How to choose a gathering collapse equipment for a car service. We open a camber area New: intelligent start-up

Every day there are more and more cars and motorists on our roads. This means that sooner or later each of them will turn to a car service. Therefore, this business with a competent approach is doomed to success.

Opening such a specific business comes with some challenges. But, approaching such a matter responsibly, one can be sure of success.

To properly organize a business, you need to understand the issues of the automotive industry. Therefore, car services are more often opened by people involved in working with cars, i.e. car mechanics.

Project Description

This business can be conditionally divided according to several criteria. By category, they are divided into specializing in the repair of cars, trucks. For the repair of trucks, the room will need many times more than with a conventional service. You will also need specialized equipment.

For motorcycles, on the contrary, a garage is enough.

It is important to determine which services will be included in the service.

It can be:

  • Car wash.
  • Change of oil, .
  • Body repair.
  • Collapse-convergence.
  • Car diagnostics.

For washing, you will need an additional box and equipment. The number of employees will depend on the number of places for washing. You will need at least 2.

Oil change is one of the most popular services. Requires special equipment that can be leased. Number of employees for the procedure: 1.

Tire fitting is always in demand, especially when the demand for it increases during the off-season. Number of workers: at least 2.

Business registration

To open a car repair shop, you must register with the tax authorities as. To do this, an appropriate application is submitted to the department of the tax service dealing with these issues.

It often happens that it is necessary to submit documents to one branch of the tax service, and the activity will be carried out in another area. Then you need to register after acquiring the status of an individual entrepreneur in the department at the place of residence.

An application to the tax service is submitted in a certain form (). When registering, it is indicated for which it is planned to carry out activities.

  1. Code 50.2 - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.
  2. Code 50.3 - Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories.
  3. Code 52.1 - Retail sale in non-specialized stores.
  4. Code 50.20.3 - Provision of other types of motor vehicle maintenance services.

After registration, you must register with the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund.

room to open a car service, it must comply with sanitary and fire safety requirements, therefore, you need to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the fire inspection. The requirements that apply to such premises can be clarified directly in these structures.

Sometimes, not wanting to participate in the promotion, purchase of equipment and search for employees, entrepreneurs buy ready business.

The following points need to be clarified here:

  1. Location, ease of check-in and check-out.
  2. Qualification of personnel (if it is not planned to recruit new employees).
  3. The quality of the equipment and the appearance of the service.
  4. The presence of suppliers with whom work was carried out on the purchase of equipment and materials.
  5. The duration of the lease or documents of ownership of the site.

Given the above important points, you can determine the cost of a car service and the feasibility of buying it.

Market analysis and competition research

The composition of this market segment is ambiguous. 65 percent of all services are authorized, followed by network and small ones opened by individual entrepreneurs.

The most profitable is authorized car service, but to open this kind of service is quite difficult. It is necessary to provide extremely high quality services and please the car manufacturer for cooperation.

Therefore, it should be competitor analysis:

  • What services are provided by the nearest services.
  • What do they offer customers as bonuses?
  • Strengths and weaknesses of their business.

Another important factor is room. In most cases, in order to open the most convenient and functional service, you will have to build it yourself.

Care must be taken in choosing land plot for construction. It can be purchased or rented. It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

The most attention is paid to workshops located in busy places, at gas stations, highways. The car wash will also attract attention.

There are also important nuances:

  • Appearance.
  • Convenience of entrance.
  • Ease of searching.

Successful auto repair shop owners say that to get the most out of your business, you don't have to focus on one brand of car, but specialize in all of them. Then, having enough untwisted, it will be possible to stop already at several.

A wreck, a car wash will make a profit daily, and body repair and painting less often.

Production plan

After the conclusion of a lease agreement for a room for a car service or purchase and sale, it is necessary to determine which equipment planned to purchase.

It could be:

  • Diagnostic equipment.
  • Instruments.
  • Consumables (oils, etc.).

Depending on the additional services, the workshop will have to take care of the purchase of equipment and materials for their implementation.


