Farming business: growing exotic vegetables. Business idea: growing exotic vegetables

How I grow Jerusalem artichoke

In the spring, I pick raspberries and think about how to diversify and "enhance" the diet of atrocity. Picking up all sorts of different weeds from the ground and came across Jerusalem artichoke. He's an earthen pear. He's the Jerusalem artichoke. Either "climbed" from the neighbors or stayed from the old owners.

Then I did not know anything about him, except that the muck is still the same, it grows no worse than raspberries and horseradish, and you can't get him out of anything.
I consulted: with a local agronomist, then with a more sensible non-local, then I went to the Internet and collected the knowledge gained in a heap, I decided to grow a little Jerusalem artichoke, so to speak.

The experimental site (1 hundred square meters), fenced along the perimeter with an old slate dug to a depth of 45-50 cm. Before planting, he loosened the earth 3 times with a walk-behind tractor, cut the beds with it, and stuck it manually, according to the scheme, between rows 75–80 cm, between plants 30–50–70, that is, in different rows - different distances between plants (the same experiment).

Since I planted it on virgin soil, I did not fertilize it for the first time. In autumn, the harvest was not bad for the first time. In the spring, I planted 35 kg, I removed (taking into account the third part of the harvest left for the winter) from 12 10 meter rows of 1337 kg (including land, etc., almost 1.5 tons). Now I plant about 10 acres and yield 4.5–5.5 tons per acre. As for the agricultural technology of cultivation, for Jerusalem artichoke, as for any other agricultural crop, the law of conservation of mass (nothing comes out of nowhere) has not been canceled. Every two years in the fall, for plowing, I put in from 2 to 3 tons of humus (depending on the composition of humus and on the composition and condition of the land) per hundred square meters. I refused to plant in spring (there are many other things, although it is possible to plant in spring ...). And in the fall, you can plant slowly, so to speak, in your free time from your main work.

The biggest Jerusalem artichoke enemies field mice. Therefore, I try to plant as close to frost as possible, from mid-October. Even if the tuber is picked up by the frost, it's okay, in the spring it will thaw and sprout. I plant in pre-cut ridges to a depth of 8-10 cm, no deeper (this is important for further spring processing), according to the scheme between rows 80-100 cm (like potatoes), and between plants from 80 cm, depending on the variety. You can plant it by hand, or with a "planter", depending on the planting area. And if everything is done correctly, we will get a tuber weighing at least 5–8 kg by autumn.

Now I cultivate 3 varieties: Polish, bluish in color (I asked a colleague of a farmer from Poland), I myself eat it in salads, soups, baked and fried (if you are interested, write in the comments - I will give recipes, and the network is full of them), Krasnodar early ripening and the most fruitful and met with a bang by all my "zoo" - a wild game, dug in 2000, in raspberries ...

With normal care for the season, it grows from one hundred square meters: 110-120 tubers with a total weight of 1.2-1.5 tons and 3-4 tons of green mass. Note that all Jerusalem artichoke is divided conditionally into 2 varieties: tuber (I grow) with a tuber mass of up to 20-30% of the total plant mass and one in which the aerial part predominates (it has a tuber of 5-10% of the plant mass).

Jerusalem artichoke is also remarkable in that the green part can and should be cut from 2 to 4 times per season. The first cut when the height of the bush is 120–150 cm, leaving 50–60 cm above the ground. The bush in 30–40 days, and with watering faster, reaches the same height of 120–150, while it becomes thicker. The size of the tuber is not affected by pruning. I tried to grow topisflower (a hybrid of Jerusalem artichoke and sunflower), but we didn’t like each other (after 3 years of experiments).

For spring care: at the end of April, we “update” the Jerusalem artichoke planted in autumn with a hiller, then the second time, after 7–10 days we pass for the third time when at least 70% of the plants “crawl out” to a height of 10–15 cm. That's the whole care ...

Jerusalem artichoke storage- the most painful place. For this reason, many people refuse to grow Jerusalem artichoke, but in vain.

I leave a third of the autumn harvest in the ground and in the spring between April and mid-May, in the absence of green grass, Jerusalem artichoke is the best vitamin supplement. Jerusalem artichoke extracted from the ground in autumn, unlike potatoes, does not need to be dried and peeled from the ground, perhaps the exception is storage facilities with controlled temperature and humidity. Dry and "clean" Jerusalem artichoke is stored in the cellar, basement at a temperature of +2 +6 - a month, and slightly damp, slightly in the ground - 2.5 months. There are other nuances as well.

By the way, excellent vitamin granules are obtained from carrot tops and Jerusalem artichoke greens (in the presence of a granulator). As for the seeds (as well as animals and birds) I take in different places. In the Krasnodar Territory, I took, if I am not mistaken, at the Institute of Seed Production (I will find the address - I will write). I took Polish and French from farmers. We, in Russia, have a lot of people who want to get money, taking advantage of people's ignorance. On my land, the greater harvest is given by the "wild".

By the way, an awesome moonshine is obtained from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. And although I am not a fan of "intoxicating" drinks, but in my subjective opinion, Jerusalem artichoke moonshine aged in an Oak barrel (barrel) for a year or more tastes much better (and taking into account tomorrow's "gloomy" morning) than the eponymous grain and other moonshine produced in Scotland, Ireland (whiskey, etc.), etc., but that's another story ...

1. Jerusalem artichoke is good because it can be grown in one place up to 8-10 years, but there is also "the other side of the coin", non-standard tubers and degeneration. I fight with non-standard tubers like this: I just let them feed and after 3-4 seasons (in my experience) the amount of “non-standard” decreases from 25-30% of the total yield to 5-10%). At the beginning of cultivation, some of the non-standard was left for seeds and as a result, after harvesting, he received the same "crooks".
About the degeneration of Jerusalem artichoke. After 4-5 years of cultivation, even if all the rules of care are observed, Jerusalem artichoke begins to grow shallow, the problem is solved in two ways: complete replacement of the tuberous planting material (it is not a fact that Jerusalem artichoke did not grow long in the previous place) and the best way- renewal of planting material with your own seeds.

2. If the struggle with thickets of horseradish and raspberries is possible, then it is necessary to walk thoroughly to the removal of Jerusalem artichoke.

The easiest way is to harvest the harvest in the fall and abandon the plot for 5 years or more without plowing. Everything. Jerusalem artichoke degenerates, becomes shallow, and after 7–10 years (at this time, clover, timothy, etc. grow on the field next to it), disking, plowing ... And goodbye Jerusalem artichoke. Personally, this method does not suit me (little land). I use an idea suggested by a farmer who got Vietnamese pigs ...

In autumn, after harvesting Jerusalem artichoke, there is always a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke in the ground. I make a temporary fence, about a hundred square meters, scatter Jerusalem artichoke as evenly as possible over the site and launch (slightly hungry) pigs. For 8 hours (maximum) approximately, one hundred square meters of land: thoroughly plowed and loosened ("grubby") to a depth of 60–70 cm (Jerusalem artichoke does not grow deeper) and completely rid of Jerusalem artichoke.

As they say, this is the end of the fairy tale.

Loved by Russians exotic vegetables, if they do not disappear from store shelves, they will certainly rise in price. This forecast is made by many analysts. One of the reasons is a potential decline in oil prices and, as a consequence, an increase in the exchange rate of hard currencies. It is not for nothing that the government has prepared a draft "budget for cheap oil."

“Entrepreneurs must take into account all factors in order to survive,” said Oleg Mikhailov, an expert in business geopolitics. - Of course, the current state of finances is not favorable to firms specializing in imports, including food, but those who want to make money on import substitution, on the contrary, have every chance of getting rich. Take, for example, such an area of ​​farming as growing exotic vegetables. Here looms good perspective for high profits ".

Well, I think it's not for nothing that many experts, when answering the question of where to start vegetable business, they are talking about exotic vegetables. If so, then it makes sense to talk about it.

Fears and hopes

Traditionally, Russian vegetable growing is in no hurry to master foreign exoticism. In particular, the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, Swiss chard, kohlrabi is mainly practiced by enthusiasts in their summer cottages. “Most agronomists just don’t want to hear about it,” says vegetable grower Irina Makarova. - They explain it this way: if cucumbers or tomatoes or even do not give birth, then you can always understand why this happened. If the harvest of Brussels sprouts is lost, the director will ask them for full program, they say, not knowing the ford, why climbed into the water? ".

In other words, large and medium-sized farms prefer a stable business, and many farmers do not want to take risks either. As the analysis shows, the reason for this position lies in the high debt burden of many participants in agricultural activity.

“Startups are a different matter,” said small business expert Igor Malyugin. - For most of these starts, the burden of doubts and fear of bankruptcy are not peculiar. An additional advantage in favor of growing exotic vegetable products can be the lack of competition. The main thing is to rely on the already existing positive experience of the same experimental gardeners ”.

Jerusalem artichoke and artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is called a vegetable exotic. Meanwhile, it was successfully grown back in the 30s of the last century in central Russia. “This is a unique plant that promotes the restoration of the blood structure, in particular after irradiation. I would recommend the early ripening variety, ”says Ilya Kozhevnikov, a farmer from the Tambov region.

In addition, the stems of this plant are wisely used for the production of paper and cardboard. Meanwhile, we are talking about 70 tons of green mass, which can be obtained from one hectare. However, you need to be quick. The crop should be harvested quickly, otherwise an invasion of rodents cannot be avoided. And also the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke is of interest to farmers living near the nuclear power plant, since this plant does not accumulate radionuclides. You will not find heavy metals in it either.

The artichoke, of course, requires immeasurably more labor costs, since, being thermophilic, it is afraid of frost. At the same time, it is readily bought by diabetics, as it contains inulin, a sugar substitute.

The formula for success

Farmers are reluctant to share the financial side of the issue cultivation of vegetable exotic... In particular, Ilya Kozhevnikov argues that it is impossible to even come close to the average cost of growing, for example, an artichoke. He has and uses the "layering" technology. It is significantly more cost-effective than growing from seed, although less productive, he said.

“If you follow the polysyllabic technology, you can get up to 200 artichoke heads on ten squares of land, each of which weighs up to 300 grams on average,” says the farmer. - Wherein commercial structures selling it in natural form or as an extract, buy this product for 350-450 rubles per kilogram. General expenses, including for fertilizers and watering, are estimated differently, but in my case - no more than 100 rubles per kg of crop. But often the crop dies - that's a fact. "

Thus, the profitability exceeds 300%.

“I grow on my summer cottage brussels sprouts and sell it fresh to restaurants, - writes the forum member kdnd_hfhf. - In early spring I prepare seedlings and in June I plant them on the site where cucumbers grew last year. The harvest is good, but, most importantly, this is a fresh product, and in stores there is only freezing. However, I did not succeed immediately, but only in the third year. Before you go to the farmers, experiment with different varieties, as much depends on the soil, and it is, like fingerprints, different for everyone, so that "wise scientists" do not say. For example, a neighbor did the same thing as me, but he did not succeed, although the difference is that his site is higher. "

“He grew kohlrabi,” a certain Vladimir from the Smolensk region shares his experience. - There is nothing complicated, about the same technology as for white cabbage. For some reason I get dry and very hard. People buy it badly. "

Thus, the cultivation of exotic vegetables does not present any particular problems in Russia. However, in this case, the newly-born farmer will first have to be in the guise of "Michurin" in order to determine the varieties and technology. The first two to three years should be spent learning and developing positive experiences. The starting price depends on the type of vegetable and the size of the plot, however, as experience shows, growing, for example, artichokes can become highly profitable business and on the "native six hundred square meters."

Payback presentation on the site:

As a fodder crop, Jerusalem artichoke is of great value. 100 kg of green mass have a nutritional value of 20-25 feed units. This is 1.5-2 times higher than the nutritional value of sunflower green mass. 1 kg of tubers contains 0.23-0.29 feed units. For comparison: 1 kg of fodder beets contains 0.12 fodder units (the nutritional value of 1 kg of oats is taken as 1 fodder unit).

Jerusalem artichoke (Latin name Helianthus tuberosus L.) is a close relative of sunflower. An adult plant looks impressive - a straight, strong stem 2-4 meters high, which is not afraid of any wind, is covered with beautiful wide leaves, many side shoots depart from the stem (especially in a solitary bush or in a rare planting). At the end of summer, one or more beautiful yellow flowers bloom at the top.

By life cycle Jerusalem artichoke resembles a potato - in spring a plant grows from a tuber, which forms new tubers by autumn and dies off for the winter. Only unlike thermophilic potatoes, it can really hibernate - Jerusalem artichoke has a unique frost resistance. A green plant can withstand frosts down to -5, and tubers in the ground covered with snow can withstand long-term frosts down to -40.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers of irregular shape, with outgrowths and tubercles. Their weight is from 10 g to 300 g

Jerusalem artichoke tubers

on average 150 g. In the ground, they are compact and shallow.


Jerusalem artichoke is capable of producing very large yields. He recorded a yield of green mass of more than 2000 c / ha and tubers of 1500 c / ha. But this, of course, is a record yield, and the average, usual one is about 350-500 c / ha of green mass and 250 c / ha of tubers.


It is impossible not to quote V.I. Kozlovsky, an outstanding agronomist of the beginning of the century, who made a huge contribution in the pre-revolutionary period

Jerusalem artichoke tuber powder

in the introduction of this culture into peasant farms: “This is the only plant of all cultivated plants, which gives crops almost without labor costs, without fear of frost, drought, rain, bad soil and its depletion, does without manure, gives birth abundantly on one the place for decades, and what is also important for us, requires almost no care and does not punish, like other plants, for negligence in summer work near it or for not digging it up for the winter. In a word, although this sounds ironic against the will, but this is an ideal plant sent to us, the Slavs, by fate itself. " There is almost nothing to add.

Jerusalem artichoke should be planted in cultivated land, or after deep plowing of virgin soil. After that, you can (and should) forget about him until the fall. Jerusalem artichoke emerges in mid-May, immediately rises quickly, and by the end of June it already reaches a height of a meter, releases many side shoots and completely closes, shading the soil, even with a rare planting (3000 sq. Cm is considered the optimal area for one plant, so it can be planted according to the scheme 50x60 cm, or 40x70 cm - however, it can be planted even thicker, the effect of thickening does not harm the yield up to 45 shoots per 1 square meter). The dense shade of Jerusalem artichoke completely suppresses all weeds, so you don't have to worry about weeding - the ground will remain practically bare, only a few weed sufferers will try to survive, stretching out in search of light. This also applies to wheatgrass - if there was one, it will not grow in such a shade.

Jerusalem artichoke has no pests and diseases. It’s even strange, perhaps, to read this, after in many other cultures half of the description is devoted to all kinds of misfortunes and measures to combat them. However, here - he has no pests and diseases, and that's it.

Almost any soil is suitable for Jerusalem artichoke. He will react badly only to waterlogged, stagnant water, over-acidified soil. It grows well on the rest; and what is especially important - it feels great on poor dry sandy soils, where in general there is little cultivated plant will agree to grow. This is due to the fact that Jerusalem artichoke has a powerful and deep root system, with which it obtains water and nutrition at great depths. This also explains the fact that Jerusalem artichoke does not deplete the earth - almost no removal of minerals occurs. This is one of the few plants that can be grown for tens of years in monoculture without damaging the soil. Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid of drought - even during a severe long drought, it practically does not lose its leaves, it only stops growth.

In the garden, Jerusalem artichoke, planted around the perimeter (preferably on the north side - so as not to shade the garden), performs an important function of protection from the wind - creating a more favorable microclimate for other plants. At the summer cottage, a strip of Jerusalem artichoke planted along the borders, especially with the street, is a wonderful green fence, which will provide you with comfort and hide from prying eyes most of the summer, while it will cost nothing, and will look much more attractive than a three-meter concrete wall. However, the living fence is good not only at the summer cottage, but also in the village.

Harvesting and storage

The green mass should be harvested from the beginning of October to the end of October. Earlier, it is irrational to harvest - the harvest of tubers will suffer, and later - the greens will begin to die off and lose their qualities. It is inconvenient to dry Jerusalem artichoke greens, so it is best to combine its harvesting with consumption. In large farms, silage is prepared from it, and it surpasses corn in its qualities.

You can harvest tubers immediately after harvesting greens, and before the onset of frost; and also in spring - from the moment of freezing of the earth and until the beginning of active growth, i.e. until the end of April. In the ground, the tubers survive the winter perfectly.

But with the storage of tubers, things are much worse. In contrast to potatoes and beets, which in the right conditions lie successfully until the next harvest, i.e. almost a year - Jerusalem artichoke is stored in the cellar for about a month. After that, it withers, or begins to rot. The problem is that the skin of the tubers is very thin and lacks a cork layer, so it cannot resist drying and is easily damaged. You can save the tubers longer by sprinkling them with damp earth or sand, but this event already greatly complicates the matter.

The nutritional value

In terms of calorie content, Jerusalem artichoke is comparable to potatoes (both there and there are 16% carbohydrates), and in terms of nutritional value it somewhat surpasses it (in potatoes 2% protein, in Jerusalem artichoke - about 3%), in terms of the content of vitamins B1, B2, C, and microelements Jerusalem artichoke is much richer. It would seem - why do we need potatoes then? Unfortunately, it must be admitted that potatoes are much tastier. Raw Jerusalem artichoke tubers taste like cabbage stalk, only softer and sweeter. Spring Jerusalem artichoke overwintered in the soil is tastier and sweeter than autumn Jerusalem artichoke. Cooked, however, you can make a lot of tasty things from Jerusalem artichoke, but they still can't beat potato dishes. If we add here storage problems (which are absent in potatoes), it becomes clear why, despite all its advantages and considerable nutritional value, Jerusalem artichoke does not take the place of potatoes in human nutrition, and will never take it.

Almost all animals in the farm or peasant economy- cows, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, and they equally eagerly eat tops and roots. Small animals eat leaves and small stems and gnaw at the stem; and large ones, such as horses, will then happily eat the gnawed stem, despite the fact that it is lignified and so hard (up to 2 cm in diameter at the base) that a small hatchet is the most suitable tool for harvesting it. It is especially fortunate that the harvesting of Jerusalem artichoke greens falls on October - when meadow grass begins to lose its quality and the grazing season ends - this allows you to significantly postpone the beginning of feeding with hay.

Tubers can be fed to animals raw, right after digging up, just shake off the ground. There is no harmful solanine, as in raw potatoes, in Jerusalem artichoke tubers, so raw feeding is preferable under any conditions. If you leave the tubers in the spring, then this also very well coincides with the period when winter feed is running out or losing quality, and Jerusalem artichoke allows you to close this gap with a highly valuable nutritious feed. The easiest way to dig up the required number of tubers this season is right before feeding the animals. If you have pigs, then labor costs can be minimized altogether: it is enough to release them to the site with Jerusalem artichoke, and then they will begin to clean it themselves - at the same time fertilizing the earth. In nature, pigs mainly eat like this - digging up edible rhizomes, and Jerusalem artichoke tubers are a tasty dish for them. The meat and lard of pigs fed with Jerusalem artichoke - highest quality... Cows that have Jerusalem artichoke in their diet in spring significantly increase milk yield.

It should be noted that after being eaten by pigs, as well as after harvesting by hand, there are enough tubers in the ground so that Jerusalem artichoke could not be planted at all - on the second and subsequent years it can only be removed, and it will grow itself. It can even create certain problems if you want to free the Jerusalem artichoke area for something else; however, in small areas it is easy to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke by pulling it out manually.

As you can see, Jerusalem artichoke as a forage crop has a very valuable qualities... The question arises - why is it still not widely used in peasants and farms? After all, he has been known for more than a hundred years. Perhaps this is because the wrong requirements and expectations are placed on Jerusalem artichoke. If you expect it to become the main fodder crop, and replace beets and hay, nothing will come of it. If you expect that it will replace potatoes in human nutrition, this will also end up in natural disappointment.

What should you expect from Jerusalem artichoke? What he can really give, and he can give a lot. Its place in the peasant and farm economy is an auxiliary fodder crop with a low cost (both monetary and "labor"). It gives, firstly, the effective use of marginal lands, inconveniences, slopes. Secondly, the extension of the feeding season with green food by at least a month. Thirdly, the provision of high quality succulent feed in the two spring months, when feed is most difficult. Considering that Jerusalem artichoke can normally lie in the cellar for a month - this period can still be extended for another month in the fall - November - and for a month in the spring - May. Thus, the feeding period covered with Jerusalem artichoke is two months in the fall, and three months in the spring - five months is not so short, especially considering what months they are!

But still, the most important thing to consider is that labor costs for growing Jerusalem artichoke are practically zero. Of course, all animals can be fed with both fodder beets and potatoes. But compare how much effort you have to spend on the same amount of potatoes and beets - and Jerusalem artichoke? Having started a long-term area of ​​Jerusalem artichoke, you can significantly reduce the area for beets and other crops - which means that in spring and summer you will have much more free time for rest and other things. This is the main advantage of Jerusalem artichoke - it is not "another fodder crop", but a plant that can give you time, which is always in short supply.

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Earn on Jerusalem artichoke it is possible, and the experience of many people confirms this. After all, there is a demand. There are many ways to implement it.

Grow a crop for further processing for biofuels. In our country, this is not yet a very common practice, abroad processing is in full swing and the results seem to be not bad. Conclusion - we grow Jerusalem artichoke, the price for it will not be cheap.

This option of earning money is suitable if you have free extensive plots of land, you are not sorry to give them away for perennial crops. Well, the presence of mechanization, preferably your own.

Tubers for sale

Tubers for sale can be grown in both large and small batches.

You can grow tubers and, having subjected to not very complicated processing (usually - grinding, drying, making a powder), sell Jerusalem artichoke powder to the population as a food additive or medicine. There were quite a few sites, the owners of which offer to buy earthen pear products.

Naturally, to offer processed Jerusalem artichoke requires investment - packaging, development presentation products. All this, of course, is not free. Against the background of these costs, the content of the site is the smallest spending.

With proper website promotion and good quality product - there will be customers, because the plant is really very useful. And not everyone can grow it on their own.

If there is no opportunity to invest, you can offer the population directly raw tubers. Buy well, especially in spring. Here is an example of a website that offers this type of product. Naturally, here your business will be tied to the region.

The site in this case is of the simplest design, there is almost no material, contact information, according to the principle - whoever needs it - will find it. At the same time, investments will be minimal (it is quite possible to make such a site on your own, inexpensive hosting and domain - on average $ 20 per year)

If this is difficult for you, you can offer grown tubers without any processing and investments on various message boards. They are usually free, the only thing is to post ads on thematic boards. More chances that a buyer will find you. At the same time, only a high-quality product is from you. the interested client will take out the goods himself, and at the same time - in bulk. As an example - a piece of such a bulletin board:

In general, Jerusalem artichoke is widely used. The stems are used to make briquettes for combustion as fuel. The pomace after squeezing the juice is used as a confectionery filler.

In a word, there would be a product who wants to buy Jerusalem artichoke in any way.

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Farmer Natalya Anushkevich considers Jerusalem artichoke to be a promising crop

A huge field and a drone hanging above it, studying the composition of the soil. Tractor with a computer that allows metered spreading of the required amount mineral fertilizers... An agronomist with a ruler measures the depth of the plowed furrow. This is exactly how Jerusalem artichoke is planted today at the farm of Natalya Anushkevich.

Natalya Anushkevich is a former manager of one of the largest foreign companies... And today a graduate presidential program and a novice farmer. For her successes in the agricultural business, this year she became the winner of the "Woman of the Year" -2015 competition.

We met with Natalia in the field. A short red jacket, jeans, fashionable rubber boots for some reason with the colors of the American flag. Is this what a modern farmer should look like? However, it was worth seeing how Natalya Anushkevich commands tractor drivers, how she immediately determines how much Jerusalem artichoke is currently in the bunker, and this question no longer arose.

“Actually, my first education was in economics and law,” says Natalya Anushkevich. And everything seemed to be going well for her. Well-paid job, business trips abroad, career growth. But Natasha wanted to start her own business. He tells with a smile about why this business turned out to be associated with Jerusalem artichoke. According to her, she has always been a follower healthy way life. And she dreamed that if she did anything, then only that would allow her to realize this dream. “And also, without unnecessary pathos, I always wanted to do something that would be useful for people. Therefore, when, according to the presidential program, I was offered to start growing Jerusalem artichoke, I was, to put it mildly, a little surprised, ”says Natasha. According to her, she was very familiar with the earthen pear, considering it one of the garden weeds, which is not so easy to get rid of. But when I heard that the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke in our region can be very promising, I promised to think about it.

Since she preferred to approach any business seriously, for a start, Natalya studied the information about this vegetable. And when I found out what amount of useful minerals it contains, I decided to test its healing properties on myself. “For ten years I could not solve the problem with my health, I visited medical resorts in Kislovodsk, Prague, I went to China. And everything is useless. And here, thanks to Jerusalem artichoke, everything was restored in three months, ”says Natasha.

By the way, when the graduates of the presidential program defended their diplomas, out of six hundred works, the project on growing and processing Jerusalem artichoke by Natalya Anushkevich was recognized as the best. With the grant received for the first place, the farmer bought a tractor, harvester and seed.

“What was the most difficult part of my job? - Natasha asks. And then he answers: First, a misunderstanding of people. I often heard, they say, wanted us to have a second hogweed? And in the second place in terms of complexity, I would put field work. When it rains and you have to dig the ground. Organize people, harvest. Of all the delights of the romance of farming life, field work is probably the hardest, ”she says.

But unlike other farmers who grow cabbage or carrots, fields planted with Jerusalem artichoke do not need to be protected from thugs. At least for now.

By the way, in China, plantations planted with Jerusalem artichoke are especially carefully guarded - almost every furrow where an earthen pear grows is guarded so that someone does not dig up nodules, which are considered a national treasure there. Jerusalem artichoke is loved and appreciated in China for its beneficial features... After all, this vegetable contains 28 amino acids and all 32 chemical elements that are so necessary for the body for its full activity. It has three times more iron and silicon than carrots and beets combined. That is why in China Jerusalem artichoke is added wherever possible. In marmalade and cookies, in marshmallows and coffee. And they even make wine from Jerusalem artichoke.

Today Natalya Anushkevich's farm employs 25 people - tractor drivers and engineers. Many work on a temporary basis - they are invited to plant or harvest. Answering the question of how men perceive her leadership, Natasha says: in order to lead competently, you must always clearly set tasks. Then there are no questions.

In the first year, her farm managed to harvest about 15 tons of Jerusalem artichoke per hectare. By the way, this vegetable has to be harvested by hand. Because the technique for cleaning it has not yet been created. All get up on the furrows and start digging together. Natasha is harvesting the crop with everyone else. “I like this kind of work - clean air, nature, I communicate with people,” she says.

A year ago, having learned that a farm in the Kirovsky district is engaged in the cultivation of earthen pears, scientists from the Agrophysical Institute also joined in the work. Scientists were delighted that they found a like-minded person in Natasha Anushkevich, as the Jerusalem artichoke boom is starting all over the world, and interest in this vegetable is growing. And only here Jerusalem artichoke is still considered a weed.

Last year on the lands farms the first test nursery for promising varieties of earthen pear was laid in the North-West region.

According to Natalia Anushkevich, in her business she tries to apply innovative technologies... “To some extent, an example for me is the life of Irina Khakamada and her golden phrase“ You can be poor and unhappy for free, but to be happy you have to pay a high price, ”she says.

Natalia Anushkevich considers herself happy man... Her working day begins not like everyone else, but at six in the morning. Works outdoors. In his free time he manages to write a book about Jerusalem artichoke. According to her, she already knows 500 recipes for dishes that can be prepared from this vegetable. Many have already tried to do it myself. He is preparing to defend his Ph.D. thesis on earthen pear.

And Natalya Anushkevich is building a real farm house. What will it be? Big and beautiful? Not only. “As an innovator, I love new technologies, and therefore it must necessarily be a“ smart home ”where everything will work automatically, without human intervention,” she says. And only one thing upsets Natasha: so far she has neither a husband nor children. And therefore, according to her, all energy goes exclusively to business.