Rusal subsidiaries. The history of the development of rusal - the company that made the “golden age of aluminum

RUSAL's history is interesting and instructive in many ways. The results of its active development and global scale are evident. Without it, there would be no "golden age of aluminum"


Reference Information:

  • Company name: United Company RUSAL;
  • Legal form of activity: public company;
  • Kind of activity: production of aluminum, aluminum alloys and other aluminum products, alumina production, bauxite mining, investments in securities;
  • Revenue for 2016:$ 7,983 million;
  • Beneficiary: Oleg Deripaska;
  • Number of staff: 61 thousand people;
  • The site of the company:

UC RUSAL is rightfully considered one of the world's largest aluminum producers. Last year he was awarded the title of "Leader of the Aluminum Industry" at international competition Platts Global Metals Award.

For reference: Platts is one of the most influential quoted news agencies in the world. It specializes in the publication of price quotations for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas, petrochemicals and industrial metals traded in various regions of the world. The Platts Global Metals Award is an annual Platts award that recognizes metallurgical companies that have excelled in innovation, sustainability and safety at work.

The award recognized the company's reduction in production costs, adherence to production discipline and tight control over costs at a time when market conditions were not developing well.

Untreated aluminum, its alloys, foil and alumina are the largest part of the company's products. UC RUSAL includes a whole range of enterprises involved in the creation of final product ranging from mining to aluminum and foil rolling mills. Such an organization allows you to control the production process at every stage, ensuring high quality products.

RUSAL's history is interesting and instructive in many ways. The results of its active development and global scale are evident. Already this year, the international consulting agency Interbrand has published a rating of the most valuable brands in Russia, among which the RUSAL brand is in 11th place, valued at 40,828 million rubles. The company's achievements in the modernization of production, implementation of environmental and research projects were especially noted.

For reference: Interbrand is an international consulting agency founded in 1974 specializing in the provision of branding services. Since 2000 publishes analytical national ratings.

The largest beneficiary and President of RUSAL is Oleg Deripaska.

History of creation

In 2007, in March, the assets (aluminum and alumina) of two Russian enterprises - Russian Aluminum (RUSAL) and Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company (SUAL) - merged with the aluminum assets of the Swiss commodity trader Glencore. As a result, the United Company RUSAL was formed with an office in Moscow and the symbols of the largest of the companies.

Rice. 1. UC RUSAL logo.
Source: official website of JSC RUSAL

Before the merger

The first aluminum smelter in Russia was launched in Volkhov in 1932. A local hydroelectric power station became the energy supplier, and bauxite was mined near what is now Boksitogorsk.

A year later, a similar plant was launched in Zaporozhye (Ukraine), at the end of the 30s - in the Urals.

During the Great Patriotic War, the construction of factories began in the rear. Zaporizhzhya was lost, Volkhovsky was under the threat of capture, and the aircraft industry plant needed aluminum.

After the war, it was already demanded by the arms race. The production is energy-intensive, so they tried to build enterprises near the power plants under construction. Thus, factories in Eastern Siberia were opened practically in the area of ​​construction of the Angara-Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric power stations.

The world's largest aluminum plants were built in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk in the 1960s. Alumina was provided by the enterprises of Achinsk and Nikolaev. The last enterprise in the aluminum industry, built during the Soviet period, was Sayanogorsk in Khakassia.

Late 1980s Soviet Union was called the world leader in the production of aluminum.

90s perestroika

Hyperinflation of the early 90s, the cancellation of budget funding and broken ties with suppliers of raw materials from the former republics of the Union paralyzed the work of many industrial enterprises in the country. This fate did not escape the aluminum plants. The entire industry found itself in a difficult situation.

In the domestic market, aluminum consumption has decreased by almost 9 times. A reorientation towards export was required - this was the only way to ensure a way out of the crisis.

With the large-scale privatization of state-owned enterprises, which began in 1993, the aluminum industry is turning into a tasty morsel for organized crime. It began with control over seaports, when you had to pay tribute for goods that were shipped for export, and ended with the usual theft of metal from factories. The share capital of enterprises also aroused interest among criminal gangs. Intimidation, blackmail, and murder were used. A serious struggle was waged for control over the industry.

Nevertheless, the second half of the 1990s was marked by some revival among the enterprises of the aluminum industry.

The profits with which the Sayanogorsk plant worked was enough for Oleg Deripaska to build another SAYANAL foil-rolling plant. It was soon recognized as the best in the industry, thanks to its technological and environmental performance.

By 1998, the SIBAL Group had turned into a large vertically integrated structure with a powerful production base and a well-established sales network.

The fight against crime, unfolding in the country, bore fruit, and by the end of the century it was safe to say that there was a decline in the rampant of organized crime. And in 2000, with the introduction of duties on the export of unprocessed aluminum, one can count on the civilized development of the aluminum industry in Russia and the consolidation of enterprises that were still scattered.

The eve of the new millennium was marked by the formation of RUSAL, in which the assets of SIBAL Oleg Deripaska and Millhouse Capital of Roman Abramovich were combined.

Recent history: XXI century

In the next few years as part of the company:

  • foil-rolling plant ARMENAL in Armenia;
  • Novokuznetsk aluminum smelter (NKAZ);
  • Belokalitva Metallurgical Association (BKMPO);
  • 2 Guinean enterprises - the Friguia bauxite-alumina refinery and the KBK mining plant;
  • All-Russian Aluminum-Magnesium Institute (VAMI) to perform design work within the framework of investment and construction projects of the company;
  • Engineering and Technology Center, where RUSAL's research, design and survey activities are concentrated.

