Competitions for children and teachers. Creative contests for children

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement is an official offer (public offer) of IE Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich (OGRNIP 315420200006514, TIN 420206996759), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", and, in accordance with Art. 437 Civil Code RF, is a public offer of the Contractor, addressed to individuals, on providing the opportunity to participate in the Contests on the terms of the Agreement.

1.2. The contract is considered concluded without signing in each specific case, since the acceptance of the offer is equated to the conclusion of the contract on the conditions indicated below.

1.3. The current version of the Agreement is permanently posted on the Contractor's website at the address: "website/offerta", and is obligatory for familiarization by the Participant until the acceptance is made.

1.4. These terms of the offer may be changed and / or supplemented by the Contractor unilaterally without any special notice. Changes to the content of the Agreement come into force from the moment they are published at the permanent location of the Agreement in the form of an updated text of the Agreement.

2. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement.

2.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:

  • "Executor" - Individual entrepreneur Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich, acting on the basis of the Charter;
  • "Offer" - this Offer Agreement for the provision of consulting and information services;
  • "Acceptance of the Offer" - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Offer by performing the actions specified in paragraph 3 of this Offer.
  • "Customer" - a person who has accepted the Offer, and is thus the Customer of the Contractor's services under the concluded offer agreement and can take part in the activities of this site;
  • "Competition" - an event to identify the best of the submitted works, which is held monthly, as a result of which the Participants receive award documents;
  • "Testing" - an event held online, aimed at revealing the knowledge of the Participants in a certain direction professional activity;
  • "Award document" - a document confirming participation in the event, which contains information about the place that was taken this Member, about the nomination, the document also contains information about the participant, the signature and seal of the chairman of the commission.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. According to the Offer Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with services to provide the necessary information related to events, which means various Contests and Tests conducted remotely (hereinafter referred to as the Services).

3.2. The Contractor provides the Services to the Customer only if the Customer submits an appropriate application for the Services on the site "http: // site" in accordance with the approved rules, as well as payment for the Services, in accordance with the current tariffs.

3.3. The acceptance of the contract-offer is the fact of payment by the Customer for the selected Service.

3.4. The following services are available to the customer:

3.4.1. Competition. The terms of the Contest are determined by the Contractor and last from the first to the last day of each month, unless otherwise indicated on the Site "http: // site". Each competitive work is considered and evaluated by the members of the jury. After 10 working days from the date of receipt of applications for the Competition, the Award documents are published on the website in the section "http://website/rezultatyi.html", where they are stored for 2 years from the date of their publication.

3.4.2. Testing. Testing is carried out daily and around the clock online. Each Participant, after making the payment, receives an email with a link to the test. After passing the test, the Participant receives an electronic version of the Award document.

3.4. At the request of the Customer, it is possible to send the Award document by registered mail by Russian Post. The cost of this service is indicated on the website. At the same time, the Contractor sends ordered letter to the address educational institution Customer. If the Customer wants the letter to be sent to another address, this must be reported to the mail “”.

3.4.5. Mail is sent weekly on Saturdays.

3.5. Competitive works are not edited, not reviewed by the Organizer of the competition and the commission.

3.6. Informing participants about all events related to the competition is carried out on the Website "http: // site". Each participant is considered to be informed in the proper way from the moment the information is published on the Site "http: // site"..

  • violation of the rules for participation in the Contests set forth in the Agreement;
  • display of disrespect to the Organizers of the Competition and the Competition Commission;
  • non-submission of the competitive work in the manner and terms specified in the Agreement and on the Site;

4. Rights and obligations of the parties.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes:

4.1.2. Provide Services to the Customer for the selected event held remotely, subject to payment for the Services by the Customer in full and compliance with all the rules for holding this event.

4.1.3. Promptly and timely inform the Customer about the list of Services provided, about the conditions and cost of remote events, posting this information on the Site "http: // site", as well as using e-mail.

4.1.4. In order to provide the Service, deliver information to the Customer by e-mail or Russian Post at the addresses indicated by the Customer when submitting an application for the provision of Services.

