Create an insurance company plan sample. Ready-made business plan for opening an insurance agency from scratch

The insurance business can hardly be called stable and it is almost impossible to predict its profitability or unprofitability. In this area, there are regularly both recessions and sharp jumps, and this is due to economic instability.

However, insurance has long passed the stage of formation and at the moment is for start-up entrepreneurs. This article provides a comprehensive answer to the question that interests many aspiring entrepreneurs: How to open an insurance company?

Insurance is conditionally divided into several large-scale industries, having studied them in more detail, you need to decide what exactly you will do.

Insurance industries

  • Entrepreneurial risks (formation of losses, loss of income);
  • Responsibility (duties).
  • Personal (human health, life or ability to work).
  • Social (income level).
  • Property (human material values ​​- cars, crops, animals, houses, etc.).

Insurance is the contribution by a legal entity or individual of funds to a company, which, in the event of a certain event (insurable event), undertakes to pay him compensation.

And if a few years ago, insurance by the people, accustomed to relying on chance, was perceived as a useless, incomprehensible procedure, today, many have already appreciated the benefits of this activity and normally relate to this procedure.

And more enterprising individuals earn money on this, but can anyone who wants to open their own insurance company?

Procedure for opening your own insurance company

To open your own insurance company, you will need to carefully consider what exactly you will insure. After that you need to follow a few steps:

  • and get a license
  • rent and equip an office space;
  • dial
  • attract customers.

Each stage is discussed in more detail below.

Activity registration

To carry out insurance activities, you can choose almost any legal form - OJSC, CJSC, LLC. The easiest to design is the last type, namely, for the registration of which you will need to collect a certain package of documents.

Before submitting an application for registration, it is necessary to decide on the name of the company, which must contain In addition to the name of the organization, the circle of founders and the director should already be determined.

You will need to submit to the tax office copies of passports with the originals of all founders and the head, TIN and registration of the latter, Criminal Code, documents on the address of the company, indicate the name of the organization in full and abbreviated form, the size of the authorized capital.

In the process of registration you need to specify the type of activity- insurance with a detailed listing of all its types that you plan to deal with.

Nothing but it needs to be indicated, unless the additional activity is related to the main one, such as evaluation or examination.

Then you need to get a license. The company must meet the following requirements to receive it:

1. Availability of the required amount of authorized capital:

  • from 25,000 minimum wages when carrying out types of insurance other than life insurance;
  • if life insurance is also expected, then from 35,000 minimum wages;
  • from 50,000 minimum wages only for reinsurance.

2. The ratio between the insurance premium and own funds is observed:

  • The maximum responsibility taken on a separate risk does not exceed 1/10 of the total funds of the organization.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What documents are required?

To obtain a license, you will need to contact the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and provide them with the following papers:

  • insurance documents (business plan, tariffs and insurance rules),
  • a document confirming the payment of the UK;
  • registration document;
  • in the event that the founder contributes property to the account of the management company, it will be necessary to provide an act of its delivery and acceptance;
  • information about the leader;
  • balance and calculation of the ratio of assets and liabilities;
  • application (indicating the name, address, index, contacts of the company).

Search for an office space

For the office you need to find the area from 200 sq. m. if you wish, you can make it larger (up to 400).

The city center is considered the best place in terms of traffic, however, the high cost of renting premises there makes it necessary to look for an alternative.

These can be busy streets, first floors of business centers, the main thing is that the building is not in a residential area. Finding your company should be easy, the presence of a nearby stop of route vehicles or the subway is mandatory.

Let it be an old building, the main thing is that it should be clearly visible from the road and people passing by in buses and cars could notice a large sign with the name of your insurance company.

The office of the company is its face, you should not skimp on repairs, the room should be clean, bright, modern, spacious. It is necessary to equip inside a utility room, a manager's office, a customer service room, an area for agents.

The presence of coolers and air conditioners in the hall will give the office solidity. Various posters, brochures with information about rates, a book of complaints and suggestions should also be on the premises.

You will need to purchase office furniture, cabinets, a safe, shelving, office equipment, stationery, supplies, printing, and more.


Selecting insurance agents You have to decide whether you want to train them yourself or not. In the first case, it is easier to find those who want to, but you will have to spend money on training, and it will be possible to check the effectiveness of such an employee only after training.

In any case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the students obliging them to work for you after completing the courses for a certain time, so that the money was not spent in vain.

The second option involves the search for specialists, which can be quite difficult to find. Really good agents will have to be poached from competitors by offering them more flexible schedules and higher percentages of sales.

The minimum staff of the insurance company

  • director;
  • about 20 agents at the initial stage (the more there are, the higher the profit);
  • cleaning woman;
  • teacher (if it is planned to train candidates).

Customer acquisition

Printing flyers, hanging banners, ads on television, radio - second step.

Third and main- attracting clients by agents. Suppose you are engaged in car insurance, which means that you need to look for customers in car dealerships, car services, parking lots, etc.

Most of the clients are acquired in this “live” way, and the more convincing the agent’s speech sounds, the more there will be those who want to insure their property in your company.

