Raising sheep as a business. Increase in the number of sheep

According to experts, animal husbandry does not attract entrepreneurs too much. However, animal breeding, including sheep breeding as a business, has a high profitability and is considered one of the most profitable directions activities in agriculture. This is due to several factors.

  1. Sheep are hardy animals. They do not require special conditions of detention and serious care, they have good health. The mortality rate in sheep is much lower compared to other animals.
  2. Sheep are grazing animals, so most likely you will not have any problems with feed.
  3. You can start sheep breeding even with a small livestock. In this case, of course, you should carefully calculate the costs and draw up a detailed plan of action.
  4. Another stimulating factor for agricultural enterprises is the continuous growth in demand for mutton, sheep wool, cheese, and lamb.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted the relatively low profitability of the business, which is approximately 25-30%. Under adverse conditions, profitability can drop to 10%. At the same time, much depends on the size of the enterprise and the experience of livestock breeders.

Finding and renting land for farm and pasture

It really doesn't matter what area you want to start a business in. In any case, the first step is to create a carefully thought-out business plan. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to turn sheep farming in the countryside into a profitable business.

Ideally, you need to start by finding a suitable land plot. You can buy or rent land. Then you need to buy sheep, hire workers. At least once a week, you will have to bring the necessary things to the farm, once a year the sale of lambs, the purchase of feed and the necessary work to equip the farm are carried out. It should be noted right away that organizing your own business requires solving many problems and issues.

First, you need pasture to raise sheep. When calculating the area, it is necessary to take into account that 1 hectare of pasture per year is required to feed one sheep and its offspring. Thus, the area of ​​land will depend on the size of the herd. In addition, the further north you acquire land, the more expensive it will be for you to keep animals. You should calculate the profitability in advance and evaluate how profitable the enterprise will be for you in specific conditions, taking into account the costs of fodder, sanitary measures, and veterinary services.

Remember that grazing in the north can only be done from May to September. To find out all the features of a particular region, you can watch a training video on the topic of sheep breeding.

You can borrow money to buy or rent land. For example, many banks offer for agricultural enterprises special conditions lending and low interest, which is very beneficial for beginner businessmen.

Business organization

If you are attracted to sheep breeding, it is advisable to register your enterprise as a peasant (farm) enterprise. By law, you do not have to create entity. Registration of a peasant farm is almost the same as the creation of an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will need to sign an Agreement on the establishment of a farm for sending to the registration authority.

Moreover, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. power of attorney at the MFC;
  2. application for registration of the farm;
  3. original and copy of the passport of the farm organizer;
  4. original and copy of birth certificate;
  5. receipt of payment of state duty;
  6. registration document from the place of residence of the head of the economy.

In addition, you must obtain permission from the SES employees.

For sheep breeding, ordinary livestock pens made of wood are well suited. For example, you can buy or rent an old abandoned farm or land left over from a failed state farm. Watch the video on the Internet, evaluate the various advertisements for the sale of plots to find the right option. This will significantly save on the construction of corrals. In case of severe frosts, you can install a small stove in the paddock, but in general sheep tolerate frosts quite well. In addition, a good house for a shepherd should be provided.

It is best to purchase sheep from a certified farm, which will avoid serious problems with the animals and significant losses.

If you want to increase the livestock over time, it is best to buy animals from different farms. This will avoid interbreeding. In order to quickly reach self-sufficiency, it is worth starting with two hundred goals. If you do not have good experience in selecting and breeding sheep, it is best to consult with experienced specialists.

As for the breed, the Romanov breed of sheep is the most popular among domestic farmers. In total, about 70 breeds of animals are preferred in the CIS countries. In general, all animals can be divided into the following groups:

  • fine-fleece: Altai, Caucasian, Askanian, Grozny, prekos, Stavropol sheep, Soviet perinos and so on;
  • semi-fine-fleeced: Tsigai, North Caucasian and so on;
  • semi-coarse: saraja sheep;
  • coarse-haired: Karakul, Romanov, Edilbaev.

A significant expense item is the purchase of feed for the winter season. The type of food will depend on the region. In the event that you purchased land in an unfamiliar region for you. It is best to check with your neighbors what it is worth feeding the sheep, as well as watch various video recommendations and read articles by experts.

Feed prices change every year. You will need to calculate a clear business plan, taking into account possible changes to estimate costs. According to the norm, 2 kg of straw, 1.5 kg of hay, 100 g of barley per day are required per animal. You can also feed sheep with silage, root crops, offer them branch feed. In addition, it is imperative to give salt slime to animals.

To avoid additional costs and possible problems we recommend that you prepare at least 30-40% more feed than is calculated, because it can get cold much earlier, and heat can come later than planned in advance. The weather is notable for its unpredictability. When compiling a business plan, you should take into account the costs of processing animals and veterinary care.

The lifespan of a sheep is up to 25 years, but reproductive abilities are preserved only for 8 years. If an animal has a special ability to reproduce, then it is better to keep it at court longer so that this valuable quality can be passed on to offspring.

The subtleties of breeding various breeds

As already noted, four breeds are most popular: Romanovskaya, "meat", Eddibaevskaya and fat-tailed.