4.2. The performer has the right:

4.2.1. Refuse to provide the Service to the Customer

  • in case of non-payment (incomplete payment) Services in deadlines;
  • in case of untimely submission of an application for the provision of the Service;
  • in case of violation of the rules of participation in the event.

4.2.3. Change the terms of this Agreement unilaterally.

4.3. The customer undertakes:

4.3.1. Independently and in a timely manner to get acquainted on the site "http: // site" with the established Services, prices for the Services, the procedure and terms for their provision.

4.3.2. Timely pay for the selected Services of the Contractor in accordance with the prices established at the time of payment.

4.3.4. When submitting an application, provide competitive works and indicate reliable and complete data.

4.4. The customer has the right:

4.4.1. Receive paid Services from the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this Offer Agreement.

4.4.2. Receive from the Contractor complete and reliable information related to the terms and conditions of remote events on the site "http: // site"

4.5. The customer agrees:

4.5.1. To the processing of personal data in accordance with federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data"

5. Cost of Services.

5.1. The cost of the Services provided is determined by the Contractor unilaterally in Russian rubles and is posted on the website "http: // site".

5.2. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change the prices for the Services provided.

6. Procedure and terms of settlements.

6.1. Payment for the Services of the Contractor by the Customer is made in cash on non-cash payment to the Contractor's settlement account or in any other way indicated on the site "http: // site".

6.2. Services are provided to the Customer on the terms of 100% prepayment of the cost of the selected Service.

6.4. The registration fee paid by the Participant, in case of termination of the Agreement, is not refundable.

7. Responsibility of the Parties.

7.1. The parties are responsible for the improper performance of their obligations in accordance with the law Russian Federation and the terms of this Agreement.

7.2. The executor is not responsible:

7.2.1. for failures in the work of mail, the Internet, communication networks that arose for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor and resulted in untimely receipt or non-receipt by the Participant of the Contractor's notifications;
7.2.2. in case of technical failures (disconnection/damage of power supply and communication networks, failures software processing center and technical failures in payment systems), resulting in the failure of the Contractor to comply with the terms of the Agreement;

7.2.5. for the temporary lack of access for the Participant to the means of communication that ensure interaction with the Contractor under the Agreement, as well as the related losses of the Participant;

7.2.7. for incomplete or incorrect information provided by the Customer.

7.3. The Parties are released from property liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, if such violation is caused by circumstances. force majeure(force majeure), including: actions of authorities state power, fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of God, lack of electricity, strikes, civil unrest, riots, any other circumstances, not limited to the above, that may affect the Contractor's performance of the Offer agreement.

7.4. This public offer agreement has the force of an act on the provision of services. Acceptance is made without signing the relevant act. Services are considered to be rendered properly and in full, if the Customer has not filed a claim within three days from the date of provision of the service.

8. Procedure for information exchange between the Parties.

8.1. When concluding the Agreement, the Participant is obliged to provide the Contractor with reliable information for contacting the Participant and sending him notifications about the course of the Contest. The participant is responsible for ensuring that the specified data is always true.
8.2. By default, the proper way to inform the Participant about the operation of his application and Entries is to send a notification to the email address specified by the Participant.

8.3..html” no later than 10 working days from the date of the deadline for accepting applications for a specific competition.

8.4. In the event that the Participant refuses to use all the methods proposed by the Contractor to send notifications to the Participant about transactions with the application and the competitive work, the Participant is recognized as having not properly provided information for contacting the Participant in accordance with clause 8.1., and the Contractor is considered to have fulfilled its obligations to inform the Participant about the committed operations with the application and competitive work. The Participant is not entitled in this case to present claims to the Contractor related to improper informing of the Participant about the operations.

8.5. The notification shall be deemed received by the Participant within three hours from the moment of sending.

8.6. The Contractor is not responsible for the Participant's lack of access to the means by which the Participant can receive a notification, or untimely receipt of a notification, including for failures in the Internet, communication networks that arose for reasons beyond the Contractor's control and resulted in untimely receipt or non-receipt by the Participant of the Contractor's notifications.

8.7. Claims of the Customer for the Services provided are accepted by the Contractor for consideration by e-mail, in individually within five days from the date of the dispute.

