Take the promised payment to Rostelecom mobile communications. "Promised payment" to the Internet in Rostelecom: terms of service

When you reach a zero or negative balance of Rostelecom, you can use the short-term option of a trust (or promised) payment - it is provided to all subscribers of the company who have fulfilled a number of conditions.

This service implies that the connection will not be limited for several days, giving you the opportunity to pay the monthly fee a little later, if at the time of the formation of the debt you do not have the opportunity to pay.

In fact, this is a mini-loan, only without interest and commissions, which allows you to exhaust yourself for communication services so that access to them is not blocked until you pay off it and the subscription fee.

The promised payment may be different and it is possible to connect it in several ways, depending on what exactly you use from Rostelecom.

This is a temporary option - when the loan expires, the connection is blocked again, therefore, taking such a loan, you seem to automatically undertake to pay off the debt during its validity. Otherwise, you may not have access to the Internet, TV or mobile calls and SMS.

The payment has two forms - automatic and manual. The manual payment is taken when it has not become a monthly practice for you, and you use it out of great need. This can be done at any time. The automatic form implies that when a certain date or negative balance is reached, the loan is credited without your request, and provides you with the use of communication for a couple of days on your own.

The duration of some types of promised payments may depend on your status in the OnlineLime Bonus system (from 3 to 14 days).

What can you borrow from Rostelecom

The promised payment is available for connection among subscribers using the Internet from the company (in Moscow - and from OnlineLime), TV or mobile communications.

How to connect "Promised Payment" to the Internet and TV

If you have Internet and television from Rostelecom connected, the credit option can be activated in two ways (note - information for OnlineLime subscribers, check the conditions for the regions in the technical support of Rostelecom):

  1. Through the personal account of the system - the most convenient way if you were concerned about connecting this service before your balance went into negative territory.

For this you need:

  • To be registered in the system - this is usually done when connecting to the Internet and TV;
  • go to the website https://www.onlime.ru (for those connected to OnLime) or https://lk.rt.ru/
  • enter username / password;
  • go to the "Payment" block - the "Promised payment" panel;
  • click "Pay" and select the personal account to which you want to connect the service.

Activation and validity period will be indicated on the screen after agreeing to the terms of the offer. Depending on your status in the online bonus system, the payment may be available for 3, 5 days or two weeks. The choice of the term will be available upon activation.

  1. Via SMS.

By means of an SMS request, you can connect the promised payment only for 3 days (for OnlineLime).

To order, you need to - send an SMS message, the text of which will say "Online OP". The number to send is 2558 (OnLime). SMS is sent free of charge. The phone number must be linked to your personal Internet or TV account.

If you have several personal accounts linked to one phone number, the SMS should look like "Online OP personal account number".

  1. By calling technical support - 8‑800‑10‑00‑800 ... You need to tell the operator the number of the personal account of the Internet or TV.

According to the terms of service for OnLime subscribers, the debt on the account should not exceed 100 rubles, because the payment is limited to this very amount. Also, you should not have any credit payments already connected, and the last of them should be taken no earlier than 30 days before sending a new application.

All new subscribers of Online TV and the Internet receive this service in automatic mode - it is activated if all the conditions are met and the time to pay the balance is right. You can disable automatic payment in personal account.

Mobile connection

It makes sense to take a promised payment for a mobile connection if you use a prepaid payment system. Postpaid subscribers already use the connection as if on credit, and they are given 20 days to pay the bill, but you can also request this option for them (provided that there is no 60-day debt). But for prepaid tariffs lending - the only way don't stay blocked mobile capabilities if you didn't manage to top up your account for a month on time.

The payment for mobile communication is given for 5 days. The limits on the amount are the same as with the Internet connection.

Contacting technical support

The easiest way, available even with a zero balance, is to call technical support. You can contact 8-800-10-1000-800 or 8-800-300-18-02... The service can be activated both through direct communication with the assistant manager and through the automatic menu.

To connect, you will need to indicate your phone number, term and amount.

USSD command

The fastest way to order a "promise" is to send a short command.

In Rostelecom, the following combination is used for an order: * 100 * 17 #. Remember to press the call button after entering. You should dial from the number for which you order the option.

If the payment is available, the connection will occur automatically and you will receive an SMS confirming that you have credited 100 rubles in debt for 5 days.

Voice menu

The voice menu, where you can check the balance and send an application for OP, is available by number 1888 ... You should call from the number to which you want to order a payment. Follow the instructions on the menu and you can activate the option in a couple of minutes.