The company is gaining momentum and operating on a transatlantic scale.

  1. In 2004, it starts developing bauxite deposits in Latin American Guyana, for which, by agreement with the country's government, RUSAL is forming a new enterprise - the Guyana Bauxite Company (KBG).
  2. From Kaiser Aluminum in 2005, the company acquired a 20% stake in Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL, Australia), the world's second alumina refinery.
  3. In 2006, RUSAL acquires 56.2% of the Italian alumina refinery Eurallumina, a cathode refinery in the Chinese province of Shanxi, and becomes the majority owner of the Aroaima Mining Company in Guyana.

In the same 2006, the company buys the Boksitogorsk aluminum plant, launches the Khakass aluminum plant - the first enterprise in the industry built in Russia after a 20-year hiatus.

In 2006-2007, Forbes magazine named UC Rusal number 1 in the list of the largest non-public companies.

Then, in 2006, RUSAL signed an agreement with Russian manufacturer of electricity HydroOGK (renamed RusHydro in 2008) on the joint implementation of the BEMO project - an energy and metallurgical complex in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Finally - a historic event: the formation of the world's largest aluminum producer, United Company RUSAL. The history of the company's development is not only victories and conquests.

The economic crisis of 2008-2009 became the worst in history, when both the demand for aluminum and the price of it dropped sharply. This period brought deterioration to the United Company financial condition and difficulties in dealing with creditors:

  • violations of covenants under loan agreements;
  • delays on previously taken loans;
  • Alfa-Bank's statements declaring bankruptcy of UC RUSAL's subsidiaries - Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter and SUAL.

In January 2009 the Board of Directors appoints The Director General Oleg Deripaska's company.

Modern United Company "RUSAL"

Having united the largest aluminum plants in the country, RUSAL is today among the world's leading aluminum producers and in the top three Russian metallurgical companies with EVRAZ by Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov and Norilsk Nickel of the same three owners.

His plans are very ambitious and have a real basis.

  1. Own scientific and technical base, opportunities for the creation and implementation of new highly effective developments aimed at optimizing the production process and reducing its cost.
  2. Access to the richest deposits of bauxite, which means that the company's production is provided with its own reserves of raw materials for 100 years, at least.
  3. 19 countries on five continents, where the factories and representative offices of the company are located. The location of the main production facilities in the Siberian region allows the company to provide access to clean and renewable hydropower, as well as close proximity to China, the market for which is considered the most promising in the world.
  4. A huge production and raw material base optimizes the production cycle: it suspends the production of aluminum at inefficient enterprises, re-profiling them for the production of products with high added value, and instead builds new aluminum plants in Eastern Siberia, allowing to provide the company's partners with metal when demand again becomes high.

The company's products are known in Europe and North America, Southeast Asia, Japan, China and Korea. In the transport, construction and packaging industries, it is most in demand.

Key performance indicators

After the past financial crisis and analysis of the situation in the global market, the United Company in 2011 is embarking on a new ten-year development strategy aimed at strengthening its leading positions in the aluminum industry and continuing to operate in a changed market environment.

Non-state educational institution higher professional education


Faculty of Economics


SPECIALTY: Finance and credit

DEPARTMENT: Management


"Analysis of the management system of JSC RUSAL."


3rd year student: Grosset E.S. Scientific adviser: prof. A. V. Karapatnitskaya

Moscow 2009

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 3

Section 1. Characteristics of the object of analysis - the firm ..................... 4

Section 2. Analysis of the organization's external environment …………………… .14

Section 3. Analysis of the internal environment of the organization ………………… 19

Section 4. Definition of the mission of the company

and building a “tree of goals” ……………………………………… .21

Section 5. Designing the organization's management structure ... .23

Section 6. Development of the concept of organized culture ... ... ... 25

Section 7. Labor motivation ………………………………………… ..28

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 31

References ………………………………………………… ... 32


Today, our country is actively developing market economy, many large and small businesses are thriving, despite all the difficulties economic situation The Russian Federation, and the period of the global economic and financial crisis, then go bankrupt, bankrupt, close.

What is the reason for the success of some enterprises, and the failure of others? Obviously, in the management of the company, namely the management of the company.

In this paper, I am going to analyze the management system of a particular organization operating in a market environment. For the analysis, I chose the United Company RUSAL. It is the largest domestic corporation producing aluminum and alumina.

This organization is interesting for its active development, vibrant life, interesting structure and global scale, and using her example, I'm going to understand the structure of management, in the external and internal environment of the organization, in the measures of personnel motivation, in the setting of tasks and goals, in the organization.

Section 1. Characteristics of the object of analysis - the firm.

JSC RUSAL - is a combined company, the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina, established in March 2007 as a result of the merger of the Company RUSAL, the third largest aluminum producer in the world, the Group SUAL, one of the ten largest global producers of aluminum, and alumina assets of the Swiss company Glencore... The company includes enterprises for the extraction of bauxite and nepheline ore, the production of alumina, aluminum and alloys, foil and packaging materials based on it, as well as energy assets.

The main products of the United Company are alumina, aluminum and aluminum alloys. Most of the alumina produced at the enterprises of the United Company is used to support its own aluminum production.

