Interest clubs for adults. Interest clubs - addresses, phones

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Not just gatherings, but useful time

Three years ago, I went on maternity leave from the post of press secretary of the head of the city and the city council of Sarov. I also worked in journalism, was the editor-in-chief of a political newspaper and a political strategist - in a word, my work has always been connected with people. When I went on maternity leave - I moved to Nizhny Novgorod, I began to be isolated from society. I really lacked cultural leisure - before that, in three years I managed to visit 35 countries and write a dissertation on religion, go to study abroad, win several grants. And on maternity leave, my life changed completely. She became very happy, but calm and lonely. My husband is at work all the time, I am alone with the child!

I decided to change something, but with a prerequisite: if I take time away from my beloved long-awaited child, then I must spend this time to the maximum. Not just gatherings with girlfriends in a cafe, but useful leisure. I began to study interesting women's communities, a local forum. I conducted an analysis and came to the conclusion that there are many events in the city, but they are scattered - there is no place for meetings, there is no system. In December 2015, the idea of ​​creating a women's interest club was born. I started looking for like-minded people: the opening of the exhibition was just taking place in the city, and I threw a cry on social networks. The girls came - very different, from the assistant to the governor to the same desperate housewives like me. In 2016, our club began to actively develop. I thought over the promotion plan and work with sponsors. The goals were finally determined - communication and development, search for like-minded people by interests, exchange of experience, knowledge. Where we just haven’t been, with whom we haven’t met! We started with trips to exhibitions and museums, then began to expand the format. The best stylists, make-up artists, nutritionists, psychologists, the most creative needlewomen of the city came to my club with trainings and master classes, we organized holidays, theme parties, went to exhibitions and quests, even created our own talk shows about relationships between men and women . And, of course, we just talked heart to heart over a cup of coffee or tea. Of particular demand is my author's closed project “Anonymous Housewives Club”, where girls come and share their most intimate problems. This is a psychological support club, it meets once every two months.

“Not just gatherings with girlfriends in a cafe, but useful leisure time”

But that's not all. Maternity leave was coming to an end, and I had already fully formed a business that brings a good income - the author's first in Nizhny Novgorod "School of Bloggers", courses and lectures on writing texts for social networks and promoting my own brand. Thereby many members of our club got the opportunity to promote themselves and their business. I provide them with comfortable conditions for developing a hobby, help with advertising and promotion, and teach them how to properly position themselves on the Internet.

Do not spend money on advertising - my principle

The most interesting thing is that I did not invest a penny in the creation and promotion of the club. This is my principled position, as an experienced journalist and political strategist, I understood that if my club is unique and interesting, then people themselves will be drawn to it, including sponsors and partners. Everything was done by barter, we even rented the premises by agreement. Now there is an agreement with a well-known chain of restaurants in the city where most of the meetings of our club take place. The sponsors of the events that we attended helped a lot - after all, the flow of new clients, members of our club, is beneficial primarily to them. All clients learned about me exclusively from my pages in social networks. First, they subscribed to me as an interesting blogger, read my articles, then they came to the club to get acquainted, and then they went to study for courses or consultations. From the very beginning, I had two ways: either invest in advertising - buy banners, pay for publications in magazines, or promote myself as a person, as a brand. For me, as a person whose main profession for many years has been associated with the positioning of the first persons of the city and deputies, it was simply unthinkable to spend money on image articles in the magazine. This is a fundamental position - not to invest in advertising and PR, to advance only through your texts, the correct positioning of yourself and your clients who come to the Women's Club. As a result, I myself began to be invited to television, major Internet portals, radio - and all this for free! Conclusion - you need to create a unique unusual product, and then you will be interesting. There was no such format in Nizhny Novgorod, so it became very popular, even clones of my club began to appear. Of course, the experience of my past work helped me in promoting - all my adult life I created an image through texts for deputies. And believe me, brand promotion methods are absolutely the same for a girl who sews well and dreams of opening her own showroom, and for a deputy who wants to win the election. PR is PR everywhere, I just used election technologies for ordinary women and helped them in their promotion. Now I teach this in my courses.

What am I doing, you ask?

Everyone loves the idea of ​​women's gatherings. Many people think: now I will gather like-minded people, we will hang out and go to events, and they will also pay me money for this. But not everything is so simple: it is easy to organize a women's club, but it is very difficult to make money on it. Especially if it is a big city where many events take place every day. I lead the “School of Bloggers” in Nizhny Novgorod, trainings, consultations. The main flow of clients comes from the same “Women's Club”: girls come, communicate, and if they want to develop further, they go to my “School of Bloggers”, where I teach them how to position themselves, promote the brand.