  1. Romanov sheep will be an excellent solution for aspiring entrepreneurs. You can find the features of their breeding on the Internet by watching videos or articles from more experienced breeders. It is very profitable to breed such sheep, because thanks to their thick wool they feel good in unheated sheds at temperatures up to -30 degrees. For a good wintering, it is enough for them to prepare a straw bedding. In addition, this breed is unpretentious and has a good increase in meat even with a moderate diet.
  2. "Meat" breeds of sheep have a high quality of meat and a large body weight. This category includes texel, zwartbles, suffolk, Barbados black-bellied sheep and so on. Most of these breeds are well adapted to temperate climates.
  3. The Edilbaevskaya sheep has a large size, a developed fat tail and a strong body constitution. These meat and greasy sheep were bred by crossing Astrakhan and Kazakh breeds. Animals are distinguished by good wool, high milk production, they grow quickly. In a hundred days, a ram can grow up to 190 kg of weight. You can also watch videos about them on the Internet, which will help you make a first impression about these animals.
  4. Fat-tailed sheep were brought from Central Asia. They tolerate both winter cold and summer heat well. The main feature of this breed is the presence of a fat tail, which is a large fat deposit at the root of the tail. As a rule, rams go for meat, and females are left to increase the offspring. The percentage of meat in sheep of these breeds is up to 65% of body weight.

Personnel search

It is advisable even at the stage of finding a place for a farm and acquiring animals to search for the main staff. Note that for every 300 animals you will need a shepherd. Also, for the successful development of the farm, it is necessary to find a good veterinarian, milkmaids, sheep shearing specialists. The shearer can be a seasonal worker and come to the farm as needed. Of course, the shepherd remains the main worker on the sheep farm.

Find good man for this position, who will immediately be able to perform the functions of a shearer, veterinarian, livestock specialist and manager, is quite difficult. Therefore, the salary of such a specialist will be quite high. Standard terms of employment involve the transfer of about 50 heads of sheep to his possession, a percentage of the farm's profits and bonuses that are issued for weight gain, a high level of offspring and other merits.

If the entrepreneur does not plan to personally deal with his household, then the shepherd will perform the functions of the manager, so he must inspire complete confidence in you.

However, with a small livestock of up to 200 heads, hiring such a specialist will no longer be so profitable for you and it is better to take on the corresponding functions. Of course, this will require a lot of time and effort from you, because the sheep have to graze all day, but you can quickly reach self-sufficiency.

The rest of the workers are engaged in auxiliary types of work: they feed the animals, take care of them. Note that among these workers there is a fairly high level of turnover. It is better to offer them a high level of salary and find the most reliable people in the nearby villages.

Sales of products

Sheep farming as a business generates income through the sale of wool, milk and sheep meat. Compared to previous decades, the cost of wool has decreased significantly, so shearing and selling wool can only be assessed as an additional, but not the main line of work. Milk, which is used mainly for cheese production, is also not in high demand, so meat production will bring the main income.

Lamb meat is in rather high demand with a very limited supply. In total, experts distinguish three main methods of implementation:

  • piece slaughter of animals with subsequent sale on the market;
  • wholesale trade live animals;
  • sale of semi-finished products and meat in large networks, wholesale trade.
Ideally, it is best to sell lamb through your own outlets in the markets. This method will allow meat to be sold for cash and at a higher price.

Small sheep farms use this method, since meat processing plants prefer to buy large lots of 400-500 animals, and often use payment deferrals.

Large farms can also sell directly to the market, but for them it comes with a lot of hassle. In addition, lamb is purchased by cafes, restaurants, specialized butcher shops. Availability regular customers will increase profitability and achieve stable demand.

Large sheep farms with large areas and a sufficient supply of feed tend to keep sheep until winter or early spring, when the purchase price of mutton increases significantly.

Profitability of sheep breeding: financial calculations

Consider a business plan for organizing a sheep farm for 300 heads.


  • land lease - from 150 thousand rubles per year;
  • construction and repair of premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  • wages for working personnel - from 500 thousand rubles a year;
  • overhead costs - 90 thousand rubles per year;
  • purchase of sheep - 1 million rubles when buying 300 heads at a price of 3500 per head;
  • purchase of special equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

The profit from the sale of meat will, according to estimates, be about 500 thousand rubles if 50 individuals are sold at minimum cost 100 rubles per 1 kg. The sale of live animals will bring the same amount, and up to 150 thousand rubles can be earned from the sale of wool. As a result, the payback period is about 12-24 months.

Thus, we can conclude that sheep breeding is a very profitable and cost-effective business. These animals are undemanding to the maintenance, grow quickly. Of course, you should always make detailed business a plan to calculate how profitable it is to breed sheep under certain conditions. An instructional video will help you with this, containing useful practical recommendations for keeping specific breeds of animals.

Demand for mutton remains stubbornly strong, with sharp price hikes not yet expected in the coming years. Certainly, this plan actions gives you only a rough idea of ​​how much money you will need to start your business. Specific figures will depend on the region, the breed of sheep and the number of herds. But in general, we can say that such a business can bring an entrepreneur very good income.

  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing and sales
  • Financial plan
  • What equipment to choose
  • Breeding technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for creating a sheep breeding farm with a permanent livestock of 1000 heads.

