Musical competitions for a fun company. New contests

Pre-holiday fuss, shopping, preparations - all these are attributes of a birthday, or rather, preparation for it. And so that the birthday itself does not fly by instantly and imperceptibly, so that the guests do not yawn from boredom under philosophical conversations, one more item should be added to the preparations - music competitions for the birthday.

You can hire a professional from the entertainment industry and completely rely on his taste, then your holiday will be filled with fun and will remain in the memory of the guests for a long time. You can also come up with scenarios for birthday contests on your own, but you need to prepare for them very carefully. After all, it is they who should amuse the guests and not leave them time to yawn.

So, the birthday music competitions themselves, some of them are great for both children and children. Some can be delimited by age limits, the only thing that is required is the presence of a leader.

Musical knowledge

In this competition, the host asks guests to remember and sing songs in the selected category, for example, songs in which there is a number:

  • First team - Five minutes
  • Second team – Argentina-Jamaica 5:0
  • First team “Where are my seventeen years…
  • Second team - Million Scarlet roses
  • First team - Our tenth airborne battalion

You can participate in the competition both in teams and individually. The winner is the team or player who was the last to remember and sing a song of a given theme.

inaudible singing

The host announces a competition for best song, however, there is a catch, you need to sing with a few lollipops in your mouth. All participants take turns trying to play their favorite song, which, of course, does not work out very well for them. In this competition, two winners are usually announced: the first, whose song was still recognized, and the second, who made the guests laugh the most with his “incomparable” singing.

Most Emotional Singer (Singer)

At the beginning of the competition, a popular song is chosen so that all the guests present know the words. Then the host notifies everyone that it must be performed by the choir, but with some conditions. At the moment of the leader's clap, the guests stop singing aloud and sing the song to themselves, after the second clap, everyone starts singing from the place where they think it is necessary. Someone is bound to fall off after a few claps, but in most cases, after the second clap, almost everyone starts singing different parts of the song.

dance relay

Naturally, it is impossible to ignore dance competitions for a birthday, here is one of them. Participants line up in a circle, alternating, female-male. The host takes out a “magic wand”, clamps it between his knees. And under, making dance movements, passes it to the next participant, standing face to face and always without the help of hands. The one who takes the baton passes it on and so on. After one circle, the task should be complicated, for example, the way the stick is passed: back to face, back to back, the main thing is that the hands are not involved in the transfer process. The positive aspect of this competition is the "great photos".

Ode to a birthday boy

All guests should be divided into teams, the host gives each a sheet of paper. Participants need in honor of the birthday man, but with one condition, all the words of the song must begin with one letter. The birthday boy chooses a letter for each team separately. After the allotted time for composing, the teams take turns to perform their songs. The winner is determined by the birthday boy.

All music birthday contests are good in their own way. Which one to choose for a particular celebration depends on the guests, their age and number. The main thing is that the contests carry positive and fun, both for the hero of the occasion and for his guests. And this will allow everyone to remember their childhood, carefree feelings, when everything was like in a fairy tale - after all, a birthday in childhood is associated only with these words.

And in conclusion, watch a fun video of another contest that is suitable for any holiday:

Music always and everywhere accompanies us, reflecting our mood like no other art form. There are few people among people who do not sing at least mentally favorite melodies.

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without music. Of course, competitions that require encyclopedic knowledge and musical education, for ordinary company having fun friends, relatives, colleagues are not suitable: why put someone in an awkward position? Musical games for adults should be fun, take place at ease, focus solely on the love of singing and music.

National music game karaoke

In recent decades, the musical fun of karaoke has become truly popular. In the park, on the coast, on the square on the day of the fairs, at the celebration of a birthday, at a wedding, a microphone and a ticker screen attract crowds of people who want to try their hand at vocals, support performers or just have fun. There are even television projects in which all passers-by are invited to participate.

Guess the melody

On the corporate parties men and women willingly participate in the game, which also became popular thanks to the well-known TV show Guess the Melody. Two participants or two teams tell the host how many first notes they can guess a well-known melody. If players manage to do this, they receive points. If the melody is not guessed from the first three or five notes (it must be said that three is not enough even for a connoisseur), the opponent makes his application.

The tour lasts until the melody is called or until 10-12 notes, when the host, having not received an answer, calls the piece himself. Then it is performed by players to the phonogram or professional vocalists, which decorates the event.

