Dorgan valery viktorovich mostotrest biography. Roll up billions in asphalt: who makes money on roads near Moscow

Joint Stock Company MOSTOTREST-SERVICE (JSC MTTS) is a company specializing in the provision of comprehensive services for the maintenance of highways.
The company was registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber on July 14, 1992 under the name Closed Joint-Stock Company"NATIONAL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE" (ZAO "NITP") as an enterprise specializing in the production of works on the application of horizontal road markings on the network of federal highways.

Subsequently, with the arrival in 2010 of a new management at NITP CJSC, headed by the General Director Valery Viktorovich Dorgan, there was a significant expansion of its scope of activities.

In June 2012, a 60% stake in CJSC NITP was acquired by PJSC Mostotrest. Based on the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders of CJSC NITP dated June 24, 2013 No. 24 and the record of state registration amendments to the Charter introduced by the MIFNS dated July 25, 2013 No. 46 for the city of Moscow in the Unified State Register legal entities, Closed Joint Stock Company "NATIONAL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE" from July 25, 2013 was renamed into Closed Joint Stock Company "MOSTOTREST-SERVICE".

Due to changes in legislation Russian Federation, n on the basis of the minutes of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of MTTS CJSC dated June 3, 2015 and the record of state registration of amendments to the Charter made by the MIFNS from 02.07.2015 No. 46 for the city of Moscow in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, from 0 July 2, 2015 Closed Joint Stock Company MOSTOTREST-SERVICE was renamed to A Joint Stock Company MOSTOTREST-SERVICE.
Today MTTS JSC is a subsidiary of Mostotrest PJSC, the first integrated diversified holding in Russia that provides a full range of services in infrastructure construction and is a service company specializing in providing comprehensive services for the maintenance of roads and artificial structures on them, including services for the application of road markings, the operation of elements of electric lighting lines, traffic lights, traffic metering points and meteorological support facilities, as well as the repair and overhaul of roads and artificial structures.

The idea of ​​creating large, equipped modern technology and technologies of service companies, was born in the depths of the offices of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in search of radical changes in the road industry at the same time as making decisions aimed at the construction, development and operation of the toll road network. Among the main customers of JSC "MTTS" are the State Company "Russian Highways", the Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and participants in the public-private partnership.

To date, MTTS JSC structurally consists of a management apparatus under the General Director (office in Moscow) with more than 120 people (7 people with academic degrees) and 17 branches located in 9 regions of Central Russia, with more than 3600 people.

As of July 1, 2015, the total length of the federal highway network serviced by MTTS JSC, including sections operated on paid basis, is 3628.092 linear kilometers. Given the high quality of the work performed and the services provided, the organization’s impeccable reputation and its leading position in the road works market segment, the Company maintains road sections under the protection of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, along which the first persons of the State travel (Ilinskoye Highway, entrances to State dachas, the State Complex "Zavidovo", "Tarusa" with passages through their territory). In the short term, complex maintenance of sections of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg high-speed toll road commissioned in 2015-2018.

A significant part of the work is done in-house. Today, MTTS JSC has a powerful production and technical potential and is equipped with high-performance equipment for all-weather maintenance of roads and artificial structures. The company's partners are the largest road construction and bridge-building organizations, as well as operators operating in the Russian Federation for the operation and collection of tolls on toll sections - Mostotrest PJSC, Main Road LLC (concessionaire for the construction and subsequent operation on a paid basis of the section Odintsovo Bypass Highway), Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC, Inzhtransstroy Corporation, Avtodor - Payment Systems Company, United Toll Collection Systems LLC, and many others.


IN period from 1.12 to 12.12.2014 in JSC "MTTS" conducted a special assessment of working conditions (SUT) at the workplace.
The number of workplaces where the SOUT was carried out - 83 r.m. P about the results of the special evaluation working conditions for 77 r.m. 2 class of working conditions is established

(permissible working conditions). Measures to improve the conditions and labor protection of workers at 77 workplaces are not recommended. At 6 r.m. a class (subclass) of working conditions is established 3.1. (harmful working conditions). The following measures are recommended to improve working conditions and labor protection: compliance with the regime of work and rest.

In the period from 21.08 to 11.09.2017 in MTTS JSC carried out a special assessment of working conditions (SUT) of newly created and reorganized jobs.

The number of workplaces where the SOUT was carried out - 79 r.m. P about res results of a special assessment of working conditions 2nd class of working conditions established

(allowable working conditions). Measures to improve the working conditions and labor protection of workers are not recommended.

sole executive body The Company is the General Director, who manages the current activities of the Company. The General Director is elected by the Board of Directors and is accountable general meeting shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company. The General Director acts on behalf of the Company without a power of attorney, representing its interests, carrying out transactions and resolving other production issues.

The General Director has 10 deputies in his subordination, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​the Company's activities.