The key to success and the presence of regular customers is a merit qualified personnel. This is exactly what car enthusiasts are looking for. Employees who are "sick" for work are always valuable.

The selection should be approached very thoughtfully.

Simple work, the implementation of which does not require special knowledge, can be performed by hardworking citizens (an example of such work is car washing).

For qualified work, mechanics will have to pay accordingly. Therefore, when paying for labor, you can determine the "golden mean" - salary + interest on completed orders. The salary will give the employee confidence in receiving payment under any circumstances, and the bonus will stimulate the performance of quality work.

Schedule auto repair shop will determine the number of personnel. It is important that the car service works without lunch breaks and weekends. Then you need to provide for a shift schedule for the duty of workers.

Depending on direction must be taken to work: an electrician, a balancer, a mechanic, a car mechanic, an accountant and, if necessary, a customer service manager.


The choice of a supplier for the purchase of spare parts can be made via the Internet. Further actions will be to determine the order of work and payment.

The quality of materials, their originality will improve the quality of repairs and attract new customers.

If you plan to open several boxes, then for the purchase of equipment in them, you should find manufacturers directly and conclude a leasing agreement with them. This will greatly facilitate the work. Clients, seeing that high-quality modern equipment is installed in the auto repair shop, will certainly apply for services.

Financial plan

To determine profitability businesses need to take into account the costs and expected income from the activity.

Approximate expenses:

  1. Rent or purchase of a plot of land from 20,000 rubles.
  2. The construction of a car service 300,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment 1000000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign 30,000 rubles.
  5. The salary of employees is 120,000 rubles.
  6. Taxes.


  • Service revenue.
  • Net profit.

Getting really good money will be possible only with proper business management. A competent personnel policy and an advertising campaign are also important here.

Marketing plan

Do I need to advertise for a car service? At the initial stage, yes. In addition to a spectacular sign, you need to think about how you can attract customers. A stand next to a car repair shop or nearby will help you tell about yourself, with a mandatory listing of the work performed and approximate prices for the amounts "from ...".

It is necessary to decide what will be fundamentally new differ workshop. For example, when ordering a vehicle repair, you can provide a free car wash.

In the future, with high-quality, fast and responsible work of specialists, there will be no special need for advertising campaigns. Clients will bring new ones on the principle of "word of mouth". Therefore, this point should be given special attention.

Over time, it will be possible at a car service to open auto parts store. Then it becomes a real business. The point will turn into a service center.

You can support regular customers with the help of discount system. Even a small discount on services will bring a positive effect.

You can retain customers in the following ways:

  • The workshop uses state-of-the-art professional equipment.
  • Works are performed qualitatively, quickly and on time.
  • Good attitude towards clients.

A video course on how to start a car repair business the right way can be viewed in the following video material:


To cover the largest possible target audience, it is recommended to set the working day from morning to 22.00. This is especially true in the summer.

A manager working in a car service must correctly and kindly answer customers' questions, acquaint them with the working hours of the service, keep an appointment for an inspection and make appropriate notes in the established documents.

The proposed work considers a plan for the creation of a parking garage with a car maintenance complex. During the operation of the car, serious problems often arise with the place of its stationary parking and storage. It is not advisable to store the car in the open air for reasons of corrosive wear of the body and deterioration of the technical condition of its units, which reduces the amount of cargo transportation in winter.

Under these conditions, the most optimal solution to the problem is the construction of a specialized parking lot and garage.

The project involves the lease and equipment of a maintenance complex for a parking lot for 150 cars.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The purpose of the enterprise is to organize the production process of car maintenance, as fully functional as possible, combining the possibilities of a car service with the possibilities of renting space for parking a car. The short-term goals of the enterprise are to conquer a sufficient market segment and form a stable image of the company.

It will be quite difficult to implement the proposed mission of the enterprise, therefore, the strategic direction of its development is the focus on the development of the entire range of services, a competent marketing policy, the rapid formation of the company's image, that is, there will be serious competition for the consumer.