Insurance company business plan

  • Charter from 20 million rubles.
  • from 30,000 rubles.
  • Rent from 100,000 rubles.
  • Repair, arrangement, purchase of equipment and furniture from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 250,000 rubles.
  • Advertising and website from 80,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, you will need to invest from 20,760,000 rubles.

The profitability of the insurance company

Despite the large initial investment The insurance business is considered to be quite a profitable business. With the right organization, selection of qualified employees, an insurance company can pay off in less than four years, provided that 10% remains in the budget from the insurance premium.

Problems encountered in the process of opening and operating an insurance company

In the creation of insurance, there are several main, often encountered difficulties.

1. Lack of start-up capital

This problem can be solved by looking for investors. Before embarking on this business, you need to draw up a successful one that could interest a potential investor and set you apart from the mass of other entrepreneurs.

And you should not forget about favorable conditions for the investor, they should be a little more pleasant and more profitable for him than other similar companies.

2. Lack of quality personnel

Difficulties can also arise at the recruitment stage. There may be many who want to, but those who can really attract customers and raise the company's income are difficult to find. The way out is a search among acquaintances, poaching from competitors, motivation for agents.

3. The probability that many insured events will occur at the same time

It is impossible to predict this moment and only hope remains, that this won't happen. But this fact must be taken into account.

Start your own insurance business quite difficult, but possible having the necessary amount of money or having investors.

To open an insurance company, you will need to obtain a license, and then start looking for employees, paying special attention to their ability to convince and interest. The success of a business, of course, depends on the skill of the manager, but in the insurance business, agents also play an important role.

Do not know how to independently open an insurance company in Russia and what are the features of doing business on the territory of the Russian Federation? Watch the following detailed video:

Russian insurance services are well developed. And this must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for an insurance company, since most people are used to using the services of trusted agencies with a long history. A young company at the initial stage of its formation may face great difficulties. In order to minimize many problems, it is first of all necessary to determine a special segment of the market - an insurance niche that is not yet occupied in the city and nearby areas, and, moreover, satisfies the growing demand of the consumer. The business plan of an insurance company is drawn up from scratch according to the standard structure.


Perfect Support is a full service agency for the insurance industry. Ideal offers a wide range of support services designed for insurance agents. The ideal will specialize in a few offerings but can do just about anything. While the support services market is competitive, most companies are generic. The ideal will stand out by concentrating on the insurance niche.

The goal of an insurance company business plan is to provide the client with the best business support services. We exist to attract and serve customers. When we stick to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our clients.

Ideal has two strong competitive advantages. The first is knowledge of the insurance industry. Industry experience is invaluable. This experience will allow you to better serve your customers using information about the needs and preferences of customers. In addition, the value of networks based on previous insurance relationships will give the company a big step up in the competition. By establishing relationships with many people in the industry, these professional connections can be leveraged.

The idea is projected to reach profitability by 11 months and will be generating a $44,000 profit by three years.

By compiling a step-by-step business plan for an insurance company, good information was obtained about the market and the general attributes of the most valuable and loyal customers. This information will be used to better understand who is being served, their specific needs, and how Ideal can best communicate with them.

The customer profile consists of the following geographic, demographic and behavioral factors:

Market analysis
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Potential clients growth
Exclusive Agents 7% 78 83 89 95 102 6,94%
insurance brokers 8% 123 133 144 156 168 8,11%
Other 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0,00%
Total 7,66% 201 216 233 251 270 7,66%


The insurance company example provides the market with a range of support services for insurance agents. Ideal strives to fulfill the following benefits that are important to its customers.

  • Industry knowledge: agents do not have time to train service personnel with all the complexities of the insurance industry. Therefore, it is of great importance if the service desk has an industrial understanding.
  • Convenience A: Services must be available when agents need them. In addition, it is difficult to accurately predict when such a need will arise.
  • Customer service. To build a sustainable business, customers must be 100% satisfied with Ideal's services. This business philosophy will be ingrained in the minds of all employees.

Market trends

The market trend for insurance agents (as well as other service providers) is to outsource non-essential activities, allowing the business to focus on its core competencies. This allows the insurance company's business to focus more precisely on its business model.

Reasons for this trend:

  • Reduction of overhead costs.
  • Reduced training costs for non-existent employees.

Market Growth

In the past two years, the service support insurance industry has totaled $498 million. From 2015 to 2017, the industry's growth rate was 5.6%. Over the next three years, the industry is expected to have no problem maintaining this excellent growth.

Another growth driver has been the gradual adoption of insurance as a prudent risk management strategy. With recent unexpected events such as natural disasters and terrorism, the insurance industry is likely to continue to grow as individuals and companies hedge their risks with insurance.

