Methods for optimizing the number of personnel in the organization. Documents Economic impact of headcount change

The average number of employees decreased by 11 people. A significant proportion of the total workforce is represented by employees aged 35 to 55 years. Moreover, in 2009 their share increased by 1.1%. Also in 2009, the proportion of employees with primary and (or) secondary vocational education increased significantly by 2.6%. Employees with higher professional education make up only 17.1%; as a rule, these are employees of the administrative and managerial apparatus.

Staff stability has a great impact on labor productivity. We will analyze the movement of personnel at the enterprise OJSC "Dorremstroy". The following indicators are calculated for the analysis:

acceptance turnover ratio;

dismissal turnover ratio;

staff turnover rate.

Data for the analysis of the movement of frames are given in table 2.4.

Table 2.4 - Analysis of the movement of personnel of OJSC "Dorremstroy" for 2008-2009




Average number of employees

All fired, including:

For reasons of fluidity

Due to the reduction

Personnel turnover ratio

By appointment

Upon dismissal

Staff turnover rate

Table 2.4 shows that the staff turnover rate in the reporting year decreased by 11.4% and amounted to 17.2%. The value of the staff turnover rate is high, in this regard, it is necessary to study the reasons for the dismissal of employees. This analysis confirms that the enterprise is systematically vacating both the jobs of production workers and the positions of the administrative and managerial apparatus. Therefore, according to the topic of the course work, it is necessary to investigate the use of competitive tests for positions in the management system of the enterprise OJSC "Dorremstroy".

The personnel service of the enterprise under consideration is represented by the personnel and personnel training department of OAO Dorremstroy.

The main stages of the personnel management system of Exportles LLC are shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Stages of personnel management at the enterprise OJSC "Dorremstroy"

It should be noted that this department solves the following main tasks:

planning and prospective calculation of the number and structure of personnel in accordance with the needs for the implementation of road construction works, the professional and qualification composition of employees;

Gagarsky V.A.

What questions you will find answers in this article: When does it become necessary to reduce staff? Where do extra employees come from? How to detect state sprawl? How to reduce staff without reducing productivity? How to prevent the need for massive layoffs?

When it becomes necessary to reduce staff (optimize headcount)

Companies are interested in headcount optimization for various reasons. One of the most significant is the objective need to reduce costs, including personnel costs.

Another reason has to do with changing corporate culture a company that old employees don't accept or understand. Therefore, it is necessary to recruit new employees loyal to the company.
As a rule, when carrying out organizational change in the company, optimization of business processes, there is also a redistribution of functions of employees, which invariably affects the number of employees.

In addition, the introduction of new technologies and equipment in production also encourages the company's management to optimize the headcount. It is impossible to establish a new “on top” of an already working one, attracting new specialists (with the necessary qualifications) and not firing the old ones.
Finally, a company, for a number of reasons, may abandon certain areas of activity, leave certain sales markets. One of the consequences of such a step is the reduction of personnel employed in these areas.

Why the staff is growing and where the extra employees come from.

The reason for exceeding the required number of staff in production may be worn-out equipment and the use of outdated technologies that require the maintenance of a larger number of repair and maintenance personnel. Also, the staff grows in companies where they are not thought out job descriptions, the areas of responsibility of individual employees and entire departments are not divided.

Managing the headcount and staff costs without making cuts is the most promising way to avoid the need for dismissal at the initiative of the administration. For example, for temporary or seasonal work, it is better to use fixed-term employment contracts. Of course, you should use this tool very carefully - you must be ready, if necessary, to justify that the work is really temporary. Also, for certain work, you can attract specialists under contract agreements, as well as think about transferring some of the functions to outsourcing altogether.

Why does the company have extra employees:

  • The management tries to solve the inefficiency in the work of the company by introducing new administrative positions (overseers).
  • The structure of the company is not built on the needs of the market (each employee must be needed by the client, otherwise he is superfluous). During the growth of the company, the structure is not revised, the roles in the organizational structure were not redistributed.
  • The company does not personnel planning, there is a spontaneous recruitment of employees (including, by acquaintance, when new positions are often created for a person).
  • Unclear separation of powers (functionality) of specialists and departments.
  • Law-abiding company: it is easier to hire an employee (from the point of view of labor legislation) than to reduce it - it is difficult and costly.
  • Branches create their own functional services in the field (for example, their own accounting, personnel service). At the same time, the functions are duplicated by the old department in management company. There is a mixture of functional and divisional management systems (in some ways autonomy, and in some ways centralized management).
  • Specialists who are needed for project (temporary) work are accepted on a permanent basis.
  • Equipment is not updated in the production, so more personnel are needed to maintain and repair old installations.

How to identify unreasonable staff growth:

  • Conduct a HR audit. During this event, find out the structure of personnel by categories, positions, education, age, etc., as well as its functional load. Based on the results of the analysis of the collected data, it is possible to identify those “problem areas” in the personnel structure that are the cause of inefficient work.
  • Compare the growth rate of the payroll and the emergence of new staff positions with the growth rate of profits. If the payroll growth rate exceeds the profit growth rate, this indicates that the return on staff is deteriorating. The same approach can be applied when justifying the introduction of new staff units.
  • How many people should apply for a visa on simple documents (an application for ordering a stationery, a business trip report, a bypass sheet upon dismissal)? How many of them apply for a visa "for order" without reading the document? Does the situation arise according to the proverb “one with a bipod, seven with a spoon”? Looking at situations like this more broadly, it is possible to identify and eliminate unnecessary administrative and control functions, and to stop the growth of staff.
  • Compare the number of employees of your enterprise with similar ones (successful in the industry). For example, for manufacturing enterprises it will not be superfluous to compare the percentage ratio of the number of employees employed in the main production and auxiliary personnel (how many employees of auxiliary professions account for one worker). Since the key business is production, there should be more (at least twice) production staff. All staff can be divided into categories (for example: administrative, support staff, value-added staff). For each category, you can set quotas (or proportions in the total number).

In order for the staff reduction to take place without reducing the efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to introduce new technology and technology, and in the management apparatus - to optimize business processes.

Instruct external or internal auditors (for example, the quality service) to compare the functions assigned to each individual unit with the actual workload of each employee in it (in terms of intensity and duration of work). The result of such an analysis can be not only layoffs, but also the redistribution of personnel among structural units, if it becomes necessary to strengthen individual units. If it turns out that the staff still needs to be reduced, this task should be treated as a project task, that is, determine in advance the scope of work, their sequence, deadlines and those responsible for each area of ​​work. There are two fundamentally different approaches to the reduction of the number, which can be conditionally called "hard" and "soft".

