Deputy head of the FSB. The head of department "M" became one of the heads of the economic security service of the FSB

The main candidate for the post of the new head of the "K" department of the FSB was Ivan Tkachev, an employee of the Internal Security Directorate of the special service. He was engaged in the development of the case of the generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sugrobov and Kolesnikov

FSB building in Moscow (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

"Banking" management

The main contender for the post of head of department "K" of the FSB was the head of the 6th service of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB, Ivan Tkachev, an interlocutor close to the leadership of counterintelligence told RBC, and confirmed a source in the FSB.

Tkachev's appointment is expected in the near future, says one of the interlocutors of RBC. But his candidacy has yet to be approved by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov. If the appointment takes place, for Tkachev, the transition from the post of the head of the service to the post of the head of the department will be "a jump over several steps at once," says a source in the special service.

The 6th service of the FSB CSS was created in 2008, it includes only 35 people, says a source to RBC. Officially, the powers of this unit were not announced.

Tkachev played a key role in the case ex-head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, says the interlocutor of RBC in the FSB.

Sugrobov and his deputy, Boris Kolesnikov, were detained in 2014 on charges of provoking a bribe, abuse of office and organizing a criminal community. In June of the same year, Kolesnikov died, having fallen after interrogation from the balcony in the building of the Investigative Committee.

Retirements in two departments

According to Rosbalt, the resignation reports were written by the heads of two more departments that are part of the SEB FSB structure - these are the heads of the P and T divisions, which are engaged in counterintelligence support for industrial and transport enterprises, respectively.

“The leaders of the entire economic block of the FSB are leaving the department. All of them have been in the field for a long time, age groups. But, of course, this is not the reason for the resignation. V Lately the SEB has strained relations with the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation, scandalous stories began to arise that grew into criminal cases or the so-called online inquiries... There was a rather difficult situation last summer, but then somehow the sides were "pulled in corners". It hasn't worked out now, ”a source in the special services told Rosbalt.

According to him, Oleg Feoktistov, who is now the deputy head of the department, may become the head of the CSS.

General secretaries came and went, one country fell apart and another rose up, presidents changed, but the Lubyanka - she is alive, she survived everything and came to power, photo June 24, 2016

Each of these resignations is interesting in its own way, but the resignation of the super-influential head of the "K" department of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB (counterintelligence in the credit and financial sphere), General Viktor Voronin, stands apart. In his place, the head of the 6th service of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB, Colonel Ivan Tkachev, who was directly involved in the high-profile arrests of officials in uniform and without in the last five years, is supposedly tipped.

Curator of banks

Until recently, no one believed in the intensified rumors about Voronin's resignation. Voronin, as they say, is lucky: he sat in his chair after escaping in 2008 in the USA former employee Of the "banking" department of the "K" FSB department of Alexei Artamonov, who told the FBI agents and The Guardian journalists how his colleagues, under the guise of "crusts", were transporting multimillion-dollar cash from bank to bank. At home, for especially large-scale fraud, Artamonov was put on the federal wanted list and a criminal case No. 41326 was opened against him. According to the investigation, he allegedly threw several million dollars into the clients of one of the capital's banks.

General Viktor Voronin is no longer the curator of banks

Then General Voronin was rinsed with might and main in the media after Sergei Magnitsky was included in the list, and he was like water off a duck's back. As you know, the starting point of the prosecution of the lawyer of the Hermitage Capital fund Magnitsky was the report of the operative of the "K" Department of the SEB of the FSB of Russia, Alexander Kuvaldin, addressed to Voronin, who left his resolution on the report and sent him to the Moscow police department to initiate a criminal case against Magnitsky (in November 2009 Magnitsky died in a pre-trial detention center under unclear circumstances. NT ).

Then, in 2013, erupted loud scandal with Voronin's deputy, Colonel Dmitry Frolov: expensive real estate was issued for the relatives of the Chekist in the Italian town of Stresa, which is very popular with millionaires - but even here Voronin carried him away: he was kept by numerous connections acquired during the years of service in the KGB of the USSR.

Voronin, as they say, is lucky: he sat in his chair after the escape in 2008 to the United States of the former employee of the "bank" department of the "K" department of the FSB Alexei Artamonov, who told the FBI agents and The Guardian journalists how his colleagues, under cover of "crusts" from bank to bank multi-million dollar cash

He started out as a leading Komsomol worker in Leningrad, then graduated from the Higher Courses of the KGB in Minsk, worked as the first deputy head of the department Federal Service the tax police in St. Petersburg and the head of the Main Directorate of Gosnarkokontrol in the North-West Federal District. He was the man of General Viktor Cherkesov, close to Putin, who lost the apparatus battle of the Chekist clans in 2007-2009 and left the political scene. He was closely associated with the head of the St. Petersburg Drug Control Alexander Karmatsky, who was put on the federal wanted list for smuggling in 2009 (detective file No. 333).

Since 2004, Voronin has often been seen as part of the official delegations of the Federal tax service(FTS) together with its then head Anatoly Serdyukov and then Colonel Igor Medoev, seconded from the FSB. +

In 2006, Voronin was appointed head of department "K" of the SEB FSB and for ten years under his direct supervision was almost all banking country.

reference NT : Department "K" (in the jargon of the Chekists "kashniki") is part of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB. In addition to department "K", the structure of the SEB FSB includes department "T" (counterintelligence in transport) and department "P" (counterintelligence at industrial enterprises). Other tasks of the SEB FSB are the fight against counterfeiters, drug trafficking, the illegal sale of explosives and poisonous substances. The employees of the department have a very large number of agents among bankers, fraudsters and drug addicts. In addition to the FSB service IDs, they use police "scraps" and cover passports in other people's names.


An active movement in the central apparatus of the FSB began last year: in March, the state secretary of the FSB, 65-year-old Colonel-General of Justice, Yuri Gorbunov, was dismissed. Gorbunov was in charge of the FSB investigation for almost eleven years and was nicknamed the Old Man for his gray beard. The Old Man was replaced by the 48-year-old Colonel-General of Justice Dmitry Shalkov, who joined the FSB from the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee.

In December 2015, he was sent to an honorary exile in Shanghai Organization cooperation (SCO) of another deputy director of the FSB - 57-year-old Colonel General Yevgeny Sysoev. He was replaced by one who was in personnel reserve 56-year-old Igor Sirotkin, who previously served as deputy head of the St. Petersburg FSB Directorate, was in charge of the local customs.

In 2009, the Baltic customs detained 23 containers with Chinese smuggling worth $ 1 million. The recipient of the cargo was a one-day company registered in St. Petersburg, and the goods were sent to Moscow for Cherkizovsky market... However, the arrested containers mysteriously disappeared in an unknown direction - and a loud scandal erupted. Soon a commission from the FSB arrived from Moscow and, as a result of the inspection, Sirotkin and another group of senior officers received severe reprimands or were removed from office.

