Personnel assessment: developing criteria. Methods for assessing the labor activity of the organization's personnel on the example of JSC "Svyaznoy" Employee self-assessment example of filling

There is an opinion among managers and personnel workers that effective motivation is a well-constructed remuneration system.

However, employees motivated only by this method often talk about salary as savings. Money on their work (if you don’t fulfill the plan or make a mistake in your work, you will receive less money than usual). In turn, management expresses dissatisfaction with the laziness of their subordinates. The "snowball" of mutual recriminations often gains a critical mass and destroys the structure of business processes in the organization.

At the heart of this vicious circle mutual claims lies in the lack of a transparent system for assessing their professional activities and the activities of other employees of the company. That is, employees do not know and cannot objectively assess how management and colleagues look at their work.

At the same time, the leader, being convinced of the great importance of the material interest of employees, does not even suspect how great the degree of his influence on non-material motivation is. In this case, the effectiveness of the work of the company's personnel directly begins to depend on the subjective opinion of the manager, is assessed "by mood" and manifests itself in the appropriate terms, categories and judgments, which in turn leads to aggravation of conflicts in the team. The solution to this problem lies in the identification of stable criteria for mutual evaluation in the team. Only after that, any other forms of non-material motivation are possible (starting from gratitude and ending with promotion).

The success of any organization depends on how efficient the work of employees is. Therefore, well-educated managers or HR specialists focus on non-material motivation and bringing changes in this area.

When managers rely on external forms of motivation, the psychological characteristics of external prestigious motivation are not always taken into account in the formation of sustainable intrinsic motivation. Even if the manager has identified the main criteria relevant for the development of the company, he himself adheres to these criteria and requires their compliance from his employees, then for the employees themselves there remains the problem of assessing themselves and their colleagues according to these criteria. That is, there is already subjectivity in the value judgments of the employees themselves.

To develop sustainable internal motivation of employees necessary condition is a clear idea of ​​yourself in the eyes of management and other employees of the company.

The monitoring system according to the criteria relevant for the development of the company, selected by the management, is a tool for creating prestigious motivation in the company. Moreover, the periodic assessment of personnel in the monitoring system activates the strong-willed personal component of employees in categories that are relevant for the development of the company. That is, after monitoring today, the employee receives a generalized description of his status position in these categories. At the same time, he is informed that the next monitoring will be carried out in a month. Knowing that he has time to change his status in the company, he pays close attention to his behavior and the behavior of his colleagues in accordance with the evaluation categories.

Matrix monitoring was developed by I.V. Shabelnikov as a method of improving the company's work system.

In short, the essence of the methodology is to identify several evaluation criteria that are significant for management, direct evaluation and comparison of the results obtained in the process of ranking each employee of all employees of the department and himself, inclusive, according to the relevant criteria. The obtained results of the relationship of the subject to the group are entered into a table that is common for all subjects, which characterizes the generalized representation of the department about the place of each employee in the corresponding category. In practice, the methodology for assessing the rank position of each employee is carried out according to the specified evaluation criteria as follows: employees rank both themselves and their colleagues from the department, determining the place for each employee from the highest (for example, "10" with the number of employees in the team equal to 10) to the most low (put "1" if the employee, in the personal opinion of the filler, does not have this quality or it is less developed in comparison with other employees). When placing points in a row, repetition is not provided. After that, the data is analyzed and those employees who have taken a leading position in terms of qualities that are relevant to the company are identified.

Putting theory into practice

This monitoring has been applied in a large wholesale company(the number of employees is more than 300 people, there are 6 branches in Russia).

Work in the company was carried out in several stages.

Stage 1. Diagnosis of problem areas. It was implemented in the form of an anonymous survey, the purpose of which was to find out the opinion of employees, to form a complete picture of ideas about the relationship between employees and management, about the attitude of employees to the corporate culture of the company.

In the proposed questionnaire, 37 questions were asked (see Table 4. The data on the survey are presented in the column “Before monitoring”).

The results of the survey revealed the following issues:

  • low motivation of employees to work actively and fulfill their job descriptions;
  • problems of relationships within the team (negative communication of employees within the team);
  • dissatisfaction of the company's managers with the motivation of employees to obtain additional information in the process of work, communication within the team.

Stage 2. Choice of evaluation criteria. Having identified and analyzed problematic situations, the company's management was invited to take a direct part in the development of criteria that could serve as a benchmark for the development of the company and the interpersonal relationship of employees. An important setting in the selection of evaluation criteria was the focus of management on creating the image of an ideal employee with the qualities and skills that were relevant at the moment. From the proposed list, managers chose the criteria presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Evaluation criteria

The selected criteria became relevant corporate criteria that needed to be implemented in the company's teams in such a way that employees would be guided by them when communicating with each other, as well as when assessing personal qualities each other.

Stage 3. Conducting an assessment. The first collective matrix monitoring was accompanied by explanatory work, both on the part of the management and on the part of the company's development specialist. At the same time, emphasis was placed on the fact that it is not those who are the worst suited to corporate qualities that are identified, but those who take first place in the ranking table.

Periodic evaluation focused the attention of employees on the criteria that are relevant for the development of the company and on those criteria that are proclaimed as important in the behavior of employees and the corporate culture of the company.

Feedback to employees regarding the results of the evaluation was carried out by publishing the results of the evaluation in the internal corporate newspaper, where the “champions” in the categories being evaluated were presented. After the evaluation and identification of "champions" following the results of several events and when celebrating significant dates, the companies "leaders" were awarded.

The monitoring lasted 8 months and included four activities to assess corporate criteria. Changes were revealed in the motivation of employees, as well as in their personal attitude towards their team and the company's management. The results obtained are presented in Table 4 in the column "After monitoring".

Before and after intra-corporate work, K. Zamfir's method of identifying the motivation for professional activity was carried out. The results showed that the motivational preferences formed in the process of monitoring had an impact on the motivational complex of employees as a whole (see Table 2).

Table 2. Motivational preferences of employees

Here you can pay attention to the following indicators: the motivational preferences of employees in monetary earnings decreased by 0.575, and in an effort to avoid criticism from the manager and colleagues by 0.695. Also, according to the data obtained, the desire for promotion at work increased by 0.385, satisfaction from the process itself and the result of the work also increased and amounted to 2.12. All these indicators indicate a shift in the emphasis of employee preferences and a change in relations within the team, as a result of which the situation has become more conducive to open relationships and the desire to work in the company has been assessed not only by material incentives, but by additional non-material motives (self-realization in activities, the desire to advance in work, social prestige).

Next, the ratios of the types of employee motivation were determined, which showed that the internal motivation of employees increased by 2.4 times, the external positive one remained approximately at the same level, and the external negative one decreased by 0.44 (see Table 3).

Table 3. Motivational complex of professional activity of employees

When analyzing the motivational average value, we can say that the worst motivational complex according to the method of K. Zamfir is the PTO>PM>VM type, and this is the situation that prevailed among the company's employees at the time of the initial survey. A year later, with the introduction of a number of experimental methods, it is possible to track the changes that have occurred in the motivation of employees: internal motivation to perform their professional duties increased by 2.03 points, PPM and PTO decreased, when analyzing the data, undoubted improvements in the situation within the team are visible.


Positive and negative reinforcement in the system of companies' activities brings a certain flavor to the understanding of what motivation is. External motivation is the most important component in the manifestations of a person in society, in aspirations and encouragement, which are the main component of the environment. This includes such external motivation as money, career, status, recognition, prestigious things, decent aesthetics of life (car, apartment, computer, etc.). All of the above options for external motivation can be both positive and negative. For example, if an employee is paid a bonus and praised, then this will be a positive external motivation, and negative external motivation will work in the opposite case, when they express dissatisfaction with the employee’s work at the meeting, and the fine will also apply here.

Internal motivation in the work of companies is not as often assessed by management as it would be desirable, and at the same time it is not always taken into account in modern economic relations, although, knowing the motivations of his subordinate, knowing why and how the employee acts in different situations, makes the leader a true connoisseur of his team and gives undoubted advantages in quality work the entire company and its results.

Intrinsic motivation is the “fuel” that supports and encourages a person to act in current situations. An example of internal motivation can be self-affirmation, self-realization, personal growth, the need for communication, etc. The stability of internal motivation is manifested in the constancy of an employee's emphasis on his preferences, in a pronounced need to realize certain motives.

A re-analysis of the opinions of employees using an anonymous survey showed a change in attitude towards the team, the company and the management as a whole.

Table 4. Evaluation of the company's professional activities

According to the data presented in the table, changes in the preferences and assessments of employees are clearly visible. So, according to the results of the initial survey, employees paid attention mainly to relationships, to resolving issues of interaction between structural divisions, management of divisions, and motivation. During the second survey, the opinion of employees changed, and the main focus was shifted to direct professional activities: the quality of goods and transport.

Interestingly, with a fairly rapid change in collective relations, value changes in goal setting and understanding of their professional and career opportunities for employees remain unknown, which is expressed in difficulty with the answer for 27% of employees.

Also, as a result of the ongoing monitoring, the emphasis on interpersonal relations in the team moved from first to third place, and professional problems, in particular, the mode of receipt of goods, building relationships with company management, acquired particular importance.

Monitoring results

As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that there were changes in the motivational preferences of employees, in the motivational complexes of professional activity, as well as in the assessment of professional activity.

After conducting a study of work efficiency, analyzing the motivational preferences of company employees, identifying the priorities of life values ​​and the basic needs that they satisfy in the course of their professional activities, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that in order to effectively perform professional activities, it is necessary to motivate employees. The use of a formative experiment by the method of matrix analysis, which should be carried out periodically and on which the work in the company is emphasized, leads to an improvement in the working atmosphere within the company.

Thus, for the development of interpersonal relations in the corporate culture of the company, it is necessary to develop them and focus the attention of employees on their professional development.

These activities are possible through the development of criteria that are the standards of corporate culture and periodic evaluation of employees according to these criteria. The formation of a positive attitude in the team is possible with the constant motivation of employees, since events with such an attitude bring positive effects and give results that reduce the number of dismissed personnel, increase productivity and improve the collective climate of the company.

