I don't do anything on my own. Strange breakdown, I can not do anything around the house


What to do if you don't feel like doing anything. The question is quite serious, since everyone faces it at least once in a lifetime. Naturally, the reason is individual. It happens in one thing, but sometimes it is complex. Consider, of course, a variety of options.

I'll start with high expectations, when you want to get everything here and now.

Both in business trainings and in psychological trainings, a person often looks for a pill. I took it once and everything changed.

Of course, at the same training we can get a quick result, it can serve as the strongest stimulus for growth, cause large-scale life changes, but… What kind of situation do I often encounter in my practice?

A person comes to the training and wants to get from point A to point B, let's call it conditionally like this. He came to point A with a baggage of certain problems that prevent him from getting to point B, even with a route in front of his eyes. Everyone has their own luggage, someone has a couple of chips in his pocket, and someone has hundreds of stones in a backpack behind his back.

And now a person throws off a dozen stones during training, and, of course, it becomes easier for him, he can even jump, although there is a bag of stones behind his back, but since the weight has become less, a feeling of lightness appears. Time passes, and a person expects that now life has changed once and for all, and this is partly true, since he is no longer at point A, because he took a step forward, but not at point B, because there is still a load hanging behind him ...

What is the result? Each of us has our own scope of work, in order to sort out all this load that we have accumulated over our lives, naturally, we will have to work more to get to point B. But what often happens in reality? A person, instead of continuing to work on himself, becomes discouraged or simply quits doing it.

This applies to both material and spiritual tasks. It happens in building a business, in sports, in working on oneself, in working on changing one’s thinking, on the way to one’s happiness…

Don't torture yourself!

Do not choke yourself with feelings that right now you are not satisfied with the result, that life is unfair or fate has deprived you of something. Everything is in order with you, everything is in order with the world around you, just before you is a certain amount of work of the soul, body, psyche, depending on what your goal is.

Take a closer look at how much energy it takes to go into the negative due to the fact that right now your desire is not fulfilled, because it is quite possible that this desire is either harmful to you, or if you receive it quickly and effortlessly, then you will not get the necessary experience and will not see the true value in what you have received.


The mindset of laziness and lack of desire to do something is formed in the process of our lifestyle and outlook on life.

Being determines consciousness. Look at what you eat, how you spend your days, in what environment and information field - and, perhaps, you will immediately unravel the secret of what is happening to you.

Does food make you healthy and give you energy, or does it make you sick and take energy away? In order to create something and act, the necessary physical energy, maybe the dog is buried in this.

If you watch TV, communicate with whiners and negative people, lead a sedentary lifestyle, surf the Internet at night and do nonsense there, then it’s understandable why you have such a mindset.

What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? What are you doing in the morning? How much stress in your day?

Look at your life. It helps to have the strength to do something, or it is obvious that the lifestyle needs to be changed urgently.

Picture of the world.

I wrote a separate article about this and once again I want to note that your mood, happiness, and amount of energy will depend on how you see the world in key issues.

In what light do you see this world? How do you imagine the meaning of your life? Who are you in this world? What is your purpose? What is your nature?

The answers to the above questions are the foundation of your life. What are the answers - such is life.

Low energy.

On the physical and energetic level. The gross body is clogged with slags, poisons, and so on... I spoke about this above. Energetic shells are full of resentment, hatred, anger….

Where does the desire to do something come from? Is it possible to find a pill to instantly correct the situation? Obviously, the problems accumulated over the past years of life cannot be solved in an hour. It takes time, desire and patience, although it should be noted that you can get the first results pretty quickly if you take care of your body and mind.

Period of life.

Our body and subconsciousness are not directly controlled by us, at least we do not see a linear connection. It happens that the influence of planets, energies and other circumstances forms in us such a mood that we need to live correctly. What does right mean? Gain experience, draw conclusions, charge the batteries.

It happens that we are so mentally exhausted that the subconscious begins to block external activity in order to save the psyche and the body as a whole.