A sample business plan for an insurance company in need of support can be broken down into two segments:

  • Exclusive agents: they are agents for only one type of insurance, for example, for a state farm. The insurance agent will sell all types of coverage that the State Farm offers, but only state farm insurance. Although the choice is limited here, the advantage of an exclusive agent is that they usually have a very strong relationship with this company, which is good if there are any claims issues.
  • Insurance Brokers: these agents do not have an exclusive contract with any one insurance company. They may offer insurance from several companies. The benefit of this setup is that they can offer a wider range of service offerings than an agent who only sells one brand of insurance.

Marketing company

The sole purpose is to position the insurance company as the most efficient support service that controls the majority of the market share. The marketing strategy will focus primarily on raising customer awareness of the services offered and then developing the customer base and finally working on building customer loyalty and referrals.

  • The company will use various sources, both the yellow pages and the trade magazine.
  • The second way of communication is the creation of networks based on industry relations.
  • The third way is to participate in a regional exhibition, which attracts most of the local agents and brokers.
  • The final communication method is a direct mail campaign targeting local insurance agents and brokers. The email campaign will provide all potential customers with information about Ideal offers.

Marketing Approach

Consists of approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service.

  • Pricing A: The pricing scheme will be competitive with other support providers.
  • Spreading: Services will be offered at the customer's location or office, depending on which customer prefers.
  • Advertising and promotion: a multi-level marketing campaign will be used to ensure visibility and fairness.
  • Customer service: managers will be held accountable for achieving these ambitious goals.

Advantages and disadvantages

The insurance company's business plan also reflects the strengths and weaknesses within the firm and describes the opportunities and threats facing Ideal.

Advantages of opening an insurance company:

  • In-depth knowledge of the industry.
  • Effective, comprehensive employee training program.
  • Extensive industry network connections.

Disadvantages of opening an insurance agency:

  • Limited marketing budget to ensure visibility.
  • Failure to quickly scale to a large increase in demand.
  • The brand is missing.


  • Participation in a growing industry.
  • Work in the industry, which is required for almost all Russians.

Ability to distribute overheads as the customer base grows.

Competitive advantages

The business plan of the insurance company will position itself as the most experienced support service for insurance services. This positioning will be achieved by exploiting its competitive advantage.

Competitiveness is a specific deep industry knowledge of insurance. Although this specific knowledge will discourage a large market, it makes a small part of the market very attractive.

This in-depth industry knowledge is based on the experience of the head of the firm, held as an independent insurance agent. The owner will collect all this intellectual capital and turn it into a curriculum so that it becomes organizational knowledge.

The competition consists of many different service companies offering a wide range of services. However, none of them is intended for the insurance industry. While companies that provide services across industries offer adequate service, there is an advantage to hiring a company that caters to the industry and is much more knowledgeable about your specific needs.

Agent buying models mimic long-term relationships. If customers are happy, they tend to stay with the same service provider. There is usually a transitional period for new clients where both parties spend time getting to know each other and have different needs. If it can be done once sooner, then it is more cost effective than switching from provider to provider.


Before, it is necessary to register a legal entity (LLC or CJSC). The size of the authorized capital of the new organization depends on which types of insurance will be covered by the company's activities. If the company's services include life insurance for customers, then the authorized capital should be larger. To carry out insurance activities, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant OKVED codes. The process of obtaining a certificate takes from 6 to 12 months.


The business plan should describe the premises where the office of the insurance company will be located. The room should have a convenient location. The office building should be adjacent to a parking lot for vehicles, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can accommodate not only the cars of company employees, but also customers. The area of ​​the premises is determined based on the number of insurance services provided.

The office of the insurance company should be put in proper shape. It is advisable to use the services of designers in interior design. The room should be in a discreet business style. Don't forget about the dress code of the employees. This contributes to the formation of a positive impression of the company.

Financial plan

It is necessary to determine:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • primary costs;
  • costs of paying for services of third parties;
  • labor costs and taxes;
  • total estimated costs for the year;
  • profit for the year.
  • You also need to draw up a summary balance sheet.

This section will present the financial calculations of an insurance company's business plan as they relate to marketing activities. An insurance company's expenses and revenues focus on break-even analysis, sales forecasts, expenses, and how they relate to marketing strategy.

Break even analysis

The insurance agency's break-even analysis shows that it would take $15,609 in monthly income to reach the break-even point.

Sales forecast

The first month will be used to create an office. This includes choosing a site, buying furniture, and setting up a computer network.

First week of the second month will be used for intensive training of two support staff. There will be sales activity during the last three weeks of the month. From now on, sales will grow steadily.

Fifth month– The last two support staff will be recruited. They will also be trained during the first week of the month and then uploaded.

Sales forecast
2017 2018 2019
Exclusive Agents $ 51049 $ 112548 $ 121458
insurance brokers $ 59812 $ 125745 $ 134745
Total sale $ 110861 $ 238293 $ 256203
Direct sales value 2003 2004 2005
Exclusive Agents $ 7657 $ 16882 $ 18219
insurance brokers $ 8972 $ 18862 $ 20212
Intermediate direct sales value $ 16629 $ 35744 $ 38430

Cost Forecast

Marketing spending should be budgeted to be high during the first quarter; a function of wanting to create visibility for the start-up company. After the first quarter, the costs will fluctuate depending on what marketing activities take place during each month.

