How to develop a developmental activity. "Creation of game motivation at different age stages

Municipal budgetary educational preschool

kindergarten "Teremok", Tsimlyansk


on the topic of: “Motivation. Methods and techniques of motivation in a preschool educational institution. "

The consultation was prepared by:


Romanovskaya E.R.

Tsimlyansk, 2017

“To digest knowledge,

you need to absorb them with appetite "

Anatole Franz.

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard, the achievements of children are determined not by a set of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by the formation personality traits that provide psychological readiness the child to school, and the main type of education should be joint organized educational activities of children with an adult, that is, the development of the child should be carried out in the game. It is the game that allows you to develop abilities, mental and artistic abilities, helps the baby to learn about the world. In the game, he observes, remembers, develops imagination, builds systems of relationships. The game allows, as if imperceptibly, to solve various problems, sometimes very difficult, and move forward along the path of the formation and development of children's intelligence. With the help of the game, you can help the child become aware of himself, gain self-confidence. Communication during the game is important element personality education, a source of mutual enrichment.

Any activity should be interesting for children, but specially organized by the educator, implying activity, interaction and communication, the accumulation of certain information by children about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Nevertheless, teachers continue to "engage" with children, but in such a way that the children themselves do not know about it, but this educational process lasts all day, being involved in various regime moments.

And here the motivational orientation of children's activities comes to the rescue.

Motivation - is a combination of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to work.

What is this motivation for?

Purpose of motivation - arouse children's interest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for enthusiasm, mental stress, direct the efforts of children to consciously master and acquire knowledge and skills.

Motivation allows you to solve several problems at once:

    Expand and enrich the range of playable skills and abilities.

    To increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.

    To activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.

    Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually teaching them to obey the rules of the game.

Any interaction between a child and an adult begins with motivation. Without motivation from an adult, a preschooler will not be active, motives will not arise, and the child will not be ready to set goals.

Method - a way of influence or a way of transferring knowledge.

Reception - options for applying this method.

Methods and techniques are divided into play, verbal, visual and practical. Let's consider them separately.

1. Play methods and techniques in teaching children:

    didactic games

    outdoor games

    fun games, dramatizations.

In the foreground areemotions ... This is true for the early and young preschool age... For example: a teacher (during the preparation for a walk in summer period): guys, the bunny is going for a walk with us, bunny, put on a blouse and catch up with us. And the bunny replies that he cannot. guys, let's show the bunny how to dress. bunny, look, our guys know how to dress themselves. children show an example of how to dress properly.)

You can also be interested inthe problem posed (for older age). For example: children, going for a walk, find a note from the garden Scarecrow “Guys, help. the sun is baking so hot that all the plants in my garden are about to die. And my hat doesn’t save me from the heat at all. ” The teacher asks the children what to do in this situation, the children voice the options and go outside to water the garden. You can extend the game further, not just bring a hat for the Scarecrow from home or the corner of the dressing-up, but arrange a competition for the best hat for the Scarecrow. At the end, the Scarecrow will again send a letter of thanks.

Brightness the proposed image (beautiful, aesthetic, anatomically correct toy or manual)

Novelty (an unfamiliar object always attracts attention. Little researchers wake up in children)

Game tricks:

a) Introducing toys,

b) Creation of game situations(today we will be birds)

c) Playing with toys, objects(for example, reading the poem "They Dropped the Bear on the Floor", the didactic game "Say what sounds like")

d) surprise, emotionality(Show "Bird and Dog" - the teacher shows a squeak, makes you want to listen, "Look who sings this."

e) The suddenness of the appearance, the disappearance of the toy.

f) Changing the location of toys(bunny on the table, under the closet, above the closet) .

g) Show items in different actions(sleeps, walks, eats) .

h) intriguing environments.

2. Verbal methods and techniques:

1) Reading and telling poetry, nursery rhymes, fairy tales.

2) Conversation, conversation.

3) Consideration of the picture, dramatization.


    Show naming toys, objects. The doll Masha is walking, walking, bang - she fell, she fell. Masha, oh-oh, crying.

    Please say, say a word(this dress) .

    Roll call up to 1.5 years("say-repeat") .

    Suggestion of the right word.

    Explanation of the purpose of the item(dishes are what we eat and drink) .

    Repeated repetition of a new word in combination with a familiar(the cat has kittens, the hen has chickens) .


    Finishing a word at the end of a phrase("Kittens drink (milk) "," Katya, eat soup (with bread) ").

    Repetition of the word for the teacher.



    Use of artistic word(nursery rhymes, songs, poems, jokes) .

3. Practical methods:

1) Exercises (Giving help) .

2) Joint actions of the educator and the child.