The need for the development of interpersonal relationships in the intra-corporate culture was caused by a large number of unresolved problems of the company. At the same time, the focus of attention of the heads of structural divisions and senior management was reduced to solving production problems that did not take into account the needs and interests of employees.

Activities related to the internal work carried out, the analysis of the motivational preferences of employees, instilled in an increase in the interest of the team, identifying the development of interpersonal relations according to the criteria of corporate culture, and also lowered the level and severity of a rough assessment of the management team in relation to their subordinates.

In the corporate culture of the company, interpersonal relationships become more transparent, thanks to periodic assessment, employees get a general idea of ​​​​the position of colleagues in the space of corporate culture. General view about their position and the position of colleagues in the space of corporate culture allows employees to determine their professional place in the team, which affects the level of personal motivation.

Carrying out periodic matrix analysis within the team contributes to the organization of effective professional activities and increases the interest of employees in the work performed.

What are the differences between the assessment of an employee and a manager, how to see the results of work that "seem not to be seen", what methods to help, what principles are important as air - she told Tatyana Zolotareva , Vice President for Human Resources at Technoserv.

- Tatyana, what is the difference between the assessment of a manager and an employee?

There are both common approaches and significant differences in the assessment of a manager and an employee. If we talk about general features, then it is advisable to evaluate both the manager and the employee in three key areas. The first is the actual performance of labor, which is usually expressed in KPIs. As we know, there are personal KPIs, while at the same time there are general KPIs for departments and companies. One way or another, these are measurable results of labor that can be expressed in specific numbers and indicators, normalized, etc. The second direction is the assessment of personal and business qualities, the so-called soft skills. This is all that is connected with the influence of a person’s character, his personality on work efficiency.

For example, the universal soft skills include the communication skills of an employee, his ability to work in a team. If we are talking about a leader, then leadership qualities are necessarily evaluated.

The third area includes profile, professional competencies - hard skills. We are talking about the knowledge and professional skills of employees (education, various refresher courses, etc.). This area is considered one of the most easily measurable in terms of evaluation work.

During the work of our company - we are already 25 years old - our own traditions of personnel assessment have been formed. We apply the variety of existing approaches to assessment flexibly and expediently to the tasks facing us and the current situation. If we talk about the annual evaluation procedure, for the past few years we have been using the ABCD ranking principle. It is based on an expert analysis by the manager of the performance and potential of his subordinates. As a result each employee of the unit belongs to a certain group (A / B / C / D) characterizing its effectiveness, potential, value for the unit and the company as a whole, determining the vector of management decisions recommended in relation to it.

To assess the key employees of the company (including, for example, sales managers), Assessment Center. This is a method of comprehensive personnel assessment, based on the use of complementary methods, aimed at identifying the level of development of professionally important qualities (competencies) and potential capabilities of employees, in order to form individual development plans.

When conducting the Assessment, two types of exercises are used: individual written exercises; group oral exercises. In one Assessment group, no more than 6-8 employees can be assessed at a time. At the same time, according to the rules of procedure, there is a separate observer (an expert conducting the assessment) for every two assessed persons.

When conducting any valuation activity, the following components should not be forgotten: : evaluation should be regular, consistent and as objective as possible. As we all understand, there are no identical divisions / departments and people, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the culture, subculture and realities of specific individuals who are being evaluated in order to work out the most objective tools. A good assessment for employees is famous for feedback and specific recommendations for their development.

Any method of assessing employees can be applied to both managers and line employees. The main difference lies in what is specifically evaluated by the manager and what is assessed by the employee.

For example, let's take a conditional unit (department) consisting of 5 people and its head. An ordinary employee has personal productivity, qualities and competencies. When conducting an assessment, his individual results of work are considered (how timely and efficiently he performs his tasks, how many requests / calls he has completed, prepared documents, etc.) Let's assume that in general our employee works efficiently. However, there are five of them in the department. This means that we also need to assess the ability of this employee to work in a team - how he influences colleagues, whether he is able to perform team tasks, etc. Thus, when evaluating an ordinary employee, he is considered as an autonomous unit of the team, which also affects other employees and the overall team result of the unit as a whole.

Assessing the head of the department, we understand that earlier, most likely, he also held the position of an ordinary employee, worked independently, but now he has moved to a managerial position. Today, his professional knowledge is also important and significant, however the focus of evaluation shifts to how effectively his team works, and what results this command shows. Mainly, the assessment of the head of the unit occurs due to the assessment of the performance of the employees entrusted to him and the block of business processes of the organization.

At case studies, in addition to providing feedback to each employee, we prepare a consolidated report for the manager with specific recommendations on how to use the proven competencies of his team members as efficiently as possible for the benefit of the department, the company.

- What is the approach to assessing an employee - what do you recommend paying special attention to?

As already said, There are three key areas of employee evaluation. Typically, the evaluation process begins with a review of the employee's performance. Most often, in companies, this assessment is the base one. It's no secret that high productivity is a reason to think about raising an employee, and low productivity can be a reason for rotation and even dismissal.

An employee's performance is assessed by analyzing his KPI, plus the manager's expert feedback on the employee's implementation of an individual work plan and professional development. It is easiest to evaluate the performance of employees in a department where business processes are extremely standardized, and labor results are easy to measure. For example, in the IT support service (ServiceDesk), this is the number of requests processed, the time they were processed, etc. In order to rank employees according to the degree of productivity, it is enough for the manager to compile a matrix of labor indicators and compare the results of the work of employees on it, highlight the most and least effective.

If the company is faced with the task of minimizing the time and labor costs for personnel assessment, as a rule, first of all, attention is paid to employees with the lowest performance (where there are regular failures, errors in work, where there is a need to adjust the employee's professional behavior), as well as specialists with the greatest potential, who perform the greatest amount of work and are considered for the positions of managers or their deputies.

If a decrease in the performance of an employee is revealed, then in this case it is necessary to move on to the two remaining areas of assessment - personal and business competencies and professional knowledge. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of knowledge or personal abilities. For example, it is obvious that it is unwise to put an introvert in a position related to negotiation. It is also necessary to look at the work of the employee in the team. Excessive conflict of the employee with a high degree of probability will interfere with teamwork. Therefore, when evaluating an employee, one should not forget to consider not only his personal effectiveness (although it is in the foreground), but also other qualities that are significant for a particular unit and type of activity.

It should be noted that it is the assessment of personal and business qualities that is most difficult in companies, as it requires significant organizational costs and deep expert study. There are many evaluation methods for this. Among them - "Score 360". It implies the existence of a competency model adopted for the employees of the company as a whole and for specific departments in particular. For example, it may include: company loyalty, effective communication, responsibility for the result. To conduct the assessment, an assessment form is created, within which the manager and other experts participating in the assessment (colleagues / external partners, etc.) can evaluate the employee using the presented system of criteria and points. The questionnaire may look different. Other common assessment methods - already mentioned above Assessment Center, or ranking according to the ABCD system.

Read also: Personnel assessment results: how to make informed management decisions

As a rule, both the area of ​​personal competencies and the area of ​​professional knowledge of any employee are subject to adjustment and development, if he has his own interest, motivation and readiness for change. This can be done through additional training, providing quality feedback, etc. An annual appraisal is a great way to take stock of an employee's performance and highlight their weaknesses by developing a collaborative adjustment strategy.

In total, there are three levels of personnel assessment. The first is local (employee assessment). The second level is the assessment of units. The third is a company-wide study, which takes place at the level of the entire company. The level of evaluation is chosen depending on what is most relevant to the situation, which will allow the company to uncover problem areas. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the main task of the company's employees is not to act as test subjects, but to fulfill their work duties. Thus, one of the criteria that must be taken into account is the minimum time spent on carrying out evaluation activities.

- What is the approach to assessing the leader - what do you recommend paying special attention to.

The effectiveness of the work of the head, as a rule, is estimated in direct proportion to the effectiveness of the work of his unit. If the unit does not cope with its tasks or does not cope well enough, then it is necessary to look for the root of the problem. And it can be hidden both in various "external" reasons, and in the personality of the leader himself.

Firstly, Any leader should have an outstanding set of qualities, which are usually included in the model of managerial competencies. These include: organization of work, decision making, delegation, the ability to effectively manage both an individual team member and the entire team as a whole, effective communication and the ability to spread one's influence, leadership, employee motivation, and much more.

The next most important are professional competencies and the manager's knowledge of the features of the business in which he works. Of course, the manager must have specialized knowledge in his field, because this provides him not only with expert leadership, but also with competent decision-making. Knowledge of the characteristics of the organization also increases the managerial effectiveness of the manager, because each company has its own formalized and "tacit" rules, as well as the accepted management style and organization of work. The loyalty of the head of his company is also very important and, as a rule, ensures the loyalty of employees within his team.

It is worth noting here thatany assessment of the head cannot go without an assessment of the activities of the unitand is not replaced by an assessment of personnel performance alone. In most cases, they complement each other.

- How do management functions in general “complicate” the evaluation process?

As already mentioned above, the concept of an "effective leader" includes an extensive set of requirements that a person must meet. It is important to highlight from this list those qualities that are important for a particular division of a particular company.

First, it is important to note that leaders avoid doing their own evaluation. Second, most often leaders are familiar with assessment tools, and this knowledge enables them to sufficiently project the socially expected behavioral indicators that they want to be counted from them. There are frequent cases when when evaluating managers, it is deliberately necessary to create a field of uncomfortable conditions to determine the true qualities of a leader. Thirdly, very often the assessment still takes place in artificial conditions, including in the Assessment Center, and HR has to overcome the difficulty at the level of collecting additional information about how the manager behaves in direct life, and not in the assessment process. Evaluation of the performance of a number of exercises in conditions where there are participants of equal or higher status is not equal to the evaluation of the management of one's own team.

These three components are one of the key ones. It is clear that the assessment of employees is most often a streaming action. A single concept is being developed and launched throughout the company. Evaluation of managers is a "piece product", requiring a more filigree approach and better processing.

