Shit platform. CPA networks - what are they? Affiliate programs CPA networks: rating, description and reviews

CPA Network is an automated platform that allows you to shorten the path to purchase, it provides an opportunity to work with the target audience. The system operates under the CRM shell.

Work of the CPA Network platform

What is Affiliate Marketing?

The CPA Network has been operating since 2013 as an exchange that looks for advertisers and platforms, allowing you to satisfy webmaster requests to promote potential consumers certain actions:

  • purchases of goods;
  • downloading information;
  • filling out questionnaires;
  • purchase of services.
The use of a variety of technological techniques used in CPA marketing allows you to increase the profitability of your business, reduce costs, and, in parallel with these processes, helps to increase income. At the same time, the bulk of the sales work goes into automatic operation.

Special coding installed on CPA sites operating in the Network system allows you to see only those offers that demonstrate the maximum CTR (click-through rate). Such systems, operating in automatic mode, can be easily scaled, and are technologically unlimited. The creation and improvement of the CPA Network is carried out by the well-known companies GMBTrack and Yahoo, which confirms it high quality... The system offers different kinds advertising, analytical models PostClick and PostView are used. The platform can accept any kind of traffic.

How to work on the Network platform?

To start working in the CPA Network system, you need to register on the system platform: Any user can register, but in order to receive money for the work, you need to conclude an agreement. The registered partner must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.

  1. Install advertising materials offered by the CPA Network system on your websites.
  2. Start attracting visitors to your site who will go to the advertiser's page by clicking on the advertisement or view it (if a PostView campaign is used) and take targeted actions.
  3. Receive guaranteed rewards for downloading materials, making purchases, registering, filling out forms, etc.

For each offer, you can track the "GEO" parameter, which allows you to determine the type of traffic for each of them.

The personal account has many useful tools such as back-URL, Sub id, promotional materials (links, static and animated banners).

Watch the video - How to work with CPA

7 secrets of teaser ads

Working in the Network system will allow publishers to receive remuneration as a percentage (5-10%) of the cost of goods sold or a fixed amount (3-5 dollars). The maximum lead is set in the amount of 800 rubles. The level of average earnings in the system is recorded at more than 23 thousand rubles per month.

The CPA Network system has an excellent reputation and guarantees publishers an increase in profits when working on this platform by 50% compared to others traditional methods... Application automated system CPA Network can help increase the profitability of a business, help to effectively develop a business, increase revenues and automatically sell your products.

Under the cut - a story about how we implemented the modular architecture of the CPA platform (Content Provider Access) for a telecom operator on Fuse Fabric. At the same time, we will explain why we made such a decision, rather than using the standard J2EE technology stack to create a monolithic application.

What is CPA

CPA is a platform for organizing interaction with content providers that provide various services subscribers of their partners, telecom operators.

As the simplest scenario, let's consider a situation when a subscriber wants to know the weather for tomorrow:

  • the subscriber sends an SMS message to a short number to receive a weather forecast;
  • An SMS message arrives at the telecom operator's SMS center;
  • SMS center sends a message to the CPA platform;
  • The CPA platform determines the service associated with a short number, determines its cost, checks if the subscriber has enough money on the account, asks the service provider for the weather forecast, debits the money from the subscriber's account, logs the business operation and transmits the data to the SMS center for sending to the subscriber;
  • The SMS-center sends the subscriber an SMS-message with the weather for tomorrow;
  • the subscriber receives an SMS message.
This scenario illustrates well how you can build various processes based on the chains of interaction of certain modules. In particular, the following are involved here: a module for interacting with an SMS center, a catalog of services, a catalog of partners, a module for working with a billing system, a module for logging business operations, a module for interacting with a partner, and so on.

Even this simplest scenario consists of more than a dozen operations. At the same time, telecom operators may have dozens of much more complex scenarios, during which the most different systems... For example, a request can come from a USSD center, an IVR center, a web portal, and so on. In addition, it may not be a one-time request, but a subscription to a service (including in installments), an unsubscribe from it, and so on.

