Start in science. New professions Where to get information about the right specialists

Even 5-10 years ago, HR managers could not even imagine that they would “hunt” for IT doctors, bioethics and game practitioners. The labor market is constantly changing. Robots will soon replace humans in almost all popular activities. And if you do not want to associate life with robotics, what specialty should you choose to be “in trend”? After all, you hardly want to change your profession after 3-4 years of successful career building. We analyzed the forecasts of experts and studied the labor market. Based on the results, new modern professions of the 21st century were selected, which will not lose their relevance until at least 2030.

How is the situation on the labor market

Today in Russia there is an obvious surplus of specialists in the humanities: there are too many lawyers, psychologists, linguists and economists. At the same time, there is a shortage of engineers, specialists in the field of agricultural technology and medicine.

The statistics are disappointing: more than 80% of young specialists who have received a liberal arts education cannot get a job in their specialty.

The spheres most in need of personnel are:

  • the medicine;
  • heavy industry;
  • extractive industry;
  • commercial activity.

State institutions, for example, education and social services, are also experiencing a shortage of new staff. But if the majority of teachers and social workers are not ready to work in conditions of frankly low salaries, then there is simply not a sufficient number of qualified engineers. There is also a managerial crisis - many large corporations even announce tenders for solving urgent business problems, preparing to take on the posts of leaders almost "a man from the street."

However, trends should not become a guide to action: if the humanities are close to you, you should not torture yourself with physics and become an engineer.

It is best to choose a relevant profession within your circle of interests. If you are attracted to a word, you don't have to become a philologist. It is enough to choose a related, but more demanded profession - copywriter and so on. Remember that it is extremely difficult to succeed in a job you hate, no matter how relevant and paid it may be.

What new professions have appeared in Russia

The Russian labor market is changing rapidly. Professions that were relevant and in demand 5-10 years ago are now at the bottom of the rankings. It is difficult to predict the future picture, but stable trends are emerging. This is how the IT sphere is rapidly developing, which today already demonstrates high relevance and competitiveness with world segments. Experts unanimously repeat: the country lacks qualified programmers, managers, and agronomists. At the same time, there is an oversupply of lawyers, psychologists, designers and lawyers.

The most promising areas of analytics include the following areas:

  • the medicine;
  • engineering;
  • extractive industry;
  • robotics.

As for innovations, new modern professions have appeared in Russia, which most of the inhabitants did not even hear about 10 years ago. Robotics, scrum manager, bioethics, cosmogeologist, game practitioner, digital linguist, SEO specialist - the owners of these specialties still cannot explain to most of their acquaintances what they work for. But understanding on the part of others should not be put at the forefront - the main thing is to get a profession that will help in the future to find a well-paid and sincerely loved job.

Modern professions: TOP-10 most demanded

When compiling the rating, we considered relatively new specialties that have become especially in demand on the labor market only in the last 5-10 years. At the same time, we included in the list only those professions that are really relevant in Russia. Of course, the work of a cosmogeologist or bioethics is extremely important, but it is extremely difficult for these specialists to find a job in the regions. Therefore, we included in the rating modern professions of the 21st century, which are in demand and adequately paid throughout Russia.


The dominant profession is software engineering. However, it is important to understand that she has a lot of specialties in the direction of work (front-end, back-end, mobile development) and knowledge of programming languages. It is rather difficult to bring their rating due to constant ranking, changes in salaries and changes in the degree of relevance of industries. However, programmers are in the TOP-10 with the highest salaries in Russia.

Average salary: 70 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, MISiS.


The specialty is becoming more and more popular even in the regions of Russia. There is an acute shortage of professionals not only in the "traditional" industry, but also in the field of Internet marketing. University graduates who are ready to establish a marketing system in the company and ensure its competitiveness are welcomed with open arms. At the same time, it is important to be proficient in modern instruments, English, have a higher professional or related education.

Average salary: 54 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Russian State Pedagogical University, Moscow State University Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University.