The quality of the manufactured products complies with the main international and Russian standards and meets the highest consumer requirements. The company's brands are listed on the London Metal Exchange (LME).

The company's strategy takes into account the need to constantly expand the range of products. At the same time, the needs of customers are becoming an important reference point. The company is ready to develop fundamentally new technological solutions, create, together with clients, new alloys and materials that best meet the assigned tasks. The quality and customer satisfaction indicators are regularly monitored. This approach helps to develop long-term relationships with domestic and foreign clients.

The combined company has a strong scientific and technical base. Along with investments in production growth, the Combined Company is investing heavily in R&D and modernization of plant laboratories, resulting in improved product quality and customer satisfaction.

Legal status.

The legal status of OJSC RUSAL is determined by civil code Of the Russian Federation "On Joint Stock Companies", and other legal acts Russian Federation.

History of education and life cycle organizations.

In 2000, Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich reached an agreement to merge their aluminum assets to create a company that could compete on equal terms with the largest global aluminum producers. The share of the new company, named Russian Aluminum (RUSAL), in the global aluminum production was 10%. Initially, Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich owned the company in equal shares. In 2003, the shareholder of Sibneft sold 25% of RUSAL's shares to the company Basic Element". In 2004, Basic Element became the sole owner of RUSAL.

After the formation of RUSAL, fundamental changes began to take place in the Russian aluminum industry. Oleg Deripaska and Roman Abramovich were able to consolidate disparate parts of the Russian aluminum industry in RUSAL, thereby creating a platform for its modernization and progressive development.

In order to increase production output and reduce emissions, a modernization program was launched at RUSAL's facilities. In particular, the Krasnoyarsk and Sayanogorsk aluminum plants were subjected to a full-scale modernization, and production at the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery was expanded. At the end of 2003, the reconstruction of the ARMENAL plant in Armenia, acquired by RUSAL in 2000, began. In early 2004, the company began construction of a plant for the production of aluminum cans in Vsevolozhsk. In 2006, RUSAL launched the Khakass plant, which became the first aluminum plant built in Russia in the past 20 years.

RUSAL has always paid special attention to expanding its resource base.

In 2001-2002, when the Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia mining plant and the Friguia bauxite-alumina refinery in Guinea came under the management of RUSAL, the company increased its self-sufficiency in raw materials by 25%. In 2006, RUSAL also acquired a controlling stake in the Aroaima Mining Company in Guyana.

RUSAL has gradually increased its presence on the world stage. Along with the acquisitions of enterprises in Guinea and Guyana in 2005, RUSAL acquired a 20% stake in the world's largest alumina refinery Queensland Alumina Limited in Australia, which increased self-sufficiency in raw materials by an additional 770,000 tons per year. In 2006, RUSAL's international assets expanded to include the ALSCON aluminum smelter in Nigeria, the cathode plant in China and the Eurallumina alumina refinery in Italy.

In its activities, RUSAL has always been guided by the principles of socially responsible behavior and constantly worked to improve the system corporate governance... In 2006, the company disclosed information on its ownership structure, as well as key production and financial indicators. The Code of Ethics was adopted and independent members were invited to the Board of Directors of the company. These steps once again confirmed RUSAL's commitment to improving the company's transparency, as well as its adherence to high standards of corporate governance and business conduct. RUSAL became the first company in Russia to publish the Report on corporate responsibility in accordance with UN rules.

Simultaneously with the formation of Siberian Aluminum, and then RUSAL, the second domestic vertically-integrated holding for the production of aluminum was created in Russia. As a result of the merger of the share capital of the Irkutsk and Ural aluminum plants in 1996, the Siberian-Ural aluminum company (SUAL) was created, which in 2000 also included the Bogoslovsky and Kandalaksha aluminum plants.

Two years later, SUAL bought 90% of the shares of the Nadvoitsky aluminum plant and merged the assets with the company SevZapProm. As a result of the merger, the number of factories owned by SUAL increased to 19; the company included the Volkhov and Volgograd aluminum plants and the Pikalevsky alumina plant. In 2003, the company accounted for 65% of alumina (about 2 million tons) and 25% (850 thousand tons) of primary aluminum produced in Russia. In 2005, SUAL acquired the Zaporozhye Aluminum Smelter in Ukraine, which became the company's first asset outside the Russian Federation.

Thus, by the beginning of the third millennium, two powerful companies occupying significant positions in the international aluminum market.

In 2007, the process of consolidation of the Russian aluminum industry was completed. The merger of the aluminum and alumina assets of RUSAL, the world's third largest aluminum producer, SUAL Group, one of the world's top ten aluminum producers, and the alumina assets of the Swiss company Glencore, created the United Company Russian Aluminum, the world's largest aluminum producer. and alumina. In 2008, the United Company accounted for about 11% of global aluminum production and 13% of alumina. UC RUSAL operates in 19 countries on 5 continents and employs over 75,000 people. It includes 16 aluminum plants, 11 alumina plants, 8 bauxite mining plants, 3 powder production plants, 3 silicon plants, 3 secondary aluminum plants, 3 foil rolling plants, 2 cryolite plants, 1 cathode plant. The Company's production volume in 2008 amounted to 4.4 million tonnes of aluminum and 11.2 million tonnes of alumina.

The size of the organization and the territorial location of the firm.

