How to become a supplier for a large network. New Suppliers

What does the ideal supplier look like through the eyes of a retailer? Dmitry Motorin has worked in retail for more than seven years, and knows the iron rules of chain purchases, as he himself successfully participated in their creation.

Retail chains are growing even in times of crisis. For the largest Russian retailers, 2015 was a record year in terms of the speed with which their market share increased. According to analysts, the TOP-10 largest FMCG networks accounted for 24.3% of the market against 21.6% a year earlier. With a general drop in retail in the country by 8.5%, such achievements look impressive and change the balance of power in retail.

In 2015, the share of the top ten retailers in DIY retail exceeded 30%. The total retail volume of Hard&Soft last year was estimated at 1 trillion. rubles, with a total market capacity, together with B2B and construction, of 4.3 trillion. It is logical that, despite the decline in the market over the past two years, this sales channel is in demand among manufacturers.

However, as in the famous film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,” one of the heroines says: “to become a general’s wife, you had to marry a lieutenant and wander around the garrisons with him.” Does this mean that the time of new producers of goods who dream of selling their goods to retail chains is gone forever? Not at all! Niches remain, the rotation of suppliers on the shelves in the chains is continuous.

Then the most tricky question of our days arises: “How to sell goods to retail chains?”. The author of this article has worked in retail for more than seven years, and knows the iron rules of network purchases, since he himself successfully participated in their creation. He has over eight years of experience in leading key retail clients and managing their sales. Therefore, the network - the supplier knows the entire process of communication in the first person and on both sides of the barricades.

My surprise with these methods was a good motivation for creating this article. Tactics elevated to the category of strategic decisions have always amused me. The whole negotiation strategy is three to four meetings with buyers and their superiors in six to nine months. If there was no result at the second meeting, then in practice it is already impossible to change it.

From the personal experience of the buyer, I can firmly say: if the supplier is not needed, he will not get into the network! The worst option is to look for a way to put pressure on the buyer from above, through the authorities. In addition to problems in the near future and getting into a personal black list with a predictable result, nothing good should be expected. And you yourself will give a reason, you know yourself.

So that the role of negotiations in achieving results with the network does not become a key, decisive in the fate of the company, let's start with basic concepts. Here, a simple and logical system of supplier actions will be outlined to achieve a real result, instead of buying a subscription to annual staff trainings on effective negotiations with network clients. I appreciate good negotiation preparation and specifics, but tactics should not be overestimated!

Let's start with the main question of this story: Why do you want to become supplier network retail? The answer is not as simple as one might think. The fact is that the retail network has two tasks - to increase the turnover of its sales and at the same time earn maximum profit.

The retail network solves the first task by reducing retail prices. It solves the second problem at the expense of the profit of the supplier, that is, you. Partially, the rotation of suppliers and goods on the shelf is a common process of replenishing the natural loss of suppliers, that is, their voluntary refusal to work with the network or outright bankruptcy.

According to my practice, if the share of retail chains in the manufacturer's sales is over 30%, this is a serious signal for the diversification of the entire business, at least it is necessary to increase the number of other customers, look for New Product, develop your retail, make and sell a franchise. Sitting and waiting that everything is fine with you is tantamount to Anna Karenina's act at the end of the book of the same name.

If you passed the first test and are firmly convinced that the retail chains are the promotion channel you need, take the second step: estimate the cost of the retail channel. Make an economic assessment of the cost and profitability of such work, determine the threshold value of marginality, which is within the power of your company. To do this, you should go to an introductory meeting with buyers, find out potential working conditions, or find out approximate working conditions from your industry colleagues, not competitors. This is not difficult!

There are always a number of optimists in the industry who, when negotiating, ask me the question: “Who do you know on the networks who you can call right now?” This question reflects a distorted soviet idea of ​​people about the "thieves' raspberries" of buyers or a romantic delusion about "guild fraternity". This is a dangerous factor! Even if your wife or great-nephew is among the founders of your company CEO networks. Everything changes and so do people, especially in leadership positions. And yesterday's "blat" will become a stone around the neck of the company, going to the bottom of ruin. Therefore, the best and most sustainable option is to maintain relationships with the network in such a way that “buyers” change and your product remains on the shelf.