3) Execution of orders.

4. Visual methods and techniques:

1) Display of objects, toys.

2) Observation of natural phenomena, labor of adults.

3) Consideration of living objects.

4) Sample display.

5) Use of puppet theater, shadow, tabletop, flannelgraph.

6) Filmstrips.


    Direct perception of an object, toy.

    Show with naming(it's a rabbit) .

    Explanation of what children see(this is Katya came; Katya is going for a walk; go, Katya, go; oh, Katya ran and ran away) .

    Request-offer(Andryusha, come on, feed the bird) .

    Multiple repetition of a word.

    Active action of children.

    Bringing the object closer to the children.

    Assignment for children (go, Vasya, feed the rabbit) .

    Questions (simple for children up to 1.5 years old, difficult from 2-3 years old) .

    Artistic word.

    Inclusion of objects in the activities of children("Here I put a cube, on it another cube, another cube, it turned out to be a turret") .

    Performing game actions.

There are eight types of motivation:

The first type - play motivation - "Help the toy" the child achieves the learning goal by solving toy problems. I use bright, aesthetic, preferably new toys.

In classes with toddlers, you cannot do without game characters. The use of playable characters and play motivation are interrelated. Game and fairy tale characters can “come to visit”, “get acquainted”, “give assignments”, “tell fascinating stories”, and also evaluate the results of the work of children. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." Children's desire to communicate and help him significantly increases activity and interest. During work, each child has his own character (cut out, toy, drawn, to whom he helps). At the end of the work, invite the children to play with toys.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it to teach various practical skills. This motivation can be used in GCD applications, designing, drawing.

For example: (for junior and middle group).

Application: Guys, look, who is this sitting on a tree stump? (Hare with a hare). Something the hare is sad, why do you think she is so sad? Guys, she said that her bunnies ran into the forest to walk in summer fur coats, and it's winter outside. But the elder hare obeyed her and put on a winter coat. Let's help her find the rabbits and change her clothes.

Painting: Guys, a hedgehog came to us. And he came with friends. They play hide and seek and do not know where to hide. Let's try to hide them under the leaves.

Modeling: Matryoshka was going for a walk, but it was raining outside and there were puddles. Let's make a path of pebbles for the matryoshka.

This example is suitable for children in older, preparatory groups.

The bear destroyed the house of animals. They were left without a house. How can we help animals? (We can build houses for them from cubes, an applique, paint with paints).

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me”.

Here, the motivation for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together.

We inform the children that we are going to make crafts and ask the children to help. We are interested in how they can help. Each child is given a feasible task. In the end, we emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

This motivation can be used in GCD sensorics, fine art, in work.

For instance:

Sensing and modeling: Guys, I want to treat our gnomes with cookies. But I am alone, and there are many gnomes. I probably won't be in time. Help me? You can make multi-colored cookies.

Labor activity: The guys will come to us now. Please help me put the toys away.

Collective work, collages "Vase of flowers", " Underwater world"," Magic TV "and others. Can be used in wrap-up activities on the topic of the week.

This type of motivation can be used from the 2nd junior group.

The third type of motivation "Teach me" - based on the child's desire to feel knowledgeable and able.

You inform the children that you are going to do an activity and ask the children to teach you. At the end of the game, give each child an assessment of his actions and distribute stars.

For instance:

Play activities: Guys, our doll Tanya is going for a walk, I need to dress her for a walk. I do not know how to do that. Can you teach me?

Hand drawing: Guys, I want to make an unusual exhibition, but I can’t think of how to turn a handprint into a drawing. Teach me.

You can use this type of motivation in play activities, in GCD in older groups.

The fourth type of motivation "creating objects with your own hands for yourself" - based on the inner interest of the child. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for themselves or loved ones.

For example: Guys, look at my beautiful card! This postcard can be presented to mom on March 8th. Do you want to give your mom the same one? And I show you how you can make it.

I use it in artistic design, orientation, logic, manual labor, artistic creation.

The fifth type of motivation "Artistic word". The use of poems, songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, etc. This type of motivation can be used in all age groups.

The sixth type of motivation is "Verbal". It is carried out only by verbal direction. These are problem situations, competition reception, a request.

For instance:

    Dunno with friends argue about where there is air, what it is for and how you can find out.

    Thumbelina wants to write a letter to Mom, but worries that Mom will not be able to read it because of the very small font.

I use verbal motivations in the GCD, as well as in the final events. (in senior and preparatory groups).

The seventh type of motivation "Subject-effective". These are letters, a magic basket, boxes, a magic box, a wonderful bag, posters.

The eighth type of motivation "ICT use".

Using a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material that contributes to the achievement of the set goals.