RUSAL Corporation or Russian Aluminum is one of the largest Russian private companies. This corporation also actively interacts with partners representing countries of near and far abroad, and is one of the most powerful players in the corresponding segment of the world market. What does she release? Who owns and operates the company?

General information about the company

RUSAL is considered one of the largest enterprises in our country and the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina. Legally, this company is registered on the island of Jersey, which belongs to the UK. The total capacity of the corporation is about 4.4 million tons, alumina - about 12.3 million tons. In the Russian market, RUSAL is second only to the largest oil and gas corporations in terms of revenue.

History of the enterprise

RUSAL was founded in 2007 as a result of the merger of the assets of Russian enterprises - Russian Aluminum, SUAL, as well as the Swiss company Glencore. It can be noted that the symbolism belonging to Russian Aluminum has been preserved in the new united corporation.

In fact, in the structure of RUSAL corporation there are factories founded in the early Soviet period. Thus, the first domestic aluminum plant was launched in the USSR in 1932 in the city of Volkhov. The supplier of electricity at the enterprise was bauxite raw materials, which were also mined nearby. In 1933, a similar enterprise was launched in Zaporozhye, in the Ukrainian SSR. In the late 30s, the development and extraction of bauxite began, and, accordingly, the production of aluminum and alumina in the Urals: Soviet industrialists launched the Ural aluminum plant.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the plant in Zaporozhye was seized, Volkhovsky was under threat, so the Soviet industrialists decided to build new plants in the rear - in Krasnoturyinsk and Novokuznetsk. After the war, the Soviet economy experienced a growing demand for aluminum. New factories began to open in the regions of Eastern Siberia. In 1960, the world's largest aluminum factories opened in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk. In order to provide these enterprises with alumina - at that time mainly imported, factories were built in Achinsk and Nikolaev.

In 1985, the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter was opened in Khakassia. It can be noted that by the end of the 80s, the USSR came out on top in the world in the production of aluminum. The country actively exported metal. The Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter has largely contributed to the growth of this industry. But soon after its opening, certain difficulties began in the USSR, perestroika, and then the disintegration of the country.

The formation of the Russian Aluminum corporation was preceded by the period of inclusion in the world market of two other major players in the metallurgy market - Siberian Aluminum, as well as Sibneft, which also had aluminum assets. In 2000, these corporations combined their assets, as a result of which Russian Aluminum was formed. This corporation included the largest plants for the production of aluminum in Russia and Ukraine.

Subsequently, the company began to actively expand its activities abroad. But the corporation also actively developed in the Russian market. So, in 2006, the Khakass aluminum plant was opened, also in Sayanogorsk. It can be noted that by 2007 Russian Aluminum controlled about 80% of the industry in its segment in Russia.

As for the other subject of the transaction, which resulted in the formation of the RUSAL corporation - the SUAL company, it can be noted that this corporation was founded in 1996 in Kamensk-Uralsky. In the course of its development, it quite actively bought enterprises for the production of aluminum - but, as a rule, relatively small ones. Also this company acquired the Zaporozhye Aluminum Smelter. In fact, by 2007 SUAL controlled that part of the market that did not belong to Russian Aluminum, that is, its share in the segment was about 20%.

But, anyway, in 2007, both firms merged, as a result of which OJSC RUSAL was formed.

The company during the crisis of 2008-2009

The corporation had to overcome rather big difficulties during the economic recession in Russia in 2008-2009. It is known that the firm experienced difficulties in repaying loans. However, the corporation managed to cope with the problems. In the period from October to December 2009, RUSAL entered into a number of agreements with large banks, both Russian and foreign, on debt restructuring in the amount of about USD 16.8 billion.

Who owns and operates the corporation?

It is helpful to consider the structure of corporate ownership and how it has changed over time.

Until 2010, the largest shareholder of the company was the En + holding, which was controlled by Oleg Deripaska. The next largest share of assets belonged to SUAL. The ONEXIM group, owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, owned the third largest block of shares in the corporation. Another major shareholder OJSC RUSAL was the Glencore company.

In January 2010, the corporation carried out an IPO on the sites. During the trading process, the company managed to sell about 10.6% of its shares for 2.24 billion US dollars. All assets of the corporation were valued at about $ 21 billion. It can be noted that the main investors in the business were Vnesheconombank, as well as the Libyan Investment Authority fund, which represented Libya. These corporations acquired, respectively, 3.15% and 1.43% of the securities of the Russian aluminum giant. After the IPO, the shares of the key shareholders of the company changed somewhat - they decreased in accordance with the size of the package of assets sold to investors.

Now Oleg Deripaska's holding owns 48.13% of the shares of Russian Aluminum, Sual Partners owns 15.8% of the corporation's assets. ONEXIM Group owns 17.02% of shares in Russian Aluminum. Glencore Corporation owns 8.75% of the assets of the Russian aluminum company. 10.04% of the company's shares are traded in the free trade regime. It can be noted that 0.26% of Russian Aluminum securities are owned by the firm's management. At the same time, the general director of the corporation owns 0.23% of the company's shares.

Company management

Viktor Vekselberg has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC RUSAL since the company was founded. In 2012, he announced his retirement. In October 2012 the Board of Directors of the corporation was chaired by Matthias Warnig. The president of the company is Oleg Deripaska. Vladislav Soloviev is the CEO of Russian Aluminum.

The main activities of the corporation

Let's take a closer look at what RUSAL is doing.