How much money do you need to start a sheep farm

A sheep farm is a rather expensive project. Especially when it comes to building a farm on a “bare plot”. Starting investments in this case can amount to tens of millions of rubles. It is optimal if the building of the former state farm / collective farm is used as the premises, of which there are quite a few left in our country after the collapse of the USSR. The costs of opening a farm, according to preliminary calculations of the business plan, include:

  • Purchase of a building / former farm - 500,000 rubles.
  • Reconstruction of the premises, arrangement of the farm - 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of young sheep (lambs) and breeding stock - 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of transport (MTZ tractor) - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition of a host tools and inventory - 100,000 rubles.
  • Pasture preparation - 200,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Total - 5,400,000 rubles.

Production plan

For the profitable breeding of sheep, it is necessary to have a natural forage base, pastures with rich herbage. The best pastures are mountain pastures, where cereals and legumes grow with high nutritional value. It is worth considering that the size of the pasture depends on the number of herds. One sheep should account for at least 0.1 ha. That is, for a farm of 1000 heads, at least 100 hectares will be required. The choice of breed of sheep depends on the direction of the farm. If the main goal is the sale of wool, then it is best to opt for the Romanov breed of sheep. This is a popular fur coat breed of sheep with high fecundity. However, the taste of meat of this breed is not to the liking of all lamb lovers. Therefore, if the direction of the farm is meat, it is best to breed sheep of the edilbaevka and Hissar breed. The latter can gain weight up to 140 kg. You need to be ready for a big investment to buy sheep. Breeding stock is not cheap. Sheep of the Romanov breed cost from 200 rubles / kg. That is, an adult yarka weighing 40 kg will cost at least 8,000 rubles.


Of the staff, first of all, milkmaids, shepherds (1 person for every 300 heads), sheep shearing specialists, a veterinarian (may be visiting), as well as slaughterers in the slaughterhouse will be required.

What taxation system to choose to open a sheep breeding farm

It is best to register a sheep farm in a peasant farm - a peasant farm. As a system of taxation, the unified agricultural tax (UAT) is optimal, in which the entrepreneur pays a tax of only 6% of the farm's profit.

Download business plan for sheep breeding

Marketing and sales

The most important thing in business is the sale of products. The search for potential marketing channels for farm products should begin even before starting a business. Sheep meat can be sold retailers in meat markets, restaurants, cafes and barbecues in the summer. The average wholesale price of a kilogram of lamb is 200 rubles. Sheep wool can be sold to wholesale dealers, textile companies and other processing companies. The average price of sheep wool is 100 rubles per kilogram. The sale of young sheep (lambs) can give a significant income to the farm. A lamb weighing up to 15 kg will cost at least 3,000 rubles. Young growth is actively bought by novice farmers and owners of personal subsidiary plots. You can advertise farm products via the Internet, post information on bulletin boards and specialized sites for the sale of agricultural goods.

Financial plan

According to various estimates, the annual cost of maintaining one sheep is 5-6 thousand rubles. The costs are made up of: rental payments for land, the wages of farm workers, utility costs, feed costs, veterinary costs, taxes and other expenses. That is, the maintenance of 1000 heads will take about 5-6 million rubles a year. Now let's calculate how much you can earn. In a year, with proper fattening, the lamb will grow to a mass of 50 kg. The selling price of a kilogram of lamb is 200 rubles. It turns out that from one carcass we will gain about 10,000 rubles. From the sale of 1000 heads -10 million rubles. Next is wool. It is realistic to cut about 10 kg of wool per year from one Romanov sheep. Accordingly, from 1000 heads - about 10 tons of wool per year. In monetary terms, this means a revenue of 1,000,000 rubles.

How much can you earn from sheep breeding

From this it follows that the profit of the economy can be about 4-5 million rubles a year, provided that 100% of the sale of all manufactured products. In practice, things can be a little more complicated. The costs may be somewhat higher (for example, due to a sharp rise in the cost of feed), or it will not be possible to sell the farm's products in full. Thus, the real profitability may be somewhat lower, and the payback of initial investments may not come earlier than after 2-3 years of operation.

Recommended download sheep breeding business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

Breeding sheep will not bring the entrepreneur super profits in initial stages business. It will require serious start-up investments and time for the business to start to go into plus. When compiling a business plan, the following points are mandatory:

  • Availability of suitable pasture. To determine its size, you can use the formula from the textbooks: G \u003d U / N * P. Where G is the number of sheep per hectare, Y is the grass yield, H is the average daily rate per 1 sheep and P is the pasture lease period. It is not necessary to rent land from the state, as the natural grazing environment is also suitable for sheep.
  • Definition with livestock scales. Despite the start-up costs, it is better to start this business with a large flock.
  • Construction of premises for keeping animals.
  • Purchase of feed stocks and livestock of various breeds.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Obtaining permits.
  • Setting up a sales market.

What equipment to choose

Sheep are not picky about the conditions of detention, which means that an ordinary paddock built of wood is suitable for them. The presence of heating appliances and equipment will be needed only if the farm is located in the far north. To collect wool, you will need to purchase special machines.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a sheep breeding business, you must select the OKVED code 01.22.1, breeding sheep and goats. This group refers to the breeding of animals, the production of raw milk, wool and down.

What documents are needed to open

To sell products, a sheep breeder will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on production volumes. Less permits will be required to register an individual entrepreneur: a photocopy of the passport, IND code, as well as receipts for payment of the state. duties.

Do I need permission to open

If a businessman rents a room, then permission from the sanitary and epidemiological supervision and fire inspection will be required. In the future, for the sale of meat sales representatives a veterinary opinion is required.