So how do you get into the trading retail network? There are only two civilized ways to enter the network. The first method is based on two key parameters: You have an attractive product from the point of view of the network at an attractive price. All other parameters of the 6P marketing mix are just as important:

  • Place. For example, the possibility of delivering goods by the supplier to the distribution center or directly to stores,
  • Promotion. For example, the ability and desire, in addition to the low delivery price, to give a special price for the product during promotions,
  • People. For example, the presence of competent and efficient customer service managers who solve all issues on the principle of "one stop",
  • Processes. For example, the possibility of prompt additional delivery of orders, or the speed and clarity of coordination, confirmation, processing of network applications, error-free preparation of sets of accompanying documents.
  • At the same time, the Product-Price factor remains the main factor in this story. If neither the first nor the second parameter is anything outstanding from the point of view of the network, then do not waste your time and theirs. Engage in the refinement of your product and identify opportunities to change the price. The principles of creating and setting up a product are quite simple, but here you need a solid specialist in product creation, that is, a marketer.

If you have a product, its value for consumers / buyers has been tested and understood, then at a good price you become in a superposition. Any network will be happy to receive your product and make a profit on it.

If the first option is not possible for a number of reasons, and the product and prices are very close and similar to the conditions of your competitor on the network, then there is a longer, but just as effective pursuer strategy. You indicate your willingness and willingness to partner with the retailer and put yourself on standby when an opportunity for a replacement appears. Here you need to show tact, patience and perseverance. At least once a year, the assortment is rotated in the chains.

You must use this time to your advantage. Your task is to find out all the details of how a competitor (perhaps a circle of competitors) works with the network, talk to the maximum possible number of people in the network who work with their product. If you define exactly weaknesses your opponent, then during the waiting time you will be able to strengthen precisely these moments in your work. At the next negotiations, now you will be able to show them as your solid plus.

There are still small tricks that can be applied so that your opponent's position in the network gradually weakens. In fact, knowing the rules and bureaucratic processes in the trading network, you can regularly attack a competitor with more interesting promotional offers. The likelihood of a quick network switch to you is small, and your daring prices can force the network to put pressure on the enemy, reducing their already low profitability.

Subsequent conflicts with buyers, as we remember, also have their effect. As a result, after some time, you are more convenient and desirable for the network than your unlucky colleague. However, be careful. Outright lies will be exposed and leave you with no chance of winning. In addition, when you stand on the shelf, you will also need to defend yourself from the attacks of competitors. Your strength is in your product. If the consumer loves you, strengthen this love and failures will bypass you.

There are uncivilized options for entering the network, again coming to us from a distant period of non-market relations, when goods were “gotten by pull”. In most networks, the procurement processes are set up correctly and the system does not respond to such proposals, since purchasing decisions are transparent and made by a large number of people.

About seven years ago, starting to share my experience in managing sales and purchases with my colleagues, I made an interesting material that describes the portrait of an ideal network supplier. This list at one time was sold for quotes and helped a large number of companies. Today I offer its more modern version to our readers.

The ideal supplier through the eyes of the retail network, in my experience and belief, should look like this:

  • The supplier is a brand. I don't call a brand trademark, of which there are many on the market, but a stable perception of this brand by buyers, consumers, customers. If you managed to make the company's product strong, interesting, profitable for customers and consumers, congratulations! You own a valuable resource, you have a brand that people go to the store for and willingly buy it.
  • Manufacturer. A controversial thesis if you distribute third-party products. But if you have exclusive distribution rights to a good product, this is also a very good position. Why networks are more willing to work with manufacturers. The answer is obvious - this is a sure sign that the network will get the maximum profit from working with you. The network is not interested in your profit at all, but if you produce yourself, there is a high probability that the price of delivery of the goods will be the lowest, and you will be able to survive at the same time.
  • Logistician. Everything is pretty simple here. The networks have a large number of stores in different remote cities and regions. The goods in the warehouse or in the production of the network are not needed with very rare exceptions. If you have a developed and managed distribution network, can ensure uninterrupted and high accuracy of deliveries, have this important ability in our country to fulfill customer orders, then you are honored and praised from the network and consumers!
  • Partner. The point is not key, but important. No matter how the formal process of your communication with the network develops, people are present in it. In the course of work, there are always moments when it makes sense to make concessions or help in a difficult situation. And in a ratio of three to one. For three times your real help, you can theoretically expect one step forward from the network. In other words, your way of working creates a subtle intangible asset called reputation. The higher it is, the stronger your position.
  • Experienced. The question is no longer a key one, although it undoubtedly adds advantages to your proposal. If you are currently working with a particular retail chain, for the new chain this means that you will not have to explain a large number of common truths or answer questions that are irrelevant from the point of view of the network. This is a certain marker for any retailer that the company is adequate and it is possible to work with it.