A simpler version of the game is to guess the artist or. To do this, the toastmaster chooses fragments of not the most famous hits. The age of the participants must be taken into account. Those who are 30-40 are not fond of the music of teenagers, just as they will not know the songs of the 60s, 70s.

Music Casino

4-5 players are invited to participate. From the equipment you will need a familiar top with an arrow, as in “What? Where? When? ”, And a table with sectors for tasks. Tasks are two or three clues contained in abstracts or questions that will help players guess the name of a singer or singer.

The trick is that the questions should not be too serious, rather with humor. For instance: “He thinks that it’s better in no way instead of somehow” (A. Buinov), “For his outrageous appearance and hoarseness in his voice, this singer scares naughty kids” (N. Dzhigurda), “He is the only one in the whole country” (N .Basque).

If the player guesses correctly, a snippet of the song plays. The winner will be rewarded with the right to order the next musical composition of the evening.

Song in pantomime

One of the players must, solely with the help of gestures, depict the content of some lines of the song. His teammates have to guess what song is trying to “voice” with his pantomime “toiling”. In order to “mock” the writhing pantomimer, you can persuade the guessing participants in advance not to name the correct answer under any circumstances, but, on the contrary, to simplify the task, you can simply call the name of the performer or. Two or three teams play, 2 songs are offered for each team. The reward for the victory is the honorable right to sing karaoke together.

Music games for adults at the table

table music games for adults keep the audience as long as it's interesting. Therefore, to the well-known competition "Who will sing whom" need to be creative. These should not be just songs containing female or female lyrics. male names, names of flowers, dishes, cities ...
It’s more interesting when the toastmaster suggests the beginning: “What! ..” The players sing “What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash ...” or another song with such a word at the beginning. In the meantime, the maestro, as if by chance, can play several notes from different songs - sometimes this hint helps to avoid unwanted pauses.

By the way, a video example of such a game is the scene of a wolf with a choir of bunny boys from the famous cartoon series “Well, you wait!”. Let's look and be touched!

Another fun music game just for fun is "Additional". Tamada offers everyone a familiar song. As he explains the terms, the melody plays softly. While performing the song, the participants add funny phrases at the end of each line, for example, "with socks", "without socks", alternating them. (With a tail, without a tail, under the table, on the table, under the pine, on the pine ...). It will turn out like this: “In the field, a birch stood ... in socks. In the field curly stood ... without socks ... ". You can invite one team to prepare phrases for the “add-on”, and the other team to choose a song, and then sing together.

Musical games for adult parties are good because they quickly cheer up the whole company and help to relax, leaving only pleasant emotions and vivid impressions of a cool holiday spent in the company of friends.

No solemn event can take place without musical accompaniment, especially when it comes to a wedding. With the help of music, both guests and newlyweds get the opportunity to relax and have plenty of fun. And great if entertainment program included original music competitions, and their organization was approached responsibly. In this case, no one will remain indifferent: regardless of age and social status at right choice repertoire everyone will want to participate in the game.

The whole charm of holding music competitions at a wedding for guests and newlyweds is that games can vary.

For youth

Young guests will surely like it more - cheerful, incendiary and awakening excitement. Two people can participate in them. But mass competitions are especially successful, where maximum amount guests: up to several dozen in each team.

Choosing mobile competitions, important to consider:

  • age and status of guests;
  • the location where the competition will take place.

For small rooms and older guests

If there is not enough space in the hall or the vast majority of guests are in old age, then it is worth picking up song contests. They will cheer up the newlyweds and guests and will definitely not let you get bored.

When holding table music competitions you can offer not only to sing songs, but also ask you to perform simple team tasks- the right side of the table against the left, the table of the groom's guests against the table of the bride's guests, etc. Such games help those present to get to know each other better and create an atmosphere of joy and fun, which is so important at the wedding.


In order for the competition to be successful, it is necessary to think about the smallest details, because if the music stops at the climax, it will not be easy to correct the oversight.


If there is musical equipment in the institution where the banquet is planned, then it is necessary to carefully check its condition and technical capabilities in advance.

Do not rely on the assurances of the administrator that "everything is in order." Better not be lazy come to a cafe or restaurant in advance and check everything:

  • settings;
  • the number of electrical outlets required;
  • Are the wires long enough?