Cybersecurity Specialist

A new modern profession that has already become extremely popular. Universities most often train "information security specialists", however, sets are also open for the direct specialization "cybersecurity". There are vacancies in all, without exception, banks and companies that conduct any activity on the Internet. Specialists are also in demand in government agencies - not only in the FSB and the police, but also in other organizations developing platforms for remote information and provision of services to the public.

Average salary: 77 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MEPhI, MIREA, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Interface designer

Above we said that there is an oversupply of designers in Russia. This does not apply to web designers, frontend designers and virtual environments. There is a shortage of qualified specialists in these areas. The rapid development of technology forces the designers of the virtual environment to constantly improve, learn new tools, and meet the requirements of changing areas. This is only possible with constant work and regular professional development.

Average salary: 64 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MIREA, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.

IT medic

An important modern profession that has already become widespread. The possibility of providing medical consulting services via the Internet has long been discussed at the state level. Specialists working in this area undergo compulsory training and multi-stage licensing. It is still recommended to study in ordinary medical universities, in "traditional" faculties. However, it is additionally worth studying Internet technologies and focusing on methods of remote delivery of services.

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles.

Where to study: State Medical University named after Sechenov National Research Medical University. Pirogov, St. Petersburg State University.

SEO specialist

Search Engine Promotion Specialist. Previously, this profession could only be obtained through independent study of technologies and algorithms. There were simply no corresponding specialties at the universities. Many SEO gurus have learned from their own mistakes, mastered the art of promotion, developing their own strategies. Today, in addition to online courses, specialized educational programs appear in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Average salary: 52 thousand rubles.

Where to study: MIRBIS, Institute of Business Development and Law, International Graduate School of Brand Management IHSBM.


The tasks of this specialist include changing the properties and characteristics of living forms using technological, physical and engineering tools. Bioengineers are in demand in the agricultural and livestock sectors. They are also expected in industry and production, in research institutes. In the future, the relevance of this profession will only grow, experts say. And not only in Russia, but all over the world.

Average salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow State University Lomonosov, Moscow Agricultural Academy, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after M.V. K.I. Scriabin.


We have already said that there is an acute shortage of competent and talented managers in Russia. However, the lack of people with the relevant specialty in the diploma is oversupplied. Companies and government agencies need highly qualified managers who are ready to manage and deal with crisis problems. It is these specialists who quickly build successful careers, receive guaranteed employment and maximum salaries.

Average salary: 59 thousand rubles.

Where to study: PRUE them. Plekhanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MAI.


The trend towards "eternal youth" is becoming more and more relevant. The need to correct wrinkles, face and body contours is no longer a whim, but a necessity. That is why over 100 cosmetic centers have been opened in Russia over the past year. In the future, the trend will only intensify and the need for highly qualified cosmetologists will become especially acute. Therefore, this profession should be purposefully acquired right now.

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Moscow educational complex "West", Metropolitan College of Service and Hospitality Industry, Moscow Regional Medical College No. 4.

Drone operator (UAV)

An operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle is a modern and already extremely demanded profession. Drones are used not only in the military industry: they are used in industry, in the mining sector, and even for private bird's-eye photography. Becoming a UAV operator is not as easy as it might seem - you need to take special courses. In this case, it is worth considering the area in which you plan to work. If you want to create a business for private photo and video filming from a height, then it makes sense to additionally master the profession (or video operator).

Average salary: 47 thousand rubles.

Where to study: Training center ZALA AERO.


Experts recommend that applicants choose not only modern, but also important professions at the same time. You can easily find a high-paying job, provided that the specialty is relevant in your region, and you have sufficient qualifications. It should also be borne in mind that the quality of education and practical skills come to the fore in modern professions. Even with the acquisition of the most relevant specialty, it is impossible to build a successful career without sufficient qualifications. Therefore, try to choose a reputable university and devote maximum time to additional education.

Evgeniya Kuziner

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, employee of the Center for Youth Research at the Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg, specialist in vocational guidance.

