Extra-curricular activity "Mysteries of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain". Stone flower How to add the desired program to the stone

And so it went. For every day Prokopich gives Danilushka work, but everything is fun. As the snow fell, I told him to go with a neighbor for firewood - you’ll help me. Well, what help! He sits forward on a sleigh, drives a horse, and walks backward behind a wagon on foot. He will get lost like that, eat at home, and sleep better. Prokopich finished his fur coat, a warm hat, mittens, pimas rolled up to order. Prokopich, you see, had wealth. Although he was a serf, he went on rent and earned little. To Danilushka, he stuck tightly. Frankly speaking, he was holding him for his son. Well, he didn’t spare it for him, but he didn’t let him get to his business in time.
In a good life, Danilushko began to recover vividly and also clung to Prokopyich. Well, how! - I understood Prokopychev's concern, for the first time I had to live like that. The winter has passed. Danilushka felt quite at ease. Now he goes to the pond, then to the forest. Danilushko only looked closely at the skill. Will run home, and now they have a conversation. He will tell Prokopyich one thing or another, and he asks - what is it and how is it? Prokopich will explain, in fact show. Danilushko notes. When he himself will be accepted. "Well, I ..." - Prokopich looks, corrects, when necessary, indicates how best.
Once the clerk spotted Danilushka on the pond. Asks his messengers:
- Whose boy is this? Which day I see him on the pond ... On weekdays he dabbles with a fishing rod, and not a little one ... Someone hides him from work ...
The messengers found out, they say to the clerk, but he does not believe.
- Well, - he says, - drag the boy to me, I'll find out myself.
Danilushka was brought in. The bailiff asks:
- Whose are you?
Danilushko and answers:
- In studies, they say, with a master in malachite business.
The bailiff then grabbed his ear:
- That's how you, bitch, learn! - Yes by the ear and led to Prokopich.
He sees that the matter is wrong, let's shield Danilushka:
- I myself sent him to fish perch. I miss the fresh perch very much. Due to my ill health, I can’t take any other food. So he told the kid to fish.
The bailiff did not believe it. I also realized that Danilushko had become completely different: he had recovered, his shirt was kind, and his pants were also on the boots of the shoe. So let's check Danilushka:
- Well, show me what the master taught you?
Danilushko put on the cuff, walked over to the machine and started telling and showing. What the clerk asks - he has an answer ready for everything. How to churn a stone, how to saw it, remove a chamfer, than when to glue it, how to put a polisher, how to attach it to copper, like to a tree. In a word, everything is as it is.
Tortured-tortured by the bailiff, and he says to Prokopyich:
- This, apparently, is good for you?
- I'm not complaining, - replies Prokopich.
- That's it, you are not complaining, but you are breeding self-indulgence! You gave him the skill to learn, and he is by the pond with a fishing rod! Look! I’ll release such fresh perch for you - you will not forget to death, and the boy will become sad.
Threatened himself, he left, and Prokopich marveled:
- When did you, Danilushko, understand all this? Exactly I haven't taught you at all.
- Himself, - says Danilushko, - showed and told, and I noticed.
Even Prokopich's tears began to drip - he was so pleased with it.
- Son, - he says, - dear, Danilushko ... What else do I know, I'll open everything for you ... I don't sweat ...
Only from that time on, Danilushka did not have a free life. The clerk sent for him the next day and began to give work for the lesson. At first, of course, it’s simpler: plaques, what women wear, boxes. Then the point went: candlesticks and different decorations. There we reached the carving. Leaves and petals, patterns and flowers. After all, they have - with malachite people - a baggy business. Exactly trifling thing, and how much he sits over it! So Danilushko grew up with this work.
And as he carved a snake arm from a solid stone, the clerk recognized him as a master. Barin wrote about this:
“So and so, we have a new master in malachite business - Danilko Nedokormysh. It works well, but it's still quiet when it's young. Will you order him to be left in class, or, like Prokopich, to let him go for a quitrent? "
Danilushko did not work quietly, but marvelously dexterously and quickly. Prokopich had a knack here. The clerk will ask Danilushka what lesson for five days, and Prokopich will go and say:
- It is not in force. It takes half a month for such work. The guy is studying. Hurry up - only a stone will be useless.
Well, the clerk will argue how many, but you see, he will add more days. Danilushko and worked without strain. I even learned to read and write from the clerk on the sly. So, just a little, but all the same he understood literacy. Prokopich was good at this too. When the clerk's lessons were arranged for Danilushka himself, only Danilushko would not allow this:
- What you! What are you, uncle! Is it your business to sit at the machine for me! Look, your beard has turned green from malachite, your health has begun to deteriorate, but what am I doing?
Danilushko really straightened up by that time. Although in the old fashioned way they called him Undernourished, but he is over there! Tall and ruddy, curly and cheerful. In a word, girlish dryness. Prokopich has already begun to talk to him about brides, and Danilushko is shaking his head:
- Will not leave us! Here I will become a real master, then the conversation will be.
The master wrote to the clerk's news:
“Let that Prokopychev disciple Danilko make a chiseled bowl on a leg for my house. Then I'll take a look - let me go to the quitrent, or keep it in class. Just be sure that Prokopich doesn't help Danilka. If you don’t look, you will be exact. ”
The bailiff received this letter, summoned Danilushka, and says:
- Here, with me, you will work. The machine will be adjusted for you, the stone will be brought to you, what you need.
Prokopich found out, was saddened: how so? what a thing? I went to the bailiff, but will he say ... He only shouted: "It's none of your business!"
Well, here Danilushko went to work in a new place, and Prokopich punishes him:
- Don't be in a hurry, Danilushko! Don't show yourself.
Danilushko was wary at first. He tried it on and thought more, but it seemed to him sad. Do not do, but serve your time - sit with the clerk from morning to night. Well, Danilushko out of boredom and snapped at full strength. It was with his living hand that the cup went out of business. The bailiff looked as if it was necessary, and he said:
- Do the same!
Danilushko made another, then a third. When he finished his third, the clerk said:
- Now you can't dodge! I caught you with Prokopich. The master gave you, according to my letter, a time limit for one cup, and you made three. I know your strength. No more deceiving, but I'll show that old dog how to indulge! He will order others!
So he wrote about this to the master and provided all three cups. Only the master - either he found a clever verse at him, or he was angry with the bailiff for what he was - turned everything as it is.
He appointed Danilushka a trivial quitrent, he didn’t tell him to take the guy from Prokopich - maybe the two of them would soon come up with something new. When writing, I sent a drawing. There, too, a bowl is drawn with all sorts of things. Along the rim there is a carved border, on the belt there is a stone ribbon with a through pattern, on the footboard there are leaves. In a word, it was invented. And on the drawing, the master signed: "Let him sit for at least five years, but that this was exactly done."
Here the bailiff had to back down from his word. He announced that the master had written, let Danilushka go to Prokopich and gave the drawing.
Danilushko and Prokopich cheered up, and their work went faster. Danilushko soon took up that new bowl. There are many tricks in it. I hit a little wrong, - the work is gone, start again. Well, Danilushka has a faithful eye, a brave hand, enough strength - things are going well. One thing is not to his liking - there are many difficulties, but there is absolutely no beauty at all. I spoke to Prokopich, but he was only surprised:
- What do you want? Invented - that means they need it. You never know what I have carved and cut out, but where they are - I really don’t know.
I tried to talk to the bailiff, so where are you going. He stomped with his feet, waved his hands:
- Are you crazy? A lot of money has been paid for the drawing. An artist, maybe he was the first to do it in the capital, but you thought it up!
Then, apparently, he remembered what the master ordered him, - if the two of them would invent something new, - and said:
“You’re what… make this cup according to the master’s drawing, and if you invent another one of your own, it’s your business. I will not interfere. We've got enough stone. What you need - and I will give it.
It was here that Danilushka's dummy fell into love. We didn’t say that it’s a little necessary to groan someone’s wisdom, but to come up with our own - you’ll turn from side to side for more than one night. Here Danilushko sits over this bowl according to a drawing, and he thinks about something else. He translates in his head which flower, which leaf is best suited to the malachite stone. He became pensive, sad. Prokopich noticed and asked:
- Are you, Danilushko, healthy? It would be easier with this bowl. Where is the hurry? I would go for a walk wherever, otherwise you sit and sit.
- And then, - says Danilushko, - at least go to the forest. Will I see what I need.
From that time on, he began to run into the forest almost every day. The time is just mowing, berry. The herbs are all in bloom. Danilushko will stop somewhere in the mowing or in a clearing in the forest and stand, looking. And then he again walks along the mows and examines the grass, as he seeks what. There were many people at that time in the forest and on the mows. They ask Danilushka - has he lost anything? He smiles so sadly, and he says:
- I have not lost it, but I cannot find it.
Well, who said:
- It's not okay with the guy.
And he will come home and immediately to the machine and sit until morning, and with the sun again into the forest and mowing. He began to bring all sorts of leaves and flowers home, and more and more from the food: cheremitsa and omega, dope and wild rosemary, and all sorts of cuttings. I was asleep from my face, my eyes became restless, I lost courage in my hands. Prokopich was completely worried, and Danilushko said:
- The cup does not give me peace. The desire is to do it so that the stone has full power.
Let's dissuade Prokopich:
- What did you get it for? Sated, after all, what else? Let the bars amuse themselves as they please. They just wouldn't hurt us. They will come up with a pattern - we will make it, but why should they climb towards it? To put on an extra collar - that's all.
Well, Danilushko stands his ground.
- Not for the master, - he says, - I try. I can't get that cup out of my head. I see, come on, what kind of stone we have, and what are we doing with it? We sharpen and cut, but we direct the polisher and do not need anything at all. So I had a desire to do so in order to see the full power of the stone myself and show people.
In time, Danilushko walked away, sat down again at that bowl, according to the master's drawing. He works, but he chuckles:
- Stone ribbon with holes, carved border ...
Then he suddenly gave up this job. Another started. Stands at the machine without a break. Prokopich said:
“I’ll make my bowl according to the dope-flower.”
Prokopich began to dissuade him. At first Danilushko didn’t want to listen, then, after three or four days, he had some kind of slip of the tongue, and said to Prokopyich:
- OK. First I’ll finish the master’s bowl, then I’ll start my own. Only then don't you dissuade me ... I can't get her out of my head.
Prokopich replies:
“Okay, I won’t interfere,” but he himself thinks: “The guy leaves, he will forget. You need to marry him. That's what! The extra nonsense will fly out of my head as she starts a family. "
Danilushko took up the bowl. There is a lot of work with her - you can't do it in one year. Works diligently, does not mention the flower-dope. Prokopich and began to speak about marriage:
- If only Katya Letemina is not a bride? A good girl ... There is nothing to blame.
It was Prokopich who spoke out of his mind. He, you see, noticed long ago that Danilushko was looking at this girl strongly. Well, she didn't turn away either. It was as if Prokopich accidentally started a conversation. And Danilushko keeps repeating:
- Wait a minute! I'll handle the cup. I'm tired of it. That and look - I will knock with a hammer, and he is about marriage! We agreed with Katya. She will wait for me.
Well, Danilushko made a bowl according to the master's drawing. The bailiff, of course, was not told, but at home he came up with a little party. Katya, the bride, came with her parents, and there are more ... of the malachite masters. Katya marvels at the bowl.
- How, - he says, - only you contrived to cut such a pattern and did not break off the stone anywhere! How smooth and clean!
Masters also approve:
- Exactly according to the drawing. There is nothing to find fault with. Well done. Better not to do it, and soon. That's how you start to work - perhaps it's hard for us to reach for you.
Danilushko listened, listened, and said:
- That and grief, that there is nothing to complain about. Smooth yes even, the pattern is clean, the carving is according to the drawing, but where is the beauty? There is a flower ... the most inferior one, and you look at it - your heart rejoices. Well, and who will this cup please? What is it for? Anyone who looks, everyone, like Katenka, will marvel at what the master has eyes and a hand, how he had the patience to break a stone anywhere.
- And where he blundered, - the masters laugh, - there he glued it up and covered it with a polisher, and you won't find the ends.
- Just about ... And where, I ask, is the beauty of the stone? Then the twitch passed, and you drill holes and cut flowers on it. What are they here for? Damage is a stone. And what a stone! The first stone! You see, the first one!
Began to get excited. I drank a little, apparently.
Masters tell Danilushka that Prokopich used to say to him more than once:
- A stone is a stone. What are you going to do with him? Our business is to sharpen and cut.
Only the old man was here alone. He also taught Prokopich and those other masters. Everyone called him grandfather. He's a shabby old man, but he also understood this conversation, and he says to Danilushka:
- You, dear son, do not walk on this floorboard! Throw it out of your head! Otherwise, you will get to the Mistress as a mining master ...
- What are the masters, grandfather?
- And such ... live in grief, no one sees them ... What the Mistress needs, they will do. It happened to me to see once. Here's the job! From ours, from the local ones, for distinction.