Choosing an approach

When we started a project to create a CPA system, we chose from several options for the platform architecture. When designing an application of this scale, the first things to consider are:
  • It will be a priori a highly loaded system that must process hundreds of fairly complex business scenarios per second. As the load increases, the system should easily scale horizontally.
  • These systems have very stringent downtime requirements. It should be kept to a minimum even when the system configuration changes, for example, when new functionality is added or current components are changed.
  • It is necessary to provide a simple centralized management of the system, with the display of metrics that make it possible to unambiguously assess the current state.
  • The telecom sector requires a very quick reaction to changes in the market and the pool of technologies, therefore the system architecture must allow for quick replacement of components.
  • It is extremely important to shorten the time of product implementation as much as possible, so the development and testing cycle for new functionality should be as short as possible.
With all this in mind, we quickly realized that the traditional monolithic J2EE architecture was not suitable for us, since it did not provide the required flexibility and did not cover all the needs of the customer. Therefore, we chose a modular OSGi based architecture - Red Hat Jboss Fuse in the Fuse Fabric configuration.

Our architecture was to be based on self-contained modules that would interact based on well-defined interfaces. Today this is described by the term "microservices architecture", but at the time of the beginning of the creation of the CPA platform, the word "microservices" was known to few.

Note that the wrong choice of architecture for systems of this level can lead to literally disastrous consequences both at the stage of development and operation, and at the stages of further refinement of the system to expand it. functionality... But we needed to show the customer a prototype as early as possible, proving the viability of the chosen idea. And this is where OSGi's modularity support came to the rescue.

When designing the system, we relied on the API of the modules that it was supposed to consist of and BPM processes (business processes described using standard BPMN notation). These processes, through API calls of the modules, described the business scenarios that the CPA platform executes. That is, on initial stage we had modules (OSGi sets), which were essentially stub microservices that perform primitive operations, and BPM processes that described the sequence of calls to OSGi services to achieve the desired result as close as possible to the telecom operator's business scenarios.

At the same time, we understood that the OSGi sets we created would be called both in BPM scripts and from other places. For example, a service for working with a catalog of services is not only called directly from BPM processes, but is also used in back-office systems so that content managers can add, delete, and edit services. Also, the service catalog API is used to provide a list of services on the telecom operator's website. The service for working with the billing system was initially used only in the CPA platform, but now it is available as a REST service, so other systems in the infrastructure of the telecom operator use its services.


When creating an architecture in the form of modules with a well-defined API, we very quickly became convinced of its effectiveness and efficiency.

Since the OSGi suite API was agreed and approved, we were able to parallelize the development process of separate OSGi suites across different development teams. At the same time, the teams did not influence each other in any way, because they all worked with their codebases and subject areas. The main thing is not to break the agreed API set. One team could focus on developing an affiliate directory, another on developing a business logging service, and so on. At the same time, the architect monitored the integrity of the system based on agreed APIs.

For ease of tracking API changes, we have adopted the semantic versioning of the OSGi suites. This implies the assignment of versions of components in the X.Y.Z format, where X is the major version, Y is the minor version, Z is the patch version. In this case, the versions are iterated according to the following rules:

  • we increase the major version when backward incompatible API changes are made;
  • we increase the minor version when adding new functionality that does not violate backward compatibility;
  • The patch version is incremented when backward compatible fixes are added that do not affect the API.
Thanks to this, we can easily track changes in API services throughout the system and accurately manage them when building working together services.

When developing complex systems it is necessary to write tests for the implemented functionality. Because components in OSGi interact by calling interfaces, it greatly simplifies unit testing. If any service in our application refers to another service, then at the testing stage we can easily replace the service that is being called with a "stub". And when testing each module, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its work.

