How to make your life interesting and harmonious? How to make your life interesting and rich? How to make your life comfortable.

A happy and joyful life is the dream of every person. But often such a dream is not destined to come true. Why does happiness not want to knock on our doors?

A happy person is noticeable immediately. His gait is confident, he is smiling and friendly towards those around him. A happy person is personified by his actions, his behavior. Calmness and the ability to appreciate every minute of life are the main principles of a happy person. Why can't everyone be happy? It's simple - not every person knows the little secrets of happiness.

These 7 secrets to making your life happy will help you bring more harmony and happiness into your life.

1. Secret of Freedom

Don't worry about what others think of you. You should not constantly dwell on how others treat you, what they think about you and your actions. It is worth remembering that in the world there is no absolutely perfect person who liked everyone without exception. Your behavior and actions personify the main character traits, speak of your personality. Absolutely stupid behavior can be called when a person, contrary to his desires and goals, acts in accordance with the opinion expressed by the people around him. To act at the behest of other people means to lose yourself as a person. Remember that you are a free and independent person, you can have your own opinion. And let it be different from the opinions of others, but it reflects all the individual characteristics of your personality, your thoughts and goals.

2. Secret of Reality

Each of our thoughts must materialize. Positive and negative thoughts can materialize and turn into reality. Therefore, if a person mentally tunes in to the bad, then the negative will soon manifest itself in his real life. If a person thinks about good and positive things, strives for happiness, everything in his life changes for the better. To find happiness, you need to not only think about the good, but also try to attract all the good things into your life: surround yourself with positive people, create harmony in your home. Happiness is nearby, you just need to reach out to it, take one step.

3. Beauty Secret

Love and accept your body the way it is. Many cannot find happiness because they are dissatisfied with their own appearance. Not everyone may have an ideal appearance, but you should not engage in self-flagellation and be upset about this. Moreover, if your appearance becomes an obstacle to your happiness, then you should not become discouraged. It would be better to think about how to correct the flaws, or how you can skillfully hide them with the help of clothes and accessories. Do not deprive yourself of happiness just because your appearance is far from ideal. Surely the shortcomings of your body are compensated by some positive qualities of character.

4. Secret of Friendship

Do not judge or criticize yourself or others. In the life of every person, there are probably several friends or girlfriends. What is friendship? Friendship arises against the background of common interests, values, attachment to certain things and actions. It is very important to learn to be friends not only with others, but also with yourself. Inner harmony will help a person to streamline thoughts, put feelings and desires in order. The main principle of friendship is the absence of condemnation and criticism in relation to oneself and others. Criticism is the enemy of friendship. Criticizing another, we become in his eyes an unpleasant and undesirable person. And in this case, we can no longer talk about friendship. In friendly relations there should be no suspicions, disputes, radical criticism. Friendship involves taking into account the individual characteristics and character of the interlocutor, understanding that each person is characterized by some actions, and others are completely unacceptable. Friendship is disinterestedness and understanding of the motives of the interlocutor. If a person understands the foundations on which friendships are based, he will be able to pick up the keys to his happiness.

5. Secret of Love

Give Love and do not remake the Beloved. In love, it is necessary to follow the basic rule: to give it disinterestedly, without demanding anything in return, and in no case try to remake a loved one “for yourself”. One of the important theses of love is the saying that one loves not for something, but just like that. A loving person does not notice any shortcomings in the object of his love, so the question of changes in the character and behavior of a partner simply does not arise. If you began to notice that your partner does not act the way you want, then there are two ways out of this situation. It is necessary to understand and accept the actions of the object of love, or part with him (in the event that the acceptance of his values ​​and aspirations is not possible for you). There can be no happiness between spouses who refuse to understand each other. Happy love is built on trust and understanding between spouses.

6. Secret of Wealth

Learn to give first and then receive. Wealth is not only material values, it is also the inner fullness of the soul. To gain material wealth, you must first show generosity towards your neighbor, friend or acquaintance. If there is a person who needs money more than you, he needs help. Money spent for the benefit of another is returned to you, but already in an amount increased several times. A person must learn to give first in order to receive more later. This principle is guided by novice businessmen who understand that you first need to make a contribution to the business, and then, after some time, make a profit.