For example: Game - quiz "Magic chest", game "Learn a fairy tale", game - association "Who needs what for work", as well as presentations on the topic.

You can use this type of motivation at any age in the GCD, as well as at the final events.

Each activity should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight that children will remember for a long time. It is necessary to remember the saying "Cognition begins with surprise." In doing so, it is important to take into account the age of the children, techniques that are suitable for each age. This system for constructing, conducting and analyzing GCD helps you and your children to acquire the necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease, without noticing that they are being taught.

Thus, summing up, we can say that motivation in organizing joint and independent activity for preschoolers is an immediate incentive, without which the child simply cannot be included in the pedagogical situation proposed by adults. And the teacher, in turn, must be able to subordinate and combine different motives to achieve their educational goals, taking into account the individual character traits and interests of each of the children in the group.


1. Doronova TM, Gerbova VV, Grizik TI, Upbringing, education and development of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working on the "Rainbow" program T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Education, 2004.

2. Doronova TM, Gerbova VV, Grizik TI, Upbringing, education and development of children 6-7 years old in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working under the Rainbow program / T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Education, 1997.

3. Bozhovich L.I. Problems of the child's motivational sphere // Studying the behavior motivation of children and adolescents. - M., 1972.

4.Wegner L.A., Wegner A.L. Is your child ready for school. - M .: Knowledge, 1994.

5. Leontiev A. N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M.: 1977.

"Innovation in Preschool Education" - Workers learning programs... An innovative project for a kindergarten. Innovation. Magical astronomy. Project name. Method of projects in preschool educational institutions. Stages of the project. Innovation in the preschool educational institution. Project work plan. Preschool education - tradition and innovation.

"Teaching technologies for preschoolers" - The role of an adult in the game. Project activities... Classification of children's games. Types of projects. Forms of work. Hardening activities. Cognitive research activities. Health-saving technologies. Themes for research work children. Positive appraisal. Hardening. Classification of children's games with rules.

"The role of preschool education" - Individual approach... Job growth. Skills. The role of non-state subsidiaries. Economic reasons. The problem of walking distance. Investments and nurseries. Agreement. Social infrastructure. Preschool education. Bilingual private kindergarten.

"Development of preschool education" - Trends in the world educational movement in preschool education. Problems to be solved. Continuous self-education and self-development of teachers. Requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program. Competence approach. Multifunctional, evolving system. Preschool educational institution.

"ICT in preschool educational institution" - ICT. The informatization of society sets tasks for preschool teachers. Computer games market. Opportunities for using ICTs to improve quality. The use of ICT in preschool educational institutions. The main directions of ICT development in the conditions of preschool educational institutions. ICT is a technology for information exchange and communication. Electronic educational resources (EER).

"ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions" - Multimedia projector. Low level of information competence. Activities for children. Creation of conditions. Circle classes. Children with problems. Information Society Development Strategy. Use of ready-made digital educational resources. Classes in a computer circle. The potential of teachers. Opportunity.

There are 15 presentations in total

Prepared by: Sergeeva Natalia Vladimirovana - educator of the 1st quarter. category MBDOU "DSOV No. 47", Bratsk

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standard, the achievements of children are determined not by the totality of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by the formation of personal qualities that ensure the psychological readiness of the child for school, and the main type of education should be joint organized educational activities of children with adults, that is, the development of the child should be carried out in the game. It is the game that allows you to develop abilities, mental and artistic abilities, helps the baby to learn about the world. In the game, he observes, remembers, develops imagination, builds systems of relationships. The game allows, as if imperceptibly, to solve various problems, sometimes very difficult, and move forward along the path of the formation and development of children's intelligence. With the help of the game, you can help the child become aware of himself, gain self-confidence. Communication during the game is an important element of personality education, a source of mutual enrichment.

Any activity should be interesting for children, but specially organized by the educator, implying activity, interaction and communication, the accumulation of certain information by children about the world around them, the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Nevertheless, teachers continue to “engage” with children, but in such a way that the children themselves do not know about it, but this educational process lasts throughout the day, being involved in various regime moments.

And here the motivational orientation of children's activities comes to the rescue.

Motivation- this is a combination of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, give this activity an orientation focused on achieving a goal.

Purpose of motivation- arouse children's interest in an occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for enthusiasm, mental stress, direct the efforts of children towards the conscious development and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Motivation allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • Expand and enrich the range of playable skills and abilities.
  • To increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.
  • To activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.
  • Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually teaching them to obey the rules of the game.

Any interaction between a child and an adult begins with motivation. Without motivation from an adult, a preschooler will not be active, motives will not arise, and the child will not be ready to set goals.

In the foreground are emotions... This is true for preschool age.