The Company's management has extensive experience in the industry and modern methods management.

VLASOV Vladimir Nikolaevich

, CEO, Member of the Board of Directors

Graduated from the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, has an MBA degree.

General Director of PJSC Mostotrest since joining the company in September 2006. Prior to joining Mostotrest, he held a number of senior positions in forwarding companies in the seaports of Murmansk and St. Petersburg, and in Severstaltrans. From 2000 to 2005, he was the General Director of OAO Holding Company Kolomensky Zavod.

BIRYUKOV Evgeny Nikolaevich

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute.

Evgeny Biryukov holds the position of Deputy CEO PJSC Mostotrest since 2005. He has been working in the company since 1992. During this time he was Deputy Director of the Moscow Territorial Company Mostootryad-114, Chief Engineer, Head of the Production and Technical Department of the Territorial Company Mostootryad-125.

BOGATYREV Gennady Olegovich

, Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs

Graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy.

Gennady Bogatyrev has been working at PJSC Mostotrest as Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs since 2006. Previously, for four years he was Deputy Head territorial administration in Moscow of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

DOBROVSKII Leonid Yulievich

, Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Deputy General Director of PJSC Mostotrest since 2006. Prior to that, he was General Director of Mostal LLC for a year, and served as General Director of Montazhtransstroy-MTK LLC for five years. Previously, for eight years he was a representative of Mayvert Glass Engineering (Belgium) in Russia.

DORGAN Valery Viktorovich

, Vice President for Marketing

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute and the Moscow Institute of Management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Appointed Deputy General Director for Marketing at OAO Mostotrest in 2010. Over 35 years of experience in the transport infrastructure construction sector. Prior to joining the company, he held a number of senior positions in government agencies responsible for the development of roads in Central Russia.

KONNYKH Andrey Albertovich

, Chief Engineer, Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute with a degree in bridges and tunnels.

More than 10 years he worked in the department of artificial structures of the All-Russian Research Institute "SoyuzDorNII", then - at the Moscow enterprise for the operation and repair of artificial structures "Gormost". In 1996, he moved to the Organizator company, which specializes in the management of unique projects in the field of transport construction. He joined Mostotrest in 2011 as head of the pre-production department. In February 2017, he was appointed chief engineer of the company.

KOROTIN Victor Nikitovich

, Advisor to the CEO technical matters

Graduated from the Novosibirsk University of Engineers railway transport. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He has more than 40 years of experience in the construction of transport infrastructure. He joined Mostotrest in 1970. Occupied various leadership positions, from 1990 to February 2017 - chief engineer of the company.

LAPSHOV Andrey Viktorovich

, Deputy General Director for economic security

Graduated from the Higher Law Correspondence School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Andrey Lapshov was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Economic Security in 2013. Before that, since 2012, he worked as an Advisor to the General Director of OJSC Mostotrest. From 1986 to 2012 he served in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

MEDVEDEV Oksana Nikolaevna

, Deputy General Director for Commerce

Graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Russian Academy of National Economy.

He has been Deputy General Director for Commerce at Mostotrest PJSC since 2006. Previously, he was executive director Magistralnaya Kompaniya LLC and for five years worked as Deputy General Director for the commercial part of OAO Holding Company Kolomensky Zavod.

MONASTYREV Vladimir Veniaminovich

, Deputy General Director for Development

Graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He has been with Mostotrest since 2000. Prior to his appointment as Deputy General Director for Development, he held the position of Head of the Planning and Economic Department.

STRUK Andrey Leonidovich

, Deputy General Director for Production

Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute with a degree in bridges and transport tunnels

He has been with PJSC Mostotrest since 1996. He has held various positions, incl. worked as the head of construction, head of the design and technical department of the Moscow territorial company "Mostootryad-18" - PJSC branch Mostotrest. In 2008, he was appointed Deputy General Director for the Sochi region of OAO Mostotrest. In 2015 he was appointed to the position of Deputy General director-directors for the production of PJSC Mostotrest.

TANANA Oleg Grigorievich

, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance

Graduated from the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy.

He has been working at PJSC Mostotrest as Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance since 2006. Prior to joining Mostotrest, he was Deputy General Director for Financial Affairs and Economics at OAO Holding Company Kolomensky Zavod for five years.

URMANOV Igor Alexandrovich

Deputy General Director

Graduated from the Tomsk Civil Engineering Institute with a degree in motor roads.

In the field of road construction - almost 40 years. IN different years worked in various positions at the enterprises of the road sector, including the Avtodor Group of Companies as the first deputy chairman of the board, where he was responsible for the technical policy of the company.

BANTSEVICH Marina Grigorievna

, Chief Accountant

Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance.

She has been working at PJSC Mostotrest since 2000. During this period, she worked as the chief accountant of CJSC Mostootryad-86 for three years, and for two years she was the deputy chief accountant of Mostotrest.