They were not only marbled in fame in the stone business. They also say that they had this skill in our factories. The only difference is that ours burned more with malachite, as it was enough, and the grade - no higher. It was from this that malachite was made appropriately. Such, hey, little things that you wondered how it helped him.

There was master Prokopich at that time. For these cases, the first. No one could do better than him. In his old years he was.

So the master ordered the clerk to put the boys to study with this Prokopich.

- Let them take everything to subtlety.

Only Prokopich, whether he was sorry to part with his skill, or something else, taught very badly. He has everything from a jerk and a jerk. She will plant bumps all over the kid's head, almost cut off his ears, and say to the bailiff:

- This is not good ... His eye is incapable, his hand does not carry. There won't be any sense.

Apparently, the bailiff was ordered to appease Prokopyevich.

- Not good, so not good ... We'll give another ... - And dress up another kid.

The children have heard about this science ... They roar early in the morning, as if not to get to Prokopich. It is also not sweet for fathers-mothers to give up their own child for wasted flour - they began to shield their own, as best they could. And that is to say, this skill is unhealthy, with malachite. The poison is clean. So people are protected.

The bailiff still remembers the order of the master - assigns students to Prokopich. He, in his own order, will wash the boy and give it back to the clerk.

- This is not good ... The bailiff began to eat up:

- How long will it be? Not good but not good, when will it be? Teach this ...

Prokopich, know yours:

“I don’t have to ... I’ll teach at least ten years, but there will be no sense from this guy ...

- What else do you want?

- Though you don’t bet me at all, I don’t miss it ...

So the bailiff and Prokopich went over a lot of children, but there is only one sense: there are bumps on the head, and in the head - as if to run away. They deliberately spoiled for Prokopich to drive them away. This is how it came to Danilka Nedokormysh. This little orphan was round. Years, go, then twelve, or even more. On his feet he is tall, and thin, thin, in which the soul keeps. Well, the face is clean. Curly hair, little blue eyes. They took him first to the Cossacks at the master's house: a snuff-box, a handkerchief, to run, where and to run. Only this orphan did not have the talent for such a business. Other lads in such and such places curl like loaches. Just a little - on the hood: what do you want? And this Danilko will be huddled somewhere in the corner, staring with his eyes at some picture, or at some decoration, and it’s worth it. They shout him, but he does not lead with his ear. They beat, of course, at first, then they waved their hand:

- Some blessed one! Slug! Such a good servant will never come out.

They didn’t give it up to work at the factory or up the hill - the place is very fluid, it’s not enough for a week. The clerk put him in the caretaker. And here Danilko was not at all good. The kid is exactly diligent, but everything comes out of his mind. Everything seems to be thinking about something. The eyes stare at the blade of grass, and the cows are where! An affectionate old shepherd was caught, felt sorry for the orphan, and that time he swore:

- What will come of you, Danilko? You will ruin yourself, and you will bring my old back under the battle. Where does it go? What do you even have a thought about?

- I myself, Dadko, do not know ... So ... about nothing ... I looked a little. The insect was crawling along the leaf. The little sizenka itself, and from under the wings it looks yellowish, and the leaf is wide ... On the edges there are denticles, like curved frills. Here it shows darker, and the middle is green-green, it has been painted exactly now ... And the insect is crawling ...

- Well, aren't you a fool, Danilko? Is it your business to disassemble the insects? She crawls - and crawl, and your business is to look after the cows. Look at me, get this nonsense out of your head, or I'll tell the clerk!

Danilushka did one thing. He learned to play the horn - where to the old man! Purely on some music. In the evening, as the cows are brought in, the girls-women ask:

- Play, Danilushko, a song.

He will start playing. And the songs are all unfamiliar. Either the forest is noisy, or the stream is murmuring, the birds echo to all sorts of voices, but it comes out well. For those songs, women began to welcome Danilushka. Whoever fixes the little thing, who cuts off the canvas on it, sews a new shirt. About a piece and no talk - each strives to give more and sweeter. The old shepherd also liked Danilushkov's songs. Only here a little was wrong. Danilushko will begin to play and forget everything, exactly and there are no cows. It was on this game that trouble struck him.

Danilushko, apparently, played too much, and the old man dozed off a little. Some cows from them and fought off. As they began to collect on the pasture, they look - one is not, the other is not. They rushed to search, but where are you. They grazed near Yelnichnaya ... The most wolfish place here, deaf ... Only one cow was found. They drove the herd home ... So and so - told. Well, they also ran out of the plant - went in search, but did not find it.

The massacre then, we know what it was. For any guilt on the back, kazhi. For sin, there was one more cow from the clerk's yard. Don't wait for a descent here. First they stretched the old man, then it came to Danilushka, and he was thin and skinny. The master's executioner even made a slip of the tongue.

- Ekoy, - he says, - at once it will lose heart, or even let go of the soul.

He hit all the same - he did not regret it, but Danilushko is silent. The executioner is suddenly a row - is silent, the third - is silent. The executioner got mad at this point, let's throw it all over his shoulder, and he himself shouts:

“What a patient man I was looking for! Now I know where to put it if it remains alive.

Danilushko was lying down. Vikhorikha's grandmother put him on his feet. There was, they say, such an old woman. She was a doctor in place of our factories at great fame. She knew the strength in the herbs: which is from the teeth, which is from the grave, which is from aches ... Well, everything is as it is. She herself collected those herbs at the very time when any herb had full strength. She prepared tinctures from such herbs and roots, cooked decoctions and interfered with ointments.