I use in my practice such techniques that will ensure the occurrence the right motivation in most children.

I have identified eight types of motivation:

The first type is play motivation - "Help the toy" the child achieves the goal of learning by solving the problem of toys. I use toys that are bright, aesthetic, preferably new.

In classes with toddlers, you cannot do without game characters. The use of playable characters and play motivation are interrelated. Game and fairy tale characters can “come to visit”, “get acquainted”, “give assignments”, “tell fascinating stories”, and also evaluate the results of the work of children. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." Children's desire to communicate and help him significantly increases activity and interest. During the work, each child has his own character (cut, toy, drawn, whom he helps). At the end of the work, I invite the children to play with toys.

With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it to teach various practical skills. I use this motivation in GCD applications, design, and drawing.

For example: (for junior and middle group).

Application: Guys, look who is sitting on a tree stump? (Hare with a hare) Something is a sad hare, why do you think she is so sad? Guys, she said that her bunnies ran into the forest to walk in summer fur coats, and it's winter outside. But the elder hare obeyed her and put on a winter coat. Let's help her find the rabbits and change her clothes.

Drawing: Guys, a hedgehog has come to us. And he came with friends. They play hide and seek and do not know where to hide. Let's hide them under the leaves.

Modeling: Matryoshka was going for a walk, but it was raining outside, there are puddles. Let's make a path of pebbles for the matryoshka.

This example is suitable for children in older, preparatory groups.

The bear destroyed the house of animals. They were left without a house. How can we help animals? (We can build houses for them ourselves from cubes, an applique, from Kuisener sticks, paint with paints).

The second type of motivation is helping an adult - “Help me”. Here, the motivation for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together.

I inform the children that I am going to tinker and ask the children to help. I wonder how they can help. I give each child a feasible task. In the end, I emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.

I use this motivation in GCD sensorics, art, in work.

For instance:

Sensing and modeling: Guys, I want to treat our gnomes with cookies. But I am alone, and there are many gnomes. I probably won't be in time. Do you want to help me? You can make multi-colored cookies.

Labor activity: The guys will come to us now. Please help me put the toys away.

Collective works, collages "Vase of Flowers", "Underwater World", "Magic TV" and others. We often use it in the final events on the topic of the week.

This type of motivation can be used from the 2nd junior group.

The third type of motivation "Teach me" - based on the child's desire to feel knowledgeable and able.

I inform the children that I am going to do something and ask the children to teach me. At the end of the game, I give each child an assessment of his actions and distribute stars.

For instance:

Play activities: Guys, our doll Tanya is going for a walk, I need to dress her for a walk. I do not know how to do that. Can you teach me?

Hand drawing: Guys, I want to make an unusual exhibition, but I can’t think of how to turn a handprint into a drawing. Teach me.

You can use this type of motivation in play activities, in GCD in older groups.

The fourth type of motivation "creating objects with your own hands for yourself" - based on the inner interest of the child. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for themselves or loved ones.

For example: Guys, look what a beautiful postcard I have! This postcard can be presented to mom on March 8th. Do you want to give your mom the same one? And I show you how you can make it.

I use it in artistic design, orientation, logic, manual labor, artistic creation.

The fifth type of motivation "Artistic word". I use poems, songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, etc. This type of motivation can be used in all age groups.

The sixth type of motivation is "Verbal". It is carried out only by verbal direction. These are problem situations, competition reception, a request.

For instance:

  • Dunno with friends argue about where there is air, what it is for and how you can find out.
  • Thumbelina wants to write a letter to Mom, but worries that Mom will not be able to read it because of the very small font.

I use verbal motivations in the GCD, as well as in the final events. (in senior and preparatory groups).

The seventh type of motivation "Subject-effective". These are letters, a magic basket, boxes, a magic box, a wonderful bag, posters.

The eighth type of motivation "ICT use".

Using a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, which contributes to the achievement of the set goals.

For example: Game - quiz "Magic chest", game "Learn a fairy tale", game - association "Who needs what for work", as well as presentations on the topic.

You can use this type of motivation at any age of the GCD, as well as at the final events.

Each activity should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight that children will remember for a long time. It is necessary to remember the saying "Cognition begins with surprise." At the same time, it is important to take into account the age of the children, the techniques that are suitable for each age. This system of building, conducting and analyzing the GCD helps me, and the children, to receive the necessary knowledge and prepare for school with interest and ease, without noticing that he is being taught.

Thus, summing up, we can say that motivation in organizing joint and independent activity for preschoolers is an immediate incentive, without which the child simply cannot be included in the pedagogical situation proposed by adults. And the teacher, in turn, must be able to subordinate and combine different motives to achieve their educational goals, taking into account the individual character traits and interests of each of the children in the group.

