The most profitable business in agriculture is the most risky and stable areas of activity. It's worth it - is it profitable to be a farmer? Profitable farming

Agriculture in Russia is not going through the best of its times. However, the agro-industrial complex, and agriculture as a basic industry, still remains the leading sphere of the country's economy, which forms the agri-food market, food and economic security, labor and settlement potential of rural areas.

"Which direction should we go?" Is one of the most pressing issues for the agro-industrial complex. Experts and scientists see perspectives in the development of farming. It is private farms that are called upon to bring back the greatness of the industry.

"The development and support of farming is a very important strategic approach. The whole world stands on family farms. And the most successful agriculture is where the family works: Europe, America, Brazil, Argentina is an example of this," says the president of the Association of Peasant (Farming) Farms and agricultural cooperatives of Russia (AKKOR) Vladimir Plotnikov.

Is it possible to develop farming in our country? Of course, yes. And there are illustrative examples of this. The Oryol region is an area of ​​intensive agricultural production. 90 percent of all land in the region is agricultural land. V countryside live about 300 thousand people, and this is almost 40 percent of the population of the Oryol region.

Today, 1258 farms and more than 113 thousand private subsidiary plots are successfully operating in the region. In 2012 alone, in the volume of gross agricultural output, their share amounted to more than 7 percent of the cost.

"Of course, by and large, the general situation in agriculture can be assessed as critical," he said in an interview. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology Vladimir Kashin... - In farms, there is a decline in the number of cattle, and a decrease in milk production. If we talk about grain, then the overall situation is also disappointing. The forecasts of the Ministry of Agriculture for 95 million tons may not be justified by 25 million tons, and the quality of grain is also deteriorating. It must be remembered that in agriculture there are niches that should be occupied primarily by personal subsidiary plots. There you can grow potatoes by 70-85 percent, and vegetables and fruits. This could be poultry farming. They are the ones that need to be given special attention now. The authorities including ".

Note that in the Oryol region, according to the results of last year, farmers produced 2,035 tons of livestock and poultry in live weight, 10,359 tons of milk, more than 340 thousand tons of grain, more than 30 thousand tons of potatoes, three thousand tons of vegetables.

Support for farmers in the Oryol region is carried out within the framework of the state program for the development of agriculture and the regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, determined by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Oryol region.

Events are held regularly. In the first half of 2013 alone, 37.758 million rubles were allocated for all kinds of subsidies, including more than three million from the regional budget. Farms can count on financial support in the form of reimbursement of costs for construction, modernization, technical re-equipment, reconstruction.

Since 2012, a number of departmental targeted programs... They cover family-run livestock farms and, most importantly, support budding farmers. In general, it is profitable for a novice farmer to be a novice farmer in the Oryol region. The authorities are particularly keen to support those who are just trying to get on their feet, to contribute to the development of the regional agro-industrial complex.

Novice farmers can count on grants of up to one and a half million rubles and a one-time aid for household improvement up to 250 thousand rubles. The maximum size of a grant for the development of a family livestock farm per one peasant (farm) household is 10 million rubles, but no more than 60 percent of the cost. In fact, more than half of all costs.

It is profitable to invest in such projects. As Vladimir Plotnikov noted in an interview, "those family farms that are now operating in our country are economically efficient."

"There is a completely different interest here. People work on their land. For themselves. And the fact that the government of the Oryol region is making efforts to develop family farms and novice farmers is strategically correct. And this experience should be used throughout Russia," the president said ACCOR. According to Plotnikov, private farming is the future of Russian agriculture.

“We simply have no other way. Already now the share of farmers in the total production volume is increasing every year, the number of livestock is growing, and, consequently, the volume of milk production is growing. The number of arable lands is increasing. The transition to private farming is already underway. And if that systems approach, which is used in the Oryol region, will be used everywhere, then it will go at a faster pace, "- said Vladimir Nikolaevich.

Oryol novice farmers can count on whole line indulgences. The authorities are ready to support them. Grants can be spent both for the purchase of land, construction, renovation and redevelopment of premises, as well as for the construction of roads, connection to electricity, water, gas and heat supply networks. They will also help with the purchase of animals, equipment, inventory, seeds and planting material, the necessary transport and equipment.

Today, private farms in the Oryol region specialize in milk production, growing grain crops and potatoes. There are farms engaged in sheep breeding, goose breeding, fish farming. For the payment of grants last year, 41.96 million rubles were allocated from the federal and regional budgets. With this money, five livestock buildings were reconstructed, 146 heads of cows and heifers, 242 heads of sheep were purchased.

Beginning farmers have expanded their vehicle fleets. Nine tractors, 27 units of trailed implements, 3 cars were purchased. The farms have replenished 72 heads of cows and heifers, 82 heads of young cattle, 50 heads of sheep. 3 livestock buildings have been built and reconstructed, a cage line for raising valuable fish species is under construction.

For the payment of grants in 2013, 43.27 million rubles were allocated from the federal and regional budgets. Peasant (private) farms are planning to reconstruct and complete 5 livestock buildings, purchase 12 tractors, 1 harvester, 11 units of trailed implements, 240 cows and heifers, 270 young cattle, 300 sheep.

"It is still very difficult for a peasant to stand up to his full height. We cannot protect anyone from the vagaries of the weather, crop failure, financial troubles. But we are trying to do everything to ensure that support - legal, financial, organizational - is systematic. Grants, subsidies are also kind of good start, growth prospects. Every year the percentage of those wishing to get them increases, as well as total farmers. This is a certain indicator of trust in public policy in the field of rural entrepreneurship. In fact, building a dialogue with farmers, we are laying the foundation for the revival and strengthening of the Oryol village ", - the Governor of the Oryol Region Alexander Kozlov commented on the existing system of farming support in the region.

The development of family livestock farms, support for novice farmers are priority areas. They are included in the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013-2020. So the work with potential recipients of grants will continue, which means that the agro-industrial complex of the Oryol region will continue to develop.

Farming is profitable view a business that is nevertheless very risky and costly. Let's consider the main branches of farming and the peculiarities of their implementation, as well as the reasons for such a rapid development of animal husbandry in Russia.

Farming business development

The farming business in Russia, in particular animal husbandry, has been gaining in popularity and development over the years due to the following factors:

  • the existence of state programs that, subject to certain conditions by farmers, in order to support newly created farms and national producers, provide subsidies, tax incentives, grants, initial capital, allocate land for farming;
  • the rise in food prices, which increases the profits of farms;
  • food products that are produced by farms, namely meat, milk, eggs, cheese, honey, cottage cheese, are always in demand in the markets and have their own client base, since they provide the basic needs of consumers;
  • restriction of access to the market for products of foreign suppliers and manufacturers - national manufacturers, in turn, do not experience such restrictions;
  • wide variety of species economic activity, the emergence and development of new species (for example, ostrich breeding farms);
  • products of a national manufacturer inspire confidence among consumers and are in demand;
  • the possibility of obtaining a permanent client base and product markets.

Thus, the farming business is profitable and promising activity, which is developing rapidly and, at certain costs, is able to bring significant incomes that will fully recoup the investment financial resources and wasted time.

Branches of farming

The farm is divided into 2 main branches:

  • agriculture (cultivation different types cereals: rice, wheat, barley, etc.);
  • animal husbandry.

Animal breeding as a business includes the following subsectors:

  • pig breeding;
  • cattle breeding (cattle breeding);
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • breeding bees;
  • horse breeding;
  • breeding ostriches;
  • reindeer husbandry;
  • breeding rabbits;
  • fur farming and others.

The most developed were pigs, poultry, sheep and cattle breeding.

Cattle breeding meets the needs of the population for milk and meat, beef and veal are of high quality and high cost.

Poultry farming provides the market with meat and eggs, and poultry meat (turkeys, chickens, ducks, Indo-duck) is more in demand than beef and pork due to the lower cost of meat and the absence of difficulties in breeding poultry on farms. Chicken meat is the most demanded meat on the markets; chicken breeding is a promising and profitable activity.

Pig breeding is a rapidly developing type of economic activity. Pork is the second most popular meat in the markets, after chicken; this meat is cheaper than beef and has a high quality, nutritional value and calorie content.

For its development, sheep breeding requires a large number of pastures and provides markets not only with meat and milk, but also with wool.

Pig farming as a business

Before starting pig breeding, it should be borne in mind that although this is a highly profitable type of activity, it, like any type of farming activity, requires a lot of effort, time and significant financial costs to achieve a result.

Basic rules to follow if you decide to start pig breeding

1. Decide on the location of the farm, taking into account: the established standards for proximity to settlements, the minimum required area of ​​the farm, remoteness from water sources.

2. Prepare Required documents for the signature of the administration. Specify under what conditions you can get government subsidies, benefits, etc.

3. Study the market structure, namely the supply and demand of meat and lard from pigs in the markets in your area. As a rule, the greatest demand is for lean and lean pork, lard with a meat layer (loin).

4. Prepare a business plan that, when calculating financial costs, will show the effectiveness of the pig breeding and the possible profit. Financial expenses include the following costs:

  • buying pigs;
  • construction or rental of premises;
  • purchase of inventory and equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • stern;
  • payment for veterinarian services, vaccinations, etc.

Also, in the plan, you need to assess the possible risks of the enterprise and indicate the stages of project implementation with actions at each stage.

5. Build pigsties, sheds, purchase the necessary inventory and equipment, feed.

6. Hire qualified personnel (livestock, handymen, pig breeders, etc.).

7. Great attention should be paid to the selection of the breed of pigs. Pig breeds are specially bred for production:

  • meat;
  • meat and lard;
  • meat and bacon;
  • bacon;
  • lard.

The breeds for the production of meat and bacon received the greatest demand, because meat brings more income than lard. Females and males must be purchased from different suppliers to prevent genetic mutations in the offspring.

8. Be sure to periodically disinfect pigsties, equipment, destroy rodents, provide regular vaccinations and examinations of offspring and adults by a veterinarian.

But do not expect instant results, because the pig farm pays off in about 2-3 years. The combination of growing potatoes, corn, and the like is also successful. with raising pigs, because feed costs in this case are reduced; The organization of its own production of meat and sausage products and lard is also profitable (for example, you can organize a smokehouse for meat and lard).

Poultry farming as a business

Poultry breeding as a business, especially chickens and turkeys, requires less financial costs than, for example, pig breeding, since birds are less whimsical, but it brings a stable income, because poultry meat is very popular due to low cost, dietetic, low-calorie content.

Before starting poultry farming, draw up a business plan that will help you calculate the possible profit and the period after which it will be received, as well as financial costs (for the purchase of young animals, feed, vaccinations, rent of territory, construction of premises, equipment, etc.) , existing risks.

How to become a greenfield poultry farmer?

Consider the main factors that you need to consider if you decide to start breeding birds.

1. The choice of breed depends on the direction of your farm. Breeds of chickens are:

  • for the production of meat (cornish, red white-tailed);
  • for the production of eggs (Leghorn, Russian whites, Pavlovsky, Minorcs);
  • for the production of eggs and meat (Loman Brown, Moscow black, Kuchin).

It is most profitable to purchase chicken breeds that are adapted for the production of both eggs and meat.

2. Having your own garden reduces the cost of bird feed; in the spring-summer period, chickens can and should be grazed in the garden.

3. For homemade meat High Quality special attention should be paid to bird feed. So, the diet of chickens should include, in addition to compound feed: dandelions, nettles, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, beets and other vegetables and herbs.

4. Premises for chickens should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​feeders, drinkers, thermometers, devices for measuring room humidity. Each breed has its own characteristics. So, egg-laying breeds need ventilation, specially equipped perches, free space, good lighting (the room should be lit from 6 am to 9 pm, violation of lighting is stress for the bird and its egg production decreases or stops altogether) and thermal insulation.

5. The purchase and equipment of the incubator will help to save on the young, the eggs laid by the laying hen are laid in the incubator, which must be equipped with a thermometer. If the incubator is the simplest and not automatic, the eggs are turned over manually (3 times a day). From 60 eggs laid in an incubator, 45 or more chicks can be obtained.

6. The purchased young should be vaccinated and given antibiotics to prevent possible diseases.

7. Regular disinfection of the premises should be carried out, if a disease is suspected - isolate sick birds that are to be slaughtered, invite a veterinarian to make a final diagnosis, and vaccinate.

Breeding birds is a profitable, and most importantly, a simple and affordable type of activity that does not require the construction of special premises or the lease of a large area of ​​land.

Birds can also be bred in old sheds, which only need to be equipped with everything you need, a personal plot or garden will be enough. Breeding chickens is the most popular type of poultry farming, chickens are unpretentious in feeding and care, have a high egg production and proper care provide valuable and marketable meat.

Breeding cattle

So what does it take to become a cattle farmer? Before diving into breeding itself, draw up a detailed business plan that should include:

  • planned production volumes;
  • the production part (expenses for the purchase of feed);
  • marketing part (advertising, product prices);
  • organizational part (information about suppliers, buyers, staff);
  • risk assessment;
  • financial part (sources financial security, planned income).

  • breeding juveniles for sale;
  • delivery of meat;
  • milk supply;
  • delivery of meat and milk;
  • processing of animal skins;
  • production of dairy products (cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese);
  • production of meat products (sausage products).

The next step will be to bypass all the authorities, prepare documentation and obtain permits (for construction on plots, etc.).

One of the most important points organizing livestock breeding as a business is purchase of livestock... Things to consider:

  • the choice and purchase is best done with the participation of an experienced veterinarian, livestock breeder;
  • the main beef breeds of cows: Hereford, Charolais, Limousin, Salers, Kalmyk, Kazakh white-headed and others. Dairy breeds: black-and-white, red steppe, Yaroslavl, Kholmogorskaya;
  • a healthy dairy cow that will produce a large amount of milk has a barrel-shaped belly, a long head, small horns, strong muscles, special attention should be paid to the udder of the cow. The udder of the cow should be large, the skin should be elastic, the shape of the udder should be cup-shaped. Cows with rounded udders will produce little milk. When buying, be sure to milk the cow, while hardening should not be felt in the udder, it should be soft and pliable. A healthy cow has a clear look, no coughing, a firm and light gait, a narrow hindquarters and a sagging back are considered faults;
  • read the documents for the animal, the vaccination card.

Cows need to be provided with pastures, fodder must be purchased, hay must be prepared for the winter, regular disinfection of barns and vaccinations are mandatory, and it is also necessary to equip premises for slaughterhouses.

Beef and veal are expensive and high quality meats that are in demand by consumers. To increase income from cattle breeding, it is necessary to organize the processing of meat, milk and produce for sale cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sausages, sour cream, fermented baked milk, etc.

How to Become a Successful Farmer?

In order to become a successful farmer, it should be borne in mind that farming does not imply instant profit, it requires significant financial costs. Livestock farming is one of the most risky types of business, since there is always a risk of epidemics, natural disasters that can lead to pestilence of animals, loss of economy and bankruptcy of farmers.

Keep in mind that producing quality products is only the first step. The second stage is its implementation. You can find sales markets, or you can open your own own shops, which will bring income, but will also require additional costs for renting premises, personnel, equipment, etc.

Farming in Russia receives state support and brings businessmen a high income, but it also requires large investments and time expenditures, as well as compiling detailed business plan... The main branches of animal husbandry in Russia and around the world are pig breeding, poultry farming and cattle breeding, since their products are always in high demand, both on national and foreign markets.

In all countries of the world and in Europe, Russia is no exception in this list, industries such as trade, services and farming are the most profitable and affordable.

The development of agriculture is especially important in modern realities. Farming in Russia is a less common but very profitable business.

State support programs for farms and improvement legislative framework have led to the fact that the attention of new entrepreneurs to this industry is increasing at a rapid pace.

Trend recent years shows that businessmen are actively buying land and are happy to create their own farms.

Market analysis and relevance of a farming business idea

Agricultural products are in great demand among the population. Often this demand on the territory of Russia cannot be satisfied solely by domestic products. Local farm production is very low.

The current market situation is a direct confirmation of the above. The last decade has been marked by a significant loss of the position of Russian farms in the market.

At this stage, the state provides comprehensive support to domestic agriculture.

Competition with European suppliers, which was the main deterrent to development, dropped to a minimum. Unfilled niches have appeared on the market, and the range of unmet needs of the population has increased. All these factors, along with in high level of profitability, make the idea of ​​creating your own farm very attractive for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.

The main questions that can cause difficulties for novice businessmen are questions choice of business direction and the product in greatest demand in the market. We will try to solve these and some other questions in this article.

Directions and ideas of the farming business

The choice of activity and direction of work is a priority for any businessman. Farming provides a wide range of directions for entrepreneurs.

In practice, it is more efficient to form farms in the form of mixed subsidiary farming.

When choosing a direction of activity, one should proceed from target product of production... Answers to these questions will make it possible to more effectively solve the problems of choosing a place for a farm and drawing up a business plan for opening it.

Livestock breeding

The business idea of ​​a livestock farm involves the breeding of cattle, small ruminants or poultry. End product of the farm is meat, skin, milk, eggs. If you have financial resources, you can:

  • to engage in further processing of manufactured products,
  • arrange excursions,
  • open a village cafe.

You can also breed animals for the purpose of further sale. So let's consider the options:

  • Almost the most cost-effective idea for entrepreneurs who decide to do meat business, there will be a pig farm. In the presence of 2-5 million rubles. you can open a modern high-tech farm with a livestock of 100 pigs. In this case, all the necessary components will be included in the diet.
  • Poultry farming requires much less time and money. When implementing this area of ​​activity, it will be possible to use fewer workers.
  • You can go fishing. At the same time, sell live fish, meat, caviar.
  • Beekeeping also cannot be ignored, because honey has always been considered an integral component of traditional tea drinking. The bee farm idea is very interesting and relatively easy to implement. The main advantage of beekeeping before other types of farming is that the entrepreneur makes a one-time investment when buying bee hives and "bee packages". Operating costs for this activity are scanty. Investments in the bee business will pay off within the first year.

You can opt for business ideas for breeding cows, goats, pigs, sheep, rabbits, chickens, geese, turkeys, various types of fish. Much depends on personal preference and self-confidence.

Plant growing and horticulture

Consider several areas of such an industry as crop production:

  • Cultivation and cultivation process cereals closely related to animal husbandry. After all, the end product of this industry, along with the use in Food Industry, serves as food for animals and birds. Cereals are the main ingredients of any compound feed. In addition, crop products are actively used in pharmaceuticals, textile industry and perfumery.
  • In addition to cereals and cereals, entrepreneurs may be interested in floriculture, growing vegetables and berries... These areas have great prospects, and seasonality factors can be reduced through the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Gardening and viticulture is a rather promising and profitable type of business. Unlike other areas, investments in such projects pay off for a long time. A period of at least 3 years is required, depending on the type of selected trees. Over time, however, you get a stable business with negligible costs to maintain it.

A very good idea with the organization "Walks in the garden", which can serve additional source income.

The organization of such walks in the springtime will be especially effective, and excursions during the harvest will become free advertising of products, the sale of which can be sold on the spot.

Thus, you have a choice: to concentrate your efforts on one of the types of farming - breeding livestock, poultry, fish farming or gardening - or to do several areas at once.

As an example of the implementation of one of the farming business ideas, we suggest watching a short video:

Mixed farming will expand the range of end products and minimize the risks of seasonality, which will increase the potential profit.

Business organization: registration procedure

At the moment, there are two common forms of management farming entities:

  • Personal subsidiary plots (LPH) of private household plots has great restrictions on the type and volume of products sold, but it is not subject to the supervision of sanitary services.

Entrepreneurs, at their discretion, can conduct their activities in the form of private household plots or peasant farms.

Registration process begins with registration with the tax authorities. At your choice, you can register as individual entrepreneur or create an organization in the form of LLC.

It must be remembered that in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation an individual entrepreneur is not eligible provide their services to legal entities.

If you plan to sell your products to a dairy plant, sausage shop or other organizations, it is better to register in advance as legal entity... After registration with the tax authorities, it is necessary to collect a list of permits:

  • Fire department permission.
  • SES permission.
  • Permission of the territorial body of property management.

After you have all the necessary permissions in your hands, you can start the real steps to create a farm.

A place for a farm

One of major expense items, on which you will have to spend when creating your farm, will be the purchase or lease of land. Whether you choose livestock or crop farming, the land on which your farm will be set up will become one of your main assets. From the right choice place for a farm directly depends on the success of your endeavors:

  • When choosing a land plot for a farm, you should take it into account distance from densely populated cities and districts. By purchasing land near the city, and taking care of the access roads, you will save on delivery final product to potential buyers.
  • You should also pay attention to the ecological background and land fertility (when growing agricultural products).
  • A prerequisite for the farm is its location in a calm and quiet area, in which there is no industrial enterprises.

How to make money on? What equipment do I need to purchase?

How much it costs to register an individual entrepreneur on your own, we will discuss in a separate section. When is a patent required?

About organizing a business for breeding hens for eggs at home, see the video here. Is it profitable to create a mini poultry farm?

Also worth take into account the specifics of farming which you are going to do:

  • For animal husbandry, you need to calculate the size of the land for the farm, based on the number of livestock. You need a large area, lawns, streams or water bodies - all these are important components for a pasture.
  • For apiaries, a nearby forest landscape and fields with flowers are required.

Once you have some preliminary information about the “claims” of your farm type, use that information when choosing a site.

Governmental support

The development of domestic agriculture is relevant at the state level. To stimulate it, a number of support programs have been developed and implemented. A special place among them is support for novice farmers, the program of which will operate in the period 2015-2017.

In accordance with it, any registered farm that has been operating for less than 24 months (including novice farmers) has the opportunity to receive a grant of up to 1.5 million rubles.

Grant can be obtained farms that meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant must not be a person who has been engaged in any business activity in the last 3 years.
  • The applicant lives or moves to a permanent place of residence in the territory of the subject of the federation in which the farm is located.
  • The peasant farm is the only place of employment for the head - the applicant.
  • The manager must provide a business plan for the development of the economy.
  • The farm must have on its own bank account not less than 1/10 of the requested grant amount and these funds should be used in the future for the development of peasant farms.
  • It is necessary to provide a plan (estimate) in accordance with which the grant funds will be spent.

The peasant economy is obliged use the full amount of the grant for the intended purpose within 12 months from the date of its receipt. The KFH also undertakes the obligation to engage in agricultural activities. at least 5 years, following the grant date.

Grant can be used for:

  • acquisition of agricultural land,
  • purchase of construction and design works,
  • construction and acquisition of warehouses and barns,
  • construction of roads and access roads.

The funds can also be used on:

  • purchase of animals,
  • acquisition current assets, equipment for sowing and harvesting.

Such an opportunity provided by the state will increase the attractiveness of farms and, undoubtedly, will lead to their active development.

Organization of product sales

Farm products are the main source of food, which is why they will always be in great demand:

  • Sales of products v seasonal time can be set up on the farm.
  • A variant with personal sale of products on the market is possible.
  • In addition, participation in regular agricultural product fairs hosted by local and regional governments will help to quickly sell large volumes of products. With their help, you can find permanent and large consumers, establish contacts with organizations and find partners.

By initially setting yourself up for these guidelines, you will ensure the stability and success of your own business.

Taking farming as a business idea, a novice businessman should understand that the specifics of agriculture, regardless of its type, implies long-term investment.

At the time of creation, a margin of investment strength is required, while most of the farms bring their first revenue only after 9–12 months.

Providing the farm with the possibility of uninterrupted financing is not only a guarantee of stability, but also the main principle of the success of all activities. Therefore, at the time of drawing up a business plan, be sure to note on the correct distribution and sufficiency of cash flow.

Farming on the territory of the Russian state is only gaining momentum. Along with agriculture, this direction can be considered not only profitable, but also promising, given the fact that the state is trying in every possible way to provide all possible support to those who have decided on this type of activity. This is done through various kinds of programs and grants, thanks to which farming as a business idea for beginners is becoming more and more attractive.

What are the advantages

Agricultural production results in food products. It is this group of goods that is in greatest demand among the population. Since the import ban has been imposed for most foreign goods today, it can be assumed that the relevance of agricultural activity will increase significantly, because the empty niches will need to be filled with domestic goods.

Competition with European products has always been very high, and therefore at the moment there is a shortage of certain types of food products, which opens up great opportunities for start-up entrepreneurs. After analyzing the current situation, they can choose the direction of development that arouses the greatest public interest, and at the same time promises large profits.

Types of farms

Farming can be represented in a variety of ways. The choice will be based on the final product, which should be in demand and relevant.

In general, all areas can be divided into three large groups:

  • animal husbandry;
  • plant growing;
  • gardening.

Livestock breeding

The end products in this area are meat, lard, milk, eggs, leather. So, what kind of animals is it profitable to breed for business:

In addition, attention can be paid to breeding rabbits, nutria, sheep. All this will already depend on the personal preferences of the entrepreneur.

Plant growing and horticulture

There are several directions in this area:

From this it is clear that home farm how a business can be a combination of several areas that will help reduce the cost of purchasing feed, if, for example, to raise pigs and grow vegetables.

Company registration

If you are going to aim at large volumes of production, you will not be able to do without registering an enterprise. Today there are two forms of doing such a business:

  1. Personal subsidiary farming - limited by the types and volumes of products produced, but not subject to sanitary inspections.
  2. A peasant or farm enterprise is a larger-scale business, which is not subject to restrictions on the volume of sales, but from time to time you have to face checks by regulatory authorities.

In this case, any form of registration can be chosen - individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Having registered a business, you need to register with the tax authority. Please note: if your plans include the sale of the final product to various processing enterprises - sausage shops, dairy factories, and so on, then it is better to act as a legal entity.

If you do not know how to open a farm from scratch, then do not neglect the list of the following papers that you will need to resolve all documentary issues:

  • permission from the fire department;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • permission from the local property manager.

Only after receiving all these certificates, you can proceed to the next steps.

Choosing a place

The most large investments will require renting or buying land for your business. As in any other area, the success of the entire enterprise will depend on the correct location.

In order not to be mistaken, the following points should be taken into account:

  • distance from large cities. If your farm occupies an area close to densely populated points, to which transport interchanges will be connected, you can save on the delivery of your products to the end customer;
  • land fertility and the ecological situation in the region;
  • lack of industrial enterprises nearby;
  • the size of the land. After all, success in solving the issue of how to open a farm from scratch will depend on the required amount of land, where you will have to arrange not only buildings in which animals will be, but also lawns for their grazing, reservoirs, pastures;
  • landscape. To equip a bee farm, you will need nearby forests and flower fields.


Whichever direction you decide to move, avoid rather large expenses already for initial stage will not work. Experience shows that farms with a large livestock population and diverse activities are the most resistant to various crisis and unforeseen situations.

But you should still start with a small enterprise, which you will expand more and more every year.

The main items of expenditure at first will be:

In the future, you will always need to take into account the replenishment of your livestock in case of death or the need to plant new seedlings if some of them died as a result of frost.

State programs

Small farming business today is the main concern of the state in matters of economic development.

To support start-up entrepreneurs, a whole program was developed, the active phase of which began in 2015 and lasted until 2017 inclusive.

According to the developed concept, any small business that has been operating for no more than two years can become the owner state grant in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. To participate in funding, you must meet the following criteria:

As can be seen from the list, it will not be possible to establish agricultural production exclusively for the money of the state.

Whatever ideas farming business you have chosen, you must foresee in advance the markets for your products. To do this, it is important to study which food processing enterprises are located in your region, as well as think about opening your own processing plant for the production of, say, semi-finished meat or dairy products.

Farms. How to start a profitable business: Video

For those who live in a metropolis, it is much easier to come up with a business idea and implement it. A large number of people and a great demand for goods and services in various fields, gives rise to interesting and lucrative ideas your business. But what about those people who live in small towns or villages? In this article, we will share with you best business ideas in agriculture and tell you how you can minimum investment start your own business.

The main contribution to the development of business in a small town or village, of course, is made by a small number of people. But don't think that the only way to earn money in the village is a farming. Thanks to the development of new technologies, the introduction of the Internet, today there are many alternative options for earning money in agriculture.

Speaking about the relevance of business projects in this area, it should be noted the demand for agricultural products, which are needed by residents of small and large cities.

Especially the relevance of the development of the agricultural sector and the production of ecologically pure products has grown now that the market is ubiquitous large companies offering products with pesticides and GMOs.

At the same time, the level of knowledge among people increases and there is a need for pure products without GMOs, which large companies simply cannot supply to the market. This is where small business comes to the rescue, which, due to the peculiarities of taxation, small production volumes, etc. can offer really high quality and clean products.

One article is not enough to list all the effective ways to make money in agriculture. Here we will give preference to only the most demanded and cost-effective options.

The peculiarity of business in agriculture

The creation of a farm, of course, takes a lot of time and effort. To be successful in this business requires a lot of work. Therefore, you should not count on passive income here.

You need to define the specifics of business development. This can be implemented in two directions: in a highly specialized breeding of animals, birds, etc. Or simply create your own agriculture, which is considered the most attractive direction in terms of profitability and profitability.

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and get your hands on permits... It is also imperative to draw up a detailed business plan that will help analyze the competitive environment, see the pros and cons of entrepreneurship, understand the threats and development prospects.

You will especially need to create a business plan if you plan to attract investors to start a business. No investor or bank will issue a loan if they do not get acquainted with detailed business plan reflecting the production, organizational and financial part.

When creating a business plan, do not ignore hidden threats, consider all possible weaknesses project.

Taking into account the specifics of business in agriculture, seasonality, weather conditions, etc. play an important role. Also, do not forget about the competitive environment, which will dictate its own rules and largely affect profits. Therefore, before entering the market with your offer, analyze it and find a niche that is not filled.

Calculate the payback, the cost of purchasing equipment, raw materials, outline the way to sell products. It is possible that after writing a business plan, you will find that the available capital is not enough for you to start a business. Then you will have to contact the bank or investors. This, in turn, will entail a new factor affecting payback and miscalculation profitability. Now calculate these economic indicators taking into account the new input.

After drawing up a business plan, it will be necessary to resolve the issue with the land in the local government. If you decide to involve business partners, neighbors, relatives, etc. to open a project, then be sure to conclude a farming agreement certified by a notary. This will allow in the future to avoid litigation and misunderstandings regarding the division of property, profits, etc.

After that, start building the structures that you will need to implement the project (barn, workshops, greenhouses, sheds, office buildings, etc.). It is necessary to provide electricity, water, heat.

The next step will be to find personnel, which will also require a lot of effort. Given the countryside, you won't have much choice in hiring staff. At the same time, the success of the enterprise depends entirely on the efficiency and specialization of workers. Therefore, before starting to look for personnel, clearly indicate the list of necessary requirements.

10 best farming ideas

Idea number 1. Greenhouse

To implement this idea, it is necessary to rent a small plot of land, build a greenhouse, purchase equipment and seeds.

For greenhouse facilities and growing vegetables, herbs, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that will provide the plant with heat and light. In addition, it is necessary to think over the irrigation system in the greenhouse.

Before starting to implement this idea, you need to decide on the format of the business and the type of product that you plan to grow. To do this, you need to conduct a market analysis, study the competitive environment and identify distribution channels.

The analysis will allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculate the payback and profitability of the business.

For different regions, depending on the climate and saturation competitive environment, may be in demand different types vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, parsley.

To expand the sales market, you can take into account the seasonality of products and grow different vegetables in different seasons.

A well-equipped greenhouse allows you to get up to 5-6 harvests per year.

To implement this type of business, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the production plan, greenhouse equipment and personnel selection, but also to marketing. It is important to think over sales channels, find intermediaries.

One of the best solutions is to conclude a contract for the supply of products to a supermarket chain. This will allow you to reach financial stability and think about expanding your business.

We have already written about how This plan will allow you to calculate the return on business, profitability and assess the competitive environment.

Idea number 2. Sunflower cultivation

One of the advantages of this type of business is little competition with high demand.

At the same time, the cultivation of sunflower does not require huge capital investments and can be realized even by a novice entrepreneur.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to purchase seeds, rent a plot of land, equipment for sowing and workers. You also need to take care of the storage of the seeds.

As for the paperwork and taxation, a simple form of IP is suitable for this type of entrepreneurship.

If we talk about the very specificity of the cultivated crop, then it is very unpretentious, not susceptible to weather conditions, pests. Harvesting after sowing occurs after 5 months. With minimal costs, you can count on a good profit.

But if you decide to take up the cultivation of sunflower, there is one factor to consider. This culture completely selects all the nutrients from the soil, therefore, within 5-7 years, nothing will be sown on this site. Therefore, it is not worth taking a plot for a long-term lease for sowing sunflower.

If you want to focus only on growing sunflower, you will have to rent a new plot every year.

Many entrepreneurs who invest in agriculture do the following. In the first year, they plant sunflowers in the field. And in the next 7-8 years, a greenhouse will be equipped on this site.

The profitability of the sunflower growing business is 2-3 times higher than the investments.

Idea number 3. Growing hazelnuts

This is enough profitable business, which is notable for little competition with high demand. Hazelnuts grow in Russia, mainly in the foothills.

As a home crop, this tree is not very common, which explains the lack of much competition in this segment. At the same time, hazelnuts do not take up much space, do not require much maintenance, and tolerate weather fluctuations well.

And it's not worth talking about the benefits and excellent taste of hazelnuts. Rich in fiber and high in fat, this nut is very popular among the population, used as a raw material for making confectionery, cosmetic products.

In addition, interest in this business is due to the fact that hazelnuts can be sold in several directions:

  • raw;
  • in a purified form;
  • packaged and fried.

The kernel of the nut takes up about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

Before purchasing a plot of land for sowing hazel, it is necessary to analyze the soil. It should contain a rich composition of magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, the pH should not go beyond the range of 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, you won't have to count on a high yield of hazelnuts.

Seedlings for hazelnuts should only be from vegetative propagation, and the planting interval of seedlings should be within 3-4 meters. For sowing one hectare of hazel, you need to purchase about 600 seedlings.

To reduce the risks, use several varieties of hazel that will be cross-pollinated. If you plan to implement large scale business, then for each type of plant, select 2-3 rows.

During the first 5 years, while the hazel is not very grown, it is recommended to plant the space between the rows with other crops that are in demand on the market. This, firstly, will allow you to immediately start making a profit, and secondly, it will minimize the risks as much as possible. Look for early vegetables and herbs such as onions, beets, potatoes, and herbs. In any case, you will receive income from hazel only in the fifth or sixth year.

Idea number 4. Breeding of meat breeds of chickens

On the positive side, it is immediately necessary to note the profitability of this type of business. For breeding the best breed broilers are considered. Chickens, depending on the species, can vary in color and weight.

To implement this business idea, you need to rent or build a room, buy cages, an incubator, feed and the birds themselves.

Select chicks very carefully to minimize risk.

Vegetable food is suitable as feed. At the same time, to reduce costs, you can rent a small plot of land and grow potatoes, greens, pumpkins, beets and carrots on your own.

The main type of risk in this business is the frequent illness of chickens. So great attention it is necessary to pay attention to the care, examination of the veterinarian, high-quality feed.

Idea number 5. Breeding dwarf cows

This is a very exotic type of business that can be very profitable. The advantage of this entrepreneurial activity is the lack of competition, which will allow you to take a leading position in this niche in a short period of time.

One cow produces approximately 6-8 liters of milk per day. Yield depends on the breed, on quality care and feed.

To ensure this business, it is necessary to immediately take care of a good pasture, where the dwarf cows will have adequate nutrition. The advantage is that the pasture for feeding dwarf cows is 2-3 times less than for standard cows. From an economic point of view, keeping a standard one cow is not justified today. But dwarf cows show a very good profitability of the business with a competent organization.

Another distinctive feature of keeping a dwarf cow is the taste of milk. It is much healthier and tastier and retains its freshness for up to a day, without a refrigerator.

Idea number 6. Freezing vegetables and fruits

This type of business is considered very promising and in demand today. Despite the great competition, it has a good return on investment.

This type of production allows you to preserve useful vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and store them in the freezer for a long time.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to rent a room, purchase equipment, an installation for cleaning and drying vegetables and fruits, a shock freezer and a packaging machine.

In addition, you need to immediately think about where it will be stored finished products until the moment of sale. A very important step is the search for distribution channels, because each freezer does not cost little money, so storing a large amount of products will be unprofitable.

Practice shows that the average payback period for a business is 3-4 months.

Idea number 7. Implementation of chicken eggs

This business is similar to broiler farming. In terms of costs and equipment, it is necessary to purchase incubators, cages, light for laying hens.

To start the project, you can purchase from 15 to 20 chickens. The business principle is simple - selling eggs on the market or through a chain of stores.

Given the high competition in this niche, it is necessary to think over the marketing strategy and distribution channel in advance. This business is distinguished by the fact that it brings profit all year round, which allows you to receive a stable income and contributes to the establishment of stable trade relations.

Idea number 8. Growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to reach a stable income in a fairly short time. Despite the high competition, there is a great demand for this product category. In addition, oyster mushrooms, unlike other varieties of mushrooms, are unpretentious.

The most cost-effective way is to grow mushrooms on stumps. But the disadvantage of this method is low yield and long waiting time. In addition, you will be subject to weather conditions, which increases your financial risks.

The hemp for growing mushrooms must be clean, with a flat surface, and free of mold. The cultivation technology is quite simple. The stumps are soaked for three days in water, which allows you to create the necessary level of moisture. This moisture level will be sufficient to allow the mycelium (seed) to begin to form.

Starting in May, the stumps are taken out into the garden, into the garden. This should be done only after the threat of frost has completely passed. Stumps should be in a shaded area. To increase the yield, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the stumps.

To implement this business idea, it is necessary to prepare a basement, a greenhouse.

Idea number 9. Harvesting and packaging of chernozem

This startup stands out for its originality and will help bring in good income, given the low competition in this area.

The principle of the idea is as follows. Development and preparation of black soil, which has a high content of nutrients for growing various crops. The main emphasis here must be placed on determining the target audience, which will allow you to properly organize the sales channel and reach a stable income.

The target audience for this business will be gardeners and farmers. Chernozem is a unique product that will allow farmers to increase their yields. The fact is that there are not many fertile regions in Russia, therefore, the purchase of high-quality black soil for growing plants, flowers, vegetables is relevant for many farmers.

Idea number 10. Rabbit breeding

Rabbit farming has become a popular option for doing business in the agricultural sector lately.

The advantages of animal breeding are high profitability and quick payback, as well as ease of maintenance. This makes rabbit breeding an ideal start-up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product with high digestibility (90%). This distinguishes it favorably from the same pork, which is absorbed by 60%. Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol, which makes it popular with new mothers, pregnant women, and people on a diet.

The business pays off within 8-9 months with proper planning. In addition to direct supply of meat, farmers can breed rabbits for sale to others. farms... This will allow organizing a business in two directions and eliminating the seasonality factor.

Another line of business may be the sale of rabbit skins. The disadvantage of this entrepreneurial activity is the high mortality rate among animals, which necessitates the purchase of high-quality feed, payment for the services of veterinarians.

Depending on the line of business, it is important to purchase the correct breed of rabbits. Among the large number of rabbit breeds, there are purely meat breeds, intermediate and skin breeds.

It will be difficult for people who do not understand this area to purchase the right equipment and rabbit breeds, so it is best to seek expert help. So, for example, beef breeds are not suitable for the sale of skins, as their wool is not good enough.

In this article, we have provided just a small list of business ideas for the agricultural sector that will help you start your own business with minimal investment.

Video. Profitable business ideas for agriculture