The system of functional styles of the modern Russian literary language. Artistic style of speech Social value is dominant



Vvedenskaya L.A., L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kataeva. Russian language and culture of speech: Tutorial for universities. Rostov N / A: Phoenix, 2005 .-- S. 23-26.

Raiskaya L.M. Russian language and culture of speech. Tomsk, 2009.S. 16-28.

Golub I. Russian language and culture of speech.

Test 1. Which statement is not true?

a. Functional style is a kind of common language.

b. Functional style is a variation literary language.

c. Functional styles are historically and socially

conscious systems of speech means used in a particular field of communication.

d. The functional styles of the language get their name because they perform

the most important functions, being a means of communication.

Test 2. Note the erroneous statement: The following book styles are distinguished.

a. Formal and business;

d. journalistic.

Test 3. Which of the following styles is not a book style?

a. Formal and business;

b. scientific;

c. colloquial;

d. journalistic.

Test 4. Isolation of what book style is not generally accepted?

a. Scientific;

b. art;

c. journalistic;

d. formal business.

Test 5. What style of speech is characterized by such stylistic features as informality, ease and expressiveness of verbal communication?

a. Formal and business;

b. scientific;

c. colloquial;

d. journalistic.

Test 6. What linguistic function does the spoken style perform?

a. Accumulative;

b. cognitive;

c. communicative;

d. aesthetic.

Test 7. Which of the following features does not apply to the features of spoken


a. Informality and ease of speech;

b. spontaneity and automatism;

c. accuracy and consistency of speech;

d. the ordinariness of the content.

Test 8. Check the false statement.

a. Conversational style great attention has a speech situation.

b. This allows you to shorten the utterance as much as possible.

c. Compression - necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.

d. The main form of existence of the colloquial style is the monologue form.

Test 9. What vocabulary is not typical for the spoken style?

a. Scientific terminology;

b. colloquial words;

c. common words;

d. colloquial words.

Test 10. What style of speech is bureaucraticism not a disadvantage?

a. Scientific style;

b. formal business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art.

Test 11. In what style of speech is the terminological vocabulary based?

a. Scientific style;

b. formal business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art style.

Test 12. In what style of speech is not only the vocabulary of the literary language presented?

a. Scientific style.

b. formal business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art.

Test 13. Find a row that contains non-spoken style

Speech morphological forms.

a. Sixty grams, with fifty percent;

b. chauffeur, on vacation;

c. shorter, softer;

d. five kilograms of orange.

Test 14. What vocabulary do the words sweetheart, zainka, hard worker refer to?

a. Neologisms;

b. evaluative vocabulary;

c. archaisms.

d. historicism.

Test 15. What style trait is NOT characteristic of the scientific style of speech?

a. Abstractness;

b. accuracy;

c. consistency;

d. emotionality.

Test 16. Is social value the dominant of style?

a. Scientific;

b. official business;

c. journalistic;

d. artistic.

Test 17. For which style is the dominant conceptual accuracy and


a. Official and business;

b. scientific;

c. artistic;

d. journalistic ;.

Test 18. Which style is greatly influenced by extralinguistic


a. Journalistic style;

b. formal business style;

c. scientific style;

d. conversational style;

Test 19. Is the dominant art style?

a. Abstractness and precision;

b. imagery and aesthetic significance;

c. standardness;

d. evaluativeness and invocation.

Test 20. What style would you classify the text that contains graphics, diagrams,


a. Art;

b. scientific style;

c. journalistic;

d. formal business .__

Art style as a functional style finds application in fiction, which performs figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic functions. To understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, thinking, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with scientifically knowledge that determines the characteristic features of scientific speech.

Fiction, like other forms of art, is inherent concrete-figurative representation of life in contrast to the abstracted, logical-conceptual, objective reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and re-creation of reality , the author seeks to convey, first of all, his personal experience, your understanding and comprehension of this or that phenomenon.

For an artistic style of speech, it is typical attention to private and casual , followed by the typical and common. Remember "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol, where each of the landowners shown personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the "face" of the contemporary author of Russia.