How to make staff cuts

  • A tough approach to downsizing.

Uniform percentage reduction of staff. Directive by the Director General. Cons: the downsizing parameters set from above do not take into account real situation cases in departments and differences between them. This is a classic downsizing: inefficient jobs are identified, employees are warned two months in advance of dismissal, they are paid the compensation required by the Labor Code and are fired. The reduction procedure takes place quite quickly and with relatively low costs (for compensation upon dismissal). However, this approach has more disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, in the case of quick and hard layoffs, there is a risk of a mistake that will result in conflicts for the enterprise, both with the dismissed personnel and trade unions. Secondly, the emergence of mass unemployment in the city-forming enterprises may result in an increase in social tension in the region, and this, in turn, may affect relations with the regional administration. Thirdly, hard layoffs will worsen the moral climate in the rest of the team.

  • There is more soft methods layoffs when the administration does not take the initiative to fire someone openly, but creates the necessary conditions for the employee to leave. Such methods are appropriate to apply to prevent situations where mass layoffs are required.

"Natural" departure of personnel. For enterprises with high employee turnover, it is enough to temporarily prohibit the hiring of new employees. Soon the number of staff will decrease naturally. You can stimulate the retirement of employees who have reached retirement age. For example, by making lump-sum payments or payments under the corporate pension program.

Encouraging employee exit

To ensure that employees who have not reached retirement age retire, they can also be stimulated - with the help of early preferential pension plans. The principle is that the employee is offered an agreement according to which he will be paid a part (say, 75%) of his average wages during the period remaining until reaching retirement age, but at the same time he should not work either at the enterprise itself or anywhere else. Incentivize layoffs own will It is possible by tightening the procedures for attesting personnel and modernizing the system of material incentives. If an employee does not pass the next certification, he is subject to either dismissal due to inconsistency with the position held, or transfer to a position corresponding to his qualifications (paid lower). Both that, and another stimulates to dismissal as the employee is interested in that in work book there was no record of demotion or dismissal for inadequacy of the position held. At some enterprises, they are punished with a ruble for violation labor discipline(in accordance with the Regulations on bonuses). Well, in cases related to repeated non-performance without good reasons or gross violation work duties, employees are subject to dismissal at the initiative of the administration (Article 81, Clauses 5 and 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Encourage voluntary layoffs it is possible by appointing a greater compensation than that due to him upon dismissal due to redundancy. Another way is to help the dismissed person in further employment. The latter is especially relevant for city-forming enterprises: this is exactly the case when the social responsibility of the employer must be present. Support for further employment is linked to investments in the creation of new jobs in the region. Such programs are created in close cooperation with the local administration to stimulate the development of small businesses. For example, an enterprise may offer an interest-free loan to redundant employees so that they can take up entrepreneurial activity. Businesses can also rent out their unused premises to entrepreneurs who also create additional jobs. For example, you can create a workshop for tailoring workwear (as a separate company), and hire previously reduced support staff into it. And there are many such options.
Splitting the enterprise into small legal entities (each with its own key competence), spinning off subsidiaries.

Object output social sphere from the company's balance sheet. A good way to restructure a business, one of the results of which is precisely the optimization of the headcount, is the allocation of non-core activities to subsidiaries of the parent company. As a rule, various services are distinguished: repair, transport, etc. divisions. Relevant personnel are transferred to these affiliated companies. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the headcount of the parent company. Usually the parent company supports its "daughter" for the first time, providing it with a certain volume of orders. However, it is important that the "daughter" work in a competitive environment and be forced to reduce prices for its services for the parent company. Otherwise, the expenses of the parent company will even increase, since the subsidiary includes all its expenses in the price of its services, which, taking into account the spin-off, increase.

Outsourcing, outstaffing, outsourcing. The enterprise carries out only activities that are its core competencies. Not the main functions (cleaning, repair) are transferred to the performance of a professional partner (for whom this function is a key activity). Examples: RUSAL, Yukos. In the event of a sudden onset of a crisis, when you need to cut costs drastically, you can transfer staff to part-time or part-time working week. However, the experience of using this method in the mid-90s at Russian enterprises suggests that this is really an extreme measure, not very effective in the long run. Part-time work or a week in its essence means hidden unemployment with all its attendant disadvantages.

Undeservedly forgotten method transfer of individual units and brigades to internal cost accounting. This method was actively promoted during the perestroika period. The brigade is assigned a certain wage fund for the set amount of work, and the brigade independently distributes this fund among its employees. Thus, the team is motivated to get rid of inefficient employees. At the same time, it is important not to cut the brigade's wage fund, because otherwise this method will not work.

Regular rotation within the company as a way of prevention, to use the potential of employees, and not just their current skills and abilities. Staff rotation expands work skills, and as a result, the employee is able to combine the performance of various functions, which contributes to a reduction in the number. For example, combining the functions of a driver and a freight forwarder in transport companies, machine tool adjuster and repairman in production, etc.

Case Study

In order not to be unfounded, we can give an example of solving the issues of reducing the number of staff, in which the author took part personally as an invited consultant. The subsidiary of the power system, which I am not allowed to name under the terms of the confidentiality agreement, was separated from its structure on January 1, 2004. This subsidiary provided engineering and technical services to the parent power system and third parties. The number of employees at that time was 65 people. According to the results of work for the first quarter, the company showed a loss from its activities, and the company's management began to take steps to find out the reasons for this situation. The attention of the management was focused on the largest division of the company: the Design Bureau (PKB), which consisted of 28 people (43% of the entire company) At this stage, consultants were invited, who were asked to understand the activities of this division and propose measures to reduce its costs.

First of all, a matrix of functions of the unit was built, which describes the distribution of functions among employees and makes it possible to analyze their workload. In addition, statistics were collected and analyzed for the design and calculation work performed by the Design Bureau for previous periods, including in the context financial results. It was found, in particular, that the PKB payroll exceeds the proceeds from completed projects, that is, this unit was clearly unprofitable. In parallel with this, an assessment of the design bureau personnel was carried out in order to find out their professional potential and ability to work more intensively in the new conditions. As a result, the “personnel core” and “personnel periphery” were identified in the design bureau. Based on the analysis, the management of the enterprise was proposed the following scheme of actions: to reduce the staff of the unit by 40% (with indication of specific candidates), while, in order to reduce the risks of project failure, actively attract students from the local architectural institute for practical training, who could, under the supervision of experienced specialists do simple projects. It was determined that the majority (57%) of the projects carried out by the PCB were fairly simple, ie the trainee approach was justified. In addition, a project method for managing the work of the design bureau was proposed, with a clear control over compliance with project implementation plans, in order to increase the speed of work. These proposals were presented to the company's management, it agreed with them and carried out a number of measures, as a result of which personnel costs were reduced and labor productivity increased.