The main activity of the corporation, as we noted above, is the production of alumina and aluminum. Among the schemes used for organizing the production of the corporation is tolling, in which raw materials are imported from abroad, processed at the factories of Russian Aluminum, and the finished product is then transported abroad.

RUSAL is actively cooperating with other major corporations. For example, together with RAO UES of Russia, it has implemented a project for the construction of an aluminum plant with a capacity of about 600 thousand tons in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The corporation initiated the construction of many large enterprises in the industry. Let's consider which of them are key in the company's activities today.

RUSAL activities: factories

The factories of an enterprise can be classified into the following main categories:

Enterprises producing aluminum;

Alumina production plants;

Bauxite mining enterprises;

Foil factories.

Moreover, in each of the noted categories of plants, there are both Russian and foreign firms.

Plants for the production of aluminum

The first combine for the production of aluminum in the USSR, as we noted above - Volkhovsky, was founded in 1932 and is still operating. Its capacity is not the greatest, according to some information - about 24 thousand tons, but nevertheless this enterprise is a significant infrastructure facility of the company.

After Volkhovsky, in 1939 the Ural aluminum plant was launched in Kamensk-Uralsky. It is still in operation, but now it is mainly engaged in the production of alumina.

Enterprises built during the Great Patriotic War - Novokuznetsk and Bogoslovsky aluminum plants, opened in 1943 and 1944, respectively. They also work successfully to this day. produces mainly alumina, and also includes a foundry section. The company manufactures protectors from aluminum, as well as its various alloys. The plant's capacity is about 960 thousand tons of alumina per year. The Novokuznetsk plant continues to specialize in the production of aluminum.

The most powerful enterprise of RUSAL, belonging to the first category, is the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant. It has a capacity of about 1008 thousand tons. Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant was founded in 1964 in Krasnoyarsk and is one of the key industrial centers of the corresponding segment of the Russian industry. RUSAL's second largest aluminum smelter is located in Bratsk. It was founded in 1966. Its capacity is about 1006 thousand tons. The third largest RUSAL plant in the corresponding category is the Irkutsk Aluminum Smelter. It was founded in 1962. The Irkutsk Aluminum Smelter has a capacity of about 529 thousand tons. This plant is located in Shelekhov.

Among the enterprises of RUSAL that are supposed to diversify is the Volgograd Aluminum Smelter. In particular, it is planned to develop the production of baked anodes there. The Volgograd Aluminum Smelter has the necessary infrastructure for the production of rolled products. Its foundry capacity is about 60 thousand tons per year.

Abroad, RUSAL's aluminum plants are located in the Swedish city of Sundsvall, as well as in the Nigerian city of Ikot Abasi.

Alumina Plants

If we talk about RUSAL's alumina refineries, then the corresponding type is, as we noted above, the Bogoslovsky and Uralsky aluminum plants, as well as the plants in Achinsk and Boksitogorsk.

Abroad, RUSAL's alumina production facilities are located in the Ukrainian Nikolaev, Guinean Fria, Australian Gladstone, Irish Oginish, Italian Portovesma, as well as the Jamaican cities of Kirkwein and Mandeville.

Bauxite mining enterprises

The largest Russian bauxite mining enterprises owned by RUSAL are located in the Ukhta region, in Severouralsk, and Belogorsk. Abroad - in Georgetown, Guiana, in Fria, as well as in another Guinean city - Kindia.

Foil plants

The foil is produced by the Russian enterprises RUSAL, which are located in Sayanogorsk, Dmitrov and Mikhailovsk. There is a large plant for the production of foil - the second in terms of capacity of all that belongs to "Russian Aluminum", in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan.

It can be noted that the corporation's assets include enterprises that produce not only, in fact, aluminum, but also, in particular, alloys from it, foil. The corporation owns factories that form a complete production chain - from mining plants to rolled metal factories. This feature of the organization of production allows the company to achieve the most High Quality products. Russian aluminum is valued in the world in many respects for its high quality.

The corporation's key production facilities are located in Siberia, which, on the one hand, allows the company to gain access to the region's natural resources, and on the other hand, brings its infrastructure closer to one of the largest aluminum consumers, China.

Business development prospects

Let us examine what are the prospects for the development of the business that the Russian aluminum company is building. According to experts, RUSAL is trying to optimize its production in line with the changing demand in the global market. So, the emphasis is supposed to be made on the production of products with high added value. RUSAL is building a highly efficient production facility in Eastern Siberia that will enable the company to supply metal to customers when demand rises.

RUSAL owns huge reserves of raw materials, has its own infrastructure for carrying out scientific and technical developments that can help optimize product output and reduce its cost. Another important task of RUSAL is to form an energy base that will allow increasing the level of autonomy of production by generating its own electricity. In this direction, the corporation is cooperating with the RusHydro company within the framework of the project for the construction of the Boguchanskaya HPP.

RUSAL actively develops and international connections, moreover, both in the near and far abroad. Russian Aluminum is an active participant in development Russian market in the corresponding segment.

The company initiated the formation of the Aluminum Association, which, according to experts, plays a significant role in overcoming the economic downturn at the current stage of development of the national economy of Russia. The capabilities of the corporation are of great importance in terms of recovering the indicators of the corresponding segment of the Russian economy and its successful development.

