Description of a sparrow for preschool children. Sparrows in winter, a summary of a lesson on acquaintance with nature

Describing a sparrow for children will help you write an essay and prepare for the lesson.

Sparrow description

Have you ever paid attention to sparrows? It would seem that these are ordinary birds, always in sight, nothing special.
Typically, sparrows can be found in human habitation. This very small and fast bird has a rather cocky character. You can often see an ambitious fight of sparrows for the last grain or piece of bread.
The sparrow has small black eyes that look like beads. Its conical beak is strong enough. This helps the bird to quickly and reliably grab its trophy: an insect, or a grain. Coloring in a gray sparrow with a black neck and brown wings, which easily disguises it on trees. The legs of the bird are small and slender with barely noticeable tiny claws. Therefore, the sparrows move funny, jumping from branch to branch.
These sparrows are interesting! They chirp to themselves merrily from under the rooftops above human dwellings. And they gladly accept any treat.

Scientific description of the sparrow

The sparrow weighs 23-35 grams, and the body can be up to 16 centimeters long. Its plumage is brownish-brown above and whitish below. The male, unlike the female, has a large black spot on the chin, throat, goiter and upper chest and the top of the head is dark gray. The female has a gray head and throat and a pale gray-yellow stripe above the eye. Sparrows have a small short tail and a fairly powerful beak.

The sparrow is a small, cheerful, lively bird. They often say about him: "gray sparrow". But in fact, the sparrow is not gray at all. Its back is brown with wide longitudinal stripes. The tail is dark brown, the wings are also dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray.

In the spring, as soon as the sun warms up, the sparrows come to life, gather in noisy flocks, sit on hedges, branches of bushes and cheerfully chirp: “Chik-chirik-chirik-chirp! It's so good that spring has come to us! " If the mischievous little sparrow finds a small puddle of melt water, then it strives to "take a bath", wash off the winter dirt as soon as possible - it splashes in the cold transparent water, and then ruffles its feathers and shakes itself off.


In a ditch with melted water

A sparrow splashes.

I got up by the dark alder,

I look out from behind the bare branches.

Like a carefree boy

With the head he wants to dive

Playful, dashing sparrow,

I’m afraid I’ll scare him away.

He forgot both hunger and cold,

Forgot how drifting chalk.

He is glad today in a sunny puddle

And drops of mean heat!

In spring, sparrows like to eat midges, mosquitoes, caterpillars and aphids, in summer and autumn they peck at grains and seeds of plants.

Sparrows live both in the city and in the countryside. They everywhere adapt well to the habits of the person.

Why do sparrows love being around people so much?

Because, living among us, birds are protected from predators, they have food and secluded places where you can make a nest in spring. Sparrows especially like to arrange their apartments behind shutters or behind carved window frames of wooden houses. And city sparrows can settle under the canopy of an entrance or balcony.

Building a nest is not easy. Birds fly, fuss, drag feathers, pieces of cotton wool, dry grass in their beaks, quarrel over a piece and chirp loudly.

A sparrow pair builds a nest, and then incubates eggs one by one. After two weeks, small chicks appear in the nest. Parents "knock themselves off their feet" to feed babies midges, mosquitoes and other insects.

Sparrows grow quickly, and after ten days their parents begin to teach them all the intricacies of a sparrow's life. Over the summer, another (or two) new generation will appear in the nest. Before the onset of cold weather, they also need to be raised and taught in a bird school.

Sparrows are often called thieves among the people. There is such a riddle:

Little boy

In a gray Armenian

Sneaking through the yards,

He collects crumbs.

These agile birds, without fear, jump near the feet of a person, peck from a dog's bowl, pick up crumbs under the very nose of a well-fed, lazy cat.

Sparrows and cat

Apples and plums are ripening

Melons sing on melons.

The cat is basking lazily

In warm sunshine.

Sparrows merry flock

Bread crumbs bite

And chirps without concealment -

The cat does not even lead the ear.

Have taken courage, birds are jumping,

They lead a round dance.

Too lazy to move the cat -

The cat is dozing serenely.

Brave and friendly sparrows can fight back even a hawk! When a predator wants to attack the birds, the sparrows instantly get lost in a dense swarm and all together rush towards the enemy. The hawk has no choice but to fly away.

If any sparrow is lucky enough to find abundant food, he will immediately begin to chirp loudly, calling his fellows to a feast.