Techniques to reduce personnel costs

1. Total optimization of production. Applicable for operational and manufacturing companies and departments in which the activities of employees are related to the technological process, are repetitive in nature and can be easily measured and standardized. The main mechanism for generating ideas to reduce costs is brainstorming, that is, proposals come from below.

2. Eliminate organizational inefficiencies- this is the removal of unnecessary links (reducing the number of levels in the organizational hierarchy, the abolition of inefficient units). Suitable for reducing administrative and management staff.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of the company. Those activities that do not create added value are eliminated. Suitable for enterprises where the share of the payroll fund (payroll) in the overall cost structure is high, for example, in financial companies and departments where the functions of employees are difficult to standardize ( strategic planning marketing, public relations, human resources, legal departments, housekeeping).


The labor and personnel plan consists of three sections:

Tasks to increase labor productivity;

Determining the number of industrial personnel;

Calculation of the payroll fund (PHOT).

The main tasks of labor and wage planning:

1. Ensuring high and sustainable growth rates of labor productivity;

2. Observance of outpacing rates in the dynamics of labor productivity growth in relation to wage growth;

3. Ensuring the most complete use of labor resources for each indicator.

Initial data for the development of a plan for labor and wages:

Manufacturing program enterprise and its subdivisions;

Plan of technical development and organization of production;

Standards for the cost of living labor for the main technological operations;

The results of the analysis of the implementation of the plan for labor and personnel for the past period;

Typical structures management of similar production processes;

Tariff conditions and systems of payment and bonuses at the enterprise.

Labor productivity is efficiency labor costs, which can be expressed as the quantity of products produced per unit of labor time, or the quantity of labor time spent on the production of a unit of output.

Labor productivity indicators are determined for 1 employee:

P = V: ∑t i × CH i ; T = ∑t i × P i: B, (8.1)

where P - productivity per 1 worker;

B - output for the period under review, for example, pieces / year;

t i - time worked by the i-th employee, hour;

N i - the number of employees performing i-th operation;

T is the labor intensity of a unit of production, man-hour.

Number of products IN can be measured in natural, conditionally natural, normalized time and in monetary terms. The natural measurement of output is characteristic of mass production.

To measure output in a standardized time, for each type of product, a standard of labor input per standard hour is established (for all areas of production). The ratio of the total labor intensity of products to the average number of employees is the production of products in a standardized time per worker. The use of this indicator is limited by the complexity of developing standards for all types of products.

In general, for the enterprise, labor productivity is expressed by the volume of normatively clean production (NCP) per one average employee in the planned year in % of the base year. The absolute indicator of labor productivity in the planned year is determined by adjusting the basic labor productivity by the amount of the planned increase:

, , , (8.2)

where ΔP is the planned increase in labor productivity according to the plan;

ΔChP - the planned increase in the number of employees of the subdivision;

K in - the coefficient of growth in output.

Factors that increase labor productivity include:

Structural shifts in production;

Change in production volume;

Raise technical level production;

Improvement of management, organization of production and labor;

Commissioning of new facilities.

BUT. Raising the technical level of production , i.e., the introduction of progressive technology; mechanization and automation of production processes; improvement and updating of equipment; improving the use of material resources.

B. Improvement of management, organization of production and labor; increasing time and service standards; reduction of loss of working time; improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces; improvement of working conditions; introduction of computers and computer technology.

IN. Change in the volume and structure of products, i.e., a relative decrease in the number of PPPs with an increase in the volume of production; change in cooperative deliveries.

G. Industry Factors : change natural conditions and methods of extracting raw materials, increasing the content of useful components in it.

Calculation sequence:

1. The initial number of employed PE Ref for the planned period is determined while maintaining the base output:

CHP Ref \u003d CHP Base × K About: 100, (8.3)

where PE Base - the actual number of employees in the base period, people;

TO About - growth in the volume of the normative number of personnel (NCHP) in planning period, %.

2. Calculate the change in the initial number ΔChP Ex as a result of the action of each factor by comparing labor costs for the planned volume of production under planned and basic conditions.

3. The total change in the initial number of personnel and the planned increase in labor productivity in% (Δ PT Pl) is determined:

ΔChP Ref = ; Δ PT Pl = . (8.4)

Disadvantage of the method: artificial selection of factors acting in real production conditions in close interconnection and interaction.

Reserves for increasing labor productivity:

Reducing the technological complexity of products;

Improving the use of working time through the organization of labor;

Increasing the proportion of key workers in the headcount;

Structural shifts in production (change in the share of certain types products in the total output and changes in industrial cooperation).

3.1 Change in the number of key workers due to changes in the structure of production:

where T Usl. Pl, T Cond. Base - conditional labor input per 1000 rubles. NPP according to the norms of the base period with a planned and basic structure of production;

d Main Slave. - the share of the main workers in the headcount of the unit.

3.2 Change in the number of industrial personnel with the improvement of cooperation (both intershop and interfactory):

, (8.6)

where Δ T K is the change in labor intensity with a change in production cooperation;

To V.N. Base - the average coefficient of performance of production standards in the base period;

FV Ef.Baz - efficient fund working time in the base period, hour/year.

3.3 Relative decrease in the number of employees ∆CHP 3.3 with an increase in the production volume of the enterprise unit:

, (8.7)

where PE UP.Baz is the number of the conditionally permanent part of the personnel of the organization's division in the base period, people;

To U.P. - the growth of the conditionally permanent part of the personnel of the subdivision of the organization in the planning period, in%;

K O - growth in the volume of the standard number of personnel (NCHP) in the planning period.

An increase in the volume of production does not cause a proportional increase in the number of service and management workers, who constitute a conditionally permanent part of the PPP. According to the Research Institute of Economics and Labor Organization, 1% increase in the number of main (technological) workers corresponds to 0.5% increase in auxiliary (servicing) workers and 0.2 ÷ 0.3% of other categories of PPP.