We understood that in a highly loaded system, any service, depending on the nature of the load, can become a bottleneck for the entire application. Therefore, for each API call of an OSGi set, metrics were taken that were available via the JMX interface. This made it possible to record the maximum duration of a call to a service method, the average value over a period of time, and the dynamics of the metric change. The captured data helped us during load testing to immediately identify application bottlenecks, and also made it possible to monitor the production system online. So when performance degraded, we could quickly take measures to stabilize the system. For example, you can transfer a service to another node in the runtime environment, or move it to a separate JVM. At the same time, OSGi allows us to perform all these actions on a running system without affecting the rest of the application.

When adding new functionality to an existing system, we can explicitly track changes in the codebase (new kits or later kits) and optimize the testing process. If we see that the version of the component has not changed in the next delivery, then we do not need to develop new tests for it and re-test it thoroughly. Better to focus on the new functionality being added to the system.

Of course, no one is immune from errors that can occur in a production environment. But OSGi allows you to quickly make changes to a running system. It is enough to fix the error in the component, increment its patch version and install it into the OSGi runtime. This is an important advantage in an environment where the length of system downtime significantly affects both the quality of the service provided and the company's profit.

It is also worth noting that if an error is found in a monolithic architecture, as opposed to a modular one, you have to rebuild the entire application and restart it. Restarting a traditional J2EE application usually takes a lot of time, which is tantamount to a financial loss for the company.

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CPA or Cost per action system : action fee... The advantage of arbitration CPA traffic that the advertiser pays not for all impressions, but only for the actions of those who are potentially interested in the product.

CPAnet both Russian and foreign (bourgeois) - cpa networks for beginners consist of two main links: advertisers, partners. The first ones create their own proposals. The second - they promote ready-made offers among users, receiving a fee for this.

How create by CPA? This requires knowledge, skills, takes time, needs constant monitoring and support. This is the development of a script for a cpa network, promotional materials, a registration system, tracking actions, control over payments.

Costs are recouped in isolated cases, so they are in high demand playgrounds simplifying the steps. This aggregators.

AffiliateCPA networks. For whom?

  • Newbies in the field;
  • Webmasters staying visiting;
  • Owners of blogs, sites;
  • Optimizers who need a target audience.

Types of actions for the advertiser of the product CPA

  • Registration on the site;
  • Purchase in the shop shop;
  • Installing the application;
  • Purchase of informational goods;
  • Visiting pages;
  • Payment for the purchase, subscribers, installation of CPA software;
  • Viewing the price list;
  • Watching a video;
  • Completing a questionnaire, survey or form feedback;
  • Calls to the call center;
  • Subscription to

How to start using an affiliate network, how does CPA work?

Webmaster must accurately represent their audience, its interests, for the selection of offers, enter them on their website. The commission is paid with a delay, which must be taken into account when planning.

Registration of a vcpa network for beginners requires compliance with formalities, negotiations with its owners. Such a procedure is necessary to reduce the risks of fraud.


  • Support for old, cpa network search for newbies;
  • Consulting on issues;
  • Clear and open tracking system;
  • Transparent dynamics of earnings and payments;
  • Quality control of visits;
  • Suppression of fraud;
  • Protecting the interests of both parties.

Basic concepts

  • Lead - an action set by the advertiser.
  • Conversion - the percentage of targeted leads from total visits.
  • Landing page - the landing page to which the advertising offer leads.
  • The offer is the advertiser itself.
  • Traffic - visitors who come to the site.
  • Advert is a partner.
  • Hold is a delay in payments to partners, which is necessary to control the quality of traffic and protect the interests of advertisers.
  • ROI - the return on investment in the campaign resources.
  • CPV - Pay Per View.
  • CPC - payment for.
  • CPL - payment for leads.
  • CPS - Pay Per Purchase.

Internet market players work closely with the largest CPA for free or paid, although some of them hide this information. This reliable source of customers, but in order to get the result, it is necessary to accurately represent the principles of the system, get rid of the main misconceptions.

A common mistake- the opinion that there is only questionable business with a controversial reputation. That was before, but now the platform's security layer provides interoperability for all stakeholders.