In addition, one of the complicating factors in the evaluation of managers is their high workload, and as a result, the lack of time that they can devote to conducting qualitative assessment its activities. In this case, in my opinion, the most effective for the manager is to conduct an assessment according to the Assessment Center model, which allows assessing the personal and business qualities of a person, as well as assessing managerial skills. In addition to this, you can separately evaluate the work of the unit and combine the results of the assessment.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that any assessment must be carried out without errors as much as possible, since this is a colossal responsibility. The assessment and its results cannot be superficial. Any assessment should be expert and aimed at obtaining a specific result. The results of the assessment are confidential information. We support and apply this principle because people should not perceive evaluation as some kind of tool that entails exposure weak qualities employee outside, which may affect their future work in the organization. All evaluations are recommended on a positive wave, supporting the targetPRinside the company.

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Thoughts that employees need to be evaluated in some way, both at the time of hiring and in the course of work, are constantly in the air. Many leaders do this on an intuition level: they develop different versions of tests, and conduct written and oral exams.

The only pity is that often the purpose of such certification is not to increase the level of professional competence of employees, but to get rid of an inconvenient employee by dismissing him (which, by the way, is in conflict with Russian law). I have a living example, when in one of the luxury salons in St. Petersburg, the manager (not the owner of the business!) developed and conducted a test, as a result of which he was fired professional administrator. Subsequently, this administrator took the post of manager in another salon and very quickly brought his performance to a good level.

In Western countries, from where management came to us, as a science and art, personnel assessment is carried out with the following goals:

  • Identification of the potential of working employees. Evaluation of the possibility of achieving the goals of the enterprise together with these employees.
  • Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. Drawing up a plan for training and development of personnel.
  • Creation of an effective system of motivation.
  • Strengthening corporate culture.

In other words, we are talking about increasing the profitability and competitiveness of the business, where the assessment system is an integral part of the company's personnel management system.

Getting information about the financial position of an enterprise is quite simple: figures are objective indicators. Getting information about the state of human resources is much more difficult. And the information is objective, which will allow you to make competent management decisions. It is precisely because of the often occurring bias that personnel appraisal is so “unloved” by all employees and is the strongest stress for the entire team.

To move on to a more "substantive" conversation, let's define the terms and basic provisions of the personnel assessment system. In order to perform a certain job, any employee must have a desire (motivation) and abilities (a set of professional competencies). Accordingly, when an employee does not perform his duties, or performs them poorly, he either “does not want” or “cannot” (practically, as in the work of V.I. Lenin “Three sources ...”). The task of the personnel assessment is to find out what, in fact, is the reason for such “I don’t want” and “I can’t”, and how big the deviation from the norm is.

Required glossary of terms.

Grade - comparison with a standard.

Indicator- discrepancy between the fact and the norm.

KPI(KPI) is a key performance indicator of an employee. It is introduced for those positions that, through their efforts, can affect the overall result of the company. This is a quantitative indicator, it can be measured.

Standards - a set of fixed norms, rules, requirements that an employee must comply with.

Competency model - a set of requirements for professional knowledge, skills, experience, personal and work qualities that an individual must possess to perform the functions of a particular position. Competencies include professional knowledge, skills, personal and professional qualities.

Competence - ability to implement competencies.

Skill- does the job either with the help of others, or its manifestation depends on the situation (for example, the presence of the director).

Skill- does the work himself. It appears regardless of the situation. Therefore, during the check, one can unambiguously judge its existence / absence and the degree of manifestation (rating scale).

It makes sense to conduct an assessment as an event at the following main stages of the work of employees:

  1. When applying for a job (assessment of competencies).
  2. At the end of the probationary period.
  3. Monitoring after conducting a particular training: after 3 months (checking the formation of a skill), after 6 months (checking the effectiveness).
  4. Annual assessment - the current assessment of activities, in accordance with the "Regulations on assessment" adopted at the enterprise.

"Regulations on assessment" is drawn up at each enterprise and should contain the following items:

  1. general provisions. Determination of the purpose of the assessment (who, why, when it is necessary to evaluate).
  2. evaluation criteria (quantitative, qualitative).
  3. planned assessment methods.
  4. composition of the expert committee.
  5. composition of the evaluation commission (chairman of the commission, deputy chairman of the commission, secretary of the commission).
  6. evaluation results (where they are reflected, what they influence). Note*. The results of the assessment may affect the salary of an employee, but only its variable part, in contrast to the Appraisal, the results of which affect tariff rates- permanent part.
  7. evaluation schedule.



This Regulation is coordinated, approved, introduced by the order for the company.

The following are assessed:

  • The level of presence and development of the necessary competencies
  • Work results
  • Level of professional competence
  • Employee potential

In more detail, on a specific example, we will analyze the concept of "competence model".

EXAMPLE: Many managers and administrators cannot accurately determine whether the position of "administrator-cashier" has the right to make independent decisions?

If we objectively evaluate the functional model of this position in the structure of the enterprise, then we see that the profile of this position is “executive-controlling”. Not a single manager will entrust his administrators with the right to independently manage finances, employees, and determine the mode of operation of the enterprise. But somewhere within this position, there is still a need to make independent decisions, because in the performance of his duties, the administrator is faced with a large number of unpredictable, non-standard situations due to the behavior of a client or employee. It is impossible to predict all the possible ways of developing contacts and describe them in standards. And this parameter is not decisive for the position as a whole. Accordingly, it is simply necessary to introduce an additional requirement for the competencies of a person holding this position: stress resistance. And here it is necessary to clearly describe this competence. It will be characterized as "the ability to maintain emotional balance, speed of reaction and the ability to make decisions in a non-standard situation within the framework of one's competence."

Similarly, based on the scope of functional tasks, we will determine the remaining competencies: what should an applicant for a position have:

  • education (secondary special, higher, profile),
  • professional skills (foreign language, computer skills),
  • character qualities,
  • social status, etc.

These are called core competencies. There should be no more than 12 for the objectivity of the assessment. Moreover, all selected competencies, especially those related to personality traits, must be described in such a way that they are clearly understood by both the manager and all other employees. After all, even the term "stress resistance" each of us understands in our own way, and the presence of this quality in an employee must be assessed objectively. In the future, competency assessment will be carried out precisely according to predetermined descriptions.

It is no coincidence that I constantly repeat the term "objectivity". The lack of clear assessment tools leads to subjectivity, manipulation of the employee, which in turn generates demotivation. Due to subjectivity, this procedure is accompanied by negativity, the fear of losing authority in one’s own social group. For the assessment system to work, employees must know the required criteria, competencies, scales and adjust their behavior, which, as a result, gives personnel management.

The assessment process itself is carried out in four stages:

  1. Study. Collection of facts by various methods.
  2. Measurement. Definition of quantitative and qualitative criteria, standards. Description of standards. Creating scales.
  3. Direct evaluation. Comparison of the obtained facts with the standards.
  4. The connection of the obtained results with the system of employee motivation.

I will give some explanations. Please note that all of the following activities, which we are accustomed to perceive as directly evaluative, are in fact only methods of collecting facts:

  • Interviews, interviews, questionnaires, review of resumes,
  • Studying personnel documents,
  • Testing,
  • workplace surveillance,
  • Study of financial documents,
  • Assessment center (a method for assessing the professionally important qualities of employees, in which the behavior of employees is assessed in specially simulated situations in which the qualities and competencies necessary for successful work in this organization can manifest themselves),
  • "Method 360 *" - feedback (this is an assessment tool employee performance, as well as his personal and professional qualities based on the analysis of the opinions of people with whom the employee directly interacts in the course of work),
  • "Secret Shopper"
  • Cases,
  • Business games.

All these activities allow only to obtain certain facts related to the activities of the employee. It is not yet possible to draw conclusions, for this it is necessary to determine the extent to which the competencies and skills are present in the assessed employee. For this purpose, scales with points are being developed - the degree of manifestation of the skill. The scale can be either elementary (“yes” - “no”) or multilevel (up to 5 - 7 levels).

Accordingly, at the “measurement” stage, the activity and behavior of the assessed employee is compared with the developed standards, regulations, and points are assigned.

It is this stage in the assessment system that is the most responsible, because. provides objectivity. For observation, professional evaluation sheets should also be developed, in which the observer fills in the appropriate boxes (for example, in the “secret shopper” method). Then these evaluation sheets are deciphered. It must be said that an assessment event gives good results when well-established methods and procedures are used, the rules and rules for conducting the event are observed, which are recorded in the relevant documents (Regulations, instructions).

To conduct assessment activities, it is necessary to prepare not only the assessed employee, but also the expert who will directly conduct the assessment activity. So, for example, when assessing competencies, it is desirable that the expert be a person “in the profession”. This greatly increases the value of the evaluation activity. For example, when evaluating a cosmetologist, the expert should be a cosmetologist with a long experience and relevant specialization. Hairdresser - stylist, senior master, mentor. Administrator - manager. But in order to avoid the subjectivity of an expert, he necessarily learns how to collect information: how to monitor the manifestation of the level of skill, how to conduct an interview on competencies, how to identify the level of manifestation of competence.

The secret shopper method is an assessment of standards. Therefore, here the expert should not have special knowledge, but also receive instructions: how to behave, what to pay attention to, in what areas to ask questions, what type of client to play, at what point to fill out the evaluation sheet, how to fill out the evaluation sheet. With a well-established methodology, this method can be used quite often, without involving only trusted persons - relatives, girlfriends. It is possible to attract students, and for the manager, the cost of attracting such an external expert can be comparable to the cost of courier services.

In the case when the assessment is carried out without special training, the collection of facts and measurement for each employee is a new task each time, which increases the likelihood of errors and reduces objectivity. Beauty industry enterprises are not subject to mandatory certification, so we are faced with a lack of practical experience in the quality of this event, which calls into question the feasibility of holding it.