The strategic analysis of this project shows that the enterprise proposed for investment has development prospects when implementing the following development strategy:

  • as quickly as possible entry into the service market and its development,
  • use of the possibility of applying prices for services that are lower than the prices of competitors,
  • application of a competent marketing policy, constant monitoring of the market situation,
  • the use of high-tech equipment, the introduction of know-how,
  • employment of highly qualified employees, effective personnel policy, creation of employees' interest in the success of the enterprise,
  • "tuning" of production to the interests of consumers, constant feedback,
  • flexibility of production, the possibility of expanding the range of services offered

By adhering to the developed strategy, an enterprise for the implementation of car service services will be able to achieve success, as well as create prerequisites for the development of production, the creation of a sustainable image of the company and the occupation of a sustainable segment of the market for motor transport services in the city.

3. Description of the market

The balanced and dynamic development of the regional economy, the provision of convenient and comfortable living conditions for the population of the city cannot be imagined without the creation and normal functioning of the service sector.

Some of the most common principles for the development of the service sector include the following:

  1. Taking into account the socio-economic specifics of the region, the prospects for its economic and demographic potential, since this largely determines the growth rate of the non-productive sector in the region.
  2. Study of the main trends in demand for the type of service under consideration and identification of the main factors influencing it.
  3. Study of the existing material and production base to meet the demand for services and identify opportunities for its expansion through investment.
  4. Search for sources of financial resources for the implementation of the planned development strategy; agreement on purpose and available cash.
  5. Analysis of specific investment projects for the creation, expansion and reconstruction of non-production facilities.

The first step in the development of a car service network is the analysis of its economic condition. Solving these problems can help increase business activity by revitalizing trade and transport routes, increasing the volume of transported goods, and increasing the number of existing vehicle fleets. The integrated development of a car service can be an impulse, which in the future will become the beginning of the path for the region, leading it out of a depressive state.

Thus, the development of a car service should be organically linked with the overall comprehensive program for the development of the city as a whole. The experience of developing such programs indicates that their central direction is usually the development of small business and the provision of employment for the population.

The solution to these problems can largely be solved by creating a network of relatively small car service enterprises; at the same time, the strategy for the formation of a car service economy should be an integral part of subprograms for the development of small businesses and employment. Thus, the development of a car service can successfully perform important socio-economic functions, providing new jobs in the region and increasing employment.

The prospects for the development of the auto service sector are based on a scientifically based assessment of the prospects for the development of the transport network, linked to the general economic objectives of the development of the city as a whole.

In the general structure of paid services to the population for the analyzed period, and especially in the last period, household services have been developing quite intensively, which also include car service services.

Analyzing the above data, we can conclude that in the structure of paid services to the population, the largest share is made up of passenger transport services - 41%, household services - 20%, communications - 9%.

4. Sales and Marketing

Service analysis and positioning strategy

The offered service of the company is complex and is a set of maintenance services (engine diagnostics, unit repair, painting, installation of electrical equipment, vulcanization and tire fitting, wheel alignment correction, oil change), maintenance and protection of the territory and maintenance of garages.

The complexity of the provided service ensures its functional completeness for almost any consumer. The distinctive quality of this service is also its high technological and quality level, determined by the quality of the equipment and the high qualifications of the staff.

High consumer properties of the service in question are also determined by the effective organization of the production process, production management.

Preservation and expansion of the content of the specified functional properties of the service allows you to form its stable positive image and ensure a highly competitive position of the company in the automotive service market.

The same goal will also be facilitated by the use of a flexible system of discounts, as well as warranty obligations applicable to various types of car repairs.

To organize the work of the service center, it is necessary to supply various components:

  • technological equipment;
  • components for repair;
  • Fuels and lubricants, paints and varnishes.

Company pricing policy

Pricing policy refers to the general goals that the company is going to achieve by setting prices for its services, which is regarded as one of the most essential elements of the marketing mix. The price level should be minimally sufficient to provide the enterprise with the planned profit, the competitiveness of the entire range of services, the achievement of short-term and long-term goals, the main of which is mastering the main share of the city's car service market.