Now the second wave has begun: my students themselves can already teach beginners what they have achieved themselves. I have a student who I am very proud of. She dreamed of opening a cutting and sewing course, she did it, and now she herself teaches those who wish to cut and sew. And all this according to my methods of promotion. In general, everything is connected! Moreover, I do not impose my services on the club members: many just want to talk, hang out in a good company, learn something new for themselves. In this case, membership in the club is paid, it is 2000 rubles per month. If you sign up for my courses, attend events for free. Participation in any of my trainings costs 2,000 rubles, courses 15,000 rubles - I recruit them several times a year. The consultation depends on the time and starts from 6,000 rubles. In addition, since I have become quite recognizable in the city, I often receive invitations, tickets to interesting events. I get paid to visit some of them, they also pay for shooting in commercials. A stable income comes from advertising from my pages on social networks, there were even a few months when I was preparing a new course, did not hold paid events and lived entirely on the income from advertising on the blog. In general, blogging is a unique thing, you are paid for sharing your knowledge and sincerely telling about yourself and your business to subscribers. The only negative is that the club and blogging take me all my free time from the child, but it's worth it. The main channel for promoting my brand is texts in social networks. How to advance through a personal page? I would make three points. 1. I have no negativity - even if I don’t like something, I don’t write about it. And no politics, God forbid. Only positive, only optimism! I myself am an optimistic person and convey this to people through the text. I also write a lot about girls - fitness trainers, stylists, weight loss experts who help raise self-esteem for my readers. There is more positive in the world, and people want to communicate, support each other! 2. My page motivates, inspires people to new things, changes in life. I read Zoya's post and I want to immediately write a text about business, learn something new, sign up for a tour - at least something! And when you inspire people, you yourself are inspired by them, and you all live on the same wavelength together.

3. Yes, we are really on the same wavelength with my clients, and they feel it in my texts! The best customer is a loyal customer. I have regular clients who go to every course, to every training - they just love the atmosphere. W and a year and a half of work, several thousand women passed through my club, and I myself found among them friends, partners, just good people! Come to my page

There are many interesting things in the world. People are constantly interested in one or the other. It is not surprising that for the sake of a better study of the subject of attention, interest clubs are born. At the same time, if the fun hobby of one person does not cause special attention, then the activities of a whole club of eccentrics are already in sight.

Such associations of people not only publicly demonstrate their adherence to habits, but may even put forward some demands. Eccentrics believe that in this way they will make others imbued with their ideas. We will tell below about the most unusual interest clubs.

Club 13. In the English "Club 13" it is customary to break mirrors, sprinkle salt, light a cigarette from one match three of us. A member of the community will be sure to open umbrellas on the premises. Their colleagues from New York are not afraid of omens either, where people certainly dine in the company of 13 black cats.

Bald Club. In Germany, the Bald Club was formed. It would seem, what claims can people who have lost their hair have to the authorities? The club's board, however, officially appealed to the government with a request to give free wigs to all bald people under 40. Such a measure will help people calmly endure hair loss.

Doubles Club. There is a Doubles Club in New York. To enter there, you must meet simple requirements - to be like some kind of celebrity. As a result, 7 Churchills and 11 Eisenhowers have already gathered in the club. It remains to be hoped that it is not customary to conduct political disputes in the club.

Pedestrian Club. In the same New York, since 1964, there has been a Pedestrian Club. True, it consisted of only two people. Over time, both the president and the treasurer of the club bought cars for themselves. As a result, society naturally ceased to exist.

Club of small people. An unusual community exists in Spain. There are 45 people in the Short People's Club. It is customary to actively fight for the rights of its members. In particular, one of the tasks of the club is to provide all its members with permanent theater tickets for the first three rows.

Divorced Club. In New York there is a Divorced Club with a very developed network of branches. There are branches of the organization in 30 other cities across the country. In addition to providing psychological assistance to the victims, the club also conducts legislative activities. He recently raised the issue of revising the divorce law. Members of the club did not like the part that allows you to put child support defaulters in jail.

Bachelors Club. But in Holland there is an antipode - the Bachelor's Club. Over time, it was even reorganized into a political party. The club even decided to seriously fight for seats in parliament. An elegant campaign slogan was used: "Dutch bachelors consider their life an ideal form and are ready to fight for it!".

Club of losers-professionals. In London, the Club of Professional Losers was created. His first meeting was attended by booed actors, unrecognized artistic geniuses, unknown musicians and lawyers who failed to save their clients from execution.

Mother-in-law protection club. In Argentina, people united in the Mother-in-Law Protection Club. Today there are already 137 members. All of them are exemplary sons-in-law who cannot bear resentment towards the mothers of their wives.

Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. In England, for more than 70 years, there has been a glorious Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. The secret admirers of the organization are thousands of men, but officially only 40 people are members of it. At one of the last conventions in Yorkshire, only half the members arrived. The rest of the letters and telegrams explained the reason for the absence very simply: "The wife did not let go."

Of course, you know that we all live in the "matrix" and get stuck in gray sticky subway everyday life. And you always have a choice: in the evenings, you can sadly drag home a string bag of cabbage, or you can confidently walk to where everyone understands that you are the "chosen one." Yes, yes, if you didn’t already know, there are a lot of places in Moscow where you can find friends with the same interests. And we don't mean strip clubs at all. Here we are talking about real gatherings of kindred spirits.

If you want to be a kind of Moscow Neo - decide what your soul lies in, and follow the pointing finger of Zoon.

Guys, stamps, 2 rubles


There is such a hobby - to collect money. Yes, we are not talking about bankers, but about numismatists. It is better for you to communicate with colleagues in collecting antique currency in a private setting - it is not worth walking around the metropolis with piastres. You can launch a paw into someone else's collection on Moscow Hobby Fair. That is if you are economical. The majors gather at the flea market on Taganka near the store "Numismatist". You can find rare coins there, but you will have to pay more modern rubles for it than in licensed stores.

By the way, philatelists also shop there. Look for stamps for a reasonable price from supporters of this centuries-old hobby in the sports complex in Luzhniki (10th entrance). And one of the largest metropolitan places where people worship a postage stamp is Shopping center "Moskvorechye". Philately monsters hang out here, who will explain to you how to read the history of an entire country on a simple piece of paper.

Catch up in 60 seconds


Teenage delight, the pedal to the floor, the squeal of brakes and the smell of burnt tires - all this unites those people who periodically arrange noisy gatherings in a restaurant "Village Pub" at VDNH. If you aim for street racers or are fond of drifting, you will be gladly accepted into their noisy company. After a couple of non-alcoholic mojitos, show class on your jalopy at the site near the All-Russian Exhibition Center - everyone does it there. And if you need a real drive, then you will find it on Sparrow Hills not far from the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (Kosygina St., 30). Just remember that your chosenness is not a reason to dismiss traffic rules. Otherwise, you will have to spend time in a completely different society and place.

I am a simple poet Kukushkin


Do you constantly walk around with red eyes because you look at the stars all night? Contemptuous of office plankton? Can you pick up at least 10 rhymes for the word "tow"? “Yes, you, my friend, are a poet!” You will meet fellow writers in FAQ cafe. This is the place where the atmosphere is so underground that you are drawn to howling on stage after a couple of glasses of the signature cocktail of the same name. True, the muse does not come here for free - on average, you will have to pay from 1000 rubles for inspiration.

Well, the real lair of the capital's bohemia is a club-cafe Schwein. Here the metropolitan versifiers from the "PaLITRA" society gather. You will have to pay 250 rubles for entry, but newcomers are allowed not only to perform, but also to take part in the competition. Similar evenings are held in the cafe "Sivka-Burka". Here you can not only read your poems, but also sing them with a guitar. A creative spree will cost you about 1,500 rubles.

I need help


Have you long wanted to explain to foreigners over a white glass that we don't have any bears, balalaikas and vodka? Dreams come true at language exchange parties as part of the Anti-boring Moscow project on Saturdays in a cafe-restaurant MyBar and at the bar standard. Both Europeans and Asians gather here. By the way, practice shows that behind the bar, language barriers are erased as quickly as lipstick on a date.

But we are not foreigners, so they get tired of the rhythm of "Friday - Moscow is sausage" and alternate dancing with decorous conversations in the anti-cafe Time Club "Shelter". Here you can watch a movie with them or play a board game. If you leave at least 1,500 rubles in bars, then the anti-cafe will cost you from 1 rub. in a minute.

Chest in chains, legs in fins


Do you think that the best rest is a healthy sleep on an active volcano? People who support you spend their free time from the volcano in a bar "Weather forecast". Here you will meet extreme people of all stripes: skydivers, surfers, snowboarders, and other "ists", except perhaps masochists. Crazy people relax watching a video taken at the bottom of the ocean, or at a bird's eye view, or in the crater of the same volcano.

And sometimes they want to twitch to the rock, and then they go to the club "Top Bar"- a place for those who wanted to spit on a boring ordinary life. Rockers and bikers are usually shaking their hair here, so you can brag and come on an iron horse - there is where to park it. And real rock concerts take place in Hard Rock Cafe. Here you can take a look at things that once belonged to famous musicians. According to the price tag, all three establishments are approximately the same - in the evening you will become poorer by at least 1,500 rubles.