Even before the start of personnel assessment activities, preparatory work is necessarily carried out:

  • the organizational structure of the company is specified
  • revised and updated job descriptions
  • a system of corporate competencies is being developed
  • determined key indicators company performance
  • individual competencies and key performance indicators are prescribed for each assessed position

After that, the necessary changes are made to the standard evaluation sheets. All revised standards and corporate competencies remain with the company and serve as a starting point for subsequent evaluation activities.

An example of an evaluation sheet "standard appearance administrator".



First impression




Below the average

Above average

Figure Features

Within normal limits

Tendency to corpulence


Hair - look, color.

Neat hair, clean hair. Laying. Coloring - in accordance with the status of the salon.

Hair is collected, no styling. Coloring is normal.

There is no hairstyle. Overgrown unpainted roots.

Well-groomed, manicure in accordance with the status of the salon

Hygienic manicure

Lack of manicure

Well-groomed skin, day makeup, light tan.

Well-groomed skin, no makeup

Problem skin, unkempt

Form. The presence of a badge. Neatness.

Own clothes, but comply with the requirements of the company (color, type, badge). Clean, neat.

Clothing style mismatch. Untidy.

Business style. Heel height no more than 5 cm. Black color. Net. Stockings.

Loose style, bright color. Lack of stockings.

Slippers. No change of shoes.


Expensive accessories showing social status. No more than 2 positions.

Your style, your taste. Small size. No more than 2 positions.

Large bright plastic ornaments

Facial expression.

Kindness, smile, kindness.

Affectionately preoccupied

The ability to keep a straight posture, straightened shoulders, head raised.

The tone is reduced, does not control posture.

Stooping, head always down

Pose, walk.

Open, natural. In a light tone.

Semi-closed. The tone is reduced.

Closed. Sluggish.

When Should You Seriously Consider Evaluation? In my opinion, this is most relevant for an enterprise that has emerged from its infancy and is at the stage of active development and growth. That is, this is an enterprise with an age of 2 - 3 years and older. The team has settled down, has developed corporate culture, the goals have changed: it is no longer “to survive and take market share”, but “to develop and expand market share”. It should be noted that the evaluation procedures themselves do not have independent significance, they are only material for making managerial decisions. Therefore, when you decide to hold such an event, be sure to set yourself a goal: why do I conduct an employee assessment. In this case, the purpose of the assessment is clear to both you and the employees themselves, and you understand what you will do with the results.

But what can be done with the results of the evaluation of personnel?

The results of employee assessment allow you to solve the following: identify the causes of problems, improve current activities.

Decreased employee performance is always an external sign. The root causes are much deeper. If an enterprise is perceived as a system, as an organism, then it is desirable to first make a diagnosis, and then give a medicine. There can be many reasons for the inefficient work of employees, and financial dissatisfaction is not always at the forefront. The functional demotivating factors include the following: the employee does not know the tasks of his position, the scope of authority and responsibility is not defined. The structure of subordination as a whole is not transparent. Does not understand the expectations of the manager from his work in this position. I am not familiar with the criteria for evaluating its activities. From practice: outright sabotage can occur at enterprises; there may be an old internal conflict, for example, between an administrator and a manager; the functionality may be violated: in words and according to the job description, only powers are declared, but in reality all issues are decided by the owner, the initiative is sharply suppressed in the bud, and no one is interested in the opinion of the manager; in addition, there is both insufficient and unjustified delegation of authority by the owner to the manager; personal characteristics of the owner or manager of the business can also become a problem - not only the exactingness and rigidity of the manager (in other words, despotism), but also tolerance, as well as mercy (“help me find reasons to leave an employee at work, and do not fire"); Another "classic" reason for inefficient work is corruption and theft. In other words, each company has its own nuances.

How to improve current activities after receiving the results of the employee assessment?

This can be achieved by linking to the motivation system, both material and non-material.

And of course, the results of the assessment should work for the development of the enterprise: human resource planning, career growth (moving employees by position), training plans, adjusting the company's plans depending on the ability of employees to perform their tasks.

As a rule, in beauty salons, due to the small number of staff (unless, of course, these are networks), there is practically no such thing as career growth. Employees with a good level of ambition and ability grow up and leave - usually starting their own business. But after all, it is quite possible to grow a strong manager, manager, and finally a director from administrators! Why do so many owners forget about this? Why not give such an employee the opportunity to develop and work? And in fact, we have a lot of these positions for which we can grow our staff: art director, mentor, lead colorist, manager, senior manager, manager, etc. As a result, by creating a career growth system, you get rid of the constant dependence on “grown up” employees, create healthy competition, you can plan human resources, and adjust the development goals of your enterprise.

Naturally, based on the results of the employee assessment, it is necessary to plan the training of individual specialists, and the training of the most promising employees may even need to be produced at the expense of the salon. Personal demotivation of an employee is always associated with a discrepancy between personal competencies and the position held. Training allows you to successfully deal with such problems.

So, for example, at one of the enterprises, the records of customers have always been carried out in the traditional way - manually in the record book. After the introduction of automation, recording began to be carried out in a computer. One of the administrators, who was generally described by the manager as a "best seller", began to constantly make mistakes at the time of recording and at the time of filling out forms of documents on the computer. These mistakes eventually began to be perceived as malicious sabotage. The internal tension of the employee began to grow, the conflict increased, the efficiency of his work decreased, the manager considered the issue of replacing him. According to the results of the assessment activities, it was revealed that this administrator is psychologically a kinesthetic* who simply needs to hold paper and a pen in his hands in order to perform an action correctly. As a result of the evaluation testing, additional training on PC proficiency was organized specifically for this employee.


* Kinesthetic - in psychology, one of the types of people according to the preferred (representative) way of perceiving the world around them. For kinesthetic learners, first of all, sensitive experience, emotional reinforcement are important. They also remember smells, tactile contacts, physical actions well.

Another result of the assessment testing carried out may be the training of employees in the techniques of interaction and teamwork. As we mentioned above, quite often in teams there are hidden conflicts in the administrative level. The reason for this is the incompatibility of psychological types, the inability of people to work in a team. In this case, it is very useful to train employees in group interaction techniques and conduct team building activities.

Finishing the conversation about the need to use a personnel assessment system, one cannot help but quote the statement of the guru of modern management, Eliyahu Goldratt: “optimizing the components of the system separately will ultimately bring losses in the system.” Evaluation activities for the manager are an opportunity to see their company as a system, save time and energy in personnel management and making the right management decisions.


* Eliyahu Goldratt is an internationally recognized expert in the development of new concepts and control systems. His books, educational materials and scientific articles have changed modern ideas about organization and management in general. He developed a unique set of Thought Processes - a set of logical and systematic methods of thinking that allows you to develop unique solutions and ensuring the process of continuous improvement of organizations.

Annex 1.

Excerpt from TC Article 81.

The main tasks of certification of employees are:

determination of the employee's official compliance with the position held;

identifying the prospects for using the potential abilities and capabilities of the employee;

stimulating the growth of the employee's professional competence;

determination of areas for advanced training, professional training or retraining of an employee;

making proposals for the movement of personnel, the release of an employee from a position, as well as the transfer to a more (or less) qualified job.

Certification of employees can be regular (regular) and extraordinary.

In those organizations for which mandatory attestation is not established, attestation can be carried out at the initiative of the employer. For this, a local Regulation on certification should be developed, which defines the terms, procedure and conditions for its implementation, criteria and methods for assessing the qualifications and professional competence of employees, taking into account the specifics of the labor functions that they perform.

As general indicators for all categories of employees, the following are taken into account: the level of education, the amount of special knowledge in this area, the length of service in this or a similar position. Each skill group may develop its own assessment criteria. The duties of an employee for each position, profession are established in the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees. The duties of workers are fixed in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers.

By analogy with the legal norms on mandatory attestation, optional attestation of employees can be carried out no more than once every two years. Certification is not subject to employees who have worked for less than a year, pregnant women, women on parental leave. The specific dates, as well as the schedule for the certification are approved by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the certified employees at least two weeks before the start of the certification. For certification, an attestation commission is approved, which usually includes heads of departments, highly qualified specialists.

No later than two weeks before the start of the certification, a service characteristic-review (representation) is submitted for each certified person, which is prepared by his/her immediate supervisor. This submission should contain an analysis and assessment of the employee's personality, including his professional qualities, individual abilities, as well as the results of work for the previous period. If an employee fails to appear at a meeting of the attestation commission without good reason, the commission may conduct an attestation in his absence.

Based on the results of the employee attestation, the attestation commission makes recommendations in one of the following areas:

corresponds to the position (profession);

corresponds to the position (profession) held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission with re-certification in a year;

does not correspond to the position (profession).


salary change,

promotion for achieved by the employee success,

inclusion in the reserve for promotion.

Evaluation of the performance of the certified person is adopted by open voting. Voting results are determined by a majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the certified person is recognized as corresponding to the position held. When attesting an employee who is a member of the certification commission, the person being certified does not participate in the voting. In this case, voting, as a rule, is carried out in the absence of the certified employee. The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation sheet, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission and is stored in the employee's personal file.

However, the results of an optional attestation cannot be a direct basis for dismissal, transfer to another (lower paid) job, and an employee's salary cannot be reduced. To make such decisions, it is necessary to take into account the fulfillment by the employee of labor duties, internal labor regulations, violations and errors committed in the work for the previous year.

In accordance with sub. "b" paragraph 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the grounds for terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer is the discovered inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification. Insufficient qualifications of an employee should be expressed in the absence of the necessary knowledge and skills, which excludes the possibility of normal performance of duties in a particular position (job). The absence of a special education for an employee does not serve as indisputable evidence of his inconsistency with a certain job, provided that the presence of special education is not a prerequisite for admitting a person to work (paragraph 22 of the Decree of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1992 No. 16). Dismissal on this basis can be challenged by the employee in court. At the same time, the conclusions of the attestation commission on the business qualities of the employee will be considered in court along with other evidence (for example, certificates of non-compliance with labor standards without good reason, untimely and poor-quality fulfillment of the employer's tasks, errors in the work process, etc.).