If props are needed for wedding music competitions, it must be prepared in the right quantities. Better stock up on props with a surplus than then regret the shortcoming. Consider force majeure: something can break, tear, fly away, get wet, so the stock will not hurt.


It is necessary to take into account the age category of guests. If the vast majority is of an older age, then it is unlikely that those present will be delighted with Yegor Creed and club music.

Great if you can find out in advance the musical preferences of the majority. It is not necessary for everyone to put on their favorite song - with a large number of guests this is hardly possible. But now, if many, for example, love Russian chanson, then the task of the organizers of the music competition is greatly facilitated.

Of course, it is unlikely that such musical accompaniment that everyone would love. But if you study the preferences of the guests in advance, then their favorite tunes can be played in turn or make a potpourri so that no one is left without a favorite song and wants to take part in the competition.

Cool TOP 11

Best Recognition

The essence of the competition is that guests compete in who will pick up more pleasant phrases (better from songs) for their second half. All this is done impromptu, to the tune of a sounding melody.

Interesting! Beloved or beloved can be imaginary. The newlyweds are assigned a judicial role.

Melodies are chosen very different - rhythmic, cheerful, sentimental. It turns out very interesting when the contestants sing compliments to their other halves, and the music suddenly stops. In such a situation, the most important thing is not to get confused and continue the serenade!

Guess the melody

A well-known competition when guests must guess the melody. Despite widespread, most of the guests accept the offer to participate in this competition with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

It will be interesting if you pre-prepare not just a melody, but musical confusion notes. For example, the words from the song “All for You” sound with a completely different melody. The task of the contestants is to guess the melody of which song is involved in such a phonogram.


As you know, a fabulous turnip was pulled by the “tail”, the same “tail” is not difficult to find in songs. The last words of each line of the first verse act as a tail. For example, in the characteristic song "Wedding" the last words sound like: "be quiet ...", "sad", "piss ..." and "silence ...".

Important! Not all songs are easy to guess, so you should prepare at least 10 options. You can make a selection and more, but you should not get carried away, so as not to bore guests with monotony.

As for the "tails", they are pre-written on beautiful cards and laid out on a tray. It is noteworthy that both teams and individual participants can play.

Song requests

Such a competition is very successful when requests from guests are formed in advance. Applications are needed in order to understand what songs the guests want to perform. For example, the father-in-law loves the song “Why the soul sings”, so he indicates it in advance in the application.

Such requests must be made in writing. It's great if you can arrange them beautifully. Then the applications are laid out on the wedding table and await their turn.

When the feast had already begun and the guests cheered up, you can arrange a kind of sports lotto when guests select a particular application. After the choice, the request of the applicant is voiced, and the guests perform the ordered song.

Warm-up for the brain

This competition can be attributed to. Its merit lies in the fact that it can be carried out as individually, as well as for commands.

Tamada invites guests to sing all the songs that can be attributed to the wedding theme. The winner is the participant or team that sang the wedding song last.

Congratulations for the young

For such drinking competition need two teams.

The leader gives leaflets with words to all participants, after which in 5 minutes you need to compose a song with congratulations for the young. You can use only those words that are written on paper. And the winners of the competition are chosen by the heroes of the occasion.

Advice! You can not compose a song again, but remake a popular hit by inserting the received words into it.

Dance over the abyss

Guests should be divided into pairs, each pair is given a newspaper. Music sounds and couples dance, but in such a way as not to step over the edge of the newspaper.

After the first song, the newspaper is folded in half and the competition continues. The couple that steps over the edge of the newspaper is out. The competition continues until there is one couple left who managed to “dance over the abyss”, that is, not to step over the newspaper edge. She gets what she deserves.


Teams, not individual participants, should take part in such a competition, otherwise the competition will lose its entertainment.

The essence of this cool contest consists in the fact that the first team asks the opponents a question with a line from some song. The task of the second team is to answer with a line from another song, while the meaning of the answer should be as close as possible to the question.

For instance:

  • the question: “Where are you, my dark-eyed, where?”;
  • answer: "There behind the mists, eternal, drunken ..."

talking hat

The toastmaster brings a certain headdress to the bride's head, which supposedly is able to read the thoughts of the newlywed. Tamada asks the bride what she is thinking at the moment, and at this time music is broadcast that expresses the thoughts of the bride.

Interesting! Such a draw can be done not only with the bride, but also with all guests who wish.