8.8. The Customer, in case of questions, can contact the Contractor using the contact details indicated at the link "http://website/kontakty".

9. Technical support for Contest Participants and Processing of personal data.

9.1. The organizer is ready to hold technical support Contest Participants for as long as the Contest is in progress. The end date of the Contest is the date of publication of the results of the Contest on the Website.
9.2. User support is carried out via electronic communication channels (e-mail) and / or by posting certain information on the Site.

9.4. By concluding the Agreement and entering personal data into the application form, the Customer agrees to the provision of his personal data and their processing by the Contractor.

10. Conclusion, modification, termination of the contract.

10.1. The moment of conclusion of this Agreement is the moment of crediting the payment to the account of the Contractor for the Services selected by the Customer, subject to the receipt of an application for the Service from him in the form posted on the website "http://website".

10.2. The Customer has the right to unilaterally refuse the Services of the Contractor at any time. In case of unilateral refusal of the Customer from the services of the Contractor, the payment made is not refundable.

10.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change or supplement any of the terms of this Offer Agreement at any time by publishing all changes on the website. If the published changes are unacceptable for the Customer, then he must notify the Contractor within seven days from the date of publication of the changes. If no notification is received, it is considered that the Customer continues to participate in the contractual relationship.

10.4. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by current legislation Russian Federation.


Performer: IP Maksimenkov Alexey Andreevich
TIN: 420206996759
ORGNIP 315420200006514
Name of the Bank: Siberian Branch of OAO CB Regional Credit
BIC: 045003734
Gearbox: 540243002
c / s No. 30101810300000000734 in the RCC Soviet
account 40802810221410000027

Upload the competition entry through your profile to our website. Study the evaluation criteria in the Competition Regulations and edit the work. Select the contest you want to participate in, send the Application for participation in the contest.

IMPORTANT: the maximum size of the uploaded document no more than 10 MB!

Methodological competitions for teachers of preschool institutions

1. All-Russian conference "Organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO" ( methodical work in a preschool educational institution of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO: programs, lesson development, presentations, master classes, etc.).

2. All-Russian competition pedagogical excellence "Methodological piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher"

3. All-Russian competition of pedagogical skill "Methodological piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher-speech therapist"(methodological development of classes in kindergarten, programs, reports, master classes, etc.).

4. All-Russian Competition of Pedagogical Excellence "Methodological piggy bank of the musical director of the kindergarten"(methodological development of classes in kindergarten, programs, reports, master classes, etc.).

5. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a teacher of a preschool educational institution"
(presentations-reports on the pedagogical activity of a teacher of a preschool educational institution).

6. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a preschooler"(presentations-reports on creative and learning activities child preschool age).

7. All-Russian Conference"Pedagogical project in a preschool educational institution"

8. All-Russian Conference"First discoveries: project activity children in preschool educational institution(children's projects in kindergarten different types: creative, research, information, etc.).

9. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Pedagogical holiday in kindergarten"(scenarios of games, entertainment, festive events in preschool educational institutions).

10. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Organization of work with parents in kindergarten"(club programs, scenarios for parent meetings, festive events with the participation of parents, etc. in the preschool educational institution).

11. All-Russian round table "Consultations for parents on raising children of preschool age"(recommendations for parents of preschool children in the form of articles, leaflets, folders, folders, etc. visual materials on various topics, for example: maintaining health, hardening, nutrition, safety rules at home and on the street, education of moral qualities, etc.).

12. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a learning tool in the context of the implementation of GEF DO"
(development of classes using a laptop, photos and layouts of author's teaching aids in the form of a folding book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable parts, in which materials on one topic are placed).

13. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in preschool educational institutions"
(multimedia materials for classes, celebrations, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video tutorials, etc.).

Methodological competitions for elementary school teachers

14. All-Russian Conference(methodological work of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school).

15. All-Russian competition pedagogical excellence "Methodological piggy bank of an elementary school teacher"(methodological development of lessons in elementary school, programs, reports, scenarios, master classes, etc.).

16. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Extracurricular activities in elementary school"(methodological development of extra-curricular activities, author's projects, programs, scenarios, etc.).

17. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of an elementary school teacher"(presentations-reports on the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher).

18. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a junior student"(presentations-reports on the creative and educational activities of elementary school students).

19. All-Russian Conference « Young explorer :pproject activities of younger students»

20. All-Russian Conference "Pedagogical project in elementary school"(pedagogical projects of various types: creative, research, information, etc.).

21. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Organization of work with parents in elementary school"

22. All-Russian round table"Counseling for parents on raising children of primary school age" (recommendations for parents of children of primary school age in the form of articles, leaflets, folders, folders, and other visual materials on various topics, for example: maintaining health, hardening, nutrition, safety rules at home and on the street, education of moral qualities, etc. ).

23. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a learning tool in elementary school"

24. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in elementary school"(multimedia materials for lessons, extracurricular activities, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video lessons, etc.).

Methodological competitions for teachers of additional education

25. All-Russian Conference"My pedagogical initiative in the context of the introduction of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards"(methodological work of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in organizations of additional education).

26. All-Russian competition pedagogical excellence "Methodological piggy bank of a teacher of additional education"(methodological development of classes in additional education, programs, scenarios, tests, reports, master classes, etc.).

27. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a teacher of additional education"(presentations-reports on the pedagogical activity of a teacher of additional education).

28. All-Russian Conference "Project activities of children in the institution of additional education"(children's projects of various types: creative, research, information, etc.).

29. All-Russian Conference "Pedagogical project in the institution of additional education"(pedagogical projects of various types: creative, research, information, etc.).

30. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a learning tool in an institution of additional education" (tutorial in the form of a folding book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and movable parts, which contains materials on one topic).

31. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in the institution of additional education"(multimedia materials for classes, events, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video tutorials, etc.).

32. All-Russian round table "Organization of work with parents in an institution of additional education"(club programs, scenarios for parent-teacher meetings, festive events with the participation of parents, etc.).

Creative contests for teachers and parents

33. International l literary competition "Pedagogical inspiration"(literary and artistic works of teachers and parents: stories, essays, fairy tales and works of other prose genres on pedagogical topics: about children, about education, about family, about school).

34. International l literary competition "On pedagogy - with love"(publicistic essays, articles by teachers and parents on pedagogical topics).

35. International l literary competition"Poetic Pages" (Poetic works of different genres of teachers and parents on pedagogical topics).

36. International l literary competition"Pedagogical dynasties"(publicistic essays, essays by teachers and parents about family pedagogical dynasties).

37. International f otocompetition "Pedagogical Album"(photos from teachers and parents about the bright moments of school and preschool life).

38. international pho tokonkurs "Pedagogical environment"(photos of beautifully designed classrooms and playgrounds, corners, recreational areas, etc.).

39. international pho tokonkurs "Pedagogical holiday"(photos from teachers and parents of festive events at school and in preschool educational institutions).

40. International Festival "Gold Handicraft"(works of teachers and parents made in different techniques of sewing, embroidery, ribbons, macrame, etc.).

41. International Festival arts and crafts "Paper Art"(works of teachers and parents, made in different techniques from paper).

42. International Festival arts and crafts "Wonders of Nature"(works of teachers and parents made in different techniques from natural materials: stones, clay, dough, etc.).

43. International Festival fine arts"Rainbow of colors"(creative works of teachers and parents made in different techniques of fine arts: drawing, painting, computer graphics).

Creative contests for children

44. International l iterative to oncourse "Magic feather"(literary and creative works of children on various topics: poems, stories, fairy tales, essays).

45. International Festival arts and crafts"Silver Handicraft"(children's work made in different sewing techniques, embroidery, ribbon products, macrame, etc.).

46. International Festival arts and crafts "Paper fantasy"(works of children made in different techniques from paper).

47. Competition of arts and crafts "Wonderful transformations" (works of children made in different techniques from natural materials: stones, clay, dough, plasticine, etc.).

48. international competition drawings "I draw the world"(creative works of children on a free topic, made in different techniques of fine art: drawings, painting, collages, computer graphics).