In conclusion of such a slightly chaotic article, I want to once again emphasize the main idea of ​​my answer to the question posed in the title. How to sell your product to retail chains? The answer is pretty simple.

There are two popular selling options:

  1. First produce, and then think about where and how to sell it all. As funny as it sounds, 80% of your market does exactly that. This should inspire you, as you don't have to compete with the entire industry, but only with 20% of it.
  2. More difficult option based on the creation and permanent job over your product for the benefit of consumers. This is what 20% of your market is doing. I recommend that you search for your business model only here. There are many advantages - more interesting, more effective and the effect lasts longer.

If you follow the path of implementing the second model, a situation may occur when the networks themselves turn to you for goods. Don't believe? And I remember such options and there are many of them. Good luck to you and your marketer!

Master R2, Business Architect

The state, as an economic entity, is constantly in need of large and varied supplies, ranging from replenishment of supplies in kindergartens and ending with the life support of guards infantry regiments. Therefore, since 2014, there has been a contract structure in our country, thanks to which various products are being purchased to meet the needs of authorities at different levels.

Public Procurement Requirements Framework

Public procurement is strictly formalized by various legal documents, primarily by the Federal Law of 04/05/13, and requires the fulfillment of several requirements:

  • every purchase to satisfy state structures from the lowest to the highest must be fixed and argued in advance;
  • products different directions, designed to supply the structures of the state, are obliged to support their activities, but not to provide unnecessary amenities and not be a luxury product.

Entrepreneur's path to supply

How to become an Internet provider, for example? State deliveries are implemented on the basis of a number of mandatory rules. The most important of them will be the thesis of fame and transparency of information, because of this, any data on the supply of an individual customer is mandatory published on the official website of public procurement on the Internet.

Procurement algorithm for the state order

How to become a supplier of government supply chains? The main task of a customer working under contracts is to buy the necessary products (work, service) to supply state or municipal needs. Solving this problem, the customer is guided by the following:

  • the acquisition of goods begins with the collection of data about them, the creation of the initial possible value of the future contract;
  • state deliveries are recorded and argued in advance, all the necessary documentation is prepared;
  • purchases are carried out by bidding or by purchasing products from only one supplier.

Own funds to receive an application

To begin with, the necessary contract for the purchase of products is fixed. But for this, the customer is obliged to present the availability of the necessary funds. The following conditions for receiving an application are obligatory for all customers:

  • scope of application security own funds is from 0.5 to 5% of the initial marginal cost contracts;
  • the winning bidder must provide an even larger amount - from 5 to 30% of the initial marginal value of the contract, if its total value is equal to or less than 50 million rubles, or from 10 to 30% if the contract value is more than 50 million rubles.

Documents required to conclude a contract

How to become a supplier, what documents are required for this? First of all, you need to confirm the fix state registration customer in rank individual entrepreneur or legal entity. To do this, you need to provide:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP, show TIN;
  • constituent materials of a legal entity;
  • IP passport data;
  • documents confirming the status of the head of the organization;
  • documents evidencing the status of a person to represent the interests of the participant;
  • other materials and data shown in the list for this purchase.

Unified information system and electronic auction

How to become a supplier? In order to obtain the necessary knowledge about all stages of the auction, the customer must register in the Unified information system. With the completion of this process, access to the desired material will become absolute and free.

In the message about the opening of an electronic auction, which businessmen participating in public procurement will certainly place in the EIS, there will be confirmation of the specific site where the designated auction is taking place.