Breeding technology

In order to avoid interspecific mating, it is better to buy sheep from different sellers. This will lead to an increase in productivity, and hence profits. Pay attention to the breed of animals, because for the sale of meat the best option is Romanov, and for wool - prekos and Russian long-haired. For the first time giving birth to sheep may require the presence of a specialist veterinarian. Young lambs should not be overfed and should not be separated from their mother until after 4 months. At this age, they can already be sold.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


Are you going to open your own business, but don't know in what area and where to start? If you are thinking about a business like sheep breeding, let's try to figure out together how to organize this business so that it makes a profit. This business direction is by no means in vain considered profitable and promising not only for experienced livestock breeders, but also for novice farmers.

Sheep breeding as a business

Any own business begins with the development of a business plan. A competent sheep breeding business plan is the first step to a successful further development. Next, we will consider the main points that such a plan should contain. Before you start drawing up a plan, you should realistically assess your capabilities.

If there are enough of them, then the question arises of choosing a form state registration.

Usually sheep breeding business is registered in the form of a peasant business. farming(KFH).

To resolve this issue as soon as possible, it is worth consulting with a specialist who will help to avoid errors in registration. required documents. For the legal development of your business, you will need to register with the tax authorities and obtain the necessary permits from the fire and sanitary authorities. To sell the meat obtained, you will need permission from the veterinary service.

Business plan development

Land lease

The second point of the business plan, after state registration and obtaining the necessary permits, should be the land issue.

Rent or buy? A novice farmer should try to minimize initial costs, so renting is usually chosen as a cheaper option. And it will be easier to issue KFH. For example, issues with fire supervision will be decided by the owner of the land, not the tenant. It is necessary to immediately provide for the initial number of animals, since it directly depends on how much land is needed to feed it.

To ensure normal grazing conditions, one hectare of land is usually planned per sheep.

When building sheep breeding as a business from scratch, it is better to take a closer look at the abandoned livestock farms, since on their territory, in addition to the pastures themselves, there may be livestock buildings that need to be repaired. This is much cheaper than building them from scratch. Sheep are unpretentious animals, and they do not impose special requirements on such structures.

Since these animals adapt well to almost any conditions of detention, at first they are quite suitable for an open corral, and in winter period- the building of a once abandoned livestock farm. With the development of business and increase in income, successful entrepreneur may also purchase the leased land. It is not at all necessary to buy lands for grazing; at first, it is easier and cheaper to rent them.

Selection and purchase of animals

A separate item of the business plan must necessarily be the issue of purchasing the initial herd. Previously, a beginner sheep breeder should learn more about the available breeds and, having decided on this issue, proceed to the search for a supplier. This search should be carried out according to two criteria - how long this supplier has been on the market and what is its reputation.

In order to choose a suitable breed of sheep, you need to decide which of their products are of interest to you as an entrepreneur. Sheep provide wool and meat, and depending on your preferences in this matter, you should choose animals. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the productive indicators and fertility of the breed (or breeds) of the future herd.

In the Russian climate, it is considered more profitable to breed sheep for meat. However, this does not mean that you will throw away the wool. This is a stable source of good income, therefore, when planning to breed animals for meat, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the wool. On this basis, sheep are divided into the following types of breeds:

  • fine-fleeced meat-wool. The most common sheep breeds are Vyatka, skew, fat-tailed, Georgian and Kazakh;
  • semi-fine-fleece meat-wool. They are shorthaired and longhaired. Examples of such breeds are Lithuanian, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Tien Shan, German Blackhead, Suffolk and Romney March;
  • semi-coarse-haired meat-greasy-wool. The main breed of this species is the saraja;
  • coarse-haired meat-greasy, sheepskin-meat and meat-wool. This species includes Kuchugurovskaya, Romanovskaya and.

A novice sheep breeder is best suited to growing sheep of the Romanov breed. Its main advantages are high fecundity and fast growth rates of slaughter weight.

Already at the age of seven months, individuals of the Romanov breed, with proper maintenance and feeding, reach a weight of about 35 kilograms. Adult specimens weigh up to 90 kilograms (sheep), and sheep of this breed can weigh up to 50 kilograms, which provides a novice entrepreneur with a high level of profitability. The Romanovskaya breed belongs to the sheepskin-meat species. Under household or farm conditions, wool from these animals can be obtained three times in one year. From one male of the Romanov breed, about three kilos of wool come out, and from a Romanov female - about two.

If we take into account the income from the sale of wool in the business plan, then the turnover will increase and the payback period will decrease significantly. One of the main advantages of this breed is its precocity. Sheep of this breed are capable of producing from three to five lambs in one offspring. Three lambs in seven months give an increase of about 110 kilos of meat. Accordingly, five lambs - about two hundred kilograms. The time of year for the queens of the Romanov breed does not affect her desire to mate. Within one year, a Romanov ewe can lamb twice. Do not forget about.

Sheep of this breed during the lactation period give up to 110 kilograms of milk. This breed does not require any special conditions of maintenance and care. It is quite enough to provide the herd with a full-fledged feed ration, and in winter to provide him with a minimally insulated covered room with a dry floor. Based on the foregoing, sheep breeders advise starting a sheep breeding business with the Romanov breed of sheep. For the subsequent sale of products obtained in the conditions of a household or farm, it is imperative to document the animals.

Such documents indicate the breed of the animal, its age, a list of past diseases and a list of vaccinations. Strict maintenance of sanitary documentation will subsequently avoid problems in the sale of meat, milk and wool.