Personal Area

LK is available not only for Internet and TV subscribers, but also for mobile users. To activate a payment to your personal phone account, you need to:

  1. Log in to the LC through the website https://lk.rt.ru/#login or a mobile application.
  2. Select the block "Payment" - "Promised payment".
  3. Select a connected personal account (if you use more than one service from Rostelecom).
  4. Click "Activate" or "Order".

All details will be displayed on the screen. It is also necessary to agree (check the box) with the terms of the option.

When service may be refused

There are several situations where an application may be rejected.

For Internet and TV users:

  1. The debt is more than 100 rubles.
  2. The last loan was taken less than 30 days before this application.
  3. Your status of the OnlineLime Bonus program does not allow you to take out a loan for a certain period (only users with a Gold status, for example, have access to 14 days of OP).
  4. You have already taken one OP or the option is connected in automatic mode.
  5. You sent a message from a number that is not listed in your personal account and is not connected to your personal Internet or TV account.
  6. When sending a message from a number that is linked to several personal accounts, you did not indicate the number of the drug for which you want to take the OP.

For mobile users:

  1. You have a postpaid plan and are over 60 days in arrears.
  2. You have a prepaid tariff and blocking is more than 30 days.
  3. Another OP is already connected.
  4. You have never paid for communication (new subscriber) - there must be at least one payment to order the option.

Is it possible to connect the "promised payment" if the service is blocked

If communication services have already gone into blocking, you can connect the promised payment if this blocking has not been for many months.

When the option is activated within an hour, the blocking on your personal account will be removed for the number of days that was available to you under the terms of the service.

If during the validity period of the OP you do not cover the debt and the monthly fee, the connection will be blocked until the balance is replenished.

Any Rostelecom subscriber knows that the provider's services must be paid for by the 20th day of each month. And, nevertheless, the disconnection of the Internet due to debt always comes as a surprise and occurs at the very moment when access to the network is very needed. In such a situation, you can pay the invoice by credit card or electronic money through the provider's website, it remains accessible even if the broadband access is disabled. If this is not possible, use the Promised Payment service from Rostelecom - the Internet will work for another 5 days.

Who can take Promised Payment

In July 2012, Rostelecom subscribers got an opportunity to use the Internet on credit. Today this option is included by default in the package. additional services on all tariffs of the "Home Internet", and is also available to users of archived tariff plans... It can be used by residents of the following macroregions:

  • Far East;
  • Ural;
  • Northwest;
  • Centre;
  • Siberia;
  • Volga;
  • MRF Moscow and Moscow region.

Any of the private clients with an advance payment system can issue the promised payment to “ Home Internet" or " ". Only subscribers of the Ural Macro-Regional Branch can get a deferral to pay for other services of the company. To activate the option, you must be a user of RTK for at least 3 months and, preferably, have an account in the personal account of the provider.

Important: only individuals... Organizations and individual entrepreneurs this option cannot be used.

How to get the promised payment in Rostelecom to "Home Internet"?

There are two ways to activate the Promised Payment service - on your own, or by contacting Rostelecom specialists by calling 8-800-1000-800. Before calling the support service, prepare the contract that you entered into with the provider. Since the granting of a deferred payment belongs to the category financial transactions, the employee will definitely ask you to name not only the personal account number, but also the passport data of the subscriber specified in the contract.

If you have an account in your Personal Account, tiresome dialing up to specialists can be avoided. The provider's website remains accessible even after the Internet is turned off, so you can request a deferred payment yourself. To do this, log in to your Personal Account and go to the "Payment" tab. Find the "Promised payment" link on the page and follow it. Next, select from the list a personal account and a service that you want to use on credit, and click the "Continue" button. After that, you just have to put a mark on the agreement with the terms of the public offer and confirm the activation of the service.

Attention: in a number of Rostelecom branches the promised payment for the Internet is paid. You will see a message about this when you activate the option in your Personal Account, but when you connect through an operator, you are unlikely to be told about it. You can clarify the terms of service for your region on the official website of the company. Go to the "For yourself" section, select the "Internet" menu item and go to the "Options" tab. In the list that opens, find the Promised Payment service and click on the black triangle next to the name to see additional information. Do not forget to pre-select your region in the site settings!

Service features

Many subscribers are interested in the question of how to make the promised payment for Rostelecom's Internet for a certain amount. Unfortunately, the provider does not provide such an opportunity. If your debt, for example, is 500 rubles, you cannot issue a request for 100, and pay the remaining 400 after registration.

The reason for this is simple - the Promised Payment in Rostelecom is not a loan from a provider. In fact, this is just a deferral of payment for services for a certain period. When you, on self-connection, enter the amount, you simply confirm by this action the receipt of information about the debt. This distinguishes Rostelecom from most providers, from which subscribers can "borrow" from 100 to 500 rubles, if necessary. For the same reason, subscribers with a credit payment method cannot use the option.

What else should you know about this service? Its validity period is 120 hours or 5 days. During this time, you must pay the bills for which the debt has arisen. Otherwise, the Internet will be disconnected again, and it will be impossible to get a second delay. Moreover, having overdue the repayment of the "loan", you are deprived of the opportunity to use this option next month.

Restoration of Internet access usually occurs within 10-15 minutes after the request for a deferral is sent. But the provider's website stipulates that this process can take about a day. And it doesn't matter whether the promised payment was connected through the operator Rostelecom or through the Personal Account - the Internet will not appear faster. It is not a specially trained person who is involved in connecting services to the RTK, but an automatic machine. On the 20th of every month, when there are massive outages for non-payment, the queue of applications for "crediting" increases significantly, and the system needs more time to process it.

Based on the above, it makes no sense to call the support service and ask to connect you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, operators do not have a magic button for turning on the Internet. There is a different way to avoid an interruption in the provision of broadband access. If you know that you will not have time to pay the bill from Rostelecom on time, complete the promised payment in advance, without waiting for the service to be blocked. Each subscriber has such an opportunity.

Why can't I take the promised payment ?!

Subscribers may encounter some difficulties when making out the Promised Payment on their own. If you are connecting this service for the first time and cannot figure out the procedure in the Personal Account - it does not matter! Watch a video instruction on how to take the promised payment to Rostelecom when your Internet is turned off.

This video can also be found in the "Payment" tab under the link "Promised payment". If you cannot get there, follow the link "Video instructions". It is displayed on any page of the Personal Account at the bottom of the screen. You will see a circular menu of videos. You can select the one you want by scrolling the preview with the cursor.

Do you follow the instructions, but you can't activate the servant? Perhaps you already have a valid deferred payment, or less than a month has passed since the last connection option. You can check this in the same personal account. Go to the "My services" tab, set a period of 2-3 months on the calendar that appears and select from the list the service for which you are trying to issue a deferred payment. After making these settings, click the "Show" button and check the dates of execution and repayment of the promised payments in the list that appears. If you last activated this option less than 30 days ago, you will not be able to use the service again.

Another common reason for difficulties in obtaining a deferred payment is a banal overload of the provider's server. As already mentioned, after the 20th, the number of requests for the provision of the "Promised Payment" increases greatly, and the automation often cannot cope with the flow of requests. In this case, the Personal Account will show you a message stating that activation of the option is temporarily unavailable and will offer you to repeat the actions later. If there is no time to wait, call the support service and fill out an application through the operator.

In order to fully use all the provider's services, it is not enough to know how to connect the promised payment from Rostelecom via the Internet. It will not be superfluous to know some of the subtleties of this service and its design. We hope our article helped you figure them out.

Now we will try to find out all the ways how to take the "Promised Payment" to Rostelecom. Anyway, let's get acquainted with this function. It is not for nothing that many subscribers consider it very useful. Use this opportunity any client of Rostelecom has the right. And it doesn't matter how. The main thing is that "credit" will serve to maintain a connection with the world. That is, you can ask for it both for the Internet and for the phone. This is sometimes very convenient.


But before taking the Promised Payment to Rostelecom, you have to understand what it is. As already mentioned, this is a kind of loan. You borrow from the company in order to use certain communication services for a certain period. And then you pay off your debt with some interest. It is very convenient if you suddenly do not have the opportunity to pay for the phone or the Internet, but you are reluctant to lose your connection.

How to get the "Promised Payment" on Rostelecom? For this, as already mentioned, you must be a client of the company. Without this item, you will not be able to bring your idea to life. Let's now take a closer look at connecting this function. You will definitely find yourself some option. Please note that Promised Payment is valid for 5 days.

By phone

So, the first option is to call the operator directly. You must call the Rostelecom call center in your city and inform about your desire. You can use a single number for all cities: 8-800-100-25-25. This action is absolutely free.

How to get the "Promised Payment" on the phone or on the Internet from Rostelecom? The operator will answer you. You must say that you want to activate this service for yourself. Next, announce the number for the "loan" and the amount of money (but not more than 200 rubles for individuals). The operator will fill out an application for connection and send it for processing. A few minutes of waiting - and you should receive a response in the form of a message about a successful connection. That's all, you can use all communication services for another 5 days. It is advisable to pay for the phone / internet along with the debt in advance.

Sending commands

How to take Russia) yourself? In this case, the option using USSD commands will suit you. They help to disable and enable certain functions at any time of the day or night. Perhaps this method pleases most of the clients.

To connect a "loan" for yourself, dial * 100 * 17 * amount # from your phone. Then click on the "Call" button and wait for a response with the result of processing the operation. This process usually takes no more than 5 minutes. Basically, that's all. No additional manipulation is required. Everything is easy and simple. However, you should not forget about the restrictions on the amount of the "loan". Otherwise, the request will not be processed.

Interactive menu

Another very interesting and no less popular way to help answer how to take the Promised Payment to Rostelecom is to use the interactive menu to accomplish the task.

What exactly should the subscriber do? Dial * 111 * 23 #. After that, a small menu will appear on your phone screen. In it, you must study all the points and select the "Promised payment" connection function. Next, enter the loan amount and send your request. You can wait for the result. Unfortunately, the interactive menu, despite its popularity, is not very convenient. After all, it will take a long time to study it. And sometimes it is difficult to find among all the offered options "Promised payment". You should not despair. Rostelecom offers at least two more methods to enable this option. Even a novice subscriber can handle them.


If you intentionally want to use the "Promised Payment" connection using a robot voice, dial 5000131 and wait for a response. Now listen carefully to the possible actions. Choose among all services "Promised payment". Then just follow the directions of the answering machine. If you do everything correctly, then you will have the opportunity to enter the loan amount and send a request for processing. At the end of the conversation, you will receive a notification with the result of the actions. Is everything done right? Then you will receive the "Promised Payment".


And now a little about the latest offer from our today's provider. Take the "Promised Payment" ("Rostelecom") the Internet will help everyone. More precisely, the official page of the provider. Here you can request a service for both your phone and your internet connection. V Lately this method is becoming more and more popular.

How to bring it to life? Go to the Rostelecom website and log in there in your Personal Account. If you don't have one yet, start it with a simple registration. Next, go to the "Services" section and find the "Promised payment". Click on this line - you will see a page with an application. It must be filled in and sent for processing. Do not forget to indicate the number for which the "Promised Payment" is taken, as well as the amount of the loan. After submitting the request, you will receive a notification with the result. As you can see, everything is not so scary and complicated as it might seem at first glance. Each Rostelecom subscriber has the opportunity to take the Promised Payment for 5 days without any problems.

Service "Promised payment" allows you to use OnLime services on credit in the absence of Money on your personal account. The service is available to you in Automatic or Manual mode.

Automatic mode - the Promised Payment service is activated automatically every time you approach the financial blocking threshold, providing a few more days of uninterrupted use of the services and time for making a payment.

Manual mode - if your Personal Account gets financially blocked, the Promised Payment service can be ordered by you on your own in your Personal Account or via SMS.

You can order the Promised Payment service via SMS on your own from your mobile phone... Just send a free sms message to the toll free number 2558 with the text: "Online OP".

Terms of Service "Promised Payment"

1. The debt of the Personal Account should not exceed 100 rubles.

2. Re-ordering the Promised Payment service is possible not earlier than the expiration of 30 days from the date of completion of the last loan.

3. The term of the loan provided for the Promised Payment service depends on your status in the OnLime Bonus loyalty program:

4. The term of the loan for the Promised Payment service via SMS is provided for 3 days.

5. During the period of the "Promised Payment" service, the subscription fee for all connected services is charged in full. The Promised Payment service is provided free of charge.

6. When ordering a service on your own after falling into a financial block, the services are unblocked within an hour after ordering.

7. During the validity of the "Promised Payment" service, the Subscriber must replenish the Personal Account in an amount equal to the amount owed at the time of payment and subscription fee for all connected services, including a monthly payment for equipment. If the Subscriber has not replenished the Personal Account during the "Promised Payment" service or not the entire amount has been paid, the Personal Account will be financially blocked - access to all services will be blocked.

8. The option is not available for Subscribers with the Automatic mode of the "Promised payment" service activated.

9. The message can be sent only from the phone number, which is indicated as a contact in your personal account. In the case when the phone number is indicated on several contracts, the text of the SMS to the toll-free number 2558 should be as follows: “Online OP 1234567”, where “1234567” is the number of the personal account to which the “Promised payment” option must be activated.