Danilushka got along well with this grandmother Vikhorikha. The old woman, hey, is affectionate and talkative, and herbs, and roots, and all kinds of flowers are dried out and hung all over the hut. Danilushko is curious about herbs - what is this name? where does it grow? what flower? The old woman tells him.

Once Danilushko asks:

- You, grandmother, do you know every flower in our area?

“I’m not going to brag,” he says, “but it’s like I know which open people are.

- And is it, - asks, - are not open yet?

- Yes, - he answers, - and such. Have you heard of Papora? It seems to bloom on

The day of Ivan. That flower is witchcraft. The treasures are opened for them. Harmful to humans. On the tearing grass, a flower is a running light. Catch him - and all the gates are open for you. Thieves' is a flower. And then there is a stone flower. It seems to grow in the malachite mountain. It has full force on the serpentine holiday. Unhappy is the person who sees the stone flower.

- What, grandmother, unfortunate?

- And this, child, I myself do not know. So they told me. Danilushko at

Vikhorikhi, perhaps, would have lived longer, but the clerks' messengers noticed that the boy had begun to walk a little, and now to the clerk. The bailiff called Danilushka and says:

- Go now to Prokopich - to study malachite business. The most work for you there.

Well, what can you do? Danilushko went, and he was still shaking with the wind. Prokopich looked at him and said:

- There was still a lack of this. The local study is beyond the strength of the healthy guys, but from what you look for it is barely worth living.

Prokopich went to the bailiff:

- Don't be like that. If you kill inadvertently, you will have to answer.

Only the clerk - where are you going, did not listen;

- It is given to you - teach, do not reason! He - this kid - tough. Do not look that it is thin.

“Well, it's your business,” says Prokopich, “it would be said. I will teach, if only they would not be pulled to the answer.

- There is no one to pull. This lonely guy, what you want to do with him, - answers the clerk.

Prokopich came home, and Danilushko was standing by the machine, looking at the malachite board. A cut is made on this board - beat off the edge. Here Danilushko stares at this place and shakes his head. Prokopich was curious what this new kid was looking at. He asked strictly how, according to his rule, it was conducted:

- What are you? Who asked you to take the craft in hand? What are you looking at here? Danilushko and answers:

- In my eyes, grandfather, it is necessary to beat off the edge on the other side. See, the pattern is here, and they will cut it off. Prokopich shouted, of course:

- What? Who are you? Master? The hands have never been, do you judge? What can you understand?

- And I understand that this thing was spoiled, - Danilushko replies.

- Who messed up? a? It's you, brat, to me - to the first master! .. Yes, I'll show you such spoilage ... you won't be alive!

He made a noise like that, shouted, but did not touch Danilushka with his finger. Prokopich himself, you see, was thinking over this board himself - from which sides the edge should be cut off. Danilushko hit the spot with his conversation. Prokopich shouted and said in a very good way:

- Well, you, the revealed master, show me how to do it in your opinion?

Danilushko and began to show and tell:

- That would be what pattern came out. And that would be better - to start up the board narrower, to beat off the edge along the clear field, if only to leave a small lash on top.

Know Prokopich shouts:

- Well, well ... How! You understand a lot. Save up - don't spill! - And to himself he thinks: “That's right the boy says. From this, perhaps, there will be a sense. Just teach him how? Hit it once - he will stretch his legs. "

I thought so and asks:

- You at least whose, what a scientist?

Danilushko told about himself. Say, an orphan. I don’t remember my mother, but I don’t know who was at all about my father. They call it Danilka Nedokormysh, but I don’t know how my father’s name and nickname is. He told how he was in the yard and why he was driven out, how then summer went with a cow herd, how he got under the battle. Prokopich regretted:

- It’s not sweet, I see, you, boy, have set your sights on life, and then you came to me. We have strict craftsmanship. Then he seemed angry, grunted:

- Well, that's enough, that's enough! See how talkative he is! With a tongue - not with his hands - everyone would work. The whole evening balusters and balusters! The student too! I'll see tomorrow what your good is. Sit down to supper, and it's time to sleep.

Prokopich lived alone. His wife died a long time ago. Old woman Mitrofanovna from the neighbors ran the farm during his time. In the morning I went to cook, to cook something, to clean up the hut, and in the evening Prokopich himself managed what he needed.

We ate, Prokopich and says:

- Lie down on the bench over there!

Danilushko took off his shoes, his knapsack under his head, closed himself tightly, shivered a little - you see, it was cold in the hut because of the autumn time - all the same, he fell asleep soon after. Prokopich also went to bed, but could not sleep: all his conversation about the malachite pattern would not get out of his head. Toss and turn, toss and turn, got up, lit a candle and to the machine - let's try on this malachite board this way and that. It will close one edge, the other ... add the field, decrease it. He puts it that way, turns the other side, and everything turns out that the boy understood the pattern better.

- So much for Nedokormyshek! - Prokopich wonders. - Still nothing, nothing, but indicated to the old master. What a peephole! What a peephole!

I went quietly into the closet, brought out a pillow and a large sheepskin coat. He slipped a pillow under Danilushka's head, covered with a sheepskin coat:

- Sleep, big-eyed!

But he did not wake up, turned only on another barrel, stretched out under a sheepskin coat - he felt warm - and let’s whistle with his nose slightly. Prokopich did not have his own guys, this Danilushko fell to his heart. The master is standing, admiring, and Danilushko is whistling, sleeping peacefully to himself. Prokopich has a concern - how to put this kid on his feet so that he is not so skinny and unhealthy.

- Whether with his health, our skill to learn. Dust, poison - will vividly wither away. He would have to rest first, get better, then I’ll begin to teach. Sense, you see, will be.

The next day he says to Danilushka:

- First of all, you will help with the housework. This is my routine. Understood? For the first time, go for a viburnum. Her inyami grabbed - she's just right for the pies now. Yes, look, don't go far. How much you pick up - that's fine. Take a polish of bread, - there is something in the forest, - and even go to Mitrofanovna. I told her to bake a couple of eggs for you and splash some milk. Understood?

The next day he says again:

When Danilushko caught him and brought him, Prokopich says:

- Okay, but not at all. Catch others.

And so it went. For every day Prokopich gives Danilushka work, but everything is fun. As the snow fell, I told him to go with a neighbor for firewood - you’ll help me. Well, what help! He sits forward on a sleigh, drives a horse, and walks backward behind a wagon on foot. He will be slow, eat at home and sleep better. Prokopich finished his fur coat, a warm hat, mittens, pimas rolled up to order.

Prokopich, you see, had wealth. Although he was a serf, he went on rent and earned little. To Danilushka, he stuck tightly. Frankly speaking, he was holding him for his son. Well, he didn’t spare it for him, but he didn’t let him get to his business in time.

In a good life, Danilushko began to recover vividly and also clung to Prokopyich. Well, how! - I understood Prokopychev's concern, for the first time I had to live like that. The winter has passed. Danilushka felt quite at ease. Now he goes to the pond, then to the forest. Danilushko only looked closely at the skill. Will run home, and now they have a conversation. He will tell Prokopich the one and the other, and asks - what is this and how is it? Prokopich will explain, in fact show. Danilushko notes. When he himself will be taken:

"Well, I ..." Prokopich looks, will correct, when necessary, indicate how best.

Once the clerk spotted Danilushka on the pond. Asks his messengers:

- Whose boy is this? Which day I see him on the pond ... On weekdays he dabbles with a fishing rod, and not a little one ... Someone hides him from work ...

The messengers found out, they say to the clerk, but he does not believe.

- Well, - he says, - drag the boy to me, I'll find out myself.

Danilushka was brought in. The bailiff asks:

- Whose are you? Danilushko and answers:

- In studies, they say, with a master in malachite business. The bailiff then grabbed his ear:

- That's how you, bitch, learn! - Yes by the ear and led to Prokopich.

He sees that the matter is wrong, let's shield Danilushka:

- I myself sent him to fish perch. I miss the fresh perch very much. Due to my ill health, I can’t take any other food. So he told the kid to fish.

The bailiff did not believe it. I also realized that Danilushko had become completely different: he had recovered, his shirt was kind, and his pants were also on the boots of the shoe. So let's check Danilushka:

- Well, show me what the master taught you? Danilushko put on the cuff, walked over to the machine and started telling and showing. What the clerk asks - he has an answer ready for everything. How to churn a stone, how to saw it, remove a chamfer, than when to glue it, how to put a polisher, how to attach it to copper, like to a tree. In a word, everything is as it is.

Tortured-tortured by the bailiff, and he says to Prokopyich:

- This, apparently, is good for you?

- I'm not complaining, - replies Prokopich.

- That's it, you are not complaining, but you are breeding self-indulgence! You gave him the skill to learn, and he is by the pond with a fishing rod! Look! I’ll release such fresh perch for you - you will not forget to death, and the boy will become sad.

Threatened himself, he left, and Prokopich marveled:

- When did you, Danilushko, understand all this? Exactly I haven't taught you at all.

- Himself, - says Danilushko, - showed and told, and I noticed.

Even Prokopich's tears began to drip - he was so pleased with it.

- Son, - he says, - dear, Danilushko ... What else do I know, I'll open everything for you ... I don't sweat ...