To fix an application for electronic auction customers are required to acquire accreditation, register on the site marked by the entrepreneur, upload all Required documents v in electronic format.

Wholesale supply

How to become wholesale supplier? If you manage to get first place in the competition, then most likely the businessman is a wholesale supplier - thanks to this, his prices are lower, and his goods are more diverse. In this case, he will begin to supply the ordered products, sign an agreement, on the basis of which he is obliged to provide all types of goods in the right order. Only with the completion of the indicated actions and the execution of the signed legal agreements can the merchant claim to receive the indicated amount of funds.

It is best if you can pose the question: “How to become a supplier of five, for example, or another large network, in other words, a wholesale customer?” In this regard, the products will be even lower in cost and wider in range due to the peculiarities of the customer's business.

Sole supplier

The legislative base allows you to create the conditions to become one. How to become the sole supplier?

  1. Provided that the cost of one purchase is not higher than 100 thousand rubles, it is possible to purchase products from one businessman. The amount of funds per year for such supplies does not exceed 5% of the businessman's total annual supply budget and 50 million rubles. Institutions with a budget below 40 million rubles. can purchase goods worth up to two million from a single supplier.
  2. At entertainment and cultural organizations, according to existing laws, it is impossible to spend more than 400 thousand rubles on one purchase. The total amount of supplies from a single supplier cannot reach 50% of the budget and twenty million rubles in absolute terms.

extraordinary circumstances

There are several options for purchasing orders for government deliveries. At the same time, you need to consider how to become a supplier within the framework of quick and force majeure purchases:

  • to eliminate the results of catastrophes and natural disasters,
  • for the supply of continuous industrial production;
  • for chapters foreign countries and delegations
  • contract for the supply of electricity or water supply;
  • acquisition of software for the introduction of scientific and technical innovations.

Other options

There are other options on how to become an exceptional supplier:

  1. Public procurement from enterprises of the criminal correctional structure. Such purchases can be made without competition within the range of products permitted by the state.
  2. State supply of medicines or payment for treatment.
  3. It seems possible to purchase medicines worth no more than 200 thousand rubles from only one existing supplier.
  4. Fixing the supplier's customer by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation.

Public procurement is a fairly profitable business event, but, on the other hand, they are constantly in the attention of law enforcement agencies, so private market players need to make purchases honestly, clearly according to legislative framework. In this case, government supplies will be beneficial to all parties to the market - entrepreneurs, society and the state.

public procurement- this is the main way to meet all the possible needs of the country. It is with the help of public procurement that the timely provision of food to educational institutions and any other organizations takes place. Therefore, the legislative system provides for such a status as a supplier of public procurement, which must produce or supply products to meet existing needs.

Requirements and regulations of the law

Public procurement is strictly regulated by certain normative documents, including a special federal law, they must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements. The main and most important of the conditions is the mandatory normative fixation and argumentation of each purchase, regardless of the nature of use and purpose.

Which companies will become suppliers is determined by customers based on several criteria. First of all potential buyer collects and analyzes information about all candidates for the role of suppliers. After all possible proposals for state supplies are recorded and approved on specialized resources, an agreement on future supplies is concluded or tenders are held, at which the most worthy candidates are determined in accordance with certain criteria.

Any company can become a public procurement supplier if a number of conditions are met. The most essential feature of an enterprise applying for this role will be the publicity and transparency of information.

Before submitting your candidature for the role of a public procurement supplier, or an organization should register in a specialized structure - the Unified Information System. Further, when a business entity becomes a full-fledged member of this system, it will receive notifications about opening online auctions. If you wish to participate in one of them, any company can submit an official application. But before that, you will have to obtain special accreditation by submitting a certain list of documents to the site specified by the customer.

How to become a public procurement supplier: stages and algorithm

To conclude a contract between the customer and the future supplier, a number of documents must be submitted. A company that intends to take on the role of a supplier must have the status of a natural or legal entity, in confirmation of which, provide documents according to a specific list:

  • founding documents IP or LLC;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP;
  • personal data of an individual business entity;
  • personal documents of the head of the company, if the supplier is a legal entity.