Source "Ruspres" - versions, opinions, hypotheses, facts.

Did the President allow us to borrow half a trillion from future generations for highways?

To whom did the President give the asphalt billions near Moscow?

The money intended for future generations can be allocated to the current generations - apparently, the President of the country uses this logic when solving issues of road construction.
Moreover, the current builders, by some strange coincidence, are almost entirely introduced by childhood friends Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Road construction is an opaque thing, but it is very profitable due to its opacity, as well as the prospects of building private roads for public money.
The main thing is to avoid scandals similar to those that arose around the theft of money on the design surveys of the Central Ring Road.

On the Petersburg International Economic Forum In June, President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly made a royal gift to a small community of major Russian road construction businessmen.
Work on the APEC project was completed, construction in the Olympic Sochi was almost completed, and it seemed that the huge flow of budget money, thanks to which many had seriously increased their fortunes, had dried up.
"national wealth fund should not be wasted, this money should work for future generations, for projects that change the face of the country," the president said and allowed 450 billion rubles from this fund to be allocated to road projects.
This money will be used to develop Transsib, the construction of the Moscow-Kazan expressway, as well as the project of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD) in the Moscow Region.

According to Forbes, the Moscow region is first in line to receive money.
In August, even before the gubernatorial elections, the authorities of the Moscow region calculated that they would spend 1.8 trillion rubles on the development of road infrastructure in the next five years. rubles.
Of this amount, more than 300 billion rubles a year will be allocated for the construction of roads, bridges, interchanges and overpasses.
Who is engaged in road construction in the Moscow region and who will this multiplied cash flow fall on?

Cash flow.

Moscow region- a larger and much poorer region than Moscow.
Infrastructural construction here developed differently than in the capital, and market participants had to be creative.
Most of the 14 federal highways passing through the territory of the Moscow Region are under the jurisdiction of the state agency Rosavtodor.
The highways "Belarus", "Ukraine" and "Don", as well as three under construction (the bypass of Odintsovo, the Central Ring Road and the toll highway Moscow - St. Petersburg) are managed by the state company "Avtodor".
The rest of the roads are subordinate to the region itself and the municipalities.

In 2012, the Moscow Region was supposed to spend 46.8 billion rubles on the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of regional and intermunicipal roads, but in fact only 20.5 billion rubles were spent.
The main reason is the lack of promised funding from the federal budget.
According to the plans, the expenditures of the Avtodor Group of Companies were supposed to amount to 136 billion rubles, in fact it turned out to be 81.1 billion, of which about 13 billion rubles went to two concession regional facilities and the design of the Central Ring Road.
It is not clear how much money went through Rosavtodor, but in the plans for 2013, the agency plans to allocate 24.6 billion rubles for the construction and reconstruction of highways near Moscow - it is unlikely that this amount was more in 2012.

It turns out that about 60 billion rubles were spent on the development of approximately 15,000 roads near Moscow last year.
The volume of financing will grow five times at once.
"We expect that in 2014, after the elections in the Moscow region, large-scale construction works", - Vladimir Vlasov, General Director of Mostotrest, anticipates.
This company, one of the largest building contractors in the country, is owned Arkady Rotenberg and managers of "N-Trans" Nikita Mishin, Konstantin Nikolaev and Andrey Filatov.
In addition to them, the companies of Gennady Timchenko, Ziyaudin Magomedov and Ziyad Manasir are already operating in the Moscow region.

To Khimki through the Champs Elysees.

In 2006, a solemn event was held at the Elysee Palace in Paris, one of the consequences of which was an upsurge of political protests in Russia a few years later.
On September 22, in the presence of Vladimir Putin, Transport Minister Igor Levitin and the president of a large French company Vinci Yves-Thibault de Silguy signed a cooperation agreement .
The French pledged to help the Russian government put into practice the law on concessions adopted a year earlier.
The famous road through the Khimki forest began on the Champs Elysees.

According to the law on concessions (a form of public-private partnership), a private concessionaire takes part in financing the construction of infrastructure, in exchange for receiving the right to further use it.
For example, the right to collect money for travel on a toll road.
Vinci then indicated her special interest in project for the construction of a new highway between Moscow and Petersburg.

By that time, Igor Levitin had been working as the Minister of Transport for the second year, and before that, he had held various positions at Severstaltrans (later renamed N-Trans) for many years.
Interestingly, it was in June 2006, on the eve of the signing of the agreement in the Elysee Palace, that another native of the Severstaltrans structures, Vladimir Vlasov, headed the large construction company Mostotres, and his former colleague Oleg Tanana joined the board of directors of this company.
Together with them, Georgy Koryashkin and Irina Bogacheva, employees of the NPV-Engineering company (the son of Arkady Rotenberg, Igor, has been on its board of directors for the last seven years) received seats on the Mostotrest board of directors.