Only from that time on, Danilushka did not have a free life. The clerk sent for him the next day and began to give work for the lesson. At first, of course, it’s simpler: plaques, what women wear, boxes. Then the point went: candlesticks and different decorations. There we reached the carving. Leaves and petals, patterns and flowers. After all, they - malachitchiks - are a baggy business. Exactly trifling thing, and how much he sits over it! So Danilushko grew up with this work.

And as he carved the arm - a snake from a solid stone, the clerk recognized him as a master. Barin wrote about this:

“So and so, we have a new master in malachite business - Danilko Nedokormysh. It works well, but it's still quiet when it's young. Will you order him to be left in class, or, like Prokopich, to let him go for a quitrent? "

Danilushko did not work quietly, but marvelously dexterously and quickly. Prokopich had a knack here. The clerk will ask Danilushka what lesson for five days, and Prokopich will go and say:

- It is not in force. It takes half a month for such work. The guy is studying. Hurry up - only a stone will be useless.

Well, the clerk will argue how many, but you see, he will add more days. Danilushko and worked without strain. I even learned to read and write from the clerk on the sly. So, just a little, but all the same he understood literacy. Prokopich was good at this too. When the clerk's lessons were arranged for Danilushka himself, only Danilushko would not allow this:

- What you! What are you, uncle! Is it your business to sit at the machine for me!

Look, your beard has turned green from malachite, your health has begun to deteriorate, but what am I doing?

Danilushko really straightened up by that time. Although in the old fashioned way they called him Undernourished, but he is over there! Tall and ruddy, curly and cheerful. In a word, girlish dryness. Prokopich has already begun to talk to him about brides, and Danilushko, you know, shakes his head:

- Will not leave us! Here I will become a real master, then the conversation will be.

The master wrote to the clerk's news:

“Let that Prokopychev disciple Danilko make another chiseled bowl on a leg

for my home. Then I'll take a look - let me go to the quitrent, or keep it in class. Just be sure that Prokopich doesn't help Danilka. If you don’t look, you will be recovered ”

The bailiff received this letter, called on Danilushka and said:

- Here, with me, you will work. The machine will be adjusted for you, the stone will be brought to you, what you need.

Prokopich found out, was saddened: how so? what a thing? I went to the bailiff, but will he say ... He only shouted:

"None of your business!"

Well, here Danilushko went to work at a new place, and Prokopich punishes him:

- Don't be in a hurry, Danilushko! Don't show yourself.

Danilushko was wary at first. He tried it on and thought more, but it seemed to him sad. Do not do, but serve your time - sit with the clerk from morning to night. Well, Danilushko out of boredom and snapped at full strength. It was with his living hand that the cup went out of business. The bailiff looked as if it was necessary, and he said:

- Do the same!

Danilushko made another, then a third. When he finished his third, the clerk said:

- Now you can't dodge! I caught you with Prokopich. The master gave you, according to my letter, a time limit for one cup, and you made three. I know your strength. No more deceiving, but I'll show that old dog how to indulge! He will order others!

So he wrote about this to the master and provided all three cups. Only the master - either he found a clever verse at him, or he was angry with the bailiff for what he was - turned everything as it is.

He appointed Danilushka a trivial quitrent, did not tell him to take the guy from Prokopich - maybe the two of them would soon come up with something new. When writing, I sent a drawing. There, too, a bowl is drawn with all sorts of things. Along the rim there is a carved border, on the belt there is a stone ribbon with a through pattern, on the footboard there are leaves. In a word, it was invented. And on the drawing, the master signed: "Let him sit for at least five years, but so that this is exactly done"

Here the bailiff had to back down from his word. He announced that the master had written, let Danilushka go to Prokopich and gave the drawing.

Danilushko and Prokopich cheered up, and their work went faster. Danilushko soon took up that new bowl. There are many tricks in it. I hit a little wrong, - the work is gone, start again. Well, Danilushka has a faithful eye, a brave hand, enough strength - things are going well. One thing is not to his liking - there are many difficulties, but there is absolutely no beauty at all. I spoke to Prokopich, but he was only surprised:

- What do you want? Invented - that means they need it. You never know what I have carved and cut out, but where they are - I really don’t know.

I tried to talk to the bailiff, so where are you going. He stomped with his feet, waved his hands:

- Are you crazy? A lot of money has been paid for the drawing. An artist, maybe he was the first to do it in the capital, but you thought it up!

Then, apparently, he remembered what the master ordered him, - if the two of them could invent something new, - and said:

“You’re what… make this cup according to the master’s drawing, and if you invent another one of your own, it’s your business. I will not interfere. We've got enough stone. What you need - and I will give it.

It was here that Danilushka's dummy fell into love. We didn’t say that it’s a little necessary to groan someone’s wisdom, but to come up with our own - you’ll turn from side to side for more than one night.

Here Danilushko sits over this bowl according to a drawing, and he thinks about something else. He translates in his head which flower, which leaf is best suited to the malachite stone. He became pensive, sad. Prokopich noticed and asked:

- Are you, Danilushko, healthy? It would be easier with this bowl. Where is the hurry?

I would go for a walk wherever, otherwise you sit and sit.

- And then, - says Danilushko, - at least go to the forest. Will I see what I need.

From that time on, he began to run into the forest almost every day. The time is just mowing, berry. The herbs are all in bloom. Danilushko will stop somewhere in the mowing or in a clearing in the forest and stand, looking. And then he again walks along the mows and examines the grass, as he seeks what. There were many people at that time in the forest and on the mows. They ask Danilushka - has he lost anything? He smiles so sadly and says:

- I have not lost it, but I cannot find it. Well, who said:

- It's not okay with the guy.

But he will come home and immediately to the machine, and sit until morning, and with the sun again into the forest and mowing. He began to bring all sorts of leaves and flowers home, and more and more from the food: cheremitsa and omega, dope and wild rosemary, and all sorts of cuttings.

I was asleep from my face, my eyes became restless, I lost courage in my hands. Prokopich was completely worried, and Danilushko said:

- The cup does not give me peace. The desire is to do it so that the stone has full power.

Let's dissuade Prokopich:

- What did you get it for? Sated, after all, what else? Let the bars amuse themselves as they please. They just wouldn't hurt us. They will come up with a pattern - we will make it, but why should they climb towards it? To put on an extra collar - that's all.

Well, Danilushko stands his ground.

- Not for the master, - he says, - I try. I can't get that cup out of my head. I see, come on, what kind of stone we have, and what are we doing with it? We sharpen, but we cut, but we direct the polisher and do not need anything at all. So I had a desire to do so in order to see the full power of the stone myself and show people.

In time, Danilushko walked away, sat down again at that bowl, according to the master's drawing. He works, but he chuckles:

- A stone ribbon with holes, a carved border ... Then he suddenly abandoned this work. Another started. Stands at the machine without a break. Prokopich said:

“I’ll make my bowl according to the dope-flower.” Prokopich began to dissuade him. At first Danilushko didn’t want to listen, then, after three or four days, he had some kind of slip of the tongue, and said to Prokopyich:

- OK. First I’ll finish the master’s bowl, then I’ll start my own. Only then don't you dissuade me ... I can't get her out of my head.

Prokopich replies:

“Okay, I won’t interfere,” but he himself thinks: “The guy leaves, he will forget. You need to marry him. That's what! The extra nonsense will fly out of my head as she starts a family. "

Danilushko took up the bowl. There is a lot of work in it - you can't do it in one year. Works diligently, does not mention the flower-dope. Prokopich and began to speak about marriage:

- If only Katya Letemina is not a bride? A good girl ... There is nothing to blame.

It was Prokopich who spoke out of his mind. He, you see, noticed long ago that Danilushko was looking at this girl strongly. Well, she didn't turn away either. Here Prokopich, as if inadvertently, started a conversation. And Danilushko keeps repeating:

- Wait a minute! I'll handle the cup. I'm tired of it. That and look - I will knock with a hammer, and he is about marriage! We agreed with Katya. She will wait for me.

Well, Danilushko made a bowl according to the master's drawing. The bailiff, of course, was not told, but they decided to make a little party at home. Katya, the bride, came with her parents, and there are more ... of the malachite masters. Katya marvels at the bowl.

- How, - he says, - only you contrived to cut such a pattern and did not break off the stone anywhere! How smooth and clean!

Masters also approve:

- Exactly according to the drawing. There is nothing to find fault with. Well done. Better not to do it, and soon. That's how you start to work - perhaps it's hard for us to reach for you.

Danilushko listened, listened and said:

- That and grief, that there is nothing to complain about. Smooth yes even, the pattern is clean, the carving is according to the drawing, but where is the beauty? There is a flower ... the most inferior one, and you look at it - your heart rejoices. Well, and who will this cup please? What is it for? Anyone who looks, everyone, like Katenka, will marvel at what the master has eyes and a hand, how he had the patience to break a stone anywhere.

- And where he blundered, - the masters laugh, - there he glued it up and covered it with a polisher, and you won't find the ends.

- Just about ... And where, I ask, is the beauty of the stone? Here the vein has passed, and you drill holes on it and cut flowers. What are they here for? Damage is a stone. And what a stone! The first stone! You see, the first one! Began to get excited. I drank a little, apparently. The masters tell Danilushka that Prokopich told him more than once:

- A stone is a stone. What are you going to do with him? Our business is to sharpen and cut.

