Business ideas near the gas station. Roadside business: how to open a roadside cafe? Roadside Cafe Business Plan: Necessary Equipment and Documents

The development of roadside infrastructure catastrophically lags behind the level of motorization. Even on federal highways, there are clearly not enough gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones.

Now there is a huge number of cars in the country, and every year the car park is increasing by hundreds of thousands of cars. Think about this number. A real car boom. But in terms of the number of cars per thousand inhabitants, we are still far from Europe and, even more so, to the level of the United States (where there are almost 2 cars per family). But nonetheless.

Development roadside infrastructure catastrophically does not keep pace with the level of motorization. Even on federal highways, there are clearly not enough gas stations, cafes, tire shops, hotels, auto repair shops, and telephones. Elementary parking lots, where there is a toilet and water. I often travel to other cities and see road sections of 50, 80 and even 100 km where there is no hint of civilization. And this is in the European part. Beyond the Urals, I think the picture is even sadder ...

An amazing situation. There are many cars. There are also a lot of people who want to go somewhere. Freight and passenger traffic is enormous. But almost no service and maintenance on the road not offered. Only single cafes and exclusively near the city. On some roads, tens of thousands of cars pass a day - hundreds of thousands of people. Most of those who go and would be happy to leave money in roadside cafes - but there is nowhere! And those cafes that are, for the most part, are some kind of BAM trailers. It’s even surprising: in the cities all cafes and shops have long been renovated, and on the roads there are some kind of construction change houses ...

Separate conversation about summer period. Half the country is heading south. Giant car migration. Millions of people go to rest and spend money. And along the entire road they are offered almost no infrastructure.

Just for example. The road from Moscow to the Black Sea (it's about 1.500 km). For most drivers, this journey takes two daylight hours, and an overnight stay is required. And on this whole site there are no more than 5 hotels, such that you don’t have to leave the highway. People sleep in cars. Those who traveled will confirm: at night, any traffic police post on the highway means hundreds of cars with sleeping people. Most of those who sleep in a car with their family would readily pay for a hotel. But this service is not available...

Another example. On the road, anything can happen. Breakage, for example. It may be 100 or even 200 km to the nearest workshop ... And if you need a tow truck ... I read in a well-known automobile magazine. Editorial staff travel from Moscow to Kazan. On the way, the automatic transmission breaks down. A tow truck is needed. The only possible option is to call from Moscow, 500 km away. One and a half days people live in the car. If we omit the technical details about the car and the machine, the impression is that the 17th century is in the yard, the development of Siberia ...

And another example. I have gas-cylinder equipment in my car, I drive on propane-butane. Just like another 1 million cars. There are sections of 200-300 km on the highway, where no gas stations. It's not even funny.

Everyone who traveled around Europe by car saw: motels, campsites, gas stations, cafes, etc. on every corner. This is very simple and obvious - if people are traveling (with money), then they will definitely need some goods and services along the way. And the market offers them.

And the conclusion is more than obvious. Offer goods, services, some kind of service on the track. Here is what will be required:

With the onset of cold weather, the sale of anti-freeze on the highway or city roads becomes a very profitable business, given that without it, the operation of a vehicle is extremely difficult. Experienced drivers know that this insidious liquid tends to end at the most inopportune moment. It is especially unpleasant when this happens on the highway, where there is not a single specialized store nearby.

Entrepreneurs understood the essence of the problem and decided to come to the aid of motorists and at the same time make good money. The business of selling anti-freeze on the tracks is very profitable and all this with very little investment. Nowadays, you can very often meet small roadside outlets that sell anti-freeze and some other goods useful for the operation of the vehicle. As a rule, there is also top-level service, since the seller himself will always help to pour liquid into the radiator and even make minor repairs, but this is for an additional fee.

How to start your business selling anti-freeze on the road

It is not difficult to organize such a business, even a beginner can do it. But, despite the simplicity of this type of entrepreneurial activity, the sale of anti-freeze as a business requires certain rules to be observed. For example, a businessman must know what documents are needed for work and where to issue them.

What documents are needed to open a business

If an entrepreneur plans to organize a legal outlet, he must have all the necessary documents drawn up, like a regular store, for which, first of all, you need to register with the tax service. Two options are offered here, either to work as an individual entrepreneur and remain an individual, but with more opportunities, or to become an LLC, that is, a legal entity. If a businessman is going to open one outlet or a small network, it will be enough for him to go through the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur. This costs less than 200 rubles, if you count the cost of copies of documents, but this is an important and necessary step, since illegal trade will result in large fines and may turn into more serious punishment.