It takes effort to benefit from collaboration. Many advertisers cannot objectively assess competitiveness their suggestions do not achieve the slightest result. It is important to take into account the interests of the audience and webmasters, the market situation, trends.

Through the work of marketing, there is risk... The platforms use algorithms to control, track the number and quality of visits.

There are dozens of platforms that can be categorized into large and small... It is better to start with the first ones, because they are more active, safe.

You can establish profitable cooperation with several projects and constantly improve the result, and not scatter efforts over dozens of projects and achieve nothing.

The platforms do not cooperate with all sites and projects in a row. If registration failed, it is worth seriously considering your proposal.

When working with thematic systems, offers and the site must correspond to the general theme. Such networks can bring fewer visits, but they will allow you to gain a foothold in a specific niche and pay more attention to an interested audience.

Partner ratingCPA networks

Each system is a separate social platform and needs individual approach... To better understand how it works, you can consider the network's cpa rating. according to reviews in Russia:

  • Admitad- a platform with hundreds of active programs. Game advertisers. Advantages - simplicity, statistics, forum.
  • AD1- a banking project working with information products, games, real estate, software, air tickets, information products and other cpa products. The simplicity of the interface is combined with multifunctionality and a plugin for CMS owners.
  • ActionPay- quite demanding system. You can show evidence of successful cooperation with other networks. Fast support service.
  • ActionAds- a platform focused on information products. Now the catalog has expanded significantly, now it includes goods and services, franchises, online games. High level .
  • CityAds- an efficient and diverse network for info-business, including e-commerce, travel and educational sphere, entertainment. The terms of cooperation depend on the characteristics of a specific project, account status.
  • Parkoffer- an automated network for monetizing thematic resources. Tools are available including ready-made forms, teasers, and banner showcases. Here, webmasters choose only the advertising space, not the advertisement itself. Mostly commodity ones accept traffic from all over the world.
  • Adwad is a relatively new platform. Payment and income depend on the terms of a particular offer. Feature - high quality visits.
  • is the network ranked third in Alexa stats. The platform is evolving and offers more than six hundred advertisers.
  • M1 networks- a product with extensive experience and good reviews.
    • TradeTracker- an international project with ten years of experience. Works in dozens of countries since 2013 and among hundreds of thousands of webmasters. Supports CPA and CPS payment models.

Free and paid visits

Found on the net two main types of traffic:

  • Free;
  • Paid.

Paid for higher quality The tools narrow the audience down to potentially interested users. The effects depend on the campaign budget.

Free does not need investment, but is less efficient. It requires a significant investment of time and effort to achieve a visible result.

Sources of free visits

  • Your blog or website, for which you need paid and. It will attract the attention of more users, allow you to place banners and links anywhere on the page. The more popular the resource, the more visitors and the higher the number of completed offers.
  • One-pages for the CPA affiliate program dedicated to the topic of a specific project. A one-page site does not require skills, but it gives a conversion.
  • Thematic forums... It is enough to report the offer on the forums to keep the flow of visitors. You can do informative articles or small reviews to increase user engagement.
  • Social networks... These can be profiles, pages or communities, their promotion, partnerships with other thematic groups, sending messages, publishing materials.
  • Q&A Sites, which are visited by hundreds of thousands of users every day. For example, Answers. It is enough to search for existing or publish new questions, the answers to which will be specific offers.
  • Channel on video hosting- You can create viral videos, supplement them with descriptions and use other tools of well-known services.

Sources of paid visits

  • contextual advertising, which gives any amount of targeted traffic, depending on the budget. It is necessary to work with the audience and keywords, for which there are services: Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords.
  • Targeted advertising, limits the audience as much as possible by criteria: age, gender, geography, interests. Targeting is active on social media and other platforms.
  • Optimization site - SEO at all levels, which increases the demand for the resource. The promotion and support of the state of the resource is paid for.
  • Social networks, using paid tools. This is promotion, targeting, advertising, publication of reviews or other materials in the largest communities, and much more. You can work with part of the method for free, but the budget speeds up the process.
  • Email marketing - mailing list for constant support of the audience's interest. For this, a subscriber base is created, who will receive news and other materials.