From other recent castling - transfer to the "paradise group" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the post of deputy minister, former boss FSB counterintelligence service of 63-year-old General Oleg Syromolotov, who was responsible for the security of the 2014 Sochi Olympics. He was replaced by a native of Russian Technologies, 57-year-old Lieutenant General Vladislav Menshchikov, who headed the Almaz-Antey concern for ten years, and then headed the General Directorate of the President's Special Programs (serves secret bunkers for top officials of the state. - NT ).

The iPhone case

But let's return now to the former head of the "K" department of the FSB Viktor Voronin. Some media outlets associate his resignation with a criminal story that happened in November 2015, again at the St. Petersburg customs: employees of the "K" department of the FSB detained in Pulkovo a cargo with 50 thousand smuggled iPhones, tablets and 15 thousand Lenovo A560 smartphones, which are not yet sold in Russia ...

After a while, when transferring a bribe in the amount of 2 million rubles. detained the former representative of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation in Finland Vyacheslav Naumov. This was followed by searches in the carrier company ULS Global, owned by the well-known St. Petersburg businessman Igor Khavronov and Turkish citizen Jebrail Karaarslan, who more than once boasted of his close friendship with Turkish President Recep Erdogan.

“Upon entering the service, we change into military uniforms and constantly swing in the gym. After the outbreak of events in Crimea and Donbass, we were transferred to a special position "

According to the investigators, an operative undertook to sort out the situation with the arrested electronics important matters on combating customs crimes of the Main Department for Combating Smuggling of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Pavel Smolyarchuk. Moreover, the sister of the operative Smolyarchuk, Svetlana, is the wife of Vadim Uvarov, the head of the 7th department of the Department "K" of the SEB FSB, whose employees are in charge of the St. Petersburg customs and seized the cargo.

It is possible that the criminal case would have been gathering dust on the tables of the investigators for a long time, but on April 22, 2016 in St. Petersburg, two unknown persons severely beat the former head of the ULS Global security service Ivan Lapshin, who was a key witness in the criminal case. The victim did not wait to be quietly finished off in the hospital ward, and turned to Petersburg media: “They beat me mainly on the head, but they also hit me hard in the stomach and legs. They didn’t ask me for money, they didn’t steal my phone and didn’t intend to steal the car, they wanted to kill me ”.

There is an important detail here: the operative support of the criminal case on the smuggling of electronics is not carried out by local special officers from Liteiny, but by the 6th service of the FSB's Internal Security Service, whose office is located in Lubyanka.

"Sechin special forces"

The 6th service of the Internal Security Directorate of the FSB was formed in 2004 - after the reorganization of the FSB: the officers nicknamed it "the Sechin special forces". According to some reports, the initiator of the creation of the "six" was the current head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, who at that time held the post of deputy head of the presidential administration and oversaw strong structure(now the chief curator of the security forces is Putin's colleague in the GDR Yevgeny Shkolov. - NT ).

According to the special officer, with whom the correspondent spoke on condition of strict anonymity NT , there are strict procedures in the “six”: “Upon entering the service, we change into military uniforms and constantly swing in the gym. After the outbreak of events in Crimea and Donbass, we were transferred to a special position. "

The main task of the unit is the operational support of high-profile criminal cases and the protection of witnesses. Among other things, this unit has its own "stompers" and a special forces group.

They were taken by the "six" of the FSB(from left to right) : Governor of the Sakhalin Region Alexander Khoroshavin, Head of the Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gaizer, Mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev

It was the employees of the "six" who in 2014 detained the head of the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Combating Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant General Denis Sugrobov, and his Deputy Police Major General Boris Kolesnikov (according to the investigation, during interrogation at the Investigative Committee he committed suicide . - NT ), who dared to take into operational development the deputy chief of the 9th department of the FSB CSS, Colonel Igor Demin.

In March 2015, they also detained the Governor of the Sakhalin Region, Alexander Khoroshavin, who was charged with taking a bribe in the amount of $ 5.6 million. who are accused of creating a criminal group and fraud. Finally, on the night of June 1, it was the "six" who also arrested the mayor of Vladivostok, the millionaire (he owned the Park Group concern) Igor Pushkarev, who was immediately taken to Moscow - he was accused of abuse of office and commercial bribery.

Many people from the "six" can be found in Rosneft and its subsidiaries

Immediately after the arrest, information appeared on the Internet that Pushkarev was allegedly part of the team of the ex-director of the Federal Drug Control Service, Colonel-General Viktor Ivanov, who was dismissed in April.

What is curious: at one time, soldiers from the 6th service guarded the notorious banker Yevgeny Dvoskin (aka Slusker, Shuster,
Kozin, Altman), who is wanted by the FBI. Moreover, Mr. Dvoskin with the KGB guards accidentally got into the outdoor camera from the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, which was recording visitors to the Old Phaeton restaurant on Povarskaya Street, where, as you know, the office of the patriarch of the Russian underworld Aslan Usoyan was located (Ded Khasan, killed in 2013. - NT ).

Many people from the “six” can be found in Rosneft and its subsidiaries. For example, Nail Mukhitov, deputy chief of the special forces of the FSB's Internal Security Service, was seconded to head the security service of Rosneft in 2013. True, Major General Mukhitov did not hold out in his post for long and, after numerous complaints from suppliers, resigned.

In turn, the "six" is included in the 9th department of the FSB CSS, which is headed by another native of the St. Petersburg FSB, General Sergei Korolev. The immediate tasks of the "nine" include catching "werewolves" in their own ranks.

In the dry residue

To date, the following alignments have developed in the leadership of the FSB: Director of the FSB General Alexander Bortnikov, First Deputy General Sergei Smirnov and simply Deputy Lieutenant General Igor Sirotkin - all come from St. Petersburg.

Among the deputies (there are five of them in total), only Colonel-General of Justice Dmitry Shalkov has Moscow roots, and even that was appointed on the recommendation of the chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, who is part of Putin's closest "Petersburg" circle.

The Crimean banker wanted by the FBI Yevgeny Dvoskin at one time went under the protection of the "six"

Apparently, key positions in the economic bloc of the FSB will now be taken by people from the "Sechin special forces": as we already wrote, the head of the 6th service of the FSB CSS Ivan Tkachev, who is called right-wing Oleg Feoktistov, the deputy head of the FSB's own security department (both served in the Sortavala border detachment - NT ). In the Lubyanka, Major General Feoktistov enjoys great influence and is called Oleg Bolshoy behind his back.

According to some reports, General Sergei Korolev, the head of the 9th Directorate of the FSB Internal Security Service, is also expected to be promoted soon: he is tipped to lead the FSB's Economic Security Service - as they say, the most "tasty" subdivision of the Lubyanka. Its former boss, General Yuri Yakovlev, has allegedly already submitted a letter of resignation.

The general public has to wait for what the opposing KGB clans will answer and who will be next to resign and land.