49. International f otocompetition "Wonderful School Years"(children's photos of teachers and school friends, bright moments of school life: lessons, holidays, extracurricular activities).

50. All-Russian master class "Master of multimedia technologies"(multimedia materials made by students for lessons, classes, extracurricular activities, creative projects, scenarios: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video tutorials, etc.).

This article is intended to summarize and structure the information published on the website of the Ministry of Education on competitions for teachers for 2018-2019. Here we consider not only the structure of events approved by the Ministry of Education, but also the procedures for preparing documents, the procedure for participation and awarding. We will also partially touch upon the issues of training participants in professional skills competitions.

Competitions for teachers 2018-2019 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

So, for 2018-2019, the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved the rules for holding a competition for teachers and educators to receive monetary incentives. The competition is held in order to stimulate the teaching and educational activities of teachers, the development of their creative and professional potential. According to the results of the competition, 1,000 cash incentives in the amount of 200,000 rubles each are paid out. The competition is held by the Ministry of Education on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 324 "On financial incentives for the best teachers."

To participate in the competition are teachers with at least three years of teaching experience, whose main place of work is educational organizations, implementing educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education. A teacher who has received a monetary incentive has the right to re-participate in the competition no earlier than after five years.

The rules of the competition are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of monetary incentives for each subject of the Russian Federation is annually determined by the Ministry of Education.

To conduct a competition in each subject of the Russian Federation, a competition commission is created by an executive authority.

Participation in the competition for teachers from the Ministry of Education

The nomination of a teacher for participation in the competition is carried out with his consent by the collegial governing body of the educational institution in which the teacher works. After that, the competition commission conducts the registration of participants in the competition on the basis of:

Copies of the decision collegiate body management of the educational institution on the nomination of a teacher;

A copy of the document on the appropriate level of professional education;

Extract from the work book;

Information about the professional achievements of the teacher;

Information about the presentation of the results of pedagogical activity.

The selection of the winners of the competition for teachers held by the Ministry of Education is carried out according to the following criteria:

Having your own methodological development on the subject being taught, which has a positive conclusion based on the results of approbation in the professional community;

High results of educational achievements of students with their positive dynamics over the past three years;

High scores extracurricular activities students in the subject;

Creation by the teacher of conditions for the acquisition by students of positive social experience, the formation of a civic position;

Creation by the teacher of conditions for targeted work with various categories students (gifted children, children from socially disadvantaged families, children in difficult life situations, children from migrant families, orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children with disabilities, children with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior);

Security High Quality organization of the educational process based on the effective use of various educational technologies, including distance learning technologies or e-learning;

Continuity professional development teachers.

The competition commission sets a certain number of points for each of the above criteria and forms the rating of participants. The list is then sent to the executive agency education of the subject of the Russian Federation. Based on the submitted lists, the Ministry of Education issues an order to approve the winners of the competition.

Issues of preparing participants for the competition from the Ministry of Education.

Winning the competition for teachers is not so difficult - for this purpose, the goal must be set in advance. To determine the time for preparing for the competition held by the Ministry of Education, we look at the "Protocol of the results of the examination on the selection criteria": the conduct of circles and sections is considered for three years, the dissemination of pedagogical experience - for five years, the activity of participation in professional competitions - for three years, etc. etc., there is no point in listing everything here.

However, the list of requirements is not endless and is divided into six categories. If you competently organize your activities according to these criteria and do not spread yourself on everything, then in 3 years it is quite possible for any teacher to collect an excellent portfolio for receiving a grant and show a worthy result based on the results of participation in the competition of the Ministry of Education.

For example, do not get carried away with the number mass events held on the subject. It is enough only positive dynamics for 3 years, as required by the Criteria. Thanks to such small tricks, you can optimize the process of your preparation for winning the competition of the Ministry of Education.

Dear colleagues!
In 2019, we invite you to participate in international competition for teachers and schoolchildren "Olympus of success". Diplomas in 2 days! Let's participate and win!

Creative competitions are held to recognize professional achievements teachers; identifying and developing the intellectual creativity of students, involving them in scientific, research, design and creative activities.