Rotenberg said in an interview that he became the owner of a stake in Mostotrest, having bought it from the structures of Mikhail Abyzov, and Abyzov appeared in the company after 2007.
However, in the same interview, Vladimir Putin's judo sparring partner assured that, together with the co-owner of Severstaltrans, Filatov, he persuaded the French from Vinci to enter his concession company: "It was important for us to have a partner like them (Vinci).
Because they know how to do it, how to serve it."
In September 2007, Rosavtodor announced open competition for the construction of the first section of the route Moscow - St. Petersburg (15-58 km).
Then it was assumed that the concessionaire would invest 7.7 billion rubles own funds and will attract 28.9 billion in loans, and the state will allocate 29.5 billion rubles.
To recoup the investment, the concessionaire was given the right to collect tolls for almost 30 years.

Rotenberg and the French Vinci participated in the competition through the "North-West Concession Company" (NWCC).
She was challenged by "Capital Trakt", among the owners of which there were no random people either.
The owners of this company were CJSC "Leader" of the owner of the bank "Russia" Yuri Kovalchuk, "Stroygazconsulting" Ziyad Manasir and foreign contractors.
"Rosavtodor" awarded the victory to SZKK.
"It wasn't a shame," says a source close to the losing consortium, "even though we spent more than 100 million rubles on project documentation alone."

The owners of "Capital Trakt", however, also did not remain without money.
In 2009, the same founders, but through another concessionaire, the Main Road company, received the right to build 18.5 km. "bypass Odintsovo", a new exit to the Moscow Ring Road from the highway M-1 "Belarus".
The toll road project in the vicinity of the prestigious Rublyovka was estimated at 32.4 billion rubles, 11 billion of which will be allocated Investment fund Russia.
In addition, the state had to build several interchanges at its own expense and, as in the case of the Moscow-Petersburg highway, provide land plots.

State guarantees, pension money and polar pipelayers.

The first two concession projects in the modern history of Russia - Rotenberg with partners and Kovalchuk - Manasir with partners - developed very similarly.
Both consortiums included major construction companies: "Mostotrest" and "Kanon" (90% - subsidiary"Stroygazconsulting").
That is, the participants earned both on the concession itself and on the construction contract.
As a general contractor, Mostotrest received a contract for 48.4 billion rubles, Kanon - for 25.2 billion.
The concessionaires attracted long-term funds by placing bond issues for 10 billion rubles (for 20 years) and 16 billion rubles (for 18 years).
The bonds of SZKK were bought by VEB, and the "Main Road" - by the management company "Leader" itself.

Manasira's Stroygazconsulting-Sever became the guarantor for the first bond issue of the Main Road, and the prospectus lists in good faith 618 pieces of equipment belonging to it - excavators, welding complexes, pipe layers, dump trucks operating in the Arctic and Yamal.
And for the next issue and securities of SZKK, the Ministry of Finance issued a state guarantee, which allows investing pension funds in such bonds.
When the EBRD and the European Industrial Bank withdrew from the project in 2010, Sberbank and VEB opened a credit line for the North-Western Concession Company for 29 billion rubles three months later.

Both concessionaires do not meet the deadlines with the commissioning of projects.
"Odintsovo bypass" was supposed to "go" back in 2012 - now we are talking about the beginning of 2014.
The opening of the first section of the new M-11 highway was also postponed for a year (partly because of the Khimki forest scandal).
"Today, builders are facing difficulties, the problem is in the fulfillment by the customer (the state. - Forbes) of its obligations to liberate the territory," Vladimir Vlasov from Mostotrest says cautiously.
Representatives of Main Road and Stroygazconsulting declined to comment, but in informal conversations they say the same thing: the state customer does not have time to vacate the sites, hence the simple equipment, unnecessary expenses and missed deadlines.

The customer in both concessions near Moscow is the state company Avtodor, established in 2010.
1080 cases with her participation are now registered in the database of arbitration courts.
Most are related to controversy land plots for road construction.
Avtodor should buy them out from private owners or negotiate with different branches of government.

Formally, the law is on the side of the state customer, but in practice anything can happen.
For example, Sesma Enterprises, LLC, having received a notification about the seizure of a site belonging to it for the needs of a toll road, applied to Rosreestr and achieved the elimination of the record that a site with such boundaries exists.
It disappeared from the cadastral map, and Avtodor has nothing to collect.

KSHP Khimki transferred part of its territory to the state for the construction of a high-speed highway, but now it requires Avtodor to build an exit to the rest of the land.
It is impossible to build such exits on the highway, but Khimki proved in court that there is no other way to get to their lands.

Finally, the most common option is the mismatch of estimates.
LLC "Biotech", the owner of a plot of 7.7 hectares, refused to transfer it to the state for the proposed 139 million rubles.
The court appointed its own expertise, a few months later the expert called new price- 380 million rubles.
Among other things, Avtodor will now have to pay 145,000 rubles to the expert for the work.