Sparrows spend winter next to us. It is difficult for birds in snowy and frosty seasons. They fly closer to a person, hoping to feed and warm up near him.

Answer the questions

What does a sparrow look like?

What do sparrows eat?

Why do they settle next to a person?

When do chicks appear in a sparrow's nest?

Why are sparrows called brave and friendly birds?

Where do sparrows winter?


To form in children ideas about the peculiarities of life and behavior of sparrows in the cold season. Consolidate knowledge about winter. Develop a cognitive interest in native nature. Arouse sympathy in children for birds that suffer from cold and hunger in winter, a desire and willingness to help them. Enter the words into the children's dictionary: flock, tweet, ruffle. Continue teaching children how to answer questions, guess riddles. Reinforce the skills of neat gluing. To develop coherent speech, fine motor skills of the fingers, dexterity. To foster a careful and caring attitude towards the animal world.


A photograph of a sparrow, a figurine of a bird, a recording of the singing of a sparrow, grain, cereals, bread crumbs, feeders; for construction - a blank made of brown cardboard in the shape of a bird, wings cut from paper, eyes; glue, brushes, backing sheets, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Hanging out feeders, feeding birds, watching sparrows.



Course of the lesson:

Guys, we have a little bird as our guest today. She is sitting in this house. And in order for the doors of the house to open, you need to guess the riddle.

The sparrow riddle

My song is short, here:
I don't know any other.
I don't fly away for the winter,
And I live under the roof.
Seeing the prey, I instantly
I fly off the roof after her.
Jumping gallop! Chick-chirp!
Don't be shy! I am seasoned ...

Well done, you guessed the riddle correctly. This is a sparrow. And here is the sparrow itself. (A figurine of a sparrow is taken from the house, the recording of a sparrow chirping is turned on). What does the sparrow tell us? Ah, that's it!

Guys, what time of year is it? What is the weather outside? How do people protect themselves from the cold? (Children's answers to questions). But our sparrow says that birds do not have warm fur coats and hats. And sparrows live under roofs, so they don't have houses with hot radiators either. Therefore, guys, the birds are very cold in winter.

In winter, sparrows chirp little and are more silent.
- Sparrows move less in cold weather than in warm weather.
- In frosty weather, sparrows sit in a flock, feathers fluffed up and fluffed up - this way it is easier for them to warm up.

Sparrows are friendly birds, they do not like to live alone. They gather in flocks - big companies. V frosty days the sparrows sit down next to each other, feathers down and ruffled. Like this. (The teacher spreads his rounded arms to the sides and pulls his head into his shoulders). Try to cuddle up like sparrows in winter. (Children complete the task).

Outdoor game "Warm, cold"

Now let's play the game "Warm, cold".
You guys will be sparrows. At the command "warm" - fly and chirp, and at the command "cold" - ruffle and squat next to each other. (An outdoor game is carried out).

Guys, take a look out the window.

Bird Feeder Riddle

On a winter day among the branches
The table is set for guests.
The board is new
A canteen for birds,
Calls to dine
Taste the crumbs.

What's this? (Answers of children). This is the feeder. Why did we hang it? (Answers of children). Birds are not only cold in winter, but also hungry. There are no bugs, no bugs, no berries, no grass. It is difficult for birds to find food in winter. How can you and I help birds survive the winter? (Answers of children). So we arranged a feeder for the birds to help them survive the cold season. And what do we put in the feeder, what do the birds eat? (Answers of children).
Here we will go for a walk with you today and fill the feeders with bread crumbs, cereals, grains, seeds.

Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Their food is not rich,
One handful is needed
A handful of grain - and not scary
It will be winter.
"Thank you very much."

Now let's make such a paper sparrow ourselves. (Show of finished crafts). And to get our fingers ready for work, let's play with them a little.

Finger gymnastics "Sparrow"

You are a baby sparrow
Do not be shy in the cold.
Hit the feeder with your beak,
Eat up quickly.

(Children interlock their thumbs and wave their palms to imitate the flight of a bird. Then place the rounded right hand with the pads of the fingers on the table and tap with the pad of the index finger. Then do the same with the left hand).

Now your fingers are ready and you can get to work. Glue the eyes for your sparrow, one on each side of the head. And then glue the wings, also one on each side of the bird's body. (Children do the work to the music from A. Rubakh's play "Sparrow."

Raisa Efimova

GOAL OF THE WORK: expand and deepen children's knowledge about brownies sparrows.