International competition for teachers
in nominations:
International competition for schoolchildren
in nominations:

lesson development
pedagogical project
presentation for the lesson
Classroom hour
extracurricular activity
parent-teacher meeting
holiday scenario
teacher's creative workshop

student project
research work
author's essay
arts and crafts

In the diplomas of students, the full name of the teacher - the supervisor of the competitive work is indicated

teaching staff of any educational institutions: teachers, lecturers, masters of industrial training, teachers-organizers, social educators, teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists, pedagogues-psychologists, educators, counselors, teachers of additional education, music directors, accompanists, heads of physical education and instructors in physical education, teachers-organizers of life safety, methodologists.

Students of general educational institutions of all levels of education, college students: schoolchildren in 4 age categories: grades 1-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11; college students falling into the age category of 9-11 grades

Media diplomas "Exemplary School" on participation in an international competition;
All participants of the competition receive diplomas within 2 days;
Objective evaluation of competitive works;
Professional editorial board;
Expanded evaluation criteria allow you to prepare good competitive works;
The number of prizes is not limited and is determined by the quality of the works participating in the competition;
The full name of the supervisor of the competitive work is indicated in the diplomas of students;
The results of competitions are stored in the register;
Here you can get acquainted with samples of diplomas: see the information reflected in the award document;

The number of prizes is not limited and is determined quality works participating in the competition.

All participants of the competition are awarded with personal names:
1) competition winners: I, II, III place
2) laureates: contestants who distinguished themselves by a high level of performance of the competitive work, but were not among the winners
3) students: contestants who presented worthy works, not included in the number of laureates
4) members: all other contestants who were not included in the number of diploma winners.

The diplomas state:
- the name of the competition and the date of receipt of the work for the competition;
- Full name of the author, position, place of work/study, location of educational institution;
- the name of the submitted competitive work;
- Full name, position of supervisor (for schoolchildren and students);
- Name electronic means mass media and registration number of the certificate of registration of the mass media "Exemplary School" (mandatory for certification) .

With the participation of several works from one author, the author receives a diploma for each submitted competitive work. With the participation of the work performed in co-authorship - each of the co-authors receives a personal diploma.

1. Choose one or more nominations for the Olympus of Success contest. Prepare the contest entry/works.

2. Fill out the contest participant registration form. Please check the correctness of the specified data!

3. Pay registration fee. The size of the registration fee in the International Competition "Olympus of Success" is 300 rubles.

The registration fee is paid for each participant with each competitive work. If the competition work has several co-authors, the registration fee is paid for each. It is allowed to pay several registration fees in one payment.

Registration fee can be paid:
From any bank card. ;
From a YandexMoney account. ;

4. Materials should be sent to the email address info@site marked "for competition". The completed registration form and the competition work must be attached to the letter. Specify the date and time of payment of the registration fee in the application for participation.

Each competition work is sent in a separate letter.

For sending joint work several co-authors formed a common letter.

A few minutes after sending the materials, the participant receives an automatic notification of the receipt of a letter in the editorial email box electronic journal"Exemplary School".

5. The jury considers competitive works within 2 days. After that, electronic diplomas are sent to e-mail. address of the contestant, and the results are published on the page. The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.

The list with the results is updated daily as the work is considered.. The results and surnames of the contestants are listed by the date the work was submitted to the contest.

Participate in contests with benefit!
Creative success to you!
El Media "Exemplary School"

In 2017-2018, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the rules for holding a competition for teachers and educators to receive monetary incentives were approved. The competition is held in order to stimulate the teaching and educational activities of teachers, the development of their creative and professional potential. According to the results of the competition, 1,000 cash incentives in the amount of 200,000 rubles each are paid out. The free competition is held by the Ministry of Education on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 324 "On financial incentives for the best teachers."

Teachers with at least three years of teaching experience, whose main place of work is educational organizations that implement educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, are eligible to participate in the competition. A teacher who has received a monetary incentive has the right to re-participate in the competition no earlier than after five years.

The rules of the competition are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of monetary incentives for each subject of the Russian Federation is annually determined by the Ministry of Education.

To conduct a competition in each subject of the Russian Federation, a competition commission is created by an executive authority.