If properly organized, there can be no doubt that the mood of all those present will be festive. With the help of witty and sparkling jokes, funny puns, the talent of the participants, a joyful atmosphere, which is necessary at the wedding, will be maintained. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time by both guests and newlyweds.

"Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced ...". It is simply impossible to imagine a banquet without songs and dances, because musical accompaniment is an important part of any celebration. In addition, it is customary to dilute a long wedding feast with contests. In this article we will analyze what interesting music competitions for a wedding are.

Why is entertainment needed? The competition program is an important part of any wedding; With its help, you can create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Typically, such entertainment is divided into individual and team. At the venue, there are two types of music competitions for guests and newlyweds.

  • table- they are carried out without getting up from the table. The purpose of such competitions is to diversify the feast, take a break between toasts, make guests smile and get to know each other.
  • Contests in the hall. They are distinguished by a significant degree of activity. As a rule, for such competitions you need not only to sing some melody, but also to dance or perform some other action to the music.

In terms of the degree of involvement, the following can be distinguished.

  • Contests for everyone. Such competitions should prevail in the program, because in order to create the right atmosphere at the wedding, it is necessary that no one is bored and does not feel deprived of attention. Keeping track of this is one of the duties of the leader. For this reason, the competition program is always compiled taking into account the age and interests of those invited.
  • Be sure to include in the program a couple of competitions for the main heroes of the occasion.
  • , as well as for father-in-law / mother-in-law / father-in-law / mother-in-law. At each wedding there are separate categories of guests, which are usually distinguished from others. Usually this is a friend of the groom and a bridesmaid, as well as the parents of the newlyweds. As a rule, the toastmaster includes in the program one competition especially for them.


Many music competitions can be held without getting up from the table.

  • Remember the song. The guests take it in turns to remember and sing wedding-themed songs. If you dig into your memory, you can remember a lot of such songs. The winner is the participant who sang last and did not repeat the songs of previous guests.
  • musical questions. Another team competition, in which one team asks a question with a line from a song, and the second team must answer it with a line from another song. For example, the question "I asked the ash tree, where is my beloved?". The answer is "Where the maple rustles over the river wave."
  • Music hat. First you need to "cut" the melodies of popular songs and prepare a hat. The host puts it on alternately on the heads of the guests and asks tricky questions, and the hat gives funny musical answers.

For the hall

For these competitions, participants need to get up from the table and go to the leader.

  • Guess the melody. This popular game can still be used to hold contests at weddings. The invitees are divided into two teams; to guess the melody, one participant from each of them is alternately chosen. The team that guessed the most songs wins.
  • Congratulations to the young. Two teams also take part in this competition - each of them is given a sheet with words, and in a short time they must come up with a song in which these words will be used, and then perform it.
  • Song contest. Participants of the competition stand in a circle facing each other. One participant sings a verse from any song, the next must immediately sing a verse from another song containing at least one word from the text of the previous participant. Those who could not do this or lost their way are eliminated from the competition.

For any celebration

Dancing is an integral part of any wedding. Guests can simply dance, or they can take part in a fun musical competition.

  • Dancing on the newspaper. Participants are divided into pairs; each couple dances on a newspaper spread out on the floor. Gradually, the task becomes more difficult - the newspaper folds first 2, then 4 times. The team that goes out of bounds is out of the competition.
  • Dances of the peoples of the world. Usually 2 teams of 3-4 participants each are selected for this competition. They must dance to the music different countries and directions - lezginka, tap dance, gypsy with an exit, hula, etc. In addition, the host gives the dancers additional props - for example, flippers.
  • Dancing on command. The participants are divided into pairs, and the facilitator commands what they need to do in the dance - for example, connect their right legs, press back to back, take the partner’s right ear with their left hand, etc.

For a themed party

V Lately themed celebrations came into fashion - weddings in a certain color or style. If you are planning to hold just such a celebration, at least part of the music competitions should be related to the chosen topic.

Important! When choosing a place for a wedding, pay special attention to the size of the hall and the availability of free space for dances and competitions, because some of them may require a large area. By the way, we have collected the best song contests.

Show your imagination! For any wedding in retro style, you can hold a competition related to the musical traditions of the chosen era. For a wedding in a certain color - sing or dance to those songs that mention the desired color or objects of this color.