Perhaps you just need a rest, but not just sitting on the couch and looking at the wall, but restoring rest. Minimum stress, maximum joy, trust in life, peace ....

In order to correctly assess what you personally need in such a period, awareness is required. And this is again work on cleansing your body, psyche, the ability to listen to your body and heart.

Or a life change. Experiences in profession, relationships, physical or mental journeys, material achievements have been experienced and new experience is required. Which? This is a matter of purpose and awareness.

Busy with your own business, you are not in the plane of your destiny.

It may well be so. Often we decide to engage in some kind of activity, not because we want to do it, but because we want its fruits, or with the help of this type of activity we are trying to get rid of fears.

The prestige of the activity, the opportunity to travel, passive income, the planned good profit ... All these promises make us go against ourselves. Our essence wants one thing, and we believe that life requires another, but only life does not require, and we decided that it is impossible in another way.

I recently wrote an article on how to find your purpose. I recommend reading.

Banal laziness?

Or maybe the whole philosophy goes by, because we are just lazy. We believe that first you need inspiration and strength to do something, but in fact, you often need to start doing something for strength and inspiration to come.

Laziness doesn't come from nowhere. There are reasons. The way of life and thinking gave birth to her. Nutrition, physical activity, mode. Or maybe you started to give up on trifles and eventually drowned in a swamp.

Do I have such moments?

OF COURSE, there are! What am I doing? Two options: looking for an activity that will work, or the SZIV method.

The first option is a change of activity and rest. Reading books, walking, playing sports, I'm not struggling with the state, but looking for what the body wants. Where will the energy or inner peace go. As an artist looking for inspiration, I try to understand what I need at a given moment in time.

There are moments when I clearly understand that I need outdoor recreation, and sometimes I understand that I need to introduce creativity into my life, that I need to trust life, circumstances and relax now. Then thoughts, ideas come and the action begins.

I try not to do, just for the sake of doing. You know, sometimes it seems that if you occupy yourself with something, exhaust yourself and get tired, then the problem will go away and it will really go away due to the fact that you simply don’t have the strength to think, evaluate the situation ... what you really need to do is already more difficult, and sometimes it is necessary to be inactive for some time in order for THAT SAME thought to come that you will begin to embody.

Well, or the SZIV method (clenched his teeth and forward) also helps. I use it if I understand that inaction now is banal laziness, and it will do me more harm than good. I begin to act through force - and inspiration comes.

Answer "What to do?" only you yourself know.

In recent years, I have learned to listen to myself well. When I really don’t want to do anything, it means it’s not casual. More often than not, I need to trust this state, to study it, so that after that I will start working on my projects with redoubled energy, but for me this is true, because I live this way of life. Clean food, bright thoughts, lack of stress, a certain way of thinking and a picture of the world. I didn’t come to this in one day, so for starters, as Carlson said: “Calm, only calm.”

I would like you to extract the most important message from this article: there can be many reasons for your condition, and these reasons are very individual, therefore, first of all, you need to work on awakening your intuition and starting to study yourself.

Take care of nutrition, lifestyle, mental and physical health, get to know yourself and your destiny, then you will be able to consciously decide what to do when the mood appears, when you don’t want to do anything.

In any case, try to perceive this state as a Gift that tells you the direction of movement or as an opportunity to know yourself, gain new life experience and, as a result, find inner balance.

Video version of the article:


Vyacheslav Churinov 27.04.2016

As always, an article at the right time. Most often, I fall into a state where someone or something knocks me out of my daily routine.

Usually this is an incomprehensible fuss at work, an urgent matter, someone's call, meaningless negative emotions from people around, etc.

Everything at once somehow falls out of hand, I don’t want to do anything at all. At such moments, a short distraction from everything, a walk, humor, physical activity helps me. And then it is advisable to immediately do at least something from the to-do list, at least start ...

And somehow everything goes back to normal.

This article and video also helped a lot to survive the breakdown at the moment.