Thus, an active pricing policy is proposed, which consists in a price breakthrough strategy, i.e. applying a price level slightly below the price level of competitors and obtaining a greater mass of profit by increasing sales volume and capturing market share. At the same time, the price does not have to be low in absolute value - it must be of a relatively high quality of the services provided. At the same time, we assume that the price level of competitors cannot be significantly reduced, since the production capacities of these enterprises will not allow a significant increase in the volume of services provided.

5. Production plan

Carrying out repair and maintenance of cars in the conditions of a modern automobile enterprise is associated with the implementation of a wide range of various works. At the same time, along with the main work, such as disassembly, washing and cleaning, defect detection and sorting, restoration and replacement of parts and assemblies, assembly, testing and painting, auxiliary work is also performed (transportation, storage, technical control, supply of energy and materials, security, etc.).

The technological process of car maintenance is a set of technological operations performed in a rational sequence, the set of which is determined both by the technical condition of the car, and by the desire and capabilities of the customer.

As a rule, the first stage is a car wash, cleaning of its main units and assemblies and subsequent diagnostics. It is supposed to use various diagnostic methods - from purely visual, the use of special mobile devices and stands, to computer diagnostics (including the geometry of the suspension, engines, wheel alignment).

The main lifting and viewing equipment and structures include inspection ditches, overpasses and lifts, and auxiliary equipment includes jacks, garage tippers, etc. The repair site is equipped with a specialized post for replacing lubricant in vehicle units and refueling it with coolant and air.

When replacing units and assembling vehicles, various means of mechanizing assembly work are used to facilitate labor and increase productivity. Assembly should be carried out on special stands or devices that ensure the stable position of the assembled product or its assembly unit.

To eliminate mechanical damage to parts (cracks, spalls, holes, etc.), it is planned to use welding, and to apply coatings on the surface of parts in order to compensate for their wear - surfacing.

The complex of services rendered by the specialists of the service center is also expected to include preparation for painting and painting of metal surfaces of cars using special technological equipment for spraying paints and varnishes.

To organize an effective system of accounting, warehousing, completing work with materials and spare parts, the method of compiling a diagnostic card and a car repair card is used, which ensures accounting of parts and work performed.

Payment for the services of the service is used for the convenience of customers both in cash and non-cash, in which the cost of repairs is somewhat lower. The approximate cost of a standard hour is 800 rubles. There is a flexible system of discounts for private and corporate clients.

6. Organizational structure

The creation of a parking garage with a car maintenance complex will greatly improve the situation with the timely delivery of goods, providing a large residential area with a place for parking, repair and maintenance of cars.

The planned number of the firm's staff is 12 people. The composition of the staff, as well as the planned labor costs are reflected in the table.

fixed costsSalaryThe number of employeesSumAverage salary per month per employee
Manager35 000 1 35 000 53 304
Senior auto mechanic30 000 1 30 000 48 304
Auto Mechanic25 000 5 125 000 46 965
Auto mechanic assistant20 000 2 40 000 20 000
Administrator25 000 2 50 000 25 000
Cleaning woman10 000 1 10 000 10 000
Insurance premiums

87 000
Total payroll

377 000

Today, Russians operate predominantly used vehicles that need regular repairs. As a rule, it is carried out in specialized workshops. A detailed business plan for a car service will help an entrepreneur open his own business, calculate expenses and income, performance indicators and determine the approximate opening time.

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Business Relevance

The business idea of ​​opening a car service is promising, since the vast majority of car owners prefer to use the services of organizations that carry out their repair and maintenance. People who buy a new car often turn to private workshops, and not to an official dealer. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that the service centers of car dealerships have unreasonably high price tags.


