psychological foundations of modern personnel management. - M .: Zertsalo, 1999.

Whitmore J. Coaching new style management and personnel management. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

Personnel management of the organization (under the editorship of A. Kibanov) - M., 1997.


From all of the above, it follows that management psychology is a branch of psychological science that combines the achievements of various sciences in the field of studying the psychological aspects of the management process and is aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of this process.

2. The subject and tasks of management psychology

Understanding management as a profession based on all possible achievements of an interdisciplinary field of scientific and practical knowledge takes a strong place in modern society... Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:

· Master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.e. management science;

· Be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, master the art of management. The first task is solved in the learning process, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activity of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, is the subject of management psychology.

The subject of management psychology is the psychological aspects of the process of managing various types of joint activities and interpersonal communication in organizations, i.e. psychological aspects of management relations. The specific manifestation of the subject of management psychology can be presented in next levels psychological and managerial issues:

1. Psychological aspects of the leader's activities:

Psychological features of managerial work in general, its specificity in various fields of activity;

Psychological analysis of the leader's personality, psychological requirements for personal qualities the head;

Psychological aspects of managerial decision making;

The individual management style of the leader and the problems of its correction.

2. Psychological aspects of the organization's activities as a subject and object of management:

Possibilities of using psychological factors to solve management problems;

Regularities of the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the organization;

Regularities of the formation of optimal interpersonal relationships in the organization, the problem of psychological compatibility;

Formal and informal structure of the organization;

Motivation of the work of the members of the organization;

Value orientations in the organization, management of the process of their formation.

3. Psychological aspects of interaction between the head and the members of the organization:

Problems of the creation and functioning of the communication system in the process of interaction;

Management communication problems;

Optimization of relationships in the link "manager - subordinate";

Awareness as a factor in improving effective management.

The leaders' fundamental attention is paid to making decisions on all fundamental and strategic objectives, coordination of the work of performers, the implementation of the selection and training of personnel.

The main task of the head is the general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

A management system is understood as an integral organizational association, characterized by:

Functions and objectives of the activity;

Specific set component parts subordinate;

The mode of external relations (subordination, coordination, contractual relations, etc.);

Legal regulation of the structure, connections, powers, activities of the management system as a whole and its elements.

A survey of many managers showed that by the subject of management activity they mean managerial decisions, teams, personnel, etc.

The subject of management psychology can also be the subject of the administrator's work - information. The manager receives information both about the system as a whole and about individual processes or subsystems. Then he transforms it, giving the information a qualitatively different character. The transformation of information is focused on subsequent moments in time, on the near or distant perspective, i.e. on a system of models: static (fixing some ideal sample) or dynamic (fixing the pace, temporal aspects of the system's functioning). Information coming from the manager (what is usually called management decision) has an incentive function. Thanks to this, the solution is implemented through the activities of the performers. The result of this entire cycle should be a change in the state of the controlled system.

The subject of management psychology is activity officials heads of teams, and the psychology of management - a complex system knowledge related to the following aspects of management activities:

Psychological factors that ensure successful and effective performance manager;

Psychology of motivation of people in the process of their activities;

Features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;

Psychological aspects of leadership, peculiarities of decision-making;

Psychology of Power and Organization;

Questions of the psychological climate in the team;

Psychological conflict management.

The specifics of the psychological factors of joint activity, the way it psychological organization and deals with the psychology of management.

In addition, managerial psychology provides psychological training for managers and leaders. We can talk about two parameters of the effectiveness of the work of a leader, a manager:

Non-psychological (we can talk about the profitability or unprofitableness of the enterprise, its competitive prospects, etc.);

Psychological (in this case, the degree of satisfaction of people working in the organization, the quality of communication, the motivation of their behavior, etc. are taken into account).

Obviously, both of these parameters are interrelated: the effectiveness of organizations, i.e. the ability to solve the tasks facing them in the best or optimal way increases if an appropriate psychological climate is created in them. And the knowledge gained by managers as a result of studying the psychology of management helps to competently manage people, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and understand the psychological nature management processes, effectively solve the problem of recruiting personnel for the organization, analyze and improve the psychological climate in the team, correctly assess their own activities.

Thus, the psychology of management seeks to facilitate the work of managers, and to make it more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Tasks of management psychology:

Psychological analysis of the activities of management specialists;

Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions;

Research on the mental characteristics of leadership;

Study of the processes of group interaction;

Research of the mechanisms of human motivation.

Psychological analysis of the activities of managerial specialists. In order to competently lead a team and successfully complete work, you need to be able to analyze your actions, on which the adoption of the right decisions depends.

Study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions. In order to make an adequate decision in any situation, you need to study the mechanisms of labor activity.

Study of the mental characteristics of leadership. Leadership is the process by which one individual influences the behavior of others and organizes their activities in accordance with the connections established by the organization. Leaders differ in their individual styles and approaches to management. One of the key differences is the extent to which managers direct their subordinates, i.e. the extent to which they instruct subordinates how their work should be done. Another difference is the degree to which they are autocritical or democratic in the decision-making process, i.e. to what extent they allow subordinates to participate in this process, for this it is necessary to study the mental characteristics of leadership.

Development of psychological recommendations on the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in resolving conflicts, changing the psychological climate in organizations. Attitudes towards work and colleagues are stable feelings, expressed in beliefs and types of behavior, they are aimed at production activities, at the members of their working group, organizational environment. The most important indicator of attitudes towards production activities is job satisfaction.