Pneumatic testing of pipelines gost. Conducting hydrotesting of pipelines - instructions and rules of procedure

After completion of installation work on laying pipelines in trenches and sealing joints, they begin testing external water supply and sewerage networks.

Testing of pressure pipelines can be hydraulic and pneumatic, non-pressure pipelines are subjected to hydraulic tests.

Hydraulic tests non-pressure sewer pipelines for tightness are carried out in two stages: before backfilling trenches (preliminary test) and after backfilling (acceptance test). There are two ways of hydraulic testing: exfiltration (determining the volume of water added to, laid in dry soils, or when the groundwater level is located in wet soils, below the earth's surface by more than half the depth of the pipes, counting from the hatch to the shelyga) and infiltration (determination inflow of water from the ground into a pipeline laid in wet soils, when the groundwater level is below the ground surface by less than half the depth of the pipes, counting from the manhole to the shelyga). Non-pressure networks are tested sequentially in sections between two adjacent wells.

During the preliminary testing of pipelines, the hydrostatic pressure is determined at its upper point by the magnitude of the excess of the water level in the riser or well above the pipeline rack or above the groundwater level located above the rack. At this stage of testing non-pressure concrete, reinforced concrete and ceramic pipelines, the hydrostatic pressure is usually taken as 0.04 MPa. A preliminary test is carried out for 30 minutes, preventing a decrease in the hydrostatic pressure level by more than 20 cm (water is added to the riser or well). The pipeline is considered to have passed the preliminary test if no water leaks are found during its inspection.

Acceptance testing of reinforced concrete pipelines begins after keeping them in a filled state for 72 hours, pipelines made of other materials are kept for 24 hours.

The tightness of the joints of the backfilled pipeline is determined: during exfiltration - by the volume of water added in the upper well, during infiltration - by the volume of groundwater flowing into the pipeline measured in the lower well.

Permissible volumes of water added to the pipeline (water flowing into the lower well) during the test (30 minutes) per 10 m of the tested pipeline are determined by SNiP. They depend on the material of the pipeline, its diameter and range from 1 to 8 liters.

During hydraulic testing, the test section is cut off from the network with plugs.

Testing of pressure external water supply and sewerage networks is carried out in two stages: preliminary and acceptance. Prior to the start of testing, all work on installation, sealing of joints, installation of stops, installation and equipment must be completed, the results of the control of welded joints and should be obtained. In addition, some auxiliary work must be performed: flange plugs, pressure gauges and valves are installed, the tested section of the pipeline is filled with water (during a hydraulic test) and air is removed from it, the sinuses are filled up with soil tamping to half the diameter of the pipeline, butt joints are left open for inspection. Test networks for strength and tightness.

Preliminary and acceptance hydraulic tests are carried out in a certain sequence. When testing for strength, the pressure in the pipeline is increased to the test P and maintained for 10 minutes (by pumping water), not allowing a decrease by more than 0.1 MPa. The values ​​of the test pressure during the preliminary test are determined by the project in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02-84 and are indicated in the working documentation. Most often, external water supply networks are tested with a pressure that is 1.25 times higher than the calculated, but not more than the factory test pressure of the pipes. After the specified 10 minutes, the test pressure is reduced to the internal design Pp and the pipelines are inspected in order to identify defects.

After testing the pipelines for strength, set the pressure corresponding to the test pressure for tightness Рg, measure the initial water level in the measuring tank and fix the start time of the tests. After 10 minutes, by pumping water from the measuring tank, bring the pressure in the pipeline to the test for tightness, fix the end time of the test and measure the volume of water added to the pipeline from the measuring tank.

The pressure pipeline is recognized as having passed the preliminary and acceptance tests for tightness, if the flow rate of pumped water (l / min) does not exceed the allowable values ​​for a test section 1 km long or more, established by SNiP 3.05.04-85.

During pneumatic testing of pressure pipelines for strength and tightness, the test pressure is taken: for steel pipelines with a design pressure of up to 0.5 MPa - 0.6 MPa, with a design pressure of up to 1.6 MPa - 1.15 times higher than the design pressure; for cast iron, reinforced concrete and asbestos-cement pipelines during preliminary testing - 0.15 MPa, with acceptance 0.6 MPa.

Before pneumatic testing of pipelines, it is necessary to withstand the air injected into them for a certain time to equalize the air and soil temperatures. The minimum holding time depends on the diameter of the tested pipelines and ranges from 2 to 32 hours.