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The total capacity of the company's plants for aluminum smelting is 4.3 million tons, for the production of alumina - 11.5 million tons. The main sales markets are Europe, Russia and the CIS countries, North America, Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea. Key consumer industries: transport, construction, packaging. The company has its own engineering and technological base. Together with the Kazakh holding Samruk-Kazyna, RUSAL owns an enterprise for the development of the Ekibastuz coal mine Bogatyr. RUSAL owns a 27.8% stake in MMC Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of nickel and palladium and one of the largest manufacturers platinum and copper.

RUSAL was in the top twenty largest companies Russia by volume market value(capitalization) in 2011, and among the thirty largest companies in Russia in terms of product sales in 2012.


The management of aluminum plants in the USSR was carried out by the head office of Aluminprom of the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy. Despite its own large needs, the Soviet Union exported about 15% of the aluminum produced abroad.

Russian aluminum

In October-December 2009, UC Rusal signed a number of agreements with Russian and foreign banks on the restructuring of loans totaling $ 16.8 billion. Thus, the debt to a number of foreign banks in the amount of $ 7.4 billion was restructured for a period of four years with the right to prolong on three. In total, more than 70 credit institutions took part in the restructuring, about 50 loan agreements were revised.

Initial public offering (2010)

At the end of January 2010, Russian Aluminum held an IPO on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, thus becoming a public company. During the placement of shares, the company sold 10.6% of the shares, earning $ 2.24 billion for them (respectively, the entire company was valued at $ 21 billion). The largest investors in the IPO were Vnesheconombank and the Libyan state fund Libyan Investment Authority, which bought 3.15% and 1.43% of shares, respectively. It is expected that UC Rusal will use the proceeds from the IPO to pay off debts.

Following the results of the IPO, the shares of the former main shareholders of the company changed - each of them allocated a part of its stake for sale to investors in proportion to its share. The share of En +, controlled by Deripaska, decreased from 53.35% to 47.59%, Tony Shterev owns 00.0 1% of shares, the share of ONEXIM Group, which is owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, fell from 19.16% to 17.09%, SUAL's share Partners of Viktor Vekselberg and partners - from 17.78% to 15.86%, Glencore International - from 9.7% to 8.65%.

Debt refinancing (2012)

As of the end of 2013, the company's net debt was $ 10.1 billion.

Inclusion in the US sanctions list (2018)

On April 6, 2018, among all Oleg Deripaska's assets, Rusal was included in the list of persons and organizations under US sanctions. On July 21, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced that the main objective the sanctions are not the closure of the En + Group business, but the restriction of the activities of Oleg Deripaska.

On April 27, 2018, the chairman of the board of directors of En + Group Gregory Barker presented a plan to remove the company from the US sanctions lists ("Barker Plan"). The plan included, among other things, the reduction of Oleg Deripaska's shareholding to below 50% and the appointment of independent directors to the board of directors of En + Group. On December 19, 2018, the US Treasury Department notified the US Congress of its intention to lift sanctions on En + Group after the change corporate structure group of companies agreed by the United States.

On December 20, 2018, the shareholders of En + Group supported the re-registration of the group of companies from Jersey to Oktyabrsky Island in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. On February 8, 2019, the newly formed Board of Directors of En + Group in accordance with US requirements confirmed the decision to re-register En + and Rusal in Russia.

Owners and management

Ordinary shares of the company are traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, RDR per shares are traded on the Moscow Exchange. Shares and RDRs are convertible to each other.

48.13% of the company's shares belong to the energy holding En +, controlled by Oleg Deripaska, shareholders of Sual Partners - 22.8%, Mikhail Prokhorov's ONEXIM Group - 6.7%, 8.75% - by Glencore through Amokenga Holdings. 13.37% are in free circulation. 0.25% of the shares are owned by the management of the company, including 0.23% of the shares held by the CEO of the company.

Viktor Vekselberg has been the chairman of the board of directors of the company since its inception. On March 12, 2012, he announced his resignation in a letter to members of the board of directors, motivating it with disagreements with management. In turn, RUSAL announced that Vekselberg had ceased to act as Chairman more than a year ago, and his decision anticipated the expected decision of the Board of Directors. Since October 2012, Matthias Warnig has been the chairman of the board of directors of the company.

Until 2018, the president of the company is Oleg Deripaska, the general director is Vladislav Soloviev. On March 15, 2018, Vladislav Solovyov, CEO of the company, took over as President of Rusal. Since November 2018, the CEO of the company has been Evgeny Nikitin, who previously headed the company's aluminum division.

One of the board members is Thomas, Jean-Pierre. On December 27, 2018, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company; he will take office on January 1, 2019.


Until 2019, the company was registered in an offshore jurisdiction on the British island of Jersey (Channel Islands).

On December 20, 2018, the shareholders of En + Group supported the re-registration of the group of companies from Jersey to Oktyabrsky Island in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. On February 8, 2019, the Board of Directors confirmed the decision to re-register En + and Rusal in Russia.

The headquarters of the company is located in Moscow.


The parent company, as well as the main trader of Russian Aluminum, RTI Limited, are registered on the island of Jersey. According to the Vedomosti newspaper, RTI Limited is the owner of the raw materials, as well as the aluminum produced from it. In its activities, Russian Aluminum uses a tolling scheme, in which raw materials are supplied from abroad to Russian aluminum plants, processed there, and aluminum is again exported abroad.