Marketing budget
2017 2018 2019
ads $ 2920 $ 4000 $ 5000
trade shows $ 2 700 $ 3000 $ 3500
Other $ 2 025 $ 2250 $ 2500
---- ---- ----
General sales and marketing expenses $ 7645 $ 9250 $ 11 000
Percentage of sales 6,90% 3,88% 4,29%


  • Somewhat risky due to the regulatory nature of the insurance industry.
  • Future competition from franchise support.

As computer technology continues to become more and more efficient and useful, this may reduce the need for support staff services.

The insurance business can be safely classified as complex. It requires serious financial investments and good knowledge in the insurance industry, and the ever-increasing competition does not let you relax. But, taking into account the fact that the demand for insurance services is only increasing, it is promising and profitable to engage in the insurance business.

Today we will talk about what insurance services exist, how to open your own insurance company and in what form this can be done.

Insurance company business plan

When starting an insurance company or insurance agency, it is important to have a good business plan.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a sample business plan for an insurance company taken from a thesis.

How to open an insurance company

Company registration

There is also such an organizational and legal form as a mutual insurance society. Mutual insurance organizations registered in this form are non-profit, so the role of profit in them is a rather controversial and controversial issue.

There are plenty of types of insurance services, and when making an application for OKVED codes, just in case, it is better to indicate all items containing the word “insurance”. In addition to insuring something, you can also engage in various examinations and assessments. Such activities, of course, should also be related to insurance.

Information for Russian entrepreneurs. At the initial stage, you can even indicate those activities that you are not going to engage in immediately when opening a company. So to speak, for the future. However, the exception is life insurance - this type of activity should be decided immediately. If you plan to insure life, then the authorized capital of the enterprise at its opening should be at least 20 million rubles (~ 305 thousand dollars).

Obtaining a license

The process of obtaining a license for insurance activities is quite long - it can last from six months to a year, or even more. To apply for a license, you need to have the following documents: a complete package of constituent documents; business plan of the organization; the principles of insurance developed by you, which will guide you in your work; tariffs for the provision of insurance services and their calculations.

Not only the submitted documents, but also the qualifications of the CEO of the organization will be subject to a thorough check. If all documents are approved, you will be granted a license, and the created organization will be entered in the unified register of insurance companies.

Types of insurance services

All types of insurance are fixed by law in each country. In fact, anything can be insured if it falls under one of the existing types of insurance. Business relationships between the client and the insurance organization will also be determined by the type of insurance (conditions, tariffs, risks, etc.). The most common types of insurance services:

1. Personal insurance:

  • health insurance;
  • insurance against illness and accidents;
  • life insurance;
  • children's insurance;
  • disability insurance;
  • travel insurance;
  • pension insurance.

2. Property insurance:

  • business insurance;
  • business interruption insurance;
  • home insurance;
  • cargo insurance;
  • vehicle insurance (air, land, water);
  • property insurance against fire, storm, flood and other catastrophes;
  • insurance of other types of property.

3. Liability insurance:

  • professional liability insurance;
  • cargo carrier liability insurance;
  • enterprise liability insurance;
  • employer liability insurance;
  • liability insurance of owners of means of transport;
  • insurance for other types of liability.

4. Insurance of economic risks:

  • commercial risk insurance;
  • insurance of legal risks;
  • political risk insurance;
  • insurance of technical risks;
  • insurance of financial and credit risks.

Office space

In the insurance business, you can hardly get by with just one room. Successful insurance companies have one head office - it is located in the city center or close to it and is the largest in terms of area. Count on approximately 500 square meters. Other offices may be much smaller. They are intended only for receiving clients and negotiating with them.

If you are going to work in a big city, then ideally you should open at least one office in each area. When choosing premises, pay attention not only to their technical condition, but also to their location - the offices of the insurance company should not be somewhere in dark alleys. If the company plans to engage in expertise and expert assessments, then a separate office should also be allocated for this activity.

To create the image and recognition of the company, it is better to adhere to the developed corporate style in interior design and uniforms of employees in all offices.


Experienced and professional management is of course very important for a company. But the main driving force in this business is insurance agents. It is they who bring customers to your company, and therefore make a profit. Beginning agents can be hired (if they have the right skills and show promise to become professionals), but at the very beginning of the activity it is very important to get at least a few experienced agents. It is not so easy to do this, because good insurance agents have always been and will be worth their weight in gold. You can only lure them away from other companies by offering better working conditions.

Unlike office workers, insurance agents must be able to work on the street, in the “field conditions”. For example, auto insurance agents should always be located in places related to cars - car markets, car dealerships, etc. Your insurance agents should have clear instructions on what, to whom and how they should offer. And the purpose of their work should be not only the offer of services, but the transformation of potential insurance customers into real ones.

In order for insurance agents to have an incentive to work and develop their skills, you must provide them with a decent salary. Usually this is a certain minimum that the agent will receive for any number of deals made + a considerable percentage of sales.