Only the old man was here alone. He also taught Prokopich and those other masters! Everyone called him grandfather. He's a shabby old man, but he also understood this conversation, and says to Danilushka:

- You, dear son, do not walk on this floorboard! Throw it out of your head! Otherwise, you will get to the Mistress as a mining master ...

- What are the masters, grandfather?

- And such ... live in grief, no one sees them ... What the Mistress needs, they will do. It happened to me to see once. Here's the job! From ours, from the local ones, for distinction.

Everyone became curious. They ask - what kind of work they saw.

- Yes, the snake, - he says, - the same that you sharpen on the arm.

- So what? What is she like?

- From the local, I say, for excellent marks. Any master will see, immediately recognize - not a local job. Our snake, no matter how cleanly carved, is stone, but here it is alive. A black ridge, little eyes ... That and look - it will bite. After all, what is it to them! They saw a stone flower, understood the beauty.

Danilushko, when I heard about the stone flower, let's ask the old man. He honestly said:

I don’t know, dear son. I heard that there is such a flower. Our brother cannot see it. Whoever looks, the white light will not be nice.

Danilushko says to this:

- I would have looked.

Here Katya, his bride, fluttered:

- What are you, what are you, Danilushko! Are you bored with the white light? - yes to tears.

Prokopich and other masters swept the matter, let's laugh at the old master:

- I began to survive from my mind, grandfather. You tell fairy tales. In vain you knock the guy out of the way.

The old man got excited, banged on the table:

- There is such a flower! The guy says the truth: we do not understand the stone. In that flower, beauty is shown. The masters laugh:

- I had a gulp, grandfather, too much! And he is his:

- There is a stone flower!

The guests have dispersed, but Danilushka does not get that conversation out of his head. Again he began to run into the forest and walk around his dope-flower, and does not remember about the wedding. Prokopich began to urge:

- Why are you disgracing the girl? Which year will she wear brides? Wait for that - they will laugh at her. Few of the boxers?

Danilushko is one of his own:

- Wait a little! I’ll just come up with a suitable stone.

And he got into the habit of a copper mine - at Gumeshki. When he goes down into the mine, he will go around the faces, when he goes over the stones at the top. Once he turned a stone, looked at it and said:

- No, not that one ...

Only this has said, someone says;

- Look elsewhere ... at the Snake Hill.

Danilushko looks - no one is there. Who would it be? They're joking, or something ... As if there is nowhere to hide. He looked around again, went home, and after him again:

- Hey, Danilo-master? At the Serpentine Hill, I say.

Danilushko looked around - a woman was barely visible, like a blue fog. Then there was nothing.

“What,” he thinks, “for a piece? Really herself? But what if you go to the Snake-something? "

Danilushko knew the snake hill well. She was right there, not far from Gumeshek. Now she is gone, the whole thing was dug down a long time ago, and earlier they took a stone on top.

The next day Danilushko went there. The slide, though small, is steep. On the one hand, it is completely cut off. The beholder is first-class here. All layers are visible, there is nowhere better.

Danilushko came up to this beholder, and then the malachitin was turned upside down. A large stone - you can't carry it on your hands, and it looks like it was dressed like a bush. Danilushko began to examine this find. Everything is as he needs it: the color is thicker from below, veins in the very places where it is required ... Well, everything is as it is ... Danilushko was delighted, ran after the horse, brought the stone home, says to Prokopich:

- Look, what a stone! Exactly on purpose for my job. Now I will do it quickly. Then get married. Right, Katya was tired of waiting for me. It’s not easy for me either. That's just this work and keeps me. Hurry to finish it!

Well, Danilushko began to work on that stone. He knows neither day nor night. And Prokopich is silent. Maybe the guy will calm down, like a hunter. The work is progressing well. He trimmed the bottom of the stone. As it is, hey, a dope bush. The leaves are wide in a bunch, denticles, veins - everything had to be better, Prokopich says even that - a living flower, at least touch it with your hand. Well, as soon as I got to the top, I got stuck. The stalk was carved, the lateral leaves are thin - as soon as they hold! A cup, like a dope-flower, or else ... I became not alive and lost my beauty. Danilushko lost sleep here. He sits over this cup of his, thinks out how to fix it, it’s better to do it. Prokopich and other masters, who came to have a look, are amazed - what else does a guy want? The cup came out - no one did it, but he was wrong. The guy will manage, he needs to be treated. Katya hears what people say - she began to cry. This brought Danilushka to his senses.

- Okay, - he says, - I won't. Apparently, I can't climb higher, I can't catch the power of the stone. - And let's hurry up the wedding himself.

Well, why rush, if the bride had everything ready a long time ago. The day was appointed. Danilushko cheered up. He told the bailiff about the cup. He came running, looking - what a thing! Now I wanted to send this bowl to the master, but Danilushko says:

- Wait a little, there is some work to do.

It was autumn time. Just around the Serpentine Festival, the wedding took place. By the way, someone remembered about it - so soon the snakes will all gather in one place. Danilushko took note of these words. I remembered again talking about the malachite flower. So he was drawn: “Shouldn't I go to the Snake Hill for the last time? Don't I recognize what there? " - and remembered about the stone: “After all, how was it supposed to be! And the voice at the mine ... spoke about the Snake Hill ”.

So Danilushko went! The ground then began to freeze slightly, the snow was sprinkling. Danilushko walked up to the steep, where he took a stone, he looked, and in that place there was a big pothole, as if a stone had been broken. Danilushko did not think about who broke this stone, went into the pothole. “I’ll sit,” he thinks, “I’ll rest behind the wind. It's warmer here. " Looks - at one wall there is a gray stone, like a chair. Danilushko sat down here, thought, looked at the ground, and all that stone flower would not get out of his head. "I wish I could have a look!" Only suddenly it became warm, exactly the summer returned. Danilushko raised his head, and opposite, at another wall, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain sits. Danilushko immediately recognized her for her beauty and dress for Malachitov. He only thinks:

"Maybe it seems to me, but in reality there is no one." Sits - is silent, looks at the place where the Mistress, and as if sees nothing. She is also silent, she seems to be thoughtful. Then he asks:

- Well, Danilo-master, did your dope-bowl come out?

- Didn't come out, - answers.

“Don’t hang your head!” Try another. You will have a stone, according to your thoughts.

“No,” he replies, “I can’t take it anymore. I was worn out all over, it does not come out. Show the stone flower.

- Show something, - he says, - just, but then you will regret.

- Won't you let me out of the mountain?

- Why won't I let you go! The road is open, but only tossing and turning towards me.

- Show me, do mercy! She also tried to persuade him:

- Maybe you can still try to achieve it yourself! - About Prokopich also remembered: -

He's pitying you, now it's your turn to pity him. - About the bride she reminded: - The girl does not like the soul in you, and you are looking at the side.

- I know, - Danilushko shouts, - but without a flower I have no life. Show me!

- When so, - he says, - let's go, Danilo-master, to my garden.

She said and got up. Here something rustled, like an earthen talus. Danilushko is looking, but there are no walls. The trees are tall, just not the same as in our forests, but stone. Which are marble, which are made of serpentine-stone ... Well, all sorts of ... Only alive, with twigs, with leaves. They sway from the wind and give a golk, like someone throwing pebbles. Grass below, also stone. Azure, red ... different ... The sun is not visible, but as bright as before sunset. Between the trees, golden snakes flutter as they dance. And the light comes from them.

And then that girl brought Danilushka to a large meadow. The ground here is like simple clay, and on it the bushes are black as velvet. On these bushes there are large green malachite bells and in each antimony star. Fire bees above those flowers sparkle, and the stars are ringing faintly, singing evenly.

- Well, Danilo-master, have a look? - asks the Mistress.

- You won't find, - Danilushko answers, - a stone to do that.

- If you thought it up yourself, I would give you such a stone, now I can't. -

She said and waved her hand. Again there was a noise, and Danilushko was on the same stone, in this pit, it was. The wind whistles. Well, you know, it's autumn.

Danilushko came home, and that day the bride was having a party. At first, Danilushko showed himself cheerful - he sang songs, danced, and then he became clouded. The bride even got scared:

- What's the matter? Exactly at the funeral! And he says:

- He broke his head. In the eyes, black with green and red. I don't see the light.

The party ended there. According to the ritual, the bride and her bridesmaids went to see off the groom. And how many roads, if we lived through the house or two? Here Katenka says:

- Come on, girls, around. We will reach the end along our street, and we will return along Elanskaya.

He thinks to himself: "If he will give Danilushka a wind, won't he be better off."

And what about the girlfriends. We are glad to be happy.

- And then, - they shout, - it is necessary to carry out. He lives very close - they did not sing a kindly farewell song to him at all.

The night was quiet, and the snow was falling. The most time for a walk. So they went. The groom and the bride are in front, and the bride's bridesmaids with the bachelor, who was at the party, lagged behind a little. The girls brought this song to an accompanying one. And she sings long and plaintively, purely for the deceased.

Katya sees that it’s useless at all: “And without that, Danilushko is not happy with me, but they still invented a lament to sing”.