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New professions of the XXI century

The rapid development of the socio-economic sphere has led to a change in the range of professions in demand on the labor market. The content of the labor of some professions is changing, new ones appear and the name of the usual specialties simply changes.

  • · Brand manager- a specialist who manages the sale of a certain group of goods of a certain brand. In contrast to a sales manager, a brand manager is engaged not so much in the sales itself as in the promotion of the brand name. Unlike a “pure” marketer, a brand manager must understand the sale of a given group of goods not only at the level of an economist, but also at the level of a manufacturer.
  • · Developer is one of the specializations in real estate transactions (realtor). He orders a project, buys or leases a plot of land, "ties" the project to the plot, coordinates the connection of all communications, builds an object - for example, a large office building. Then he can sell the property he owns. The main thing is to recoup all costs and make a profit.
  • · Declarant- a specialist of the company for work at customs: monitors the paperwork and the movement of goods.
  • · Jobber- specialist intermediary on the stock exchange. The main tasks are buying and selling shares (at their own expense, as opposed to a broker).
  • · Distributor(English - distribute - to distribute) - a person (firm) carrying out direct sales, usually a firm sells goods through a whole network of employees (distributors). A distributor is an official representative of the "parent company" with which he is bound by a contract and undertakes to sell only the goods of the mother company.
  • · Interviewer- a person who conducts interviews, polls, including for sociological and other social research.
  • · Coordinator- coordinates the interaction of suppliers and customers, monitors the movement of goods, maintains financial reports on deliveries.
  • · Copywriter- a person who develops creative in advertising. The tasks of the copywriter include the creation of the concept of an advertising company, advertising texts, slogans, press releases, etc. The main requirements are a high level of development of creative abilities, extraordinary thinking and good knowledge of languages.
  • · Coach- a specialist who reveals the potential of the personality of the company's employees (usually a top manager): increases their productivity and efficiency, helps to develop the ability to move at the right pace and direction, activates the system of human motivation.
  • · Logistician- from "logistics" - applied science, the subject of attention of which is the management of information and material flows. A logistics manager is a customs and transport manager who manages deliveries, organizes freight traffic, works with freight carriers and shippers, and monitors the acceptance and delivery of goods.
  • · Marketer(English - market - market) - researching the market: studies, predicts and generates demand for goods and services, determines sales prospects, monitors the competitive environment, etc.
  • · Manager(English - manager - manager). Organizes and coordinates, evaluates and stimulates the activities of the lower-level personnel of organizations. Distributes the scope of work between employees, trains, explains, communicates orders of management, liaises between the board and employees. The top manager conducts commercial negotiations, is engaged in marketing and the formation of product niches, determines the strategy and tactics of competition, conducts activities to improve the efficiency of product sales, and manages the implementation of the organization's business plan.
  • · Merchandiser- specialist in the promotion of products in retail. Controlling the location of goods on the shelves, maintaining the image of the goods, controlling advertising and prices for goods - all these are the main tasks of the merchandiser.
  • · Office Manager- a person whose main task is to ensure the work of the office. This includes managing secretaries on the phone and at the reception, drivers, couriers, calling specialists to repair office equipment, purchasing consumables, etc.
  • · Promoter(English - promoter - supporting, facilitating, promoting) - a sales company representative: maintains the image of the company, promotes all the goods produced by the company for sale, works with a chain of stores, promotes the sale of goods.
  • · Receptionist(English - reception - reception) - a lower-level employee working at the initial reception of clients by phone or in person; meets and greets clients, addresses them to the appropriate employees of the company; deals with registration of visitors and phone calls, sorting of correspondence; in the future can become an office manager.
  • · Realtor(English - real - real estate (about property)) - a specialist in the sale of real estate. He works individually or in a company, performs on his own behalf and at his own expense or on his own behalf, but at the expense and on behalf of the person concerned, civil transactions with land plots, buildings, structures, structures, residential or non-residential premises and rights to them ( real estate appraisal services are not real estate activities).
  • · Salesman(English - salesman - seller) - walks through the stalls and offers merchants the company's products.
  • · Sales manager- sales manager: monitors the demand for goods sold, monitors transactions carried out by representatives of the sales company, searches for customers - buyers (wholesale or retail companies) (see manager).
  • · Public Relations Specialist - a specialist working in the field of production and large trade: maintains the image of the company, is responsible for the information promotion of the company's projects, for working with the media, for maintaining public relations. labor economic demand profession
  • · Supervisor(English - supervisor - observing, controlling) - is engaged in the development of routes, monitors and controls the activities of sales representatives.
  • · Trader(English - trade - trade) - a specialist in the organization and control of internal and external trade, represents the interests of a bank, company or manufacturing company. Stock trader - an employee of a brokerage firm, directly involved in stock trading, concludes transactions.