3.4 Change in the number of employees ∆PE 3.4 as a result of an increase in the technical level of production at the workplace of the enterprise unit:

Improving the design of manufactured products;

Introduction of progressive technological processes;

Integrated mechanization and automation of production processes;

Introduction of new and modernization of existing equipment;

Introduction of new and replacement of used materials and components.

These measures reduce the complexity of manufacturing products:

, (8.8)

where Δ T T is a decrease in labor intensity as a result of measures to improve the technical level of production of a subdivision of the enterprise;

To V.N. Base - planned coefficient of performance of production standards;

FV Ef. Base - effective fund of working time in the planned period, h / year.

Similarly, the change in the number of employees as a result of improving production management (APCS, NOT) of the enterprise division is calculated and is determined by direct account for each event.

3.5 Change in the number of employees ∆NP 3.5 as a result of improving the organization of production

Change in the number of employees as a result of improving the organization of production in the case of cooperation, specialization, improvement of operational calendar planning, etc.

The measures lead to the release of workers by reducing labor intensity, increasing service standards, and increasing the level of fulfillment of production standards. Reducing the number of industrial personnel by improving the organization of production.

An important factor in the development of the activities of trade and catering enterprises are labor resources, which represent the number and composition of employees.

It is necessary to distinguish between the payroll and the average payroll number of employees. payroll is the number of employees employed by the enterprise at a given (specific) point in time. For the purposes of analysis, the average number of employees is used - this is the average number of employees on the payroll for a certain period of time (month, quarter, year).

Average headcount employees per month is determined by dividing the calendar man-days of the payroll for the reporting month by the number calendar days reporting month. The average number of employees for a quarter is calculated based on the arithmetic average, based on the average number of employees by months, and for the year - based on the average number of quarters of the year.

In the process of analyzing the number of employees, the provision of the enterprise with employees in general and by category is determined. To do this, the deviation of the actual number of employees from the planned and actual number of the previous period is calculated, as well as the dynamics of the number in general and by category of employees. Then the reasons for the change in the number of employees in general and by category are identified.

In example 6.5 number of employees commercial enterprise in the reporting year increased by 2 people compared to the previous year.

The change in the number of employees is influenced by the change in the volume of turnover and the average annual turnover per trade worker (labor productivity).

where H- number of employees;

About - the turnover of the enterprise;

P- productivity of one worker.

Influence of change in turnover on change in the number of employees:

The impact of changes in labor productivity on changes in the number of employees:

Thus, the growth in turnover caused an increase in the number of employees by 6 people, and the growth in labor productivity created the basis for a decrease in the number of employees by 5 people.

An analysis of the structure of personnel by categories of workers is carried out. To do this, the share of key employees (sellers, cooks, confectioners), employees of the administrative apparatus and auxiliary workers in the total number of employees is determined and the change in the structure is assessed in comparison with the plan and in dynamics. Positive is the increase in the share of the main categories of workers directly involved in the production, sale of goods and customer service.

In example 6.5 the share of salespeople in the total number of employees in the reporting year increased by 0.7 percentage points [(24 / 31 x 100) - (23 / 30 x 100) = 77.4% - 76.7%].

Then the qualitative composition of employees is assessed in general and by category according to qualification, educational, sex and age characteristics and length of service.

An important direction in the analysis of the number of employees is the analysis of the movement of personnel, for which indicators such as coefficients are calculated and evaluated in dynamics: TO n), on the dismissal of employees (K y), total turnover (K ​​oo), turnover (K ​​s), staff turnover (K ​​t), stability (K st), frame permanence ( TO pc), which are calculated as follows:

where Ch p- the number of hired workers;

Ch u- the number of dismissed workers;

Chuszh- the number of employees dismissed of their own free will;

H ntd- the number of employees dismissed for violation of labor discipline;

h g- the number of employees with one year of work experience at the enterprise;

Ch 5l- the number of employees with five years of work experience at the enterprise;

H ss- the average number of employees.

In addition, it is necessary to assess the movement of personnel within the enterprise: between departments (transition of employees from one department, section to another); interprofessional (development by workers of professions of sellers); qualification (transition of workers from one category to another); intercategory (transition of sellers to the category of specialists, employees).

The results of the analysis of the number of employees allow the enterprise to determine the required number of employees and form a qualitative composition of employees capable of providing further development enterprises.

How more business and the faster its growth, the larger the company's staff. And the higher the number of employees of the enterprise, the more difficult it is not only to manage people, but also to determine the effectiveness of their activities. In this article, we will talk about how to determine the optimal staff size for your business.

What is the number of employees of the enterprise

First of all, it is a statistical economic indicator, which reflects the number of people included in a particular category of workers.

There are several subgroups of employees included in the total headcount:

1. payroll

The headcount of the enterprise's staff is absolutely all the people hired by the company: full-time, seasonal employees, temporary, etc. It is important that each of them has an entry in the work book, and each such employee is listed in only one company . This composition takes into account all employees who left and did not go to work for any reason. When employment is calculated, it is this list that is used (if a person is included in the payroll, then he is not unemployed).

2. Contract employees civil law

Contracts or labor agreements are concluded with these people. Such employees during the reporting period may work in several companies and be considered full-time employees.

3. part-timers

The number of personnel of the enterprise cannot be determined without taking into account external and internal part-time workers. External part-timers are employees who are usually on the list of one firm, and part-time and no more (according to labor laws) are employed on projects in another. Internal part-timers, as a rule, are full-time employees of the enterprise who additionally perform paid tasks in their own company. When calculating the average number of employees of the enterprise, the work external part-timers counted according to the time spent by them.

The subgroup in which the new employee is included is stated in the order of employment and in the contract concluded with the company. Part-time workers and contract workers are not included in the list for determining the employed share of the company in order to avoid double counting. Therefore, for more accurate measurements of headcount indicators in companies, there are various types of it.

  • Examples of corporate standards and tips for developing them

What are the types of personnel in the enterprise

1. Planned headcount

It is determined by the factors of labor productivity and the specifics of the organization in the market. This indicator for the company is close to reality (compared to the standard headcount) in the current conditions and at the present time.

2. Normative number

An ideal indicator dictated by the labor standards in the industry and how much work will be required to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

3. Headcount

It consists only of the number of full-time employees on the company's schedule. Seasonal and temporary workers are not included in this number.

4. Average headcount

To calculate this indicator, determine reporting period time, for which the average number of employees involved in the company, both full-time and part-time, is calculated relative to their real working hours.

