Presentation interesting about Russian antiquity. Presentation "Glory to the Russian side, glory to Russian antiquity" presentation for a lesson in fine arts (iso) on the topic

With affectionate Maslenitsa congratulations

Sayings about Russian Maslenitsa

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa is a roundabout, with money tucked away.

Without pancakes - not Maslena.

  • Maslen is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip (forthcoming Lent).
  • Maslenitsa seven days (a week) walks.

Monday - meeting

Morning... Monday... The "Meeting" is coming. Bright sleds glide from the hills. All day fun. Evening is coming... Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

Tuesday - "play"

"Flicker" careless - Tuesday joy

All walk, frolic came out as one!

Games and fun, and for them - a reward:

Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

Wednesday - "gourmet"

Here the environment is suitable - it is called "gourmet". Every hostess conjures

at the oven. Kulebyaki,

cheesecakes - they succeed.

Pies and pancakes -

all swords on the table!

Main treat on Maslenitsa is:


1) fish;

2) vegetables and fruits;

3) pancakes.

According to ancient beliefs, pancakes are a symbol of:


1) spring;

2) the sun;

3) fertility.

Traditionally, Maslenitsa was depicted as a straw doll dressed in a sundress.

Shrovetide itself is traditionally portrayed as:

1) stuffed bear;

2) straw doll dressed

in a sundress;

3) snowman.

What did they do with the effigy of Maslenitsa on the last day of the festive week?

1) left until next year;

2) burned;

3) drowned in the hole.

Friday - mother-in-law evening

Friday has come - "Teschin's evenings" ...

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!

Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,

We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.

Saturday - "seeing off"

Saturday is coming - "sister-in-law treat."

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.

The holiday continues, the general fun.

Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

Sunday - "forgiveness day"

Sunday is coming fast.

Everything relieves the soul on the “forgiveness day”.

Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,

Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities

the fair crowns. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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Glory to Russian antiquity! Technology teacher of the municipal educational institution "Krasnolimansk secondary school, village of Krasnoarmeisky, Romanovsky district, Saratov region" Zhuk T.E. 2014

2 slide

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Intellectual-cognitive game KVM-ZS Look back at our ancestors, At the heroes of the past. Remember them with a kind word, Glory to them, harsh fighters! Glory to our side! Glory to Russian antiquity!

3 slide

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Club of merry craftsmen - connoisseurs of antiquity Hello, friends! Today is an interesting day at our school. We have prepared a fun wonderful holiday– KVM-ZS

4 slide

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1st reader. Look back at our ancestors. On the heroes of the past. Remember them with a kind word - Glory to them, harsh fighters! Glory to our side! Glory to Russian antiquity! And I'll start talking about this old time, So that people can know About the affairs of their native land ... 2nd reader. In a narrow monastery cell, In four blank walls, A monk wrote about the earth, about ancient Russian Byl. He wrote in winter and summer, Illuminated by a dim light. He wrote from year to year About our great people. Leading. Goy, you are our glorious guests, dear, dear children! I will tell you about holy Russia, about distant times, unknown to you. Once upon a time there were good fellows, beautiful, beautiful girls. And they had kind mothers, bearded wise fathers. They knew how to plow the land, mow the grass, chop houses-towers, knew how to weave canvases, embroider them with patterns.

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QUIZ - WARM-UP. The ancient name of bread. Transfer from generation to generation of customs, skills, rules. An object or figurative sign that has a protective value. Loom. People's craftsman. Item for ironing linen, wooden iron. So in the old days the settlement was called. The same word we call now precipitation. What word is it? Name the Russian version of the Latvian proverb: “You can’t stretch out your hand, you won’t get it off the shelf.” Another name for a towel.

7 slide

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Towel Fantasy flight and handiwork With delight I hold in my hands... Fortunately, the beauty of aging does not know, Love for the beautiful lives for centuries.

