The main customs rules that a tourist needs to know about. Import of computer components How much can be brought from abroad

very complex and frequently asked question for tourists who are going shopping in Europe, there is an issue with the import of things from abroad.
Perhaps some of you will be surprised, but according to Russian legislation Not all purchased items can be imported into Russia without paying special duties.
Amendments have been introduced in the customs legislation (according to the Protocol dated 10/19/2011 “On introducing amendments and additions to the agreement on the procedure for the movement of goods by individuals for personal use across the customs border Customs Union and performance of customs operations related to their release dated 18.06.2010”)

The basic rule for importing things from Europe to Russia is as follows:
One person (regardless of age) can bring into the country purchased goods for personal use (with the exception of Vehicle) whose total value does not exceed 10,000 euros and whose total weight does not exceed 50 kg (thanks to the comments). Anything above is subject to a special duty - 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros / kg

What our customs considers personal goods:
Goods for personal use- goods intended for personal, family, household and other purposes not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity, needs individuals transported across the customs border in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage or in any other way.

Keep in mind:
According to changes in customs legislation:
Classification of goods transported by individuals across the customs border as goods for personal use is carried out customs authority using a risk management system based on:

  • statements of an individual about the goods being moved (orally or writing using the passenger customs declaration) in the cases established by this Agreement;
  • the nature and quantity of goods;
  • frequency of crossing by an individual and (or) movement of goods across the customs border
If, under the guise of goods for personal use, goods imported for the purpose of their use in entrepreneurial activity are declared and released, then such goods are considered illegally moved across the customs border.

How do customs officers understand that these are purchased items, and not your own, worn and brought from Russia? After all, it may be that you travel with your favorite five bags, have 7 pairs of shoes just in case and cannot live without your entire wardrobe.

In this case, customs officers look at the following:

  • whether things have tags (if they do, then the thing is, by definition, new)
  • what things you are taking with you (if in size ranges, then most likely you are going to resell them, which means these will not be things for personal use)
  • whether things are tax free (VAT deductible). If you issued a free tax at the airport in Italy and received a VAT deduction, then even the absence of tags on things still proves that these things are new and only bought (all information about those who issued tax free and received money is transferred from European customs to Russian customs )
  • Well, the very last opportunity to determine the novelty of things is to make an examination. According to our laws, customs officers can confiscate things and conduct an examination within a month to determine the value of your things and their novelty.
What then to do in this case, if you still have more than the norm for the purchased items?

We will tell you what some tourists do in such situations:
(however, be aware that some methods are risky and illegal)

  • pay a fee
  • hope they don't get stopped at customs
  • declare imported items so that upon return, customs officers do not have questions about their own things (a laptop or their own fur coat)
  • take children with them to increase the rate of import of things
  • cut tags from things, give things a used and shabby look, throw away all branded packages
  • they dress simpler and poorer, so that no one stops and checks luggage at customs when leaving the airport (I even read on one forum that one tourist usually does not shave and drinks from the evening before the flight in order to have a rumpled look)
  • do not pack luggage in expensive branded bags that scream that their owner is leaving for shopping
  • not direct flights are booked, but flights with transfers through other European cities. The chances of checking the luggage of tourists from Milan or Rimini will be much higher than checking the luggage of tourists from Prague or Brussels
  • take tickets to Domodedovo airport, because they say that there are fewer checks there than at Sheremetyevo
  • put on a lot of new things (especially fur coats, jewelry or watches)
  • do not pack luggage in wrapping bags or remove packaging when leaving the airport (so that there is no feeling that they have something expensive in their bags)
  • do not make tax free from the amount of things more than possible to import (tax free checks confirm that all things are new)
  • dress up as athletes, put luggage in covers from under the guitar, skis and baby carriages (well, here fantasy can roam)
However, if you wholesale buyer, then it’s better not to take risks and do not try to carry goods duty-free on an airplane (you definitely can’t wear all things, especially if these are shoes in size ranges).
There is a risk that your goods will be arrested, you will be forced to pay customs duties and a fine.
It is better for wholesale buyers to use the services of official transport companies who do the delivery and customs clearance of goods on their own. In this case, you pay for the services of the company and receive the customs-cleared cargo in your city without any problems.