5. Turnout number

Only that part of the staff who is currently at the workplace.

6. Actual number of employees

The number of people actually employed by the company on any particular date.

  • Inventory management in the enterprise: 7 steps to reduce costs

Enterprise personnel: number and structure

Employees are combined into various groups and functioning units in accordance with various relative and absolute characteristics - this is the structure of the enterprise. The following groups are distinguished:

  • non-industrial personnel - employees who are not directly involved in the production and maintenance of the production part of the company, as well as employees of the social segment of the business (for example, staff of children's institutions on the company's balance sheet);
  • those who are employed in the production itself are included in the group of industrial production personnel (or PPP).

The PPP, according to the nature of the work performed, is divided into such categories of workers as:

  1. The smallest part of them are the heads of the companies. There are three main levels of leaders: grassroots (those who directly manage the performers - foremen, heads of bureaus), middle (managers of the main structural divisions of the enterprise - departments, sectors, workshops) and top (general director, directorate and all their deputies).
  2. Technical performers (or employees) - secretaries, cashiers, timekeepers, freight forwarders, etc. That is, those employees who work on paperwork, are engaged in financial and settlement work and the economic part of the enterprise.
  3. They include specialists - engineers, economists, lawyers, technologists, personnel officers, accountants, etc. Specialists in the company perform administrative, economic, engineering and legal tasks.
  4. Workers are employees who create the company's products, produce the final product, or provide transportation or manufacturing services. The main workers are employed in production, while auxiliary workers are employed in its maintenance.

The following factors influence the structure of the enterprise's personnel:

  1. First of all, it depends on how automated and computerized production is.
  2. Are modern technologies used in the production process.
  3. Whether new or alternative consumables and forms of energy are being used.
  4. How production is organized in the company.

How to Optimize Headcount: 2 Types of Employees to Fire

In every company there are employees who "hold" the entire office hostage, blackmail management, as well as those who infect others with their disloyalty and sabotage work.

How to quickly identify "vampires" and "terrorists" in your company, the editors of the magazine "Commercial Director" will tell.

Why you need headcount planning for an enterprise: two main stages of the planning process

Headcount planning personnel of the enterprise - development of plans to provide the company with the necessary number of qualified personnel.

These plans should address the following issues:

  • shortage of workers in production and in the administrative staff;
  • insufficient level of qualification and inability to set and perform new tasks for business development.

Planning the number and composition of the enterprise's personnel goes through the following stages:

Stage 1. Analysis of the current composition of employees

At this point, it is extremely important to find out whether the employees meet the requirements of the position.

Stage 2. Assessment of the current and long-term need for hiring new employees

For this you need to consider:

  • types of work at the enterprise;
  • features of the market and industry;
  • the volume of production and other activities in the company;
  • managerial tasks;
  • the financial capacity of the firm.

The number of personnel of the enterprise is planned in accordance with how the company is technically equipped, what productivity is required, how much is required to be produced finished products. The composition of the staff also largely depends on these factors and should be planned in the short and long term.

Calculation of the number of personnel at the enterprise based on labor standards

There are various labor standards, for example: production rates, time rates, service and number rates, etc. Calculations based on these rates are used to determine how many people will be required to perform a certain amount of work.

Relying on standards allows for the planning of the number and composition of the enterprise's personnel, which in reality will lead to a level of productivity that meets the technical conditions. Here are some examples of calculation options:

Method 1. according to production standards

The norm of production is considered to be a certain amount of work (for example, a certain number of finished goods), which a team or an individual employee, with sufficient qualifications, must have time to perform in the existing organizational and technical conditions per unit of working time. The rate of production is the reciprocal of the rate of time.

Method 2. According to the norms of the number of personnel of the enterprise

The basis of this calculation is the established number of employees of a certain qualification composition, which is required to solve specific managerial or production tasks in the existing organizational and technical conditions.

The main disadvantage when using this standard is not particularly high accuracy of indicators. This is explained by the fact that the determination of the norms of the number of personnel at the enterprise takes into account only the typical volumes and scope of work for employees of this professional category. The more the real workflow deviates from the typical one, the lower the accuracy of the calculation. Number norms are usually presented in the format of calculated dependencies.

Method 3. By the rules of time

The norm of time is the amount of working time spent on the execution of a unit of the production process by an individual employee or team in the current organizational and technical conditions with the necessary qualifications. The smaller the percentage of work not covered by the norm of time and not taken into account by the estimating method, the higher the accuracy and the smaller the error in calculating the number of employees of the enterprise.

Method 4. according to service standards

This calculation is based on the estimated number of production facilities (for example, jobs, machines, livestock) that a group of employees or an individual employee manages to serve within a certain time and if the necessary professional level in the technical conditions of the enterprise.

This norm is practically the same production norm, only for employees performing service functions. For this reason, service times that depend on the current norm are often determined (for example, a standard time for cleaning one square meter of a room can be determined for a cleaner).

Often, when calculating the number of employees of an enterprise (both regular and standard), the results are fractional and require rounding. In reality, it is customary to use staff units at least a quarter of the rate. The resulting indicators are used as arguments for certain management decisions in the field of personnel policy.

  • Teamwork: how easy it is to set up and control

Expert opinion

How to determine the minimum number of employees of an enterprise using standards

Alexey Shibaev,

Head of Labor Standards Department, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance", Moscow

It is impossible to determine and fix the standards of the enterprise without clearly regulated work functions of each staff unit. To do this, you will need to describe in detail the scope of work and the workflow - only this will allow you to objectively estimate the time required to perform all the functions.

To detect wasted working time and improve existing production processes, you need to calculate the average time indicators for each work procedure. To do this, use experiments, timing and analysis of statistics on the execution of these tasks in previous reporting periods. With this information, you will be able to determine the standard for the number of employees of the enterprise.

In order to process the collected data as quickly and accurately as possible, it is best to involve an employee in the process personnel department or marketing.

You should describe all the operations performed for each employee of the company, as well as indicate the average time spent on them. An assistant (HR or marketer) summarizes the collected information. To find out the complexity of the task, you will need to know the time standards for each of them, as well as the annual amount of work.

In small and medium-sized businesses, the number of employees of the enterprise is too small to determine the standards for the entire company, since there is usually only one employee or department per function, and this will not give correct statistics.

In order to avoid this mistake, companies turn to other enterprises with a similar structure and organization of production processes, jointly analyze the time costs of their employees, exchange lists of functions and tasks, prescribe similar operations, and then draw more adequate conclusions on the complexity of work and form labor standards for their firms.