The world of fiction- this is a "re-created" world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author's fiction, which means that in the artistic style of speech, the subjective moment plays the main role. All surrounding reality is presented through the vision of the author. But in the fictional text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in the fictional world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphoricality, meaningful versatility of the artistic style of speech.

The lexical composition and functioning of words in the artistic style of speech have their own characteristics. ... The words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style include, first of all, the figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words of a wide range of use. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic credibility when describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is very widely used. , which opens in it additional meanings and semantic shades, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is due to the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of pictorial means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

Come to the fore in literary text emotionality and expressiveness of the image ... Many words, which in scientific speech appear as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and publicistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech - as concrete-sensory representations. Thus, the styles complement each other functionally. For artistic speech, especially poetic, inversion is characteristic, that is, a change in the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word or to give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from the poem by A. Akhmatova "I see everything Pavlovsk hilly ...". Variants of the author's word order are varied, subordinate to the general idea.

In artistic speech, deviations from structural norms are possible due to artistic actualization., that is, the selection by the author of some thought, idea, feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and other norms.

In terms of the diversity, richness and expressive possibilities of linguistic means, the artistic style stands above other styles, it is the most complete expression of the literary language.
As a means of communication, artistic speech has its own language - a system of figurative forms, expressed by linguistic and extralinguistic means. Artistic speech, along with non-fiction, performs a nominative-pictorial function.

Language features of the artistic style of speech

1. The heterogeneity of the lexical composition: combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialectal, etc.

Feather grass has ripened. For many miles the steppe was dressed in swaying silver. The wind elastically accepted him, surging, rough, bumped, drove now to the south, now to the west, gray-opal waves. Where the flowing air stream ran, the feather grass sloped in prayer, and a blackening path lay for a long time on its gray ridge.
The variegated grasses have faded. On the ridges of Nikla, there is a joyless burnt-out wormwood. The nights were decaying quickly. At night, innumerable stars shone in the charred black sky; a month - the Cossack sun, darkening with a damaged sidewall, shone sparingly, white; the spacious Milky Shlyakh intertwined with other stellar paths. The astringent air was thick, the wind was dry, wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for the coolness.

2. Use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:
- No, no, I'm alone. I'm alone there.
Where "there" - she did not even know close and, leaving the gate, went to the Angara. (V. Rasputin)

3. Activity of polysemous words
all styles of speech.

The river is seething with a lace of white foam.
Poppies are crimson on the velvet of the meadows.
Frost was born at dawn.

(M. Prishvin).

4. Combinatorial increments of meaning

Words in an artistic context receive a new semantic and emotional content, which embodies the imaginative thought of the author.

I was dreaming of catching shadows that leave,
Fading shadows of a dying day.
I climbed the tower. And the steps trembled.
And the steps trembled under my foot

(K. Balmont)

5. Greater preference for the use of specific vocabulary and less - abstract.

Sergei pushed open the heavy door. The porch step sobbed under his foot. Two more steps - and he is already in the garden.
The cool evening air was filled with the intoxicating scent of acacia blossoms. Somewhere in the branches, a nightingale was iridescent and subtly drawing out its trills.

6. A minimum of generic concepts.

One more advice essential for a prose writer. More specificity. The more precisely, the more concretely the object is named, the more expressive is the figurativeness.
You: " Horses chew corn... The peasants are cooking " morning food"," Rustled birds"... In the artist's poetic prose, requiring visible clarity, there should be no generic concepts, if this is not dictated by the semantic task of the content itself ... Oats better than grain. Rooks more appropriate than birds(Konstantin Fedin)

7. Wide use of folk poetry words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

The dog rose, probably since spring, has still made its way along the trunk to the young aspen, and now, when the time has come to celebrate its name-day for the aspen, all of it flashed with red fragrant wild roses.(M. Prishvin).

New time was located in Ertelev Lane. I said fit. This is not the right word. It reigned, reigned.
(G. Ivanov)

8. Verb speech

The writer names each movement (physical and / or mental) and state change in stages. The pumping of verbs activates the reader's tension.

Gregory went down to Don, carefully climbed through the fence of the Astakhovsky base, came up to the shuttered window. He heard only frequent heartbeats ... Quiet knocked in the binding of the frame ... Aksinya silently came up to the window, peered... He saw her pressed to the chest of the hand and heard an indistinct moan escaping her lips. Gregory is familiar showed so that she opened window, stripped off rifle. Aksinya flung open sash. He became on the heap, Aksinya's bare hands grabbed his neck. They are so trembled and fought on his shoulders, those dear hands that tremble passed on and Gregory.(M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")

The dominants of the artistic style are imagery and aesthetic significance of each of its elements (up to sounds). Hence the desire for freshness of the image, unbeaten expressions, a large number of tropes, special artistic (corresponding to reality) accuracy, the use of special expressive means of speech characteristic only for this style - rhythm, rhyme, even in prose, a special harmonious organization of speech.

The artistic style of speech is distinguished by its figurativeness, wide use of pictorial and expressive means of the language. In addition to his typical linguistic means, it uses the means of all other styles, especially colloquial. In the language of fiction, vernaculars and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, slang, rude words, professional business turns of speech, journalism can be used. HOWEVER, ALL THESE MEANS IN the artistic style of speech SUBMIT TO ITS BASIC FUNCTIONS - AESTHETIC.

If the spoken style of speech predominantly performs the function of communication, (communicative), scientific and official-business function of the message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is designed to create artistic, poetic images, emotionally aesthetic impact. All linguistic means included in a work of art change their primary function, obey the tasks of a given artistic style.

In literature, language occupies a special position, since it is one building material, that perceived by ear or sight matter, without which a work cannot be created. The artist of the word - poet, writer - finds, as L. Tolstoy put it, "the only necessary placement of the only necessary words" in order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express an idea, convey the plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, enter the world created by the author.
All this is available ONLY TO THE LANGUAGE OF LITERARY LITERATURE, therefore it has always been considered the pinnacle of the literary language. The best in the language, its strongest capabilities and the rarest beauty are in the works of fiction, and all this is achieved by the artistic means of the language.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. You are already familiar with many of them. These are tropes such as epithets, similes, metaphors, hyperbole, etc.

Trails- a turn of speech, in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense in order to achieve greater artistic expressiveness. The path is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem to be close to our consciousness in some way. The most common types of tropes are allegory, hyperbole, irony, lithote, metaphor, methomy, personification, periphrasis, synecdoche, comparison, epithet.

For example: What are you howling about, the night wind, about which you lament madly - personification. All flags will visit us - synecdoche. A little man with a fingernail, a boy with a finger - litota. Well, eat a plate, my dear - metonymy, etc.

The expressive means of language include stylistic figures of speech or just figures of speech : anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, multi-union, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, silence, ellipsis, epiphora... The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poems and prose), rhyme, intonation .

In general terms, the following are the main linguistic features of the artistic style of speech:

1. The heterogeneity of the lexical composition: a combination of book vocabulary with colloquial, vernacular, dialectal, etc.

Let's take a look at some examples.

“Feather grass has ripened. For many miles the steppe was dressed in swaying silver. The wind elastically accepted him, surging, rough, bumped, drove now to the south, now to the west, gray-opal waves. Where the flowing air stream ran, the feather grass sloped in prayer, and a blackening path lay for a long time on its gray ridge.

“The variegated grasses have faded. On the ridges of Nikla, there is a joyless burnt-out wormwood. The nights were decaying quickly. At night, innumerable stars shone in the charred black sky; a month - the Cossack sun, darkening with a damaged sidewall, shone sparingly, white; the spacious Milky Shlyakh intertwined with other stellar paths. The astringent air was thick, the wind was dry, wormwood; the earth, saturated with the same bitterness of the all-powerful wormwood, yearned for the coolness. "

(M. A. Sholokhov)

2. The use of all layers of Russian vocabulary in order to realize the aesthetic function.

“Daria hesitated for a minute and refused:

No, no, I'm alone. I'm alone there.

Where "there" - she did not even know close and, leaving the gate, went to the Angara. "

(V. Rasputin)

3. Activity of polysemous words of all styles of speech.

“The river is seething with a lace of white foam.

Poppies are crimson on the velvet of the meadows.

Frost was born at dawn. "

(M. Prishvin).

4. Combinatorial increments of meaning.

Words in an artistic context receive a new semantic and emotional content, which embodies the imaginative thought of the author.

“I was dreaming of catching shadows that leave,

Fading shadows of a dying day.

I climbed the tower. And the steps trembled.

And the steps trembled under my foot ”.

(K. Balmont)

5. Greater preference for the use of specific vocabulary and less - abstract.

“Sergei pushed the heavy door. The porch step sobbed under his foot. Two more steps - and he is already in the garden. "

“The cool evening air was filled with the intoxicating scent of blooming acacia. Somewhere in the branches, a nightingale was iridescent and subtly drawing out its trills. "

(M. A. Sholokhov)

6. A minimum of generic concepts.

“Another piece of advice that is essential for a prose writer. More specificity. The more precisely and concretely the object is named, the more expressiveness is.

“You have:“ Horses are chewing grain. The peasants are preparing "morning food", "the birds were rustling" ... In the artist's poetic prose, which requires visible clarity, there should be no generic concepts, if this is not dictated by the semantic task of the content itself ... Oats are better than grain. Rooks are more appropriate than birds. "

(Konstantin Fedin)

7. Wide use of folk poetry words, emotional and expressive vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms.

"The dog rose, probably since spring, has still made its way along the trunk to the young aspen, and now, when the time has come to celebrate its name-day for the aspen, all of it flashed with red fragrant wild roses."

(M. Prishvin).

“Novoye Vremya was located in Ertelev Lane. I said fit. This is not the right word. It reigned, reigned. "

(G. Ivanov)

8. Verbal speech guidance.

The writer names each movement (physical and / or mental) and state change in stages. The pumping of verbs activates the reader's tension.

“Grigory went down to the Don, carefully climbed over the fence of the Astakhovsky base, went to the window covered with shutters. He heard only the frequent beats of his heart ... He softly knocked on the binding of the frame ... Aksinya silently walked to the window and peered. He saw her clasp her hands to her chest and heard an indistinct groan escaping from her lips. Gregory made a sign to open the window and remove the rifle. Aksinya opened the doors. He stood on the heap, Aksinya's bare hands grabbed his neck. They were so trembling and beating on his shoulders, these dear hands, that their trembling was transmitted to Grigory. "

(M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don")

The dominants of the artistic style are imagery and aesthetic significance of each of its elements (up to sounds). Hence the desire for freshness of the image, unbeaten expressions, a large number of tropes, special artistic (corresponding to reality) accuracy, the use of special expressive means of speech characteristic only for this style - rhythm, rhyme, even in prose, a special harmonious organization of speech.

The artistic style of speech is distinguished by its figurativeness, wide use of pictorial and expressive means of the language. In addition to his typical linguistic means, it uses the means of all other styles, especially the spoken one. In the language of fiction, vernaculars and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, slang, rude words, professional business turns of speech, journalism can be used. The means in the artistic style of speech are subject to its main function - aesthetic.

As I. S. Alekseeva notes, “if the spoken style of speech performs primarily the function of communication, (communicative), scientific and official-business function of the message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is intended to create artistic, poetic images, emotionally aesthetic impact. All linguistic means included in a work of art change their primary function, obey the tasks of a given artistic style. "

In literature, language occupies a special position, since it is that building material, that matter perceived by hearing or sight, without which a work cannot be created.

The artist of the word - a poet, a writer - finds, as L. Tolstoy put it, "the only necessary placement of the only necessary words" in order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express an idea, convey the plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, enter the world created by the author.

All this is available only to the language of fiction, therefore it has always been considered the pinnacle of the literary language. The best in the language, its strongest capabilities and the rarest beauty are in the works of fiction, and all this is achieved by the artistic means of the language. The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. First of all, these are trails.

Paths are a turn of speech in which a word or expression is used figuratively in order to achieve greater artistic expressiveness. The path is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem to be close to our consciousness in some way.

one). An epithet (Greek epitheton, Latin appositum) is a defining word, mainly when it adds new qualities to the meaning of the word being defined (epitheton ornans is an adorning epithet). Wed in Pushkin: "rosy dawn"; theorists pay special attention to an epithet with a figurative meaning (cf. Pushkin: "my severe days") and an epithet with the opposite meaning - the so-called. oxymoron (cf. Nekrasov: "poor luxury").

2). Comparison (Latin comparatio) - disclosing the meaning of a word by comparing it with another for some common feature(tertium comparationis). Wed in Pushkin: "youth is faster than a bird." Disclosure of the meaning of a word by determining its logical content is called interpretation and refers to figures.

3). A periphrasis (Greek periphrasis, Latin circumlocutio) is a way of presenting a simple subject through complex phrases. Wed in Pushkin's parody paraphrase: "The young pupil of Thalia and Melpomene, generously gifted by Apollo." One of the types of paraphrase is euphemism - the replacement of a descriptive turn of a word, for some reason, recognized as obscene. Wed for Gogol: "to get along with a handkerchief."

Unlike the tropes listed here, built on the enrichment of the unchanged basic meaning of the word, the following tropes are built on shifts in the basic meaning of the word.

4). Metaphor (Latin translatio) - the use of a word in a figurative sense. Cicero's classic example is the "murmur of the sea." The confluence of many metaphors forms an allegory and a riddle.

5). Sinecdoche (Latin intellectio) is a case when a whole thing is recognized by a small part, or when a part is recognized by a whole. Quintilian's classic example is "stern" instead of "ship".

6). Metonymy (Latin denominatio) is the replacement of one name for an object with another borrowed from related and close objects. Wed from Lomonosov: "to read Virgil."

7). Antonomasia (Latin pronominatio) - replacing one's own name with another, as if from the outside, a borrowed nickname. The classic example given by Quintilian is the "destroyer of Carthage" instead of "Scipio".

eight). Metalepsis (Latin transumptio) is a replacement, representing, as it were, a transition from one path to another. Wed for Lomonosov - “ten harvests have passed ...: here, of course, through the harvest, summer, through summer - a whole year”.

These are the tropes built on the use of the word in a figurative sense; theorists also note the possibility of the simultaneous use of the word in a figurative and literal sense, the possibility of a confluence of contradicting metaphors. Finally, a number of tropes are distinguished in which not the basic meaning of the word changes, but one or another shade of this meaning. These are:

9). Hyperbole is an exaggeration brought to the point of "impossibility." Wed for Lomonosov: "run, the fastest wind and lightning."

10). Lithotes is an understatement that expresses, through a negative turnover, the content of a positive turnover ("a lot" in the meaning of "a lot").

eleven). Irony is the expression in words of the opposite meaning to their meaning. Wed Lomonosov's description of Catiline by Cicero: “Yes! He is a timid and gentle man ... ".

The expressive means of language also include stylistic figures of speech or just figures of speech: anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, polyunion, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, silence, ellipsis, epiphora. The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poetry and prose), rhyme, intonation.

The modern Russian literary language is heterogeneous in its composition. The means existing in it make it possible to serve all spheres of human activity. In the system of the modern Russian literary language, five functional styles (FS) are distinguished, which are peculiar subsystems, the functioning of which is determined by the goals and conditions of communication in any area of ​​human activity. Each functional style has a certain set of different-level stylistic means, the use of which is typical for it. Currently, most researchers distinguish scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic styles, as well as colloquial speech as independent functional styles. Within functional styles, on the basis of certain features of the functioning and selection of language means, appropriate substyles can be distinguished. In addition, there are no hard boundaries between the FSs themselves: a number of texts, in accordance with the conditions and purposes of their creation, can combine features of different styles. However, the presence of the most common characteristic features allows us to speak about exactly five corresponding functional styles of the modern Russian language.

Scientific style. The main areas of use of the scientific style are science, technology, and education. Conceptual accuracy acts as a style dominant, the observance of which is necessary for accurate and adequate recording of the results of cognition of the world, the transfer of scientific knowledge. Most scientific style texts exist in writing.

Official business style. Scope of use formal business style- administrative and legal relations in society, their organization and regulation. Ultimate speech standardization and domination writing speeches are conditioned by style dominance, which can be designated as "accuracy, which does not allow for other interpretations." The need to comply with the accuracy of the wording is primarily due to the requirement for an unambiguous interpretation of texts that are legislative in nature. In general, the texts of the official business style have a tinge of imperative and prescriptive and obligatory meaning. As a manifestation of the dominant style, the language of official business texts is characterized by lexical monotony; the almost complete absence of pronoun replacements, which is a consequence of the need to completely name an object or action each time if it is mentioned in the text; nominal character of speech; syntactic cumbersomeness, ensuring the accuracy and unambiguity of formulations. A distinctive feature of the official business style is the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés.

Journalistic style. Publicistic-style texts function in the socio-political sphere, mainly in the media mass media, as well as in public speaking. The main functions of journalistic texts are to convey information to the audience, as well as to influence it in order to convince them of the correctness of a particular point of view. Publicistic-style texts are aimed at a mass audience, while in most cases the nature of the audience and its quantitative characteristics can only be assumed, predicted with a certain degree of reliability due to the dispersion of the mass (audience, Internet users). The dominant style is determined by social value. One of the main characteristic features of the journalistic style is the tendency to combine expression and standard in the texts. Standard speech patterns, generally accepted formulations facilitate the process of creating a text by the author and the perception of information by the audience. In turn, the use of such means of speech expressiveness as evaluative vocabulary, lexico-phraseological units, figurative expressions, expressively colored neologisms, colloquial, colloquial vocabulary, jargon, etc., make it possible to make more effective impact on the addressee, focus on the most significant issues.

Fiction speech. The specificity of the artistic style is associated with the fact that the sphere of its use is fiction, that is, a form of art. The main function of artistic style texts is to influence through individually-figurative modeling of the world. The main form of speech is written, but with an expectation of sound, especially in the poetic variety. The artistic style is the only FS in which the language means of other styles are actively used. However, in the texts of fiction they act in a specific - aesthetic function, functioning as a means of figurative interpretation of reality. In fact, the texts of fiction are modeled, create a new reality, for the depiction of which the entire arsenal of language means is used. Characteristic feature artistic style is not only the regular use of the means of other functional styles: for texts of fiction, the norm is the use of extra-literary (vernacular, dialect, etc.) forms, since they, along with the means of the literary language, serve to create certain artistic images. The dominant feature of the artistic style is the aesthetic significance and imagery of speech. The manifestation of the dominant is the lexical richness of artistic speech, the use of various tropes and figures of speech in order to create vivid imagery. The artistic style is characterized by the exceptional author's originality of the texts, reflecting the writer's worldview, his idea of ​​the beautiful, expressed in the organization of the artistic text.

Colloquial speech. The sphere of use of colloquial speech is everyday communication. Unlike other FS, colloquial speech in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is presented orally (exceptions are diaries, everyday letters, communication in Internet chats (has its own specifics)). The dominant feature of colloquial speech is the minimization (and even complete absence) of care about the form of expression. Spoken language is used in a situation of informal communication of native speakers of the literary language. In most cases, the participants in communication are in direct contact and have the opportunity not only to hear, but also to see a partner. Personification of communication (its personal nature, often - acquaintance of the participants, the presence of general knowledge on certain issues), the possibility of immediate re-asking, clarification in case of misunderstanding, as well as taking into account factors external to speech (the ability to accompany it with any actions, to express an attitude with using intonation, facial expressions, gestures) allow communication participants not to focus purposefully on the selection of linguistic means. Due to the conditions and personal nature of communication, colloquial speech is saturated with emotional and expressive linguistic elements.