8 slide

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The history of the towel A woman in ancient Russia was revered as the guardian of rituals that ensured the benefit of the family and the whole family. She has been preparing for this since childhood. From the age of 8-9, girls sat down at the hoop and mastered the art of embroidery and the secrets of magical signs, and at the same time prepared the dowry for their weddings. Ancient embroidery is a kind of secret writing system, where paper is replaced by homespun cloth, and ink is replaced by cotton or woolen threads. The expression "to scribble a letter" meant in those distant years to embroider symbolic signs. It was believed that patterns embroidered on the eve of spring have the most beneficial power. In later times, the sun was symbolized either by a firebird dropping warming feather-rays, or by a zealous fire-breathing horse. In general, birds symbolized warmth, light, wealth in ancient patterns. If paired or fused birds were depicted, then the pattern was embroidered as good wishes bride and groom. Towels played a special role in various rituals, the purpose of which was sometimes very far from the present. By the day of the wedding, the girl had to embroider at least 40 towels in order not only to bestow gifts on all the groom's relatives, but also to perform wedding ceremonies. The biggest "hand-made" - she gave to her fiancé as a sign of her and her parents' consent to marriage. During the trip to the crown, they were decorated with the arcs of the wedding wagon. Towels with certain patterns accompanied a person all his life. They were used in maternity and baptismal ceremonies, and after the death of a person, a special towel was hung out of the window for 40 days or laid out on the windowsill so that the soul of the deceased could enter the house through it. The towel was considered a symbol of ancestors; it was, as it were, an intermediary between the living and the founders of their kind. Towels made on the same day or night had a special magical power. Great importance in the old days was attached to the color of embroidery. White color was a symbol of light, happiness, abundance. Red - meant fire and sunlight, which had many miraculous properties. (The threads were dyed red with dyes from female mealybugs collected from St. John's wort stalks). The towels depicted the idea of ​​a three-tiered world, which our ancestors believed in - this is the upper tier (the world of the gods), the middle tier (the world of the living), the lower tier (the world of the dead). Each tier on the towel was necessarily separated from each other by embroidered or missing stripes; the symbols of the upper or lower tiers were never connected with the middle one.

9 slide

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Towel In towels they depicted the idea of ​​a three-tiered world, in which our ancestors believed - this is the upper tier (the world of the gods), the middle tier (the world of the living), the lower tier (the world of the dead). Each tier on the towel was necessarily separated from each other by embroidered or missing stripes; the symbols of the upper or lower tiers were never connected with the middle one.

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Village hut Verb, purse and timber The house was built with a carved porch. With deliberate masculine taste And each with his own face

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There is an old legend that the world began with a tree. Its trunk is the axis of the universe, the roots have gone to mother earth, and the crown has scattered with stars in the skies. The village is a wooden world, it begins with a tree, it is built, heated, breathes, and in the old days the hut was lit by a torch. When building a house, a person seemed to arrange his own small Universe, symbolizing the connection of a person with the cosmos, because the roof in folk beliefs was associated with the sky, the frame - with the earth, the underground - with the underworld. A man sought to fill the dwelling with images in order to attract the forces of light, goodness to the house, and protect himself from evil forces. A hut is a hut, but there are no similar ones, just as there are no similar people. Each has its own face, its own posture: Now we know that in the eyes of our ancestors, the hut was the real Universe - with the sky (Right), the earth (Reveal), the "lower world" (Nav) and cardinal points. At the same time, certain concepts were associated with the cardinal points. East and south for our ancestors symbolized the sunrise, "red" spring, noon, "red" summer, life, warmth. In the south was the World Tree, near the top of which was Iriy - the abode of the Gods, light, goodness. On the contrary, the west and north were strongly associated with the "death" of the sun, death, cold, darkness, severe winter, dark gods. Any man of sense he sought to arrange and equip his dwelling in such a way that it would be as difficult as possible for the forces of evil, death, and cold to penetrate inside. And vice versa, so that the doors were wide open towards goodness, life, light. The huts of the Slavs were certainly facing the door to the south. It is clear now that the reason behind this lay deeper than just the desire to illuminate the dwelling.