Nowadays, on the highways you can find a lot of outlets, the owners of which are in no hurry to register with the tax service, but simply profit from their illegal business. As a rule, these are entire networks trading through nominees. They just hire people to whom they give out the goods. In the evening, they return the balance, the profit, and take part of the income for themselves. The scheme is established, but it can cost the performer and organizer dearly.

In addition to the fact that in this case a fine is threatened, and this can also result in a more serious punishment, since in most cases such products do not have quality certificates. For this, you can already get not only a fine, but also a prison term. Therefore, it's not worth the risk. It is better to pay taxes honestly than to deal with law enforcement agencies and other interested services.

Non-obvious features of the anti-freeze business

If an entrepreneur decides to invest in the non-freezing trade, he definitely needs to take into account all the features of this type of business. It is unlikely that it will be possible to acquire regular customers here, since the features of the work are such that buyers appear only when they have an emergency. Such cases are not uncommon, so the anti-freeze business is booming.

Interestingly, sellers usually have several types of antifreeze. It differs slightly in price, but significantly differs in quality. In most cases, in autumn, low-quality anti-freeze can be purchased on the roads. It is made using such technology and with such components that it hardens already at -5°C. For many Russian regions in winter, this is an absolutely unacceptable condition, so here sellers are trying to sell such goods even before the real Russian winter comes.

But entrepreneurs store high-quality goods until extreme cold. This cannot be called a hoax, but it is better when buying a liquid for your vehicle on the track to ask for quality certificates and receive at least some confirmed information about the product.

How to organize a point of sale of antifreeze on the road?

If an entrepreneur decides to invest in a business idea for selling antifreeze, he can go in two ways. In the first case, a batch of bottles of automotive fluid is simply purchased, a retail outlet is organized on the track at a place agreed with regulatory organizations, and you can start working. There is absolutely nothing complicated here, but the benefit will not be too big, since small batches of goods will not make it possible to set a decent margin.

The second option involves more serious investments that promise considerable profits. In this case, you can conclude an agreement with the manufacturer and work bypassing intermediaries. This is profitable, but manufacturing companies are willing to cooperate only with those who take a lot of goods at a time. For example, if you buy a batch of 2000 bottles, then every 5 liters of anti-freeze will come out about 30 rubles. With a retail price of 150, this is very profitable and profitable. In this case, you can not only organize a network of outlets for the sale of automotive fluids, but also sell your goods in small batches to car services and small parts stores.

Advertising is an important part of any business. Here, too, it will not be superfluous. In addition to bright outdoor advertising, that is, a sign that will be visible from afar, it is worth considering advertisements in the newspaper and other media. Sites on the World Wide Web have shown themselves very well recently. This is an additional place to sell goods. For example, owners of shops and car services and other small wholesale buyers can find out information about the company via the Internet. Here you can place a price list and information about promotions and discounts. This method of obtaining information is relevant in our time and is often used.

But you need to take into account that the content of your own resource on the World Wide Web will be an additional expense item, although not very large. You will have to spend much more money on renting a warehouse. Products will have to be stored somewhere and this will require a special room.

How much money do you need to start a business?

If you start from the very beginning, then it is worth noting the amount that will be needed to register with the tax authority. It will take about 200 rubles for the state duty and copies of documents, which include a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a TIN.

Next, you need to take care of renting premises and purchasing equipment for the outlet. It all depends on the location of the warehouse and whether it will be a stationary or folding structure for trading.

One of the main items of expenditure will be the purchase of goods. To begin with, you will have to spend about 60 thousand for the anti-freeze itself and about 5 for its delivery. But these figures apply only to those cases when the entrepreneur decides to invest on a large scale. If finances are limited, you can first try small batches of goods, but the earnings on them will be minimal.

In the future, there will be expenses for fuel and lubricants for the delivery of goods to retail outlets, wages of sellers and taxes. But it will all pay off. For example, in large settlements on the road, you can sell about 300 bottles of anti-freeze per day. A rough calculation shows that this is a net profit of 20 thousand rubles.

Technology for the production of antifreeze liquid

The biggest income awaits those who will independently produce goods, in this case, you can not only save on its purchase, but also afford to set the most competitive price for products.