Opening a branch of an insurance company

Along with opening your own insurance company from scratch, it is quite common and profitable to open a branch of an existing insurance company. Both foreign and domestic insurance organizations can act as such companies.

If you want to open a branch of an insurance company, then your cooperation with it will resemble the relationship between a franchisor and a franchisee. You start negotiations with a foreign or domestic insurance company that interests you, and if all the conditions for future cooperation suit both parties, the insurance company provides you with everything you need to operate as a branch. In addition, the insurance company provides a lot of assistance both in the preparation of registration documents and in the process of direct insurance activities. If you are more attracted to being under the patronage of an already existing experienced insurance organization and you are afraid of risks, then this option for starting a business is just for you.

It is also worth noting that not every insurance company can become a branch. Quite stringent conditions and restrictions are put forward, first of all, for foreign organizations. Some of them:

  1. a branch of a foreign company in Russia must comply with the rules of the current Russian legislation in its activities, even if they differ from the rules of the legislation of the "native" country of the foreign company;
  2. in the event of disputes or claims between clients and the Russian branch of a foreign insurance company, the cases will be considered by the court of the Russian Federation, and not by the court of the country in which the parent company is located;
  3. it is possible to open a branch of a foreign insurance company in Russia only if the company has worked in the insurance market of various types for at least five years, in the life insurance market for at least eight years.
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    Insurance company business plan

    I needed a business plan for an insurance company to prepare individual tasks for undergraduate students studying in the direction of "Insurance". Students in the discipline "Fundamentals of functioning of a small business" must acquire the skills of drawing up a business plan. From the downloaded example, I used the given proportions to form the revenue and expenditure parts of the financial plan, as well as to set tariffs and the size of the insurance fund. Students will develop their own version of the business plan for different regions. I will provide links to the sources used. Perhaps in real life they will apply for a service - preparing a business plan in BiPlan. Thanks to you that I had an example close enough to real conditions, which is required for practice-oriented learning.

    Natalie, thank you for your detailed review! We are pleased that our work helps future entrepreneurs master the science of planning. This is very important for starting your own business. And thank you for working so closely with students, it is very important!

    Insurance company business plan

    Standing on your feet in the face of fierce competition is not an easy task. Your business plan helped me understand how to act in such a situation, due to which I can outperform a competitor and stand out from other companies. I am very grateful to you for all the advice.

    Olga, thank you for your gratitude. Indeed, there is fierce competition in the insurance business, but it is more than realistic to work successfully in this market. We hope that our advice will bring tangible results. I wish you success.

    Insurance company business plan

    An old idea is starting to come true. Your business plan helped me sort out some issues. I hope that I managed to correctly perform all the calculations, I tried to rely on the advice of your specialists. Let's see how events develop further.

    Vyacheslav, we are glad that we could support you. Now a lot depends on you and your diligence, we are sure that you will succeed and realize your idea. Good luck to you.

The main thing about the business plan of the insurance company

Competition in the insurance business is one of the highest in the service market. But, despite this depressing fact, an entrepreneur who decides to build a business on insurance has every chance of succeeding. The main thing is to choose the right niche for your activity and competently approach the opening of your insurance company. The introduction of new insurance services in this industry, such as insurance of financial risks in shared construction, insurance of ownership of real estate, allow newcomers to this business to count on a successful outcome.

The main difficulty for those who are planning to open an insurance company from scratch is the presence of a solid authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 20 million rubles. If you expect to provide life insurance services, then this amount should be even higher. It should also be noted that when registering a legal entity, the charter is allowed to indicate only one type of activity - in fact, insurance (or several of its types).

At risk

Profits in the insurance company depend on how efficiently your insurance agents will work. Entrepreneurs planning to open an insurance business should remember that the insurance agent is the core of your company. And there should be a lot of such people in your insurance company. During the first year of work, you need to recruit at least a hundred smart employees, and preferably experienced and qualified specialists. It is clear that professionals are not lying on the street, and you will either have to poach them from competing firms or look for them using ads. The last option is to recruit inexperienced employees and actively train them.

There can be any options for the insurance business - you can open your own insurance store or auto insurance company, the main thing is that the level of service in your company is at its best. But in order for your potential customers to know about it, you need to promote the company. For example, if you decide to open your own auto insurance, then you need to promote services among the appropriate audience - in car markets, in car dealerships, in those places where cars are registered. Accordingly, to search for clients who want to issue a financial guarantee, that is, to buy a liability insurance policy, you need to look elsewhere.

The organization of work with clients in an insurance company is also of no small importance. In order to avoid serious litigation later, it is necessary to develop a competent agency agreement when working in an insurance company. If you want to avoid annoying mistakes and open your own insurance company, a company that will function effectively in the insurance market, be sure to use a professional insurance company business plan. Based on it, you will be able to understand many of the intricacies of doing such a difficult business.