Required personnel

In the conditions of household subsidiary farming, the maintenance of animals is provided by the owner and his family.

However, this is clearly not enough for any serious business. As a result, a mandatory item in the business plan should be hired personnel, their number and, accordingly, the cost of wages.

But if you manage to conclude agreements with milk processing or cheese-making enterprises, then this will be a constant source of additional profit. Having put your sheep breeding business on its feet, you should think about other sources of income, for example. a small workshop for the production of sheep cheese or a workshop for sewing natural sheepskin products (belts, blankets, vests, slippers, children's envelopes for winter, etc.).

Financial part of the business plan

In this part, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, all the expected costs, such as: purchase of the initial herd, rent for pasture land and agricultural premises, wage fund, overhead costs (transportation, temporary workers, utility bills, purchase of feed, tax payments, etc.). On the other hand, the column "Income" reflects the estimated proceeds from the sale of meat, milk and wool, as well as animals per tribe.

Based on the debit and credit of your business plan, the payback period and the expected level of business profitability are calculated.

The average payback period in sheep farming is two years.

The main risks in this industry are the loss of livestock as a result of an epidemic or natural disasters. However, such force majeure exists in any agricultural industry.

Sheep are hardy and unpretentious animals, they rarely get sick, so the risk of herd death outside of force majeure is small.

In any case, at the beginning of business development, a beginner sheep breeder should seek help from professionals in this field, since it is quite difficult to independently develop a competent business plan and implement it without sufficient experience.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although the average profitability of sheep breeding as a business is low, with the right approach, it guarantees a stable income.

In our country, there are many options to earn money by living and working in rural areas.

One of the most attractive and stable is still sheep breeding.

If you correctly prepare a business plan “Sheep breeding” with calculations, then you can minimize the cost of breeding livestock, and at the same time significantly increase the profitability of the farm.

Before lambing and a few days after it, the breeding stock with lambs is kept in special warm rooms without drafts.

The main diet of sheep is pasture during grazing in summer, as well as hay and roughage of cereals and legumes in winter.

These animals have a short growth period - by the age of 1 year, lambs gain about 905 weight of an adult. In lambing, one queen can bring 1-2 lambs, and the survival rate of offspring is over 95-97%.

For a novice farmer, sheep breeding is beneficial for several reasons, the main ones being:

  • unpretentiousness of sheep to the conditions of detention
  • disease resistance and low mortality in the herd
  • rapid increase in livestock due to offspring
  • the demand for environmentally friendly lamb meat, milk and wool

Most farmers start their business with a small herd of 250-300 individuals. But even such a small farm requires careful preparation and drawing up a business plan with calculations of upcoming costs, payback period and real profit.

Raising sheep - where to start

When compiling a business plan, you should carefully consider:

  • what documents should be issued for your farm
  • what breed is best to breed
  • where the animals will feed (graze) in summer
  • how and what kind of food will be stored for the winter period
  • where the sheep will be during the cold season
  • how many people will serve the herd (distribute feed, clean the paddock, milk and shear)

For breeding, you should formalize the right of ownership and register, in fact, the farm itself. The farmer can issue a certificate individual entrepreneur, indicating the code of the all-Russian classification of species economic activity 01.22.1 - breeding of sheep and goats (in case of selling only wool and meat).

If you plan to process or sell milk, you should specify another code - 15.51, which includes a whole group of codes related to the processing and sale of dairy products.

Thanks to the registration of the farm, when selling, the owner will have all the necessary veterinary documents on hand.

Costs of setting up a sheep farm

When developing a business plan, it is necessary to take into account both primary (one-time) and fixed costs:

  • For the normal functioning of the farm, pasture, premises for the wintering of the herd and storage of feed, and wages for workers will be required. However, the main expense item will be the purchase of the livestock itself.
  • The area of ​​the leased pasture is calculated from the amount of 1 hectare per 1 sheep. Annual pasture rent for a herd of 300 animals will be about 100,000 rubles (prices may vary depending on the economic situation in the country).
  • Repair of premises for wintering and storage of feed will result in the same amount (it is unprofitable to build new ones due to the high cost of building materials).
  • It is better to buy sheep in proven breeding farms. Wholesale price here it can vary from 3,000 to 5,000 per individual, so a little more than 1,000,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of a herd.
  • The salary of a shepherd, milkmaid and handyman, as well as periodic one-time services of a veterinarian and a haircut specialist, will cost 600,000-700,000 per year.
  • The cost of buying feed will not exceed 60,000 rubles, provided that the hay is harvested independently. Approximately 50,000 more will be required annually to pay for operating expenses.

As a result, in the first year of operation of the farm, the owner will have to spend at least 2 million rubles, which, with a starting population of 300 individuals, is not a very large amount.

Receiving a profit

Meat is the main source of profit in sheep breeding.

Unfortunately, products such as sheep cheese, milk, wool and skins are much less in demand in our country than tasty and fresh lamb.

Potential customers in this case can be restaurants, cafes and market traders.

However, in order to have a permanent market for meat, it is better to cooperate with wholesale buyers on an ongoing basis.

The sale of sheep for meat or livestock brings about 1 million rubles a year. Revenue from the sale of other products - milk, cheese, wool - is about 100 thousand rubles.

As a result, the profitability of sheep breeding is only 15% (maximum 20%). However, a breeding farm is a great start for entrepreneurs with little finances. Minimum investment and quick payback will be attractive to beginner farmers and small family farms.