And I have prepared a file of motivations for you. I hope you find it useful in your work.


1. Doronova TM, Gerbova VV, Grizik TI, Upbringing, education and development of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working on the "Rainbow" program T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Education, 2004.

2. Doronova TM, Gerbova VV, Grizik TI, Upbringing, education and development of children 6-7 years old in kindergarten: Method. A guide for educators working under the Rainbow program / T. M. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik. - M. Education, 1997.

3. Bozhovich L.I. Problems of the child's motivational sphere // Studying the behavior motivation of children and adolescents. - M., 1972.

4.Wegner L.A., Wegner A.L. Is your child ready for school. - M .: Knowledge, 1994.

Prepared by:

educator 1 qualification category

Khanina Irina Nikolaevna

Motivation as a form of work with children in the organization

directly educational activities.
Motivation is one of the keys to a successful class. And motivation contributes to the activation of children in educational activities. American physiotherapist Glenn Doman, working for many years with preschoolers, observed as a result of observations that “the product of success is high motivation, and low motivation is the product of failure. Success creates motivation, and failure destroys it. Love and respect are what leads to success. Failure leads to disappointment, frustration leads to lack of motivation, and lack of motivation leads to failure to try again. Success leads to victory, victory leads to motivation, and it leads to the desire to win and to new successes. Love and praise are what every child desires the most. " The quality of education is based on "3 pillars": 1. quality of information, 2. quality of teaching, 3. quality of assimilation. All children need motivation to help them achieve the desired results. Adults are role models for their children.
and a source of motivation to achieve what you want. If children are motivated, they develop their abilities through their own efforts. These children have a craving for information that will help them on their way to their goals. In addition, motivation will help children focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills.
- this is a combination of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, give this activity an orientation focused on achieving a goal. Researchers have identified six mechanisms of motivation - these are the ways that you can increase the child's motivation to achieve a goal at home.
These 6 mechanisms are:
 Encourage exploration of the environment  Instill basic exploratory abilities such as: identifying objects, ordering, sorting, comparing  Praising the child for accomplishments  Help develop and practice skills  Refrain from punishment and criticism for mistakes and poor results if possible  Stimulate linguistic and symbolic communication Meeting all 6 conditions will help children to become motivated to achieve success from an early age. Now consider t
Types of motivation for preschoolers in kindergarten with

organization of educational activities.
Pedagogical activities should contribute to the development of children (through children's activities inherent in this age: play, work, drawing, educational, productive activity). Therefore, it is necessary that children do not only everything that is required of them, but also transfer it to their independent activity... And this will only happen if the new knowledge and skills that we are trying to pass on to children are needed and interesting to them. At the same time, such techniques are needed that will ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation in the overwhelming majority of children.
There are four types of motivation in the pedagogical literature.
The first type - play motivation - "Help the toy"
the child achieves the learning goal by solving toy problems. The creation of this motivation is based on the following scheme: 1. You tell that the toy needs help, and only children can help them. 2. You ask the children if they are willing to help the toy.
3. You propose to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children. 4. During work, each child should have his own character - the ward (a carved, toy, drawn character he is helping. 5. The same toy - the ward evaluates the child's work, be sure to praise the child. 6. At the end of the work, it is desirable that children played with their charges.With this motivation, the child acts as a helper and protector, and it is appropriate to use it to teach various practical skills.
The second type of motivation - helping an adult - "Help me"
... Here, the motivation for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together. The creation of motivation is built according to the scheme: you inform the children that you are going to make something and ask the children to help you. Wondering how they can help you. Each child is given a feasible task. At the end, stress that the result was achieved through joint efforts, that everyone came to it together.
The third type of motivation "Teach me"
Based on the child's desire to feel knowledgeable and able. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the following scheme: 1. You inform the children that you are going to do some kind of activity and ask the children to teach you this. 2. You ask if they are willing to help you. 3. Each child is given the opportunity to teach you something. 4. At the end of the game, each child is given an assessment of his actions and must be sure to praise him. For example: -Guys, our doll Tanya is going for a walk, I need to dress her for a walk. I do not know how to do that. Can you teach me?




