Window display design. Shop window design secrets

The modern shopper needs to be constantly surprised, whether you're inviting them to a clothing store, handbags, fashion accessories, or a bookstore. If a few decades ago the presence of a glass showcase with mannequins was already something special, today such decoration is considered boring and uninteresting.

Decorative design of shop windows is an obligatory component of communication with the buyer. Each season, the arrival of new collections on sale and the beginning of the sale of old ones should be illuminated, attract attention, including emphasized by a beautiful decor located behind a glass showcase.

Window dressing is not to be underestimated. In fact, there is a whole science - window dressing, which studies the subtleties and secrets of the creative process, aimed at creating an attractive picture behind glass. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that brightly and correctly decorated shop windows are the best advertisement.

With the help of showcase decor, you can solve the following tasks:

  • draw attention to the point of sale;
  • tell customers about promotions and discounts;
  • visually demonstrate the assortment in the original form;
  • present a new collection of goods;
  • decorate the store for some holiday or important event;
  • make the visual presentation of the outlet unique and stylish.

If you want to succeed in business, then your store must be decorated better and more interesting than competitors' points of sale.

Window dressing with fresh flowers: emphasize the uniqueness of the store

Everyone knows that fresh flowers bring a special atmosphere to the interior, fill it with comfort, aroma and make the room unique. Even a small composition on the table of an ordinary cafe makes the place special and attractive. Window dressing with flowers is no exception. This store will become a favorite place for shoppers. After all, flowers attract to themselves on an energy level, they attract attention and adequately distinguish your store from the background of others.

Window dressing with flowers is a special technique of window dressing, it has long been used by well-known world brands. This helps them to declare their uniqueness and excellence, as well as to attract new and retain regular customers. Flowers especially attract a female audience, so boutiques with women's clothing and accessories are simply obliged to use floral arrangements in the decor from time to time.

Such material for decoration has one drawback, sooner or later it will lose its freshness and beauty. But modern methods of florists allow you to extend the life of flowers, so if you decide to make the window more beautiful and brighter for some holiday or event, then the resource of plants will be enough for a long period.

Shop window decoration can be done with flower panels, arches, large and small compositions created by professional decorators. All decor is selected for the brand concept and for a specific theme. It can be a bright, colorful Hawaiian party or elegant 30s-style New Year's decor.

Artificial flowers in window dressing

Creative flower installations installed in a shop window can be made from artificial flowers. Modern materials and exclusively manual work allow you to create plants that are not inferior in beauty and luxury to natural flowers. The main advantage of this decor is durability. Decorating shop windows with flowers made of paper or textiles will create a magical atmosphere inside the store for a long time.

For showcase decor, you can choose:

  • panels or flower walls,
  • gigantic flowers,
  • arches and garlands,
  • flower arrangements in any style,
  • bouquets in vases and on stands,
  • artificial trees and bushes.

Each of these elements look amazing behind glass, especially when the storefront is designed by a professional team of florists and decorators. Experts know how to correctly combine colors, in addition, they can advise which shades are better to use in order to attract buyers.

The floral decoration in the window should be in moderation, it should emphasize the beauty of the displayed goods, complement the design concept, and not overload the entrance to the point of sale. In addition to flower arrangements, other accessories can be used in the decor of the store. These can be mannequins made in an original manner, figurines and figurines, furniture elements, etc.

Window dressing by Fleur Artdan floristic and decorating workshop

The workshop specialists have repeatedly created stunning installations in the shop window. We are convinced that flowers will look harmonious in any store, the main thing is to correctly combine the compositions with the existing design of the outlet. Live and artificial flowers are the best material to attract customers, with the help of such decor you can reproduce various thematic ideas of window dressing and bring absolutely any idea to life.

Fleur Artdan floristry and decorating workshop provides a full range of window dressing services with flowers. Our catalog contains ready-made compositions, panels, floral objects and collages, unusual accessories and handmade artificial flowers. We can make any composition to order.

Examples of window dressing can be viewed on our website. Choose the style and ideas, and decorators and florists will create a real fairy tale in the shop window, which no buyer can pass by.

The shop window is a kind of visiting card of the institution. The level of attendance of the outlet by potential buyers, the profit and prosperity of the owners largely depends on the thoughtfulness of its design. If there is an opportunity to create a showcase, then it must be used without fail. The talentedly designed facade of the building may well become a real attraction of the settlement.