Car services are of several types:

  1. Repair services provided by individual craftsmen. Car maintenance takes place in or in a private house. There are a huge number of such specialists and their services for the consumer will be the least expensive. The quality of the work performed will not always be high, due to the lack of necessary conditions for performing a number of operations and the necessary equipment.
  2. Single car service. This is the most popular market segment. The main advantage of this business format is the perfect combination of service price and quality. As a result, the demand for their services is quite high.
  3. Specialized car services. Such establishments work with a focus on a particular brand of vehicle, which significantly reduces the number of their customers. The services provided are of high quality and are focused on a clear target group of motorists. The cost of the work performed is approximately 25 percent higher than that of single car services. Authorized repair shops are usually owned by car manufacturers or major authorized dealers.
  4. Network service stations. They have a branch network in certain regions or cover the entire territory of the country. At the moment, network auto repair shops are not very common in Russia. The most famous are: “White Service”, “On Wheels. RU", "Bosch Auto Service", "Fit automaster", "TRAK CENTER", "Tuning & Service".
  5. Ready-made franchise business. You can take advantage of a franchise offer from FitService, BoschService or Wilgud.

The first two options for organizing a service require a smaller initial investment. However, they are experiencing serious competition from larger market players. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Choice of field of activity

The scope of activity of a car service may affect the repair of:

  • motorcycle technology;
  • passenger cars;
  • minibuses;
  • trucks up to 30 tons;
  • agricultural machinery.

The entrepreneur will have to decide on the repair of which cars the service will specialize in. These can be vehicles from foreign manufacturers, domestic or both. According to statistics, the probability of breakdown of both types of machines is approximately the same.

Additional services

The main and additional areas of work of a car service:

  • carwash;
  • diagnostics;
  • refueling and lubricating types of work;
  • installation of alarms and other protective systems;
  • repair of the motor, gearbox, power windows, bodywork, battery;
  • tuning;
  • clutch adjustment;
  • car glass installation, tinting;
  • painting;
  • welding work;
  • installation and dismantling of vehicle units;
  • troubleshooting in steering;
  • installation of musical equipment;
  • balancing, tire fitting and wheel alignment.

Covering one hundred percent of services in one workshop is almost impossible and irrational. Service owners advise at the initial stage of establishing a business to take several areas of activity as a basis and not get hung up on a particular brand of car. In most cases, the highest profits are received by those car services that have chosen a narrow specialization, compared with station wagons.

Market analysis and target audience

After analyzing the market, several trends can be identified:

  1. There are more than 50 thousand companies in Russia that provide services for the maintenance and repair of machines.
  2. Most of the Russian market (65%) is occupied by authorized services, followed by network, single and self-employed entrepreneurs have the smallest share (10%).
  3. According to Avstostat estimates, the vast majority of car repair shops are highly specialized enterprises (58%). Mostly these are tuning studios, car washes, body repair stations, engine repairs, electricians, etc.
  4. The growth in demand for car service is confirmed by statistics. In 2012, the market capacity was about 300 billion rubles, and in 2016 the milestone of 500 billion rubles was overcome. Demand is growing even in times of economic crisis, it is more profitable for consumers to fix an old car rather than buy a new one.
  5. The target audience is mainly the owners of passenger vehicles. However, the business can be focused on the repair of trucks and large special equipment. Approximately 60% of consumers are men between the ages of 18 and 60.
  6. The target audience for which the workshop will be oriented depends on its specialization.

Competitive advantages

The strengths of the opened car repair shop should be the following points:

  • high quality of services provided;
  • operational diagnostics and repair;
  • availability of specialized equipment;
  • attractive pricing policy;
  • providing a guarantee for the work performed;
  • the possibility of ordering auto parts through the service;
  • high qualification of masters;
  • performance of narrow-profile work;
  • advanced training of key workers;
  • respectful and friendly attitude towards customers;
  • providing the client with the possibility of personal presence during car repair or waiting for the completion of operations performed in a specially equipped room;
  • pre-registration.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business

To properly organize a profitable auto technical center, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. We carry out market analysis.
  2. We determine the business format and the range of services provided.
  3. We develop a detailed business plan.
  4. We open a company.
  5. We choose a room or place for its construction.
  6. In the case of a lease, we conclude a long-term lease of premises or land.
  7. We repair the premises, if necessary, we carry out redevelopment.
  8. We buy equipment, inventory and consumables.
  9. We select staff.
  10. We carry out activities to promote the service.