7. Secret of Happiness

Think less, love more and be happy. The secret of happiness is simple - it is necessary to live with benefit every minute, not to succumb to despondency. Happiness can be hindered by despondency and bad thoughts. Do not dwell on bad thoughts and desires, devote more time to love and joy.

Happiness is always close to a person. However, not everyone can see, because they are busy with everyday worries, achieving goals and other minor problems. Happiness just passes by. You need to learn to see happiness in simple things, not to plunge headlong into the whirlpool of life, to stop at least for a minute and look around.

Do you think life is too boring? Then something urgently needs to be changed. Any person can make his life interesting if he puts some effort into his desire. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do what makes you happy. How to make your life interesting, read below.

Find a hobby

What person can call himself truly happy? The one who does what she loves. A person who has a hobby and devotes maximum of his free time to it will not complain about the dullness of life. How to make your life interesting? Think about what you would like to do? The thing that brings you pleasure does not have to be work. It's great if you like to work with numbers and your profession is an accountant. But if you work as a clerk in an office, and your soul is eager for creativity, do not stop such impulses. Allow yourself to enjoy the work that brings you pleasure. Creativity should be sincere, not corrupt. Do not try to do, for example, design, just because the representatives of this profession earn good money. Not money should guide the soul of a person, but a true vocation.

How to make children's life interesting? Try to immediately identify the inclinations of your children. Some children may be addicted to music, while others will demonstrate success in sports. Give your child the opportunity to try their hand at different areas. Then the baby will be able to meaningfully judge what he likes more and what he does better.

Read more

Can't figure out how to make your life interesting? Do not be afraid to look for the answer to the question in books. Literature helps any person to get away from reality and plunge into an imaginary world that will be bright and interesting for a few hours. A person who reads a lot has a good imagination. She will not be bored, as she can always think of something to do. Books help a person to know reality, find the true meaning of happiness and understand himself, his feelings and the people who make up his immediate environment. If you want to live life to the fullest, you need to read more. The love of literature gives a person many advantages. He can easily be alone with himself and have fun in reasoning.

How to make school life more interesting? Children rarely pick up books. Reading is out of fashion these days. It is a pity that the younger generation is not interested in the knowledge that their ancestors recorded with such love on the pages of their works. Teach a teenager to love books, and then he will learn to think. Only that person will be able to truly appreciate all the joys of life, who will be able to think with his own head, and not act according to the template offered by society.

Learn to enjoy every day

Have you seen happy people? Some may be surprised by the fact that optimists are always in high spirits. Why are some people able to enjoy their lives while others can't? Each person must understand a simple truth - you can find joy in every day, you just need to take a closer look. How to make your life interesting? Start noticing the little joys that fate brings you. When you went outside, did you see the dazzling sun? Rejoice in the first day of spring, which meets you in the best way. Did one of your colleagues bring you a mug of invigorating coffee? Thank the person and mentally thank the universe for the amazing people around you. Don't forget to make small surprises for others. The more you give, the more you will receive. Do you want others to please you every day? Start by making people happy yourself.

Get out of your comfort zone

Do not know how to make your life interesting and eventful? Sitting on the couch, you will not be able to get closer to your goal. To diversify everyday life, you must often leave your comfort zone. Start doing this at least once a week, such as on Sunday. On your day off, do what you wanted to do but were afraid to do. For example, you want to go see a movie that was released yesterday, but you don't have company. Do you think that only losers go to the cinema alone? Get rid of such stereotypes. If you want to watch a movie, go and watch it. You do not need a company for this activity. How else can you get out of your comfort zone? Do what you are afraid to do. For example, skydive. The sensations that you get from the jump will definitely excite your blood and help you understand how adrenaline is needed sometimes. Come up with interesting tasks, challenge yourself and try to complete them.

Attend interesting events

Do you want to spice up your boring life? Then get out of the house more often. Today, in almost any city you can find a club according to your interests. People who are fond of fine arts go to the opening of exhibitions and it is there that they find like-minded people. Persons who practice judo find clubs where they can meet people who are not indifferent to the sport, which they themselves are.

You still do not know how to make your life interesting and eventful? Open the poster of events in your city. Many people do not know, but do not even try to find interesting events that take place every weekend. Do not be afraid to attend such events alone. It's okay that some of your friends won't share your interest in building or programming. Be aware that your main goal is to make acquaintance with like-minded people who in the future will notify you of entertainment events of this kind.

communicate more

How to make life brighter and more interesting? You need to get to know people more often. Your social contacts are one of the ways to find those events that you simply cannot find on your own. And some you don't even know about. For example, having met a person who is engaged in fencing, you can get to the installation of a knightly duel. And perhaps you will even learn how to hold a sword and deftly handle it. It is also useful to communicate in order to learn more not only about events, but also about the people themselves. The person who is the soul of the company simultaneously plays two roles: a psychologist and a good administrator. By acquiring such skills, you will be able to easily use people's knowledge, skills and talents. All this can be useful to you if you start some grandiose idea, but you will not have the opportunity to implement it on your own.

Write a wish list and implement it

Every person, no matter how old he is, has desires that he would like to fulfill, but there is not enough time. If you are wondering how to make life brighter and more interesting, then it's time to start writing a list. Rewrite all your cherished dreams on a sheet. You should write whatever comes to mind. Do not evaluate your desires. Want to pet a tiger, swim with dolphins or go diving? There is nothing surprising. Any of the tasks on this list will be able to make your life more interesting. Once you have a guide to action in your hands, you can begin to implement your plans. To make this easier to do, group the desires. For example, you can swim with dolphins and go water skiing when you go on vacation. But you can jump with a parachute or ride a motorcycle tomorrow. Do not guess the execution of your plans for later. You can use this list every week as you look for the next task to get out of your comfort zone.

Travel more

How to make school life more interesting? Parents should travel more often with their child. Excuses, like "money barely enough to live on," are not accepted. A person can always find time and money for what he wants. If you can't provide for your family, then it's time to look for a new job. If you do not have any specialty and therefore cannot apply for a highly paid position, then go to study. But keep in mind that even with a very limited budget it is possible to travel. Today, flights and transfers have become so affordable that you do not need to spend exorbitant money to relax and see the world's attractions. It will be enough for you to buy a hot ticket. What about work and study? Adults can always take a vacation from work, and a child can be taken on a trip during the holidays. If you are not allowed to leave work, arrange family weekend excursions. Leave for a neighboring city, rent a hotel and look at nearby attractions.

Get a pet

Do you want to diversify gray everyday life? Get a pet. With its acquisition, your life will never be the same. A pet will bring chaos to her. It will make you move and show at least some activity. We are talking, of course, about large animals, like cats and dogs. Once you have fish, you won't need to change your schedule. How to make your life interesting and happy? By purchasing a dog or cat, you buy yourself a best friend who will save you from loneliness, cheer you up and keep you from being bored. The dog will require you to everything else and daily long walks in the fresh air. It should be noted that such walks before going to bed and immediately after waking up allow a person to find time to discuss the course of life with himself, take stock of the day and think about what will be the next goal that needs to be achieved.

Think less, do more

What kind of person is successful? The one that works. A lazy person who is used to lying on the couch will never be able to become successful. How to make life interesting and varied? Get out of the house and start doing something. Find something to do, do crazy things, get a taste of life. Realize your desires right now. There is no point in making excuses that you do not have the money to fulfill your dream. You can take some steps towards your goal, even without money. And if you need them, then figure out where and on what you can earn. In general, do not sit at home and dream of a better life. She will not come to you on her own. You have to work hard to get good results.

Some might say that acting without a clear plan is simply stupid. Therefore, some individuals are very passionate about planning and then rewriting their plans. Don't waste your time. We wrote some kind of plan, got our bearings, and you will work out the details along the way.

Don't be afraid to be judged by others

Do you want to enjoy life? Then do not think that someone can judge you. Each person chooses his own life path. Thinking about how to make family life happy and interesting? Don't tell anyone about your problems. Try to solve all your troubles together, without involving anyone from outside. And how to have fun with family people? Think about shared hobbies. Do you like cycling or boat trips? Don't listen to your friends who tell you that at your age it's time to stop hiking and have kids. If you want something, then go for it. The most absurd ideas always become the greatest. Most people live according to their stereotypes. They cannot go beyond these limits. If you can think broader, then use this gift and ignore the judgmental views.

educate yourself

How to make life more interesting if there is no money? Not all pleasures are expensive. To love life and every day of it, you must do what brings you pleasure. And what could it be? Think about what skills you have always wanted to acquire, but did not seriously think about it? Maybe it was the skill of drawing, writing or acting? It's never too late to educate yourself. Yes, you will have to pay for the courses. But these are not some astronomical sums, especially since the skills that you acquire in such courses will help diversify your life and fill it with new impressions. Don't skimp on your education. This advice is suitable for everyone, but it should be applied more often than other young people. Those people who think that they still have a lot of time ahead of them can be seriously mistaken.

Pamper yourself

Do you want to enjoy every day? Then don't forget to pamper yourself. Some people are accustomed to forever limiting themselves in everything, thinking that someday the day will come when they will spend all their accumulated wealth without a twinge of conscience. Understand that such a day may never come. This does not mean that you do not need to think about tomorrow, it means that you do not need to endure hardships. Life will be much brighter and more enjoyable if you eat your favorite food, do interesting things and meet interesting people. Do you think this option is only possible for a person who lives alone? Nothing like this. How to make family life more interesting? Pamper not only yourself, but also those around you. A man can bring flowers to his wife for no reason and thereby improve a woman's day. And the wife can cook a romantic dinner and surprise her beloved man. For children, you can also prepare a surprise. For example, an unexpected trip to the quest with the whole family.

The number "42" for the site is somewhat magical, so I just couldn't get past this article. After reading it, I realized that it contains simple and effective tips that have already been discussed on our blog separately more than once. I even think about putting these 42 points in a frame in the most visible place, so as not to forget that we ourselves complicate our lives.

1. Try completely opposite things.

For example, if you've been eating a lot of meat, it's time to try cutting it out for at least a short amount of time. If you like to argue - try to remain silent. Wake up late - get up early, etc. Make these little experiments a part of your daily life and it will be a kind of “getting out of your comfort zone” inoculation. Firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, at the moment of the next sharp turn in your life, going beyond the comfort zone will not be so noticeable.

2. Wake up 20 minutes earlier

You can do this in several sets of 20 minutes, and then you can easily wake up an hour earlier and have time to do a lot of interesting things that you didn’t get your hands on before. Most recently, we touched on the topic, so if you have not started yet, you have a great opportunity to include this item in your life in a complex.

3. Arrive 10 minutes early for all appointments and meetings

Firstly, by leaving early, you will not worry that you will be late and make your colleagues wait. Why do you need extra stress before an important meeting? Secondly, by arriving a little earlier, you can prepare and check again if you have not forgotten anything.

4. Single-tasking

Our brains are unable to multitask. We still have to switch from one task to another. When you work on only one thing, you do it better and more focused, without distractions.

5. Ask yourself: Am I trying to keep things simple?

Analyze the situation. If it turns out that your actions complicate things even more, think about how to decompose it into simpler components and solve the problem.

6. Ask yourself: will it matter in 5 years?

Before you make an elephant out of a fly and tear your hair out, think about whether this situation will be important in 5 years? And after 5 weeks?

7. Only shop with the money you earn or save

Before buying something expensive, think carefully and remember the rule "consider the purchase for as many days as hundreds are included in its cost (if 100, then one day, if 200 - 2 days, etc.)". This will help you make smart purchases and avoid stupid loans.

8. Learn a few recipes and cook at home more often

This way you will save money and be able to eat healthier food (assuming you cook healthy food).

By the way, there are quite a few interesting and simple ones on our blog.

9. When you cook, try to cook more than you will eat.

This will save you time - next time you will only need to reheat the already prepared one. And, of course, you will not have to wash the dishes so often.

To be honest, I don't really like to eat warm food. But during periods of blockages, it saves a lot. In addition, there are dishes that become tastier on the second day (some soups, for example).

10. Record

Human memory is not the most reliable tool. Therefore, keep records of affairs, purchases, meetings, etc. Also, try to identify 4 priority goals for this year and periodically look at them in your notes so as not to deviate from the set course.

11. Remember that life is much bigger than you think.

You don't know everything and sometimes you make mistakes. This will help you listen with great patience to other people's opinions and accept them, change yourself and always remain open to new knowledge and opportunities.

12. Take risks, don't be afraid to make mistakes

And then learn from them, assimilate what life presents, and with the knowledge and experience gained, boldly take on new ideas.

13. Do what you really enjoy.

Do not live other people's dreams and desires.

14. Try to buy products for the week at once

This will save not only money, but also time.

15. Go shopping when you're full.

The surest way to go to the store and buy only what you need is to go there not hungry. There will be no temptation to buy something else and standing at the checkout, your hands will not reach for chocolates and cookies, so helpfully laid out at the last frontier :)

16. Enjoy small pleasures

A beautiful sunset, flowering trees outside the window after a long winter, the last tastiest piece of cake. Learn to savor life in small pieces and find pleasant moments in the world around you.

17. Drink water

Instead of eating when you get bored, it is better to drink a glass of water - get rid of the feeling of hunger and at the same time replenish the water supply in the body.

18. Eat slower

Do not fly as if you are missing the last train in your life to a bright and happy future. Food should be taken in a good mood and slowly, enjoying every bite. Firstly, this way you will get full faster, although you will eat less than if you stuff food at cruising speed. And secondly, it will be another pleasant moment that will complement your mosaic of enjoying life.

Be kind to those around you, and especially to yourself.

20. Write short letters

Usually 1-5 sentences are enough.

21. Answer emails once a day

Set aside the most optimal time for yourself to check your mail and respond to incoming emails. Checking your mailbox every 5 minutes will take time and add nervousness.

22. Learn and try new ways to deal with stress

Meditation, yoga, classical music, a couple of laps around the stadium after work - any of these methods can help you relieve stress.

23. Keep your home and workplace in order

Then you can quickly find the right things and thus save time and nerves.

24. Live "here and now"

Enjoy life, capture every moment. Be aware of each day instead of rushing through it headlong, constantly thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

25. Spend more time with people who make life easier.

And try to avoid the company of those who are all for no reason.

26. Exercise every day

Let it be at least a walk or a walk during lunch. This will allow you to get rid of stress, add energy, help put your body in order and drive away negative thoughts.

27. Get rid of junk

Get rid of things in the house, from projects that hinder your development, from bad thoughts in your head and from people who are an obstacle to your goals and take too much time and energy with constant complaints about life.

28. Ask questions

Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people who have been in situations like yours and have been able to find a solution.

29. Stop trying to please everyone.

Just because it's useless. This is impossible because there will always be people who don't like you for one reason or another. And there can be thousands of such reasons.

30. Break complex tasks into small ones

If the task seems difficult, break it down into several small tasks and solve gradually one by one.

31. Stop trying to be perfect.

This does not mean that everything needs to be done carelessly. Just instead of getting hung up on the smallest details, just do your job well. We also wrote about the side effects of perfectionism more than once - a waste of time, energy and nerves, plus increased dissatisfaction with yourself and others because of the high bar.

32. Stop for a minute and just take a deep breath.

And then exhale slowly. Deep breathing relaxes and saturates the blood with oxygen. It also helps you focus better on the important things.

33. Spend 20% of your time thinking about solving a problem and 80% on solving it.

And not vice versa.

34. Focus on a few important things, and cut off everything unnecessary and secondary

Instead of being sprayed on 10 projects at once, focus all your energy on solving two or three main tasks.

35. Keep a diary

Every day, your thoughts and your actions, you can then easily track what exactly helped you find the right solution. Also, rereading your notes will help you clearly see your progress and avoid the same mistakes.

36. If you don't like what you're doing, find something else.

The world around us is changing and we are changing with it. What we were simply delighted with yesterday may no longer be of any interest to us today. If you feel that what you once loved no longer brings you satisfaction, it's time to think about a change.

37. Use a minimalist workplace

Nothing should interfere with you. Your desktop should be organized and contain only those things that are necessary for work. Clutter is distracting and productivity drops. I think that the order should be not only on the desktop, but also on the desktop of your computer.

38. Give yourself 15 minutes every Sunday to plan your upcoming workweek.

This will help you get organized in your head, prioritize and order things to do, set goals, tune in to the work ahead, and reduce stress.

39. Cancel unwanted subscriptions

Whether it's disconnecting from cable TV with a huge number of channels, or cleaning your rss feed from the trash that you continue to browse out of habit. Some magazines and newspapers can also be added here.

40. Ask instead of guessing

42. Sometimes let yourself just be lazy

If you can put your life in order, get rid of negativity and unnecessary things, you will have time for a little and pleasant laziness. Sometimes laziness is a barrier that prevents us from achieving our desired goals, but sometimes it is a cure. Allow yourself to be a little lazy at least once a week. Do not think about work, do not think about goals, but just enjoy silence, a book, or loneliness. This little laziness will allow you to have a good rest and start the work week with renewed vigor and inspiration.

You know, when the head is not occupied with anything, very interesting thoughts drop in there;)

Hello my dear readers and guests of the blog! I have recently become convinced that simplicity makes me happier. I noticed that even the views on many things and events have become different, more conscious. I began to notice little things, to understand those people who used to seem like eccentrics to me, there were fewer worries and fuss in my life. It feels like I've taken it to a whole new level. But, of course, I am far from ideal, but, nevertheless, I am satisfied with the result.

How to make life easier

Simplicity has become a way of life for me, and simplification is one of several goals. Mine helped me a lot. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to reorganize yourself, change habits and thinking. But time and labor, as they say, grind everything. I have just started my path as a minimalist, but I have already mastered many truths that inspire me and give me motivation to move on.

Those who have not yet known all the advantages of this direction, I would like to advise at least a try. After all, chaos in life occurs because of an overabundance. In the house - things, in the head - thoughts. Our task is to put everything on the shelves, highlight priority areas that need to be developed first of all, discard all unnecessary and get rid of tangible and intangible rubbish.

Today I will try to formulate rules that will help each of you make your life easier and easier so that you enjoy it, do pleasant things and enjoy it to the fullest.

Throw away all rubbish

I believe this is the first thing to do on the path to simplifying life. Few people attach special importance to this, but in vain. Incredibly, but as soon as you feel, you will receive a huge boost of motivation, which will eventually lead you to realize what you still lack, what you want to change. This rule will not only save you from unnecessary and unnecessary fuss, free up space in the house, but also give you the opportunity to change your idea of ​​the meaning of life in general. Loud words, I agree, but it was from this that my self-development began, my consciousness seemed to have undergone a purification. And I am sure that a big but pleasant surprise awaits you too. Just try for a week to throw out everything that clutters up your house, everything you don't need and don't use. Prepare 2 boxes - in the first place the garbage, in the second what you want to donate or sell. The main thing is not to regret anything!

Set life priorities

What is more important for you at the moment: family, money, health? Sometimes we think that today there is nothing more important than a career, and children, wife, husband, relatives, sores, rest and communication with friends - all this can wait. Stop, and when then to live? In retirement, on that short weekend? Will not work. Life is one and you need to live it, squeezing out all the juices. There are a huge number of techniques and rules that will help you organize your life correctly and at the same time live to the fullest without depriving yourself and others.

Recently, I came across a very interesting video that really helps to accurately understand the priorities, which are dictated for the most part not by the mind, but by the heart. Be sure to watch this video, you will be surprised how much a person can make mistakes and make wrong decisions in his life just because he does not know how to highlight the important.

Organize your life

Sometimes household chores take up a lot of our time, do not give us the opportunity to have fun, make everyday life boring and uninteresting. But there is one way out - to optimize your life, to make it easier and easier to manage. For example, the same. Unbelievable, but God works wonders. Already millions of housewives are convinced of its effectiveness. Thanks to the tips and techniques, you will spend a minimum of time on housekeeping, while cleanliness and order will not leave your home.

In addition, you should pay attention to. This greatly simplifies their use and organizes the space. Well, as always, I advise you to stick to it. You should not keep what you do not use, what does not bring you benefit and joy. In this sense, I advise you to read the book “The Magic of Cleaning”.

Clean up your social circle

It sounds unusual, but, nevertheless, people leave a significant imprint in our lives. Without communication, we cannot survive. Being a recluse is unbearable, indecent, dangerous, but in the environment of every person there are a number of people who bring nothing but negativity. These can be work colleagues, neighbors, and even relatives. Limit communication with such unique people to a minimum. Don't just date, and find the strength to tell them why you made the decision. Perhaps this will be an impetus for them to change.

It is better to please yourself with communication with your beloved friends, relatives, family. Make new acquaintances, communicate, but at the same time put a filter and let only kind and positive people into your life, with whom it is easy and simple for you. Don't be afraid to come across as a selfish, bitchy person. Make it clear that and only you decide how to build it.