by their

by hand

Based on the inner interest of the child. This motivation encourages children to create objects and crafts for their own use or for their loved ones. Children are sincerely proud of their crafts and willingly use them. The creation of this motivation is carried out according to the scheme: 1. You show the children some kind of craft, reveal its advantages and ask if they want to have the same for themselves or for their relatives. 2. Next, show everyone how to make this item. 3. The finished craft is ordered by the child. Pride in the work of one's own hands is the most important foundation for a creative attitude to work. If the child is already engaged in some interesting business, which means that he already has the necessary motivation, you can acquaint him with new ways of solving the assigned tasks. For example: - Guys, look what a beautiful postcard I have! This postcard can be presented to mom on March 8th. Do you want to give your mom the same one? And you show how you can make it.
When motivating children, the following principles should be followed
: - it is impossible to impose on the child his vision in solving the problem (maybe the child will have his own way of solving the problem) - be sure to ask the child for permission to do a common thing with him. - be sure to praise the child's actions for the result. - acting together with the child, you acquaint him with your plans, ways to achieve them. Observing these rules, you give children new knowledge, teach them certain skills, and form the necessary skills.
Use of playable characters.
In classes with toddlers, you cannot do without game characters. The use of playable characters and play motivation are interrelated. Game and fairy tale characters can "come to visit", "get acquainted", "give assignments", "tell fascinating stories", and can evaluate the results of the work of children. There are a number of requirements for these toys and characters. Toys or play characters: - must be appropriate for the age of the children;
- must be aesthetic, - must be safe for the child's health, - must have educational value, - must be realistic; - should not provoke a child to aggression, cause manifestations of cruelty. - Playable characters there shouldn't be many. Each character should be interesting and memorable, "have their own character." For example, Dunno, Quack Duck and Mishutka Tish can come to classes. Quack Duck loves nature and travel, knows a lot about it and tells children. Dunno does not know much and does not know how, he often needs the "help" of children. Mishutka is an athlete, he shows exercises for warm-up, goes in for sports. They actively express their opinions, ask incomprehensible questions, make mistakes, get confused, do not understand. Children's desire to communicate and help him significantly increases activity and interest.




educational activities
Computers and game computer programs are widely used not only in school, but also in kindergarten. The pupils of the groups have different intellectual levels of development. The organization of teaching children requires a special approach, which provides for emotional support of preschoolers in educational activities. This is a motivation issue. Using a computer allows you to activate involuntary attention, increase interest in learning, expand the possibilities of working with visual material, which contributes to the achievement of the set goals. During the admission of children to the group in the morning, the teacher also motivates the children using minutes of entry into the day.

promote the child's mental and personal growth, develop social behavior skills, help increase self-confidence and develop independence, increase the overall emotional background and improve the mental climate in the group. Minutes of entering the day can be called meetings, during which special attention is paid to observation, meditation and admiration. The choice of a topic for the beginning of the day is determined by the mood of the group, the weather, the well-being of the teacher and the children. It is advisable to use music for the appropriate mood. Minutes of entering the day are spent in the morning in order to immediately set the child up for goodwill, calmness, love.
The minutes of entering the day given by me are aimed: - at the formation of emotional decentration, which is understood as the ability to perceive and take into account the states, desires and interests of other people; - relieving anxiety during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten; - development of a conscious, responsible attitude to regime moments; - development of independence and cooperation; - increasing self-regulation and self-control; - increasing the general emotional background and improving the psychological climate in the group.
 Promote mental and personal growth child;  Help children adapt to kindergarten conditions;  Develop skills in social behavior;  Promote an increase in the general emotional background and improve the psychological climate in the group;  Establish positive relationships between children.
The greeting is accompanied by movements, the children are sitting on the carpet in a circle: Hello, Heaven! Hello Sun! Hello Earth! Hello planet Earth! Hello, our big family! Raise your hands up Hands above your head describe a large circle Smoothly lower your hands on the carpet Describe a large circle above your head All the guys hold hands and raise them up
All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's join hands together And smile at each other! Join hands and look at each other with a smile
Let's greet each other with a bell. Children, calling the name of their neighbor in an affectionate manner, pass a bell to each other. For example: - Hello, Nastenka! Ding-dong-dong! - Hello, Sasha! Ding-dong-dong! And so on, until the bell goes around the whole circle.
"Good morning"
Good morning eyes! You woke up? Good morning, ears! You woke up? Good morning pens! Rub your eyes, make binoculars out of your fingers and look at each other. Stroke the ears, put your palms behind the ears (depict the ears of an elephant). Pat hand in hand, clap your hands.
You woke up? Good morning legs! You woke up? Good morning kids! We woke up! legs, kneel, hands - in front of you and knock on the carpet with your toes. Put your hands up!
Rituals for starting educational activities
The beginning of educational activities should become a kind of ritual so that children can tune in to joint activities, communication, and distinguish educational activities from other activities. The ritual can be changed, but not too often. I offer you several options for starting educational activities, you can use others. The beginning of educational activities will be a kind of ritual. It can be a little quatrain about friendship, love. Children can take each other's hands and smile, wish each other something pleasant, etc.
Magic ball
Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The teacher gives the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and at the same time says an affectionate word, or good wishes, or affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name, or pronounces a "magic polite word", etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child until it comes to the teacher.
Kind animal
Participants stand in a circle and join hands. The teacher says in a low voice: “We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! " Everyone listens to their breathing, the breathing of their neighbors. "Now let's listen together!" Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhalation - a step back. “This is not only how the animal breathes, but also its big, kind heart beats evenly. Knock - step forward, knock - step back, etc.
Friendship starts with a smile
Children sitting in a circle join hands, look their neighbors in the eyes and silently smile at each other.
Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The recipient of the compliment nods his head and says: "Thank you, I am very pleased!" He then compliments his neighbor. In case of difficulty, the teacher can compliment or suggest saying something "tasty", "sweet", "floral". During the ritual, the teacher is in a circle with the children, sets an example, prompts, encourages, tunes children up. Educational activities.