P.S. thanks to changes in legislation, before the baggage allowance was only 65 thousand rubles

The question is pressing. Everyone wants to save money or earn some extra money.

All data is mostly open. More details can be found on the website of the customs department of Russia.

On the one hand, the rules and restrictions are extremely simply and consistently spelled out in the Customs Code and related documents, but on the other hand, for 25 years open borders they still raise a lot of questions.

A bit of history

The roots of the problem go far back to 1993, to the beginning of the first Customs Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, it was much better than the old Soviet document adopted back in 1964. But at the same time, new code contained a significant number of miscalculations that still create difficulties for travelers and participants in foreign economic activity.

Firstly, the law was not comprehensive. For example, the processes of interaction between customs structures and individuals were not formalized and were mentioned in passing. Due to the many references to related documents, it was quite difficult for an ordinary citizen to understand the intricacies of customs procedures.

A, Secondly, the new Customs Code of the Russian Federation closed all processes at customs, giving it almost unlimited powers. Not business, but customs has become the central object and the actual manager of foreign economic activity.

During the past 22 years, the Code has been constantly modified, and has actually been rewritten twice. They managed to remove the wildest norms and inconsistencies from it.

Five recent years Russia lives according to the Customs Code of the Customs Union (TC CU), which was actually copied from a blueprint from a document that was in force in Russia. But the backbone of that first Code of the 1993 model still lives in it.

In addition, one should not forget that in the harsh realities of Russian reality, almost any legislative act is interpreted depending on the situation. Therefore, in the presentation, we will try to pay special attention to this.

For clarifying interesting nuances, we express our gratitude to the guys from Banderolka, who, by the nature of their activities, encounter airport customs officers on a daily basis.

Purchases in luggage

This category includes both hand luggage and goods from duty-free shops that an individual imports on his own, as well as luggage that is sent for him by an air carrier or transport company.

Import rules

Today, for each citizen of the countries of the Customs Union, the following rules apply for the import of goods in baggage:

Import of personal items

No payment import duties you can bring in everything that was exported when you went abroad.

There is an interesting clause in the law: if an individual can confirm the export of goods from the territory of the Customs Union". But it is not clear what arguments the customs will accept as confirmation.

Import by air

Exempt from payment customs duties goods imported for personal purposes, the total value of which does not exceed 10 000 Euro, and the total weight is within 50 kg.

It would seem that this is the treasured amount for which you can buy everything that your heart desires. For instance, 15 brand new iPhone and leave a little more for jamon.

But the catch lies in the wording " for personal purposes". If the customs officer finds in the luggage or hand luggage goods that he considers commercial party, the owner is waiting for problems. The goods will most likely be seized, the owner will be charged with administrative offense(at least), and send it to the court to determine the amount of the fine (from half to two times the value of the seized).

Unfortunately, the work of customs is built in such a way that the inspector does not have to prove, substantiate or confirm anything. Enough of his suspicions and "expert opinion".

It is on the shoulders of the owner that the burden of proof will fall. N iPhone/iPad/MacBook/Apple TV pieces (underline as appropriate) were bought exclusively for personal purposes, well, or as gifts for a huge family.

And even now it is full of examples when enterprising citizens manage to carry iPhones in real bags. If you set a goal, you can also easily find information about seized smartphones from unlucky shuttles.

Customs officers have a trained eye, in addition, they are specially trained to single out, by indirect signs, people who may be dishonest.

As a rule, come across newcomers. Those who have been in this business for a long time prefer not to share the intricacies of the craft. For everyone else, there are a few general guidelines.

The normal amount that can be easily passed through customs is considered 3-4 units small equipment. In any case, if you are not particularly impudent and behave calmly, then 3 iPhones, iPads and MacBooks will easily cross the green corridor.

Ultimately, everyone decides for himself how much risk to bear. But if, when trying to go through the green corridor, more than 10,000 Euro worth of goods are found in the luggage, 30% of the fee will seem like a penny to the tourist.

Import by any mode of transport, except for air

Exempted from payment of customs duties imported for personal purposes, goods with a total weight up to 50 kg, the total cost of which does not exceed 1 500 Euro.