Evaluation of personnel performance helps to determine the effectiveness of the performance of a particular work of an employee, allows you to establish the compliance of performance indicators with established requirements. In addition, the assessment process helps to identify both the individual problems of the employee and the general ones that are characteristic of the entire team (department or company).

Problem 1. How to develop criteria for personnel evaluation?

Problem 2 Who should be involved in developing the evaluation criteria?

Problem 3. What requirements must the assessment criteria meet?

Personnel assessment helps to determine the effectiveness of the performance of a particular work of an employee, allows you to establish the compliance of performance indicators with established requirements. In addition, the assessment process helps to identify both the individual problems of the employee and the general ones that are characteristic of the entire team (department or company). But most leaders have difficulty evaluating their subordinates. This is due to the lack of clear, unambiguous and result-oriented evaluation criteria for the employee. Sometimes this leads to the adoption of some managerial decisions under the influence of personal sympathies, as well as to problems associated with a non-working reward system, with low employee discipline. To avoid such problems, it is important, when developing an employee assessment system, to determine on the basis of what criteria the assessment will be carried out.

What are the criteria?

Evaluation criteria are divided on various grounds, among which the following groups can be distinguished:

Organizational criteria (applicable to all employees of the company, for example: timeliness, completeness of duties, etc.) and specialized criteria (that is, corresponding to a specific workplace, type of activity);

Quantitative criteria (assessment based on the results achieved) and qualitative criteria (individual characteristics of the employee and quality of work);

Objective criteria (standards, quality and performance standards that can be set for almost any job) and subjective criteria (indicators and characteristics that are evaluated based on the opinions and assessments of experts);

Integral and simple criteria. If, when assessing, one indicator takes into account or combines information obtained as a result of evaluating various characteristics of work and work behavior, then such an indicator is an integral criterion. If, however, individual aspects of work or work behavior are being evaluated, such as the level of productivity or the absence of being late for work, then these indicators can be considered as simple criteria.

The choice of specific evaluation criteria depends on the categories of employees being evaluated and on how the results are supposed to be used.

HR Dictionary

Criteria for evaluation- it key parameters(working, behavioral, personal indicators and characteristics), by which the performance of the employee is evaluated. Evaluation criteria determine how each function and each action must be performed in order to meet the requirements of the company and customers.

We follow the sequence in the development of criteria

The algorithm of actions in the development of criteria is as follows:

1. we define a group of positions for which criteria will be developed (according to professional characteristics);

2. identify significant activity factors for these groups;

3. We evaluate the criteria for the following points:

Are the selected criteria really important;

Do you have enough information to evaluate according to the selected criteria;

4. describe the criteria. You can only describe the criterion itself or in relation to the rating scale;

5. we group and do the ranking of the criteria (that is, we determine the weight of the factors influencing the result of the activity). This is necessary in order to separate the main and auxiliary performance indicators of the employee.

Boris Beltinov, Head of Recruitment Service at Work Service (Moscow):

“When developing the evaluation criteria, we take into account the specifics of the activity, the market segment (sales, production), goals and objectives, that is, what we want to get from the personnel evaluation. In addition, it is necessary to determine which criteria will be priority. For example, the main criteria for assessing line personnel include: the quality of work (no errors, compliance with customer service standards), the amount of work performed, discipline, loyalty.

We propose to consider the application of the algorithm of actions on the example of developing criteria for sales personnel.

We define job groups. In our example, these will be a cashier and a sales assistant.

We determine the factors of activity, essential for this group of positions. For example, the scope of work performed, the quality of work performed, professional knowledge (knowledge of goods and services, company standards when working with clients, work with customer objections), discipline, loyalty, verbal communication, ability to control emotions, ability to listen, creativity, leadership skills, the ability to prioritize.

We evaluate the criteria. As a rule, many managers try to identify as many significant factors as possible for personnel assessment, believing that in this case the assessment will be the most complete. But in reality, everything turns out to be far from the case. Evaluating all possible factors is time consuming and results in blurry results. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate the selected criteria, that is, to determine which criteria are most important and which are superfluous - this will save time and effort when evaluating personnel. To do this, we recommend making a table (see below).

Determining the Importance of Criteria for Sales Personnel


high importance

Average importance

low importance



The quality of work performed

Scope of work performed

Professional knowledge

Leadership Skills


Ability to control emotions

Ability to prioritize

Ability to deal with difficult situations

The ability to listen

Oral communications

We have found that criteria such as creativity, prioritization and leadership skills are not important in evaluating these positions and should be discarded. Thus, we have determined the criteria by which the evaluation will be carried out: discipline, loyalty, the volume and quality of work performed, professional knowledge, oral communication and listening skills, the ability to control emotions and solve difficult situations.

We describe the criteria. Consider the description of the criteria in relation to the evaluation scale. We also recommend that you make a table (see pp. 94–95).

Evaluation scale for some criteria


description of the criterion

3 points
(meets requirements)

2 points (does not always match

1 point
(does not meet requirements)


Work time is not spent on extraneous matters. No work passes

Comes to work on time. Rarely missing, and if it does, it's for a good reason

Not always punctual, sometimes forgets to warn

Often absent or late, while not informing the manager


Has respect for the organization

Satisfied with the fact that he works in the organization, does not speak badly about the company and colleagues

Does not always feel like a part of the organization, avoids publicly expressing dissatisfaction, but sometimes does not hold back negative emotions in relation to the company

Has a negative attitude towards the organization, pursues his personal goals, criticizes the company and colleagues

The quality of work performed

The work is carried out without errors, neatly and carefully. Maintaining customer service standards

The quality meets the requirements, errors are rare, and if there are, they are minor and are corrected independently

The work is done with high quality, but there are errors, sometimes you have to check the work

Poor quality of work, constant errors, constant checks required

Scope of work performed

Work is progressing as planned

Works quickly, meets targets or more than planned

Works slowly, needs to be "customized"

Works slowly. Does not meet the planned volume

Professional knowledge

The employee has the knowledge necessary for this position

He understands his duties well, knowledge corresponds to the work performed, explanations from the manager are rarely required

Not always enough knowledge, many working issues need to be further clarified

Lack of knowledge to perform duties. Doesn't understand his job well

Ability to control emotions

Ability to control oneself in stressful situations

Works well in both normal and stressful situations, always maintains restraint and a positive attitude towards work and clients

Smooth, calm attitude towards work and colleagues, as well as clients. Tries to restrain himself in a difficult situation

Constant dissatisfaction and unfriendly attitude towards colleagues and clients create tension. Uneven emotional behavior

Ability to deal with difficult situations

Ability to make decisions and independently find a way out of the current situation

Can find on its own
way out of a difficult situation. Always makes decisions within his competence and is responsible for them

Prefers not to make decisions on his own, to solve a difficult situation often asks for the advice of a leader

Avoids making decisions and being responsible for them, independent solutions to difficult situations only aggravate the situation

The ability to listen

Ability to hear and understand information

Listens carefully, does not interrupt, knows how to ask clarifying questions

Listens carefully to what is being said and seeks to understand

Not listening,
often interrupts. If something
did not understand, he does not specify, but adds his own interpretation

Oral communications

Ability to express thoughts accurately and clearly

He expresses his thoughts very well, knows how to convincingly convince of his innocence.

Knows how to explain his position, but sometimes there are difficulties in logically proving his point of view

He expresses his thoughts with difficulty, is offended if they start asking clarifying questions, is offended, thinking that they do not understand him

Grouping and ranking criteria. In our example, it will look like this:

The volume and quality of work, professional knowledge will be included in the group of criteria - the fulfillment of the main job duties. Loyalty and discipline - attitude to work. Oral communication, the ability to control emotions, the ability to listen - communication skills.

The ranking of the criteria will look like this.

Fulfillment of basic duties. Among them:

1 - professional knowledge;

2 - quality of work;

3 - the amount of work.

Attitude towards work, among them:

1 - discipline;

2 - loyalty;

3 - the ability to solve difficult situations.

Communication skills, including:

1 - verbal communications;

2 - the ability to control emotions;

3 - the ability to listen.

Natalya Maleeva, HR Director of M.Video (Moscow):

“Since our company is developing dynamically, it becomes necessary to refine both the criteria and the evaluation procedure. It usually happens like this:

A working group is formed, which includes key employees retail management (the best section managers, store directors, region managers) and representatives of the commercial management responsible for the growth of sales of certain goods in stores.

Goal is defined working group. For example, one of the criteria for evaluating the seller of our stores is knowledge of technology. In this case, the goal of the working group is to determine which categories of goods occupy a large share of sales in the department, technically complex products, new seasons, as well as highlight categories that have become irrelevant or are being removed from the assortment of stores. Based on this information, a percentage of the number of questions for each of the categories will be formed. In addition, it is determined whether the seller must know everything thoroughly specifications or just have information about the functionality of the product and its use in everyday life.

Who should be involved in developing the criteria?

Evaluation criteria can be developed by the head and the HR specialist or jointly with the employees who perform the relevant work. In the first case, it is important that the line manager also takes part in the development of the criteria, since it is he who sets goals for the employee and evaluates the results of work. Joint development of criteria for the line manager together with employees has its advantages. Firstly, the criteria will be understandable for both the manager and employees, secondly, they will be more appropriate for the specifics of a particular job, thirdly, they will reflect, take into account the conditions and content of the work, and, finally, they will be accepted by employees. But it should be noted that the manager makes the final decision after discussing the developed criteria with senior management and personnel service specialists. Remember that general recognition and understanding of the evaluation criteria is necessary, so before the meeting, each participant needs to explain what the evaluation criteria are, why they are important and how they will be used in the employee performance evaluation process.

Olga Svetlysheva, Lecturer at the Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman, candidate of legal sciences (Moscow):

“The project team must necessarily include managers of different levels and specialists whose task is to fill the proposed forms with content (for example, formulate goals for employees for a certain period and criteria for achieving them). The main thing when developing criteria is to remember the connection between the company's strategy and the goals and planned results of specific departments and each employee.