Nikolay Golushko

He dedicated his life to serving in the state security agencies. Worked in structural unit counterintelligence services of the USSR, Ukraine and Russia. 1992 was a landmark year, Golushko was awarded the rank of colonel general. He first served as director of the Federal Security Service from 1993 to 1994. In the Yeltsin government, he was approved by the Minister of Security. He was awarded three orders and six medals, three of which are commemorative.

Russian politician. He was made the second head of the security agencies, where Stepashin worked from 1994 to 1995 with the rank of colonel general. Collaborated with the government of Yeltsin, Putin and Medvedev. V different years He was the Minister of Justice, Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and the Government of the Russian Federation. He was awarded dozens of orders and medals.

A prominent figure in the state and military fields. He graduated from a military school, then studied at the Frunze military academy. He worked as director of the FSB from 1995 to 1996. Having received a leading position, Barsukov was assigned an army general. He began his career in the KGB, got into the security committee in 1964. In the 90s he was appointed commandant of the Moscow Kremlin. Since 1995, he was a member of the Russian security. In 1997, Mikhail Ivanovich made a decision and resigned.

Along with work in the special services, he is a prominent politician. He was in charge of the FSB from 1996 to 1998. In 1998 he was awarded the rank of General of the Army. He was a member of the State Duma of the third convocation. Currently, he continues to be active, holds positions in the government. He is a member of the Duma for Security and Anti-Corruption, and leads the State Duma in the OSCE parliamentary organization. After Kovalev, Vladimir Putin came to the leadership of the FSB, he is the only director with a military rank: colonel.

He was the director of the FSB for a long time, from 1999 to 2008. 2001 became an important year, Patrushev was assigned an army general. And a year before the event - the Hero of Russia. Patrushev was appointed Secretary of the Security Council in 2008. Two years earlier, Nikolai Platonovich had been named one of Putin's successors and a presidential candidate. Received dozens of state awards, including medals from foreign countries.

He has been the head of the FSB since 2008. Two years before his appointment, Bortnikov became an army general. He is the chairman of the national counter-terrorism cabinet. Bortnikov works as the head of the Security Council. He is a permanent member of the Russian Security Council. During his work he was awarded 8 orders.

FSB generals - first deputy directors

Zorin graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and began his career as a physics teacher in the Chechen-Ingush ASSR. In 1964 he got a job in the KGB. He bears the rank of Colonel-General of the FSB. From 1995 to 1997, he was the first deputy director of the FSB. Since 1995, he has been the head of the FSB Anti-Terrorist Center Russian Federation... Decorated with orders, medals and badges of honor.

Klimashin Nikolay Vasilievich

A security officer, from 2004 to 2010 he was the first deputy director of the FSB. In 2009 he was promoted to General of the Army. Over the years, Klimashin was a member of government commissions dealing with security and disarmament issues. He is a Class II Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation.

Employee Russian authorities state security. Since 2013, he has been the first deputy director of the FSB. He was awarded the rank of General of the Army. Over the years, he was the head of the department for combating terrorism, was in the leadership of the FSB in the Chechen Republic and the apparatus of the National Committee for Anti-Terror. Decorated with orders, medals and badges.

Pronichev Vladimir Egorovich

He was in charge of the FSB Border Service from 2003 to 2013, a prominent figure in the national special services. In 2002 he received the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 - the title of General of the Army. He worked in the border troops and the FSB, in 1999 he was promoted to the post of the first deputy director of the FSB. Was one of the leaders of the hostage rescue operation at the Dubrovka theater in 2002 (Nord Ost).

From 1994 to 1997, he served as First Deputy Director of the FSB. He bears the rank of Colonel General of the FSB. In Putin's government, he was Deputy Minister of Security and Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the period from 2004 to 2011 he worked as the special representative of the President on the issue of international cooperation in the fight against terrorists. In 2005 he received the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia.

Employee of the Russian Federal Security Service. Serves in organs since 1974. Has been holding the rank of General of the Army since 2006. In 2001 he became the head of the FSB in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region... Two years later, he received the post of first deputy director of the FSB. He is an honorary employee of foreign intelligence, awarded orders and medals, testifying to his services to the fatherland.

Sobolev Valentin Alekseevich

A member of the security agencies of both the USSR and the Russian Federation. He bears the rank of Colonel-General of the FSB. He joined the State Security Committee in 1972, graduated two years later High school FSB. From 1997 to 1999, he served as First Deputy Director of the FSB. Over the years, he held the positions of the head of the FSB for the fight against terrorism, was the Deputy Secretary of Security of the Russian Federation. In 2012, he was appointed President of Veterans of Counterintelligence.

A prominent statesman, he began his career with work in the bodies of the investigative committee. He carries the rank of Colonel-General of the Reserve and General of the Police. He was the director of the drug trafficking service. He was a member of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Worked in bodies Federal Security, from 1998 to 2000 he served as deputy director of the FSB.

FSB generals - deputy directors

He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2002 to 2005. He was awarded the rank of Colonel General. From 2002 to 2004 he was the head of the Inspection Department. Was one of the leaders operational headquarters who freed hostages during the terrorist attack at a school in Beslan in 2004. Was sent to the reserve of the Federal Security Service in 2005.

Bespalov Alexander Alexandrovich

He worked in the border troops, collaborated with the state security agencies since 1961. He was deputy chief and chief of the KGB for the Transcaucasian region. He worked as the head of the 8th department of the KGB of the USSR. After the collapse Soviet Union remained in the organs. In 1995 he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. From 1995 to 1999, he served as Deputy Director of the FSB.

Public and statesman. He bears the rank of Colonel-General of the FSB. He worked as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service from 2006 to 2008. Since 2016, he has been the head of the Federal customs service Russia. He worked as an official representative of the President for the North-West District, Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

From 2005 to 2013, he served as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Serves in the state security agencies since 1971. Repeatedly expressed the opinion that the main task of the FSB is the fight against terrorism. For this, it is necessary to constantly improve and modernize the weapons of the Russian armed forces.

Bykov Andrey Petrovich

Graduated from the Bauman Higher School, worked in the state security agencies since 1966. He was deputy chief and chief of the Operational and Technical Department of the KGB. Then he joined the FSB. He worked as deputy director from 1994 to 1996. Subsequently, he was a member of the directors of Rostelecom and Rosvooruzheniye. Holds the rank of Colonel General.

Gorbunov Yuri Sergeevich

He carries the military rank of Colonel-General of Justice. He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2005 to 2015. The main position held is Secretary of State. He began work in the security agencies in 1977, before that he worked at a research institute studying automatic systems... He is a Doctor of Law, has state awards.

Grigoriev Alexander Andreevich

Prominent statesman, headed the Federal Agency for Internal Reserves from 2001 to 2008, until his death. He wore the military rank of Colonel General. From 1998 to 2001, he served as an advisor to the director of the FSB. Participated in hostilities in Afghanistan. He was awarded 4 orders and 2 medals (one of them was awarded by the government of Kyrgyzstan).

Ezhkov Anatoly Pavlovich

Holds the rank of Colonel General. A prominent figure in the state security agencies. From 2001 to 2003 he worked as the head of the FSB in the North Caucasian District. From 2001 to 2004, he was deputy director of the FSB. Dismissed after militants attacked the Central Interior Ministry of Ingushetia. Subsequently collaborated with government bodies Sibur, where he was in charge of the security system.

Zhdankov Alexander Ivanovich

Prominent statesman. Awarded the rank of Lieutenant General. From 2001 to 2004 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was the head of the department responsible for the protection of the constitutional order and the fight against terrorism. Since 2007, he was appointed auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia. Has many awards: orders, medals, commemorative signs.

Zaostrovtsev Yuri Evgenievich

He bears the rank of Colonel-General of the FSB. He worked as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service from 2000 to 2004. He was the head of the department of economic security. From 2004 to 2007, he worked as Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank. Since 1998, he has been acting advisor to the President of the 1st class.

This is a prominent statesman. He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1999 to 2000. Holds the rank of Lieutenant General. For eight years, from 2008 to 2016, he served as director public service on drug control. He was the chairman of the state anti-drug committee. Since 2012, he is considered to be a valid state adviser to the President of the 1st class.

Political and military leader, he began his work during the Soviet era. He holds the rank of Colonel General, but is in reserve. From 1998 to 1999, he was Deputy Director of the FSB. From 2001 to 2007 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. He was awarded dozens of orders, in 2006 he became a laureate of the national prize "Russian of the Year". He is currently the President's Representative on Environmental Issues.

Security agent. Holds the rank of Colonel General. From 1999 to 2004, he was Deputy Director of the FSB. Main position held - Head of the Department for Analysis, Forecasting and strategic planning... Komogorov also works as chairman Board of Trustees"Military Sports Fund".

Kupryazhkin Alexander Nikolaevich

He took the post of Deputy Director of the FSB in 2011, and is currently in the same position. Awarded the rank of Colonel General. Kupryazhkin has been working in the state security agencies since 1983. He served as head of the FSB's own security department. Decorated with orders and medals.

Lovyrev Evgeny Nikolaevich

He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 2001 to 2004. The main position held by Lovyrev is the head of the Department responsible for the organizational work of the FSB with personnel. Holds the rank of Colonel General. He is an active member of the Presidium of the Civil Committee on Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies.

Mezhakov Igor Alekseevich

He began his work at the USSR State Security Committee. Already in 1972 he became the head of the 5th department of the KGB of Kazakhstan. In 1986 he moved to the KGB Inspection Department. In 1991 he was a member of the commission investigating the August putsch. He served as deputy director of the FSB for several months, from February to September 1995. Awarded the rank of Lieutenant General.

Russian politician. He worked as Minister of the Interior from 2004 to 2012. In 2005 he was promoted to General of the Army. He began work in the KGB in 1981, before that he worked as a physics teacher in a small village. In 1999 he was appointed head of the FSB on the issue of combating drug smuggling. From 2000 to 2002 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia.

Oleg M. Osobenkov

Holds the rank of Colonel General. He worked as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1996 to 1998. Head of the Department of Analysis, Forecast and strategic development FSB. Since 1999 he has been a member of the Aeroflot Management Board. Currently he is the head of the personnel department of JSC Aeroflot.

Pereverzev Petr Tikhonovich

Colonel-General of the reserve, began his journey as a simple cadet of a military school. Participated in the Afghan war. From 2000 to 2004, he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB, held the post of head of the Department for Operations Support. Has a number of state awards - medals and orders.

Pechenkin Valery Pavlovich

He devoted thirty years of his life to work in the security agencies of the USSR and Russia. In the 90s, he headed the department of the Ministry of Security in the Novosibirsk region. From 1997 to 2000 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was the head of the counterintelligence operations department and headed the Counterintelligence Department. Military rank: Colonel General.

Boris Ponomarenko

From 1968 he worked in the KGB. He carries the military rank of lieutenant general of the reserve. From 1996 to 1997, he was Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service. In 1997, Ponomarenko was approved as Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Telecommunications. Two years later, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Svyazinvest.

Politician and entrepreneur. He worked in the KGB and the FSB. In 1993 he was promoted to major general. From January to December 1994, he served as deputy director of the FSB. He worked as the head of UFSK in Moscow and the Moscow region. He worked as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. In 2015, he was appointed Chairman of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Council.

Has been working in the security agencies since 1983. Military rank - lieutenant general. In 2015, Sirotkin was appointed Deputy Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation. He still holds this position. He is the chief of staff of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.

Soloviev Evgeniy Borisovich

From 1999 to 2001, he served as Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia. Military rank - colonel general. He headed the Department of organizational and personnel work of the Federal Security Service. In 2001, Solovyov was appointed Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2003 he became a laureate of the Andropov Prize.

Strelkov Alexander Alexandrovich

A member of the state security agencies. He carries the military rank of Colonel General. He worked as deputy director of the FSB from 1994 to 2000, since 1997 he headed the Department of support for the activities of the FSB. Today he is a member of the Council for Government Interaction with Associations of Veterans and Reserve Officers.

An employee of the Russian state security agencies, a politician in Russia. He carries the military rank of General of the Army. Since 2015, he has held the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs for issues related to countering global terrorism. He began his career in the security forces in 1979. From 2000 to 2004 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB. He was involved in the preparation of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Security agent. He carries the military rank of Colonel General. He began his career in the KGB in 1983. He was the head of the FSB for the Novosibirsk region. He headed the Council of Heads of FSB Bodies in the Siberian Federal District. From 2013 to 2015, he served as Deputy Chief of the FSB of Russia. He was in charge of the National Anti-Terrorism Cabinet.

Timofeev Valery Alexandrovich

He began his work as an operational commissioner. He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1994 to 1995. Military rank - colonel general. He worked as Deputy Minister of Education. Recognized as an honored worker of the security agencies of the Russian Federation. Awarded with medals, orders and a badge of honor.

Trofimov Anatoly Vasilievich

He served as Deputy Director of the FSB from 1995 to 1997. He worked as the head of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region. Military rank - colonel general. He served in the KGB since 1962. He was shot in 2005, the killer was never found. At the time of the murder, he worked as deputy director of the Finvest company.

State security officer. He died the next day after being awarded the rank of admiral. Since 1975, he served in the counterintelligence agencies in the naval forces. Distinguished himself in the interethnic conflict in the Transcaucasus. He was the leading participant in the withdrawal of the flotilla from the Caspian Sea to Baku after the collapse of the USSR. He served as deputy director of the FSB from 1999 to 2001, until his death. In 2000, Ugryumov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Ushakov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich

Since 1975 he has been working in the state security agencies. From 2003 to 2011 he worked as Deputy Director of the FSB, the main position - State Secretary. He was scandalously dismissed from the authorities in 2011 due to violation of official ethics. He carries the military rank of Colonel General. Ushakov supervised Information Support FSB RF, center of public relations of state security bodies.