Pay attention to the little things

You might be asking how the question of simplicity can be relevant to the little things. Yes, everything is very simple. When we pay attention to details, rejoice and notice the little things, life becomes richer, happier, acquires a certain understanding of the meaning of existence. At the same time, you simply do not have enough time to spray everything and everything. Our lives are made up of little things. For example, you can put 100 figurines on a shelf and not enjoy their appearance, or you can put only one, the most beloved and dear to your heart, which will constantly attract your attention. You can marry one woman, give her all your love, and receive gratitude for care and need in return, or constantly be in search of your beloved and jump from bed to bed, wasting your life energy right and left.

There can be many examples and many will disagree with me that these are not details at all. I will be very glad if you do not think so, because, most likely, you know the true value of these “little things”.

Look in the negative for the positive

Plan your time

Again planning, but without it nowhere. To be in time for the main thing in your life, to devote time to the most important things, you need time, minutes, hours, days, years. Often they are not enough. Try to divide the day into separate blocks - work, family, rest ... Do not forget about yourself. As for important things, it is best that they are related to your goals. You should not be wasted and do something that does not bring pleasure, does not bring you closer to your dream. Try to do everything in joy and remember what you are striving for. This will be your main motivation, even if you are eating “frog” at this time.

Loneliness, laziness, rest

Sometimes it’s a pity to waste time on rest, because time goes by, you need to. But as I said, our main mission on earth is to have fun, to live in joy and happiness. If you plow all day, do not see children, do not take care of yourself, but only do, do and do, then, unfortunately, a very deplorable result awaits you. Health, most likely, will be undermined, relations with loved ones will deteriorate, and there is no joy in this. Learn to relax, be lazy, be alone. What you like best, then choose, this is a vital rule that is simply unacceptable to break.

If you correctly allocate your time, work on important tasks, keep up with the main thing, then your life will become easier.

The work of a minimalist

No job anywhere. This is the source of money, which, in fact, embodies most of our desires. But in this area, you can work on simplification. For example, if you hate your colleagues, your boss, and in general what you do, then you should consider changing jobs. Find one that you like, where you feel lighter, simpler and more confident. The shorter the journey from home to work, the better.

It is also worth taking care of the workplace. Throw out all the trash, clear the space, clean up the drawers, organize the storage of stationery and papers, sort them by type, purpose, and so on. At work, do only work. So you will be more effective, your efforts will be noticeable.

Be sure to take five minutes of rest. Get to know .

Down with perfectionism

Being the best, doing everything perfectly is, of course, good if it does not interfere with your life. But often this quality does not bring people satisfaction. To be the very best is a huge work and obligation, first of all to yourself. If the bar falls, then self-esteem suffers. It is better to direct your efforts to quality, do not reproach yourself for the fact that something did not turn out the way you wanted. The main thing is to try, try, but in no case blame yourself. In some cases, the situation reaches the point of absurdity. But remember, you don't owe anything to anyone.

Simple food

Exotics are all the rage, and chic and sophisticated dishes are on the rise. But instead of standing at the stove for hours, you can cook equally delicious dishes from simple ingredients quickly and easily. If you want something unusual, it's better to go to a restaurant, order sushi or any other treat you like, and leave everything simple for home cooking. Make a list of recipes that will be a lifesaver for you and in advance. This will save a lot of time.

Lists, lists, lists...

If you do only this out of everything listed in the article, you will already feel how you have made your life easier. This I guarantee you. Lists can be for all occasions. For example, shopping, Wishlist, gifts, medicines, meals, plans, goals, household chores, routines, events, dates, holidays, books you want to read, inventory of household chemicals, clothes, things in the kindergarten, and so on. Now you will always know what to buy, what to take with you, what is missing at home. The number of lists is unlimited, try and experiment.

Make life easier - save money

Thanks to lists, you can significantly. But this is not the only way to keep an extra penny in your wallet. First of all, after that, do not buy what you do not need, make do with a minimum and those things that you really need. For example, why buy 10 frying pans when you can get by with a maximum of three? Why buy kitchen utensils, for example, various kinds of harvesters or vegetable cutters, if you use them once a year and then not always? Why buy decor items that don’t fit into the interior of the room? In general, there can be a million such questions. Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to save or not.

Learn to say "no"

Reliability, the desire to please, helping everyone and everyone does not make our life easier. Being a rescuer and helper is good, but only when it does not interfere with the implementation of ideas and goals, when you do not suffer from this and do not feel sad. Learn to say no to those who don't really need your help. This is especially true for people you know and not quite close to you, for example, work colleagues. First of all, think about whether your reliability will interfere with you.

Get things done

Unfinished business can drive anyone crazy. It is better to protect yourself from the state of something unfinished, let go of this burden and clear your head of thoughts of an unsuccessful enterprise. Either forget about the events that you failed to bring to mind, or, in the end, complete, put an end to and move forward. And try not to make a trail of things behind you. Give the enterprise all your attention, do not spray around, focus on one thing.

Healthy lifestyle

Another way to make your life easier is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Then there will be less hassle and worries about your health, which is very valuable for every person. Quit smoking - kill a few birds with one stone - save money, improve your health, live longer. You will go in for sports and - you will suffer less from excess weight, self-esteem will be at the top, life will become happier and more colorful. There will be more opportunities, from clothing to personal life. So draw your own conclusions.

Simplify your image

Instead of buying thousands of trendy blouses, making unconscious purchases of absolutely unnecessary things that you are unlikely to wear, try to compose or. This is a lifesaver for all occasions. You can read more about all this. This is a transformation marathon that will definitely simplify your life and save you from unnecessary fuss.


The art of assigning tasks to another person still needs to be learned so that all participants are satisfied. For example, you are a mother, there are children in the family who already have several household chores within their power. Entrust them with responsible tasks - washing the dishes, making the bed, getting ready for school on their own, and so on. The same goes for a husband who, for example, will throw out the trash every day. Delegation is a very important thing in organizing and simplifying life. Read more about this.

Make a personalized plan to make life easier

Well, now after reading the article, draw up your plan to simplify your life, take something from here, add something of your own. The more detailed your plan, the better. Take your time, you have time to develop, improve. You will succeed, the main thing to remember is not to leave unfinished business, set goals for yourself and plan to achieve it. With small steps, you will achieve everything you want. The simple life is real, and it is already waiting for you. This is a life where there is a place for joy, important little things and happiness, and there is no place for disappointments, failures and boredom. See you soon!

As the great fighter Bruce Lee said: "Simplicity is the highest level of art." In most cases, we complicate our lives by creating additional difficulties and problems. Lessons of a simple but happy life.

“There is nothing difficult in life. We are complex. Life is a simple thing, and the simpler it is, the more correct.” Oscar Wilde

A few key lessons to help simplify what we sometimes get too confusing. The ability to live easier can be learned from wise people who have long known the Zen of simplicity and happiness.

1. Choose your opponent

We create our own wars and unrest. Choosing an unrealistic goal as a dream, we drive ourselves into the trap of dissatisfaction with life. All the stress, frustration, busyness and hustle and bustle is in our head. Sometimes you need to let go of unnecessary and unattainable goals. Dream about the real, do not soar in dreams that will never come true. Relax and live easier.

2. Get rid of the nonsense

Some things only make life harder, not better. Putting in a lot of effort to make life on the social network look happy and successful? Don't try to impress others or live up to their expectations. You do not need it. Constantly surfing the Internet, watching TV shows, playing games and complaining about the lack of free time? Get rid of the nonsense that only interferes with your life.

3. Do one thing

Multitasking brings chaos, and things get even slower. If you want to do well and quickly, then do it with maximum attention to a specific goal. Single-tasking allows you to get more done by focusing on only one thing. Get rid of the information noise and complete one task after another.

4. Refuse unnecessary

Often we have to do someone else's work or solve someone else's problems. Although in 90% of cases it was possible to simply refuse, without even arguing their unwillingness to solve other people's difficulties. Do not do things that are not interesting to you, avoid unnecessary meetings and activities. Throw out everything superfluous from life and do the right things that bring happiness.

5. Find joy in the little things

As children, we enjoyed ice cream, a balloon, and going to the circus. Then we were very happy, getting very little. And now there was a devaluation of happiness. Even when buying a car or an apartment, we are not as happy as in childhood. We look for the negative in everything. There is no place to park a new car, the view from the purchased apartment is not very good, the armchair at the received good job is uncomfortable. We even look for negative sides in excellent. We do not enjoy a sunny day, a stranger's smile, a compliment, delicious food and other little things. Enjoy simple things and you will be happier.

The simpler life, the easier and happier ...