Find an effective working time fund. Employee work time fund: concept, compilation and analysis

Working Time Fund

the planned time of work of one worker during a certain calendar period (year, quarter, month). It is calculated to determine the required number of workers, as well as to identify indicators of the use of labor resources at existing enterprises. The units of measure are Man-hour , Man-day .

The nominal (maximum possible or time sheet) annual fund of the working time of one worker is determined by subtracting non-working (weekends and holidays) days and hours from the full calendar fund of time for the year. It represents the maximum possible time during which work could be carried out under the established mode if there were no losses of working hours. In order to determine the required number of workers in planning production and designing enterprises, the useful or actual F. r is calculated. century, obtained by subtracting from the nominal F. r. in. planned absenteeism of workers and intra-shift reductions of the working day. Comparison of the reporting balance of working hours of operating shops with the planned F. r. in. allows you to determine the level of use of labor resources in the enterprise.

B. F. Nikonov.

Big soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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Each enterprise requires the calculation of the required number of employees in order to be able to effectively distribute labor resources. For this purpose, there is a use of such a concept as the working time fund. It can be defined as a period of work that is planned for one employee during a set time. This indicator is important, since each organization has personnel, the effective work depends on the number and potential of which. Therefore, this article will describe the meaning of this concept, its types, and will also describe the formulas by which it can be calculated.

How is the working time fund calculated?

The effective fund of working hours can be calculated if we take into account the factors that influence it. These include:

  • Change in the number of employees;
  • Change in the number of days that one employee worked per year on average;
  • Change in the average working day.

Based on these factors, this effective indicator can be calculated using a formula that consists of multiplying all the above data. Units for measurement this indicator is man-hours or man-days. The balance of working time helps to use it more efficiently, so the calculation of such data is useful.

Analysis of the use of the working time fund

In order for the efficiency of the use of labor resources to be as high as possible, it is necessary to analyze how the fund of working time should be used correctly. Through this analysis, the employer may determine the following:

  • An overall assessment on the use of the temporary working period;
  • Factors of influence, as well as their significance;
  • The reasons why all-day and intra-shift losses are possible;
  • The impact of downtime on labor productivity, as well as changes in the size of production.

The beginning of the analysis is overall score use of the working time fund. This action is performed by comparing reporting data and planned indicators.

Real fund of working time

Real PDF is the easiest indicator to calculate. To calculate it for one full-time employee, the employer must take into account all absenteeism of the employee. The reasons for them may be the following:

  • Basic or additional leave;
  • Disease;
  • Maternity leave;
  • Vacation for study;
  • Administrative leave;
  • Fulfillment of civic obligations;
  • absenteeism.

The calculation is based on the previous period, for which you need to calculate the number of days of absence of employees. The real FRV is established by planning measures for labor protection, safety measures, taking into account changes in the composition of personnel, based on age and gender, and also takes into account the period for advanced training of employees.

The employer is obliged to reduce the number of absenteeism due to illness at work by taking preventive measures, such as vaccination against influenza, industrial gymnastics. Absenteeism is eliminated by introducing penalties for staff, for example, deprivation of bonuses or dismissal.

So, the real PDF is the number of days that the employee actually worked. To calculate it, you need to subtract from total days absence days, namely: holidays, weekends, as well as the probable number of days due to illness, study or other reasons. In other words, this is the private resource of the enterprise, from which the downtime period is deducted.

Nominal working time fund

The nominal PDF differs from the real one. It is also called a time sheet, since a time sheet is usually used to calculate it. Its structure is based on the use of working days minus weekends and holidays. Thus, the nominal PDF is 260 calendar days, while effective - 240.

The nominal PDF is also different in that its use is impossible in full. This is because it is measured without taking into account holidays and other periods when a break in work is possible.

If we take into account the operation of the equipment, then the nominal PDF includes in its structure the average value of the operating time, for example, of a machine tool per day. By this indicator, you need to multiply the number that turned out after subtracting weekends and holidays from the total number of days in the year.

The maximum possible fund of working hours

The maximum possible PDF can be attributed to the entire period of work, the duration of which is equal to the maximum number hours set Labor Code Russia. Such a standard can be calculated as the amount of the calendar fund, while excluding mandatory vacations, weekends and holidays. The maximum possible STF coefficient describes the degree of expenditure of time, the maximum allowed for use by workers in production.

Thus, the use of the CDF coefficients makes it possible to efficiently spend labor resources by determining the average monthly or average annual norm of days required for one employee to work. As a consequence, this indicator allows the employer to determine how many workers are needed to get the job done. The study of statistics on this issue is a fundamental link in determining hours worked and planning new periods, as well as analyzing losses.

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Any company with multiple employees is faced with the need to track working time for payroll.

Also, the calculation of the time that will be spent by employees on the implementation official duties, required to calculate production rates and achieve planned targets. For successful business planning, the concept of a working time fund is introduced.

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The concept and types of working time fund

The working time fund is quantitative measure of time, which the employee must devote to his work duties during a fixed time period.

The main indicator that affects the typology of the working time fund is time. Depending on the characteristics of its accounting, There are several types of working time fund:

  1. Calendar. Regardless of the structural unit (a person, a team, the whole team), the main meaning of the calendar fund is to outline the time period to which the fund will be assigned. Most often this is the annual period of operation of the enterprise. Virtually all days of the year fall into the calendar fund of working time.
  2. Nominal. He characterizes work time employee, based on the weekend schedule and.
  3. Maximum possible- this is the amount of time that an employee can spend on fulfilling the norms, from which days off and vacation are deducted. In reality, it is rarely implemented in practice, since employees almost always have absenteeism.
  4. General fund working time refers to the indicators of the entire team, and not individual work plans.
  5. Effective. One of the most important indicators that determines labor productivity in enterprises. The effective working time fund is the amount of time that can be spent on the implementation of production tasks.
  6. Monthly- differs in that the billing period is 30 days, not 365.

Objectives and functions of the PDF

The purpose of developing the concept of working time fund is giving the production process maximum efficiency at minimum cost.

Functions various kinds FRs can be as follows:

  • formation of a production plan;
  • calculation of employees;
  • scheduling vacations;
  • statistical accounting of the achievement of planned indicators for increasing
  • enterprise efficiency.

The more fully and rationally the working time is used by the employees of the enterprise, the higher higher company profits.

This thesis can be easily illustrated by the following example: manufacturing process n employees are involved who must do a certain amount of work or produce the required amount of product by the deadline.

By increasing the productivity of labor, one can achieve either a decrease in the number of workers involved in this type of work, or produce more product. In both cases, the profit of the firm grows.

The analysis of the fund of working time just allows you to take measures to increase labor productivity. For this, the efficiency factor is calculated: the ratio of effective working time to nominal. If this number tends to one for a particular worker, it can be considered a valuable asset..

The task of the company's management is minimize the loss of effective worker time by carefully planning the balance and distribution of responsibilities.

Calculations and formulas

For example, with an average useful PDF of 258 days and a working day of 8 hours, it turns out that the effective working time fund per person will be 2064 hours.

Another formula allows manage the number of staff involved in the performance of certain tasks. For example, it takes 800 man-hours to produce 800 parts ordered by an enterprise. 800/8 = 100 days. During this period, this volume can provide 1 worker.

Naturally, such deadlines will not suit the customer, therefore, as many employees are involved in the work as necessary to complete the work on time:

N = Tpr / t, where

  • N is the number of employees involved;
  • Tpr - the time required to produce the required volume of products;
  • t - the time required to complete.

In the above example, with a timeframe of 10 days, it is necessary to attract 10 workers for production.

Reduction of lost working time

Profit directly depends on how efficiently management can use the working time fund. Bloated with the connivance of administrative staff spends working hours on extracurricular activities, but requires a large amount of money for wages.

Due to the human factor, downtime is not uncommon. Penalties for idleness at work, a clear definition of the time for "tea" and "smoke breaks", the inadmissibility of being late for a disrespectful reason, control over the continuous performance of official duties - these are the measures that significantly increase the productivity of the team.

On the other hand, with just one "whip" you can lose valuable employees and lose reputation at the job fair. It is advisable to use financial incentives for the systematic fulfillment and overfulfillment of indicators, as well as to increase for performance.

smart planning

Balanced application of administrative and financial measures to increase labor productivity create a stable, strong and motivated team of employees, the number of which will be less than the average due to the greater efficiency of each subordinate.

Competent accounting of the working time fund eliminates the factor of dissatisfaction with the policy of the enterprise and contributes to the development of a successful strategic direction of the enterprise.

Find out more about planning time and productivity from the video:

Fe is defined as the difference between the nominal fund and the projected costs for repair, adjustment and readjustment of equipment during the year

Fe=Fn (1- ) (9.14)

where Cr- standard time spent on repair, adjustment and readjustment of equipment as a percentage of the nominal fund;

The annual (effective) fund of the equipment operation time is the equipment operation time during the year, expressed in hours.

Fn \u003d ((Dk-P-V) Ps-Dpv ΔPs) S (9.15)

where Dk– 365 days a year;

P- amount public holidays per year (10 days);

AT- the number of days off in a year - 104 days (52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays);

Ps- the duration of the shift;

dpv- the number of pre-weekends and pre-holiday days with reduced shift duration;

ΔPs- the time by which the nominal duration of the work shift is reduced (usually 1 hour);

C is the number of working shifts per day.

Rounding up

Equipment load factor:

where N calc. - the estimated amount of equipment;

N app. - accepted amount of equipment.

The following minimum values ​​are recommended K s: with intermittent operation - 0.93; in continuous mode - 0.85. If the value K z does not satisfy the above restrictions, then it is necessary to choose equipment of a different or the same type, but with different technical specifications. However, it should be remembered that an increase in the extensive load factor due to the selection of obsolete low-performance equipment is unacceptable, since this significantly worsens economic indicators production.

All calculations to determine the required amount of equipment are recommended to be made in the form of a table .

Features of calculating the required amount of equipment in in-line production.

When designing production lines, the required number of pieces of equipment for each operation of the process is calculated based on a single rhythm of the production line according to the formula:

H=t pcs:r(9.17)

H=1:(r R)(9.18)

here t pcs- the norm of piece time. in oven-hours (unit-machine-hours) for processing a unit of product for i-th opsrations;

r- the rhythm of the production line;

R- performance of a piece of equipment per i-th operations during effective business hours.

The rhythm of the single-subject production line is calculated by the formula:

r=F e.l:Q(9.19)

where F e.l- effective time fund of the production line, h;

Q- annual volume of processing of products of this type, units.

When calculating the effective fund of the line, it should be taken into account that equipment repairs can be carried out with or without downtime of the entire line. Repair of equipment certain types can be carried out without stopping the line in the case when the creation of the necessary reserves for the relevant types of equipment is provided. If the entire line is stopped for repairs, then its downtime (due to repair) is determined by the downtime of that equipment, the duration of which is the maximum repair.

The rhythm of the work of a multi-subject variable-flow line is calculated for each type of product. The required amount of equipment for each operation on such a line is taken for the product for which the estimated amount of equipment is maximum.

10. choice of building type and equipment layout

When implementing a project for a new division, the heat treatment equipment is located in an industrial frame building. It is necessary to start planning with the choice of the width of the span, depending on the size of the equipment and the number of rows of equipment along the span, taking into account the allocation of the necessary free lanes between the rows of equipment for its maintenance, as well as for the passage of maintenance personnel, and, if necessary, for the passage of vehicles. For auto and electric cars, the passage should be 2 ... 2.5 m, for cars - 3 ... 3.5 m and for railway cars - 6 m. also between walls (columns) and extreme rows of equipment.

After selecting the span width (the width must be a multiple of six, i.e. 12, 18 ... 42 m), a grid of columns (a system of longitudinal and transverse center lines) is applied to the sheet and at the intersection of the center lines are drawn cross sections columns. In industrial buildings, reinforced concrete or steel columns are used. An example of their image on the section of the building is shown in fig. 10.1. Figure 10.2 shows a general view of an industrial building.

Figure 10.1 - Reinforced concrete (a, b) and steel columns (c) and building structural elements interacting with them: I - farm; 2 - window beam; 3 - crane beam; 4 - reinforced concrete columns; 5 - window opening: 6 - foundation beams for supporting walls; 7 - column foundation

After drawing the grid and sections of the columns, the equipment is placed on the production site and tied to the nearest axes of the columns, i.e. dimensioning from the longitudinal and transverse axes to the contour. On technological layouts, equipment is depicted by contour lines, to a certain extent reproducing the contours this equipment in terms of, i.e. when viewed from above. The accepted symbols of the equipment are shown in fig. 10.3.

Figure 10.2 - General views industrial building structures

When arranging equipment on a plan, the main attention should be paid to the organization of a clear directional movement of products so that there are no opposite movements of products (and it is desirable to exclude intersecting flows), the location of the equipment should be in the sequence in which technological operations are performed. For example, in thermal improvement, a hardening furnace should be installed at the beginning of the row, then a hardening tank, followed by a washing machine (bath), then a tempering furnace, then a tank for cooling parts after high tempering, a press for straightening products, etc. In mass and large-scale production, all equipment necessary for carrying out the technological process is aggregated, i.e. they are connected by a single inseparable transport system that provides fast, most often automatic transfer of products from one type of equipment to another, from another to a third, etc.

Inside the unit, the movement of parts can be in a closed loop, which eliminates the need to return pallets, as is the case with linear (on-line) units. Non-aggregated equipment should be spaced from each other at a certain distance, providing ease of maintenance and repair of equipment. When planning equipment, it is necessary to provide sites (they are depicted by dashed lines) for placing raw (not heat-treated) products, sites for control and acceptance finished products OTK. storage areas for finished products, etc.

If a reconstruction project is being carried out, then the layout of the equipment existing in the basic thermal division should be analyzed in order to identify shortcomings and, if possible and appropriate, eliminate them by rearranging some of the units. In cases where some of the obsolete units are replaced by more advanced units, new pieces of equipment must be installed on the vacated area in compliance with the same standards that are followed when planning a new thermal unit.

11. Labor protection

The section "Labor protection" deals with issues of safety, industrial sanitation, fire prevention or organization of the workplace, control post, etc.

Rice. 10.3- Conventions equipment on plans

The characteristic of the designed object (workshop, department, section, production line) and the main technological process from the point of view of labor protection is given. A step-by-step analysis of the technological process is also provided with the identification of potential hazards and hazards that may arise during its implementation, as well as during the operation and repairs of the main, additional and auxiliary production equipment. Directions for solving the most important issues of labor protection are indicated. The following questions are highlighted:

1) danger and sources of electric shock during the operation of electrical equipment;

2) sources of heat emissions and harmful (toxic) substances, vibrations and noise, ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, laser and ionizing radiation and their effect on the human body, indicating MPC and MPC;

3) natural and artificial lighting; explosiveness of gases, vapors, dust, etc.

Activities are being developed:

1) for protection against emerging dangers and harmfulness;

2) for the safe maintenance of equipment;

3) fencing hazardous areas;

4) alarms;

5) removal of harmful substances;

6) protection against electric shock, noise, vibration, excessive heat, etc.

These measures should contain engineering solutions that ensure the safety of technological processes of thermal or combined processing, maintenance of equipment, assemblies, mechanisms and systems, confirmed by appropriate calculations using various regulatory materials, as well as a computer. Data are also provided on personal protective equipment according to staffing of the facility being designed, in accordance with the "Model industry standards for the free issuance of overalls, safety shoes and safety devices"; calculation and description of household and auxiliary premises that provide the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for workers.

Measures for fire prevention of the designed facility are required. The characteristics of production, fire-hazardous equipment and materials used are given. Substantiates the category of production for fire hazard. The reasons that can cause a fire in the designed production are indicated.

In preventive fire fighting measures:

1) the applied degree of fire resistance of the building is indicated;

2) the number of emergency exits is justified;

3) the width of flights of stairs, doors, gates, passages, the number of fire escapes is determined;

4) the lightning protection system is substantiated and calculated (or adopted);

5) fire prevention measures are indicated during the operation of electrical equipment, warehouses;

6) fire alarm issues are considered;

7) provides data on fire extinguishing equipment, fire water supply and water consumption for external and internal fire extinguishing, indicating the location of hydrants outside the building and fire hydrants inside the building;

8) Quantity is calculated hand tools fire extinguishing; describe other extinguishing media that may or may be used

The given scheme of construction and content of the section “Occupational safety” is indicative and in each specific case, depending on the task, it can be changed by the project manager and consultant.

12. Compliance with labor protection requirements in the design, construction (manufacturing) and reconstruction of enterprises, facilities and means of production

Article 21. Maintenance could help to protect the work and the hour of design, work (preparation) and reconstruction of enterprises, about "acts and production

Industrial buildings, structures, machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles which are put into operation after construction (manufacturing) or reconstruction, overhaul and the like, and technological processes must meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts from labor protection.

The design of production facilities, the development of new technologies, means of production, means of collective and individual protection of workers should be carried out taking into account the requirements for labor protection. Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and the like of production facilities, engineering infrastructures of social and cultural facilities, manufacturing and implementation of new ones for this enterprise technologies and noted means without a previous examination of the working draft or working documentation for their compliance with the regulatory legal acts from labor protection. Financing of these works can be carried out only after receiving positive results of the examination. State examination of investment programs and construction projects is carried out in accordance with Articles 8 and 15 of the Law of Ukraine "On Investment Activity" (1560-12)

The employer must obtain permission to start work and types of work of the enterprise, whose activities are related to the performance of work and the operation of facilities, machines, mechanisms, equipment of increased danger. The list of types of work, objects, machines, mechanisms, equipment of increased danger is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Examination of projects, registration, reviews, testing and the like of production facilities, engineering infrastructures of social and cultural facilities, their acceptance into operation are carried out in the manner determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In the event that the employer has not received the said permit, the local executive authority or local self-government authority, upon the provision of a specially authorized central executive authority from the supervision of labor protection, takes measures to cancel state registration this enterprise in statutory order, provided that within a month from the time of detection these deficiencies the employer did not take appropriate measures to eliminate them.

Technological processes, machines, mechanisms, equipment, vehicles, chemical substances and their compounds and other hazardous products purchased abroad are allowed for operation (before use) only if an examination is carried out for compliance with their regulatory legal acts from labor protection that are in force on the territory of Ukraine.

The commissioning of new and reconstructed production facilities is carried out with the participation of representatives of trade unions.

It is not allowed to use harmful substances in the production in the absence of their hygienic regulation and state registration.

Questions for self-control

1. Name the possible goals of the project.

2. What is the essence of the project - the construction of a new enterprise?

3. What is the purpose of the project - the technical re-equipment of the existing enterprise?

4. What is the purpose of the project - expansion of the existing enterprise?

5. What is the essence of the project - the reconstruction of an outdated enterprise?

6. On the basis of what is the decision to liquidate or re-profil the enterprise?

7. Define the concept tender.

8. Define the concept business plan.

9. What serves as the basis for the calculation production program thermal division (workshop, department, site)?

10. For what type of production (mass, serial, single) is the detailed calculation of the annual production program of the thermal division used?

11. What technological operations does heat treatment include?

12. On the basis of what equipment is selected, its quantity is calculated and the layout of the thermal unit is carried out?

13. List the main factors affecting the heating rate.

14. List the cooling media that do not undergo aggregate changes over the entire range of product cooling temperatures.

15. List the cooling media that undergo changes in their state of aggregation due to their boiling on the surface of the cooled products.

16. What do designers currently prioritize when choosing the type of equipment?

17. What equipment for carrying out heat treatment operations is the main one?

18. List optional equipment thermal departments.

19. List the auxiliary equipment of thermal departments

20. On the basis of what indicators is the type of equipment selected for the designed thermal shop (department, section)?

21. What underlies the arrangement of equipment on the plan and section of the workshop (department, section)?

1. Sigova V.I. Technology and design solutions for thermal workshops and industries: Navch. posib. /V.I. Sigova, V.B. Yuskaev, A.F. Budnik. - Sumi: View of SumDU, 2010. - 318 p.

2. Sokolov K.N., Korotich I.K. Technology of heat treatment of metals and design of thermal shops: A textbook for universities. - M.: Metallurgy, 1988. - 384 p.

3. Bolshakov Vl.I, Dolzhenkov I.E., Zaitsev A.V. Equipment for thermal shops, technologies for thermal and combined processing of metal products. Dnepropetrovsk: RIA "Dnepr - VAL", 2010. - 619p.

4. Gomon V.V., Belai G.E., Ivanova L.Kh. Fundamentals of construction design of foundries. Tutorial for university students. - Dnepropetrovsk: NmetAU, 2003. - 160 p.

5. Solodikhin A.G. Technology, organization and design of thermal shops: Textbook for university students. - M .: " graduate School", 1987. - 368 p.

6. Dolzhenkov I.E., Starodubov K.F., Spasov A.A. Fundamentals of designing thermal shops: Textbook for university students. K .: "Vishcha school", 1980. - 215 p.

7. Goldstein M.I., Grachev S.V., Veksler Yu.G. Special Steels: Textbook for High Schools. - M.: Metallurgy, 1999. - 408 p.

8. Bashnin Yu.A., Ushakov B.K., Sekey A.G. Technology of heat treatment of steel: Textbook for universities. - M: Metallurgy, 1986. - 424 p.

The nominal fund of time is determined by the exclusion of weekends and holidays from the calendar fund.

Calendar fund of time (= 366);

Number of days off (= 105);

Number of holidays (= 14).

The effective time fund is determined by the exclusion from the nominal time fund of planned losses of working time for established reasons: regular and additional holidays, maternity leave, illness, absenteeism in connection with the performance of public and state duties, etc. The duration of planned loss of working time is assumed to be 12% of the nominal time.

The effective time fund of one worker per year, in hours, is determined by the formula:

Effective fund of time in hours;

Factor taking into account planned losses (= 0.88)

Calculation of the number of main production workers.

The main production workers include workers directly involved in the manufacture of products (machine operators, fitters for installation, debugging and testing products). The number of basic workers is determined for each profession and category according to the formula:

Document No.
the date

where - the number of main workers by profession and category;

The coefficient of compliance with the norms (= 1.1) ;
total piece-calculation time (Table 1.3, column 3)

010. Rosn =

020. Rosn= before

020. Rosn= after

030. Rosn = 25

040. Rosn =

050. Rosn =

Number of key workers.

Calculation of the number of auxiliary workers and specialists (foremen).

The number of auxiliary workers can be determined by labor intensity, by service standards and as a percentage of the number of main workers.

AT term paper the number of auxiliary workers can be taken as 18% of the number of main production workers.

(1.10) i.e. 22 people before the process change.

Change Change Change
Document No. Document No. Document No.
KP.151901.12.421.24.000 KP.151901.12.421.21.000 KP.151901.12.421.24000
those. 21 people after process change.

The number of specialists (shift foreman) is determined according to the service standards. The service rate for 1 shift foreman is 25 people of main and auxiliary workers.

Works on site

The need for craftsmen will be:



The number of managers employed by the site is not calculated, since they belong to the staff of the workshop. All calculations made to determine the number of employees are summarized in Table 1.5.

Table 1.5 Summary sheet of the working area

The proportion of employees is determined by the formula.