The structure of the company

Smelting aluminum
The country Name Area Years of work Capacity, thousand tons
Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter Krasnoyarsk 1964 - 1008
Bratsk aluminum smelter Bratsk 1966 - 1006
Boguchansky aluminum smelter pos. Taiga 2016 - 588
Irkutsk aluminum smelter Shelekhov 1962 - 529
Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter Sayanogorsk 1985 - 524
Novokuznetsk aluminum smelter Novokuznetsk 1943 - 322
Khakass aluminum smelter Sayanogorsk 2006 - 297
Volgograd Aluminum Smelter Volgograd 1959 - 168
Nadvoitsky aluminum smelter Nadvoytsy 1954 - 2018 81
Kandalaksha aluminum smelter Kandalaksha 1951 - 76
Ural aluminum smelter Kamensk-Uralsky 1939 - 2013 75
Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter Krasnoturinsk 1944 - 46
Volkhov aluminum smelter Volkhov 1932 - 2013 24
Kubikenborg Sundsvall 1943 - 128
ALSCON Ikot Abasi (Akwa-Ibom) 1997 - 96
Alumina production
The country Name Area Launch year Capacity, million tons
Achinsk Alumina Refinery Achinsk 1970 1,1
Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter Krasnoturinsk 1944 1,052
Ural aluminum smelter Kamensk-Uralsky 1939 0,768
Boksitogorsk Alumina Refinery Boksitogorsk 1938 0,165
Queensland Alumina Ltd (20%) Gladstone 1967 4,058
Aughinish alumina Oginish 1983 1,927
Alpart Mandeville 1968 1,65
Nikolaev Alumina Refinery Nikolaev 1980 1,601
Windalco Kirkwein 1953 1,21
Eurallumina Portovesme 1973 1,1
Fries Alumina Refinery Fria 1960 0,65
Extraction of bauxite
The country Name Area Launch year Capacity, million tons
Kiya-Shaltyrsky nepheline mine Belogorsk (Kemerovo region) 4,66
Sevuralboxytruda Severouralsk 1938 3,0
Komi-Aluminum Ukhta region 1997 1,9
Kindia Bauxite Company Kindia 1974 3,3
Fries Alumina Refinery Fria 1960 2,1
Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc Georgetown 2004 1,7
Foil production
The country Name Area Launch year Capacity, thousand tons
SAYANAL Sayanogorsk 1995 38
Ural foil Mikhailovsk 2003 15,6
Sayan foil Dmitrov 1997 3
ARMENAL Yerevan 2000 25

Silicon production and powder metallurgy:

  • CJSC Silicon
  • Sual-Silicon-Ural
  • Powder metallurgy - Shelekhov
  • Powder metallurgy - Volgograd
  • Powder metallurgy - Krasnoturinsk

Engineering and construction division:

  • YOU
  • Aluminaservice
  • Engineering and construction company
  • Engineering and Technology Center
  • Industrial Park-Siberia
  • Service center"Metallurgist"
  • SibVAMI
  • Uralaluminium
  • Rus-Engineering

Energy Division:

IT services


Performance indicators

In 2017, the company produced 3.707 million tons of aluminum, 7.773 million tons of alumina

At the end of 2017, the adjusted net profit UC Rusal amounted to $ 1.077 billion, which is almost 3.7 times more than in 2016 ($ 292 million), follows from the company's reporting. UC Rusal's revenue increased to $ 9.969 billion against $ 7.983 billion a year earlier.

Against the backdrop of rising prices for aluminum and high demand for metal, UC Rusal's adjusted EBITDA at the year-end increased by 42.4% to $ 2.12 billion, which is the best result since 2012.

Key projects of the company

Social programs

There is also a Center in the cities where Rusal operates. social programs Rusala. Rusal Group is one of the sponsors of the Pirates football club (Moscow), which plays in the LFL Southern League. In particular, it is with the help of Rusal that the team's jump from the middle peasants of the Second Division to the leaders of the First Division is linked, as well as the transfer rumors about the signing of contracts by an amateur club with notorious football players - Kokorin and Mamaev.



In the 2000s and 2010s, SUAL's mines received the ominous nickname of the "conveyor of death." For example, in the mines of the Severouralsky bauxite mine, owned by RUSAL, two miners died in July 2017. And in December 2016, one of the welders died at the Kalinskaya mine. At the SUAL-Kremniy-Ural enterprise in Kamensk-Uralsky in the same December 2016, two workers were spilled red-hot silicon, and a load collapsed on another worker.


In October 2016, Rusal was included in the extended sanctions list signed by the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko.

In April 2018, Rusal's shares plummeted 46.9% amid warnings by the company about a possible technical default on a number of loans due to US sanctions against the company's owners.

The world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina was established in March 2007 as a result of the merger of Rusal, the world's third largest aluminum producer, SUAL Group, one of the world's top ten aluminum producers, and the alumina assets of the Swiss company Glencore.

The company includes enterprises for the extraction of bauxite and nepheline ore, the production of alumina, aluminum and alloys, foil and packaging materials based on it, as well as energy assets. More than 75 thousand people work at the enterprises of the company on five continents in 19 countries of the world.

  • Until March 2007, Russian Aluminum (RUSAL) was the largest Russian aluminum company, the third largest aluminum producer in the world (10% of world metal production). The headquarters is in Moscow. Full name - Open joint-stock company"Russian Aluminum".

Information technologies in "Rusal"

Development issues information technologies at the Rusala factories there is a separate one.



After the deal is completed, they will own 26.5% of Rusal's shares, that is, a blocking stake, Vedomosti writes.