The shop window is a kind of visiting card of the institution

Photographs of tourists are an excellent advertisement for a trading establishment. Shop window design should be catchy, colorful and informative. Passers-by, without realizing it, tend to stop at such a structure and visit it. The design of shop windows is determined by the architecture of the building where the store is located, the style of the street and the specifics of the store itself.

The contents of the shop window are always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by. However, it should trace the main specialization of the institution. This will certainly arouse the interest of people who are looking for a specific group of goods.

Thinking about the design of the store, you must be based on the following rules:

    Support for the corporate identity of the outlet. The company logo should be displayed on the facade. This approach indicates the direction of the outlet and helps to promote the brand.

    The network of stores is designed in the same way. Even if their windows are of different shapes and sizes, the style of the firm should be traced without a hint of doubt and misunderstanding.

    Closing the counter with a transparent material that will withstand the most extreme weather conditions. This is especially true for exposure to solar radiation. If you use glass without special sputtering, then after a few months the showcase and exhibits will burn out, losing their charm and attractiveness.

    Well-groomed look. In order for the counter to arouse the interest of customers, it must be constantly kept clean and tidy. This issue needs to be considered at the planning stage. The design of the showcase should be such that it can be quickly and easily cleaned of dust and debris.

    Protection from cold and heavy objects. In order for the glass to not be covered with ice in the cold season, it is necessary to think over a system for heating it. It can be an ultraviolet heater or a fan heater. At night, the glass can be closed with roller shutters with the logo of the store.

    Use of natural light and illumination. Properly highlighted product looks interesting and attractive. In addition, well-played lighting gives the facade an expressive look at night and in cloudy weather.

    Proper placement of exhibits. If the footpath runs at a distance from the facade, then the entire counter area is used. When people move in the immediate vicinity of the showcase, the emphasis should be on that part of it, which is located at a height of up to 150 cm from the floor.

The content of the shop window is always designed to attract the attention of a wide audience of the majority of passers-by.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it. To prevent the outflow of customers, the content of the storefront needs to be updated periodically. It is customary to do this by the change of season or on the eve of the holidays. It is advisable to draw a few sketches of the updated shop windows. This will allow you to choose the best offer, even if the drawings are made in pencil.

Gallery: shop window decoration (25 photos)

Window dressing (video)

Classification of showcases by configuration

Since outlets are located in buildings of different types, their windows are decorated in different styles.

Today there is such a classification of shop windows:

    Solid and extended. Almost all entrepreneurs dream of having such a structure. The large volume of the room allows you to realize any ideas of the designer and artist. In addition, extended structures allow you to create an interesting light picture using various light sources.

    Modular. Consists of several sections of the same or different sizes. The right approach makes it possible to create several different or gradually developing plots. Multiple display cases are much easier to maintain and update.

    Altitude. Located on the second or higher level. To attract the attention of passers-by, large and catchy objects, bright inscriptions and original lighting are used as exhibits.

    Corner. A very successful design in terms of the degree of accessibility of the review of the exhibits. In addition, corner structures stand at the intersection of passer-by flows. Even one person at the window creates intrigue, forcing the rest to become interested in the outlet. As a rule, corner structures are equipped with semicircular glass.

    Multilevel. It is located on two or more floors of the building. It gives the opportunity to apply non-standard solutions, which attracts the attention of buyers. Interest in the top level is caused by the creation of continuous vertical components.

A well-thought-out design of store fronts makes it possible to create attractive showcases of any type.

Even the most unusual design of the counter ceases to arouse interest over time if nothing changes on it.

Opening shop windows

The concept of "openness" means the ability to view the trading floor from the side of the street and vice versa.

There is such a division of showcases, taking into account this indicator:

    Open. Behind the exhibits there are no obstacles that prevent you from seeing the interior of the shops. The show-window from a trading floor can be separated with a decorative barrier. Such a choice is made in cases where the interior arrangement of the institution is attractive enough for a potential consumer, regardless of his tastes.

    Closed. The showcase space is separated from the trading floor by a curtain, painted fabric or a blank partition. As a rule, such a decision is made when it is necessary to mask the rear parts of various equipment (refrigerators, racks, shelves). To compensate for the lack of transparency, various custom-made posters help. In some cases, they look much more presentable than the trading floor itself.

    Combined. They represent a space, one part of which is fenced off, and the other is accessible to the eyes from the street. Sometimes it is advisable to cover the office space with advertised products. It can be household appliances, textiles, furniture and other goods from the assortment of the store.