Do not neglect the description of the criteria. This will serve as a tool for reaching a common understanding and will act as a "dictionary" of terms accepted in the organization.

What documents do you need to have when developing personnel assessment criteria?

In developing the criteria for personnel performance, one or more of the following documents should be based on: the company's strategic plan, clearly defined business processes, the mission and goals of the company, job descriptions, standards and regulations for the performance of work, etc.

It is necessary to focus on what is really important for a particular position, and determine the acceptable minimum of tasks and results that must be achieved.

Svetlana Nikitina, senior account manager of the CONSORT consulting group, member of the Association of HR Consultants (Moscow):

“First of all, a copy of the job description of employees is needed to develop criteria. It is extremely important here that the assessment indicators correspond to the content of the work, for this it is worth checking how the functions performed correspond to the job description. Also, to form the evaluation criteria, the general development strategy of the company and the form of employee evaluation are used. In addition, documents are used that fix service functions, they can be called: functional responsibilities, job responsibilities, functional tasks. Job responsibilities may be included in the job description, which defines the authority of the employee.

It is important to have sufficient information to evaluate according to the selected criteria, that is, it should be possible to compare the activities of employees in relation to the established standards of work in the company.

Requirements to be met by the criteria

After the evaluation criteria are written, it is necessary to determine whether they meet certain requirements. So the criteria should be:

1. Be achievable, which is necessary to get the job done.

2. Be objective and justified and not depend on who performs them (that is, they must be developed for a specific position, and not for a person).

3. Inform the employee about what specific actions and results are expected from him.

4. Correspond to the content of the work.

5. Motivate the employee to achieve the best results.

6. Conform to the goals of the organization.

7. Be understandable and clearly linked to the most important characteristics of work behavior and (or) the most important results of work.

8. Be dynamic, that is, they must develop and adapt to existing changes in the company.

Olga Novikova, deputy CEO for the personnel of the SINTEZ N Group of Companies (Moscow):

“Very often, the middle manager lacks the knowledge to evaluate the personnel subordinate to him. This leads to subjectivism and bias, a formal approach and a violation of the periodicity of evaluation activities. This problem can be solved by making the HR department responsible for the entire evaluation process in the organization. That is, the department will not only participate in the development of the assessment system, but also monitor compliance with the regulations and deadlines for assessment activities. In addition, I recommend developing motivational schemes for managers, including an assessment of middle managers in terms of working with personnel. Also, an important role is played by the systematic training of managers in personnel management, which should be initiated and organized by the personnel department. Particular attention should be paid to explanatory work among middle managers on personnel management issues, which should be constantly carried out by the head of HR service.

Clear evaluation criteria help both the manager and the staff understand what is expected of their work. This understanding provides a basis for establishing feedback, provides an opportunity to evaluate personal perspectives, and contributes to the effective performance of each employee. In addition, the criteria allow you to determine how employees fit the organization and how the organization meets the expectations of the employee. Thus, the evaluation criteria will help to evaluate the employee's contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals, which enables management to make the right administrative decisions.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment


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Performance appraisal is a process that includes identifying and communicating to the employee how they are doing their job and, ideally, developing a performance improvement plan. Evaluation not only allows the employee to see the tasks ahead of him more clearly and learn how well he works, but also has an impact on future work, attitude and desire to achieve the best results. The contractor will work with greater efficiency if he perceives the assessment of his work as fair and understandable.

Using the results of personnel performance appraisal to make managerial and administrative decisions related to promotion, dismissal, incentives and punishments is one of the most common areas of its application. The results achieved by an employee are often the most significant basis for deciding on his promotion through the ranks. And although the successful work of an employee at the moment at a given workplace does not mean at all that he will perform the work just as successfully at a higher level, the information obtained as a result of the assessment is nevertheless of high value for predicting the success of an employee in a new position.

Stimulation of an employee to achieve high work results and to show the best examples of work behavior is possible only if the assessment system is able to identify those differences in work results and work behavior of employees that are clearly correlated with differences in their level of professional success.

The main factor in the safety and success of Svyaznoy-Logistics is its personnel policy. The specificity of the participation of employees in the improvement of work is associated with the need for strict directive behavior, the inadmissibility of deviation from regulatory documents and instructions, a certain closeness of relations, as well as a high level of professional culture.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Study the requirements for assessing the work of personnel.

2. Analyze methods for assessing the labor activity of personnel.

3. Explore the procedure for certification at Svyaznoy JSC.

The subject of the study is the assessment of the labor activity of the organization's personnel. The object of the study is Svyaznoy JSC.

The topic of the work is quite important and relevant, the assessment of personnel performance reflects the final results of the organization's activities.

1. Methods for assessing management personnel

1.1 Evaluation of personnel in labor activity

Labor activity is a rational series of operations and functions, rigidly fixed in time and space, performed by people united in labor organizations.

In order for the activities of the staff to be more effective and used effectively enough, it is necessary to use labor assessment, with the use of indicators and remuneration for their achievement. Personnel assessment enables managers or personnel departments to more effectively conduct personnel policy, improve, attract new employees instead of those who do not cope with their duties and, thereby, do better work.

Personnel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the manager in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

assessment of the qualifications of an employee - when the characteristics of the standard are identified and compared with a specific person;

analysis of the results of the work - here they evaluate the quality of the work performed;

Evaluation of an employee as a person - personal characteristics are identified and compared with ideal ones for a given place.

Performance evaluation can be used as one of the methods of monitoring the performance of staff in order to maintain established performance standards. If it turns out that the work of the staff does not meet these standards, then the organization, depending on the identified causes of unsatisfactory performance, can take the following steps:

Reorganization of the labor process: simplification of work, changes in the organization of labor, etc.;

change in production standards;

training or retraining of employees;

· development and implementation of programs aimed at increasing the level of motivation and commitment of the personnel of their organization;

Relocation to other positions of employees who do not cope with their duties;

Dismissing unsuitable employees and recruiting new employees.

The effectiveness of the company's activities directly depends on how the performance of each employee meets the established requirements. The performance indicator is the personnel assessment criteria. These criteria help to identify personal (individual employee) or general (structural unit) reasons for low performance. Personnel evaluation criteria is a critical feature that separates the satisfactory and unsatisfactory functioning of the team. In order for the information obtained as a result of the audit to be reliable, performance indicators must be clearly thought out and adapted as much as possible to the specific goals of the organization.

Personnel assessment criteria are divided into four groups: corporate and specialized, quantitative and qualitative, objective and subjective, integral and simple.

Organization-wide criteria apply to all employees, while specialized criteria evaluate the effectiveness of a particular position or workplace. Quantitative indicators reflect the volume of production of gross, marketable output, profits, the number of employees, etc. in absolute terms (rubles, tons, meters, man-hours, etc.).

Quality indicators are relative values, for example, an increase in labor productivity, an increase in efficiency, a reduction in costs, etc., expressing the ratio between quantitative indicators. It should be borne in mind that qualitative indicators have a quantitative certainty, and quantitative ones have a qualitative characteristic. Objective criteria evaluate the compliance of the work with the standards and regulations established in a particular company, while subjective criteria are based on the opinion of experts. Simple criteria check certain aspects of labor and labor behavior (productivity, adherence to working hours, etc.), and integral criteria combine information from various characteristics related to the performance of the employee's duties.

How to evaluate the staff, decides the manager. It is he who gives the task to develop the necessary documents, determines the category of employees to be assessed. It can be all employees of the enterprise, only workers, or, conversely, only specialists.

An evaluation sheet must be prepared for each employee. Estimates are entered into it by the direct head of the structural unit (shop manager, foreman, head of department) at the end of a certain period (quarter, year).

Each worker must familiarize himself with his evaluation sheet. After that, it must be handed over to the personnel management department, where it must be stored until the end of the next reporting period.

The results of the assessment of the effectiveness of the work of the personnel should be taken into account by the manager when:

* drawing up a reserve of personnel;

* filling a vacant position;

* distribution of the bonus fund;

* sending employees to advanced training courses, etc.

The organization shall establish which categories of personnel are subject to regular performance appraisal. Depending on which category of workers will be assessed, the content of the assessment system and the criteria and standards used in this change. For example, the evaluation of the performance of managers whose work is difficult to regulate or requires the performance of a wide range of different tasks will not be limited to quantitative indicators that characterize the work of the relevant department of the organization, but will include a number of qualitative indicators designed to evaluate the most important components of the leader's performance. On the contrary, the evaluation of service personnel may be based primarily on quantitative indicators that reflect the productivity and quality of their work. If evaluation results are used to better link performance and pay, then only those results that are under the control of the worker or depend on his work efforts should be evaluated. If the work results do not depend entirely on the employee, if the employee does not have full control over his work (for example, work on an assembly line, when the results of an employee also depend on the work of other people), in such cases it makes sense to evaluate not an individual employee, but the results the work of the entire brigade, working group or the whole unit.

A deeper assessment of personnel occurs during the certification of employees. It, as a rule, applies only to specialists and managers of the enterprise and is held once every three years. The decision to conduct a regular or extraordinary certification is made by the head, acting on the basis of unity of command. This decision is approved by order. On the basis of the “Regulations on Certification”, one or more (depending on the size of the company) certification commissions are created, a schedule for certification is drawn up, and other necessary measures are taken.

1.2 Evaluation of the results of personnel work

Evaluation of labor results is one of the functions of personnel management, aimed at determining the level of efficiency of work performance. Evaluation of labor results is an integral part of the business evaluation of personnel, along with an assessment of their professional behavior and personal qualities, and consists in determining the compliance of the employee's labor results with the set goals, planned indicators, and regulatory requirements.

Evaluation of the results of work of different categories of workers (managers, specialists, other employees, workers) differs in their tasks, significance, indicators or characteristics, and the complexity of identifying results.

Quite simply, this problem is solved for the category of workers, especially pieceworkers, since the quantitative and qualitative results of their labor are expressed in the quantity of products produced and their quality. By comparing with the planned task, the result of their work is evaluated.