According to "Avtodor", about 10% of the plots are confiscated by the court, and the owners of the rest can be negotiated.

Sudden billions.

Until recently big business not interested in road maintenance.
The roads and the enterprises serving them had the status of strategic objects, and the state was in no hurry to privatize them.
How much can you earn on cleaning, marking, removing snow and patching holes?
Therefore, in each region, contracts for these works - often 2-3 million rubles a year - were distributed by state customers among medium-sized state road maintenance enterprises.

Everything started to change last year.
September 21, 2012 the company strange name The "National Chamber of Industry and Commerce" (NITP) won seven competitions for road operation at once.
All competitions were held by the federal state institution "Tsentravtomagistral", subdivisions of "Rosavtodor" in the Central region.
The total volume of contracts exceeded 17 billion rubles - an unprecedented amount for such contracts and gigantic money for NITP, whose revenue in 2010 amounted to only 217 million rubles.

Competitors of the “Chamber” were not admitted to two competitions out of seven at all, and in two competitions it became the only contender. It is noteworthy that since the beginning of 2012, the general director, and from the middle of the year, the co-owner of NITP was Valery Dorgan, who had previously headed the customer, Tsentravtomagistral, for 12 years.

Energetic professional.

"Valery Viktorovich is one of the most respected people in the industry, he is a professional, very decent and extremely energetic person," says Vladimir Vlasov, General Director of Mostotrest.
Mostotrest became a partner of this respected person, on the eve of tenders for 17 billion rubles, having bought out 60% of NITP from its former owners for 510 million rubles.

Dorgan began his career in 1978 as a senior engineer at the Central Highway Administration, in 1985 he left for Odintsovo DRSU-13, which served Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway.
In 1998, Dorgan was called to head the "Tsentravtomagistral".
Now his son Viktor is in charge of the roads at Rublyovka.
In 2005, Valeriy Dorgan defended his dissertation on the topic "Optimal planning of work to eliminate the winter slipperiness of extra-urban roads."

"After Valery Dorgan's civil service contract ended, we made him an offer, and he agreed," says Vladimir Vlasov.
Why did Mostotrest need to invite him and buy NITP?
The company decided to create a service division to learn how to maintain the roads it manages, explains Vlasov.
In early 2010, Dorgan joined Mostotrest as Deputy Marketing Director.
Mostotrest failed to organize a meeting with Dorgan, saying that he "lives" at the facilities.
Dorgan is still a shareholder in the National Chamber of Industry and Commerce, now called Mostotrest Service.

Vlasov does not see a conflict of interest in the transition of a former official to a private company and an instant increase in orders (backlog) of this company by an order of magnitude, although he recognizes the interconnection of these events.
The company does not deny that one of the reasons why they started so powerfully in the service segment was the arrival of Dorgan.

The start is really impressive.
In the first half of 2013, the share of service contracts in Mostotrest's backlog increased from 1% to 9%, and in revenue from 1% to 8%.
Mostotrest's revenue from service contracts on the M-1 "Belarus", M-3 "Ukraine" and M-4 "Don" highways amounted to 3.4 billion rubles.
The company has invested 400 million rubles in the purchase of equipment, the staff now exceeds 1,000 people.
Vlasov claims that the margin in this business segment is now no lower than in construction and installation work.

New Moscow ring.

The largest road project in the Moscow region is the Central Ring Road (TsKAD).
Until 2018, 319 km should be built. out of a total of 512 km.
The cost of this first stage is 300 billion rubles, and it was for this purpose that Putin allowed the National Wealth Fund to be printed.
The National Welfare Fund will allocate 150 billion rubles, 74 billion rubles will federal budget, the rest of the funds must attract investors.

In 2008, Soyuzdorproekt won the contract for the design of the Central Ring Road worth 8.8 billion rubles.
Previously, he participated in the design of the Moscow Ring Road, collaborating with close to AFK "Sistema" Vladimir Yevtushenkov LLC "Organizer".
Judging by the lists of the institute's affiliates, in 2009 50% of Soyuzdorproekt's shares were owned by Mostotrest and its subsidiary, Inzhtransstroy Corporation LLC.

Vlasov claims that the deal to buy half of the shares was not completed and now his company is not a shareholder of the institute.
Now these 50% shares of Soyuzdorproekt belong to two Cypriot offshore companies.
At the same time, the institute's board of directors includes two representatives of the already mentioned NPV-Engineering by Arkady Rotenberg.

Of the three giant infrastructure projects, which Putin spoke about at the St. Petersburg forum, Central Ring Road- the oldest and most prepared: it has already been approved by all project documentation.
At the same time he and the most scandalous.

"The shop is covered."