Rules for citizens entering by car or by rail similar, except for the amount of the duty-free threshold.

Harmful but tasty

Also, each adult tourist without paying duties can import up to 3 liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes / 50 cigars / up to 250 gr. tobacco, with a total weight of not more than 250 gr.

These restrictions apply to products purchased both abroad and in duty-free shops.

Important! The cost of alcohol and tobacco products is not included in the total value of imported goods.

Sanctioned Products

The most controversial and ambiguous point.

On the one hand, there are no formal restrictions on the import of food products for individuals. The sanctions lists apply only to legal entities.

But the customs officers are now very attentive and sensitive to the “sanctions”. If the inspector decides to inspect the passenger's luggage and counts several packages of cheese Bree consignment, it will be difficult or costly to convince him otherwise. Better to play it safe a little.

Payment of duties

Customs duties are paid only for exceeded quantity of goods, but the customs declaration is submitted for the total quantity!

  • If the value and weight of imported products exceed the established limits, the passenger will have to pay 30% from the cost of excess, but not less 4 Euro/kg.

    Important! Despite the fact that when importing by air, duty-free limits are set at the level of 10,000 Euros, duties amount to the difference between the actual value of the goods and 1,500 Euros!

  • Each liter of imported ethyl alcohol (but not more than 5 liters) is paid at the rate 22 Euro.
  • For each liter of alcohol (over three liters, but not more than five) you need to pay 10 Euro.

Import prohibited

It is prohibited to import into the territory of the Customs Union

  • Alcohol in a volume of more than 5 liters
  • Alcohol in the amount of more than 5 liters
  • Tobacco products/tobacco with a total weight of more than 250 grams or more than 200 cigarettes / 50 cigars
  • Firearms and cold steel

    By and large, the import of weapons is allowed, but the list of items restricted and prohibited for import is so extensive that it is easier for the layman to get used to the idea that it is impossible to import weapons. Those who really need it, most likely, already know what can be imported and what is strictly prohibited.

  • Narcotic and poisonous substances
  • Human organs and tissues


The rules for the import of parcels are similar to the rules for the import of baggage, with the exception of mandatory passage written declaration procedures and current restrictions on the total value of investments and their weight.

Greetings! "Foreigners will help us!" - it is this phrase of Ostap Bender that comes to my mind first of all when someone wants to buy any Apple equipment and save a little. And there is nothing strange in this, because the prices for the iPhone in the same America are much more pleasant than in Russia. Real savings can reach several thousand (and sometimes tens of thousands!) Rubles, so why not take advantage of the current situation? Such chances cannot be missed!

True, to get the maximum benefit, you will have to fly to another country for the phone (), and not buy a “foreigner” in stores in the Russian Federation. But who's stopping it?

Yes, I agree, it’s pointless to fly on purpose - you will spend more on a ticket. However, no one canceled travel, business trips, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, etc. You can always grab (or ask others to buy) a few iPhones from another country “on the way” on your own.

Yes, stop. And how many is a few? Let's talk about it today, let's go! :)

Important note! The author is the same person as most of you. I did not work at customs and at the border, so the information does not claim to be the ultimate truth. You may have a different opinion - write in the comments!

So, dear friends, the most important thing is that it turns out you can’t pick up a bunch of iPhones, fill a suitcase with them in another country and freely go through customs upon arrival in Russia. Why? Yes, because we have customs legislation and certain restrictions are imposed on the import of products (any).

What are the restrictions? If you strictly follow the letter of the law, then the total cost of goods that you can bring with you from another country without paying payments should be no more than:

  1. EUR 10,000 or equivalent - when traveling by air.
  2. 1,500 euros or equivalent amount - when moving by other means of transport.

I can already see the dumb question frozen in your eyes: “Why then did the author spread some kind of scribble here? They said 10,000 euros, which means I can safely buy 8 pieces of iPhone X in America, bring them to Russia and, upon arrival, confidently go through the green corridor at the airport.”

You can cross the border at the airport along the so-called green or red corridor. By passing through the green you confirm that you do not have goods subject to mandatory declaration.

And it would seem that if we fit into the limit of 10,000 euros, then we do not need to declare anything. But this is not entirely true ... After all, the key point in the law is not the amount of restrictions (although it is also very important), but the phrase - for personal use.