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hut Huts were cut where there was a forest. And where there was no forest, one had to look for other sources of raw materials. This is what our teacher Tatyana Yegorovna Zhuk, who was born in the virgin steppes of the Volga region, told about.

14 slide

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From the memoirs Zhuk T. E Childhood. Good time. !954 Famous events, the "raising" of virgin fallow lands. Everyone, at the call of the party, sought to take part in these events. My parents came on Komsomol vouchers to conquer virgin lands. They brought their little brother Sashenka with them. And where? Not a single residential building, only pegs with signs: “Sovkhoz Komsomolsky”, and tents, and also equipment: trucks, caterpillar tractors, seeders. They put them in a tent. And on the morning of the second day, they were already in the field. Dad is on a tractor, mom is on a seeder, and little Sasha is with a nanny. They fed them right in the field. The field kitchen came, as at the front. Sowed. Processed, harvested the first crop. Late autumn has come. Rain, cold, first frosts, winter on the nose. Life in a tent is impossible. Where to winter? There was a small village of Petraki two kilometers from the state farm, and it is still there today. Yes, 14 out of 30 households are left, and the old-timers now live in good houses. My parents were taken in by a grandmother. And she lived in a peasant hut-hut. I was born in this hut in November 1955. Why a hut? Because it was built not from logs, not from bricks, but from adobe. Saman - clay, water and straw. Everything is mixed with their feet, and whoever has horses, then with horses. This clay is laid out in a thin layer, cut into bricks and dried in the sun. So adobe is ready for you. And they fastened it with ordinary clay mixed with water. When the hut was ready, it was coated with the same clay: walls, ceilings and even floors. And they walked on this floor in felt boots. Covered with straw. And sometimes reeds. Before the holidays, the floors were “washed” with liquid clay. They diluted ordinary clay in water, put a mitten on their hand and rubbed the floor with this mixture. They let him dry. And until the next holiday, they only swept the garbage with a broom made of wormwood.

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Russian stove If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove. Name the old utensils that the peasants used?

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The stove in that era was placed on the opposite side from the entrance. That is, where trouble could sneak up at any moment: cold, darkness, evil. Could the “kind” and “honest” Empress Oven, in the presence of which they did not dare to say a swear word, under which, according to the concepts of the ancients, the soul of the hut lived - Brownie, could she personify “darkness”? No way. It is much more likely to assume that the stove was placed in the northern corner as an insurmountable barrier to the forces of death and evil, seeking to break into the dwelling. The stove was the second most important "holiness center" in the house - after the red, God's corner, and maybe even the first; it is no coincidence that the expression "start from the stove" was born among the people, that is, from the very beginning.

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Red corner Red corner (aka "big", "holy", "God's") - was located in the southern and southeastern parts of the room. It was an immutable rule. "More beautiful than a clear sun, clearer than a clear moon - a red corner."

18 slide

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Village hut. What was the name of the most honorable place in the hut? What was the house made of adobe called? 3. What was called the hat of the hut? 4. What was the name of a log house without a roof? 5. In which fairy tale did the hero ride the stove?

19 slide

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20 slide

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Ancient cities Ancient cities, Ringing of bells. Like birds - the swans of Suzdal and Rostov. On the wide Volga Tver and Kostroma, Carved turrets, Miracle tower

21 slide

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Unusual words are written in a column. These are the names of the cities of Russia, in which the letters are mixed up. In addition, each word has one extra letter, and maybe two. Restore the correct order of letters and write down the resulting names. Extra letters will form part of the name of another beautiful city Nidorchegov wummor regpeslavyal n o v r o d

22 slide

Description of the slide:

Unusual words are written in a column. These are the names of the cities of Russia, in which the letters are mixed up. In addition, each word has one extra letter, and maybe two. Restore the correct order of letters and write down the resulting names. Extra letters will form part of the name of another beautiful city. vekin midilavor duzosal n o c o r o d

23 slide

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"What is food?" Harness; Food; Tackle fishing. "What is a tank?" Roof; round dance; Cloth.