A ready-made business plan for sheep breeding is presented in the video:

Breeding sheep on a home farm is a profitable business as an entrepreneurial business. These animals are easy to keep, they graze well in summer, and feed on hay in winter. The usefulness of breeding is obvious, sheep give: wool, meat, valuable fat, milk. It will not be difficult for novice entrepreneurs, future farmers to breed them when the conditions and rules for caring for them are observed.

By their nature, they are mobile animals that can graze in foothill meadows, on the slopes of a ravine, in a semi-desert pasture. In other words, they feed in places where cattle cannot graze, which makes it easier for sheep to feed. A small herd will not require large expenses. Consider how to start farming sheep.

Employment of the population today is in the first place for Russia, for this reason there are many government programs to support start-up entrepreneurs and farmers. Sheep breeding is a great business for beginner farmers, as it is this animal that has versatility in usefulness and productivity.

Specialists explain to young farmers that the productivity of a sheep is divided into groups, this:

    Fine-wooled animals, breeding this breed will bring excellent wool: uniform and downy.

    Sheep are semi-fine-wooled, which give a uniform wool, have a good weight and grow quickly and, in addition, have a high meat productivity.

    Rough-wooled sheep, this species produces a sheepskin and good meat productivity.

The Romanovskaya breed is considered the best among the sheepskin type of sheep. It is good to breed it in Russia in the middle latitudes, it tolerates cold very well and breeds in the north of the country. The purchase price of sheepskin of this breed is very high, for this reason many farmers start sheep breeding with this breed.

If you look at a herd of sheep from the side, you can see that these are animals that require supervision, one wolf can tear the whole herd. modern science explains this with poor eyesight in a sheep, for this reason they are not able to defend themselves in a group, but herds are highly developed.

Breeding sheep at home for beginners cannot begin without knowing how to care for them and how to keep them. Sheep are gregarious animals that easily graze in a group and do not run away. It is the crowding of animals that allows the farmer to breed many heads of animals in a small room (sheepfold). The main advantage in sheep breeding is their openness to forage. When the herd is out. The main thing is that there is grass, but you should not graze them near wetlands, in lowlands with high humidity, they can get sick.

Sheep breeding is divided into three types, these are:

    warm climatic conditions, year-round walking;

    breeding in a sheepfold when there are no conditions for walking in a pasture;

    combined breeding method: in summer - pasture, in winter - sheepfold.

Experts recommend that a novice farmer breed sheep from 20-25 heads, choose a breed that quickly gains weight so that females have fertility. Wool is easily sold at sheepskin processing enterprises. All contacts must be established before the organization of the farm begins.

When climatic conditions allow breeding with constant walking of sheep, the question of pasture arises, the requirement for it is: not in a lowland and not in wetlands. If there is not enough grass, you can add supplements (feeding) to the feed.

If the herd has 20 heads, then up to 60 kilograms of silage mass will be needed per day. The process of harvesting the forage base is also important, you must follow the recommendations, this:

    about six centners of silage mass (grass with corn);

    about five centners of roughage;

    about two centners of hay.

Concentrated feed is recommended to be given to breeding individuals and queens feeding lamb. A young individual is allowed to be fed with bean silage and a small amount of hay. Feeding troughs must be equipped for attaching salt licks.

Can be used as a mineral supplement:

    defluorinated phosphate;

    fodder chalk;

    bone meal.

If there is little mineral supplement, then a novice farmer will notice it immediately, all herd productivity parameters are reduced.

Water consumption by sheep is insignificant in comparison with other livestock farms, it is necessary to drink 2 times a day, this is in summer, and once in winter. Still water is not suitable for animals to quench their thirst.

Features of sheep breeding

Breeding sheep at home is caused by minor requirements for the premises (sheepfold).

A novice farmer can easily cope with such requirements, this:

    ventilated room;

    dry room, without free movement of air (drafts);

    it is necessary to make a litter of sand and straw;

    the sheepfold may not be heated, but it is reliably protected from the penetration of wind and rain.

In summer, the coolness of the room increases the growth of sheep's coat. The required floor space for one sheep (having offspring) is two square meters.

When, with mixed sheep breeding, a herd from the sheepfold is taken out to pasture, this is done gradually with an increase in the time spent on the range. Succulent herbs in large quantities can lead to intestinal disorders in animals. Experts recommend starting to graze the flock when the grass has reached 50 millimeters of growth. When haymaking has passed to this place, the herd is allowed after 25 days. To feed the flock only with green fodder, it must be pastured for at least 14 hours a day.

Depending on which breed you have chosen for breeding, puberty also depends, it comes from 4 months to 8 months. Experts recommend that a young sheep (bright) be allowed to mate when she is already a year old. The duration of pregnancy (carrying offspring) is about 140 days. The farmer needs to free the withers of the uterus and the place around the udder 20-25 days before the appearance of the offspring. Almost always, lambs are born on their own, the help of a veterinarian is not required. Experts advise after 7 days from birth to transfer them to concentrated food.

For meat breeding, it is recommended to wean the lambs from the uterus on the third day and then artificially water and feed them, this makes it possible for the female to happen again in a short time. It is noticed that lambs weaned earlier have the best taste of lamb. Slaughter for lamb meat is best done from 4 to 9 months old, by cutting the cervical artery.