As practice shows, the most active attendance is observed in retail outlets equipped with open windows.

Artistic solution of the exposition

The contents of the showcase should not only attract potential customers of the store with brightness and beauty, but also carry maximum information about the specialization of the trading establishment. Having interested a person with its original design, a well-designed counter provides information for reflection and encourages a passer-by to go inside the store. And this is already more than 50% of the probability that a purchase will be made.

According to the information content option, shop windows are divided into the following categories:

    Commodity. They represent an exhibition of the main goods from the range that is present on the trading floor. To increase the visibility of products, original coasters, artistically designed price tags, mannequins, racks and hangers are used.

    Plot. They are designed in the form of a composition that demonstrates how a whole group of goods can be used according to their functional purpose. Designers create certain plots and scenes. To give them expressiveness, mannequins, decorative lighting, glow, smoke or rain imitators are used.

    Combined. Compositions are created that combine the original presentation of a group of goods against the background of a plot in which the products of a larger store are present.

    Promotional. Holding regular sales with significant discounts is an excellent marketing ploy that allows you to create an extensive target audience of buyers. Since promotional showcases are temporary structures, fabric banners, films pasted on polycarbonate sheets, painted posters and banners are used for their design.

A great way to attract customers is to display non-standard display fixtures in the display space. The use of full-scale, natural-colored mannequins, original plexiglass stands, dummies and stuffed animals distinguishes the store's facade from the surrounding buildings.

How to quickly and inexpensively design a storefront (video)

Showcase lighting options

Lighting the facades of commercial establishments is an important component in creating their image. Illumination is needed not only to draw attention to the shop window at night. By combining various types of lighting fixtures, interesting visual effects are created, certain details are emphasized, and nuances stand out.

Today, the following types of shop window lighting are used:

    Scattered. Lamps are placed evenly over the entire area and volume of the counter. The correct placement of lighting fixtures allows you to create a relaxed soft lighting of the displayed goods without dimming zones and shadows. As a rule, economical LED lamps are used, which emit an even light without flickering.

    Directed. The task of such a solution is to create intrigue and accents. With dim illumination of the entire counter, individual objects and groups of goods stand out with bright rays. To achieve such goals, powerful spotlights and small fluorescent lamps are used, located around the perimeter of the counter.

    Artistic. It is used to draw attention to the showcase exhibits, which are presented everywhere, in many retail outlets of the city. The emphasis is on the variety of colors, changing the intensity and color of the glow. LED strips, halogen and fluorescent lamps are used.

So that the showcase does not cause an addictive effect, it is advisable to equip it with several lighting options. The constant change of lighting mode will make the facade of the store an object of increased attention.

Display glass selection

Many store owners are seriously concerned about the possibility of damage to display cases from accidental or deliberate impact. You can get rid of such fears in one case - to install durable and safe glass for passers-by.

Today, for the arrangement of shop windows, such transparent materials are used:

    Tempered silicon glass. It is a product obtained after several cycles of heating and cooling ordinary glass. Tempered glass is resistant to pressure, shock and scratches.

    Triplex. In the manufacture of panels, several sheets of glass are used, connected by an adhesive polymer film. When destroyed, forms harmless fragments.

    Monolithic polycarbonate. An extremely durable material that can withstand even small arms bullets. At the same time, it easily takes on the most complex form.

There are many different outdoor advertising tools. Billboards, streamers, LED displays, pavement signs - all these media are actively used by enterprises to promote the brand and increase demand for a product or service. However, one should not forget about another effective means of promoting an enterprise, institution or store, namely, an outdoor showcase. Experts say that a properly designed, attractive and informative showcase can significantly increase sales and make the point more attractive in the eyes of potential customers. However, is a showcase a universal means of advertising? What are its main pros and cons? What are the main types of display cases? You can find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

What is a showcase

A showcase is a glazed part of the facade of a room, the main task of which is to inform passers-by about the goods sold or the services provided. In fact, a showcase is a visiting card for many retail outlets, salons and firms. Experts say that the effectiveness of this advertising tool is equivalent to the effectiveness of print advertising in a major publication.

In general, the showcase performs a number of important advertising functions, including:

  • Familiarization of potential customers with the most popular goods and services at the point of sale;
  • Promoting a new product or service;
  • Notification of discounts, promotions and special offers;
  • Increasing demand for store products in general.