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"What is a crate?" Lumber room; The dress; Rabbit. "Batogh - what is it?" armful; Stick; Textile.

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27 slide

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"Who works for whom?" he she 1. Cook - 1. 2. Singer - 2. 3. Tailor - 3. 4. Salesman - 4. 5. Pianist - 5. 6. Poet - 6. 7. Carpenter - 7. 8. Doctor - 8. 9. Machinist - 9. 10. Shoemaker - 10.

28 slide

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Finish the phrase 1. The tractor drives .... 1. machinist. 2. Electric train .... 2. tractor driver. 3. Painted the walls .... 3. carpenter. 4. Planed the board .... 4. painter 5. In the house the light was spent .... 5. miner 6. Works in the mine .... 6. fitter 7. In a hot forge .... 7. blacksmith 8. Who knows everything…. 8. well done

29 slide

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30 slide

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A story about clothes A story about clothes at all times. About how it has changed over the centuries. How it is needed now, How important it was before... So, Let's start the story about clothes.

31 slide

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Russian folk costume Russian folk costume is a magical mirror that reflects the deep semantic traditions of the people, a holistic worldview and dazzling beauty.

Presentation on the topic " golden legacy Russian antiquity" on literature in powerpoint format. In this presentation for schoolchildren of the 7th grade, material about Russian folk songs is considered. Presentation author: Oksenenko N.B.

Fragments from the presentation

Russian folk songs

  • The songs reflect the external and internal world of a person (“a simple-hearted outpouring of grief or joy of the heart”)
  • Ritual (wedding, seeing off to the army, the holiday of the "first furrow") and non-ritual. Historical, love, barge, recruiting, robbery, coachmen.
  • Heroes of songs: Ivan the Terrible, Peter 1, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ermak, Razin, Pugachev.
  • They were created when feelings, experiences required expression in words and melody.
  • Passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.
  • The first recordings of folk songs date back to the 17th century.
  • Collectors: Pushkin, Gogol, Chulkov, Koltsov, Rybnikova, Putilov, Vostokov, Veselovsky, Propp and others.

Plan and analysis of a lyric song

  • Expressive song reading.
  • Meaning of the song title.
  • Who and when could perform it?
  • What is the feeling of the song?
  • What artistic techniques are used in the song?
  • What parts does it consist of?
  • What means of artistic expression are used in it?

lyric song

  • Lyrical hero- a simple man, a man of labor, a soldier. Life is perceived through his eyes, mind, and heart.
  • Compositional lyrical song:
    • monologue - an outpouring of feelings, reflection on fate, often begins with an appeal;
    • dialogue is the conversation of lyrical characters.
  • The basic principle internal organization l / n - poetic parallelism - first a natural symbolic picture is given, then - a picture-image from human life (drake-well done, duck-girl)

Ancient symbols-images

  • Month-father, husband; sun-mother, stars-children, dawn - girl (wife)
  • Birds act as symbols (Nightingale, drake, falcon, dove - well done; swan, duck, peahen, dove - girl; gray cuckoo - sadness, bitter female, girlish share)
  • Symbols of the plant world (girl - white birch, viburnum, raspberry, sweet cherry; well done - oak, hops, grapes)
  • The state of the plant is also symbolic: flowering is fun, wilting is sadness, separation.
  • Figurative paintings help create permanent epithets (violent wind, open field, damp earth, clear falcon)

Historical songs and legends

  • Tradition is a genre of oral non-fairytale prose, a story about historical figures and events.
  • Historical song - a kind of chronicle, the history of the people, arose during the struggle against the Tatar yoke:
  • Historical real event, small volume, lack of rhyme (recitative verse - a different number of syllables and stresses)
  • The first songs about Click (1327), from the 16th century. - songs about Ivan the Terrible, XVII century. - a reflection of the national liberation struggle against the interventionists, songs about Stepan Razin, in songs of the 17th century. - Peter 1, the uprising of Bulavin, Pugachev, the last cycle of songs is dedicated to the war of 1812.