Herd trimming is carried out twice a year, if the breed for breeding is chosen as a uniform coat, shearing is carried out in spring, and for other breeds in spring and autumn. Shearing should not be delayed, as there is a risk of losing up to 50% of the sheepskin when the molt begins, especially with sudden warming.

Sheep breeding, breeding breeds

Breeding sheep of the Romanov breed at home is considered by experts to be the most profitable business for a novice farmer.

There are good reasons for this, such as:

    high meat productivity;

    getting a lot of milk;

    rapid reproduction;

    getting the best sheepskin.

If the direction of your farm is to obtain high-quality wool, you can opt for fine-wool breeds, these are: Altai sheep, Caucasian sheep, merino and Stavropol breed. An adult individual of the Altai breed gives about 12 kilograms of wool for one haircut.

The choice of breed for breeding depends on which line of business the farmer has chosen, what he prefers in order to enter the business more efficiently.

The following best breeds of sheep for breeding are popular in Russia, these are:

    For wool:

    Grozny breed of sheep;

    merino soviet;

    Stavropol sheep.

    If the type of activity is aimed at obtaining wool and meat from the herd, then it is recommended to choose from these breeds, these are:

    Caucasian sheep;

    Krasnoyarsk breed of sheep;

    Altai sheep;

    South Ural breed;

    Georgian and Dagestan sheep;

    Kazakh sheep;

    Russian long-haired breed of sheep.

    When a farmer chooses an exclusively meat direction of business development, it is beneficial for him to choose among the following breeds of sheep, these are:

    Hissar sheep;

    saraja sheep.

    To get more sheepskin and meat, the Romanov breed of sheep is chosen.

Breeds for obtaining meat and wool are distinguished by a semi-fine structure of the wool cover, it is subdivided:

    long-haired sheep;

    short haired sheep.

The weight of animals in this category of breeds is about 80 kilograms. Semi-fine-fleeced sheep are represented by: Russian long-haired sheep, Tien Shan breed, Romney March, North Caucasian sheep. Short-haired breeds in breeding give a quick offspring and excellent quality and taste parameters of meat, these include: Estonian sheep, Latvian sheep.

Manufacturers faux fur they buy the wool of the Georgian and Tsigei breed of sheep, their wool is used to create carpets and technical materials.

According to the quality of sheepskin, the Romanov breed is used in fur coat production.

To obtain felt, fat-tailed breeds of sheep are used, the representative of which is the Hissar sheep, it gives good meat and fat, the weight of one individual reaches 200 kilograms.

Universal breeds are considered: Tushino sheep, Karachai sheep, Balabas breed.

Competent breeding

Breeding sheep of the Romanov breed for a farmer will not be very difficult, but like any business, organizing a farm needs the necessary approach. It is necessary to make a room where the herd will be. Look next to the chosen place with sufficient grazing area. Then buy young animals, and after a short period of time, you can do the first mating.

For sheep, feed and supplements will not be expensive, they spend most of the day walking, feeding on their own. When pasture breeding is not possible, the stalls must be kept clean. The average duration of the life cycle of animals is about 25 years, but it is recommended not to keep a fruiting female for more than seven years, as the teeth are worn out and the productivity of feeding the offspring decreases.

Sheep cannot be caught by their woolen cover, as it is easily separated from the body along with the skin, they are caught with a hook by the leg.

How to breed Romanov breed at home

This breed of sheep appeared on the territory of Russia in the 19th century, and was named after the place of hatching: Yaroslavl province, Romanovsky district. Breeding sheep for meat and sheepskin, especially the demand for fur coats, gave impetus to obtaining this breed.

From sheep of the Romanov breed up to 6 months old, they get the best sheepskin in Russia. The weight of an adult male can reach 100 kilograms, but on average its weight does not exceed 70 kilograms, and the female of this breed weighs 80 kilograms. For high fertility rates and excellent quality of wool and meat, this breed has become popular in Russia for home breeding.

The appearance of the sheep of this breed is distinguished by: strong limbs, animal heads elongated with dark wool.

The constant selection of the breed has led to the formation of a backbone of three types of sheep, this:

    strong type, which has a proportionally developed torso, a thick coat of wool, the resulting high quality gray sheepskin;

    coarse type, has a heavy skeleton, the awn of the wool is more fluff, and the fleece from this sheep has a transitional fiber, which lowers its quality, it is preferable to grow it for meat, the sheepskin of them is of low quality;

    gentle type, these are animals with a meek awn of wool, the fleece from such sheep is snow-white, the males of this breed do not have a mane, they are bred only to obtain excellent quality meat, they are viable, but require a warmed sheepfold in winter.

How the Romanov breed is divided into classes

Sheep breeding as a business cannot begin without knowing which breed to choose, when we opt for the universal Romanov breed, you need to know that it is also divided into classes, these are:

    Normal sheep with a good body build (proportionate size), which have a good coat of wool. The down in this class of sheep overlaps the awn of the wool by more than 15 millimeters, the presence of curls on the wool. A lamb of this class at eight months should weigh about 34-38 kilograms.

    Sheep with strong bones, excellent body composition, wool is not worse than first-class sheep, and the weight of a lamb at eight months is about 30 kilograms.

    The normal development of the body, the coarsened fleece, is the mane. The weight of a ram is not less than 36 kilograms.

    All other animals in the herd do not fit classifications 1-3, in other words, this is a marriage.

Often in home breeding Sheep classification does not apply, but for farming it is necessary.