There are other sources of visits that you can buy, the choice of which is almost unlimited.

  • Automatic systems and services for individual elements of the marketing strategy;
  • Conversion price.
  • Disadvantages of CPA for Advertisers

    • Complexity of registration, paper contracts;
    • High competition;
    • Difficulties for small or unstable projects in which CPA are not interested;
    • Quality control of visits.

    Partner benefits

    • Earnings with quick withdrawal;
    • Simplicity;
    • Choice of advertisers;
    • Optimizing profitability.

    Disadvantages for partners

    • Lack of a unified transparent scheme of contractual relations;
    • Poor quality of work of some of the networks.
    • A large number of vacancies.


    Well-established collaboration yields results with a minimum of effort. Networks for standardized products but not b2b with no flat rates. We hope you found the express training in CPA networks useful.

    Best regards, Nastya Chekhova

    If you "wander" on the Internet, you can find many new and not always clear words. Among them English abbreviation CPA networks or affiliates. It is known for sure by everyone who is engaged in making money on the Internet or is just getting on this path. CPA networks - what is it and how to work with it?

    What are CPA networks?

    In short, this is a kind of exchange, system, or, more simply, an intermediary between an advertiser and a person who can bring customers. Most often it is an online store and a site owner with a large number of visitors.

    • products;
    • promotional offers;
    • "Fresh" discount coupons;
    • information about the big sale.

    CPA affiliate networks contain information on a huge number of products from various areas that need to be sold. Thanks to such an exchange, you do not need to look for the owner of the store, try to contact him and build relationships. Everything is openly available and automated as much as possible.

    How it works?

    And yet, CPA networks - what are they and how to work with them? In the overwhelming majority, the system pays for certain actions on the part of the client. It can be:

    • registration on the site;
    • ordering goods;
    • his payment;
    • a call to a specific number;
    • installing a program or application;
    • following a specific link.

    The task of the person who wants to make money is to "force" the visitor to do the specified action. If this happens, the system will pay a percentage of the cost or a set commission. The list of CPA networks is quite large, and each one has its own percentages and established rules.

    For example, in some, 30% of the cost of the product is paid, in others a fixed amount for registration or installation of a product. Before starting your business in this direction, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the conditions and nuances of each exchange separately.

    Basic concepts

    The first thing a beginner will face is just a huge number of terms and concepts. All professionals communicate in a specific language. To ask a question and understand the answer to it, you need to understand what it is all about.

    Traffic. A certain number of visitors, or flow, or mass. There is also the concept of "driving traffic", which means directing visitors and potential customers to some address, mainly to another site.

    Arbitration. This concept was introduced by CPA networks, what is it? The process of "acquiring" a certain number of visitors to one site and redirecting them to another for the purpose of making a profit.

    Lead. This is the name of a person who followed the link and performed a certain action.

    Hold time. In connection with the “winding up” of leads by some dishonest comrades, a check time has been introduced in the system. Violation of the exchange rules may lead to the fact that the payment will not be made, and the most distinguished will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to cooperate at all.

    Profit. Translated from English means earnings, profit.

    Offer. Affiliate program or an offer to earn.

    CPA as a type of business

    The best CPA networks provide an opportunity to earn money for all members. On the one hand, the customer makes a profit from the sale of a product or service, on the other hand, the performer receives his interest for the attraction, and on the third, the exchange, which takes its "modest" commission.

    Many people, having tried this type of earnings, left offline work and completely switched to CPA affiliates. To be successful, you need to have at least one of two things:

    • Own site with a lot of visitors.
    • Ability to create advertisements with high conversions.

    The first method is more popular. It requires less time and effort, but the return can be obtained not immediately. The second allows you to get almost instant results. But you need to have creativity and flamboyant marketing skills.