Thank you Michael

P.S. If possible, I will participate in the May stream of KP21, for the third time

To answer

    Admin 04/27/2016

    Tatiana 04/27/2016

    Hello Michael! I love reading your articles very much. Such a subtle understanding of the essence of things is rarely found in anyone. I read and understand that I am not the only one who is so “problematic”, a clear understanding of what, where, why and why, and most importantly, answers to the questions “What to do?” Help to live consciously, without extremes. Thank you for that!

    To answer

    Ludmila 27.04.2016

    Anna 04/27/2016

    Right now I am getting out of a state where there is neither physical nor mental strength. I analyzed myself according to each of the proposed versions - I can’t say that I found a clear answer. It seems to me that in my case these are several reasons superimposed on each other. In any case, there is something to think about)). Thank you Michael As always on time!

    I found a very important thought for myself in the headline about high expectations. Indeed, apparent obstacles to a goal can be part of that goal. To achieve and then keep, you need to overcome them. I will re-read the article about laziness again, for the third time I return to it). And there is a reason to reconsider the regime again ...

    Our ongoing work in CR Transformation helps a lot to listen to yourself. The answer rarely comes immediately, but usually it does. Sometimes it helps if you listen to others, sometimes the Universe speaks through other people))

    To answer

    Alexander Shakhvorostov 28.04.2016

    Igor 04/28/2016

    Michael, thanks for the article! I have long suspected that I am not busy with my own business, I am not in the plane of my destiny. It is very difficult. Every day you have to force yourself to go to work, at work you have to force yourself to start doing something. This is very tiring and by the evening there is no strength left - neither physical nor mental. Going to work just for the paycheck is getting harder and harder. Increasingly, I want to change jobs, but there is no understanding of what I would like to do. Rather, there are certain desires, but there is no understanding of how successful it will be. You correctly noticed that you want to have everything here and now. In addition, you do not want to lose what you already have. You have to somehow combine, try to move towards the goal and pull this backpack with stones along, throwing one at a time. It's long and sometimes I want to quit. I thank God for pointing me to you through the Startup training. I learned a lot of new and interesting things, even made my own small website. True, now there is not enough time, strength and knowledge to develop it further))) But I hope for the best. I often find confirmation of my thoughts in your articles and trainings. You know, as it is written in the Bible: “Once God said, and twice I heard it, that God has power”… something to change in your life. I signed up my wife for the May Constructor of Reality training. It will be very helpful for her. Special thanks to you for such a discount. At full price, I couldn't afford it. I will spy on how she goes through it, if possible))) I think that I will also learn a lot of useful things for myself.

I haven't done anything for two years and I don't do anything...

Hello dear Rav.

I have this problem: I used to lead an active lifestyle, I had friends, acquaintances, I studied at the university... But two years ago I suddenly realized that I was not interested in all this. I felt alienated from everyone, I began to think that I still would not have coped with my studies, and simply stopped walking.

Now, the last two years, I do nothing and do nothing. I stay at home and don't go out anywhere. I have fears that I will go crazy, that my heart is too weak, and it will not stand if I think about something terrible, I am afraid of death, etc. A year ago I went to a psychiatrist, but I did not achieve any effect.

I have a terrible lethargy, and in the evenings, when all my Internet friends go to bed, I feel very lonely. I have recently become afraid to sleep. I'm really afraid that I'll suddenly die in my sleep.

At one time I was so afraid to sleep that I fell into sleep paralysis every night. Then I felt really bad...

Can you suggest what can I do in this situation?

Russia Moscow

I must say right away that you have real, good chances to get rid of the state in which you currently reside and build your life on a different basis. If only because you seriously thought that something in your life is wrong, you feel a desire to change it for the better and turned for advice and help.

According to you, at some stage in your life you were disappointed in everything that you managed to achieve, you lost interest in all this. Well, it happens. I personally know of such cases.