End of Education Ritual (Bell Tolls)
- The bell is ringing He says to the guys: "Get ready as soon as possible, on the way - go on the road!" (children get up one after another - they are trailers) - Children, it's time for us to say goodbye to the cockerel (on the topic of the week) and his family will wave goodbye to everyone! - A steam locomotive hummed, And drove the trailers; Choh-choh, chu-chu, I'll rock you home. The train is taking the children away!

This article is devoted to an urgent problem in the education system: the formation of positive motivation in preschoolers, the methods and techniques of its development.

Motivation(from Lat. moveo - move) is a general name for processes, methods, means of encouraging children to active cognitive activity.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of motive and purpose. The goal is the foreseeable result, and the motive is the motivation to achieve the goal.

Positive motivation in preschoolers remains an urgent problem for modern system education. Society requires active involvement in learning from childhood. Therefore, motivation should be as effective as possible already in kindergarten. the main objective preschooler motivation - the formation of activity, improving the quality of cognitive activity and speech development.

Motivation types:

Extrinsic motivation- motivation not related to content certain activities, but due to circumstances external to the subject (for example, if I do well, my mother will buy me a typewriter).

Intrinsic motivation- motivation associated with the very content of the activity. In turn intrinsic motivation divided into positive and negative motivation. Positive motivation is based on positive incentives (for example, I learn how to make a cup, and mom will be happy). Negative motivation is based on negative incentives (for example, if I don't do the "motor", then my parents will punish me).

Methods for the formation of motivation in preschoolers coincide with traditional methods education of preschoolers:

  • Verbal
  • Visual
  • Practical

These methods are used in speech therapy practice using various techniques:

  • Didactic games and game techniques

Even D. Ushinsky noted that children learn new material more easily in the process of playing. Depending on the educational task and the content of the lesson, the following can be used:

Speech games and games for the development of HMF("Clap when you hear", "The fourth extra", "Help Dunno", "Traffic light", "What is gone", "Word garden")

  • Fairy stories ("The Tale of the Merry Tongue")
  • Role relationships (development of speech with the help role-playing games: « Kindergarten"," Zoo "," Travel ")
  • Fairy-tale and literary characters (Dunno, the dog Naida, Fedor, Buratino, Aibolit, etc.)
  • Travel games, trips, adventures (to the forest, to the zoo, to different types transport, to the Land of Vowels)
  • Desktop - printed games ("Speech therapy loto", "Tops - Skill", "Alphabet", "Gifts of nature", etc.)
  • Surprise moment (letter, package, guest, etc.)

Creating a Success Situation

One of the aspects of increasing the motivation of preschoolers is reward. Words of approval, praise from adults help self-affirmation, confidence in their own actions. The encouragement must be well deserved (within the child's ability). It is necessary to conduct discussions with parents about the possibility of creating a situation of success.

Fairytale therapy

The use of fairy tale therapy in speech therapy classes leads to stable positive dynamics in speech development and in the emotional and volitional sphere; phonemic perception, articulatory motor skills, sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of a word, language analysis, grammatical structure, vocabulary, lexical and grammatical relations, and coherent speech improve.

Visual Aids

Visibility facilitates the assimilation of the material, contributes to the formation of sensory prerequisites for the development of speech skills. Reliance on sensory images makes the assimilation of speech skills and abilities more specific, accessible, conscious.

Visual - game tools contribute to the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, spatial relations, visual perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech practice. It can be subject pictures, illustrations, plot pictures, visual - teaching aids and games, made of bright, modern, easily processed materials, aesthetically designed.