In addition to such a basic, mandatory list for all, some additional documents may be required for submission, which, in individual cases required to submit the company - customers.

In order to be able to conclude contracts for public procurement deliveries, the customer, in turn, must provide confirmation of the availability of a sufficient amount of funds. Including 0.5-5% of the initial marginal cost of the contract must be provided by the customer company's own funds.

Bulk supply, additional features

A company specializing in wholesale deliveries, can apply for cooperation with large retail chains. To conclude a wholesale supply agreement, you need to provide a potential customer with profitable terms cooperation, guaranteeing lower prices in comparison with competitors and the widest possible range of goods.

Among other possibilities, the law allows the company to become the sole supplier. But for this it is necessary that the purchases meet the requirements, for example:

  • if the buyer belongs to the category of cultural or entertainment establishments, he cannot purchase goods from one supplier for more than 50% of the budget. In specific figures, this limit is 20 million rubles.

Correctional institutions can become the only supplier, in accordance with regulatory documents. Suppliers of medicines also belong to this category, but also within the legally established limits.

V statutory cases belonging to emergency or force majeure situations, a faster procedure for concluding a public procurement contract is possible. Such emergency circumstances include measures to eliminate natural disasters, man-made disasters, the need to supply electricity or other resources, or purchase software with the aim of introducing scientific and technical innovations.

My brother had been a book distributor for a long time and decided to try his hand at own business- began to take orders for the binding of finished book editions in expensive leather. When he was about to start deliveries of these gift books to stores, it was necessary to register a company - my brother turned to me (at that moment I registered a legal entity), and we started a joint business.

In this article you will read:

    How to become a supplier and reliable partner for companies

    How to ensure the smooth operation of the supplier with contractors

How to become a supplier shop and ensure the reliable work of the supplier with the contractor to varying degrees, every merchant knows. However, partnership and trust, which can prolong cooperation for many years, attaches key importance to these relations. To achieve this, we had to fill a lot of cones.

When we first decided to become store suppliers, at first people did not even want to do business with us - we were like children running around with bags. At that time we worked with only two stores, the volume of sales was very modest - about ten books a month. We had the impression that we started all this in vain, no one needs such books at all. However, later there were regular customers who came and asked for our books - perhaps because they were very different from the classic offers of competitors (we had colored leather bindings, illustrated plates). Be that as it may, gradually sales began to grow, and our work as a supplier with contractors began to improve. We have divided the responsibilities. My brother took up production, constantly trying different materials, I - finding customers and building relationships with them. Our office was my apartment.

Search for partners

Understanding who exactly is our client did not come immediately. We used to think it was the retail customer - the one who is the end consumer who buys leather bound books.

But in order for retail customers to contact you, you need to promote a certain resource that provides an incoming flow of orders - an online store and a retail network where consumers come. It takes effort and time. We do the same job, but 28 times faster. Why at 28? Because our books are now sold by 28 stores - they are looking for the end user. Finding one store, you find dozens of customers at once. And if we were looking for them one by one, we would spend ten times more time.

  • Promotion in social networks: how to assess the prospects for the company

Now among our partners - best shops Moscow. How did we achieve this? I can say that the main thing is not just to find a client (I saw the store, met, agreed, offered, agreed), but to work with him as long as possible. To do this, you need to initially understand how interesting we can be to each other, actively cooperate and help a partner: call, stimulate, offer book layout or replacement of the assortment, talk personally with sellers, receive feedback.

Price policy

Now our company has adopted the practice retail sales, but only if long-term customers contact us directly. And yes, they can come to our office for a book, but we try not to retail anymore so as not to create competition for our most important customers - bookstores. Because it is they, real and on the Internet, who have become our most effective partners.

It is very important not to harm the interests of the partner by your actions. That is why there are no prices on our website. If customers call us directly, we sell books to them at the retail price. Although, of course, at first there was an idea to sell wholesale in order to increase sales, but we refused such a scenario: it would be dishonest in relation to our counterparties and would cast doubt on the possibility of successful long-term cooperation.