To organize a workshop, a room of 20 m² is enough. In addition, you need to hire qualified specialists. Their work will cost a lot, but everything will pay off at times.

In itself, the manufacture of anti-freeze is a very simple process. Here you need to mix water with alcohol in certain proportions and subject the liquid mixture to heat treatment. After that, everything is poured into pre-prepared containers and delivered to retail outlets for further sale.

How much can you earn by selling non-freezing

To answer the question about the profit that a non-freezing outlet can bring, let's take an established business (there are customers, a positive reputation has been developed, etc.) and the average statistical indicators of the amount of income and expenses in this industry.

Tray costs for the sale of technical fluids include:

  • Seller's salary.
  • Fare.
  • Rent per place.
  • Taxes.

The monthly amount required to meet the above financial obligations will not exceed $500-$700. With a gross income of 2500-3000 dollars / month, the net profit will be: 2500-800 (purchase of goods) -700 (costs) \u003d 1000 dollars. But there are many ways to increase profits by selling anti-freeze. For example, find new distribution channels (switch to small wholesale trade), expand the product range, open several trays for the sale of technical fluids, or organize your own production.

Do I need a permit to open a business selling anti-freeze

At the initial stage of registering your business, you need to solve two important questions:

  • Agree with local authorities on the placement of your outlets (usually the administration issues the appropriate paper).
  • Select the code that corresponds to this line of business.
  • Begin

Trade along highways has long become a commonplace for the Moscow region. What they don’t sell along the roads: from watermelons to “non-freezing”. However, these products are often of poor quality and hazardous to health. Last summer, the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov called on the regional government to put things in order with non-stationary trade in the roadside, first of all, along such major highways as Yegoryevskoye, Kashirskoye, Volokolamskoye and Pyatnitskoye highways. What are the pros and cons of roadside trade, and how the authorities of the Moscow region intend to streamline this area of ​​the consumer market, the RIAMO observer found out.

Under current rules, any trade closer than 50 meters to the roadway is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, every year on the roadsides in the Moscow region you can see gourds, stalls with berries, and even stalls with fish and meat.

As you know, roadside traders run the risk of buying goods of dubious quality, and experts interviewed by RIAMO confirm this. Of course, there is also a chance to run into bad products in stores, but there it is much lower due to the strict control of supervisory authorities.

Meanwhile, the sanitary requirements for products sold non-stationary are exactly the same as for goods sold in large stationary stores, said Aleksey Egarmin, co-chairman of the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

“However, it is much easier to organize trade along the roads - and this is used by unscrupulous entrepreneurs who are trying to sell products grown with obvious violations and containing harmful substances,” Egarmin notes.

Not only can roadside products themselves be manufactured improperly, but they often absorb roadside dust and vehicle fumes, which can affect their quality and pose a serious health hazard. The result of the use of such products for the buyer can be deplorable - up to severe food poisoning.

“I personally spoke with the ambulance doctors, who said that this year there were a lot of food poisoning due to fruits and berries, many of which were purchased from roadside vendors,” says lawyer Alisher Zakhidov.

According to him, the sale of watermelons is not without reason officially allowed only from August 1. Watermelon is a berry that ripens by a certain date, and if you harvest ahead of time, this is fraught with poisoning and other unpleasant consequences. And roadside traders open watermelon trade long before August 1, ignoring the rules, the lawyer states.

According to him, unscrupulous officials contribute to uncontrolled trade on the roadsides, as a result, traders get the opportunity not only to avoid sanitary checks, but also to engage in body kit, deceiving buyers.

Merchants reluctantly?

However, any phenomenon has both a negative and a positive side. According to Egarmin, the main advantage of roadside trade is that it is the shortest way to bring farm products to the consumer.

In addition, trade by the roads for many small farmers is perhaps the only way to sell their crops at a decent price, says automobile activist, coordinator of the Blue Bucket Society movement Petr Shkumatov .

Suppose a family has collected two tons of potatoes: one will be useful to them, and the second is clearly superfluous. A kilogram of potatoes in the store costs an average of 20 rubles. Of course, potatoes can be sold to resellers - a maximum of 3-5 rubles. But it is very unprofitable, it is easier to throw it away. You can’t sell it to your neighbors either - they have enough of their own. There is only one thing left - to go to busy roads and sell potatoes there, the source of the agency explains.

According to the auto expert, such traders do not create problems for traffic, as they often choose not expressways, but roads near towns and villages.