He tries to take Danilushka to other thoughts. He started to talk, but soon he became sad again. Katenka's girlfriends, meanwhile, finished the escorting party, and began to work for the merry ones. They laugh and run, but Danilushko walks, hung his head. No matter how hard Katenka tries, she cannot cheer. So they reached the house. The girlfriends and the bachelor began to disperse - to whom, where, and Danilushko, without the ceremony, saw off his bride and went home.

Prokopich had been asleep for a long time. Danilushko quietly lit a fire, dragged his bowls out to the middle of the hut and stood looking at them. At this time, Prokopich began to cough. So it overwhelms. You see, by those years he became completely unhealthy. With that cough, Danilushka was cut like a knife through the heart. I remembered all my former life. He felt deeply sorry for the old man. And Prokopich cleared his throat and asked:

- What are you with the bowls?

- Yes, I see, isn't it time to take it?

- For a long time, - he says, - it's time. In vain they only take up space. You can't do better anyway.

Well, we talked a little more, then Prokopich fell asleep again. And Danilushko went to bed, only he had no sleep and no. He turned and turned, got up again, lit the fire, looked at the bowls, went up to Prokopich. He stood here over the old man, sighed ...

Then he took a balodka and how he gasped for a dope-flower - it just cracked. And he didn't move that bowl, according to the master's drawing! He only spat in the middle and ran out. So from that time they could not find Danilushka.

Someone said that he made up his mind in the forest, and whoever said it again - the Mistress took him to the mountain foreman.

Goals: To increase the interest of students in studying the topic "Minerals and rocks", to show how life is inextricably linked with geography, and geography with literature.

Equipment: collection of rocks and minerals, recording of musical fragments, presentation MsOffice 2007.

Script of a fragment of PP Bazhov's tale "Stone Flower".

Music sounds.

The clerk enters the stage, holding the master's letter in his hand.

Bailiff(reads): Let that prokopychev disciple Danilko make another chiseled bowl on a leg for my house. Then I'll take a look - let me go to the quitrent, or keep it in class. Just be sure that Prokopich doesn't help Danilka. If you don’t look, you will be exact.

The narrator: The clerk received this letter, called Danilushka.

Bailiff: Here you will work for me. The machine will be adjusted for you, the stone will be brought to you, what you need.

Danilushka: How so ?!

Bailiff: None of your business! (Leaves)

The narrator: Well, here Danilushko went to work at his place.

Danilushka is working. Shows the resulting bowl to the viewer. He gives the cup to Prokopich, who hands him a new letter from the master.

The master appointed Danilushka a trivial quitrent. When writing, I sent a drawing. There, too, a bowl is drawn with all sorts of things. Along the rim there is a carved border, on the belt there is a stone ribbon with a through pattern, on the footboard there are leaves. In a word, it was invented. And on the drawing, the master signed: "Let him sit for at least five years, but that this was exactly done."

Danilushka is working. Experiencing. Prokopich enters.

Danilushka: The cup does not give me peace. The desire is to do it so that the stone has full power.

Prokopich: What did you get it for? Let the bars amuse themselves as they like ...

Danilushka: OK. First I’ll finish the master’s bowl, then for my trouble. I will make my bowl according to the dope-flower. Only then don't you dissuade me ...

Prokopich(aside): The guy leaves, forgets. You need to marry him. That's what! Excess crap will fly out of my head as she starts a family.

The narrator: Prokopich started talking about marriage.

Prokopich: If only Katya Letemina is not a bride? She is a good girl ... she has nothing to fool about ...

Danilushka: Wait a minute! I'll handle the bowl. She bothered me. That and look - I will knock with a hammer, and he is about marriage! We agreed with Katya. She will wait for me.

The narrator: Well, Danilushka made a bowl according to the master's drawing. The bailiff, of course, was not told, but they decided to make a little party at home.

Katya, the bride, came with her parents, and there are more ... of the malachite masters. Katya marvels at the bowl.

Music (folk song) sounds. Danilushka and Katya are dancing. The song turns into a faster, danceable melody. Danialushka - squatting down.

The narrator: Danilushka began to get excited. The masters tell Danilushka that Prokopich told him more than once.

Malachite Master: Stone is a stone. What are you going to do with him? Our business is to sharpen and cut.

Old man: You, dear son, do not walk on this floorboard! Throw it out of your head! Otherwise, you will get to the Mistress as a mining master ...

Narrator: It was autumn time. Just around the Serpentine Festival, the wedding took place. By the way, someone mentioned the malachite flower. So Danilushka was drawn to go to the Snake Hill for the last time ...

So Danilushka went. He went up to the krutik, sat down, thought, looked into the ground, and all that stone flower would not come out of his head.

Danilushka: I would like to have a look!

The narrator: Danilushko raised his head, and opposite, at another wall, sits the Copper Mountain Hostess. Danilushko immediately recognized her for her beauty and dress for Malachitov.

Copper Mountain Mistress: Well, Danilo is a master, your dope didn’t come out - a cup?

Danilushka: Didn't come out. I can't take it anymore. I was worn out all over, it does not come out. Show me a stone flower.

Copper Mountain Mistress: Show it simply, but then you will regret it.

Danilushka: Will you not let me out of the mountain?

Copper Mountain Mistress: Why won't I let you go! The road is open, but only to me and toss and turn.

Danilushka: Show me, do mercy!

Copper Mountain Mistress: Let's go, Danilo - master, to my garden.

The narrator: She said and got up. Then something rustled, an earthen scree. Danila is looking, but there are no walls.

Music sounds. Presentation "The Mistress's Copper Mountain Garden". Presentation.

The hostess hands Danilushka a malachite bowl.

Danilushka: Yes, I know a lot for me. And, you spectators, do you know what about our semi-precious stones, have you heard about our malachite box? I suggest you fight our hostess. If you beat it, I'll give you my cup.

Old man: No, dear, why do they need your cup. They need a bowl of knowledge. Let's give them a stone study assistant. The one that is from our mountain stone. But first, let the hostess fight.

The Mistress of the Copper Mountain and Danila is a master. (pupils of the 6th "G" class)

Rice. 1. Conversation with the mistress of the copper mountain

rice. 2. Datura is a bowl.


The tests are conducted by the hostess under the guidance of the teacher.

1 competition. Super geologist. Assignment: Each team in turn will name the minerals of the Krasnodar Territory. The winner is the one who calls the last one.

2nd competition. The most unique

  1. Its weight is 3.5 tons. Size 6 * 4, 5 m. Consists of 4 5000 pieces. It was manufactured in 1937 in Sverdlovsk. Entered the Guinness Book of Records. Stored in the Hermitage. Directly related to geography. Who is she?
  2. Vases, a factory, an urban-type settlement, a mountain range in Altai bear the same name, but it was she who brought it to the world fame, kept in the Hermitage and included in the Guinness Book of Records. Who is she, what is she from, what is her record?
  3. The rock is sedimentary loose. Used in construction. The most significant building of this mineral is the oldest on the planet.
  4. They joke that there is a wonderful mineralogical museum in Moscow, where samples of marble, granite and limestone are presented. What is the main function of this museum?
  5. The Hermitage has a hall that amazes with its exhibits made of the same mineral as the office of the President of Russia in the Kremlin. What is the name of this hall?
  6. She was irretrievably lost during the Great Patriotic War... It took 35 years to restore it. From each brought carriage of this breed, only 25-50 samples were suitable. Who is she? Where is she?

3rd competition. Hardness scale.

Assignment: in front of you are 9 minerals included in the hardness scale. Arrange them according to the degree of increasing hardness. The winner is the one who makes as few mistakes as possible in 2 minutes.

4th competition. And they also sing about the stone.

  1. You gave blue
    When we last met.
    And the gray pool of bottomless eyes.
    Flickered like a blue ice ……. (Topaz)
  2. Bring, bring me ... .... buses.
    Bring me ... ... ... beads from overseas. (Coral).
  3. Everything that was in ……… froze. (Amber).
  4. Do not go to him at the meeting, do not go.
    He has a …… .. pebble in his chest. (Granite)
  5. A tear rolled down - clean…. ...
    Blue eyes and there is no sleep, no rest. What is it? (Turquoise)
  6. ………. ... from Alexander
    obliged by the law of the genre
    disappoint with tears
    and enchant with dreams. (Alexandrite)

5th competition. A couple. Assignment: Before you lies a "mountain of gems" and the names of rocks and minerals. Identify as many minerals and rocks as possible.

6th competition. Who is first?

  1. 24 soldiers were exactly the same, and 25 were one-legged. It was cast last, and the metal was a little short. What metal was missing?
  2. Solid state is a property of almost any metal. But not that. It is liquid. True, 1 liter weighs more than 13 kg. To become solid, it needs a severe frost of -390C. At 3570C, it turns into a poisonous vapor. They are very often filled with thermometers. What is this metal exception?
  3. The silvery-white tablecloth, presented by the industrialist Demidov to Peter I, possessed amazing property- did not burn in the fire. It was made from a special non-combustible mineral that can be manually cut into fine silvery threads, fibers. What mineral was it made of?
  4. A German traveler who visited Russia in the 16th century wrote: "This stone is torn into thin sheets, and then windows are made of it." Such glasses were expensive. Were available only to the very rich. What were windows made of in Russia?
  5. 105 came out of Kulinnan, 21 from Excelsior, 12 from Jonker, 2 from Jubilee, and only one from Winston. What are we talking about?
  6. For ease in alloys is given. The power of the plane has been created.
    It is viscous and plastic, this Silver metal is perfectly forged.