    CPA traffic

    The main task of the contractor is to attract as much traffic as possible, and even better, so that these are people interested in the offered product. There are many free and paid methods, but they all have their own advantages and disadvantages.

    1) Own playground. This can be a group on a social network or a personal site. On the one hand, the creation of such a site requires certain knowledge and a lot of time at the beginning. On the other hand, after creation and promotion, it begins to bring passive income with minimal involvement of the creator.

    2) Announcements on free resources. There are a lot of sites, forums and news portals on the Internet that are ready to post an ad for free or almost free of charge. The plus is that there are really a lot of such resources. Minus - a lot self made without a guarantee of the result.

    3)Banner. If you place an attractive or intriguing banner where there are many potential customers, then it can have an amazing effect. You can, of course, directly contact the owners of Internet resources, but it is better to register in special exchanges. This will significantly save time and nerves.

    4) Teasers. The obvious advantage is the large amount of traffic. Disadvantage - not suitable for all offers. Better to use for "womens" products. You also need to know a lot of subtleties and rules of teaser advertising.

    6) Social networks. Given the popularity social networks, it would be extremely unwise to miss this place. The main thing is to interest users and offer really standing goods... They will do the rest on their own. There are special organizations that offer services to promote a group or a certain product at once.

    Rating of the best CPA networks

    Newbies often ask the question: "CPA networks - what are they and which affiliate networks are better?" If you read the descriptions of each system, then they all praise themselves and tell what wealth you can earn with them. But in reality it turns out that this is not always true. To learn more about CPA networks, the ranking of the best is presented below.

    Admitad- a fairly large affiliate program in which you can find the goods of many online stores, online games, the services of some banks and travel organizations. Offers great functionality and detailed instructions for both novice and experienced users.

    "Where is the elephant?" - this affiliate network can be safely attributed to one of the best and largest. Can offer a large number of tools for working with the system, including CSV and XML upload... It also boasts its own plugin for Wordpress (an engine for blogging on the Internet).

    ActionPay- the main difference between this CPA network, the rating of which does not lag behind those already presented, is the presence of its own banking system... Otherwise, it is a good affiliate program offering a huge number of offers.

    ActionaAds- offers a very a large assortment offers from various fields. Quite often in this affiliate program you can find very profitable offers that are not available anywhere else.

    Foreign CPA networks

    On the domestic Internet, this type of cooperation is actively gaining momentum. But foreign CPA networks, whose rating is simply huge, have been making it possible to earn very good profits for a long time. Among the best and most reliable are:

    Affiliatecube. Most webmasters work with this parterre. It is almost impossible to list the entire range of offers. There are topics for all countries. Despite the English-speaking administration, there is support for Russian-speaking users.

    Clickbank. The affiliate program, which works in the CIS, offers foreign goods at “tasty” prices. The only caveat is the payment of the earned funds. It is carried out either by check to the address, or to a card that will meet certain requirements.

    PaydayMansion. The main and only niche of this network is the conversion of financial traffic. The system specializes in small loans that are very easy to obtain. Today it is a fairly profitable niche and a promising direction.

    Features of working for foreign CPA

    In addition to the well-established work and proven mechanisms, foreign affiliate programs work with English language, which became international long ago. Almost all affiliate programs that work today are distinguished by an impeccable reputation and reliability.

    Some advantages of working with foreign CPA:

    • the audience is several times larger than the domestic one;
    • the system offers thousands of really profitable offers;
    • the profit figures are approximately equal to the Russian ones, only the currency is dollars;
    • hundreds of offers of earnings.

    The future of CPA networks

    Existing CPA networks offer a very promising opportunity to make money on goods and services that you don't even need to produce. If you look at the latest statistics, the growth rates are increasing annually.

    This allows us to assert that affiliate programs of this kind will only grow and develop, which means that working with them you can earn very good money. If you start now, you can still occupy a free niche, after which it will be extremely problematic.

    Good afternoon dear friends! The purpose of this post is to open your eyes to CPA, to the prospects that await you, and to explain the scheme of work in this very “delicious” kitchen.