Tsarenko Alexander Vasilievich

State security officer. He began his service in the days of the USSR. He was deputy chief and chief of the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow region. From 1997 to 2000, he was Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia. From 2000 to 2011, he served as head of the special programs department of the President of Russia. Military rank: Colonel General.

Shalkov Dmitry Alexandrovich

An agent of the Russian special services and a prominent politician. Since 2018, he was appointed head of the control department of the President of Russia. Holds the rank of Colonel-General of Justice. In 2015, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Shultz Vladimir Leopoldovich

State security officer, sociologist and social philosopher. He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy. He carries the military rank of Colonel General. From 2000 to 2003, he was Deputy Director of the FSB and Secretary of State. Schultz is an Honorary Counterintelligence Officer and recipient of the Government Science Prize.

He has held the position of Deputy Director of the FSB from 2016 to the present. He began his career in the State Security Committee in 1987. Military rank - lieutenant general. He holds the post of RF Minister for Civil Defense and Disaster Relief. Also a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

FSB service leaders

Conversation Sergey Orestovich

From 2009 to the present, he has been the head of the Fifth Service of the FSB. It is an intelligence service and international relations... He bears the rank of Colonel-General of the FSB. Included in the list of European Union sanctions since 2014. In 2014, he signed an agreement with an employee of the Serbian government on the mutual protection of classified information.

A worker of the special services of the USSR and the Russian Federation, he bears the rank of Colonel General. In 1979 he graduated from the Higher Courses of the KGB. He was the head of the FSB in Mordovia, then in Chelyabinsk region... In 2004 he was appointed head of the anti-terrorism service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In 2008 he was appointed Deputy Director of the FSB for Technical and Export Control.

Ignaschenkov Yuri Yurievich

From 2007 to 2013, he headed the Control Service of the FSB. He carries the military rank of Colonel General. He began his service in the KGB, served in different positions... In 2004, he was the head of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, after which he was transferred to Moscow. Today he is the chairman of the All-Russian Physical Culture Society "Dynamo".

Kryuchkov Vladimir Vasilievich

Since 2012, the Colonel General has been in charge of the FSB Control Service. He began working in the security agencies in 1977, graduated from the KGB Academy. He took his first steps in the FSB of St. Petersburg, climbed the ladder from an ordinary detective to the chief in charge of the economic security service. In 2002, he was appointed to the post of head of the FSB of the Lipetsk region.

Since 2015, Lieutenant General Menshchikov has been in charge of the 1st FSB Service, which is responsible for counterintelligence. He started working in the security agencies in 1983. In 2014, Menshchikov was appointed by a presidential decree as the head in charge of managing special programs. Has state awards.

Alexey Sedov

An employee of the Russian special services, general of the army. Since 2006, he was elected to the post of head of the 2nd FSB Service. It is a service responsible for protecting the constitutional order and combating terrorism. Over the years, he was the head of the FSNP department in Moscow, the deputy chairman of Gosnarkokontrol, the head of the FSNP in the North-West District.

Shishin Sergey Vladimirovich

He entered the KGB school in 1984. He made the hard way from an ordinary employee to a colonel-general of the FSB. He took part in hostilities in Afghanistan, later in Chechnya and Dagestan. In 2002-2004, he was the head of the FSB's own security. From 2004 to 2006, he held the position of deputy director of the FSB, headed the 7th service (this is the service that ensures the activities of the structure). Today Shishin works as a senior vice president of VTB.

Yakovlev Yuri Vladimirovich

From 2008 to 2016, he worked as the head of the 4th FSB Service. During his service, Yuri Vladimirovich was awarded the rank of General of the Army. Is now director general corporation "Rosatom". In the security agencies, he worked from 1976 to 2016. In 2016, Putin signed a decree dismissing Yakovlev. He was awarded many state awards.

Sergei Borisovich Korolev

Lieutenant General of the FSB, headed the 4th FSB Service from 2016 to May 2018. This Service ensured the economic security of the FSB. Korolev began serving in the FSB in 2000, in St. Petersburg. Then he became an adviser to the Minister of Defense, head of the FSB's own security department. Korolev's team was involved in many high-profile cases, during his time there were massive redundancies in security personnel.

Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, without any doubt, belongs to the cohort of people who are usually called living legends. “A tiger by the name of Zaitsev”, “a hardened wolf of the special services” was dubbed by journalists. Including thanks to the efforts of representatives of the fourth estate, today the name of this person is known not only to the “siloviki”, but also to the general public. That is why there is no need for a long and florid performance - let it be laconic in a military way: Hero of the Soviet Union, retired major general, who headed "Alpha" for almost 14 years. Moreover, of all the commanders of group "A" Gennady Nikolaevich is the only one who happened to lead this anti-terrorist unit under two state regimes: from 1977 to 1988. in the USSR, and from 1992 to 1995. - in Russia.
It is difficult to write about General Zaitsev. And not because of a lack of information, quite the opposite. The abundance of information and various facts from the life of this man, who is one of the symbols of the Russian special forces, causes an understandable difficulty. Especially after the publication of his book "Alpha - My Destiny", which was awarded the "Loyal Sons of Russia" prize named after Alexander Nevsky. Perhaps, there has never been a more complete and truthful story about the officers of group "A" who sacrificed themselves not for the sake of glory, but in the name of the salvation and safety of other people.

Gennady Nikolaevich, what made you take up the pen?
Sergei Zaitsev, my son is a colonel, serves in the FSB. Granddaughter Anya graduated from the Veterinary Academy, got married. In November 2005, two sons were born to her, so they are my great-grandchildren. The second granddaughter Zoya is studying at the State Institute of Management. They, young, as well as millions of their peers, live in this world. And I don’t want them growing up to the sound of terrorist attacks and the sound of ambulance sirens. That is why I took up this book: to tell about what we did, and now, at a new and very difficult stage, our successors continue to do - employees of the Department "A" of the Center special purpose(TsSN) FSB of Russia.

Your book begins with a chapter on the events of October 1993. Why?
In the history of Group A, there were several significant operations that immortalized its name. This, of course, is the storming of Amin's palace in Kabul, the release of hostages in Budennovsk and in the theater complex on Dubrovka. Alpha's work on the White House in 1993 is one of such fateful operations. They say that we allegedly "did not fulfill the president's order." This is not true. The order was carried out, but in its own way - without bloodshed and human casualties. In fact, then we did not allow a civil war in Russia. That is why my book begins with these events.

Do you write about all of Alpha's operations?
Of course not. This would require more than a dozen volumes. I describe only those events in which I myself took part. This is my principle. Let those who participated in them write about other operations. It will be right. Perhaps the only exception in the book is the operation associated with the release of a Swedish diplomat in Moscow, when Anatoly Nikolayevich Savelyev was killed. But without a chapter dedicated to it wonderful person, my book would be incomplete.

Is the book not just about Alpha?
Of course, with all its combat potential, a subunit could not operate alone in an "airless space" (with rare exceptions). This was the case in Kabul, it was during many other special operations. Tell me, why in the 90s in our completely "rebuilt" country there was such a mess? Because the state security system, part of which was the group "A", has ceased to be debugged and comprehensive. That is why, talking about this or that operation, I tried to mention all the power structures and individual people who worked with us in one bundle.

You have a photograph of Yuri Andropov on your desktop. You were the first head of the KGB chairman's personal security ...
Somewhere in the middle of September 1967, the then head of the 7th Directorate, General Viktor Ivanovich Alidin, made a proposal to the KGB collegium that Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov - who during the described period was a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and the head of state security - should provide personal protection. The details of this proposal are unknown to me. To work with the chairman of the KGB, officers of the department were specially selected who were suitable for this kind of service. I was entrusted to lead this group of Chekists.
We worked in this mode for a month and a half or two. Then the leadership of the 9th Directorate announced that it was ready to provide "better" security for the KGB chairman, which was soon implemented. So our group ceased to exist. Despite the brevity of working communication, I am proud that, by the will of fate, I found myself next to this outstanding statesman.

How do you remember Yuri Vladimirovich?
We took Andropov under guard at the dacha, where he lived practically all year round... He hiked the grounds for about 20 minutes every day. Then Yuri Vladimirovich came up to us, talked to the drivers. As a rule, he greeted me by the hand. He was interested in how he was doing, and every time he ended a short conversation with the words: "Well, shall we go?" - after which we headed to Moscow. Before reaching the KGB building, he invariably let go of the guards. Why? Apparently, he was uncomfortable, somehow awkward in front of colleagues.

It turns out that by appointing you the commander of group "A", Yuri Andropov knew you personally ...
It turns out like this.

How did it come about?
The calendar was November 1977. The head of the 7th department, Major General Aleksey Dmitrievich Beschastnov, summoned me and said that it was about my appointment as the commander of group "A". I, I confess, as if in spirit, refused this proposal. But a week later, when he was again summoned for a conversation, he agreed, because he understood: they would not be offered the third time. He replied: "Well, if necessary, then I will lead this team." To which Aleksey Dmitrievich said: “We must, otherwise I would not ask you. You are a military man. They would issue an order - and the issue is resolved, go carry it out. I ask you about something else: are you taking up this business or not? I don’t need anything else from you. ”

It is believed that one of the first real assignments of Group A, created in July 1974 within the structure of the KGB of the USSR, was the operation to neutralize a terrorist who threatened to blow up the American embassy in Moscow.
Quite right. On March 28, 1979, one of the visitors to the mission, threatening with an explosion, demanded that he be immediately sent to the United States. I then had to enter into negotiations with him, posing as an employee of the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For two and a half hours, I persuaded him to abandon his intentions, but the man was nervous, and the explosion could not be avoided. There were no casualties among the personnel of group "A", and the terrorist himself was seriously injured (an explosive device was tied to his stomach) and soon died.

Did you manage to find out anything about the terrorist?
It was a former seaman of the merchant fleet, Vlasenko, who came to Moscow from Kherson. I was hoping to enter Moscow State University - it did not work out. Embittered, he decided that living in Russia was uncomfortable for him and hoped to leave for America, only he chose the unsuccessful method. Later, the investigation established that Vlasenko had accomplices: the US naval attaché and his son, who helped the terrorist to assemble an explosive device. The "assistants" did not take into account only the mental state of the future emigrant, and the fact that he would start from the embassy, ​​and not from the airport.

But the employees of "Alpha" had to work at airports more than once, and not twice ... Terrorists, after all, often took hostages precisely at transport facilities. Tell us about it.
One of the most dangerous incidents "in the air" took place in the capital of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the city of Ufa, in September 1986. Then, on the night of September 20, three servicemen of the USSR Interior Ministry troops - junior sergeant N. Matsnev, corporal A. Konoval and private S. Yagmurzhi kidnapped The RPK light machine gun, the SVD sniper rifle and the machine gun, equipped with 220 rounds, left the unit without permission and headed to the airport. After killing two policemen on the way, Matsnev and Yagmurzhi entered the airfield and broke into the Tu-134 plane, which was flying on the route Lvov - Kiev - Ufa - Nizhnevartovsk. Onboard at that time there were 76 passengers and five crew members. The criminals closed the door and, having shot two hostages, demanded to fly to Pakistan.
On the instructions of the chairman of the KGB of the USSR V. M. Chebrikov, group "A" urgently flew to Ufa to free the hostages and neutralize the terrorists.
Local officials negotiated with the deserters, hoping to convince them to abandon their criminal intentions. However, the bandits, threatening with weapons, continued to hold the crew and passengers on board as hostages. The people were herded into the rear of the plane. One of the terrorists, armed with a machine gun, was at the entrance to the salon from the side of the pilot's cabin. Another with a machine gun, hiding behind a flight attendant, was hiding at the end of the cabin. The bandits sealed the peephole in the cockpit door and blocked the escape hatches from the inside.
First, the terrorists were offered to move to another plane, where the capture group had previously been deployed. However, they replied that they would fly only on "their" plane, while agreeing to let only one specialist into the cabin for inspection and giving the go-ahead for repairs from the outside. A group of five people went to the airliner, who installed ladders in places of possible penetration into the plane and drove up the ladder. Suddenly, the terrorists refused to let the specialist on board and demanded that the ladder be removed. But the special forces officers prepared and carried out other operational measures, as a result of which the hostages were released. However, there was a threat of an explosion of the plane, people in the pilot's cabin could die. In the current critical situation, one of the bandits had to be eliminated.

The cynical and sophisticated deceit of the gang of Pavel Yakshiyants, who took children hostage, is still remembered with shudder. On December 1, 1988, four criminals hijacked a bus carrying 32 4th grade students and their teacher.
It was a complex and amazingly brutal operation to free the hostages, which began in Ordzhonikidze and ended in Mineralnye Vody.
The criminals, if their demands were not met ($ 2 million and the provision of an airplane for departure abroad), threatened to burn all the hostages taken: they put three three-liter cans of gasoline under each seat of the bus. It was extremely dangerous to conduct a combat operation in such conditions. The negotiations lasted seven hours. During the "bargaining", the terrorists demanded first a flight to Pakistan, then to South Africa, and finally settled on Israel. During this time, 20 children were released.
Some hotheads offered to arrange a shootout on the plane and punish the bandits. I was convinced that it was categorically impossible to take extreme measures: we had no right to risk the lives of the hostages and crew members. For a while, they resigned themselves to the demands of the terrorists, gave them money. As a result of subsequent negotiations, it was possible to "barter" all the hostages, and the plane took off with only nine crew members. By agreement with the Israeli authorities, the criminals were immediately arrested and soon extradited to the Soviet side. Thus, the lives of all the hostages were saved without loss.