Evaluation of the results of the work of managers and specialists is much more difficult, since it characterizes their ability to have a direct impact on the activities of any production or management link. In the very general view the result of the work of an employee of the management apparatus is characterized by the level, or degree, of achieving the goal of management at the lowest cost. At the same time, the correct definition of quantitative or qualitative indicators that reflect the ultimate goals of an organization or unit is of great practical importance.

The indicators by which employees are evaluated are varied. These include the quality of the work performed, its quantity, the value assessment of the results. To assess labor productivity, a fairly large number of indicators are required that would cover both the amount of work (for example, the number of visits made by a sales agent) and its results (for example, the amount of revenue). a kind of threshold beyond which the state of the indicator will satisfy or not satisfy the established (planned, normalized) requirements.

Therefore, when choosing evaluation criteria, one should take into account, firstly, for which specific tasks the results of the evaluation are used (increase in wages, career growth, dismissal, etc.) and, secondly, for which category and position of employees the criteria are established, given that they will be differentiated depending on the complexity, responsibility and nature of the employee's activities. Singling out three categories of managerial employees, it should be borne in mind that employees of each of these categories contribute to the management process: specialists develop and prepare decisions, other employees draw them up, and managers make decisions, evaluate their quality, control deadlines.

In connection with the division of managerial labor, the result of the manager's work, as a rule, is expressed through the results of the production, economic and other activities of the organization or divisions (for example, the implementation of the profit plan, the growth in the number of customers, etc.), as well as through socio-economic conditions labor of employees subordinate to him (for example, the level of remuneration, staff motivation, etc.). The result of the work of specialists is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality, and timeliness of the performance of their assigned duties. When choosing indicators that characterize the key, main results of the work of managers and specialists, it should be taken into account that they have a direct and decisive influence on the result of the entire activity of the organization; occupy a significant part of the working time of the staff; there are relatively few of them (4 - 6); account for at least 80% of all results; lead to the achievement of the goals of the organization or unit.

When evaluating the performance of managers and specialists, along with quantitative indicators, that is, direct indicators, indirect ones are also used, characterizing the factors that affect the achievement of results. Such performance factors include: efficiency of work, tension, intensity of labor, complexity of labor, quality of labor, etc. job duties and functions that form the basis of this position, and what qualities should be shown in connection with this.

There are four types of certification of employees (managers, specialists and other employees): regular certification, certification after the probationary period, certification during promotion and certification when transferred to another structural unit.

The next attestation is obligatory for everyone and is carried out at least once every two years for the management staff and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees. Certification after the probationary period is carried out in order to develop reasonable recommendations for the use of the certified employee based on the results of his labor adaptation in a new workplace. Certification during career advancement should identify the employee's potential and the level of his professional training for occupying a higher position, taking into account the requirements of a new workplace and new responsibilities. Certification when transferring to another structural unit is carried out in cases where there is a significant change in job responsibilities and requirements for a new workplace. The list of positions subject to certification, and the timing of its implementation are established by the head of the organization in all divisions of the organization.

Certification takes place in four stages: the preparatory stage, the stage of assessing the employee and his work, the stage of the certification, the stage of making a decision on the results of the certification.

At the preparatory stage, an order is issued to conduct certification and approve the composition of the certification commission, a regulation on certification is developed; a list of employees subject to certification is compiled; reviews-characteristics (assessment sheets) and attestation sheets for those being certified are prepared; the labor collective is informed about the timing, goals, features and procedure for the certification.

Certification is carried out on the basis of schedules that are brought to the attention of the certified at least one month before the start of certification, and the documents for the certified are submitted to the certification commission two weeks before the start of certification.

The composition of the certification commission is approved by the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the personnel management service. The attestation commission is headed by a chairman (head of a department or organization). The deputy chairman of the commission is the deputy head of the organization for personnel or the head of the personnel management service. The secretary of the commission is the leading employee of the personnel management service. Members of the attestation commission are appointed from among the employees of the organization's divisions. The attestation commission works without interruption from the main job duties in combination.

The secretary of the commission prepares the certification sheets, and the reviews-characteristics of the certified ones are theirs. direct superiors. Preparatory stage ends two weeks before the start of the certification, so that the members of the commission can familiarize themselves with the documents for the certified in advance.

At the stage of assessing the employee and his work activity, expert groups are created in the departments where the certified ones work. They include: the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, a higher manager, one or two specialists of this unit, an employee (employees) of the personnel management service. The expert group, according to the appropriate methodology, evaluates the indicators of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, quality and results of the work of the person being certified.

The stage of attestation consists in a meeting of the attestation commission, to which the attestees and their immediate supervisors are invited; consideration of all materials submitted for certification; hearing attested and their leaders; discussion of certification materials, statements of invitees, formation of conclusions and recommendations on certification of employees.

The attestation commission, taking into account discussions in the absence of the person being attested by open voting, gives one of the following assessments: corresponds to the position held; corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work, implementation of the recommendations of the certification committee and re-certification in a year; does not match the position.

Evaluation of the activities of an employee who has passed the certification, and the recommendations of the commission are entered in the evaluation sheet. The sheet for assessing activities and personal qualities is filled in by the immediate supervisor of the person being certified and a representative of the personnel management service. The certified person gets acquainted with the contents of the sheet no later than two weeks before the certification.

If the certified person does not appear at the meeting of the certification commission for good reasons, it is recommended to postpone the consideration of materials for the certified person until he arrives at the meeting of the commission. If the person being certified does not appear at the meeting of the certification commission without good reason, the commission may conduct certification in his absence. In this case, all questions of the members of the commission must be answered by the direct supervisor of the person being certified.

The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation sheet and communicated to the person being attested immediately after voting. The meeting of the attestation commission is documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission. The protocol of the meeting of the commission is filled in for all attestees who were heard during one meeting. If the employees who passed the certification belong to different departments, then the protocols are drawn up for each department separately.

At the stage of decision-making based on the results of certification, a conclusion is formulated taking into account:

Conclusions and proposals set out in the review of the head of the person being certified;

Assessments of the activity of the person being certified, the growth of his qualifications;

Evaluation of business, personal and other qualities of the certified person and their compliance with the requirements of the workplace;

The opinions of each member of the commission expressed during the discussion of the activities of the person being certified;

Comparison of the materials of the previous certification with the data at the time of certification and the nature of data changes;

Opinions of the most certified about his work, about the realization of his potential.

Particular attention is drawn to the observance of the certified labor discipline, the manifestation of independence in solving the tasks, the desire for self-improvement, the professional suitability of the employee

The scoring method is most commonly used to evaluate performance factors.

Table 1 - Example scoring complexity and quality of work

The performance appraisal procedure will be effective subject to the following mandatory conditions: establishing clear "standards" of labor results for each position (workplace) and criteria for its evaluation; development of a procedure for evaluating the results of labor (when, how often and who evaluates evaluation methods); providing complete and reliable information to the appraiser on the results of the work of the employee; discussing the results of the assessment with the employee; making a decision on the results of the evaluation and documenting the evaluation of the results of work are applied various methods, classification and brief description.

Table 2 - The main methods for assessing the results of personnel work

Brief description of the method

1. Method of standard estimates

The manager fills out a special form in which he characterizes each aspect of the employee's work

2. Method of questionnaires and comparative questionnaires

Includes the principle of describing the behavior of an employee. The evaluator puts a mark (score) against each characteristic; ratings can be aggregated.

3. Descriptive method

It is based on a consistent characterization of the advantages and disadvantages in the employee's behavior according to selected criteria.

4. Forced selection method

Experts choose from a given set the most suitable traits for a given employee

5. Method of decisive situation

It is based on a list of cases of “correct” and “wrong” behavior of an employee in individual so-called. decisive situations.

It is based on putting down a quantitative assessment according to the scale adopted in this case for each character trait of the assessed employee, resulting in his professional personal profile

The expert fills in questionnaires containing 6-10 most important characteristics of work, formulated on the basis of an analysis of 5-6 most important decisive situations for assessing qualifications.

8. Method of management by goals

It is based on an assessment of the achievement by the employee of the quantitatively defined goals established jointly with the manager for a specific period of time.

The most widely used in organizations around the world is the method of management by goals (tasks) to evaluate performance. The greatest difficulty in evaluating the results of the work of managerial employees through goals lies in determining the system of individual target indicators.

The main methods that can be used in the business assessment of personnel:

1. Certification (exam) is a periodic comprehensive check of the level of business personal and moral qualities of an employee in the relevant position he occupies.

2. Assessment center - a comprehensive assessment of personnel by experts, which includes business games - modeling, playing typical work situations, interviews and testing.

3. Interview - an assessment of the work activity of an employee by his immediate supervisor through a personal conversation.

4. Cases - analysis of the situation, identification of the essence of the problems and proposal of possible solutions.

6. Testing - assessment of the employee's skill level, his psychological, physiological and personal qualities.

The frequency of personnel performance assessment depends on the specifics of the business, the nature of the work of employees and the assessment method. So, it is desirable to organize attestation, testing, an assessment center once a year or several years, an interview with the manager - weekly, cases - 1-2 times a month, a rating - at the end of each month.

2. Analysis of the assessment of the labor activity of personnel in Svyaznoy JSC

2.1 General characteristics of the organization

Svyaznoy Joint Stock Company was established in 2002. At present, the number of founders of the enterprise remains unchanged - 5 shareholders with equal shares in the authorized capital of the company (20% for each member of the company). At the same time, 3 shareholders - legal entities, residents of the Russian Federation and 2 shareholders - individuals, residents of the Russian Federation.

Svyaznoy JSC is organized in accordance with the current Russian legislation and, in particular, the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies". "Svyaznoy" - federal retail network, specializing in the sale of services of cellular operators, personal cellular accessories, portable digital audio and photo equipment.

The main goal of Svyaznoy JSC is to help people in their desire to step into the world of unlimited possibilities of mobile communication, which unites and makes them free in time and space.

Relations between Svyaznoy JSC and serviced credit institutions, representative and executive bodies of state power, local self-government, as well as other legal entities are built on the basis of agreements.