“Most of those who sell on the roadsides work along roads where the speed does not exceed 90 km/h. With such a high-speed mode, they do not create any obstacles for motorists, ”explains Shkumatov.

“Another thing is highways where cars move at speeds up to 110 km/h, for example, the M-4 Don highway. Trade there should definitely be banned,” the auto expert believes.

But the fact is that often there are no merchants there anyway: cars moving at high speed simply do not have time to stop next to them, Shkumatov added.

In addition, good visibility is important for traders near the roads - about 2 kilometers, enough for drivers to stop. Therefore, most often agricultural producers. Hand traders can be seen in small towns where the maximum speed limit is 60 km/h.

According to Shkumatov, such a drastic measure as a complete ban on trade along the roads will deprive many people of their income, and will allow resellers to purchase agricultural products at bargain prices. The expert believes that it would be much more correct to create organized places for roadside trade with good parking, thus making a compromise.

Path to civilized trade

Experts note that recently there have been fewer roadside vendors in the capital region, which is most likely due to the trend towards a decrease in the number of entrepreneurs in the country. It also affects the fact that the authorities of the Moscow region have seriously taken up the roadsides.

“For those who trade near the roads, today all conditions are being created for the legalization of business. These are both seasonal markets and weekend fairs,” says Aleksey Egarmin, co-chairman of the National Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

In his opinion, the leadership of the Moscow region understands the importance of the problem of roadside trade and pays close attention to it. Another thing is that some local officials sometimes simply do not care about it: well, they trade and trade.

“But in general, the Moscow region is a quite progressive region, and today the situation with trade along the roads is gradually changing for the better,” Egarmin believes.

In the Moscow region, the fight against illegal roadside trade has already begun.

“Currently, active work is being carried out to fulfill the instructions of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov. Soon, all points of unauthorized trade should disappear from the roadsides of roads near Moscow, ”Vladimir Posazhennikov, head of the Ministry of the Consumer Market and Services of the Moscow Region, told RIAMO.

As the minister clarified, 75 unauthorized roadside ruins have already been eliminated, another 121 collapse should be removed by the municipalities within the next two weeks.

“Given that the turnover from illegal trade on the roadsides amounts to tens of millions of rubles, it can only be eliminated systematically, by strengthening the work of supervisory authorities and getting rid of corruption in them,” said lawyer Alisher Zakhidov.

He cited as an example civilized trade from the machines of the Food City agro-cluster on Kaluga Highway, where compliance with all trade standards is strictly monitored. According to the expert, the entire Moscow region should strive for such a format.

Pyotr  Factory for cars.

Colognes, Cases, Hangers, etc.

Pavel   starting from berries and mushrooms, ending with cafes and spare parts

Stanislav  Nothing is impossible, this is interpreted as trading in a place not intended for this.

Peter  all sorts of trinkets for children Sergey
and from products honey milk Dima
still people are very driven by cranberries in general for berries and mushrooms

Aleksey   Imagine that you are driving somewhere along the highway with your family... what might you need?... a snack Kirill, a toilet, a car washer, engine oil, brake fluid, light bulbs, tire inflation, tire fitting. Or what your area is famous for, fish crayfish, berries, mushrooms.

Edward   Checks and receipts for the hotel, fuel, etc.

Gennady  You can sell GAISHNIKOV Vadim
You can take away their weapons and drugs and also sell them.
You can make a hole and after 100 meters tire fitting
I sell canned goods

Route 101 dated 07/09/14

What is profitable to trade in the market? It is possible to open a point in the market. Which product is more in demand? | Topic Author: Boris

Leonid  look, look who lives more successfully and what they do, this is a no-lose option

Denis  1 no
2. yes
3. Vodka

Artem)  vegetables are always needed

Konstantin  confectionery

Ivan  Power tools. That is, grinders, drills, welders, compressors, generators, etc.

Yaroslav  Products.

Roman  sausage-meat - if prices are normal, there will be grandmas like standing in a mausoleum) They are lovers where it is 10 rubles cheaper to buy.

Boris  Charity health sessions followed by the sale of any products on this topic

Nikita  Food and clothes are always in demand.