Based on these events, director Georgy Natanson shot the film "The Busy Bus". I would like to hear your assessment.
In my opinion, the film has a significant drawback - it lacks those who ensured the conduct of the special operation at all its stages - from Mineralnye Vody to Tel Aviv. However, by the time the film was created in 1990, Group A of the 7th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR had not yet been declassified, and therefore remained behind the scenes.

After the events of January 1991 in Vilnius, when the press first started talking about group "A", journalists dubbed it "Alpha". Today this anti-terrorist brand is known all over the world. Tell me, such popularity does not interfere with the work of the FSB special forces, does it create additional difficulties?
In my opinion, proactive information about "Alpha" and about the Russian FSB Special Forces Center in general is a powerful deterrent that makes the bandits - both those who participate in terrorist activities and those who are still dreaming of Khattab's "career" or Shamil Basayev, - to carefully weigh the pros and cons. These people should know: where a special forces officer of the state security organs has appeared, there can be no compromises, the hostages will be released, and the criminals will be neutralized.

Gennady Nikolaevich, have you ever felt offended that when you were the commander of Alpha you were at the forefront of events, the state policy of that time did not allow you to talk about the unit or the specifics of its activities?
Not everything is so simple. Until no one knew about us, it was much easier to live and work. No one climbed either with cameras or microphones. Nobody ran ahead of the "steam locomotive" in order to quickly grab some "fried" facts for their newspaper, TV channel or website, as they say, exclusive information. By the way, do you know what today's terrorists ask for first of all after their demands? TV set. To observe the course of events on it, even some details of the operation. After all, television journalists sometimes bring to the screens what is not necessary to demonstrate at all.

How, in your opinion, does the current Alpha differ from that of the 70s and 80s?
Since 1991, we have actually lived in another state, where the tasks and conditions in which the special forces have to operate have changed. Whereas earlier the participation of Group A in hostage rescue operations was an event for employees, for the current generation of Alfovtsy neutralizing terrorists is a routine job. Since 1999, the employees of the TsSN FSB of Russia literally do not get out of business trips to the North Caucasus.
I am glad that there are still many young officers in Russia who want to join our unit. There are much more of them than is required, and therefore in last years in "Alpha" they forgot what a staffing shortage is. It seems to me that the current head of Department A, Major General Vladimir Vinokurov, managed to rally a team of like-minded people. And during the period that he is in charge of the unit, a lot has been done, which we veterans can talk about with pride.

After the operation in Afghanistan, where in December 1979 the employees of the "A" group took the most direct part in the assault on Amin's palace, the number of those wishing to get into the unit increased sharply. Although there were losses in Kabul - two employees were killed. How are things now?
According to my information, after the operation in Beslan, the number of those wishing to serve in "Alpha" and "Vympel" (Directorate "B" of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia) has increased dramatically. But then in North Ossetia the Central Service Center was missing ten employees.
There, in Beslan, did the employees of Departments "A" and "B" fully realize what they were doing? After all, as far as I understand, the situation was so serious that there could be much more irreparable losses in these units.
Everyone hopes for a better outcome. But not a single employee, I know for sure, when the combat crew was made and when the signal for an assault sounded, refused to participate in this most complex operation. Generally speaking, it's hard to talk about Budennovsk, Pervomaisky, "Nord-Ost" and Beslan ... I can only say once again: there are no civilian deaths on the conscience of the employees of the Special Forces Center of the FSB of Russia. They did the best they could. And even more.

Can it still be argued that there is a generational link in Alpha?
And she did not stop. The unit is staffed by officers who came to group "A" back in 1978. There are many of those who became employees in the 80s and 90s of the last century. And all the traditions that have been accumulating over three decades live together with those who laid them down and the coast. It is fundamentally important that Alfa does not lose contact with either the veterans or the families of the deceased employees.

Tell me, can the children of employees visit the wonderful Alpha Museum?
Of course they can. In Department "A" they try to ensure that the pupils educational institutions, children of employees, including those who died in the line of duty, could get here, learn the history of group "A".
In addition, the management team, together with the personnel department of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia and the Association of Veterans of the Anti-Terror Unit "Alpha", pay close attention to military-patriotic education in sponsored schools and clubs: they organize and conduct lessons in courage, including visits to the Alpha Museum , active games like "Zarnitsy".

Gennady Nikolayevich, you devote a lot of time and effort to perpetuating the memory of the fallen Alpha employees. Evidence of this is the stele monument erected at your expense at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.
The commander is responsible for his subordinates, and I had to answer for them for almost 14 years. I remember all of them, and there is nothing to say about the dead - this pain is forever in my heart. So he considered himself obliged to perpetuate their feat. And so the stele appeared. By the way, there are also two large white stones. One is engraved with the letter "A", on the other - "B", which means "Alpha" and "Pennant". There are always fresh flowers at the foot of the stele. This once again testifies to the fact that the feat of the commandos is alive in the memory of the people.

How do you see the future of Alpha?
The conflict in the North Caucasus and the practical conclusions drawn from it have led to the fact that today no one else in the world has such operational and combat experience in conducting specialized operations as the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia and its subdivisions have. With the exception, perhaps, of the Israelis, for whom the fight against terrorism is an indispensable condition for the existence of the state, and the Americans, who received colossal experience counterterrorism activities in Iraq and Afghanistan. So, I'm sure our Alpha has a great future. And as long as Russia is alive, there is no doubt that there is someone to stand up for it.

Interviewed by Tatiana KOROLEVA
Photo by Vladimir NIKOLAICHUK and from the personal archive of Gennady ZAITSEV

The FSB generals, who are currently in charge of this service, form the basis of this key structure, which is designed to ensure the national security of the state. in its current state it was formed in 1995, since then the closest attention has been riveted to its leaders.

Director of the FSB of Russia

Only FSB generals are currently in key leadership positions in this department. There are no lower-ranked military personnel in the positions of either first deputies or deputy directors of the service.

The head of the FSB of Russia is currently Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov. He has been in this post since May 2008, after his predecessor Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev resigned.

Bortnikov was born in 1951 in the city of Molotov, as Perm was called at that time. He is a graduate of the Institute of Engineers railway transport, who graduated in Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB. Then he began to serve in the state security agencies. Supervised the counterintelligence divisions. On the this direction service remained after the liquidation of the KGB and the formation of the FSB of Russia.

In 2003 Bortnikov Alexander Vasilievich headed regional administration in the Leningrad region and the city of St. Petersburg. Then he headed the economic security service, which works as part of the department. In 2006 he was promoted to Colonel General of the FSB. According to some reports, he received the next rank of army general in a few months - in December of the same year.

In 2008, he headed the department, at the same time taking the post of chairman of the national. Member of various government and interdepartmental commissions on the widest range of issues.

Vladimir Kulishov

In order to get the most complete picture of the leadership of the FSB department, let us dwell on the personalities of the first deputy directors of this department. There are currently two of them. All of them are generals of the FSB of Russia.