A preliminary pneumatic test is carried out for 30 minutes. At this time, the test pressure is maintained by constantly pumping air, then the pressure is reduced and the pipeline is inspected in order to detect leaks in the joints. Leaks are determined by ear and by the bubbles that form at the points of air leakage through the joints, which are pre-coated with soapy emulsion.

When testing pipelines for strength and tightness, the air in pipelines is maintained for 24 hours at a pressure of 0.05 MPa. Then the pressure is reduced to 0.03 MPa, noting the start time of the test and the barometric pressure corresponding to this moment. The pipeline under such pressure is maintained for some time, depending on the material of the pipeline and its diameter. The test time ranges from 15 minutes to 6 hours.

After the specified time has elapsed (end of test), the pressure in the pipeline is measured and the barometric pressure is noted.

The actual pressure drop in the pipeline during the test is calculated using the formula:
Rf - γ (Rn - Rk) + 13,b (Yab.n - Yab.k).

The pipeline is considered to have passed the test if the actual pressure drop does not exceed the value established by SNiP 3.05.04-85.

After completion of all repair and installation work, the pipeline is tested for strength and density. At the same time, plugs are installed at the ends of the tested section of the pipeline. It is forbidden to use shut-off valves to disconnect the tested section of the pipeline. At the highest point of the pipeline, a fitting with fittings for air release is installed - an air vent, and at the lowest point - a fitting for draining water - drainage.

Hydraulic testing of pipelines should be carried out mainly in the warm season at a positive ambient temperature. The water temperature should be between 5 and 40°C.

The value of the test pressure when testing the pipeline for strength is determined by the formula

P pr \u003d 1.25 R , but not less than 0.2 MPa,

where R– design pressure; [σ] 20 - allowable stress for the pipeline material at 20 ° C; [σ] t is the allowable stress for the pipeline material at the maximum design temperature.

The value of the test pressure during the strength test for vacuum pipelines and pipelines operating without excess pressure should be taken equal to 0.2 MPa. Tapping of pipelines during testing is not allowed.

The pressure in the test section of the pipeline should be increased gradually. The rate of pressure rise is indicated in the technical documentation. Air from the pipeline must be completely removed.

When testing the pipeline for strength, the created test pressure is maintained for 10 minutes, after which the pressure is reduced to the working pressure, at which density tests are performed by examining the welds. At the end of the inspection, the pressure is again increased to the test pressure and held for another five minutes, after which it is again reduced to the working one and the pipeline is again carefully inspected.

The duration of the density test is determined by the pipeline inspection time. After the end of the hydraulic test, the pipeline must be completely emptied of water.

The results of a hydraulic test for strength and density are considered satisfactory if the following did not occur during the test:

ü breaks and visible deformations;

ü pressure drop on the manometer;

ü no leaks were found in welds, detachable joints, tie-ins, housings of pipeline fittings.

Pneumatic testing of the pipeline with air or inert gas should be carried out only during daylight hours. The value of the test pressure (trial pressure) is determined in the same way as when conducting hydraulic tests.

In the case of installation of gray cast iron fittings on the pipeline, the strength test pressure should not exceed 0.4 MPa.

When carrying out pneumatic tests of pipelines, it is recommended that the pressure increase be carried out smoothly at a speed equal to 5% of R y, but not more than 0.2 MPa per minute with periodic inspection of the pipeline at the following stages:

a) for pipelines operating at pressures up to 0.2 MPa, inspection is carried out in two stages - at a pressure equal to 0.6 of the test pressure and at operating pressure;

b) for pipelines operating at pressures above 0.2 MPa, inspection is carried out in three stages - at a pressure of 0.3 and 0.6 of the test pressure and at operating pressure.

During the inspection, pressure rise and tapping of pipelines is not allowed. Leaks are determined by bubbles of soap emulsion or other methods. A protected (safe) zone should be established for the duration of the pneumatic tests. When laying the pipeline above ground, the minimum distance of the zone should be at least 25 m, when underground - at least 10 m. People are not allowed to stay in the protected area during the pressure rise and when the test pressure is reached in it.

The final inspection of the pipeline is carried out when the test pressure is reduced to the design pressure.