Business registration

For a workshop created "in the garage", the organizational form of an individual entrepreneur is suitable. And for a single, network or authorized service - the LLC form.

For the work of the company in the field of providing services for the diagnosis and repair of vehicles, the sale of spare parts, the following activity codes are indicated during registration:

  • 50.2 - "Maintenance and repair of vehicles";
  • 50.3 - "Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories";
  • 52.1 - "Retail trade in non-specialized stores";
  • 50.20.3 - "Provision of other types of vehicle maintenance services."

To open a service station from scratch, you must submit the following package of documents to the Tax Office:

  • statement;
  • company registration certificate;
  • documents confirming the compliance of the premises with fire and sanitary standards;
  • contract for the provision of heating, water supply and garbage disposal services;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a document confirming the entrepreneur's ownership of it;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the services provided with current standards;
  • at the next stage, the company must be registered with extra-budgetary funds and statistical bodies;

Room and location

Service space requirements:

  • availability of central water supply;
  • availability of central sewerage;
  • distance from residential buildings and reservoirs - at least 50 meters;
  • availability of electricity and heating;
  • inspection pit or the possibility of arranging it (otherwise, the purchase of lifting equipment will be required);
  • the area is calculated based on the standard: 5 square meters per worker (excluding space for equipment);
  • appearance;
  • availability of parking.

To open the most profitable and functional service, it is better to build the building yourself. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to find a suitable land plot that can be rented or bought. The latter option is more preferable, since in this case you can be sure that the landlord will not drive the entrepreneur out of the area.

Requirements for the location of the auto repair shop:

  • convenient access roads;
  • high permeability;
  • the presence of a gas station nearby, a garage cooperative, a highway, a car wash;
  • lack of direct competitors nearby.

The profitability of the business largely depends on the competent choice of the location of the car service station.

The area of ​​the building of a full-fledged car service is divided into the following zones:

  • reception;
  • room for customers to wait for their cars;
  • bathroom for clients;
  • office rooms;
  • workshops for maintenance, diagnostics and repair;
  • car wash area
  • tire fitting area;
  • tool warehouse;
  • warehouse of spare parts;
  • staff room (with shower and toilet).

Supplier selection

The activity of a vehicle service station is associated with the replacement of old parts and assemblies with new ones. Most services sell them, so the entrepreneur must carefully consider the process of choosing a reliable supplier of spare parts. They are pretty easy to find online. The use of specialized Internet services will save time on finding the required object and protect against the provision of irrelevant data.

Key criteria for choosing a supplier of automotive spare parts:

  • price;
  • delivery time;
  • product quality;
  • reputation of the supplier;
  • range.

Necessary equipment and furniture

Depending on the range of work performed by the auto repair shop, its equipment depends.

To succeed, at the initial stage of organizing a car service, you will need to invest from two to five million rubles. A well-equipped workshop inspires more trust among customers.

Required repair equipment:

Necessary office equipment, intangible assets and promotional materials:

Necessary furniture:

Lift for cars - 250,000 rubles Spray booth - 500,000 rubles Tire fitting equipment - 250,000 rubles Oil collection unit - 20,000 rubles Oil dispensing unit - 35,000 rubles Welding machine - 20,000 rubles

The video is devoted to an overview of modern equipment for equipping a car service. Filmed by the Tandem + channel, Car service equipment.


The staff of a full-fledged car service includes the following specialists:

  • director;
  • account Manager;
  • Auto Mechanic;
  • electrician;
  • welder;
  • painter;
  • locksmith;
  • a person engaged in tire fitting;
  • bodybuilder;
  • receptionist;
  • several people engaged in car washing;
  • cleaning woman.

In a small auto repair shop, it is better to hire universal workers who can perform various jobs at a fairly good level. The functions of an accountant can be performed by the entrepreneur himself or by a specialized firm.