And now let's simulate the situation again - you have 8-10 iPhones in your suitcase, you go along the green corridor, customs stops you and ... the fun begins. You need to very (very, very!) convincingly explain that all these phones are for personal use, and not for resale. What will be the result of the conversation? From many factors:

  1. your persuasiveness.
  2. How often and where do you fly.
  3. How much do you carry with you?
  4. Your area of ​​work.

And other, less obvious things. In any case, eight iPhones per passenger is a lot. I would even say, forgive me for such words, to a fig! It will almost certainly be considered a "commercial lot" by Customs.

A "commercial lot" is a lot of goods intended for resale. Guess how many goods can be recognized as a batch? If speak about mobile phones, then more than 2 pieces of the same type.

That's it. Sailed. This is what happens, you can’t bring more than two iPhones with you from abroad? Quite right - this is exactly what you should do if you want to protect yourself as much as possible and 100%. We took two phones (you can also grab some iPad) and boldly go through the green corridor without declaring anything.

Do you want to bring 3 items of the same type of goods?

By the way, if you type different iPhones (differing in model, amount of memory, color), then it will still be considered as one type of product.

Here it’s already “on thin” - in most cases there will be no problems, but again, everything again depends heavily on many other factors. For example, how often do you fly? If every other day and every time you carry three phones with you, then ... well, you yourself understand - questions from customs control can't be avoided :)

So let's sum up some things:

  1. Without payment of fees, goods (for personal use!) can be transported across the border in the amount of not more than 10,000 euros for air transport and 1,500 euros for all other modes of transport. This is by law.
  2. How many iPhones can be safely and fearlessly brought to Russia from another country? Two.
  3. I want three, is that okay? Can. If you do not fly often and you have someone to carry these same phones (wife, husband, children, parents).
  4. And if you bring 8 pieces, I'll meet the limit! Why is that not possible? Because it's not for personal use, but a commercial batch. That is fraught with huge problems and fines.

Going shopping abroad or returning from vacation with souvenirs for friends is a common practice for modern tourists. However, not many of them first study the customs rules of Russia. This document indicates things (and their quantity) that you can freely carry with you across the border, and you also need to declare or even pay a customs fee. The customs rules of Russia in 2019 have undergone changes.

From January 1, 2019, the amount for which you can import goods duty-free has been reduced by three times, and the allowable weight has been halved.

Today, without paying customs duties across the border, you can carry goods for personal use in the amount equivalent to 500 EUR and weighing up to 25 kg.

The new customs rules apply only to those who cross the Russian border by car, train or ferry. Innovations are relevant for everyone. For air travelers, the old rules still apply.

Sample of filling out a customs declaration

Not a single trip is complete without the tourist not having the necessary amount of money. For everyone it is different. You can not declare your financial capabilities at the border and then have no problems if the import of foreign currency (the total amount of cash and traveler's checks) does not exceed 10,000 dollars. Moreover, the available funds can be in any currency, but should not exceed the specified threshold.

Import and export of any currency is allowed without additional documents, if the amount does not exceed 10 thousand US dollars. Customs declaration can be filled in this case as desired.

If tourists have a need, the equivalent of which exceeds 10 thousand dollars, or introduce similar funds, then this requires permission obtained in central bank RF.

Alcohol and tobacco

The import rules imply that these goods can only be transported by adults who are 18 years of age or older. The following restrictions apply for 2019:

  • without entering it into the declaration and, accordingly, without paying a fee. What kind of alcohol it will be is completely unimportant: for customs officers, beer, whiskey, wine and absinthe are completely equal;
  • 2 liters of alcohol can be carried in excess of the established duty-free limits, provided that they will be included in the declaration. For each liter, you will have to pay a customs fee separately - 10 euros each, that is, for two in excess of the norm - 20 euros. Purchased alcohol abroad or in the duty-free zone does not matter;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 100 cigarillos;
  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 250 grams of tobacco.

Scheme of checking a truck at customs

Violation of customs rules regarding importation alcoholic products punishable by the seizure of contraband goods, the initiation of an administrative case and the imposition of penalties. Moreover, the amount of the fine can range from half to double the cost of the goods.

