How do desires differ from needs? Your wants, needs and relationships

Here you will learn how desires differ from needs, and why desires and needs should not be confused.

There is nothing negative about desire. If it is combined with actions to achieve it. But just wanting is useless, and even harmful, such a desire causes nothing but suffering. It only pumps depression into you or a senseless hope that it will someday come true on its own. We need to act.

Desire is a product of the mind. At the same time, you must always evaluate how this or that desire is adequate for you at the moment.

There are desires from the fantasy category. Of course, I understand that nothing is impossible, but at the same time it is necessary to remember that not all desires are for your good, besides, everything depends on your skills and your level of awareness. This or that desire can be realistically achievable at this or that interval of the path in your life, and not.

Suppose as a child you dreamed of becoming an astronaut, you just dream, but you can’t do anything to get closer to this dream. But now you grew up, entered a special educational institution associated with the profession of an astronaut, study, do something, you take some steps, here you already have a chance to realize your desire.

Desires should always go along with actions, constant and consistent in achieving them. And don't confuse needs with wants. Desires are endless. Needs are momentary. It's about the body. The body needs food, sleep, shelter, clothing and other little things without which it is unlikely to survive, desires are illusions of the mind.

The Buddha said that desires cause suffering, and this is true, at a certain moment, when a person comes to a certain level of awareness, he understands that it is pointless to desire, and he is simply in a pure moment that creates him and the life around him. Therefore, there are even expressions: "choose, but do not wish."

Remember that if there is a place to live, what to eat, what to wear, then there is no reason for suffering and unhappiness, because you have provided your body with the most necessary things for survival.

So this is how needs differ from desires, but in what, if desires are not satisfied, you will survive, but if you do not satisfy the needs regarding the body, it will be extremely difficult for you to survive. In addition, if a person’s needs are not satisfied, then he will not have any desires, such a person will always think about how to survive, where to get food, where to find a place to sleep.

It is important to understand that, first of all, be for what you have now, and calmly strive for more, but you should not be dissatisfied with what you have, because the Universe reflects your dissatisfaction with you, and you do not get what you want. Be a source of positive, generate positive and think the same way, then all your desires will come true.

Our wants and needs

Very often a person confuses the true needs and desires that society has imposed on him. Advertising specialists have long learned to play on people's feelings and form false needs in them. In most cases, they are material.

How to understand all these complexities with desires and needs? And what is it for?

And this is necessary in order not to be surprised that desires do not come true, and needs are not satisfied. Unfortunately, people most often do not know what they really want. Rather, in the head we want one thing, and subconsciously - another. And the Universe (God, Life, Cosmic forces) fulfills exactly what we want subconsciously.

For example, you are absolutely sure that you want to become very rich. But in your soul you have a fear that it is dangerous, that you will have to earn dishonestly, or that the rich are not liked, and so on. And in the end, your true desire is: “I don’t want to be rich. Is it dangerous!". The universe hears this and makes it so that all your attempts to become rich fail, and you wonder why such a sincere desire does not come true.

Or the girl really wants to get married. But in her heart lurked the fear that her beloved would cheat on her. All men change. Yes, and dad left the family for this reason. Or something else. And this hidden fear is the message to the Universe: “I don’t want to get married!!! I'm afraid!".

A need is a person's need for what constitutes necessary condition his existence. And first there is a need, and only then a desire.

Consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

The meaning of this hierarchy is that only by satisfying the lower needs, a person can move to higher ones.

Example: A person decides to quit because he believes that he is not respected, but six months later, having experienced material difficulties, he is already ready to give up pride and is not averse to being in the same place.

How to discover your true needs

Why do we need to know our true needs and how does this relate to desires? Everything is simple. Any desire must be approached consciously and the true need must be identified, which will be satisfied. Simply put, when you have a desire, you will be able to determine whether you need it or not!

Sit comfortably. Relax.

  • What will it give me?
  • Why do I need it?
  • What good will happen to me?
  • What is my need to be satisfied?
  • What do I really want?
  • Write a new wish if you see the need

After answering these questions, you will understand whether you need this desire or not.

Here are my examples:

Wish #1 - I receive a piano as a gift in February 2015

What will it give me?

This will give me the opportunity to express my creativity.

What good will happen?

I will play the piano and fill with energy, which I will then direct to business, work, family.

The need for creativity (realization of one's abilities)

Can it be satisfied in another way?

Desire No. 2 - 1,000,000 rubles in the account

What will it give me?

Fear that scammers can steal this money

Why do I need it?

So that this money lies on the card and no one touches it

What good will happen?

What need will be satisfied?

What do I really want?

Confidence in the future

Can this be satisfied in another way?

Yes. Find a stable income

Desire #3 - I'm going to Paris in June 2016 with my husband and child

What will it give me?

Cares and concerns about the child

Why do I need it?

Check the box that was in Paris

What good will happen?

I will see the Eiffel Tower and take a picture against it

What need will be satisfied?

What do I really want?

Celebrate your child's birthday at Disneyland

Can it be satisfied in another way?

Yes. Go directly to Disneyland. Optional visit to Paris

new desire

I'm going to Disneyland with my baby and husband in June 2016 for a birthday celebration

Do you want wishes to come true? Think about why you need them. Are they meeting your true needs? What do you really want? We have so many imposed desires that we ourselves do not know what we want! Search, analyze your desires, approach making wishes consciously, and you will see that true wishes always come true!

A person has five levels of consciousness with which he perceives the world, the environment and, accordingly, performs his actions with this:

The first level of consciousness is the level of feelings. The senses have five organs: taste, hearing, sight, smell, touch. The function of the senses is to provide a safe orientation in space, the definition of objects. The senses take an interest in everything and tend to be attracted to all objects indiscriminately. Each separate sense wants to enjoy in competition with other senses, because of this, anxiety comes from them. In our feelings there is no knowledge, no memory, and that is why only madness speaks in them.

The second level of consciousness is the level of the mind. The function of the mind is to collect and process the incoming information from space. The mind tends to please the senses with its fantasies, images and thinking. The mind determines to the senses what is pleasant for them and what is unpleasant. Mind is the sixth sense that rules over all other senses.

The third level of consciousness is the mind. The mind is subtler than the mind and has the ability to influence it. Our mind tends to understand, to realize the truth. The function of reason is to determine what is good and what is not good, what is useful and what is harmful. The higher a person's goal, the stronger the mind. The mind has the knowledge that leads to truth, and it can convince the mind to give up foolish deeds. The mind has the qualities of constancy and determination.

The fourth level of consciousness is the Soul. Its true nature is eternity, knowledge and bliss. The soul has natural, unconditional Love.

The fifth level of consciousness is Spirit. He has a divine nature. The image and likeness of God.

Wants and needs are very different things. Often people mistake a need for a desire. The need comes from . Needs are needs necessary for human existence. A person needs to understand where the desire comes from, and where the need is, speaking from the soul or flesh. Our life was determined by God, and He provided for us everything we need, such is His Will. Birds don't care what they eat and drink. Every animal needs food, shelter, sleep and reproduction. Every plant needs sun, water and earth. Even in the desert it finds water, with its long roots. Likewise, man has his natural needs. He eats, drinks, builds houses or apartments, creates a family, prolongs his family, works to provide for needs. They are all driven by their natural need, not desire. God is wise and rationally built everything, everything has its own individual order. Every living being has its own need. The cow will not eat meat, and the beast of prey will not eat grass. A fish cannot live on land, and a bird cannot live in water. And man is created in the image and likeness of God, it is in this that he differs from animals and plants. A person not only needs his needs of the flesh, but also the satisfaction of the needs of the soul - this is eternity, knowledge (awareness) and bliss (happiness and joy).

The Almighty put His Will and quality into the Human Soul:

  • honesty, justice and humility;
  • love, mercy and compassion for all living beings;
  • creation, creativity and spiritualization of the world;
  • merging with God and staying in His abode.

These qualities are also the need of our soul. And if there is a natural need, then it always moves us to its satisfaction. These qualitative needs contain the meaning of our existence and indicate the way to achieve it. Honesty, justice and humility - move us, and lead to. Love - has a need to show mercy, compassion, to create and spiritualize the world. And creation makes us similar to God, leads to merging with Him and departure to His abode. It is not possible without honesty and humility to pour out true Love from our hearts. Without Love, it is impossible to truly show creativity, art, create - it will be only falsehood, incompleteness and illusion. And it is also impossible without creation to become like God and reach His abode. Our soul, according to its needs, feeds on God, and in order to satisfy its needs, it always seeks its source of bliss - God. This is how our nature is arranged by God, this is His Will.

Like every plant, by the Will of God, has a need for the sun and always follows it. Like any animal, in order to satisfy its hunger, it seeks food for itself. At the call of the needs of the soul, sooner or later, a person will still come to God. And in order to accelerate this process, you need to free your soul from imprisonment, give it the right to satisfy its eternal needs.

Need is measured. Everything that is not in moderation is not good for us, and to live in not goodness is doomed to suffering. Overeating is bad, and constant malnutrition leads to illness. Oversleeping is not good, and lack of sleep leads to exhaustion of the body. Distrust of God repels and alienates us from Him, and fanatical faith is something that is beyond measure, it is blindness that leads us into illusion. Non-acceptance is a sin, and beyond measure - it is an attachment that leads us to obsession. Man, according to his creation, bred many types of indoor plants. And we know that if a plant is watered too much or not given enough water, it will die. No wonder the sages call the path to God "the middle path" or "the path along the edge of the blade." He who knows the measure in his deeds, the peaks of Wisdom will submit to him.

With the fall, man severed his relationship with God, and in connection with this, a person's ego is formed. It swaddles our soul and takes possession of our mind. It is without reason that our mind and feelings are in blindness, and because of this, a person loses a sense of proportion and lives not according to need. In an egocentric person, the Will of God does not speak, the voice of our soul and mind is always silent, we do not use and do not satisfy their true nature. When a person lacks common sense (reason), a person goes only on the occasion of his mind, feelings and their desires. And this leads to suffering, because our senses desire everything, indiscriminately, and the mind, devoid of reason, chooses only what is pleasing to the senses. Our mind is not able to know what is good for us and what is bad for us. And to go on about the mind is a terrible madness and blindness. The mind and its desires are the source of our suffering. Our mind, expressing its will, always leaves the cause of the harmful effect. The exception to this is the spiritualized mind. And on this occasion wisdom says: "woe from the mind." Only the mind tends to determine what is good and what is bad - this is the natural function of our mind. The mind is by its nature subtler and higher than the mind, has the ability to control it and at the right time to sober it from blindness.

Any desire comes from the ego, which leads a person to suffering. Because our ego tends to do only selfish, ignorant, passionate, crazy actions. Eastern wisdom, on this occasion, says: "one desire is followed by another desire, and any desire leads a person to suffering." Even to desire God separates us from Him. Our desires burden our life and make it incomplete, because desires lead us away from the needs of the soul and flesh, from the life that the Lord God has prepared for us. Let's look at our life from the outside, and we will see that it is full of desires, but there are few needs and measures in it. Even when we eat with desire, at this moment we are deprived of the natural feeling of hunger (need). We often overeat and do not hear the voice of our body when we need to stop. This is especially pronounced when we celebrate some dates, at a party or at home. The desire does not subside, it completely takes possession of us, we would still eat and eat with our eyes, but the stomach does not allow. The greater the desire, the more we lose the natural need and its measure. And in order not to overeat, but eat in moderation, you need to ask God for a blessing before eating food or pray to Him. In all religions, there are the same rules and regulations: before eating, you need to pray. Prayer is always good for us. Because when our prayer is answered, the Holy Spirit descends, which calms our desire, and the natural need of the flesh manifests and prepares our body for normal digestion. But a pregnant woman has a natural need to a greater extent. She eats exactly what her body needs. And we know that there were cases when, due to a lack of any components in the diet, pregnant women had a need to eat, in certain quantities: chalk, earth, grass.

Desire has several phases:

a) birth, the emergence of desire;

b) mastery and control of us;

c) satisfaction and pleasure;

d) oversaturation and disgust.

When a person chooses a life partner for himself at the level of his desires emanating from the ego, then such a marriage is not strong, there is never any harmony in it. Because it is pleasant for our senses to enjoy the color of the eyes, hair, the shape of the body, the smell emanating from the body, the voice, etc. And sensual pleasure tends to be oversaturated, and then a sharp disgust follows. Because of this, in the phase of disgust, quarrels and scandals occur in the family. And on this occasion, the people say: "from love to hate is one step." There is no Love at all in our feelings, but there is duality. The mind chooses what is pleasant to the senses and what is unpleasant. And when we oversaturate our feelings, it leads us to disgust and even hatred. When we have overeaten something, even our favorite dish, we have aversion to it for a long time until the glut goes out, such is the nature of our feelings. The conclusion follows from this: desire has a duality - an ebb and flow of feelings; in oversaturation, desire throws us from one extreme to another; if you build your relationship only on sensual desires, this leads to suffering; our relationship built on pure love is eternal; any business, driven by Love, never bothers us and does not turn away.

Desire tends to bind us to objects, things. Any attachment is slavery. In attachment, dependence, the will of a person is broken and desire commands, and the phase of satisfaction, glut, never sets in. There is always a feeling of dissatisfaction, insatiability, always not enough. And obsession is a serious mental illness. In it, the will of man is also broken and the evil one controls us completely. Often in life we ​​have witnessed such cases when a child asks his mother to buy something in the store. When the mother does not satisfy his desire, the child becomes hysterical, and it is very difficult to calm him down. Our ego has desires of striving for power, glory, an endless thirst for material gain. It leads us into immeasurable gluttony and laziness, ignites passion and ignorance in our being. Passion deprives us of strong-willed fortitude and introduces into dependence, and to a greater extent - into obsession. Ignorance provokes us, pushes us to conflict and leads to aggression. It is all sin that brings us to suffering. And we need to stop our desire coming from the mouth of the ego in time at the birth phase, and not allow it to take possession of us and lead us into obsession. And if we ourselves cannot cope with this, then in this case we need to ask for help from the Merciful God.



Hunger and appetite. Needs and desires. What is the difference?!!

We need to understand that hunger and appetite are not the same thing.

Hunger is a need. Appetite is desire.

Hunger tells us about the body's need for nutrients. By feeling hungry, the body tells us that the level of glucose in the blood is lowering. And if you give the body some fruit in response to the feeling of hunger, it will be satisfied!!

Appetite is something else entirely. These are our desires, our addictions, our taste habits. Sometimes something looks and smells so appetizing that we are ready to eat and eat, although not only are we not hungry, but we even feel that we have been full for a long time.

Appetite, like any desire, is extremely difficult to satisfy. You yourself know, we satisfy one desire, another arises, even more than the previous one.

And hunger, like most needs, is easy enough to satisfy!!

Needs are what your body needs. Desires are what your mind wants.

To help you better understand the difference between needs and wants, let's take an example.

When you're thirsty, your body tells you it's thirsty. And it will be completely satisfied and happy if you give it a glass of water. Water is a need for the body. But if you decide to quench your thirst with lemonade, beer, coffee, you will fulfill your desires, due to your taste preferences.

Water was a need, some drink was a desire.

Moreover, following the lead of desires, you, as a rule, give the body less quality food than you could.

A bunch of grapes, an apple, a cherry or any other berry fruit would not only satisfy hunger, but would also give the body a wide variety of nutrients, vitamins, microelements, etc.
Real needs would be met.

And what happens if, feeling hungry, you eat a bag of chips, a hamburger, or just some heavy food of dubious origin?!

And it will be that the body will regret that it asked you for something at all. Yes, you will satisfy the feeling of hunger, but there are very few useful substances in such food, and they are completely invisible among huge amount hazards.

Your body, after a fatty meal, a piece of cake or something like that, will not concentrate on extracting some benefit from the food that has arrived (where can you find it, among trans fats and other nasty things?!), but on getting everything as soon as possible it is to try to process and remove, as far as possible, toxic substances from the body. Is it useful here?! Survive if this is repeated from day to day ...

Of course, here we immediately begin to be overwhelmed by thoughts about why not to please our loved ones?! I want goodies. Harmful, of course, but I want it so ...

But tell me, please, if your child, as a victim of advertising, will constantly ask you for chocolates, sweets, ice cream, cake, soda, all sorts of different products fast food and difficult digestion?!! At the same time, he, of course, will begin to refuse cereals that you offer him in the morning, fruits and other normal foods.

Are you going to let him eat all of this?!! Hardly. You are adults, you understand what your child needs good products, healthy, preferably organic food. Do you understand?! Of course you do.

We all understand perfectly well when it comes to others ... But if we realize what is harmful and what is useful, then we must try to make a choice in favor of useful products.

However, no!! You don't have to try. You just have to make that choice.

And the next time you want to eat something, and you start choosing what it will be, ask yourself the question:

Will this product satisfy my needs or my desires?!!

If necessary, take and eat to your health.

If you have desires, then first think ten times, and then ... put it in its place and choose, nevertheless, what best satisfies exactly the needs.

And very soon it will become a habit. You will even be surprised how easy it is to make your diet right, if you start to understand where hunger is and where appetite is. Where are the needs and where are the desires?

An excerpt from the book by Valentin Melnikov and Natasha Vasilyeva

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motive comes from french motif , which in turn is derived from the Latin moveo move. In other words:

Motive is the main driver of our actions or what is the main reason that prompts us to act.

In psychology, according to A. N. Leontiev and S. L. Rubinshtein, motive is one of the key concepts in their developed Activity theories. They called him " objectified need”, but there is no generally accepted definition of what a motive is. All its definitions are reduced to such concepts as: intentions, needs, desires, motives, considerations, goal, state, personality traits and others like them.

For our perception, the motive is synonymous with the word desire or need, with a barely noticeable difference between them. The difference is really not immediately noticeable.

If we consistently describe the process that motivates us to act, which, by definition, is motivation, it will look something like this:

need -> desire -> goal.

For example, we want to eat. Hunger is need, which gives us a wish. A wish encourages us to look for food, that is goal. In this example, our motive is desire, since it is desire that pushes us to do something.

But there are other examples as well. I do not want to eat, and I have no desire to look for food. There is no need, no desire, but my mind tells me that the feeling of satiety is not for long, and it is better to provide yourself with provisions in advance. It is called motivation, I scroll through the possibility of my future needs, causing a desire in myself to prepare for this in advance. Here, it was no longer the need itself that became the cause of desires, but the motive that foresaw this need in advance. The motive took the place of the need.

When our reflections touch on existential questions like: live to eat or eat to live”, the desire to eat becomes secondary, and it is no longer the desire that dictates the goal, but the goal dictates the desire. In this example, the goal becomes a stimulus to action, which means that it is the goal that acts as a motive.

Or another example. If we need to do something, but the desire is absent, we ask ourselves: “ why do I need it?» Thus, we are looking for a motive that argues our intentions. In this case, the motive is consonant with the word meaning.

There are many more such examples, and all of them will testify that, depending on the situation, any of our psychological manifestations can be a motive(intention, need, desire, consideration, state, etc.), that stimulates action.