A ready-made business plan for an insurance company from scratch with examples of opening calculations

A professional insurance company business plan will allow you to pay attention to the obstacles and benefits of this popular destination. Life, property, health insurance is a serious matter, and the competition in this industry is great. You should be puzzled in advance with what exactly your company will be able to attract potential customers. Any insurance organization must clearly calculate in advance the benefits and the ability to provide its customers with insurance payments on time.

The proposed document is also suitable for organizing an insurance broker, will help you navigate the modern legislative framework, as well as articles of the law that are focused on insurance. Also, special attention should be paid to attracting customers, that is, a well-thought-out marketing position. The selection of personnel is also important, because the number of contracts concluded depends on the ability of a professional to achieve a positive result in communicating with a potential client.

Having studied the information on the organization of an insurance agency, you can see that it is sometimes profitable to establish a branch of an insurance company in order to become a subsidiary of an already popular and promoted insurance company with a well-known brand. This undertaking is promising, especially if you use various property, life, business insurance schemes, that is, provide customers with the opportunity to choose the most appropriate options for an insurance contract.

In stock Insurance company business plan 5 12

Despite the fact that the insurance market is quite developed, the current situation in this sector is such that opening a new insurance agency can be a profitable idea based on the needs of the target audience.

In the capital and other large cities people often apply for insurance services from jewelry companies. In megacities, insurance of financial risks arising during the joint construction of residential or non-residential facilities is in demand. You can always find your own niche for opening an agency by conducting a thorough analysis of the insurance market for available services. To do this, taking into account all the features outlined below, create a business plan for an insurance agency. One of the possible options is a franchise or a branch of an already popular agency. Such a project can be a good launching pad in the future for a new and independent agency.

Features of the project business plan of the insurance agency

The essence of the project is to create an agency for life and health insurance, property and other valuables. The main purpose of the business plan is to assess the prospects and economic efficiency of the project to create an insurance agency from scratch. The plan can be used as a commercial proposal when negotiating with a potential investor or when obtaining a commercial loan.

The project implementation is planned for 2 years.

During this period, it is planned to achieve such goals

— creation of a profitable enterprise;

— meeting the needs of the target audience in the field of life and property insurance of both individuals and legal entities;

- getting high profits.

The main financial aspects of the new business are as follows:

- the period in which the company will pay back all the initial investments and reach the level of profitability - 2 years. Under favorable conditions - earlier;

— the total cost of the project (the amount of a commercial loan, which is planned to be issued at the beginning of the activity) – 1 million 200 thousand rubles;

- payments on the loan will begin from the first month of the company's operation. During the first two years, the total amount of payments will reach 82 thousand rubles;

- interest rate on the loan - 17.5%. In the future, this figure may be reduced;

- the total economic effect from the sale of services for the specified period, under favorable conditions, will reach 84 million.

In general, the beginning of activities in the insurance industry will be characterized by a low level of cost. But in order not to suffer losses and be able to develop in the chosen direction, you need to think through all areas of activity well and draw up a clear plan for all upcoming stages.

Features and prospects for the work of an insurance agent - in the video:

Features of the activities of the insurance company

Offering life insurance and various types of property as its main services, the company immediately defines an indicative range of its customers. The target audience of the insurance company is very wide. First of all, these are private individuals who insure their lives in case of illness or death, accident or work injury. The second, more extensive and highly paid category is insurance of movable and immovable property of individuals, as well as organizations and enterprises.

Many insurance companies offer too many types of services at once. This can make it difficult to enter the market, as it will require too much time and money, as well as attracting a large number of specialists. Therefore, it is worth starting with a limited list of services, with the main focus on serving individuals and providing a limited range of services to enterprises and organizations.

The principle of operation and procedure of the insurance company largely depends on the type and scale of its activities. But in general, the general procedure includes the following obligations of the insurer:

- drawing up insurance programs of all types provided for in the strategy. At this stage, all financial aspects are calculated and a specific insurance offer is developed;

– signing an agreement with a client – ​​an individual or an organization;

- receipt from the insured of the first insurance payment, of which 15% is received by the insurer as a commission and payment for the costs incurred, and the remaining amount goes to the insurance reserve. The insurance reserve, in turn, is divided into 2 parts: 70% - for the accumulation reserve and 15% - for the risk reserve. Both reserves are invested in statutory instruments;

– upon the occurrence of an insured event, the agency’s specialists consider all the submitted documentary evidence and decide on the advisability of making insurance payments, their amount and procedure.

The procedure for insurance and payments may differ slightly, but the principle is standard for all organizations. It is determined by the relevant legislation. True, organizations can have different sales channels - both direct and brokerage channels are active on the market. At the same time, the share of the brokerage channel for the sale of insurance services in the domestic market is still quite low and amounts to less than 4 percent. The Russian insurance system is more characterized by the participation of non-insurance intermediaries - banks, travel agencies or car dealers. Vivid examples are OSAGO and Casco policies.

Internet insurance today also represents not only direct sales of insurance services. Over the past few years, the number of Internet agents performing intermediary functions has grown significantly.