Whether or not to confiscate goods that have crossed the border with violations will be decided individually in each specific case, as well as the amount of fines.

The rules for the export of alcoholic beverages from Russia do not provide for any restrictions. But these restrictions are very clearly spelled out in the customs regulations of other countries. That is, you can take out as much as you like, but it is unlikely that you will be able to import them into another country. In addition, customs officers may be interested in a large amount of alcohol, using an excerpt from the rules as an argument. It states that goods can be taken out of the country in the quantity necessary for personal use.

Duty-free import and export of things

In order to transport things across the Russian border and not fill out a declaration, and, accordingly, not pay a fee, all baggage must comply with three basic import rules:

  • Everything that you are going to transport across the border must be intended for you and your family personally. Including new goods, used items, clothes and equipment. That is, 10 new iPhones or other modern expensive gadgets will definitely interest a customs officer;
  • If the border is crossed by car, train or ferry, then the total weight of your luggage must not exceed 25 kg. Air travelers are allowed to carry up to 50 kg;
  • total cost your luggage cannot exceed 500 euros if you are returning to Russia ground transport, and . The calculation takes into account the cost in any currency, not exceeding the equivalent.

The exception is things that are imported into the territory Russian Federation refugees and migrants.

But for this you need to have confirmation of your social status. Also a special attitude to the things that you inherited. However, in order to smuggle them, it is necessary to provide customs controllers with documents confirming the fact of ownership.

The rules of duty-free import into the territory of the Russian Federation apply to works of art, but with one caveat. They must be declared, and after crossing the border, they must be registered with the regional Ministry of Culture.

Violation of customs rules entails administrative liability and payment of the imposed fine. In some cases, customs officials have the right to confiscate items that are prohibited from being brought into the country or that have not been properly declared.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who travel abroad often do not think about the fact that the currency they take with them (depending on its amount) may be subject to declaration. In the article, we will find out when it is possible to export currency abroad without a declaration in 2020, what amounts must be declared, how much currency can be exported from Russia, what punishment will follow for violating laws on exporting currency abroad.

Ways to export money to Russia

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the concept of "currency" consists of:

  1. Cashless Money.
  2. Cash.

Non-cash funds stored on cards are not of interest to employees customs service. Residents of the Russian Federation, therefore, can use an unlimited amount of money abroad. However, not everyone chooses this option, because. for withdrawing cash from the card through ATMs in other countries, a fee is charged.

In addition to cash, citizens can carry across the border:

  1. Bills.
  2. Securities.
  3. Traveler's checks.
  4. Checks.

Securities are declared regardless of their cash equivalent.

How much can you import and export

On the territory of the Customs Union at the moment you can transport an unlimited amount of money.

When not to declare

If a resident of Russia wants to export or import money, traveller's checks worth less than 10 thousand dollars, he may not declare them. Declaring such an amount is voluntary.

Many do not know that 10 thousand US dollars are allowed for import to one citizen, i.e. if a family of 4 people crosses the border, then this amount can be carried for each participant in the trip.

If the money is not transported in US dollars, then in this case the amount of funds imported into or exported to Russia is converted into US dollars at the exchange rate of the country from which they are exported. The exchange rate is used, which is set on the day of filing the customs declaration.

When deciding whether to fill out, the total amount of all money is calculated (both in foreign currency and in Russian rubles).

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

If monetary instruments are being transported, information about them is indicated:

  1. Release date.
  2. Issuer name.
  3. Personal number (if any).

If the declarant is not transporting his own money, he also indicates information about their owner.


Citizens who have violated the law on how much cash can be transported across the border of the Russian Federation without declaring will be held accountable.

Depending on the amount of illegally transported currency, their effect can be attributed to:

  1. Administrative misconduct.
  2. smuggling.


Smuggling can be called the illegal movement of funds or tools on a large scale: more than 20 thousand dollars.

The punishment may be as follows:

  1. Fine.
  2. Restriction of freedom.
  3. Forced labor.

Administrative offense

If a person crossing the border did not declare the funds or provided false information when declaring, he will be fined (may be 50% of the amount that exceeds the norm for importing funds) or monetary instruments will be confiscated.