Vladimir Kulishov holds the rank of General of the Army. He has been the first deputy director since March 2013. In parallel, he heads the Border Service of the Russian Federation, which is also part of the FSB.

Kulishov Vladimir Grigorievich was born in the Rostov region in 1957. He studied at the Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, which was based in Kiev. After receiving a diploma higher education worked at a civil aviation plant.

He found himself in the structure of state security agencies in 1982. By that time, Vladimir Grigorievich Kulishov had already graduated from the KGB Higher School. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he continued to serve in the state security agencies. In 2000, he got into the central administrative apparatus of the FSB of Russia.

Then, for a year, he headed the department for the Saratov region. Since 2004, he began to supervise the department for combating terrorism, headed the FSB department for the Chechen Republic. Since 2008, he has held the post of Deputy Director of the Federal Office. In 2013, he was promoted to the post of first deputy and headed the Border Guard Service.

He served in Chechnya, has the Order of Military Merit and the Order of Service to the Fatherland, III degree.

Sergey Smirnov

The FSB general is another first deputy director of the department. He is from Chita, where he was born in 1950. In his infancy, the family moved to Leningrad, where he spent his childhood and youth. At school he was a classmate of Boris Gryzlov (ex-minister of internal affairs and ex-chairman of the State Duma) and Nikolai Patrushev (ex-director of the FSB of Russia).

He graduated from the Bonch-Bruyevich Electrotechnical Institute, which was opened in Leningrad. In his student years, he was also closely acquainted with Gryzlov, they studied together again. He began to work at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Communications.

He got into the structure of the KGB of the USSR in 1974. Since 1975 he has been working in the Leningrad administration. He occupied first operational, and then leadership positions.

In 1998 he got a job in the central office of the FSB. He headed the department of his own security. In 2000 he became deputy director of the FSB, and since 2003 - first deputy. Has the rank of General of the Army.

First head of department

Throughout Russian history, 7 people led federal government FSB. The very first in 1993 was Colonel General Nikolai Mikhailovich Golushko. At that time, the structure was just being formalized and was officially called the Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation.

Golushko held this post for only two months, after which he was appointed by President Boris Yeltsin as an adviser to the director of the FSB. During the years of Soviet power, he headed the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR.

Stepashin - Director of the FSB

In March 1994, Lieutenant General Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin became the head of the Federal Counterintelligence Service. Under him, the Federal Security Service was founded in April 1995. Formally, he became the first director of the FSB of Russia. True, he spent only two and a half months in this position.

After that I didn't get lost on high government positions... Stepashin was the Minister of Justice, headed the first deputy and until 2013 headed the Accounts Chamber. Currently, he is the head of the supervisory board of a state corporation, which is engaged in promoting the reform of the Russian housing and communal services.

FSB leadership in the 90s

In 1995, General of the Army Mikhail Ivanovich Barsukov came to the post of director of the FSB. He has been in the KGB system of the Soviet Union since 1964. He was the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, acted as an attesting witness during the arrest of the Deputy Prime Minister of one of the inspirers of the Emergency Committee.

In the 90s, Barsukov was often criticized by colleagues in the shop. In particular, blaming low professional qualities... For example, according to the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov, Barsukov's entire service took place in the Kremlin, he was responsible for the security of the top officials of the state. Many believed that Barsukov ended up at the head of the security service only thanks to the head of Yeltsin's security, Alexander Korzhakov, who had some influence over the president.

In June 1996, he resigned after a scandal during Yeltsin's election campaign. His name is closely related to the detention of activists from the presidential campaign headquarters, Lisovsky and Yevstafiev, who tried to take out half a million dollars in a paper box.

Director Nikolay Kovalev

In 1996, the service was headed by FSB General Nikolai Dmitrievich Kovalev. Unlike his predecessors, he spent a little over two years in this post. Nikolai Kovalev has been serving in the state security agencies since 1974. He was appointed to the post of FSB director after a scandal over alleged violations of the rules of currency transactions and the conduct of Boris Yeltsin's presidential campaign in 1996.

During his leadership of the service, Nikolai Kovalev managed to organize the productive work of the department. Its employees have become less likely to get on the pages of the press in connection with various scandals.

After his release from office, he became. Occupies the chair of the people's choice from the third to the seventh convocations, inclusive. He is a member of the United Russia faction, heads expert council organization "Officers of Russia".

Future president

In July 1998, Kovalev was replaced by the future president of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was the only head of department who by that time did not have a military rank. Putin was only a reserve colonel.

In the KGB system, the future head of state found himself back in 1975, immediately after the end of the Leningrad state university... He ended up in the KGB through distribution.

Having become the head of the FSB, he appointed his well-known Patrushev, Ivanov and Cherkesov as his deputies. Reorganized the entire service. In particular, he abolished the department for economic counterintelligence, and also liquidated the counterintelligence department for the provision of strategic objects. Instead, he created six new directorates. Achieved significant salary increases and uninterrupted funding. Interestingly, Putin himself wished to be the first civilian director of the FSB, abandoning the rank of major general, which Yeltsin had suggested to him.

Putin left the post of FSB director on August 9, becoming the chairman of the government. Two days earlier, Chechen fighters under the command of Khattab and Basayev entered Dagestan. The creation of the Islamic State of Dagestan was proclaimed.

Already prime minister, Putin spearheaded an operation against the militants. In mid-September, they were finally driven out of Dagestan.

Nikolay Patrushev

After the transfer of Vladimir Putin to leading positions in the federal government, the FSB was headed by Nikolai Platonovich Patrushev. He held this post for 9 years.

It was during the period of his work that he had to confront the militants and terrorists. The Federal Security Service began to occupy key position in matters of ensuring the security of the country.

Patrushev currently holds the post of Secretary of the Federal Security Council.

FSB General Ugryumov

Over the years, a large number of officers have held the post of deputy director of the FSB. Perhaps the most notable of them was Admiral German Alekseevich Ugryumov. This is the only naval officer to hold such a high position.

Ugryumov was originally from Astrakhan, in 1967 he entered the Navy. In 1975 he found himself in the system of the Soviet KGB. Supervised the special department of the Caspian military flotilla. In the 90s, he became one of the initiators of the case against journalist Grigory Pasko, who was attracted to criminal liability for espionage.

As deputy director of the FSB, he oversaw the work of the Special Purpose Center. It was to this unit that the famous special groups "Vympel" and "Alpha" belonged. He was noted for the conduct of counter-terrorist operations in the Chechen Republic. In particular, the liberation of Gudermes in 1999, the capture of one of the militant leaders Salman Raduev, and the release of hostages in the village of Lazorevskoye are associated with his figure.

In May 2001, he was awarded the rank of admiral. The next day he died of a heart attack.

FSB general uniform

To distinguish the generals to whom our article is devoted is quite simple in form.

It was last modified in 2006. Now the uniform is of a khaki color, it is distinguished by buttonholes and chevrons, as well as the cornflower-blue color of the gaps on the shoulder straps.