All pipelines of groups A, B (a) and B (b), as well as vacuum pipelines, must be subjected to an additional leak test. Additional leak tests are carried out with a pressure equal to the working one, and for vacuum pipelines with a pressure of 0.1 MPa (1 kg / cm 2). For pipelines under construction, the duration of the test should be at least 24 hours. When testing the pipeline after repair, the duration of the test should be at least 4 hours.

The pressure drop in the pipeline is calculated by the equation

Δ R= 100/τ,

where R n, R k - absolute pressure at the beginning and end of the test; T n, T k is the temperature in the pipeline at the beginning and at the end of the test.

It is considered that pipelines of groups A, as well as vacuum pipelines, have passed the test if the rate of pressure drop is not more than 0.1% per hour. For pipelines of groups B (a); B(b) The rate of pressure drop should not exceed 0.2% per hour. The rate of pressure drop for pipelines of other groups is set by the project.

These standards apply to pipelines with an internal diameter of up to 250 mm inclusive. When testing pipelines of large diameters, the pressure drop rates in them are reduced by the value of the correction factor

where D ext - internal diameter of the pipeline in mm.

If the tested pipeline consists of several sections of different diameters, its average diameter is determined by the formula

D cf. = ,

where D 1 ,D 1 ,D n is the inner diameter of pipeline sections; L 1 , L 2 , L n - the corresponding lengths of pipeline sections, m.

After the end of the test for each pipeline, an act is drawn up in the prescribed form.

Testing of pipelines for density and strength is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNIP. Prior to testing, the line is subjected to a thorough external study.

The purpose of the inspection is to identify possible deviations from the design, and to understand whether the pipeline is ready for the upcoming test activities. During the inspection is carried out:

  • inspection of joints;
  • the correctness of the installation of reinforcement is assessed;
  • installation of hangers and supports;
  • finding out how easy the locking mechanisms open;
  • the possibilities to remove air from the line are determined;
  • filling with water and draining it after testing.

The optimal temperature for such activities not lower than +15 degrees. Before testing outdoor systems, they must be purged. This cleans the inside of dirt. The internal part on gas pipelines is carried out immediately before their laying.

The method of testing is immediately outlined in project documentation. If these instructions are not available, then either heating for strength and density.

Hydraulic verification method

Testing of technological lines for strength and density is carried out by pneumatic and hydraulic methods. Testing of pressure networks passing in trenches is performed twice. First times before falling asleep and fastening reinforcing elements. BUT second times after the installation of hydrants, safety valves.

A trial check is allowed after tamping the sinuses with earth, backfilling water pipes, thrust devices, and fulfilling other requirements stipulated by the Safety and Industrial Safety Rules.

IMPORTANT! Pilot tests of steel structures can be carried out after positive results. Welding and flange joints with a test pressure of 0.6 MPa cannot be isolated at a distance of 10 cm from the joint axis in all directions. They also need to be well looked after.

Hydraulic verification for strength and density are checked by internal pressure. Its value is set in the working draft. During this test on the network, it is necessary to open the valves as far as they will go.

For such work and disconnection of the tested part of the network, plugs or flanges of a "deaf" type are placed on the process pipeline. It is impossible to use a pipeline without valves for this purpose.

Length of test sections and test time

The pipeline made of reinforced concrete and cast iron is checked in sections with a length of no more than one kilometer. The polyethylene network is checked on a section of 500 meters. The largest size of the network section in this type of test is taken no more than 1000 meters.

Technological pipelines made of reinforced concrete and metal must be subjected to a hydraulic test for at least 10 minutes, and polyethylene pipelines - for at least 30 minutes. Further, the pressure indicator is reduced to the norm of the worker, and the system is inspected. Maintenance of the test and operating pressure during the inspection and the detection of "errors" can be carried out by pumping water.

Provided that pipes and fittings did not burst in the structure under the influence of the test pressure, and no fluid leaks appeared, then it is considered that it has withstood the hydraulic test.

All identified defects must be eliminated, and the line after that should be subject to a secondary test.

Density checks

The final test of technological pipelines for strength and density can be started if at least a day has passed since the trench was filled up. For reinforced concrete structures, this time is increased to 72 hours.

Leaks are not intentionally detected in places accessible for viewing, the network is considered checked by a hydraulic test when there are no integrity violations on it, and no fluid leaks have appeared at the operating pressure level. Leaks are identified using the following formula:

q = Q/BT. In it, T is the period for starting the verification until the moment the arrow on the pressure gauge returns to its original position. T = T1-T2. B is a coefficient that is taken as 1 (when the pressure on the indicator is reduced by no more than 20% of the calibration pressure).