New opportunities

George Washington once said, "Every problem is a success in disguise." Here we just had such an example of the work of a supplier with contractors. The fact is that now we bind books without formalizing legal relations with their publishers, while not violating their rights: we bought these books, we don’t change the text, we don’t appropriate authorship. But once we received a claim from one of the publishing houses in connection with the sale of his books in our bindings in the Moscow book network.

Our books were removed from the store, but the publishers thus lost some of the sales in the store, and now they no longer oppose our products on the shelves. The next stage, I think, will be the signing of an agreement between us on the binding of books and their unhindered distribution. This incident gave us the idea that similar agreements could be signed with other publishers. And just the other day we received such a proposal for cooperation.


For us, the issue of competition on the retail shelf remains extremely important, because our market is very narrow. Book networks can be counted on the fingers of one hand (our main partner networks are Moscow House of Books, Biblio-Globus and trading house book "Moscow"). And our premium product is not bread or chewing gum, which are sold in tons every day.

Of course, exclusivity and high quality our offer. Many competitors work to order and at prices significantly lower than ours, as they minimize their costs, including through the use of lower quality materials. Price difference finished products Indeed, it turns out to be very tangible - several times, or even an order of magnitude.

To find out our competitors and their sales volume, we conducted a partner survey. It turned out that we are in the top three in sales and we have two main competitors. But we consistently outperform them in terms of service quality. For what? Our trump cards are prompt response, availability inventory and a wide range. After all, if a book is sold, it is very important for the store that it be delivered immediately, because these publications are presented in a single copy, they are not transported in bundles. And we pay serious attention to this issue - and as a result, we deliver books faster than anyone else.

What system do we have? Partners have websites where in " Personal account» supplier for us displays sold books. Every morning we check sales. Stores that do not have sales notification systems have to call themselves, since weekly reports are often not enough for a prompt response: it is not known which publications have been sold and which ones need to be delivered to the outlet.

Each employee of our company can cope with any emerging problem on their own. We also try to quickly resolve various paper issues - to conclude contracts and deal with accounting, since delay in these matters does not have a very good effect on partnerships, including sales.

Our site is designed in such a way that customers save their time: we ourselves take high-quality photos in photo studios, on our resource you can download and fill out an agreement, see the price list, subscribe to notifications about new products.

Point 1: Check if the company complies with legal requirements

The main thing is that the supplier should not have tax debts, fees and convictions for crimes in the economic sphere. The enterprise should not be in the stage of bankruptcy and liquidation.

Neither the size of the company nor the type of legal entity is of fundamental importance. Only in some cases do customers have special requirements, such as licenses, certificates and approvals. However, if you are already running a business, then you know which services are subject to mandatory licensing.

Point 2. Start searching

To assess the government order market, you can use the official government procurement website or specialized search systems. At official portal there is no task to make the search for notifications easier (besides, it is periodically unavailable), therefore, resources are being actively developed in which it is much more convenient to work:

  • more precise search is configured;
  • you can create templates for the selection of purchases;
  • consolidate information from notices into a single table;
  • analyze purchases and so on.

Point 3. Analyze customers and competitors

Did you find some interesting purchases for yourself? Do some analysis. The simplest thing is to find by the TIN of the customer all the purchases placed by him. Look at the results: at what price did the winners win, who exactly? This will allow you to determine a competitive price for your goods and services, to assess the chance to win the purchase of a specific customer. If there were many complaints about him to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the same supplier often wins, the prices of signed contracts seem unreasonably high or low, it is better to bypass his purchases.

Point 4. Make a decision: to participate or not

Once again, carefully study the procurement documentation, the draft contract, evaluate your capabilities and the price that you can offer in the application (or to which you can drop during the auction). If you have any questions, you have the right to send a request to the state customer for clarification of the provisions of the procurement documentation. Ready to participate? Submit an application.

The most popular of competitive types of purchases are:

  • Auction. The winner is determined by the results electronic trading at the best offer. The price offer is submitted during the auction and may change several times. The auction is held only in electronic form (see paragraph 6).
  • Competition. The winner here is determined by maximum amount points according to several criteria (for example, price, terms, feedback on already completed orders, functional and quality characteristics, operating and repair costs, qualifications of procurement participants). These criteria are determined by the customer and specified in the requirements.
  • Quote request. In it, the main criterion for choosing the winner is the price. The price offer is submitted once before the start of the auction. So, it is important to immediately calculate the lowest price.