1. Introduce

With a history of the origin of the brownie sparrow;

With its inherent features;

With a way of life;

With features of the external structure;

2. Develop observation skills.

3. Develop curiosity.

4. To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a respectful attitude towards nature.

1. History of the origin of the brownie sparrow.

Today it is difficult to imagine that the brownie the sparrow did not live

near people. Once upon a time sparrows settled in dry areas and nested

on the rocks and in the hawthorn. Only

in the eighth century BC. Then he began to peck at the spilled grain and

changed nesting places on rocks and in thickets to rooftops and others

places created by people. As the grain yield increased, the

the number sparrows... In the 18th century, brownies sparrows settled throughout

the territory of Central Europe. Since the middle of the 19th century, they

spread to most of the regions of North and South America,

in southern Africa, New Zealand and many other islands, where they became

the cause of the death of the birds originally living in these places, which

ate grain. Nowadays, the population sparrow is 500

million individuals. - the most numerous and most

common bird in the world.

Sparrow is unpretentious... His first food was seeds.

eats them now, but besides this he is used to the food that he receives

from people - bread crumbs, particles of vegetables. He pecks

buds from fruit trees, and sometimes eats cereal seeds

cultures. Spread the brownie the sparrow was helped by his skill

adapt to any conditions. When the horses worked in

field, tractors replaced, sparrows lost an important source

nutrition. After all, they are used to pecking out of horse dung

undigested oat grains.

However, they soon found new source food - steel

pecking seeds out of the ground while sowing. During the nesting period

sparrows"Work out" part of the damage: birds

they bring, not grain, but small insects, mainly aphids.


Sparrows, a genus of birds of the weaver family. eighteen species: brownie

Sparrow, black-breasted Sparrow, saxaul Sparrow, field

Sparrow, deserted Sparrow, ginger Sparrow.


Length 13 - 15 cm, weight 25 - 40 grams.

The plumage of the female is less contrasting than that of the male. The male is different from the female

the presence of a large black spot covering the chin, throat, goiter and

upper chest, as well as dark gray (not dark brown) on horseback

heads. The female's head and throat are gray, and above the eye there is a pale gray -

yellow stripe.

Habits: very friendly.

Sounds: typical, lively and rhythmic "Chick - chirik".

Nesting period: April - August.

Masonry: 2 - 3 times a year.

Incubation: 11 - 14 days.

Chicks become winged in 13 - 15 days.

Life span: free for a maximum of 10 years.


Place for the nest Sparrow picks under roofs, in stacks or in heaps of branches.

If Sparrow does not find a suitable place for the nest, then arranges it in

bushes or tree crowns, on cliffs or in the walls of buildings. The sparrow is very

friendly, except for the nesting period.

He fiercely protects his abode from other birds.

Sometimes it occupies the nests of city or shore martins.

The male does not take part in the incubation of eggs, but he helps in

feeding the chicks when they leave the nest. Parents bring cubs

small insects, mainly aphids. Only later do the chicks begin

collect seeds and buds.

Observing sparrow.

Expression « sparrow's nest» is synonymous with disorder. In the nests

these birds can be found in various garbage: pieces of paper, scraps and

many feathers.

Sparrows were among the first to learn how to pierce the lids with their beak

bottles of milk and cream to feast on these products.

This is a very curious, but at the same time, cautious bird.

Sparrows are omnivorous, but in winter they often go hungry. In winter, the day is short and

it is not enough to eat your fill. Especially difficult to find

food during snowfalls, blizzards, in severe frosts. It's hard to have

birds when the trees are covered with frost, since it is impossible to reach

hidden insects and buds. In such weather, many birds die from

hunger before spring. Therefore, birds are everywhere necessary

feed. If birds in some place find food constantly, then

in the summer they will fly here and cleanse the plants from insects -


I remember to add food to the bird feeder every day. V

my bird's dining room is not only flown in sparrows, but titmouses. After all, the birds

can survive the impending cold if they are full. Birds need

feed - they will not remain in debt!


O. V. Marynichenko, N. V. Elkina "We teach children to observe and tell" 2002 year

Encyclopedia "In the world wildlife» 2007

Sukharev Yu. F. "In the natural world" 1998 year

1. Goals, objectives.

2. The history of the origin of the brownie sparrow.

3. Nutrition sparrow.

4. Description.

5. Reproduction. Observation.

6. Protection of birds.