If for ten minutes this indicator decreases from the worker, then it is considered that the highway has not passed the test. Q is the volume of liquid that is needed in order to restore pressure. In a situation of insufficient pressure reduction, water is discharged from the network.

Then leaks are found according to the provided formula. The liquid from the system is allowed to be drained before the end of the time prescribed above. With such actions, the volume of the drained fluid may be greater than the actual leak.

When a process pipeline is filled with liquid during the winter period, the temperature difference between the pipes and the liquid is allowed to within ten degrees. Finishing verification in the winter season is carried out at a liquid temperature of at least one degree.

It is possible to test a full pipeline without pressure with a flow present. This means that liquid must be run through the pipes to heat the network. In winter, the systems are checked only in situations of urgent need.

All networks are required to undergo a hydraulic tightness test. With a test head, which is not more than 0.8 MPa, it is allowed to carry out verification in a pneumatic way.

SNIP norms

Checking highways for density must be carried out according to the requirements of SNiP. The test pressure rate is set in the project.

By the beginning of the tests, all connecting places on the outer and inner parts are recommended to be covered with a solution of sand and cement, but it is kept for two days before application.

All valves on the system during the test must be opened to the stop. The only exceptions are valves that disconnect the network from branches, they can remain closed for this period. But, just in case, it is better to put dry flanges on them. At this point, it is not allowed to use stubs to cut off the piece being checked from working systems.

It is necessary to fill the technological pipeline with liquid during verification from a reduced area. This will make it possible to create good conditions for the removal of air formations from the system. The valves that serve to remove air close only the final air outlet.

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The pipeline is called tested for strength and density in such cases:

  1. if tightness is not lost at the connecting places;
  2. if the integrity of the pipes is not damaged;
  3. if the fittings and shaped elements were not damaged;
  4. if there are no "errors" in open areas and in areas under the ground.

It is believed that the structure passed the test for density and strength when it did not leak.

Pneumatic verification

This type of test takes place at the request of the standing organization, if there are certain difficulties with the hydraulic testing for density and strength. For example, such difficulties include the winter period, lack of water at the test site, etc. This type of verification is also performed in two stages:

  • preliminary;
  • final.

At the first stage, the main is checked for strength, and at the second - for density. Steel systems located outside, after filling with air, stand for some time before the start of testing.

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This is done in order to equalize the temperature of the system and the ground. A process pipeline with a volume of 30 cm can withstand two hours, a network of 60 cm - four hours, with a volume of 90 cm - this is eight hours, 120 cm - sixteen hours and 140 cm - this is a day.

After partially filling the line with soil, a pneumatic test is performed in the following way.

  • Lines made of steel and polyethylene are tested for density and strength under a working pressure of 0.5 MPa, and the adjusted pressure is equalized to 0.6 MPa.
  • Pre-stressed structures made of cast iron and reinforced concrete are tested with a test pressure of 0.15 MPa. If it is not possible to create the necessary pressure for structures made of steel and polyethylene, then preliminary verification measures are carried out under the maximum pressure that is created by means of a compressor. Its level cannot be less than 0.6 MPa.
  • Pneumatic testing of networks for density and strength is carried out in sections with a length of no more than 1 kilometer.
  • When any defects are found during testing, the pressure in the system is reduced to atmospheric pressure. Then the defects are eliminated and the test is carried out again.
  • In preparation for the pneumatic type of testing, you need to find out how the stops are installed. After that, the pipeline is sprinkled with earth (not less than 25 cm). The inside of the structure is cleared of earth and other elements.
  • It is allowed to view the system and identify "defective" manifestations only after reducing its pressure to 0.1 MPa.

Reinforcement testing

It is subjected to hydraulic testing for strength and density, the results of the test are recorded in the act. The value of the test pressure is taken one and a half times higher than the working indicator.

Reinforcing elements that have a technical passport, but with an expired warranty, are taken to the installation after appropriate checks. At the same time, the polished sealing rings on the disks and the valve are inspected. They also lubricate the rod threads and change the packing on the stuffing boxes.