slide 2

Krasnoyarsk Regional Children and Youth public organization"Scientific Society of Students"Secondary school No. 6 with in-depth study of subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle

Topic: “The roots of Russian antiquity”. Completed by: 8th grade students Nastya Lavrova, Natasha Mukhametdinova, 7th grade students Sofia Krinitsina, Natasha Balog, Leaders: Natalya Nikolaevna Aitzhanova, Svetlana Mikhailovna Lundina, Krasnoyarsk 2006-2007.

slide 3

From generation to generation, the experience of the centuries-old culture of the Russian people is passed on. In order not to lose our national culture, not to forget our roots, we, modern youth, must continue these traditions. Learn to appreciate the boundless talent, spiritual beauty of your people. We based the project on the study of folk holidays, choosing the brightest ones: Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter. For them, we are preparing exhibitions on fine and decorative arts, held a folklore holiday “Christmas gatherings” for 4th grade students, wrote a script for Maslenitsa, according to which we will hold primary school celebration. Everything in life changes, but the holidays remain. Now they look different, but we want everyone to know today what was the reason for the holiday, where the traditions and customs came from, what songs they sang, what the dances and games of our ancestors were like, what the folk costume looked like.

slide 4

Relevance of the topic: The culture of any nation is based on its national characteristics. Every person should know their origins, customs, traditions. Problem: Traditions and customs of Western and Eastern countries are confidently entering our lives. Knowing the culture of other peoples is wonderful, but you can’t lose your national face either. Purpose: Collection of scientific information, literary and illustrative material on national holidays. Organization of exhibitions on fine and decorative arts for Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter. Conducting a folklore holiday "Christmas gatherings". Writing a script and holding a Maslenitsa holiday in an elementary school in order to popularize our national culture.

slide 5

Tasks: Conduct a presentation of the exhibition holiday "Blessed Christmas". To hold a folklore holiday “Christmas gatherings” (for 4th grade students). Conduct a presentation of the exhibition "Razdolnaya Shrovetide". Write a script and use it to celebrate Maslenitsa in elementary school. Conduct a presentation of the exhibition "The Great Holiday of Easter". The collected material is transferred to the library for general use. Methods for solving problems: Visiting the library, CIC. Work on the Internet. Browsing discs (“ Folk holidays”, “Slavic Krashenki”, “Old Russian architecture”). The study of the collected material. Work on compositions on the theme: “Christmas”, “Shrovetide”, “Easter”. Work on the staging of the folklore performance "Christmas gatherings". Script development for the Shrovetide holiday for elementary school. Performing decorative and applied work for Easter.

slide 6

Merry Christmas holiday

Slide 7

14 participants presented their work. Having studied the collected literary, illustrative material, watching videos, we made sketches, sketches for the chosen plot. In our exhibition works, we sought to convey, first of all, characteristics holiday, mood. The motives for the work are varied. biblical stories

Slide 8

image of folk festivals, caroling, Christmas still life.

  • Slide 9

    Under each composition there is a text that helps to better understand the content: "Christ is born!", gouache, Krupina Nastya, 8 "B" class, school. #6 “The calm around Bethlehem was disturbed by movement in the sky. The stars seemed to tremble. "Don't be afraid," the angel sang. “Listen, for I bring everyone the good news of great joy – the birth of Christ!” "Christmas Songs", helium pen, Sudilovsky Zhenya, 8 "B" class, school. #6 “Christmas celebration, the whole world seemed to sing. In the heavens, the stars and planets danced magical round dances. Below, churches and cathedrals echoed them with Christmas hymns.