Advantages and disadvantages of shop windows as an advertising tool

  1. Direct impact on the consumer directly at the point of sale. So, every person who sees your showcase and is interested in the displayed product or the described advertising offer has the opportunity to immediately visit the outlet or enterprise.
  2. Huge scope for imagination. There are many types of showcases and options for their design. You can choose budget types of advertising in the shop windows, or turn the glazed parts of the facade into a real work of art.
  3. The ability to demonstrate the most popular types of goods sold.
  4. Possibility to change the window at any time. In essence, the storefront remains a permanent promotional tool that can be adapted to the current situation. So, for example, when you receive a new fashion collection, you can change the models that are in the window, and during the sales season, you can put information about huge discounts on the windows, which also stimulates sales. In other words, the format of this media allows you to make advertising really relevant.

Showcase types

There are many kinds and types of showcases. They are classified according to various features and characteristics, having studied which, each entrepreneur will be able to choose the option that suits him.

Classification according to the method of placement and length

  1. Single extended. If you purchased or rented a room with just such a showcase, this can be considered good luck. Usually extended showcases have a large area, which means that it leaves a lot of room for imagination. If you decide to make the shop window illuminated, your point will be perfectly visible even in the dark evening.
  2. Multiple showcase. Such showcases are a grid divided into several blocks. Despite the fact that not all ideas can be implemented on them, you can work on creating a series of images and text messages that will become a whole story for every passerby.
  3. Double storey window. If your store or business spans multiple floors, you can work on creating a truly massive display. However, remember that there should be at least two very large objects on the showcase - this is the only way your advertisement will be visible from a considerable distance.
  4. Multi storey showcase. Such a showcase can make absolutely any building noticeable. Moreover, its main advantage is that a large area allows you to implement even the most non-standard and original advertising ideas.
  5. Corner showcase. This option also has its advantages. First of all, such showcases affect two pedestrian flows at once and allow you to create three-dimensional compositions.

Classification according to the degree of openness


Through such show-windows the internal hall of a trade point or the enterprise is freely looked through. They can become effective means of promotion only if the interior and interior design of the premises are attractive enough for potential customers. In this case, the showcase is able to increase turnover by 10-15%.


As you might guess, closed shop windows do not provide an opportunity to inspect the hall. They are fenced off from it with the help of a special partition. Such a partition, in turn, can be decorated with various advertising banners, painted or upholstered with drapery. The space between it and the glass can vary in depth and be used in different ways, depending on the profile of the store and business and the impact that needs to be made on potential customers.


Through such showcases, you can see both part of the hall and the advertising composition.

Classification by artistic decision


In such showcases, only goods from the assortment of the outlet are presented. They can be displayed on mannequins, special stands, podiums and supported by price tags and images.

plot or thematic

When designing such showcases, designers focus not so much on the product itself, but rather on an idea that can become attractive to potential customers and at the same time correctly reflect the profile of the enterprise. It can be embodied in the form of a still life or a scene, enticing passers-by with its imagery. The only disadvantage of such storefronts is that they "spray" attention, instead of clearly focusing it on a particular product.


Similar show-windows are a combination of two previous versions. They involve the use of original, non-literal ideas along with a demonstration of the product being sold. In such showcases, you can usually find a variety of decorative elements, ranging from three-dimensional letters or images, to artificial flowers.


As you might guess from the name, the main task of promotional showcases is to inform passers-by about special offers and discounts. As a rule, the main attention is paid to the “loud” figures, “50%”, “60%”, “70%”.

Classification by main function

  1. Traders. Such showcases urge passers-by to buy a very specific product in the shortest possible time. In other words, they are designed to lure the buyer by showing exactly what he needs.
  2. Prestigious. Such showcases, in turn, are aimed at supporting a certain image of an enterprise or outlet. So, for example, luxury clothing boutiques often decorate shop windows as stylishly and elegantly as possible, not just displaying mannequins, but creating an entire artistic composition.

Window dressing methods

There are also several window dressing methods, each of which is detailed below.

  1. Registration with the help of special promotional materials. These materials include: large format printing, color films on glass, light panels.
  2. Commodity display. This method has already been partially described above. It involves the display of products with a specific idea, for the implementation of which additional decorative elements can be used.
  3. Light decoration. This method is especially relevant when the level of illumination on the street is much lower than in the shop window of the point. In other words, such shop windows are clearly visible on a street that is not too lit, in a shopping center or complex, etc.
  4. Outdoor advertising in the window. Some retail outlets can afford to use display cases to rent them out to other businesses, industries, and stores. In fact, such advertising works both for the promotion of the advertiser and for the promotion of the outlet that places the advertisement. However, this method can only be used if you really do not need self-promotion.