An insurance company can be immediately registered as an LLC. There are other types of legal entities. But a limited liability company will be the most convenient and profitable for a start-up organization. When drawing up the charter for the LLC being opened, it is necessary to list in detail the planned services of the agency, not forgetting about additional and auxiliary offers. When filling out the documents, you must submit all the activity codes of the new company. For this, a specialized OKVED classifier is used. It selects one or more suitable activity codes. Regardless of what additional activities may be, they must necessarily be related to insurance and must be separately indicated when drawing up the application. For example, it may be a damage assessment, which is directly related to insurance.

A prerequisite for the creation of an LLC is the contribution of the authorized capital. Its size largely depends on the services provided by the campaign. The higher the value of services (for example, customer life insurance), the larger the authorized capital. But the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles.

Of the other documents required when opening a legal entity - the charter, the decision to create an LLC (or other form), the decision to appoint a head and, if there are several founders, the minutes of the meeting of the founders.

License. Certificate

The agency can act on the basis of a special permit document - a license for the services provided. All legal requirements regarding the types and forms of insurance, as well as licensing and certification - in the specialized federal law "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" ().

You must first pass the statutory certification. This process is quite complicated, it takes place under the direction and control of the Ministry of Finance and takes a long time - certification usually takes up to a month. For its registration, a package of documents will be required, including:

  1. Insurance rules.
  2. Documentation for the opening of the campaign.
  3. Tariff calculations.

The specifics of the campaign is such that each new type of insurance requires the execution of new documents. In addition, the head of the company must confirm his qualifications in this field. The success of the undertaking will depend on the experience of the leader himself, the number of positive reviews about his activities.

The result of the preparatory work will be the entry of the enterprise into the profile state register after obtaining a license. The process of obtaining a license as a whole will take up to six months, so you need to take care of this in a timely manner.

Regulatory documents that you need to study before starting work:

Stages of creating a business

The basic sequence of actions for opening an insurance agency is as follows:

— development of a strategy for the future company;

- preparation of a marketing and financial plan;

– rent or purchase of an office space, its equipment and preparation for opening;

A more detailed insurance agency plan includes the following steps:

Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Project start 1 - 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Obtaining credit funds The presence of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entering into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 calendar days
Location selection, preparation of documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receipt of investment funds Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activity Up to 30 calendar days
Training End of the stage of organization of the production process Up to 1 month
Advertising Within 1 month Up to 1 year
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Premises and equipment

The main condition for the chosen premises for the office is a good access to it and the availability of convenient parking for clients' personal vehicles. There should be a good transport interchange nearby - a metro station and public transport stops for customers who do not have their own car. A noticeable sign is obligatory at the entrance, which will orient visitors and will serve as an advertisement.

The space may be small, but large enough to accommodate several employees and meet with clients. The maximum area is 150 sq. m, but may be less. Making the office as the face of the agency is very important. This issue needs to be given very great attention: there should not be any bright emphatically decorative details here. Customers are more attracted to a strictly business-like appearance, which speaks of the reliability of the company.

The purchase of office equipment will be an important step in opening a company. At the first stage, you need to purchase:

- work tables and chairs for employees in the amount necessary to provide furniture for the entire team;

- chairs, armchairs or sofas for customers to wait;

— computers with high-quality software for all specialists;

– other office equipment – ​​printers, scanners, copiers;

- connection to the phone and the Internet.

Workplaces of specialists to create a comfortable atmosphere should be distinguished. You can equip several separate small cabinets. If this is not possible, the room is zoned with screens.


At the time of opening the agency, the state should have no more than 10-20 employees. A larger staff will be too costly in monthly maintenance. In addition, a novice insurance agency is unlikely to be able to count on a large number of clients. The team will include:

  • manager,
  • accountant,
  • lawyer,
  • insurance agents.

The main duty of insurance agents is to independently look for clients to provide insurance services to them. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time for the development of the company. According to the preliminary plan, in the first 2 years with the development of the company, it will be necessary to increase the team to 100 - 150 full-time and freelance agents.

With the expansion of business opportunities, the staff of employees and insurance agents will also grow. And in order for the business to develop, there must be such insurance agents in the state who can convince and sell insurance services. The more services that are sold, the better things will go for the insurance agency. It is on this that the profit of the company will depend.

In order to accurately recruit professional staff, you need to familiarize yourself with a large number of applicants and select only the most professional and experienced ones. To retain new employees, you need to create the most favorable working conditions, interest agents with a positive bonus, possible career advancement, and a good percentage of the services they sell. You can also go the way of teaching beginners using special trainings. It is desirable to use these two types of work with agents simultaneously. Be sure to hire several professionals who have taken place in the insurance work and do not require training.

The dress code of employees is one of the optional, but important conditions. A strict appearance emphasizes the credibility of the company and the professionalism of specialists.

Marketing. Basic Customer Acquisition Strategies

A marketing campaign should begin with a study of the state of the market, current trends and dynamics. Important in the functioning of the insurance market are crisis phenomena that periodically affect the general state of the economy. Thus, in 2008-2009 and 2013-2014, the insurance market significantly reduced its activity, which is natural due to the international and domestic crisis. At the present time, the echoes of the last crisis are still being felt by most insurance agencies, especially small market participants. To cope with this problem and retain customers, it is necessary to offer more favorable conditions, comprehensive insurance packages, without fail improving the quality of services.