    CPA marketing Is a business based on affiliate programs with payment for the actions of the people you have attracted. Actions can be different: registrations, e-mail subscriptions, purchases, etc. Serious money is spinning here, and it is still easy to enter the CPA business.

    Domestic market in this segment it is in the stage of active growth, therefore, if you enter here right now, you will have a chance to unwind and receive hundreds of thousands of Russian rubles a month. When the CPA business market stabilizes, it will be almost impossible for a newbie to settle here, since very large budgets are required to enter. Now you can start from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

    How much will you receive? Let's see. For example, a website or a company using a CPA marketing strategy is willing to pay about 0.5-1 USD for 1 registration, and in some areas - 2 or more. Little things? But what if in a month you attract 1000 such registrations (this is quite possible if you advertise on sites with a target audience)? $ 1000 (on average) minus advertising costs 200-300 c.u. (everything is individual, depends on the success advertising campaign, its type and other parameters). Here's what kind of money is spinning here (and this is not the limit):

    CPA earnings: scheme

    This abbreviation is translated as Cost-Per-Action, i.e. payment for the actions of the target client, whom you must bring to the company. She will pay you. Actions can be anything: from going to the organization's website to registering and purchasing a product. But let's take everything in order. So, there are only 4 links in the CPA marketing chain.

    This is how it turns out vicious circle mutually beneficial cooperation. If at least 1 link drops out, then the CPA business scheme stops working.

    Company... Gets customers without advertising costs. She herself could have bought it, but for this you need to hire a specialist, waste time, etc. It is much easier to offer a delicious affiliate program and get clients on autopilot. That's the beauty of CPA marketing for businesses.

    CPA network... It is an intermediary between a partner and a company. This is where all the settings take place: creating an affiliate link, keeping statistics on the performed actions and the amount of remuneration. The CPA network monitors the purity of the transaction, makes payments to partners and receives its%. Naturally, 2 people who do not even see each other live and often do not hear, cannot trust each other from the first time. The CPA network gives guarantees to both parties that they will get what they came for.

    I have worked with several CPA affiliates, including Ryumka, KMA, Admitad, Monsterleads and others. I especially liked working with Dr. Cash: they have “chocolate” cases from TOP partners and a support that is ready to set the right direction at the start, suggest an offer and a positive connection. By the way, their offers are from the “beauty and health” category, which even a beginner can master.

    Partner... Earns money by attracting interested customers. He receives an individual link leading to the company's website, and begins to promote it everywhere: on his website or by buying advertising. With the right approach, investments in it pay off with a profit of 50 - 100%, and sometimes even more. If you want to learn how to make such a profit, then I recommend this free school... Of all the paid 4 CPA courses that I have ever studied, this one turned out to be the most effective. There are very valuable free materials from practitioners, on which you can already earn the first decent money. I recently bought a paid course from them and realized that among the pile of rubbish that is now being sold on this topic, this one is a real diamond.

    Customer... Performs an action, receiving benefits for himself and providing income to a partner, CPA network and company. The ultimate goal of any client is to solve his problem in exchange for money. The problem may be as follows: there is nothing to drive to work (the solution is to buy a car), there is nothing to play with (registration in online game), there is not enough money (buy a course on making money on the Internet, get a loan), etc.

    Basic concepts of CPA marketing

    This mini-dictionary will help you, because without it, listening to or reading the instructions of the guru in CPA, you will not understand anything.