How to know when sheep can happen

The sheep breeding technique provides for an increase in the number of herds. Hunting (the moment when the female is ready for mating), the sheep already giving offspring will begin faster when young animals are taken from her for independent (artificial) feeding. Proper organization This process gives a year from one female to three matings.

For mating when breeding sheep at home, those individuals who show signs of hunting should be allowed, this:

    nervous behavior of the female, periodic bleating;

    running around the paddock, collisions with other sheep;

    food refusals.

It is recommended to carry out mating twice a year at least, the first mating in the ewes immediately after the appearance of signs of hunting, and the second can be done after 12 hours with the same ram. Hunting, according to experts, lasts up to five days, which makes it possible to cover the female with a ram several times.

Yarka is 4 months old, according to veterinarians, she is already ready for mating, but experts recommend waiting for time and letting her gain weight up to 40 kilograms, so they will bear the offspring better.

It is also necessary to keep records of cases and prepare a place for this process. In the paddock, part of the place is covered with straw, fenced off from the herd. Before the appearance of offspring, the sheep shows signs, these are: refusal of food, bleating, desire to lie down. The farmer at this time needs to cut the withers and udder from the wool of the female. Romanov sheep produce about four kilograms of milk in 24 hours. It is not necessary to take delivery, the queens cope with this on their own, usually two to four lambs are born, sometimes there can be more.

After birth, the lambs are fed from the uterus, then they must be separated, this will reduce the time for preparing the female for a new hunt. This method helps to preserve the offspring, the lambs drink well from the nipple, feeding is carried out every three hours. They should be in a separate fence.

How to keep a Romanov sheep

The organization of the farm and the maintenance of sheep depends on the place of management entrepreneurial activity. Sheep breeding business plan necessary costs to do this, it will help the farmer in the organization, it depends on the following indicators, these are: winter maintenance or summer maintenance, as well as transhumance.

In the temperate climate zone of Russia, the herd is transferred to winter maintenance in the month of November, not immediately, but with addiction, when the sheep are driven into the room for the night, and with a decrease in temperature, the duration of their stay in the sheepfold increases. First, young livestock with less wool are transferred, then females and then rams.

Sheepfolds can vary in type of execution, there are no standard solutions, the main thing is compliance with the conditions in them, this:

    dry room;

    insulated floor (straw with sand);

    lack of draft.

A corral should be organized next to the premises, its area depends on the number of herds, it should have a canopy.

In winter, sheep can be released into the corral during the day, where feeders should be equipped, and driven into the sheepfold at night. One of the factors of winter maintenance is straw bedding, which in turn affects the purity of the wool, for this reason the straw is removed a month before shearing the sheep.

In summer, flocks are kept mainly on grazing, the transition from winter keeping to summer keeping is carried out along an increasing line, not immediately. This is done because of the precaution of intestinal diseases. For this reason, hay additives are introduced into the diet of livestock after the start of walking. The first grazing lasts a short time, then the time increases. The best walking is reserved for young animals and breeding animals.

There are times when there is not enough grass on the pasture, then the sheep breeder needs to feed the livestock with dry additives, hay, and also silage. On forty acres, sheep can graze for about five years.

Business plan and profitability of sheep breeding

The business plan for sheep breeding should be carefully thought out, it should describe all the stages of the future farm, make all the calculations for the costs. A novice entrepreneur always has a question about the benefits of the proposed event - undoubtedly, a profitable business, according to experts, which gives up to 30% profitability, and when the conditions do not accompany the work of the farmer, does not fall below 10%.

What to consider when planning your farm is:

    grazing area based on needs per individual with offspring - one hectare that can be rented;

    expenses for sowing grass, based on summer feeding - one individual eats up to 10 kilograms of grass;

    paddock paddock should provide three square meters of space for the sheep.

Well. \u003d U cons. / N * P, where:

Well. - the number of livestock in the herd;

At the demand - grass cover eaten by livestock;

H - the required amount of grass per individual;

P - how long they use the pasture.

Initial parameters:

    as a real example, consider a herd of sheep for 300 individuals;

    based on the average cost of renting land, for this livestock we need 100 thousand rubles. yearly;

    farm employees, wages - 600 thousand rubles. in a year;

    other expenses for each day - 50 thousand rubles;

    total expenses: 850 thousand rubles, for one year.

Calculation of the profit of the farm, sheep breeding:

    sale of meat products (50 heads of the herd, at a cost of 100 rubles per kilogram) - 500 thousand rubles;

    taking into account the young animals that have appeared, the sale of meat from the rest of the livestock is 500 thousand rubles;

    income from the sale of wool of the Romanov breed of sheep - 100 thousand rubles.

Profit without tax deductions is 1 million 100 thousand rubles per year. Net profit will be equal to 1,100,000 - 165,000 - 850,000 = 85,000 rubles.

From the above calculation, it can be seen that already in the first year you can get a positive profit with the coverage of all expenses. Profitability up to 25%.

Starting a sheep breeding farm requires the involvement of third-party workers, or all family members will be involved in this business. We must not forget about attracting a veterinarian for examination and during the slaughter of livestock for meat. You need to buy wool shearing equipment. It is also necessary to think over transport for farm needs, preferably a truck, this will be needed to deliver: finished products to sales points, feed for the herd, tools and equipment for the farm. It is also necessary to have open business and OKVED code 01.22.1.

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