ICT application

In order to optimize the development of cognitive activity and the development of speech, ICT can be used. Currently, computer programs for speech therapy correction of speech are being developed and improved. Computer program “Learning to speak correctly. Development of speech. " is aimed at the formation of a phonemic system and coherent speech. The speech therapy program "Games for Tigers" is a ready-made set for use by a specialist in several correctional areas, which allows you to use the entire analyzer system, organize a differentiated approach to training. The program "Home speech therapist" colorfully presents articulatory gymnastics, gives detailed description sounds, characters motivate, easily and easily give knowledge to the child.

Professor Higgins' program is a complete phonetic and lexical multimedia guide - a simulator designed for those who want to learn to speak grammatically correctly, with good and distinct pronunciation, which is the norm of speech.

You can use your computer designs and presentations.

In individual lessons, you can save in the computer memory samples of the child's speech at the beginning, in the process and at the end of the correction of sound pronunciation. By giving children the opportunity to listen to these patterns, a highly positive speech pathologist can be motivated. So it is easier for the child to understand his mistakes and in the future to seek their elimination.

Competitive moments

For example, breathing exercises "Football", "Storm in a glass", the game "Who will pick up more words?"

Logorhythmics and finger games

They help to develop general and fine motor skills, activate interest in speech therapy classes. For example, the logo of the Zheleznovs.

Elements of art therapy(modeling, applique, drawing)

Art therapy methods in speech therapy classes are used to relieve psychological stress, stressful situations and to correct neuroses.

There is unconventional techniques formation of motivation of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. For example, multitherapy.

Teacher - speech therapist Borisova E.A. proposes to use plots from modern animated films in speech therapy classes in order to stimulate motivation and cognitive interest in a child. She believes that an example of a cartoon character that can be used in speech therapy classes as a means of increasing the cognitive activity of children is Luntik.

"Luntik and His Friends" is a wonderful, kind and informative animated series, the main character of which is a creature that came to us from the Moon - a small, fluffy and very kind lilac creature - Luntik. He makes his first steps on our planet, gets to know the world and tries to find himself in it, finds faithful friends and a good family. Kind humor, beautiful landscapes, funny plots and very bright characters of the series will not let the child get bored while watching the amazing and such interesting adventures of the moon visitor. The image of Luntik is close to children of the age group from two to four years old. The absence of negative moments in the main character of the cartoon, according to the idea of ​​the creators, makes children kinder, and also teaches the basics of morality and ethics.

Smeshariki is a friendly family of funny round characters, each of whom has a circle of personal hobbies. In terms of its attractiveness, the series is not inferior to best achievements classic Russian animation. When creating the series, special attention is paid to the use of natural forms and colors, which switch the child's attention to the diversity of the surrounding world, compensating for the dryness and technogenicity of most modern images. The sphericity of the characters symbolically emphasizes their benevolence and peacefulness, and also allows the child to easily reproduce the characters he loves.

Pedagogical support of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in the "Smeshariki" project aims to increase the effectiveness of the development and upbringing of a child in the spirit of tolerance and non-violence, as well as the formation of preschoolers' cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities, skills of constructive interaction with others, as well as the basics of life safety ...

An integrated GCD (speech therapist - educator, music teacher, teacher - psychologist, etc.) helps in shaping the motivation of preschoolers. Such classes help to perceive information in a holistic and interesting way. The voluntary attention of preschoolers is at a developmental stage, therefore, to attract active attention, it is necessary to alternate the forms and methods of teaching in time. The structure of the lessons can include physical education minutes. They help not only to switch attention, but also contribute to the development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

With the help of diagnostics, the level of cognitive activity of children in speech therapy classes can be assessed as high, medium or low.

A high level of cognitive activity of children in speech therapy classes corresponds to:

  • emotionally positive reaction of children to the invitation to the lesson;
  • adequate speed response to the beginning of the lesson;
  • questions to the speech therapist about the upcoming lesson, its topic;
  • sustainability of attention to the proposed tasks;
  • interest in the lesson from start to finish;
  • lively emotional reaction to the proposed activity;
  • a sincere desire to cope with all the difficulties encountered during the lesson.

The average level of cognitive activity of children in speech therapy classes corresponds to:

  • calm reaction of children to the invitation to the lesson (there is no sharp revival, but there are no manifestations of negativism);
  • the child's behavior in the lesson can be assessed as passive: it does not show interest, active participation is not observed);
  • with direct contact, the child responds adequately;
  • attention is unstable;
  • the emotional background is passive.

A low level of cognitive activity of children in speech therapy classes corresponds to:

  • sharply negative emotional reaction of children to the invitation to the lesson;
  • attempts to delay the start time of the lesson;
  • the absence of any questions about the upcoming lesson;
  • increased distraction of children during the entire lesson;
  • passive or negative reaction to the proposed tasks;
  • unwillingness to overcome difficulties encountered, indifference to what is happening

Indicators of the severity of cognitive activity are.