The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

Mikhail Prokhorov in different years owned from 14% to 17% of Rusal's shares. In 2017, he sold 7% of shares to Vekselberg and Blavatnik.


The shares of the aluminum holding UC Rusal that belonged to Mikhail Prokhorov were transferred to Viktor Vekselberg

In August 2017, Zonoville Investments Limited bought out 7 percent of the shares of UC Rusal, the world's largest aluminum producer, from Mikhail Prokhorov's structures. The beneficiaries of Zonoville Investments Limited are several shareholders of another large minority shareholder in the aluminum holding company SUAL Partners, including the main owner of Renova, Viktor Vekselberg. It was Vekselberg who was named the buyer's guarantor in the deal, while Mikhail Prokhorov is the seller's guarantor.

The cost of the 7% stake in UC Rusal is set at $ 503.885 million. At the same time, at the time of the publication of information about the transaction, 7 percent of UC Rusal shares were worth $ 714 million on the Hong Kong stock exchange. The average cost of a package over the past six months is $ 482 million.

The search for buyers for his UC Rusal stake (17.02 percent) of Mikhail Prokhorov's Onexim began in the summer of 2016. During negotiations with SUAL Partners, the possibility of buying a 12 percent stake for $ 700 million was discussed. But while negotiations were underway, the situation changed: in the summer of 2016, UC Rusal quotes were close to historic lows, but over the year the company's capitalization almost doubled and today is $ 10.3 billion. Onexim was not ready to sell securities at last year's price. As a result, 3.32 percent of UC Rusal was sold on the stock exchange in February for $ 240 million. After the current deal, the share of Onexim in the aluminum holding will be reduced to 6.7 percent.

2016: Prokhorov sells 12% of UC Rusal for $ 700 million to the company of Vekselberg and Blavatnik

In October 2016, it became known that Mikhail Prokhorov's Onexim will sell 12% of UC Rusal for $ 700 million. The block is bought by the co-owner of the company - Sual Partners Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik.

Onexim began looking for a buyer for a stake in UC Rusal after the FSB conducted searches at the head office of the company in early June 2016. Later, the FSB reported that it was connected with the Tavrichesky bank, which was sanitizing the IFC controlled by Onexim. But sources close to the owner of Onexim, Prokhorov, and federal officials said that the searches were an act of intimidation: the Kremlin was unhappy with the editorial policy of Onexim's media holding RBC. After that, Vedomosti's sources reported that Prokhorov was going to sell Russian assets. It is incorrect to draw a conclusion on the “sale of all assets in Russia” based on the fact of negotiations. No "decisions on this topic were made by us" - this is how the general director of Onexim, Dmitry Razumov, reacted to this information. Nevertheless, in July 2016, Onexim sold a 20% stake in Uralkali to Belarusian businessman Dmitry Lobyak. The amount of the deal was not disclosed.

“We want to increase our package [in UC Rusal]. This is reasonable, this is natural. We have been in this company from the very beginning. We believe in this company. We see its great potential, "Vekselberg said on October 26 to the Russia 24 TV channel. He added that the deal will be closed soon.

For about 12% of the existing 17% of UC Rusal shares, Onexim will receive about $ 700 million, according to three sources close to different sides of the upcoming deal. Thus, the share of Sual Partners will grow from 15.8 to 27.8%. En + Oleg Deripaska at this time controls 48.13% of UC Rusal.

The deal may be closed by the end of November, says a source close to one of the shareholders of UC Rusal. Funds for the buyback of the stake will be provided by VTB and Sberbank, but the size of the loan has not yet been determined, he adds. Earlier, Vedomosti's interlocutors said that Sberbank had already approved financing for Sual Partners for $ 350 million. But it is not a fact that Sberbank will eventually participate in the deal, says a source close to Sberbank. Until recently, Onexim's stake was pledged under a repo deal with VTB, but later the bank announced that the size of the stake would be reduced from 17.02% to 13.16%.

The price of $ 700 million for 12% implies a 17.3% premium to the current market price. If aluminum, which is now trading near $ 1600 per ton (about 6% below annual highs), starts to rise in price, then UC Rusal may cost more and then it cannot be said that this is a very good premium, says the manager of the investment fund, which is also investing in papers of metallurgical companies.

But so far there are no special prerequisites for a rise in metal prices - there is still a surplus in China, the source said.

At the same time, Onexim will manage to receive $ 42.55 million in dividends from UC Rusal - the second in almost six years. On October 25, 2016, creditors allowed UC Rusal to pay $ 250 million in interim dividends. The registry closed on October 3. Payments are scheduled for completion on October 31st. The same amount - $ 42.55 million - was received by Onexim from UC Rusal in 2015.

Sual Partners buys 12% of UC Rusal in order to preserve the shareholder agreement. According to it, the share of Onexim should not decrease less than 5%. In addition, such a package allows him to nominate one candidate to the board of directors of Norilsk Nickel, whom UC Rusal will be obliged to nominate. Until the summer of 2010, Razumov was such a candidate. After that, Onexim representatives were not elected to the council. In addition, the purchase of the entire stake would have led Sual Partners to make an offer to the rest of UC Rusal shareholders. In the case of a 12% purchase, this is not required.

In March 2012, Viktor Vekselberg, due to disagreements with the company's management, resigned from the post of chairman and member of the board of directors of Rusal.