Tell your friends

Business can be based not only on meeting the material needs of people, but also on spiritual or social needs. But if quite a lot has already been said about those designed to provide for the most diverse material needs of citizens, then there are somehow not enough business ideas designed to provide spiritual, and even more so psychological needs.

Take, for example, such primary needs of every person as the need for communication and the need for self-realization. Their importance is difficult to overestimate.

If a person lacks communication with his own kind, then first there are changes in his behavior and character. He becomes irritable, sometimes aggressive. If the hunger for communication, and this phenomenon is exactly what is called in psychology, is not satisfied in a timely manner, then persistent changes occur in the human psyche. And what is interesting, monotonous communication, i.e. communication with the same people brings very little benefit, as well as, for example, monotonous food. Communication should be a lot of vector, as it allows a person to realize their various interests.

Who loves to chat the most? Well, women, of course. And who is most limited in the circle of communication? The answer is repeated again: they are women. And why? But because during maternity leave they are forced to spend most of the day with the child and communicate with those who are in one way or another connected with caring for him (a doctor in a clinic, a nurse) or with those who are in the same position (mothers of others children). Also because many women do not go to work after the decree, but stay at home to look after grown-up children and run a big troublesome household.

How to do business on this female difficulty? We offer to give women the opportunity to get together and talk about topics of interest to them. And you can do this with the help of the most ordinary women's club.

The women's club is not an analogue of the interest circle familiar to us from the pioneer past. The idea of ​​a women's club is much broader: this is a place where a woman can fully communicate, receive advice or support if necessary, learn something new for herself, and also realize her true feminine need - the need to look good, which, by the way, is necessary constantly stimulate.

Women's clubs are a new phenomenon for the countries of the post-Soviet space, but in far-abroad countries it is very common. There clubs have many female fans, although membership is not free. But the amount of membership fees is not large and is available to the bulk of women in a particular country.

The most important thing in the work of the club is to find that "zest" in its activities, to form an idea that could bring people together and keep them together. There are different options here. For example, on the basis of the club, you can organize master classes in cooking, dancing, shaping, meetings with famous dentists, plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, etc.

All these people, in turn, will be interested in meeting with such an audience, since for them this is a good advertisement for their services, self-affirmation. Such meetings can be both one-time and systematic (a course of lectures, a system of trainings, group and practical classes). The choice of one form or another of their conduct depends entirely on the interest of the audience and on its desires.

In order for the club life to be diverse, it is necessary, of course, to review the topics, as well as the hosts of such meetings, from time to time. And for this, enough time will have to be devoted to the search for new topics and persons capable of presenting them in an accessible and exciting way to a female audience.

Psychological counseling has become a very fashionable trend in the activities of women's clubs today. Women always have a lot of problems, because a heavy burden is placed on their shoulders - children, their studies, the preservation of the family hearth, and for many, they also have a job. Spinning in the endless cycle of these affairs, women have no time to stop and think about themselves. Women do everything for everyone, but for themselves - nothing or very little. How can you maintain your mental health? Practical psychologists who provide consultations for members of the women's club can help them find the answer to this question.

There are other ways to attract customers. For example, for members of the club to provide services of a beauty salon, sauna or bath. Another option. Each woman who has attracted a girlfriend to the ranks of the club members will receive a discount or a bonus. Thus, the audience of the club will expand, and, consequently, the business will expand.

A visit to the club can be organized by single tickets or subscriptions or special club cards that provide certain benefits for their owners.

Of course, in a business like a women's club, you can't do without advertising. But unlike other businesses, where advertising is oriented towards the mass consumer, women's club advertising must be accurately calculated for the target audience, as they say, to strike not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. It is not bad to reflect the theme of the opening of the club in the media and on Internet forums. This approach will give the event a certain weight and significance.

Undoubtedly, a women's club as a business is a very specific thing. And to ensure the success of such a business, a lot of imagination and creativity must be applied, and the “promotion” of such a project may take not one year, but several years.

Therefore, you can try to buy a ready-made women's club that already has an image. On the one hand, it's easier - no need to look for ideas, create a client base, puzzle over how to keep it. Everything has already been established - from the very concept of the club to the well-established areas of cash flows.

But on the other hand, it may be difficult to maintain the idea underlying the activities of the club. It may not be very suitable for the new owner purely on a psychological level. Then you will have to make a difficult choice: either continue to implement the old concept of the club, although it may not seem very attractive, or invent something new.

Whatever option is chosen for opening a women's club - creation from scratch or purchase, one must remember that a women's club is far from being an easy, but very interesting business.