Alexander  Demanded is the product that is not available on the market. Sometimes you look for something and no one has it! All have the same assortment. Sometimes you even think that I will give you as much money as you like, if only this product is here now, so as not to look for it and not to go anywhere.
To do this, you need to study the assortment of the market where you are going to trade, study the surrounding shops, browse local forums on the Internet, almost everywhere there are sections like "Buy-sell" or "Flea market", look for questions "Where to buy this and that ". And see what people are looking for.
For example, the city has a swimming pool but no sports shop, or this shop does not have goggles and fins. Or there is an Ice skating rink, but you can't buy skates in the city.
Very often people complain that clothing sizes are sold mainly for thin ones. And overweight women always look for clothes for a long time. But there are many of them! The same applies to underwear in large sizes - sometimes it is simply nowhere to be found.

George  tea

SDA ticket No. 14 with Answers - Questions from 11 to 15 ...

In this situation, moving downhill, you: Answer: You must give way. Comment: If there are signs 1.13 "Steep descent" and "Steep ascent" at ...

Dear friends, I decided to write about working ideas for making money selling goods on the roadsides. This proven way of earning will allow you to earn from scratch (well, almost from scratch) and without any serious knowledge.

Many merchants that stand on the roads and sell a variety of goods earn quite decent money. Coins are not rowed with a shovel, but enough for life. I have seen examples more than once of how such enterprising people started from a tray and after a while opened a full-fledged "business on the road." You will see such examples further if you read the article to the end.

I can highlight the following advantages of this type of activity:

  1. Minimum funds to start. Naturally, if you have a car (now many have it).
  2. Most of these ideas do not require registration of entrepreneurial activity.
  3. You can choose the busiest places for trading, where the flow of cars reaches several thousand a day.
  4. A popular product is always sold out.

So, let's begin.

Firewood and brooms - everything for a bath

At the entrance to our city, for several years now they have been selling ordinary firewood. And they sell very well. Nearby is the private sector and a large suburban area. Many rich people have solid fuel boilers and wood-fired saunas in their cottages, so they are one of the most important solvent buyers.

I remember how people started with a regular firewood cart. Now, in their place, a road complex has actually grown, where you can buy firewood and brooms, coal for barbecue and barbecue, figures for a summer cottage, black soil and fertilizers, etc.

To organize the business, you need to find suppliers of firewood. In almost every working settlement or village there are people who will sell firewood for a penny. A more difficult option is to organize your own firewood production.

Valenki and hats

Starting in autumn, in one bustling place, they organize a trade in felt boots and hats. The product is popular and in demand.

The most interesting thing is that the people who are engaged in this business are far from poor, judging by their minibus - a foreign car. And the goods are ordinary boots.

What prevents each of us from doing such a thing? No problems. You can buy goods at wholesale depots or from resellers (you can not look for manufacturers with small volumes).


Well, this is already a classic of the genre. I think each of you has seen such a picture: a car is standing on the side of the road, several five-liter bottles of blue liquid are located on the hood, a driver is sitting in the car - he is also a seller. We have such points where not even one, but several cars are parked. Of course, earnings are purely seasonal, but in a few days you can make good money.

Let's count. 5 liters of "non-freezing" in the wholesale purchase will cost 60-70 rubles (2015). You can buy "in Auchan" or "Lenta". On the highway, they will sell goods for at least 100 rubles, although some put a price tag of 150 rubles. As a result, we have from 30 to 90 rubles per bottle sold. In one rainy day, more than one hundred cars can stop near the point of sale.


It's funny, but the usual potatoes in buckets that grannies sell are snapped up by city dwellers with a bang! Such goods are also presented by a wide range of vendors on the sides of our roads. Especially willing to buy potatoes in the spring, when prices in hypermarkets are extremely high. In autumn, of course, it is difficult to earn money on potatoes, since there are a lot of them everywhere.

The difficulty in organizing such a business comes down to two points: finding suppliers and storage for potatoes. The goods must be purchased during the harvest season, when peasant farms clean their fields. At this time, potato prices are at their lowest.

The idea, of course, is not for a city dweller, but for those who have a private house and the opportunity to organize long-term storage of potatoes.

garden figures

Sufficiently popular goods in spring and summer are garden figures and LAF (small architectural forms). There is one point that sells a huge assortment of "garden characters" on the road: gnomes and hares, pigs and monkeys, dogs and cats, lions, bears and even dinosaurs. There are always buyers for this beauty.

You can buy such figures in bulk from Russian suppliers. Finding them is not difficult. It is enough to enter “garden figures in bulk” into the search box and a whole series of offers will come up. Mark-ups for individual items can reach up to 100%.