The data obtained allow us to estimate the minimum number of skilled workers that will be required to solve the planned tasks of the company.

How is the optimal number of employees of the enterprise determined?

  • Number of key production workers

Method 1 Timing

For measurements, they use a stopwatch and note how long each next stage of the workflow takes. Then all the obtained values ​​are summed up. The timing method is mainly used by production managers, economists and raters. But if necessary, any workers can use this method.

The main disadvantage of the method is its laboriousness and duration, especially with a high number of employees of the enterprise. For example, the average production time for a part can only be calculated after 30 measurements, during which the work is performed by different workers. In this case, the measurement accuracy will not be high enough. And first of all, because the speed of work is reduced for people who know that they are now being watched.

Another disadvantage of timing is the lack of flexibility. If it is necessary to calculate the production rate of the same type of parts with minor differences, then this can only be done by measuring for each such part.

Method 2 Comparison with competing companies

The optimization of the number of personnel in the enterprise is also carried out by comparing the number of employees in you and your competitors who use the same production processes. This is very fast method, but it will bear fruit only if you have full information about the work of competing companies. Comparison also helps you understand where you are in the market in terms of headcount and business performance.

Method 3 microelement planning

This method is based on the hypothesis that any work operation can be reduced to a certain number of elementary relatively simple actions, and the time spent on these actions is already known. Then, to calculate the time standard, only the sum of the measurement results is required. And on the basis of these data, it will be possible to optimize the number of personnel at the enterprise.

Rationing with the help of microelements of operations is suitable only for those types of work that are performed manually and consist of repetitive actions. To apply the method, you will need an economist or a production employee who has undergone special training (a week of theory, two weeks of bringing skills to automatism). Preparing a pilot planning project will take a couple of months.

  • Support staff

Usually, comparing the number of employees of an enterprise with the number of employees of a competitor company shows that this indicator is significantly higher for you. What then to do? First you need to find answers to the following questions:

  1. What problems should be dealt with by full-time employees, and what can be delegated to outsourcers?
  2. Which of the tasks of support staff can be transferred to workers in production?

If, after this analysis, you still have a need to reduce the number of employees of the enterprise, use one of the following methods: time measurements, micro-element rationing of the workflow, or factor rationing.

Factor normalization method is fairly accurate, but very time consuming. For this method, it is important to determine the key factors for each process and operation in production. There are usually more than one such factor.

The degree of influence of factors on the number of personnel of the enterprise is determined as follows: the entire workflow is divided into constituent elements, each of which should depend on one factor and no more.

The results of factor normalization are compared with similar results in comparable departments of the company to identify lagging employees and leaders in production. In order to regulate the rules, two main approaches are used:

1. Produced by average values.

With this approach, departments leading in production expand their staff, and lagging behind reduce the number of employees. However, it is believed that this method is suitable only for those cases where the quality of the work of production leaders is not high enough.

2. The indicators of the leading units become the standards (if the results of their work are of proper quality).

With this approach to rationing, all departments, except for the leading ones, reduce their staff. This should influence their motivation to increase productivity and learn from the best in production. To optimize the number of personnel in the enterprise, this path is considered the most effective.

  • Office staff

In order to calculate the optimal number of office workers for a company, you need to determine the optimal number of workers in production, because there is a certain ratio of one number to another in different areas.

In the railway industry, there should be 4-5 office employees for 10 production workers, for the mining industry it is a ratio of 10 to 3, and in the oil and gas industry, 3-4 office employees are required for every ten production workers. At the moment, the best ratios of the number of employees of functional departments to the total number of employees of enterprises have also been determined. For example, for the personnel department, this is 1 person in 100. Of course, these are approximate figures, but they can be used as a guide in matters of staff optimization.

If a company needs to reduce the number of office employees, then it is important to work in two directions at once: firstly, it is necessary to improve business processes in the enterprise and refine organizational structure, and secondly, it is necessary to carry out factorial normalization and, based on its results, reduce the staff.

  • How to rally the team of the company: 3 great ways

Expert opinion

What performance indicators allow you to determine the optimal number of employees of the enterprise

Sergey Mishin,

head of the department of own offices of the block of Moscow operations. Employee of the Vimpelcom group of companies, Moscow

When deciding how many vendors will be required, we conduct research in our offices. During the analysis, the number of visits to each point per individual employee is calculated, the time spent in the sales office and the speed with which we serve the client, the efficiency of work, the amount of information that is provided to the buyer, etc. As a result of this study, we determined eg that the average service time is 15 minutes.

Optimization of the number of personnel in the enterprise requires determining the load on each outlet, and for this it is important to refer to key indicators performance of each salesperson. It can be either quality of service or revenue, or average value check or the number of additionally connected services.

We distribute the workload in the offices in such a way that during peak hours for trade, as many employees as possible are in the workplace. At the same time, we are preparing universal sellers who could simultaneously perform the functions of a consultant, cashier, logistician, and even set up services. This is a trend for the cellular retail segment.

Analysis of the number of personnel of the enterprise: 4 stages

The analysis of the number of personnel of the enterprise consists of four stages:

1. Compare the size of the staff (and the number of freelancers) with the same figures in another company in your industry.

The main role here is played not even by the total number of employees, but by the ratio of different professional and qualitative categories (workers in production, administrative staff, employees with auxiliary functionality, etc.). For each such category, the personnel service must determine the normative attitude to the total number of employees of the enterprise.

Set the proportions: how the number of production workers relates to the number of other employees; how many support staff per worker (if production is the main task of the company, then the former should be at least two times less than the latter).

2. Benchmark profit and cost growth across the entire company.

If the rate at which the wage fund grows is faster than the rate at which profits increase, then the efficiency of employees is declining. When introducing new staff positions, also refer to this analysis.

3. Recalculate the company hierarchy.

How many people in your company out of the total number of employees of the company must apply for their visa to complete the simplest documentation (bypass sheets, ordering office supplies, etc.)? How many employees do not read the documents they sign? Perhaps some part administrative staff is not needed, and you can remove unnecessary links in the chain of control, as well as stop the excessive increase in staff.

4. Audit personnel.

In order to create a portrait of the most effective employee who brings the maximum benefit to the business, and to identify weaknesses in the structure of the team, study the personnel composition of the company. This work can be done by human resources specialists or external audit firms. In the process, it is important to clarify the structure of the team and categories of employees by various parameters (position, experience, education, gender and age), as well as to identify the productivity of employees and the functional load in the field.