What metal are we talking about?

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.(the teams were awarded sweet prizes and souvenirs from the minerals of the Krasnodar Territory)

Quite recently you got acquainted with the attitude of the writer A.I. Kuprin to vernacular, dialectal words. It, as you remember, was negative. Kuprin did not really like to use them in his works.

1. Now imagine that the heroes of the Bazhov tale speak the language of the Kuprin heroes. In order to make it easier to imagine this, take some of the words used by P.P. Bazhov, and replace them with words from literary language, that is, choose synonyms for them: soon, grieve, help, correct, helluva lot of bad. Do you think the character language will win or lose from such a substitution? Give reasons for your answer.

2. P.P. Bazhov introduces into the text of the tale and words-terms, the meaning of which can be found out from the dictionary or from the content of the fragment (context): balodka, head. Find these words in the text and determine their meaning.

Often the speech of the heroes of the tale is saturated with vernacular words and expressions, and this makes it possible to feel the peculiarity of character, the originality of the personality, for a person manifests itself not only in deeds, but also in words. See what juicy phrases are inherent in Prokopich, Danilushka, the writer himself: hear-ko; go for a walk(relax); maybe de; not enough for a week(about Danilushka's health); bachelors(unmarried guys); grandfather; very liquid place.

3. Choose synonyms for the following words and phrases to clarify their meaning.

Exactly; suddenly a row; the penalty will be; be burned; years, maybe twelve, or even more; child; starved; to keep the son instead; eaten away; the stone will be brought as needed; malachite, for excellence; who have spoiled it on purpose; un-worthy; do not show yourself; outline; chatter a stone; the slip comes out; the poison is clean; papor; little boy; bald; wash; shouted; protch; let it go; difference; angry; earring; from the face, sense, you see, will be; a little bread; purely on what music.

The language of the tale is close to the folk, fabulous. But a tale is different from a fairy tale. Let's try to highlight the main differences between the magic folk tale from the tale.

Remember: where the action takes place in fairy tale? Somewhere very far away ("In a certain kingdom, in a certain state", "beyond the distant lands in the thirty kingdom", etc.). The space of the tale is fantastic, remote. In the tale, the scene of action is real, concrete, the narrator lives in it - this is first difference.

The second difference associated with the image of the narrator. He is not a witness in a fairy tale and is not a participant in the story; he talks about "the deeds of bygone days, the legends of deep antiquity." In the tale, the narrator is either a witness or a participant in the events. One gets the feeling that these events took place quite recently.

The time between the story and the events that took place in the fairy tale is distant, sometimes to infinity. In the tale, this time is as close as possible to the moment of the narration. This third difference.

Fourth- characteristics of the heroes. In a fairy tale, the characters of the main characters do not depend on social status(both Ivan Tsarevich and Ivan are the peasant's son are equally positive heroes). In skaz, this difference is obvious and very significant (a salesman cannot be a positive hero, and a master worker cannot be negative).

Finally, fifth difference- in the nature of magic. In the fairy tale of transformation, magic is the basis of action. It is with the help of magical power that the protagonist of the fairy tale defeats enemies. In the tale, magic power is only a source of inspiration for the master.

4. Compare the tale of PP. Bazhova with a Russian fairy tale.

Ural malachite vase





N. Nosov was born in 1908 in the village of Irpen near Kiev in the family of a pop artist. From infancy, he loved to dream and in his dreams he tried dozens of different wonderful professions. He was especially attracted by music, and he wanted to "become something like Paganini." At the age of nineteen, he entered the Kiev Art Institute, from where in 1929 he transferred to the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. Maybe this is what helped him later so clearly and vividly see and create the images of the heroes of his stories and stories: H.H. Nosov directed cartoons, educational and scientific films. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked on the creation of military-technical films.

In his own words, he became a writer by accident: after the birth of his son, he often had to tell the baby various stories, compose fairy tales, which not only his son, but also his little friends listened to with pleasure.

His first story "Zateyniki" was published in 1938. And the first thin book "Knock-knock-knock" was published in 1945. Since then, dozens of his books have been published, and H.H. The Nosovs firmly established themselves as "the funniest writer". When one of the most famous books of H.H. Nosova - the trilogy "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City" and "Dunno on the Moon", thousands of boys and girls bombarded the writer with requests that Dunno's adventures never end.

The works of H.H. Nosov is read with enthusiasm by children not only in our country. His books have been translated into the languages ​​of many peoples of the world.

Questions and tasks

1. What works of H.H. You have already read Nosov, how did you like them and what do you remember in them?

2. Make an outline of the report about the writer. Prepare an answer according to this plan.

"Dunno in the Sunny City." Artist A.M. Laptev.


Once upon a time there were three funny hunters: Uncle Vanya, Uncle Fedya and Uncle Kuzma. So they went into the forest. We walked, walked, saw many different animals, but they did not kill anyone. And they decided to make a halt: rest, then. We sat down on the green lawn and began to tell each other different interesting stories.

Uncle Vanya, the hunter, was the first to tell.

Listen, ”he said. - That was a long time ago. One winter I went into the forest, but I didn't have a gun in that hole: I was little then. Suddenly I looked - a wolf. Such a huge one. I run from him. And the wolf, you see, noticed that I was without a gun. How it will run after me!

"Well, - I think, - I can't get away from him."

I look - a tree. I'm on a tree. The wolf wanted to bite me, but did not have time. Only the back of his pants tore with his teeth. I climbed a tree, sit on a branch and shake with fear. And the wolf sits down in the snow, looks at me and licks its lips,

I think, “Okay, I'll sit here until evening. At night the wolf will fall asleep, I will get away from him. "

Towards evening, however, another wolf arrived. And they began to watch me together. One wolf is sleeping, and the other is guarding me not to run away. A little later the third wolf came. Then again and again. And a whole pack of wolves gathered under the tree. They all sit and click at me with their teeth. They are waiting for me to fall down on top of them.

In the morning frost hit. Forty degrees. My arms and legs were numb. I could not resist on the branch. Boom down! The whole pack of wolves will pounce on me! Something will crackle!

“Well,” I think, “my bones are cracking.”

But it turns out that it was the snow that fell through me. I would fly down and found myself in a den. At the bottom, it turns out, there was a bear den. The bear woke up, jumped out of fright, saw the wolves and let's tear them up. Dispersed all the wolf cubs in one minute.

I grew bolder, slowly looked out of the den. I saw: there are no wolves - and let's run. I ran home and could barely catch my breath. Well, my mother sewed up the hole in my pants, so it became completely imperceptible. And papa, as soon as he found out about this incident, he immediately bought me a gun so that I would not dare to wander through the forest without a gun. So since then I have become a hunter.

Uncle Fedya and Uncle Kuzma laughed at how Uncle Vanya got scared of the wolves. And then Uncle Fedya says:

Once I, too, was scared of a bear in the forest. Only this was in the summer. Once I went into the forest, but I forgot my gun at home. Suddenly a bear met. I run from him. And he follows me. I run fast, well, the bear is even faster. I hear, already sniffing behind my back. I turned around, took off my cap and threw it to him. The bear stopped for a minute, sniffed at the hat and followed me again. I feel it is overtaking again. And home is still far away. I took off my jacket on the go and threw it to the bear. I think I'll hold him up for a minute.

Well, the bear tore his jacket, sees - nothing edible in it. Follow me again. I had to throw him both trousers and boots. There’s nothing to be done: we must save ourselves from the beast!

I ran out of the woods in one T-shirt and panties. There is a river ahead and a bridge across it. I did not have time to run across the bridge - as something crackles! I looked around, and this bridge collapsed under the bear. Bear poured into the river!

“Well,” I think, “that's what you need, tramp, so that you don't frighten people in vain.”

Only under the bridge it was shallow. The bear climbed onto the shore, shook himself properly and went back into the forest.

And I say to myself:

“Well done, Uncle Fedya! Dexterously guided the bear! But how can I go home now? On the street, people will see that I am almost naked, and they will laugh at me. "

And I decided: I’ll sit here in the bushes, and it gets dark, I’ll go slowly. I hid in the bushes and sat there until the evening, and then I got out and began to make my way through the streets. As soon as I see that someone is walking towards me, I will immediately slip around the corner and sit there in the dark so as not to catch my eye.

Finally got home. I wanted to open the door, grab, praise, but I don’t have a key! The key was in my pocket, in my jacket. And I threw my jacket to the bear. I ought to first take the key out of my pocket, but there was no time for that.

What to do? I tried to break down the door, but the door turned out to be strong.

"Well, - I think, - do not freeze at night on the street."

Slowly dropped the glass and climbed through the window.

Suddenly someone was grabbing my legs! And screaming at the top of his lungs:

Keep it! Hold on!

Immediately people came running from somewhere. Some shout:

Keep it! He climbed into someone else's window!

Others yell:

The police need him! To the police!

I say:

Brothers, why should I go to the police? I climbed into my house.

And the one who grabbed me says:

Don't listen to him, brothers. I've been following him for a long time. He hid all the time in dark corners. And he wanted to break down the door, and then climbed through the window.

Then the policeman came running. Everyone began to tell him what had happened.