As for alienation from friends, this is not uncommon at all. Young people often surround themselves with "partners" in empty pastimes, mistaking joint entertainment for friendship. But, when meaningless chatter, etc. - annoying, sometimes it turns out that there was no friendship, as such. And the loss of interest in such “friends” is a completely natural stage of growing up (I don’t know how old you are, but I proceed from the fact that you can grow up at any age).

Studying at the university ... Of course, not everyone can do it (see on the site, for example, the answer " I studied Kabbalah, but I don’t excel in mathematics.”, - with answers indicated in it by links). And not everyone needs a higher education. In the end, a specialty in life is not the main thing. It is important to have a job that can provide you with a decent existence.

Of course, doing nothing, just sitting at home is very difficult. Finding themselves within four walls alone with themselves, if this solitude does not have a specific purpose, people usually do not experience a sense of satisfaction - neither with their own style of life, nor with themselves (see, for example, the article on the site - the "Psychology" section). The striving for action inherent in their souls turns against them, being filled with groundless fears, unaccountable experiences, etc. And the result is depression, apathy.

You ask what can be done in such a situation.

Answer: so far - nothing. That is, in the current situation, you, no matter how paradoxical it sounds - undertake do not need anything. Something else is needed - to start thinking, trying to mentally build your own life positions.

The starting point in such reflections should be, in my opinion, the fundamental consideration that nothing in this world appears by chance, just like that. And it is not by chance that the stone lies on a country road. And every blade of grass in this world has its own role. And each tree, each flower, also has its own purpose. In general, our world is a huge well-coordinated orchestra, performing a melody under the control and according to the plan of the One Creator. In this orchestra, every musician is needed and important, because everyone has their own unique part.

One of the musicians of this great orchestra is you. And if your violin is silent, the overall sound of the melody will fail. Though imperceptible to the human ear, it is perceptible in the higher spiritual worlds. Which, of course, will affect the state of the world, which could become a little better. But so far, you haven’t, because you haven’t touched the score written especially for you, you don’t play the part that Only you, as planned by the Composer conducting the orchestra, you can play.

But where to look for the "notes" intended for you? How do you know what role you are assigned? What special assignment was given to you by the Creator of the world?

The details of the individual assignments are unknown to us. However, the Almighty gave humanity the Torah, in which He revealed to us what He saw fit to reveal. And this is enough for everyone to make their own unique contribution to the overall sound of the orchestra. Unique - because, sending us to this world, He endows each with a unique set of qualities, abilities and opportunities, expecting that we will find the way to Him and during our life we ​​will be able to realize the potential received from Above. This, in the realization of the potential, is the meaning of human life. This is discussed in sufficient detail on the website in the answers " If a person loses the meaning of life, does he commit a sin? And How to find your calling in life?. Necessarily read them - with the articles and answers they link to.

Of course, the fears that torment you are not suitable as fellow travelers in the speculative search for life guidelines that is so important for you. So, we must try to get rid of them.

Judging by the content of your letter, you are a sane person with some life experience. Ask yourself: how many cases do you know when people died in their sleep for no reason at all? You may have heard that this happened to someone. But this does not mean that the same thing must certainly happen to you. You will not, for example, jump down from a window on the 6th floor just because someone fell from this height and survived. For you understand what salvation is - an extremely rare success. An exception is therefore called an "exception" because it goes beyond the norms known to us.

If you suspect that you have a "weak heart", contact a good, experienced therapist and / or cardiologist, go through the necessary examinations. And if it turns out that you really have any deviations in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you.

As you probably already understand, I urge you to stop being afraid of your own fears, stop running away from them. On the contrary, treat them rationally, look them "straight in the face." Realizing that they are “woven” from emotions and connected with spiritual spheres, and entering into an open “dialogue” with them. See on the site, for example, the answer “I don’t know what to do, how to get rid of the voices”.

Undoubtedly, emotions are difficult to subordinate to reason. But if, not limited to the ceiling of your own apartment, you look up to Heaven, personal feelings will take on a different scale, and after this, the understanding will come that our destinies are determined by the Almighty, and only He knows what life span is given to each of us. And that everyone can become His "co-author" in building their own destiny, if they try to live according to the rules established by Him.