There are 2 main reasons for overstaffing:

Reason 1. The company does not have tools for managing the number of employees of the enterprise:

  1. There is no clear definition of the areas of responsibility of employees and departments, no division of powers and no clear job descriptions.
  2. Specialists who were required for temporary work are accepted into the state on a permanent basis.
  3. The recruitment of new personnel does not occur in accordance with the drawn up plan, but spontaneously, for example, through an acquaintance. This also includes cases when positions are invented for specific people.
  4. HR specialists do not have legal knowledge and do not resolve labor disputes according to the law. Personnel composition do not update, but only supplement when recruiting new employees. No one is fired, and, therefore, he grows unnecessarily.

Reason 2. The company does not think over the organizational structure:

  1. An organization that has developed spontaneously does not adapt to changing market conditions and does not take into account its needs.
  2. In an effort to improve work productivity, the company's management expands the management staff and strengthens control.
  3. There is a mixture of divisional and functional systems enterprise management. For example, a branch has the right to solve some issues and problems on its own, while others - only after agreement with the head office. When creating new services and divisions in the branches of the company, many functions of employees may be duplicated.
  • Organization structure: how to correctly put together a business puzzle

Expert opinion

The number of employees may increase as a result of a prompt decision

Vladimir Artemenko,

General Director of the audit and consulting group "Your Advisor", Krasnodar

The number of employees of the enterprise in our company is managed by an employee relations specialist and the company's management. With a business as fast growing and growing as we do, it's hard to plan for staff size. Groups do the planning strategic development companies based on sales plans for our services. But we also have experience in changing the number of employees and on the basis of a prompt decision at the time of the rapid growth of the enterprise. Consulting is a very active and mobile type of business, in which one can often meet with spontaneous changes in the structure of personnel.

How and why the optimization of the number of personnel in the enterprise is carried out

essence of this process is that the number of employees employed at the enterprise is reduced to the minimum indicators, but subject to two conditions:

  1. The production program must be guaranteed to be carried out qualitatively and in full.
  2. The budget allocated for the company's personnel is determined in advance, and it is unacceptable to go beyond it.

Excessive headcount in an enterprise goes hand in hand with factors such as:

  • outdated technology,
  • worn equipment,
  • low-quality products that cannot win the competition.

For these reasons, it is important to maintain support workers who maintain production and repair equipment.

When reducing staff, it is important to maintain the efficiency of production as a whole. In order to avoid a drop in the quality of work or labor productivity, it is recommended to update the equipment and introduce modern technologies, as well as improve management methods.

If management decides that it is necessary to optimize the headcount indicators of the enterprise, then this process should be approached as a serious project, and the following steps are important for the project:

  • process planning,
  • selection of project team specialists,
  • definition of the list of works,
  • determining the order in which work will be performed,
  • time limits for each stage of the project,
  • assignment of persons responsible for each task.

The main stages of optimizing the number of personnel in the enterprise

Stage 1. Diagnostics

This preparatory stage, which audits the current state of affairs in the company, analyzes labor productivity and the number of employees (both in general and by department), and also measures the duration and intensity of work. Having collected information about the actual workload of employees, they plan to regulate business processes and optimize the number of personnel at the enterprise, offer options for introducing more modern technologies and modernizing production.

Already at this step, it is possible to determine which jobs are redundant and can be reduced without loss.

Stage 2. Project work

After optimizing business processes, it becomes clear what number of employees will be the best to perform the necessary work in the company. In order to determine the size of the staff required, use various methods population rationing. As a result, they compare the actual number of employees with the optimal one and calculate how many jobs will have to be cut. However, in practice, optimization is carried out not only by reducing staff, but also by redistributing forces according to structural divisions organization (for example, if you need to strengthen a weak department or unload an overloaded task).

When, when optimizing the number and composition of the enterprise's personnel, the question arises of whether it is worth hiring new employees or transferring old ones, one should evaluate the costs of replacing an employee with the costs of retaining or retraining him. The adaptation of a person who has been working for you for a long time will be easier and faster, since you have established a level of trust with him, and he knows the company. But on the other hand, he may not be suitable for the tasks of another department, refuse to transfer or insist on a salary increase. New employee, one might say, “a pig in a poke”: you don’t know how the adaptation will go (and it can take more than one month), how much he will join the team and the workflow. However, a newcomer, although not able to work at full capacity from the first day, may be the most suitable candidate for this position.

Further, a program to reduce staff is planned. Here they decide how and in which departments the number of personnel of the enterprise will be cut. In order to make it easier to decide which employees you can work on without losing efficiency, they turn to the concepts of “personnel periphery” and “personnel core”. It is intuitively clear what is meant by both:

The core of the company is made up of specialists who play key roles in the main business processes, as well as bring the greatest profit to the enterprise or reduce costs. These are employees with the highest qualifications and efficiency, or very narrow specialists, for whom it will not be possible to find a replacement immediately.

The personnel periphery consists of all other employees of the company who do not have unique skills.

The Pareto principle states that only 20% of the employees of the enterprise bring 80% of the profits and results, and the remaining 80% of the employees bring only 20% of the income. The personnel periphery forms the last unproductive group. Despite the fact that these employees also perform some functions in the company, during a crisis they are reduced without fatal consequences for the business.

Stage 3. Downsizing

In this step, downsizing methods are selected and applied.

  • Reducing the staff in modern conditions

Reducing the number of personnel in the enterprise: 3 approaches

1. Hard approach

In this situation, the CEO of the company signs an order on the need to reduce a specific percentage of personnel for each unit. The order may determine which specialists can be fired first and last. Employees in this case receive a warning two months before the dismissal, they are paid compensation, and a proposal is made to move to another position.

But this method has its own significant drawbacks. First, hasty and harsh dismissals can lead to mistakes, which in turn threaten conflicts with unions and laid-off employees. Secondly, the workers remaining at the enterprise find themselves in an emotionally difficult atmosphere. Thirdly, in the situation with city-forming enterprises, such a decision can stimulate social protest and spoil the relationship between the company's directorate and the city government.


The engineering and production center of Lipetskenergo separated from a larger enterprise into an autonomous company, but after operating in a new mode throughout the quarter, it turned out that new firm works at a loss. To reduce costs, the directorate decided to lay off some of the employees.