    Slide 10

    And what culture can exist without folklore? On cold winter evenings, in the hut, which was bought from some lonely old woman, young people gathered for gatherings. Songs, games, dances, fortune-telling, caroling - this is Christmas folklore. This is how people in Russia spent their time on Christmas Eve. Similar scenes were shown by us at Christmas gatherings.

    slide 12

    The people have spent the winter holidays, and the land and people are waiting for spring! Carnival has arrived! For seven days the people were given to the celebration and each day had its own meaning.

    slide 13

    “Folk Festivals”, “Fun of the Young”, “Teschin pancakes”, “Burning of Maslenitsa” are the names of the works that we have prepared for Maslenitsa.

    Slide 14

    Maslenitsa was widely celebrated in Russia - unbridled folk fun with songs, rituals, buffoon games, carols. It is not for nothing that our people still keep sayings: “Not life, but Shrovetide”, “Not all cat Shrovetide”. The real Maslenitsa holiday was held in our elementary school. We wrote a script for it. Scenario plan "Maslenitsa": 1. Exit of buffoons to folk music. 2. General dance with buffoons. 3. Carrying out Maslenitsa and the song “And we were waiting for Maslenitsa” (performed by a folklore group). 4. The exit of the mummers. 5. Games: “Brook”, “Carousel”, etc. 6. General song “Pancakes”. 7. Competitions: “Sharp shooter”, “Tug of war”, “Ball”. 8. Boys and girls sledding. 9. Seeing Shrovetide (burning). The song "Farewell, Maslenitsa" (performed by a folklore group). 10. Festive feast.

    Slide 1 "Russian folk life" for children of older preschool age
    Slide 2 Goals and objectives of creation: To promote the education of the basics of museum culture in children;
    introduce children to the basics of national culture, life.
    Introduce Russian folklore.
    To draw the attention of parents to the history of our country.

    Slide 3 exhibits.
     Model of the Russian oven.
     Model of a Russian hut.
     Wooden chest.
     Household utensils.
     Woven products.
     Visual and didactic aids.

    Slide 4 Russian hut.
    They built houses in the old days quite quickly. Huts were built from pine or spruce. Moss was also used, which was placed between logs.
    Huts were built without using nails.
    The hut, standing on stones, sometimes did not touch the ground, the wind walked under it, which is why it did not rot, but it was warm in it thanks to the second, black floor. The density of the floor was such that no water could seep through the cracks.
    The roof, like the whole hut, was made in such a way that the next part held on to the previous, lower one.

    Slide 5 Russian stove.
    The Old Russian stove was a home, a source of warmth and comfort. The furnace very early turned into important element interior decorations.

    Slide 6 Wooden chest.
    Chests are an obligatory accessory of the hut. They kept clothes, canvases and other household utensils. Chests were made big and small.

    Slide 7 Russian folk costumes.
    Russian folk costume is primarily a peasant costume. The clothes of a Russian peasant woman, even everyday clothes, were decorated with love. But the dress intended for the holidays looked especially impressive.

    Slide 8 kitchen utensils.
    Without a samovar, as well as without bread, the hut looked inferior. The shapes and volumes of the samovar were infinitely varied.
    The first and the second were cooked in a cast-iron - they were put on the stove or in the stove. Grip, they were sent
    in heat pots with food.
    Mortar and pestle.
    Used for grinding grain into cereals, crushing flax and other semi-finished products

    Slide 9 Wicker, knitted, woven products.
    A rug woven from shreds, they covered the floor, benches.
    A towel, they carried a loaf on it and decorated the hut.

    Slide 10 Clay and wooden toys of various crafts.
    Clay Dymkovo toys are elegant, bright, giving people a sense of celebration.
    Matryoshka is a real Russian beauty. Ruddy, in an elegant sundress, a bright scarf on her head.

    Slide 11 Products woven from birch bark.
    Bast shoes were woven from linden bast. Bast shoes could be in the form of shoes with low sides.
    Birch bark, they kept in it

    Slide 12 References:
    1. B. A. Rybakova Ancient Russia. Life and culture.- M.: Nauka, 1997.-368s.
    2. V.I.Belov. Lad: Essays on folk aesthetics.- M .: Mol. guard, 1982. 293 p.