One December day in 2011 taciturn people from the FSB appeared in the Soyuzdorproekt mansion in Tokmakov Lane.
“They came at 8 in the morning, they said that a criminal case had been opened on fraud.
I asked: “Where was it kidnapped?”, and they answered me that they would not explain anything,” recalls Andrei Eremin, director general of the institute.
Meanwhile, still three days earlier, bank accounts of Soyuzdorproekt and its contractors were arrested.
What caused the arrest? FSB was interested in one of the contractors, OOO " Spetsmetroproekt".

Soyuzdorproekt had about two dozen major contractors alone.
For example, archaeological surveys were carried out by LLC "RAU-University", JSC "TsKAD" - conducted land cadastral work.
"Spetsmetroproekt" responsible for geoecological surveys- studied the impact of construction on the environment.
A former employee of this company said that in December 2008, Spetsmetroproekt rented an office in the Universitet metro area specifically for the Central Ring Road project, bought equipment, and hired people.

Sergey Volkov became the head of the department of geoecological surveys, which the previously engaged in similar work at the construction site "Putin's dachas" near Praskoveevka, participated in the design of Olympic facilities in Sochi. "
"He invited Peter Khomyakov to his department, Professor of the Institute system analysis RAN.
We worked for two months, and the "shop" was covered," says an employee of the company.

Central Ring Road and Northern Brotherhood.

In 2009 the FSB delayed two employees of "Spetsmetroproekt" Oleg Troshkin And Anton Mukhachev.
Them accused of creating extremist organization "Northern Brotherhood" , financing which was carried out for money, allocated for work on the Central Ring Road.
Volkov managed to leave for the USA, but Petr Khomyakov, one of the ideologists of the Northern Brotherhood, hit the run- both were wanted.
Hamsters for a while lived in Ukraine, in Georgia, and then illegally returned to Russia to apply for a pension.
In August 2011, the professor arrived in Pereslavl-Zalessky for a meeting with a sponsor and was detained by counterintelligence officers.

Four months later The FSB Investigation Department opened a criminal case on fraud on an especially large scale.
The testimony of Troshkin and Khomyakov formed the basis of the investigation, said a source familiar with the case file.
"Khomyakov in the eyes of the investigators, he may be a terrible extremist, but he is a conscientious scientist and did not hide, how they sawed on the Central Ring Road".
Khomyakov stated during interrogation that at meetings on the Central Ring Road in Metrogiprotrans and Soyuzdorproekt, his department set the task "imitate" survey results, which were allegedly conducted since the summer of 2008, although the contract was signed in November 2008.

"We had to deal with hydrology - what kind of hydrology when everything is covered with snow and ice?
All major field work is carried out from spring to autumn.
That's why Decided to do all research behind the scenes", - explains the employee of the company.
Instead of real field surveys, the designers used archival materials from 40-60 years ago, according to the investigation, and under the guise of route surveys, Khomyakov, according to him, was offered to shoot the area from the car window.

Khomyakov claimed that overestimated cost estimates: expenses of 24 million rubles on paper turned into 1 billion rubles.
"For 2009, the task was set to write off according to the estimate for 2.5 billion rubles, despite the fact that really LLC "Spetsmetroproekt" will receive 170 million rubles", - said Khomyakov to the investigator.

The representative of Metrogiprotrans, lawyer Alexander Vasiliev, said that there was a very low degree of confidence in Khomyakov’s testimony: “He was driven by resentment - after all, the leadership of Spetsmetroproekt himself accused of stealing 3 million rubles".
At the end of 2012, Khomyakov received 4 years in prison for extremism and fraud..
Yeremin of Soyuzdorproekt calls Khomyakov's testimony "strange".
According to him, filming from a car was not carried out: a plane was hired, aerial photography and laser scanning were carried out.
There were technical complaints about the contractors' reports, but they were minor and have been fixed, he says.
"The main thing is that all project documentation has passed the Glavgosexpertiza.
As far as I know, the FSB does not dispute its results.
The investigation has questions about individual research, but no complaints about design work", - adds the head of Soyuzdorproekt.

The denouement seems to be coming soon.
Professor Khomyakov was recently transferred from the colony to remand prison FSB"Lefortovo" - he, apparently, gives new evidence.
On October 26, the Chekists have the deadlines for the main case on the theft of 8-9 billion rubles reserved by the court for investigation - it is necessary to bring charges or close the case.

Everything is ahead.

If the story ends happily for Soyuzdorproekt, the institute will receive its money from the arrested account and additional funds for architectural supervision.
And also, probably, contracts for the development of working documentation for builders.

Now at the Central Ring Road, in fact, only preparatory work is being carried out: the contracts for them were received by Tsentrodorstroy near Moscow and Ziyaudin Magomedov's Stroynovatsiya.
The contract amount of the latter is 6.2 billion rubles, decent money.
But the division of the main pieces of the pie along the Central Ring Road is yet to come.