Promotion and advertising

For the bodyshop, the best advertising is word of mouth marketing. It is an informal way of conveying verbal information about a service's service between consumers. But in order for this method of promotion to work, it is necessary to promote the business and build a good reputation.

An entrepreneur can monitor the wishes and preferences of consumers. And on the basis of the information received, try to improve and improve the work of the service.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor your competitors according to the following criteria:

  • service quality;
  • the range of services provided;
  • prices;
  • advantages and disadvantages.
  • banner;
  • signboard;
  • stretching;
  • portable advertising structure;
  • stand.

In addition, to promote the service, you should use:

  • Internet space;
  • radio;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines;
  • flyer;
  • leaflets.

On the Internet, you should create a corporate website, pages on social networks, and also maintain your own YouTube channel.

To turn one-time customers into regular customers, you should introduce a loyalty program that provides discounts:

  • for future repairs
  • when applying on a birthday;
  • free car wash
  • bonus system, etc.

Key factors for customer retention:

  • modern equipment;
  • operational performance of work, on time;
  • high quality;
  • attentive attitude towards customers.


Private car service is controlled by:

  • Federal Tax Service (once a year);
  • the fire department;
  • environmental service (twice a year);
  • local administration (in case of lease of municipal land);
  • Police.

The service can be located on a municipal property, or it can have city-owned land adjacent to the workshop building. Thus, the administration has the right to exercise control over this site and conduct inspections.

The Ecology Service checks:

  • how waste is disposed of;
  • how used fuels and lubricants are stored;
  • cleanliness of clothes for locksmiths;
  • the presence of oil stains on the floor, etc.

Financial plan

All items of expenditure should be taken into account and their cost should be determined as accurately as possible. Samples with calculations can be found and downloaded free of charge on the Internet.

A car service business plan includes the following costs for organizing your business.

The initial investment in the vehicle repair business will be about 4 million rubles. This example of start-up costs is designed for the organization of a medium-sized car service.

Regular investments

Monthly car repair expenses.

Approximate opening times

It will take about five months to open a car repair station, provided that the premises are rented. In the case of construction, the opening date of the service will be delayed by about a year.

It will take about three months to resolve organizational issues, including:

  • company registration;
  • selection of premises and conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • preparation of the project of the premises;
  • obtaining permits from regulatory authorities.

While organizational issues are being decided, it is necessary to start preparing the premises in parallel.


  • building renovation;
  • ordering and installation of equipment;
  • hiring employees;
  • purchase of consumables, inventory, tools, furniture and office equipment.

Marketing activities should begin two months before the date of the proposed opening of the service.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strengths of the auto repair business:

  • stable and high demand;
  • promising market;
  • high profitability;
  • a wide range of service areas.

Weaknesses of the auto repair business:

  • high competition;
  • to get started, you need a serious start-up capital;
  • paperwork during registration;
  • numerous checks.

Risks and payback

The main risks affecting the operating activities of a car repair shop:

  • the risk of hiring low-skilled personnel;
  • the risk of loss of professional specialists due to their departure to work for competitors;
  • increased competition from large networks with great financial capabilities and aimed at the same target audience;
  • a decrease in demand due to a decrease in incomes of the population.

Due to the large initial investment, their payback will take about three years. The actual return on investment depends on the accuracy of planning and implementation of business project activities.

Maintenance of vehicles of both cars and trucks is gaining popularity every year, due to the increase in the number of cars in the Russian Federation. Over the past 10 years, the number of cars has increased by 2.5 times, which indicates that the opening of a car service is a profitable investment that can bring stable high profits.

Sample - an opportunity to analyze the prospects for investment in this segment.

According to 2012 data, the volume of the car service market in Russia grew by 16%. Such growth indicates overcoming and exceeding pre-crisis indicators. The conducted studies allow us to conclude that the number of truck service stations at the moment is 2.3 times less than required, based on the number of cars of this class. Due to the current situation, a large proportion of cars are operated in a faulty condition.

