Rao sis offshore. Creation of a domestic system of underwater production

The RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 exhibition is held from 12 to 15 September in St. Petersburg, Russia.

You can see the exhibited products and sections of the exhibition below, in the "Additional Information" section. Full list participants of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 is posted on the official website of the exhibition and is constantly updated. You can also find exhibitors from the previous year there. The business program of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 is usually published closer to the start of the event.

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We recommend during the exhibition period on Booking.com. How to get to the Mikhailovsky Manege exhibition center can be found in the catalog of places or on the site's official website. Use also Google Maps, which allows you to build routes using public transport.Do not forget to check the place and dates of the exhibition on the official website and in the calendar of the exhibition complex. The event can be rescheduled, canceled, merged with the project related topics. We draw your attention to the fact thatExpomap is not an event organizer and is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the information provided.

September 12 - 15, 2017 in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation(No. 989-Р dated June 15, 2013) the 13th international Conference and an exhibition on the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf - RAO/CIS Offshore 2017.

RAO/CIS Offshore - This is an event with more than 20 years of history, at the origins of which were the leading scientists of the country and the world's largest oil and gas companies. Conference and Exhibition initiated by the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993 RAO/CIS Offshore has received international recognition, along with similar events in Aberdeen, Stavanger, Houston and Baku, and is one of the key industry events on a global scale.

During its history, the project RAO/ CIS Offshore contributed to the adoption of important technological, economic and political decisions for sustainable development Russian shelf. Holding an international Conference and Exhibition serves the implementation of the approved Fundamentals public policy Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and further perspective, as well as the establishment of an international dialogue on energy security issues.

An unprecedented number of participants participated in the Conference and Exhibition in 2015 Russian companies: over 170 domestic enterprises presented their developments in the field of development of offshore oil and gas resources. In total, 230 companies from 17 countries took part in the forum. Among the participants Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazprom Neft, Zarubezhneft, Gazpromneft-Sakhalin, Gazprom Neft Shelf, Sevmash, Gazprom Fleet, Krylov State Research Center,Statoil», « FMC technologies», « SOCAR», « Kvaerner», « Aaker Solutions"Grup Servicii Petroliere" other. in the business program 640 delegates took part, more than 250 reports were heard. About 4,000 specialists from Russia, the USA, China, Korea, Norway, Finland, Germany, Iran, and Azerbaijan became visitors to the exhibition.

On September 12-15, 2017, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 989-R dated June 15, 2013), the 13th International Conference and Exhibition on the Development of Oil and Gas Resources of the Russian Arctic and the Continental Shelf will be held in St. Petersburg - RAO /CIS Offshore 2017. Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of natural resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, as well as the Government of St. Petersburg and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".

In 2017, the Forum is preparing a large-scale exhibition exposition and a rich business program.

The key thematic areas of the business program are priority issues for the development of the Arctic and the Russian continental shelf. PLENARY SESSION Implementation of offshore projects is a driver of industrial and economic development. Within the framework of the RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 business program, issues related to geological exploration and development of fields on the Arctic and Far Eastern shelf, the regulatory framework, and opportunities for effective international cooperation will be discussed. The delegates will pay close attention to the development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic and on the continental shelf, the development of the resource base, the creation of a modern fleet for the development of schemes for the sea transportation of oil and gas resources, and the energy infrastructure for the development of fields in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

Annual meetings of the Youth Forum are held within the framework of RAO/CIS Offshore, and 2017 will be no exception. In addition to discussing promising developments of young scientists and students, the meetings will touch upon topical issues of training personnel for offshore oil and gas production.

The main areas of the exhibition exposition are geology, exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields, underwater operations and underwater pipelines, ships and offshore structures, industrial and environmental safety, communication and navigation systems, engineering and services. Among the main participants of the exhibition are the leading companies of the industry - Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Sevmash, Gazprom Neft Shelf, NPP Okeanos, Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex, Oglaend System (Norway), Svarog, Redaelli SSM, VNIIOkeangeologiya, Okeanpribor Concern, OKBM Afrikantov, GAZPROMNEFT-SAKHALIN , Aker Solutions AS (Norway), Novomet-Perm, St. Petersburg Mining University, etc.

Due to the importance of the event for the industry, the world's leading companies and media are sponsors and partners of RAO/CIS Offshore 2017 – the General sponsor of the event is PJSC Gazprom, the official sponsors are PJSC NK Rosneft, Gazprombank ( Joint-stock company), Gazprom Neft PJSC, Sponsors – DNV GL, Gazprom Transgaz St. Petersburg LLC. Official news agency - flagship information resource RIA Novosti as part of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA.
The organizers of RAO/CIS Offshore are: the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Gazprom PJSC, VO RESTEK LLC.