The effectiveness of advertising in shop windows, taking into account the profile of the enterprise

A properly designed, bright showcase can bring significant benefits to the following firms, enterprises and outlets:

  • Establishments: restaurants, pubs, bars, fast food outlets, cafes, etc.;
  • Beauty salons, solariums, manicure studios, barbershops, hairdressers;
  • Clothing and footwear stores;

In some cases, shop windows will be an excellent auxiliary tool for promoting real estate agencies and even travel companies. However, they will not benefit manufacturing enterprises, educational institutions and, for example, hotels and hostels.

How to draw attention to the window

  1. Informing about the enterprise or outlet;
  2. Creation of an idea of ​​the goods sold or services provided;
  3. Persuasion of the consumer in the existence of special qualities of products or services;
  4. Creating a desire to visit a store or business in order to purchase goods or receive services.

To achieve these goals and make the showcase a truly effective promotional tool, you must follow these guidelines:

  1. Before developing a concept and design, it is necessary to conduct market research and determine which group of people it will have to influence. After clarifying these questions, you will be able to develop the right design that will attract exactly your potential customers.
  2. The design of the showcase should correspond to the general style of the enterprise or outlet. So, for example, if you are designing a children's store, then the showcase should be as bright and colorful as possible.
  3. If you can equip a showcase with lighting, this will be a huge plus for a store, salon or company. It will make the facade more expressive and will attract the attention of passers-by in the dark.
  4. Before developing a design and thinking through technical issues, you need to evaluate the distance between the shop window and the pedestrian. If this distance is 2 meters or more, you should try to fill the entire display space. If people pass right in front of it, the most attention should be paid to the middle of the bottom.
  5. Window display should be changed regularly. This does not mean at all that you will need to re-equip it constantly. It will be enough to replace the goods on display, to change the design slightly according to the time of year, etc. The same design is too boring for passers-by and ceases to attract their attention.
  6. Before approving the showcase design, try to assess the sustainability of each of the materials. So, for example, display cases are very susceptible to the negative effects of sunlight. That is why in this case it is better to purchase a special sun-protection glass that will help preserve mannequins, models and the goods themselves.
  7. The window needs constant care. An untidy, dusty shop window is rather anti-advertising. That is why it is worth designing it so that cleaning and any changes can be done without any problems.
  8. Do not turn the window into a pile of goods. “The more, the better” is a principle that definitely should not be followed when designing a shop window. Such a layout will not attract, but rather repel potential buyers. Display only the best, most popular or new products.
  9. Complement your display with posters, banners and stickers to highlight your unique offering. Thus, the exhibited samples, accompanied by the inscription "70% discount" will be sold especially quickly. The same applies to a simple, extremely concise description of the product, which will allow the client to understand why he should visit your particular store, institution or enterprise.

Where to order window dressing

Advertising agencies specializing in outdoor advertising will help to create a design project for the design of an outdoor showcase and bring it to life. The choice of a company should depend on the complexity and scale of the task. When it comes to film applications or installation of advertising banners, you can choose any company with a good portfolio and reputation. However, if you want to order window dressing for an elite salon or boutique, it should be entrusted to professionals who have extensive experience in performing just such work.

Recently I came across an interesting article in the My Modern Metropolis community. Article about creative showcases. It was written quite a long time ago (2009), but it has not lost its relevance at all. So I decided to translate it specifically for the readers of the Vitrinistika.Ru blog. Hope everyone enjoys it.

P rethinking everything that we once knew about shop windows, we note: creative windows never stop in their development. A mixture of art, fashion, design and marketing, window displays should not only grab your attention quickly, they should make you enter the store.

Helping to make a choice, showcases also play an important role in identifying a brand.

Showcases have become more and more like art installations and fantastic scenes from films. The average person can only guess about the time spent thinking, planning and setting.

However, what is it like when art comes to life and comes into our lives?

Lanvin's Windswept Fashion

What could be more simple and beautiful than this? The windows of Lanvin's in Paris are brought to life by mannequins. Beautiful dresses and beautiful poses of mannequins make you smile.