When the hydraulic test of pipelines for density and strength has come to an end, the system is cleaned with water until scale and dirt are removed, and the pipes are tapped with a soft metal hammer. Rinsing is done with a stream of water at the highest possible speed, until the outgoing liquid flows out clean.

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8.10. Pneumatic tests should be performed for steel pipelines with a working pressure not exceeding 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm 2) and temperatures up to 250 ° C, mounted from pipes and parts tested for strength and tightness (density) by manufacturers in accordance with GOST 3845-75 (at the same time, the factory test pressure for pipes, fittings, equipment and other products and parts of the pipeline must be 20% higher than the test pressure adopted for the installed pipeline).

The installation of cast iron fittings (except for ductile iron valves) is not allowed for the duration of the test.

8.11. Filling the pipeline with air and raising the pressure should be done smoothly at a rate of not more than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2) per 1 hour. Visual inspection of the route (entrance to the security [dangerous) zone, but without descending into the trench] is allowed at a pressure value , equal to 0.3 test, but not more than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2).

For the period of inspection of the route, the pressure increase must be stopped.

When the test pressure is reached, the pipeline must be held to equalize the air temperature along the length of the pipeline. After equalizing the air temperature, the test pressure is maintained for 30 minutes and then gradually decreases to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2), but not higher than the working pressure of the coolant; at this pressure, pipelines are inspected with a mark of defective places.

Leaks are identified by the sound of leaking air, by bubbles when covering welded joints and other places with soapy emulsion and using other methods.

Defects are eliminated only when the excess pressure is reduced to zero and the compressor is turned off.

8.12. The results of preliminary pneumatic tests are considered satisfactory if during their conduct there was no pressure drop on the pressure gauge, no defects were found in welds, flange joints, pipes, equipment and other elements and products of the pipeline, there are no signs of shear or deformation of the pipeline pipeline and fixed supports.

8.13. Pipelines of water networks in closed heat supply systems and condensate pipelines should, as a rule, be subjected to hydropneumatic flushing.

Hydraulic flushing is allowed with reuse of flushing water by passing it through temporary sumps installed in the direction of water movement at the ends of the supply and return pipelines.

Flushing, as a rule, should be carried out with process water. Flushing with utility and drinking water is allowed with justification in the project for the production of works.

8.14. Pipelines of water networks of open heat supply systems and hot water supply networks must be flushed hydropneumatically with drinking-quality water until the flushing water is completely clarified. At the end of flushing, the pipelines must be disinfected by filling them with water containing active chlorine at a dose of 75-100 mg / l with a contact time of at least 6 hours. Pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm and a length of up to 1 km are allowed, according to agreement with the local authorities of the sanitary and epidemiological service, do not subject to chlorination and limit yourself to washing with water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874-82.

After washing, the results of laboratory analysis of samples of wash water must comply with the requirements of GOST 2874-82. A conclusion is drawn up on the results of washing (disinfection) by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

8.15. The pressure in the pipeline during flushing should not be higher than the working one. The air pressure during hydropneumatic flushing should not exceed the working pressure of the coolant and be no higher than 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / cm 2).

Water velocities during hydraulic flushing must not be lower than the design coolant velocities indicated in the working drawings, and during hydropneumatic flushing, exceed the calculated ones by at least 0.5 m/s.

8.16. Steam pipelines must be purged with steam and discharged into the atmosphere through specially installed purge pipes with shut-off valves. To warm up the steam pipeline, all start-up drains must be open before purging. The heating rate should ensure the absence of hydraulic shocks in the pipeline.

The steam velocities during the blowing of each section must be at least the operating velocities for the design parameters of the coolant.


Pipeline installation

8.1 According to SNiP 3.05.04, pressure and non-pressure water supply and sewage pipelines are tested for strength and density (tightness) hydraulically or pneumatically twice (preliminary and final).

8.2 The preliminary test (excess) hydraulic pressure during the strength test, performed before backfilling the trench and installing fittings (hydrants, safety valves, plungers), should be equal to the design working pressure multiplied by a factor of 1.5.

8.3 The final test hydraulic pressure during density tests performed after backfilling the trench and completing all work on this section of the pipeline, but before installing hydrants, safety valves and plungers, instead of which plugs are installed for the duration of the test, should be equal to the design working pressure multiplied by coefficient 1.3.

8.4 Before testing pressure pipelines with socket connections with sealing rings, temporary or permanent stops must be installed at the ends of the pipeline and on the branches.