Overview of the market of cargo car service in Russia

In the period from 2010 to 2013, the growth rate of the market of cargo car services in monetary terms amounted to 15-20%, the market volume in 2013 amounted to 21.5 billion dollars. The rendered repair services amounted to 13 billion dollars. Among the main factors that led to the expansion of the segment is the increase in the number of cars in the country. Data from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation indicate that today every 4 citizens of the country own a car. General economic factors also have a positive impact on the segment: increasing the level of purchasing power and accelerating the pace of life.

At the moment, the number of cargo car services does not meet the needs. 1/3 of the existing car services are located in Moscow, which makes the situation throughout Russia catastrophic and provokes the use of cars in poor condition. 60% of the segment belongs to independent car services (single and network), 25% - authorized technical centers, 15% - individual workshops.

The data above are averages for major cities in the country. Analyzing different regions, one can observe the opposite picture, this situation is explained by the economic and social factors of the region. With the deterioration of the economic situation, the number of branded service centers is proportionally reduced. Thus, the analysis of the Voronezh region has the following indicators: 70% - independent car services, 20% - individual workshops, 10% - authorized technical centers.

Authorized freight transport services occupy a small share of the segment due to the high cost of services, which suggests a lack of competition. An analysis of the sector of independent car services allows us to conclude that there is no brand in this segment and an anarchic state. Foreign truck service networks are in no hurry to diversify the domestic market.

Individual workshops are currently not able to provide qualified services, and the quality of the work performed is not regulated by law. The low cost of services is determined by the fact that such organizations do not pay taxes and rent.

The development of service stations for freight transport can take place in several directions. The most optimal from the point of view of economic benefits is the expansion of individual specialized stations for the brands of trucks and the creation of universal stations for servicing trucks.

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Analysis of economic indicators over time

Making a profit depends on the range of services provided, so in the freight transport segment, 27% are locksmith work, 19% - body work and 18% - car painting work. Monthly authorized centers are able to bring $ 150,000 per month, independent car services - 40 - 50,000, individual - 8 - 10,000.

The peak of activity of cargo car services falls on December and decreases in the summer months. Truck owners show maximum interest in the service in November and December, with a short break for the New Year holidays. The demand curve reaches its lows in July-September, February figures may exceed August data by one and a half times. Separate services also have special features, for example, the repair of mufflers and the removal of dents does not have seasonal fluctuations. This fact should also be taken into account when drawing up an economic model.

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Stages of organizing a car service

When deciding to open a truck service center, it is necessary to resolve a number of technical, organizational and legal issues.

Choice of location. When determining the further location, it is worth considering not only the presence of major highways, garage complexes and gas stations, but also the possibility of placing outdoor advertising. The legislation determines that car services cannot be located near water bodies and residential buildings. A car service station must be separated from the residential complex by a minimum distance of 50 m, the premises must be equipped with a centralized water supply and sewage system.

Formation of a package of documents. Obtaining permits involves the collection of a package of documents, a detailed study of the technological project, the determination of the composition and area of ​​premises (industrial, storage, sanitary facilities), space-planning solutions.

Development of a security system and automation of a car service.

Selection of a general contractor and subcontractors for general construction works, selection of suppliers of materials and equipment.

Planning of civil works.

Obtaining permits for putting the object into operation.

Obtaining permits from labor protection, energy inspection, Ministry of Emergency Situations, sanitary and epidemiological station.

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Products and services offered

Modern car services with the correct organization of the process are able to provide more than 100 types of services. Most of them are for electrical, lubrication and filling, control and diagnostic, tire fitting and balancing work. With regard to freight transport, assembly and dismantling, tin-welding, repair of the steering system and steering, debugging of engines, charging batteries and painting are no less in demand.

The list of necessary equipment, and hence the investment base, will depend on the choice of services to be implemented. At the moment, the market offers a wide choice of both imported and domestic equipment. By giving preference to the first option, you get an advantage in the form of the possibility of attracting more customers, as well as using this fact for advertising purposes. If the economic factor is at the head of the choice, it is worth giving preference to a domestic manufacturer that offers a more affordable price.

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