In their work, the departments are guided by the Regulations, instructions, orders and other regulations organizations. Svyaznoy JSC is headed by Evgeny Sokolov. The Director acts on behalf of the Main Directorate within the limits of authority determined by the power of attorney issued by way of substitution by the Head of the Main Directorate.

2.2 Analysis of the assessment of the labor activity of personnel at the enterprise

In accordance with the order "On the improvement of work with personnel" dated February 27, 2001. No. OD-b7 and Regulations on personnel assessment dated 02.03.2001. No. 135-P, the assessment was given the status of a mandatory procedure. In order to improve the efficiency of work with personnel and the validity of making managerial decisions, an assessment of the results of performing activities and an assessment of the activities of employees during a trial period is carried out.

JSC "Svyaznoy" all work is carried out according to the plan, planning is carried out by the direct head of the structural unit. Plans are developed for the quarter, half year and year.

The event is planned in accordance with the tasks, functions of the structural unit, which are enshrined in the regulations on structural units. And according to job descriptions, the scope of work, specific deadlines and requirements for the quality of work are determined for the employees of the organization.

Every year, the organization conducts certification of employees, the results of which reveal, possibly, a hidden good potential of employees, which is encouraged by bonus payments, or the provision of a new position, or sends an employee for retraining or advanced training.

Analyzing the work of this organization for the evaluation of labor activity, certain shortcomings were identified and the following recommendations were made for sections:

1. Evaluation of the results of the performance of personnel;

2. The procedure for evaluating the performance of employees by the manager;

3. Evaluation of the performance of employees during the trial period.

Evaluation of performance activities of employees is carried out based on the results of their implementation of the work plan for the quarter. At the end of the calendar year, each employee needs to display an average annual assessment based on the results of performing activities and give recommendations on career changes.

The goals of evaluating the results of the performance of employees by the head:

Determining the level of performance of employees must be taken into account for a certain period of time (quarter, year);

Inform the employee in a timely manner about the degree of compliance with his position.

Evaluation of the results of performing activities should be carried out by the immediate supervisor during the period of the employee's probationary period, taking into account the implementation of the quarterly work plan by the structural unit. An individual plan should be additionally developed for it, taking into account additional and unscheduled tasks.

Based on the results of the quarterly and annual assessment, the head of the structural unit must fill in the assessment sheets in accordance with the proposed forms. Evaluation sheets must be properly executed - it is obligatory to have an introductory signature of the employee undergoing evaluation; the manager carrying out the assessment; director. Sheets must be kept at the personnel office and are confidential information.

In the procedure for evaluating the results of labor activity, specialists who, by order of the director, are included in the expert commissions of divisions, as well as clerks, inspectors of the personnel department, should participate as evaluators.

The evaluation of the results of performing activities is carried out by the head of the personnel department "Svyaznoy".

The procedure for evaluating the results of performing activities should consist of the following steps: determining the evaluation parameters; planning the activities of each employee, evaluation of the results of activities for the planned period, preparation by the manager of proposals based on the results of the evaluation of each employee, discussion of the assessment with the employee.

For categories of employees performing a variety of tasks that require independence and initiative, decision-making, etc. the following parameters are selected: the quality of the tasks performed or the compliance of the final result with the established standards, compliance with the deadlines for the completion of work, the amount of work performed, initiative, creativity to the point.

For employees whose activities are associated with strict regulation, accuracy in performing technological instructions and schemes, there are such parameters as: the amount of work performed, compliance with the deadlines for the completion of work.

The established evaluation parameters are brought to the attention of employees, they are also explained in essence the criteria for evaluating their work.

When evaluating performance, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that it is not the employee's potential (abilities, opportunities, etc.) that is assessed, but the real results of his activities for a certain period.

Quarterly, the employee's activity is assessed for each of the established parameters, then the performance assessment for the quarter is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments for each of the parameters. The score sheet must necessarily include the column “average score for the structural unit”, which allows the specialist to correlate his individual score with the level of indicators for the unit (department, sector, group).

The annual assessment is calculated as the arithmetic average of the assessments given to the employee for each quarter.

Evaluation of the results of performing activities is agreed with the director, after which it is brought to the attention of the employee.

The immediate supervisor must conduct individual interviews with subordinate employees, which should not be limited to the formal presentation of an evaluation sheet and the receipt of an introductory signature. During the interviews, the results of the assessment for the given parameters, the level of the value of each parameter, the reasons for the decrease in the assessment are discussed in detail, the disagreements that have arisen are discussed, recommendations and all necessary comments are given to the specialist, etc.

Based on the results of the assessment of performance activities, the HR department should form a database and monitor the implementation of recommendations on career planning for employees.

Managers are involved in the procedure for evaluating performance results as assessees. structural divisions"Svyaznoy", in addition to the director - deputy director, chief accountant, heads of departments.

The director evaluates the activities of managers based on an analysis of the work plans of the departments they supervise according to the established parameters and evaluation sheets must be filled out. In agreement with the Human Resources Department, it is possible to make additions and changes to the evaluation parameters included in the evaluation sheet.

When evaluating managers, the director of Svyaznoy takes into account the results of inspections and audits, in which positive or negative aspects of the work and, in general, of its individual divisions are noted. Managers get acquainted with the results of the evaluation of their activities, must put their signature on the evaluation sheet, and, if necessary, express their opinion in writing.

Evaluation sheets of the results of the activities of managers are stored in the HR department.

All employees hired by the organization with a probationary period participate in the performance assessment procedure. The assessment is carried out by the manager, to whom the newly hired employee reports directly. Previously, at the beginning of the probationary period, specific tasks, instructions and conditions necessary for the employee to complete them are specified. The parameters are brought to his attention, but by which he will be evaluated. If necessary, an individual plan for the employee is developed for the duration of the probationary period.

Before the end of the probationary period, the manager evaluates the results of the employee's activities for this period according to the following parameters: the level of mastery of the regulatory documents governing the activities of the unit, diligence, deadlines for the completion of work, initiative, quality of work.

The success of completing assignments during the trial period is determined based on the level of grades received on a 5-point scale.

The final average score is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the scores for five parameters. If the final average score is 3 points or more, the employee is considered to have successfully passed the probationary period. If the score is below 3, the immediate supervisor must conduct an interview with the employee in order to find out the reasons for the low score. The results of the assessment are taken into account when making a management decision on passing the probationary period.

2.3 Analysis of the certification at the enterprise

Every year, the organization conducts certification of employees, the results of which reveal, possibly, a hidden good potential of employees, which is encouraged by bonus payments, or the provision of a new position, or sends an employee for retraining or advanced training. A survey of several specialists was conducted in Svyaznoy JSC, and as the results showed, they believe that the assessment of performance is carried out formally, most of the employees are rated with an average score.

1. it is necessary to involve in the assessment procedure as experts, along with the immediate supervisor of the assessed, several more highly qualified employees;

2. Develop special programs for personnel assessment and evaluate all personnel (including heads of departments) using computer technology;

3. Develop new methods for assessing personnel: such as management by objectives, assessment scales and ranking methods;

4. In order to improve the efficiency of work with personnel, it is necessary to conduct a timely assessment of labor activity.

If Svyaznoy is interested in the specialists working better, seeing a service perspective, then their work should be encouraged with incentive bonuses based on the results of the assessment of performance.

In Svyaznoy JSC, sometimes a central trend error occurs when most of the employees are rated with an average score. Although this is unacceptable when evaluating personnel, since each employee performs his function according to the job description and it is impossible to equate them with each other, even if they replace each other.

Also very important principle social management is stimulation. Stimulation - the impact on the needs, interests of a person, and through them on the will and behavior. By stimulating and encouraging the employee to more intensive activity, managers instill discipline and initiative, develop the abilities inherent in a person.

Encouragement is positive stimulation. It must be reasonable, timely, public. Employees can be encouraged both for the successful performance of their duties and for other socially useful deeds, so it is desirable for an organization to develop a provision on stimulating and rewarding employees.

This organization has a system of stimulating labor activity, for example, when there is a lot of work and the employee cannot cope, the manager asks the employee to work overtime for a bonus (encouragement), for employees receiving little wages It's a good way to get a pay raise.

It can be concluded that on personnel service responsible for the implementation of personnel policy in the selection, placement, movement and accounting of personnel, conducting a business assessment of personnel. It is obliged to organize the preparation and conduct of personnel certification, to carry out measures to improve the qualifications of personnel, to monitor compliance with all regulatory documents on personnel management.


Organizations periodically evaluate their employees to improve their performance and identify professional development needs. Studies show that regular and systematic staff assessment has a positive effect on employee motivation, their professional development and growth. At the same time, the evaluation results are important element human resource management, as they provide the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding remuneration, promotion, dismissal of employees, their training and development.

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task that can only be solved by the management of the organization itself (possibly with the help of professional consultants). As well as the compensation system, the certification system should take into account and reflect a number of factors - the strategic goals of the organization, the state external environment, organizational culture and structure, traditions of the organization, characteristics of the workforce employed in it. In stable organizations with a stable hierarchical structure, as a rule, traditional methods of evaluation can be used effectively; for dynamic organizations operating in a changing environment, non-traditional methods are more suitable. When choosing an assessment system, it is necessary to pay special attention to its compliance with other personnel management systems - compensation, career planning, vocational training to achieve synergies and avoid conflicts and contradictions.

Having brought together a group of highly qualified specialists in education, but without assessing the personal and business qualities of each individually or evaluating the work of the group, the leader can get a "difficult team", both psychologically and production plan. Not always professional assessment coincides with the personal one, and an experienced employee may turn out to be a quarrelsome person, which will bring disharmony to the work of the team and the organization as a whole.


managerial staff attestation head

1. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015.

2. Kornyushin V.Yu. Evaluation and certification of personnel. - M.: MIEMP, 2013

3. Borisova E.A. Evaluation and certification of personnel. Moscow: Peter, 2013.

4. Lukash Yu.A. Personnel assessment methods. M.: Finpress, 2014.

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