Statistics show that despite some negative trends, the insurance market is still growing and expanding. A particularly popular area is life insurance: every year this service is in increasing demand. If we analyze the insurance situation in the country as a whole, we can conclude that as a result of the crisis, the total number of companies in the market has decreased. At the same time, only strong and competitive participants remained in this segment.

The driving force of the insurance agency forward is the advertising of each individual insurance service, since the work of an insurance agency is the sale of insurance services.

With each specific insurance service, they need to go to the target audience of customers, sometimes mixing them. A profitable solution would be a “two in one” offer - a discount when insuring two objects at the same time.

With a small start-up capital and the inability to immediately provide a wide range of insurance services, you can stop at one type of service. It is important that this direction is not yet sufficiently widespread on the market or is completely new. In the absence of competition, high results in business development can be achieved. And with the development of business in the future, add new insurance services.

According to statistics, the following advertising methods work best:

— Internet: creation and promotion of the site, placement of information about insurance services on thematic sites, the use of banner and contextual advertising;

- Mass media, especially the use of thematic publications. This will allow you to reach the target audience as much as possible;

A good method would be to offer services directly to potential customers - organizations and enterprises - in the form of Internet mailing lists with information about current service packages. Customer reviews are one of the best promotion methods in this area. This is due to the high cost of insurance services and the low level of consumer confidence in little-known and unverified companies.

How to open your own insurance business in a short time - in the video:


First, you need to count on a minimum capital of 20 million rubles. The presence of such an amount will allow you to confidently start a business and not be afraid of a temporary lack of profit.

When opening an insurance campaign, it is necessary to count on the following main items of expenditure:

Item of expenses Monthly expenses Yearly expenses One-time costs Total expenses for the year
Rent (purchase) of premises (from 40 sq.m) 30000 360000 60000 420000
Purchase of equipment, including computers and office equipment 106000 106000
Buying a car 430000 430000
Website development, hosting, scripts 120000 120000
Advertising expenses 45000 540 thousand 540 thousand
Salary 332000 3.9 million 3.9 million
taxes 99800 1198000 1198000
Additional expenses 71560 71560
Total 407 thousand 4.9 million 788 thousand 5.7 million

Thus, the financial result regarding investments during the first year of the company's operation is as follows: in order to open and develop an insurance company in the indicated period, you need to have an amount within 6 million rubles. This condition is relevant for a small organization with several insurance agents. If a larger organization is initially opened, this amount can double. However, this project provides for a gradual expansion of the scale of the company.

The financial year starts in January. Just from the beginning of the year, the period for the implementation of tax payments will be counted. The list of taxes for LLC under the standard taxation system will be as follows:

The profitable part of the business plan should begin with drawing up an approximate pricing policy for the future agency. This indicator is determined taking into account the cost of the organization and the pricing policy in force in the industry. The average tariffs for insurance services in the country today are as follows:

Dividing the entire 2-year period of opening and developing a business into 2 main stages - investment and operation, you can draw up the following plan for the provision of services:

Period Type of service The volume of production and sales for 1 month. (PCS.) price, rub. Sales proceeds, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Life and health insurance 20 people From 120 thousand From 2.4 million
1 – 12 months of investment Other insurance 100 objects From 17 thousand 1 million 680 thousand
Life and health insurance 50 people From 134.4 thousand From 6.7 million
13 – 24 month of operation Other insurance 200 objects From 18.5 thousand From 3.7 million

If the current market trends continue in the future, that is, an increase in the volume of services provided in the amount of 10-22% per year, then the annual growth in the volume of sales of the company's services will reach more than 58 million rubles per year.

To overcome the difficulties at the entrance to the market and to pass the entry barrier without hindrance, it is imperative to attract highly qualified specialists and use high-quality equipment. A competent marketing strategy and a well-thought-out advertising campaign are required. To find the best specialists, it is necessary to allocate about 1 month for the search for personnel, selecting the best ones by interviewing.


When planning the income of the enterprise, be sure to take into account all possible risks.

The main ones

— high level of competition in the insurance industry;

— lack of proper trust among potential customers, especially private individuals;

— a high level of competition in the industry for the positions of top managers and specialists in other areas;

— high level of investment capitalization.

The conclusion about opening an insurance agency as a type of business can be as follows. First of all, such an enterprise is potentially highly promising and profitable, characterized by high profitability and ever-increasing demand among potential customers. All these advantages take place with the competent organization of the company's work and a timely advertising campaign. Among the weaknesses of this industry are high competition, the persistence of distrust among the target audience and the lack of specifics in the legislative framework. In the future, the prospects for the insurance business will depend on the general economic situation in the country, the quality of legislative regulation of this issue, as well as competent business planning by each entrepreneur.

The main features of opening an insurance agency are in the video: