Types, types and forms of communication in social psychology. Types of communication in psychology Types and varieties of communication in psychology

1. The concept and definition of communication

2. Three sides of communication

3. Types of communication

4. Verbal and non-verbal communication

5. Types of communication depending on its purpose


1. The concept and definition of communication

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners.

Another definition is to understand communication as a process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including:

· Information exchange;

· Development of a unified strategy of interaction;

· Perception and understanding of each other by people.

The process of communication consists directly of the very act of communication, communication , in which the communicants themselves participate, communicating . And in the normal case, there should be at least two of them.

Communicators must perform the very act that we call communication , those. do something (speak, gesticulate, allow a certain expression to be "read" from their faces, indicating, for example, the emotions experienced in connection with what is being reported).

In this case, it is necessary to determine the communication channel in each specific communicative act. When talking on the phone, such a channel is the organs of speech and hearing; in this case, one speaks of an audio-verbal (auditory-verbal) channel. The form and content of the letter are perceived through the visual (visual-verbal) channel. A handshake is a way of conveying a friendly greeting through the kinesthetic-tactile (motor-tactile) channel. If, however, we learn from the costume that our interlocutor, for example, is an Uzbek, then the message about his nationality came to us through the visual channel (visual), but not through the visual-verbal channel, since no one reported anything verbally (verbally).

In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level, the process of communication becomes conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts.

The purpose of communication - answers the question "For the sake of what does a creature enter into an act of communication?". For a person, these goals can be very, very diverse and represent a means of satisfying social, cultural, creative, cognitive, aesthetic and many other needs.

Means of communication - ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another. Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information.

2. Three sides of communication

There are usually three types of communication:

1. Communicative - information exchange:

Single language of communication;

Common understanding of the situation of communication.

3. Perceptual - creating a psychological portrait of a partner at the level of perception.

During the act of communication, not just the movement of information takes place, but the mutual transmission of encoded information between the subjects of communication.

Therefore, there is an exchange of information. But at the same time, people do not just exchange meanings, they strive to develop a common meaning at the same time. And this is possible only if the information is not only accepted, but also comprehended.

Communicative interaction is possible only when the person sending information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a similar system of codification and decodification of information.

2. Interactive – development of a unified interaction strategy (cooperation or competition);

The interactive side of communication is a characteristic of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities.

There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition. Cooperative interaction means the Coordination of the forces of the participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity, generated by its very nature. Competition means opposition. One of its most striking forms is conflict.

3. Perceptual - creation of a psychological portrait of a partner at the level of perception.

All three aspects of communication are closely intertwined, organically complement each other and make up the process of communication as a whole.

3. Types of communication

Depending on the content, goals and means of R.S. Nemov distinguishes the following types of communication:

Material (exchange of objects and products of activity)

Cognitive (knowledge sharing)

Conditioning (exchange of mental or physiological states)

Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs)

Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills)

2. According to the goals, communication is divided into:

o Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body)

o Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual)

3. By means of communication can be:

o Direct (Performed with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

o Indirect (associated with the use of special means and tools)

o Direct (involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other communicating people in the very act of communication)

o Indirect (carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people).

In addition, the following types of communication are distinguished:

Depending on the purpose:

o Business communication (the goal is to develop a specific strategy);

o Personal (focuses on the image);

o Congitive (getting information(

o Actual (empty, leading to nothing)

Depending on the strategies:

1. open - closed communication - the desire and ability to fully express one's point of view and readiness to take into account the positions of others. Closed communication is the unwillingness or inability to clearly express one's point of view, one's attitude, the available information. The use of closed communications is justified in the following cases:

1. if there is a significant difference in the degree of subject competence and it is pointless to spend time and effort on raising the competence of the "low side";

2. in conflict situations, the opening of one's feelings, plans to the enemy is inappropriate. Open communications are effective if there is comparability, but not the identity of subject positions (exchange of opinions, ideas). "One-way questioning" is a semi-closed communication in which a person tries to find out the position of another person and at the same time does not reveal his position. "Hysterical presentation of the problem" - a person openly expresses his feelings, problems, circumstances, not being interested in whether the other person wants to "enter into other people's circumstances", listen to "outpourings".

2. monologue - dialogical;

3. role-playing (based on the social role) - personal (heart-to-heart communication ").

4. Verbal and non-verbal communication

Depending on the means of communication, there are:



Verbal communication includes :

o The meaning and meaning of words, phrases ("The mind of a person is manifested in the clarity of his speech"). The accuracy of the use of the word, its expressiveness and accessibility, the correct construction of the phrase and its intelligibility, the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, the expressiveness and meaning of intonation play an important role.

o Speech sound phenomena: speech rate (fast, medium, slow), voice pitch modulation (smooth, sharp), voice tonality (high, low), rhythm (uniform, intermittent), timbre (rolling, hoarse, creaky), intonation, diction of speech. Observations show that the most attractive in communication is a smooth, calm, measured manner of speech.

Non-verbal communication consists of the following systems:

Optical-kinetic systems (facial expressions, gestures, posture, eye access signals, skin color changes, etc.);

The facial expressions, the movement of the muscles of the face, reflecting the internal emotional state, are able to give true information about what a person is experiencing. Mimic expressions carry more than 70% of information, i.e. the eyes, look, face of a person can say more than spoken words, so it is noticed that a person tries to hide his information (or lies) if his eyes meet the eyes of a partner for less than 1/3 of the conversation time.

According to its specificity, the look can be: businesslike, when it is fixed in the forehead area of ​​the interlocutor, this implies the creation of a serious atmosphere of business partnership; secular when the gaze falls below the level of the eyes of the interlocutor (to the level of the lips), this contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of secular easy communication; intimate, when the gaze is directed not into the eyes of the interlocutor, but below the face to other parts of the body to chest level. Experts say that such a view indicates a greater interest in each other in communication; a sideways glance indicates a critical or suspicious attitude towards the interlocutor.

Forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, chin - these parts of the face express the main human emotions: suffering, anger, joy, surprise, fear, disgust, happiness, interest. sadness etc. Moreover, positive emotions are most easily recognized: joy, love, surprise; it is more difficult for a person to perceive negative emotions - sadness, anger, disgust. It is important to note that the main cognitive load in a situation of recognizing a person's true feelings is borne by eyebrows and lips.

Types of communication. Communication is extremely diverse in its forms and types. There are several classifications of communication.

    Material (exchange of objects and products of activity);

    Cognitive (knowledge sharing);

    Conditioning (exchange of physiological and mental states);

    Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs);

    Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills, skills).

By goals:

  • Biological communication is necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the body;

    Social communication - pursues the goal of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts.


  • Direct (carried out with the help of natural organs);

    Indirect (use of special means and tools for organizing communication and information exchange);

    Direct (personal contacts and direct perception by each other of communicating people in the very act of communication);

    Indirect communication (communication through intermediaries).


  • Business conversation - the content is what people are doing, not the problems that affect their inner world.

    Personal communication.

    Instrumental. It is communication that has some purpose other than getting satisfaction from the act of communication itself.

    verbal communication.

    Non-verbal communication.

    If we take as a basis level of interaction between individuals in the process of communication, they will stand out:

    Person-oriented (interpersonal);

    Socially oriented (the subject of this communication is, as it were, doubled: on the one hand, such communication is carried out by one person as a person, and on the other hand, this or that collective or society as a whole acts as the subject of such communication);

    Subject-oriented communication (the subject is interaction).

    Allocate direct and indirect communication. Immediate communication is historically the first form on the basis of which other types of communication arise in later periods of the development of civilization. This is a natural psychological contact of individuals in the presence of a clear feedback (for example, a conversation, a game, etc.). mediated communication is incomplete mental contact with the help of any devices (for example, talking on the phone, correspondence, etc.).

    There are also interpersonal, group and mass communication. Interpersonal communication - it is direct, more or less constant, regular communication in small groups. The main condition for interpersonal communication is a certain knowledge of the individual characteristics of each other by the participants in communication, which is possible only on the basis of joint experience, empathy, mutual understanding. Mass communication- these are multiple, usually fleeting direct contacts of people unfamiliar with each other (in a crowd, at work, etc.). Many authors identify mass communication with the concept of mass communication. mass communication- a process close to mediated communication, when messages are addressed not to individuals, but to large social groups using the media.

E.I. Rogov identifies three main types of communication: imperative, manipulative And dialogic(Rogov E.I., 2002) . imperative communication also called authoritarian or directive. It differs in that one of the partners seeks to subjugate the other, wants to control his behavior and thoughts, forces him to certain actions. At the same time, the communication partner is considered as a machine that must be controlled, as a soulless object of action. The peculiarity of authoritarian influence lies in the fact that the ultimate goal of communication - forcing a partner to do something - is not hidden.

manipulative communication- similar to imperative. Its purpose is to influence the communication partner, but here the achievement of one's intentions is hidden. A partner is perceived as a carrier of certain properties and qualities that we “need” to use. Often a person who chooses this type of relationship with others as the main one ends up becoming its victim himself. Communicating with himself, he begins to evaluate himself as one of the chess pieces on the board, guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. As studies show, a manipulator is characterized by deceit and primitiveness of feelings, apathy for life, a state of boredom, excessive self-control, cynicism, distrust of oneself and others. Allocate 4 main types of manipulative systems.

    Active manipulator tries to control others through active methods. As a rule, he uses his social position or rank: parent, teacher or boss. The philosophy of life is to dominate and dominate, by all means.

    passive manipulator is the opposite of active. He pretends to be helpless and stupid, allowing others to think and work for him. Life philosophy - never cause irritation.

    Competitive Manipulator perceives life as a constant tournament, an endless chain of wins and losses. He assigns himself the role of a vigilant fighter. For him, life is a constant battle, and people are rivals and even enemies, real or potential. Life philosophy is to win at any cost.

    Indifferent manipulator plays indifference, indifference. He tries to leave, to distance himself from contacts. His methods are either active or passive. The philosophy of life is to reject caring.

The imperative and manipulative form of communication can be characterized as monologue communication. A person who considers another as an object of his influence, in fact, communicates with himself, with his goals and objectives, not seeing the true interlocutor, ignoring him.

Dialogical communication opposes the authoritarian and manipulative, as it is based on the equality of partners. Dialogical, or so-called humanistic, communication allows you to achieve a deeper mutual understanding, self-disclosure of the interlocutors. Dialogue communication occurs only if a number of rules of relationship are observed:

    Psychological attitude to the emotional state of the interlocutor and their own psychological state (following the principle of "here and now");

    Full trust in the intentions of the partner without assessing his personality (principle of trust);

    Perception of the interlocutor as an equal, having the right to their own opinions and decisions (principle of parity);

    The focus of communication on common problems and unresolved issues (the principle of "problematization");

    Appeal to the interlocutor on one's own behalf (without reference to someone else's opinion), expressing one's true feelings and desires (the principle of personifying communication).

The most important way to interact with other people is. This process has a concept and types, forms and methods of manifestation, categories and types. All people communicate. The first step in interaction is communication. We need to agree to come to something. You need to say hello to draw attention to yourself. In psychology, one of the main roles is occupied by communication through which a person expresses himself and.

Communication is not a purely human manifestation. Even animals communicate with each other. Only languages ​​and structure of communication differ. In humans, communication is the most complex and multi-level, unlike animal or natural.

From birth, a person is already entering into. He does this through crying, screaming, sounds. He does not yet know the language in which the people around him communicate, therefore he pays a lot of attention to this process. He gradually learns the language, structures, forms of constructing sentences and phrases. To communicate, you need to know the language spoken by others. Then you can express your thoughts and understand other people's ideas.

The concept of communication will be considered in detail in the online magazine site, where all the diversity of this phenomenon will be presented.

What is communication?

What is communication? This is the contact of two or more persons who use certain semantic structures to transfer information to each other. People use language that expresses words and set phrases to convey the main idea. The problems here arise at various levels:

  1. A person puts other meanings into words, not those that the interlocutor meant.
  2. A person speaks in another language, not at all understanding what the interlocutor is saying to him.
  3. The person does not understand the words that the interlocutor uses (for example, the use of professional slang).
  4. The person does not pay attention to what the interlocutor says, focusing him on his own thoughts.

For communication to take place, the following 3 criteria must be present:

  1. There must be an interlocutor, that is, a second person with whom communication takes place.
  2. There should be a common topic of conversation.
  3. One language that both subjects understand must be used. The same applies to phrases and terms. If someone does not have special terminology, then communication will be difficult due to misunderstanding of the second interlocutor, his repeated questions.

Communication is one of the types of interaction between people, which is now ubiquitous. All people communicate and enter into this process of their own free will. Sometimes this type of interaction is the only one between people.

The concept and types of communication

In psychology, communication means the concept when two equal partners enter into the communication process, creating a psychological interaction between themselves. Separate types of communication that take into account the environment in which the interlocutors are:

  • Direct and indirect.
  • Therapeutic.
  • Group and intergroup.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Bulk.
  • Criminogenic.
  • Intimate.
  • Confidential.
  • Conflict.
  • Personal.
  • Business.
  • Nonviolent.

At least two people participate in communication: a communicator (one who transmits information) and a recipient (one who perceives information). In the process, the expression, transmission, perception and understanding of information takes place. Usually communication occurs between people, although absolutely all living beings communicate. It's just that people make this act conscious, which includes verbal and non-verbal communication.

Communication includes the following aspects:

  • The essence is the information that is broadcast. It can convey emotional mood, information about the external environment.
  • Task - for what purpose a person enters into the process of communication? Numerous needs can be satisfied here: socio-cultural, aesthetic, cognitive, creative, moral, etc.
  • Means - how information is transmitted? This includes language, forms of communication, use of special signs and sense organs, etc.

The concept of pedagogical communication

Pedagogical communication is understood as the interaction between a student and a teacher, when one individual transfers knowledge and develops a second personality through the educational process. The pedagogical process cannot take place without communication. This type of activity is the main one. This concept implies mutual purposeful interaction for one goal, when there is a transformation, information, improvement of one of the interlocutors.

In addition to the information function, there are such areas of pedagogical communication:

  1. Contact function - when people come into contact with each other for the sake of broadcasting and maintaining interaction.
  2. Incentive function - when one encourages the other to perform certain actions aimed at consolidating new material.
  3. Emotive function - when certain emotions, experiences, moods are evoked in the student, thus a kind of exchange of state occurs.

Pedagogical communication depends on the teacher and the student - their individuality, characteristics, goals, etc.

Communication ethics

In an informal setting, people just communicate the way they want. In certain circles and institutions, the ethics of communication is adopted when a person adheres to certain rules and norms. What is Communication Ethics?

  1. Communication is the interaction of people on the verbal and non-verbal levels.
  2. Ethics is the discipline that studies morality and morality.

Thus, the ethics of communication is the moral, moral and ethical side of communication, its features and techniques. It includes the art of communication, when certain techniques are applied in the process of communication. All this is based on moral and value and moral and ethical needs.

In the usual sense, communication ethics is a set of rules, norms and techniques that allow a person in a certain circle to show their best side. It has the character of due.

The ethics of communication studies the forms of communication in order to highlight the most appropriate and correct ones. It requires learning to communicate according to certain rules in order to preserve the morality of communication and the need to follow humanistic values.

Ethics of communication is aimed at teaching communication: what to do and what not to do? It manifests itself in words and deeds between interlocutors. Here there is an instillation in each individual of norms, a culture of communication, frameworks and norms of behavior that are approved in society.

Communication functions

The main function of communication is seen in the need for a person who communicates, to improve himself, to develop, to learn new things, to be educated, to develop positive qualities of character. There are such core functions of communication:

  • Emotive - calling in another person certain emotions and experiences, as well as the transformation of one's own.
  • Coordination - mutual orientation, coordination and harmony of actions in the process of interaction.
  • The function of understanding is the perception and understanding of information that is spoken and transmitted.
  • Motivating - encouraging the interlocutor to perform certain actions.
  • The function of establishing relationships is the comprehension and fixation of one's own position in the role and status that is observed in relations with another person.
  • The function of exerting influence is changing the mood, beliefs, states and actions of the interlocutor.
  • Information - exchange of messages, knowledge, information, ideas, etc.
  • Contact - the establishment of contact between the subjects for the exchange and receipt of information. This process is mutual.

Communication culture

The culture of communication is understood as a combination of concepts:

  1. Communication is a communicative act between people.
  2. Culture is the upbringing and formation of personality.

In the process of communication, a person expresses himself, shows his upbringing, and also cognizes another interlocutor, his personality and qualities.

The culture of communication is understood as a set of rules and norms that are accepted in a particular circle. Here, education and culture are manifested, which are expressed through the manner of communication. The culture of communication is present in civilized countries, where there are certain limits that should be observed by every self-respecting person.

The formation of a culture of speech allows a person to make it more attractive and inviting. This happens through the use of various tools. Their development occurs at the level of reflection, feedback and self-regulation.

It is through culture that a highly developed personality is revealed. A less developed person has a paucity of vocabulary and a monotony of expression of his thoughts. A highly developed person can express his own thoughts in different ways and is more flexible in dealing with numerous people.

Structure of communication

Speech (verbal, verbal) and non-speech (non-verbal) formats are used as a communication structure. If at the level of words people use the specific meanings of their language culture, then at the level of non-verbal communication, gestures, facial expressions, postures and gestures are used.

In a civilized world, in order to achieve common goals, interaction between people is necessary. This is achieved through communication, which helps each individual to understand others, enter into relationships with them, express their own ideas and thoughts. Communication occurs when people have needs that they cannot achieve without outside help.

Communication is divided into 3 levels:

  1. Intrapersonal is the communication of an individual with himself. Occurs when building plans, solving problems, planning, etc.
  2. Interpersonal is communication between two individuals for the sake of building certain relationships.
  3. Public is the communication of a person with a large group of people.

There are 3 aspects of communication between interlocutors:

  1. Communicative - how do the interlocutors exchange information?
  2. Interactive - how do partners interact while performing the same task?
  3. Perceptual - how does the interlocutor appear, taking into account his physiological characteristics and psychological behavior?


The civilized world contacts at the level of communication. Each individual must learn all the ways of communication in order to be able to successfully establish contacts, transmit their own and perceive other people's information, and also influence the emotions and behavior of interlocutors. The result of understanding the essence and forms of communication is successful interaction with all people.

All people communicate with others through communication. This has been taught since childhood. Numerous trainings and seminars are devoted to this. Nowadays, a person must be able to communicate well and successfully with others in order to achieve something.

The close attention of specialists in modern psychology is drawn to. Often it is it that is able to pull a person out of the embrace of boredom, routine, and cheer up. The foundations of the psychology of communication are devoted to the study of communication, as the most important need of the individual. In view of the multidimensionality of the subject of research, it is possible to systematize the main types of communication in psychology, more specific areas appear, such as basics of communication psychology.

When we communicate with friends, ask them about the weather, shopping, prices, about the possibility of solving some everyday problem, this type of communication is called cognitive. In essence, people simply share information. If, as a result of a conversation, one person manages to influence the emotional state of another, for example, to stir up a bored comrade with jokes, then such communication will be recognized as emotional, or conditioned.

More in depth is motivational communication. It is characterized by a special purposefulness - this is an exchange of desires, treatment of personal interest, an attempt to solve one's problem through communication.

In psychology, the concept of "communication" is understood as a form of activity that is carried out between people and consists in the exchange of information between them.

Types of communication

Depending on how communication takes place, on the specifics of people's behavior, the following types:

  • Primitive. His peculiarity is indifference to the interlocutor, unwillingness to understand him, as a rule, is accompanied by a quick, dismissive speech.
  • Formal- or mask level. It is also characterized by a lack of interest in the interlocutor. Worn out phrases, ostentatious courtesy, false sympathy - this is a set of clichés under which it is easy to hide the true attitude towards another.
  • secular- empty, empty, ritual behavior. Filled with dialogues adopted in appropriate situations, when their content is of no interest to either side.
  • role-playing- the basis of the attitude to the interlocutor is not personal interest, but his social role.
  • Business conversation already implies a closer relationship. The focus on the result makes you take into account the characteristics of the character, even the mood of the interlocutor. At this level, it is necessary to keep a distance, and the businesslike style characterizes the seriousness of the relationship.
  • interpersonal- this is close contact with the interlocutor, genuine interest in him.
  • Manipulative level of communication- is intended to achieve personal gain. The interlocutor is considered as a means, a living toolkit on the way to personal interest. "Diplomatic" style is often used to solve everyday issues.
  • Playful or informal style of communication. Friendly, light humorous, socializing or flirting, non-committal play.
  • Spiritual Level. The highest degree of frankness in relationships, when a person is fully revealed in communication.

Communication functions

  • pragmatic function communication (or communicative) is the interaction of people at the level of interpersonal or intragroup communication. Communication is an essential human need.
  • The function of formation and development is that communication has a certain impact on the participants of communication, contributes to their development and improvement in all respects. Through communication with other people, a person learns social norms, values ​​that have developed in society, gains knowledge and forms as a person.
  • Confirmation function allows participants in communication to know and confirm themselves.
  • Merge-Unmerge Function of people. Communication, on the one hand, contributes to the establishment of contacts between the participants of communication, through which the transfer of the necessary information takes place. In addition, communication sets up communication participants for the implementation of common goals and objectives, and thereby connects them into a single whole. On the other hand, communication can contribute to the isolation of the individual, as well as differentiation in the process of communication.
  • Function of organizing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Communication contributes to the establishment and maintenance of contacts and relationships between the participants in communication, contributing to their joint activities.
  • intrapersonal function communication is the communication of a person with himself. This can take place in the form of internal or external speech, which is completed according to the type of dialogue. Such communication can be regarded as a universal way of thinking.

According to the functions performed, there are three sides of communication:

  • communicative, which consists in the exchange of information between the participants of communication;
  • interactive the side of communication is the interaction of people in the process of communication;
  • perceptual side of communication, which lies in the fact that in the process of communication people perceive each other in a certain way.

Communication styles

In the psychology of communication, there are several styles:

  • ritual communication- Communication, in which the main task is to maintain relationships with other people. In real communication, there are many so-called "rituals" - situations when a person behaves in a strictly defined way. All that is required of him is knowledge of how to behave in each particular case. For example, greeting familiar or unfamiliar people, talking about the weather and everyday problems - all these are elements of ritual communication.
  • manipulative communication- this is communication, which boils down to the fact that one of the participants in communication manipulates the other, that is, one of the participants is a means to achieve a certain goal. But do not assume that such communication is only negative. Professional communication, communication for the purpose of learning is manipulative. In order to successfully cope with this kind of communication, it is necessary to know the goals of the interlocutor, as well as the laws and techniques of manipulative communication.
  • humanistic communication- it is rather a personal communication that involves understanding and sympathy. It is impossible to define any single goal of humanistic communication. An example of such communication is a conversation between a doctor and a patient, pedagogical communication, and more.
  • Authoritarian communication- implies imperious communication of one of the participants in communication. He does not encourage the initiative of his interlocutors, he considers his point of view to be the only correct one.
  • Democratic communication- this style is characterized by encouraging the initiative of the participants in the conversation, paying attention to the interests and goals of all participants in communication.
  • liberal communication. People who adhere to this style of communication are rather lacking in initiative, "go with the flow", make concessions to other participants in communication.

It is necessary to carefully select the style of communication when working on

Types of communication as a topic attracts the attention of psychologists, sociologists, and historians. Antoine de Saint-Exupery said that the greatest luxury is the luxury of human communication. People, constantly in contact with each other, in fact, rarely touch the strings of the soul. Basically, communication is of a business or formal nature, because in our world many feel lonely, misunderstood.

Types of communication in psychology can be conditionally divided into several interconnected groups. These groups differ in the way information is conveyed and the purpose for which people meet with each other. Allocate types of communication by means, goals and content of interaction.

Types of communication by means of expression

Depending on what methods are used to transfer information from one person to another, verbal and non-verbal means of interaction are distinguished.

  • verbal communication. It is characterized primarily by the fact that the meaning, the essence of what is being said, is transmitted directly with the help of the words spoken by the voice. During verbal interaction, people hear words and formulate response phrases depending on what they perceive by ear. Other types of communication are not as direct as this one.
  • Non-verbal communication. A distinctive feature is the strong influence of auxiliary factors, such as: gestures, facial expressions, touching the interlocutor during a conversation. Sometimes with the help of these means you can say much more than words. A person perceives during a conversation not so much the words as the intonation with which they were uttered. We subconsciously catch the gaze of the interlocutor, and how quickly or slowly he pronounces the words, how he looks at us: benevolently or not very much. All types of communication, including non-verbal, serve to form a sense of trust and understanding between people.

Types of communication by goals

Any interaction between members of a certain group is carried out with some purpose. No one will do this in vain, without a clearly formulated task. Types of communication according to the goals of conscious contact are divided into biological and social.

A person tries to fill with meaning everything that surrounds him, to which he makes his efforts. Types of communication in content have a distinctive feature: they reflect the main essence, why people meet, what kind of information they want to convey to each other. Here it is customary to highlight several trends.

  • Cognitive Interaction aimed at obtaining the necessary information for their own development and self-improvement. Usually, a person striving for this type of communication has the goal of expanding his ideas about the world, learning something new, getting a certain profession or raising the level of his education.
  • material communication aims to obtain as a result some valuable benefits or money. Such communication is often used in business, where partners wish to make a mutually beneficial deal.
  • motivational communication refers to incentives. In other words, the need for something creates a person's need for contact with other people. Let's say if a person wants to get a discount on a product, you need to find a seller who has a lower price for the product.
  • Activity communication affects the personality of a particular individual. Like all types of communication in psychology, it serves a certain idea and has its own purpose. Most often, such interaction concerns the expansion of the boundaries of one's own essence or the disclosure of individual potential for subsequent success and advancement in activities.

Thus, the types of communication in psychology show a strong connection with each other. Man is a purely social and multifaceted being. People would not be able to achieve high success in business, creativity, on a personal level, if they acted alone, without interacting with others.