Louis Vuitton: You're Under Surveillance

How coveted are Louis Vuitton bags? Enough to have a bunch of security cameras on high alert. These creative display cases make us think that Big Brother is watching us all the time. Again...maybe if we keep Louis we'll be instant celebrities! Hey paparazzi!

Calvin Klein's Pillow Talk Cases

The Calvin Klein collection storefront on East 60th Street in New York City is dedicated to the pillows of the world's most famous couples. The installation is a specific work - "Pillow Talk Bed" - by artist Jonathan Gorwitz, which was shown on PS1 MoMA.

Don't we love Barack and Michelle's pillows?

J. Crew's Sweet Ice Cream

Is there a better way to show off your pearls than to "drip" them on ice cream? J. Crew does an incredible job of displaying their jewelry in a super sweet display.

Maison Hermès Window Display by Tokujin Yoshioka

The Maison Hermès showcase in Tokyo was designed by Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka. The window uses a video of a woman blowing to highlight one of Hermes' most iconic accessories, their silk scarves.

Tiffany's Fantastic Fairy Tale

Artist Zoe Bradley uses paper to create these amazing structures for everyone from Tiffany and Louis Vuitton to Missoni and Donna Karan. This is a highly detailed artwork that makes a great backdrop for any luxury item.

Bergdorf Goodman Post-It Art

While we've seen Post-it art a million times, we can't help but appreciate these Bergdorf & Goodman showcases. Take a step back and you will see the faces of famous people, such as "Girl with a Pearl Earring".

Galeries Lafayette Department Store in Paris by David Lynch

One of the largest department stores in Paris, Les Galeries Lafayette, invited David Lynch to design 11 showcases that he created on the theme "Cars, Abstraction and Women". This is one of them called "Woman with a dream." Lynch showed a fully functional model of a train that traveled non-stop along the railroad tracks. This is how he describes his work: “I understand these windows as a labyrinth, a museum of streets where people move through signs. The windows are a transparent door to the unknown.”

The Apifera window installation for Selfridges Store

Selfridges department store invited Matthew Plummer Fernandez to create this installation. The project uses the analogy of the store as plants, the customers as bees, and the display cases as flowers, part of a plan by those who specialize in attracting bees. Inspired by the science of attraction developed in colors, the complex fractal geometry reacts and changes its breathing rate depending on daylight and passers-by.

Bergdorf Goodman's Fantastic Mr. Fox Dinner

Guess who's coming to dinner? What about the characters from Fantastic Mr. Fox! Wes Anderson. This holiday in the window was in the Bergdorf Goodman store.

Barney's Santa's Fair Trade Sweatshop

Back in 2007, Barney's in New York showed amazing storefronts as part of a "green" campaign. In this showcase called Santa's Fair Trade Sweatshop, the elves are surrounded by a list of the twelve Green Days of Christmas, on six composts. Only Barney's can do something so weird and wacky and wonderful at the same time.

Barney's Saturday Night Live X-Mas

Creative director Simon Doonan (Barneys in New York) installed storefronts in 2009 around the famous Saturday Night Live. Who doesn't remember the egg-headed heroes? Cool fact! Barney's art team became so obsessed with Jane Curtin and Dan Ainkroyd (the Remulak aliens) that the Eggheads got their own window display spots.

Apple for iPod Hi-Fi

Apple Storefronts shatter all of our preconceived notions about what a storefront should look like. For their new iPod HI-Fi, they simulated a broken window from the sound of this iPod Hi-Fi. It's time to shake things up, Apple!

Vuitton & Murakami's: Multicolore "Wrapped"

World renowned artist Takeshi Murakami joined forces with Louis Vuitton to wrap the acclaimed flagship store with the signature 33 Colors for the 2008 season. "The idea to wrap Fifth Avenue in Maison Monogram Multicolore came about while trying to do something really unique for the season," said Daniel Lalonde, president and CEO of Louis Vuitton North America. How I love walking past this store!


Sony Style in New York brought Spider-Man to life in time for the release of Spider-Man 3. Those lucky enough to pass by have seen the superhero and his new villain, Sandman and Venom, in the window and inside the Sony store on Madison Avenue, which includes video clips that are displayed on sensing technology LCD screens. Over six scenes from the latest film as Peter Parker confronts his tough demon and tries to understand the enhanced capabilities of his new black suit. It's amazing and captures all the attention of those passing by!

Source (original article):