Great scope for imagination give a wedding in nautical style, pirate wedding, wedding in the style of " Scarlet Sails”, - after all, there are a lot of songs related to the sea. Having decided on the theme, think about how to associate musical accompaniment and music competitions at the wedding with it.

Interesting video: how to entertain guests with dance

For clarity, watch the following video about a music competition at a wedding. Shown is a cool option that is suitable for all guests.


Time will pass and guests will forget how many salads and hot dishes were on the menu at your wedding, but they will never forget what emotions they experienced that day. Ultimately, it is for the sake of this that the newlyweds spend time and money organizing a wedding banquet instead of just going and signing at the registry office.

The bride and groom want to make a holiday for themselves and give it to others. Good mood- the only thing that matters at any wedding. Interesting and funny wedding music competitions for guests and newlyweds will help you create the right atmosphere and hold a celebration at the highest level.

The heads of enterprises, to the extent of their ideas about joint organized recreation, amazed the imagination of those present with the scope of events and became heroes of their time. Gradually, the propensity for scale was balanced by “production necessity”, and today corporate events and music competitions for corporate events are an important part of the life of the company, which, nevertheless, is associated with great responsibility.

How was it 30 years ago?

The idea of ​​spending leisure time together is much more time than the word “corporate” that is already familiar to many. The scenarios for such events did not differ in variety, and often everything happened like this:

  • At the trade union meeting, a person responsible for holding the holiday was appointed (he, in fact, was the “chief out of breath”, who gave instructions and controlled their implementation).
  • Members of the team received tasks for organizing a feast (someone bought food, someone had to amaze with culinary masterpieces in their own performance).
  • It was necessary to indicate who would be the main speaker (the speech was prepared especially carefully, improvisations were allowed only occasionally).
  • "Cult Mass Sector" took over the entertainment side.

Musical competitions for corporate events. And from now on, in more detail ...

Naturally, Soviet time"Imprinted" and on entertainment, which previously fit into a few standard contests and a couple of perky songs. Accordion, button accordion, piano, harmonica were used as a background. What can we say, musical games for the "corporate party" of that time were fun, but monotonous and predictable. Creativity was categorically excluded - everything had to fit into the framework of the "code of the Soviet person."

In rare cases (as a rule, for large-scale events), enterprises allowed themselves to invite some kind of artist, and such events were necessarily captured on shared photos and in local or regional newspapers.

Later, in the 90s, when the word "corporate" burst into the countries of the former CIS, small and large companies considered it a matter of honor to celebrate significant holidays. And, I must say, many did not spare money for this! Famous artists, professional hosts, chic restaurants - the scope of some corporate events was grandiose. What can we say, a certain amount of ostentation was present in this for everyone ...

"Obligation" or a long-awaited event?

The attitude towards corporate parties today is ambiguous: many perceive them as a “commitment”, which, moreover, is sometimes associated with not very personal events (the “heroes” of the celebration will learn from them from their employees on the second day). Needless to say, such an opinion is a natural result of a poorly organized event?

But let's not talk about sad things. A celebration is ahead, which means it's time to think it over, prepare music competitions for a corporate party and do a lot of other things. First, decide whether you will do it yourself or give the “reins of power” to professionals.

We create an entertainment program

Whether this will be done with the help of third parties, or whether it will be done by proactive employees of the company, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The specifics of the event. They will dictate both the theme of the entertainment numbers and the contingent of their participants. For example, a New Year's corporate party can be safely "diluted" cool games with revealing attributes like men's shorts. But congratulating women on March 8 should still be gallant, and save a couple of "frank" contests just in case.
  • Corporate scale. If it implies the participation of guests and is of a light official nature, then piling up competitions is unlikely to be appropriate. And in general: before choosing numbers, it will not be superfluous to at least “virtually” get to know the guests.
  • Type of business of the company. In fact, this point is not decisive, since lawyers, doctors, and builders want to have a good time during their holidays. However, this moment can be taken as a basis for the preparation of an entertainment program.

What would surprise?

Actually, no one has canceled personal initiative, and today there are no strict limits for corporate competitions. On the contrary, creativity is welcome! Whether it will be an original musical number for a corporate party performed by employees, or professional ones will be involved in the event - it all depends on the goals and capabilities. So don't let it get lost interesting ideas- and the holiday will not be boring and monotonous.