The policeman says:

Your documents!

And what kind of documents do I have, I say? The bear ate them.

Stop joking! How did the bear eat it?

I wanted to tell, but no one wants to listen.

Then, to the noise, the neighbor, Aunt Dasha, came out of her house. She saw me and said:

Let him go. This is our neighbor, Uncle Fedya. He actually lives in this house.

The policeman believed and let me go.

And the next day I bought myself a new suit, hat and boots. And since then I began to live and live, and flaunt in a new suit.

Uncle Vanya and Uncle Kuzma laughed at what happened to Uncle Fedya. Then Uncle Kuzma said:

I also met a bear once. It was in winter. I went into the forest. I look - a bear. I bang the gun. And the bear kicked to the ground. I put him on the sled and took him home. I drag him around the village on a sled. Hard. Thank you, the village kids helped me take him home.

I brought the bear home and left it in the middle of the yard. My little son Igor saw it and opened his mouth in surprise.

And the wife says:

That's good! Rip off the skin of the bear and sew you a fur coat.

Then the wife and son went to drink tea. I was about to start peeling off the skin, and then, out of nowhere, the dog Fox came running in, and he gripped the bear's ear with his teeth! The bear will jump up and bark at Foxik! It turned out that he was not killed, but only died of fright when I fired.

Foxik got scared and ran into the kennel. And how the bear will rush at me! I run from him. I saw a ladder at the chicken coop and climbed up. Climbed onto the roof. I looked, and the bear followed me. He also perched on the roof. And the roof could not stand it. How it will collapse! The bear and I flew into the chicken coop. The chickens got scared. How they cackle, how they fly to the sides!

I jumped out of the chicken coop. Hurry to the house. The bear is behind me. I'm in the room. And bear into the room. I caught my foot on the table, knocked it down. All the dishes fell to the floor. And the samovar flew. Igoryok hid under the sofa out of fear.

Get up quickly! Get up!

I opened my eyes, I looked, and it was my wife who was waking me up.

Get up, - he says, - it's been morning for a long time. You were going to go hunting.

I got up and went hunting, but that day I didn't see the bear anymore. And since then I began to live and live, and sip cabbage soup, and chew bread, and flaunt in a new suit, in!

Uncle Vanya and Uncle Fedya laughed at this story. And Uncle Kuzma laughed with them.

And then all three went home. Uncle Vanya said:

We hunted well, didn't we? And the animals did not kill a single one, and had a good time.

And I don’t like to kill animals, ”Uncle Fedya answered. - Let the bunnies, squirrels, hedgehogs and chanterelles live peacefully in the forest. Don't touch them.

And let different birds also live, - said Uncle Kuzma. - Without animals and birds in the forest it would be boring. You don't need to kill anyone. Animals must be loved.

These are the three funny hunters.

Questions and tasks

1. Are the stories of the hunters true or funny fiction?

2. What picture of a famous Russian artist can be used as an illustration for this story? What is the surname, name of the artist.

3. Prepare at home for an expressive story reading, and in class read the story by role.

4. What common words and expressions does the writer use? What do you think, for what purpose?

Living word

Create and tell a funny story.

After lessons

Prepare for the H.H. Nosov on the Screen: Films and Animation ". Take this quiz.





Writer E.I. Nosov "belongs to the generation that came to literature, scorched by the fire of war."

The writer was born in 1925, in the village of Tolmachev, near Kursk on the banks of the Seim. His father was a craftsman, worked as a locksmith, hammer in a blacksmith shop, a boiler-maker. His grandfather also worked as a blacksmith. From family traditions came to the writer "the deepest respect for work, the ability to see through all everyday life the poetic, beautiful side of both blacksmithing and other craft."

His childhood fell on the hungry and cold 1930s. But the boy was by nature an optimist "and a romantic: he played games that he invented himself, was fond of ships, read books by Mein Reed and Jules Verne. From the age of five he looked into the world, tried with the help of scissors (cutting out funny figures of animals from paper), and then with a pencil to reproduce, "keep" in his memory everything that strikes him. Later, much later, while doing literary work, the writer retained and developed this perception of what is being recreated.

At the age of eighteen, he went to the front, became an artilleryman of an anti-tank brigade. Anti-tank artillery met the enemy first. Not once did the young soldier Evgeny Nosov look death in the eye. Near Königsberg he was seriously wounded. I met the victory in the hospital. At twenty, after being discharged from the hospital with disability benefits, the young man had to choose his own path. He leaves for Kazakhstan, works as a literary employee of a local newspaper. In 1959, his first book, On the Fishing Trail, was published.

Questions and tasks

1. What is common in the biographies of P.P. Bazhova and E.I. Nosov?

2. What qualities determined the character of the boy Yevgeny Nosov?

3 *. What can you tell us about the writers Mayne Reed and Jules Verne, whom young Evgeny Nosov was fond of?

4. What facts from the biography of the writer speak of his purposefulness, great vitality?

When the clerk's lessons were arranged for Danilushka himself, only Danilushko would not allow this.
- What you! What are you, uncle! Is it your business to sit at the machine for me! Look, your beard has turned green from malachite, your health has become poor (you have become ill (Ed.), But what am I doing?
Danilushko really straightened up by that time. Although in the old fashioned way they called him Undernourished, but he is over there! Tall and ruddy, curly and cheerful. In a word, girlish dryness. Prokopich has already begun to talk to him about brides, and Danilushko, you know, shakes his head:
- Will not leave us! Here I will become a real master, then the conversation will be.
The master wrote to the clerk's news:
"Let that Prokopich's student Danilko make a still chiseled bowl on a leg for my house. Then I'll take a look - let him go to rent or keep him in class. Just look so that Prokopich doesn't help Danilka. If you don't look, you will be exact."
The bailiff received this letter, called on Danilushka and said:
- Here, with me, you will work. The machine will be adjusted for you, the stone will be brought to you, what you need.
Prokopich found out, was saddened: how so? what a thing? I went to the bailiff, but would he say ... He only shouted: "It's none of your business!"
Well, here Danilushko went to work at a new place, and Prokopich punishes him:
- You, look, take your time, Danilushko! Don't show yourself.
Danilushko was wary at first. He tried it on and thought more, but it seemed to him sad. Do not do, but serve your time - sit with the clerk from morning to night. Well, Danilushko out of boredom and snapped at full strength. It was with his living hand that the cup went out of business. The bailiff looked as if it was necessary, and he said:
- Do the same!
Danilushko made another, then a third. When he finished his third, the clerk said:
- Now you can't dodge! I caught you with Prokopich. The master gave you, according to my letter, a time limit for one cup, and you made three. I know your strength. No more deceiving, but I'll show that old dog how to indulge! He will order others!
So he wrote about this to the master and provided all three cups. Only the master - either he found a clever verse at him, or he was angry with the bailiff for what he was - turned everything as it is.
He appointed Danilushka a trivial quitrent, did not tell him to take the guy from Prokopich - maybe the two of them would soon come up with something new. When writing, I sent a drawing. There, too, a bowl is drawn with all sorts of things. Along the rim there is a carved border, on the belt there is a stone ribbon with a through pattern, on the footboard there are leaves. In a word, it was invented. And on the drawing, the master signed: "Let him sit for at least five years, but so that this is exactly done."
Here the bailiff had to back down from his word. He announced that the master had written, let Danilushka go to Prokopich and gave the drawing.
Danilushko and Prokopich cheered up, and their work went faster. Danilushko soon took up that new bowl. There are many tricks in it. I hit a little wrong, - the work is gone, start again. Well, Danilushka has a faithful eye, a brave hand, enough strength - things are going well. One thing is not to his liking - there are many difficulties, but there is absolutely no beauty at all. I spoke to Prokopich, but he was only surprised:
- What do you want? Invented - that means they need it. You never know what I have carved and cut out, but where they are - I really don’t know.
I tried to talk to the bailiff, so where are you going. He stomped with his feet, waved his hands:
- Are you crazy? A lot of money has been paid for the drawing. An artist, maybe he was the first to do it in the capital, but you thought it up!
Then, apparently, he remembered what the master ordered him, - if the two of them could invent something new, - and said:
“You’re what… make this cup according to the master’s drawing, and if you invent another one of your own, it’s your business. I will not interfere. We've got enough stone. What you need - and I will give it.
It was here that Danilushka's dummy fell into love. We didn’t say that it’s a little necessary to groan someone’s wisdom, but to come up with our own - you’ll turn from side to side for more than one night. Here Danilushko sits over this bowl according to a drawing, and he thinks about something else. He translates in his head which flower, which leaf is best suited to the malachite stone. He became pensive, sad. Prokopich noticed and asked:
- Are you, Danilushko, healthy? It would be easier with this bowl. Where is the hurry? I would go for a walk wherever, otherwise you sit and sit.
- And then, - says Danilushko, - at least go to the forest. Will I see what I need.
From that time on, he began to run into the forest almost every day. The time is just mowing, berry. The herbs are all in bloom. Danilushko will stop somewhere in the mowing or in a clearing in the forest and stand, looking. And then he again walks along the mows and examines the grass, as he seeks what. There were many people at that time in the forest and on the mows. They ask Danilushka - has he lost anything? He smiles so sadly and says:
- I have not lost it, but I cannot find it.