If you are a Jew, start seriously, as every Jew should, study the Torah and gradually introduce the laws of the Jewish way of life set forth in it into everyday practice. Read carefully, for example, the book of Rabbi Chaim Donin "Being a Jew".

If you are a non-Jew, read the answer on the website "The life of a non-Jew, pleasing to the Creator" Its name, I think, speaks for itself.

The desire to fill your life with high spirituality will expand your horizons, enrich you spiritually and intellectually. And for unfounded fears in your head, in your soul and heart, there will simply be no room left. After all, it is obvious: if the head, heart and soul of a person, in fact, are not occupied with anything, this emptiness is necessarily filled with something, often harmful, destructive.

And in any situation, no matter who you are, you have already found our site. And this, of course, is not a coincidence either. You found him because, as I see it, you need him. And not just to ask your question. By regularly traveling through its pages, you will discover the world of true spirituality, which is the basis of human life.

From the materials of our site you will learn, among other things, that an important, necessary part of the spiritual work of each person is helping others. Somewhere outside the walls of your apartment, there are probably people who need your support.

Helping others, we build ourselves - we become better, cleaner, kinder. We learn to empathize and evaluate our own disorder in a different way (much is learned in comparison). We gain more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. We expand the circle of acquaintances, and a new acquaintance, if people are burning with a common cause, can develop into true friendship...

Sometimes we spend several times more time and effort on tasks than we actually need. And the point is not only laziness, but also the fact that all days become similar to each other, and tasks become the same type and boring. Sometimes we lack energy, motivation, or just want to relax. Only work does not wait, and as a result, the list of tasks only increases. Therefore, I believe that on such days it is necessary to give yourself a little shake-up and upgrade. Here are some ways to reset and overcome the reluctance to work.

Our song is good, let's start ... from the end!

One of my favorite ways to "stir up" the brain. When I can't concentrate or just don't have the inspiration to do something, I change the order of actions and start from the end. It does not matter what kind of task it is: working on new material or preparing a content plan for the project. I just take on those pieces of work that seem to me the most easy and attractive. Then putting them together is much easier than creating from scratch. And writing from the end is sometimes even very interesting.

Changing the environment

If I, then I can temporarily move my workplace to another room, to the kitchen or even to the balcony. The same can be done in the office by moving yourself to another office or meeting room. The main thing is to create an unusual environment for yourself, surround yourself with new objects or work in a cafe.

…or tools for the job

For example, leave the computer alone and pick up a notebook with a pen. This lesson can be combined with a short walk in the park and work in the fresh air: draw up a detailed plan for a presentation or report, prescribe all sorts of options for solving a problem that needs to be dealt with. Even if most of them do not make any sense, you will dream up and wake up your brain. Yes, and in itself, writing on paper is excellent and helps to get out of stagnation.

Breaking the schedule!

Bring a little change into your life by coming up with a completely different plan for the day. Do in the morning those things that you usually do in the evening or in the afternoon. Clean up the apartment, have breakfast with borscht or work early in the morning. I really like to work early in the morning, when everyone around is still sleeping and does not disturb the calm atmosphere. During these few hours I manage to do much more than in the daytime.

Time for a run

Nothing energizes like. Even if you are not a fan of this activity, do a test run to clear your mind and relieve tension. Even 2 kilometers and a few laps around your house will charge you to the fullest and improve your performance. Personally, I always come home with fresh ideas and energy for work.

At the very least, you can rest.

Well, when it’s completely unbearable, you don’t need to force your body, it’s better to give yourself a few hours of rest, doing something useful and enjoyable. You just need to be honest with yourself and agree that after walking, shopping or watching a movie, you will devote a certain amount of time to the current ones. Often this approach works, as we motivate ourselves to “idle” and already satisfied, we take on the to-do list with more joy.

Tell us about your methods of dealing with stagnation and unwillingness to work.