We are sure that your team will “with a bang” accept the original idea - surprise to your health! We offer a selection the best competitions for various corporate events. Use them in a "finished form" or take them as a basis for "author's" numbers - it's up to you.

Games with music

In fact, these are competitions that do not imply the musical abilities of the participants. Quick compositions serve as a "groovy" background in games.


A simple but very exciting competition covers all those present. To fast music, guests under the table pass candy to each other. The driver must catch some player in her pass. Caught by surprise, he takes "the reins of government" into his own hands.

"In a plate"

The competition is held during the feast. The driver pronounces any letter, and the participants in the game quickly name an object that begins with it. The main condition: these items must be on a plate. Whoever called first is the leader. The main prize goes to the one for whose letter there is no object.

"Ring toss"

To play, you need several empty bottles and the same number of full ones (with different drinks). Participants must throw a ring, previously cut out of thick cardboard, from a distance of three meters. There will be exactly as many winners as there are full bottles.


The game is played by 2 teams. The task of the first team is to depict some concept with the help of pantomime. Members of the second team must "decipher" it with no more than 3 attempts. The competition does not assume winners, although it can be determined by the results of the points scored. It is best to think of popular expressions, names of celebrities, proverbs.


For the competition, you need medical gloves, in which holes should first be made with a thin needle. Water is poured into the gloves, and the participants in the game must “milk” as much milk as possible. The one who does it best wins.

"Corporate Bunny"

The popular raffle contest involves little preparation and has several variations. Here is one of them. The main role is assigned to some guest who left the hall. During his absence, the presenter warns those present about the upcoming competition and asks not to call the word "hare" under any circumstances. The returning guest is declared to be a fugitive who has been fined, who will have to “redeem himself” by participating in the competition. The guest must portray a hare (the presenter informs the main character of the competition about this in a whisper), and those present will have to “guess” what kind of animal it is. The "torment" of the hare continues until the guests' imagination runs out.

Chants, chants, chants, or we play music to the fullest!

Musical competitions for a corporate party, where the vocal abilities of guests are to be used, must be approached especially responsibly. Not all those present are able to overcome the barrier, which involves "testing" for vocal data, albeit in such an informal setting. Therefore, when preparing music competitions, take into account the following important points:

  • It is best to choose a few neutral games related to collective performance. As practice shows, such numbers are perceived "with a bang" by all guests, and no one experiences complexes.
  • For individual competitions where solo singing is supposed, the correct way out would be to pre-determine the participants. You can find out about their readiness to perform something in public in the process of communication.

diversify corporate event such music competitions will help.


Participants are selected from among the amateurs to sing. The host voices the first verse (the song is chosen randomly), the players continue it in sequence. In this competition, two conditions are obligatory: there should be no pauses between verses, and each subsequent performance includes at least one word from the previous one.

"Choral singing"

Under the guidance of the presenter, a song is selected that will be performed by the chorus of those present at the corporate party. When the “Quiet!” command sounds, the guests will lock up and sing the song to themselves further. On command "Loud!" choral performance resumes. Since the tempo changes during the “quiet” singing, it turns out “some in the forest, some for firewood” - the game ends with a friendly laugh.

"Small choir"

Those wishing to participate in the competition should be prepared for the fact that the “main participants” of the game will be ... their knees, where funny faces will be drawn. The continuation of the “image” will be the shins, which are decorated with various improvised materials. Next, a sheet is used, which the assistants first pull in front of the participants, and then raise it to their knees after the leader announces: “Because of the forest, because of the mountains, a small choir has come to us.” The performance of ditties, children's songs and popular compositions in this way goes off with a bang. This is a competition from the category of corporate music competitions.

"Reluctant Stripper"

The number of players is odd. After the formation of pairs, the "extra" becomes a stripper. For 2-3 minutes, the couples dance, and when the music stops sounding, there is a change of partners. The stripper at this time has the right to grab the first participant who comes across and create a dance couple with him. So everything needs to be done very quickly! Who was left "out of work" - that will have to try himself as a stripper. It is easy to imagine what kind of “suits” the players end up in.

A little about prizes

Corporate events provide for a special semantic content, so the prizes for the winners of the competition should be with "subtext". At the same time, the material component is last place. The main thing is that it should be fun and "cool". The winner of the music competition - a tray of eggs (to improve vocal abilities), the stripper - a pole ... for the boat (let him practice on it). In general, there is no limit to imagination! The main desire!