In addition, the customer has the right to purchase certain types of goods from a single supplier. You can also become the sole supplier in a competitive procurement, if by the time the winner was selected all other bids were rejected (or they simply did not exist). Then the customer, in agreement with the regulatory authority, can sign a contract with a single participant.

Item 5. Submit the application security for participation in the electronic auction and competition

From participants in these types of procedures, government customers require a financial guarantee that the winner will sign the contract. Collateral ( cash or bank guarantee) ranges from 0.5 to 5% of the initial minimum price. The deposit is non-refundable for only two categories of participants:

  • the winning participant, if deviated from the conclusion of the contract;
  • participant, if within one quarter the second parts of its applications thrice did not meet customer requirements.

In all other cases, the deposit is returned.

Item 6: Submit your application by the due date

In paper form, the application must be delivered to the customer in a sealed envelope (by courier, mail, personally). In electronic - upload through the electronic trading platform (ETP), signing electronic signature.

If you are participating in electronic procedure, would need:

  • Obtain an electronic signature from a certification authority. An unqualified electronic signature is used for bidding.
  • Set up a workplace. Specify how the setting is carried out in the certification authority that issued the signing certificate.
  • Pass accreditation at the ETP where the auction is held. The rules for each of them may differ, so you need to read them carefully.
  • Send an application electronically to the ETP.

Point 7. Do not miss the appointed time of the contest

When conducting open competition or request for quotations on a certain day, a commission is assembled, which opens all the envelopes and determines the winner. The selection takes place according to the criteria stated in the procurement documentation or at the lowest offered price. Any participant has the right to be present at the opening of envelopes with applications.

When conducting an electronic auction, you need to obtain permission to participate in it. This happens after the customer has reviewed the first parts of the application. After gaining access on the specified day, you must go to the auction room on electronic platform, where the purchase is carried out, and submit your price offer.

Point 8. Wait for the results

Option 1. You won. In this case, go to step 10.

Option 2. You didn't win. Be sure to analyze the completed purchase. Based on the results of all competitive procedures for federal law No. 44-FZ, final protocols are published on the official website of public procurement or in specialized services (see paragraph 2). They show who became the winner and with what amount of the contract. The information will help to understand which of the competitors will be busy fulfilling the contract in the near future, and adjust the price offer for participation in the next purchases.

Option 3. You didn't win, but you took second place. Don't relax. It happens that the customer rejects the application of the winning participant due to the inconsistency of the second parts of the applications (it does not contain the required certificates or tolerances). This means that you automatically become the first.

Absolutely all participants in the tender have the opportunity to appeal its results to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The results of the purchase may be canceled if the complaint is found to be justified.

Item 9. When participating in an auction or competition, make a contract security

By law, the winner of these procedures is required to pay financial support performance of the contract by providing a bank guarantee or by transferring a cash deposit to the customer's account. The amount of security - from 5 to 30% of the initial maximum price.

At the beginning of March 2015, the government of the Russian Federation approved a number of conditions under which customers have the right not to require contract security. The regulation applies to socially oriented non-profit organizations and small business.

Item 10. Sign the contract

The winner must sign the contract within the period specified by law and, if necessary, provide security for its implementation (see clause 9). The contract is signed on paper. The only exception is an electronic auction: in this case, you need to sign a contract with an electronic signature in the interface trading platform where the auction took place.

Item 11: Fulfill the contract and get paid

After the security is paid and the contract is signed, the most important thing remains - to carefully monitor the progress of work, the timing and quality of the provision of services or the supply of goods. After signing the act of completed work, the supplier is paid for the work and the security is returned (if at the stage of signing the contract it was provided in the form of cash).

If you have objectively assessed your capabilities and found interesting lots, start participating in public procurement. If you are not yet confident in your abilities, just follow the market: study new purchases, prices of winning participants. Even if today it seems that there is no chance of winning, tomorrow everything can change in your favor: competitors will be busy fulfilling the order, and your offer will become a winning one.