8.5 Preliminary hydraulic testing of pressure pipelines should be carried out in the following order:

Fill the pipeline with water and hold without pressure for 2 hours;

Create a test pressure in the pipeline and maintain it for 0.5 h;

Reduce the test pressure to the design pressure and inspect the pipeline.

The holding of the pipeline under the working pressure is carried out for at least 0.5 hours. Due to the deformation of the pipeline shell, it is necessary to maintain the test or working pressure in the pipeline by pumping water until it is completely stabilized.

The pipeline is considered to have passed the preliminary hydraulic test if no ruptures of pipes or joints and fittings are found under the test pressure, and no visible water leaks are found under the working pressure.

8.6 The final hydraulic density test is carried out in the following order:

The pipeline should be pressurized equal to the design working pressure and maintained for 2 hours; when the pressure drops by 0.02 MPa, water is pumped;

The pressure is raised to the test level for a period of not more than 10 minutes and maintained for 2 hours.

The pipeline is considered to have passed the final hydraulic test if the actual water leakage from the pipeline at the test pressure does not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 5.

Outer diameter of pipes, mm

Permissible leakage, l/min, for pipes

with one-piece (welded, adhesive) joints

with socket connections on sealing rings

8.7 Hydraulic tests of gravity sewer networks are performed after completion of waterproofing works in wells in two stages: without wells (preliminary) and together with wells (final).

8.8 The final test of the sewer pipeline together with wells is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.04.

8.9 Hydraulic tests of systems made of polymeric materials of internal pipelines are carried out at a positive ambient temperature not earlier than 24 hours after the last welded and adhesive joint is made.

8.10 Hydraulic tests of internal drain systems are carried out by filling them with water to the entire height of the risers. Tests are carried out after external inspection of pipelines and elimination of visible defects. Hydraulic testing of glued pipelines is started no earlier than 24 hours after the last connection. The drainage system is considered to have passed the test if, after 20 minutes after its filling, no leaks or other defects were found during an external inspection of the pipelines and the water level in the risers did not drop.

8.11 Pneumatic tests of pipelines made of polymeric materials are carried out during ground and overground laying in the following cases: ambient temperature is below 0 °С; the use of water is unacceptable for technical reasons; there is no water in the amount necessary for testing.

The procedure for pneumatic testing of pipelines made of polymeric materials and safety requirements during testing are established by the project.

8.12 Preliminary and final tests of gravity sewer networks from large diameter pipes are allowed to be carried out pneumatically. Preliminary tests are carried out before the final backfilling of the trench (welded joints are not covered with soil). The test pressure of compressed air, equal to 0.05 MPa, is maintained in the pipeline for 15 minutes. At the same time, welded, adhesive and other joints are examined and leaks are detected by the sound of leaking air, by bubbles formed at the places of air leakage through butt joints coated with soapy emulsion.

The final pneumatic tests are carried out at a groundwater level above the pipe in the middle of the tested pipeline of less than 2.5 m. The final pneumatic tests are subjected to sections 20-100 m long, while the difference between the highest and lowest points of the pipeline should not exceed 2.5 m. Pneumatic tests are carried out 48 hours after backfilling of the pipeline. The test overpressure of compressed air is shown in table 6.

Groundwater level h

Test pressure, MPa

Pressure drop,

from the axis of the pipeline, m

excess initial p

final p 1

p - p 1 , MPa

0 < h < 0,5

0,5 < h < 1

1 < h < 1,5

1,5 < h < 2

2 < h < 2,5

8.13 Acceptance into operation of pipelines must be carried out, guided by the main provisions of SNiP 3.01.04, as well as SNiP 3.05.04. When testing pipelines for water supply and pressure sewerage and putting them into operation, the following should be drawn up:

Acts for hidden work (on the basis, supports and building structures on pipelines, etc.);

Acts of external inspection of pipelines and elements (assemblies, wells, etc.);

Test reports for strength and density of pipelines;

Acts for washing and disinfection of water pipes;

Establishing the compliance of the work performed with the project;

Acts of incoming quality control of pipes and fittings.

8.14 In addition to acceptance of concealed works and verification of pipeline test reports for tightness and external inspection, acceptance of non-pressure pipelines must be accompanied by a straightness check, as well as an instrumental check of trays in wells.

When accepting internal water pipes, passports or certificates for polymer pipes, fittings and fittings are additionally checked.