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« Here's the best advice to give to young people: Find something you enjoy doing and then find someone to pay you for it.».

Catherine Whitehorn, British journalist.

Each new century in the history of mankind is marked by new opportunities and discoveries in different spheres of human life. In this regard, all over the world there is a need for specialists, about whom no one even heard a few years ago, and if they were discussed, it was only in the very distant future as something fantastic and unlikely.

Why are new professions emerging? Because new territories are being developed both in the literal sense of the word and figuratively. People begin to be interested in something completely different, to create other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for making money. The development of new lands Futurologist Stuart Brand predicts that the melting ice of Antarctica will lead to climate change during our lifetime. As a result, the newest professions of the 21st century will appear. For example, there will be a demand for "Columbus", people who will explore new territories, including space.

What are they, the new topical professions that have emerged on the Internet in the 21st century?

Objective: study new professions of the XXI century and analyze what factors influence high school students when choosing a profession.


Collect information about new professions of the XXI century.

Reveal the professional preferences of students in grades 9-11 MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" in Kaluga

The research objects were: professional priorities of students in grades 9-11.

Research methods:

analysis of information on the issue under study;


comparative analysis;


Hypothesis: pupils in grades 9-11 make their professional choice, taking into account the opinion of their parents and material remuneration.

Chapter 1. Types of new professions.

The last two decades have been characterized by the emergence of a large number of new professions with difficult to understand names and. In this work, we will try to understand this information flow and decipher the cryptic terms.

Here are some of them:

Copywriter. This is a person who writes custom texts of a different nature: advertising texts, scripts, slogans. Such work requires perseverance, developed creative imagination, and the ability to filter large amounts of information.

In modern conditions, many firms, shops use their sites to inform their activities. They allow us to very quickly find information about the product, news that we need. However, in this regard, there is a need for such specialists as:

Web Designer... This is the person who is developing website design. Here you need to simultaneously show both creativity and technical skills in working with different programs. Creativity and attentiveness are the main strengths of a web designer.

Content manager. This is a person who fills sites with materials (content): articles, news, photographs. His responsibilities include coordinating the work of copywriters, moderators and other specialists working on the site. This is hard and demanding work, where you need to have experience and wide knowledge.

There are people who can combine these professions. It is -

Webmaster. This is a rather broad specialization, which includes administration, support, site updating. Such a person can create a website himself, replacing the web designer and programmer. He may be the owner of a website created by his own hands.

Internet coach... This is a person who is engaged in consulting or teaching people "online". The only condition is that you must be a real specialist in some area of ​​knowledge. You can create your own course and teach people something new.

But if you do not want to "hang" at the computer, but want to directly interact with other people, then these are the new professions that the labor market of the XXI century in Russia can offer. In the field of buying and selling, the most popular professions of the 21st century included salespeople, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Bayer. This word is derived from the English "to buy", which means "to buy." Bayer is engaged in satisfying the needs of the company in the goods, acquiring what is needed - food, stationery, furniture, clothes ... Such a specialist must understand the goods, determine the quality "by eye", be able to find the most advantageous offers.

Logistician- from "logistics" - applied science, the subject of attention of which is the management of information and material flows. A logistics manager is a customs and transport manager who manages deliveries, organizes freight traffic, works with freight carriers and shippers, and monitors the acceptance and delivery of goods.

Shopper- this is the same buyer, but more individual. A well-to-do family can hire a shopper to buy everything they need - food, interior details, clothing. If in the work of a buyer you need to be an experienced person, then here, understanding of psychology, of what kind of thing is suitable for a particular person, is of much greater importance.

In promoting goods to the market, it will help:

Media glider... This is a specialist who plans an organization's advertising campaign for its successful promotion on the market. So what features should be inherent in a qualified media planner?

Extensive knowledge of sociology and marketing, knowledge of Integrum, Pal Marceting computer programs, the ability to analyze the advertising market,

In the field of entertainment, there were:

Event manager. This is a specialist who is engaged in the full organization of various holidays, corporate events to order. What exactly is the responsibility of this specialist, and what skills should he have? Developed creativity and aesthetic taste,

sociability, the ability to negotiate and conclude contracts, the ability to find the right objects and venues for events, the ability to develop holiday programs.

Head hunter... In direct translation from English, this specialty sounds like a "bounty hunter". This person is an intermediary between the employer and the employee. He is engaged in the selection of a suitable specialist from a variety of applicants, luring a qualified specialist to the right company. What should be a "cool" head hunter? With developed communication skills, listening skills, organizational talent, the ability to analyze the modern labor market.

Life coach. This is a person who teaches other people the skills of effectiveness in different areas of life. He is a coach, personal mentor who helps to move on the path of personal development. The requirements for such a specialist are quite high: It is desirable to have psychological education or undergo special training trainings, personal experience of participation in various groups of personal development, the ability not only to develop the necessary skill in a client, but also to holistically influence a person in order to change her life for the better.

This list can be supplemented with a number of other equally important and demanded professions of the 21st century in Russia and around the world:

Trader - organizer of foreign and domestic trade;

Realtor - real estate specialist;

Underwriter - insurance specialist;

PR manager - a specialist engaged in the development of an organization's image;

Back-office specialist - deals with the preparation of company documentation;

Promoter - a specialist in promoting a product or service;

Merchandiser - promotes products;

Marketer - studies and forms the demand for services and goods;

Declarant - customs specialist;

Interviewer - conducts sociological surveys and social research;

SEO-specialist - engaged in website promotion on the World Wide Web.

The socio-economic sphere of modern society does not stand still, which means that every year there will be a whole list of new professions that will undoubtedly be in demand on the market.

How to find that only profession that would be to your liking, bring pleasure and give you the opportunity to live well in material terms?

Chapter 2. Rrating of new professions of the future.

2.1. Employees

- Engineers

One of the leading positions in the ranking of the demanded professions of the future is occupied by the profession of engineer. Even now, in the labor market overcrowded with economists and managers, this profession is especially appreciated. There is a clear shortage of technicians and professional engineers. In this regard, their wages will grow, and demand will rise. If you have several educations - for example, economic, technical and legal, then a high career in the future is guaranteed for you.

- IT specialists

Of course, few of us can imagine our life without a computer. The same goes for almost any work area. It is not surprising that IT specialists and programmers will become one of the most needed specialties of the future. The rapidly developing progress of computer technology leads to the fact that the demand for such professions will only increase over time.

- Specialists in the field of nanotechnology

Science all over the world is rapidly advancing. Nanotechnology is the greatest field of research that will cover almost every field - mechanical engineering, space objects, medicine, food processing and many others. Therefore, absolutely all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. Nanotechnology is one of the newest professions of the future, which will only develop over time, and the demand of employers for it will grow.

- Professions related to the service

The income of the population is growing every year. People are more likely to go on vacation, make large purchases, visit beauty salons, use the services of domestic staff, etc. In this regard, specialists who can provide high-quality service will not be left without work in the future.

- Logisticians

One of the modern and new professions, which will also be in demand in the future, is a logistician. This area of ​​activity covers a fairly wide range of responsibilities - such as organizing the delivery of goods from the manufacturer or supplier to the final buyer, forming inventory, competently tracking the entire supply process. Therefore, in our age of trade and market relations, the profession of a logistician will be in demand and highly paid for a long time.

- Ecologist

Probably, few people can argue with the fact that the ecological situation in the world is steadily worsening every year. Abnormal phenomena and ozone holes, environmental pollution problems and global warming will make environmentalists one of the most indispensable people for saving the planet in the very near future.

- Medics

The medical profession has always been in demand. Now the growing demand for certain medical specialists is associated with research in the field of life extension. A lot of money is invested in them, so scientific specialists specializing in finding means to extend life will be in great demand in the future.

2.2 Working professions

Also, in the future, some new professions will be in demand that do not require higher education, but this does not become less paid.

- Groomer

The groomer provides professional pet care. The scope of services includes a haircut, washing, trimming, painting, cosmetic procedures, full preparation of a pet for the exhibition. Professional groomers are always in demand, as preparation for an exhibition is never complete without their services. And the owners of non-show breeds also constantly turn to specialists in animal care, which makes this profession always necessary and highly paid.

- Shopper

In essence, a shopper is a stylist. Such a profession does not require higher education. She is trained in image-making courses for two to three months. Shoppers accompany the client through the shops and help him decide on the choice of clothing and style. In our time of constant business meetings and travel, many people need to look personable and stylish at the same time, so such assistants in the fashion industry will be highly appreciated in the future.

- Food stylist

Many people now have professional cameras. And if you still have a creative streak and you have a rich imagination, then it is quite possible that such a new profession as a food stylist is right for you. The duties of a food stylist include the task of photographing food beautifully, brightly and tasty. In connection with the development of information resources on the Internet, high-quality illustrations will always be required, therefore professional photographers in the future will be in greater demand among employers.

Chapter 3. Factors influencing the choice of profession.

The future life of young people largely depends on the correct choice of their profession. This is a serious and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring preparation and certain knowledge. Everyone dreams of a successful career. Parents want their children to be successful. The mental balance and material well-being in adulthood depends on the correct choice of the future profession.

A well-known Russian psychologist, a prominent specialist in the field of labor psychology E.A. Klimov identifies 8 factors for choosing a profession:

Presence of inclinations, interests. A person is more successful in activities that are interesting to him. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what you like to do, what gives you pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people, to take leading positions, most likely, professions that involve the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) are suitable for him. Ability. Interest in any business is not enough, you still need to make it work. And this requires certain abilities. So, in order to play the violin, it is not enough to love music, you also need musical ability, as well as a good ear.

The level of aspiration (your preference). The choice is largely influenced by the actual attitudes and values ​​of a person, i.e. what is of paramount importance to you in a given period of life or is important as a main goal in life. In other words, this is what you want to achieve in the course of your professional life. The situation of any life choice presupposes the influence not only of our opinion, but also of various external factors.

Knowledge of the profession... Before choosing the type of profession, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with many of them. Unfortunately, ignorance of modern professions often becomes a stumbling block in the problem of professional self-determination. The best way to get an overview of the professions is to study their special descriptions - professiograms. Professiograms acquaint not only with what he does, how, with the help of what tools and means this or that worker works, but also with what personal qualities are required of him.

Teachers' opinions. It is also an important factor affecting the choice of a profession for students. The opinion of teachers should definitely be taken into account, because they teach you, which means they know a lot about your abilities, your interests and skills. But you should not rely only on the teacher's opinion and, moreover, choose a profession, correlating it with your favorite subject at school. The world of professions is deep and varied and you may need different knowledge.

Peer opinion... For example, a young man chose a very important and “eternal” profession for himself - he decided to become a tailor, but he was embarrassed to talk about it in class: “unfashionable” profession. It is quite possible that others do not know about this profession all that the one who chooses knows The opinion of classmates, friends, comrades, of course, is important, since it reflects the degree of popularity in modern society of certain professions. But professional choice is a free and personal choice. In order to discover and develop a vocation in oneself, it is important to boldly and impartially “try on” a variety of professions.

The opinion of parents, family. Often, close people tend to take an active part in the choice of a profession as a high school student. For example, in a family where several generations have devoted their lives to medicine, it is natural for parents to want to see their son or daughter in a white coat. The opinion of older people and their experience should not be neglected, but at the same time, this is not the only factor of choice. Consider the wishes of the parents and their arguments. But remember to choose and work for you!

Personal professional plan (PPP) - this is the main labyrinth map called Professional Choice. For its successful passage, there must be a main goal, that is, what a person intends to do in the future, what he wants to be, who to be, with whom to be, what he wants to achieve, what are his ideals of life and activity at the moment of development. Building a personal professional plan is the basis for a successful career choice.

Chapter 4. Analysis of the survey of high school students

Seneca (Roman philosopher) said "If a person does not know which pier he is heading to, no wind will be favorable for him."

Do a high school student in our school know which pier to head to?

In 2015, we conducted a survey of students in grades 9-11.

90% of high school students in our school have decided on the choice of their future profession;

75% of students in grades 9-11 experienced difficulties in professional definition; 25% chose a profession without much difficulty;

25% made the choice on their own, 23% were helped by their parents, and 10% were friends;

For 93% of high school students, the future profession requires higher education, and 70% of them are ready to receive it on a paid basis, if they do not go to the budget.

80% plan to study at universities in our city

When choosing a profession, 43% of eleventh graders took into account the demand for it in the labor market, 38% chose the profession of their dreams, and 19% chose highly paid professions.

Analysis of the answers of senior pupils on the question of the chosen specialty showed that the priority is medical, economic, humanitarian specialties. The most demanded professions: doctors, teachers, lawyer, manager, engineer.

In 2016, I conducted a follow-up survey of grades 9 and 11. The survey involved 27 11-graders and 75 9-graders.

The questions and statistics of answers are given below:

Have you chosen a profession?

48% of 11th graders and 56% of 9th graders have made their choice. And, what is very interesting, 11% of 11th graders and 12% of 9th graders did not even think about their future profession.

Would you like to get help from an employment service specialist?

45% of 11th and 9th graders would like to seek the help of a specialist

What would you like to do after graduation?

Which field of activity is more attractive to you?

Are your professional choices influenced?

I want my future profession to be:

Do you link your professional career with the Kaluga Region?

Comparing the data of 2015 and 2016, we come to the conclusion:

The number of schoolchildren who have decided on their choice of profession has almost halved.

The parents' opinion has the greatest influence on the choice of profession.

The number of high school students wishing to get an education in another city is growing.

This is due to the emergence of new professions and the lack of educational institutions ready to teach these professions.

Polls have confirmed that, first of all, the choice of a profession is provided by the material support of the future profession.

In 2016, interest in professions related to medicine and pharmaceuticals increased significantly and the number of those wishing to master the professions of lawyer and economist decreased.

According to the employment service, economists and legal advisers cannot find work. Therefore, the demand does not match the supply. The market for such specialists today is overcrowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher education or other additional education in order to find a job. According to the analysis of the Ministry of Labor, in the coming years, the most demanded professions will be in the technical and natural sciences: engineers, builders, IT specialists and robotics. If you have interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of all kinds.

Conclusion: There comes a moment in life when you need to decide who to be. The choice of a profession is a rather serious issue that should be approached thoughtfully. The correct choice of profession is the key to further career success. The concept of "correct choice" implies, first of all, the possibility of effective use of personal potential by a person in professional activity. In our time, not only material well-being, but also the psychological, mental state of a person depends on the choice of profession. People who consciously choose a profession have more chances to successfully realize themselves in life. Every year the market of professions is becoming wider, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities for realizing their creative and professional capabilities, but on the other hand, the issue of choosing their professional activities is becoming more and more difficult for young people.

List of used literature and sources

1. Message from the President to the Federal Assembly of November 5, 2008. (

2. Speech by V.V. Putin at a meeting of the organizing committee for the Year of the Teacher in Russia in 2010. RIA News (

3. I. Sergeev. The end of the dynasty. Publisher: newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

4. E. Klimenko. Young people choose fashionable professions. Publisher: newspaper "Moi District"

5. Teenagers today are choosing the same professions as before the crisis. Publisher: New Izvestia newspaper

6. Internet resource

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The modern labor market is very changeable. And according to the results of the research of one well-known European company, in the near future we are expecting even greater changes in the scale of demanded professions.

A new profession for the future: new in-demand professions in the labor market

If earlier it seemed that the most popular professions among young people are managers, lawyers and financiers , now we can say for sure that very soon the demand of employers will be directed to completely different specialties.

After all, graduates of the faculties of natural sciences, specialists in the field of high technologies and IT specialists are already much more appreciated.

But let's sort it out in order and compose rating of new professions of the future.


One of the leading positions in the ranking of demanded professions of the future is occupied by such a profession forgotten by the young generation as an engineer. Even now, in the labor market overcrowded with economists and managers, this profession is especially appreciated. There is a clear shortage of technicians and professional engineers.

Concerning their wages will rise and demand will rise. If you have several entities - for example, economic, technical and legal, then a high career in the future is guaranteed for you.

IT specialists

Of course, few of us can imagine our life without a computer. The same goes for almost any work area. It is not surprising that IT specialists and programmers will become one of the most needed specialties of the future.

The rapidly developing progress of computer technology leads to the fact that the demand for such professions will only increase over time.

Nanotechnology specialists

Science all over the world is rapidly advancing. Nanotechnology is the greatest field of research that will cover almost every field - mechanical engineering, space objects, medicine, food industry and many others. Therefore, absolutely all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand.

Nanotechnology is one of the newest professions of the future, which will only develop over time, and the demand of employers for it will grow.

Service-related professions

The income of the population is growing every year. People often go on vacation, make large purchases, visit beauty salons, use the services of domestic staff, and so on.

In this regard, specialists who can provide high-quality service will not be left without work in the future.


It is a long-known fact that oil reserves will last for another 10 years. Therefore, already in our time, research is being actively carried out to find and develop environmentally friendly energy sources. And, as a result, highly qualified chemists are required.


One of the modern and new professions, which will also be in demand in the future, is a logistician. This area of ​​activity covers a fairly wide range of responsibilities - such as organizing the delivery of goods from the manufacturer or supplier to the final buyer, forming inventory, competently tracking the entire supply process.

Therefore, in our age of trade and market relations, the profession of a logistician will be in demand and highly paid for a long time.


Probably, few people can argue with the fact that the ecological situation in the world is steadily worsening every year.

Abnormal phenomena and ozone holes, environmental pollution problems and global warming will make environmentalists one of the most indispensable people for saving the planet in the very near future.


The medical profession has always been in demand. Now the growing demand for certain medical specialists is associated with research in the field of life extension.

A lot of money is invested in them, so scientific specialists specializing in finding means to prolong life will be in great demand in the future.

Working professions with increasing demand in the labor market

Also in the future some new ones will be in demand. professions that do not require higher education , but this does not become less paid.


The groomer provides professional pet care. The scope of services includes a haircut, washing, trimming, painting, cosmetic procedures, full preparation of a pet for the exhibition.

Professional groomers are always in demand, as preparation for an exhibition is never complete without their services. And the owners of non-show breeds also constantly turn to specialists in animal care, which makes this profession always necessary and highly paid.


In essence, a shopper is a stylist. Such a profession does not require higher education. She is trained in image-making courses for two to three months. Shoppers accompany the client through the shops and help him decide on the choice of clothing and style.

In our time of constant business meetings and travel, many people need to look personable and stylish at the same time, so such assistants in the fashion industry will be highly appreciated in the future.

Food stylist

Many people now have professional cameras. And if you still have a creative streak and you have a rich imagination, then it is quite possible that such a new profession as a food stylist is right for you. The duties of a food stylist include the task of photographing food beautifully, brightly and tasty.

In connection with the development of information resources on the Internet, high-quality illustrations will always be required, therefore professional photographers in the future will be in greater demand among employers.