Before the reduction, the company employed 65 people, of which it was decided to dismiss 28 employees of the design bureau (PKB). The bureau was identified as a loss-making division of Lipetskenergo as a result of an analysis of the workload matrix and functions of the department's employees and an assessment of the financial benefits of PKB. As a result, it turned out that the cost of maintaining the bureau exceeds the proceeds from its work, and 57% of the projects being carried out do not require the participation of highly qualified personnel.

The analysis prompted management to decide to reduce the size of the design office by 40%, as well as to identify specific positions to be reduced. At the same time, the idea was put forward to attract students of the architectural institute to the enterprise for industrial practice, because interns will be able to prepare simple projects together with experienced employees. The latest innovation was the project method of managing processes in the office.

This optimization of the number of employees at the enterprise led to a reduction in the cost of jobs and payroll, and also allowed to increase the overall productivity of the company.

2. Soft approach

To avoid the need to massively reduce staff, often the company's management does not initiate someone's dismissal, but creates conditions under which the employee leaves of his own free will.

Among these conditions: tightening and complicating the certification of enterprise personnel, changing the system non-material motivation and awards. In the event that someone does not pass the re-certification, the company has the full right to dismiss the employee due to inconsistency with the position held or transfer to a low-paid position that matches the qualifications of the employee. Both of these options push a person to resign of their own free will, just to avoid being fired under an article or a demotion entry in the work book.

Also, to persuade an employee to leave own initiative, sometimes he is offered compensation more substantial than that which would be if he lost his job on the reduction.

To reduce the number of staff in the enterprise, you can use a natural business process - staff turnover. If the turnover is quite high, then it will be enough for the company to announce a ban (even temporary) on the extension of temporary labor agreements and the recruitment of new employees - this will already reduce the number of employees


In 2007, a deal was arranged to combine the assets of Sual, Rusal and Glencore. As a result of the merger, United Company Rusal emerged, while many employees from the Sual holding were not transferred to new company and got a job at the Demidovsky plant and the Kamensk-Uralsky metallurgical plant. Other employees received large compensation - the annual salary had to be paid to everyone.

At the same time, the company signed an order stating that all emerging vacancies (even when they leave of their own accord or when full-time employees retire) are closed. This measure leads to a natural reduction in the number of personnel at the enterprise.

In case these decisions are not enough to bring the company's balance sheet back to normal, United Company Rusal launched a personnel audit for further optimization.

3. Creativity

Before firing good professionals, even in a crisis, evaluate how it is possible to maintain partnerships with them outside the company's staff. These employees can switch to work on the terms of outsourcing and outstaffing. Even big business often shifts support functions and secondary tasks to freelancers.

There is also the practice of creating subsidiaries to engage in non-core activities: these smaller companies are transferred to laid-off employees. Such a split into different legal entities makes it possible to reduce the number of personnel of the parent company, and at the same time remove service, repair or transport services from its balance sheet.

Often reputable companies that are trying to maintain their reputation help laid-off employees get a new job. The social responsibility of business is especially characteristic of city-forming enterprises, since such support affects investments in the region to create jobs. Employment assistance programs are developed by companies together with the city administration.

  • Image and reputation of the company: 4 principles that will help avoid scandal

Expert opinion

How to turn former employees into partners

Alexander Mokeev,

business scaling consultant, branch network expert in Moscow business school, Moscow

The experience of the production company "Trud" (St. Nizhny Novgorod), in which I worked: at a certain stage of development, it became clear that forced layoffs were coming, since the maintenance of 60 drivers with cars turned out to be redundant, because the transport department was never loaded by more than 20%. In order not to abandon laid-off employees, the company offered them the opportunity to rent cars from the fleet on a preferential basis and with the right to buy. As a result, drivers were able to offer their transportation services to other companies, and Trud OJSC enjoyed priority if a driver was needed. Thus, the company not only cut personnel costs, but also retained partnerships with former employees.

What to do so that the reduction of the number of personnel at the enterprise is not required

First of all, do not allow the growth of the staff. If you want to hire a new employee, then first make sure that it is urgently needed and that all the company's labor resources are currently exhausted. On the permanent job it is necessary to take only those specialists without whom it will not be possible to work in the long term.

Use emergency more often employment contracts in order not to hire people with temporary or seasonal functionality. The main thing is to clearly define the boundaries of duties and responsibilities and justify to the employee the temporary nature of his activities. Also, in some cases, cooperation under work contracts or even leasing, often practiced in the West (staff leasing and temporary staffing), is suitable.

Rotation of personnel within the company can also be an inoculation against excessive growth in the number of employees of the enterprise: conduct a personnel audit, analyze the workload of departments (what reinforcement is needed, where there are extra staff positions) and assess the potential of current employees (what they can and can do professionally, in addition to the main functionality ). Auditors (external or internal in the form of personnel service) can examine the data and determine the real workload of each person in the enterprise, and then make recommendations on who can redirect their skills in a new direction. For example, the driver can also act as a freight forwarder, and the machine tool adjuster can also work in the repair service.

Information about experts

Alexey Shibaev, Head of the Department of labor standards of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance", Moscow. Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance. Field of activity: applied and fundamental research for questions labor relations, employment, wages, social insurance, pensions, public service, social partnership, labor rationing. Territory: central office - in Moscow, branches - in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk. Number of staff: 131.

Sergey Mishin, Head of the Department of Own Offices of the Moscow Operations Block of the Vimpelcom Group of Companies, Moscow. Vimpelcom. Field of activity: voice and data communication services, broadband Internet access (Beeline and Kyivstar brands). Territory: headquarters - in Amsterdam; Group companies operate in Russia, Armenia, Vietnam, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. Number of personnel: 36,355 (in Russia and CIS countries, Vietnam, Georgia, Cambodia).

Vladimir Artemenko, General Director of the audit and consulting group "Your Advisor", Krasnodar. The audit and consulting group "Your Advisor" operates in the market of the Southern Federal District. Accompanies the business of large Russian companies on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. Directions of activity: consulting, audit, evaluation, investment projects. She has an international quality certificate in the field of consulting and audit, recognized as compliant with the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

Alexander Mokeev, business scaling consultant, branch network expert at Moscow Business School, Moscow. Professional experience. More than 16 years in the B2B market, 9 of them in the status of a top manager in commercial and logistics divisions of federal and international companies: 2011–2013 – PartKom, Commercial Director, 2006–2011 – TNT Express, Branch Director, 2004–2006 – National Factoring Company, Marketing Director.