Until the end of the year, a competition will be held for the conclusion of the next investment project worth 57.8 billion rubles - this is one fifth of all funds allocated to the Central Ring Road.
There have been no larger contracts in the Moscow region since the first concession.
After that, the next battalions of heavy construction equipment will descend into the forests near Moscow, which will cut down trees, blast the ground, and pour thousands of cubic meters of concrete.
The recipient of the profit from their work is unlikely to be some unknown person in this market.

The largest road builders in the Moscow region:

Gennady Timchenko .

Net Worth: $14.1 billion Company: ARKS.
Contracts: Reconstruction of the Molodogvardeiskaya junction, Dmitrovskoye Highway.

Arkady Rotenberg .

State:$3.3 billion Company:Mostotrest, Severo-Zapadnaya concession company.
Contracts: 15-58 km of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, reconstruction of Novorizhskoye highway 6.

Ziyad Manasir .

State:$2.5 billion
Company:Stroygazconsulting, Main road, Stolichny tract.

Nikita Mishin .

Net worth: $1.35 billion
Company: Mostotrest, North-West Concession Company.
Contracts: 15-58 km of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, reconstruction of the Novorizhskoye highway.

Yuri Kovalchuk .

Condition: $1.1.
Company: Main road, Stolichny tract.
Contracts: New exit to the Moscow Ring Road from the highway M-1 "Belarus".

Ziyaudin Magomedov .

Net worth: $0.85 billion
Company: Construction.
Contracts: Reconstruction of the Yaroslavl highway, preparatory work on the 4th section of the Central Ring Road.

Valery Dorgan: The future belongs to operational enterprises

The beginning of the winter season is always a test for road builders. Snow drifts, icing of roads, general deterioration of the situation. About how the road workers prepared for the winter, and about the main problems in terms of maintenance Russian roads said the head of the state institution " federal government highways "Central Russia" (Tsentrupravtodor), Honored Builder of the Russian.

(Russian newspaper) Valery Viktorovich, did you manage to properly prepare for the winter cold in the Moscow region?

(Valery Dorgan) We are 100 percent self-sufficient in sand and salt and sand-salt mixture. A program is currently underway to switch to pure salt coating treatment. The technology makes it possible to reduce the cost of overruns of vehicles, reduce downtime under loading, reduce the cost of sand harvesting, in addition, the amount of equipment needed to eliminate winter slipperiness in normative terms. IN last years our management increases the proportion of pure chlorides. We have already built 16 salt depots in two years and we plan to supply 9 more in the next one, while the total number of salt depots will be 34 units with a total capacity of 100 tons. This winter, the roadways on such roads as M-2 "Crimea", M-3 "Ukraine", M-4 "Don", M-5 "Ural", M-6 "Caspian", M- 8 Kholmogory, M-9 Baltiya, A-103 Moscow - Shchelkovo, A-104 Moscow - Dubna, entrance to Domodedovo airport, Rublevo - Uspenskoe highway with entrances. DEP-17 uses natural brine coating treatment.

(WG) What is the peculiarity of such treatment of roads with pure chlorides?

(Dorgan) They are invisible on the coating until the moment of operation. In this regard, traffic police officers sometimes do not understand that the road has been treated with anti-icing material and insist on re-treatment of the road, moreover, using a sand-salt mixture. But the advantages of using pure chlorides are obvious: there is less work to clean the coating, less equipment costs for overruns for loading, and most importantly, the coating processing time is reduced.

(WG) How are you doing with technology? Will there be enough cars to fight the elements?

(Dorgan) 697 units of road equipment will be involved in the maintenance of roads in winter conditions. By November 1, all vehicles were in 100% readiness, and with the onset of winter, round-the-clock duty of equipment was organized to clean and sprinkle roads. Over the past four years, we have significantly increased the number of new technology engaged in road maintenance - a total of 334 units of equipment were transferred to the FGU DEP. As a result, work productivity has increased, and repair costs have decreased, which is understandable, new machines are more reliable. However, we believe that this amount of equipment is not enough to keep the roads of the Moscow region at a high level. So we are looking to buy more.

(WG) Our weather is capricious, do road workers have the opportunity to predict, and therefore, to get ahead of changes in weather conditions?