    • Traffic- this is the flow of visitors that you will direct to the partner's website. Drive traffic = redirect visitors from one site to another.
    • - this is in CPA buying visitors on one site and draining it to another, with the extraction of profit.
    • Lead- the person who performed the paid action for which you must be paid.
    • Hold time- the time during which your lead is verified by the company. If it turns out to be screwed up (for example, with the use of active advertising means) and you are exposed, then you will not receive payment. Moreover, if the cheating is serious, the case may come to trial. Therefore, it is profitable and safe to use honest marketing in CPA.
    • Profit- profit.
    • Contextcontextual advertising(i.e. text).
    • Teaser- teaser ads (bright, sometimes scary or attention-grabbing picture with a flashy headline).
    • Offer- from English. offer - an offer. This is an affiliate program with its own conditions and earnings offer, which works through the CPA network.
    • ... This is how much you can earn for each click on the affiliate link.
    • That's all for now. If I remember anything else, I will add it without fail.
    • - this is the storage time of Cookies, during which the client assigned to the partner must make a purchase or other targeted action after clicking on the partner link. If the lead arrives later than the post-click cookie is stored, it will not be credited to the partner.

    Where to get traffic for CPA

    1. Own website, social media group and ... The process of creating and promoting your project is quite time consuming, but it is worth it, because you create passive income for yourself. Your website will then work for you for years with minimal effort. Therefore, if you have not yet begun to create it, then start today, understand this topic and in 2-3 months you will be making a profit. And from me for you a gift: a promo code for, which, by the way, has already been this blog for the 2nd year.
    2. Free methods including. Just don't SPAM, otherwise you will be 100% excluded from the affiliate program without payments. A very long and tedious process. But if you have nothing to do or a little money and a lot of time - try it.
    3. Banner... Suitable for any affiliate, the main thing is to place it on the right sites where the target audience lives, which is interested in the proposed product or service. Banners can be placed through Rotaban - a good service with very affordable prices. By the way, for a start, you can manually write to webmasters of sites of your subject with a request to place your banner in test mode and promise to give some percentage of profit (i.e. profit). Most of the webmasters will send you somewhere, some will not answer, but in the end you will still find those who agree.
    4. Teasers... Quite a cheap way to get transitions, but there are many nuances that you should know before starting the teaser. And be sure to analyze the results after. I recommend studying. Yes, it's a pity I didn't find it in due time. Saved a lot of money. Teasers are suitable for women, for advertising all sorts of scandals and women's products based on fears such as obesity, for games and adult (materials for adults) topics. It is not recommended to use for the sale of paid training courses, because traffic from there is mostly “cold”, not ready to buy.
    5. Context... To be honest, I haven't been here yet. They say the pros make crazy profits out of context. But this requires knowledge and practical experience... And be sure to analyze each action.
    6. Social networks. There are 2 ways - placing advertisements in VK groups and using official advertisements on the left. In the 2nd case, you can very accurately determine your target audience and carefully study the rules of placement. I tried to post there 3 times, but the ads did not pass moderation for the following reasons: documents are needed (for pyrotechnics), advertising of such and such sites is prohibited (moreover, absolutely white, fluffy and does not violate the laws). Well, in order to accommodate in groups, you can use or contact their owners directly.

    Where to get CPA marketing training for free

    There is the only online school in the CIS that offers beginners free online lessons, plus the support of a live mentor. That is, during the course you will be able to ask questions on Skype.

    1. This is not just a school: Its founder also owns Ryumka and CPAelectro's own CPA networks with exclusive offers, and also has a large traffic arbitrage team. Those. your training will be done by the practitioners.
    2. If you are successful in your studies, you may be accepted there. with a salary of 1000 - 2000 dollars and more.
    3. the main objective, with which free education at this school was created - to increase the team of affiliates in order to scale in the CPA market. But you can just learn the basics and go into “ free swimming”.
    4. The course “” has existed for more than one year, but it is constantly being modernized. So you get the latest information and case studies on CPA marketing from practitioners at no cost.
    5. You will be attending very valuable training webinars that are held several times a week.

    How to register and get your first lessons

    1. Follow this link
    2. Watch the video, read the information, click “Start training” and fill out the form.
    3. Be sure to indicate real contacts in the form. You will be contacted by a person who will accompany you throughout the training.
    4. A letter will be sent to your e-mail. Don't ignore it: open and follow the links to activate a subscription to training materials, receive webinar announcements by mail.

    And finally - a very useful free book about this type of income.

    Having received this free book about CPA, you will learn ...