(Dorgan) We now have our own meteorological service. Forecasters collect data from the central air station and 13 road weather stations located on the main radial routes (they allow you to monitor the condition of the roadway). The dispatcher or responsible officer on duty can observe in real time the approach of precipitation to his area of ​​responsibility and give an indication of the preliminary processing of the coating. Established and effective system for responding to emergencies. Control is carried out constantly. The duty officer uses the Central Russia FUAD website, especially in terms of meteorological information, to ensure safe traffic on the assigned sections of federal highways. Video cameras installed on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, Moscow-Roslavl, M-4 Don, M-9 Baltiya highways allow real-time assessment of the situation on the road in difficult weather conditions and control her condition. The created system will continue to develop. In 2006, on the instructions of the Federal Road Agency, comprehensive programs were developed for the development of maintenance and safety systems on the roads of the Russian Federation, including programs for the development of systems: meteorological support, monitoring and video surveillance, monitoring the maintenance and repair of roads. Within the framework of these programs, by 2010, an additional 42 road meteorological stations and 61 video surveillance cameras should be installed only on the roads of the “Central Russia” administration, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the existing operational management system. technological processes road maintenance.

(WG) It turns out the perfect picture: there is enough salt, equipment too, the weather is under control ...

(Dorgan) Alas, all the advantages of advanced technology are nullified by a shortage of qualified personnel. In winter, more than 2,000 people serve the roads. But salaries are low, and therefore drivers, machine operators, road workers are sorely lacking. We attract people from neighboring regions, but it is costly, and besides, the qualifications of such workers are usually low. As a result, productivity falls, workers have to be taught first.

(WG) From winter problems, let's move on to general issues of the operating system itself. The industry is currently being reformed, what changes can occur in this area?

(Dorgan) Now there is a lot of controversy about what to do with DEPs (road maintenance enterprises), since today they are unitary state enterprises. Share them or make them public? The concept of reforming the industry does not provide an answer to this question. The Ministry of Transport and Rosavtodor believe that it is not necessary to corporatize in the near future. In my opinion, the correct position is, as the proverb says, “measure seven times, cut once.” Diametrically opposed views are held by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Property Management Agency - to corporatize. Probably, the heads of these two respected departments have forgotten that there is a Decree of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin banning the privatization of roads and state enterprises involved in their maintenance, as these objects are strategic for our state. In most countries of "old" Europe, state-owned enterprises are engaged in road maintenance.

(WG) Why do government economists believe that corporatization will be a boon?

(Dorgan) The answer is simple: most DEPs are economically weak enterprises, their indicators economic activity want to be the best. So they believe in the Ministry of Economic Development that privatization will help them. But the state should be blamed for the current situation of the DEPs. It brought them to such a state, because of the clearly underestimated prices for road maintenance work. Today, in almost all DEPs, unprofitable maintenance is “subsidized” by completed road repair work and contract work for third parties, where prices are much higher than for road maintenance, which allows DEPs to maintain a positive balance. It is beneficial for the state that road maintenance, especially winter maintenance, be carried out by state DEPs, since then you do not have to pay extra for these works huge amounts of money. In winter, despite the fact that the actual costs of contractors are higher than the allocated limits, they maintain roads at a loss, ensuring safe travel in accordance with the contracts. The main maintenance losses are formed during the winter maintenance of roads.

(WG) But after all, everyone says that every year more and more money is allocated for roads ...

(Dorgan) Yes, over the past two years, the volume of financing for the maintenance of roads has grown, in the understanding of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development. But you need to know that the maintenance of roads according to the budget code of the Russian Federation implies a combination of overhaul, repair and maintenance of roads and is brought to Rosavtodor by the Ministry of Finance in one line, and according to the classification of work on the repair and maintenance of roads, agreed, by the way, by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, and approved public service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in 2002, these articles are divided, and the tasks for them are brought to the authorities by Rosavtodor and financed separately. Therefore, Rosavtodor, having significantly increased funding in 2006 overhaul and repair of roads, does not cover the actual costs of road maintenance. Yes, today the assignment for road maintenance seems to include all types of work that are prescribed by the classification, which was not the case before, but the cyclicality inherent in the assignment for the performance of work is less than the actual work being done, the prices lag behind the real cost of the work. The task does not include works that cannot be dispensed with today, for example: removing snow from settlements, removing a snow bank with a rotary snow plow, removing garbage collected along roads, maintaining production bases, and others. Therefore, the standard for road maintenance should be increased not “by”, but “in” times. So that DEPs can freely buy the necessary equipment themselves at the expense of accrued depreciation, as it has always been.

(WG) What needs to be done to remedy the situation?

(Dorgan) In my opinion and the opinion of many of my colleagues, it is necessary to free DEPs as much as possible from paying taxes (on property, housing, equipment rental, land tax, etc.) through amendments to tax legislation or compensate for an increase in the standard. It is necessary to reorganize in accordance with the developed concept of reforming the road sector, but do it very carefully. It is necessary to build a rigid vertical line between Rosavtodor, road administrations and DEPs. After all, the future belongs to operating enterprises, no matter what form of ownership they are. The time will come when the formation and construction of the main roads of the Moscow region will be completed, and it is maintenance, and not construction, that will become a priority in the work of road organizations. Federal government agency“The Central Russia Federal Highway Administration has been purposefully working on this for several years now.